School of Social Sciences

Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Postgraduate Dissertation

“Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

Ioanna Papanikolopoulou

Supervisor: Apostolos Giovanis

Patras, , September 2019

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“Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

Ioanna Papanikolopoulou

Supervising Committee

Supervisor: Co-Supervisor: Apostolos Giovanis Lamprini Piha

Patras, Greece, September 2019 Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

“To my daughters Aggeliki and Theodora and to my lovely husband.”

Postgraduate Dissertation iv Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”


The tourism is undoubtedly one of the main economic sources of Greece, contributing decisively to its development and prosperity. The ancient Greek and Roman civilization, our history, the sun and the sea, the thousand of islands, the abundant artistic and cultural activities, the rich national and local traditions and our religion reflect on a very wide range of tourist activities attracting millions of visitors every year from abroad as well as inside Greece. However, the endless Greek beauty does not have to preserve Greece as a timeless and value tourist power. There is a need for a lasting strategic business plan that will create the appropriate tourist conditions. The marketing is a main scientific tool which is necessary to achieve economic growth and survival of a touristic destination. This plan should be evaluated and adapted constantly. This dissertation deals with the strategic tourism marketing plan of Prefecture of Achaia which aims to promote and advertise the region as a tourist destination. With the help of the Strategic Marketing Plan, the strengths and the weaknesses of the region as well as the opportunities and threats will be examined. Through the marketing mix, a scientific approach will be made to the topic, with the aim of more effective visibility, upgrading of the tourist product and, more generally, the attraction of more visitors. The implementation of the strategic marketing plan in the Prefecture of Achaia will create a more competitive destination. Τhe proposed project could be a useful tool for all stakeholders involved in the tourism of the Prefecture of Achaia, with a view to highlighting and promoting the positive aspects of the region in order to lead the region to further growth and prosperity.


Tourism, Tourist Marketing, Strategic Marketing Plan, Prefecture of Achaia

Postgraduate Dissertation v Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”


Ο τουρισμός αποτελεί αναμφίβολα μία από τις κύριες οικονομικές πηγές της Ελλάδας, συμβάλλοντας αποφασιστικά στην ανάπτυξη και την ευημερία του. Ο αρχαίος ελληνικός και ρωμαϊκός πολιτισμός, η ιστορία μας, ο ήλιος και η θάλασσα, τα χιλιάδες νησιά, οι άφθονες καλλιτεχνικές και πολιτιστικές δραστηριότητες, οι πλούσιες εθνικές και τοπικές παραδόσεις και η θρησκεία μας αντανακλούν ένα ευρύ φάσμα τουριστικών δραστηριοτήτων που προσελκύουν εκατομμύρια επισκέπτες κάθε χρόνο από το εξωτερικό καθώς και από την Ελλάδα. Ωστόσο, η ατελείωτη ελληνική ομορφιά δεν χρειάζεται να διατηρήσει την Ελλάδα ως μια διαχρονική και αξιόλογη τουριστική δύναμη. Υπάρχει ανάγκη για ένα μακροπρόθεσμο στρατηγικό επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο που θα δημιουργήσει τις κατάλληλες τουριστικές συνθήκες. Το μάρκετινγκ είναι ένα βασικό επιστημονικό εργαλείο που είναι απαραίτητο για την οικονομική ανάπτυξη και την επιβίωση ενός τουριστικού προορισμού. Το σχέδιο αυτό πρέπει να αξιολογείται και να προσαρμόζεται συνεχώς. Αυτή η διατριβή ασχολείται με το στρατηγικό σχέδιο μάρκετινγκ του τουρισμού της Νομαρχίας Αχαΐας, το οποίο αποσκοπεί στην προώθηση και προβολή της περιοχής ως τουριστικού προορισμού. Με τη βοήθεια του στρατηγικού σχεδίου μάρκετινγκ, θα εξεταστούν τα δυνατά σημεία και οι αδυναμίες της περιοχής καθώς και οι ευκαιρίες και οι απειλές. Μέσω του μάρκετινγκ, θα γίνει επιστημονική προσέγγιση στο θέμα, με στόχο την αποτελεσματικότερη προβολή, την αναβάθμιση του τουριστικού προϊόντος και, γενικότερα, την προσέλκυση περισσότερων επισκεπτών. Η εφαρμογή του στρατηγικού σχεδίου μάρκετινγκ στο νομό Αχαΐας θα δημιουργήσει έναν πιο ανταγωνιστικό προορισμό. Το προτεινόμενο έργο θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει χρήσιμο εργαλείο για όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους στον τουρισμό του Νομού Αχαΐας παράγοντες, με στόχο την προβολή και προώθηση των θετικών πτυχών της περιοχής, προκειμένου να οδηγήσει την περιοχή στην περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη και ευημερία.

