,. . . ^ - w . . edtliixTEEii I- Sttm itiK 9»raU i MONDAY^ MAY U . 196«. HERALD COOKING SCHOOL^AGAIN TOMORROW AT A . M . Beat Orade, KaUv« ASPARAGU S Your Fur PINEHURST 19c lb. AVEBACOi DAILX tUH7tlLATIO!il THE WEATHER (or the Month of April. Itsa Fsreenot of O. 0. Wanthar fliitaon. ■artford Our >• tiM Mkifeat MMli monilag to Mtoet Om flacaii Coat We Find Ourselves Greatly Overstocked •fatab tai (or too. Nsttra Baflwioa, torga bunohea Wlndaar uailntK gardener,i win be lower, S bonchea 9c. 5 , 8 4 6 Ctoody and eooler toalght and Bam lyea, S boaohea Oe. Mm t o Splaaeb, SSo peck. Btomhoe o f the Audit Manrliwtfir Imutg ralh Wodaeaday. We Need The Room.; You Need The Shruhs and Plants Bufano of Otreolstlons. win alao bring aa aocae of bin nice Wan Flowera. MANOIESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (MARM ____1

GREEN BEANS ...... 2 quarts 25c We Need The Money. .So We Offer You VOL. LV., NO. 191. (Ctoaoiflsd Advortlaing on Fago U,). MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 12,1938. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Fresh Beets Ripe Tomatoes CUTOtS Iceberg Lettuce Celery Cucumbers COOKING TEACHER Now Mama and Papa of Six SANCTION WHIP Tha Meat Denulm ent ollara NatlTe Vaal Chopa and OoUeta . Tender S m u Lamb Lega . . Short Shanked Shooldera 28c SEE DRASTIC CHANGES lb. Bottom Round around at 89o lb., an4 tender Slrlolna at BOo MAY MEAN WAR, Ib., are cut from Plnehurat Quality Beef. For Meat Loaf, or Balia, try our Freahly Otioppod 29o Ground Beef. DELIGHTS CROWD ISITAl^HINT f IN NEW REVENUE BILL Fresh Strawberries . . Ripe Pineapples . . Pearp . j. Ripe Bananas . . Rhubarb, 2 lbs. 9c. Mrs. Nao(7 Rowe, Herald DOaOR-SUYER Roman Sources D isclose Dip­ Phone 4123 for Informstloii. Cooking School Lecturer, IS HANGED IN lomatic Break With Brit­ G-MEN.CAPTURE IL DUCE ORDERS PINEHURST GROCERY Inc. BARGAINS Entertains Large Audience Hut President Places It 302 Main Street Manchester, Conn. ain Win FoDow If Sanc­ ROBINSON, LAST ITALIAN GROUP ENCmH JAIL Up to Congress to Devise ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS From AMERICA’S FOREMOST NURSERY As Wen As Educates tions Insisted Upon. PUBU^ENEMY T O Q U I T ^ A Methods; Site, Wallace Them; Continues Tomor­ rmcipal in P e r il’ s Beef AT YOUR DOOR Rome, May 13.—X diplomatic Presents His Program. row, Thursday and Friday. Tab’' Murder Pays Penal­ break between Britain and * Italy *lone W oF Kidnaper of Aloisi Says He Does Not would be inevitable, reliable sources CH .Jusitfouf siqnaiut said today, if British diplomats con­ Society Matron Arrested Know What It Means; Wuhington, May 13 — (AP) — The annual Herald Cooking school ty fo r His Crimes; Had tinued to "flourish the whip o f sanc­ New tax recommendattona w ei« tions" and insisted on Ethiopian rep­ opened this morning at 9 o’clock In submited to the Senate finance com* the State theater under the direc- resentation at the League of Nations. in California Hotel; Taken Some Delegates Talk of Ont^n .^bont F rocks KiHed Two Women. Dino Grand!, Italian ambassador mlttee by Secretary Wallace today tloa of Mrs. Nancy Rowe, Home in London, was Instructed to present coincident with freeh indlcati por eonL pat G o P la c e s and D o T h in g s unusually interesting and instruc­ campaigner against capital puniab- was sped through here in shackles had been instnieted to leave Osneva. day that it was up to Oongrese tg aaaum on unpaid amoant ol ROSE BUSHES EVERGREENS toward League Council dellberationa by airplane today toward Louisville, AIolsl made his announcement di­ determine the tax methods of rats* ment, encountered a hostile recep­ tive lecture on cooking and home over Ethiopia. Ingthe revenue he had requested. i loan. . 100 Varieties economics with witticisms and light tion from a large crowd outside the Ky., where the government may rectly to J. A. C. Avenol, secretary- jail while the dark, sallow-skinned The controlled press was ordered general of the League, The Important taotor, the Chief i IDEAL FINANCING At The Herald Cooking School remarks which kept the assembly m Executive was represented as ad> ; good humor throughout the morn­ Parsee physician was banged for to follow this policy in all comment It was indicated bis orders had on Geneva developments pending vising Harrison, was not ao m ASSOCIATION, Ino. A ll Sizes ing session. Mrs. Rows is undoubt­ England’s most gruesome crime come from Premier Mussolini. Sai M ala airaet news of how the International organ* Tha Italian action came shortly the kind at taxes employed edly tha best lecturer ever to appear since the turn of the century. was that 8630,000,000 be raised rail ..ta OTBR W. T. ORAST BTORB 1 0 ® *® $ 2 bt Mancheater and besides a very Mrs. van der E3st, determined to Despair over their straitened circumstances banished by pride In being ixatlon would receive finally Italy's after the leading members of the F h o a a T 281 the parents of New Jersey’s first quadruplets, Mr. and Mra. Emil Kaaper contention that a separate Ethiopia League Cbuncii had drafted a resolu­ permanent revenue and 8500,000, For Cottagre pleaaing personality, possesses a protest against the execution, drove through teminporary levlea, strong voice which carries to ail up to the Jail liv a limousine accom­ are shown at the Passaic, N. J., hospital planning the future of their no longer existed. tion which, in effect, condemned kW* " Seal-Craft and Seal Pak’t four newborn children. They were childhood sweethearta in Germany. Senate Convoked. Italy’s annexation of Ethiopia, Thla* development gave Impetui or M ansion parts of the tbeater. panied by two loud speaker vans.. to the move within the commlttaa Twenty-live baskets of commodi­ Police turned back the trucks,' not The Italian Senate was convoked When Avenol asked the Fascist 200 Varieties for an extraordinary, session Satur­ to revise the House bill (or taxiliy ties, a large number at individual permitting them to approach the envoy the exact significance of the corporations on the -baaia of thatf prizes and foodstuffs cooked during lail. day, probably to ratify creation of withdrawal, Baron Alois! replied: Including the latest Patented Varieties: Blaze, Princess the new Italian Empire, and Fascist undistributed income. Van Orange, Alezane, Better Times, Carmalita, Countess the session were awarded today. The crowd pressed about the I do not know." Reopen Heartage The names at the winners are listed limousine, which drove within 70 officials said Victor Emmanuel might League officials said they asaumed OHIO’S PRIMARIES TOP be crowned Emperor of Ethiopia at The finance committee unexpeet> Vandal, Mary Hart, Nigrette, Token, White Briarcliffe, below. The same number of prizes yards of the main gates, shouting, that AIolsl and the entire Italian ediy reepened public heartngi to MAGNETOS to the sacred city of Aksum. Yosemite, Matador, Rochester, Sterling, Etc. will be given away each of the three jeering and hooting. delegation would leave Geneva to­ permit Wallace to recommend: remaining days of the cooking The 36-year-oId Dr. Ruxton r The "bush hush" tactics employed day and that the Baron would not New processing taxes to rataH Truck, Tractor and in Italy’s dlsplomatic campaign to school. hanged shortly after 9:00 a. POLITICAL TESTS TODAY attend the Ctouncll seealon scheduled 8230,664,000; ^ Stationary Engrine The cooking school will open to­ (8:00 a. m., e. a. L). - . maintain its empire already bad been for 6 p. m. (noon, eastern standard Enactinent of the 80 morrow at 9:80 a. m. Inatead of 9 Black Flag Hoisted used to advant^e in the military time). "wlndfaU” tax on refunded pi o'clock and continue Thursday and Promptly 16 minutes later campaign for East African conquest. They added, that, despite the Ital­ ing taxes. ' Magrnetos Repaired— Thomas H. Robinson, Jr. to give a strong spark. BARGAIN COUNTER Friday. black flag was nm up in the prison Buckeye State Center of In-^DR. BARD CHOSEN Publication of military com­ ian withdrawal, the Council would Amendments to the sgrloultuidu ' Toast Bslstress Wlnnera of 25 baskets of gro­ tower in evidence that British jus­ muniques had been withheld imtll wipe clean Its- "publlo enemy" U meet on schedule. adjustment act to Ineuia retentlol Ford Tractor Magnetos Regular Values ceries: tice had exacted Ita penalty for the the positions Involved were occupied with a death penalty. BItaatlon Not Changed by tbe government of the almost ego atarH tba day wHk bUek, brown and d» Mrs. H. W. Fisher, 54 Oxford murder of Mrs. Isabella Ruxton and and consolidated. Recalling prevloui deMlons by bUllon dollars collected In processMq$ Charged Without Dissem* terest As Warring Fac­ Captured In Glendale, Calif., last bonnet dots on Kobe Print Craftiyn, or­ To $!K).00 street the killing and dismemberment of TO HEAD MASONS Now, Italian newspapers were in­ night, Robinson was held aboard a the League In the Itslo-Bthioplan bling the Engine. Mrs. M. Liupaschino, 70 Birch her maid. May Jane Rogerson, some structed to hold back on Geneva Repeal of thooe AAA. provisleitli' gandy frflli at neck and on poH deovot. 10c 15c 20c chartered (TW A) airliner in lumd^ conflict, the feeolation maintained street time last Se^mber. tions of M ajor Parties Bat­ newa until ttey could give aaaur- cuffs and leg irons while It paused the eltuatlon had not changed juri­ invalidatednvalldaU- by the SuprenM Oom t I 12 to 4 2 ...... $1.95 All Guaranteed Mra. H. Anderson; 148 Sehool Actually, Dr. Ruxton, who de- anee that tin League CouncU he- here en route to the scene of tha dically, reaffirmed the League policy end reenactment o f the othara. Our barpin counters are loaded with plant bargains. In­ street sortod his Parsee arlfe in India in tle for Supremacy. Stafford Spring! Resident cepted Premier Mussolini’s Imperial 850,000 abduction o f Mrs. Berry V. and announced that the Council It had been reported provtously B|,« NORTON cluding hundreds of varieties, rose bushes, shrubs, ever­ To Grow R. Mahoney, 41 Cedar street 1925 to oomo to Ehigland, was con- policies in full. Stoll. needed time to reflect on the eltua­ Senate circles that the Frasid Chattarhaz L M. Nevers, 88 Main street vieted and hanged only for the Reports o f a naotlon by Chile to Just as the details of Robinson’s tlon. wotdd be willing to accept a bill rie^ - greens, perennials, rock garden plants and many others. slaying of the woman be marrjed Elected Grand High Priest lift penalties against Italy, how­ tainlng tbe present corporate ta z ELECTRICAL recoivot In a flock dot volte of navy, dubon- (Oonttnuad on Pago Ton) while studying in IkJInburgh. POUnOS TODAT ever, were circulated freely as the (Oentlnned on Pags Two) (Oonliniiad oa Pago Tea) structure wiui' a surtax on The crown prosecution charged, cornerstone of the "Ignomtnous tributed ooroorate income. TUa - PERENNIALS FOR ROCK Ohio— State-wide primaries Instrument Coa not, copon or black, with miniature rick- however, that he also killed Miss o f Royal Arcdi Body. sepulchre o f sanctions" in the Fas­ contrasted. with the House plan Rogerson, slashed her to bits and o f both major parties to name repealing all existing cprporal rock trim, diet 14 to 4 4 ...... $1.95 GARDEN AND BORDER delegations to the NaUonal cist view. > Phone 4060 cast both bodies in the "DevlV’a Beef- Italian press dispatches from Ad­ levlea and replacing them with tt PHYSICIAN TRIED Tub" ravine near Moffat, on the conventions and select complete imdiatributed' profits tax. Vli: 200 VARIETIES slates o f candidates for state, dis Ababa, said Marsha! Pietro Ba- Hilliard St. Manchester S p ecia l! Scottish border. Hartford, May 13.— (A P )—The dogllo, new Viceroy of Ethiopia, HINDENBURG OVER OCEAN Ocofer at White House Gadlstar Many Varieties Field Grown Olumpo On the Bargain Oountors. As the hour for the execution county, legislative and judicial formation of composite degree As this . development becaiat offices. plunged energetically Into the task itroDa out in blue, orchid and coral print ON POISON CHARGE struck, Mrs. van der Elst attempted teams to arouse and preserve Inter­ of systematization of the conquered known. Increasing the UksUbood o f West Virginia—State - wide a major revision in the House UU. Seal-Pak’t Potted Plants to lead the crowd outside the jail territory. Nollono with crljp organdy planting on col­ Regular Value 25c. Thla Week Only primaries of both parties to est in constituent chapters was ON ITS RETURN JOURNEY Vice President Garner and Senator walla in singing “Abide With Me" Chiefs to Lose Power. lar, cuff* and bosom front. 14 to 44 . $2.95 and "Nearer My God to Thee." pick convention delegates, and highly recommended by Grand High Robinion, the Democratic leader, 15c each, 2 fo r 25c candidates for state offices and Priest John C. Stanley o f Bridge­ Newspapers aatd bis program called at the White House. The par- ^ Price The blonde opponent of the death would relieve numerous native ^ e f- American D octor in China Is penalty arrived at the jail an hour Senatorial nominations. port at the lS7th annual convoca­ pose of their visit, howevsr, was a f t Delaware and North Dakota tion of the Grand Chapter of Con­ talns of their feudal powers. mads known immedlatsly. before the banging to conduct her One of his first orders was to Expects to Make Return SPELLACY FAVORS Lave Gaaia Implicated in Very Mys­ anti-capital punishment demonstra­ —State conventions to select necticut, Ro}ral Arch Masons, at the Simultaneously, the finance oeaH-: FILMS EXTRA HEAVY tion. Democratic National conven­ Masonic Temple here this morning. 'clean up Ethiopian geography." mlttee reopened public hearings ' of o aonforizad homespun aceantod with By this, the man now called "war Asked Question tion delegates. One comporite team of members Journey in Faster T im e- bear Secrets^ Wallace stroa|M' DEVELOPING controitod pointed wooden button*— bluo, GUARANTEED CLEMATIS terious Case. "How would you like your daugb- Vermont— State convention from seven chapters, already organ­ lord” by some natives explained be CONNERY FACTION urge enactment of tbe proposed M ; Intended that no nook of Ethiopia per cent "windfall” tax on refusdM;', groan, moiia and whHo. dxM 12 to 44 to pick Republican convention ized, has arous^ much iuterest In AND PRINTING ELBERTA (Oontlnoed on Page Two) delegates. the chapter where it bos conferred should be left unexplored. Splendid Weather Report­ processing taxes. ' ^ $2.95. degrees, be added. Premier Mussolini’s aon-ln-law. Wallace also urged the cpmmlttoa j B-Bour Serrloe. Shanghai May 13— (A P) — Dr. 3 ^ C and up By LEONARD B. SHUBERT In his address. Grand High Priest Count Galeazzo Ciano, led bis "des­ to put in .the blU the proeesriac V John Colbert, one of the beat known perate" aerial squadron to a safe ed Ahead of Dirigible. Hartford Mayor Selected As taxes which President Roosevtft , , * American physicians in China, was Washington, May 12.—(AP)— Stanley paid tribute to Grand Sec­ retary George A. Kies, of Hartford, land last night in Addis Ababa and recommended, but which were lsl8 ' Direct Taa-TIppar put on trial in United States Dis­ Ohio's broad political arena, scene out of the House bilL trict Court here today on a charge BARBOUR BACKING who died February 5 while on bis Floor Manager for Nor­ wHh o *eftiy *hirrod noeUino In • voile of PEACH of preliminary skirmishing for way home from the annual seaslon -(Oonttnued on Page Ten) BULLETIN! F u sed tsf Oonsmiier Seal-Pak’t Potted of attempting to murder his yotmg He contended the "windfall tax” I Kodak Agency big dot with o bigger dot trim — navy, do- fourth wife—a case as mysterious many months, today became a esn- of the Grand Lodge. New Fork, May 12,— (AP)— Large Flowering Varieties—Purple— Red— Whit# LIBERAL PLATFORM tral theater of operationa for war­ He announced the appointment of walk IWan at State Parley. was just because “with rare e x e ^ Bring os your photo prob* and obscure as tha Orient Itoelf. The Zeppelin "HIndenbnrg,” her tlone the proceeeors did not ahaoia MBS. bonnet or block, 12 to 40 . . . . $1.95 Regular Value 75c to $1.50 Tke SO-ypar^ld doctor, amiUngly ring factions of )>oth major parties. Past Grand High Priest William L. ■Dvery hull glittering in a Observers in the Capitol awaited Cort of New Haven aa Grand Secre­ tbe processing taxes, but , TREES protutlng hla'jnnoeance, sat s ld e ^ GIFIS ARRIVING bright sun, was reported 900 them on to consumers or back f O , side with the wife he U accused of the results as voters of the fourth tary to succeed Grand Secretanr miles out of New York City at By ASSOCIATED PRESS CENTER most populous state ballotted In the Kies. the pi^ucere, and that hence tbo ; 8 to 7 Feet HARDY AZALEA trying to poison. Jersey Senator TeHs Ver­ 11 a. m. Eoetern standard ttme, With the State convention elated approximately 8820,000,000 o f In*, PHARMACY District Attorney Falthan Wat­ Democratic and Republican prima­ Hs recommended the enlargement today on the first leg of her 10 VARIETIES son accused him of a slow and scien- ries. The total vote was expected of the committee of custodians of FOR JERSEY QUADS in New Haven over the week-end, pounded and otherwise tm coUecM Odd Fellowa Block homeward Journey to Fried- taxes, lost by the government as • ' These BrilliMt Flowering Shrubs are indispensable to tlfle campaign to u n her. mont Republicans of Many to approximate 1,360,000, a record. the work from nine to ten members richshafen, Germany, from Connecticut Democrats focused result of the supreme court’s ded^ - Dr. Colbert, taught medicine at In addition to Presidential entries and that each custodian be assigned Lakehurst, N. J. their attention today on the latest brighten up Evergreen Plantings, Rockeries, etc. Prices Mackensie coUege, In BraxU; served ■ion, represent an injust enricbnMBt - there were complete slates for state, not more than six chapters. Msekay Radio, which report­ developments In what looms to be or outright gift which should he - in Harmony with this Sale. aa a pbyaiclan in Puerto Rico, New Faults o f New D eal legislative, judicial and county of­ The Grsnd Chapter was opened at Wealthy Coople Sends $500 ed the air liner's position as a terrific battle for tha National recovered by the Treaaury.” Mexico, Colombia, France, Japan fices. 10 o’clock.. Prayer was offered oy Latitude 45.28 North Longitude and Manila. committeeman post now held by Wallace urged enactment of new. On the Republican aide the prime Grand Chaplain the Rev. James S. 64.86 West, estimated tbe ehlp’e processing taxes "on tbe groufiA.- He holds a Legion of Honor decor­ struggle was the Presidential con­ Neill of Mancheater. and Guarantees to Pay Archibald McN^, Jr., of Bridge­ Burlington, VL. May 12.— (A P )— average speed so far at 64 port. that agriculture has a profotmd ia> ation and la a past commander of United States Senator W. Warren test between Senator Borah of Ida­ Visitors from other grand juris- $3.50 per dozen VEGETABLE the Tientsin Post, American Legion. knots. When her last position Undaunted by claims from Mc­ terest In the maintenance of the : Upholstering FERTILIZERS Barbour (R., N. J.) caUed today for ho, and Robert A. Taft, "Favorite dictions were received in form and was plotted she was beading Federal government’! revenues and Mra. Colbert la a leading member a "Uheral" Republican platform Son" choice of the Buckeye State's escorted to the asst Rent for the Home. Neil that his re-elec^on virtually is $25.00 per 100 PLANTS of Tientsin society. *' doe east. assured, about 70 party leaders met in the production of a part o f suck For Your Plants’ which would "prewrve ahd,' if pos­ Republican organization. Bsporta Beoeived revenue from ,sources having soil8* Today the couple smiled when Dis­ sible, broaden the freedom o f the In- Has 17 Already Reports of visitations and inspso- in Hartford yesterday and selected [ G e t t i n g CofnpJete Assortment of trict Attorney Watson described Lakehurst, N. J , May 12.— (AP) relationship to-agrtculture." Sake. ^vldual." The 'Tavorlto aon" entry was as- tiona were mode by Deputy Grand Passaic, N. J „ May 13— (A P ) — Mayor Thomas J. Spellacy as chair­ A third recommendation by tte I W ^ 5 Popular Varieties. Mrs. Colbert as “a young woman — A new "Hlndenburg Ime” was be­ man and floor manager to back Paul who always priiled berseu on her Speaking at the Vermont Repub­ The Kasper quadruplets, Frances, agriculture secretary was enacgki; lican Ckmvention, the New Jersey (Oontlnned on Page Two) (Onntlsaed ea Pag* Two) Frank, Ferdinand and Felix were ing drawn today-—but this Hinden- R. Connery of Nomalk. ment of a provision to Insure retea. 'vigorous health." Meanwhile, Bridgeport supporters Flowering: Senator asserted “when the Repub­ "doing fine" today, both physically burg was a silver queen of com­ Uon of the 8963,329.981 coUected.-to SEEDS Purchases Poisons of McNeil announced that Attorney- lican platform la written at the con­ and financially. merce, and the line was being drawn processing taxes under the AAA, From the Best Prodooers Ornamental On September 23, 1985, the dis­ General Homer S. Cummings would trict attorney decla^ Dr. Colbert vention in Cleveland, I hope that It a t Mary’s hospital, whsra the across the skies between Lakehurst wherever tbe burden o f the taxed; SPRAV MATERIALS SHADE TREES will be Uheral in the true sense of tiny tote gave doctors and nuHies return to Connecticut Thursday to bad been passed on to produeera or For Inaects and DIaeaae Trees and pronotmeed her 40 per cent anaemic. and Frankfort-On-Main, Qermanv, take up active management of the Tliien, the dlatrict attorney oon- the word. I hope it will be a vital Surgical Operation Cures brief scare yesterday, reported the With 48 passengers aboard, the consumers. platform, recognizing the needs of physical progress. campaign to re-elect the present in­ "Wbere the taxpayer did not sus­ Shrubs tinued. Dr. Colbert "began a series huge ^ppelln which spanned the cumbent o f unprecedented purchases of the present day." To look out fqr their economic Atlantic ao swiftly last week, lifted tain the economic burden of tbe tax, Specimens at Prices slightly above cost of digging and poisons XXX". Nine delegates, Vermont’s quota, welfare, the quadruplets had a busi­ The poselbiUty o f a battle be­ he should not recover the taxes Flowering Thom, Crab, nanolingo | ^ , Cold Feet, Doctor Finds her stubby nose toward stars that tween forces led by Spellacy and Mrs. Colbert protested she was wiU be elected to the National Ro- ness miusger. Mayor Benjamin F. studded a cool, spring night, made paid," Wallace told the committee.. Cummings has served to stir the Cherry, Peach, Plum and not ill, the prosecutor aaaertad, but publlean convention at today’s moot­ Hurner of Passaic, and a host of ad­ a hurried courtesy call on New York "The WlndfaU Tax” Open 7:00 A. M. ing. Not ona of the leading Repub- mirers. Gifts were arriving at the Imaginsttons ol party followers. DIsctiseing the “wlndfaU tax", >*. Judas Trees, White and oeveral days later complained she Kansas aty. May 13— (13) —8ur-it Exptalni tha Gift Paul Krlstoff at 133 School street ans, at a meeting last week, bad 9: -2 him complete charge o f Mra. Ooi- partietdar enemies and arm thooe in In this way a surgeon can iltcr "When the normal individual le "My wife and 1 talked it ever and lost a pair of glasses In a brown voiced disapprove of the proposed RecelpU, 89,881.742.01; exp eoi» hart, the district attorney ralatod, tbs vanguard of tha fight to achieve the workings of the muscles whlph hot, vasodilation permits the ioea of decided the babies ought to have a case but didn't get around to voting system at the conference and tores, 818,379,160.47; net balaaok MANCHESTER apd she was taken to a hoopltal. a new kind of America. No longer governor dilation and contraction of excess beat by radiation; whereas decent home,” said Berracber, advertising for them until last tbe (allure of tha New England 83,415,733,054.92; customs recetpH m ^be improved rapidly and want do taxes bear any lelathm to gov­ tiny blood veaaels, and so regulate in the cold, vseoconstrictlon prevents wealthy attorney, "and that tha night The Herald was hardly Council to give a Connecticut man for the mdntb, 810.488.890M. UPHOLSTERING borne, Watson said. ernmental expenditures. They are heat, cold and ewratlng. this. In statss of smotional ex­ whole family abould be kept togeth­ off the press before the glasses the permanent chairmanship, and Receipts tor the fiscal year (i C. E. WILSON & COa, Inc. T w o of Dr. Colbert's former wtvas used by the New Deal (or the pur­ Dr. White told of a girl typist citement the eympatbetic nerves er—not separated as was the case were returned and Mrs. Kristoff bad recommended that this state July 1), 83.463,34S.699A4; exp CO. • f ; T h d JW.HAU CORE are living, one in AbbyvUle, Kaa., pose of soaUag the rich, o f leveUng whose hands were eo moist that they likewiecr oonetriet the superficUI cancelled her classified ad after not participate in the conclave. tores, 86,192.942.34908, (incH with the Dionne chlldcen.' 200 FEET WEST OF DEPOT SQUARE - MANCHESTER, CONN. and the other in Los Angelea. 48 Madison Street M AN cniarin C o h h -. off the Natiao’s wealth and now of ameared and spoiled her work. An vessels and one develops "cold feet' "That’s oil there is to it,” he add­ the first insertion, expressing her Tbe Hartford meeting at the 82,870,635,611.09 at emergency Busy Siiice 1922 He was arrested last Deoember thrusting the government into pri­ operation ended the trounte. Uteially as well as figuratively, satisfaction at the swift results Democrat Included representatives penditorse); excess of expendir 25. at Tientsin, by British police at ed. Entrance Through Allen Place At 282 North Main Street Ample Parking Space. vate enterprise." A Harvard medical student, am­ With tWs discharge tlM qrmpathetic Emil Kasper, 123-a-week round obtained at a minimum of ex­ from every Congressional district 83.740,696.649.64. Oroae debt, the requeot o f United Btatas consu­ Of rriief, the Senator dodarod: bitious to become a surgeon, thought nerves, which are very undiscrim­ pense. except the Third, which centers 463,066,47488, a decreasa at lar turthoritlea. Hs has batn (rts house laborer, and Mrs. Kssper, it would be Impoerible because bis- inating in tbslr acUoD, aettvats tbe 328,00 under the previous day, on boU o f 825,000 geld. (OMttoaad aa Pags Twai Try Oaeatfledl hande ware toe moist. Aa alcoboi sweat glaoda as waU.' U ea Paga Ti b ), I j(Oootlaaed om Page five]) BSfots, 810860,698,44787.

