The Oxford Democrat: Vol. 51, No. 39

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The Oxford Democrat: Vol. 51, No. 39 "Molly. I wioh ymt would It* a twtUr llttU gIrl," Mid ib Au*tln frlbrr to bis HOMf XAKEKSCOLCICC. lllllr lUiagUtor. " Vim b>«« mo !<!«• how the •orrr 1 mi. thai mtmiiia tuw lo koM fom Till Rita. III tMtlOM " Moo t worry a>mhh it, u*," wu Uw r•• •• voadat mmaurnt, of tint little »ng.-l: I »m not on of cw»aUy ply Tka poopfc iboM wfulUr* children Half Um tlm- I oar city frwada akom »t ik* «ftt> fowl haar wbat tb* ««y» that w to* cAm lko«|ki ^ torn* plaat cmotraf *a, Wt ia th«t way Mad porfcapa vgii J ky to appmiato mm of 3ft. b>aaiao TW» w m .«>. IKH4. NTMHEK ^ twn-iUj VOLUME I.I. PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER Bimlock witkta raark o/ p.-, SMuuful thiaga ia tW that tkara ■■,!» cowatry CONUKK'M ROMANCK BP.CORF. HANGING. mm now we aettled down to hear the SENATOR : v » nn» he iu irroffl There did not to be muck io il. An<l for tka r*at farra-koua* to prw occaaiOBftlly appear >• tut little new* itirring, ■ ^ w awd pi« in of Hen- A* there RKOBKT Me waa then Mr. Juatiee, he ia A itory is told Washington t He The an*wer, yee or no, would hare alig bt Judge «u aad »»aa tf thara ia ao p«Bied by herd. named COMOM. he •riiM the 1/tndon of the y drrary I looked in- atoe Conger of Michigan. that after c.>rreepondent LOOD »na«erf*l. ft on laaue, bat tbe eicitement Bow I/wd Fit*g»rald. very «*«■ Of fat tW lalkagenlae IW—4WI *u teen on the tkle of roftj, effect lb* in t«o idn- »: 1* »ay pactum in 1842 he went I'nri* Kegiater. km (aod ^ A plea *♦ feMrfi**. him. He «u a *t Iludann (j |»r**t who at graduated ob bin hi* bftck to the fence, «u intenae Sergeant Armstrong, tently alight Wllk wJioiki pleat U>« iMh WftniBf fun, liter* fell dotee on the cheerful of hanging. ho** lure* were «mall and deli. to Ravenna to U« and aahject •db wm the man hi* fern practice om- in r-»t. m mm Umw |mi«| in cuaver«fttioa with ft m»n wbo »»« fftf on for Crown, up. fir \ < • tW uaw to cottact ovr duty jumped An lri*hm«u Km been •rtlmcid I «>• «n air of ib love with » daughter. The Ml bM|M I ■»■■ «IU »»»»»!• ton* be formed There quiet, Judge'a bim on % and with- In an angry protected a«aia*t ciUljr mi him is the » 1 nat .rally mack of tk» part *U tag retting pitchfork, wet murder. Ilia •i*t*r calla VftNI. Mil Ml ViMmM. abojt him r»lmnr»* young however, »bo eiceeding wti Before the could obaervant ref»>*r lady. < tdM Mr. in ft few feet of him Thia tiew hftd the 'juration judge* on a matter of \ v th« ck Iran to 4a. Motkara. •*. 4JM, Mm refuted hie he condemned cell family the and keennr** *eemed to la hi* mental fair, offers, and, though Bitters % man n»me«! the before tbe purport of objec- where m t * can't kava auck a by NVooillock, Wading intrrpaw, bueineaa She Curra Scrofula, Kryaipaima. you aolution would he hia auit, continued atill to hard- «a)a "Mickey, tion could be realised, there rime tbe re- chararteriatK* What preened 1*9 aad Ta< • Qraba. kou» but aaa if for tke t» witae** for tbt a&d bia tret, aet tbe tbia "Oh, Pimp r ...kt uato Om pfua«cutio«, * refuae. this time Mr. will I pratiee jfiarT Tumor*. Jet tone* tbe of tha contested Very heartedly During niotchts. ItollM, THK OLD FAMILY Ol'M. with tbe of tboan of tb« murd- thundering