Λέξεις – Κλειδιά

Τουρισμός, Τουριστικό Μάρκετινγκ, Στρατηγικό Σχέδιο μάρκετινγκ, Νομός Αχαΐας.

Postgraduate Dissertation vi Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

Table of Contents

Abstract ...... v Περίληψη...... vi List of Figures ...... ix List of Tables ...... x List of Abbreviations & Acronyms ...... xi Part A. Introduction ...... 1 Chapter 1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 The Subject of work ...... 1 1.2 Methodology ...... 1 1.3 The structure of work ...... 2 Part B. - Literature Review ...... 4 Chapter 2 Theoretical Approach of Tourism ...... 4 2.1 Conceptual determination of Tourism and the Tourists...... 4 2.1.1 The definition of Tourism ...... 4 2.1.2 The definition of the tourists and their characteristics...... 5 2.2 Historical Evolution of Tourism ...... 6 2.3 Types of Tourism ...... 8 2.4 Impact of Tourism ...... 9 2.5 Categories of Tourism ...... 11 2.6 The Importance of Tourism in Greece...... 12 Chapter 3 The Tourism Marketing ...... 15 3.1 The meaning of Marketing ...... 15 3.2 The meaning of Tourism Marketing ...... 17 3.3 The marketing research...... 19 3.3.1 The concept of marketing research...... 19 3.4 Segmentation of the tourist market...... 20 3.5 Marketing mix in Tourism...... 21 3.6 Strategic Marketing Planning in Tourism...... 22 Chapter 4 The Prefecture of Achaia ...... 25 4.1 Geographical and morphological features...... 25 4.2 Demographic features and educational level...... 26 4.3 Economic features ...... 32 4.4 The infrastructures in the prefecture of Achaia ...... 35 4.4.1 Transport Network, Health Units, Educational and Sports Infrastructures...... 35 4.5 Tourist resources in Prefecture of Achaia...... 38 4.5.1 Natural and environmental resources...... 39 4.5.2 Historical and cultural resources...... 39 4.6 Forms of alternative tourism in Achaia...... 41 4.7 Forms of special interest of tourism in Achaia...... 42 4.8 Tourist services in Prefecture of Achaia...... 44 4.8.1 Tourist lodgings in Achaia...... 44 4.8.2 Tourist arrivals, overnights and hotel occupancy in Achaia ...... 45 4.8.3 Tourist movement in Achaia...... 46 Part C. Methodology ...... 51 Chapter 5 Primary Tourism Marketing Research in Public Sectors and Local Authorities 51 5.1 The Methodology of tourism marketing research...... 51 5.2 Participation of the local authorities for primary research analysis ...... 51

Postgraduate Dissertation vii Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

Chapter 6 Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism in Prefecture of Achaia ...... 53 6.1 The mission statement ...... 53 6.2 The current situation analysis...... 53 6.3 Internal and External Environment (SWOT Analysis) ...... 54 6.4 Marketing Objectives...... 55 6.5 Marketing Strategy...... 56 6.6 Marketing Budget...... 59 6.7 Control and evaluation...... 60 Chapter 7 Conclusions ...... 61 References ...... 63 Appendix A: “Questionnaire” ...... 66

Postgraduate Dissertation viii Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

List of Figures

Figure 1: Map of Prefecture of Achaia…………………………………………………...25 Figure 2: Gender distribution of Achaia (2011)………………………………………….27 Figure 3: The marital status of population of Achaia…………………………………….28 Figure 4: The population of Achaia per Age……………………………………………..29 Figure 5: Citizenship of Achaia…………………………………………………………..30 Figure 6: Educational level……………………………………………………………….31 Figure 7: Employment by productive sector……………………………………………..32 Figure 8: Passengers moving abroad during 1994-2017………………………………....47 Figure 9: Passengers moving broad during 1994-2017…………………………………..49

Postgraduate Dissertation ix Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

