BARGAINS Manrliwtfir Imutg Ralh

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BARGAINS Manrliwtfir Imutg Ralh ,. ^ - w . edtliixTEEii I- Sttm itiK 9»raU i MONDAY^ MAY U . 196«. HERALD COOKING SCHOOL^AGAIN TOMORROW AT A . M . Beat Orade, KaUv« ASPARAGU S Your Fur PINEHURST 19c lb. AVEBACOi DAILX tUH7tlLATIO!il THE WEATHER (or the Month of April. Itsa Fsreenot of O. 0. Wanthar fliitaon. ■artford Our >• tiM Mkifeat MMli monilag to Mtoet Om flacaii Coat We Find Ourselves Greatly Overstocked •fatab tai (or too. Nsttra Baflwioa, torga bunohea Wlndaar uailntK gardener,i win be lower, S bonchea 9c. 5 , 8 4 6 Ctoody and eooler toalght and Bam lyea, S boaohea Oe. Mm t o Splaaeb, SSo peck. Btomhoe o f the Audit Manrliwtfir Imutg ralh Wodaeaday. We Need The Room.; You Need The Shruhs and Plants Bufano of Otreolstlons. win alao bring aa aocae of bin nice Wan Flowera. MANOIESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (MARM ____1 GREEN BEANS ........ 2 quarts 25c We Need The Money. .So We Offer You VOL. LV., NO. 191. (Ctoaoiflsd Advortlaing on Fago U,). MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 12,1938. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Fresh Beets Ripe Tomatoes CUTOtS Iceberg Lettuce Celery Cucumbers COOKING TEACHER Now Mama and Papa of Six SANCTION WHIP Tha Meat Denulm ent ollara NatlTe Vaal Chopa and OoUeta . Tender S m u Lamb Lega . Short Shanked Shooldera 28c SEE DRASTIC CHANGES lb. Bottom Round around at 89o lb., an4 tender Slrlolna at BOo MAY MEAN WAR, Ib., are cut from Plnehurat Quality Beef. For Meat Loaf, or Balia, try our Freahly Otioppod 29o Ground Beef. DELIGHTS CROWD ISITAl^HINT f IN NEW REVENUE BILL Fresh Strawberries . Ripe Pineapples . Pearp . j. Ripe Bananas . Rhubarb, 2 lbs. 9c. Mrs. Nao(7 Rowe, Herald DOaOR-SUYER Roman Sources D isclose Dip­ Phone 4123 for Informstloii. Cooking School Lecturer, IS HANGED IN lomatic Break With Brit­ G-MEN.CAPTURE IL DUCE ORDERS PINEHURST GROCERY Inc. BARGAINS Entertains Large Audience Hut President Places It 302 Main Street Manchester, Conn. ain Win FoDow If Sanc­ ROBINSON, LAST ITALIAN GROUP ENCmH JAIL Up to Congress to Devise ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS From AMERICA’S FOREMOST NURSERY As Wen As Educates tions Insisted Upon. PUBU^ENEMY T O Q U I T ^ A Methods; Site, Wallace Them; Continues Tomor­ rmcipal in P e r il’ s Beef AT YOUR DOOR Rome, May 13.—X diplomatic Presents His Program. row, Thursday and Friday. Tab’' Murder Pays Penal­ break between Britain and * Italy *lone W oF Kidnaper of Aloisi Says He Does Not would be inevitable, reliable sources CH .Jusitfouf siqnaiut said today, if British diplomats con­ Society Matron Arrested Know What It Means; Wuhington, May 13 — (AP) — The annual Herald Cooking school ty fo r His Crimes; Had tinued to "flourish the whip o f sanc­ New tax recommendattona w ei« tions" and insisted on Ethiopian rep­ opened this morning at 9 o’clock In submited to the Senate finance com* the State theater under the direc- resentation at the League of Nations. in California Hotel; Taken Some Delegates Talk of Ont^n .^bont F rocks KiHed Two Women. Dino Grand!, Italian ambassador mlttee by Secretary Wallace today tloa of Mrs. Nancy Rowe, Home in London, was Instructed to present coincident with freeh indlcati<m|l Ho aoenrity or ondenois re- reaches practically every state in the Union a^d m a n ? f^ eig^ c o u n t r iS r T ^ wholesale, our distribution Economics lecturer. The usual large to the British government the reso­ to Kentncky by Plane. R etnm 'of Haile Selassie. that the Houie revenue bin would voirod lot aalariad aaiployae. » » b, April 15.h, IU». dririril number of women of Mancheater Aaeunia up lo S300 with Manchester, Eng., May 12.— (AP) lution creating the new Roman em­ be revised drastically. and surrounding towns ware in at­ pire with annexation of Ethiopia. npaymanU anangad le rail tendance at the opening aeaaion. —Dr. Ruck Riixton died on the gal­ Strongly pointing toward mud* year ineona. InTaillpala by N ELLYDON Reliable sources said the ambasaa- Albuquerque, N. M., May 13 — Geneva, May 13.