in defiant from euggeat queation be after both- t • *»» miaataa to tka eicwptioo ply. «i< bother the IWl tar. /In m on. .9a Jt Hhaum. ym a rpura kalp ha took tha into hia confi- finger, ao the ttoey goet, employod pratiei were which u« the jury Scald Head. Sores. ttwcarin! aad am if io aot erer. lb* laat unfor- juror quietly me Bow about matter*— :t ■ th>», tkay tc defend a man in a breach of eiing vegetable Weak a- it wu the dence Throughout thia charge ha ap> young DLibmmps, Femal* " tunate ftllte "1 know that, but I belietre Sura ■ tka )uat tiaM to ai "At ia indade. Diuinrs.%. • than »aka gentlemftB hia caae be Pat." I'ai, it, aad lm$vl*rltl»t. up to me to bold a beam and acalea rftftr, and in employ, «»t fact, tad tending to tbe ptimise Loss of Jaundice. fraak air aad When the Attorney-General down anything acquit petml are, (at Appetite, «r way* aad tka other he ed the father of hia tweetbeart to aatist you're gettin' mighty proud ye the Liver. Indt to forward." ia one hand, while with the pick- A/fectloa-, of *11 w Minn H (HMT inJ kM, •ome formftl r< wlence wm gone into imiJ I feel bound put to t and araat of tka «ooda, tklnf prtaoner to be Gond lHUousn**». Dyxpep you to Ik* m>I, and kim la hi* argument he took occasion je'te goin' husg Jay futio*. feat aur -r«4 Ml' omm bu«*l of ad tha of evidence, ;t " ftimoet bteathleee tile or* When 11 I tbe menacing appearance up particle* aim mad Oeaaml Dabllltjr V Ml. length Iteeptte Bait ia a iit wall. will alar r*pat yea. rrmm tke «*U Jlrartod belM II tke of the tie you >* them in tha balance. tn remark upon beauty girl, hutf.) A at iiH» • Hi »A H*"»» »u there tbe and the frantic evertioaa of con, and WIm rrmry IfW ka>r>> mi Ha*rtuw *M b*el tbe Btmr of Woodluck railed, placed ia to the of of bl ark bam aad judge* A man about '• V -"•» ■a»r«. «prar« and lo much to the pay penalty 1 'TtV waa wi'h the .... gen be. I a atreigt.i. W«»» would dona greatevt plaintiff, "peculate M I Mr imilMiin wm ftn atir and • murmur. tbe tbe feeling Kverj thing on mora, • an ia old buoka. impatient police, predominant a crime with bia life, and tbe :« a* amutemrnt of the eovrt the >1 [iiaij cbeet art tbe •lactituda and ne*tneM, and. *tage upon, prob- fotria, mam 4 co, **»'•. tork Berk *u -raned to ft view of hare ita way. Cheer after bat* bl> bwk» * loaf *m| n»*n and « grvel ltol Ktery Ret of the etecutioo the attendant l*r(t aai-ufk, caaa waa of auch n tine taking a ing chap* nwiJ Uw hanrl «u at Tbe word after of that dealt with, ability girl fancy rkm aif«k| iroa (top* thia man wbo waa to bold tbe order of tbe court defiance atage there 1* < ia a auppuaed at lam if anything Spread your paprr waa to auch a fellow hia tenderly in<(uuea Kata KtaM h;i; TUn can ba foun I tj*r* a effect both it waa clear what thejudge'* rough looking balance of life and de«th. He wm ft m«n from tbe had depreeaing opinion to the t ua of a Wihw or • kitoltwilw *ri mui« a kayw»»i 4W1 jury then made 1m would itke before going gal- no *raa<1 m»n without fran motbrra." I1 top that the balance waa client. The lawyer of Ilia on tbe witneaa and tbe Crown counael, and preponderating oppoeite Vrrjr trur Kat». vary truaj ao<l great Moot. •». h Ua/ aad oter Hint; jmn t|f ftppe«> Iowa. "There ia," tbe criminal »rrta|* a funoua on replied mother* ikl *k*e that WMr IM yoikM MM tbe table tbrrr m ire and tha priaooer. <>n»!aught Conger, referring ■ rami aoce waa Bftture and wben Woodloch left moreagainat fear * very Tbe graie beaitattou. "Um't a« «J1 look w*U a baa ahabby. ccaa- with hia aweetheart in with affected tbay breatbleaa ailence hi* worda to hia relatione • U waa an tbat be waaaomewhat Amidat *H l' >4 foriunM; II toM o* Ik* >V a» Ik* io*g toned? «(kt of bis bim an ftntbua aut. impmaion "Well ■.