List of Tables

Table 1: Basic Figures of Economy in Greece 2018……………………………………..12 Table 2: The population and the gender distribution of Achaia per each municipality….26 Table 3: The marital status of the population of Achaia…………………………………27 Table 4: The age distribution of the population of Achaia……………………………….28 Table 5: The citizenship of the Prefecture of Achaia………………….…………………29 Table 6: The educational level of the population of Achaia……………….……………..30 Table 7: Employment by productive sector………………………………………………31 Table 8: Gross Domestic Product in Achaia……………………………………………...32 Table 9: Gross value added by industry in Prefecture of Achaia………………………...33 Table 10: Hotels dynamic in Achaia for 2018……………………………………………44 Table 11: Hotels dynamic in Achaia for 2017……………………………………………44 Table 12: Rooms for rent for 2018……………………………………………………….45 Table 13: Rooms for rent for 2017……………………………………………………….45 Table 14: Arrivals, overnights in hotel establishments the period 2010-2017…………...45 Table 15: Occupancy in hotel establishments the period 2010-2017…………………….46 Table 16: Passengers moving abroad during 1994-2017…………………………………46 Table 17: Passengers moving broad during 1994-2017……………………………...... 48 Table 18: Traffic data to/from foreign destinations of Port of Patras……………………49 Table 19: Traffic data to/from local destinations of Port of Patras………………………50 Table 20: Cruise Ship Traffic on Patras Port……………………………………………..50 Table 21: Visitors to Museums / Archaeological Sites 2010-2018……………………....50 Table 22: SWOT Analysis………………………………………………………………..54

Postgraduate Dissertation x Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

List of Abbreviations & Acronyms

AIA: Athens International Airport. BoG: Bank of Greece B.C.E.: Before Common Era CTI: Computer Technology Institute Diophantos ELSTAT: Hellenic Statistical Authority FORTH: Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas GDP: Gross Domestic Product GSRT: General Secretariat for Research & Technology HCH: Hotel Chamber of Hotels. HOU: Hellenic Open University ICE-HT: Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences and High Temperature Chemical Processes ICT: Information and Communication Technologies. ISI: Industrial Systems Institute. INSETE: Institute of the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises KM: Kilometers MBA: Master of Business Administration PSP: Patras Science Park RTD: Research and Technological Development R & D: Research and Development SETE: Greek Tourism Confederation SQ KM: Square Kilometers SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats TEI: University of Applied Sciences UNWTO: United World Tourism Organization. WEF: World Economic Forum. WTTC: World Travel & Tourism Council

Postgraduate Dissertation xi Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

Part A. Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The Subject of work

The objective of this work is to study the tourism marketing. The tourism sector remains one of the major sources of economic development in Greece despite the economic crisis of the past few years. The consumer’s preferences for the tourism are changing with the passing of time. All the regions of Greece are not in the same tourist developed degree. For that reason, the tourists prefer to search destinations that offer more than the basics. This has the effect of applying the principles of marketing to be considered today urgent to deal with economical, social and environmental issues. Therefore, for Greece the tourism marketing is an opportunity to gain comparative advantage.

The purpose of this dissertation is to present and define a strategic analysis of the prefecture of Achaia for tourism in order to adapt it as a tourist product in the domestic and international tourist demand and achieve a sustainable tourism. In this dissertation the major role has the primary research which is carried out and creates significant conclusions. The prefecture of Achaia despite of the geographical position as it is a passage from the west to east and from the north to south it is an interesting case study and research. The use of the marketing tools can direct to a destination in the mild development which aims to upgrade the tourist product.

The adoption of an integrated strategic marketing plan from the local authorities but also the collaboration between the state, the local government and the tourism businesses will be able to make a significant contribution to improve the tourist services offered in the region of Achaia and highlight one of the most popular destinations.

1.2 Methodology

This dissertation consists of a case study. In the case studies usually use an approach from qualitative and quantitative research. We collect primary and secondary data from different sources. The primary data are collected with the help of the research tool of interviews from the local authorities. The secondary data are particularly collected from internet from sites such as the Hellenic Statistic Authority or the Ministry of Tourism and from the foreign and Greek bibliography.

Postgraduate Dissertation 1 Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

In the present work, the methodology that is followed includes the data concentration with the following ways:

1.) The analysis of international and Greek bibliography 2.) The concentration of data for the present condition of the region from reliable sources. 3.) Carrying out research with in-depth interviews from the public and local authorities of the prefecture of Achaia.

With the collection of data from the sources mentioned above, a critical evaluation and the synthesis is carried out, ultimately resulting in the final target of the work being the creation of an appropriate Strategic Marketing Plan for tourism in the Prefecture of Achaia.

1.3 The structure of work

This dissertation includes three parts. In the Part A, it is presented the introduction and includes Chapter 1. The Chapter 1 includes the subject of work, the methodology and the structure of work.

