1 Martial Law And Religion University of Santo Tomas RomualdoLoyola School E. Abulad, of Theology SVD, Ph.D. Christ the King Mission Seminary Abstract: The Martial Law years as among the darkest in our history, accounting still for most of the ills that we continue to suffer today. That darkness explains the immediate and spontaneous response of the people who poured into EDSA on those four glorious days of September in 1986. It is no accident that the EDSA Revolution was saturated, among others, with religious motifs. It was a cleric, Religion and Martial Law the much loved Cardinal Sin, who used the lone Catholic radio station to call for the people to congregate at the great highway, and a sea of humanity then made history as they flooded the long street not with guns but with roses and rosaries, a bloodless revolution indeed that filled the air with patriotic songs and prayers, a virtual potluck picnic for all members of the family, which included priests and nuns and seminarians in their recognizable garbs, a true People .... Power Revolution which is simultaneously a religious event. Thus, the revolution became a fight between good and evil, where Religion stood as the polar opposite of Martial Law. Keywords: Martial Law, EDSA Revolution, Ferdinand Marcos, Rodrigo Duterte, Religion, Ethics his writer’s actual experience of the Martial Law was when, on September 21, 1972, the dictator declared it. And then there was quiet – the quiet of a graveyard. There was no way to express opposition, so the noisy and rowdy voices of protest were gone, the streets cleared. One dared not say aloud in publicT the usual slogans which, besides being anti-feudalism and anti-capitalism, were also anti-Marcos. It wasn’t a beautiful type of silence; it was the silence produced by the Big Brother of George Orwell’s 1984, the silence of fear lest someone got you reported and then you got invited and then you disappeared forever. If you call that discipline, I tell you it was not. Media networks, both print and broadcast, radio and TV, were padlocked on suspicion1 of opposition; there was no free press to speak of, This paper was originally delivered at the Diskursong Tomasino Thomasian Debaters’ Council Forum, held at the Seminary Gymnasium of the University of Santo Tomas on 11 March 2017. 45 only administration mouthpieces which would bore you with propaganda stories. Only one genre was in abundance – the sex films deridingly called bomba, the new opium of the people. Those were the worst of times, and there was no way to speak of the best of times, only boring, if not scary, times. Before you knew it, there was already the much-bruited about New Society, with its new constitution on which was based a new government, supposedly parliamentary, whose laws were made anyway by the executive, at least most of the time. All students of political science know, of course, that when there’s a change in the legislative, there should be a fundamental shift in the very nature of the government. It was, in truth, no longer a democracy with its three co-equal branches; there were superficially those three branches, all right, but all ruled under the executive who could also issue laws and decrees, even produce a new constitution, and act as judiciary at the same time. That was dictatorship, no doubt, sealed on the day Abulad... the Martial Law was declared. There were those of us who never believed in it since day one. The declaration was a self-serving move meant to silence the enemies of the administration and, it turned out, to freely dig into and plunder the treasury of the state. The result was the entrenchment of the culture of corruption that now bedevils every nook and cranny of our society, not to mention the creeping nationwide poverty. It was during the regime of Marcos that it became a new normal to engage in graft and corruption. Even a small-time teacher could not move up to the level of a head teacher without bribing his or her principal and supervisor, and the teacher-manager of a public school canteen was a fool who would not earn pesos for himself or herself at the end of the day. Pathetic cases like these proliferate even in very lowly sectors, and cheating became the order of the day, all that despite the First Lady’s mouthfuls on the true, the good and the beautiful. Indeed, roads and highways were built, bridges like the famous San Juanico saw the light of day, structures like the Philippine Cultural Center, Philippine International Convention Center, Folk Arts Theatre, and a few more masterworks of architecture, including the ill-fated Film Center, were made to stand, sometimes in no time at all because the First Lady was just as omnipotent as the President himself . But all that was icing on the cake of increasing 46 poverty, declining morale, and the worsening moral fiber of the Filipino. It was then that our young idealists went underground and hid in mountain fastnesses while continuing the nationalist struggle. Some of our best minds had to fly abroad to seek asylum and evade the punitive hands of the dictator and his cronies. Cronyism became the fad of the hour. It’s whom you know, not what you know, that counted. Students just went through the motion of education and eventually graduated in the hope of finding a patron who could land them a job. What used to be a nation envied by others in these parts of Asia as second only to Religion and Martial Law Japan in terms of excellence began its slide down. The ambitious ones in public and private service were making the Italian