3fe limita mmm ./' INDEX TO ls-í PART OF VOLUME XI Si* months Janaaf y to Jane 1908 ->*oOo<-

A. Rubber Trade Directory (1908) 433 Visible supply, Duuring and Zoon 242 Speech by Brazilian Cônsul in London..548 Washed Coffee scarce643 Willett and Gray's circular 340 A;e, Tlie, and the Bolivian lndemnty ... 431 The South Americana 3L9 Borroso and Saldanha 378 Tropical and Sun-Tropical America ²210 Coinagc, The new silver 3,227 Admirai- say Coins minted from 1903 1907 299,404 Alagoas :— What you want to say and how to to Portuguése 691 Conscription 122,232 BilN protested 3 it in Wrinkles in Practical Navigation 432 Conscription and status of foreigners ...176 Measage of Governor c:o " Dr. Rodrigues in Rome 131 and the Brussels Exhibition 227 Conversion, The Moniteur de Intérêts Alvos. and Matériel" on432 Amazon Steam Navigation Co 577, 685 Brazilian Cônsul at Birmingham Am»zonas:— Children'8 Courts 427 Correspondence:— Brazilian Review. Birthday of ..231, 256,305 Amongst head wnters of the Amazon.. 545 Brazil Cônsul at Southampton and Loan 190C 27;) British Issues (1907) 126 Budget, The 04!) R.M.S.P.C230 Muiiao. Improvements Company462, 550 (1908) Planteis and Retailing 210 Debt 657 Budget Expenditure 37 Manáos AlXaicipal Cotton:— iKduction in Rubber Export Duties .. 27!) Budget Revenue 9 of Governor 157 Budget, British, Summary of 578 American Cotton position 85 Rtfignation 97 Rt-M-iiue for 1907 180 Budget, São Paulo, for 1908 Crops and Consiimpt.on 168 on the Frontier 157, .180 Bureau of American Republica, laying of Growing crop, The 698 Skirmishing of new huilding—517 American fleet, visit of 14. 31, 34, 43, 65 Foundation Stone Imports of Textiles from Great 71, 73, 75, 7(5, 104, 130, 132 Britain, 12 months, Jaiuary to Ameiiean Methods *>» 34 c. December 1905-07 141 American Stringéncy 204 Shipments from 319,420 Argcitiná and the Falkland Islands ..... 348 Caixa de Conversão and Dr. Custodio, 537,646 Argentina, more pin-pricks 173, 299 Coelho'8 letter to Minister of Finance472 Statisties of cotton mills in Rio 409 Argentino Foreign Trade (1007) 305 Caixa de Conversão, heavy withdrawals Credit to the World 150 I of 250 Cricket 468, 495, 606, 629,C57 Assf.stination, an epideniic from ,r37 ; Commercial do R'o de Janeiro 863 Caixa de Conversão, its funetions 337 Costudio Coelho, Dr. and Editor of B. R.31 A8.80Giac.3o ¦' • ¦ Auairc-Hurigarlan Minister, the new 326 Capital, New for Brazil 304 Costudio Coelho, letter to Minister of Fi- Bahia:— Chambers' Journal and Healthy Bra- nance 472, 676,C78 Ce IVEclairage •• 20") zilian Ports 122 Custom House, enlargement of 427 Formafon of new Fire Brigade o47, 598 Coal, Production and Consumption 8 Custom House, goods abandoncd in 350 Great Fire at 278, 302, 3S0, 430 Coal, Indian output of 300 683 H. B. M. Consuls Report Cocoa:— D. Debt 430 Et tu quoque 281 Municipal Deaths:— Municipal Loan 601 Production and Consumption of 231 Port Works •••• 480 World'3 Crop ^2 Barão de Ribeirão de Almeida 301 Prcsldential e'ection ií><5, 575 Coffee:— Cleveland, ux-President 683 Rc\enue (1907) 106 Bank of France and Coffee Warrants Dr. Joaquim de Toledo Pisa e Almeida459 643,695 M arslial de Cantareira 325 Bulletin du Correspondance 265 Department of Public Health, Proposed Bánks:- Brazilian Cônsul iri London and Coffee new regulations 598 American 463 Propaganda 15(> Doumer, Mr., on Brazil 518, 543625 Anglo-South to Government of Bancc. Commercio e Industria 382 Centro's Proposals Dredging, Messrs. W. Simons and Co. ..598 Rio 642 Banco de Credito Real (S. Paulo) 331 Minas and Dumped Hops 464 do Província do Rio Grande 465 Cia Registradora de Santos68,84 Dumping 280 Banco Jan. to Nov. 1903-1907....113 Banco União do Commercio 257, 271) Consumption, 363 Cônsul Schlechtà and Coffee corner..290,310 E. Exports 415 of Brazil 431, 434 Discussion, re Speculative Bank 56659 of Brazil, and Dr. Custodio Dumont Coffee Company English as she is Wrote605 Bank 340 Coelho's letter 43!) Dutch estimates Espirito Santo, New President of 575 brandi 157 Duuring and Zoon's report113, 242,340 Exchange, The course of 1905-07, dia- Bank of Brazil, Manáos 440,565 apropos of 279 grani 338 Bank failures, "Economist" Valorisation 269 de Paris et des Pays Bas .... 31 and 419 Exhibition, The.. 182, 200, 226, 273, 403, 426 Banque of " O Estado de São Paulo Banque L'Union Parisienne 31 Estimates 520, 546 571 of Centro do Commercio de Biitish Bank of ... .279, 325 Estimates Expenditure and Revenue 6 354, 357, 452 Café C42 Exports, lst 9 months 1906-07 151 retires 69.) Bank &ai> 46R Evers, Mr. Charles, lst 11 months 1906-07 69 De- UZ-e of Governor-elcct ••.v and 160,5p9 l Brazilian Bank ..498. 550, 552 Hayn Roman's circular Londo.'; stocks are kept by us507 ! River Plate Bank .--...6, 17, 48 How entries and F. London of Brazilian coffee to Java217 Movement"Banks,.,„ of National and Foreign Imports " ,n3' 692 " Kreutz Zeitung and Valorisation ..642 Report of Minister of551 ••• " Finance, Bank 208 Madras Mail" and the crop 695 and Supplement to No. 22. Proposed Franco-Brazilian Consumers 506 Germany 301 Minas Government and Finance, Report of Minister compared Rei:chbank, Government and Roasters 418 Schaaffhausenscher Bankverein ..-.. 355 Minas with that of President 586 363 Minas Government agent in Bruges445 Finance, The Year's, A splendid record..34 Sw ss Bankverein a0;'' reported selling at " Bill, The German 603 Minas Government Financial News," Approached by São BÒBPHé Antwerp133 Bo>'vS Received:— Paulo agents Cg5 281 of Coffee 218, 447,478 "Financial Brazil A. Adubacão das Flores Movement News" and 68 210 New Port of destination 69o A Adubação rational no citrecultura.. "Journal ,, and Brazilian peril..660: -•• 353 New York of Commérce"...418 ,, Mr. Marks and Editor A. B. C. da Agricultura 644 " • • •• 210 Nordlinger's Circular of B. R." 90,118 A Cultura do Coqueira Co's circular ..24, 138, 315,368 " " 657 Nortz and " Financial Times and Brazilian Securi- A Lavoura.....305, "O Bresileiro 562 da Escola da Minas da Ouro ties HO I Annaes São Paulo correspondent and São Preto • • • 333 Our Fiscal Fallacies 432 Paulo stock 56,393 Fiscalisation of Foreign Banks 94 Annuario de Estatística Demographo Coffee 353 Past and Present duties of Flour, Consumption of Wheat 605,661 Sanitário "O Paulo") 523 254 (From São Flour, Trade...631 Através do Cárcere and retailing 210 Locomotive Work, Planteis Football..351, 495, 524, 557, 606, 629, 657,691 Baldwin Possiblc tax on low-grade Coffee 615 Record No. 64 303 Foreign Affairs 686 Prós and Coos of Coffee prices 586 Imports and Ex- Boletin do instituto Agronômico 352 Foreign Trade, Our, Propaganda in State of São Paulo— Í906-07 151 Boletin da Propriedade Industrial..210, 254 ports, lst 9 months Report of Dr. Botelho and decree months 1906-07....69 Brazil of to-day 352 Foreign Trade, lst 11 353 regulating board 127 12 months, 1906-07 ..178,188 Children'8 Courts Foreign Trade, 152 Propaganda by Johnston and Wille ....166 to No. 26. Comtelhuro Business Calendar (1908) .. be- and Supplement 548 Propaganda in England—Contract Foreign Trade, January, 1908 331 Dados Climatologicos and E. Johnston 10 tween Government Foreign Trade, February, 1908 384 Dosagem de Adubos J. Traveis and Sons 315 do de Santos 210 and Foreign Trade, Argentine, 1907 305 Estatística porto Proposed loan of ten millions sterling 120, 255551 Exchange Diagram .••'"* 329 Foreign Trade, British 152 for Valorisation 6Í| falling off in 262 Review (Swiss Bankverein) .. Foreign Trade, British, Financial 152 Prospects in South Mysore 317 States 330,382 Fretas de Café ; • • Foreign Trade, United Pure Roasted Coffee Company 588 The Status of, Dr. Pires Gedenbjatterzurgoldenem Jubelfeier der " Jour- Foreigners, Purity of Coffee and New York 176 Firma Fred. Fuesers Kommandit " 242 Brandão 657 nal of Commérce " Financiers in Brazil 440 Gesellschaft •.••-.' as by Re- French des Princi- Question of Stocks given French Government and Emigration to Le Catalogue International view" 55'292 Publications Périodiques du Brazil 599,625 pales 353 Reported buying by São Paulo Govern- monde 254 ment ••••••••2G8 Leopoldina Railway Guide Philadephia, on the c. •••• 329 Roberts and Co., National Budget (Economist) situation 216 Gas:— Brasileiro «>48> 657 Produced ‡547 O Entomologista 585 Sales of Valorisation of Coffee 588,589 Amount O Fazendeiro 642, 644, 659, 672, 694,695 Another Strike Threatening ..574, 599,603 629 Power rates..306 O Immigrante •• Budget and the surtax 24 Company, The Light and with Minas Geraes São Paulo Openings for Trade São Paulo consignments C95 Cost of' 01,184 433 The 403,410 (Mr. G. Campbell) São Paulo Government refuses to sell Strike, Productores de Borracha 657 Plantas 254 3 million bags Convênio coffee 393 Gold:— Toste Zootechnique de São Paulo ..... 59, 319 Shipments from Victoria 172, 279, Propaganda do Estado do Rio de Jan- Paulo corres- Cheques, 3, ,382493 • • * 548 Statistical Problems (S. of ..3, 122, 255, 355, 464,603 eiro • 673 Movements 548 pondent) of the Wt>rld 685 Revista Brasileiro •••;••*,' ‡Di'* Production Tax in kind in England 432 Report of Mr. Cônsul Casement (Traüe " " correspondent and defects of Reserves 235, 281 Times The scramble for 432 of Santos) Coffee statisties 507 do "Jornal do Commercio Guarantee fund, sims received for 471 Retrospecto 254 Trading rules, New York 290 ——*

\ II INDEX—January to June* 1908

¦' H. O Estado de São Paulo 44 H. A. /.<821 Parahyba do Norte (2.000:000$) 302 H. 8. A. D. *366 Haggard, Sir William 6S8 Possible loans to extent of £30,000,000..S63 Joseph Travers & Sons 355 Rio de Janeiro City Improvements Co. Leopoidina Railway Co., Ltd633,062 I. 232, 281,356 London &, Brazilian -Bank 498,552 Iguass-j, The Fali» of 226 Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and London & River Plate Bank, Ltd. 17,48 lmmigrat:on:— Power Company, Ltd. ..356, 363, 409,432 Messageries Maritimes 685 m 1 British to Canada155 522, 577, 678,686 Minister of Finance, 511; and Supple- Department of 14, 378, 519,625 Rumourcd Issue of £10,000,090ü80,012 ment to No. 22. In 1907 68 Rumoured New Internai Loan Minister of Finance compared with Jnpanc.se 428 (30.000:000$)213,237 Message of President 5S6 To U.8.A226 Santos Municipal Loan356, 429,657 Minister of Marine 488 Importa:— São Paulo Gas Company 004 Neuchatel Ashphalte 632,687 lst 9 inonths, 1900-07 151 São Paulo Government, Internai Loan North German Lloyd 411 lst 11 months, 190607 69 (10.000:000$) 252 Ouro Preto Goid Mining Co632 12 months, 1906-07, 179,183 São Paulo Municipal Loan ....281, 356,430 P. S. N. &632 and supplement Io No. 26. São Paulo Rio Grande Railway331,383 Porto Murtinho to Porto do Sete Voltas001 January, 1908 '.331 Société Sucriére do Santo Eduardo551 Rio Claro São Paulo Railway 464 January and February 334 Sorocabana Railway 494 Rio de Janeiro City Improvements Co. Infant Mortality, A National Confer- State of Espirito Santo 531, 550,578 Ltd 460,513 ence in London 426 Treasury Bills (£3,000,000)390 " Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, Insurance diselosurcs 204 New York Journal of Commérce," Company, Ltd 631, 634,664 International Confercricè on Maritime Ingorance of South America 225 "Noticia" São Paulo Gas Company 386,482 Law 325 to M.A. of 549 São Paulo Railway 580 International Lunacy Congress 405 São Paulo Tramway Light and Power Italian Immigration 74, 183,274 P. Co 032,665 Propaganda in 228,249 Italy, Brazilian Paper Money, Burning of 012,628 Schaffhausenscher Bankverein 355 In Circulation..31, 147, 255, 304, 354, 493603 Sul America Insurance Co493 J. Withdrawal of (Dr. Custodio Coelho)..472 Western Telegraph Co., Ltd. 577, 606,659 Pará:— Wm. Simons & Co578 Japánese Minister 184 Administrative Economy 186 Revenue:— " " From What Jornal do Commercio," drives 3U3 General 34, 172, 173,632 etc"49 Crocodile Small Sources, Custom House Frauds 133,328 Rio de Janeiro 3, 1S6, 255, 409, 403,612 "Jornal do New buildings..650 Comrnerclo,'' Custom'8 Revenue, 1907 16 Rio Grande Justice, A miscarriage of 685 do Norte:— grave High prices for good Pará 16 Estimates, 1908 106 Municipal Re\enue (Belém)44 Exports of Salt, 1907 462 L. Pará Public Works Co155 Rio Grande do Sul:— Port Works 328,548 Centro de Navegação Transiantica Labour Question 95 and Tax on Commercial Travellers 16 Pelotas Associação at Rio Grande ..430 Linotype, Canadian252 Paraguay, A Trio up the 572 Live stock, breeding in Brazil...487, 543,674 Electric Installation at Rio Grande ..185 Paraná:— Electric Trams at Porto Alegre 133 M. Budgctary surplus 547 Estimatei» for new telegraph and post Message of Acting President 253 office, Porto Alegre 253,228 Madeira, Brazilian Consulate established627 Pearson and Sons, Ltd350,400 Exports of hides from 166, 230, 262, 575,657 Maranhão:— Pernambuco:— Killings to April 5th 629 Estimates, 1908-69 601 Antônio Salvino on the warpath 253 New President 133 Redemption of Fundcd Debt 303 Budget for 1909 549 Passengers carried on Trams at Porto Messages:— Call for tendera for Port Works....45,383 Alegre, 1907 157 Alagoas, The Governor of 629 Drainage of ....173, 230, 409,628 Post Office Revenue, 1900 to 1907 106 Argentina, President of 518 Finances 430 Proposed Railway Communication with Chili, President of 600 Governor, New 380,490 Montevideo C83 Federal District, Prefect ot 376 Port Works 493, 005,f.40 Rio Grande Bar & Port Works 232, 430,551 and Supplement to No. 15. Smallpox 106 Sundry Statisties 575 Paraná, President of 253 Western Telegraph Office, Fire at 575 Rio de Janeiro (City):— Republic, President of 487 Politics 91,330 Accident at S. Sebastião 428 and Supplement to No. 19. Port Works ©405, 546, 599,603 Advertising extraordinary 679 Republic, President of, balances of Port Works, Balance sheet8 ....7, 125,223 Alcoholic beverages 404 1907-08 compared  502 332,495 Argentino, An, in London 13 Tybiricá, Dr. Jorge, supplement to No. 20 Portugal:— Automobile strike 14,301 Minas Geraes:— Assassination of Dom Carlos and Prince Automobi'e8 43 Bridge over the Paranahyba 301 Royal ..119, 140, 153, 154, 182, 251,354 A New Avenida 227 Cattle fairs 380 Portuguése Minister, Transferred 325 Botanical Gardens 300,488 Cattle show at Bello Horizonte 229 Portuguése Minister, The New 428,598 Buoying of the Bay 207 Government cor.tract with Leopoidina Post Office:— Carnival 42, 224, 240, 250, 273,277 Railway £02 Missing Mail bag 301 Carioca Tramways 572 Large diamond found 252 Reform of 42, 207, 324, 427,516 The Cassino Fluminense 543,545 New Reservoir, Bello Horizonte 133 Report of Postmaster, 1907458 Census, 1906249 New Stamps by American Banknote Co. 184 Visit of President of Republic 655 Coilegio Militar 545 Mining:— Postage Stamps, New 377 Complaints about Custom House 226 Dredging in State of Matto Grosso 004 Postal amenities 251,679 Conde Lesdain and his Messrs. W. Simons and Co 598 Postal Guide to Brazil 131 automobile 208, 273, 301,404 Mines 95 Postal Parcels 383,545 Labour Question in the " " Cr-ok'8 Tourists 300,627 Ir.dia 494 Prices, The Economist 255 Manganese in " Copocabana 679 Monazite 686 Protection," In We Trust 278 Ciowding on Royal Mail steamers ...653 Ouro Preto 63 Public Health, Department of, proposed Cruz, Dr., His late trip 228 8. John dei Rey Mining Co 522 Deaf and Dumb Institute 326 Mosquitos and Disease 488 new regulations 599 Diplomatic changes 183 Municipal AÍTairs 410 Diaining 206 3 R. question ÄBudget Railways:— Emigration in February275 ÄFinances ..91, 231, 299, 354, 404 Araraquara Railway 278,601 Extension of Rua Gonçalves Dia«..í78,276 460, 673 llailways 493 Feté in the Flower Market 199 Brazil Uruguay 206 ÄIndebtedness Central Bahia 31 lire Brigade Building, Inauguration..571 520, 599 0Theatre 460, Central oí Brazil ..156, 170, 227, 251,252 Fiscalisation of Public Vehiclcs 4JS8 in Buenos Aires 603 ÄTheatre 351, 407, 459, 545,654 Helsby, Mr. Alíred's, pictures 572 Financial Movement of four principalSão Holidays 12,74 N. Paulo Railways 409 Hotels in Rio 43,679 Goyaz Railway 311, 429,627 House building, Impulse in Naturalisation Law 579 " 298 Navy 132, 184, 207, 251, 324, 326, 351 Great Western oi Brazil ..327, 383,430, Jornal do Commercio," New 377, 405, 427, 699, 627 463, 525,552 building 154, 2Ü6,516 " Benjamin Constant " and Shipwrecked Leopoidina ..147, 170, 463, 493, 577,621, Kiosk Company 229 Sailors 605, 627, 655 631, 633,662 Larangeiras Club 185 Question oí Docks ..275, 298, 324, 458, 493 Leopoidina, Contract with Minas Gov- Manguinhos Institute 250,301 Nev Capital for Brazil 304 ernment 302 Manufactures of Matches, 1907 404 New Companies in 1907: " Financial Light Railways in U. .250 Marine Police in the Bay 229 Times" 280 Madeira Mamoré Railway 144,355 Markets, The New 206, 208, 228,277, New Issues:— Mogyana Railway 31, 156,403 300, 403, 458, 572 A Providencia Caixa Paulista de Pen- Muzambinho Railway 277 Medicine, extraordinary prices of 15 sõea 522 North Western of Brazil Mi-carême 299, 349,435 Araraquara Railway 601 Railway 327, 428,494 Milk, Fiscalisation of 348 Bahia Rubber and Fibrc Plant ations... 204 Pan, American Railwav 682 Mortality, 1905 to 1907 123 Brazilian Export and Development Co. Paulista 302, 382,490 National Flag 027 330, 547 Pitangueiras to Viradouro Railway ..278 New Archbishop's Palace 42 Paulista Metallurgical Syndicate 39 Porto Alegre «Sc Novo Hamburg New Police Alarms 132,407 Cia Agrícola Fazenda S. Martinho (S. Railway 483,577 No. Thirteen: Its unluckiness ..488, 516,543 Paulo) 44 Railway ConstrucVon in 1907 3 Paquetá Ferries654 Cia Docas de Santos 163 Rio Claro São Paulo Railway 464 Passengers arriving at Rio 627 Cia Estrada de Ferro Pitangueiras 278 Rio Grande Railways 144 Petropolis by mortor car 274 Cia Fabrica Tecidos São Pedro de Al- São Luiz to Caixias Railway, call for Plague and Flies 276 cantara 522 tenders28 Plot to assassinate Minister of War..185 Cia Fabril. São Bernado 185, 278 São Paulo Railway ... 150, 311, 383, 393,580 Police Station and telephone 326 Cia de Industria e Commercio Casa São Paulo & Minas Railway, bought Popular Misconception of S. America..207 Tolle 3£3 by a Syndicate 209 Populatíon of Rio to date 426 Cia Lithograpbica Hartmann Reich- São Paulo Rio Grande Port Works Launch, Accident to 654 bach 462 Railway 155, 170, 331, 383,440 Postal guide to Brazil 131 Cia Silo Bernado Fabril (Cotton Mills) 686 Sorocabana Railway .. 31, 328, 494, 659,683 Preserve Manufactures, 1907 426 City of Santos Improvements Co 494 South American Trans-Continental Prevention of Cruelty to Animais 459 Empreza de Melhoramentos Urbanos.. 551 Routes, built or projected 579 Proposed electric line to Petropolis ..626 Emprcza de Navegação de Rio de Vandalism at Campos 379, 383, 431,464 Rats and Plague .. 13, 43, 156, 184, 465,517 Janeiro 383 Redemption Fund. (Fundo de Resgate) Regulations for sale of bread 154 England, France. Germany, United 1900 to 1906 471 Return of Dr. Cruz 183,206 States Issues. 1907 262 Remittances, Treasury 91, 304,409 Return of Dr. Lauro Muller 207 Gesellschaft zur Gewinning von Gerhs- Reporta:— Rio in 1808 457 toffen mit Beachrankter Haftung 463 Amazon Steam Navigation Company...685 Ruy Barbosa, Dr13 Henry Rogers, Sons and Co 686 Armstrong Whitworth & Co411 Sanitary Inspection . 249 Mfyiaos Harbour Company 311, 410 Bank of Brazil 434 Shoddy Titles 252 Manáos Improvements Company ...204, 281 Brazilian Extract of Meat Company..549 Smallpox 205, 273, 297, 323, 376, I Municipality of Bahia ., 601 British Bank of South America .. 357,452 403, 516, 519, 679 Municipality of Limeira 185 British Insulated & Helsby Cables 355,382 Storms 154 Municipality, São Manoel do Paraíso .. 185 City of Santos Improvements Co. ..463,553 Telephone Troublcs 42 Municipality of Natal 302 Deutsche Bank 468 Territorial Taxes 573,604 Municipality of Ribeirão Preto 328, 880 Disconto Gesellschaft 385 Tobacco Duties in Federal District, 1907428 Municipality of Sorocaba 600 Dumont Coffee Company 659 Train Traffic in Carnival 277 North Western of Brazil Railway 494 Great Western of Brazil Railway Travellers, Commercial, Reduction on Ocean Coal and Wilson's Limited 173 Company 463, 525',552 Tickets for 488,655 L ifrDEX—January to June 1908 ‡in

Tuberculosis 277, 426 Santos Athletic Club 482 New York-Brazil Trade 400 Turot, Mr., in Rio 184 State of Braz Cubas 133 French Line 821 P.S.N.C453, 489,632 Villa Isabel Trams 14 83.) Paulo:— Vinegar, Produce of, 1907 488 Royal Commission on Shipping Visit of General Pando 377 Athletic Club Fixtures524 Rlngs 348, 465,699 Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills 31, 65, 122 Budget Law for 1908 07 Royal Dutch Lloyd 321,428 Rio de Janeiro Harbour Dock „ Co. .. 3 Cattle Show at São Paulo 429 Royal Mail and Brazilian Clients ..42,230 Water Supply 122 Coffee Propaganda: Report of Dr. Bo- Ditto Dividend 577 Rio de Janeiro ..127 Rio de Janeiro Meat Supply 330 telho and Decree regulating Board Ditto Report 031,664 Deaths from Infectious Disèases 157 Ditto s.s. " Asturias " Rio de Janeiro (State of):— " " 131,147 Baron Rio Branco 278 Extract fronv. Speech of Governor-Elect128 S.s. Cap Frio and wireless telegraph Banquet to 15,253 New Automobile T.oad to Sebastiana 05 French Officers installation 155,227 Oas Company 304, 386, 482,604 S.s. "Cap Vilano" Nictheroy Municipal Budget 683 " " 461 Municipal Revenue, Gas Company, Revision of Contract ..278 S.s. Corcovado 482 Nictheroy Hospital Samaritana 462 S.s. "Malte" 1906-7 lõ6' 231 "Oceania" 597 Water Supply 133 Imigration to, 1902 to 1907 657 S.s. 253 Petropolis S.s. " " Products of Paraty District 208 Municipal Loan 281, 336,430 Tocantins 253 at Campos .. 279. 383, 431, 4G4 Municipal Theatre 133 S. Paulo Correspondent and German Vandalisim Lines Rio de Janeiro Tramway Light and Municipality of Sorocaba Lopn 600 344 Ltd.:— New Gasometer 253 Shaw, Savill and Albion Co546 Power Co., Shipbuilding Changes in the Board 19, 81 New Markcts nt Campinas 429 in 1841 378 659 New Government462 Shipbuilding in U.K 294,460 Dr. Alfredo Maia Submarine Earnings, 1907 577 New Palace for Governor 252 Signalling 519 " " 80 Number of Uouses in S. Paulo 429 Subsidised Line from Portugal to Financial News and Brazil Inauguration of Works by.President of President of Republic and New Public 132,379 Janeiro 572 Works in S. Paulo 185,199 Voyages for nothing by Dutch Line 329,349 State of Rio de World'8 Tonnage Issue in Paris and Brussels Population of S. Paulo 429 184 Programme of Dr. Albuquerque Lins..180 Statement by Dr. Jorge Tybiriça, Sup- (£3,500,000)..356, S63, 409, 432, 522, 577, 686 Power rates 306 Proposed New Avenida 607 plemertt to No. 20. Light and Statistics of Brazilian Foreign Opening of Office in London 05, 147 Rejuvenation of São Vicente 229 Trade, when unifled 573 São Paulo Tramway, Light and Power 1906-07. Supplement to No. 26. Plans for lines Sul America Insurance William Van Horne 304 Company 31, 577, 632,665 Co. Sir 1901-07 .. 302,429 Disclosures 204,493 .Third Unit of plant, now in operation 432 Savings Bank Movement, of War to Ribeirão Scandinavian Immigrants 603 Surface Contact System 522 Visit of Minister Swiss Cônsul, The New 123 das Lages 544 Scavenging in the Capital 380 Speeches at Banquet to Dr. Albu- Rubber:—- querque Lins 179 T. An Expensive Flotation (" Financial Statement by Dr. Jorge Tybiriça, Planta- Times"), Brazilian Rubber Supplement to No. 20. Taking in each other's Waslilng 226 tion and the States Limited 356 Trachoma Commission 156,683 Tax, Consnmption, 1892, 1907681 An Unconsciously Humorous Prospectus 331 Shipping:— Tea—" Tropical America" and Rio de Brazilian Rubber Scandal 6 Accident on s.s. " Oyapock " 278 Janeiro 461 De Mello Brazilian Rubber Co 660 Telegraph Rates, Reductions on 42 Depression in the North 136 Amazon Steam Navigation Co577,685 " " American Subsidy Bill .... 105, 132, 327, 405, Tennis 524,695 Economist and prices 122 "490 " Times," The 126,383 Entries 123, 2C4, 331, 411, 551, 686 425, 457, " " Battleship " Republica " in collision ..400 Times Correspondent and Brazilian Exporta, 1907 203 Government 65,80 Exporters on the Amazon 331 Booth Line 699 " Centro de Navegação Transatlântica Tobacco, Proposed Reduction of Tax ....665 Financier," The, on tlie position — 280 Trade, World's Fight for 304 International Exlíibition in London .. 597 and Custom Houses 275,405 Ditto and Stevedores 375 Tropical American and Brazil 628 Jequié Rubber, New Grade from Manáos 331 Typesetting by Telegraph 546 of the Market, " The Chargeurs, Reunis 378 Position " Companhia Uniõne Austríaca di Navi- United States:— Economist 3X> Company Corporations 330 Possibilities in Brazil 331 gazione 377 Companhia Pernambucana de Nave- Death of Ex-President Cleveland 682 Prices, 1902 to 1907, diagram 202 Decline of Foreign Trade 661 Produetion on the Amazan índia- gaçâo Costeira.. 186, 230, 302, 328, 430,451 (" End of Third Class Rate War 405 Emigration 382 rubber Journal") 660 " " Pensions 683 Reduction of Export Duties on the Fire on s.s. Assunción 75,155 Freight War Ended 222,321 Steel Trust Earnings 410 Amazon 379 Ditto and Armaments 656 State of Business at Pará ..* 686 Gyroscope ab Sea 86 Hamburg American Line 321 Wall Street Journal and So. America225 State of the Market (" Indiarubber Journal") 306 H. S. A. D. *355 Lamport & Holt s.s. " Verdi " .... 87,183 Trend of the Industry, The (" índia- " " w. rubber Journal") 257 Ditto s.s. Vcronese 75 Lloyd Brasileiro:— War and Finance 523 War Balloon Fatality 543 s. Concert Lines 670 Wills, The Latest 277, 351,377 Freights to Corumbá220 Wine, Importation of Foreign Santos:— Messrs. Workman, Clark „ Co. .. 305,431 A and a Possible Slump ..22 (Tolerance) 355 Merchant Military Authorities 681 Produetion of the World 425 City of Santos Improvements National Coal 228 202, 463, 494,553 Wireless Telegraphy, New System 517 Company 383, Stowing of Cargo 227 Wireless Vision 544 City of Santos, Debt of 231 The s.s. "Cubatão" 75 Docas de Santos, Redemption of De- The s.s. " Oyapock " and benture Bonds 22 "Javary" 406, 519,597 X. Foreign Trade of: 12 montli^ 19C6-7...95,136 Lloyds and War Risks 156 January, 1906-7 204 " Marita " Barque 654 Xarque. Killings in Argentina, Uruguay January and February 305 " Mauretania's " New Record 226 and Brazil 573 January to March 437 Messageries Maritimes 225,685 January to April 551 Mysterious s.y. " Coronet " 298 Y. January to May660 N. D. L. and H. A. Agreement 173 Municipal Loan 356, 429,657 N. D. /411 Year Book, The Brazilian 129, 463,603 Report of Mr. Cansul Casement .. 235,281 New Sliips for South-American Route ..226 Yellow Fever, and Eradication of 550

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,VOL. XI[ RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, Jakuary, 7th, 1908 - - ^H¦¦ ,DAT Y*%\) IN DOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Phiíádelphia, Penn. I (Established 1831) BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & CO, Proprietors.(Established 1831)

«5 ¦ .» m- /**\ jt—^Pi x MMPjü jr?-1 æí!NTtí ^—^rrp^ri^rszi- ••.-.:- -iiH--- 1-05 P ^•W'r***»rT a.nw -i- • r.-.-^(|f -' -yÁML »' 0«J : ?^»« ,!Í.p iUiL a«i r'T|i fte 1 J^L^ WBS«rf!l'."í&Wsflj; lln Vlfu1 ¦¦¦¦»n(-'Y r- 35ra-íte] ^; nai --I mC i

These lo«M»mofIve engines nre a trrchaiigenhle. PaNt»en(rer and Freight jLoeomotlTes» H Narrou Uauge I.oromotives, Steam (Street Cars.. Ac, A c Eleetrie Locomotives and Plant for FJIectric Railways lí»y the Baldwin-ff estinghouse Conihination. AH Work Thoronghly Oiiaranteed.Illiistratetf C^atalogne fnruished on application of customers. I 8ole Representativos in Braíil: NORTON, inEGA W & OO. Lei., IN. rH, Rua Primeiro de iHarço, Kiodejaneiro r Sn¦ Ha H Manufacturers of the \A^ESTINGrHOUSE AUTOMATIC BRAKE The Westinghouse Automatin Brake is now in use on 40,000 locomotives an'.l over 1,300,000 freight cars, besides in general use ou passenger cars. The Westing- house Air Brake Co. is prepared to fili orilers for one to one thousand aets of Arr Brakes for Freight Cars at one hour's notioe. For further information apply to their Sole Representatives in Brazil: I _ NORTON, MEGAttl & CO. D'D«RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARCO NO. 58-Rio de Janeiro. * ,^%. ia afSEul T PC JL BERLIN-TEGEL ESTABLISHED — 1837 4 Grands Prix20—Highest Awards varie,y of service'for 8tandatd-an ¦n,mow gauge' ^RTICUL^ED Passenger and Freiuht Li comotíve Engines S™°D 7T'yjOcomotivbs. Rack and Adhesion Locomotives. Crane Locomotives Boilers, Steam Engines, Kelrigerating and Ice-malfinj! Machines, Pumps etc: Resident Engineer in Rio de Janeiro ALFRED CAILLER c. e, 1LLU8IKATEO CATALOGUKN ON APPLH ATIOJN AVENIDA CENTRAL, 81 — P. O. BOX 911

^HmJ i 1&. ATENT /| Ti-legrapiiic Address: GUTTA PERCHA-GLASGOW A B C and A I CODES USED - B. & J. DICK - Greeniiead Works GLASGOW AdEiNTS ^VJNI) RJbDjPRlíy^lDJ>ÍU^V'X>lVJíiS

BORLIDO MA1A & Co. -TMjr**. nBBBawaa im ) (• iJ*1:.' Successors to BORLIDO M0NJZ & Co.

