Paris Par Nod to Support a Democratic by Her Father

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Paris Par Nod to Support a Democratic by Her Father •X- The Weather MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1959 AvemEC Daily Net Preiw Ran roreeast al U. S; WeaUwr 8«reM Far tha Week Ending. PAG* FOURTEEN HanrhfBtpr EiiPttittB April 11, iasa eW r with scattered {raat ta- nlght. I»w 28-85. Wediwaday FALSE TEETH 1 2 ,9 1 0 - mostly sunny, littia change In tem­ The Thomas, Spencer Circle of MemorUI Temple, Pythian SU , Philatelic Society perature.' High near 5.5. the South Methodist WSCS will tera, will meet tmporrow at 8 p.m. j That Loosen Mambar at tha Audit About Town hold a rummage sale tomorrow at in Odd Fellowa hall. The bualnesa, Colt'Learned Wedding Will Hear Wilson Need Not Embarrass Burean af OIrenlatlon Manchester— A City of VHinge Charm 9 a m. tn Weslev hall of the rhurch. aesalon will be followed by a aoclal I period, with refreahmenta aerVed ■ Msny wnrera of fsiM teeth hST* SoropUmiBU are urgtA to attenrt, Tbe Rev. Charles Reynolds, as­ (uffered reel embarrewment becauM by Mrs. Gladys Gamble and her; Miss Hop* Cheney Learned ^ d Harry Wilson of the Hartford (Classified Advertising on Page Itl PklCE FIVE CEN119 Ui« meetlnp this e^'emn^: st the | sociate minister, will apeak on the their plate dropped, ahpped or wob­ MANCHESTER, CONN., TCESDAY, APRIL 14 19.39 committee.' j Harris Strickland Colt were mar­ Stamp Club will speak at Tues­ bled at Ju>t the wmni time. Do not VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 165 (SIVIEEN PAGES) home of Mr». Josephine Munson, j Gospel of Mark st a meeting of the day's meeting of the Manchester lire in fear of. thla happening to you. ?«8 Porter St., as plans wnll he circle in the Chapel, in the after­ ried at the Asylum Hill Congrega­ Juat aprtnkle a Ifttle FASTEETH, the ^made for attendance at the spring noon. Members will bring their own The DAV Auxiliary will hold a tional Church, Hartford, Saturday ''Philatelic Society^ alkaline inon-acid) powder, on your business meeting Wednesday night pfa'tea. Hold falee teeth more firmly, conference of the Kew Rngland box lunches, and tea and coffee afternbon. Wilson will discuss and display BO they feel more comfortable. Doei a ^ o n at the Somerset Hotel, Bos­ will be served st noon. at 8 o'clock at the VFW Home. his illustrated collection of Doitch not tour, Checke '‘plate odor" (den- Members are reminded to bring The bride la the daughter bf Mr. ture breath i. Oat FASTETTH at any Russian Jets “ siatediEisenhowcr'lT ton. April 24-J6, a n b President stamps at the meeting in Lithuan­ The Queen of P e a o Mothers articles for the grocery basket. and Mrs. Hnrace Puahnell Learned ^ u f counter. Mrs. Betty Ubert x'ill gtve details ....'• I ian Hall at 7:30 p.m. Circle wilt meet "t the home of of Manchcater and Keene 'Valle • The society will omit Ha usual rr o 4 • i?x 4 For Execution p^j. J. The Armv -and Nav^' Auxiliarj-, Mrs. l.,eon Rivard. 42.^ Hack­ Xi Gamma (Chapter of B a t a N. Y., and 1h* bridegroom > the contest of single album pages. Survey wijt hold a public card party t o -; matack St . tomorrow night at Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow son of H. Dumaeonibe Colt of New In the Isst contest, Oscar S:l."i. The ro-liostess will be Mrs night at the home of Mrs. Harold U.S. Aircraft Anew Of Two Killers Right at 8 o'clock at the club- Wangler of Bolton, with a page of ■7ohn Fllloramo. .Schuetz, 1.^ Thomas Pr., at' 8 York and London and the late Mra. ' house. I German stamps, won first place. o'clock. IColt of Valetta, Malta. Of Jobless The eeremony was performed by. George Blake, 46 Elsie Dr., who Hartford, April 14 (/P)— displayed a page of stamps relat­ WATKINS- The Infant Jesus of Prague | the Rev. Bernard T. Drew, A re­ The .9ctting of June 15 as the ing to the late Pope Pius XII, re­ In Berlin Air Lane Wa.shington. April 14 /ff*)— Mothers rtrcle will meet at the r ception at the Town and County day Benjamin Reid, 21, Hail- home of Mrs Francis Boland, .39 | ceived second place honors. Blake rre.sident Eisenhowei' today CTub followed. WEST ford, must die in the electric A&P Suptr MtrkFti in Mmckest»r .Stephen-Rt., Wedne.tday night at 8' won the initial contest with a page gave Republicans a The bride was given in marriage o f Lincoln stamps. chair today cau.sed the sched­ U.S. o'clock. Tlic co-hostess will be Bonn, Germany, April 14 (iiP)|jected the Hmlt the So>Uets are Paris Par nod to support a Democratic by her father. She