3fe limita mmm ./' INDEX TO ls-í PART OF VOLUME XI Si* months Janaaf y to Jane 1908 ->*oOo<- A. Rubber Trade Directory (1908) 433 Visible supply, Duuring and Zoon 242 Speech by Brazilian Cônsul in London..548 Washed Coffee scarce643 Willett and Gray's circular 340 A;e, Tlie, and the Bolivian lndemnty ... 431 The South Americana 3L9 Borroso and Saldanha 378 Tropical and Sun-Tropical America ²210 Coinagc, The new silver 3,227 Admirai- say Coins minted from 1903 1907 299,404 Alagoas :— What you want to say and how to to Portuguése 691 Conscription 122,232 BilN protested 3 it in Wrinkles in Practical Navigation 432 Conscription and status of foreigners ...176 Measage of Governor c:o " Dr. Rodrigues in Rome 131 Brazil and the Brussels Exhibition 227 Conversion, The Moniteur de Intérêts Alvos. and Matériel" on432 Amazon Steam Navigation Co 577, 685 Brazilian Cônsul at Birmingham Am»zonas:— Children'8 Courts 427 Correspondence:— Brazilian Review. Birthday of ..231, 256,305 Amongst head wnters of the Amazon.. 545 Brazil Cônsul at Southampton and Loan 190C 27;) British Issues (1907) 126 Budget, The 04!) R.M.S.P.C230 Muiiao. Improvements Company462, 550 (1908) Planteis and Retailing 210 Debt 657 Budget Expenditure 37 Manáos AlXaicipal Cotton:— iKduction in Rubber Export Duties .. 27!) Budget Revenue 9 of Governor 157 Budget, British, Summary of 578 American Cotton position 85 Rtfignation 97 Rt-M-iiue for 1907 180 Budget, São Paulo, for 1908 Crops and Consiimpt.on 168 on the Frontier 157, .180 Bureau of American Republica, laying of Growing crop, The 698 Skirmishing of new huilding—517 American fleet, visit of 14. 31, 34, 43, 65 Foundation Stone Imports of Textiles from Great 71, 73, 75, 7(5, 104, 130, 132 Britain, 12 months, Jaiuary to Ameiiean Methods *>» 34 c. December 1905-07 141 American Stringéncy 204 Shipments from Pernambuco 319,420 Argcitiná and the Falkland Islands ..... 348 Caixa de Conversão and Dr. Custodio, 537,646 Argentina, more pin-pricks 173, 299 Coelho'8 letter to Minister of Finance472 Statisties of cotton mills in Rio 409 Argentino Foreign Trade (1007) 305 Caixa de Conversão, heavy withdrawals Credit to the World 150 I of 250 Cricket 468, 495, 606, 629,C57 Assf.stination, an epideniic from ,r37 ; Commercial do R'o de Janeiro 863 Caixa de Conversão, its funetions 337 Costudio Coelho, Dr. and Editor of B. R.31 A8.80Giac.3o ¦' • ¦ Auairc-Hurigarlan Minister, the new 326 Capital, New for Brazil 304 Costudio Coelho, letter to Minister of Fi- Bahia:— Chambers' Journal and Healthy Bra- nance 472, 676,C78 Ce IVEclairage •• 20") zilian Ports 122 Custom House, enlargement of 427 Formafon of new Fire Brigade o47, 598 Coal, Production and Consumption 8 Custom House, goods abandoncd in 350 Great Fire at 278, 302, 3S0, 430 Coal, Indian output of 300 683 H. B. M. Consuls Report Cocoa:— D. Debt 430 Et tu quoque 281 Municipal Deaths:— Municipal Loan 601 Production and Consumption of 231 Port Works •••• 480 World'3 Crop ^2 Barão de Ribeirão de Almeida 301 Prcsldential e'ection ií><5, 575 Coffee:— Cleveland, ux-President 683 Rc\enue (1907) 106 Bank of France and Coffee Warrants Dr. Joaquim de Toledo Pisa e Almeida459 643,695 M arslial de Cantareira 325 Bulletin du Correspondance 265 Department of Public Health, Proposed