17, ROfl D flRlO "sasasiSQStí Rio de Janeiro B^AZÍIk m^^^^mmim^^mmms^^^Mmmàimmhmh,, ; ,i , —b—EEBBBasm^mmBÊBaBBm

nHMnnngn maflsaHmMMMmMHHHi)iM -W*l RIO DE JJANEIRO TLOURF, IVllLLSMi & RÂNARIES, L MITED Telographlc Address "Eplderrnls" These Mills are the LARGEST in the SOUTHERN HEMIS- Post Oíllca Boz Ho. 486 PHERE and are fitted throughout with the most MODERN • jt*. MACHINERY.\ For the superiority ot their flours they were award- Mills. Rua da Gamboa, No. 1 ed a GOLD M15DAL at the PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION HE A D OfHCE: "FIRST London : 48, Moorgate Street;, E. C. of 1889 and the, PRIZE of BRAZIL" at the ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION í>f 1904, the brands of same, which are duly BR AN CHES: 8. Paulo 4, Rua da Quitanda. registered at the Junta Commercial, are as follows : ¦¦> í Rosário 1075, Oalle Santa Fé. «NAriONAL» "SAVOIA" Buenos Aires : 335, Calle B. Mitre. "BÜDA-1NACIOINAL" ««BreA25I_L_.li.I_KA" ««SlDillO-LrliN A'» AGENCIES: Vicloria, Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco^ Daily produetion of Flour and Hran: 10,000 Bags Ceara, Maranhão and Pará Curitiba, Desterro.Rio Grande, Pelotas . and Parto Alegre Office: 57, Rua do Rozario, Rio de Janeiro Mc. LAUCHLAN MACHADO & Co, Sole Agrents in Brazil for THE BRITISH INSULATED AND HELSBY CABI.ES LIMITED WORKS: —PRESCOT, HELSBV & LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND

' L , %¦'¦:'%*"'f' Large quantity of cables, wires, and accessories of every description kept sn stock for immediate delivery. (Esfnutes prepared. Contracts undertaken or sapervised. [Engineering senemes réported upon.

^» RUfl DE SÃO PEDRO N<*. 37 — Rio de Janeiro P08T OFFICE BOX. 455 Telegrama, «BENCASrRO"- RIO

¦**.,. JR_



'1 ê.r - r-\x'. . ¦ .'*'•.." )%¦ Mt- Pennambueo- Hathan & Co., Raa do Viçjanio, 2 "NATHAN" C. do Correio, 118. - Telegrams, - PERNAMBUCO ¦Jr' ¦tu

y-s Bahia - fiathan & Co., Raa das Pnineezas, 6 C. do Correio, 157. - Telegrams, "NATHANM - BAHIA

%riM» *¦' í?io de Janeiro- F^y» Voule St Co., IRaa 1? de Wat*ço, 73 C. do Correio, 211. - Telegrams, "FRY" - RIOJANEIRO


______SUie §ra_áKmt %mm ©VOL. XIRIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, January 7th. 1908 ,No. 1 1.": , - Neuchatel Asphalte Company, Limited

RUA SENADOR VERGUEIRO No. 6] HEAD OFFICE—LONDON RIO DE JANEIRO P. O. Uox 1,185 -V Constructors of ali classes of Natural Asphalte Pavements OPO PKOPRIETOR9:— LTndertakeB, witli tlie consent o£ the Prefeitura of tlie Federal .District, tlie construction of siâe pavements in this city. In for- matioii rej^ardüiig* such work to be obtained at tlie Prefeitura.\ - .^. WESTERN'1Q_6llAni liifMI /


PARA, MARANHAM, CEARA, PERNAMBUCO, ORF.AT BRITAI N , FRANCE, GERMAN/, BAHIA, RIO DE JANEIRO, SANTOS, __¦[_¦ _TA v______lIlv\ •*»5ÒÜ HOLLANO, BELGIUM, DESTERRO. RIO GRANDE DO SUL, • PORTUGAL, Fe 5 4S MONTE-VIDEO, BUENOS AIRES, ã 5^^„HW_JlP^l'WT*iM*u*0*^_k P_____ ^__^__|_flra«_S_a^i<^"^_ SPAIN,, r Fe 5 33 ROSÁRIO DE SANTA FE, MENDOZA, __ HW^_i_M_j__«__i ><»'*—,f«». _,m. AiT"""4* ^B _r«HP__Hff9!ff_r* J_?*cf —ft* éÊ\_^A Fe. f at^._^ * ___H_8Bf_K__t£**M ><»4a^___ ITALY, 5*30 VALPARAISO, SANTIAGO, ^_*vT 11 *__M«S_s^_tfiSy_-^ ‡««8 _L UNITED STATES» Fe 5 20 CONCEPCION, LA *t*tâx&3E02mmwJw ^^•^aP""^_*___Cf SERENA. Êr ^S _«_n__, ______HAVANA, Fe. 605 ARICA, COQUIMBO, PISAGUA. r"i_s_á K?«. il __?__ aSIjrí AZORES, Fe 5 77 ANTOFAGASTA, IQUIQUE, S7VINCENT(C._eV.), Fe 4-32* SENEGAL, Fe. tyOL.LENOO, CALLAO, LIMA. 6-45 NBH^w •_*•«»€*RR R _l^^_ü_ __^__^_mv< ifrAf*^** _IBB__fR7 CANARIES, Fe 15 IP v^gg SS8 i_»__fe>. wl___K7 5 AGENCIES. CAPE COLONY, Fe 7-5Q Tkt WfBtc» Telegraph Ce., Ltd. ÍNDIA, Fe 750 ^8_sS^> aMi*__ni_K^^ RUE CAU MARTIN 37, 9*""aRRT., % i__H_i______7 SYDNEY (N S W.), fc, 8-18 PARIS. LAGOS (WC.ÁFRICA) Fe. 8*37 MOASICUft LOU/S PERRtGNO/V,




0 Jardim Botânico Tramway Company ÜEME, IGREJINHA, IPANEMA, COPACABANA Af.D GÁVEA Cheap, rapid and convenient electric service to all these CHLAK-IIIISO SUBTJRJBS. üelightful retreate after the heat ofRIO Unsurpassed as KJbCSir>lDlNa:iAI> D18TR1CTS Ea_iy of access to tlie City, healthy, cool in suniiner, tempere*! by the breeze. of tlie Atlantic, FINE SEA VIEW and Landscape, picturesque V1LLAS, at low rents GRAIND BEACH A1ND 8EA-BATHIING. Trama run from tlie Largo da Carioca at intervales of* 10 and aso minutes, From 6 a. m. to 9 p- m. and evtry halF-hour afterwards, until midnight. See Company'» Jme-tables. '.j 8TRA1NGERS COIÜIING a O RIO AKE STR01SGI_Y RECOMMEINDED TO LIVE IXOWHERE EL8E _Tliê new lines to Leme tlirougli tlie tunnel and the throiiRh electric to Gávea are now open. Service m

_%¦ _¦-•-¦ ir

u THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908. 1 MAIL FIXTURE8 \t §n$m mnm DATE NAME COMPAMT DEBTISIATIOH de Inhaúma No. 42 POR KUKOPK Offices:"' RuaP. Visconde Jaa. 8 Glyde Boyal Mail Southampton O. BOX: 472, RIO DE JANEIRO 8 Chile Messageries Maritlmei Bordeaux ««REVIEW- 9 Orissa P. 8. N. C. Liverpool TELEGRAPHIC ADDRES8: RIOJANEIRO 16 Araguaja Boyal Mail 8outhamptOE 21 Ot tega P. S. N. C. Liverpool 22 Atlantique Messageries Maritlmes Bordeaux Sabacriptlon 600 or £ 4 . O. O per annum. Payable abroad by 29 Nile Boyal Mail Boyal Mail sight draft, or cheque crossed British Bank of South America. Fe». 6 Cordillire Messageriea Maritlmes Bordeaux 6 Orofiesa P. 8. N. C. Liverpool Separate copies•• I*JO° 12 Avon Boyal Mail -oulhamptoa Back numberi ,*°°° 18 Orita P. 8. N. C. Liverpool I 19 Magellan Messageries Marítimos Bordeaux I 19 Danubi Boyal Mail Houthamptoa ) - 26 Esmeralda Messageries Maritlmes Bordeaux 4GBNT8: 26 Amazon Boyal Mail Houthamptoa de Janeiro: CRASHLEY & Co., rua do Ouvidor lio. 36 Mar. 4 Thames do do Rio 4 Amazone Messageries Maritlmes Bordeaux 81o Paulo: EVERARDO KIEHL, ma Sio Bento, 51. Caixa do 6 Pacific s.s. P. 8. N. C. Liverpool correio: 505. 11 Aragon Boyal Mail Houthamptoa 17 Pacific S.S. P. 8. N. C. Liverpool London: 0. STREET k Co. Ltd., CornhlU If o. 30 18 Clfde Boyal Mail Southampton Room, 22. 68, Broad St. 18 Qkili Messageries Maritlmes bordeaux Hèw York : 0. R. FÀIRBÀHKS, 26 Araguaym Boyal Mail Southaniptoa April 1 Nile do do 1 Atlantique Me sagerles Maritlmes Bordeaux AH ©•mmui-leations to be addresscd to «he Editor 2 Pacific s.s. P. 8. N. C. Liverpool 8 Avon Boyal Mail Southampton and marriages concerniu^ 14 Pacific P. 8. N. C. Liveipool ânnouncements of births, deatbs " " 16 Danube Boyal Mail bouthainptoa subiorlbers and friends are inserted ln this REVIEW free 16 L ordillire Messageries Maritlmes Bordeaux tf eharge. VOa THE KIVEH HUTK 1MD PAUIKU ©cale o f Oliarges For Advertisements Jan. 13 Nile Boyal Mail B. A. 1 £=16|000 19 < ordillire Messageries Maritlmes do 22 Pacific s.s. P. 8.N. C. Vai parais* IN OKDINARY POSITIONS 27 Avon Boyal Mail B. A. Fe». 3 Magellan Mossagerlos Moritlmes do Pacific s.s. P. 8. N. C. Valparalso it Insertns ti Insertns It Insertns • Insertns Single 4 SPACE Per Inaertn Per Inaertn Per insertn Per Insertn Insertn 4 Danube Boyal Mail li. A. 10 Amazon do do £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. s. d. 16 Amazone MexBageries Maritlmes do One Pago...... 3 10 0 4 0 Ü 4 10 • 5 0 0 10 0 18 Thames Boyal Mail do Htlf Page 1 16 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 2 10 0 16 t_ Pacific s.s. P. 8. N. C. Valparalso Third Page 1 4 0 1 7 o 1 10 0 1 14 0 17 24 Aragon Bayal Mail B. A. Quarter Page... 18 0 1 0 o 1 3 0 l 5 0 8 Mar. 2 Ghili Messageries Marítimas do 1/2 inchx8 Incli 4 0 5 o 6 6 6 6 7 3 Vlyde Boyal Mail do I/I lacbxA inch 2 0 2 6 8 0 I 6 4 3 Pacific s.s. P. 8.N. C. Valparalso 9 Araguaya Boyal Mail k; A. The 62 and 20 Series Bates are for Consecutiva lasertlons. 16 Atlantique Messageries Maritlmes do 17 Nile Boyal Mail do 12 ar 0 iasertions are quoted for upon the unaerstanding that th* adverti- 18 Pacific s.s. P. 8. N.C. Valparai.o seuient app»*ars at least once a tuonth 23 Avon Boyal Mail H. A. S0 ( ordillire Messageries Maritlmes do ARRANOEMEHT 31 Pacific s.s. P. 8. N.C. Vai parais* SPECIAL POSITIONS BT 81 Danube Boyal Mail B. A. do do ln preparing Blocks for Advertiseraents it should be borne in mind that the April ti Amazon ¦urfaoe available for priuting in a whole page of dlsplay ls as follows :— 12 Magellan Messageries Maritlmes do 14 I hames Boyal Mail do Front Page of Cover9 inches by 8 1/4 inches P. 8. N. C. Valparalso 16 Pacific S.S. * > Back of Cover121/2 71/2 • 20 Atagon Boyal Mail B. A. Inslde of Cover121/2 ª7 1/2 • 27 Amazon Messageries Marítimos do Ordinary Inslde Pago12 ‡7 1/2 > 28 Pacific s.s. P. 8. N. C. Valparalso 28 Clvde Boyal Mail B. A.

PATEK, PHILIPPE AND GO. KOK DNI'1'KP MTATKS THE BEST WATCH IN THE WORLD Jan. 18 Velasquez Lamport á Holt New Tork HOLE AGENCY FOK BKAZIL Feb. 6 Bvton do do 18 Voltaire do do , frtelojoaria GONDOLO-71 Rup da Quitanda Mar. 4 Tennvson do do 18 Vetdi do do April 2 H\rou do do We are requested to glvo publlcity to the following telegram 18 Vflaiquez do do which has been recelved by his Brltannlo Majesty'3 Cônsul Ce- May 2 Tennvson do do neral In this City. "Barbados. December 30th 1907. No ffever :8' Voltaire do do nor Infectious diseases exist In Barbados. State of health of by Port Island excellent. Cleans bills of health are being Issued «Wileman authorlties and foreign Consuls. Please notlfy shipping and Mr. Henry Frederlck has power to slgn for the "Brazlian publlc. (Signed) Covernor. Barbados." Review".—J. P. WILEMAN.

A.U our l>oots are made of leatliers wpecially prepared for use in tine tropicw. Tliey are liglit in weiglit, damp prool and of great duraoility. Large assortments of finest I3ritisl_ !»os*-ery. Superior L-eggings and JPutties, RaincoatM and In\erness Capes. Agents in ali the principal cities oi Brazil RUA DO OUVIDOR 67 B-Rio de Janeiro

PRAÇA DR. ANTÔNIO PRADO, 7 % São Paulo RUA FORMOSA, 31 — BaJaia FACTORY—RUA DA MOÓCA, 131 — SÃO PAULO ¦:¦¦ ! Footballs, Football Boots, Tennis Shoes

i m —r>at • >¦¦¦.¦!

7th, 1908.] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW â /• January ® Danneroann & Go. W i \ 9^^WxJg SAO FELIX (BAHIA) — BRAZIL ^Si Established in 1878


ægV IT t"••'.fl ^s^^^B Beg to advise Customers that they always keep a large stock of their most famous branda at ^^is - ¦¦ •ifBB—• -È their Export Agente : ME8SRS TH. & C. MÒLLER—HAMBITBG. n Brook I (Free Port) •*• 2 A /*•• A TTKNTION:—, Oitly gemiliie when bearlng Mie Governmeiit, ütamp, PBRFORATED with Mieir iuiMult*, via:

Alagoas Bills Protested. According to A No iicia the Governor of Alagoas and his two secretaries ot State JtUs have been citedto appear bef >re a French court for non-payment of bills to the value of £150,000 that have been protested. The fault, says A Noticia, seems to lie with the intermediary who O-old Oheqwes in December for of import payment nogotiated the loan and failed to meet the bills when due, duties amouuted to 2.953:088$619, ali issued by the Bank of Brazil. against which the advauce of £150,000 was made, and when payment was insisted on solved the difficulty by declaring himself bankrupt. 'I lie New Silver Coinage. The President of the Reptiblic has signed a decree authorising the Minister of Railway Construction in 190*7. During the Financetoopenacreditof3.130:853$880gold,or £352,221, to past year 701 kilometres have been added to the total length of meet the expense of coining the new silver money. the railways of Brazil. According to the report just preseuted to the Minister of Public Works these are divided as follows:-r Railway Kilonietres Tlie Municipal Budget. The Municipal Coun- 1908 by which Revenue Ceará Mirim 11 cil has approved the Budget for the year Baturité Extension 20 isestimated at 26.674:215$ and Expenditure at 26.268:524^076 Great Western 50 a surplus being thus expected of 405:690$924. Victoria Minas, ‡ ¦ 64 Central of Brazil 40 Goyaz 30 Revenue at the of Rio de Janeiro for the raonth Bauru-Corumbá 110 port Sorocabana , 97 of December amounted to 7.656:132$453 of which 2.978:118$080 we São Paulo-Rio Grande. 131 gold and 4.678:014$373 paper. If the gold is reduced to paper Auxiliare des Cheiuius de Fer148 in Conipagnie get 3.350:382$840 so that the total sumcollectedexpressed cur- rency amounts to 8.028:397$213 or at 15d exchange £501,774. For the correspondiug month last year Revenue amounted to Coal Production «& Consumption. Accord- 9.249:638$818. ing to figures recently issued by the Board of Trade the pro- During the year 1907 the amount collected at the Rio duetion of the five principal coal producing countries of the Custora Housewas 38.281:708$719 gold and 59.919:950$672 World in 1904, 1905, and 1906 was as follows : — amount paper. Reducing both to sterling we find that the total collected was £8,051,670. COUNTRIES 1904 1905 1906

TneExliibition. We are informed by the British Tous.* Tons.* Tons.* has been to British mauufac- United Kingdom. 232,428,000 236,J2'),0Ü0 251,068.000 Legation that permission granted Geriuuny...... 118.874.0ÜO 110,350,000 134,914.000 turers to exhibit agricultural machines of amoveable description, Franco 32.964,000 34,652,000 33,762,000 •uch as reapers, binders, etc. but no stationar.y Belgiuin 22,390.000 21,506,000 23.232,000 ploughs, 314,122,000 350,821,000 360,672,000 machinery. U. ». of America. * Tuna of 2,240 lbs.§ Provisional figures. The Rio de Harbour and Dock Janeiro The of coal in 1906 in the United Kingdom, Company has received one more knock on the liead. A production and the United States was greater than in any shorfc time ago they were informed by the Minister ofMarine Germany pre- vious that they must take down their buildings and remove their year. from the Ilha das Cobras or he would have it done by The consumption of coal in the chief consuming countries material — the mariues. Against this the Company protested, but were was as follows : told that it was an act of great generosity on the nart of Govern- ment to ask them to take their material away at ali and if they 190419061906 wanted it they had betterdoso at once since they had undertak- en the work in the first iustance witbout tb^j consent of Go- Ton».Tons.Tons. vernment. United States 307,610,000343,281,000361,492,000 United Kingdom 166.609.000169,017,000174,329,000 Never be- Germany 104,094.000106,716,000119,282,000 - Gold Movements in November. Frunce 45,433,00045.9 6,00050,298,000 fore have there been such important gold movements in this Rússia 22,761,00022,680.00026,786,000* J»,726,00019,661,00022,609.000 country in one month as were seen last November. In that Belcium £11,32^,000, of Aust. ia-Hnngary 18,421,00019,314,00021,181,000 period the imports amounted to no less than £2,014,000 from South África, £164,000 from índia, - which * figures.. . ¦ . A £152,000 from Australasia and £85,000 from West África repre- Provisional sented the normal supply from the gold-producing countries, As compared with its population the production of coal in and the balance may be considered the result of the high value the United Kindom still surpasses that iu the United States. of money oceasioned oy the American crisis. Thus Germany It amounts to 5 3/1 tons per head whilst in the United States it sent £4,677,000, France £3,313,000 — under its famous systeni is rat.her more than 4 1/3 per head. As regards consumption — £551,000. The tale consumes twice as much as any other of purebasing English bills and Belgium the United States regarding exports is a very simple one, for out of a total oi country, more in fact than the combined consumption of the £15,197,000 sent abroad no less than £13,934,000 was taken by United Kingdom, Germany and Fraijce. The per capita con-, the States, the only other important amounts being £621,000 to sumption in 1906 in the United States was 4.30 tons and in the France and £228,000 to índia. For the elevem months to date United Kingdom 3.99 tons. the imports amounted to £49,306,000 and the exports to ~ -£45,986,000, so that on balance about 3 1/2 millions was mi- which isa better result than might have been expected CORONA BRAND ported, ho\v considering what has happened, and it only goes to show Carbon papers of every kind, typewriter ribbon aud paper of every kind. is.when of Sole agency for ali Brazil : — Casa. Standard, 72 Ou?idor, Rio pow.erful the London Money Market periods pres- sure arise. JBinancial Times. de Janeiro. ¦

THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908. HORLICK'8 MALTED MILK . ^PHa^aa. Compo§ition : Horlick's Multed Milk is á purê food prepared from rich, full-cream milk combined with the valuable nutritive extructs of multed barley and wheat. The product amount of nutrition wíth Jf

Telegraphic Address P. 0. Address FERHO-RIO HIME & CO. Caixa JVo. 593 General Merchants, Metal Importers and Manufacturers of Bar, Angle and Horse-Hhoe Iron, Charcoal Box Irons, Wire JVails, Lead Piping;, Mule and Horse Snoes, Holts, Nuts and Rivets oF ali kinds. ÜNDERTAKE CASTINGS 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION Sole importers of "RED CR0SS" CEMENT Sole Importers of Hall's Sanitary Paiut "itlA^roI^IJN" CENTRAL OFFICE: 32, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 32 COMMERCIAL AND PASSENGERS' GUIDE

Automobiles Fnrniture Martini — Delivrry cars, 700 to 10,000 k<»s—De Luxe cars — Llecnce Rocliet-Sclineidcr.—Blum «Sc Co., 52 Kua Io de Murço — Eio: 12-2-07 Photographers Coffee Merchants Ornstein Sc. Co.—Rio—15, Kua Acre. Cable address : Orntfcin. 8-8-<íi) A Post Cards, Views and Albnms — — Curiosities Haisoa Chie. Latest Novelties 144, Avenida Central — Rio. 19-2-07 A. «lacobsen, I\att6's Successor.—30, Rua do Ouvidor—Rio. Rooíing Feather thwers, Faiu, Insects, Birds aud other curioiitieiof Brazilian Eternit — The beat roof of the Present. For Particulars applv to Natural History, Viswa of Rio. Avrards gaiued at sev^ral exhibitious. Blum êc Co., 53, Kua Io de Mar$o — Rio. Oraud Prix at the St. Louis Exhibition. 12-2-07 29-1-07 Rnbber Hand Stamps S. F. Lengstreth. — Offioe and Works—16, Travesssa do Ouvidor Drugs, Dyes and Chemicals Rio—lstfloor.27-7-õfi Farbenfábriken — vormals friedr. Bayer & Co., Elberfelá fGeruiauy)—Ágeuts: Bluiu & Co.—52, Rua 1° de Março—Rio. Typewriters 19-2-07 "Cnderwood" — Casa Edison — 105, Rua do Ouvidor—Rio 12-2-07 * Electrlcal goods Watches and Jewellry M. Smyth. English Electrical Süpplies. 115, Rua do Rosário —Rio. "Omega"-Oscar Machado—67 A, Rua do Ouvido'—Rio—Watches 27.7-Oti Clocks and Jewelrt of fiuest taste.19-2-07 I ¦¦;.'.¦¦'¦;¦;. -"-«.—' ¦.- • /• Jl-MílV- ' ¦:';


"?cr B5S 37* 9» a»f.

heao orricE. RIVER PLATE H0U5E FINSBURV ORCUS LOWDOfV E.C ThtV Rg r a n d e ; r v1 i-

RIO DE 7ANCIRO OFFICE. ' uamtAuiMBxatnnæI~>^-^~^r^zp=^ft—¦ .¦¦ * 28 RUA ALFÂNDEGA, £2t ANDAR ,

RECIFE POSTAL ADDRESS.CAix* Z^CoR^no.iit^ &2le/leUrts BS//CH P£f?jV/M3UC02 "^ I > ?^-.. notou umi... /foJ»*™ ?W ; H.TATTAM,5scT#e»»y «t tK« L>*^U*% 0ITí» Y.dCABtoeiLO ¦ ?—X-,'V^ ,.

MAÇaÓ, REC1 FE, WRAHYBA& NATAL \P ,A Rv. ^ • ^*L-^^^o»u4i.0Ba!f FAR PS. JSv V_ \ I  70 ,a>~j O"^"^ O^^x-w9y L—2?!í! MsflíS55ò• j BETwetN RECIFE -»V)«CEIO -*ra-—1— wecipg «piARAHyaA /f^/^ ^7<,o y^^ ,3p?0.>—^-/ terí*"^ - '^-^^^Jfr~^c'"'UA"^íiKÈÃ^J5í*\ x» RfCIPE NATAL. »/Xm tffScc /«/**» »f/^ _-,.*•«-*'"~,"

ttMoiiRo^^Ko^^M^(J y - ^ _. f '- y ^*^s2T ^S°wlJ0 -Z~^X •^:'í / n W?"* v w3 âüRECiFÈ" ;-

^p^k ÍZjl)^/ / \J ' -Z*Rê^Eí n'N- * 2v 2Z~Z^"Z l'Z \ %^h IS^^fc^V

2X^Z^*^ ' Hountaei/^ 9VSJf V S/W"£»

V^=sx Xt 99 \ «»TAitil> fAmeáAoeimoioípv.eA-t^*1 J^>í \ «JXVdpSÍV 7‡J i?¦•' » • I ^^^/ ^SuT*ln*oo A7  y-^f»»*^ I 1 \\ \A&5p.y.*\ I

/V^^.»»-;* > y^ ^n^^^ZODJ . . / ' " 3V\J B_ «•y Jg ; L^*r »-JI COMMUNICATION between 1 DIRECT RECIFE (Cinco Pontas) & MACEIÓ & Jaraguá on Wednesdays & Sundays between RECIFE (Brum) & PARAHYBA & Cabedello on Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays. J From RECIFE (Brum) to NATAL on Mondays & Wednesdays. From NATAL to RECIFE (Brum) on Fridays. Sleeping at Independência. s , I li THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908.

The London and River Plate Bank. The report of the over one's income lies in the difficulty of cutting expenae8 down London and River Plate Bank, Limited, states that the balance when reaction oceura. available, aftor making amplc allowance for bad and doubtful Great part of the extraordinary expenditure that the present debts, and deducting £72,013 rebate of interest on bills not Government has had to meet is a legacy from the past Admi- due, amounts to £376,580, including £44,943 brought forward. niatration,whose ambitious schemea ofeity improvementa were The directors recommend the following distribution:—To left to the present Administiation to completeand íind the money dividend, £108,000, being 12 per cent., making, with £72,000, for aa best they could. The Avenue, Municipal improve- the ínterim dividend paid in June, a distribution of 20 per cent ments, innumerable railway8, port and other public worka ali over the were for the year on tho paid-up capital, free of income tax; to new country ali legaciea from the Rodrigues Alves shares, £6,250, being interest on 20,000 new shares, making, Administraiion, perhaps the mo8t extravagant and reckless of any Brazil has seen. It of worka were with £833 paid in June,5 per cent. per annum up to Sept. 30th, yet is true that most the free of income tax; to reservo fund, £100,000; to pension and undertaken with borrowed money, whilst the preaent adminis- has not borrowed worse benevolent fund, £15,000; to profit and loss new account, tration a cent on its own account. But than ali is the spiritual this, £74,497, to bo carried forward. Tho capital employed in South debauch that has accompanied 80 largely artificial be America suffers no depreciation at the ratos of exchange now development. It is to this that must attributed the enormous expansion of on the Navy, ruling, that on tho amount placod in Valparaiso having been expenditure for. the Army and Diplomacy and feveriah desire to make Brazil providod figure in the eyes of the World at any cost. Ali this is a legacy from a circum- been oxperiencing tbe Jast Administration, English banks in South America have stance that whuu blame or finaljy four and praise has to be dlatributed prosporous conditions during tho last three or years, should not be overlooked. shows a further tho report of the London and River Plato Bank We have coníidence in the and ability of signs of contraction patriotisni improvement in earnings, though there aro Dr. Affonso Penna and bis Ministera, and canuot believe them tho loading figures in tho volume of business. A eomparison of to be so inept or so iguorant of the true state of afiai rs as to run with those of previous years is appended:— the country into expenditure that could not be met.