was attired in a Third place went to Sylvian Fiissral Stnits * - - trying to put on the corridors and uling of a doulile execution on Mrs. Fred Barrett. j — Soviet planes have buzzed propu.sal for a commission to 261 Brottd St. I. 116 E. Center St. of ivory brocade designed Oflara, 102 Wetherell St. His psge said U..S. plane* will fly as high a.s that date. with a portrait neckline. fitted illustrsted the types of printing ORMU.N'D J. WEST. Director an American Air Force trans­ they need to whenever they want Recently, June 15 was also set su rv e y the unemiiloynient The Holy Ghost Mothers Circle I bodice and long sleeves. The bouf­ ti-sed in the manufacture of 142 EAST CENTER ST. to. A formal American note was as the date for the execution of i>rol)leni. will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at ' port in another incident in an fant skirt with front bow detail at stamps, and included only stamps Mitchell 9-7198 delivered to the Soviet Foreign George J. Davies, 40, Thomaston, As *■ n suit House CtOr chief Dulles Seen the home of Mrs. George DeCor- air corridor to Berlin, the U.S. OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY the waist line terminated m ~ abort o f India. Office In Mo.scow. convicted sex slayer Chailes A. Halleck of Indiana said mier. .30 Steep Hollow [>ane Mr.>. train. Her veil of heirloom Malteae Judging, for points toward a embassy disclosed toda.v. The Soviet Union has warned the lie is going to inform the nemoci at- Arthur Pongralz will he ro-host- la< p was arranged in a cap. She An embassy spokesman said two Davies stood before Superior grand prize was by a vote of the United .States that it cannot be Court .Imlge J. How.snl ic high command in the House Members are reminded of the carried a bouquet of gardenia.s. members. Soviet Jet hgbters hai-assed an thai there will be no organized Presenting ond FRIDAY 'til 9 P. Nl. Manrhester’s Oldest tlii.s morning, flanked bt’ Pulil c penny tahle sale. Thc\‘ are also Miss Alo.xandra I„oarned w'as with Finest Factittles. Air-Forcji from ^ American planes flying above 10,- Defender .lames D Cn.sgiovc and Ftepublican opposition. reqiie.sted to bring scissors for maid of honop for her sister, whose transport on its way back from * > . * Tho hill for creation of a .special Off-Street Parking Ally. William P. Graliam of Hart­ work on rancor bandages. other attendants were Miss .lulia routine cargo deli\er> flight to ^ ■With the new turbo prop and ll-membej I'omniission is 'on-' Eatabllahed 1874 ford, special a.ssi.stanl pii'.ilic dc- Resignation Green of West Hartford, Miss I ncM.rr.H > week Jfi transports Cfiming into full sored by Senate Democratic lead­ MKMOtt Dfanoant FOOD MIKNAMr Margaret (’arv of Gates Mills, PRESCRIPTIONS fcndei. er I^yndoi] .lolin.son of Texas. It Ohio, Slid Mrs, Philip Ixitlinville of After'soviet fighters ^ d buzzed |A"-^ !— Both Reid and Pavics recently has pas.seri the Senate. Free Delivery Air Force C130 Turbojet Irans-' been determined to eslabli.511 clear­ W'a.tliinKlon, April 14 (/P)—- New York. an ly their right to fly in the cerridors lost appeals to the Supreme Com t Halleck announced his Position TUES. port on both legs of-a round trip. ,,,ip.|,t of Krrors. afler !lie weekly meeting of Re­ Arlinjr Socretary of State AUTO Tho best man was Robert King of New York, and the ushers were LIGGEH DRUG :^e*'V?3TTrs "Vhdr^"t■ '■'he .let ,^'pe pl.anes operate mmc The crime for which Reid was publican leaders with Phsenhowei. I Christian Herter — rather OLLIE’S BODY Philip IvOttlnville. Tliomtnn Mar­ sentenced was Itie .Ian, Ifi, 19.'i7. Rut Halleck said lie has eonsid- AND SHOPPING PARRADE .l o i n s fiTel ^ d the R./.*iams ^Ltended ■ "’-v ■<■.- than ailinpr Secretary John shall, Henry Elliott, and n iailos 000 feel. hammer slaying of .Mr.«. Fioriim erahle qualms about the jatter, Fo.sicr Dulles— will represent ★ WELDING Raker, all of New York City Gor­ Allied planea niiist fly al 10.000 .McClimey, ,’r4, Hartford, in a park­ especially if the projecled unem- I feet or leas in the air corridor* be­ the I'nilcfi State.* at a meet­ ★ AUTO BODY and don Fowler of Hartford and Hoi- Carter Chevrolet (Contlniieri on Page Thirteen) ing lot. 1 ploymenl study should gel in tlie arp I.ipplneolt of Port Washington, tween West Berlin and West Ger­ way of aclion on such items s an ing Ilf we.steru foreign minis- FENDER REPAIRS Ps. Sales Force many. area redevelopment bill and hous- tei'.s in Paris beginning April WED.
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