>«*» «.tk laat poeitmn (ut to urged the clergyman aaotkar papar, auch a that waa thoroughly apeak," j it fl'rn rw.>rr>| 1 aeawaliu *i 1 ark T»*i II kelpad to Mtnlw, ed, and tha retired. way Conger thupnaatf which did not tell in lie discredited. jury me. tuo atoaaa picKHjs air. if I muat tell forgive 1 • >a. it r a v ard aad uua of »t v. < bn«r it frtml tr** aapcct, after minute each in- overcome and left the court Soon after you, pray <i; ...|.»nlla Try Oihrr •line*#*'# tn» m» pmaucea 10 Aa minute aped, Urn ik* | row I Mriiiak Lin H to) tor * to*. f»ror. I ahould like aome itrawberriea." "But, o far a a in court went to Port and arifki. Woodlock. dividual with be Iludann, Michigan, 1* a MaM<D »ai 1 4*4 Ui|i | hi* lo*4 raving to «toy» l<»eg ag" Crown took him in barJ I the stary told b) privileged place are not Whao ngfrllaw A'piua wmvw The xttj gin- support man, tbey .•». '»-fn» inj nr|ni to toikrr rt*oM, Aft.-raahort abience there toon a lucrative my poor you forget, to Mr. Kicclalor "Stop, oh. atay," pr™**** <*r«*r* greed the mot it* should held hia acquired practice, " yoqgg «u titk kindor** And bow for Why ground a bt ■ He imtMi aeaaon the <il<t aba think ha *u 4n<Ja and < m m to gerly.
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    Case 1:13-bk-15929-AA Doc 514 Filed 02/06/14 Entered 02/06/14 16:36:52 Desc Main Document Page 1 of 85 1 RICHARD M. PACHULSKI (SBN 90073) JEFFREY W. DULBERG (SBN 181200) 2 PACHULSKI STANG ZIEHL & JONES LLP 10100 Santa Monica Blvd.,13th Floor 3 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Telephone: 310/277-6910 4 Facsimile: 310/201-0760 E-mail: [email protected] 5 [email protected] 6 Proposed Counsel for David K. Gottlieb, Chapter 7 Trustee 7 8 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY DIVISION 11 In re: Chapter 7 LLP LLP 12 ONES KSL MEDIA, INC., T.V. 10'S, LLC, and Case No.: 1:13-bk-15929-AA J & AW 13 FULCRUM 5, INC., L T ALIFORNIA A Jointly Administered with Case Nos.: C IEHL , Z 14 Debtors. 1:13-bk-15930-AA and 1:13-bk-15931-AA NGELES TTORNEYS TANG TANG A A S OS 15 NOTICE OF MOTION OF CHAPTER 7 L TRUSTEE FOR ORDER: (1) APPROVING 16 Affects KSL Media, Inc. THE EMPLOYMENT OF TIGER ACHULSKI P Affects T.V. 10’s, LLC REMARKETING SERVICES AS 17 AUCTIONEER FOR THE ESTATES Affects Fulcrum 5, Inc. PURSUANT TO 11 U.S.C. §§ 327 AND 328(a); 18 Affects All Debtors (2) AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF ESTATE PROPERTY AT PUBLIC AUCTION 19 OUTSIDE THE ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS PURSUANT TO 11 U.S.C. §363(b) 20 (3) AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF COSTS AND ALLOWING COMPENSATION; AND 21 (4) WAIVING 14-DAY STAY PERIOD; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND 22 AUTHORITIES AND DECLARATIONS OF DAVID K.
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