mafia rather than Abraham Lincoln their benchmark. All that during the regime of the dictatorship, whose growth people would hope to arrest if it were not that the Martial Law was declared precisely in order to quash the opposition and prolong even further the stay .... of the dictator. No wonder our experience of the Martial Law was dark and traumatic. Marcos robbed Martial Law of whatever little positive element it might possibly have, for the fact that its occasional use is enshrined in the constitution is perhaps proof enough that its framers thought its declaration could sometimes serve the people’s welfare. We will go back to this point later. For now, however, let’s mark the Martial Law years as among the darkest in our history, accounting still for most of the ills that we continue to suffer today. That darkness explains the immediate and spontaneous response of the people who poured into EDSA on those four glorious days of September in 1986. [5] It is no accident that the EDSA Revolution was saturated, among others, with religious motifs. It was a cleric, the much loved Cardinal Sin, who used the lone Catholic radio station to call for the people to congregate at the great highway, and a sea of humanity then made history as they flooded the long street not with guns but with roses and rosaries, a bloodless revolution indeed that filled the air with patriotic songs and prayers, a virtual potluck picnic for all members of the family, which included priests and nuns and seminarians in their recognizable garbs, a true People Power Revolution which is simultaneously a religious event. Thus, the revolution became a fight between good and evil, where Religion stood as the polar 47 opposite of Martial Law. This is why at every mention of Martial Law we could not help but shudder. The dictator had made Martial Law an instrument of darkness, of evil, having used it for purposes other than what the constitution meant it to be. And yet, the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Article VII, Section 18, has enshrined the Martial Law in such words as follows: “In case of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety requires it, the President may, for a period not exceeding sixty days, suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or place the country or any part thereof under martial law.” The sectionWithin continues: forty-eight hours from the proclamation of martial law or the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, the President shall submit a report in person or in writing to the Congress. The Congress, voting jointly, by a vote of at least a majority of all its Members in regular or special session, may revoke such proclamation or suspension, which revocation shall not be set aside by the President. Upon the initiative of the President, the Congress Abulad... may, in the same manner, extend such proclamation or suspension for a period to be determined by the Congress, if the invasion or rebellion shall persist and public safety requires it. Marcos was allowed a term of 4 years with the possibility of reelection for another 4 years. In 1972, he would be about a year short of the end of his last term; the martial law saved the day for him and enabled him to issue laws and decrees changing the legislature and eventually changing the constitution. The regime of martial law went to almost 10 years, lifted only on January 17, 1981, during which, under a new constitution, Marcos was able to extend his term until 1986, when he was forced, with his family,2 to abandon2 the Philippines on the throes of the EDSA Revolution. For purposes of this paper, the author consulted the following books relevant to the EDSA Revolution: Syed Hussein Alatas, Corruption and the Destiny of Asia (Malaysia: Prentice Hall [M] Sdn Bhd.
Colonial Contractions: the Making of the Modern Philippines, 1565–1946
Colonial Contractions: The Making of the Modern Philippines, 1565–1946 Colonial Contractions: The Making of the Modern Philippines, 1565–1946 Vicente L. Rafael Subject: Southeast Asia, Philippines, World/Global/Transnational Online Publication Date: Jun 2018 DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277727.013.268 Summary and Keywords The origins of the Philippine nation-state can be traced to the overlapping histories of three empires that swept onto its shores: the Spanish, the North American, and the Japanese. This history makes the Philippines a kind of imperial artifact. Like all nation- states, it is an ineluctable part of a global order governed by a set of shifting power rela tionships. Such shifts have included not just regime change but also social revolution. The modernity of the modern Philippines is precisely the effect of the contradictory dynamic of imperialism. The Spanish, the North American, and the Japanese colonial regimes, as well as their postcolonial heir, the Republic, have sought to establish power over social life, yet found themselves undermined and overcome by the new kinds of lives they had spawned. It is precisely this dialectical movement of empires that we find starkly illumi nated in the history of the Philippines. Keywords: Philippines, colonialism, empire, Spain, United States, Japan The origins of the modern Philippine nation-state can be traced to the overlapping histo ries of three empires: Spain, the United States, and Japan. This background makes the Philippines a kind of imperial artifact. Like all nation-states, it is an ineluctable part of a global order governed by a set of shifting power relationships.