Mills .lis- Doposit & Acceptmi- ended BOth ccb and covintcd.ad- Net Dividend Year curront in vnncoa AMERICAN METHODS Boptombor necounts drafts profit traiiHit Explanation of tho crisis. With compliments to Mr. Cônsul //> General Anderson:— £ £ "Anthony .£ £ 19 N. Brady's testimony of a week ago however, 1904 (6,829,427 4U6Ô.950 17.249.814 182,887 5.575,57o 18,912,482 225.0K9 20 that he sold to the Metropolitan Securities Company for 1905 17.605.669 20 1900 19,401.126 4,1108,5-5 19,484,957 290.019 $250,000 a paper railway with nothing but a franchise, that 18,660,128 881.687 20 1907 18,052,886 4,632.890 tho company had paid him $905,000, and had instrueted him to remit tho $715,000 balanço in checks of his own to the fivo conspicuous "insiders" of tho Tho doposit and current accounts stood at an oxceptionally street railway group, came with a shoek to Wall men figuro a ago, and some contraction under this head genuine Street. Tho involved in high year this startling disclosuro ali wealth, ali surprising. As it is the total is still well abovo possess largo and occupy is not lit important in corporations, of recent The bills discounted and advances positions great hero and in Phila- tho average years. delphia. Immediately, in responso to these disclosures, the £800,000 lower, although in tho case of tho drafts and aro somo stock market broko, and no other was heard a slight oxpansion has òecurred. Business, however, explanation on àcceptances Wall Street excopt tho moral effect of tho "Brady testimony." has ovidontly been of a moro profitablo charàcter than ever, £332,000, The Nation. for profits sliow a further improvement of £40,000 at a total which makes a striking eontrast with the £183,000 amplo warrant earned in 1904. Such a rapid growth provided RUBBER for tho increa*so in capital recently carried through, and even Thk Brazilian Rubber now tho total of £1,200,000 is decidcdly modest when the great Scandal volume of business which this institution now conduets is con- Representativos of tho press wero excluded from the meet- sidered, tho totais of tho halance-sheet being up-wards of 28 ing of the Brazilian Rubber Plantations and Estates, Limited, millions. Tho 20 per cent. dividend is repeatcd, and the reserve and consequently it is impossiblo to learn exactly what sort of receives another handsomo stimulus in the shapo of an alio- replies, if any, wero givon by the directors to the very serious cation of £100,000, whilo tho balance forward of £74,000 is questions regarding tho promotion of the company which wero £30,000 larger than that brought in. During tho year the raised in my articlc a fortnight ago. Judging, however, from Board havo takon tho important stop of opening a branch at tho information that has leaked out, the explanations of the Valparaiso, and it is satisfactory to learn that provision has board were tho reverso of satisfactory. For instance, Mr. E. been made for the heavy depreciation in tho Chilian currency. H. Hancock, the chairman, is reported to have said that there was every reason to beliovo Financial Times. tho estimates of tho directors would bo fully realised; also that ho was absolutely certain that the company possessed 400,000 trees. Supposing tho number is EXPENDITURE AND REVENUE correct, how many of tho trees are of tho slightest value as rubber producers ? Tho statoment in tho prospectus was not The manner in which expenditure has increased of late merely that there wero 400,000 rubber trees on tho estate, but if, as be "systematically years is certúlnly dlsquieting because, even appears to that those trees had been and scientifically far, it tbe case, there has been no actual déficit so would be planted," and, being from fivo to six years old, were "quite unwise to count too securely on the continuntion of the lately ready for tapping." There was a statement, moreover, that in ruling conditions, largely the result of an unprecedented coffee addition to the.se 400,000 there were 20,000 older rubber trees borrowing abroad. These "at crop, high prices lor rubber and heavy already their highcst stage of production." Yet it ap- balance of trade so much in our factors together turned the pears that after being in possession of tho property for favour as to udmit of enormous expansion in our importa of upwards of eighteen months the company has only obtained merchandise and, consequently, of the revenue recovered from 10,000 Ibs. of rubber, which sold for £2,000, and ali that Mr. "consumption" The expansion of exports importa and dues. W. F. Harbord (who is now the secretary and who was the was followed by an expansion in business and revenue of ali and vendor of tho company) would venture to say so returna for 1907, promotor klnds to a degree never before known, that was that they wero "hopeful of securing 15,000 Ibs. on the will show an excess of 90 to when complete, probnbly next oceasion." Contrast these paltry performances with the 100.000:000$ (some £6,00ti,000) over the estimates. directors' in the After "reserv- and extraordinary gorgeous promises prospectus. It is true that enormous supplementary ing against ali contingencies," they stated that total 141.000:000$ were opened, the yield credita to the nggregnte of nearly of rubber from tho 420,000 trees ready for tapping or already actually utilized and liquidated but only some 51.000:000$ were tho stago "could not fali short" of 900,000 recourse to borrowing of any in produetive Ibs. out ofordinary revenue without annum, which would a of £135,000."In estimat- resource of hard up per give profit kind, not even to that usual governments ing tho result of tho company's operations in its early stages," of bills. everywhere—the issue Treasury however, tho directors said they to take as a basis that any Administiation should delibe- preferred It is inconceivable one-half of tho above figures, namely, a of into the difnculties so vividly depicted only production rately run the country lbs. of rubber, and a net of £67,500. In the face If extraordinary expenditure has been 450,000 profit by the opposition presa. of tho facts as to the actual the chairman surely has been even more so and has left enough production enormous, revenue exhibited remarkable assurance in declaring that the estimates meet a of, if not ali probable extraordinary ex- over to great part of tho directors would bo fully realised. The imaginativeness penditure for the current year. will be necessary and, weare of theso estimates is not, however, by any means the most Nevertheless great prudence tho case the and directors of be exercised. The current will certainly serious part of against promoter convinced, will year mis-statement of a material fact in as last. Coffee shipments will certainly tho company. Ono definite not be as prosperous was cited in my recent article, and there is not less and rubber are much lower. Such condi- the prospectus be much prices thero wero a number of flagrant misrepresenta- staple exports are sure to be reflected in the general the least doubt tion» of our Tho of tho flotation of this com- 'prosperity and of the Nation and in ali pro- tions in that document. story purchasing power which under any efficient code of com- importa will fali off and so revenue be affected too. pany is, indeed,a scandal bability an immediate invés- the other hand there is no calculating the ihfluence on pany law would form tho subject of public On who were duped by the and atimulation of power that may be tigation in tho interests of the people remittances purchasing ' with their money. At the same time, I exercised by stability of exchange. These with improved prospectus into parting am afraid that they will only be duped again if they give any methods òf còllecting revenue may to a considerable extent "movement" the ahrinkage of exports. support to a which has been started by a firm of counteract 1907. The danger ofinílated expenditure and living up to, if not professional agitators. Truth, Nov. 28th

' ¦¦-: ¦ .' . . „.„...lLÍ.;:.,1í mB^mmm^wwm

January 7th, 1908 ] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW

Finances ot the Port Works Commission BALANCE SHEET ON NOVEMBER 30th, 1907


Net Hrooeede oi tho lo»u of £6.500,000 4.778 •»" .631- 4- 6 £3,000,000 .,824 .505- 8-10 Interest croriltcd l>y the Goveninicnfs financial agouts up to 3th .lune, 190.' 358,497-15- 0 Drnft» hy tha Minister of Finimce ou various dates and at difTerent rates 4,300.000- 0- 0 77.112:764*590 CoinuiÍHHÍon on acceptlng £6,760 at 81890 per £ 61:1171000 Interest on tbe oxterual louns to Nov , 1907 £1,612,500 at S$890 per 14.336:126*000 CoiuiiubhIod on payment l 0/o £16.125 81890 per • 143:831*200 Pald C. H. Wiilker A Co. in Loiid..n, to 31st October, 1907 1,816,466- 5-10 26.809:826*908 Value of the internai loan in apólices 17.300:0001000 Pald for properties and rights taken over by lhe Governinenl U* for tlie exocutiou of tbe Port Works 17.300:0001000 Interest on the internai loan to SOth June, 1907 3.460:0001000 Revenue collected up to 30th November, 1907 : Provisi<>nal Commission, from July to December, 1903 109:665*240 lst divlsion112:649*920 2nd division69:576*iõt> Srd divlsion 6.425:3951640 Constructiou Commission of tho Avonue õ.269:077|924 10. !)86:253*908 Revenue to be collected 262:997*300 Depodits from various sourceB 281:417*257 Amounts depoBited in guaranteo of contracts 137:8321780 Minlslry of Justice and luterior, Si ate ot Minas 138:0001000 Judicial deposits 600*000 Judicial êxpenses 434:000$000 Balances the hands 39.533$640 in of responslble parties 261:3.6*900 Expcnded by tho lst divlsion ª» » 2nd » sectlon 1.087:981*107 lst 16.439:4961537 ª» » 2nd » "Jii'1 > 26.046:488$8H7 ª» Srd» ' !» » Constructiou Commission 20.503:487*543 of tbe Avonue.... 45.986:5 1*342 Product of the spccial port dues gold to 30th November, 1907... Restitutions of said duos up to July, 1907 17.608:443*398 41:442*586 Conversion of gold inio paper at lüd. exchange 3.027:500*000 Balances . 1.794:074*074 2,346.168- 3- 5 3.720:625*807 1.243:333*039 7,961.634- 8- 3 7,961,634- 8- 3 I35.4I8:0J1*71!J 135.418:C91$713 17.603:443*398 TTÕOS: 443*398

BALANCES: In sterling £2.346.168- 2- 5 In national gold. 1.243:333*039 In paper money. 8 720:625*807 Francisco de Paula Bicalho,Technical Director ; Bazilio D. Vianna. Chief Clerk, A. da Rocua Miranda, AccounUnt. WM- ¦W—I II ¦¦¦¦¦ (Established 1881) CRASHLEY &L CO. (Established 25 years) THI ONLY KNULISH STORE IN RIO. \iCHutH for Reddaway s KeitniM Alelliu'8 Food. Wilkiiwoii», Wbiskies. Bordeaux Wines. English B< c Ni-ctiuita always on hand ^penial Works to order. Subacriptfona recefved for all English and American \ apers. P.O.Boxqoó RUA DO OUVIDOR NO. 36. Telegrams, "CRASHLEY"-RIO The latest creation of th» modem mechanical genius íh the KIERNAN & PETEBS

Oable-Address BORLIDO-RIO P. 0. B0X 131 BORLIDO MAIA & CO Sticccssors to UOIILIDO, MONIZ & Co. EKTABLISHED 187S General Merchants, Importers Sc Contractors SUPPLY THE PRINCIPAL KAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP C0MPANIES 0F BRAZIL Importers of Railway Appluinces, Tools ; Repair Material for Cars, Locomotives Boilers, Wagons ; Luhricating Oils, Varuishes,' Lubricating Greases, Burning Oils ; Railway Appuratus, Industrial, Agricultural and Mining Machinery, Iniplements, Tools and Kupplies ; Packing Pumps, Scales, Safes, Printing'Presses, Artisans' Tools ; Rubber, Leather and Canvai Hose ; Galvanized Iron, PortableBuildings, WireFencing Babbitt Metal ; Paints, Colora, Glass, Inks ; Coachbuilders' Supplies'; Electrical Machinery and Supplies ; Clocks, Watches; Structural Iron, Builders' and Pluiubers' Supplies; Sauitary Ware ; Wocl, Caiivas and Duck. AG-TDIV^rS A1ST> REPRESJENTATIVJES for R. & J. Dick, GlaSgOW - Original Balata Belting. Mander Brothers, London - oisina Water pjant. Bliven & Carrington New York - Lubricating Oils and Grease Enfield Cycie Co. Ltd. Redditch, England - Royai Euíieid Cycies. Wm. Simons & €o., Ltd., Renfrew Scotland - Dredge Conatructo». Head-Office Rua dO Rosário 17 ¦ Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

¦H__B_K___i__B_B^__B_B_B__^_Ha___S ____¦____¦¦__ ir/».::t^mTm^^

á THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908; The Leopoldina Railway Company Limited

Head Office-No. 4 Fenchnrcn Street, London E.C.Cable Address "Latescence", London Office in Rio de Janeiro - No. 38 Rua da Gloria!Cable Address "Latescence", Rio de Janeiro. ¦ TelephoneNo. 511 London Secretary J. H. DRURY. General Manager in Rio de Janeiro A. H. A. KNOX LITTLE. . Length of Line 1440 Miles.


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! ,._I æ²...... "" " "' ¦ ¦ — ¦-¦"¦¦..- — r. January 7th, 1908.] THE BRAZILIAN RJEVIEW â

THE BUDGET 1101 1907 Art. I. Law No. 1,837 of 31*t December lí'07 estimates Revenue. Òrdinary and Kxtrnorditwiry at 91.493:714$'221 çolcl and 271.217:4001000 paper as against 8.!J.4!.-6:2H0í889 gold and 247.346:9998999 paper for 1907. OOLD PA PER OOLD PAPER Extraordinary Revenue is estimated at 16.214:333^334 gold and 12.237:500* paper. I. Revenue 17.Revcuuc of the Tele- graph tò f:x the follow- ing rates -which shall 1908 1(07 also lie the sumo for V the Press and iStatc Ooveriinionts with a reductíon of 75 °/0 , OOLD PAPER ' GOLO VAPKR doing away with telo- / gramniiiH preteridos; 100 reis per word wi- I. Import Duties & Bnrtaxes thin it State ; 200 reis per word wíthin two « r tliree States 800/eis 1. Duties d" imports for l.or word witliin four consiiin|iilon in nefior- or more .States 350:000$ 4.000:000$ 400:000* ! 5.500:000$ dance witli i lio Ttiriff 18.Revenue of tho tíahtu J:iily printod, 880:000$ 350:000$ 28.Revenuo of the Insano 5$ per kllo, now (ilnis IS por kiln ; gasolinc Asylum 150:000$ 100:000$ of any donsity -10 / éis 29.RoYCiíue from Consular kilo wcight; fees'. 1.000:000$ 1.000:000$ por gross National to olimitate lhe po- 80. Loas»; of pro- rlods re forra d to in perti V 170:000$ 170:<)00$- No. üOli of lass 19 pf Ml . fiUmp duties 8:000$ 13.500:000$ 18.000:000$ lio TaiilV; Io substi- .'12. Railway transil tax 4.000:000$ 3.800:000$ t °/0 luto in Ar!.. 1 leitor* 88.:i 1/2 on loiiuii and o of Law 1,452 oX Doe. on Slate lotleries .... 1.20o:000$ .1.350:000$. 30th 1905 for the words 04. Tax on subsidies and sa- "ali aleoliolie liovora- laries of oflicials 50:000$ 8.130:900$ 50:000$ 9.400:000$ an- 35. Waler rates. 1.000:000$ 2.000:000$ gos wliioh contain 'fax o/0 sintho or other no- 80. of 2 1/2 0n the ximiíj nsseuces" tho dividends distrihuted " hy coinpanies 1.500:000$ 1.400:000$' foilówiiíg ali aleo- "sport" holie bòvcrages which 87. Tax oo of ali contam muro than a kinds In lhe Federal traço of absinthe or Capital 6:000$ 0:000,$ other uoxious essen- 38. Assessníent of Compa- í '1.000:000$ nies and Railways for oos." ! 18.400:000$ GG.000:000$ 105.000:000$ liseal expouses .500 :()()()$ 3. 2°/0 gold on Nos. 08,115 100:007$ .1.800:000$ 10.): 007$ 89,Forosljore leases 20:000i 20:0U0.^ (barley) 98, 97,98. 101) and 101 òf Class 7 40.Property transfer tax in accordanco Laudemius 40:000$ 40:000$ (coroais¦, on with Ari. 1 of l.aw 41.Interest Deposits.;.. 30:000$ 80:000$ 1,4512 . f Dec. HOth 42.Judicial ehargeB i; 10:000$ RIO:000$ No. duos IDO.") '.)0O:OU0$ 43.Hydromcler 0:000$ 10:000$ .1.11)0-.000.* Revofiue from 3.Begistration chargcs(cx- 41, Federal the Acro Territory.. . 10:000$ pedi'-nle) on morchan- dise exempt from du- 1.51-1:007$ 70.994:9u0$ 1.500:667$ 72.6t)3':(l00'$ ties., 3.100:000$ 2.O00: 000.$ 4.Capatazias 1.800:000$ 1.400: 000$ õ. Storago and warehouso VI Exeise and Consumption

¦ churges 3.400:000$ :000$ Duas .*¦: li. Statisties Duos 350:000$ 300 000$ 72.10():Ü()0S 12(5.550:000$ Ü6.!K)0:000$ 111.(jô0:0O0$ 45. Duty on TOBACCO 5.200:000$ 5.000:000$ 46. Duty on BlCVKHAGKS.. . 6.100:000$ 5.000:100$ II. Shipping duos 4 7. Duty on Mai CIIKS 7.000:000$ G.000:0008 48. Duty 011 COM1MON SALT of ali brigins 3.000:000$ 3.300:0008 7.Lighlhoiiso duos 300:000$— 200:000$ 4«). Duty Hoots, and shoes.. 1.300:000$ 1.210:0008 '60. 330:000$ 880:000$ 8.Dock d ti es 150:1300$ _ 10:000$ 110:000$ 10:000$ !Cmidles 51. » Perfuniery 430:000$ 400:000$ 450:000$ÍÕ7ÕÕü$ 4OO:000S 10:000$ 52, » Home and foreign . * pi c- pharinacoutieal 650:000$ 000:0008 III. Snrtaxes paratimis 53. Duty, Vinegar 100:000$ 160:000$ 54. » Preserves 1.200:000$ I.100:000$ 9. 10"/o on expediente char- 55. » Phying Cards.... 100:000$ :l 00:0008 1.200:000$ 1.100:00(1$ gos for iluty-frcc mor- 50. ¦» Ilat.s and Bonnels 25:000$ 30:000$ chamlize ²280:000$ 20O:()oo$ 57. » Walking stícks... » 0.300:000$ 0.300:0008 ²'JSD: i()$ &a. Textiles... Oi 200.000$ 50. !on foreign wines . 8.000:0003 800.000$ 38.055:000$ 35V6Í0:000$ IV. Export tax

10. 2C°/o tax on exports from t lio A c r o Territory VII. Sundry or extraordinary suins duos Io i ho (Jur- revenue r e n c y Rcdeuiptiou Fund being dedueted.. ²13.000:000$ 1.820:087$ to tho Na- ²13 000:000$ Subscriptions 1.820:087$m vai Montopio(insuran- Revenue oo fundi S00$ J80:000$ 800$ 150:000$ V. Inland i. i 61 Subscriptions t o t h o or In- 11. Revenue of t (.'entrai Army Montepio lio fund 800$ 250:000$ 200$ 250:000$ Railway surance fi'2 Subscriptions t o t li c > 12.Revenuo of tho West of 29.000:000$ 23.000:000$ Her- Minas Railway Montepio or Civil vice Insurance fund.. 000$ 0SO:O00$ 8:000$ 700:000,$ 13.Revcnuo oi' lhe D. The- ²1.800:000$ 2.000:000$,.., 000$ 2.500:000$ 4:000$ 1.000:000$ reza Chris ti na Railway oo Indemnities Inteiesl on N tional .11. Revenue oi' iho l!io do ²100:000$ I00:OOOí{A 1.200:000$ t.ioo-.ooos r00:000$ 000:0008 Ouro Railway holdings 15. Revenue oi' the ('entrai ²200:000$ Interest ofshares oftho 200:000*$ü;j Bahia a n d 1'eriiam- of Rio tirand'. do Nor- 1:014$ 1:011$ te Railway buco i ailway Prizes. 30:000$ 20:000$ 10. Revenue oi' the l'ost 60 llnpaid Loltery 5:o00$ 07 Property transfer duos Ollice making I ho tax 2.400:000$ 2:200:00<í$ in tho Capital * for any country in I •South America the 08 Industrial and proles- sional licences in lhe '2.700:000$ same as for lhe lute- 2.800:000$ pior- of lOazil and to Capital æi l I 09 of lhe Monazite issue spceial stamps Product Extiacting coucession 200:000$ 200: W: V.k'i : fíj* this purposo...... ²7.8OO:0ÒÓ$ 6.800:000$ 714$ 10.090:000$ ,711:614$ 7.82Õ70ÕÕ5

¦i^BHiHi^^nHBnBni 10 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7 th, 1908.

1108 1807 * Par. To accélerate these works Government may accept gifts or granta from the interested Statrs, Municipalities or Aasociatious, provided that the óbligation thus irmurred does not exceed the respective dues. OOLD PAPER OOX.D PAPKR V. To modify the import dues aud even to grant free entry, for í'.'( such time as may be deemed advisable, on articles coming from ahroad which can compete with similar goods produced in the country by "Trusts". ?m. linnài10» with SpMlal Applleatltn. Th* Cor- •VI. To grant free postage :— Pond rsstf Rtdimptlon a) On newspapers, reviews and publications dealing with agricul- ture,'industry or c mmerce and official bulletins publi^hed by the Govern- for distribu- l. Ali cufrency rovonue uiénts of the States and iu the Federal District gratuitous rlorlvijd from tho tion. and on the corresponnence and seeds distributed free by the 1o»ho òf railways be- National Society of Agriculture and similar societies in the States. Union, 420:000» 460:000» Libraries longlrig to tho 6) On printed books of any kind despatched to tlie Public a. Proccops of rocovery of the Union, States or Municipalities. ofdolits duo to the — in 800:0009 900:000* VII. To arant exemption from duties : Unlori currency.. appliance» 1\8. Ali eventual curr. ncy 1.To agricultural implementa and machinery as also to revenuo 1.600:000$ 1.500:000» for the manufacture of dairy produce, when imported directly by the Surpluf» revenue farmers or manufacturers themselves, and machiuery and appliances for Divido id, on .shares» the installation of xarqueadái and for the manufacture of nianure and Bank of lira- pulp from the refuse of the sugar cane as well aa to such cbemicals as are zil hcjlonging to tho 5 °/0 registration fee. Trens íry 787:500» 1.850:000* required for their preparation, paying instruments imported by societies for tlie 4.200:000* 2.To druga aud prevention 3.507:500» of tuberculosia. 3.To seeda and live planta and to fine apecimens of cattle, horaes Th* Corria» Ouaxant** mulea, sheep and awine for breeding purposes. 4.To silkworm eggs and to swarma of bees and their hives as well as to ali appliances used in apiculturo and to utensils for storing honey, when imported by bee farmers. 1.6°/o gofd on (illdulioH professional on goods imported 5.To materiais imported for the construetion of central factories for consumption... 9.600:000» 9.000:000»— {engenhos cevtraéê) as well as for the construetion or extension of rail- 2.Procoods in gold of w ys aud the construetion of port works by concession to private parties. recovery of dohts registration fee of 5 °/0 shall oe 1:000» 1:000»— On these goods a paid. duo ti'th» Union.... 6.To starapeo tin and their accessories for the manufacture 3 7 8. Lease òf Union Rall- plates 110:000»— oftins for butter, lard, bacon, sweetmeats or meat when imported ways paynblo in gold. 88:333» potted ü/o |4. Ali eventual gold rc- direct by producers. On these goods a registration fee of 5 shall 200:000»— V0IU1Q 20:000» be paid. 5. Rovonfco duo from tho 7.To material imported by private parties or companies who pro- Acro Torritory for j pose to develope the rational and econômica] eultivntion of coffee, cocoa, the complete rcorga- sugar, barley, alfalfa, wheat and textiles, nlsattpn of thia fuud ²0.573:911$ tobacco, cotton, rice, (animal or vegetable) and to the same for market in equippe > 9.311:000»6.573:9Í5» prepare properly 9.704:833» factories. T .stiiuuhite these native industries the Executive similar-, range with the Union Railways and navigation companies receiving a 8inklng Fnnd for H*- subsidy or other State aid for a reasonablé reduetion in the freight rates demption o! Raieisilon oi article- at such establiahments. . produced Bonds 8.To machinery and tools imported by the States,Municipalities or l»y private parties for the culture ofsilk provided that in the spinning 8. Product of lcase of ex- and weaving only native eooonns are used. propriiitod rnilways... 150:000» 2.000:000» 160:000» 1.068:000» 9.When solicited by Governmeuts of States, Municipalities and 160:000» 2.000:000» 160:000» 1.658:000* the Federal District, after payment of a registration fee of 5°/0, t<» materiais imported for various works undertaken by the Administratiou or by contract, for the of sauitation, and the impiovemeuta II. Fand for AmortliatUn o! itself purposes th* Internai D*ht of oities or water süpplies, to metal goods for drainage purposes, to mat- eriala for paving, stone breaking machinery, motora and steam rollers for macadamiziug roads, to material for the iniprovement and maintenance . Rocolpts from snle of of and harboura ; construetion of furhacès for the incineratiou of morcliandiso or ports pro- garbage ; bridgea, illuminations, steam and electric railways, as well as to l>ortiOH belonging to of for the same to materiais for tho Union 80:000» 80:000» ali material for the generation power ; 4{2. Diiferouco botweon analytical laboratories ; to fnrniture and materiais for public schools receipts and pay- imported by the various Governmeuts ; to materiais for prisons «nd ments at the Natio- reformatories ; to animais and materiais for the use of the Fire Brigade uni 8u vinga Itunks and Police Force to materiais for service and dredging of shallows 8.000:000» ; port (Caixa Econômica)... 3.000:000* and channels, and, finally, to ali material specially required by the 3.030:000* ²3 030:000» Governmeuts of States, Municipalities and the Federal District and their dirlerent departments. The same exemptions will be granted by the III. Fnnd for Port Improva- Federal Government for aervices within its jurisdictiou. rnanti 10.To pipes nnd material required for the drainage servicea in the States of Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Santa Catharina, Amazo- nas, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, the city of Nictheroy in the State of Rio Rio de Janeiro 4.000:000» 2.900:000» 4.000:000*1.000:000* Parahyba and Espirito MarunluVo ²lf>0:000* de Janeiro, and the capitais of the States of Santo. K- rtalczii ²200:000* 11.To ali machinery for water works of any kimls, including motora Natal ²180:0(H)$ for same, and windmilla, tubular wells, purrips and conduit pipes and ali Parahyba ²100:000* accessories ueeded foi water works in the differeni districts of the Stute >'f Paranaguá ²100:000$ Ceará and other drought stricken States, imported by the ditierent Recife 000:0001 ²8"0:0tK)* Chanibers, fur the public service. The same favours. will be granted to Maceió (.Tnraguá).. ²100:000* Florianópolis ²150:000» any private })iirty who shull import the said materiais ai bis own expense Rio «Jran-le do Sul 450:000$ 800:000* 450:000*800:0u0* and for his own use in the said «States. Para 800:000* Exemption from duties and from the registration fee must be Bahia .. 500: of Law No. 1,452 of 30 December 1905. tion fee paid goods. casks and barreis for iu the A of 6 °/0 on the total import taxes shall be applied to 17.To wine grown country, imported by quota gold syndiçates or other Syndicates the fund a of 20 °/0 shall be applied to expen- agricultural producers. will be liable to guarantee ; quota gold laid down in Sola Par. of Art 3 of this Law. diture iu and the remainder ahall be coverted iuto to raeet ex- the peualties gold paper 18.To machinery for the establishment of wrought in that médium. iroi\ works penditure hy the firm of Barros, and Co, São Paulo. 1'hè 50 "/o lax shall be collected so long ns exchange remain8 imported Krueger gold 19.To material imported by the coneessionaires at the above I4d mil reis for 30 consecutive days and shall only cease to be city of per in the ^tate of Espirito Santo for the water supply, collected it" it continues below that figure for a like To regulate Victoria drainage period. and lighting of that city. this :he average exchuuge íir 30 days will be taken If exchange de- systetn VIII.To draw up new regulations for the Òlinesi to 14 i. or below, the import tax ou merchandise according to the collection of the water in the Federal Capital, the said rates to be kept diapo.Miions of lettera will be collected at the rate of 05 °/0 in and rates within the limita paper in Art 1 4 of Law No 2,039 of 22 September 35°/ ingold. stipulated § 1875 and 8 1 Art 7 Law No 489 of 1 > December 1897. IV.To recover dues for the construetion of harbour works under- of IX.To undertake the fiscalisation of taken by the Union or by concuasionairea : — proper banks and similar °/0 institutions and to draw up regulations for the same. 1.Up to 2 gold on the official value of imports at the port of Rio de Janeiro and the Custom Houses of Rio Grande do Sul, Victoria, X.To enter into an accord : — Bahia, Recife and Belém, the urticles mentioned in No. 2 of Art. 1 ex- a)With the Governmeuts of the Republica of Uruguay and Paraguay cepted. This tax may be extended, on the same conditions, to other for the settlement of outstandiug debts due to Brazil ; of the which ports and frontiers of tlie Republic in accordance with the dispoaitions b)With the Goveruments State produce monazite saud of decree No. 6,368 of 14 February 1907. for the proper regulation of prospecting for and general trade in this 2.1 to 5 rei* per kilo on merchandise loaded or discharged at other article. ports according to value, destination or origin. XI.To modify the fiscalisation service of the consumption tax i *'",