) ! ■- S'".. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALP. MANCHESTER. CONN., ’TUESDAY, MAY 12,198«. RAf’.ETHREi dlseouraga "all e O o r U to enraato un­ DR. OXNAM QUITS justifiable political friction" during HOSPITAL CAMPAIGNERS the Presidential campaign. DOCTOR-SLAYER FIRST GARDEN aU B self fatally Sunday eigh t upon ra- two small childrtn and her Eo6nomlo u s o m Says Caterpillar Pest WIFE COMMTTS SUICIDE tumlng from an automobile ride to Wlnated. " I t should be the endeavor o< all,'' REV. GINNS ASKED Move to Save Alligators with her husband. "HH AS A CANDIDATE he said, "to see that tbs acoaemlc O n e o f the Cherry Sisters The medical examiner gave a .ver­ GET STARTED TONIGHT and social Issues involved are pre­ IS HANGED IN TOWNDESdilBED Has Passed Its Peak AFTER FAMILY QUARRE dict of suicide. BO w h a t : sented fairly and thoroughly to the H e said Henry Adams, the, bus- aeveland—Two automobile* col­ American people." TO RETURN HERE In Africa Under Way lided to front of central poUc* s ta -: Dies in Her Iowa Home band, said the wolnan took a re­ NBW DFATCE TO TEST A fte r describing New Deal efforts tlon and Patrolman <3iester W . ' Head of Depaaw University E N m JAIL North Canton Wonuui Takes volver from the automobile saying TOUGHNESS OF BARS Krause ran out to ask some qn«t- Entire Organization to Gather to solve depression problems, he said Mrs. C R. Barr TeDs of Hor m x Z E”*Britto“ Vtoto »{o^iTo\;:f ““ “ Own Life A fter Returning: she was carrying It to the house. that if there is disagreement to sps- cause the caterplUars attack only Jacksonville, Fla., May 13.— (AP),^swamplands together with laws reg- Uons. , • (Ooatintied From Page One) gist, sai(l today that the peak of fruit trees. Cedar Rapldii, la.. May 13.— (AP)Ath* fata—“Worto than Death’’^ A short time later, a shot and Waahlngton, May 12.— (AP) clflc policies, the "criticism should store for the virtuous jroung maiden —With the picturesque saurians fastj “ laUnK kllUng are foremost among from Auto Ride With Hus­ "What’s your name?” he demoiM- Withdraws at Parley of ravages by tout caterplUars has "Practically all orchard fruit __ Elizabeth — member of the North Methodists in Confer­ scream were heard and Adams’s son at Masonic Temple at 6:30 — Government aclentlata have In­ be forthright and specific." Visit to Athens, Ga., who heeded not the gypsy’s warn­ Florida at last is «>eproposcd band. ed of one driver. ter cut up 7" one woman shouted at passed and that these pests are less trees w e sprayed, and the only tresa Cherry Sisters Troupe that flour­ disappearing,uioai>ix;>uuiK, riuiiuo Ki. u glv-biv | Cgnty™ conservation repoTts Carried by went to the cellar, where be found vented a new device to teat the Vlt Is destructive," he said, "to numerous this year than last. ing, but succumbed to the wiles of a "Scram," the owner of the car Mrs. van der Elst. that really become damaged are the ished during the tomato-throwing tog aerious conslderaUon to plans imaginative tourists, large Mrs. Adams, described by Dr. Kil- toughneaa o f .irlaon bare. Methodist Episcopals. masquerade such objections behind The caterpillars come in waves vUlainoiu Spanish cavalier, always ence PeHtion for Pastor’s replied. . — Chairman Weden to Is* A man, motioning at the ex­ Where Idea Origmated. wild cherry trees. These are not atage era— Is dead. to conserve the alligator. ' 'gators seldom are seen outside of North Canton. May 12.— (AP) — bum os already dead. “What’s that?" ths astonishM of­ llie Bureau of Standarda and the cloak of generalized attacks wlilch are nine oi 10 years apart She died in a hospital here ireeter- portrayed by Addle. pensive automobile of the wealthy very valuable so the money lose Business judgment mingles with . captivity now to Florida and those Dr. Carl J. Kllburn, Canton medical Dr. Kllburn said domestic troubles ficer Inquired. the Bureau of Prlaona have per­ which charge that un-American or and after a peak year anyone of a day at the age ot 67. She played a The Cherry Sisters’ first appear­ London -woman, cried: "Paw n It, caused by the eaterpUIars Is not Assignment Here. sentiment to gaining a bearing for | that remain, large or small, have examiner, disclosed today that Mrs. probably caused Mrs. Adams’ act, "Scram ," said the man. “James soe Instmcdons for Drive. fected what they deacribed to­ Columbus, O., M ay 12— (A P ) un-Democratlc principles and objec number of parasites attacks the few minor roles with Sisters Effle ance was at a local talent affair at to the poor.” large.” proposals to save the slow-moving become exceedingly^ wary, Doris (Potter) Adams, 31, shot her­ She leaves besides her busliand. Scram. I live on Clinton Avenue." day aa an "alternating current lives In sny way motivate proce­ Mrs. C. R, Burr gave the Man­ worms and they begin to die out.' and Addle but then withdrew whUe Marlon. They won the attention of Lacking only 47 votes necessary for Mrs, van der Elst left her car Britton said the beet method of reptiles from the fate of the dodo W. D. Godfrey, manager of an magnetic comparator" for meaa- dures In the operations of the N a­ chester Garden club of which she Is Britton s^d. they trod the Broadway boards to a vaudeville acout and their career election as bishop o f the Methodist tional government.'' and started to remonstrate with fighting the tent caterpillar la to t«st evening there was held and the buffalo. _ alligator farm here, explained that Thr entire organization o f the tiling the tool-realatlng qiialltlea police, "It Is a terrible thing for this a member, an Interesting account of "Some tpies of parasites eat the pick the egg dusters on the twigs renown a quarter century ago. began. Episcopal church. Dr. G. Bromley Aside from the primaries, today's It was at Hammersteln’s old The 'gator not only Is a scenic at- > tho saurians do not start, breeding of ateel. eggs o f the caterpillars and others of trees In the winter, dipping them Effle and Addle Uve on a modest most delightful and harmonious 19M-Manchester Hosplta] campaign Oxnam, president of Depaiiw Uni­ actlvitloa Included Democratic state civilization to allow a man to be the first Garden club organized In Olympia theater In New york that traction but has been the basis for a until they are 28 years old and that The machine la-portable, alm- hanged", she said. attack ths bodies o f the worms In kerosene or burning them. farm at Marlon, near here, re-Uvlng (Juarterly Conference at the North group will meet thia evening at conventions In Delaware and North America, at the May meeting held their gypsy skit had its premiere — sizeable Industry with a brisk traffic: the eggs and the young are subject ple and rugged. Tb^ announce­ versity, Grcencastle, Ind., wlthdrs'v Dozens of women and gtrls stood themselves. The combined effect of He said the beat method of rid­ the trials and triumphs of 30 years Methodist church, o f which Rev. C. 8:80 p. m. In Maaonlo Temple at a ment raid It teata the ateel with­ today as a candidate. Dakota and a Republican conven­ lost night In .the Robbins room of 14 different kinds of parasites kills of vaudevUle. In their eerld-comlc and a barrage of folded programs Homer Ginns la pastor. The Dis­ to live young ones and good demand to many perils in addition to human tion In Vermont. about the limousine, laughing and ding trees of the webby nests In the for the hides for leather goods. hunters. Snakes, herons, garfish luncheon meeting openlns the drive, out damaging the ^hara, a fault Dr. Oxnam’s announcement fol­ taunting tbs leader of the attempted tbs Center (Jburcb House. Mrs. the caterplUars In large numbers. spring Is to bore a hole in them wltn act they related In song and gesture! and cob pipes. trict Superintendent Rev. Geo. O. lowed a report on a second ballot Both parties held conventions yes­ ' One hunter here estimated that to and wild hogs destroy thousands of Chairman Earner Weden will pre- of prevloua methoda. demonstration. Burr spent a day last winter m The parasites are Insects, not fungi a long bandied brush, twisting the Scrivener, of Norwich, occupied the which gave him 327 votes. A two- terday in Wyoming, or bacUIl." * recent years the annual turnover eggs and habits yearly. aide and Inatructtona will be given A quarter of an hour before the Athens, Qa., at the Christmas show Implement until the whole nest chair. Several written reporta were tblrds majority, or 374 votes, are The Democrats Instructed their m i m (Jornell wlU taka the play to probably totaled aa high as TSOO.OOO. Contrary to widespread belief, the the workera by the drive offlclala. execution, police persuaded Mrs. of the Garden club wbieb has car­ Britton said lost year was the comes off on the bristles, then dous­ brought to by the different offlclalB, required for election. 12 delegates with six votes, to work fourth time In his experience that Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los As many as 280,000 of the Matures alligator Is nof particularly danger­ The goal act for thIa year la 81.1,- van der Elst to move her automobile ried on continuously since 1891. In ing It Into kerosene, or a mixture of all showing remarkable progress to Withdrawal of Dr. Oxnam, which for the renomination of President the caterplUars had become suffl- OAIMS NEW YORK Angeles and San Francisco, cover­ were killed annually. ous to humans except when wound­ to a side street where a number o f kerosene and water. all departments of church work dur­ 000. he said was decided upon “ after Roosevelt, while the' Republicans that year 12 outstanding women of ing 7,000 miles In little more than Plans for restocking canals and ed or cornered. M a n c h e s t e r persons followed, continuing their dently numerous to constitute a The entomologist suggested that ing the past year, the second of Report meetlnga will be held in careful conolderatlon, loft Dr. W il­ chose an uninstructed delegation. the city founded the Ladles Garden menace. outcries. hurnitig was poor procedure as seven weeks. W hat she loses In Mr. Ginns’ pastorate. At the close the Maaonic Temple on jcrldny eve­ bur E. Hammaker of Youngstown, Club of Athens. Each one o f the 12 profits— the play Is highly success­ At the moment of Dr. Ruxton’a "O f course the danger is never as the trees affected might be dam­ BAD FOR ACTORS Richard McLagan read an earnest ning, May IS, at 7 o'clock and on D a t e B o o k O., In first plaoe. decided upon one plant or flower ful here— the actress believes ahe of Silver Lane and Mr. and Mrs. death. Mrs. van der Elst called great aa that caused by the gypsy aged. resolution which voiced the senti­ H i Monday evening. May 18 at the A third ballot wa.s taken Immedi­ and agreed to study It for a month. will gain In advertising. And that Ehirle Post and children, W allace through one o f her loud speakers; Reports and discussions were held ment of the entire church request­ name hour. The final report meet­ ately, but the results were not ex­ being so, she is happy. ing the District Superintendent to GILEAD and Eleanor of Ehut Hartford, were Tomorrow "Will the gentlemen In the crowd at the regular meetings In the ing, a luncheon meeting, will be pected to be reported until late to­ G-MEN CAPHIRE use bis best Influence with the dinner guests Sunday at the home day. please bare their heads?" homes of members. The Interest In held Wedneaday evening. May 20 at May 12-18.— Annual Herald Cook­ lU t la t liir in e Cornell Says Too Bishop who may preside over the The service at the Gtlead Congre­ of their mother, Mrs. A. H. Post. Few Remove Hats flowers as a result of this study and 8:80 p. m. ing achool, aeaalona at State theater Dr. Oxnam had been conceded al­ WATCHMAN IS HED annual Conference to June to have gational church Sunday was well at­ During the heavy thunder shower A radical change In the canvaai- In the morning. most certain election. To accept A number o f women wept, but research grew by leaps and bounds, TRADING IS SLOW tended. A pageant, "M other of ROBINSON, LAST only a few men removed their hats. the present pastor returned for Saturday afternoon the house of Ing program haa been made thia M ay 13.— Mother and Daughter the post of bishop, however, he and the membership increased rap­ Much Broadway WQl OPEN FORUM America" was presented In a very Asa W. Ellis was struck but the Some of the crowd later joined In idly. third year o f service at the church. year by the committee. Inatead of banquet at Emanuel Lutheran would have hdd to 'give up his uni­ Indications point clearly that this Impressive manner. The part damage was slight. The rain was versity position. .singing the hymns, and some WANTED! A HAN having to call upon resldenit living church. The first flower show of the club FOR T .W ; MURDER ON STOCK MARKET Cramp Their Work. request will be granted. America was taken by Barbara Fish, very heavy and hailstones oa large Thia Week Throe white and one negro bishops PUBLIC ENEMY kneeled In prayer. was held In 1892, and to Insure a at widely aeparated placea, each The church has to Its budget for Memory, Lovlna Foote. Youth o f as walnuts fell. are being selected by delegates to Mrs. van der Elst’s plans to send Editor of The Herald: worker will canvaaa aingic dealgnat- good attendance a baby show was the ensuing year Increased its salr America by Homer Hills. Trumpet­ M iw 16.— Legion dance at Rain­ the quadrennial convention of the n squadron of ton airplanes over the Should the Townsend Clubs o f Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer of ed ctreeta, thereby aavlng time In bow Inn, Bolton. (Oontinoed from Page One) held at the asms time. Later the ary for the pastor $200, and the en er, John Hooker, Color Bearers, Ken­ Methodist Episcopal church. jail, dropping thousands o f pam­ New York, May 12.— (AP)—A District No. 1 decide to nominate a Wllllmontlc were visitors at the completing the canvaaa. club branched out Into the study of tire list ot necessary payments neth Ellis and Edward Foote, Amer­ Neat Week Other Candidates phlets against capital punishment, His Friend Tells Police About Speciaides Crawl Up to Two steady dose of New York, Katharine man for (jongress. One can Imagine home o f Miss Stella Spak Sunday. apprehension were surrounded by vegetables, and continued to hoid brings the entire budget up to $3,- ica’s attendants, Ruth Lewis, Allene May 18-19. — Annual KlwanU Behind Dr. Hammaker, the oldest were not carried out. Police for­ Cornell said today, is bad for actors, the call sent out as—Wanted Men Mrs. Bertha Hubbard Is visiting mystery, elaborate precautions were shows o f babies and o f flowers and 000, Including $200 for mlesions. Warner, Stella Spak and Charlotte allow "Sllaa the Chore Boy" for elTectlve pastor In Ohio, on the taken to veil the (light In secrecy. bade the dropping of pamphleU, and vegetables until the project became Queer Statement He Made bad for plairwiights, and very, very The Townsend followers wont i in New York at the home of her Klddlea' Camp, Holllater atreet second ballot for election of white the planes, which were expected Points During the Early man to work wholehearted for the Mark Holmes reported as superin­ Warner, and the Spirit o f Mothei^ sons, Philip and Richard Hubbard. Even the lights In the plane’s pas­ more of an undertaking than they bad for the theater. tendent of the Sunday school hood, Ethel Porter. Mrs. Robert achool. bishops were: nevertheless to dip In salute over The actress sat In her dressing Townsend Plan. In Congressional Albert Gilbert of Long Island senger quarters were shut off save cared to assume and the vegetable marked increase in attendance E. Foote was the director and Miss Make sore you getSocony*s 100% May 20.—Annual concert O Clef (Chancellor Charles W. Flint of the jail, failed to appear. to Him. room at tho Martin Beck theater, halls we would have him go and spent the week-end at tho home of for a flare of a moment when the and baby shows were eUmlnated. A t Hours of Business. reaching an average of over 60 per OUve Warner, pianist. Glee club. Hyracuse University. Syracuse, N.' 29-year-old captive, laat of the big The crowd began to leave the jail chatting Indifferently about things carry our motto ao all may know. H art E. Buell. one time the club concentrated on cent for the year. Reports from The executive committee of the Dependable delioery—OrderTodayl M ay 23.— 36th anniveraary enter­ Y., 103; President Harry W. Mc­ quarries of the G-Men, was visible. soon after the keepers posted formal In general, but over returning to the We want "Age for rest and work Miss Tempest Delmore .of East chrysanthemums, but for years it M elvin a. C o x , Richard McLagan, Tri-County Christian Endeavor tainment and dance of Scandia Pherson of Illinois Wesleyan Uni­ anting by a window, he stared notice of the hanbing on the prison has been Iris so that today Athens .. drama and her own forthcoming for Youth." Wo want a man who Hartford and Mrs. Russell Hatha­ OU’RE GOING to use fuel oil next winter, so why Chicago, May 12.— (A P )—Acting New York, May 12— (AP)— The and Mrs. Fayette Clarke on finan­ Union will hold a meeting at the lodge. Order of Vaaa, at Orange versity. Bloomington, III., 100; Dr. straight before him—bis face ex­ gates. considered tho Iris city of America tour with Bernard Shaw's "Saint will speak the truth. Years have way of Manchester were callers Sun' not pley safe and make sure that the good aupplY hall. John B. Magee of Seattle, Wash., pressionless. The man whose "perfect crime" on a strange story told by a fellow Stock Market today got a foothold rolled by and favorite eons have cial matters showed them In a most home of Mr. Thienes to Marlborough day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Y The club members learned to propa­ Jooa." excellent condition, proving the Wednesday evening. May 13. you went will be on hand when you need it; will be de> Coming Eventa 90; Dr. Roy L. Smith of Los A n ­ Oroled by Sleuths was failed through painstaking sci­ gate them and agreed to plant them employee the police today held Syl­ on the recovery ladder. "When any art becomes centered gone to Congress and each one has Clarence J. Fogil. geles, 88; President Louis C. Wright Church’s alliterative motto moat Mr. *nd Mrs. Oscar Bailey and June 8.— Tri-Dance, Maoonlc Tem ­ One agent was a seat behind, entific detection which Included where the public might enjoy these vester ClkoskI, 28-year-oId night In the slowest trading In about a In one place It becomes provincial,” seen that our bridges are safe and The Ladles' Aid of the Gilead Con­ livered when you aay? ple. , of Baldwln-Wallace college, Berea, watchman, for questioning In the convincingly, "Love and Loyalty will daughters, Alma and Mary of Man­ i V throe others fllanked the prisoner more than 2.000 tests o f the bodies, gay spring blossoms. year, Indiistria, specialties led s she laid.. "Writers, thinking only ot strong, that our roads are wide, gregational church will meet at the Sign up withSooony now .Takeadvantageof their fu d Juno IS.— Townaend Day rally 0 „ 60; Dr. Loren Edwards of St. on the oppo,?ito side ns the plane left three children In England, now slaying of Mrs. Lillian D, Guild, In M metropolitan audience, lim it them­ well paved and long. They have put Lift the Load." Beside the current chester, called on relatives to town home of Mrs. Merton Hills Wednes­ Mrs. Burr had tho privilege ot crawling climb for gains o f fractions expenses being fully covered this here. Louis, 63, and Dr. Isaac E. Miller of. refueled. wards of tho state. her Y. W. C. A. hotel room Satur­ selves and their work. up buildings fa ir to all; and built Sunday. day afternoon, May 13. Mrs. Arthur oil reaervea— the la r ia t in thia aection of tha country $ perusing the early records of 1 to around 2 points. year, $800 haa been paid on the Juno 18-30.— Mancheater Voter- Columbus, 81. The airliner cryptically listed the The children, Elizabeth, 6. Diana, day. "What they gain In sophistication great ships for the rolling aea. And Mrs. Romolo Sagllo and children Keefe and Mrs. Howard Martin will with plenty of trucka and loyd, faat-moving crewa to club. The first premium lists, pi While happenings at home and debt. Incurred a few years ago by ana' Aaaoclation Carnival, Old Golf Dr. W. A. C. Hughes of Philadel­ special plane as "F ligh t E ight" In 4. Md Billy 3, now In a state Insti­ Cikoakl was taken Into custodv they are likely to lose in the human yet with all their careful plans our spent Sunday at her parents, Mr. assist the hostess with the refresh­ tographs and exhibits, the first bl abroad provided no exceptional the fine Improvements made during aasure jrou of dependable ddivery...deapite the tough* lota. phia, continued to lead 13 candidates Its operations calendar and so re­ tution, were told their father and last night. element Or, as has happened fre­ nation haa needs for an honest man. and Mrs. Alex Marebisa In Bucking­ ments. ribbon and all sorts of data have fltimulua for a wide advance* Uie the pastorate of Rev. M. S. Stock­ June 18-10.— Lawn faatlval at for election as successor to Dr. M at­ ferred to It In radio messages. The mother had gone away for a visit. The story, whlcli Sergeant Daniel quently of late, they write with one Our streams are polluted and with' ham. Douglas Porter, local newsboy, eat storms. Contract now, directly, with the b i g g ^ thew Clair of Covington. Ky., negro been preserved in voluminous scrap few biddere that appeared were ing, so that It has now been reduced South Methodfat church, number was an obsolete schedule. Dr. Ruxton was understood to Healy said questlohersIon elicited from eye on Hollywood and the other on out doubt our State (Japltol could he Mr. and Mrs.; Arthur Hutchinson people in the business. It’s the sure, safe way. bishop who retires this year. books. It was interesting to note, forced to reach for their favorites about one half, and only about $8, was one of tho boys to win a trip to June 32-37.— American Leglon'a The plane ran slightly behind a have made a will referring to the Nlcholaus Franzen, holler attendant Broadway and the result has not found if all lights went out. Just fol and daughter. Miss Doris, of Man- B^CalUngSocony Secretmiw of the board of home she said, that during the World War 000 is now due. Cyrus Q. Tyler New York city Saturday. annual carnival at Doughert/a lo t regular passenger ship. future of his children and expro.sslng at the “Y. W.”, was that ClkoskI because of the thinness of the mar­ proven to be of any substantial low your nose Is a maxim true and cheater called on Mrs. Lovlna Hutch­ missions. Dr. Hughes polled 241 the Garden club members kept ket ae a whole. made the report of church benevo­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tryon of CALL SOCONY NOW AT When Its wheels touched ground hope that his son would, like him­ once talked of committing suicide value to the speaking theater.” the Park River odor will sure lead inson and attended church here Sun­ votes on the second ballot. He need­ their fingers nusy knitting sweaters lences, Mrs. Tyler for the Ladles' Buckingham were visltok* at the for Fuel Oil Now! here at 2:23 a. m. (Mountain stand­ self, become a physician. by perpetrating a crime which wonid Among the prmctpal gainers, at The remedy, of course. Is the you. day. ed 378 for election. or sewing, but talked garden and Aid, and Miss Ruth .Tyler for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Buell Manchester 3975 ard time) a Department of Justice Ruxton’s aged mother, a brother send him to the electric chair. the approach ot the fourth hour, road. Miss (Cornell said— the road Mr. and Mrs. Floyd F ogll and President Willis J. King o f the thought garden thoughts. Only one A land of plenty and surplus the Bpworth League. Because iff their Sunday evening. agent alighted, refused to answer and slater live In Bombay where the Healy commented: "I don’t Itnow were J. I. Cast, Allied Chemical, where one can rid the mind of the daughters spent Sunday to Walling­ Gammon Theological Seminary. A t­ charter member still lives, but the cry. But many must go on the remarkable success to the Simple The Trl-County (Jhrlatlan En­ any inquiries and obtained six physician was known aa Bakhtvar whether It means anything or not.’ General Motors, Dupont, American dregs of weariness, of metropolitan ford at the home of Mrs. Fogll’s lanta, Oa., woe second with 230 and club is planning to celebrate lU dole or die. Surplus reserves to Simon Sandwich Shop the Ladles' deavor Union will hold a social to lunches In boxes and four vacuum Rustomjl Ruttonju Hdkim. ClkoskI has been employed at the Can, Continental Can, Standard OU stuffiness, or too much sophistica­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dorau. Ixirenzo H. King, New York pastor, bottles of coffee. The plane was on jubilee in 1941 and plans to invite bank and till, but reapers are idle Aid contributed $800 the past year Colchester Friday evening, May 18. 'To o body of Ruxton, who was ar­ Y, W. C. A . hotel for seven years. of New Jersey, Union Carbide, Mr. and Mrs. Norton W arner and third with 60. tho president of every state federa­ tion and strain. and mills are still. Our youth can­ toward church expenses. Mrs. Each lady Is requested to bring the ground for 21 minutes and a rested Oct. 13 and convicted March He was on duty at the night desk American Smelting, Western Union, Rood Important daughter Carol were Sunday visitors Dr. Joseph M. M. Gray,' chancel­ stop was expected at Kansas City tion In the U. S. and every garden- not marry and build a home, but to Catherine Batch reported for the box lunch for two. after 11 p. m „ the police were told Southern Pacific, U. S. Steel and “The road Is as important to tho at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest lor of the American University at before Louisville would be reached Tl.” In ft shallow conscious person through nation­ (JCC camps are compelled to roam. Woman's Foreign and the Woman' Kiwanis quicklime grave In the Strangeways wide publicity. and admitted Mrs. Guild to tho hotel Chrysler. Most of the mines, rails theater as la Broadway," ahe went Dlngwell In Meriden. Washington, who received 108 votes about noon. Our aged alt helpless and sadly watt Home Missionary societies, and Mas­ Present* jail yard. ^ Saturday after ahe had closed the and utilities were narrow. on. "One o f the troubles with tho Mr. and Mrs. Louis Twining of England sUII has 37 toll bridges In the first count, and Dr, Lewis O. Wears Business Suit Another ambition o f this active for St. Peter to open the Pearly ter Ronald McMullen for the Junior FUELOIL g ift shop she managed In a -Michi­ stage In the last ten years haa been Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Post Hartman, Boston editor of "Zion’s When the five agents hustled the Several women fainted and the club Is to purchase a lovely old Bonds held to a steady routifiS. Gates. Dr. Townsend baa offered a Quest club. to use. clothing of one was badly torn In gan avenue hotel a block away. Herald," who had 96 votes, both former asylum inmate aboard the Southern mansion In Athens, which Commodities were mixed, as were the fact that playa and players plan to you that will help the aged A marked spirit of gladness per­ the crush of spectators as Mrs Sergeant Healy said, "Franzen withdrew. plane at Grand Central terminal Is available as all the heirs have the leading foreign curiencles. were concentrated in New York and and open mills too. Give to the vaded the entire meeting, which The van der Elst departed when the no­ had some obacene pictures In his Clair's Successor I Los Angeles) he was wearing a passed on, to use as a shrine for the The victory of the House Infla­ the country almost forgotten. This youth a chance to work and penal' augurs well for further progress MAHIEU'S Dr. W. A. C. Hughes of Phila­ dark business suit. tice reading "Judgment of death room and he didn’t want to talk tionists In calling up tho Frasler- was bad for the dramatists and cer ize those who fain would shirk. But Garden clubs of America. Mrs. Burr about them to the jfollce. So we during the comtog year. Mrs. C. H. delphia. negro secretary of the Robinson, whose frequent use of executed on Buck Ruxton” had been Lemke bill for debate failed to re­ talnly not good for the actors." men who have In days gone by from posted. stated that tl)e members, with tra­ turned him over to Dr. Harry Hoff­ Ginns made an interesting report as Community Methodist Board o f Home Missions, feminine attire as a disguise was ditional Southern hospitality served vive "hedging" activities which She is happy that Saint Joan 1s fruits o f men’s labor built buildings president of the girls newly-formed Weekly Bargains Otstrlbutes Pamphlets man (chief o f the Cook county Be­ lod 13 candidate.^ for election as suc­ believed to have led to his capture, her with the most delicious fruit would ordinarily accompany such a goin g on tour. that reach toward the sky, and plied missionary society, the Standard Starting to leave the prison, with havior Clinic) and Dr. Leonard E. Sugar, Granulated, cessor to Bishop Matthew Clair of was seized In a Glendale hotel about cake she ever tasted, and an equal­ move. "Players need the stimulation of up money beyond their need are Bearers, who have done splendid five policemen standing on each run­ Keller (director of Northwestern audiences of all sorts and condi­ IW b. cloth b a g.... Players Covington, Ky., rtegro bl.shop who 7:30 p. m. (Pacific standard time) ly line fruit punch. Financial observers believe that, bidding our Congressmen pay no work the last six months. 