FAITH & Reason
FAITH & REASON THE JOURNAL of CHRISTENDOM COLLEGE Spring 1997 | Vol. XXIII, No. 1 The Encyclical Spiritus Paraclitus in its Historical Context Brian W. Harrison, O.S. I. WAS SPIRITUS PARACLITUS RENDERED OBSOLETE BY DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU? EPTEMBER 1995 MARKED THE SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF A HIGHLY SIGNIFI- cant document of the Catholic Church’s Magisterium: the Encyclical Letter Spiritus Paraclitus, issued by Pope Benedict XV on September 15, 1920, to mark the 1500th anniversary of the death of the great- est Scripture scholar of the ancient Church, St. Jerome.1 The Pontiff took advantage of that landmark centenary for laying down in this encyclical further norms and guidelines for exegetes, a quarter-century after the promulgation of the great magna carta of modem Catholic biblical studies, Leo XIII’s Encycli- cal Providentissimus Deus (November 18, 1893).1 The Catholic press made little if any mention of the anniversary of Spiritus Paraclitus, which in truth is now an almost forgotten encyclical. Indeed, on the rare occasions when it is remembered at all by to- day’s most prominent Scripture scholars, the context usually appears to be one of disdain for its doctrine and regret for its allegedly negative effect on biblical scholarship. For instance, Fr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer, in a recently published commentary on the 1993 document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, feels it appropriate to express quite the opposite of gratitude for Spiritus Paraclitus. He does not find Benedict XV’s encyclical worthy of mention in the main text of his historical account of the Catholic biblical movement, but writes in a footnote: If we are grateful today for the encyclicals of Popes Leo XIII and Pius XII on biblical studies, we have to recall that between them there also appeared the encyclical of Pope Benedict XV, Spiritus Paraclitus,..
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