In the Part B, it is described the literature review. It includes Chapter 2, 3 and 4. The Chapter 2 is presented the theoretical approach of tourism. Specifically, it is studied the meaning of tourism, the historical evolution, the impact of tourism and the importance for Greece and the characteristics of tourists.

The Chapter 3 is presented the meaning of marketing and especially the tourism marketing and the process of strategic marketing plan.

The Chapter 4 includes the description of the case study the prefecture of Achaia. In particular, it is presented the current situation in the region with the help of the geographic, demographic and economic elements of Achaia as well as the access and the infrastructures in the prefecture.

In the Part C, it is related with the methodology which includes the Chapter 5, 6 and 7. Specifically, the Chapter 5 refers the primary research which takes place with the local authorities. It is described the planning and the methodology was followed to conduct the

Postgraduate Dissertation 2 Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

research and the analysis of the results from the research as well as the conclusions are emerged to create the strategic tourism marketing plan for the Prefecture of Achaia. The Chapter 6 is analyzed the strategic tourism marketing plan for the prefecture of Achaia. It includes the strategic analysis, the strategic choice and direction, the strategic implementation, and control and evaluation.

Finally, the Chapter 7 is included the presentation of conclusions which came up from the study of the region of the prefecture of Achaia.

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Part B. - Literature Review Chapter 2 Theoretical Approach of Tourism

2.1 Conceptual determination of Tourism and the Tourists.

2.1.1 The definition of Tourism

There have been made many efforts to give a precise definition of tourism. There is a wide variety of definition of the meaning of “Tourism” in the international bibliography. The conceptual content of the term is not easy to be defined.

The tourism is undoubtedly a major economic activity that is correlated with other sectors of economy and is one of the main sources of income for the developing country. Τhe tourism industry has grown faster than the world trade representing it 7% of global exports of goods and services at 2016. (UNWTO, 2017)

One of the first attempts made to define the definition of tourism was this one from Hunziker and Krapt that they expressed that tourism is the whole of phenomena and relationships arising out the realization of a trip and the accommodation of non residents provided that they do not lead to permanent residence and are not linked to any gainful activity. (Igoumenakis N, 1999)

Another approach is according to Goeldner and Ritchie (2009), tourism is defined as the processes, the activities, and the outcomes arising from the relationships and the interactions among the tourists, the tourism suppliers, the host governments, the host communities, and all the surrounding environments that are involved in the attracting and hosting of visitors.

Generally, the tourism is an economic phenomenon which happens when people move from one place to another satisfying their spiritual and psychosomatic needs exploring a different place in the context of leisure activities or business activities without exceeding the maximum of one year. Tourism is an industry which includes a world of hotels, the travel, the transportation and all the needs and wants of travelers. (Goeldner C.R. & Ritchie J.R., 2009) In the similar definition is the approach of Lagos (2005), that tourism is defined as "a multidisciplinary economic and social phenomenon, which happens when individuals change their natural environment and life rhythms that satisfy their psychosomatic needs

Postgraduate Dissertation 4 Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

and spiritual curiosities, through conscious and exclusively for this purpose temporary transfer to foreign geographical location and stay there for up to one year, where they develop specific activities as leisure, holiday, business, religious, etc. (Lagos, 2005)

2.1.2 The definition of the tourists and their characteristics.

All the people either individually or in groups who realize touristic movements are called tourists. The main characteristics of tourists are:

 the people who travel for recreation, for family reasons, for health reasons,  the people who travel to participate to conferences,  the people who travel for business purposes,  the people who arrive by sea tours.

The characteristics of people who are not tourists are:  the people who travel for permanent establishment in one place,  the permanents residents of living in one country move to another to work,  the people who travel with or without a contract of employment to work in another place,  the travelers which pass through a country without stopping even if the length of time of the passage is longer than a 24-hour. (Koltsidopoulos G, 2000)

According to Lagos (2005), in 1994 the World Tourism Organization is classified the meaning of travelers including tourists as a sub-category of visitors. Therefore, a traveler is every person who makes a trip for any purpose other than to work either in the interior of his country or abroad. A visitor is any person who moves to a different geographical location from the one who is permanently resident for any purpose and for a period of less than 12 consecutive months. The visitor is distinguished in tourists and in excursionists.

The tourist is the temporary visitor who stays for at least 24 hours in a private accommodation in the visited country and the purpose of the visit is for recreation and vacations, for a business activity, for studies, health, religion etc.

