THE TEMPLE a Monthly Newsletter of the Temple -Tifereth Israel Beachwood, Ohio November 2017 the TEMPLE Cheshvan /Kislev 5778 Times TIFERETHISRAEL

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THE TEMPLE a Monthly Newsletter of the Temple -Tifereth Israel Beachwood, Ohio November 2017 the TEMPLE Cheshvan /Kislev 5778 Times TIFERETHISRAEL THE TEMPLE A Monthly Newsletter of The Temple -Tifereth Israel Beachwood, Ohio November 2017 THE TEMPLE Cheshvan /Kislev 5778 times TIFERETHISRAEL JOIN US FOR FEATURED FRIDAY WITH PROFESSOR JOHN GRABOWSKI, CWRU Friday, November 10 at The Temple 6 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat Service • 7 PM - Shabbat Dinner • 8 PM - Program Who Should Enter the Golden Door? An Immigration Policy in Historical Perspective The current political arguments about American immigration policy are the most recent manifestation of a debate about who should be admitted to the United States. It is a discussion, arguably based on the questions: what are America’s values and what is an “American”? For more than two centuries that discussion has been juxtaposed between idealism and an economic pragmatism often tinged by xenophobia. This presentation traces that debate from the eighteenth cen- tury to the present within the context of changing immigration patterns during that time. Professor Grabowski’s interests and research span the fields of public and academic history. He specializes in the areas of immigration and ethnicity; local (Cleveland) urban history; and public history, particularly the fields of archives and museums. He is the Krieger-Mueller Associate Professor of Applied History at Case Western Reserve University and the Krieger-Mueller Historian and Senior Vice President for Research and Publications at the Western Reserve Historical Society. Sponsored by the Diann G & Thomas A Mann Lecture Fund A 7:00 PM Shabbat Dinner will precede the program. Dinner - $16 per person (reservations required) Shabbat dinner reservations can be made at our Online Payment Center at, by calling The Temple reservation line at 216.831.3233, ext. 162, email, or mail reply slip on page 7. RABBINIC SEARCH UPDATE The Rabbinic Search Committee is fully engaged in the process of selecting our new Senior Rabbi. Through the assistance of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), we have received multiple resumes including one from our own Rabbi Rosie Haim. Our committee carefully reviewed these resumes and determined which candidates to advance to the next stage. The next step in the search process was to conduct video interviews of the out-of-town candidates. Several of these interviews took place in October and, if necessary, others will take place in early November. The committee spent approximately one hour with each candidate, engaging with them on topics that are important to all of us. The candidates have also been asked to submit written responses to three questions drafted by committee members. Rabbi Rosie Haim will be included in the final group of candidates to be interviewed. We want you to know that much of what we are asking the candidates – through interviews or written questions – was derived from ideas and comments that were provided to the committee by members of our Congregation at the Annual Meeting and from sessions that were held with our staff and educators. Members of the committee are so grateful for your input. We consider the search for a Senior Rabbi to be a sacred responsibility, and every committee member is committed to ensuring that the historic legacy of our beloved congregation endures. It is not too late to send an email with your comments or questions; we would love to hear from you! Our email address is – Jane Joseph and Dr. Howard Epstein, Co-chairs, Rabbinic Search Committee THE TEMPLE -TIFERETH ISRAEL page 2 6:00 PM KABBALAT SHABBAT MORNING TORAH STUDY SHABBAT SERVICES LED BY RABBI ROGER C. KLEIN Saturdays, November 4, 11, 18 & 25 at 9:15 AM Friday, November 3/14 Cheshvan Torah Portion: Vayera All Are Welcome! Genesis 18:1-22:24 Open to long-time participants and newcomers alike. Friday, November 10 /21 Cheshvan Torah Portion: Chayei Sarah Genesis 23:1-25:18 WE’RE JAZZING UP SHABBAT! Friday, November 17/28 Cheshvan PM Torah Portion: Toldot Friday, November 3 at 6:00 Genesis 25:19-28:9 Join our rabbis and cantor for a special jazz Shabbat service This unique Shabbat experience features five Friday,November 24*/6 Keslev of Northeast Ohio's top jazz artists: Torah Portion: Vayetze Marshall Griffith, piano; Dean Newton, bass; Brian Sweigart, Genesis 28:10-32:2 drums; Jack Schantz, trumpet; Paul Ferguson, trombone. * If you are celebrating a birthday An Oneg Shabbat will follow • Sponsored by the Morgenstern Family Music Fund or anniversary this month, please join us on this Shabbat to be called to the bimah for a special blessing! JOIN US FOR TGIS! WINE & CHEESE Friday, November 17 at 7:30 PM Join us for our participatory Shabbat PRE-ONEG service that is sure to touch your heart, Fri., November 10 engage your mind, and feed your soul. TG S T Families with children of all ages are ! 