48c retires this year. One of the four and offered no resistance although ning board of her car to force a way University’s crime detection labora­ tions o f people. Here touring is to' Fine Creamery As for the city of Athens, the tory.) even If the measure passes the heed to Dr. Townsend or to his A most excellent supi>er had been In the Old Time bishops to bo elected must be a he was armed with a .38 calibre through the crowd, Mrs. van der valuable, fo r each city played Is an' plan. So Townsend clubs say give ua enjoyed prior to the Quarterly (Con­ ; Butter, lb...... negro. speaker described It as most inter­ - Roporte Conversation House, It will have rouf,. sledding pistol. Elat scattered pamphlets entitled other first night There can be no a man, an honest man and good and ference, prepared by the ladles un­ 31c Comedy Romance ' esting with Its Important education­ He said he and ClkoskI ex­ In the Senate and. If It should get i Veal Loaf, Hughes received 218 votes. Willis Arrest .Announced "Barbarism In the TwenUeth Ceu- let down to performance, for the bright, a man who will work with all der the leadership of Mrs. Nellie M. tury.” al Institutions and fine public build­ changed some of the pictures, and through tl)e lattiir body. It would 111...... J. King, president of Gammon Theo­ J. Edgar Hoover announced the actor lias to prove tcreacb nAw town bis m igh t N ot to build bridges and Marks. About forty persons were equally true o f shoes., coats., hats ings. Tho University of Georgia ui were talking one night when Cl- still face a Presidential veto. 19c logical .Seminary at Atlanta, Ga., capture In Washington, saving Rob­ The pamphlet stated, among other that whatever reputation be has ships and dams, but work fo r the present. Bologna, had 83, and Lorenzo H. King, New located here and on the campus is a koakl told Franzen, 'I don't see any­ More Important to WaU street inson hsd on him *4,880 of- which things: "Ruxton was without doubt achieved elsewhere is deserved.” good of hla fellow man. W e want E-lb...... York pastor, was third with 89. replica of one ot tho halls at Yale thing in life" and .said he was going quarters than inflatlo; rumblings *4,200 was from the *80,000 ran­ tho maddest o f all Insane people Her Own Experience not the dole thrown out like a bone. 19c Silas The Others who withdrew from the that ever were executed." College. This La the oldest dormi­ to kill himself. or the fiscal difficulties of the She accounts for her own Interest Matches, package of som paid In the abduction o f Mrs. tory. The grounds at the universi­ If we must pay taxes, let it pay for race for election to the three seats Berry V. Stoll of Louisville. During When the anti-hanging crusader "Fran zin said he talked him out French woe the Senate’s work on in the road partly to the fact that 6 boxes ...... ty, those of public buildings and es­ homqs. L et it give youth work and 19c on the board for white bishops were the past two months, the chief of departed, she was token straight o f It, but ClkoskI bad another idea. the new corporation tax bill. Tho she wandered a great deal to her foods., cigarettes... almott everything make us free. Our country should , Treet Razor Blades, Dr Daniel Marsh, president of Bos­ to a police court and charged with tates abound with boxwood bushes ClkoskI said ‘I ’ll commit some crime, feelings in banking circles was that the F'edcral Bureau of Investigation early theatrical days. She was born not know poverty. So we send the packages...... ton University, and Dr. Harold P said, Robinson had used the name of "behaving In a manner whereby a and borders, some of them 200 years and then they’ll have to kill me.’ the administration wfll be success­ to Berlin, Germany, and spent her clarion call for a man. To bring be­ 15c Chore Boy Sloan of Woodbury, N. J. “John Simona." breach of the peace might have been old. Boxwood with its glossy grec.i " I don’t know whether It means ful In its efforts to reach private childhood to Buffalo, N. Y„ where 'Cut-Rite Waxed leaves and compact growth la a fa­ fore Congress the Townsend Plan. : Paper ...... More than 100 of the 610 confer­ In Louisville, District Attorney occasioned," wilfully obstructing anything or not—It’s a problem for holding companies and closely held her father was a theater manager. ence delegates received votes on the Bunk Gardner said he would seek traffl6, and -dangerous driving. She vorite for garden borders, and back­ the doctors. We do know that fin­ CLARA SOUTHERGILL. .. 5c corporations which have unusually "In those days there were many 84 North School street ■VERY SUNDAY g. Del Monte Red first ballot as delegations supporrted the death penalty for the former law was remanded for a week under grounds In the South, but U not ger prints we found on an Iron In large undivided profits. ISO hardy In New England. plays on the road," ahe said. "M y Manchester, Conn. LW p Fcr« ' Salmon, tall can ... May 18,19 their "Favorite Son" candidatos. clerk and "w e also will be prepared £80 (*280) ball. Mrs. Guild’s room were not Clkoi- early experience to the theater was 24c Predicting the early election of AnoUier thing over which Mrs. cfcadfi feme Vmdm It HaU fete ; Land O’Lakes Peas, to fight a possible defense plea of It developed that a heavy mist ki's." with a touring company and to Dr. Oxnam, church leaders recalled Burr was equally enthusiastic was FISHEBMAN’S t o u c h Insanity." had kept her airplanes grounded. The authorities Indicated thev stock. I came to know these audl Bmmdsrd Time) ‘ 2 ca n s...... that three former presidents of the beautiful Iron grille work at en­ HOSPITAL NOTES 27c A Glendale airport attendant said would release some of the 81 other encea and to love them." Lt» HmitlM’d „ t.lS AM, Cocomalt, Depauw later stepped Into seats on trance doors, gateways and fences. San Diego— The way the fish were Lv. MAEclMaur . S.S9 A.M. ho understood one of Robinson’s prisoners, including Raymond Furr, On top o f that, she said, she be the board of bishops. Many of the Intricate, lacy-llke biting in the ocean near here the ,.11.99 AM, jl-lb. c a n ...... captors said that the "tip-off" to his DR.BARDtHOSEN 22-year-old photo engraver held to Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Adeline lleves that the road has commercial Hollister School They were Bishop Edwin Holt pieces were Imported from England other day, even a blind man could AtTVAStNO* 35c whereabouts had corns from Alvin explain lacerations on his band. Saundw* of 82 Chestnut street and i Jersey Com Flakes, advantages which ought not to he have caught his quota. In fact, two t Hughes of Washington, now senior Ksrpls, whose arrest In New Or­ about the time of tbs Revolutlonarv Mrs. Guild, a 89-year-old widow, L . Mmtm {U u tk lutlMi)______l.tO FJA JJ™’ Catherine Crawford of 272 Ignored, though she expects to make blind men did. James Barker and a ; Pkfir- ...... Annual Benefit Show bishop In the United States; Bishop leans a week and a half ago started TO HEAb MASONS War. • was found beaten to death, or Charter Oak street. Ttdigti fOBd flotr la tralat tadleaUd m lab al 6c no money on the comtog tour. companion, both blind, caught 18 BtatUa Tlifeal Oflkw Francis J. McConnell of New York, a spectacular roundup of notorious A t the doss of her Interesting strangled. Investigators were un­ Discharged yesterday: Mrs. EUzs- Fruit Salad, Saint Joan closes here May 23. yellowtall averaging 17 poimds. for Kiwanis liberal leader of the church, and criminals by the Department of talk Mrs. Burr was accorded hearty beto De Long of 638 Center street tall can ...... (OonMnned from Page One) certain whether she had been crimi­ FH. N EW H AVE N 13c George Grose, who retired after Justice. applause. A showing of many fine nally attacked. and Mrs. M ary Bertottl of 660 Kee­ I f a thing does Salad Dressing, servlnp In China some years ago. Was "Lone WolF’ colored slides of wild flowers, which ney street. Kiddies’ Camp High Prlesf G. Perclva) Bard of However, this was discounted by the Garden club secured from the Admitted today: Priscilla Chap- . quart j a r ...... Stafford Springs, Grand King Bliss not SATISFY it costs 25c the known fact that the agents had MassachusetU HorUcuUural socie­ BARBOUR BACKING of Rockville, Mrs. Betty Ralch- a t' Admission $1.00. OHIO’S p r im a r ie sT o p regarded Robinson as a "lone w olf’ W. (JIark o f New Britain and Grand ty, followed. Principal Ruth Cramp- Scribe Frederick W. Edgerton of enbach o f 34 Madleon atreet and rather than a gangster and that ton of the Lincoln school operated Jason Chapman of 41 Summer too much MAHIEU Tickets sold at: they had picked up his trail here New London. the projecUng machine. She ex­ UBERALPUTFORM street A t the session thia afternoon. Dr. POim C A l TESTS TODAY through failures of his feminine dis­ pressed appreciation of the pupils Census: Forty-eight patients. guise. G. Perclval Bard of Stafford Springs .. ' Watkins Bros, and teachers in the various schools A well children’s conference will Although Robinson was believed was elected Grand High Priest (Continued From Page One) GROCERY CO. for the loon o f these slides. be held tomorrow afternoon at two Nichols New Stand (Oontinoed From Page One) to have operated alone. Federal The other ufflcsrs elected were: 183 Spruce Street An Informal discussion o f garden o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. Vacation Plans And The On the other hand .. • authorities In California refused to Deputy Grand High Priest—Bliss topics and an exhibition o f rare wild "The centralization o f relief in the Phone 6476 We Deliver Keller’s Potter ton & Krab sured at least 17 of the 82 conven confirm or deny that they were W. Clark. New Britain. Federal government haa torn up by tlon delegates because T a ft was en and garden flowers, Including tae LOGIC A L.\ WBEStUNO seeking a woman, and possibly one Grand King-Frederick W. Edger- the roots the old policies of local if it DOES satisfy tered In all districts, while Borah dainty coral Uly, closed the pro or two men, who may have accom­ ton. New London. gram. responsibility -for the unemployed forces were entered in only 38. panied Robinson to California. (Chicago — Instead o f arresting Grand Scribe—Richard Hughes. and Implanted In the -public con­ Perclval Knight when they caught On the Democratic aids President Robinson’s visits to a drug store Torrington. sciousness a , belief that Uncle Sam it is worth all it Kooaevelt was opposed by Henry him tossing nuts and bolts Into the In Pasadena. Calif., were Credited Grand Treasurer—George N . ^l^take care o f everyone forever. I,."-A-. Breckinridge of New York, who ring where two heavyweight wrest­ Safeguarding O f Your with putting the man hunters at his Delap, Hartford. previously lost to the C3ilef Execu- lers grunted and tugged, the police costs...and more heels. Grand Secretory—William L, SPE LU C r FAVORS •Tederally administered relief has tlve In Maryland and Pennsylvania About six weeks ago a left his case up to the State Athle­ Smart New Arrivals Cort, New Haven. been expensive. Inefficient and tic Commission. Breckinridge seeks only Presiden­ clerk in the estol)Ilshment reported Grand Captain of the Host—Eu­ wasteful. I t has never pursued a tial votes and is not entered against to police a person dressed In femin­ The commission "suspended" gene H. Ellis, Naugatuck. CONNERY FACTION persistent course. • • • The ad­ Knight’s right to attend elthU bAx- the President In the separate ballot­ ine apparel made a purchase at Uie Grand Principal Sojourner—J. ministration ot relief should go back ing for National convention dele­ ing or wrestling matches In Illinois COTTON FROCKS place— a person she thought re­ Fred Porteous, Middletown. to the states with grants-in-ald fur­ for one year. gates. sembled Robinson despite the man­ (Conttamed rrom Page One) Valuables Grand Royal Arch Captain—Wal­ nished by the Federal government •Linen ner o f dress. •I-ace Borah also Is entered In today’s ter L. Taft. Hartford. until such times as the unemployed That’s ho’W it ia with Chester* West Virginia primary election around New Haven and Meriden, •DoUrd .Swiss Then, about two weeks later, The closing business Included the can be absorbed by private enter­ • Pique which Is expected to bring out 400,- and is recognized aa the stronghold ■ Lynn Allen, a soda fountain attend­ Installation of the new officers. prise or the states can bear the bur­ fields. . . they are made to satisfy. •Lawn voters becBiise o f a struggle be­ ant In the place, told police a mys­ of former Mayor David E. FitzGer­ •Voile 000 Grand High Priest O. Perclval den tbemselvegJ’ tween the state’s two Democratic teriously-acting person entered the ald o f Now Haven. •STATE* should receive equal consideration. Many folks are making Chesterfields are different from Bard was raised In Ionic Lodge, 110. FltsOerald has thus far been al- The Senatoi^'declared the United Senatora, Rush D. H olt and M. M lace. Although In women's garb, Stotos bad its choice of three dlrac- TO D AY AND TOMORROW Neely. .ynn said the person spoke In s Stafford Springs, December 17, lont as to hla preference, but bit •Broadcloth tlona In which to move. He said plans now for their vacation. If you’re going to be away all other cigarettes in that they have masculine voice and mumbled 1902, and was master of the lodge support baa been claimed by the Borah's only opponent there is in 1923. “we could centralize governmental Leo J. Cfiiaaaee o f Milwaukee. Wla. words. McNell-Cummlngs group, i s He was High Priest of Orient activities and ao p ro ce ^ through In- not only different kinds of to< On the Democratic aide President Then T noticed that 'her* wrists McNeil has said that reports Summer you can’t afford to take a chance and leave your valu­ Chapter, 42, Royal Arch Masons. evitabla regulation and ultimate ab­ Roosevelt is opposed by Joseph A were thick and *her’ neck was man­ which have come to him subsequent Stafford Springs, 1923. 1924 and sorption of private enterprise to a bacco, but the paper from the S|.95 Coutromarsh of New Hampshire. nish, and I made up my-mind the to the recent caucuses give him aa dictatorahip which would command ables at home when the cost of a Safe Deposit Box in our Other Oevelopments person was a man,’' Lynn added. even better voting strength In the In the Grand Chapter he was every lost one of us how to live, Champagne Paper Mills in France^ to Besides the ballot box testa, there "I told the Pasadena police about It convention than the 700 to 800 and also gave them the number of a Grand Junior Steward In 1926 and how to work, when to play and vault is so little. were several other political develop- votes he previously claimed on the whom to worship. menta. new sedan In which he drove off." has been steadily advanced, serving basis of first returns from the cau­ is different as Deputy Grand High Priest the cuses. "W e could choose a leveling pro­ Odone! Frank Knox of Chicago year closing today. cess whereby all people would be . . . the tobacco from Tnikey carried hla candidacy for the Repub­ Bpellacy's Claim INSANITY DEFENSE reduced to the status of a herd. * * * O V . lican Presidential nomination Into He la Grand Representative for The faction led by M ayor Bpellaey o f This Is theoretical Communism, the o o • Sizes: Oregon laat night and aaaailed the the Grand Chapter North Dako­ claim a minimum majority of 190 la b different. . . the way the dga* LewUton, Me., May 13.— (A P )— tjiiM of government which Russia • O /> N ew Deal. ta near the Grand Chapter of (fon- the state convention based on a can­ 14-20 38-52 Adrian A . Cote, counsel fo r James nectleuL tried to be and. falling, became a vas of delegates elected In the town <> O c rette is made is different. *T chaUenge the N ew Deal, aa an H. Folsom, 3S-year-oId Skowhegan dictatorslilp." 3414-5214 caucuses. expression of reaction," he declared man, who sUIegedW confessed slay­ The third course advanced by Sen­ CROSS APPOINTMENT. Miss Ethel Donaghue of Hartford at a Republican rally in Portland, ing Mary Proute, f . of Watervills, ator Barbour was to continue "our ON ’THE SAME SHOW because In every m ajor policy It .was Indorsed by the Spetlacy group When yon wet and Annie K. Knights. 12, of Fair- admittedly cumbersome govenunent Walter Huston in ‘RHODES has produced it has sought to shear Hartford. May 12.— (A P)—Mau­ for National oommlttoewomaa. field, declared today he would make rice R. Davie of New Haven, presi­ with Its 'multitudes of checks and ^ \theoe dresses yoo away the powers of the sUtes and The McNeil camp baa made no formal request for a mental exami­ dent of the (fonnecUcut Child Wel­ balancee” which be said has “proved T O N IG H T The Manchester Trust Company Of the people themaelvea and arro­ nation of hla client commitment on a National commit- to be thr world's finest example of BANK NIGHT Chesterfields are made to satisfy, •• ^3’V iU want to boy gate those powers to a burisaucracy fare Association, will succeed the teewoman, although soma of those “I am Inclined to bellsvs he la in­ late Janies T. Moran of New Haven, democracy." $UMI.0« G IV E N A W A Y ! waasswjAT ib i m v dominated by an arbitrary axecu- sane," sold (Jote, who conferred with In It have been reported as favoring The Senator asserted Americans I*ut the Stamp of Manchester, Conn., On Your Bustness ihat*s their business; that*s their WILROSE three or four at Uvs. X X X The New Deal haa pro- as a member pf tho SUta Public Mrs. Fannis Dixon Welch of Oolum- LILT a jJ K S DRESS SHOP Folsom at the Kennebec county W elfare Oouncil. are unused to being browbeaten Into THUBS. • FBL AND SAT. 1 Paying 'Throngh This Rank. least. duced oonfualon." bta, whose rasignsUon from the taking (Ureotions. rom raocaiu H oM Bhartdsa Boildlag In Augusta yesterday. Mr. Davie was appointed by Oor- CABLE • BARLOW and LOY la Secretary Roper. In a radio ad- commutes in pursuance of a prwt- "Neither do Americans havt the 9 P.U. (X.O.T.) 10 P.IL (XA.T.) reputation,,, th ^ live up to U. Oote said he bad a one sentence einor Croee today to fill the unex­ *aYIFE VEBSUS BBCBBTAEV dreaa laat night appealed to buii- letter from Folsom ««i.i"g mo, dential desire that office holders not herd Instinct • • • There U left m onsLunax om aam k tm emoaos to avoid “vituperation" and to pired term of Mr. Moran, cndlnx hoid party positions as well. FLUB . . "Tha Oesmtry Beyond" Member Fedei^ Deposit Insurance Corp. represent Urn. July U 1988. therefore, only our truly American never been accepted. '* jform of government" e o u o m a tk a a iwuen f rLm m e ifX. bMurr * Hirwa TObmxd ^ M.WCHESTEH EVENING HJCRALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUISSUAY, MAY 12,1»»B. POUR MANCHESTB* BVBNING HBRALD, MANCHBSTia. COMK^ TUESDAY, MAT 12,1986. wHl meet as follows: 7:00 to 7:45, unite will form at Main and Charts.' celebration. Dr. LeVerne Holmes, FVesler-Lemke bill—end paeeed It other tha nations arrive at the real 50 AT BIRTHDAY COMMUNITY PLAYERS Advanced; 7:45 to 8:30, Life Saving, Oak streets. Ths parade to Center parade marshal, will announce his lianrlipatrr over a veto. Also aome of the most Isatlon that monetary gold la good PARKING ANGLE , i Friday SOUm METHODISTS Park will start at 9:80 a. m. chief of staff and aides Uen. Ths girls’ after-iooi. swUnmlng^ At a meeting of Ue Permanent If U e committee Is able to com­ M IN U T E l—•* stubbora Senate deflationists do not for nothing a t all, we ehall event­ BEkrND^THE SCENES NORTH COVENTRY HAVE "SPONSORS NKHT class will meet a t 8:45.' committee Monday a t 7:80 p. m. In plete its plans Monday night Ue i €nnitii0 Bfrilft love Mr. Roosevelt any too much and ually—and doubtlesa quits soon — FOLLY and FAREWEl | DINNER OF CIRCLE TO BE CHANGED Tbe women’s plunge period will INYITES YETERANS U e Municipal building, all sub-com­ session Uen will be Ue last-before HOURf?i -_ PU H U km U D BX THJ. conceivably might enjoy seeing him have tt all. IN WASHINGTON The moUers and daughters ban­ be held from 7 to 9 o’clock. Women mittees will be expected J o make Ue observation of .Memorial Day a By Marie Blizard O 1936 NEA Stfviot, lot. Representatives of Associate PKINTINO COUPARf, INC put on tbs spot, since he would have We think of the sacrificial pyra­ -BY ROONEY OUTCHER. quet was held Friday evening at Ue memVers may ge. towels from Ue final reports of Ueir plans for Ue week from the following Saturday. I t 6 tr« st- Orange hall. The tables were pret­ Groups to Attend Session attendant in Ue locker rooms. ....’' -i- ■ t ItaachsatGr :uon. to veto the farm refinancing green­ mids of tile Aztecs and the Mayans The HersM WaAhInftoo Oorre- .^hlpa by alien and Inexperienced BEGIN; HERE TODAY TBOIftAS PEH0U80N ^ i n d e n t tily decorated wiU apple blossoms. she had been hoping for. “Somc- Tomorrow Night. Membership cards must be shown. 0«D«raJ back bUI or eat a perfect feast of as representing a tremendous lot of crews. At each plate was a favbr made of yeazs bid, Daughters of Isabella of This On Certain Sections of Main Annaal Memorial Service to ______PooBdtd Oetob*r 1. n il crow. work for the achievement of s very 'This was part of their onswor cellophane filled wlU mints and gum *®ir pemUlees by Ulnk like Uav’ she said, and "Sponaor’a Night" win be held by Washington, May 12.—Some heed to Roper’s attempt to have them added quickly, "Only U at Isn’t Pabltahsd Bvary tSvaninK Czeapt In any event, passage of the useless as well as.s very cruel pur­ finally has been paid to frequent drops WlU a peppermint stick plsesd done any more, la It? Except U at Toyyd Observe 12th An- Ue membership of Ue Community Street Cars Mnst Go in at Be Held There On Sonday, prosecuted because, he said, be In U e middle making Ue effect of a OARDINER, Bswspaper Players tomorrow night at 8 o’clock wntfaya aod Holidays Bntsrsd at Uis Krazier-Lcmke bill by the House, pose. One, may well wonder what complaints that it has become rela­ waa concerned with "safety jf reporter, help* here get a job writ­ people still do get married. I ’hey POLICE COURT Post Offics St Manohsstsr. Ccaiu. as tively unsafe to go to sea or up In candle In a holder. Gilbert Storrs just say ‘Let’s fly to Yuma and get in Ue Balch and Brown block with BoconC Class Mat) UaUsr. while it would be s long way from future generations villf think of our passengers at sea”—which is un­ was in charge of the dining room ing society news. Linds Is In mversary Last Night representatives, present from the 4^ DegTM Angle. May 24. Insuring tha rs-^stabllshment of the the air under the admlnlstratloo der his supervision. love with DIX CARTER, but he married.’ It’s not as romantic, but Michael Kusdinaky, 56, who said _ ■UBSCH'Pl'lOf RA'Tca basic Intelligence when some arch- of shipping and aviation by Secre­ assisted by James Edmundson, quite as satisfactory.” various groups for whom Ue Play­ Opa Tsar, by msH ...... tl.M government’s function of issuing Its aeologtst centuries hence discovers Thomas McKinney, Charles Evans, g ^ ab ^l to study singing. ers presented plays during Ue past he lived In a shack on a Buckisnd Par Month, by ma 1 . tary of Commerce Dan Roper. Bryan to Be Honored ^ When Peter asks Unda to im iry Dix din't say anyUlng. Linda tobacco plantation pleaded guilty in THE'"br68kfs8t yi^’ur family 19cm ...... t -tU owm money, would be very certain to the enormously costly and labori­ Louis Llebman, Russell, Richard and knew he must feel her heart skip­ ' S t Margaret's Circle, Daughters winter snd early spring. The plan of parking automobiles The annual memorial service the best is the easiest to serve! Kel­ mitfls Copy ...... t 01 Legislation providing for 17 new William Jennings Bryan, whose Raymond Storrs, Kenneth Hill, Fred Si"* *5?. •>“» poetponea A one-act play will be presented Police Court Uls morning to a Ostlvsrsd 9QS ysar •, ...... tt.oo bring the subject of currency and Ue wedding. ping teats. She wished fervently of Isabella, last night observed Uelr at a 45 degree angle along Main charge of intoxicstton and was sen­ Sunday preceding Memorial Day will logg's Com Flakes— crisp and ously constructed ' ■ underground supervising inspectors and traveling prestige has increased conslderabiy Anderson, Gordon Lee and William Uat she had said nothing. Now by Ue Players and s program of m e m b e r OP I'H - ASSOaATBO banking principles very conspicu­ strong room at Fort Knox| biillt for Inspectors for the Bureau of Navi­ since the Senate Munitions Commit­ HONEY HARMON, film star, 12U snpiversary wiU a dinner serv­ street from Locust street to the Cen­ tenced by Judge Raymond A. John­ be In the SouU Methodist church wholesome — are fully cooked Blackburn. Those who so efflclent- comes to Newtown, making a Dlx would think that she waa pur­ entertainment will be given. Louis ^ PRESS ously into the coming campaign. gation and Steamahip Inspectloo tee revealed through hitherto secret ed at U e Reeves farm In Windsor- Genovest and Miss Celia Hagedorn ter on Ue west side of Ue street, son to 30 days in the Hartford this year, the Permanent Memorial and toasted. Ready to eat in an' Tha ,Assoetatsd Pre^« ts raolusivsly no reason less ridiculous than the Iv prepared the following menu of ‘,‘personal appearance” tour. She suing him, and Heaven help, the County Jail. Very conspicuously Indeed. has been so revamped that these pre-war records how valiantly he Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, ville. Tbere were 50 in attendance, will be in charge of Ue program. and on the east side of the street sntitlad to ths uss for rspubiieation biding away of a few tons of s yel­ officials will be under civil serv­ fought against poUcles which drew buy* a scenario written by Unda. giri so imwise as to force a man including all but one of Ue past He was found lying on the rail­ Day committee having accepted an instant. Save hours of toil with or all Bsws dtspatebss orsditsd to It string beans, cabbage salad, rolls, Later Unda goes to Hollywood to declahe himself! from Birch to Hazel street, recom­ road right of way near Ue depot at invitation from Rev. Earl E. Story, this tempting, economical en­ or not othsrwtss eisditsd tu thts low metal ranking far below Iron ice. They will have to pass exam­ us into the World War. wUI stand In coffee and apple pie, were William regents, state and county officers. pAPsr and also tbs local nsws oub In Ita usefulness. inations to show that they're quali­ Statuary Hall, commonly known and, by expreoalng Ideaa that are A well-balanced dinner wras serv­ mended by Police Commissioner 8:15 p. m. yesterday and waa ar­ pastor, to attend an especially pre­ ergy food. At all grocers. Made llshsd hsrstn. PEACE fied. Christensen, Ernest Evans, Rev. zeally Peters, acqnlres a reputa­ Dlx swung bis legs to U s floor, ed at 6:30 and In Ue program U at rested by Policeman Michael Fitz­ When the professor patiently ex­ aa the "Hall of Fame." Leon H. Austin, James Edmondson, ; smoothed his mmpled hair. MUST PAY TAXES Mathias Spless, waa approved by the pared service starting a t 10:45 a m. by Kellogg in Battle Creek. All rlAbts of repubUcattons of The Commerce Department had Every state Is entitled to con tion for being able to discover followed Rev. P. J. Killeen, chaplain board of police commissioners at gerald. spscta) dlsnntebes hsrstn srs also rs* There is to be a much advertlaed plains as best he can to his students Emil J. Koehlsr and Harry Olsen. new stars. Soon sbe Is n celebrity. Anxlourily ‘she watched his frown The case of Hans J. Jensen, 29, of Sunday, May 24. ssrrsd. "peace meeting" at Bushnell Memo insisted that the Jobs be exempted tribute two aUtues of celebrated The program waa In charge of give way to a smile. of Ue Circle, gave an Interesting Ueir meeting last nlghL The rule of that far distant time that "the from civil service. The only ap­ sona to the collection. Nsbraska Dlx Carter corace to Holl}-wood talk on child welfare work, Its ad­ will become effective at once and 465 East Middle turnpike, town en­ At 1:30 p. m. Ue same day, Uc NolbiBg takfii Mm rIb m o f Full ssrrtes Itsnt of N B A Ssrr* rial In Hartford Saturday night un­ Louis Hlghter and Thomas McKin­ to get Into films as an actor. “You wouldn’t marry me. would vantages and bow an organization BY FRIDAY NIGHT gineering department employee, committee will meet a t U e Center lea, Inc. Americans had a strange notion parent reason for that was that has chosen Bryand and J. Sterling ney. The first number was Ue you?" Ue work of'painting Ue necessary der the auspices of the Connecticut the salaries Involved ran up to Unda triea to help him. To such as Ue Daughters of Isabella parking spaces under the new rule charged with drunken driving, was opposite Ue post office to leave for that without the possession of this Morton, secretory df agriculture Long, Long Trail song by all; a mu please DU, sbe Invites BASIL She didn’t say anyUlng. continued until tomorrow morning. l^bllsbsr's Raprsssntstlvs: Ths Emergency Peace Campaign. The 15,000 and 38,000, which comes In­ Under Qeveland and founder of "Come, come, darling, you’re could do much to help. will be started before Ue end of the the customary pre-Memorial Day Julias Msthsws Spsclsl Agsncy—Nsw hidden and guarded store of gold Arbor Day. slcal selection was given by "Dad" THORNE, director, to her home, Preceding the speaking a large He was arrested by Police Sergeant Connecticut Branch of the League to the class of desirable political McKinney and his "musical son" Ar­ much too smart. You’re a success week. By Ue change It is expected .Yorh, Chicago. Ueirolt and Boston they would be unable to exchange patronage. The statues, to be done by Ru­ alUough sbe dislikes and dis­ blrUday cake with 12 candles was Total CoDected Last Night U at Uere will be a large number John P. McGIInn on Center street services at the Quarryvllle ceme­ CORN FLJUOBS of Nations Association appears to be nold. A sketch waa presented by trusts Thome. ful woman, and I’m a starving a lighted. FaUer Killeen, Ue chap­ early this morning. tery In Bolton at 2 p. m.; Bolton MEMBER audit BUREAU OP their commodities, transfer property, “ without“ the protection of civil dolph Evaas of New York, will be tor. I couldn’t support you in tk of additional parking apaces provid­ CIRCULATIONS sponsor for this movement. Some­ Uc "most popular men" in Coven­ Peter Gardiner wTitce a suc­ lain, lighted the first and Ue past Center at 3 p. m. and at (3ouId's pay wages or do any business at all," service, it would have been easy ready about a year from now. try, Thomas McKinney, Walter S. cessful ptay snd later comes to manner to which you’re acet ed along Main street. The change Rain falla only once In about 30 pond. South Main street, a t 4 p. m. J. P. O’Furey, a Nebraska pub tomed." regents in Ue order In which they $184,431; Interest Starts will provide 52 additional parking T tf Hsrald Printing Company, Inc.. times wo wonder Just whst It Is that and when the students are leaving later to fire any of the 17 officials Haven and C. Irving Loomis— Hollywood. Unda spends an aft­ served lighted one after Ue oUer. years on long stretches along Us The Memorial Day program will sssamss no financial rssponalblHiy the admirably tntentloned promoters in case they became "too aevere ’ Haber, waa here the other day to "Hope Ue oUer men don't feel bad, ernoon WlU him. He tells her Linda was horribly' embarrassed. Because some of Ue regents have apaces. coast of Chile. start at 9:15 a m. when parade for typograuhica) arrors appsaring In the lecture room, quite beyond doubt, in enforcing safety regulations. see about arrangements. He re­ DIs Is using her as n stepping "Skip It, Dix. I wasn’t forcing you After Friday. Tbe new shirts to be worn by Ue Read The Herald Advs. advsnisemsnta In ths Manehsttsr of such actlvUies hope to accom Uey weren't selected.” Vocal duct served more than one year Ue last policemen for summer duty, replac­ Ersn!*.; Herald. some lad will say to another: "He’s called that 40 yeara ago he worked "Sliver Threads .i^mong Ue Gold’’ by stone to suooeas and Unda be­ into a -declaration of any kind. two candles were lighted by four of pllsh. hard for Bryan's election nad at 4 comes furiously angry, Wc’ll both forget it." ing Ue coats Uat Uey have worn a liar. Even the primitive Ameri­ Senate Get* Credit Russell Storrs and William Black- the charter members who were in Ue past, have arrived and the TUESDAY. MAY 32 Would it bring to them some feel­ o’clock In the morning, after Mc­ bum accompanied on the piano by NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY "No, you weren’t forcing me in­ present. The only past regent who can couldn’t have been that dumb." Credit for covering the 17 Jobs Kinley's victory, leao^ against a to a declaration, aa you call It." n>e collections of town property change In U e uniform will be made ing of nchlevement if they could in under civil service goes to the Raymond Storrs, responding with an CHAPTER XVin is d e ^ is Mrs. Jidia Sheridan. taxes, Ue first installment o f which a t Ue order of Chief <3ordon as soon telegraph pole and wept bitterly. encore "My GrandfaUer’s Clock.” The Uinga Unda couldn’t think The straight brows had drawn to- Mrs. Margaret Reidy of Windsor FRAZIER-LEMKE BILL duce every man and woman and Senate, which ordinarily ■ Is eager O’Furey Is now cbslrman of the gcUer again. "But there la some­ was due April 15 and Is payable on as Ue weaUer conditions are suit­ PICKING THEIR “FARES” to reserve such plums for political The guest soloist was Master Wesley of to say to Pete Gardiner she Locks, state regent, spoke briefly or before May 15, had amounted to Despite the scornful sttltiidc of every child over eight years old in Nebraska Memorial Commission remembered when she was dres*- thing on your mind." on Ue progress that the order Iq able. uses. And also. It la reported, to and is seeing to it that his boy­ Robbins of Bolton, winner of the "Please forget It,” " ahe begged. 