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON Department of History History 755: CIA Covert Warfare & U.S. Foreign Policy Spring 2021 Mr. McCoy I. COURSE REQUIREMENTS & OBJECTIVES:- Course Description: Designed for students with some background in U.S. diplomatic history and international studies, the course probes the dynamics of CIA covert wars through comparative case histories over the past 75 years. Sometimes these clandestine interventions have ended successfully from a U.S. perspective. But they have often left behind ruined battlegrounds that became geopolitical black holes of international instability. After several sessions surveying the character of the CIA and its clandestine operations, the seminar will apply a case-study approach to covert wars in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America--including, the anti-Mossadeq coup in Iran, Lumumba’s assassination in the Congo, and the ongoing war in Afghanistan. Reflecting the significance of Southeast Asia to CIA operations, the seminar will devote four sessions to this region—including the Huk communist revolt in the Philippines, destabilization of the Sukarno regime in Indonesia, pacification in South Vietnam, and the secret war in Laos—arguing that the latter two operations are central to understanding contemporary conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. As the course progresses, the class will engage in a collective model-building exercise, drawing insights from each successive case to build, factor-by-factor, a working paradigm for analysis of both CIA operations and their larger covert netherworld. By the third week, it will become apparent that most of the literature is densely empirical, largely devoted to penetrating the veil of secrecy to establish a narrative of events—an approach that denies these readings an adequate theoretical framework.
MY DETAILS My Name: Jong B. Mobile No.: 0917-5877-393 Movie Library Count: 8,600 Titles / Movies Total Capacity : 36 TB Updated as of: December 30, 2014 Email Add.: jongb61yahoo.com Website: www.jongb11.weebly.com Sulit Acct.: www.jongb11.olx.ph Location Add.: Bago Bantay, QC. (Near SM North, LRT Roosevelt/Munoz Station & Congressional Drive Capacity & Loadable/Free Space Table Drive Capacity Loadable Space Est. No. of Movies/Titles 320 Gig 298 Gig 35+ Movies 500 Gig 462 Gig 70+ Movies 1 TB 931 Gig 120+ Movies 1.5 TB 1,396 Gig 210+ Movies 2 TB 1,860 Gig 300+ Movies 3 TB 2,740 Gig 410+ Movies 4 TB 3,640 Gig 510+ Movies Note: 1. 1st Come 1st Serve Policy 2. Number of Movies/Titles may vary depends on your selections 3. SD = Standard definition Instructions: 1. Please observe the Drive Capacity & Loadable/Free Space Table above 2. Mark your preferred titles with letter "X" only on the first column 3. Please do not make any modification on the list. 3. If you're done with your selections please email to jongb61@yahoo.com together with the confirmaton of your order. 4. Pls. refer to my location map under Contact Us of my website YOUR MOVIE SELECTIONS SUMMARY Categories No. of titles/items Total File Size Selected (In Gig.) Movies (2013 & Older) 0 0 2014 0 0 3D 0 0 Animations 0 0 Cartoon 0 0 TV Series 0 0 Korean Drama 0 0 Documentaries 0 0 Concerts 0 0 Entertainment 0 0 Music Video 0 0 HD Music 0 0 Sports 0 0 Adult 0 0 Tagalog 0 0 Must not be over than OVERALL TOTAL 0 0 the Loadable Space Other details: 1.