In the concept of the tourist are included the following categories:

 the foreigners – non-nationals, that those who visit a country other than their own for at least 24 hours and stay for up to one year  the nationals residing abroad, who are permanently residing abroad and who travel to their country of origin for at least 24 hours

Postgraduate Dissertation 5 Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

 the crew members – non residents, those who temporarily discontinue their trip to refuel and stay in the country they are visiting for more than 24 hours

The excursionist is the temporary visitor who stays less than 24 hours in a place visited and does not stay in collective or individual accommodation. In the excursionists are included the cruise passengers, who are the people that travel one or more days and stayed overnight in ships, the same-day visitors, who are the people that leaving within 24 hours of the country they visit without overnight stays, the crews, who are people who are not permanent residents of the country but visit and stay there for the whole day and stay in a ship and the border shopper, who are people visiting cross-border areas other than working to make purchases. (Lagos, 2005)

2.2 Historical Evolution of Tourism

The tourism is not a contemporary phenomenon. The roots of tourism came from the ancient years. The invention of money by the Babylonians and the development of trade beginning about 4000 B.C.E. mark the beginning of the modern era of travel. Not only were the Sumerians the first to grasp the idea of money and use it in business transactions, but they were also first to invent cuneiform writing and the wheel, so they should be credited as the founders of the travel business. People could now pay for transportation and accommodations with money or by barter. (Goeldner C.R. & Ritchie J.R., 2009)

According to Koltsidopoulos (2000), the area of tourism development is considered in the antiquity of Mesopotamia and the Eastern Mediterranean. There was a need of communication between the countries and for that reason, the creation of diplomatic and commercial missions would pave the way for each other. This is how the travel began and was the first form of communication between different cultures. The main aims of the trips were the development of the trade, the promotion of political influence and the search for new markets. The main means of transportation were the animal carriages and the wooden riverboats. Progressively, the construction of roads (Mesopotamia, Crete, and Mycenaean) begins which increases the travels and tours mainly for cultural and religious reasons.

Five thousand years ago, cruises were organized and conducted from Egypt. Probably the first journey ever made for purposes of peace and tourism was made by Queen Hatshepsut to the land of Punt (believed to be on the east coast of Africa) in 1480 B.C.E. Descriptions

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of this tour have been recorded on the walls of the temple of Deir el - Bahri at Luxor. These texts and bas - reliefs are among the world’s rarest artworks and are universally admired for their wondrous beauty and artistic qualities. The Colossi of Memnon at Thebes have on their pedestals the names of Greek tourists of the fifth century B.C. (Goeldner C.R. & Ritchie J.R., 2009)

During the roman period, it was started building roads in about 150 B.C. using stones and concrete. The Romans travelled to see famous temples in the Mediterranean area such as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Olympic Games in Greece, medicinal baths and seaside resorts and other festivals, theatrical productions, athletic competitions and other forms of entertainment and amusement. (Goeldner C.R. & Ritchie J.R., 2009)

Following the destruction of Roman Empire the inland transportation was restricted throughout the medieval period and the communication was deteriorated. The horse transport was limited and the movements were very slow. (Lickorish & Jenkins, 1997) During the medieval period, there were two forms of tourism, the university tourism and the tourism of the great religious events and the feasts. During the rebirth, people travelled with the main purpose of the pleasure and especially the curiosity. In the early of 19th century made the appearance the word of the “tourism” and the “tourist”. At that time marked the discovery and spread of the railroad, which was also the first means of mass transit. The first tourist guides were issued. At the end of the century, it is noticed the development of luxury hotels in the major urban centers of Europe such as Paris, Rome, London (Varvaresos Stelios, 2000)

In 1841, Thomas Cook introduced the first package tour (Lickorish & Jenkins, 1997). He was organized a special excursion with train from Leicester to Loughborough in England (Goeldner C.R. & Ritchie J.R., 2009). His unique contribution was the organization of the whole the trip, the transportation, the accommodation and the activities in the destination that it is called today the touristic product. Thomas Cook and his company expanded rapidly and he offered a range of tours in Europe, America and further away (Lickorish & Jenkins, 1997).

At the beginning of the 20th century, the tourist phenomenon is changing. The most important role has played the economic conjuncture of 1905-1914, the First World War, the economic crisis of 1929, the inflationary tendencies that destroy the renters. It was the

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period that the automobiles entered in the travel scene. A road network became available leading to the automobile’s dominance of the travel industry (Goeldner C.R. & Ritchie J.R., 2009). Also, in that period many countries adopt postpaid holidays. Postpaid holidays contribute to institutionalizing the right of people to vacation in social categories previously characterized blocked from using tourist goods and services. (Varvaresos, 2000)

After 1945 until the present time has been the beginning of the period of technological revolution, the second industrial revolution. It was mainly the starting of the massive tourism. This occurred from a massive increase in wealth and disposable income together with equally changes in lifestyles and behavior. It has been a period of massive growth in travel in the richest countries of the world. Transport and other forms of communication, notably television and car ownership expanded quickly (Lickorish & Jenkins, 1997).