3184,(^31.89 up to last night. It was ^m inistration spokesmen toward Connecticut to stop whatever he or The North Atlantic airahlp serv­ Bolton and Wllllmantic amateur Ing for Dlx U at night. Brushing making and laid particular stress annotmeed today In Ue office of the White House, which Is said to hood hero Is properly enshrined. her hair with swift, angry strokes, “There is something on my mind, on Ue obligation that Ue stote or­ the Frazler-Lcmkc farm re-finano- she might bo doing on a certain ice of the Luftschiffbau 7.eppclln. have decided the men should be con teat. but it’s pictures and not matri­ Tax Collector George H. Howe. specified moment on a particularly Rev. Leon H. Austin read some she finished Pete forever and found ganization has taken towards rais­ Interest at Ue rate of three- Ing meaaure Involving the Issuance Friedrlchshafon, owner of the Hln- appointed on a merit basis for the Even Big Shota Thaw her eyes sparkling and her cheeks mony." ing a fund for St. Joseph's College Recreation Center early date and with one voice shout denburg, Is no measley night-hawk benefit of the sea-golng public. lines written by Henry Van Dyke Dlx did not dismiss Ue subject, fourths of one percent will be p t three billion dollars in green- Frank Roosevelt, who calls every­ to bis mother on her birthday. A flushed. Dressed in scarlet satin In West Hartford, for which a card "We are for peace and against cab concern. It proposes to pick ThI.s slight change for the bet­ body by hie flsst name—often even "I always Uought we’d get mar­ arty la to be conducted on May 23 charged on all taxes not paid by Items of Interest, ^ c k a . and despite Spciiker Byms' ter, however, probably will do lit­ quartet sang composed of Thomas pajamas, she marched up and down ried. Not right now"— Linda’s Friday night If Ue first Install­ war!’.’ Of if they could obtain the lU passengers. Nobody gcU one on meeting a person for the first McKinney, Russell Storrs, Richard Ue small area of her living room, ly U e local circle. jbisiateacc ye,!«rday that the bill tle toward cleaning up the mesa time—and has set the style In Uiat darting quick glances at U e clock whole being sang—"but would you Mra. Margaret Hannon, state ment Is not paid by Uen Ue full had no chance whatever of paasage slgnaturcB of every adult person to of those transatlantic rides if. wlicn foV which Roper’s critics hold him Storrs and William Blackburn; musi­ have a date to run down to Yuma treasurer, and organizer of Ue local amount will become due and Inter­ Tuesday respect for the whole administra­ cal selection by William McKinney until ahe laughed In pure amuse­ In the House, that deeply burled doc- a memorial to Congresa protesting he gets aboard, the officials of the largely responsible. tion, seems to have Influenced even ment. She had been going to vent WlU mo and take me on for tetter circle, after whom Ue Circle Is est will be charged on boU install­ Ths Model Airplane club will The delegation of 75 seamen and son Arnold. The quartet sang her anger on Dlx! or for worse the minute I get a named, and Miss Mary Connors, ments, alUough Ue second Install­ ^mant was for;ed mto the light in against armed conflict anywhere? line decide that he Is a dnmk, a dope the Republicans. "Seeing Nellie Home." Everyone Job?" meet in Ue club rooms at 7:30. which recently waited on Roper Formal letters In official and po­ Dlx had alwaya Ue power to state vice regent also spoke. ment will not be due until July 1. The women's swimming classes ^ tumultuous session by a vote Perhaps it might be arranged fiend, nutty or "one whose presence after his attempt to have sailors pronounced Ue evening as very suc­ "Sold," she answered, and closed Mra. John Lappin, Ue present WIU many property owners ac­ So what? litical life always used to begin cessful and there were many expres­ change her mood. Sbe couldn’t bo her eyes. will meet as follows; 7:00 to 7:45, Being Prepared To Meet wbicn IZidlcated that Mr. Hooscvelt's might be detrimental to the safety who went on strike in port prose­ "My dear Mr. ----- ." Especlal.y sad or angry when she was wlU regent of the Circle, in behalf of Ue customed to jjaying Uelr taxes Ue Beginners: 7:45 to 8:30, Interme­ rj There isn’t anybody who isn’t for of the passengers, the airship of the cuted for mutiny merely added to sions of thanks to the men and boya him. She couldn’t be independent Dlx wanted to marry herl Days Circle presented to each of Ue state last day tefoie interest starts, a iworry of worries is about to oc those to be issued for publication. were like hours after th a t She diate. peace—BO far as declaration Is com- officers or crew.” The concern a high pile of testimony. who made it so enjoyable. or herself. It was disquieting to officers and to the past regents of rush of business is expected Thurs­ thrust upon him—Is already upon o f But when General Counsel John On Thursday evening Enfield, Suf- was Jealous of her sleeping hours U e Circle a compact In commemor­ Wednesday earned. Mussolini sailed into the Some its members described Hamilton of the Republican Ns- think she couldn’t be herself, U at day and Friday by Ue tax collec­ The women’s afternoon bowling Um, in feet. reservee the right to chuck you off lifeboats with holes in them; fire fleld and Hebron Granges neigh­ she was always playing being gay. U at took away her consciouaness. ation of the event. tor’s office. Ethiopians to protect the peace of the boat—of course before It gets Uonal Committee recently asked made beautiful by her dreams. will start at 3 o’clock. j_ The surprise came not la the HB and lifeboat drills held for the Chairman Henry p. Fletcher to bored with Coventry Grange. The happy, helpful. Thinking again of The remainder of Ue evening was Unless 3200,(KX) is collected by his frontiers—ho admitted it. Hit­ benefit of Inspectors, with mem­ Home Economic committee was in Pete’s wrords, her anger rose In Weeks went by on Ue proverbial enjoyed wlU games and eqtertain- The men's swimming classes will to 134 standing vote by which the up in the air—If it doesn’t like your relieve him of duties as to dele­ wings of Ue song she lived by. Friday when Ue town has to pay meet aa follows: 7:00 to 7:45, Life ler Is BO determined that Germany looks. bers of the "shore gang" partici­ charge of the Lecturers' hour which Dlx’s defense. It wasn’t because ment. the members returning home 40USO declaied for the discharge of gate contests at the G. O. P. con­ Romance was ram pant in Holly­ shortly after midnight and voting back temporary notes of Uat Sving; 7:45 to 8:30, Non-swlra- pating Instead of the crew which vention because of his activities featured a cake conteat, Mrs. Wil­ Dlx was weak. It tvas only U at amount, on which it borroweti last he Rules Committee from further shall have peace that he is drilling Probably Irvin Cobb would get would take the ahlp to sea; de­ liam hlcKlnney winning first place, Dlx waa someofie to live up to. She wood, and It waa as much aa Unda U e occasion a success. mers. Unexpected Emergencies for Governor London, he addressed July, Town Treasurer George H. anstdsration of the bill—the affect the whole population, and arming it. the bounce. parting ships so undermanned that Mrs. A rUur Read Second and Mra. felt Ue strain of the situation — could do to keep her secret to her­ The women's social activities his chief: self. She wanted to tell Ue world Waddell will have to borrow again group will meet at 7:30. tf which waa to bring It back for In the vast armed camp of Europe Also ths company announce! that there weren't enough able-bodied "My dear Henry:—’’ Arthur Vinton a special on Angel strain Uat is almost unavoidable Food Cake. 8. H. Sager of Wll- when courtahlp ia delicately bal­ that she was Dlx Carter’s chosen T H EA m MANAGER PLANS on temporary notea to make up Ue A public setback party will be Uspoeitlon by the body of the House there Isn’t a single voice demanding those barred have no claim to a re­ seamen to handle all lifeboats in And Henry replied— bride. Instead she listened and deficit. ease of disasters; and operation of "Dear John:—" limantlc n y e a demonstration on Ue anced on Ue trirei of two careers. held at the West Side Rec on Cedar ' —but In the roll-call vote by which war—everybody la utterly devoted fund of fare unless the voyage is uses of different kinds of paper. Courtship was on old-fashioned lived for Ue moment when sbe Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday street Play wilt start at 8 o'clock. to the peace cause. Hla particular might make her proud pronounce­ Ue collector'a office will be open h a t action was verified. The first not carried out for reasons uncon­ Mrs. Ernest Affricano of Rock­ Idea, Linda thought, and wondered ment ANNUAL KIDDIES REVUE Thursday I kind. nected with the passenger. Fur­ liorkhait, William S. Hart. Marion ville spent the week wiU her par­ what new word there was for It. from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m The women's swimming classes Is A Problem Of The First Magnitude •Ota gave no Indication of the than In men and Uat during certain Courtship waa a lovely word for "I suppose you’ve heard Honey Up service for peace is one of the thermore it Is quite high hat in Its Talley, Marion Davies, Irvin 8. ents, Mr. and Mra. Paul Litvinchyk. Harmon and Pete Gardiner are ro­ *rangth of the bill’s backing. With periods of a woman's life Uls gland Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pomeroy never-to-be-repeated d ay s before Jack Sanson of State Asks cheapest things on earth—and one disavowal of liabUlty for damages, Cobb. Noll (JiJtVard, Tulllo Carmln- becomes larger Uan it Is ordinarily. mancing all over Ue lot?" Ctora ^ mly 145 out of 485 members voting atl, 01adyS'rother In Greenwich Her Moon” much time was taken up gees. Out of this number, many required hospital treatment and care in Fifty-eight members were not justice—or what they conceive to be MS KSVICi me customers and so are silk weavers. derangement; however, the “simple" Congregational church of Rockville o«ver see him again. daughter. Miss Daisy Pilcher, went training children who never before goitre Is one of Ue most common. after her. participated in group dancing, as all 1 resent or did not vote. K every injustice—without anger and with­ Authors want to see all the book May 8U and 9th were Mrs. Arthur Linda less Uan a minute addition to the sick who were removed from their homes and had to be out blows. And there can never be By OEOROE ROSS revlewa and comments, so Hervey In Uls type of Uyrold disturbance, J. Vinton, Juno Loomis, Grace Read. | pieces, Ulnklng of it Miss 'Virginia Becker, Miss Mil­ had to be taught Ue rudiments of < ne of these should declare against Allen, the "Anthony Adverse" man, the gland becomes many times larg­ When DU arrived he found her dred Downes and Joseph Goodrich, the art. such a thing as International Justice New York. May 12. — A celebrity 'Ruth Vinton, Shirley Schell. all studenta of Windham High the bin on the final vote the measure la known by tha preaa clippings he literally got sacks of them. People er than normal. Even the layman Mrs. Helen Stafford and daughter hand cold, her eyes dark and Children between Ue ages of 5 to CASHMERE SUITS cared for at once. The hospital was well filled at the time and the added / J school, are til at Uelr homes with t^ u ld still carry provided all those until there Is In each country Inter­ (or she) keeps and by the number who flash into the news for short can recognize Uls trouble by the of Dudley, Moss., spent Ue week-end shadowed. 16 years who have talent aa singers. nal and general and genuine justice. of icrapbooks he (or she) can fill. duration want press cuttings tb unsightly enlargement at the front "What’s the matter wlU my U e mumps. Instrumentalists, dancers, and enter­ Spring and Summer weight skirts, pull­ '^ o voted to bring It out onto the of U s neck. with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Storrs. Miss Theresa Navratll, Leo tainers of all kinds are desired for burden taxed it to the very limits of its capality —- but it triumphed in the Surely, let us have peace! Nor For example, when Elaine Bar­ treasure In their obscurity. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Cfisytot. Carver of little girl?" he asked, folding her overs, and cardigan jackets. or should stick by their guns, for Rosner. contact man with the un­ I will be glad to send two articles In his arms. Helnge, Mias Alice Adsmec and Ue coming nroduction. can wa start any too soon to bring rie amassed 8,000 press cuttings on GOITRE to any one who desires Rockville were week-end guests at Joseph Douda spent a wonderful Je Frazier-Lemke people had during severs] wsski while her derworld in the Lindbergh kldnap- their sister’s, Mrs. Char.les SmiU’a Various necks—all new Spring colors. emergency and no one went without the treatment they needed. majority of sixty-three. ,i it to pass. If we should all begin Uem. To obtain your copy of the Linda didn't try to be gay. Her time In Boston, Mass., at Ue base­ Ariel fluttered twlxt love and lib Ing case, ordered clippings that articles, forward your request In Miss Kathryn McKnight returned ball game. right now U) create within our own erty, sbe scored tbe record for dealt with his participation In the to her studies at U e School of Phy eyes searched hie face, expect­ Surplus stocks — Mill Runs — ^conds — It la of course utterly tmpreiaable tragic affair. care of Uls newspaper and enclose ing to find sbe knew not what. It Mr. and Mrs. Alex Becker have In- that the absent fifty-eight will all land a perfect system of economic personal publicity last year. Pre one large, self-addressed envelope slo Therapy of New Haven this eve- „ „ „ Imperfects. ^ously. Prajadhlpok. ex-klng of wae Ue same face wltt Ue same sUlled electric lights In Uelr new itote one way. On the other hand and social and pollUcal Justice and ten cents. ——•nlng — having teen a t home forawe the JaUKQlnK laughing CVCeyes, Ue same easy smile home, Ue NlcboU place owned bv Slam, bad possession of tbs clip­ A hectic profession, clipping the past week takingdna careo u t of her grand-ersnd- the some itImpatient______eyebrowi.■___ .i Few were able to pay and the burden of expense came out of hospital there is no certainty that every thereby tending towrard internal pings crown, when he was here country's newspapers la conducted, Julius C. Meyer. peace, we might be starting some­ q u E S 'n o N s a n d a n s u y ir s mother who passed away Friday. she laughed nervously. "I’m Mrs. Edward Richmond of Avon SIGNATURE member who voted for the discharge for surgical treatment of a cat nevertheless with the height of Among Uoso who attended the tired, darling, and In a talkative and daughters spent the week-end Very Low Prices funds. of the committee will also vote for thing that would bring about world Bract on his eye. The king went speed, neatness and efficiency (Wholesome Canned Foods) funeral of Ue late Mre. H. C. Me- mood. I want to play Question home with 42 thick scrapbooks, When the Bureau gets thla column with her moUer, Mra. WllUsm the bill Itself, But there la consld peace two or three hundred years Question: Mrs, Hilda O. asks. Knight Sunday from out of town and Answers. Would you like to?" Maslnda at Sharp’s Mills. Salesroom open from 9 to 5 week days — hence. each one gold embossed with all It will be shorn to ribbons snd the were Mrs. Rose Tullcn and son of "AnyUlng you want to do is arable significance to the fact that his regal and military titles. names of everyone mentioned to it "Will you please tell me the names The MoUer and Daughter ban­ II you AT* ztoAdily RmployRd 9 to 12 Saturdays. For the present—oh, all right wlU be underlined, placed In a man- of some of the best canned foods for Springfield, Mass., Miss Ida Me- alwaya all right wlU me,” be an- quet win be held Friday a t 6 o'clock yen wlU need no s«cority ox When It was subsequently voted to All this according to Burrell's me to use?” Knight and friend of Boston, Mass., swered, dropping to Ue sofa. at Hall Memorial church spon­ •ndotzoTZ to obtain a lean adopt a rule for the calling up of the "Hurrah for peace!" cupping Bureau, which undertakes lla envelope and sent to their pro­ Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins, Deep She lit a clgaret for him. "You qoiokly. Amounta np to $300 This is just one example of expenses that can only be underwritten by to supply Its clients with any scrap per owners. Answer; There are any number of sored by the W. C. T. U. and Ue bill today for ilx hours of debate, to wholesome canned foods now on Ue River, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur shouldn’t smoke. Think of your South Willlngton Girls' club. The .« 20 months or lass to rspsy. of newspaper to which their names Wood and Mrs. Wooi'., Sr., of Glas- voice! And is there anything ne./ The Glastonbury Knitting Co. outside help — yqur contributions to the Annual Expense Fund. be followed by a final vote on the THE DUMB PRIMITIVE are mentioned or their pictures market. I feel sure that you will entertainment will Include music and Tha rato of Intsrsst ohargad is find any of Ue following both whole­ tonbury, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Me- about the voice?” a play entitled "The Cartwright thrao (3) psr eant. por month, Addison, Connecticut WU. the administration forces threw printed on any subject In which- s Knight of Ellington, Mr. and Mrs. "Yes. I dropped In to see Thome Streak." Benito Mussolini with his new customer Is Interested. One of Bur­ some and appetizing; Asparagus, or Uilrty*six (36) par cant, psx up their hands and made no opposi­ Roman Empire, Is carrying war­ Health and Diet string beans, com. pineapple, olives, Clarence Chittenden of Clinton, Miss today. Thought I might have some Many of the atudents of Wind- annum on unpaid amount el tion at all. rell's old and standing aeoounto tomato Jutes, carrots and peas, spin­ RuU Cobum of Chaplin, Mr. and trouble getting In, but be remem- h*m high school from Willlngton lean. planes, tanks, truck! and poison from a Mona L«w TYench, Park ach snd baby lima beans; there are Mrs. Clayton (Carver, Rockville, Mrs.] ____ my . asked me In. attended the Junior Prom. Friday The hospital is a vital community project that you are bound up in It had been anticipated that the back fifteen centuries. The United Avenue soclsllte, who Is crazy about Advice also many oUers which you will Nice fellow. He’s going to make a IDEAL FINANCING fl-day bike races and wants to see Maud Talbot of Andover. evening. The members of Ue grad­ opposlUon to the bill would make a States, building an enormous under­ By Or. FRANK McCOY find on Ue m arket The flowers at Ue morning service sequence of his last picture over, uation class received their class ASSOCIATION. Ine. more dSclaive and stubborn defense ewrythlng that Is printed about of the Second Congregational church and he might give me a chance to rings last week. whether you realize it or not, because you never know when you may be de­ ground strong box, now about com­ them. Once the bureau forwarded S21 M ala S treet at tbla point than on the vote for aOITRB (Staff for Constipation) were given in memory of Mrs. Maud do two songs." Norman Bruce has accepted pleted, to hold six thousand mlHlon to her some accounts of a 3-day "But U at's wonderful! Dlx, OVER W. T. GRANT STORE' Sale ofi Odds and ths discharge of the committee. But Goitre Is a dlsesss said to have Question: Mary W. Inquires: It. Hill by her family. position WiU Ue Maslnda Pearl ] PhoBS T281 pendent upon its services to save your life. dollars worth of gold. U going the bike race. She oent them back. Old papers and .nagazlDea are be- darling, when-hs sees Ue rushes Button company. He has been’ em­ j that defense collapsed altogether Six-day or nothing. been found In every country to the "Everyone teUs me U at I do not jmu'U be made and I ..." Unda slightly old fashioned Duce consid­ world, and many theories have been eat enough. 1 suffer from conatlpa- Ing collected again fortor UUe e church. ployed in Springfield, Mass. Ends of Children's . and the only chance of defeating the tlbn." didn’t finish her sentence; sbe was Tbe D. A. Sokot dance Saturday erably better In return to primitive A delicate business, this clipping advanced aa to Its cause. For a If you have any please place Uem about to say that her work would legislation In the House now lies in service, and often one demanding long time It was supposed that the Answer: I would suggest U at you in the horse sheds next to Ue evening was a great success. The conceptions. Uncle Sam has re­ abaence of iodine In food waa re ^ try the stuffing treatment for con­ church when you arc going by. be done. She sighed with sheer local Sokols were ussi.stcd In Ucir . the ability of the administration's verted to the type of the servant In the utmoet tact and diplomacy. ■fho ^ relief. The ‘“last I day “U at she hadbad SHOES Now the other day Doris Dudley :>onslble for this condition, and this stipation. As Ue usual thing, I ad­ p ie Fragment society will hold *U to see Thome could not come too exhibition by a few Sokols from lobbyists to bulldoze enough pliable the parable who, having been en­ dee undoubtedly has a la^e meas­ vise Ue patient to use only that New York. The gymnastic feats Varlona Stylea — Not AD Sizes. 'members between yesterday’s sd- shot herself while aha was to the amount of food which la necessary, afraid of him. trusted by his master with a single s^rtraent of Playwright Sidney ure of truth to It. However, lack Msday y ue G r^geh^. It WlU Afraid that be would make an were given by girls and boys and 'Jnnmment and the casting of the of food Iodine can not be the sole but I have found it Is often helpful bo an all ^ y m eetog wlU Ue usual overt gesture, snd she would not U e star performers were Miss talent of gold, put It to no use but Kingsley, and thers were a great if Ue patient will stuff on certain Wtc. wMcb should come tomorrow many stories. With trepidation cause of goitre inasmuch as the dis­ covered dl.sh luncheon. Rev. Paul- know how to handle him. Helen Ziska and Leo Heinge. Some Small Sizes As Low buried it In the ground. ease Is present In women about ^ types of food when constipation Ui Ine Hutchinson. chr-Irman of U e mis- Dlx captured her hand. Her The church council held a meeting p r. and can hardly be delayed beyond Burrell's phoned Miss Dudley, at the presenL The best foods for you to As ... Just as Mussolini has carried tbe hospital the next day and asked If or eight times as frequently aa to slonary committee has secured Miss other stroked his hair. "What are Monday night at Ue home of Miss FACTORY HOSPITAL DAYS May 12-20 ^Srtursday at the farthest, most modem of military equipment men and presumably, both sexes get use are Ue non-stsreby vegetables Mary M. L. Peck qf Bristol as Uejthe questions and answers?" he Rosa O. Hall a t SouU Willlngton. REMANU- she wanted to be reminded of the about the same amount of iodine. such as spinach, small carrots, small f }If. sa now seems at least possible, back to the use of a system of Im­ mcldrat by elippings. "Of course," speaker of Ue afternoon. Mias asked. Mrs. Lucy Wraigbt and family, PACTURCD The fact that goitre la prevalent beets, endive, etc. Such vegetables Peck has recently returned from a who have returned to Uelr form , the Flwzler-Lemke BUI passes the perialism with which we have been Miss Dudley___said_ from her „sick bed. contain a natural bulk of roughage Pied Piper Oxfords and ^ u se the atUtude of the Senate "be sure and get everything.” The In Switzerland and other mountain* trip to Ue Orient where sbe visited Unda was glad Uat he asked after spending Ue winter at Mans­ inclined to associate the short sword, ous districts where people do not which will help to encourage better many of Ue schools and colleges Uat. It made It easier for her field Center, had some sad experi­ pr. wr^l command close attention. There bureau was doubly glad to hear elimination. Straps ...... the round shield and the Javelin, so that because It seems that Kingsley obtain much Iodine In the aboence suppoHed by our mission boards and to begin. NeverUelesa, ahe won­ ences with dogs. The cute little fox V ass more convinced currency expan- terrier Uey took with them' was the United States Treasury Depart­ Is also one of its leading customers. of iodine la the principal cause but saw much of Ue work carried on by dered If her voice was as bright • CHROMIUM - tonisde In the Senate than in the this atiU does not explain tha oc* • (Too Much Calcium?) our mission stations. Miss Peck la and gay as she meant it to be when run over by an auto and killed. They rUTIOtrta ment baa converted the most ad­ There was also the instance of Question: MarUs V. wants to M ake Checks Payable To Houee, relaUvely. They do not, the Wall Street financier who currence of foltre In dlatrtcU close an interesting speaker and fine per­ sbe answered. secured anoUer dog which died of Misses* Sandals, vene^ of twentieth century en- to the seashore, where plenty of know: "What do you Ulnk of tak- sonality. All will enjoy hearing ‘I ’U aak U e questions, and you distemper. WIU U elr love for dogs • iYUAUWyWvri • / , b ^ e v e r, appear to be in a majorltj^; hadn't much time to read anything log large amounts of food minerals, $1.95 V alu es...... $ 1 .0 0 tilneering methods and sejentifle dis­ but the financial pages, and ordered food iodine is ingested. I believe her. She will exhibit many beau­ supply U e answers. Do you love It was replaced by still anoUer S NONOlARiM ' fer from it. Moreover eenatora are that at least two factors arc at especially calcium? I am afraid that me?" which met U e nad fate of the first, coveries to the furtherance of an Burrell's to send him everything Uls might harm Ue body. I want tiful and Interesting articles from - te^ re^ionalve than repreeentattves work In producing the enlargement Ue countries sbe visited. "Certainly. Next?" to die from Ue effects of a heartless The M anchester Trust Co. Idea that waa old In the days of tbe about his current fiance, a famous of the thyroid gland known as a I’m! to know U at I profit te jrour • MWRAKR» lo| back-home amtiment unless tt actress. But the actress was also The Recreational Social will meet "Do you think you always will?" driver of an automobile. TTiere is Biblical servant-the Idea that when goitre: the first factor la the lack column." Dlx laughed. “Don't you read much speeding on U at road to Wllli- I Girls* Moccasin Bass happens to be their year to seek re- one of the bureau's clients and eon- Answer: There Is a great deal of Friday at Ue Grange baU. you have come Into posoession of s^uenOy, they seat the same cUp- of Iodine and the second factor Is The Wllllmantic Christian En­ Ue movie titles, woman? Don’t mantle. As a farm does not seem al^on. And some of the bitterest Us presence of some cause which evidence U st Ua body simply elim­ you know Ust no one knows Ue like home wlUout Ue faithful ani­ Wilton Grade Oxfords .... ( l a . something very rare and valuable Ptogs to both parUea One day thera inates any excess amount of cal­ deavor Union will bold its Spring T r e a s u r e r d(|BaUonlsts In Oongnas are among Interferes wlU Ue Iodine being Rally Saturday. May IS wlU one of answer to how long be will love?” mal friend, a cunning pup now lives the thing to do U to dig a hole m “ phone call from the Lady, properly used by Ue Uyrold gland cium or any oUer mineral which la "How much do you love me?" Rlur thk more influential Senate leaders. f>o me a favor." ahe said, "and tbe two remaining charter member WlU U e Wralghts who hope ita life •UAEANTHDr the ground, deposit the treasure when it is present to a sufficient not needed. I do not believe that Linda peraUted. wrlU be spared. ^ the bill passes ths House it will please don’t send Mr. ----- any amount In Ue food taken. After it would be possible to obtain too societies at Mansfield Center. Prof. thereto and gloat over the fact of ^ m a ateut my bavtog been seen E. Jerome Johanson of Hartfind "Unda, jrou sound like a char­ Building Contractor Howard Pratt Serrice Typewriter Co. fcwe a hard row indeed to hoe in the atudying Ueac causes to which such much of Uls mineral from tha cal­ acter out of a children’s book. Am and Mrs. P ratt were In WllllmanUe ^ IM TtnmiMdl Street mere poaaeaiion. Mth other men." The bureau oon- an enlargement waa produced, it cium foods as used in Ue average Seminary ia Ue sp e ^ e r'o f U e eve­ I supposed to spread my hands 'so I»er body. SUII, the Senate did aldera tbe outeome of tbls on o<- d iet ^ ning se^ce. A recreational pro­ Saturday on business. Hartford. Conn. CLDVORD'S We already have to thla country aeema to me that Ue most import­ high’ or somsthlng like UatT Or Some local Baptists will attend t TUESDAY, MAY 12,1989. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 12,1989. PACf Operations No Longer CHORUSES A CREDIT DAILY RADIO PROGRAM 03386135 G>oking School, W ednesday, Thursday, Friday^ 9:30 A. Mi TUESDAY, MAY 12 (Central and Bsstem Standard Tima) ‘^Ordeal To Be Feared Savisf Tim. On* flour LattrJ ’ Junior Qxolr of tbe Hebron church ed they would film a campus movie posite Sirar of the world—Santiago, been a favored co-starring combiaa- (tonroy, leading man with the Civic ■ had a special anthem. called "Gore By The Gsllon,” In GABLE, HARLOW, LOY Chile and Budapest, Hungary—to lion, with such hits as "Red Dust", CmC REPERTORY SEEN Rep, as a ladlee’ club lecturer, on Concert Last Night Discloses NBC-WEaV*(RED*) NET'IvORV™T«n* * s r “ "Hold Your Man' and "Cblna tour. Madiy in love with his attnu;:ecame Clark problem of choostrg between tbe of the WPA Federal Thei^ter PiOi'- draaded by tbe patient. Wblle their It was a privilege and pleasure last turns from tbe dank, dark interior importance has ia no wise diminish­ PACIFIC—Wl kaw komo khq kpo Icau s'sol S-soIlTif’'u'’'®''*®'''*'* Pertlee ence to Be Held at Hotel Gable'e eecretary, and Myma Loy, love of his wife, Myma Loy, and FLUNKING FEE ject for Hartford. "Oui modeni| evening to attend the second annual C«nt. Bstt. . •??~The March ot Time—to a his secretary, Jean Harlow. of a haunted bouse to a bright, audiences will like It even more ed, much has been done ' to over­ • •SJ— 4:00—^rosram on Voup H«alth *i4^W"lard Robiton Orehefc his wife, as cameras started turn­ come the feeling of dread which one spring concert by the ehoriis and a-nnl^.n.iSL'?.?,'^''"®* Bend-midwert cheerful bedroom in a Statler Hotel than "Accent on Youth” or "The orchestra of Manchester High 2*2^ MtrlanI’i Oantante ing on Hunt Stromberg’s production Norman. Okla.