Philippine Populism: Local Violence and Global Context in the Rise of a Filipino Strongman
Philippine Populism: Local Violence and Global Article Context in the Rise of a Filipino Strongman Alfred W. McCoy University of Wisconsin-Madison, US. awmccoy@wisc.edu Abstract To explore the overlooked role of political violence in global “populism,” the essay explores the rise of Rodrigo Duterte from long- serving mayor of a provincial city to an exceptionally powerful Philippine president. Using an analytical frame that juxtaposes localized violence with international influence, the essay examines not only the political dynamics that elevated Duterte to power but the tensions that are already circumscribing his authority after only a year in office. Application of this model to comparable cases could both highlight the parallel role of political violence in contemporary populism and indicate the forces likely to lead to its decline. Introduction After a century of mutable meanings that changed as academics focused on different continents or contexts, the term “populism” has recently been recast to encompass the nationalist, anti-globalization movements responsible for electoral upheavals in democracies worldwide. Speaking to an audience of policy experts at the Council of Foreign Relations in March 2017, Nikki Haley, UN ambassador for the proudly populist the Trump administration, trumpeted the “wave of populism that is challenging institutions like the United Nations, and shaking them to their foundations.” The UN was, she said, “basically a club” for privileged elites and its Human Right Commission was “so corrupt.” Just as the ambassador appropriated this label to lend coherence to a muddled foreign policy, so analysts have applied it to diverse movements without much consideration of its deeper meaning—particularly the frequent inclination to violence (Sengupta 2017; Fisher 2017).
LET THE PEOPLE SPEAK: SOLIDARITY CULTURE AND THE MAKING OF A TRANSNATIONAL OPPOSITION TO THE MARCOS DICTATORSHIP, 1972-1986 BY MARK JOHN SANCHEZ DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History with a minor in Asian American Studies in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018 Urbana, Illinois Doctoral Committee: Associate Professor Augusto Espiritu, Chair Professor Antoinette Burton Associate Professor Jose Bernard Capino Professor Kristin Hoganson Abstract This dissertation attempts to understand pro-democratic activism in ways that do not solely revolve around public protest. In the case of anti-authoritarian mobilizations in the Philippines, the conversation is often dominated by the EDSA "People Power" protests of 1986. This project discusses the longer histories of protest that made such a remarkable mobilization possible. A focus on these often-sidelined histories allows a focus on unacknowledged labor within social movement building, the confrontation between transnational and local impulses in political organizing, and also the democratic dreams that some groups dared to pursue when it was most dangerous to do so. Overall, this project is a history of the transnational opposition to the Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines. It specifically examines the interactions among Asian American, European solidarity, and Filipino grassroots activists. I argue that these collaborations, which had grassroots activists and political detainees at their center, produced a movement culture that guided how participating activists approached their engagements with international institutions. Anti-Marcos activists understood that their material realities necessitated an engagement with institutions more known to them for their colonial and Cold War legacies such as the press, education, human rights, international law, and religion.
Declaration of Martial Law The anniversary of the declaration of martial law is on September 23 (not September 21) “FM Declares Martial Law”—the headline of the September 24, 1972 issue of the Sunday Express, which was the Sunday edition of Philippines Daily Express. The Daily Express was the only newspaper allowed to circulate upon the declaration of Martial Law President Ferdinand E. Marcos signed Proclamation No. 1081 on September 21, 1972, placing the Philippines under Martial Law. Some sources say that Marcos signed the proclamation on September 17 or on September 22—but, in either case, the document itself was dated September 21. Throughout the Martial Law period, Marcos built up the cult of September 21, proclaiming it as National Thanksgiving Day by virtue of Proclamation No. 1180 s. 1973 to memorialize the date as the foundation day of his New Society. The propaganda effort was so successful that up to the present, many Filipinos—particularly those who did not live through the events of September 23, 1972—labor under the misapprehension that martial law was proclaimed on September 21, 1972. It was not. The culmination of a long period of preparation The facts are clear. A week before the actual declaration of Martial Law, a number of people had already received information that Marcos had drawn up a plan to completely take over the government and gain absolute rule. Senator Benigno S. Aquino Jr., during a September 13, 1972 privilege speech, exposed what was known as “Oplan Sagittarius.” The Senator said he had received a top-secret military plan given by Marcos himself to place Metro Manila and outlying areas under the control of the Philippine Constabulary as a prelude to Martial Law.