2.3 Types of Tourism

The World Tourism Organization is distinguished the tourism in the following types (Lagos, 2005):  The international tourism includes the total of the outbound tourism and inbound tourism.  The outbound tourism refers to the permanent residents of one’s country who travel to another country.  The inbound tourism refers to foreigners who travel to another country.  The domestic tourism includes the residents of one’s country who travel only in their country.  The internal tourism includes the total of the domestic tourism and the inbound tourism.  The national tourism refers to the total of domestic and outbound tourism.

According to Koltsidopoulos (2000), the distinctions of types of tourism are many and depend on the elements from which the distinction is made. There are types of tourism:  from geographical and administrative aspect, which includes the domestic and outbound tourism,

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 in terms of tourist crowds, which includes the individual tourism and the mass or group tourism,  in terms of season, which includes continuous or annual tourism and seasonal tourism,  in terms of form (purpose or reason), which includes the classic form of tourism and the alternative or special forms of tourism,  in terms of the size of the tourist crowd, which includes the low tourist season, the middle tourist season and the high tourist season,  in terms of means of transport, which includes the tourism by car, the tourism by rail, the tourism by boat, the air tourism, the cycling tourism, the hiking tourism (Koltsidopoulos G, 2000).

2.4 Impact of Tourism

Τhe tourism as a basic need for the human in nowadays, could affect all the processes of an organized society affecting its vital places. These effects are appeared to the society, the economy, the environment and the culture.

Social Impact The tourism constitutes a social phenomenon and is presented to organized societies and satisfies the need for escape from the people’s routine promoting human communication and human relations. Tourism affected positively the humanity and for that reason, the relations between the people of different countries with different cultures became narrower. The movement of people for vacations from one country to other country created friendships which otherwise would not have happened. The knowledge of how people live in a foreign country, the knowledge of the history of the spirit of the members of another social group brought man closer to the human being, closer to the exchange of views for the benefit of the social whole. The tourism is a human relation and the people live in the society and seek the relationship with the fellow man.

Economic Impact Τhe existence of various tourist goods and services creates economic activities for people engaged in tourism, with the result that they have an impact on their economic life. The satisfaction of the tourism needs of a tourist is the subject of economic transactions.

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There is no doubt that the tourism consists for many countries and particularly for the countries which are considered to be the reception area of tourists, the main driver of economic development and evolution, especially for the less developed countries. Always there are positive and negative aspects about the impact of tourism. People who support the tourism believe that the positive elements are the currency inflow, the increase of national income, the improvement of the balance of external payments, the new investments but the new employment opportunities resulting in unemployment reduction.

However, the negative aspects for the economy in countries which are the reception area of tourists are the agriculture and the industry are weakened, the economy of the country is becoming more vulnerable as it depends on the size of tourism, diversifies the natural environment with economic impact on the maintenance and restoration it.

The tourism is able to help the economy to increase the employment and the national income, which are the basic elements of a good economy. The other sectors of the economy such as agriculture, industry and shipping should not be overlooked. The tourism when it is organized and has solid foundations is not easily influenced by external factors then helps the economic development of the countries to a large extent.

Environmental Impact The environment where the human live has suffered from his behavior and as the results the impacts are huge. Τhe exploitation of the environment and its sacrifice in the altar of money has the result of negatively impacting. The large disasters from human intervention in the ecosystem change the image of a region and differentiate the climate changes as a point of reference for a touristic area. All that negative impacts from tourism to the environment could change positively from the development of alternative forms of tourism as the agro tourism, the ecotourism, mountain tourism. (Koltsidopoulos G, 2000).

The environment represents the main factor for tourism and the preservation of a healthy environment leads to the development of a region. Τhe economic health of tourism is based on ecological health. However, the development of the tourist sector of the tourist reception area activates the mass tourism, degrades and distorts the environment by increasing transport of tourists through means of transport resulting in increased pollution of the wildlife and flora. In addition, the appearance of huge hotels and camping in a

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touristic area affects negatively the environment as attracts a large number of tourists and alters the natural environment. (Varvaresos, 2000)

Cultural Impact The cultural impacts depend on the quality and the size of the tourist crowd that they are visiting a country. Especially, in domestic tourism where we have the movement of tourists, the cultural impacts, which accept the residents of areas, are positive when the tourists have a higher education level. The positive elements multiply and the residents of an area learn new ways of living and life conditions. (Koltsidopoulos G, 2000).