— (A P ) — Boron rewriting was the word passed oa The large crowd was exceptional­ lows of the Strangeways jail today dor was Instructed also to try to now. for the "Devil’s Beef-Tub" slayings (A P )—^Thomas H. Robinson, Jr„ Pompoo Alois!, chief Italian dele­ Capitol HIU that President RooaS ly well pleased with the way In “make Britain like it.’’ rha rata of Inlaiaal ehargad la which Mrs. Rowe conducted the of bis wife and a nursemaid. hunted since 1934 aa the "wlll-o-the- gate to the Leiague o f Nations, an­ veil had informed Chairman H arr(t' ttoea (3) par eant par month, Mrs. Violet van der Elat, militant The Italian government adopted wisp" kidnaper of a society matrqn, nounced today he and his coUeaguas ■on o f the finance committee yestet* : session today. She interspersed her on attitude of "maximum reserve" or thirty (3a> por eonL pat G o P la c e s and D o T h in g s unusually interesting and instruc­ campaigner against capital puniab- was sped through here in shackles had been instnieted to leave Osneva. day that it was up to Oongrese tg aaaum on unpaid amoant ol ROSE BUSHES EVERGREENS toward League Council dellberationa by airplane today toward Louisville, AIolsl made his announcement di­ determine the tax methods of rats* ment, encountered a hostile recep­ tive lecture on cooking and home over Ethiopia. Ingthe revenue he had requested. i loan. 100 Varieties economics with witticisms and light tion from a large crowd outside the Ky., where the government may rectly to J. A. C. Avenol, secretary- jail while the dark, sallow-skinned The controlled press was ordered general of the League, The Important taotor, the Chief i IDEAL FINANCING At The Herald Cooking School remarks which kept the assembly m Executive was represented as ad> ; good humor throughout the morn­ Parsee physician was banged for to follow this policy in all comment It was indicated bis orders had on Geneva developments pending vising Harrison, was not ao m ASSOCIATION, Ino. A ll Sizes ing session. Mrs. Rows is undoubt­ England’s most gruesome crime come from Premier Mussolini. Sai M ala airaet news of how the International organ* Tha Italian action came shortly the kind at taxes employed edly tha best lecturer ever to appear since the turn of the century. was that 8630,000,000 be raisedrail ..ta OTBR W. T. ORAST BTORB 1 0 ® *® $ 2 bt Mancheater and besides a very Mrs. van der E3st, determined to Despair over their straitened circumstances banished by pride In being ixatlon would receive finally Italy's after the leading members of the F h o a a T 281 the parents of New Jersey’s first quadruplets, Mr. and Mra. Emil Kaaper contention that a separate Ethiopia League Cbuncii had drafted a resolu­ permanent revenue and 8500,000, For Cottagre pleaaing personality, possesses a protest against the execution, drove through teminporary levlea, strong voice which carries to ail up to the Jail liv a limousine accom­ are shown at the Passaic, N. J., hospital planning the future of their no longer existed. tion which, in effect, condemned kW* " Seal-Craft and Seal Pak’t four newborn children. They were childhood sweethearta in Germany. Senate Convoked. Italy’s annexation of Ethiopia, Thla* development gave Impetui or M ansion parts of the tbeater. panied by two loud speaker vans.. to the move within the commlttaa Twenty-live baskets of commodi­ Police turned back the trucks,' not The Italian Senate was convoked When Avenol asked the Fascist 200 Varieties for an extraordinary, session Satur­ to revise the House bill (or taxiliy ties, a large number at individual permitting them to approach the envoy the exact significance of the corporations on the -baaia of thatf prizes and foodstuffs cooked during lail. day, probably to ratify creation of withdrawal, Baron Alois! replied: Including the latest Patented Varieties: Blaze, Princess the new Italian Empire, and Fascist undistributed income. Van Orange, Alezane, Better Times, Carmalita, Countess the session were awarded today. The crowd pressed about the I do not know." Reopen Heartage The names at the winners are listed limousine, which drove within 70 officials said Victor Emmanuel might League officials said they asaumed OHIO’S PRIMARIES TOP be crowned Emperor of Ethiopia at The finance committee unexpeet> Vandal, Mary Hart, Nigrette, Token, White Briarcliffe, below. The same number of prizes yards of the main gates, shouting, that AIolsl and the entire Italian ediy reepened public heartngi to MAGNETOS to the sacred city of Aksum. Yosemite, Matador, Rochester, Sterling, Etc. will be given away each of the three jeering and hooting. delegation would leave Geneva to­ permit Wallace to recommend: remaining days of the cooking The 36-year-oId Dr. Ruxton r The "bush hush" tactics employed day and that the Baron would not New processing taxes to rataH Truck, Tractor and in Italy’s dlsplomatic campaign to school. hanged shortly after 9:00 a. POLITICAL TESTS TODAY attend the Ctouncll seealon scheduled 8230,664,000; ^ Stationary Engrine The cooking school will open to­ (8:00 a. m., e. a. L). - . maintain its empire already bad been for 6 p. m. (noon, eastern standard Enactinent of the 80 morrow at 9:80 a. m. Inatead of 9 Black Flag Hoisted used to advant^e in the military time). "wlndfaU” tax on refunded pi o'clock and continue Thursday and Promptly 16 minutes later campaign for East African conquest. They added, that, despite the Ital­ ing taxes. ' Magrnetos Repaired— Thomas H.
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