SPRING 2002 • VO LUME 22, NUMBER 3 10 Stephanie L
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S P R I N G 2 0 0 2 CRA NTO SJ O U R N A LN Making Headlines in the Media CONNECTING WITH OTHER SCRANTON ALUMNI IS AS EASY AS 1,2,3. 1. Bookmark the site at www.scranton.edu/alumnicommunity. 2. Register for the free Scranton Online Alumni Community. 3. Go Online to find classmates and reconnect with your Alma Mater. PERMANENT E-MAIL – Get ONLINE DIRECTOR Y – A val u a b l e EVE N T S CALENDAR – Check out a free, permanent e-mail address. res o u r ce for personal and prof e s s i o n a l alumni and campus-wide events at Even if you change jobs or e-mail ne t w o r king, and a way to keep in your Alma Mat e r . providers, your e-mail address with touch with fellow alumni. YELLOW PAGES – Create a yellow the University will stay the same. MESSAGE BOARDS/CHAT page listing to promote your prod u c t s CLASS NOTES – Find out what’s ROOMS – Post your own and read and services. Or search for the prod u c t s new with fellow alumni. Share your messages from other Scranton alumni. and services adver tised by other alumni news and events by submitting a Share ideas, get information and and members of other online com- class note. join in real-time discussions. munities. CAREER CENTER SERVICES – Post jobs or resumes. Become part of a mentoring program. Get career counseling. CRA NTO SJ O U R N A LN INSIDE 4 On The Commons Scranton students receive prestigious fellowships. (See story on pg. 5) SPRING 2002 • VO LUME 22, NUMBER 3 10 Stephanie L. Tes s i n g Ryan Surace EDI TO R Truman Scholar State Farm Valarie J. Clark Wolff Athletics Fe l l o w DE S I G N E R The Uni v ersity inducts new members Francene Pisano Liples to the Wall of Fam e . CO N T R I BU T I N G ED I TO R S Kevin Southard Robert P. Zelno ’66, G’77 Stan M. Zygmunt, ’84, G’95 12 CLA S S NOT E S ED I TO R Making Headlines in the Media Neil P. McLaughlin, S.J. When it comes to making news, Scranton PH OTO G R A PH Y alumni have a story with telling. Terry Connors PaulaLynn Connors-Fauls ’88 Bill Johnson Michael Touey Terry Wild 20 Robert P. Zelno ’66, G’77 The Alumni SPE C I A L TH A N K S TO Class Notes, Births, Marriages and Death Notices Hu b e r t Bird, DMA, leads Ro s e m a ry K. Lavelle ’98 The University of Scranton Co n c e r t Band and Concert ALU M N I RE LAT I O N S VO LU N T E E R Sidney Lebowitz Choir in the world prem i e r e pe rf o r mances of two new PR E S I D E N T commissioned works during Joseph M. McShane, S.J. the 19th Annual Wor l d VI C E PR E S I D E N T F O R Pre m i e r e Composition IN S T I T U T I O N A L ADVA N C E M E N T Series held 19 April in the Paul J. Strunk Houlihan-McLean Center. DI R E C TO R O F PU B L I C RE LAT I O N S A N D PU B L I C AT I O N S Gerald C. Zaboski ’87, G’95 The Scranton Jou rn a l is published by The Uni v ersity of Scranton for its alumni and friends. The editorial offices are in the Public Relations Office, O’Hara Hall, The Uni v ersity of Scranton, Scranton, PA 18510-4615. The telephone number is (570) 941-7669. The address for The Uni v ersity of Scranton Alumni Soc i e t y is Alumni Office, The Uni v ersity of Scranton, Scranton, PA 18510-4624. The telephone numbers are (570) 941-7660 an d 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R A N TO ( N ) . E-mail address: [email protected] Web site: http://www.s c r a n t o n . e d u ON THE COVER If this issue is addressed to a graduate who no longer maintains a residence at your home, please tear off the In this issue of The Scranton mailing label and mail it, with the corrected address, to Journal we profile some of the the Alumni Office. many University graduates The Uni v ersity of Scranton is a Catholic, Jesuit educational institution serving men and women, and it is committed to who have played pivotal roles af f i r m a t i v e action to assure equal