January 7th, 1908 ] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 11

— revising the regulations and making present new ones— without Art. 14. Animais intended for breeding purposes and for the impro- increasing expenditure.- veinent of national breeds shall be despatched free of duties and regia- XII.To reduce postal rates for abroad in accordance with the fee, independently of any despatch of the Minister of Finance. decisions Postal Couvention iration of the Universal and also the rates in the Art. 15. Ali dispositions of previous Budget Laws remain in foree country in propor tion, so soon as the reorganisation of the Post Office has which do nut deal specially with the fixing of Revenue and Expenditure, beendecreed. with the ear-marking or inc easing of salaries, with the reorganisation of XIII.To revise the se.hedule of consular salnries approved by departments or fiscal legislation or have been specially revokéd. decree No 2,832 of 14 March 1898. Art. 16. Operations elíected by rural cooperativo credit societies, of Law No 1,452 Art. 3. Art. 3 of 30 December 1905 remains in on the bitsis of the personal and unlimited responsibility of the associatee, force with the following modifications :— fonnded rather with the object of developing agricultural credit than with 2o There shall pay only 0 registration fee, hesides the articles a view to direct profit, chall be exempt from ali stainp duties. meutioned in Art 2 § 32 of the íntroduction to the Tariíf, smooth wire, Art. 17. AH dispositions to the contrary are hereby revoked. galvanised or otherwise, No 7 for feneing, and No 14 for baling cotton, binding fodder and other agricultural prodúcts a id for the training of Rio de Jaueiro, December 31st 1907, 19th of the Republic. Viu es and the following : — Affonso Augusto Moreira Penna. 1. 1'ortahle »'ngines for agricultural purposes ; 2, rubber valves for air pumps aud ntlier machinery ; 3, Brass and copper wire netting, cones David Campista of paper or leather for turbines and accessories for diffusion batteries ; 4, steel or brass> wire tube brushes ; 5, steam or vacuuin indicators and Summary thermometers ; G, copper, irou or hrass tubes for boüers, condensers and evaporators ; 7, sugar erushing machinery ; 8, appliances for furnaces ; 9, 19081907 mill stoue«, erushing machinery and accessories ; 10, appliances for the transmission of power including poles, axles, stakes, gloves, lynch-pins, 11, rails and ali their accessories, cramps, switches, rings, belting ; rivets, OOLDPAPERGOLDI-APEK points, counter rails, crosses, and ali appliances for working tbe same; 12, locomotives and waggons aud their accessories; I3j alembics, stilisand ¦"-- <"""¦ "' ¦-' ¦ ' ¦'-¦¦¦¦--—--¦¦_> their accessories ; 14, apparatuses for the crystallising and refining of Duties on imports, including sugar and lime for the same ; 15, pumps of irou and other metal for rais- 5°/o gold for guiirantee) ing of various liquida aud pulp and for the supply of hot aud cold water ; fund; a'°/o for uio aud 16, tubes for and leveis 17, barbed and wire 18 x 16 other and surtnx glass gauges ; pluin pórts°/0, and 19 x 17 including irou or steel stakes for feneing ; 18, denatured and of 10 Capatazias catburretted alcohol 19, iron cyliuders for the transport of alcohol and Warehousc and Statis- ; ties dues etc, et 72.100:000$ 126.550:000$ 80.350:000$ 116.609:999$ appliances for the alcohol tndustry . 20, agricultural implementa ; when Shipping dues100:000$10:000$'100:000$10:000$ the above meutioned machinery and apparatus are imported by agri- Surtaxes²280:000$²200:000$ cultural syndicates or by tbe faimers themselves, mánagers of agriou tural Inland Revenue 1.514:66?$ 70.991:900$ 1.660:667$ 70.963:000$ companies, propriètors of cattle farms or by State and Municipal Govern- Export tax 20 % on Acre ments. prodúcts²13.000:000$²1.826:087$ Consumption dues iind Ex- Sola Far. Sale of these articles, on which reduetipn of dutes has been ciso²38.055:000$²85.680:000$ allowed, to non-nienibers of such syndicates will make the syudicate itself Sundry or "Extraordinary'' lial.le to a fine of,3:000$Õ00. Revenue 1.214:714$ 10.090:000$714:014$ 7.826:000$ On repeti tio u of tbe oíFence the line will be doubled and the syudicate Paper Money Rcdeniption dissolvecl. Fund²3.507:500$²4.200:000$ Gunrantee Fund 9.704:838$²9.311:000$ 6.673:913$ Art? 4. The despatch of merchandise treated of in Art. 3 of Law No Sinking Fund for redemp- 1,452 of 1ÍJ05 with the modifications of the same shall he authorised by the tion ofRoscissionBonda1GO:000$ 2.000:000$160:000$ 1.658:000$ Custom house inspectors after the importer has proved the quality of the Do do Internai Debt²3.030:000$²3 080:000$ goods. Port Iniproveincnts 0.300:000$ 3.700:000$ inc'd. above inc'd. abovo Art. 5. The collection of dues which falls to the Captains of the Ports shall be made by means of adhesive stamps in accordance with the 91.493:714$ 271.217:400$ 83.490:281$ 247.346:099$ Table now issued,in the place of that appended to Art 17 of Law No 741 of 26'Deoember 1900, and further Government is empowered to remove duties of any kind that have hitherto been levied on small coasting trade. Art. (5. AH docnments relative to despatch of Brazilian sailing THE BRAZILIAN YEAR B00K vessels aud steamers between foreign ports or between foreign and nation- ai ports shall be exempt from consular stámps and charges. Sola Par. Despatch of merchandise by said ships and steamers shall enjoy similar exeniption but shall continue to be subject to stamps for consular iuyõipei.. Edited by Mr. J. P. Wileman Art. 7. Within the space of 10 months the Ministries of Public Works, Foreign Afíairs, War, Marine, Justice and the Interior shall carry out the dispositions of Art. 4 of Law No. 741 of 26 December 1900 with Is now in preparation, the first issne being expected to be regard to premises which are National próperty situated in the Federal District or in the States and occupied by public officials, civil or military, ready in nay who have no right according to law to reside tberein. The Minister of Fi- nauce shall then sell at public auction such of tbe premises as are not re- quired for the public service and the product of such sale shall, in accord- auce with law, be applied to the amortisation of the Internai Debt. of 8ulp'iurous or in combi- It will contain historical and geographical sketchea of the Art. 8. The tolerance anhydrides (free Brazilian Union and of each of the States, besides full statistical nation) in imported wines shall not exceed two hundred íniligramines per litre, Governrnent, however, being authorised to raise this tolerance to information for the Union and each of the íStates regarding: — three hundred and lif y milligrammes. Art. 9. The favours accorded by this law to agricultural societies, Imports such as exernption from duties, free postage etc, shall also be extended Exports toscientitic and industrial congresses and exhibitions. Art. 10. Gold cóin and bar exported through the Custom houses of Revenue the Union shall pay a duty of 2°/0 which may be raised to 5°/.. if Govern- ment c> nsider that the condition of the market requires it. ICxpencli turc This duty shall be reduced to 1 J/2 °/0 when exchange is at ]5d or above. Public r>el>t Sola Par. Gold in bar or tlust extracted by mining companies from Movement of Population their mines and exported by them shall be exempt from this tax. The Executive is authorised to draw up regulations for the collection of the Railways tax hereby created. Art. 11. The dispositions of Art. 14 of Law No. 1,616 of 30 De- and irliiiiiig1 1906 imposing an internai consumption tax remain in force : cember of every 1$500 per kilo on butter of national ori.in which is not made from With a detailed description Joint Stodc purê milk ; Company (Cias Anonyniiis) registered in Brazil, after the 640 réis per kilo on artificial lard or imitations of the same, of na- etyle of the London Official Intelligence. tional origin. § l. This tax siiall be collected according to the regulations in force and the instruetions already issued by Governinent. § 2. The butter and lard referred to in this article may only be The Brazilian Year Book will be the indispensable guide exposed for sale when the tins or other containing the ame bear "artificialpackages "artificial to ali interested in Brazilian affairs. a legible declaration with the words butter" and As only a liniited number will be printed, application for lard". subscription should be made at once to the Head Office, Rio or §3. Products which are dangerous to health cannot be subjected to the consumption tax. by letter to Post Office Box 472. § 4. Such prodúcts as do not bear a lable as laid down in §2 shall For advertising there can be no better médium. Most of be seized and destroyed after the proper analysis has been made. the available space for the present issue is already let. Intend- § 5. Any person or persons infringing these regulations shall be ing advertisers will, therefore, do well to apply at once. liable to a fine of from 1:000$ to 3:000$ and on the second offence the fine will be doubled, none of these proceedhigs to prejudice the criminal actiou to which they are exposed. TÍiese fines shall be collected promptly Subscriptions £2:2:0 according to the regulations in force. Art. 12. Free transport shall be granted on the Railways in the Àdvertisements 300$000 or £18:15:6 Union to lunaties being conveyed to asylums which are maiutained or per page Bubsidised by the Union or by the States. § I. Such passes shall only be granted by the mánagers of railways at the reqnest of the Chiefs of Poliee, State or Federal. § 2. These passes shall only be issued to patieuts who on account of Ceylofi I reCIOUS òtOnSS eupplied direct from their poverty are to be given free treatment in the said asylums. Art. 13. The followiug remain in force : —Art. 15 of Law No. 953 — -hour Mines. of 29 December 1902, iti dispositions to be extended to the West of Samples and Price List on demand to : December 1905 Art. 13 Minas Railway ; Art. 18 of Law No. 1,452 of 30 ; J. WICKRAMANAYAKA A Co„ ©f Law No 1,616 of 30 December 1906 which extended the period men- tioned in Art. 20 of Law No. 1,144 of 30 December 1903. KA1DIAE1, C010MI0, eBYLOí. 1-12 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 190g. THE BRAHMA BREWERY »J&*h*__*>í_(<í- l«i li

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detracts from the heartiness of the good wishes which we now éttitvú U beg to offer to to all our readers in Brazil and abroad. ²The New Year was ushered in with the accoustomed i display lt*=I"«- The returns of the pyrotechnic and whilst hundreds of fue balloons soared ., .^^Pal Direetor General nf heavenwards the Church bells, having tolled tégUta Henltl.,1.0! tbe week ended Dec. 29tl», 1007 , the knellof 190,7, | fever ré S fonÔvs joyfully raug in the Year of Grace 1908. Our sincere wish Yellow 0 ; bubonic plague, 1; small-pox, 4 nieasle. is ; 1• that the year that has just commenced may be prosperou?, for typho.d rever. the whole country and that no of the World may 1 ; dysentery, 1 ; beriberi, 1 ; leprosy, 1; part be dis- as 1 mural) erysine turbed by wurs and rumours of wars which i.re a disgrace to ; fevers, 7 ; p.ulmonary diseases, 54 To ai ;! fecho us d.seases, 87. Violence fn civilisation and a millstone round the neck of tlie Nations con- (including suicides) 22? Non cerned. Who but infectious diseaaea, 191. Total deaths from can tell that during 1908 the secret of the eqiiul all causes 300 • fiy.ing machine, so long sougbt, may become to an annual death rate of 24.8S 1,000IXbitanL' a reality. The per advent of tbe deíinite navigation of the air would do more to 30.00 eliniinate international strife than a hundred Peace %. Under treatment in hospitais: fever • Conferences. 31 and yellow 0 ' small The dove has always been the emblein of Peace and pox, : bubonic plague, 7, under observatión 38 it is not beyond the bouuds of possibility that this prototype may be foi- tueweek has remained much lowed by the factor ' same..l^rTh0rWe;l,ther(U,ri,lg as he the great for.rather than emblem of, peace—the for preeeding seven days, that is to say it has flying machine. been about as hot as one cares to experience it at this time of ²Our contemporary be y«.r Al it |S eomidered uuluck • to wisb A Noticia says that on the first of luck people too mucb January all eyes are turned to the calendar for before lhe event we refrained from wishing our the New Year a happy.and readers a apparently for the purpose of sée.ing how the holidays fali du- properous New-Year last week, but that in uo way ring the year and whether two may come tògethér and thus give january 7th, 1908. ] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 13

a longer rest from nrdimus labour. . We must say that it, had were afflicted by this terriblo seourge and now7ns a result, the not atruck us to look at, the calendar IVom this point ot view but Government of Mudras has püjilished suggeation.s iu regard to no doubt it will interest some of our readers to see at what time thepolicy that should be followed in dealing with the plague. of tlie year they can get away for a few days at a time. As far Three conclusions are como to —(1) that bubonic is " " plague as editora nnd compositora are concerned the word holiday spread by infected rata; (2) that the vehicle of contagiou bet- ia eliminated fiom the calendar. • It is a noteworthy fact that ween rats and human beings is mainly the rat flea ; and (3) ao many holidays fali on Monday, our busiest day. The follow- that tlie life of tue plague genn in soil, the floors ánd walls of ing is the liat given hy our contemperary of holidays coming . iiouse8 and the like is of short duration. — From this it will be toirether during the year : gathered that the main direction that efforts should take are January 5th Sunday, 6th Church holiday. towards the extermination of the rat, the of tlie " prevention 19th íáunday, 20th holiday. acceasto man of the infected flea, the counteraction of bites and June 28th Sunday, 29th Church holiday. theevacuation ofthe infected houses for n reaadnable length of August 15th Sunday, 16fch Church holiday. time. The Times thinks that in índia, where the plague is Isò Septèniber 0th bunday, 7th holiday, Sth Church holiday. rampant and tlie people so prejuduced, inoculation is the October llth riunday, 12th holiday. cheapest, the most eíleetive and lhe least inconveuient method November lst Sunday, 2nd holiday. of combating an epidemic of plague. Here in Rio there is no of combating In this respect the present year is much less kind than 1907, qiieatiori an epidemic so that the three methods during which there were a many cousecutive holidays. referred to above should prove ample protection and we feel great surethatin Furthermore four holidays fali on a Sunday and are so to speak a year or so the sumII numberof plague cases reported each week disqualifled. Caruival begins on Sunday March lst. Easter will beeome smaller and ÜHally disappear altogether. fali ing on April I9th (Primrose Day) Christmas fallson aFriday. Last week we warned our bachelor readers that this was Leap — Dr. Ruy Barbosa, the man who has raised Brazil to the Year and their dáuger is the for it is 12 since tho proud position of Mnth Great. Power, arrived in Rio on Monday greater years ' ladies have had the privdeges granted by u o anno bixexto " December 30th. The President of the Republic was to have owing to the fact that 1904 was not Leap Year, since one is gone out to meet him but at. the last moment sent a representa- dropped every 401) years. By tbe time it comes round (o tbe tive. Nearly ali the memhers of the Government went ou next dropping of Leap Year it will probably not much eflTect board the Araguaya, however, whilst, tbe Minister of Foreign eilher ourselvcs or our readers. Aítairs awaited the arriyal ofthe Braziíian Envoy to the Peace on — A curious example of V the of view " is Conference the landing Vtage of the Cães Pharoux. The point aíforded Lloyd Brasileiro by the impressiona ofan Argentine in London which have steamer Pará, carry ing most of the Ministers just and many other friends, been published in the tyacion of Buenos Aires. The writer went out, beyond lhe bar to meet tho eays that after 40 days in London he Araguayd. After the vessel had reached her anchorago a (why does not say tlie huge wilderneas we dont understnnd) it seeined to hiin he crowd went on board and a. few short speoches were made, to one Dr. Buy Barbosa showing huge railway station or a «rtontoun factory. " The means of that he, on this oceasion at least, p considered brevily to be communioation sbow a hick of miúda ", says tbe Ar- thcsoul of wit. After the speechifying practical was over Dr. Barbosa was geniine, tbougb where lhe impracticability of Tube or rowed ashore in tliegallf.y of Dom tlie tbe John VI which is only Underground comes in is not explained. He says that when reserved for great oecasions. His re- they want to build a tine building they mrn out ception at the Cães Pharoux was most enthusiastic whilst ali an extrava- aloiigtherouteoft.be tbe Houses of Parliament, the lniest example procession, which was very long, the gance (fancy of houses were modern Golbic in tho World, an extravagance!) and gay with bunting and tbe crowd niost cordial. when they There is no doubt have sometliing which is a true nrehiteelural monuruent that tbe way in which Dr. Ruy stuck to his like and refused incli Westminster Abbey they do not know how to detacb it." guns to budge an on the question of Interna- tional Right and Equality was Westminster Aubey must feel that it has not existed through most praiseworthy, and his at, the Hague Conference the ages for nothing now that, an Argentine has it to general policy was reaHy an active '.' granted for the as it hrouglít be a true arehitectural monument ", but at tlie same time propaganda country, P»ra/il: very much to we beg to diílerabsolutcly from tbe writer. lhe líonl and showed that tíouth America was i'it last a faCtor Westminister is to be reekoned ' is Gothic and the best Gothic architects always with in international polities and noc-1 ht» püp- placed their was wont be íinest buildings in such a that they were pet she to considered by politicians who could see position practically no further than the end of their own bidden until one suddenly caine upon them when turning a noses and-fáiléd to íiote tlie and evolution corner. Tlie writer cannot have studied tbe Gothic creed of progress of the vast coiinfries South of the "mystery" line. Brazil has taken tbe lead as lhe champion of i lie weaker or he would never suggest the placing of Westminster Abbey in a large open space with ali its powers; we trust that she will ever do so and ih.d they may be beauties exposed to tbe duly light of day and nothing left to the imagination. Before the grateful. writer begins to talk about ²On the tSaturday, before the arrival of Dr. Ruy Barbosa, the detaching of Gothic arebitecture "manifestation" he had better take hiihself back a few hundred years and he a was made to the Minister of Foreign Affairs will learn more than he Unows at present. ilouen, Beauvais, by a large number of students. They told lhe Baron that much and above ali Toledo, teach this lesson of mystery and many of the hònour and glory which has acciued to the country from more examples might be cited. But to return to our Irieiid in the part played by it at, the Peace Conference was due to him London. Having ga/ed in contempt on our monuments he as much as to his able lieutenant, Dr. Ruy Barbosa. The turns his eyes Io lhe women: — Baron thanked them and stated that at a very delicate mo- "Even menf they had amoiifí women in the flesh thero is a lack of boauty. doue ali in their power to get thé American Thoso who stay in their country are as 'crabfoed' as thoso Government to direct their delegates to support this country, who but, since go out into the world. Their eyes are discoloured and this was not possible, the Braziíian delegacy decided tho arrangemont of their teeth is uneven. They aro so loan to take up the cudgels in the interest of the country and that of and other flat that it is impossible to say if they are corning towards ono the South American nations. With what suecess ali or Koing away. They walk bcndinK forward, with that 'dtick- the world knows. walk' which so impressed Verlainc." ²It seems to us that the life of the agent of a transatlantíc This is rather tough ou lhe "English roses". shipping company must be the reverse of a bed of roses. When Again he says that. lhe Latiu i.s wrong in crediting the so- a vessel arrives lhe company will be lined if I hey put òíFfi mail briety, purity and chastity of the Saxons and tells him to re- bag until the Oustom house auLhorities have gone on board member that " this race eats about tive times a day and whilst if tbe mails are late arriving on shore they will be íined drinks teu times a night." He concludes as follows : — by the Post Ollice. It is a case of being between the devil and "Tho the deepsea—or rather the Bay. The mail brought by tho English aro absolutely ignorant of tho art of making Ara- citios. London has guaya was very large and as a result letters and papers were certainly a grandeur, but it i.s a deformed late in being delivered, a dcal later, and difFused which good however, than was grandeur escapes tho vision of tho observer. Considering the fact (hat the I do not remenber having uttered here justiíied, vessel was iu by mid- a singlo veheinent ox- day on Monday it, seems rather long to have clamation of admiration, either beforo to wait till Thurs- a monument, a street, a day for tbe final distribut ion of the park, or a city view.... It was not tho papers. Tout vient a lui qui panorama of a city sait attendre is ali very well but some exceptions which greotod my eyes from the summit tho must he found of Monument, to the rule and lhey are not far to seek. but some strange nightmare, somo astral eoiuítry in de- prove seen ²We hrium, some vast volcanic territory, or one of thoso visions trust that coffee planters may never come to the of the last day.'* straits apparently suffered hy the Babu whose petition is thua ²The drawn is not vi^ry given by an Indian contemporary. pieture flattering bulas we said "Respectfully *' before Lall depends on the "point of view". We do not know showetli;', .. "That h.-nouv's servant is ;i that Argentine women uppeuj much to Saxón males or that the your poor man in ngriculhiraíbeíiá- architecture viour, and much dependent on season for staff of life. Therefore he j and customs of Buenos Aires are looked upon by that v. ill favour bini, uncl tiike Inm into saintlyiservice Englishnien as prays you your 7 the acrae of perfectio-n. It would be very dull h that he may have some permaneiitly lubonrj Ibr the supnorti- of diis soul weull liked the same thing or indeed ií it were upon Ins ¦ ¦i person, carried and his family. YVhereíbre he falia fàmily's bended kaees and to extremes the earth would be like Hqaven, since there would implores to you of thy inerciful consiileration to a daninablc niiserable l>e no mnrrying or giving in mnrriage. Two motroes are lout like your Lord.slup's unfortunate petitioner that youi' Lordáhip's worthy ofconstáiit cohsideratiou, they are "Live nnd lei. live" honour7s servant was too much poorly during the last rains, and was and chacun à sürigout. resuseitated hy medicines which made magnificent exeavations iu the cofters- of your honourable servant, wlio.se means are circuinvente.d by ²Anything which i.s being donè in other his iainily; consistiug of live female women ' !fl paris of the preposterous . and Lliroo iruw- world with regard to lhe eradicalion ofplague is interesting to culine. . us here, ms we always "under ²Tbe have several cases in Rio.at least Chief of Police having addressed a despatch to the , observtflion," and as will be noíiced above the actual number of Canis Urbanos Company protesting against the excessivo use deaths last week was 1, "under the cases being treated 7, and those ofthe wbip on tbe mules, it is stated that; the drivers will be observation" 38. A short time ago we mentioned the warned to be more humane in future. is none too soou, i a /It for I solicitude ofKingEdward YJI for his Indian subjects who the drivers seem to look upon tlie poor beasís as meie rnachines vi 14 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908. and not as animais that, in common with ali flesh, know what two or three hours' block. But now that the streets are broad pniii and suffering is. Another matter which has heen enquired and spacious something might be done. We do not mean that Jnto by the Chief of Police is tlte nlleged excessive speed at the traffic is as a rule badly handled but if any special occasion which the t-lectric cars of the Villa Isabel Company are driven, comes along the whole th ing is disorganised. When Dr. Ruy to the danger. There public is no doubt that the cars do go Barbosa arrived the other day traffic on the Avenida was prac- very fast but there is no reason whatever that we can see why tically suspended for about an hour, a fact which caused great they should not, for in 99 cases out of 100, as we have already inconvenience to the òrdinary Man in the Street. It was the pointed out, the accidents which occur are due to the caie- same thing on the arrival of Dr. Frontin but as there will be so Jessnessof pedestrians. The dwellers in the part of the town many ex-Ministers and ex-Presidents arriviug soou mere served by the in prac- line question are only just becoming used to tice ought to make perfect. the electiic cars and it certainly seems a pity to reduce the ²A meeting of the Berlin was speed now, when a South American Society perhaps yearor so ago it might have been held in the Prussian capital the means of avoiding a few accidents. on November 13th last, when Dr. So long as people stroll Hermann Faulhaber delivered a about on electric tram lines and conduot lecture on Brazil. Germany their business between has taken a leading in the of the the rails there will be accidents, for part colonisation Southern the days are pnssed when States of this country, so naturally the cars might be obliged to the lecturer dwelt more go at a walking pace preceded by especially on the history of a man with a red ílag. Possibly those States, but at the same time the speed of the Villa Isabel scofTed at the idea of the "German bogey has so cars will also be eflected by the innovation peril," which which carne into often been trotted out for the foice la»t week naraely the establinhment purpose of making political of stopping places. capital. The lecturer went on to say that the snakes and the We certainly think that the stopping on places the Jardim Indians were not so numerous as many in Germany Botânico have reduced the speed of the cais and fear people that the thought. "There are snakes but this does not same result will be experienced on lhe poisonous Villalsabel. Brazil from being a Even in Adam's ²Apropos of speed a contemporary brings the followiug:—- prevent paradise. paradise "In there were serpents." At the conclusion of the lecture Dr. the City n knowledge of nmtheniaties — or, at ali events, of Faulhaber recited a translation of "Minha arithmetic — is Accordingly terra tem palmeira, essential. we welcome toe announcemeut onde canta o sabiá." by tlie "Eveiiiiig Standard" that Mr. W. T. Clillor.l Earp, on the Brook- landa trark at Weybridge, has made a record. In tlie solerau words of ²Early this — month the Immigration Department is our conteiuporary : expecting 500 immigrants oí various nationalities. Apropos of For the lõO miles lie took about two hours, and consequently this, O Jornal do Commercio calls attention to the fact that the in two hours coveied about 150 miles. number of immigrants has so much increased of late that the What a wouderful coincidence !" arrangements on the Ilha das Flores are somewhat inadequate. ²Apparently no arrangement lias been come to between The plans which have been approved by the Minister of Public the Chief of Police and tlie owners of automobiles whosecars Works ought to be put into immediate execution, especially as for some time plied for hire in the public streets. The owners some 5,000 immigrants will have to be housed there in the say that the tarlff imposèa by tbeCbiefof Police would simply early months of the year. The water supply is good and the resuli in their ruim ing their cars at aloss and consequently they housing apparently is adequate but the beds will have to be have taken ali tbe cars oií" the streets. They can, however, be improved and tbe number increased. A steam laundry is to hired, by anyone who takes the trouble 10 go to tlie nearest be erectcd shortly and new quartéis are to be built for the garage, at the rate of lõ$000 for the first hour and 10$000 for employees of tbe Department. TLe immigrants are provided each siícceeding bour. Thus they are, as it were, in the same with three meals a day, coílee and bread in the early morning, category as li very stnbles and are free to do as they please so breakfast at 10 a.m. and dinner at 4 p.m. Our contemporary longas they do not openly ply for hire and actually are thus urges that coffee and bread should also be provided later in the outside the jurisdiction of the Chief of Police. It is a pity that evening especially for the children. Altogether the arrangements some wòrking arrangement cannot lie come to, for if both sities on the island seem to be good, but ere long no doubt they will gave way a little it would be for the benefitot tlie public who be even better and the immigrants will have nothing to are the suíterers,for they cannot call up a cnr in tlie street, often complain of during their stay there whilst they await the day of a great convenience. Certainly before tbe next six months are their conveyance to tbe interior. up and the exhibition is in full swing it would lie just tis well ²It is stated that the President of the Republic ha^ that there should be automobiles plyintr for hire in the streets, addressed a telegram to Dom Carlos repeating the invitation for if there tire not will stand alone Rio in this respect amongst extended to him last year. From this it would appear that the eities of the world. great there was still some doubt as to whether the state of politics in ²Whilst tbe automobiles htive stuck out against the new Portugal would allow the King to come here in June next. We tariff the carriages are doing a much better trade now their imagine that this doubt. will ere long be dispelled and we rates have been reduced. A two horse carriage now only costa have also been informed that Dom Carlos is now sure to come 2$000 withinthe Avenida zone,reaching from'the rua 1? de Março though a month or two ago it really was very doubtful. A to the Central Station and from the Lapa to tbe Prairiha. The telegram from Lisbon also states that the proposed Portuguése complete tarifF we gave some time ago but the zone we line to Brazil will, if possible, be organised in time for the King refer to,being the business quarter of the city, moat afíects liusi- to come to Rio on oneof their steamers. This we should imagiue ness men. In the old days one had to bergaiii with the cnbby is hardly likely, as the King would probably come in aivessei and generally got much the worst of it and themeresuggestion belonging to the Navy escorted by other ships of war. It is of2$000 would have been greeted with as near an imitation to hardly likely he would come in a liner. Homeric laughter as the Jehu could get. Now ali this is ²The American íleet should be here on Saturday most next, as changed and of the cahs have the tariíFfrained and bting it left Trinidad on the 28th ult and some of the torpedo range of "fare," craft up within the naked eye of the «s it ought to into Para a íew days later. We imagine that the be. Ere long no doubt things will be as put pro- they are iu Paris will be published shortly, but so far it is stated that where the cabbies carry their and gramnie photographs a regular sort of there will be a lunch at Petropolis by the President of clipping from "Who's Who" stating their family gven the history back Republic, a lunch at Corcovado, a lunch at Tijuca and a ban- for some ali of generations, which they are bound to produce at the Itaniaraty Palace, when Dr. Ruy Barbosa, at when cal Ied upon. quet the in- vitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will the ²The propose police in Rio have not yet learned the art of regulat- health of the American Nation and the American Navy. The ing the traffic, which is not surprising, since when the streets American Ambassador will also give a reoeption at the Em- were narrow the trafllc regulated itself generally by causing a bassy at Petropolis. Not only is the Central Railway issu-