2.5 Categories of Tourism

The tourist market is categorized into individuals forms of markets based on some attributes that define the organizational and operational structure of tourists. The forms of tourism are related with the motivations and the needs of tourists. In general, people travel for two reasons. Firstly, when they must go somewhere for business or for family reasons or for reasons of health and secondly, when they want to relax and have pleasure. (Lagos, 2005)

The categories of tourism are below:  The mass tourism  The special interest tourism  The alternative tourism

The "mass tourism” depicts the classical approach of tourism which is related with the relaxation and the pleasure. This type of tourism is developed from the Second World War rapidly. The creation of new infrastructures and the development of the associated industries contribute to the massive and organized movements of tourists and to the hospitality of travelers. (Lagos, 2005)

The “special interest tourism” is a type of tourism that is based on the all tourist model that generate from the common special interests of the people. This includes the movements of people to the sights and places with a specific subject. The special interest tourism is the opposite of the mass tourism. Τhe main objective of the special interest tourism is the

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protection of the natural and cultural environment and the creation of new tourist destinations to attract travelers.

The categories of the special interest tourism are the followings: the social tourism, the religious tourism, the educational tourism, the health tourism, the congress and convention tourism, the exhibition tourism, the incentive tourism, the business tourism, the theme tourism and the urban tourism. (Lagos, 2005)

The “alternative tourism” includes a different way of vacations which the people connect the relaxation with the protection of the nature or the protection of the regional culture. The alternative tourism respects the environment and the needs of hospitality. The most knowing types of alternative tourism are: the ecotourism, the agro tourism, the outdoor tourism, the sports tourism, the cultural tourism, the marine tourism, the mountain tourism, the winter tourism, the ski tourism, the naturism tourism and the adventure tourism. (Lagos, 2005)

2.6 The Importance of Tourism in Greece.

Greece is one of the most tourist countries in the world where combines the sea and sun holidays and every year attract millions visitors. It consists of an ideal tourist destination. The visitors could experience the rich cultural heritage and the traditions by visiting the archaeological sites and attractions and enjoy a variety of activities such as sailing or cruising in the islands of Greece or visiting the thousands of beaches. The tourism sector is one of the few areas to draw the interest of investors and as a result, of its significance, it could function as a key driver of growth in Greece. (INSETE 2017)

In the table 1, it is described the situation in Greek Tourism for 2018 inside of the basic figures of development.

Table 1: Basic Figures of Economy in Greece 2018. Greek Tourism - Basic Figures 2018

Total Contribution to GDP 30,9% [ΙΝSΕΤΕ] Total Contribution to 25,9% of total employment [WTTC] Employment Total Employment 988.600 [WTTC] International Tourism 15,6 bn. € (cruise receipts are not included) [BoG] Receipts

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International Tourist Arrivals 30,1 millions ( cruise passenger arrivals are not included) Average per capita tourism 520 € ( cruise receipts are not included) expenditure 54,8% of international tourist arrivals are recorded in July - Seasonality August - September

Concentration of Supply 70% of hotel beds are concentrated in 4 areas of Greece [HCH] Hotel Capacity 10.121 hotels / 798.650 beds [HCH] Αthens (8.121.761), Heraklion (3.319.392), Rhodes (2.362.308), Top 5 airports (in (2.162.117), Corfu (1.509.219) [AIA, Fraport Greece international tourist arrivals) & Civil Aviation Authority] Source: The Greek Tourism Confederation:

According to World Economy Forum report in 2017, Greece is found in 24th position around the world. (Greece is one of the most popular worldwide tourist destinations, not only for the historical and cultural wealth but also for his natural beauty.) (WEF, 2017) According to the study “The Contribution of Tourism to the Greek Economy in 2018” of the Institute of the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises (INSETE) in May 2019, it is presented that in 2018,  Greece were welcomed almost 30.1 million tourists, residents of other countries (non-residents), and received almost € 15.9 billion,  more than 90% of the income from tourist activity comes from abroad, making tourism almost purely export activity,  acccording to ELSTAT's first estimate, the country's GDP, at current prices, in 2018 it stood at € 184,714 million, increased by + 2,5% compared with 2017 (€ 180,218 million),  has increased revenue from abroad by + 11.3% or + € 1.842 million (included transit costs and receipts from cruises),  from every € 1.0 tourist activity, additional € 1.2 to 1,65 additional economic activity. As a result for every € 1.0 tourist income, the GDP of the country is rising by € 2.2 to € 2.65, that is tourism a branch with great benefits diffusion in economy,  contributes directly to 16.7% of employment and overall (directly and indirectly) between 36.7% and 44.2% while was and is a key lever reducing unemployment,  the economy of three island regions depends entirely on tourism, since the contribution of tourism to Regional GDP is 47.2% at Crete, 71.2% in the Ionian