Bánks:- Brazilian Cônsul iri London and Coffee new regulations 598 American 463 Propaganda 15(> Doumer, Mr., on Brazil 518, 543625 Anglo-South to Government of Bancc. Commercio e Industria 382 Centro's Proposals Dredging, Messrs. W. Simons and Co. ..598 Rio 642 Banco de Credito Real (S. Paulo) 331 Minas and Dumped Hops 464 do Província do Rio Grande 465 Cia Registradora de Santos68,84 Dumping 280 Banco Jan. to Nov. 1903-1907....113 Banco União do Commercio 257, 271) Consumption, 363 Cônsul Schlechtà and Coffee corner..290,310 E. Exports 415 of Brazil 431, 434 Discussion, re Speculative Bank 56659 of Brazil, and Dr. Custodio Dumont Coffee Company English as she is Wrote605 Bank 340 Coelho's letter 43!) Dutch estimates Espirito Santo, New President of 575 brandi 157 Duuring and Zoon's report113, 242,340 Exchange, The course of 1905-07, dia- Bank of Brazil, Manáos 440,565 apropos of 279 grani 338 Bank failures, "Economist" Valorisation 269 de Paris et des Pays Bas .... 31 and 419 Exhibition, The.. 182, 200, 226, 273, 403, 426 Banque of " O Estado de São Paulo Banque L'Union Parisienne 31 Estimates 520, 546 571 of Centro do Commercio de Biitish Bank of South America... .279, 325 Estimates Expenditure and Revenue 6 354, 357, 452 Café C42 Exports, lst 9 months 1906-07 151 retires 69.) Bank &ai> 46R Evers, Mr. Charles, lst 11 months 1906-07 69 De- UZ-e of Governor-elcct ••<t. Gesellschaft 305, 384, 385 Extract from speech 12 months 19C6-07178 188 Di: São Paulo 128 Dn;, i r Bank 305, 331 of and supplement to No. 26. 94 Planting 642 331 Fiscal.- it •¦» of the Foreign Banks Fresh Exports, January locked up capital 311 Good for Asthma 207 January and February 384 Local L i*>.v and 160,5p9 l Brazilian Bank ..498. 550, 552 Hayn Roman's circular Londo.'; stocks are kept by us507 ! River Plate Bank .--...6, 17, 48 How entries and F. London of Brazilian coffee to Java217 Movement"Banks,.,„ of National and Foreign Imports " ,n3' 692 " Kreutz Zeitung and Valorisation ..642 Report of Minister of551 ••• " Finance, Bank 208 Madras Mail" and the crop 695 and Supplement to No. 22. Proposed Franco-Brazilian Consumers 506 Germany 301 Minas Government and Finance, Report of Minister compared Rei:chbank, Government and Roasters 418 Schaaffhausenscher Bankverein ..-.. 355 Minas with that of President 586 363 Minas Government agent in Bruges445 Finance, The Year's, A splendid record..34 Sw ss Bankverein a0;'' reported selling at " Bill, The German 603 Minas Government Financial News," Approached by São BÒBPHé Antwerp133 Bo>'vS Received:— Paulo agents Cg5 281 of Coffee 218, 447,478 "Financial Brazil A. Adubacão das Flores Movement News" and 68 210 New Port of destination 69o A Adubação rational no citrecultura.. "Journal ,, and Brazilian peril..660: -•• 353 New York of Commérce"...418 ,, Mr. Marks and Editor A. B. C. da Agricultura 644 " • • •• 210 Nordlinger's Circular of B. R." 90,118 A Cultura do Coqueira Co's circular ..24, 138, 315,368 " " 657 Nortz and " Financial Times and Brazilian Securi- A Lavoura.....305, "O Bresileiro 562 da Escola da Minas da Ouro ties HO I Annaes São Paulo correspondent and São Preto • • • 333 Our Fiscal Fallacies 432 Paulo stock 56,393 Fiscalisation of Foreign Banks 94 Annuario de Estatística