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January 7th, 1908.] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 15

from ing cheap return tickets Sfto Paulo to Rio for the visit of ²The Benjamin Comtant is to start on a lengthy cruise thefleet, but the Leopoldina is issuing tickets for the sum of ofinstruetion shortly after the completion of the manoeuvres. 20$000 roturn from any point on their liue from which the The itiuerary is stated to be Montevideo, Punta Arenas, Vai- ordinar.y fare exceeds that amount. paraíso, Calhto, Honolulu, Yokahama, ²Ás Nagasaki, Shanghai, we had anticipated one of the new forts on the Copa- Hong-Kong, Singapore, Ceylon, Aden, Suez Canal, Port Said, cabana beach is to be erected on the point at Igrejinha. It is a Alexandria, Spezzia, Toulon, Gibraltar and Pernambuco. as it does whole of en- very fine position commanding tbe the ²The Minister of Public trance to the Bay. The Bay of Rio is supposed to be absolu- Works has decided that the Lloyd Brazileiro steamers between tely impregnable and we have no doubt that even if this ia plying MontevidCo and Co- rumbá shall in future carry doctors. not the case it could easily be made so. ²Still another ²There seems to be great activity in both Military and daily paper has appeared in Rio under the name of O Diário do Commercio. Naval circles just now and as the conscription law has been It states that it is iudepen- dent of and will paHsed any Englishmen who were bom here but who do not party polities seek only to serve the incerests wish to shoulder a musket and take a few months train ing in of the country. Apoiado ! ²On the sun had better get themaelves registered as British subjects Wednesday last being New Year's Day the President at the Consulate with ali despatch. In Argentina the law is so of the Republic held a reception at tbe Cattete Palace at which striet that, we believe, a mán born <»f English parents even ali the Miniaters were preaent aa well as most of the Diplo- though he wishes to be a British subject still must ipao fado maticCorpa. The Papal Núncio spoke on behalf ofhiscol- serve in the Army. For this reason many English woiueu in leagues wishing the President and people of Brazil ali happi- Argentina who are expecting an interesting event go over to ness and prosperity during the year. The President in a short Montevideo in order that the child may not be born in Ar- speech heartily reciprocated the aentimenta of the Corps aa ex- gentiua and may thus avoid the extreme strictness of the law. pressed by the Núncio. ²On Tuesday last the proposed wharfing of the Lloyd ²According to the new regulations for the Naval Arsenais s.s. Oo.uoz alonga ide the new was somewhat Brasil-iro quays there are to be three araenals in the country, one in Rio de ofafia8co. At 6 a.ni. the Minister of Public Works was on Janeiro, one in Matto Grosso and one in Pará. the ae~ne ready to watch the wharfing of the ateainer. Un- fortunately, either from some mistake in the steering or from Rio de Janeiro. On the lst inst. the President the the vessel having come down a channel that was not aa of State yet held a reception which was very largely attended. The supporters handed over to the Port Works Commission and therefore hnd of Dr. Backer turned out in force a sufficient great evidently to show to nòt been dredged to depth, the ship went aground. ali and sundry tho confidonce they have in him inimediately. with in spite of tho The Minister left Later in the day, the help recont attacks to which ho has been subjected. of tbe s.s. Júpiter and the riaing tide,the vessel came alongside ²The Municipality of Nictheroy is in the enviable position and fifteen eranes on the quays begau the work of discharging. of findmg that the midday and 5 182 tons of merchandiae were un- year just closed has brought them conside- Between p.m. rably more Revenue than had consiating of 1.100 difFerent voluniea mostly containing been estimated. Altogether thoy loaded, have a balance of somo 50:000$. cotton, sugar, oil, rum etc. ²The President of Republic.in company with the Minister São Paulo. It has been decided to devote the surplus of the of Public Works, theDirector of the Central Railway and tlie monoy collectod for tho presentation to the Baron Rio Branco Inapector General of Public Works,went out last week to inspeet to tho purchaso of twolvo apólices of the State of São Paulo the worka on the new water supply for thesuburbs and theCity. of the valuo of 500$000 each. The interest on these apolicea Firat ofall the new reservoir at Engenho de Dentro was visited. will be dovoted to tho providing of an annual prize in the This will bo ready in Mareh and will hold 200,000 li três of Normal School for the student who most distinguishes himself water. Next the work on the Rio Xerem was inspected and in the study of the history of Brazil. —In afler lunch andeonu limentary speeches.the President returned order to foster tho cultivation of alfalfa in the State to the City by a special train the Secretary of Agriculturo has authorised the Director of tho ²During the week there were 316 births and 120 marriages stud farra bolon<íinp; to the State to purchase this product in the Federal District. at tho rate of 200$000 per ton dolivored at the station nearest to the where ²The Senate has approved the treaty which deliininated fazenda the articlo is grown or 300$000 per ton dolivered at the farm. It is the frontier between Brazil and Columbia and which was proposed to purchaso in thia manner one ton from each producer. signed in Bogotá on April 24!h 1907. The Senate has al.so —During approved the resolution, in Rio de Janeiro by the Third the week there were 174 births, 152 deaths and 56 pasbed marriages Pau American Congreas, ndhering to the International Sanitary in the Capital of the State. Of the deaths no less than Convention of Washington. 79 were children under two years old. —The ²After having had a divided vote on the tbe French officers who have been training the State Po- question, lice Forco seem to have been in Senate has now approved the proposnl of the Chamber of troublo again. The last time everybody's sympathy was extended, Deputies by which exeinplion from duties ls granted to druga, for the assassination of iiistruinents and other necessários imported by the Santa Casa Col. Nogrel was a very sad episode.Tho present oceasion however da Misericórdia for use in hospitais. This is an excellent seems to be different if tho reports which are to hand are correct and if carried out. bring nothing It appears that a few days ago during some evolutions which decision conscientioualy can were butgood, whilst if ahusêd it would only make the had being made in tho presenco of a large gathering of tho present Col. condi tion of affuirs worse. The fact of the matter ia that in public, Balagny severely criticisied the action of the President tho this town the charges made by chemists are exorbitaut. Mediei- of State in transforring an Austrian lieutenant (í$()üi) from ono battalion to anothor. Col. Balagny is reported as nes,which in England are made up for 2s,here cost (7s 6d) having "tho more, and when any is said, Government of the State of S. Paulo is in aud sometimes particular drug, which tho hands in use, is a ia of wcaklings, who do not know how to reward not. much required, charge made for the whole merit when " boltle from which a few days they seo it", adding, the President of the dropsare taken. We bearda few State is "um jf this happening. A waa and to descompassado hurró", which being interpreted ago prescription given means in English "incomparable it a few drops had to be of a hitherto plain an ass." After this out- complete taken out burst there was a deal of trouble unopened bottle, the of the which only good and finally a major of price prescription tho threw his in tho a few doaes having come out at 25a Englisb polico gloves face of Colonel Balagny. contained aboul It is stated that tho officers will immediately money. The special drug was not an expensive <>ne so the be relieved of their duties and leave to return to France, churge say the least of it.exorbitaut. should think given in which case geémSjto We Col. Balagny states that he will meet the major. ii must lie a very business to be a here and said So long paying chemist as Col. Balaííny is in the force it would be impossible for would auggest to a London house set up him to good that they should fight without contravening the regulations. Altoçether in Rio, for, as far as we know, there are only shops the a very few fat seems to be in the firo. Thero is no doubt that though here who understand the making up ofan English or American tho French officers have done a deal to make the There is opening great S. Paulo prescription. a great here and we only wish Poliee Force the most efficient body of men that a Engiiah chemist would business. perhaps in the good set up He would country tho of the appointment was never very import taxes popularity great be.8Mppbrted.aud though high, would permit of and friction has arisen more than once. It is to be hoped that than those lower prices now charged. the matter will be amicably arrànged for the sako of ali con- ²The President of the Republic was to leave Rio for cerned, for there can be no doubt that Col. Balagny must have Petropolis yesterday.for the summer. He will come down to Rio beon temporarily non compôs menus to say such a tliinq; of his òn Thursdays in order to sign decrees and despatch business host, besides the lack of tact and courtesy is quite un-French. with his Secretaries. Aa a result of the departure of the —A new building is to be erected in the rua Benjamin Con- Pre.-ident there has been a large exodus from Rio during the stant in the Capital,to serve as the headquarters of the S.Paulo last week or so, many people going into residence at Petropolis. Historical and Geographical Instituto. ²It is now being arrànged that the night train from Rio —The Secretary of Agriculturo has urged upón the various to Paulo 8. shall leave the Central Statinn at 8 p.m. arriviog at railways in the State the necessity of providing ali passenger the North Station at S. Paulo at 7.50 a.m. the next morning, in trains with ambulances and general arrangements for tho order to enable passengers to catch the 8 a.m. train for the in- rendoring of first aid. The only objection we can see to this terior by the Paulista Railway. In future passengers by the arrangement is the fact that, if there was an accident, the dtiy expresses will lunch at Barra do Pirahy on the way to Sfto car carrying ali these necessaries might be smashed up with Paulo and at Taubaté on the way to Rio. the rest. It is stated that the various companies will comply ²The island of Paquetá is shortly to be endowed with the with the request of the Secretary. various improvementa to which we have already reterred. Laat ²A sum of 50:000$ has been advanced to Dr. Ramos de week the Prefect approved a tender aent in for the lighting of Azevedo for the commencing of work on the pavilion in which the island aud on December 23rd the President of the Republic the State prodúcts are to be shown at the National Exhibition. signed a decree creating a poliee station there. Thus Paquetá ²The Câmara Syndical of S. Paulo has admitted to will have quo- m both light and leading. tation on the Stock Exchange 20,000 debentures- of the Com- il_ 16 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908 panhia Melhoramentos de. S. Paulo of a nominal value of 100$000 each with interest at the rato of 8 per cent payablo on June lst and December lst each year. ftttml §mt —"Mony a mickle maks a muckle", and it has been; , discovcred that thcro have been small leakagos in the S. Paulo ¦ Arrivals and Departures during Post Office accounts, amounting in ajl to somo 50:000$. the week: A strict enquiry is to be made and tho offenders punished arrival8 if they can be tracod. ‡—An By the s.s. Araguaya, from Southampton 011 agreement has been signed navison. Decemeer 30th.—W. by tho Municipal Cham- h. J. Lalimer, Mr. aud Mrs. Carlos Wigg, Mr. aud Mrs. W. ber of Santos on the one hand and the Bishop of S. Paulo on Lynch, E. Wilbern, W. I). Page, A. C. Hess, F. Rowlanda. the other by which the Chamber will purchase the oldest By the s.s. CltrUtiana, fr.-miNew York on December 30th.—W. M. Derby.Reid' ehurch in Santos for the sum of 200:000$, pavable in yearly jiistnlmonts of 50:000$ each. Within By the s.s. Araqon, from Buenos Aires on January eight days after the signing trazer lst.—D. C of tlie contract the Bishop undertakes AR. Morris, W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Baias, V. Spalding' ! to remove ali the Mr. and Mis. A. ehurch furnituro altars, statues, etc. Siinons.Ob' ‡— By Law No 1117 A of 27th of December Revenue for DEPARTURES the year 1908 is fixed at 48.724:261 $990 and Expenditure By the s.s. Araguaya, for Buenos Aires on December 31st.—G. at 48.722 :128$656, so that a surplus is expected of 2:123$334. Pullen, O. Duvis, F. CraVnp, I,. Gay. By the s.s. Aragon, AVe hope noxt week to give further particulars as to the for Southninpton on January M.— L. Binton, State O. A Powei W. Denny 11. Walker, G. Welliug, O. Duffard, L. Budget as through lack of space wo cannot go into lorget, II. dctnils in the issue. Watson, W. Alban, J. Mitchell. present By the s.s. Pará, for Mauaoa on Januury 3rd.—Miss E. Singlehurst. ²On New Year's Day the new electric light installation ———— at the City of S. Manuel de Botucatú was inaugurated. Tho vp vp vp work has been done under tho direct supervision of tho Muni- ^ ^ ^ $ wwwwwwWWff cipal Chamber who on the oceasion of the inauguration THE*, organised a popular fété. CHRONOMÈTRE ²The charitable society of S. Viconto in S. Paulo has WORLD _ ROYAL" roquestod the Municipality to give, them a plot of ground in FAMED the Villa Industrial on which they may erect small houses made by VACHFRON to be ocçupiéd by poor families who are pensioned by them. A < 0NST1KTIN oi Gênova ) It is expected lhe oldest & best known wutclimakera that the request will bo granted, tho only R in lhe World. sti.pulation being that the houses must bo given absolutely rént free to tho occupants. Can he obtained at the Casa Standard and for by weekly insfcalmeuts ; paid Bahia. Customs Revenue at the port of Bahia during the month of December last amounted to 7.149:497$112. Jan Bra,8zu: A. Campos - 72 Onvidor. ²The Bi0 áe Janelro affairc Magali will shortly come up for trial. It will be interesting to see what will happen and what sort of a The walclies of Vueheroii & Constam m oi»tained lhe OiiLy figure the filibuster himsèlf will cut. AVe are sorry for his Orand l^riscc at tlie International Exhihition at Milan in deluded compa.nions. 1900, tis ulso the OiiLy ITirst 1'rize granted at toe Inter- ²Tho national Conipelition for regulating clirononieters. Governor of the State, has ordered that the Budget for 1908 shall be precisely identical to that of tho year just closed Bince the new estimates were not voted during the last session of Congrcss. Under this rcgulation the State forces will remain the same as in 1907. »iií «j l»tfío ¦^ ²Dr. Ignacio Tosta has resigned his seat in the Federal Chamber of Deputies in order that he may prosecute liis canditlature for the Oovernorship of tho State. Jg* zWestcombe, Dyke Road, Brighton Pernambuco. The Minister of Public Works is calling for tenders for the construetion of tho new Recife Port Works\ We hope shortly to give the full text of the same. Tenders HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS must be sent in by midday on the March 2Cth noxt. Large, detaclied house in high, sunny Alagoas. During and the year 1907 the amount collected at most healtby situation, surrounded by the Custom house pleas- at Maceió was 2.754:649$000 as against ant and sbady tennis 2.012:770$OUO for 1906 gardens grounds, lawn, an increase in favour of tho year greenhouses, etc.-|- -j- -f- -j- just closed being tlius shown of 741.879$000. 4" Large airy class rooms, recreation rooni, Ceará, lhe Dutch barque Buenos Aires has put into sludto, separate bedrooraa and curtuined Fortaleza 125 days out from Rottordam for Buenos Aires. cubicles. -j- -|- -j- -f- -|- 4- Tho sails were in ribbons and, vvorst of ali, the food had Ali bedróorasand passages heated in winter. nearly given out when the captam decided to put into this port. Tlie ínosttliorongh education by highlyqual- «sé ilied stnft, includiug resident French and Pará. During the year just ended Customs Revenue German Mistresses. —{— —|— —-|— —I— collected at the port or Belém amounted to 31.947:9G5$880 Classes for older |S-(»i an increase giiis in cookery, dressmak- of 4.474:04o$597 as compared with 1906. ing and nursing. ~j~ -\- -\- -f- -j- ²The Municipal Council has reduced the tax on com- Tennis, mercial travellers to 300$Ü(XJ. Wo imagino that Hockey, bicycling, riding and sea- this will, bathing. -f -f -f -{- however, not be collected, at least so it would be natural + 4- to conclude from tho remarks of tho Governor when ap- Liberal diet, bonie coniforts and the most proached on the subject last year. & assíduous care of health is taken. -|- -f- ²By way of cutting down expenses tho Municipal Cham- Westcombe is particularly suitable for ber of Belém has giris &£&>. cut down salários ali round 20 per cent. whose parents aréabroad. -f -|- -f- ^s^ ²According to i Província the state of affairs at Alço- Inclusive terms for sole charge can be baea is the reverso of quoted. pleasant. Tlie sanitary condition is ^s?&£& had and food eominands enormous prices. Chickens are sold - REFERENCE : J. I». WILEMAN ESQ. — at from 1"5$000 to 20$000 each, which seems higher than even the "Riocooked article costs at Paillard's or the Carlton. 42, Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, 42 The s.s. Araguaya has returned from the district just XX RIO bringing 100 men, womèn and children most of them laid DE JANEIRO XX out with malária. These people have been working on the new railwav. ã â% â ô% à% á% O | I á\ ê \ M O Rio de Janeiro Lijfliterage Company Limited Ali kindb of Maritime harnour Lransport. Loading and diaeharg*} of vtss-ls. BRAZILIANJXCHANGE To w age. TJJE HTUDY OF AN INCONVERTIBLE Liaunchea on hire for excursion», and for arrival and departure CURRENCY By of pac.keLc. J. P. WILEMAN C. E. (Editor of the "BUAZIL.IAN KEVIE1V) Telephone ISo. 1.718 PMJCE 10$üú0 Sold at Laernmert, & Co. RIO DE JANEIRO. Office Rua Visconde de Itaborahy Eflingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, LONDON. Ofticea of the «Brazilian «|Os Mineiros) Review.» Rua Viscoi.de de «'«•cs Inhaúma No. 42...:...,• ; 33H

7th, 19()8] January THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 17

The London and River Plate Bank, portion. Ali that has been written off our Profit and Loss, Limited so that you can rest quite contented that the amount we show here as being available Tho forty-fifth ordlnary meotlrig of the is real, and that there is nothing to go sharoholders of this against it. I Company was held at River Plate House, Finsbury (Ãpplause.) hope our action in this matter will Clrcus meet with your approval. Now, as regards London, E. C, on Tuesday, December loth, 1907, Thomas the Accounts, our S. Rlchardson, Esq. Capital has íncreased, as you are aware, by the issuo of tho (Tho Chairman), Presldlng. which shares I spoko to you about last year. Ali the shares were taken up and The Chairman : Ladies and Gentlemen, I will now ask the money has been paid, so that the Secretary to read the notice convening the Meeting. our Capital now stands at £ 1,200,000, as against £ 900,000 The Secretary read the notice accordingly. a year ago. Our Reserve Fund, which was then £ 1,000,000 was incieasec to The Chairman : I will now ask the Secretary to read the £1,100,000, wo having put £ 100,000 to it Auditors' Report. last year. (Ãpplause.) Our acceptances on Account of Bran- The Secretary read the report of the Auditors. ches are £2,570,000 odd, as against £2,672,000. Our Custo- mers Drafts The Chairman : According to the Articles of Association under merchandiso credits are £ 836,000 against we have to affix tho Seal to the Registcr of Shareholders £511,000. Bills advised, in transit, are £1,226,000, against £ 1,425,000. (This was done.)It has been my lot during tho last Current Accounts and Deposits in Currency at two or Branches three years, Ladies and Gentlemen, to have to congratulato are £ 17,886,000, against £ 19,269,000. Here you you on presenting a Report which, I think, has will notice a falling off, but I may mention that there was been generally one satisfactory to ali of you. (Ãpplause.) I think this considerable amount which we held belonging to a deceased year I havo Depositor, and which had more reason to do so than usual. The Report we have to to be taken away and placed in a set Government department, therefore before you and to ask your adoption of is, I believe, one of the that made a considerable best, if not the difFerence, and we have not worked up tho amount since quito best, that ever we have presented to you to (Ãpplause.) As most of you know, our tho figure of last year. Current Accounts and Deposits at principal business ís in Head Office the Argentine Republic, and, therefore, when tho are £ 165,000, against £ .161,000. Our Monto Argentines Video Branch Local aro prosperous our Bank is prosperous too. Now, last Currency Emission has gone down to year £.31,500, and in course of time when I was addressing you I told you that we had every reason will ali be paid off. Tho to bclievo that tho wheat harvest and tho linseed Bills for Collection on account of Customers are £.2,184,000, harvest were as against £ 1,716,000—a secure, and our anticipations were realised. They had considerable increase. Tho Buenos a largo Aires Clearing Banks have £644,000 crop, tho result being that ali tho producers wero well with us. The Rebate of off Interest on Bills not due i.s £ 72,000, that there was plenty of money in the country, and cveryone against £ 60,000. This is aeeounted for because the rate was prosperous. Tho prosperity of that country means partially is higher than it was last Then the Profit and Loss Account, as statement the prospentv of our Bank, and we prospered aocordiindy year. per Now, our Managers thero took advantage below, is £303,000. On tho other sido there aro tho Assets of the situa- —Cash on hand, at Bankers tion, and they have managed to make a considerablo and at Branches, £6,571,000, against £ 6,722,000. Clearing Banks' profit out of tho business that is done there, and Balances are the samo we "Wellhave on the Liabilities—£ 614,000. Bills Reeeivable, Discounted, reason, I think, to bo grateful to them for doing so. Bills Advances, Securities, &c, are £ 18,650,000, as against when we come to Uruguay, our Branch thero at Monte Videei has done very well, and, like tho Buenos £ 19,434,000; and tho Bills for Collection are of course on Aires Sub-Branches sides. Bank Premises tho agencies in conneetion with tho Monte both and Furniture are nearly the same Videan Branch' — £ 170,000, 171,000. such as Paysandu and othors, have ali dono against £ Turning to the Profit and Loss' better more or Account, tlie Charges at Head less than they did the before. Corning to Office and Branches, including year Brazil, ali our Rent, Taxes, Depreciation Account Branches there, I may say, have done fairly well. and Income Tax, are We do not £291,000, as against £270,000. Part this increase consists do-as large a business in Brazil as we do in the of Argenine, of the expensos of tho Valparaiso Branch, and the remainder but our Branches there are of considerable assistance to thosé 111 the Argentino Republic, as they have is the natural increase in working expenses. The ínterim to colloct the money we the to for bills sont for encashment there, and Dividend paid you amounts to £72,000; Interest altogether they aro a st. March last on amounts on new is very decided assistance to our business; 31 paid Shares £833; general besides and the Balance carricd down is £ 303,000, as against £ 262,000 which they have done hitherto a large Exchange business. last hear.) The Balance brought forward last This year we have not done such a large business year. (Hear, in Exchange was £ 44,000. The Profit, after for Ba d Circumstances have militated against it, and year gross providing the coffèo bills and Doubtful Debts, was £ 622,000, as against £ 560,000 last which usually Avould come forward against that have not done bàlancing the other side, and making a total of £ 667,942 so this year. There was a large crop of coffee in tho Brazils— year, the largest, I suppose, that ever was The Balance available, after making amplo allowanco for Bad known—and to prevent Interest the price of the staple article of export and Doubtful Debts, and dedueting £ 72,000 Rebato of falling unduly, the including £ 44,000 Government stepped in and assisted the on Bills not due. amounts to £ 376,000, producers by taking I may remark here that wo Jiad some talk a great deal of it off the market and holding brought forward. it^ feeling at last meeting about. the Balance available. There was an assured that tho trees which had borne such an abundant crop the before. innovation last year which did not seem to be quite acceptablo, year would not do so the next year, and that we therefore the crop of the at ali events to some of our Shareholders, so this year following year would not bo as large. is made Well now, I do not know, have reverted to old style, and this Balance available perhaps, whether ali of us will way it was two ago, and for agree with the Government stepping out in just the same as years in to assist any kind of Now, tho Directors recommend the follow- trade whatever—thero may be varied opinions a few years before. on that—but distribution:— Dividend, £108,000, being 12 cent., at ali events, tlie Government com ing in in that ing per way, thero ISth instant, making, with £ 72,000, the ínterim were not the coffee bills, and thereforo lhe Exchange bu- payable siness that we had Dividend paid in June last, a distribution of 20 per cent. hitherto done was not as large as" here- free of tofore. In spite of for the year on the Paid-up Capital of the Bank, ali that, liowever, our Branches there havn Interest ali done well, and Income Tax—(ãpplause)—new shares, £ 6,520, being have ali yielded their quota of profit, and in June last, in excess of what they did tlie on 20,000 new shares, making, with £833 paid year before, with tlie exception to September, 1907, free of of one Branch. Now then, Gentlemen, have 5 per cent. per annum up 30th you had the rosy Dividend is this time, of course side of the business of the Banks. We now come Income Tax. After tho paid to what shares will rank euually for dividend. I mentioned last We then told that we the new and the old year. you were to £ 100,000 to the Reserve. Fund— establishing a Branch in Chili. We were almost to Then we propose place forced do the and Benevolent Fund £ 15,000. this, for our Managers in the River Plate found that other (ãpplause)—and to Pension last as the Bank gets older many of our people wero doing business from tlie River Plate to Chili, and As I told you year, employés get older, and there are more calls on tho Pension that if people went to other Banks to do business there, to increase that they took other business there well. Fund, and we shall have to continue year as They urged upon us, sanetion for doing what we ave therefore, that we ought to open bv year. I hope we have your a Branch in Chili. I told you Then we carrv forward to Profit then that we had engaged and doing this vear. (Ãpplause.) premises a Manager before 74,000. The Capital employed iu the earthquako. Of course, avc did not do any business and Loss New Account £ till long no depreciation at the rates of exchange afterwards. Our Branch was opened some time in January South America suffers now ruling. I have alreadv told you that the Depreciation of this year. Well, wo had to place money there. You cannot is written off. Now, I think that is an exeecdingly good open a Branch of a Bank with merely desks and stools; you to as it must some money there, Report. It ought to be as satisfactory you pleasing put and the exchange then Avafl look forward and trust that between 12d. and 13d., and since that time, owing the in to us, and I trust it will be. I to crisis nay, I would say as brilliant Chili, the exchange has. down, and when the Bank may havo as bright, gone our report the Gentlemen, issued it was at 9d. Now, there was a serious loss there a future as it has had in past. (Ãpplause.) Was to ask or any explanations that which we had to face. We have done so, and have written if there are any questions do my best to them. If not, off ali the loss connected with that, and have debited it to the you desire, I will try to give "That the Report and Accounts be received, year's current Profit and Loss Account—(ãpplause)—so that í will propose and entercd on the Minutes." although I am pbliged to tell you of this loss, yet it is ali adopted, written off, and the Profit and Loss that we show in the Mr. Essex E. Read : I will be very pleased to second that. Account is real. (Ãpplause.) Now, there is another niatter Mr. Whitworth: Can the Chairman give us any informatioh that I must ask your attention to just for a minute. Vou as to the harvest prospects in Argentina this time ? are ali aware—or most of you, at ali events—that there has The Chairman: Our letters which arrived yesterday from been a very serious financial crisis in the United States, and Buenos Aires state that the wheat harvest and linseed harvest that affects us here very materially. You know that they may be considered secure. Therefore I look forward, Gentlemen, havo taken millions of gold from us, the result being that to a good year. we have a 7 per cent. Bank rate, and that nearly ali Secu- Mr. Whitworth: And the maize harvest ? rities have fallen in value very considerably. Now, we had to The Chairman: It is too early to speak of that; we cannot face a loss there on our Consols and other Government Secu- tell yet. Are there any other questions ? rities. I may tell you that we have written our Consols down Mr. H. G. Anderson: Mr. Chairman, I have no question to 80—(ãpplause)—and other Government Securities in pro- to ask, but I would like to make a remark or two, tf you will 18 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908..

allow me. Wo used to have "That a cheory rornark from our friend, Mr. R. P. Drabble: I*bog to proposo Messrs. Dr. Drysdalo, but ho has passed away, I am sure to our great Delloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co. bo re-elected Auditors for rogrot, so I will try and make my remarks as choery as his the ensuing year, and that £ 250 bo paid them for theilí would have been. Hoforo doing so, I would liko to express serviços." the I foel, and I pleasuro ara sure overy ono in this room Mr. H. G. Anderson: I havo much ploasuro in seconding feols, at sooing you once moro in that chair, looking, I must that. say, halo and hearty. (Applause.) Two months ago you saw Tho Resolution was carried unanimously. your lato esteomed colleague, Mr. David Howden, pass away Tho Chairman: That finishos our businoss, Gentlemen, in his 102nd year, so I think we may express tho hope that as I am much obliged to you for your attendance. you have already rivalled him in honour, you may also rival Mr. Maud: Gentlemen, I do not think wo ought to separate him in ago. (Applause.) Corning to Report and Balance Sheet, without passing a voto of thanks to our esteomed Chairman; I must congratulato you and your colleagues on its splendid I havo known him for soraothing liko 30 years, long before foatures. Tbero aro three things an intolligent Shareholdor he was our Chairman, and I wish to ro-echo tho sentiment likes to soe in a Hank Report and Balanço Sheot. He likes to expressed by a previòus spoaker, and to say how glad wo all soe progross, strength, and increased profits, and I am sure aro to seo him back amongst us again. I think tho thanks your Report and Balanço Shoot show all three. Thero is cer- of all tho sharoholdors of this Company aro due to our Chair- tainly a falling off in Deposits, which you haro oxplained, man, not only for his conduct in tho chair to-day, but also but not of a largo amount. Loaving out tho oxplanation which for tho close attention which ho has given in common with you gave it would be only natural to seo them somewhat his colloagues to tho business of tho Bank. As an old share- reducod, hecauso money became in moro demand in Buenos holder I feel very grateful to tho Directors. I took my shares Aires, diseounts were high, and naturally thero was much at a time when tho Bank was under a cloud in Moorgato more emplo.vment for the money, which led to a reduetion in Street, and it has been nothing but a to receive the Deposits, pleasuro and also led to much more profitahlo omployment Report year after year ever sinco. I havo increased my holding, of the Bank's Funds. Thero is ono special featuro in your and I hopo to increased it further still. I havo very Balanço inight, great Sheet which porhaps, almost bo taken to pleasuro, therefore, in proposing a voto of thanks to the heart in London. I see that against your Clearing Bank Ba- Chairman for his conduct in tho chair to-day, and I hope lances, gold and paper, you ear-mark tho cash on tho other someono will second it. sido. That is an excellent thing to do, and if it wero dono Mr. Crapnell: I have much in seconding that. in somo other ploasuro places, it would probably load to greater T havo known tho Chairman for 45 yoars. stability in tho market. Thon, as rogards your strength, you Tho motion was cordially adopted. have always kept strong. I speak from experience, because Tho Chairman: I can only say, on behalf of myself and my •I saw Bank through your the yoars of crisis in 1891 and 1892 colleagues, I am exceedingly obliged to you. in Buenos Aires. Your Banks in Brazil and the River Plate [The procccÀings then terminated] have always kept strong; they aro nevor caught unawares, and in that respect I think they show an example to tho whole world—an example which I hope will bo followed. I will HILLEN STEEL RAIL WORKS just colicliide by congratulating you and your colleagues and your Managers abroad on tlie excellent Report and UTRECHT, HOLLAND. Balanço Sheet which you have presented to us to-day, and by ropeating your own hopo that thero aro years of prós- MAKUFACTURERS OF perity still before the London and River Plato Bank. (Applause.) Tho Chairman: I can only thank Mr. Anderson for his good wishes. I will now put tho Motion "That the Report STEEL RAILS and Accounts be received, adopted, and entered on the Mi- nutes." The Resolution was carried unanimously. and SLEEPERS. "That The Chairman: 1 now bog to movo a Dividend OF FIRST QUALITY AND of 12 per cent. be dorlarcd for the Half-year ended tho 30th TWICB HEATING 16-60 Ibs. September last out of the Profits aocruod to that date, payáble on the 13th December, 1907, freo of Incomo Tax." Immediate sbipment guaranteed either Mr. Grriffiths, will vou second that ? from Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Antwerp Mr. John G. Griffiths: I have much pleasuro in second- ing that. Cable Address : Ilillen, Utreclit. The Resolutions was unanimously agreed to. London Ofíice: i Cullum Street. JD. O. Tho Chairman: Now, during tho year wo lost one of our Cable Address : Nonmetal, l.oiicloii. good friends, Mr. Tabor, and we have had to supply his place. Output : 3000 tons per month. I have often told you hoforo that I do not think thero is a AG-BrvrH WA_V'r___J_>. more difficult work to be performed by the Board of Directors here, than when we have a vacanev, to get a suitablo substituto to supply the plaee. As I havo told you beforo, wo want í.omeone with plenty of time; we also want someono with a FOWLER, SCROGGIE j CO. corta in amount of ability, and wo want someono who has as much knouledge and experience of the commercial lifo of Rtilway and General Auditors Incorporated Acconntanti and London as we can possibly get. (Hear, hear.) I hope that Agents Buenos Aires, Rosário and Montevideo we havo obtained most, if not all, of these. We havo electcd Mr. Brand to a seat at tho Board, and I shall movo "That T. B. D. FOWLER, F. 8. A. A. V. Q. G. SCKOGGIE, F. 8. A. A. the election of W. T. Brand, Esquire, to a seat at tho Q. W1NTER, A. S. A. A. T. C. E. FOWLER. A. S. A. A. Board be confirmod." ând t larga atai! «I Compatant Aaalatanta aid E .parti Mr. Charles W. Drabble: I have much pleasuro in seconding tho confirmation of the olection of Mr. Brand. ündertake Invest:gations and Reporta ou Public Conipanies' Accounts in The Resolution was carried unanimously. the Argentine, Uiuguayao, Chilian, Brazilian Tho Chairman: Now, somo of our Directors aud other South American RepuhlicH ; also legal represeníation of retire every Conipanies, Firma, or others. year, and those who do so on this oceasion aro Mr. Duffield *T.1AD Offick: and Mr. Sim. They aro eligible for re-election, and I have 04 NorCIiern Iiisiirance great pleasuro in moving their re-election. Kiiildliig 441 llarlolonie Mitre, Buenos Aires Min Kenneth Mathieson: I have much pleasuro in seconding that Motion.*"" A. B. C, AI 4 Lieber'8 Codep, Cable Ad.ess "QUlTTAIfCE" The Resolution was unanimously adopted. Union T»lcphone 8.H The Chairman: Now, I havo to movo "That the thanks of the meeting be given to tho Managers and Staffs of tho respective establishments for the zoai and ability displayed THE BRAZILIAN COAL in eondueting tho Bank's affairs." I. havo to proposo this COMPANY, LIMITED overy year, and as I havo often remarked, I hardly know how REPR15SBNTATIVES 0P to say anything fresh about it. The thanks of all you Gentle- men are due to our Managers and Staffs. (Hear, hear.) Thero C0RT BROTHERS & C. L'D of Cardiff and London may bo oceasions when tho Bank has possibilities of making Colliery Proprietors good profits, but unless your Managers aro capablo of taking advantage of the surrounding circumstances do you not make Coal Depflts in all the principal porta of tbe world. that profit; and when there aro bad times, unless your Mana- A constant and fresh supply of Cory's Merthy» Bteara coal always in gers are very careful, you aro left in the lurch, and make Stock.' losses. Now, tho Managers all our Branches at have dono Prompt delivery at reasonahle their duty, and done it well. And I would include, not only prices our Managers at the Branches, but our Staff at home. (Hear, TiigboatM always readj for service hear.) I think they have all dono very well, and you havo great ISiigiueerli.g Worlt*. reaspn to thank them. (Applause.) Repaira te Ships, LauncheH, Machinery, Lightera etc, effected Mr. Herman B. Sim: I have much pleasuro in second- with the utiuoat pomn.hU dispatch. ing that. QF&IQES: The Chairman: I should like you to carry this by accla- ma tion. Edifício da Bolsa Salas 26 and 27 The Resolution was carried by acclamation. Entrauce : Rua Qen. Câmara. The Chairman: The next business is tlie election ofl Depot: ILHA DOS Auditor*. FERREIROS P. O. Box 774. -F^^^^^^^^HHiaiHB^Hniail*aai>BHHM--_-______M---______M--l