—Be^nnlng next f ' used t6j have. 4:0^ SiO^Flylno Tima $klt; Nawa " “"leen'e Mutlo Somerset, Boston. Interwoven is a picture of big year; flunicihg In the University of In "Goodbye Agaji," the new come­ Wasp’s NesL" school at the high achool hall, under Hymnal Singing • iioZJnlJfcS®*’ * Oreheatra of "Wife Versus Secretary" at business methods, as practised in dy opening at tbe State Theater, If th' patie. s to have a majoi the direction of G. Albert Pearson 4;30— 0:30—Prait-Radle Nawa Parlod *' Pf'lmin Orchaitra— AWAYTOBESURE Oklahoma will cost 83 an hour. Tbe Performances are at 8:30 nightly; operation, he ordinarily enters the 4:30— 6:J^Sa8aball, Ford Bend — 10-osl,i.ni5lS “'”?’ °reb—midwest Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, which opens the high-pressure world of modem board of regents ruled that a stud­ Hartford for tour days beginning with matinees Thursday and Satur­ The orchestra played with a poise waa.f only: To Bo Announead— O«0ey Oroh.—ba- The largest gathering of Toung Few People Realize That the Druggist Can Be Made To Thursday at the State theater for finance. Wednesday, May 18. hospital about 4 p. m. of the pre­ and siireness which was very chain -aifivv -bi’""* V Oroh.-midwest ent, on enrolling, must pay the fee day at 2:30. vious day. ’Tile .mittlng clerk te- 4 Botty—wear only 10 2 1 Ootton Carnival Republicans in the history of New Furnish DOUBLE.PROTECTION I three days. Clarence Brown, whose recent for each hour of work he railed the Described by tUobard Lockiidge creditable lo students and forms a contributions to screen entertain­ In the New York Sun "os extra- ' cclvcs him ,' asking what seems to basis from whlcli should round out 5*9?" 5*9?"6"'®P " Andy—part only England la planned for tbe Fifth FIRST—^To Co-operate With Your Doctor In Keeping The new picture unItea th. three previous semester. ' ' him like a lot of foolish questions, 5*1?” 5*1?“ ***'^*'’ Comment popular stars for the first time, ment have been "Anna Karenina" President W. B. Biziell said it was vagently funny entertainment as Balloon spiders have been found-; eventually a civic sympliony or 5*2?” 5*2?” S®"®*. Hufamith NBC-WJ2 (BLUE) NETWORK New England Young Republican but which are really important, as | cheatra in Manchester. It la hoped 5*lr~ S54^You A Your Government Your Good Health. * Gable and Miss Loy having recent­ and "Ah Wilderness I!" directed. to help scholarship, not the treas­ has tickled Broadway’s ribs in as high as two miles above the 6:0^ 7;00—Leo Relaman'a Oreheatra Conference, to bo held Friday, Sat­ Gable and Mies Harlow have long ury. months,” tbe play preserts Thom earth's surface. far as hospital records are concern- that some of Uie students coming Walt* Prog. urday and Sunda; , May 22 to 24, at SECOND—To See That You Get the Most For Your ly traveled from vacationing in op­ „ iM. If ha Is over 2l he signs his own along will bear In mind that idea 2*2^ 2*92— Voice of the People SiSO—Ed Wynn, Qraham...to c wre';, w.n.'grsS’’ the Hotel Somerset, Boston. Money. operative permit, if \inder, the par­ of a civic symphony and interest 2*2?~^^ Dowling Revue—to c The affair is the fifth get-together ent or guardian must sign. No themselves In wdnd instruments 5*5?” 2*2?~'5py Campbeira Royallata NiRTSSrVsT"^' iTr?A^VSN - wtml of Young Republicans of New Eng­ ARTHUR’S Offer Double PROTECTION! operction Is ever undertaken with­ which are so necessary to lending Fouraome SOU t 'h ' ’’ " i??® “ >lny l•■(yr c re t c l c f ^ Clem McCarthy. Sports— ®7i ~ w fva w ptf wwno wU wJa* land, and each successive affair has out a responsible person signing delicacy, finesse and completeness to f*at; Amoa *n’ Andy—west repeal been marked by a big Increase in permission. an orchestra. Rodrigo OreheatraOrcheitra wjdx wamb kvoo wky wfaa wban kn^ ' attendance. Delegations fror prac­ 5*2?“ I2*??” ^**’^**I Earl HineaHinaa Orchea.Orchea After tbe patient Is put to bed, Chester Shields was as usual en- -.-.-.w—Crawford at Organ tically every city and town in each MRS. NANCY ROWE’S CHOICE tluifiiasllcnlly received in playing his in*rv^^7t.nn __-LJ abob. . __^ . PAmrm v r '‘2‘5 '"*'r kai.I ha is visited by the physician In !2*9?“ ]!*9?” ” *"''/ Buaao 4 Oreheatra PACIFIC—kgo kfsd Ucs kgu keea kjr of the New England states will at­ charge, his nurse and the labora- difficult cornet solos: and a very 10:30—11:30—Ted Lewit 4 Oreheatra Cent. East. In keeping the hands eoft and smooth after cooking and your lovely treat was offered In the songs CBS WABC NETWORK tend. general housework. Is the new ULTRA HAND I/YTION . . . . 1. tory technician. What orders have The banquet and dance will bo been written regarding examination, sung by Eleanor Berggren, sopho­ BASIC—East: wabc wade woko wcao 3,45—The Magic Voice--\ y A famous formula by a weU known ooemetlclan. A Q S* more. Very mellow, very gentle, wash wnac war wkbw wkro whk wjr held Friday evening. Saturday will FULL PINT BOTTLE...... preparation and treatment, arc now wtlro wcau wjaa wean wfbl wapd wjav: 3'3aZ l-aoZThf'i'i®Singing Lady Dramatic - east be given over to a convention for carried out. The patient usually has like a lullaby was her singing. Bc'h MIdwaat: wbbm wfbm kmbe kniox students were well accompanied by whas kfab krnt s l i t Mlnut* Men Quart. the dlecusslon of the problenr of a light supper and Is prepared for a Doris Cole and Astrid B-nson. EAST—wbna wp* whp whec wlba wfea Jl’nZ wbz-wbsa the Young Republican Movement, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS WHEN good night's sleep. rvdvw V.S1 U LMuCKSC wibx wiy* wmaawnwa weapwear The freshman-sophomore chorus DIXIE—Wfst wafa wbre wqam wdod . Tbe Swinging Lady-midw. rpU and resolutions will be drawn wi.. ATTENDING THE COOKING SCHOOL In the morning, further prepara­ appeared for the first time In con­ kira wroc wlac wwl wtoo krld ktrh l i t *"6 Flo—was only 'Will Ihoorporata issues and Idsos tion continues, depending on the cert and justified their leader’s con­ Ktaa wEco koma wdbo wbt wdae wblg 4I4S— 8:46—Lowell Thomae J eatt; which yo-jng Rspubilcans feel wwva wmbf waja wmbr wala «.iy2l'’IifniLfir"''~irrpeat to mldwesf 88e SEWING 1 nature of the operation and the fidence in presenting them by sing­ S J Skit-aleo rst should be included in National and SSflPEROXniB, 1 C m anesthetic to be given. If he has ing together very well indeed—par­ MIDWEST—wgl wmbd wlan wlbw kfh s-'a t Tony Rusaall State Platforms this year. On Sun­ full pint...... I O C MACHINE OIL---- 1 9 C Avertin, it Is administered, he goes ticularly in "I Passed By Your w in­ wamk wkbn wcco wabt kacj wnx woe t i t i only day the Young Republicans will to sleep in nis room anc is then wowo ";45— 8.45—To Be Announced Mise .Marj- O'Brien, R. N. dow" by Brahe. kal slsnll ri?SrIi,® .Orlrne Cluei Mytter- discuss mstbods designed to effect 60o Ipana Tooth Paste ... -84c 28o QlUette Bladee...... 19c wheeled to the operating room. He But the star performance of the ^AST—khj koln kfro kol kfpy kvl ylooil o®'"l Valley" Serial further growth of tbe organizations eOo Sal Hepatlca...... 40c 80o AUca Seltzer...... 49« may have preliminary sedatives illss Mary O'Brien of Newfound­ evening .was the work of the junior- kfbk kmj kwf kem kdb kffmb ksb yljoT 5 5:SnrSVn.®'-"J®, * »*rlng •"‘I Symphony *be Lad* in New H yland. followed by gas oxygen and ether land, Canada, is a graduate of the senior chorus in their singing of Cent. Eatt. s'e&T Sobtllorf* rL iow Speakers at tbs Friday uvsning , after he goes to tbe surgery. New York City Hospital and wa.i Christiansen’s "Lost In the Night." *!4^^-4:45—"Wllderneat noad,'* Sa> S.'hSr.J™ !® 0* Announced 760E-ZSHOWEB CO** ZSo CERTIFIED 1 9 ^ S:SSz32'Sf~S*!?'' Levant Oreh. banquet will include Hon. Leverett A book could be written on . appointed to the staff of the local "Lost in the Night" Is musically a lo'-SliilnnZfi'*’''.,'''®'*®’*" Orcheitra Saltonstall, Robert T. BusbneU, SPRAY...... 0 9 C POLISHINa CLOTH i O C . lies behind the "set-up" for an hospital December 12, 1928. finer work than cither "Beautiful 2:9?Z4*18— 5*9?“5:18—Parade 5*"*y Venuta of Youth Song — Prog.east: Savior" which won the cup last lolosZiJ.SSZ?!'*"'*®'',,*''*'’ M'® Violin John W. Halgls, Joseph B. Warner operation. To begin with, a proper Organ—Dixie: Talk on Start—waat 10.30—11.30—GeorgetoltnZiJ S ti''" '" '' OlaenP.®r*«y 4 Orchestra Orcheitra and Warren -. Bishop candidates BMiifaroad Zipper Bathing Bags ...... 98c S u c c e s s room with good lighting facilities is year in C.C.I.L. .competition, or are required and an extra circulat­ "Cherubim Song" which is the re­ for the Republican nomination for needed. In a hospital where there Is ing nurse. We hardly need mention governor of Massachusetts; Wallace Ultra OaetUe and Coooannt no direct current, a 'lattery light quired number to be used in com­ 10:00—‘Metropolitan Players. S5o CLOTH 1 A*. the importance of the sponge count, petition next Thursday afternoon at 10:30—March of Time. Steaihs, preUdent of the New Eng­ OU SHAMPOO, y| O ^ ^ o t e i must be provided in cose the usual which has been enlarged upon In Bristol, where Bristol, Merldan, land Council uf Young Republicans; SHOPPING BAG .. i ^ C foU pint...... C ^ ones fail. One must have tables, 10:45—Otto Nciibauci and tho the movies and various novels. East Hartford, West Hartford, Mid­ WTIC Diplomats. aneewi ■" their courre.s permeated with a tnie 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. extra assistant, or two scrub nurses more is on his way home. Is that there are some exceptionally Ministers of Norwich District It is theirs and was not forced upon 7:15—Edwin C. Hill. Public Health society. ning coming in on the telephone Greenhouses and Flower Shop i religious spirit. beautiful made voices In the ehonis. them.’’ 7:30—Studio Program. 11:30—Treasure House. wires and leaving a mark on the particularly In the bass. It is hoped Discussion followed, participated Rev. L. C. Robinson, of Moodus, 12:00—Voice of Experience. floor. The O’Leary tea room also 153 Eldrldge Street Hold May Meeting at 7:45—"Hold the Press." P. M. came in for a stroke, as did Fitch N. -ry- - -«**‘*rf**— ,.i»r I— ■ ’ • House next Friday evening, May 15. that the students sufriciently appre­ in by Rev.s. Ginns, of Manchester; brought an mvitation from that 6:00—Leo Rcisman’s orchestra. ciate their own gifts to develop T’oarce, of South Coventry; Hamil­ church to hold the fall meeting of 12:15—Musical Reveries. Jones’ house and bam, where freak­ Prizes arc to be awarded and re­ them further. 8:30—Wayne King's orchestra. 12:30—Mary Marlin. ish pranks like the overturning of ■ ■ %,-f r" .--k; • TOLLAND freshments served. Church There. ton. of WUlImantlc; Abeam, of the church there, and it was ac­ 9:00—Vox Pop Interviews. Has Been Chosen for the Seventh 71?:.f', r ■ h Mystic; Monson, of HazardvlUe; cepted by vote of th? ministers. 12:45—The Ad-Liner. milking stools were perpetrated. In Mrs. Lewis B. Price has been con­ 9:30—Ed Wynn—"Gulliver, The tlie storm of a day or two previous fined to her room for several day.'' Robinson, of Moodus; Vaaey, , of Tuesday. October 4th, la the date Traveler". 1:10—Produce Market Report. Consecutive Year To Th* annual roll call and reception set for the gathering. 1:15—Charles Slosaberg, Pianist. Henry Goldman’s house was Struck to now membera will be held a t the with grip and throat trouble. The May meeting of the NoT^^ich dales Ferry; Crawford, of Norwich 10:00—Eddie Dowling with Benny WAPPING Town; and G. G. Scrivener, the Dls* 1:30—News Lci^icc. and all plaster ripped off tbe four Federated church Thursday evening District Ministerial Association was Goodman’s orchestra. 1:45—Tom, Dick and Harry. roums. Balls of fire were seen at a t 8 o'clock. At this time the year­ Mr. and Mrs. Trueman C. Hills trict Superintendent. Bro. Dyck­ 10:30—Roy Campbell’s Royalists. M rd. Marietta G. Horton’s place and SUPPLY CUT FLOWERS held In the Methodist church at man, the essayist, replied. Rev. H. 10821283 2:00—Dorsey &, Bailey. ly reports of all workings of the motored to Canton last Sunday V _ SCHOOLS 10:45—Twin City Foursome. 2:15—Happy Hollow. at Mrs. Rosella Waldo's. At the ohuroli and achool are to be present- BOLTON morning, where they, with kjrs. Smith Coventry yesterday morning E. Robinson, the new pastor of the 11:01—News. Baseball scores. laMt named house Mrs. Mary Tefft lulls family and relatives, 'all and afternoon. Rev. John Pearce I* South Coventry Congregational 2:30—Afternoon Recess. and , POTTED PLANTS od. M n. Samuel Simpson and Mrs. 11:15—Polish Dance orchestra. 3:00—Ann Leaf at the Organ. waa In the act of closing a window L. B m nt Hall are the hostesses and went to the Bristol cottage, at the pastor, and wo* leader of the church, was Introduced to the as­ “ON THE AIR” SUNDAY 11:45—Jesse Crawford, organist. when she saw tbe ball of Are on a Mro. Charles Gunther. In the items a few days ago per­ opening devotional service. He read sembly, and made brief remarks of 3:15—Ball Game—Boston Bees vs. For the Highland Laac, where they en­ 12:00—Weather Report, Pittsburgh Pirates. table in front of tbe window. Fortu­ Tbe all-day sewing meeting of the taining to the amateur program the tertained at a dinner Rev. and Mrs a portion of the first chapter of welcome to his church In case the ■ 12:02—Silent. nately there were no fires started \ - S a 'W. tlalon Missionary society will be Rej-nolds, who waa a former minis- Acts, and gave a very stirring ad­ District meeting had need for its i Three Manchester Youths in and there were no serious injuries, master of Ceremonies, Ray Cocconl dress for one who stated he had use. Tomorrow's Program held Thursday, &iay 15, at the home was omitted, also the entire com­ tei at the Canton Centc church. Chorus to Broadcast Sacred A. M. though several people were slightly of Mrs. Harry Wood. Tlie hostess, Rev. and Mrs. Reynolds who are been preaching over sixty years. He Superintendent Scrivener ap’ Concert by Radio. 8:30—Blue Grass Roy. shocked. Quantities of rain fell. Herald Cooking School mittee on arrangements which was emphasized the need of the Holy pointed Rev. Otis Lee Monson, of In fact, the downpour amounted to a Mrs. Wood, vrill prepare the lunch. Hazel Hutchinson, David Toomey, inisolonarles in India, but who have 7:00—Morning Watch—Ben Haw­ been in this country for a while, ex. Spirit in the hearts of both the Hazardvillc, and Rev. Jesse Martin, East Northfleld, Mass., May 12— thorne. cloudburst. Tbe bridge near Rufus The Child Study Club met Tues­ Lydia Young, Thomas Daly. Jr. ministry and the laity in order that of Nhantic, as conimltlje an resolu­ day evening at the homo of Mrs. peel to*retum to India ver. soon. Rc.sldents of Manchester, Conn., will 8:00—News. Rathbun’s place on tbe Andover road We ha've a complete selection ot choice Out ^ -f;- ■ 7'' ■ Ruth Senk. A mothers program at the John T. McNamara a member of the church may present a united tions; and Revs. Ginns, Carter and 8:15—Good Morning Melodics, RADIOX^^ was submerged and tbe road was so Flowers and Potted Plants at ail times. Select Grange at the last regular iiiecUng front against the rampant sins of Hamilton as committee on having be "on the air" next Sunday after­ badly washed out that it was unsafe youre here for complete satisfaction. Mrs. Samuel Simpson, Mrs. Uie School Board of Education, said 8:30—Cheerio. (Eastern Standard Time.) wax os follows: A roll call, memo­ after the meeting of tbe board last today in national matters, in eco­ Dyck man’s essay printed in mimeo­ noon when the students of North­ 9:00—Radio Bazaar, for motoring. The selectmen were Blanche Healey and Mrs. Mary T. ries of mothers, a paper by Jeanette nomics, and III all social matters graph. fleld Seminary and Mount Hermon Hsaley have been recent guests of Friday evening, that a special meet­ 10:00—Food News. called on to make repairs. A tree Heckler, duet, George Rose and ing of the board will be called with­ pertaining especially to the crimi­ The closing paper of the morning School unite In the annual Sacred 10:15—Home Sweet Home. near C^ude Jones’ house on the And­ friends in Westport, Conn., and New Keeney Hutchinson. A while rose nal tendencies among the youth of Concert of The Northfleld Schools New York. May 12.—(AP)—Addi­ York City. in two weeks, to take action on ap­ was given by Rev. Joseph Vaaey, of 10:30—The Mystery Chef. over roqd wss struck and tom to was placed on the altar by the chap­ the present time. Gales Ferry, and his theme was which will be broadcast on the red tion to the Thursday pieces. Warren Clough was elected presi­ plications for teaching positions at network of the National Broadcast­ 10:45—Merry Melodies. Flowers For, Every Occasion lain, Mrs. Elsie Jones. The mothers the South Windsor High school District Superintendent Scrivener “Preparation for Public Prayer.” In 11:00—"Girl Alone." Bcbedulee of the address at a New­ Quite a number of local people dent of the Older Boys and Girls present marched around and receiv­ then called upon the secretary, Rev. extemporaneous prayer In the ing Co. from 3:30 to 4:00. Among ark, N. J.. Republican rally by Sen. attended tbe fourth annual Block Conference at the annual meeting ed a red rose from Flora Eleanor which will open for ’the first time In the 1.000 choristers will be George 11:15—Pete Mack’s Moosikers. the fall. Carl T. Magnuson, the C. Homer Ginns, of Manchester, church service there is often dearth 11:30—"Istanbul" — Rev. George Wm. E. Borah places him on the and Bridle Horse Show at Connec­ held at Rockville last Friday and Finney, who read his report of the February Davidson, 8 Hemlock street; John ticut State Cjollege Saturday after­ PHONE Saturday. principal-elect of tlie new school, of thought and preparation. Some J. Tivnnn, 36 Porter street, and Woodley. air at the same time that Herbert 8 4 8 6 Mrs. Ruby Gilman of Storrs spoke will aid the board in its selections. meeting in East Hartford. As treas­ public prayers tc which we have 11:46—Breen and deRose. noon. Merle Jones, twelve year Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clough uf to tile ladles’ group of the Center urer he reported a balance of 313 James N. Guthrie, 21 Hemlock Hoover speaks from Philadeipbla— old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cfiaude New London were Sunday guests of "Mother’s Day" was generally ob­ been exposed have b3cn abominable. street, of Marchester. 12:00—Gene Arnold and the Ranch 7:30. church at the home of Mrs. Alice on hand. He also road a letter from True prayer recognizes the presence W. Jones, competed In the pony race Mr. Clough’s mother, Mrs. Nellie Lee Tliursday afternoon. served at all the departments of , This traditional sacred music fes­ Boys. The Senator Is listed for WJZ- with a class of 25, winning third Clough. the Federated Simday school lost Governor Cross in response to a of God, and has the passion of love tival dates back to the days of D. 12:15—Honeyboy and Sassafras, NBC as spealrlng in behalf of his A Mother’s day program waa car­ resolution forwaxlcd to the latter in it. I often write out my prayers, L. Moody, founder of the schools, prize with her pony, "Gale Hebron." Charles E. Baxter and Mrs. H. ried out at tile Center A^hurcb Ih th^ Sunday. There were flftee. mothers 12:30— Merry Madcaps-;— Norman campaign for tho presidential nom­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Waterman M. Haikel of Northfleld, Moss., and lii' the Beginners department. Little from the February meeting of the but do not read them from the pul­ who liked to bring his boys and C3outier, director; w ifi Bob ination, while Mr. Hoover is to be Hckete for the Klwaiils Kiddies* Camp Benefit Show On Bole morning with an appropriate ser­ District Association extending its pit. This writing, and my reading girls together to sing the hymns of of Glenbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Albert At This Store. Miss Ullle Daggett of Moosup were mon by the Rev. Harold Wilts. A Sherrill Collins spoke a piece, "I EIIU. heard via WABC-CBS offering “A Miller of Branford, and Mr. and Mrs. week-end guests at tbe home of love my Mother" and Prljcllla Col­ appreciation of the governor's ef­ of the prayers of tlie devotional the day, many of which originated 1:00—News and Weather. Republican Program.” duet, "Little Mother of Mine," by forts to curb reckless driving, and works of great masters of prayer, In Northfleld and appeared In the Stanley Benard and daughter. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broadbent. Mrs. George Whipper and Mrs. R. lins song a litt' song, about "Moth­ 1:15—Hit Tunes. Tuning in tonight: Marilyn of Darien, were Simday Mrs. Keat Burgess of West H art­ er", with all the department aingliig asking him to pay special attention together with much meditation I Moody and Sankey hymn books. In 1:20—Market Re^nirt, ' Talke—WEAF-NBC, 6:45— John Every day a Cooking School K. Jones. The church eomniittee ol to that caused by drunken drivers. recent years the sacred concerts visitors a t the home of M rs Louise ford was a Sunday guest of Mrs. the Center church met at the church the. chorus together. Rev. David find very helpful. Favorable com­ 1:25—Laura Gaudet, Pianist. G. Wlnant, "Constitution and Social Blume and family. Marlon A. Baker and Miss Luclle Tbe governor thanked the associa­ ments were, express-^d by Revs. have Included ihodem chorales sung Security"; WJZ-NBC, 8:30—Discus­ By Simply Phoning Us You Can Have-An ^ Monday afternoon with the pastor Carter preached a mothe s sermon by small, highly trained groups as 1:30—Maurice BpltaJny's orches­ William Bemdt, lay reader at the jg Agard. at the churcl- service. Each mother tion for their formal expression of Joseph Cooper, of Stafford Springs; tra. sion of the Museum, Frank B. being present,. appreciation, but added that the well as old favorites sung by the Middle Haddam Episcopal church, __ Shirley Hansen, Alvina Wocho- Mrs. Mary Hutchinson of Hart­ was presented with a Mother's Day J. I. Bartholomew of the same 2:00—Guy Hedlund and Company. •lewett and Dr. John H. Finley; officiated at St. Peter’s church Sun­ Via RADIO reduction of drimtlng on the part of place; and John Pearce, of So. large student chorus. Melvin L. WJZ-NBC, 9:30—National Hospital Each hour of the day a large number of recipes and home inurka, Henry Pero, Warren Clough ford is the guest of her cousin and card. Gallagher, choral director of the 2:30—Rosa Lee, soprano. day morning in exchange with the a. - (nd Donald Williams were the ap^ drivers was a difficult problem. Coventry. Rev. Vasey replied. 2:45—Rhythm of the Day—kui program, discussion of hospitals; helps are given over the air—to say nothing of the regular en­ ELECTRIC RANGE Installed Under Our Liberal Trial Offer wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sumner. Wapplng Grange will hold their The first paper of the day was schools, will conduct the festival ud^ . Rev. Harold R. Keen. Mr. Bemdt tertainment programs. pointed delegates from the churen Pictures were shown In color un ninlji regular meeting tills Tuesday An excellent repast was served Martin, director. WEAF-NBC, 9:4!>—Rep. Clarence* spoke Interestingly on world condi­ , school to attend the annual meeting rc''d by Rev. F. A. Dyckman, of by the ladles of the church in the and will also direct many of the McLeod, Michigan, “The Right t< A radio over three yean old gets only half of these costly fea­ the life of Christ at the Center evening at the Comnumlty Church same singers in a production of Gil­ 8:00—"Forever Young." Know.” tions and wbat they mean to us. tures—are you getting your share T i 0# the Older Boys and Girls Confer­ church Sunday evening. House. It Is to be a competitive pro­ Putnam, whose subject was, “Re­ vestry at noon to some 75 ministers bert A Sullivan's Pinafore on June 3:15—Ma Perkins. Among those present from out of ence held at the Union church ligion ar Education." It was a WEAF-NBC, 8—Voice of the Peo­ 1. Yon can have the use of a modem electric range The Board, of Education met gram. between the members of the and their wives, for quite a number 6 during commencement week. 3:30^Vic and Sade. town were Mrs. Daisy Humphreys of for a whole year without any rental charge. At the end of the year’s trial, you may continue to ' Bockville, last Friday and Saturday! Tuesday afternoon at the basement local Grange with a cafeteria sup­ strong paper, and later In the meet­ of the men brought their wives with 3:45—The O’NeUls. ple; 8:30—Ed Wj-nn, network Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. George Rose Mrs. Ellen B. West with her ing, by motion of Rev. C. Homer them. The afternoon devotions were change; 9—Eddie Dowling revue; keep the electric range, at the nominal rental of of the Center church. per after the Grange meeting. 9:30-—1936 Prlz De Rome awards; and children of Bolton, and others. 2. If you no longer want your present stove, we will 80 cents a week. ; daughter, Hasel West, of Hartford, The Ladles Society are serving a The ladies of the Methodist Ginns, the treasurer, it was voted conducted by Rev. S. T. Lippincott, Mrs. Lewis W. Phelps of Andover R.C. A. Radios ; were week-end guests of Vernon noonday luncheon to a group of to take 15 from the treasury, that of Norwich, who spoke on Nebucha- 11—Henry Busse orchestra. was present for the first time since take it in place of any installation charge or deposit : and Tolland relatives. branch of the Federated church will WABC-CBS—6:30— Kate Srolth; Hartford women Wednesday. meet -at the home of Mrs. Edgar J. a sufficient number of copies may dneasar's dream, and urged his WALL ST. BRIEFS she broke her ankle last wiiptw- H*r unwired apartments and Underground service ex­ 5. Or — if you decide to purchase an electric range, I Hiram Caverly, Sr.. Hiram Caver- 7—Lazy Dan; 7:30—Ken Hurray: S Victor $17.95 .Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Alvord and Stoughton this evening at seven be mimeographed «.:iat the ministers hc^j-ers to see noble visions and place at tbe organ is still taken by cepted. I ly, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bralnard and may each have a copy dJivered to New York, May 12.—SuKar con­ WDRC —Walteit O'Kvcfei 8:3(1:—PennSyl- Mrs. C. W. Jones. low down payments (in many cases as little as 85.00) daughter, Patsey, of Hartford, spent o'clock. dream worth while dreams. You sumption in the United States dur­ vanlan.s; 9—Mary PIckford party. and low monthly payments (as little as 81-50) are ! hephew of Burnside, East Hartford, Sunday at "Alvord Acres." them at the forthcoming annual will thus be able to accompllab 225 Hartford, Conn. 1330 Mrs. Gertrude Simmons of Willi- Magic to 8. In case you wish to retain your present stove, the ! were Sunday guests of Tolland The Federated Workers will hold Oonferencr which is tc held in ing April, as measured by diatribu- WJZ-NBC—6:15—Library Associ­ Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Jones and their next meeting at the home of things. tloD, was S09,00*miths into Exchange United States Rubber Co. Buddy Oark. songs. WJZ-NBC—IS her, motored to Hartford Friday Instruction In physical anu mental 6:30—Baseball scores with Roland with Mr. and Mrs. Asa W. EHlis. $89.95 Town Wli? M-«9d sk ^ o n ?a at t tthe S f hom borne e'nr* of hi* par- i I?*’™*''the 4 o’clock train Planning to board Deaths Last Night adult bravea. In the vacation Bible reports the retirement from its Winters. noon—Talk, Dr. Norris Flahbeln; matters to the utter neglect of their schools of today the church has this board of directon of Arthur W. 2:15 p. m.—Sec. Ickes on "A Na­ Mr. and M's. Ekimund H. Horton The Additional Use Of An Electric annual | Rev. Harold WllU will supply the spiritual natures? They have spiri­ 6:40—News SetYice. and three cbilOicn . petit Sunday in I ^ U n g of the conference at Rock- pulpit in a Colllnivllle churcJi^Sun Cecil. Wl*.—Wmiam Frank, 67, sort of teaching by play, but of Britton, Samuel L. Howard and Wil- 6:45—Renfrew oi the Mounted. tional Plan for Libraries”; 4—Studir SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR for 32 year* a member of the Chi­ tual birthrights as well as physical course on different lines. **:What la ]lam M. Stevens. Dedication Cornish School of Arts al UnlonvIUe a* guests of Mrs. Hor­ 7:00-r Maybella Jennings— Com­ ton’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Doyle. Liberal Trade Allowance On Floor Models. Rangre Will Gain You The Electric cago Symphony Orchestra. He re­ and mental ones. To omit the con­ to be done”, asked Mr. Jones, *^for mentator. Portland, Ore. C auSL cthSTer and* ' ter^church w dl?^ sulfphwl by* tire^ four years ago. sideration of the religious conscious­ the general masses of the pieople Some Wednesday Short Waves: Supervisor and Mrs. (Jharles M. 71 GERMANS mPRlSONED 7:15—Krueger Musical Toast. Larcomb and son of Hartford are Home Rate. This Will Reduce Your Colorado Spring*. Colo.—William ness of children is to practically upon whom this machine age has 7:30—Kate Smith. RNE, Moscow—4 p. m. — Russiu Franklin Cram Nelson, 86^ ec<^ teach them atheism. Why do men forced a superatmhdancr of Isl- History; GSD. GSC, GSA, London— spending their week-ends when po.s- The Manchester Electric Company Domlst for the Cowles Comtmsiion bsve a right to .egislr.te the recog­ 1- rlln. May 12.—(AP)—An offi­ 7:45—Boake Carter. 6—(Jomedy, "Hunt the Tiger”; 2RO sible at their coiratry place on . j sraduate next month from the Man- sure?** Leisure may do much barm, cial ifcrman news agency dispatch 8:00—Lasy Dan the Minstrel Man. Burnt HUl. Cost Of Electricity For Both Present Chib met H on^y afteraqun at the | Chester High school, Isolds Rlva be- for Economic Research and assistant nition of God out of our public if not wisely used. Community Gen- Rome—6—America's Hour; EAQ — TTSMainSt Phone 5181 editor bf econometrics, a journal. schools ? from Bonn said today 71 w oriun, 8:30—Laugh with Ken Murray. Madrid — 7 — Ehigliab program A good many from this se'jtlon uf |hom e Of Miss Miriam Underwood. ing the salutatorian of the 1936 lei's are modern meam not only for tried (or high treason, were sen­ 9:00—Camel Caravan—(Jasa Loma the town attended tbe Mother’s- Day Potterton & Krah Uses And The Rang:e. ~ Augusta, Me.—George SJi Maoom* To ignore entirely the child s re­ W2XAF, Schenectady — 7—Latin- Tbe Monday Afternoon Reading class and Ruth Shedd being on hon­ physical recreation, but also for tenced to imprisonments ranging orchestra, Ted . Busing and program at tbe Gilead church Sun­ "Where Radio b Understood” ‘Tbe Tcdland Grange will sponsor ber, 82. banker and philanthropist ligious nature is a cause oi so many mentad education and spiritual de­ American concert; TPA—4 Paris—I or student, ranking within the flfta <>remni*ed a niimbe* of utlHUea from 15 months to eight years, on WUter O’Keefe. .-N ew s in English; GSD. GSC. Lon­ day, the Hebron ehiir',.h uniting with At the Center 519 Main St. Phone 3733 ^ public whist at the Community one of the head of bet-class. criminals axnoug the young men and velopment. Questions v.-ort; :iskcd chr ,':cH of buying and dtstribuUng cnteiprbea in th-; United States. women of today. R ^gious educa- 9:30—Fred Warlng's Petmsylvan- don—9:30 — Hebridean songs am them for the eer/lce. The Girls tbe speaker concerning folk-danc^» treasonable pam ^eta. Scot airs.