opportunity for all persons, in shaping local, regional and reg a r dless of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, handicaps, sex or age. national news. © 2002 The University of Scranton O N T H E COMMONS Sister Anne Munley is one of two del- Commencement 2002 egates from the United States to the International Union of Superiors General Lisa Myers, Chief Congressional He was created a (UISG). She served as the facilitator of Correspondent for NBC News, will give Ca r dinal of the the UISG 2001 Plenary and as chairper- the principal address at the University’s Catholic Church on son of the plenary planning committee 102nd undergraduate commencement on 21 Feb ru a r y 2001, which represents nearly one million 26 May at the First Union Arena at by Pope John Paul II women religious from five continents. Casey Plaza, Wilkes-Barre. and thus became the She has also served for three years as Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., the first U.S theologian Avery Cardinal President of the Leadership Conference Laurence J. McGinley Professor of named to the College Dulles, S.J. of Women Religious. Religion and Society at Fordham of Cardinals. He is Co n g r essman John Mur tha rep re s e n t s University, will deliver the principal cu r r ently a consultor to the Committee Pen n s y l va n i a ’s 12th Congressional Dis t r i c t . address at the University’s Graduate on Doctrine of the National Conferen c e In 1974, he became the first combat School commencement to be held 25 of Catholic Bishops and an Associate Vietnam veteran elected to Congres s . May in the Byron Complex on campus. Fel l o w of the Woodstock Th e o l o g i c a l Co n g r essman Mur tha is a national leader Ms. Myers, who is a senior member of Center in Washington, D.C. on defense, health care and social issues and NB C ’ s award-winning political team, rep o rt s During the Graduate School is a member of the Defense App ro p r i a t i o n s on the nation’s government for all of NBC Commencement, Cardinal Dulles will Subcommittee. He is the recipient of News broadcasts, including “The Nig h t l y rec e i v e an honorary degree of Doctor of nu m e r ous awards, including the Pan e t t a News with Tom Brok a w ,” “Dateline NBC” Divinity from the Uni ve r s i t y . He has Ins t i t u t e ’s Jefferson Lincoln Awa r d for and “Tod a y .” She is a rec e i v ed 21other honorary doctorates. Bip a r tisan Leadership and the Pen n s y l va n i a regular contributor to During Commencement 2002, three Chamber of Business and Ind u s t r y’s NB C ’ s “Fleecing of other individuals will be presented with hon- Government Leader of the Yea r . Am e r i c a ” news seg- or a r y degrees. At the undergraduate com- ment and rou t i n e l y mencement cerem o n y , Monsignor San t i a g o Applications Reach pa r ticipates as a mem- Men d e z Bra v o, President of Uni v ersidad del ber of the rou n d t a b l e Valle de Atemejac (UNIVA), headquarte re d All-Time High discussion group of in Guadalajara, Mexico, will be pres e n t e d More students have applied to The “M eet the Pres s . ” with an honorary degree of Doctor of University of Scranton than ever before Critically praised Ped a g o g y , and Congressman John Murt h a in the school’s 114-year history. for her work as a will rec e i v e an honorary degree of Doc t o r Applications for the University’s full- rep o rt e r , Ms. Myer s of Law. Sr. Anne Mun l e y , I.H.M., time undergraduate programs for the fall Lisa Myers rec e i v ed a Hes s President of the Congregation of the of 2002 are currently at 5,097 and count- Rep o r t for campaign coverage in 2000 and Sisters, Ser vants of the Immaculate Hea r t ing. This represents an increase of 34.3 was a contributor to the Nightly News of Mar y, will rec e i v e an honorary degree of percent over applications received by the br oadcast given the Edw a r d R.