January 7th, 1908.] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 19


Capital.. LAMPORT & HOLT LINE The Geiruan Steamer i__5,000,000Muiki NEXT DEPARTURES 1'aweiiger CAP VERDE Ncrvice lor New York I Dato 8teai_er Destinatiòn Average passag* Rio to New-York 17 days Expected from Santos on the 23rd January I I will leave 24th January for 1907 THESPIS llthJan. 1908 Jan. 10 VELASQÜEZ I8th » Bihia, Crefeld. Madeira, Lisbon, Leix.cs.Aiit- Llsbon, Leilões and Hamburg werp aud Brciueu. The new steamer The steamers receive cargo for Lisbon direct and aiso for Leixões. Ü4 í/alle. Bahia, Madeira, Leixõea, Rot- Ali «teamers of this Compauy are illuniinated terdam, Antwerp aud Bre- VELASQÜEZ with electric light and have splendid accommo- Mien. dation for sails on 18tu lst. and 3r„. class passengers. January for Free conveyance on board supplied for pai Hnhia, and New York seugers aud luggage. Passengers & Cargo accepted Passenger rates CabinSteerage Taking lst, <* Rrd classpassengers For freight apj)ly to the Broker. for abo-e ports Rio — Rotterdam, Antwerp, and for Brenien...-Marka 500£. Wm. R. ülc. » — 10-/- B4RBAÜOS ISivei- Lisbon A Leixôes£ 18/.kb. 160$ For mrther information 18. RIJA DE 8. PEDRO. 18 apply to '» •> "Voltaire" HICItM. VI <>¦/¦% i e» II V»«>ll Hyron," and For A «., AKento "Velasquez" passages and further information apply Avenida have also Niipérior i_t to the agents Central, 6ü-7_Kio de Janeira oIhhh accomnindation lu-hli-eaí x x Theodor WiP.le Az, Co. AVENIDA CENTRAL, 79 Kõr freight apply to lhe Hroker ae-hl-eax x (Hambnrg- Win. It. nieNIvcn- H.A.L. American Line) (South American Sérviòè) 18, RUA DE 8. PEDRO The Ane Mail Btéanior * F©r BRAZIL-ADRIATIC LINE paasagea and further Inforniatloii apply to th* RHAETIA Agents: NORTON, MEGAW of & Co., Ltd. eEpeoted from Símios ou the 9th Jaa. sailf ou the »S, 111JA l»lt-Ml.|ltO IMC HIAKVO The Austrian Lloyd's Steam Navlgatlou lOth Jan. 12 noon. ae-bl-oax x Company Ilalila, Madeira, I.lskon, I-cixoes, llonlogne and IlanilMirg and

The These intignifleent ILSON SONS Royal Hnngarian Sea Navlgatlou and fast steamers, Imllt espe- & CO. Company "Adrla" Limited ciaily for tlioBrazilian trude and fitted with th* latest W (LIMITED) improvemonta otler to first class passonger» the liii_h- e«tc*iufort. 1 Tri-weekly sailings AH steamers Bttamihlp Afftnti and frem Santos aud Rio carry a surgeou mui a atewardesB ProprUton o! de Janeiro for Trieste and Fiuine and,with tran» Free soiiveyaiice ou board «upplied for and luggage. passaa- shipment, to ali Mediterranean.East Asiatio and gera OOAX, DEPOT8 Al Fast African Ports.

MADEIRA. SANTOS. The Compauy iseu. l.t class tiúkata to Paris *mê SAO PAULO. DEPARTURES FOU TRIESTE London. LA8 PALMAS. For freight ap»il- ST. VINCENT. C. T. MONTEVIDEO. t„ llie l.roker. MELPOMENE;: IJth Jan. PERNAMBUCO. LA PLATA. BUENOS AIRES. DUMA 23rd » Wm_ K. MeNiveii, BAHIA. ROSÁRIO. MORA VIA7th Feb. 18, RUA DE 8. PEDRO RIO DE JANEIRO. BAHIA BLANCA. For freight apply to lhe Broker. And for passages and other information to Alio Branch EslabliihmentsatCARDIFFandBARRY W m. R. Mc. Nlven, Theodor Wille «Sc O. 18, RUA DE S. PEDRO. A-euida Central, 79 alt-M-ao For and Workshops at Las Palmas, St. Vincent (C.V.), paosngef further information to the Pernambuco, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. AGENTS Contractors to British and Foreign Governments C 'T1"> Roya! Mail and ali the chief Transatlantic Steamship Komhauer Sc Oo. RH/1a Ifl. O. I. steam Packet Company I Companies. HUA VISCONDI-DK INHAÚMA, 44 Under contruct with the British and Brazilian Governineuts for carry ing Rio de Janeiro. Coal.—Stocks of only the very best description the niuils. of South Wales Steam Coal kept. Also Stocks HUA 11 DE JUNHO, 1 A. TABMC OK UKfAUTURGI of NutCoal, Foundry Coke, Patent Fuel and San (os. Anthracite Pea Nuts for Gas Engines. • h-l.b.eax x Date títeaiiie»' Destinatioi Tug boato always ready for service. ( bcakntd Shipping Co., Ld. do do 3rd f,199 Special attentiou is drawu Through fare- to Parlo return lst classf.1 149 to the following: do do 2nd...f.882 Holdera of íirst-class ticketa, single or return, Inquiries as regards may break their voyage prices etc. should be ad- do do 3rd....f.364 at anj interniediate porta dressed to and by any of the PACIFIC Marseilles üenoa, Naplts, 3rd clasB..1 U$000 proceed STEAM WILSON, SONS & CO. LTD. NAV1GATION or MESSAGERIES MARITI- Barcellona 3rd classI2j$ò00 MES Comp's Steamers. *I a, _h_u« de S. Pedro Foi freight, passages, and other information Ageuts — Antunes dos Mantos A

„ "i j o LLii^^íT^^^í? LONDON AND BRAZILIAN BANK o LIMITED o o Capital £ 2.000.000 o Capital paid np * 1.000.000 !&>— o Reserva fund » 910.000 o o o HEAD OFFICE I — LONDON.Ilranch o OfHce in Kio de Janeiro : X X o X x [RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA, 10 o o Draws on Head Office and the fóllowing Branches and Agencies : o LISBON, OPORTO, MANÁOS, PARA, PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, SANTOS, S. PAULO, o RIO GRANDE DO SUL, PORTO ALEGRE, MONTEVIDEO, BUENOS AYRES, ROSÁRIO DE SANTA FE o AND NEW YORK o AIno on : o Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. — London. Granet, Brown & Co. — Italy. o — Messrs. Mallet Frères & Co. — Paris. Crédit Lyonnais Spain. o Anglo-Oesterreichische Bank — Austria-Hungary o Messrs. Job. Berenberg, Gossler & Co.—Hamburg. (Anglo-Austrian Bank) Credito Italiano. — Italy. — o Banco de Portugal Portugal. o

7"i——mmmm o o THE LONDON & RIVER PLATE BANK LIMITED ESTARLISHED *80» —x— Subscribed Capital • • * * mm- Realized de £ 1,200,000 ^%. Reserve Fund £ 1,100,000 19 and 21. RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA and RUA DA QUITANDA,,82 And nt London — Paria — New York, Santos, Sfto Paulo, Pernambuco, Pará, Buenos Aires, Rosário, Mendoza, Concórdia, Bahia Hlanca, Barracas, Montevideo, Paysandú, Balto and Valparaiso. AGMNCIES IJV BRA/IL Manáos, Maranhão, Ceara, Maceió, Bahia, Victoria, Curityba, Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas and Porto Alegre. Correspondeu Is in ali other chief towns of Brazil. BILLS OF EXCHANGE issued and purchased on CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened with comraercial the fóllowing places: — firnis and individuais. LONDON private and ali the principal towns of the DEPOSITS received for iixed periods or at 30 days UNITED KINGDOM. notice of withdrawal. PARIS and ali the principal towns of FRANCE LETTERS OF CREDIT issued. and ofGERMANY.PORTUGALand ITALY also on the STOCK and SHAREORDERS executed and every ARGENTINE REPUBLIC URUGUAY, CHILE, descriptiori of banking business condueted. UNITED STATES, CANADÁ and JAPAN. TERMS ascertainable on application to the Bank.

ii 11 i U11 O

O BRASILIANISCHE BANK FÜR DEUTSCHLAND Established in Hamburg on 16th December, 1887 by the "Direction der Disconto Gesellschaft" in Berlin and the "Norddeutsche Bank in Hamburg" — Hamburg —» CAPITAL REALIZED .... 40,000,000 MARKS __ Branch Office in Rio de Janeiro: KUA r> A QUITANDA JXo. 109 (Caixa 103) Branch Offices in: — São Paulo, Caixa 520 - Santos,Caixa 185 — Porto Alegre, Caixa 27 Cable Address : ALLEMARANK. Correspondents in:-Para,Manáos, Maranhão, Ceara,Pernambuco, Parahyba, Bahia, Maoelo, Viotorla, Rio Orando, Pelotas, Curityba, Paranaguá, Santa Catharina, Ao. Draws ou: — Direction der Disconto Crédit Lyonnais, Paius, and branches , Gesellschaft Fbkmx Heino A Co.Paris Qermany . (Frankfurt n M. Bremen and correspondents. Comutoir National d'Escompte de Paris Paris Nordd Bank in Iliun- Liizjird Fròres A. Co.Paris burj;Hamburg Í De Neufli/.e & Co.Paris , N. M. RothschiUl Jt SonsLondon ltalv\ Credito Italiano. Direction der Disconto Gesollscluift London YI Banca Cominercialc Italiaua. England Manchestcr and Liverpool District Banking Company LimitedI.ondon Portugal..—Ba'ico Lisboa & Açores aad correspondents. Union of London andSmiths Bank Ltd. I.ondon Win. Brandfs Sons «4 Co.London and any other countries. Opens accounts current. Pnys interest 011 deposita for íixed periods. Executes orders for pureuases and sales of stocks shares etc, and transacts every descriptiou of banking business. £ I ,‡11 11 1

t January 7th, 1908. ] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 21 The Bri of South America, Ltd, HEAD OFFICE : 2 Ê9 MOORGATE STREET LONDON, E. C Capital £ 1,000,000 Idem paid np £> 500,000 R Reserve fund £ 425,000

office in río de janeiro: 31-A, Rua Primeiro de Março, 31-A and 1, Rua do Hospício, 1

Branelie» at:SAO paUL,©, BAHIA, Santos Agents: BUENOS A1KKS. MONTE VÍDEO and KOMARIO. F. S. Hampshire & Co., Limited, Correspondents in : — Pernambuco, Pará, Manáos, Ceará, Victoria, Maceió, Maranhão, Santa Catharina, Paranaguá, Curityba, Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas and Porto Alegre Draws ou its Hcad Office in L«ndon: Societá Bancaria ItalianaGenoa. and Correspondents The London Joint Stock Bank LimitedLondon. in Italy. and ali principal towns iu United Kingdom. Messrs. E. Sainz & HijosMadrid. ,, Garcia Colam arte & CoMadrid. Messrs. Heine & CoParia. and Banque de BordeauxBordeaux. Correspondents in Bpain. J. Berenberg Gossler & CoHamburg. Crédit Franco-PortugaisOporto. and Correspondents in Germany. Banco de PortugalLisbon. and Correspondents in Portugal. Messrs. Ressi & Co Milan. Banca Commerciale ItalianaGenoa. The Bank of New York N. B. $New York. Also draws on South África, Austrália, New Zealand and principal cities on Western coast of South America. Opeus Current accounts. Receives deposits at notice or for fixed periocls and transaets every description of oanlcing business. **:z--mmM THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW j$íttêlj jfbvktt •saturday; January 4th 1908. Mouday, December 30th. -The market opened with ali rates unal- tered Iu the afttrnoon, however, the Bank of Brazil stepped drawing UUViATIONS ÜURÍNG WEEK CLOlilNU JANUARY jrd 1908. for the first mail. WERE AS FOLLOWS:— Tuesdity, Deceniiier 3Lst.—The Bank of Brazil drew for the mails on THK KIHURKH WIVKN IIAII.Y IN Tlll (4JOMPILKD, HT PKKMISHIUN, KKOM 8th. and lõtli. ult. There was no change in rates and movement was JORNAL DO COMMKKCIO) restrictèd. «1«H»-(2¦*ÇJ »H Wednesday, January lst.—New Year's Day. ©**-cnrrüOO‡COCOCO O Thursday, January 2ud.—The market coutinued unaltered. * ¦ •. ¦ ¦;.' • ' Q«roco-COCOcoco Friday, January 3rd.—'liiere was absolutely no change to report in 10 the condition of the market. Zcõ çõçoçoço Saturday, January 4th.—Movement for the day was more or less re- __Ä_„²_|,»(,j_,«00 guiar and tlie week closed with the Bank of Brazil still drawing at 15 3/I6d., other banks at lã l/8d. and 15 õ/32d., and private paper quo- ,.8jni|un«n .5;Jg; fZ1-1-1-1- ting at 15 8/16d. and 15 7/32d. ‡——æ² "333«5 Rates were unaltered throughout the week, except on »!-«m % 333 Kíi_ Saturday, when some of the private banks raised their drawing t^, rates to 15 5/32d ; the Bank of Brazil continuing to draw as s .2 ¦ -5 £ • -3 -3 -¦:?;? . -•"-—^*•má**<|> í>;- 1-t-,t^1-1- prices l-t• ment, prices for Para fine on the 24th being 3$450 per kilo and —i 0000 •->õSS n5}CO• COCOCO OI at Liverpool 3.s. 2d. per lb. For January entries of rubber are -O__ expected to be small, but in February will probably exceed " at on 2nd inst e.6."©SS£ 5,000 tons. The stock Pará was 250 tons. The jrapression produced by the financial statement of the ll«l|>IIO'|.,3©. _ ,C5,0"OaIOiO'O >Í5 has been excellent. Instead of ,H—<—12—(rH—. —> Minister of Finance the huge déficit thnt the market was lead to expect there will be a big _____^______o-n¦ 2 b S 6XX,~' «1coco 00-o• coco cococor- surplus and heavier reserves in London than we ever counted *«; coco] coco^ ©+» 1JOAM*N' n »*copococo-cocococococo on, to fali back upon if exchange should weaken. ©©•O ——² Revenue hns b^en on an unprecedented scale, the ON' On • o n O ^ ÇJ5,0 gold Ü*5 "«?sa iamo eSS toco COCO -CÕCOCOCO 010 -Nícococo coco moiety alone amounting to £11,318,000 remitted to Europe in OM0iwSníJOj ^ cocococo?5co S M,'-— the form of gold vales. Expenditure-accounted-for to date was SO-o>co-ncomco-n•co-tico«sçoo about £6,71G,0"0, whilst £2,110,000 were drawn for by the S etA t£> Treasury to make good the deficiency of revenue collected and •g 6&SSC5‡2'- 05O g ASjuhih«h :« í- 1- • !> i>S^ payable in paper, thus leavinga balance of Revenue of some - «J¦—— £2,500,000 available, that may be drawn tor as required, to help of sj Bi4«a I I « g : S 6SS keep exchange up, in addition, course, to the Paper Money Bo •*1_ Guarantee and Redemption funds, which must also have increased considerably. tá Ct¦> : J5' J»b- -2J"^T"^- we feel that, r 10IO10S3IOIO10 10 Under such circumstances as we said last week, thnre will be no difficulty in maintaining exchange + should it show signs of weakuess. The gradual but continuous co« •^ Eo! 55 : : elimination of speculative elements is also a great feature in • gsD "OVJ*°o£r favour of stability. Only a week or so ago, if reporta are to be ao a h t> M t»4 ^-,.-1 believed, an ex-banker, who ought to have known better, was hoist with a petard of his own invention and taught the Extremes at which luiBinees was done during the week ended Jan. 3ril, it is to buck up against — 8/u Bank and lõ 8/i8d. — lõ^sa*** for salutary lesson how useless the inevita- were 15 V8 d. 15 d. íor SO d/s paper adversary who holds ali the privaté. ble or to play with an trumps in his The average Bank 90 d/a counter drawing rute for the week eomes out at hand. lõV^d. the ate- 16 Vid' tue corresponding slght rate being 16'/i6d. against rage sight rate of the Câmara Syndical. Of the £200,000 that were brought out by the Araguaya, The aYerage depreciatloa foi the week.calcnlated 011 tlie liasiii or the Banka °/„ °/o £160,000 went to thft Caixa de Conversão and £40,000 to the ¦ight rate, ls 44.21 »/0 and the preminm on gold 79.25 aiçainsl 44.21 and i its of the coupons on 79.26 °/0 last week. At these rates: Treasury for pay me gold bonds. These lhe week befer* £200,000, we believe, w^re supplied from surplus revenue jg waa wortti 151984 ngainst I6»934 gold shilllng ª» $797 > $797 > > in London, which, as provided by law, may be drawn on as »¦ * $066 > $066 t penny • required to make good any shortage in paper revenue. With Frane ª* 1633 > $633 over £6,000,000 Mark $782 » 1782 a this last entry deposits have gone again. U. 8. ÜolUr» 3*282 > 3S282 t * Quotations of Brazilian bonds in London have almost ali 2O$0tt« fintn ª> 85*851 85*851 1

í&$^$$Êx&MÊ%:$Ê&â '

*-fi,\ •¦

22 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908.

improved. 1889 four per centa rose 1 1/2 to 81 3/4 ; 1895 and try has made trading in the twelve months exceedingly flves improved vatf past 1903 1/2 to 94 aííd 93 1/2 respectively. Fundings difficult, it has been found impossible to obtain from the were atatioiinry at 101 1/2 us also Rio Municipal at 85, whilst consumer an increased price sufficient to cover the higher Western Miuas improved 1 to 93. 8ao Paulo issues showed «>st of The monetary no chauge. Leopoldinas produetion. stringoncy, coming at a period improved aguln21 rl/2 po}utsto73 when some of the crops are whilst Dumoiit ordinmy were steady principal awaiting shipment, seems at 1 1/4; Rio de Janeiro to have been an unmixed blessing for the English manufacturer. Tram way Light & Power shares showed ai» improvement of 3 to Weakness first showed itself in Hamburg, and during October points 36, whilst Sao Paulo Tram way .Light & Power ordinary and November rose to 113, tlie duy?s prices have been tumbling down, until at the previous quota tion having been 111. time of writing Bahia is troubles Aproposof this Company, tlie financial News of December quoted at 69s. That money 11 th stated that tlie relapse in Germany and America have been primarily responsible for to 110 was due to tlie proposed this increase of the capital, 8,500,000 dollars rapid decline is supportod by the fact that the statistical to 10,000,000 dollars is for extension of the traiuways and increase of hydraullc position still as strong as ever, and the incoming crops do not power. appear to be either excessivo or early. Whon tho troubles are over The Fmanciol News of December 12 th the following it is very doubtful whether speculation will be again ablo givjes to raise to the recent levei, and if this cprrect it quotations oflàtést issues :—Brazil (19.17 ) 5 per cent, 2 1/2—2 prices prove discount ; Bahia Tram ways &o 5.p.c. debs 70-80. will be a great gain to the cocoa and chocolate industry, as a lower range of prices is essential for its successful development. On Tlmrsd iy the Bank of England rate was put down to With regnrd to Rubber prices, Messrs S. Figgis and Co- 60/o, but in Berlin there hns been as yet no alteration. write to The Economist as follows : — British Consols on 3rd inst were quotcd at 84 1/4, an "Tho values of rubber have beon extraordinarily high for improvement of 7/8 since the preceding Satürday. three years. Keen competi tion to buy by large American trusts and other importers in Europe, coupled with increased demand On the Rio de "motor Janeiro Stock Exchange the most notable for tyres" &c, led to groat speculation, which main- features are an improvement of 10 points in Apólices Geraes. tained high rates till the early summer. But stocks have in- State of Minas apólices fell 4 points to 846$, Rio Municipal creased, and with dearer money, less American demand, and issues were ali steady or risihg and Rio de Janeiro (State) 4 per the considerable increase of values way natu- cent rose 2 1/2 to 62 1/2. Some plantation, gave Bank of Brazil shares wero rally. During tho past month the pressure to soll by American dealt in at 112 1/2. Minas de 8. Jeròhymo had a big jump operators has been and as credits are seriously im- from 8 to 13 1/2. Viiiçao porsistent, de Sapucahy showed no alteration. paired, values have had a heavy decline in every market. We Brazil Industrial (Cotton Mills) improved 5 Io 205. Loterias are now at a fairly modorate levei, and when the large factories Nacionaes rose 2 to 12.25. Mercado Municipal debentures de- in America (closod till January) roopon, wo may hope for a clined a point to 190 1/2 and Rodrigues and Co. {Jornal do Commercio) revival of demand and more confidonce in the trade. But the debentures rose 2 points to 200. Jardim Botânico first four months of each bring very large supplies to debentures declinèd 9 to 208. year "finance" 'Cliange market, and very much will depond on and the rate The volume of business done on is about the of interest. Values average and very little more than havo been unnecessarily and dangerously the corresponding week hist high, and our manufacturers will in the long run benefit by the year. Indeed throughout Decembe", in spile of the attraction of decline. Trade in England is good and healthy." dear money in Europe, Siiles were puitiouhirly small and below theaverage of hist few years, so that taking on this account BUSINESS DONE not have been a very ON THE RIO STOCK EXCHANGE could heavy item. Oariiiy tne weeic euaed January 3rd. IHU8 Tlie Docas de Santos has given notice of redemption at par with outstanding interest of its 6 per cent Debenturé bonds by CLOSlMb end of January, when they will cease to enrn DKflCBirTIUM HmI«»s Higlltt"* lillWONl This U.io further in- PreTÍous terest. The amount outstanding is Rs. 8.000:000$. The Di- week rectors are autÜprised to make a new issue of debentures bear- ing 5 per cent interest to value of Rs. 60;000:000$ paper or the MOTKKNMKNT Hlt- equivalent in gold (£3,750,000). A report is current that arrange- CUKITIBI íuenls liave been already made for an issue in Paris, but on enquiry at head quartéis we learn that it is prematuro if notun- A polira* geraei 5°/0.... Ü81 1:010$ 1>S0$ 1:$10$ 1:000$ Dec. 20 the fact do aliará I 1:016$ 1:010$ 1:010$ 070$ » 20 fòurided. Still that pa.vments to so large a sum as do Fractions.... 7/10 1:U00$ 9o0$ 000$ 1:025$ Not. 6 Rs. 8.000:000$ (£500,001)) are being made, without apparently do alvata 8/10 1:0I0S 1:010$ 1:010$ 1:0248 Sopt. 11 the ussistiiuce - of any bank, would lead to the Stale of Minas oídci... 12 812$ B4t)$ 842$ 840$ Not. CO supposition that, do «'X-j 820 if not deílnitely settled, inutters 3 820$ i 820$ "Doe. must be so forward that there Municipal l.onu ordor.. 20 19.'$ i«a$ 192$ 190$ 27 isnoditticulty in arranging the requisite^fünds. do líK)b 174$ 1 /H$ "bear" For the mo- 9« 173$ 173$ > 20 meut this operation is a factor for exchange, do lí»03•.... li I:030$ 1:007$ 1:007$ 1:020$ » 7 as most do 1879 500$ V 700$ 700$ .00$ of the proceeds will probably be remitted, European' markets Government Loan 1897 offering greater attraction than our ownat the present moment. ex-j 311 1:005* t:00u$ 1:003$ But when the balance of £3,250,000 comes to be drawn for do {alvará) :030$ 1:036$ i:03G$ matters will alter and such an addition StHlv of Itio de Janeiro to the usual supply of 4 »/„ 111 G2$5 ül$ 62$5 00$ 27 bills will be of immense assistance to the market. HÀüKS Coffee shipments ( embarques ) here and at Santos yielded £418,100 for the week against £497,900 for the nrevioua Commercio 3-1 1GÜ$5 IGliSõ 1GG$5 166*5 > 26 week and £490,500 last year.¦ Nacional 50 100 34$ 31$ 34$ 36$ • 21 For the crop, clearances Banco do Brazil alvará. 17 10/ 100 111$ J 12*5 112$5 up to January h(\ show 2 0GG '542 bags less than last year, and sterling value £5,401,121 less. RAK.Vf AVH A TRAMTTAYH The balance sheet of the Caixa de Conversão »hows fresh Jardim Bota fino 176 217$ 215S5 217$ 215$ ª27 issues during the week ended 4th January to have been do 40 •/. 2tí 83$ 82* 82$ 85$ !24 2.951:040$ and withdrawnls 272:380$, leavinga Minas de S. Jeronymo.. íilõ IS$5 12$ J8$5 8$ ª11 net gain to the Viaçao ilc táàpucàur.,.. a.òou 34 $5 31$ 3á$5 35$5 ª14 Caixa oi 2.67s:G54$or £107,414. The value of the gold in deposit do80 dü 700 30$ 36$ 3ò8 on 4th January was 100.163:477$IG1 or £0,200,216, as against Leopoldina By. (alvaríl). 1 118$ 113$ 113$ 114$ Not. 10 £6,092,752 the week before, against which convertible notes are COTTON MU. I.i in circulation to the value of 100.153:910$ and 9:567$161 in subsidiai-y coinoge. Biazil Industrial 15 2G58 265$ 2G5$ 260$ Pec. 13 S. Pedro de Alcântara.. 5li 155$ 155$ 155$ 155$ » A merchant writes us from — 26 "Here Santos as follows : almost everybody is predicting a slump in exchange, M IMKII.* NKIIIIN but I hope to God they may be disuppóinted. Under thò í.oterins Nacionaes,... 700 12S5 ll$õ 12*25 10$25 » 27 present stable conditions of business one can feel tlie country Ccs.sion.dii8 Doc.doPorto growing under 'iriakesoners band. The horror of returning to the old da Bahia 1,800 8$2õ 8$25 8$25 » 27 state of affairs one sick to contemplate." N. Elo de Janeiro 20 100$ 100$ 100$ We believe that there will be a relapse. There is nothing I I tt.HKNTIl ItK* at the moment so vitally iniportant as the maintenance oT" exchange. The Government is as Mercado Municipal 20 196$5 19GÍ5 19GS5 197$5 ª27 convinced of this as Com- Rodrigues & Co.: 15 200$ 200$ i'00$ 188$ ª20 mercê itself and m-.y be trusted to spare no effort to secure it. Cantareira e V. Fluini- Wlmtever it may cost would be but a ílea bite to the nense cx-j 50 2nl$ 201$ 2.)1$ treineud>us losses that depreciation of the Brazil Industrial 50 20J$ 2028 202$ 202$ ª20 currency would Jardim Botani :o order.. 100 208$ 20S$ 208$ 217$ ª18 entail, and the loss of preslige that would follow. do{alvará) 12 2L5$5 2iõ$5 21585 In last \veek's money árticlè the f.o.b. value of coffee wa« Tlie total business done on represented as £1-8-0 and £1-5-0 when it should have been £1 8 the Rio de Janeiro Stock Ex- and £1.5; change amounted to 1.881:0951000 distiibuted as follows : — üoverent securities1.072:1308000 From The ÇOOOA.1 fieonoiriist of 30th November: — Hunk si.ares60:2688000 The cocoa consumption of tho world has largely increased Kailwáy & TiHniwuy shares 137:9828000 iii the last, few years owing to the general prospority in Europe Cottonli :7258000 ánd America, and appears to havo ovortaken the supply. Insurance_ Tho Miscellaneoua;. soundhess of tho position of the articlo enablo speculators to ..25:250í000 "fair" Debentures 73:7408000 raiso the price to such an extent that Bahia cocoa, which was Mortgage l>onds selling at 46s c.i.f. terms in August, 1906 was quoted at 112s last September. This increase, Total, week ending Jan. 3rd, I0"8...1:381:0958000 coupled with a general » •. » tíse in ali raw materiais used the í>ec. 27th. 1907...414:9368000 in cocoa and chocolate indus- » » Jan. 4th, 1907...1.349:1758000


.- ‡H January 7th, 1908 ] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 23

