Paris Par Nod to Support a Democratic by Her Father
•X- The Weather MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1959 AvemEC Daily Net Preiw Ran roreeast al U. S; WeaUwr 8«reM Far tha Week Ending. PAG* FOURTEEN HanrhfBtpr EiiPttittB April 11, iasa eW r with scattered {raat ta- nlght. I»w 28-85. Wediwaday FALSE TEETH 1 2 ,9 1 0 - mostly sunny, littia change In tem The Thomas, Spencer Circle of MemorUI Temple, Pythian SU , Philatelic Society perature.' High near 5.5. the South Methodist WSCS will tera, will meet tmporrow at 8 p.m. j That Loosen Mambar at tha Audit About Town hold a rummage sale tomorrow at in Odd Fellowa hall. The bualnesa, Colt'Learned Wedding Will Hear Wilson Need Not Embarrass Burean af OIrenlatlon Manchester— A City of VHinge Charm 9 a m. tn Weslev hall of the rhurch. aesalon will be followed by a aoclal I period, with refreahmenta aerVed ■ Msny wnrera of fsiM teeth hST* SoropUmiBU are urgtA to attenrt, Tbe Rev. Charles Reynolds, as (uffered reel embarrewment becauM by Mrs. Gladys Gamble and her; Miss Hop* Cheney Learned ^ d Harry Wilson of the Hartford (Classified Advertising on Page Itl PklCE FIVE CEN119 Ui« meetlnp this e^'emn^: st the | sociate minister, will apeak on the their plate dropped, ahpped or wob MANCHESTER, CONN., TCESDAY, APRIL 14 19.39 committee.' j Harris Strickland Colt were mar Stamp Club will speak at Tues bled at Ju>t the wmni time. Do not VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 165 (SIVIEEN PAGES) home of Mr». Josephine Munson, j Gospel of Mark st a meeting of the day's meeting of the Manchester lire in fear of.
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