-‘W MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER CONN TUESDAY, MAY 12,1^88. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MAT 12,198§. RAGBNIMt Cooking School, W edn^ay, Thursday, Friday, 9:30 A. M. Cooking School, Wednesday, , Friday, 9:30 A. greater number by far did not come on Painter Rldgs, River and furniture deportments In the larger STRAWBERRY PLANTS from Southern states. ’Tbs price ANNOUNCE LOW BIDDERS Squires roads, a town aid project. man killed by an automobile Sunday was lower than that of plants WATKINS EMPLOYEES ' department stores. The trip will night baa bMn Identified as Jamei Highway Construction Company, include a visit to the Brides Home tember $8 being set as ths law date. of 811X1 for a violation o f the rules, street, Manoheater, anc Miss Jeside’ I bought In the North and the South­ Bridgeport, 828,966.90 L. Rogers, 55, a molder, police an­ KILLED BY FROST ern variety'were much further ad­ ON ROAD CONSTRUCTION SEE N. Y. EXHIBITS which was planned and executed by nounced today. Attorney Donald C. Flak represented of the road, being arrested for pass­ WM. SPENCER TO MARRY Ruth WUklns, 29, of 38 Ltxtngton vanced and could be planted early. Ledyard, about 9175 feet of the nationally known magazine, The Identification waa made by tha plaintiff and Attorney George C. ing on a curve. avenue. Now York, procured a ON THE DECREASE waterbound macadam on ()uaker- “House Beautiful.” ROCKVILLE Leosner represented the defendant. George J. Smith of 76 Bridge license to wed at the Municipal However some who have lost plants Mrs. Leda Lambert, at whose home Those making the trip today are: IN NEW YORK FRIDAY Estimate 20,000 In Low Areas, by frost are replacing them and State Highway Department town road, a PW A project, M. A. Rogers boarded for some time. The Malcy Realty company of street, Manchester, charged with Building today. They . will be mar­ Go to Big City to Visit Furni­ James Pascoe. John Tierney, Ruth Hartford was granted Judgment of speeding and driving while under the Especially in Glastonbury, will have (hem bearing next year. Makes Public Names of Con­ Gammino Construction C^pany, ture Department And to See He waa a native of OIneyville, R ried May 15 at the UtUe Oiureh Providence, R. I., 867,119.50. iw tkins, Florence Sullivan, Kather­ 1., and came to this city 12 years 81186.27 In Ita foreclosure action Influence of liquor, had bis case con­ Around tho Corner by the Rev. Ran­ CHOSEN ON MERIT Lost f.«st Week. tractors Awarded the Work. the “ Bride’s Home.” ine Dalton, and Raymond Henne- ago. against William Grady of Vernon tinued untU Thursday. He was re­ Manchester Man to Wed Miss | L liM > 16 Million Dollars in Southbury, completion of Strong- dolph Ray. ‘ - qulnn. FIVE DIVORCE ACTIONS with May 12, 1987, being set as the leased under bonds of 8100. All of Jessie R. Wilkins at Little Mr. Spencer, a son of ths lata It Is estimated that about 20,000 TO NAME PLAYGROUND Hartford, May 12.—(AP)— Ap­ town and Pierce Hollow roads, a Six employees of Watkins Broth­ law date. Bsrmant * Huiita rep­ tha arrests were made by members of the new jtrawberry plants that Addition of a few spoons of milk, Church Around the Corner. Frank F. and Mrs. Mary Parker i 1935; New Safety Meas- parent low >iddera on nine highway PWA project. Clarke-Barone Com­ ers are in New York today idspect- , BODY HJENTIFIED resented-ths plaintiff and Attorney of the Stafford State PoUce bar­ were brought to Manchester this pany, New Haven, 820,463. or a little butter, will re c ^ m foods IN SUPERIOR COURT Spencer, was boro In Manchester. WORKERS FOR SEASON c ..iitructlon jous which are expect­ in^ various furniture stores and Hartford, May 12— (AP) — that are too salty. Julius B. Schatz the defendant racks, State Policemen Qqorge H. (Special to the Herald) Miss WUklns was born In Cam­ FOR Th e spring and planted by members of Wallingford, about 5900 feet of Ths Home Owners Loan Corpora­ Ferris, James McCklrmlck and John Now York. May 12.—William W. bridge. Mass., a daughter o f Ernest nres the Maochester auction market, ed to coat approximately 1400,000 bituminous macadam on Brown’s tion was awarded Judgment of Labecky. Spencer, . 36, of 317 North Main F. and Jessie H. WUklns. have been killed by the frost. The were made public today by the Hill road, a PW A project. Lane None of Them Contested and 82183.06 on property at Crystal College a u b To Meet loss la mostly in Glastonbury where Recreation Committee to Meet Thursday Night to Plan for State Highway Department. Construction Company, Meriden, ~ All Are Awarded On Grounds Lake In tha namt ot Soil Skowicz The CoUege club will hold a meet­ r. AttonUc a ty , N. J., May 12.— the land on which the new plants 857,061.37. The projects and the apparent of Desertion. et al with May 25 sa the law date. ing at the home of Miss Marion I'CAP)— Fire lose In America de- were planted Is lower and was ef­ Outdoor Program. Haddam, completion o f bridges Tha court waa informed the proper^ Butler this evening. Miss Alice M. fected by the frost a week ago. ’The low bidders: rcUned $16,SO0,00O during 1935. the and eulverta on the Durham-HIgga- Rockville, May 12,—Five divorce ty had been abandoned and so the Watts and Miss Gertrude Fuller will AT THE COOKING SCHOOL it*s 7 -CONSECUTIVE YEAR plants that were purchased by many ’The Recreation committee will West Hartford, laying 6114 feet Here my third glass of milk ^fortieth annual convention of the num road, a trunk line highway Job, actions and four foreclosure actions law date wraa set only twro weeks review a few of the new books., National Fire Proteclton Aasociatlon of the members of the association meet ’Thursday at 7:30 p. m. In the of sheet asphalt on concrete base BrunalU (Construction (Company, today,"and I’ll have one more be­ away. Attorney A. S. Bordon rep­ In addition to the book reviews, i waa told today. came from the South. It was sup­ Municipal building to appoint play­ on New Park avenue, a PWA pro­ New Britain, 821,218.71. occupied the session of the Tolland resented the plaintiff. there will be election of offlctrs os IVAN HOE Mdifonnalse posed by all who planted the new ject, Arborlo Road Construction fore I go to sleep. That’s how I ground workers for tHETummer and Washington, Conn., replacement County Superior court on Monday George W. Wood waa awarded thla Is the annual meeting and the Ivanboe contains t w ic e as many I' Robert S. Moulton, chairman of strawberry plants that they would Company of Hartford, 8148,398.63. with Judge Ernest A. Inglis on the I'the fire record committee, presenting make other plans for the outdoor of wing walls for box culverts over build healthy bones and sound Judgment of 81012.48 In hls fore­ last formal meeting of the year. egg yolks as ordinary mayonnaise. bear berries next year and that the program. Horace F. Murphey, Granby, 2145 feet of waterbound bench. closure action against Frank Brod- To Observe ChUdren's Night That's why Ivanhoe goes twice as —of Course I bis report, said the nation’s Are dam- frost would not affect them. Such Sbepaug river ol Route 25, a trunk teeth. My doctor told me so; The five divorce decrees were ! age bill last year was 1259,000,000, chairman of the committee, and macadam on Mountain road, a ner et al of Columbia with July 13 Mayflower Rebekah Lodge will ob­ far and makes sabids more deli­ Mrs, Nancy Rowe did not prove to be the case in the Frank Busch, recreation director, re­ line highway project, ’Theodore Zoll, awarded on grounds of desertion ' the lowest figure since 1918. state alb project, Edward Natale, Torrlngton, 88,288.60. and mother gives us all West being set as the law date. Attorney serve Children’s Night this evening cious. Try a Jar—for lU finer fla­ low sections and in Glanstonbury the cently returned from a New Eng­ Torrlngton, 810,629.90. and none of the five divorce actions Samuel B. Harvey o f WlUlmantlc In the I. O. O. F. hall. The children vor and because It costs less per He warned delegates there must loss Is going to b e. heavy. From Side Dairy milk every day. were contested. IJke her ala preoading Cooking School Leo- bs no letup In the fight against fire land convention of municipal recre­ (Columbia. 17,889 feet of rolled repreaented the plaintiff. wlU present a program of songs and Birch Mountain and other high sec­ ation directors. Ernest E. CJiampagne of this city torero end like thonoanda ctf thrifty hooZo- t hazards, for In the latter half of bank run gravel on Pine street. Wedding Montey recltattons. All members are asked tions the report Indicates that the Bills incurred by the Indoor pro­ BALD HEADS’ DINNER wag awarded a divorce from Yvonne to 'attend and bring the children. wlvee ... > the year the fire loss began to climb frost has not affected the plants. King, Johnson and Basket Shop " H i F. Champagne of this city. The The marriage of Mias Sophie again. gram during the previous month roads, a town aid project, John Ar- Kosporovlch and Stanley Janocha, ’There will be a social hour and re­ Some of the growers did not buy will be approved and forwarded to Greenwich, May 12— (A P) — The couple were married in 1921 and It freshments. "Beginning In September of 1935 their plants In the South, but from borio, Inc., Hartford, 831,471.84. was testified that Mrs. Champagne both of this city, took place at 9 the selectmen for further approval Bald-head Club of America, Inc., an­ o’clock on Monday at St. Joseph’s Mrs. Lillian Sharp Is the chair­ Cliooses All Oioking Utensils and Modem - there was an upward trend In loss- growers in this section, although the Monday night Roxbury, twin 60-inch nips cul­ nounced today that arrangements left 'in 1632. Attorney George C. ea, every month showing a higher vert and 100 feet gravel approaches Polish Catholic church. Rev. Slgls- man and will be aosisted by Mrs. have been completed for the 24th I„essner of Manchester represented Elsie Belnbauer, Mrs. Vera Cobb lo u than the same month a year on Ranny Hill road and about 15,- anniversary dinner and annual Mr, Champagne. mund WoronicckI, pastor of the Kitchen Accessories To Be Used At The .. j prevlaus," Mr. Moulton reported. church, officiated. Following the Mrs. Gertrude StSudt, Mrs. Cora 802 feet of rolled bank run gravel meeting here May 23. Mrs. Hazel Morey of Rockville Harding and Mrs. Haxel Roy. v rA ^ '^ e total Increase In the seven waa granted a divorce from Charles ceremony a reception was held. ’The ' months ending In March of this year couple will live in RockvUIe. RceoUe Lodge To Meet Herald Cooking: School From Morey, formerly of this city 'and ’The Rosalie Lodge has changed haa amounted to fourteen per cent. now of parts unknown. They were Eight Fermita Issued "Thla Increase follows the pre- its meeting place from Red Men's married June 2. 1927, and he left her During the past week eight per­ hall to tha Moose rooms on Elm y'. lUction In the report of the commit­ on January 1, 1932. She was mits were issued for building opera­ tee last year that Increased figure tions including three dwellmga, ai street and the first meeting will be awarded custody of the two chil­ held this evening. May 12. The 1 losses would be registered with an ONE COAT Spring Fashions Feature dren. Ackerman and Pclzer repre­ follows: ’ j Increase In buslneaa activity. & meetings wlU be held every second sented Mrs. Morey. Raymond Amprimo, house, 26x32, ]{ "However, the encouraging fact Crown street. Tuesday of each month. Mrs. Henrietta Yost of this city Following the meeting this eve­ MARLOW’S { i t that while current business actlv- Frank Zuraw, house, 28x30, north Form-Revealing Gowns was granted a divorce from William ning, Beano will bo played, and re­ ' Ity was about 80 per cent of the H. Yost, Jr., of this city and award­ side of South street. 1927-1929 level, lire losses are only H. George Bush, house, 30x40, 31 freshments will be served. MAGIC ed custody of their five children. She Demoeratlo a u b To Meet at about 80 per cent of that level. M s testified they were married' August Mountain street. and> Knitted Dresses Harry Lebeshevaky, relocate and The regular meeting of the Elling­ Big Losaea, ■12, 1921, and her husband left her ton Democratic club wlU be held this "During the year of 1935 there In 1932, falling to provide for her bury tanks and build loading rack forfurniture&-wDodwQrk / JW ^ out of metal at Franklin street. evening In the Ellington Town hall were thirty fires In the United Statea and their children. Mrs. Yost testi­ at 8 o’clock, D. S. T. All members with Individual losses of over 8250,- fied that during their married life, Clara Seidel, move shed and build addition 8x12 feet at 2 Nye street are asked to attend as a matter of ■fiOO. The number of such large ’These demand perfect fitting founda­ the parents of the couple provided Importance Is to come up for discus­ fiosa fires reported was four less than /(Duco: tion garments. SPIRELLA’S made-to- for their support. Ackerman and Mr. and Mrs. WlUlam Farr, two- Went side Dairy car garage, 15 ’Thompson street sion. ' >ln 1934. These large losses were NEW IMFIIOVED BIIU8H DUCO . . . meaaure corselcttes, 2-way stretch, cor- 1 . ^ \1 Paeteurised Milk Pelaer represented Mrs. Yost. |due for most part to inferior con- David Gullman of Stafford Springs George C. Rldsr, veranda, 5Hx22 sot-s and brassieres give every woman’s I < '• “ *<1 Cream Is used atructlon, delay In discovery, and tn- I , J exclusively at The was awarded a divorce from Mrs. feet at 18 WtndermerS avenue. jOdequate protection, Whether you have ever used kitchen cabinet. New DUCO figure Its be.st lines. Our trained (Cor- Fanny Hewitt Gullman of Vermont. p . E. and R. M. Hoermann, take r - 'i -i Herald C o ok 1 n g off part of roof and build gable roof Overnight A. P. t "It sedtns almost unbelievable a paint brush before or not. will do it for you! More seUeres, Mrs. Bldwell (6091) and Mrs. A School at tho State They were married November 5, 'V that. In these times, Investments of ' V i # ' ' 1910, and she left him In January, at 118 Prospect street. you can apply New Improved Clapp (5696), will adjust our modeling Theeter. .Wire than a quarter of a million beautiful than ever. With 1922. He waa awBltded custody of Mrs. Agnes Hall, addition to • idoUars should be concentrated In Brush DUCO. Restore an old famous DUCO durability... garment on you entirely without obliga­ thslr minor son, two other children kitchen on High street. News tion and prove to ycai what can be done. .WmbusUble structures, without piece o f furniture to service no chipping or cracking. ... J\|| of the marriage being adults now. a ty Court Osies Stafford Springs—Robert War­ - thought of fire safety and lacking .. . Brighten up a bedroom Our materials are of the best. A gar­ Attorney Joel H. Reed. 2nd, repre­ ’The state police presented four r ,5 -e e ( motorists In the City court of Rock­ ner, 45, owner and editor of the ^ automatic sprinklers or fire alarm One coat covert like magic. ment for every figure and every purse. sented Mr. Gullman. Stafford Press, weekly newspaper, iMrvlce. s e t . . . Revive the color of a i V " ' -f Angelo Serafln of Stafford Springs ville on Monday before Judge John Mrs. Rowe chose Marlow’s for Housewares—as did six other Her­ And u-hat magic t I received' a fractured left leg and I' “More fires occur In dwellings than was awarded a divorce from Car- E. Fisk. Only q t nose when hls car swer,cci off the '.In any other occupancy. The great- Lustrsus Colors ond tho N j(c I ' , ^ i lotta Serafln. He testified they Alexis Toumand of Sterling street. ald Cooking: School Lecturers—because Marlow’s offers the most tkst loss of life by fire also occurs In 18 NEW DUCO WHITE 9 5 c $1.75 were married In November, 1865, Hartford, waa fined 85 together with Springfield highway and crashed / / ■ / Into a house. complete selection of kitchen necessities in town — and at prices I dwellings as shown by the detailed and that she left him In 1928 going the costs of 811.31 for a violation of l^d like to shine up sBve-year analysis of loss of life by SPIRELLA to Hartford to live. She refused to the rules of the road. It waa stated Stamford —Police sought the that appeal imm^iately to thrifty housewives. You grrt •lire." return saying It was too lonesome that he passed several cars near the identity of a man whose body was i t ean Albert T. Bell, chairman of the JOHNSON PAINT Co. means the best In Stafford Springs on hls farm. At­ Lana’s Comer Intersection on the found about 200 yards souUi of the your sink and ponsl what you want at Marlow’s. • 'W ard of directors of the association, (Formerly John I. Olson'o) torney M. J. 0 ’(5onnell rcpre.scnted Hartford Turnpike. Stamford lighthouse In Long Island Sound. In bis pockets were a steam, 'ttl presenting the board report, point­ 690 Main Street Tel. 8854 Mr. Serafln. Joseph Edwrard Pavey, Jr., also ed out the work of a new commit­ Foreclosures of Hartford, waa fined 810 with 85 ship ticket for a boat which oper­ Give Bon Ami ■ chance to clean tee, that on truck transportation, WEST SIDE DAIRY Herman Richter of this city waa of the fine remitted, together with ates between New York and Provi­ kitchen aink and utensils. Trr a pai which Is starting work In the field PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM awarded Judgment of 83,057.50 In hls costs of 811.31. for spsedlng. dence, R. I., and a Providence and see not only how mmended by The day Night— Widow of Army mous Big Ben. GRAPE NECTAR PIe "^ ; cated at the public expense. He achieved bis first fame as s Herald Cooking School Officer. /igbt and tsol m « h r s n t, \! Plain or luminous dial. criminal lawyer with the defense WITH THE"METER-MISER" That goti for Crisco pastry, toe! \ that his client bad been hypnotized become riLUNG: N : **HoMn*t Stamford, May 12.— (A P I—Mrs. Wuapaufar eupo frapo Jufea Into committing murder. $2.95 $3.95 H cub wator l banana, aliead ■* ■ Usually successful as the attorney S c r a tc h e d Lucta Williams Huxford, descendant 1 taoloapooni falatlno 8 tmall aticoi plno- MEETS AU. 5 STANDARDS FOR REFRIGERATOR BUYING of a prominent Connecticut and diaMslvod in applo, diced for the defense, he appeared in YoV* Maine family distinguished In pub­ ip^ d WHtor 2 orange*, peeled many of the most famous trials of SEE OUR PRIICF lUMONblRAI ION taploipoon lomon and cut into modem French legal history and lic sendee, and mother of Judge Westclox New and Popular juJeo aectiona Frederick W. Huxford ot the Fair- J BoU sugar and yi cup water. ' Remove from waa elected ^resident of the Order nro>-otir liIp golatlno, ihon fruit juicoa. CooL of French Advocates. field county Juvenile Court, was AUTO MIRROR CLOCK When cold beat until foamy. Stir in fruJta. Proof of burled today. When mixture aets pour Into bakad Crfaco (D $2.75 and $2.95 w e e t ■bell (made of X>igeet!ble Crisco Paatry~ The widow Of Major WlUlam Pit­ S redpe Mow).\ Chill!______dee---*-decorate with.whipped •• • Lawnr Opr U n g kin Huxford, U. S. A. retired, who cream and bite of pineapple. AT ITS BEST Co m la burled In Arlington cemetery, Westclox Keeps Time At the Cooking School. PASTRY died here Saturday night. IM cupe flour H cup Criaeo H teaepoon aalt tablespooni cold She waa bom In Rockland, Me., water As Provided By The Feb. 9, 1845, a daughter of the Rev. Tender Difeetible Paetry^he light Crieeo R. DONNELLY Idndl Sift flour and salt. Cut in creamy dl- Samuel Clement and Mary Abigail geetibte Criaeo (very finely If you like extra Abbe Fesaenden. Following her fa­ 515 Main Street JEWELER Manchester tender cru«t). Add water, only enough to bold ther’s retirement from the ministry, mixture together. Roll out on lightly floured Manchester Coat, Apron Sofor Pood board^flt pastry down emoothly to aide* of he entered public life and the field pie plate—prick entire aurface with fork. Bake Sretoctlen of education. EAMS in a hot ovan (425* P.) about 12-15 minute*. ’radM s P. 8. Crisco (* *‘olUpurpo—’'—ae* it in cake* 3 He repreaented bis Congressional and fried food$, fool district In Maine In the first Civil and Towel Supply War Congress and waa a member CHICKEN-FRY DINNER ® Proof Of of the delegation which went from A mtui n evti dinntrditb Phone 5370 Chicago to Springfield, HI., In 1800 fried digtstibly with Criuo Foator Froodns— to notify Abraham Lincoln of hls 1 rpasting chicken or i teaspoon paprika i Moro Ico nomination. capon I Uaspoon pepptr I We Are Supplying the Kitchen Towels for The Herald ■ r s s s g r - 6 iaSle^toona. ---- Criaeo i teaspoon* oait .r * The family came to Stamford in 2 oaiona. sUeod 3 cups boiling waUr : Cooking School. ^ 1885. 'nuee of Mrs. Buzford's 2 raw earrots. diced 1 cup rice, wathod X \ cup canned tomatoes and drained S brothers distinguished themselves in 2 whole dovoo Stuffed ollyts, ollcod S DTT0M S“^ the city’s public life while a fourth because "bHother now serves light d igestible Cloon ehickoa, cut Into pUcoo, floor lightb’. i ® Proof of NIWPRICtS served with equal distinction In the ' Smart men and wo­ Molt Crisco (pure, owoot and dlga*libl*) In : BkiUot, brown onions, romovo them. Use same S AS LOW M Army. men realize that our Crisco to pan-fry chlckon until well browned, t Moro Utoblllty Mrs. Huxford was married Ocl. Put ehickoa in eonter of largo casotrol* or : For Summer Smartness C r i s c o Qak^, Vies and Vried Voods roosting pan. Combine carrots, tomatoes, i 38, 1873. Her husband waa Major service and work­ seaaoningii and boiling waUr. Pour around t WlUlam Pitkin Huxford, for iJ ' ehiekon. Put rieo around chicken, add onions. I MRS. NANCry ROWE years recorder of the District of Co­ Cover closely. Bak* la moderate oven (850* F.) : manship can’t be HutUb item: This ligbt caka Everybody's waking up to the fact until rice is dry and chicken tender, about an I $ 8 5 - 0 0 lumbia Commaedry, MtUtary Order I hour. Uncover (or last 6 minutes, ^rvo sar- I and Proof of of the Loyal Legion of the United ' ahonenlng givea you light that pin and fried things don't nlsbsd with alleod ^ves. ; (S ) III beaten at any price. HER FIVE aaiLDRES... N. B. Tke ooerot of Htkt modem pastry and I ■ Air Cooled Statas. Ha was also reglstrar-tn piat and fried foo^ tool need to ha heavy or greaiy . . . cokes {$ ligbl erssoig Criam. * ; Thousands of Home Economists Use and A Special Ftvo-Yoor NO MONEY chief of the Order for a number or and thay won't ha Indigntlble if "dtnM eubtlt faoJt until I found Crlsto jrears. and Sretoctlen Men DOWN And yet our price for h e thlngi that main Criaeo mada with a pure \Jght shortening. CHERRY CARNIVAL CAKE 4 Recommend A few years after the death ot tooklng ligbt und digtstibld’ iVt ttuy to makt a fialbtrJighl | Fradin ■ueh a marveloua eake-ahoit- Light, deUcately flavored foods bar husband In 1910, Mrs. Huxford cleaning any plain T *T tt**d to think ehfldron thoold b* flanUd ndolt w hiu cake with Crisco Individually returned to Connecticut from Wssb- enihg are tha vary aama things are wholeeome. And that’s why so I cup Crisco H teaspoon aalt Feature I food*. Boforo o*in( Criteo. tbo chUdron ofton hod 1 tablespoon lomon tagton, D. C., where the couple had garment is only that make it Ideal for plea and many peopls today are using Criico night to rro n and uaoaoy ■lumbora. B ut now I ’vo made their home. . L cup milk juie* or Styled THE SURE, SAFE WAY TO BUY...On Proof/ triad fooda. to make everything taste."specially found I eon oorvo Crioco domorU to my I d air a cups eako flour 1 teaspoon almond Williams VaniOa Tain Criaco'a Ughtnen, Why, If riopo— and tbolr door oUaa ond owoot hrootb* S teaspoons baking flavor S UoloM a tcCrigm toc nnott AU. t l V I SUding Sholvt^ Pottabla U tility ShtIL good” and be “specially good foe powder 4 egg_____ wbitM 11 you'd ever feaatad on an ahy? proTO good digootioao. Put Criseo. sugar and H cup of may Into ^ ^ E x p a n d a - STANIuaOS oodzAw j t u b r t ^ . i t c a n n o t Doubw-Rongo Cold CoatroL Alto Fivw them.” Careful,conscientious **And o ro a t tho y plooood to bo ooting Uko grown-upo. mixing-bowL Boat until fluffy. (No work to ual raicm A iai vain*. For UM bMann- o a n d - Year ProMctioa on tho acalad-ln awch. CURB QUOTATIONS Criaeo cake, you couldn't be satla- mothers are serving Crisco it. bocaua* Criseo is ouch fluffy oboneniitf!) S oaiun for only Fhrt DoUatt indndod in U y fo u r-yo o r^ d ooyo, 'Now I eon hovo my pio v fA Silt dry lagrodionU and add altomatdy imh Cotton I new Frigldain w ith tbo MetM-Mioer fled til] you'd put thla digeatibla cakes, pin and fried food s. . crust on itt* remaining H cup milk. Add flavoring. Fold Williams Spices S e a r p " tcvtal* th ii raoor that meant amazing the purcharo price. Then remenibef — Ughtnen In your paatry, too. And with no regrets. . . becoun "Crioco cooldng U digodiblo both for ehlldroo emd in ea whitoa, stiffly boston but not dry. Use •avinga and cnoTM iicnc. for too t ig h t Frigidoira ACTUAUY PAYS K » ITS IU At frow n mpa. U y hosboad Ukoo oubotoatiol poctrioo oad two Criseood 8-lneh loyor oko BiAo la through (ho yoani Coom in a n d la- rrSAVIS roa YOU. Tha oooner yoo By ASSOCIATED PRESS Criaeo’i creamy flavorl It’a perfect their ehUdren’e appetites modorot* oven (350* F.) 26 minuUo. , , ^ . J friod foodoi la tbo post bo ofton hod oovoro indlgostioa. •pcct this marvolont buy, tbo mot* ya.*H Called For and Delivered. In cakec—and what a tranaforma- CHERBT ICmO Dresses Guarantees m M T * . w h y n o t Han - Aaed Oaa and Elec A ...... i^i are healthfully satieM I r (k KC 0 : Crioco eookory boa doao away with tbooo opolb— and ‘voM gcnttd pantry” Am Sup P o w ...... J tion it mokn in tried feeds. ______.IMt.f.CT- with Autom atic Roaot NOW-TODAYI W IN ira X D S, CARTER ’ BOW bo oajoyo bio owalo without foar of aftor-oflocta." that will wear and Perfect Fitting Zoilt TM1PW.IW.. b.low so Cant States Else ...... lAA MRS. FLOYD UGLOW* Beatol Coffee Utgrttt m 3 (boro S2 Jiirm D«froMM.PaU-Widtfa utea. Romovo from bMt, add teaspoon wash all Summer Cities Service...... 4^ * O r^B o l UtUr oor film . almottd flavoring. Boat until idne holds shape. a t Berv., p fd ...... 49^ D I A L 7100 Mix a third of icing with H cup dleod mara­ long, with the lovely For alterations— UskusiiskT^oafl Elee Bond and Share .....c ... 1 7 H schino eborrioa, also H cup chopped almonds. Bimply release tha Uso as fiUiag. Cover can* witn romaiaiag Because they are the Hisrhest Quality. texture and glorious mag Hud Pow ...... 8H tdag Oooorate wlU fancy-cut eborrieo. th r^ d holding tha A Prigidaire haa been choeen for The Herald Cotddng School for the aeventh year. Penn Road ...... 4 Note: Pni Crioeo’o mooetmmo omd tifhtnooo in colors undimmed. The creamy cake shortening fried food* ond piss. Sold By All Independent Grocers. extra seam at any Segal Lock 3% AU Meaeorowwmta LoooL Rodpos tooted and Unit O a a ...... 7% approved by Good Housokoepiag tnstltuU. part of the drMS Unit Lt and Pow A ...... makes light digestible pies and Criseo is tbo roglatetBd trsdawiirk of a abortan- Prints where you need U. S. CLEANERS ittg maaufaetarod by tbo Proctor A GamUo Co, Manufactured and Packed by UtU Pow and L t ...... I . . . . 1 )A fried foods . . . more room. a n d DYERS Pastels Inc. RISCO*••■•.• MV «•*. CRISCO digests KEM P’S, I The ‘’Binging” o f katydids Is 885 Main Street Moatgoaerr Ward’s Mr.- Nm ic Bow . cooking export m,w Sizes 14 to 20 Frigddaire Sales and Service ^n«hie>’ed by the rubbing o f their quickly The'W illiam s aind Carleton Co. ______.... i i . $ 138 to $ 5 -98 and 38 to 48. r East Hartford, Conn. Sine* 1825 ADVERTISE IN THE H E R A L D -IT PAYS PAGITSN KANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 12,198A UANCMlfin'ER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, a>NN. TUESDAY, MAY 12.198ft, PAGE ELEVEN Ababa" might yet convert the Bast 000; and tbs naxt 82 Isrgsst pack­ African scene into a swamp la which ers 180,000,000. '' I . I MOIHER-DAUGHTER the new Roman Empire might be SEEK NEW ACCORD "These 46 large firms infeuiired a PUBUC INSPECTING Doctor To Speak - bogged. tax Uabillty o f 818fi,000,00p out of Travels Long Distance Some optimism still prevailed that a total o f 8174,000,000,000 or an To Luther Leagrue d ilR C H BANQUET Halle Selassie might be called back AMONG DAIRYMEN average of 83,000,000 per taxpayer. HOSPITAL TODAY from bis seat of exile In the Holy The balance o f less than 840,000,- To Help Fight A Fire Duffy Hurls 3-Hitter^ High Smothers Trade^ Land to mount again his Imperial 15-1 0- ..2 0 1 0 0 0 Things are looking a bit brighter to the gam es.., .Manchester’s noted of the Fascist annexation of Ethio­ system." ing of the laither League of the Nebo yesterday ..ftemoon, not the Duffy, p ...... 3 0 1 1 1 0 Selberllngs haven't yet eliminated John (bet-a-mlllion) Gates conduct­ Fenimore Cooper.. .you’U see a lot hard knocks, the ex-newsbo.v from rude Kluck, Mlaa Katherine WInzIcr home, 130 Cooper street. During e m e r g e n c y DOCTORS f In the camp of the champion De­ track athlete, Joe McCIuskey, seems of James Fenimore at end next sea­ pia and Premier Mussolini's demand SANCTION WHIP Emanuel Lutheran church next least of these surprises being tbe 15 Weir, 3b ...... 6 1 2 1 1 1 certain to win a berth on the Amer­ their erratic fielding and that the ed tbe first running horse meet at Birmingham, Ala., last night found and Mlaa Catherine Mroaek. The that the League keep hands off. Attending the conference are rep­ the service Robert Gordon sang troit Tigers. son. . .Oscar Eckhardt of the Dodg­ resentatives of ^dealers' and pro­ Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. The Physicians who will respond to 1 triumph the Red and ' /hlte Squatrlto, c , , . , . .3 1 1 2 1 a ican team as the nation's leading Blueflelds are about as strong as lost Rockingham Park, where he ran tbe end of his fistic rainbow. meal Included tomato cocktail, cel­ British sources said anxiety for "The Old Rugged Cross” and "Safe meeting will be In charge of Myj. KIWANIS MAKING Harried by early season Injuries dally programs of six races for ers says the greatest difference *>e- ducers, and members of the faculty In the Arms of Jesus." Rev. C. to emergency calls tomorrow af­ whaled out over the Mec' nlca in Pongratz, c ___ ..0 0 0 2 1 0 steeplechaser and may even qualify year or a shade better.. . . Three times he had been whipped ery, plcklea and radlahea, Virginia the future of the League Itself, con­ Mitzle Johnson and her flower com­ seven Innings of subllir.c and rldicu- and form rescrvals, the Tigers have about as many cash customers . . . tween the Pacific (Toast league and by Miller, the clever southpaw who baked bam, maabed potatoea, butter­ of Ckmnectlcut State college. A se­ MAY MEAN WAR, Homer Ginns, pastor o f the North ternoon are Dr. LeVerne Holmes, In the 10,000 fiieters. . . . McCIuskey cern over U Duce'a Intentions In tlie mittee. dial 7451; and Dr. George Lund- ' lous baseball. 