BUSINESS DONE ON THE PAULO S. STOCK EXCHANGE London and Ri ver Plate Bank, Limited During toe week eaded January 2nd 1908 II E8TABLI8HED 1802 closiho Capital DKScair Balas £ 2.000,000 ;iom Highest Lowcat This Capital week Pre?ious paid-up, 1,200,000 Reserve funil, 1.200,000 GOVKENMKNTSi- BALANCE BI1KKT OP THIS HRANCII DECEMBER CUB1TIKS 31 ST, 1Ü07 8. Paulo 3rd 40 0615 90$5 96*5 9G$Õ Dec. 3 Asseis do 7th 282 96$ 90$ 90$ 97$ » 24 8. Carlos 11» 1)8$ 91$ 98$ 97$ > IS Bills discounted1.009:920*070 Plraju 25 82$ 62$ 8J$ Bills receivablc]4.181:955*580 Sertaosinho 60 H7i 87$ 87$ 88$ Lonus, Accounts pledged, etc3.896:5634020 Itá 145 91$ 93$5 98*ô 91$ Accounts witli Head Oflice,'branches •40 ia Espirito Santo Munlc... 90$ 90* 9U» 901 Ü A agencies 4.898:183$000 Sundry accounts414:7 4*670 Railwat .mia u rs 8ecurities|plcdgcd3.G76:773$810 ; Securities in deposit56.568:599$6IO Mogyanu 23H$ 2Rû Cash : current money •J7A 288$ 238$ 2G ,ln iu the safe Pauliata 286* 280$ 2b0$ 286*5 25 ofthebank;..'....4.044:471*050 Mavks 87.G8ÍTl20$8i0 Commercio e Indust' ia 1 873$ 373$ 373$ 370$ 21 de S. Paulo b 161$ l.V.I lõl$ 160$ 9 Liabilities 1II3CELLANEOUB Declared capital of the branch 1.500:000$000 Deposits, Fixed 'Accounts and with noticie...;3.639:111*840 Comp. Melhoramentos.. 120 1IÜ$ 110$ 1IC* 110$ 1G current with and without interest 7.006:32S$900 MORTGAOE BONDS Sundry accounts14.876:139*200 Deposits of securities, etc6O.240:873$420 Banco de Credito Real. 400 9$ 9$ 9$ 9$5 3 Bills í pay able1U6:6!J4*710 Uulio liiü 71$ 71$ 70|5 1J Accounts with Head Oflice, branches A agencies..812:632*740 The liiisiiiess done ou the 8ao 1'aulo Su»«-k Kx«dinm?e during the 87.681:220*810 week ended January 2nd 1908 amounted to Rs. 214:6451000, distributed aa folIowM : E: A O. E. — Rio de Janeiro, Jan. áth, 1908. (iovernuieiit Securities 61:1771000 — For the London A River Plato Bank, Limitei Insurance. (Signed) Ç. D. Sitnmons, Mawagcr; N. Ii. Shaw, Sun» Accountant. Kailway Shares 12õ:5801000 Banks l:I288000 Miscellaneous, 13:920*000

Mortgage Ronda • • • M • • 12:830t000 SÃO PAULO Total, week ended Jan. 2nd 1908.. 214:645*000 » ...» Dec. 26th 1907. 225:.% 7*t MUI London & Brazilian Bank, Limited ª» Jan. 3id 1907. 326:541$000 Capita) £ 2.000,000. Balance tf the Caixa de Conversão Saturday January 4th Capital paid up£ 3,000,000 Reserve Fund £ 910,000 üebit Balance» BALANCE SIIKICT OF T1IK BRANC1I IN Note Account ready for eniission) S2.427: 1201000 SÃO 1'AULO, (Total DECKMBER 31ST 1907. •), Subsidiar? Coin*, Balance in Hand 8: 4321839 82.435:552*S39 Asseis ». d. Bills discountedZ3.929:027$470 Caah. Gold iu Deposit 5,824,042-10- 0 = 93. 184:080*000 Bills rcccival)lo4.880:267$030 Fcs. 10,585,130...... 420.721- 0- 9= ti. 7:íl:5:j0$659 Loans; accounts current; etc5.883:178*460 Dbllars 21.925 4,3*6-10- 1 70:184*118 Accounts with Head Oflice aud Brau-. Marks 4,740.. 232-11- !) 3:721*424 ches5.264:656*010 Accounts current and- Rs. 92:760$ 10,43õ- 6- 0: ]66:968*000 guaranteed suhdry securitiesIl.646:ò64$200 Pesos 1,190... 236- 9- 6: 3:783*857 Sundry nccouuts289:6294480 Liras 3,860 103- 10 z 2:454S7;U Cash: In curreucy;..5.320:867*140 Crowns 110 4-11- 7 73*333 j Pesetas ;; : 37.218:684$790 90 3-11- 6: 57$232 .,' . 6,260,215-17- 0= 100.103:477*161 182.599:030*000 Liabilities- Credit 3aU»neea Deposits: nccouuts cUrrent with and Euiission. Notes issued114.101:190$ without interest8.318:573$0GO Lesa retired paid 13.947:280* 100.153: 910*000 Deposits tixed7.262:018*040 Notes einittable Accounts current guaranteed and (recd)~~827427 *12Õ$ sundry securities.11.046:501*200 Federal Treasury(recd in subsidiary coin)18:000$ 82.445; 120*000 Accounts with Head Oflice and bran- 182.599:030*000 ches1.868:43Õ$IG0 Sundry accounts8.104:215$950 Bills CLOSING QUOTATIONS ON THE MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE payable18:878*380 Montreal Prices 37.218:08-1*790 Dec. J3D«c. 12 Mcxican Light and Power Co 40 J/240 1/2 S. Paulo, January 4th, 190S.—For the London — Do 6«/o 8181 A Brazilian Bank, Limited. F. Ford, Manager, Sâo Paulo Tramway Light and Power Co. Limited 108108 T. Hobbs, Accountant. Do 6 «»/. 9191 Rio de Janeiro Tramway Li^ht and Power Co. Ltd., 33 1/433 Do 6»/ 7373 The British Bank of South America, Limited

Capital subseribed £ 1.000,000 Ditto rcalized £ 500,000 Reservo Fund £ 425,000

BALANCE SIIEET OF TIIE S. PAULO BRANOH Brasiliauische Bank Fflr Deutscliland DKCEVBEK 318T, 1907 BALANCE SIIEET, DECEMBER, 31ST 1907 Asseis Asseis Bills discounted2.4õ9:262$90Ò Accounts current guarnutecd7.813:392*301 Bills receivablc1.862:211*660 Accounts witli Head Oflice, branches Loans, accounts pledged etc4.223:395$600 and agencies12.543:147*291 Accounts with Head Oflice and bran- Bills discounted7.038:005*620 ches636:055*160 Bills receivable1G. 122:943*780 8ecurilies pledged9.8IS:432*830 Bills pledged646:177$78S Sundry accounts'. .'•28:003*5)80 ¦;! 8ecurities pledged0.642:901*583 Caah : in hand1.401:025*100 Securities iu deposit17.742:684*000 Casli: In current iiioneyò.315:705$147 20.42S:987*280' 73.8Ü4:957|513 Liabilities Liabilities Bills Capital: 1 Mark=l$O0OJ0.000:000$000 payabVe3:222*860 General Accounts cnrreut2.409:091*030 Accounts current with interest7.907:281$67O » > Deposits lixed1.679:044*470 without do1.806:889$788 Accoduts with Head Oflice and bran- ªwith Head Oflice, bran- ches4 840:524*950 ches and correspondente4.202:558*183 Deposits fixed5.725:811*725 Securities pledged5.861:2884830 Bills aud Securities in deposit5.580:912*280 Securities iu deposit pledged and Sundry Accounts44:903*100 receivablc on account of:cuBtomers41.154:707*151 Sundry accounts...;3.008:2084996 20.428:937*280 73.804:fl57$513 A O, E.—?ao Paulo. January 4th, 1908.—For E. A D. O. E.—Rio de Janeiro.— Gutscho*.— Rupp. The British Bank of South America,Liraited (Signed) Directors. FrmiikDodd, Manager, F. S. Speers, Accountant.

^Sffi^TOSJl^Síffi 7 th, 1908. 24 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January in view of AND CCS. - Coffee Sta- and even this they consider subject to reduction ^y J. LEECH "The the unfavourable weather, low prices &c. V^.tistics 1907-1908. On Sale at In the S. Paulo Budget for 1908 duties on coffee exported Brazilian Review", offices rua Visconde de are estimated at 21000:000$ and the surtax at 14.287:500$000. Inhaúma No. 42. - Price : 10$000. Government is authorised to expend up to 700:000$ on pro- paganda for coffee. jtfmrkíi Comtnisaarioa Pricet JMarket Prieei ^t\\u December 30.... 4$HO0 to 51000 41800 » 31. .. 41900 to 51100 41800 to 5S000 COFFEE ENTRIES January 1... Ho 1 day Holiday » 4*900 to 51200 41900 to 58000 » 4S900 to 51200 41800 to 5t000 VOK THK W-ICK _NI»_I. rOH TMB OKOP TO 3.... » 4.... 51000 to 51200 4*900 to 5S000 4 Hio Jan. 8 Dec. 27 Jan. 4 Jan. B Jan. liM»8 1907 19C18 1907 OHl7 Up to 3rd January entries for the last eight years were as follows:— 7,632,377 616.822 1,476.853 1908 Mjr Csuiral lt'j 11.94215.12382,881 1907 12,430,69:1 • I.eopoMIna IV j : 23,808 31,017 33,291 1.1S8.559 996,944 1906 7,944.554 Inland 116,801 7,819,231 OoMtwiae, dlaeliarged.. 5,437 3.496 2,903 188,339 1905 1904 8,149,360 2,590,598 ToImI 41.187 49,68669,076 1.953,220 1903 8,294,657 Irauifcrred from Kio to 10,711,266 63,62367.225 1902 Nletb«ro- 125 4,010 U2 1901 7,141951 Itio 41,062 45.69068,966 1.889,597, 2,523,873 entries to those for 1906/07 fell Mel KuUleaMt 45,509 The ratio of this crop's Goaatwla*. In Iranilt... to 61.3 °/c from 62.9°/0 last week and 66.270 the previòus Mictberov from Itlo A against l.oopuldlna IVj 3,855 11,694 244.841 196,793 week In relation to the 1905/06 crop the ratio was 96.07°/0 3.427 with 1900/01 crop Total Rio IncludlngNic- 96.7°/0 the two previòus weeks. Cornpared • lieroj A traimlt 44.917 57,28172,393 2.134.438 2.765.675 entries to 3rd January show 490,426 búgs more. 97,682 103,946 360.239 6 497.939, 9.754,789 SiNToa: Co write .'••Ul Klo A Mantos.... 142,419 161,232 132.632 7,032,877 12.520,464 In their circular of 7th December, Nortz & as follows:— "In our opinion "Valorisation" can only have from:— Tha coaat arrivals for the week ended January 3rd were one of two issues: eithor it will bo a success without S. Joao da Barra 1,993 precedont or will end in a dcbâcle... Actually the Itapcmerim2,210 situation is certainly in favour of Government and Piuma1,234 not of a débâclc. At present it must even be admitted is better than it has been for two Total5,437 l.agn. that the situation years », Tho talai entries hy the different 8. Paulo Unilway- f«»r the Crop to January 3rd 1908 were aH followa : — Per Keinainiug 8. Paulo, January Uh, 1908. Past Norocaliaua Total ai lotai at at Juudiahy and othera 8. Paulo ^HIlloH 8. Paulo Notwithstanding the holiday feeling still prevailing and lüü7/ü*o8: 4,667,247 833,237 5.500.4H4 5,497,939 2,545 the disinclination to operate usual at the close of the year, 9,794,099 9,754,789 39,310 1M06/1D07: 8,465.476 1,328,623 the Santos market showed decided signs of improvement COFFEE LOADED (EMBARQUE8) during the woek, brought about by better ordors from Europe and tho States and the conviction that a continuous demand wuk knukufok 1 he crop to uuhinh for better qualities would keep the Paulista market buey1 1908 1907hm»71908 1907 during the half-year ahead. Jan. 3 Dec. 27Jan. Jan. 3 Jau. 4 A certain disappointment, however, was caused by heavier arrivals from the interior than were expected and more so u,ft 40.661 69.83087.4072.367.421 2,124,498 Mleiharoy 12,403 9,9404.421246.607 189,322 by tho insignificant shrinkáge of the World's visibie supply, In tranalt — ²²— 45609 shown by the Havre and Now York statistics. Total Klo Ineliiding Nictheroy as A tranalt 58.064 69,77091.8282,613.028 2,359.329 Whether this will cause prices to fali and stimulate selling i„Uoa 177.911 196,48814;U2òj 5,-32.161 7,939,888 by coram i.s.sar tos, who had practically withdrawn from the market, rolai Klo A Hantoi 230.975 266,268235,1538.245.192 10,299,217 will depend entirely on the attitude of the consuming markets. Half of all the business done during the week consisted Rio de Janeiro, January 4fh 1908. in transactions for delivery contracts, chiefly for January, Entries ut Kio mui rtaiitos for the week ending January at 4$200 to 4$225, February 4$225 to 4$275, March 4$250 3rd were 18,783 lesa than for tlie previouH week and 290,183 to 4 $300. less than foi?the correspondiiig week last year. Of spot coffee only selected goods could be placed, low For the erop,entries renched 7,632,377 íuhjh against 7,489,9-18 and coffces without special merit are entirely neglected. end ot the week and 12,520,464 »ih>çh at the grades at the previòus hot during the week, correspondi iig date last year. The weather has been extraordinarily iShipments ( embarque* ) were 35,283 »>ags less tlian for the but changed yesterday with a storm from the South and previòus week and 4,178 i>ags less than for the correspondiug heavy rain. week inst year. Nothing new about the growing crop. The average price for Kio No. 7 wa« 3$336 for th. Market against 3$336 in tlie previòus week ; and at New York it waa 6.00 cents against 6.00 centH for the previòus week and 7.15 Iteport ot tlie Ooiiipaiilila ¦t>4_i«t-ria«lora «te Weekl» *»randaH cenas last year. NniitoM. Sales registered on the basis of New York tfxHiaii_e Htooka decreased 202,888 bagn and are 726,235 bags lesa No. 4. than last year and 607,897 bags more than in 1906. By Cable :— less than in tlie ••' tíantos entries are 6,416 bags previòus for the week ending Jany 4th. 83, ' t>H,.< by 80,379 bags. The daily Sales week, and smaller than shipments Closing quotations for January 4S225 average for the week (5 days) was 19,506 i»ags as against 20,789 ªª» February..... 4i_7õ for the previòus week and 60,039 lust year. B!» March 4*300 » April •••••••• • 4>3.5 There is little news of any kind to register. Entries here continue very small, but no doubt when prices go up more coffee will be forthcoming.__,,-, . .,, Companhia Paulista de Armazéns Geraes Duuring and Zoon's figures for the World's visibie supply SANTOS sho.v 999,200 tons as against 1,002,900 tons in November and WEEKLY COFFEE MOVEMENT 825,(x00 last year. lhe decrease of only 3,700 is not encouraging. Vfhouse No. x Whoute No. 2 During week ended 3rd January no rain fell along the BAOSB«OS lias been intense but today rain Leopoldina system. The heat Stock ou December 21st27,92990,677 is réported as falling. Entries during the week²8,3 !5 With regard to the réported sales of Valorisation 27,929104,992 coffee, the Government of S. Paulo has published a categorical Withdrawals during the week3 00515,594 reasserting their intention of not selhng a bag until denial, December 28th 1907 24,92489,398 stocks are exhausted. Vhomme proposc, etc. Stock on private Warrants to the number of 54, representing 46,082 bags of coffee were December 28th 1907. The Committee of the Centro Commercial do Café estimate in circulation on million Sautos, Deoember 2Sth 1907.—Harry G. Etlül, Manager- entries at Rio de Janeiro for 1908 1 1907 at 2 j. bags



,..¦, ¦ ¦ * . *flM-fiir**'¦"¦*¦«¦ -. — ——

January 7th, 1908. ] THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW 25 lANTOf» OUR OWN 8T0GK DATE MAME O* VESSEI. DESTINATION SHIPPERS BAHH TOTAL RIO : Bloek ou December 27. 459,748 Entrien during week ended January 41,062 Deo. 28 Canning.., New York. Mich.WrightAC.Ltd 8,600 500.810 do do Pra-lo Chaves A Co. 8.600 Loaded ( Embarques) for the week 40,661 do do Holw. rthy EliisACo 6,284 do do N. Gepp A Co. Li d 3.000 Hlovk In Itlo on January  460,149 do do S. F. et C. Frauco Hrósilienne 3 000 and Afloat on December 27 85,121 Stock at Nictheroy do do Baldwin* A Co 1,600 Eptries at Nictheroy pi nu total embarquei do do G.

* .jjti^Ji^1 iii í ^ *' ^ > 'i' ti*boi tii rf ífíWjiM|j iw iii rsn sm

2* THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [Jenuary 7th, 1H08.

FOREIGN 8TOCK8 Dec 28/1907 Dec. 21/1907 Dec. 29/1906 &8Ííia Uliltc.l SUlfl» 1'oiU 3.5O7.0U0 3.486.IHI03.555,000 00 3 323.U0U 3.340,000 1.945.» Pernambuco, 26th December, 1907. Úotli 6.830.000 0,826,000 5 500.! 00 ; Entries shew a great falling off and to 21st Inst are only D«li?eri«i Uuited HIhIm 60,000 85,000 141,000 13,236 bags compared with 27,655 bags same time last year ViHibte Supply at United "3,818,0003 The market has continued very firm, Shippers offering freely MtNtei 779,0004.151.0T0 poria 13$000 for any quality, but Sellers demand at least 13$200 altho Liverpool market is reported as down again past few COFFEE PRICE CURRENT days, but with such small entries prices are not likely to go I any lower here as our Factories are ali very short of supplies For tlia week ended Jannary 3rd, 1918 and this seems to be the case of those down South also. Clearances have been Rio and Santos. Nil. Bahia 547 bags. 1,018 Bales. Revel i>kH:HirTio* December Dec. Dec.Jan. Jan. Jan. Aver Rio Grando 250 bags. Liverpool pressed 28 «O 311 3 »K«» 500 Bales. Havre 100 Bales. %{'t fr ...... ,,. Nkw Orlkanb. a io— Tho boárd of directors of the Farmers' Educational and ¦n 8.471? 3.471 3.4723.4723.472 „ a to reduce the acreage M.iket«• ,, . N.0.M « lOkiloim„n„. í 3.540M0 Protective Union have prepared plan j y6ü8 sm mma6ü83tíü3 in order to secure 15c. They 3.208 3.2Ü8 3.2683.2t>83.2W under cotton next year per pound. ‡N''-M , • * V u'ao°r pj« m i 11 ion bales of this > 15.404 3.404 3.4043.4043.404 also proposo to withhold from four to six V 3.132 B.13J 3.1H28.1323.132 ,A is obtained, issuing nego- ' W'B-MO * » a'LWjtfiP year's cotton until 15c. per pound ) 3.200 3.200 3.2008.2003.200 tiable warehouse receipts meanwhile. These will be „ _ 2.0% 2.99G 2.9962.9002.996 ., proposals ‡N-t)- ' " S J,uaJntín submitted to tho farmers at Memphis on Jan. 7.—Beuter. ) 3.004 3.004 3.0Ó43.0043.064 ¦ SANTOS— Imports of Cotton Teztlles and Jnte from Great Britain Superior U> kilos. 4.000 4.000 4.0004.0004.000 4.000 per JANtlAKY TO NOVEMBER GoodAyerage 3.700 3.700 3.700. Ü.7003.700 3.700 FOR TJTR 1! MONTIfS

M. YOHK pt* Ih. PKSCRIPTION 1905 190G 1907 *|.ol N. 7.....Í cent. 0 6 6 0.00 »/4 »/45 »/«5 «/4 . .8 5 f/i 5 5 5.75 n (),,ll„„H— Cotton Picc«; or unhlenc- » 5.75 5.77 good.i £rej . March. 5.80 6.80^ 5.756.75 hed y 82/J81.900 30,044.000 do. lilenchcd 82,857.90ÚI ti » July... » 5.95 6.00 0.00S 0.05O.lô 0 OJ » 42.757.900 39.318.500 48.l70.iKX) o do. printod do. dyed 3S 0:»Ü.M(H) 35,025.900 49 801.200 MAVUIO. pi* 5» kilo>a Oiilioiiifmiin».j do. mixed yda UG;4ftn,900 108,855,100 131,034,500 » Dec... » 40.75 41.50 41.50«'41.25 41.25 Value £ 1,.125,0134 1.474,873 1,797,407 ‡March. » 40.75 41.60 41.50a4t.üô 41.25 » May... » 40.75 41.50 41.50 41.5UÍ 41.31 æI Jute Yarn H>s 21,379,100 2G.OG9.000 31,824,200 IIAMItllHU Pt, •/„ *. Jute niamiisii-iurcs : Piece yooil* of ull kiuds, yds 350.400 202,000 335.300 Oiillona pf»Miiil|{i« ‡March. » 32.00 32.50 32.2532.6032.25 32.SO !May... » 32.50 32.7o 32.7533.0082.75 32.75 , July.. » 32.ÒO 33.00 33.0033.5033.26 33.05 j^avktí Jteytrís l.oHlioN pi* ctvt. Oplioim¦liilliiiK» Pernambuco, 2Gth December, 1907. . March » 30/0 31/- 31 81/-30/9 30/- . May.. » 30/9 31/6 31/031/031/3 313 Coffee. Only sale a lot of 132 Bags of. fair quality to !July.. » 31/3 31,9 31,'J32/332,3 31/10 Trapicho at 6$000 The Export value continues to be 5$800 but Sellers are not yet inclined to give way especially ias entries have beon on a very small scale, it is anticipated SALES OF COFFEE for theweek ending however that with turn of the year the Planters who have Jan. 3I'.k8Dec. 27/1 !M>7J nn . 4/K-O been holding back their produce will decide to realize at ato 32,00026.000CO.uüO least a part, the flowering for new crop carne in with great •••nio. t3,10G48.558157,30° force with the rains we had ten days ago and if it sets there rótal 95.10074,533217,300 should be an abundant crop next year, but this will of course depend entirely upon the rains henceforward. Milho. Continues a firm market at 140 to 150 réis per kilo, the chief demand being still from Bahia to which port 3,251 bags have been shipped. Beans. Prico has further advanced to 25$000 per bag and some holdors are asking 26$000. To Bahia 540 bags The fóllowing tire tlieclosing quotations at Rio on January have boen shipped during the fortnight. 4th for Campos, Sergipe, Pernambuco and Bahia. Farinha. Sellers domand 8$000 but there is very little Campos Sergipe Pernambuco Bahia demand and to mako sales lower prices would have to be White Crystal 480—490 4G0-470 470—480— taken as there is no demand from tho Outports. Yellow cryetnl²²420—440— Freights. Nothing doing and no change in berth rates, IlaBCimnhoB²380—440²— still finding it very difficult to arrange even half Mascavo steamers good²290290— cargoes to Liverpool. • regular²270—280 270—280~ has since » niediuui..²²²— Exchange. Advanced on 19th to 15 \ Bank but tol5 3|16 there are no privato Segundo jacto²²²— fallen back again to 15 5|32 White UEitia²²²— bills and money is very scarco with Coastwiso discount for White 3» sorte²²450—4fi0— bills up to 16 o|o to 17 o|o. 8omenoi..;²²400—420— Entries at Kio from let inst to date 2,072 lt»g*. Clearances ditto (5.691 » Btock.. 293,01(5 » $ttí|t|ltMl| — llarket uteadr. ARRIVALS AT THE PORT OF SANTOS 3rd, 19C8 Pernambuco, Q6th December, 1907 During tlie week ended January

The market has been lifeless during the fortnight TON- quite ri.ah RIM IXOII as orders have not been forthcoming from the consuming DATK NAMK or VKHSRI XAQti markets and with dear money here tho Dealers have shown less inclination to buy and consequently prices for Planters 28 Italiana liraziliari.. 8. S. 553 IVriiainhuc* have been very unsteady and generally downwards, but* 2S Itatiba do do 553 Porto Alegro Entries to 21st have been 28 1'ompa French ... do 2.S78 Genoa tho export prices are unchanged. do 2.532 New York same time last Tho 2vS TeiiHvson British 144,538 bags against 121,824 bags year. 29 Thrspis do do 2,7»5 Mnnchestor Usinas are ali shut down and will not reopen until after 29 Wertholey do do 2,433 Barry 10 Jany, so that entries will for the next fortnight will show 29 Satellile Bnr/.iliiin.. do 887 Pernanihuco do 383 Paranaguá up very in 29 Va* mia do badly ali probability. 29 Aqnitaiiie French.... do 1.988 Marscilles Quotations are as under; there is no business passing:— 80 Guauí bar a... Brazilian.. * do 329 Itajuhy J5 30 Oceano do* do 050 Rio de Janeir* Usinas 6f500 to C$000 per kilÒMon shore do Crystal whiteC8000ª>» HO Stfglifttie German... do 1,914 It. G. Sul 31 A>ago» British.... do 5,937 Buenos Aires » yellow5$000ª» 81 Ctrfe/d Geiinim... do 2,443 Bremen Wliites 3a. boaG$0: 0 31 Mtlpome.né.... Austrinn... do 1.852 Trieste » 3a. Reg :..5S800 31 Araguaxa. .... British.... do Ü.G34 Southampton Somcnos58000,»» Jau. 1 Mu i upy Brazilian.. do 144 Bahia do 5G7 Kio de Janeir* Çlayeá3$800» ; » 1 Júpiter do 3$500<*o 3$G0Oª» 1 Cana* ias French.... do 1,975 Dunkirk Bruto seeco 2 Afghan Pritice British .... do 8,183 Buenos Aires. » melado 1$7QQ to 1*900 .. ª» do 1,95! do > o Rativi* Norwegian Clearances during the fortnight have been Rio 6,898 bags. a Ypiranga Brazilian.. do 050 Pernambuco 2 Gloria do do 253 Paranaguá Santos Nil. Liverpool 1,122 bags. Rio-Grande-do Sul 38,236 3 Saturno do do 515 Rio de Janeir» bags (75 kilos). 3 Itália Italian ..... do 3,087 Genoa


#•¦ 1

January 7th, 1908. ] THE BRAZILIAN Ç.EVIEW 2Í

SAILINGS FROM THE PORT OF SANTOS FOREIGN VESSELS AFLOAT Durinu the week ended January 3rd, 19i 8 IN itlü |l|.; .IANKIUO HAI.KOUK TON- DATK NAU* OK VKMSKI. Ifl.AH KIO FOR 4 on January Srd, 15)08 NAttK * Dateof Dato of Dec. 28 Pampa French .-. S. 2,878 Buenos Aires 8TEAUEB9 SAILINQ TESSEL4I S. entry entry 28 Glot ia Brazilian. do 2õ3 Autonina 28 Si» io do do 554 Rio de Janeiro do 28 Itanema do 658 Porto Alegre DaltonTons May19 British... New Dec.14 2.263 28 Ganning do 3.457 York ª*16 Thespis!2,735 Br do Buenos Juiih26 Narcissus Toaa1,202 2a Sai tu ide do 2,614 Aires ª1B Admital Nttl.son..»,1,980 Aug.2 2tí Mainz (iermaii.. do 2,030 Bremen Veca;1,324 19 Mtadowfieldª1,736 !14 Bolgen806 80 Guanabara Brazilian. dó" 32!) Rio de Janeiro « • do ª20 Sobtaonª1,511 Sept.24 Ha tis 181 ao Itatiba do 663 Pernambuco Lor d Qromerª2 dó ª21 353 Not.17 Alba ª1,380 80 Satellitea do 887 Porto Alegre Pat klands!1,885 17 do !22 Marina Madre... !1,408 30 iianoé do 1,298 Manáos ª23 Pisa!3,-45 .weo.4 ª1,400 French... Buenos Fenice 80 Aquitaine do 1,988 Aires ª23 Spartan Prince..ª2.059 ª5 ª2,137 British... 2,108 ilurre Canada 80 Trviot do !23 Hei natd 2,397 !II fíetty841 do Houthamptoa 30 At agtnt...... do 0,987 !24 Euterpeª2.293 ª16 Hildcgarde1,610 Paraná Brazilian. 30 .....*.... do 883 Antoiiina 21 Dipton...ª2,471 ª20 Etnilie ‡Í77 British... Buenos Jau 1 Araguara do 6,634 í Aires !20 Melpoment!1.85'- ª20 Siuah ª419 1 Júpiter Braziliun., do 567 do ª26 Ethelstan!2,518 ª21 Margarida ‡863 German.. 3,083 Hamburg 2 belgrano do ª27 Bellatden!1,770 Odit'.997 Brazilian. Rio Oceano do 660 de Janeiro !23 hollandL2,938 ª20 Çommotrwealth...ª2.183 !20 Kenilvorth1,769 ARRIVALS AT THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO !30 Saint Andreyrs...!2,884 !30 Chiistiama1,693 Uuriuy the week ended January 3rd, 1908 !30 Hillglenª2,7 ."3 ª31 Zatizibarª1,919 TON- ª31 firatitwoodª2,296 N AM» OF VK.HSKI r„_e Hlh KS01I UATK NAHK Jan.2 Tyne!1,854 M !:i Nassoviaª2.198 ª3 Matchioness Buteª2,7w. João da Barra. do do 230 Porto Alegra 28 S. Sebastião do bchooner 20 Cabo Frio Total—Tons 05,462 Total—Té-i 13.505 28 Planeta do dó 37 do 20 5. Salvador d> S. 8. 1 999 Mandos do do 930 Pelotas 29 Sitio IN MANTOS IIAItUOUK 29 Esperança do • Io 4l«J 29 Com mo n weàllh... British... do 2,183 Barry °rd, _0 Kenilnot th do do 1,769 Victoria on January I9Ü8 20 Despique Brazilian. Schooner 30; Cabo Frio 30 Júlio Macedo do do 33 do German.. SO Moine 8. 8. _.();!_ Santos Dalf°rSTEAUERS^ °''SAILINO Briti.h... VESSEL* 3U C a n n ing do 3,459 do eulryentry 1! 3U Goyae Braxiliau. io 981 Manáos 30 Mayrink do do 375 Caini» vieiras 30 5. Francisco do 8choouer 34 Cabo Frio 30 A Una do do 33 do Dec. 2 MinasTons 1,765 Dec. 12 fhvercauldTona 1,801 30 Araguary do 8. S. 1)46* Mossoró !20 Mendoza2.855 i 20 Anreelm 249 30 Saint Andrens ... British.. do 2,334 Theodosia » 22 Palalina- ª2,832 B0 fl/uqui Brazilian. do 369 Itnjahy » 23 Hattsent ª2,177 30 Araguaya British... do «,634 Houthamptoa ¦ 25 ílotner ª1,810 80 A * acaty Brazilian. do 531 Àrácáty !26 Vhidias ª1,780 80 Christianim German.. do 1,693 New York » 27 Rhaetia ª4,141 80 Hillglen British... do 2.773 Cardiff • 27 Queen htnalie.... ª2,782 31 Royston Grange . do do 8,141 Lirerpo' 1 !28 Tennyson2,682 31 Zaneibar do de 1.919 Loudan » 29 lhespis ª2.785 31 Bratttitood de do 2.290 New York » 29 Bertholey ª2,483 Jan. 1 Aragon do do 5,938 Buenos Aires i 80 Steglinde ª1.0140 ik Guanabara Brazilian. do 329 Itnjahy » 31 Ctefeld ª2,443 1 Itatiba do da 514 » cjl Melpomene ª1,862 Porto Alegro • 1 Habit D do do 467 do Jhji. 1 Canárias ª1,971• ? l Fidelense do do 269 8. Joilo da Barra » 2 Afghan Prince... ª3,183.... . 3 Tyne British... do 1,854 Antwern » 2 Rauma ª1,951 Nassovia German . do 2,498 do » 3 Itália ª3,087 Mont Cervin French .. do 2,285 Marseilles íris Brazilian. do 899 Pernambuco Total—Tons.43,579Total—Tons 1,552 Carango.a do ¦do 268 S. Matheus 9* Itaituba do do 717 Porto Alegre Cattoi do de 1.699 Santos THE FREIGHT MARKET Competidor do Schooner 195 Itabapoana Matchioness Bufe British... 8. S. 2.794 Cardiff British. liairphvy, of December J2th sftyi: — Btuuhilda do da 1,468 do fíalaclava do do 2,757 Buenos Ait.i With the exception of the River Pinte market there is not much Belgi ano German.. do 3,083 Santos change the condition of the freight market since the last report. At Vencedor. Brazilian. in Schooner 27 Macahé time uudoubtédly Kiver Plate business is the centre of atteu- Gama II. do do 64 Cabo Frio the present tion, and is lik.ly to be «o for the next live or six months. is firm, and for January the value SAILINGS FROM THE PORT OF RIO DE JANEIRO The Kiver Plate iiiurket positiona of tonnage has appreciated. It is a great pity, however, that ownera üunuy the week ended January 3rd, 1908 have allowed the oütvrard coal rates tosüpaway in the manner they have done, for they will never be able to make this up in the homeward TON- freizht. DATK NAME OF VESSEL ri.am KIM FOR • NAHK T..e s.s. Boston has been fixecl South Wâles to Bahia or Pernambuco lOs. 6d. and the s.s. Jnlia Parlt to Pernambuco lis. Janeiro to FÍeetwo.od or Mostyn Deeps about lõs. f.t. is Dec. 28 Tijuco German.... From Rio 8. S. 3,066 Hamburg to Antwerp or Rotterdam about 14a.; but these 28 Yfurzbúrg do do quoted for January, and 3,246 hroraon more than this, on their dirty terins 28 Aquttnine French do 1.988 Buenos Aires charterers should pay considerably 28 SatellHe Brazilian... do 892 Porto Alegre of charter. 28 Industrial do do 300| Laguna Argentina. Quietness has ruled in the freight market during the 28 Ctrfeld Germai do 2,444! S. Francisco due to the Christiuas holidaya bus- 28 past week, and the probability is that Tennyson Brilisl do 3,6321 Santos An opinion here 2S Oce no Brazilian. .. do iness will be slack for some days to come. prevaih 642 do tonnage has been taken for 28 Pinto do do 250 S. Joio da Barra (openly advocated by shippers) that enough 29 Itaperuna do do 713 Porto Alegre the new season, and that although there will be a tremendoua amount of 29 Next Castle British deal with it. I his argumeut do 2.215 Antwerp grain for export, the ports will be uiiable to 29 Gtão fará Brazilian... do 1,003 Manáos a means to weaken owners' 'or following our rc- 29 Piratigy is used as pretentions, do do 950 do the latter have not tonnage on n weakening market, 29 '_>. Luiz do do 2,310 Macào peated advice pressed 20 B. ( hatcot French thus causing the present quietness.. . ./. .... Schooner _ü Ilha Kerguelen little is forward. A 29 Itaparica Brazilian... do 74 Cabo Frio Rates to Brazil are unchanged, and very goiug 30 Mainz German.... S. S. 2,032 Bremen change for the better is however anlicipated very shortly. 30 Admirai Nelson.. British do 1.9S0 Buenos Aires The following are the current rat(í3 from B.A. 30 Canárias French . .., do 2,971 .Santos To Bahia and Pernambuco 18/, to Pelotas 28/, to Porto Aleçre 23/vto 30 Ypiranga Brazilian... do 650 Pelotas to 3. Franeisco-14/,.to Paranaguá 12/, to Rio 31 fl/at anlião Desterro 14/, to Antonina 12/, do do 1.303 Manáos to Rio 12/.; . 31 Araguaya Britiali do 6,634 _uíiios Aires Grande 12/, to Santos 10/, from .up-river The limes of 81 Júpiter Brazilian.*.. £o 1,800 do With tbe usual 1/, to 2/ extra ports. 31 Rovslon Grange.. British do 3,141 ido ÃrgentiiiU, December 23rd1907.... 31 Santa c rüz Brazilian... do 511 Maceió are the forward engagements for" 31 JLórril llliirli*»!.— The following Santos Urúguayan, do 1,60- Paranaguá — i Jan. 1 Aragon British,.... do Southampton the we«k : 1 5,938 'lhespis...... I 1 Canniug do do 3,459 New Port Per S. 8. or New York. .. 32,500 bags of coífee 1 Esperança ...... Brazilian... do 469 Aracaju . '.". J Homer» New Orleans 7,5Q0 » » » ' M'.• Thomaz; Aiucricain.. Schooner 1 ' 161 Port Campe.- 1 Activo If.. Brazilian... do 33 Cabo Frio lílmclia» Hamburg...... 2,500 2 Saturno do S. S. 933 Porto Alegre Trieste.. 7,500 Mayiiuk..'. - do do 87ô Cararellaa » » Melpomene» Vara.....: do do 2,097 Manáos » • » Argentina» Genoa 1,375 » » Mnqui...... 4P do do 350 Villa Nova do ...... 1,500 Mont Cervin..... French .... do 2,285 Buenos Aires Itália» Sabiá... British do 1,767 dò Crefcld» Antwerp 3,750 Ar agitar I Brazilian... do 371 Santos do ...... 250 Themis do Schooner 63 Cabo Frio » » Hallc» '¦" •¦•-"'" "ipr"3"^™^^f™l!l,'l li li. ... o^ '¦ i.l .i.'il'm-—„..!! ,V.f'' Ji ^ *