Demographo Coffee 353 Past and Present duties of Flour, Consumption of Wheat 605,661 Sanitário "O Paulo") 523 254 (From São Flour, Trade...631 Através do Cárcere and retailing 210 Locomotive Work, Planteis Football..351, 495, 524, 557, 606, 629, 657,691 Baldwin Possiblc tax on low-grade Coffee 615 Record No. 64 303 Foreign Affairs 686 Prós and Coos of Coffee prices 586 Imports and Ex- Boletin do instituto Agronômico 352 Foreign Trade, Our, Propaganda in State of São Paulo— Í906-07 151 Boletin da Propriedade Industrial..210, 254 ports, lst 9 months Report of Dr. Botelho and decree months 1906-07....69 Brazil of to-day 352 Foreign Trade, lst 11 353 regulating board 127 12 months, 1906-07 ..178,188 Children'8 Courts Foreign Trade, 152 Propaganda by Johnston and Wille ....166 to No. 26. Comtelhuro Business Calendar (1908) .. be- and Supplement 548 Propaganda in England—Contract Foreign Trade, January, 1908 331 Dados Climatologicos and E. Johnston 10 tween Government Foreign Trade, February, 1908 384 Dosagem de Adubos J. Traveis and Sons 315 do de Santos 210 and Foreign Trade, Argentine, 1907 305 Estatística porto Proposed loan of ten millions sterling 120, 255551 Exchange Diagram .••'"* 329 Foreign Trade, British 152 for Valorisation 6Í| falling off in 262 Review (Swiss Bankverein) .. Foreign Trade, British, Financial 152 Prospects in South Mysore 317 States 330,382 Fretas de Café ; • • Foreign Trade, United Pure Roasted Coffee Company 588 The Status of, Dr. Pires Gedenbjatterzurgoldenem Jubelfeier der " Jour- Foreigners, Purity of Coffee and New York 176 Firma Fred. Fuesers Kommandit " 242 Brandão 657 nal of Commérce " Financiers in Brazil 440 Gesellschaft •.••-.' as by Re- French des Princi- Question of Stocks given French Government and Emigration to Le Catalogue International view" 55'292 Publications Périodiques du Brazil 599,625 pales 353 Reported buying by São Paulo Govern- monde 254 ment ••••••••2G8 Leopoldina Railway Guide Philadephia, on the c. •••• 329 Roberts and Co., National Budget (Economist) situation 216 Gas:— Brasileiro «>48> 657 Produced 547 O Entomologista 585 Sales of Valorisation of Coffee 588,589 Amount O Fazendeiro 642, 644, 659, 672, 694,695 Another Strike Threatening ..574, 599,603 629 Power rates..306 O Immigrante •• Budget and the surtax 24 Company, The Light and with Minas Geraes São Paulo Openings for Trade São Paulo consignments C95 Cost of' 01,184 433 The 403,410 (Mr. G. Campbell) São Paulo Government refuses to sell Strike, Productores de Borracha 657 Plantas 254 3 million bags Convênio coffee 393 Gold:— Toste Zootechnique de São Paulo ..... 59, 319 Shipments from Victoria 172, 279, Propaganda do Estado do Rio de Jan- Paulo corres- Cheques, 3, ,382493 • • * 548 Statistical Problems (S. of ..3, 122, 255, 355, 464,603 eiro • 673 Movements 548 pondent) of the Wt>rld 685 Revista Brasileiro •••;••*,' Di'* Production Tax in kind in England 432 Report of Mr. Cônsul Casement (Traüe " " correspondent and defects of Reserves 235, 281 Times The scramble for 432 of Santos) Coffee statisties 507 do "Jornal do Commercio Guarantee fund, sims received for 471 Retrospecto 254 Trading rules, New York 290 ——* \ II INDEX—January to June* 1908 ¦' H.
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