33 16 12 21 10 J bad a tough time of it thus far but Frank Smith, one of the only two Harvard tried Ita best to give tbe the National la the Inflelding,. .a' won the crown three years ago from ed peaa, cole alaw, rolla and butter, ries of conferences with dealers and Methodist church officiated. competed at Los Angeles In 1032 iubllc a long run (or Ita money . . . funny speech from tbe guy who led Eastern Mediterranean and French The program will also Include an berg, 5629. CANDY FOR SALE Hurls Three-Hitter. Manobester Trade there la reason today for Mickey and placed third In a race that went veterans In the Manchester Trade Tommy Paul, but last night tbs Ice cream, cooklea and coffee. Rev. apprehension over the African posi­ producers waa discussed. In an ef­ The bearers'were Thomaa Wood, Oichrans to contemplate with a lit­ or a dollar, the customer waa given the coast loop In batting but can hit st(x;ky 28-year-oId fighter with his fort to bring about more satisfac­ William SInnamon, Robert Rogers, humorous skit, the charzmters In The sublime and most aatonishlng AB R HPO A an extra lap because of an oSIclal’a school lineup this season, has quit J Karl Richter waa right at home la tion were contributing further IS ITALY’S HINT which will consist of members ' of feature of all was the superb pitch­ tle more hope the burning days one of the beat seats In the stadium only a puny .190 (or the D odgers... buszsaw flailing, swarmed over Mil­ tory conditions. Samuel Taylor, Thomas Kean, Rautenberg, 3b, p 2 1 0 0 0 error.,. .he has a splendid chance of the team ... .Smith filled the short­ the role o f toaatmaater, and put strength to the sanrt'm . r .mpnlgn. persons known to the League. The ahead, the gruelling, days of sum­ for the track meet, which waa run did Oscar omit the pitching com­ ler, ran up an early lead on points Dairymen Divided Thomas Donnelly. Burial was In the ing of Elmer (The Great) Duffy In Porcheron, ss , . . .3 0 0 1 2 winning the steeplechase at Berlin stop berth when he wasn't on the everybody In a good humor with bla With no definite move being made (Oontinned from Page One) devotional period preceding the his fifth chance to prove hla ability mer when, Mickey asserts, tbe team off In such efficient fashion that he parison because he can't see the Na­ and came within an eyelaib o f scor­ jokea. Ten of the young men of the There Is little chance of stabiliza­ East cemetery. Proceeds at Play Next Week Zeppa, If ...... 3 0 1 0 1 this summer, providing sufficient pitching slab and waa also rated to end application of financial and business session will be In charge of on the mound In the past two years. Saverick, p, 3b ..3 0 2 8 0 with class and endurtmee will step could take In most of the Harvard-' tional league brand? ing a knockout In the 18th and 16ta aodety, in white coata and black tion of the market while the dairy­ ABOUT TOWN funds are raised to send a full team highly as a alugger.. . . Cornell ball game without extra rounds. economic punishment on the ad­ began hla duties today as minister Douglas Swartz, who will apeak on Whereas he has been knocked about Chadwick, r f ...... 2 0 0 0 0 out front. to Germany.... Raymond (Bear) Wolf (alia heir neektiea, aerved aa waltera men remain divided against them­ charge . . . to a pretty good football team at "I'm going to be a fighting cham­ judged Fascist ggressors, an Ital­ selves aa to the plan under which of press and propaganda in that ter­ the topic, "Belief.” A large attend­ Will Go Towards Kiddies unceremoniously in bis other four Uorrey, rf ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Bridges la Form The West Sides will go Into ac­ The entertainment committee, ance of members Is hoped for as The regular monthly meeting of North Carolina this seaaon...but if pion,” Sarron promised as admlrsra ian spokesman insisted nevertheless their milk should be marketed. Ad­ ritory. CIVIL WAR RELICS appearances, Duffy vindicated h; n- Sharp, c f ...... 3 0 0 1 0 Two ball players. Tommy Bridges tion tomorrow jight at tbe Weat Mlaa Elala Roth, chairman; Mlaa his nation’s quitting of the Council only a few more Indcmr meetings the the Board of Directors of the A strong possibility exists that Mc­ The few thousands that took ad­ they keep that Graham plan on the crowded Into his dressing room ssriy Itorotby Geaa and Mlaa Gladya Mil­ ministrator Buckingham said. One of his first actions was to at'.t yesterday when he hog-tled the Bllnn, c ...... 2 0 0 8 0 and Irving Bums, are the reasons Side oval at 6 o'clock against High­ did not mean League withdrawal, remain before the summer schedule Y. M. C. A. will be held tomorrow Camp Fond. Traders ith three measly binglea CIuskey will not have the opportun­ vantage of this generous offer not hooka he’ll neec* all the prayers in thU morning. "Freddie can havt a ler, provided aong sheeta for chorua "Special groups of producers can­ help Viceroy Badogllo issue a procla­ Parchuk, c ...... 1 0 0 0 0 for the new bit of optimism. land Park In a practice tilt ....the Baron Alolsl, after striding down PLACED IN CABINET of activities. evening at 7:30 in the social room and a lone tally. The curly-headed ity to compete unless sports follow­ only witnessed a breath-taking Texas and North Carolina next return bout anytime he waata It. alngmg, and Mlaa Roth with Mlaa not permanently enjoy a favorable mation declaring Victor Emmanuel D. Tarando, 2b .. .2 0 0 3 1 Bridges, a mainstay of the pitching following are asked to report; W. the stairs from the Council session of the Y. M. C. A. youth had hla rivals bitting out ers are generous In their contribu­ track iqeet and a keenly-fought ball year, believe you u a...w b y la It Che "Freddie can't hit roe.” Sarroa Ethel Lang and Mlaa Evelyn Cuater position In the market at the ex­ of Italy “the one and only" Em­ Chiater, l b ...... 1 0 0 5 1 staff last season, bad three defeats Dowd, C. Wogman, D. Kerr, F. Jumped about the room, laughing, yesterday, turned around walked up weakly for the most part and ac­ Hayes, l b ...... 0 0 0 0 tions. .. .It has been announced that game but also were provided with Yanks can bowl over the Indians. aang in a trio; a piano duet waa pense of other producer groups,'' peror throughout the realm of the Home made candy supplied by 1 and only one victory to his credit lack of funds will necessitate cur­ Mahoney, C. Guitafaon, F. Wilkin­ shaking hands and signing auto­ again to read a report on election of fugitive Halle Selassie. Displays in Municipal Building counted for alx batters via the Hllinskl, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 ringside seats for one of the most Red Sox and Tigers, but catch the played by Mlaa Eleanor Werner and declared Mr. Buckingham. J. E. RAND IS NAMED The Moose club setback team members of the families of members until yesterday’: game with the tailment of the team personnel and son, F. Hewitt, C. Keeney, H. spectacular flrra this observer, who very devil from the aecond divitlon graphs. Mlaa EUde Roth, Mlaa Evelyn Cuater members to the World Court. The proclamation will be delivered Arranged Last Night by that lost in the series of games strikeout route. Usually erratic, Blozle, X ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Cleveland Indians when he came Over In tbe other dressing room. Success of any program to stabi­ o f the Klwanla club will be sold by Duffy gave up only one walk, the the entries In the distance events Frazer, E. Werner and H. Haefn. took In plenty of big downtown clubs?., .sfhd your answers to Joe aang a aolo and a Mother'! Day play Ambulance Bombing Up. lize the industry depends, he said, by planes and by native runners to Special Committee. played with the Coaat-to-Coast into bis own to pitch five-hit ball Miller sat with both handi propped club members before and during the very first batter to fact him, and the will be the first to suffer If such blazes during hla police reporting McCarthy, care Yankee stadium.,. waa preaented by Mra. Cavagnaro In separate communications to the on (A ) the presence- of a strong all sections of the annexed empire. HOSPITAL TRUSTEE team will provide the dinner to the 24 1 3 21 5 12 and win, 8 to 3. days, has even seen . . . a raging on hla table and hU face In hU League, Ethiopia denied Italy's presentations of "Silas, the CJhore pass led to the Trade School's only Score by Innings: proves the case. . . . by purchasing With Morlarty Brothers playing If baseball fans knew tbe whole and her aon, EMward, Alfred Lhng, producers' organization, (B) the One Fascist official said any for­ winners at the clubhouse tomorrow Boy," next Monday and Tuesday Bums, a weakling at bat since he the Olympic Insignias sports fans as the Meriden Endeea during tbe forest fire on top of Mt. Washington bands. Hla eyes were so puSad one claims that the East African empire mal statement now on the corona­ civil War relics kept In storage run. High ...... 640 330 0—16 story of the Paul Derringer case Richard Schubert, and Mrs. Richter uniform cost of milk to all pro­ night at 7 o’clock. nights In the Hollister street school Jumped from a substitute berth will boost Joe's chances of Journey­ week, the goa itaL m nine will couldn't have been any more excit­ couldn’t tell whether or not thers was conquered and Italy took Issue tion of the Italian King as Ethiopian several years were arranged last Rautenberg got th free ticket to T r a d e ...... lOO 000 0— 1 they wouldn't' bjs so quick to saddle were tears In them. who read the descriptive passages. ducers and (C) fair distribution of Annual Meeting of Corporation auditorium. with the Brow ns to fill the import­ ing to Berlin. . . . Buy now! probably not be available for a Twi­ ing than that press box blaze, which all the blame on the pitcher. with Britain over responsibility for Emperor would be premature, but he night by John Jensen, Wilbur Love­ first. Porcheron and Zeppa ground­ xBatted for Hllinakl In 9th. Keenly disappointed over the Iota Mra. Karl Richter who gave such the proceeds to producera Held Last Night— Three A vote la being taken by the loco­ Proceeds from the sale of candy, ant shoes of Hank Greenberg, the light League but a good circuit must have been visible to at least a Already N. Y. headline writers a flneadeech for the mothers at last bombardment of a British Red Cross disclosed that government officials land and Mrs. Maude Shearer In ed out to advance him to thiia, after Three base hit, PUtt; hits, off of hU crown, tbe first time ha had He referred to the recent referen­ one of the two display cabinets motive pnglneera of the "New Ha­ together with the profit from the Tiger first baseman who suffered a Bristol High’s track end field team could be formed among the follow­ half-million people . . . have shortened It to "Dl Mag".,. year's iranquet, consented to do It ambulance at Quoram. were studying the question. Others Re-elected to Board. which Mike Saverick singled through Duffy 3 In 7, Saverick 9 in 4, Rau And the only persona who appear­ been whipped In tbe 20 tlmca ha haa dum conducted among the pro­ erected In the second floor lobby of ven” railroad on the question of show, which will be given by a stel­ short to bring him home. Zeppe broken wrist, showed his first burst drubbed New Milford 8at\irday, 71- ing teams: Manclieste, areennWest mark this down: Louis and Schmel- again, and Mlaa Helen Adamy spoke Wolde M rlam, Ethiopian minis­ ducers, which showed about one- Study Precedent. tenberg 2 In 2, Hllinskl 1 li, 1; stolen ed bored by the thrilling spectacle risked It. Miller had little to eay. ter to Paris and delegate to the the Municipal building as a WPA having two engineers on the stream­ lar cast from the Community Play- beat out an Infield roller for a scratch bases, Weber 2, Wlnzler, Bycholski of power with tlie club, getting a 10, and once again the performances Sides, Selberllngs, Polls,t-Amencana, Ing will ihatter all records (or a More than 23,000 persons crowded for the daughters. Mrs. Alfred third of the producers In favor of a He said the coronation might be project. J. E. Rand of 43 (Ilobum road waa line trains. The refusal to use two era, will be used to finance the vaca­ home run and a single In four trips of dcatructinn were the members of non-title "gate".. . the Giants need Lang aang a solo. A bouquet of League, declared In an official com- held In Aksum, Holy City and re­ hit In the third and Saverick blasted Cobb, Becker, Porcheron, Zeppa, were no better than fa ir ... .we’re Highland Park, Concordla,d, Royal the Harvard ami Boston lacrosse Into the American feagua ball park flat price. Instead of the present The similar cabinet against the elected to the Board of Trustees at men will be followed by a strike of tion camp for underprivileged chil­ a single Into right in the sixth. In to tbe plate. picking Manchester to beat Bristol Oaks and Blueflelds.., .half of tne a pitcher and some Inflelders to get beautiful pink sweet peaa waa pre­ comunicatlon that Ethiopia was still equalization plan. ligious capital of Ethiopia, with the Saverick; left on bases. Trade &, club teams and Chuck Hornbostel, to aee Washington's first champkm- "untamed.” opposite wall of the lobby will be a meeting of the Manchester Memo­ all engineers, It Is expected. The dren sponsored each summer by the the same inning, Zeppa hao reached High 7; base on balls, off Duffy I, The victory enabled the Tigers to In their dual meet at the Bell City teams could form the East Side back In the National league ra ce... Bhlp fight. The gate was around sented to Mrs. Augusta Wilkie of Any revision of the present plan chief precedent being studied that of service club. the Hooalcr middle distance star filled at a later date with World rial corporation laat night In the vote will be tabulated next Tuesday. on a fielder's choice and he went to Saverick 2, Rautenberg 3, Hllinskl climb back Into the flrrt division as this afternoon but expect the final League and the other half tbe West and President Horace Stoneham has 84d.OOO, with Hitler getting 810JMO 174 Center street, a f the oldest Under Instructions from his Em­ must take Into consideration the ex­ Queen Victoria of England who be­ hospital clinic building. Mr. Rand who Is attending the Harvard busi­ War relics. Both cabinets have been No regular streamline trains are Extra acts for the two perform­ third on Saverlck's hit. With cnly 1; struck out, by Duffy 5, Saverick they unleashed batting power all score to be very, very close.... Side League, with thr winners told Bill Terry to got them regard­ and Sarron 81,500. mother present, and lavender sweet peror, Wolde Mariam said, "the istence of the dissatisfied group. came Empress of India. will serve until 1941. ness school . . . while the con­ greater part of Ethiopia to the west lined with a white material to off­ run through Manchester, but a vote ances are being arranged by Russell one away, Duffy showed his rtulf 3, Hllinskl 2; time, 1 hour; umpire, down the line. A'. Simmons got meeting for the town title. . . . less of expense. . . trouble Is, Bill peas, to Mrs. John Fischer of Bum- Administrator Buckingham said, The officials said foreign missions F. A. VcrpIancK, W. W. Robertson Potterton, chairman of the Klwanla flagration was spreading to Its of Its capital remains free and inde­ set their dark finish. The cost to to strike win affect the service here, by fannlrig 'n.« next tw . batters. It O'Leary. three hits, one a triple. In four Hartford HlK;h'8 trackmen nosed furious climax, the lacroasers. doesn't know where to get th em ... aide as the youngest mother at the "an d It Is not unlikely that any plan In Addis Ababa had lost their status the town for the material used In and C. Elmore Watkins were re­ should the engineers stay out. committee arranging the benefit. waa the Trader’s only other threat. times at bat. The Detroit “Jockeya" out Warren Harding of Bridgeport, Manchester Green will practice In action across the street, were Mike Jacobs look the leash off Joe banquet pendent. Ethiopia continues to de­ adopted niust embody some recogni­ of legations since the Italian occupa­ the cabinets waa 8187.69. The Fed­ elected to the board for a one-year Tickets are being sold by members The glrla presented to the wife fend Itself. It refuses to recognize Six Errors, Six Buns. also were In fine fettle, Irking 68 1-3 to 46 2 -3, In a meet that was tonight at 6:15 o'clock at Jarvis whacking away with their snow- LouU long enough (or Joe to be Ui- tion of the flat price principle.” tion, but that since they had many eral government paid for the labor. term. of the Klwanla club. club. The only errors were charged troduced In the Garden tbe other League Standing | o f their pastor, in appreciation of the Italian armies' Illegal ot .upation The Young People’s society of the The ridiculous fcnt'irc waa the Johnny Allen, who was driven from highlighted by the brilliant mile per­ Grove and all players are urged to shoe-shaped scoops and the equally Administrator Buckingham refer­ of their own nationals In that re­ The articles displayed Include two The remainder of the meeting waa Members of the club may leave to Zwlck at short In his muff of a n igh t.. .McLamln and Canzonerl her assiatance, a corsage of gar­ of the other part by force." gion, they might remain to look Concordia Lutheran church will complete collapse o t the Trade’s pretty tough fly and Weir at third the box after four Innings, so that formance of MaclewskI of Harding be present. Intent Hornbostel was in the YESTERDAY'S RESULTS red to the committee several mar­ United States flags, a number of devoted to annual routine bualnesa. have a dog roast Friday evening. their donations of candy either at the temperamental pltcber wanted stadium, side-stopping through put on the beat show we've seen In denias. Italy, In reply to a British pro­ keting plans which had been suo after their Interests. rifles, swords, bayonets. Grand Joel Nichols’ store at Depot Square fielding forces in the first two Inn­ on a grrounder that went through his National League test over the Quoram bombardment, Transportation will be provided to punch Del Baker, Tiger Utird much of the Boston fire depart two years of looking at 'em from mltted to him, and suggested that Thus, the Legations woidd assume Army of the Republic badges, pro­ or at Potterton and Krah'a store ings when ten misplaya and five ..Its legs. the front row. Naw York 18, PUJadilphla 12. contended the first shots came from and It Is planned to leave the church produced nine nms for t Kelley- The catcher's balk wasn't the only base coach, and Ctochrane. ment's rolling stock aa he primed Boston 2, Brooklyn 1. the proponents be given a hearing. roughly the status of consulates. grams of past Memorial Day ob­ promptly at 6:30. John Lang who Is near the Center, Mr. Potterton said Attention Big Ten; Minnesota's the site of the Bi itlsh ambulance Itea. With one out In the first unusual play in yesterday’s tussle. Free Sooring Battle for his coming Olympic tryout (Only gamea ecueduled). The officials said foreign capital servances, a blble opened to chap­ VILLA MARIA H O T a In charge of arrangements Is keep­ today. testa .... eleven guard candidates are taking IL DUCE ORDERS and responsibility fell on the unit Invested In Ethiopia would come un­ ters 27, 28 and 29 of Proverbs, a frame, Zwlck singled through third. Webber waa on third when Fraher The Phillies took advantage of American Itm g m ing the destination a secret the short right field fence at Baker LAWSON U H L E FAILS John Ogden, the Baltimore Orioles the battle for Jobs so seriously they for falling to prevent "hostile acts" der Italian law, applied at the dis­ copy of the “Courant” printed in Kose grounded to third but DiTaran- lifted B foul fly behind third. Sav­ nut sneak to each other in the Detroit 8, (TIevelaad 8. against Italian planes. DINNERS POPULAR do was playing out of position at erick went after it but dropped the Field to drive ou' five home runs manager, claims that four of the 16 Will SEE DRASTIC CHANGES cretion of the Viceroy. An official 1904, a copy of "The Soldiers' True mnlor league clubs couldn't finish locker room.. . which doesn't mska (Thicago 18, 8L Louis 6. (Copyright !9S« by Aiaoclnted Press) Friend” printed In 1879 and other The Amaranth Sewing club will second and dropped Rautenberg's ball. In the meantime Webber but the Giants also took advantage ITALIAN GROUP dispatch said Marshal Badogllo de­ meet tomorrow afternoon at DRIVER AND PASSENGER In the first division of his Interna­ Bernle Blerman s gray Heart gr«t'„r (Only gamea acheduled), relics. throw. Bycholski lined to third. made as If to go home then started of It in the ninth to land the blow clined authorization for a reopening o’clock with Mrs. Mary Parkff of 177 TO QUALIFY FOR OPEN tional league . . . his team is now ... football aces can break down Many Manchester People Are Rautenberg dropped the ball and that gave them a 13-12 victory. It IN NEW REVENUE BILL of the former Imperial Bank of back to third. After Saverlck’s resting In fourth place In that cir­ sales resistance as well os forward THE STANDINOS Patronizing Resort in South Center street. Mra. Adelaide Pickett RNED IN BOLTON COURT then mlas^ Porchcron's toss to cut bobble, Webber again ran toward the was a hectic ball game In v/hlch the POPULAR MARKET HAKES Ethiopia. win be the hostess. cuit and he boaata it Is stronger than walU...GIen (Sllml Campbell, for­ NstlOBal Laagns TO QUIT GENEVA off wick, loading the bases. plate. Porcheron bad picked up lead changed five times and eight Bobby Servis (x) (Oontinned from Page One) An opening of a branch of the SWEDISH JUNIOR LEAGUE Glastonbury Now. either of the Philadelphia clubs, the mer mid-weatem star, with only W. Xj . FC Bonk of Italy In Addis Ababa waa CJobb walked, forcing Zwlck home the ball and he threw to Saverick pitchers saw duty, five for the Former British and American Cincinnati ...... 70-71—141 Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston two months' experience, topped all St. LouU ...... 14 7 MX (jOootlnoed From Page One) The Friendly Bridge club will Justice Arthur Genovise Re­ with the first counter. Then Beck­ who whipped the ball to Bllnn to Cl'inta. A total of 31 hl*s were made Johnny Goodman (x) AN ADDITIONAL OFFER means that the tax waa pa-ssed on imminent. meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Bees . . . the agents In the Topeka (Kana.) PIttaburgh ...... 12 9 J t n Premier Mussolini directed Count The Villa Marla Hotel In South mits Part of One, All of er grounded to third, Rautenberg nail Webber at home. with the Phillies getting 16. Omaha ...... 72-72—144 Ogden has a difficult time In District for a big Iniurance com­ (Thicago ...... 12 10 M 6 The executive body of the League to the consumera or back to the ENTERTAINS MOTHERS Glastonbury has rapidly come to the Arthur E. Loomis of Keeney street. hobbled again and Kose scored. Weir Manchester High entertains East Mcl Ott, who drove In a total ot producers and was reflected In mar­ Giuseppe Volpl, president of the Fas­ Other Assessment. Amateur Champ Cards Ralph Beach Baltimore . . . the Orioles’ park Is pany In A pril...and the runner-up New York ...... 12 10 345 was summoned to a public session fore as a popular dining and danc­ rolled to the box and Saverick threw Hartford High In a C. C. I. L. game eight runs altogether, banged the Baltimore ...... 70-71—141 Will Give Away a 6 Pound ket prices up to January 18. cist (Confederation of Industrialists, Group 8, Mrs. Annesley Trotter, BO small that they can't break even was Ernest Bearg, former athletic (Tlncinnatl ...... 11 IS .468 late today to consider the resolution ing resort, especially among Man­ out Bycholski at home. Bllnn tried at the West Side field tomorrow and payoff homer In the last Inning with Johnny Revolta Roast of Beef As Well As "The processora therefore are ab­ to organize technical groups (or de­ Group of 23 Attends from Man­ leader, wIU meet this evening at If they had a sell-out for every director at Washburn College. Boston ...... 10 13 .485 after all members except Italy met velopment of Ethiopia. chester people. Just a short distance Arthur Genovise, sitting as Jus­ for a double play but hit Weir with faces Middletown In another league two on, two out, and the Gionta 152 at Wamponoag Links Chicago ...... 71-72— 143 home game . . . he always takes Philadelphia ...... 10 solutely not ontlUed to keep for chester —Local Girl 7:30 at Center okurch house. hla peg to first. Cobb scored and 15 .400 laat night In a secret midnight seS' Ten Chickens This Week. from this town the local people tice of the peace In Bolton last title here Friday, while Manchester trailing by two luns. Manager Bill John Rogers them out of the red with his super TODAY’S GAMES Brooklyn ...... 9 19 391 aion. themselves tax revenues which have Charge of the Banquet. night. Imposed a fine of 880 and Becker went to third. Squatrlto Trade travels to Stafford to oppose Denver ...... 72-69—141 already been paid to them by con- who have visited there have found The Ladles’ Aid society of the Terry of the New York team, who salesmanship . . . last year he sold National Isngue Aroerieon Leagtw The resolution suggests June 15 coata on Herbert August who was singled through third, scoring Beck­ Stafford High tomorrow and then is to Furnish Stunning Upset; Waldo (Trowder the majors 847,500 worth of play­ aumers and producers. To allow the HINDENBURG OVER OCEAN the food so delicious and the cock- North Methodist church will meet is leading both lec.ucs with a bat- Pittsburgh at Boston. W. L. PC. as the date tor a special session of The Popular Market announced tall service so good they have charged with operating a motor er. Weir came home on a throw to host to Windsor Locks High at Mt. tin-: average of .538, g ji three hits Cleveland ...... 73-68—141 ers . . . today that In addition to the draw­ processors to retain this revenue Manchester mothers and daugh­ tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock St. Louis at Brooklyn. New York ...... 17 7 .705 the Council to discuss the conflict. spread the word among their friends vehicle without a Ucenae, without get Squatrlto at second that Ol- Nebo on Friday. for a perfect day at bat. Fred Morrison ings on ten chickens which are to would be in the nature of a sheer ters to the number of 23 attended with Mrs. E. A. LydaU. Mra. Wal­ Other Stars Fall. Cincinnati at Philadelphia Boston ...... 17 9 380 The conferees abandoned the Idea ON ITS RETURN FUGHT widely so that local patronage is proper registration and resisting an Tarando muffed. Duffy grounded Southern (Talifomla .. 70-71—141 take place Saturday. May 16th, they gift which, for example, for the the annual Mother and Daughter ter LydaU and Mrs. C. L. Raich will The Chicago White Eox rode a ROYAL OAKS PRAOTIOE Chicago at New York.. (TIeveland ...... 15 9 .6 2 5 o f inoorporatlng into the resolution big. officer. He was arrested In Bolton out to second to retire the side. barrage of 22 hits, eight for extra Gunnard Johnson the doctrine of Henry L. Stimson, will also hold a special drawing on cotton, wheat, and hog processing banquet of the Swedish Junior assist Saturday night by Constable Win­ American League Detroit ...... 11 U 300 League last night at the Lutheran Giuseppe Mlglletta, manager of Bat Around Again. bases, to a 19-6 triun ,,1: ,vcr the Minneapolis ...... 76-71— 147 ' former secretary of state of the a 6-pound roast of beef Friday noon Industries would amount to several (Continued from Page One) fred White. Of this fine 815 was The entire High school lineup By ABSO(TIATED PRESS The Royal Oaks will practice to­ Washington at (Thicago. Chicago ...... 10 10 300 Chapel In West Hartford. Miss the Italian Provts)'-'. Company, Racing Notes St. Louis Browns. It wa.s the 13th Bill Soiiter United States, refusing recognition after the Herald Cooking School la times their annual net profits of Anderson-Shea auxiliary wlU remitted. came to bat again in the second. Lawson Little, the stocky shot- night at the West Side field at 8 Philadelphia at Cleveland. Washington , ...... 13 14 .481 Florence L. Johnson of Clinton Hartford, Is the proprietor o f the straight defeat for Rogers Horns­ Jacksonville ...... 75-75— 160 to the acquisition of territories by over. This roast will be given away prosperity years. tween Germany and the United meet tonight at 8 o'clock In the Adelbert Weir, who waa with Opalach again led off by whiffing. maker who was a double winner of o'clock and all players are urged to Ne)V York at St. LouU. Philadelphia ...... 8 16 345 street, this town, prealdent of the hotel and he personally auperrises By ASSOCIATED PRESS by’s team. E. J. Harrison force. absolutely free. All that Is re­ "I am aware that the large meat States—trips which Dr. Hugo Eck- State Armory. Deputy Chief of Augiut and who “wrestled with the Z ^ c k walked. Kose grounded out both the British and American ama­ be present. , Boston at Detroit 8L Louis ...... 3 20 .1 1 0 League, waa mlatress of ceremoniea. the catering. The hotel is making a Tbe horses of Mrs. Ethel Jacobs Bees Tops Dodgers Nashville ...... 