28 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW [January 7th, 1908.

CURRENT COFFEE FREIGHT RATES New York 70/-A 5 •/. «& » •Southampton . rOH THE WBBK RNDKD JANUARY 4TH, 1908 Rio 8amo» : ?„âtnXg:::: mw* ; .- Amsterdata17/645 201- A 5 •/. Ívia» Bremen/ °/0% .¦*'¦ Adeu via Trieste50/-A 5 ! Vid Buenos Aires.. Antwerp 1.000 kilos. 17/6 A 5 °/0 17/6 A 5 «7. Algoa Bay.. 42/6 in full Alexandria" 54 frcs. in full. 54 frcs. in full. » • ape Town...T42/6 in full. Alicante50 frcs. in full. 50 frcs. in full. » 1» Durbanf*42/6 in full."" Algiera via Marseilles53 frcs. in full. 46 1/2 frcs. A 10 •/. • » East London./47/6 in full. Almerie50 frcs. in full. Aguilès73.50 Triesteí.. frcs. m full. 76 1/2 frcs.ln full » Delagoa Bay.) 55/-A50/0 •¦ij^gfcj— Bassorati76 frcs. •/. frcs. in full. 84 A 10 ÍVia» Durban\ 55/ A 5 °/o Barcelloua35 frcs. in full. 38 1/2 frcs. in full ‡58/6 * To Delvgoa Bay à Beira the freights uiutt be paid hera or In Hamburg. Hamburg in full. HòulderBros.. » Southauipton— ?{ Koyal Mail Steamers in couibinatfon with ** Confereuce rates via Marseilles, and Genoa or Trielte. » A u t w e r p or Bre- Ívin meu • ••»•• • 78/6 iu full WséT Coast Portsm * Punta Arenas45/A 5 °/0*I45/A5V« Bilbao 56.50 frcs. in full. 50.50 frcs. in full °/060/ •/. Bremen 17/6 A 5 ?/0 17/6A5°/0 Corral60/A 5 A 5 °/o °/« Coronel45/A 5%60/A 5 °/9 \ Bordeaux, 900 kilos.... 40 fies. A 10 35 frcs. A 10 ' °L ' Bombay via Trieste50/-A 5 °/0 50/- 5 •/. Caldera«0/A 5 50/A 5 % Tnltal50/A5°/050/ A 5 °/. Braila'*57.75 frcs. in full. 57.75 frcs. infull. °L50/A °/o Brimlisi'*52 frcs. in full. 52frcs. in full. Antofagasta50/A 5 5 * Iquique50/A 5 °/050/ A 5 °/# Buenos Ayres per bag. 60 kilos..11200 11500 °/0— Beyrouth*»56.50 frcs. in full. 56.50 frcs. infull. Coquimbo50/A 5 5 °/0— Cadit (Spanish.line)35 frcs. A 10 °/0 Talcabuano45/A °/0 Callao50/A 5 °/0— Caloutta via Triente55/-A 5 55/-A'5°/o °/#— Carthagena50 frcs. in full. 50 frcs. iivfull. Valparaiso45/A 5 do æ47/0 A 5 °/„- Colombo50/-A5°/o .50/-A 5%, (option) Corfu".55.25 frcs. in full. 55.25 frcs. in full. Curracbee50 1/2 frcs. in full. Comuna53.50 frcs. in full. 53.50 frcs. in full Lloyd Brazileiro Cavalla»*55.25 frcs. iu full. 55.25 frcs. in full. OtVNERS ChriHtiania28/5 in full 28/5 in full. Copenliageii direct26,- in full. 20/- A 5 °/0 M BUARQUE & Co.* DuiiNlnntiuuple"52.75 frcs. in full. •12.75 ire-, iu full. OJKJN^KAL, 2, 6 IfJuüie4U/-Af>ü/0 3òn. & o u/0 a, 4, 6, AVEISIDA 4, Gaiatas"57.75 frcs. in full. 57.75 frcs. in full. Rio de Janeiro Genoa .1.000 kiloH,...40 frcs. A 10 u/0 40 frcs. A 10 °/o NAVIGATION SERVICE OVYrÃLL THE BRAZILIAN COAST Gihraltar viu Genoa 55.25 frcs. iu full. 5C frcs. in full jon56.50 frcs in full 56.50 frcs in full Passengers and cargo sei vices for Uruguay, Faraguay, aniburg 17/6 A 5 0/ 17/6 A 5 °/o Argentina and Matto Grosso m I ,„ °L Havn-, 000 kilos 30 frcs. A 10 /.. 25. frcs. A 10 Hòngkong via Triestè 60/-5u/0 60/- A 10 °L MONTHLY THIPS BETWEEN RIO DE JANEIRO A NEW YORK Kobe via Trieste 65/-A (»«>/„ 65/- A 5 ü/0 Liverpool 35/ A 5 u/o Sailings From Rio: Loudon 1.000 kilus 30/- A 5 u/0 25/-&5°/o" NORTH LINE Every Suuday at 10 o'clock a. m. Do (options).. 30/- A 5 »/, RIO GRANDE LINE... The lst., 7th., Uth., and 23rd., Mala$*...... 35 frcs. A 10°/« 38.50 frcs. every mouth, at 12 noon. Malta, via Genoa A Marseilles.. 53 frcs in full. 58 frcs. A !3 °/r NEW YORK LINE Ouce a month. o B/0 Marseilles 1.UÜ0 kilos 40 frcs A 10 »/0 40 fros. A 10 RIVER PLATE LINE... The 4th. and 20th. every month, Metsina •• 50 frcs in full. fO frcs. iu full. Meteiino*•..... 57.75 57.75 frcs. at 12 noon. frcs in full. in full. 28th. every month "'.'>-: Montevideo per hag. (30 kilos.... 18200 Sta. CATHARINA LINE The 11 th. and MoMiagtiuein-Marseilleb or Genoa 50 frcs in full. 58 frea. A 10 */• at 12 noon. Naples 49 frcs. iu full. 48 1/2 fies. A 10°/. c?UL DA BAHIA LINE8 Once a month (Departures not New York, Liners bag * 10o. A 5 °/0 10c. A 5 °/0 lixed.) per °/0 »/0 N. Orleans Liners » » .... 10c. A 5 10c. A 5 SERGIPE LINE Twice a month (Departures not 55.25 fresin full. 55.25 frcs. in full. °/0 fixed.) Oran 53 frcs. in full. 56 frcs. A 10 the Penaog via Triestg*.60/-A 5 °/0 60/- A 5 u/0 MATTO GROSSO LINES. Are in connection with River Palermo50 frcs. in full. Plate Line, departures from :W Patras** 55.25 frcs. iu full. 55.25 frcs. in fuil. Montevideo or Buenos Aires. Pireus*»52.75 frcs. in full. 52.75 frcs. in full. FiiKBT PortSaid*'*.54 frcs in full. 54 frcs. in full. AlagoasQoyaz.Florianópolis.^ 17/6 A h »/0 °/0 Brazil.#.Sergipe.Santos. ttterdamngoon via Trieste17/6A5°/o55/-A 5 .55/-A 5?/0 Manáos.Mayrink.Planeta. EanSebastiau"...6060.50 1/2 frcs. in full '¦ í>v> Bantander frcs. in full 60 frcs. in full Maranhão.Victoria.Sateliite. Bamsoun ••55.25 frcs in full. 55.25 frcs. in full ./ymorê.Prudente de Moraes. Seville50 fresin full 50 frcs. in full. São Salvador.Estreita.Íris. Bhanghai via Trieste. 65/-A 5 °/0 65/- A 5 ò/o Pernambuco.' Fagundes Varella.Amazonas.^ Smyrna*'52.75 frcs iu full. 52.75 frcs. in full. °/„ Espirito SantoOrâo Pará.Ouarajâ. Southampton 1.000 kilos30/- A 5 ; Bragança.DiamantinoLadario. 8uet via Trieste 50/ frcs. in full. 60 frcs. A 10 °/0 Do via Geuoa or Marseilles...54 frcs. in full. Matto Orosso.Mercedes.Nioac. Baloniea"52.75 frcs. in full. 52.75 frcs. iu full. Marajó.JRapido.Itapernirim. Sulina ••56.50 frcs. in full. 56.50 frcs. in full. Coxipô.Rio Verde.Cahy. Singapore58/5 in full. 58/5 in full. 26 BUILU1NG Taragonne 50 frcs. ir. fnl! 50 frcs. in full. ••55.25 For Cargo, Passages and General Data Apply to the Trebizond frcs. in full. 55.25 frcs. in full. Office «te Agencies Trieste.. ,,40/- A5°/0 35s. A 5 °/0. Head Tunis**53 frcs. in full. 53frcs. in full. Valencia50 frcs. in full. 50 frcs. in full. Valparaiso(optionsJ47/6 5°/° lUllMlJ JU»S tftti faUtfÚU Varna ••55.25 frcs. in full. 55.25 frcs. :n full. Venice via Trieste52 frcs. in full. 40 frcs. A 5 °/0 SUNDRY TRAFFIC RÈTURNS Vigo56.50 frs.in full. 38.50 frcs. Yokohama via Trieste65/- A 5 °/0 65/- A 5 •/. Mlluuge l.ntest Enrniugs Iteported Aggregate to dal» " Hamburg58/5 in full. 58/5 in full. Knilway África Weekor South 1907 1906 Month. 1907 1906 1907 190» New York42/6 A 5 %» Southampton » \ per ton of 1,000 Briz. Gt.. » Hamburg.... -9/A . 0 1/9 0/ 8ouih... b 110 110 October. 36:531$ 32:879$ 325:378$ 814:896$ » * 2 V* /• kilos Autwerp.... I*2/6 (via» BremenJ •/. New York ... 70/- A 5 Lcopoldinaa 1,478 1,460 Dec,28th 21,868 21.717 1,246,315 1,173,376 » Southampton. \ » Mouel Uainburfc..../ 50/. A 2 1/2 7. » Autwerpf a EmmiiigB reported in b in milreis. Ívia'» Bremen) pounda, via New York.... 50/A5%, —The Minister of Public Works is calling for tenders for the construo- » Southampton. tion of the S. Luiz to Caxias railway and the Itaqui branch in the State Easl / » Hamburg.... 50/- A 2 1/2 •/. of Maranhão. Tenders must be sent in by midday on March 10 next. Loudon | » Autwerp — Leopoidina Railway. Entries of coffee for the season up to I » Bremen1 January 3rd amounted to 1,897,584 bags, of which the Leopoidina «/o i via New York .. » 50/. A õ carried 1,186,993 bags, the Central 580,927 and 129,664 carne coastwise. Southampton. The traffic returns of the Leopoidina for the week ènded December 28th show an increase of 8:000$, eqüivalent to £151 compared with last year, making the aggregate increaie aince lst January 1907v Í»» Bremení £73,939. THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW (Èompnhm ât J& (ff hristoão TIJUCA HOUX TO GET T8EÇE AND UXH&T TO DO UlHEfl THERE


vilhige of Tijucn lies in á gorge known as lhe Alio da Boa Vista, and though only 860 feet nearer to Heaven than THtttlie sweJterbig town, what a difference tliose féw feet make ! Toget nwiiy from the glafe and heátpf Rio to shnde and coolness, ali poor pniitiiig humanity has to dois to tak e lhe eleclric enr at Praça Tiradentes, at the head of Rua Carioca, from there running over pârt of the Villaízabêl Traniway Çompuny?s systehi as far as lhe old Junclion point, and then gel!ing a delightful 30 minutes ride up the hill to thte top. There a good Hotel will be found and earriágés to carry visilors Io lhe diílerent points of interest. A pleasant day may tlius be spent that will linger long in meniory. he If does not wish to stay the night, the visitor can take a car down in thecool of the evening, up to 11.00 p.m. The jouriiey eitherupoi do.wn, from Praça Tiradentes, takesjiist 1 honr. To expedite mtitlers, breaktüst should be ordèied at the hotel White by telephòué from the Villa Isabel station in tho PraçaTiradentes, as also earnages or saddle horses to visit the diílerent pointsof interest. Some ot the points well worth visiting in the neighbourhood are : —the "Chinese View"; the "Empe- "Ca- ror's table" ; choeira" or "Cachoei-greater Cascade ; rintui" or little cas- onde; the "Grottos of Paulo and Virgínia"; "Éxcels.ior View" ; and if possible the "Penk of Tijuca" itself.Most, if not ali, i these points, with the 7 e x e o p t i o n of the "Peak," can becom- piised in a circular drive of 2 to 3 liou rs thròugh dei i jí htf ul woods. But should the visitor desire to visit the " Pèak " itself, saddle horses, which are notalways obtaiíuible, must be ovdered in ndvnnce by telephone. The j"Peak" is 3,300 feet above the sea, and is highereyen thanthe THE PABK-ALTO WA BOA VISTA, TIJICV Corcovado, it is, in- deed, the highest "Penk" point on the chain. After nljout, 30 minutes drive, lhe carriage hns to be left and airther hour\s climb carries one to the in which steps have been cut out oi the rock and ti hand rail nssisls lhe weary cümber to rtach the top wbere he is rewarded wíth a view that has its like nowhere in this wide world, and beggars ali description. The unit of the money of the country is the mil reis (1-5000. at present worth ls. 3d.). This is subdivided into fractional coins of 100, 200, and 400 reis. Travellers had better change some gold at a money-ebangers before leavingthe city, and if unableto speak eitber J*oitu^uese, Spanish or French, hnd better ongage an interpretei- (at Crashley's the English book-seller's, of 36 Rua do Ouvidor) for whom lhe charge is comiiionly Rs. 25$0l)0, for the day. Charges at Hotel White, for breakfast are at the of

KUIUIAYK FROM PRAÇA TIRADENTES FROM ALTO DA BOA VISTA A.II.—5.58—6.58—7.28—7.58—8.23—8.58—9.28—9.58—10.28— .10.58 A.M.-7.00—7.CO—8.00-8.30-9.00—9.3 —10.00—10.30—11/0—11.30 OU1 r.O ] | 1 P.M12.00—12.30-1.00—1.30—2.00—2.30—3.00—3.30—4.00— 4.30 P.M—12.28—12.58—1.28—1.58—2.28—2.58—3.28—3.58—4.28 — 4.58 5.00—5.30-6.00—13.30—7.00—7.30—8.00—8.30— 9.00 — 9.30 5.28—5.58—6.28—0.58—7.28—7.58-8.28—8.58—10. CO. 1". 00—11.00. These cars also carry baggage.

FARES Carsfrointhe Praça Tiradentes to the Junclion .. 300réis » ª» Junctiou to tlie Usina 200réis » ª» Usina to tlie lteservoir 300réis, » ª» t Reservoir to tlie Alto da Boa Vista 600réis I,

,K3 THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW MATTOS, CRESTA & CO. -tlanufacturers of Tessalated Griles and _TOI«JE_IOIV ÍWLOSA.ICS >_.IVr> TILE8 O MARBLE MERCHANTS R -Ife At- jtA AÜ_ At. jfe soSfec

SOLE IMPORTERS TRADE MARKS of the products of the Société dcs Ciments Français Qemarle Lonquety OF AND Boulogne Sur-Mer Wffffúfú PA* N M _É É _É _É _É _É »itf»S)IfWtff£S

Telegrapliic Address: CRESTA--RIO Gode: 5th Edition A. B. G. P. 0. Box 136 Quit ff í? h\ ^° °*e Jane*r° 7 159 —BB——aB-MÉWWB-B__MBi— THE BOOTH STEAMSHIP CO. LD. LIVERPOOL. Royal Mail Line of Steamers to the Northern ports of Brazil

REGULAR AND FAST SERVICE OF STEAMERS BETWEEN: Liverpool, Havre, Cherbourg, Vigo, Oporto, (Leixões) and Lisbon (calling at Madeira) and Pará, Manáos, Maranhão and Ceará ALSO BETWEEN : New-York and Pará, Manáos, Maranhão and Ceará, (calling at Baroadoes) -) AGENTS (- - Booth & Co. Pat*á. Booth & Co. - JWaí*anhão. Booth & Co. - JWanáos. Holderness & Salgado.-Ceai*á.

r—«iri.'u»n-,i J*HTflF~ffT


The best non-alco- The most de- holic drink for licious drink hot climates. A refreshing and for ladies and digestive tonic. children. ^0^ - - -' :^._i-__-___&ffi^L^/__/ S$y ¦ ><^_ÍÍ__SB__IP^^/_K_^_Ír _y_£___iM^P^|nr/

NO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT ! Bil: has been B_ff^^___r*Sf!ÍHM^_-_H^_[S{^-l analysed by the Municipal and Federal Laboratories and tound perfectly purê ! *-v Ask for flR___'___K_f' mJTmw*W ___^_D it at every Hotel and Restauram, Café and Confeitaria. Ask for "Bilz and Dash" ( of Whisky or Gin ) ; when well iced, this is the most refreshing drink known. BILZ — ""*___ .') ! BILZ ! BILZ ! Icjkjwl,, ' _.~."'-'g— •**¦ ¦" (; Factory of the BILZ COMPANY LIMITED No. 127-A, RUA DO ITAPIRÚ, No. 127-A xii)_r__ii_r>x_to_NE ivo. i,_8_ THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW


__y 37' W?"S,V »*•

J headorncE. cC4ftÂ>Mm75* •77 :3 RIVER PLATE WOUSE FINSBURY ClRCUS. ascicoo A'i *4*f« LONDON E.C o G B A N D E CfhZe /f&fr*ss B£"A/C/¥ L0/VOO& «CMÇMOO NATAlt «RMMMW * - íP RIO DE JANEIRO OFFICEj;\. ir»1 * t- 28 RUA ALFANDJGA, MANDAR .,'. .P ggisTABflA.paimStTqs. -j- .i D O RECIFE POSTAL ADDRESS, CAixfl ^oCo^rro.i^. \í .» sv . &2U Ac&Jress &f/VCrt ^f^JV/iAIBUCo!' jGOVAHTfcSA

For «II infermati*»» OJC«nir CANOUANCTftMA «-pply to - fOocogtff H.TATTAM, SefTftürtf *-t tK* LoTváori OfhVí fejeind A. H.A.KIYOX-UTTLE.Ucal J)iTcc£i>r. í »«••«.« ât the Rio oU Jane*lro Office,'f .'cerre o -*•• A TV G9!i fl""'"*'^í. a*MAi(in*» J. «LORirviER, General X {P Coqüetrw*» /flariagcr, '77i ''/.'/£./. • aí tive Recife OfTi-ce. . /.!,. ) IHDEPÇNOEMan „ MAHANOaÁr i PLutv* anuo otnEiftc '/ jABEOtLLO DIRECT COMMUNICATIOM «I.AGO* (iOvao -st.*. *í ÍACARé RAHYBA MAÇBO, RECIFE, RWAHYBABc NATAL WOUlXjRANCE co't*4. >S JOÁO FARtTS. BETWCEN *0*A X^SIO/A f -rvi^ÇEIO CABACf.IRAiTf RECIFE /___»_; Ag_^ y/^ gjkg RECIFE -PARAHYBA -»l$70o rrf,w ?gurv tdfjoe'**? - r^vcof^i» RCÇ IFE /VATflL 3jps*v iiotsco ie.0íi>c %f/hv TAQUARETIMCAp G»'/>/ RACUHHACM

CBRtlO **4tf* ' 4*%a ^RECIFE laoôa dc baix hAttnes *«. u> ií»n-eiinHs «: ^^mbbe;

«fESQUEIRAo^Wií^ \J "?^gwTTt h^s E N »r ¦i*.f.í"1 i t í BUIQL' H. CO>íS*2st ) i 04 7 ^ "X, x. SARAI X Oatoba /(W)S^ CALV*' OTACA^IÜTA oaouàs ptuuvsy |B0« CON^EtMO ; OUt*Aeà *•*>.. /i-snTo qe PEORAC Tá \.GR«101 ) S-V ••• _A^OAS""^

r sasMsBsMaaOatt i^1-1' aaCTa33MWMt>Et««10^ÍCtJsgl3MCMsss^^-fcj j,™ a,wJumrjw»««jor.j«c .^^-n-nm-jiam^^n^ i^^-n-..^^^, DIRECT COMMUNICATION between RECIFE (Cinco Pontas) & MACEIÓ & Jaraguá on Wednesdays 8c Sundays between RECIFE (Brum) & PARAHYBA & Cabedello on Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdáys. From RECIFE (Brum) to NATAL on Mondays & Wednesdays. From NATAL to RECIFE (Brum) on Fridays. Sleeping at Independência.

~> THE BRAZILIAN REVIEW The Leopoldina Railway Company Limited

Head Office-No. 4 Fenchurch Street, London E.C. Cable Address "Latescence", London Office in Rio de Janeiro: No. 38 Rua da Gloria. Gable Address "Latescence", Rio de Janeiro. Telephone No. 511 London Secretary J. H. DRURY General Manager in Rio de Janeiro A. H. A. KNOX LITTLE. Length of Line 1440

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HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA — JVEW YORK OFFICE, 35 »ROAr> ©1\ >«P SAO PAULO, CASA M4RTINIC0 RIO DE JANEIRO, 76 AVENIDA CENTRAL The city of São Paulo, which is the capital of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is situated in the valley of the Tietê River, SOO meters above the sea levei and .i5 miles from Santos, the sea of port this State. The climate is delightful throughout the year, rksembling very closely that of Southern Califórnia. São Paulo is a city of 300,000 inhabitants and may easily be seen by travellers touching at the ports of Santos or Rio de Janeiro, the journey from Santos to São Paulo by railway taking 2 hours and Irom Rio to São Paulo 12 hours. On account of the natural resources of the btate of São Paulo and owing to its peculiar location, the City of São Paulo is one of the most important commercial cen- ters in South America. THE SAO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT & POWER CQ. LTD. i'' operates ali the tramway lines in São Paulo and supplies ali the electric light and power. Electricity is developed hydraulically, utilizing the falls of the Tietê River, some Si kilometers bêlow the^city. 12,000 H. P. is developed there at present and works are now in progress for a large increase to the to enable the Company plant to meet the constantly increasing demand for power. Four distinct circuits on two separate steel pole lines convey the current from the Power House to the Substation in São Paulo where the current is converted for tramway, light and power uses.The Company operates 125 kilometers of track, covering the entire city. The population of the city being largely Italian good labor is readily obtained. This and the cheap rates for power is causing many new manufactories to be built. Information concerning the resources of the country and that relative to the establishment of new industries, prices for power etc. can be obtained by application to any of the oifices of the Company. THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY (IINCOKPOKATED BY ROYAL CIIA11TER IN 183») WEEKLY SAILINGS TO EUROPE AND THE RIVER PLATE <&. Asinrias 12,500 tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Avtn li. 000 Amaann. 30.000 Danube 6,500 Clvde. 6,600 Aruguaya 10,500 Aragon. 10.000 Thames 6,000 Nile.. 6,000 Tcl. (MlAIIII S — IIi «» i». o. b. ai e. l. HARRisoN-Representative — 53 and 55, Avenida Central

-«p»«Kl» «r Tfin,0',*|Bi /—J~\ G AJN H y"""«\ N >*"*$-"*. ACIONAL RUA 130 AQÜEDÜCTO IVo. 108-SANTA THEREZA BIO DE JANEIRO - Telephone M. 1341,000 FEET ABOVE THE SEATelegraphio Address - MHNTÜES - BIO I

" &W ^^- \ /3j (mmiwk lV :,íhHE^p^^^í^*'-' -



N. B. — A RepbeseüfTative raeeta ali the pasaenger aceamers arriving at Rio, to see to the guesta' luggage and comfort, and personally conduots theTn to the Hotel, the services of interpreteis or guidea being therefore uunecessary. AyW'"Z -«»»«--—^h

______H___^___^_B___^^^^^^^^^^^__l __P^^^___«^^^______B_B^ ¦•^l_r * íl 1 __ li JiII li 1 V j| I ^r rv


SOCIÉTÉ FINANCÈRE El COfolWERCIALE FRANCO BRESILIENNE *•¦* * ¦•'V Succs: of NAfí-AN & ÇO.^ do Correio O. , Box) K. S PAULO. Tel.trraphi*Rua de S. Bento 43; Caixa (P. >' Adílr^s: "I.U1MCKV Rua de Novembro 13. Caixa do Correio (P. O. Box) 147 SANTOS, Quinze ' «WVSAUIV Telet.râ|»lii<> Adi|r««» n ^iM#o^q?E'li^s: ^xporÍíicrs ais» gbpjehai. ííiekchants -^^?-«M^- 4^^€N^9^4K s E&3;?^;ts{__yÇ_$^S_j^»BiKSi_5^&_?_K_i _5w IsSsSShbt^-*'.'1* SriSIks '^ ítál 15Í3Brt!aSsi__JHBS_ffi»• •'• • :-'V__ Calciuni Carbide.

Agricultural and ^*_^)ftl_M!_P?_^^ Industrial Maehiny. Sole representativo ia the State of São Paulo

OF General Hardware, The Standard Oil Co., Gas and Watér ^S«w»S»____^ S^IÍ_Bt_K_i_k_-__--_RS^_-ÍR_iS^_-_ OIT >EW YORK Pipes and Fittinga. _í

^_^^CTa^a__Í^^_SH^___^BfÉBBff^H-_r!nifff BíSKawlfl':^B'IjS ^aE^a8SywB|__B_j^_?i_f__Rn_6 1W—i-MMB W Br K _f{Su§( bBP? fyj*flj||(x*jC|K*vK^£ •~*^_5__y^XjT_3ffpgjy^>v^ 8 _ _ r5_S^

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