5:15 PM h t a a n b k b Sponsored by The Temple welcome to pray with us! G Sha Women’s Contact Rob Ross for questions at or 216.455.1699 Association The 6:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat service will be held as usual. TFC TRAVELING SHABBAT! Join with Temple families for this Friday mornings at 10:00 AM special Shabbat and delicious dinner! Beechmont Country Club Shira Chadasha 29600 Chagrin Boulevard ...SING A NEW SONG Friday, Nov. 17 at 6:00 PM Dinner Cost: $20 Adult $12 Children (12 and under) Friday, November 24 Shabbat dinner reservations can be 6:00 PM made at our Online Payment Center Join us for a musical at or by calling Shabbat experience! The Temple reservation line at 216.831.3233, ext. 162. WWW.TTTI.ORG page 3 FROM THE RABBI’S STUDY Now that the drama and spiritual resonance of our fall holidays are behind us, the Jewish festival year takes a breather during the month of Cheshvan. The original, and arguably the correct, name for that month, and by which the Tanach refers to it, is Mar Cheshvan, a conjunction of two words meaning “eighth month” in ancient Akkadian. (In the Torah’s chronology, the first month of the year is not Tishrei, when our present day fall holy days occur, but Nisan, the month when we celebrate Pesach.) In Hebrew, the word “mar” means bitter, and according to midrashic traditions, “Marcheshvan” suggests that Cheshvan is bitter, either because it has no holidays or was the month in which our matriarch, Sarah, died. While we may recall the sadness of the latter event, I’ve never met a rabbi or cantor who is bitter about a month in which Shabbat is the only sacred occasion! However, before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 5778 fade from memory, a few misconceptions need to be corrected. First those high holy days are not two separate events, but the two poles of a ten-day-long period known in tradition as aseret yamei hateshuvah, the Ten Days of Repentance. This reminds us that the process of repentance – reflection, recognition, remorse, reconciliation, and resolving to do better – is not a two or one-day exercise but an ongoing one. Further, while “Day of Atonement” is an occasion of particular intensity and focus, the importance of seeking and granting forgiveness is a daily imperative, not a yearly one. Consider for a moment how absurd it would be to claim that the only day one must be thoughtful and considerate toward one’s mother is Mothers Day, that the occasion on which it is important to express love is Valentine’s Day, or that the only day for gratitude is Thanksgiving. Those of us of a certain age remember Erich Segal’s bestseller, Love Story, which spawned the famous aphorism, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” If there has even been a more false and fatuous observation about relationships, I’ve never encountered it. The truth, of course, is exactly the opposite: Love means continually having to say we’re sorry. Thus, the Amidah section of the Jewish daily service contains a prayer for forgiveness and concludes with a silent prayer that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to God. The Ten Days of Repentance are not merely an occasion, but constitute a paradigm for building and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships and fostering ongoing personal growth. If we are wise, rather than locking the values, themes, and wisdom of the high holy days in a cabinet of unconsciousness until next year, we will make them a daily ethical and spiritual practice. Reflection, recognition, remorse, reconciliation, and resolving to do better, seeking and extending forgiveness, saying we’re sorry in a timely and genuine way will enable us to build upon the insights we gained in Judaism’s most sacred season. And don’t worry. We’ll still have enough repenting to do when the high holy days come around next year! L’shalom u’veracha – In Peace and Blessing, Rabbi Block MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND SAVE THE DATE! Temple Family Connections Presents FAMILY HANUKKAH CELEBRATION & ROCK MY SOUL SHABBAT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15 Join us as we celebrate Hanukkah with holiday crafts, Rock Shabbat dinner, Rock My Soul Service, and a festive Oneg. My JEWISH CAMPS WILL BE REPRESENTED FOR PARENTS TO LEARN Soul ABOUT SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES. DON’T MISS IT! Shabbat THE TEMPLE -TIFERETH ISRAEL page 4 MAZEL TOV TO OUR NOVEMBER B’NAI MITZVAH TEFTY All are invited to attend the Shabbat services as we welcome these B’nai Mitzvah. MONDAY MADNESS Kelsi Ann Collins Monday, November 13 Saturday, November 4 at 11:00 AM 6:00 - 7:00 PM Kelsi is the daughter of Robin Collins and Joe Collins, of Followed by Chai Learning blessed memory.
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