71-69—140 Officials said, however, that this quired Is that you fill In your name packera have recently been agitat­ ener, prealdent of the Zeppelin com­ Staff Agnes Hunt of Middletown officer", was charged with interfer­ to short. Bycholski grounded to teur golf championships, will be Emil Loeffler The tables were artistically dec­ specialty of Saturday night dancea captured the majority ot races and The Brooklyn Dod,;ers, held Idea was rather Implied In the res^ and address on the coupon which Is ing against the 'wlnfaU' tax pro­ pany, hopes win bring the establish­ wUl be present to Inspect the auxi­ ence and fined 85 and coata. Tbe fins abort but Porcheron’s throw pulled won the most money at the recent among the missing when the Na­ PIttaburgh ...... 77-78—150 hiUon'a first draft, which muat be appearing In the Heral 1 every day orated In yellow green and orchid and Sunday dinners. It Is not neces­ liary. was remltte'cIockJn Odd Tommy Armour finished In that or­ Freddie Miller, 128, (Tlnclniutl, executive body voted to keep Etblo- 3 o clock-at the Elki home In Rock^ slaughtered by them and by the TO HOLD PUBUC RECITAL PLAY HERE TOMORROW Fellows hall. The prograiigraugilWll be Mra. W. T. McCann, 85 Ridge place on the bag. Fraher fanned. Woodward's Granville and Teufel Runs—Gehrig, Yankees 29; Geh- ly sent to Passaic from sotu'cea in and Snark from the Wheatley stable der at Chicago with 148 and 145 re­ world . featherweight champion, yp** on its agenda, was not pres- rifle. Supreme Prealdent Mra. Frank amall packers. Durii.g the fiscal a competitive one betwiveentbe men atreet Weiss got a scratch bit to first. ringer, Tigers, 25. (16), won title; Meyer Rowan, 135, Bomer of Peabody, Maaa., with her three states. The babim bad been while Bob Smith plans to send Mrs. spectively. TRY THIS PRINCELY TOBACCO AT OUR RISK ,'ea t year 1935, there were 16,627 hog Mrs. Ada N. Merriftold will hold a The women of the Sunset Ridge and women. The men's entertain­ Other Winners Winxler stole third and came home Runs batted la—Dickey, Yankees, Washington, knocked out Andy supreme suite, will Install the offl- given only water sweetened with when Bllnn's throw to the bag vas Dodge Sloane’a Corundum after the Billy Burke who won the open In In addition to a resolution on processors. Four large packers pupils redtal at the Hollister School Country club will be guests of ths ment will be under the direction of Mra. James CampbeU, 125 Main 84; Foxx, Red Sox, 22. Btmy, 137, Loa Angeles, (4), Smoke 20 frosraat pipefuls of Priaee Albert. If yea daa'I Had cera. glucose and fortified with whiskey wild. Thumer walked. PUtt rich prize. Johnny Stout, who waa 1932; Fred Haas, Jr., of New Or­ "Maly's East African oonmiest, the slaughtered 40 per cent ot all hogs, auditorium, Thursday, May 14, at 8 Manchester Country club tomorrow Harry White, and the women's pro­ street Nelly D(m dress from Hale'a. ' Hlt»—(lehringer. Tigers, 87; Geh­ Cblcag(>—EMwln Waling, 12S14, it tha msllowost, tatUMt pip# tobacco yoa ovor smsksd, rotom councillors discussed problems of A t 6 o'clock a dinner will be aerv- from their birth Saturday until the gram will be in charge o f i f n . Mrs. E. A. 8tevena.6> » | BaltiaMra, (10), MANimW»TER EVEV7NG FTKPAI R MA^ermrSTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 18. IM S . . t ; - * - MANCHESTER EVUNTHG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, MAT 12,1988. HT8 AND HER BUDDIES For Gosh Sakes Bv MARTIN GEE.-WKW DO mw'. M5E VOO M0 l 6OSH.bJO~. V JE U -.TC S BUT .XNIEVjE 60h(E SENSE and N O N SEN SE VOO 6URROSE1 SUWE. THIS \SNiT Cfr COURSE bXJTl PROSASVy JUST AK) -THVS yWR^VOE CHEST Vtlft A U . SOME OF [CROSS NW OLO \ROT^ THWVo NW6WT A S VvJElV. A man’s good judgment usually An adult la a paraon who fealz ABOUT ? WEARtT”- ! HAO THAT VOASHEO HKVJE A VOOVL m m B U Y %WMM,^^m.MTY/itH/Ae€M,Pkmnwmwm \T — shows up the day after. superior because bs bS" stopped i MO IDEA VT ASHORIE SOME­ growing. ‘ \NAS H E R E ------TIME . A battarie nation Is ons that has Mmcm4r * ii mmrMwerii^ x f « ? « # c m 7 ^ / h rn ^ no debts, defleita or poison gas. Visitor—1 hear your village Is verv healthy...... - ...... — ■■" ...... ■■■ ------^ Gladys— Bob said he would, kiss Brusbvtne Inhabitant—It's ths me or die in the attempt healthiest apot on eartL. BUSINESS SERVICES HKLP WANTED— FUEL AND FEED 49>A BUSINESS LOCATIONS EdJthe—W ell, what happened? Visitor—And yet your oemtery la OFFERED 13 , MAIaE :{fi FOR KENT 64 C l^ ys—I found be had no life tn- pretty full. 1986 DODGE SEDAN. 1035 Ford FOR SALE—SEVERAL tons of WIFE OF CROONER su"nnce, and I pitied his poor old BrushvlIIe Inhabitant--Yes, but sedan, 1935 Pontiac coupe, 1933 W AN TE D — G ARDENS to plow, good well cured hay ;:i5 per ton, the graves are those of doctors and W A T K IN S BROTHERS hoe an FOR RENT—STORE 26 by 38. For Many Nations Report mother. ' at the bam. 284 Lake street, tele­ undertakers who died from broken Plymouth sedan, 1931 Buick sedan, harrow, and mark H. Warren opening for a saleaman In their Information, coll a. 601 Center hearts. 1931 Chevrolet coach. Special Caae. Biickland. Tcl. Manchenter electrical department. Man select­ phone Rosedale 32-2. A. E. Fish. street. SEEKING DIVORCE True friendship can take a lot of terms to Ex-Seivlce men. Cole 4246. ed will be trained to manage Drop in Unemploymentl punishment, but when it smashed M .tors. department. Car required. Ask for It cannot be patched together again. Mr. Terhunc. 2 to 4 only. Watkins HOUSES FOR SALE 72 FM)KlaSTS—.NDKSKKIKS 15 CAUDEN—FARM— Brothers, Manchester. Washington, May 12.— (A P) — A Would-Be-Adve.-User —Are you fiV MKA filfivict. we. I I BUSINESS SERVICES DAIKV I'KODUCTS 50 FOR SALE, RENT OR exchange, Mrs. Vallee Finally Decides !, Great Britain (Including Norther. TIM E TO P L A N T your Gladiolun vvorld-wlde drop In unemploymeut certain that advertisements In your uotations— OFFERED 13 W ANTED- GAS station attendant. nevy modern 6 room bouse, with Ireland) had 2,016,678 idle in March and the place to get yotu bulbs Is was reported today by the Intema- paper bring results? Must have previous experience. M ANU RE, Be s t quality horse or garage, from one to 24 acres of Uonaal Labor Organization. compared with 2,272,107 In MarclL Eklltor BrusbvlUe Bugle— Abso­ W A N T E D — M A C H IN ..' shop work at GInd Acres, Wfipplng, Conn. T. cow, top drosHi. I for lawns, S. D. to Make Final Their Many iToonerville Folks ~ ^ ^______By Fontaine Fox Must have mrclianlcnl ability. land. Inquire at 746 Parker street. Great Britain, Germany, Japan, 1935, and 1,905,675 in D ecem be^ lutely. W hy the last Urns a man ad­ and g^encral rcpnlrliiK. Acetylene J. Heritage. Tel. Rosedalc 75-12. Pearl, 100 Woodland street, tele­ I'm not much of a politician, but Must be a neat and willing work­ Canada, Australia, Belgium, Nor­ 1935. March unemployment wan vertised for a lost dog, th- dog welding, brazing and cutting. phone 7069. 40 WESTMINSTER ROAD new six I don’t think my son should cam­ FOR aSALE — TRA aNSPLANTB:D er. Must "He promjit. W iite Box F, way, Poland, Sweden, Chile, France, 16.4 per cent of the total number M walked in while the man was writ­ w h en Mickey McGuire steps on th e scales u p a t th e corner pruo store Lawn mowers sharpened and re­ room house, attached garage, 100 ' Separations. paign this year. The people know OLTR BOARDING HOUSE By Gene Ahern tomiUo and pepper plants, at Herald, giving name and telephone. Finland, Estonia, South Africa and workers, compared with 16.7 per ing out the advertisement. conditioned. Snow Bros. Tel. 4506 percent Rock, wool Insulation, whether they want him for another Odermann’s. 504 Patker street. Luxembourg—along with the United cent In the United SU tes In Febru-I four years. If they don'L well, he'll or 4531. WANTED- WOMAN for general which cuts fuel 'costs, and adds Telephone 4928 HOIJSEHOI.D GOODS 51 States— were among the countries ary. The British figure came fror This squib from the New York get along well enough. housework. Telephone 5066 after much to summe. comfort. Build­ Loa Angeles. May 12.— (API — where the number of Jobless de­ EVET5V SPRIM preceded by what her attorney, Ben FOREIGN EXCHANGE kong 32.80; Mexico City 27.8 you think? One o f tha finest things about Montreal In N ew York, 99.96 7-8;| TH E . cleaners etc., cleaned, recondition­ C. Cohen, termed a “satisfactory Woman— Indeed, and how long man Is his capacity to know values. A BAMBC50 POLE < CLASSIFIED WANTED TO EXCHANGE mod­ New York in Montreal, 100.03 1-8. LAWN ' ed. Tool sharpening. Jraltnwalte, SITUATIONS VVANTKD— and amicable adjustment of their have you been doing that? But so many times we choose the IN TH' SUM M ER, HE WANTED—TO BUY ii8 ern 7 room house, for lot near New York. May 12— (AP) —For­ N — Nominal. ADVERTISEMENTS , 62 Pearl street. financial affairs." Friend—Oh, about three years. tin and brass o f life when we oould E6AP/X HAVE FEMALE 38 Center of Manchester. Tel. 6467. eign Exchange Irregular; Great Bri­ SWIMS TH' ENGUSM Oeunt ala averagt irordf lo a ilae. Woman—^Then you must have the Just as easily gain the diamonds. HIGHEST PRICES paid for Junk, Cohen said Vallee would not con­ tain In dollars, others In cents. DISCOVERED a ' laltUls. numbers and abbravlatlona M ID D LE ADHD woman wouh like live poultry bought. Wm. Ostrln- test the divorce. THE AfJERICAN FAN first page nearly filled. — IBlshop Ernest L. W aldorf, Metho­ CHANNEL'-’-IN TH'PALL, each oount ae a *ord and compound Great Britain, demand 4:98 1-8; Chicago— When Morris Mendel-I , WEW THEORV'- PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 28 work caring for Invalid or houac- sky, 91 ainton street. Tel. 5879. The suit virtually ended a five- dist Episoopal church, Chicago. words as two words Minimum coot Is cables 4.98 1-8; 60 days bills sohn discovered burglars bad crack-1 HE ^ H O C trS WHITE ELEPHANTS pries ol three tines. work. References Phoio 3788. year story of marriage spotted with The constitution seems to be like H A C K > - F 6 \FF' I WANT TO TALK to ambitious 4:97 1-8; France demand 6:59 1-8; ed the safe at his delicatesMn aodl Idlas rates psr dsj lor transient Bible Readings bickering, alleged boy friends and the Bible. Everybody Is In favor of Too many people who control the IN. INDIA/ A N D IN men desirous of qualifying to In­ cables 6.50 1-8; Italy demand 7.87; taken (200, he Just said, "oh, well,” ! 1 SHALL P U T IT I s4s- girl friends, fond occasions of mak­ It,, but few know Its contents. financial side of the school system TH' WINTER, HE ■ifectiTe March If. in? stall and service all typos of elec­ LIVE STOCK—VEHICLES 42 APARTMENTS—FLATS— cables 7.87. and didn't even bother to tell the| INTO OPE^^A-^O^J Cash Charffs Tuesday. M ay 12— Read Hebrowm ing up again and renewed farewells. Demands: think education stops with reading, tric refrigerators and air con­ TENEMENTS 63 police. , There are a lot of folks who never S K IS tJO W N f Consecytivs i>ays «.i 7 ois| I ots 2:6-13 The couple's difficulties reached a Belgium 16.97; Germany Free writing and arithmetic. IW MV 6ARDEW,! I Conssoutlvs Uayt •.] I ots il ots ditioning systems. Experience not FOR SALE-HORSE wlli w< k But later In the day Mendelsohn, a| high point soon after their separa­ 40.38, Reg. Travel 26.75; Reg. 22.40; would go around together if it —M n. Curtis Boh, Philadelphia. T H ' A LP S 1 Dsr ...... I II otsi II cu necessary but applicant must be double or ainglc Clic. p. 100 .Slat FOP RENT—THREE rooms at hot Chicago Cubs fan, sat down to| wasn't for the revolving doors In AMD W hat Is man, that thou art mind­ tion In April, 1933. when Mrs. Vallee Holland 67.60; Norw ay 25.00; Swe­ ON O N E All orders for IrrscPlht Insertions willing to devote some spare time street. Midland Apartmento Telephone tune in the radio report of the ball I the post offices. SURTOSE will hs oharsed nt ths one lime rats. ful of him ?... .Thou mndest him a sought to have voided an agreement den 25.66; Denmark 22.22; Finland game. Then he boiled over. Tho| If it hadn't been for Roosevelt, In training. Write giving age, 4131 or 8333. CP ^ o a r f •psoisl rstet («>r long term sesry FOR SALE—NEW MILCH Young little lower than the angels— under which she received (100 a 2;20Vi; Switzerland 32.33; Spain burglars had taken the radio, too. we’d have been shooting our neigh­ G - TH E dnr adesrtlBlng give upon request. phone, working hours, and refer­ , Jerry—Poor Sandy MaePherson Jeraey Cow. Tel-ohono Rosedale FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, down W e see Jesus who was made a week. 13.66; Portugal 4.52V&; Greece Mendelsohn dashed to the nearest! bors, back in 1933, and I’m damn- V V O R L D T Ads ordered for three or sti days ences. Refrigeration Eng. In st, lost a quarter of a million dollars and stopped before ths third oi flfth 14-2. stairs, steam heat, all modern con­ little lower than the angels (for the Against testimony that Vallee .94i/G; Poland 18.85; Czechoslovakia police station, where the desk ser-l ned If I would rather be taxed to Box J, Herald. he Inherited last year. WITH M V G day will be charged cnly for tbs ao* veniences. Available June 1st. In­ suffering of death) crowned with misrepresented his financial condi­ 4.15H: Jugoslavia 2.30; Austria geant comforted him somewhatl feed ’em than be taxed to buy gun­ taal Dumber of imes tbs o apnsar* Kemps— Is he frantic? FOR SALE—FOUR COWS, Iwi quire 34 Clinton street. glory and honour.— tion when his wife signed the agree­ 18.75N; Hungary 29.55N; Rumania with: “There Isn't any ball game ini powder to blow ’em up. PESULTS.g s4. charging at tbs rats aarnsd. but Jerry— Yes, now he only has no allowance oi refunds eaa be mads Guernaeya, and two Jeraeys, al.io In the midst of the church will 1 ment, his counsel at that time .76; Argentine 33.20N; Brazil 8.59N; Chicago today, anyway.” -—Gov. Benjamin J. Moetir, Ariz. HELP WANTED— (999.999.76. on six time ads stopped after ths one bull, tested. Mrs. Yurgel, T ay­ FOR R E N T — 6 ROOM tenement, sing praise to Thee. sought to show that she was Indis­ fifth dsy. FEMALE 35 lor street, Talcottvllle. newly renovated, sunny side. 43 creet with Gary Leon, broad-shoul­ All I have to say Is that I’m glad No **ttll forbids" 4 display llass apt It lit the same electricity that sslfi. Cedar street. dered adagio dancer. Tm In the restaurant business. Christ is the center of life for the makea household problems so easy Tbs Herald will aot be rssponslbls WANTED—WOMAN TO help with true believer. When you see great The divorce suit made no mention —Jack Dempsey, tor mors than ous 'Incorrect insertion I'OIILTKV AND FOR RENT—SEVERAL first class of any other woman In Vallee'i life, for the housewife that makes life cleaning. Telephone 3196. mountains or ocean, you feel very of any a<^vsrtlsemsnt ordered for SUIM'UES 43 slng'c and double Ivvclllngs. AV In nor of the dancer. In a separate’ so tmcerlaln In the deathbouse. mors than one tins. small. When you think of the great good locations, ^ppiy Edward J. maintenance action later dropped. Ths tnsdrsrtsnt omission of incor* FOR S A L E — BABY chicks, B. W. work of scientists, you realize how rset publlpatlDD of advsrtlsing will bs W A N T E D — P R A C T IC A L nurse. Holl. Tel, 4642. Fay had charged her husband with Man—I understand you are court Flapper Fan n y Sa y& D. tested, ala- started clucks, tt. T. much we did not know, and how ______wt.y.fcN>T.orr. rsstlfls only by csnoslIsMsei of ths Address Box L. M. care of. Herald. misconduct. ing a widow. Has she given you ehargs msds tor tbs ssrvles rendered. Allen, 37 Doane street. Tel. 7616 FOR RENT—FOR ROOM tene­ much more t l re Is to know. When any encouragement? All adeertieemente must conform Trouble Forgotten W A N T E D — W O M AN to help with ment, all Imprcvements, and ga­ you see a noble life of sr.criflce, you Mrs, Vallee's attorney said those Friend— I'll say she has. Last THICKEF m style, copy and typography with rage. 97 Bridge strcit. think how selfl.sh you are. Whenever o ragulatlone enforced by the publish- 1 usework In fp.-illy ol two. Write AKIICI. e s FtMI S A LK 4.) difficulties have been forgotten and night she asked me If I snored. • n and they reserve the right to Box L. M. Herald. you contrast yourself with God's the divorce is wholly friendly. sfilt. revise or lejeo* sny copy eon- greatness, you sec how very small sldtrsd objeetioneble. FOR SALE—ONE SING 1.E farm The new agreement provided To show the evils of dancing, an 0L08IN0 UOURS--Claeelfled ads to MONEY COMES IN steadily to harness. Horses collars, strap man is. Yet Christ chooses to dwell 'certain sums" for Mrs. Vallee, her rxcliangc mentions the fact that 10 ItM. Kv'iUIn* Poll I bs published earns day muet be re- woman who uses spare hours to work, harness repairing curtain in man. Man can see Jesus To ucc counsel said, In addition to the $100 George Washlngion was an Invet­ dhlypd by It o'clock noon: Saturdave take care of jur traoe. Home- and auto tops repaired. Chas. TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE Jesus Is to see God. To live like a week, which will continue to be erate dancer and eventually became ^ '•0 a. m. keepers glad to get Royce Prod­ Jesus Is to live as God wants us to. By John C Terry Laklng, 90 Cambridge street. Tele- Notice Is hereby given that prop­ paid her until. If ever, she remar­ the Father of hla Country., V .i!U HY SMITH You Can’t Say That To Scorchy Smith! The true believer can never be ries. TELEPHONE YOUR ucts. Liberal commission. No In­ phoHC 4740. erty taxes arc due and payable to vestment. We lurnlah everything. puffed up. Whenever wc think we The complaint of the band lead­ Large Woman—I want a collar - WAIT— vou -W B KNOW IDO -VOU AeeivB a t conclugiong , -M EBHBPALI HAMMAN PBftlK K THAT THE WANT ADS. the Town hf Bolton on May 15th, LITTLE WHIfE FLOWEIt BE «PAKEP-HB Abn >r Royce Co., 742 Royce Bldg., 1936. Such taxes may be paid on amount to something, v ;c had better er's wife recited a scries of incidents for my husband. FELLE4K l« MUCH, M ICKEY-ALl A LITTLE TOO QUICKLY, HOWAtXJI I f - WHV Ads are accepted over the telephone t WILL m a k e a PECI9ION A9 ID HBB FA7B fit the CHARQG RATB given above Cleveland, Ohio. Read The Herald Advs. or before June 15th, 1936, without realize that it Is God who makes us to show his ''ungovernable temper," derk—What size does be wear? , TALKIN' IN , HAMMAN DOBBN’ ; THE LOVELV LAIT/ W AN EXCEPTION X M n eonvtolen j to advertieere. but Interest. All taxes may be paid to “great emotional outbursts," and Large Woman—Size? .... H'm fSIPPLCe - UKE TTIAT,*© HBS A « TIME PEKMITC - F'ErHAPB HB ^ e CA8B RATK8 will o« accepted ae roving theatrical life Impaired her CT oepEI?EI? THAT WE WILL CONPEBCBNP TO APP FULL PATMBNT If paid at the busl- tax Collector's ofTIcc. I've forgotten th a t... .1 think 1 can oess office on or before the eeventh Notice is hereby given that such .May the love of Je^un be thy watch­ health, destroyed her peace of mind find out soon enough. -(Peeling off day following the first Ineertloo of taxes must be paid not later than word; and made her lose weight. her gloves ‘and holding out two saeh nd otnerwiec the CHARtiB September 15th, 1936, In ord. r to The rroNs of l»e thy qiH'iich- She complained the former "vaga­ very large bands) Here, measure will be oolteoted. No reeponei- hofM*; bond lover " criticized and derided blllty for errors in telephoned ads meet the budget adopted at the these. 1 can Just manage to get will hd asBURied and their accuracy FARM FOR SALE annual town meeting In said Town The IlRht of •loHiiN lie thy jfiildance her and engaged In "acrimonious them around his throat. eannet bs gtiarentsed. of Bolton. All taxes not paid on and thy Roal: discussions over trivial matters." INDEX OF To Settle An Estate Juno 15th, 1936, becomo dclinqiant The life of JenuH Im* thine everlast- When her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A man is pretty lucky these days, CLASSIFICATIONS and arc subject to Interest at Ihe itif' Ntay: Clarence Webb, of Santa Monica, (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) If spring Is the only thing that gives In Ihe htvirt of Vernon Center, near sehnol, ehiirch and bus rate of iJi of 1 % for each month The throne of tloNUN. thinc exceed­ Calif., visited the couple at Rudy's him that tired feeling. •irtka ...... summer home in Maine, the crooner The old prospector’s bird was 'round and soon ah opening was | ■BBagainrata center, 5 acres, elear, tlllahle land, sevenil fruit trees, modern and fraction of a month whlcn shall ing prent reward; • r ” elapse from May )5th. 1936 to date was “sullen and morose," and aloof strong. Said Duncy, "Take me Tight found. Up, up they went until Marrlagia 6-rooni house, bath, furnace, cleetrlelly, running water, urieslun The nuine of JeKUH, thine eternal Bobby went to church -with his Is ...... D of payment. and Indifferent toward his wife, as- along. I don’t know where you’re they reached a clear apace In tho | and iindylnR pralxe.— People's air. mother one night. A bald-headed Card of Thank...... e well, largo barn, ehleken house, several small sheds, milk A. A. MANEGGIA. Mis.sal. ■serted the complaint. bound for, but I have a happy Wi-'i with long whlaaerj sat In front In M.morl.m ...... r The dark, c|ou(la now were far | QmA U .t and Found...... i room and some tools. A Imrgnln for quick sale. .Mortgage ran Collector, Almost coincidental with the hunch. of them. "Mother," the little fel filing of the complaint here. Mrs. below. As Duncy eyed them, ha Annonaeemtnt...... t bo arranged. An Ideal plarn for little money. Dateil at Rollon. Conn., It Is said that cod liver oil is "The Tinymites are far away, low wbls]>ered; "does that man have Winning a beauty contest is Just I'allee dropped an appeal In New cried, "Oh, I’m glad that we are j ^ '•o n a l* ...... t May n . 1936. ffood for piippic.s and old dogs. but we will g e l to them today. I his head on upside down?" another form o f success. AnfOBMhIIsS York from a court decision dismiss­ up here, 'cause It's raining hard Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 certainly will be real tickled when down there." ing her suit to Invalidate the main­ I Join the bunch. Automobiles for exchange ««••(• I J. F. SHEEHAN tenance agreement of 1933. WASHINGTON TUBBS ___B ^ C ^ n e OUT OUR WAY By WilUama Auto Acosseorles^Tlres ...... g "M y good friend, the prospec­ About a half hour passed, and FRECKLES AN D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Auto RepsIrlng^Palntlng 7 Bolton Road, Vrrnon Ck*nter Phono 075-11. Rockviflo pLexse.ooC/Voul E U D O O U fL 17 A PIPE WRENCH-' rbPBNiw rr wrrw T H A T * TO Auto Sohoole ...... tor, sent you out for me. Twas his then they started dropping down rOH.hAVGOSH/ Intent to save me from a long hike WON’T H t lulu b I s t w o u n g ^ ' THAT’S. CRAZY/ A PIPE WREMCH BEAU TIFY Autos—Ship by Truck I again. By now the clouds had r SHE LOOKS , Autos—For Hire ...... | DIE WITHI.N A DAY That’s my guess. I'm aure I'm blown away and everything was SO PALEAN- BELLE PIE, WILL THE REST WILL BUT OO AHEAD ~ At NT L4ALF A'B. VOUR HANDSv Cash /-or TAXES MUCH AS THE COURT RE- THE COIN HE CLAIMS TO VOU? YOLI CAN'T, Oaragea—Bervlce—Rtorags tO for taxes, mortgage interest or other ne<»d’s right. clear. ANTSTUL I’VE eOT TO GOOFY A-S PUTTIN' iBWT rr? Hotorcyelea—Bloyolee ...... U Watrrbury, May 12.— (AP) — A "To all the Tlnies he’a been kind, GFtETB IT, THEBE IS NO HAVE LEFT, IN PAYMENT DOC; Y O U - Wanted Autoe—Motorcyelee ... It QI K'KLV and arrange to repay In a year or All o f a sudden Duncy spied brother and .slater died In the same and there's no place where you will GET rr OPEWf DAINTY DEAUTV W ELL., WB Bnelaese and Pmfcaatoasl Servtres longer. Single and married peopU>'— hundreds the Tinymites below. One cried, EVIDENCE TO SHOW THAT F%)R THE MEDICINE HE *-SlRG€Ft/ CREAM IN A JAA Boelneee Services Offered ...... i l of them—are gettin : money this way. They house within a day of each other. find a finer man. You've saved me "W e ll hold a blanket for you, lad. CERTAIMLV Boueehoid Services O ffered...... ll-A William R. Keavaney, 70, former from a very scarey plight." SYLVESTTER COOK EMTEBEO TOOK, HAS W(3r BEEN THAT VOU HAVE TO W ILL N EED ilultdlng—Contracting ...... 14 FOR RENT get it on their own signatures and uetuiilly find Come an. now. drop down here!" u Florleta—Nurs«iies ...... n EMERGENCY U easy to re|Kiy. Vou will, too. Add iip'your superintendent of the Waterbury The blanket then was spread out THAT DRU<3 STORE p r o d u c e d ! i t w a s SEND PER A r r . N o w / Funeral Directors ...... n 4-KOOM APARTMENT with pri money needs and phone or see us TO D AY. Manufacturing company, died yeii- The bird Just chirped, and flew wide and to the bird brave Duncy HIS SOLE AUBI !! PLUMBER TO GfT 11 terday. He was preceded In death WTIH HONEST INTENT.' Beating—Plumbing—Roofing vate bath. (21). per month. Steam Loans up to $300— 20 months to repay. along. For quite a long time naught cried, "Please let go ot my shoul­ taeurance ...... n by Mrs. Ellen Keavaney Aaplnwall. went wrong. Then, up above, some rr OPEN Millinery—Dresemaklng ...... ti heat (5 extra per month during The rate of Interest is three ( 8 ) per cent, per ders! I am not afraid to fall." Moving—Trucking—Suurage ttJ CAUS month, or thirty-six ( 88) per cent, per annum Keavaney retired ten years ago. black clouds gathered, blotting out Ho quickly landed safe and sound. Public Passenger Servloe ...... tO-A winter months. on the unpaid amount of the loan. He was a former memtwr o f the the sun. The blanket made him bounce Painting—Papering ...... n Governor's Foot Guards and one­ Thought Duncy, "It will rain, around. The Tlnlea held on tightl.v. Profeselnnal Servlets ...... tt Apply Supt., .Apartment 4, Room 3 State Theater Bldg. time captain In the Connecticut Na- 1 Repairing ...... t l POLICE PERSONAL I'U bet, and then will get soak­ Then came laughter from them all. rajlorlng—Dyeing—Cleaning 14 26 BIrrh Street 753 Main St. Tel. 8430 FINANCE COMPANY tlunaal Guard. He also was active ing wet. Hey, little bird, go up rptlst Goods end Service t l 4 3 4 3 In Masonic and Boy Scout func­ above the clouds! Can It be done? " (Scouty starts digging for a treas­ wanted—Business Se.vlos .*•••• II tions. The amall bird promptly circled ure in the next story.) Bdacatlenal Coureee and C^amsss...... |i Private Instruetton t l FIRE Dancing .* ,,,,tl* A South' MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE 5a Mu.lcal—Drimallr ...... i . Lane’s Plan Is Thwarted By THOMPSON AN D COLL m wanted—Tnetruotlon |0 so MDU U SE PISEOWS LISTEN, LANE, RUN NOT UNTIL I FIND OUT SLEEP” BAH f FAT CHANCE, WITH LULU BELLE 4 3 2 1 COME BACK,OR I'LL AAAVBE PVIN'. SHAKE A LEG,5UM. VVE’RE ^ Financial FOR EXPERIMENTS, El-I, ALONG AND PLAY ABOUT TME NOTE VOU WUILE IN ONLV I KNEW A BIT MORE teeda—Stooge—Mortgages m ., ai L E T V O U WAVE rr / MYRAS GONNA RND EASY, AN' GET THE BLANKETV Business Opportunities ...... || North POC? WOULD TWEY BE SOLDIER, IF YOU JUST ATTACUED TO TWE ^ O U T DR DEVRIES... WI5 BLANKED SOAN-SO WHO SHOT, LULU SELLER Money to t^sn ...... || GERM — TENT._ BACKGROUND.^ MAYBE THE-CDUFfT WOULD UKE TO THIS COURT HEREBY Help and jltnatlnaa MUST BUT LET Help Wanted —Female ...... le 5 4 3 2 OARRIERS, rp ^ E W ISE TO GO EXERCISE CLEMENCY IN ^ COMMITS YOU TO Help Wanted—Male ...... t l 5 a c r c Salesmen Wanted ...... ||.j^ P E R W A ^ ^ 3 PARIS... AND THIS CASE, BUT SEIJTIMENT THE STATE Help Warned—Male or Female., tl AMBULANCE T W E N - W H O Agetue Wented ...... 17.A KLIST NOT INTERFERE WHERE RER3RMATORY Situations Wanted—Female ... t l (Dougan) K N O W S ? SItuattonk Wanted—Male ...... t l JUSTICE IS FVKRAMCXINT?, UNTIL TOU HA/E Empinymtni Agenclee ...... 40 5 6 3 0 StWESTER, ARE ->00 (y-'/ES, Uve •cuch—Pcia—Ponitry—Vehirlea REACHED^— Dogs—Rlrde>rPetB ...... 41 READY R3R YtXJR / yOUP LIv. dtuck — V.iilcit. 41 (Hotloran) Poultry and Supoll.a ...... 41 SEWTENCE? > HONOR W.nttd - p.ta —Poultry—aiooli 44 3 0 6 0 P »» aal.— MlarallaBeoua Articiaa foi 8ai...... 4. (Quish) Boat, and Acc.aaorlaa ...... * 4a Bulldina Uatarlala ...... 4. JACK SEIZES TUB N(DTE,BLfr HAS DIamunda—Waickea—JawaJrV 4| 4 3 4 0 Elaeirleal Appllancaa—Aadio .. 41 NO TIME TO READ FT. DEVRIES* \ Fnal and K.td ...... Oardap — Fanu—Dairy Produeta 10 BREAKS HIS HOLD AND DASHES eitM tY MIA •tfViet. on. .TH E DA1MTV T H. MO. » a MT, 0»». BuoMhold Oouda ...... || HOSPITAL AWAV.„ L Haehlaary and Troll ...... Mualcal laatromanta ...... ( ( Oltlea aad Stori Bqulpmant 14 5 1 3 1 SALESMAN SAM A Quick. Change Artist By Small ^aetaia at tha 8 *oraa...... —, „ §a ALLEY OOP I'v e BeeN cuTnWGr FRiMiSes o m i t - s o arlS^lSi* *’ WATER DEPT. Shocking News ■TVie IDEA? I < ^ T BACK IT^ ALLaeROA H A v e n o e w o i v e G-CJSH, issu e By HAM LIN f=ROM LUNCH AW ' PIW D.VA B U SY ^CePT THAT so THIS LETTUCtt'L e w o i v e . (T'LL L.OOK U IK e e N O lV e. I . GRAY HAIRS MY EYE.' NOW, MEBBE BY TW' TIME YA _ _ B oatau uta SOUNDED AS IF IT CANC CUTTIW ' PAPeiZ OOLL-Si tOR/ POUWO O F HAFTA OOi J -(060 Rooiba. Without Board .v ..... 3 0 7 7 YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH TO Gnr OUTA THERE, VOULL KNOW SAY-HAS NO- BUT ALLEY OOP AN' DlNMY II FROM SOMEWHERE AfAyrCHA F IC U W fARS. SCHWIPPk e w D iv e i <3rOAlWA ■ ^ a n Waat.4 ...... il- A (After 5 P. M.) KNOW BETTERN Tn?Y ENOUGH TkEEP VER NOSE anyth ing HAVE JUS" HAD AN AWFUL CsrftOC'RY O R O eiZ? 2 P“ ,*'T Jhiard—Raaorta to AROUND TH' PALACE .* Hptalo—BoaUaranta ...... JT. •1 A STUNT LIKE THAT, OUTA TH- KING'S * HOYKAVMOW.' HAPPENED ACCIDENT.' I WOULDN'T BE Waatad—Ilooina—Board . . . . TOTH' tt 7 8 6 8 .YOU OL FOOL.' b u s in e s s - WHAT WAS SURPRISED IF THEY'VE d M Walata ■’•a Bast JTkLACE? ^ 7 BOTH B K N KILLED.' Apartaaos^ na*ttnki T **?^ "***- M THAT.’.L Boalaoai (•r Bast M Car Itaat . GAS CO. m ■sburhaui tor Rost •sausar /PS' Wasted to 5 0 7 5 CMC www nnan Aphftoaast BaUdlSd tor Bala B sAan BrnartF tor Bate m S ELECTRIC CO. ^ n a a s M Lssd tor Bsto J v i n 5181 ‘V

Mstnts for Bsehnegs f:VENING HERALD Mgtgfis rdWBBdr* Bijn RMdls»iwgMMg| mm L&UZ s e t t l e s h is s c o r e w it h THE (jRAWD WIZER. FOR HYPNO - 5121 n>Zl*J& DINNV, -THE BESUCr O F WHICH (CAUSED GUZ MUCH MSN- JAL AN^mSH. a n d T H E L0 8 6 MT..0W