Tracking the Proceeds of Organised Crime – the Marcos Case
TRACKING THE PROCEEDS OF ORGANISED CRIME – THE MARCOS CASE Dr David Chaikin Barrister, NSW Paper presented at the Transnational Crime Conference convened by the Australian Institute of Criminology in association with the Australian Federal Police and Australian Customs Service and held in Canberra, 9-10 March 2000 Grand Corruption International lawyers have paid little attention to the problem of fraudulent enrichment and corruption by heads of state/government and top state officials. The organised and systematic plundering of national treasuries or "indigenous spoliation"1 of assets by political and military elites has ravaged many developing countries, exacerbating poverty and undermining economic and social development. When a greedy authoritarian leader or despot is in power, there are few, if any opportunities, for taking legal action to prevent or interdict stolen monies. However, if the dictator or authoritarian leader is deposed, the new government may seek the assistance of foreign government and courts to investigate and ultimately to recover stolen assets, which are located abroad2. Although grand corruption is not a new problem, it has more serious consequences today when practised by dictators or authoritarian leaders. Even if the dictator is overthrown, this does mean that the stolen monies will be recovered. Indeed, the modern experience is that dictators are able to keep their loot, which is deposited, outside their country. The mobility of wealth prevents effective recovery of the assets and the sheer size of the stolen monies has major economic consequences for development. It has been often stated that corruption by the political elite is perhaps the most important obstacle to economic development3.
Ang Rebolusyong Pilipino: Isang Pagtanaw Mula Sa Loob
ANG REBOLUSYONG PILIPINO: ISANG PAGTANAW MULA SA LOOB Unang Kabanata Mga Taon ng Pagbubuo Mga Bagay-bagay Hinggil sa Kapanganakan T1: Kailan at saan ka ipinanganak? Maaari bang ilahad mo sa amin ang ilang bagay tungkol sa pinagmulan ng iyong pamilya? Sinu-sino ang iyong mga magulang? Ano ang katayuang panlipunan ng iyong pamilya? S: Ipinanganak ako noong Pebrero 8, 1939 sa Cabugao, Ilocos Sur sa Hilagang Luzon. Ang aking amang si Salustiano Serrano Sison ay namatay noong 1958 sa gulang na limampu't siyam na taon. Ang aking inang si Florentina Canlas ay mahigit na walumpung taon na ngayon. Ang aking pamilya ay kabilang sa uring panginoong maylupa at siyang prinsipal na pamilyang pyudal sa aking bayan. Ang aking ama ay kabilang sa ikatlong henerasyon ng ninunong lalaki ng pamilya, si Don Leandro Serrano, na nakapag- ipon ng pinakamalawak na lupain sa Hilagang Luzon noong huling kwarto ng ikalabinsiyam na siglo. Ang aking lolo sa ama, si Don Gregorio Sison, ang kahuli-hulihang gobernadorsilyo (punong ehekutibo ng isang munisipyo) noong kolonyal na rehimeng Espanyol at kauna-unahang presidente munisipal sa ilalim ng kolonyal na paghahari ng Estados Unidos. Hinawakan niya ang posisyong ito hanggang sa kamatayan niya noong maagang bahagi ng dekadang treynta. Ang pinagbuklod na mga pamilyang Serrano at Sison ay nangibabaw sa ekonomya at pulitika sa buong probinsya ng Ilocos Sur hanggang noong dekadang kwarenta. Minsan ay dalawa sa mga tiyo ko, sina Jesus Serrano at Sixto Brillantes, ang panabay na naging konggresista ng dalawang distrito ng aking probinsya. Isang lolo ko, si Don Mena Crisologo, ang naging unang gobernadorsilyo sa ilalim ng kolonyal na rehimeng Amerikano.
The Philippines Between Neopatrimonialism and Oligarchy Karadag, Roy
www.ssoar.info Where Do Regimes Come From? Where Do They Go? The Philippines Between Neopatrimonialism and Oligarchy Karadag, Roy Veröffentlichungsversion / Published Version Arbeitspapier / working paper Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Karadag, R. (2011). Where Do Regimes Come From? Where Do They Go? The Philippines Between Neopatrimonialism and Oligarchy. (InIIS-Arbeitspapiere, 37). Bremen: Universität Bremen, FB 08 Sozialwissenschaften, Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS). https://nbn-resolving.org/ urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-67410-2 Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Weiterverbreitung - keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Redistribution - no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, non- Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, transferable, individual and limited right to using this document. persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses This document is solely intended for your personal, non- Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für commercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. all copyright information and other information regarding legal Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie document in public. dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder conditions of use.