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Islands and 97.1% in the Southern Aegean Sea. These Regions have since the highest per capita GDP in the country, documenting the view that tourism leads to an improvement in living standards of the areas in which it develops.

From the above recearch we conclude that despite the economic crisis it is obvious the importance of tourism for Greek economy and on the other hand its dynamism in other markets.

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Chapter 3 The Tourism Marketing

3.1 The meaning of Marketing

To understand the marketing role in tourism, we should examine the definition of marketing as a management practice and then the concept of marketing in tourism. Many are the definitions that have been given at times for marketing. One of the best known is from the Professor of Marketing at the North Western University in the USA, Philip Kotler. (Lickorish & Jenkins, 1997)

According to Kotler and Armostrong (2012), marketing is defined as the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. In other words, the goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction. Nowadays, the marketing should be understood with the new sense of satisfying customer needs. If the marketer understands the consumer needs, then he develops products that provide superior customer value and prices, distributes, and promotes them effectively, these products will sell easily. (Kotler & Armostrong, 2012)

According to Holloway (2003), marketing is an administrative function that organizes and directs all those business activities that are involved in assessing customer needs and converting purchasing power into effective demand for a particular product or service and the movement of this product or service to the ultimate consumer so as to achieve the goal of profit. This meaning has three main characteristics. It is first an administrative function, second it constitutes the background and provides the framework for all activities undertaken by an enterprise and final highlight the needs of customers. (Holloway & Robinson, 2003)

According to Igoumenakis (1999), the marketing now no longer emphasizes the satisfaction of the individual needs or desires of the consumer or the user but takes into account the wider society of which he is a member as well as the environment. In other words, the contemporary marketing serves the customer in his dual role to that of the consumer or the user at the same time as the member of an organized social group.

From all that definitions, we understand that marketing has nothing to do with selling as some people think wrongly. In selling’s, the business develops a good or a service, then

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does not use sales techniques to persuade the consumer to buy it. The company attempts by any means to impose on the market the goods and services which are not demanded. Despite, in marketing, the business emphasizes on the needs or desires of the consumer, and then attempts to develop a good and dispose it profitably. (Igoumenakis N, 1999)

The marketing is a useful tool used by a business to achieve their planned goals. The marketing has emerged more intensively since the end of the Second World War, and in the context of the overall activity of a business have been developed a variety of smaller and more specialized marketing functions. The most important functions are:  The product market research gives information to the organization about the size, the composition and the characteristics of a market those are necessary for making good decisions so that the products produced and offered to the consumers are sufficient to satisfy their desires.  The programming and product development is determined with the utmost precision what products will be produced with what features and properties at what price and quantity in order to satisfy as much as possible a greater number of needs of consumers.  The supply of production factors determines the selection of the factors of production of one business that are necessary for the production of certain products by protecting the company from the buying of producer factors and the creation of stocks.  The product standardization aims to establish production standards so that products produced and marketed do not present any differences in terms of quality, in the composition or appearance in order for the consumer to have confidence in what he is buying.  The storage of products helps to usefulness of the time and serves to collect and maintain products in the storage so that when they ask for the market to be available to the consumers.  The distribution of products refers to the distribution of products in the market and aims in the best possible service to consumers.  The financing sales of products is exclusively in the regulations which are totally necessary for the promotion of the products of the company on the market and therefore to consumers.

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 The promotion of products includes all activities that contribute to the correct presentation and support of the products produced and promoted by the company to sell (Igoumenakis & Igoumenakis, 2004) Also, necessary prerequisite for a successful operation of marketing is the development of four basic utilities: the formatting, the space, the time and the ownership. The formatting is the production of good products with the right supply of inputs. The space is the choice of distribution channels, the transfer system, the setting of points of sale where the consumers seek the products. The time is indicated in the correct temporal policy of stocks combined with the demand of buyers at specific time. The ownership is the distribution between the businesses and the consumers. These utilities operate interconnected and cannot be developed by own. (Igoumenakis & Igoumenakis, 2004)

3.2 The meaning of Tourism Marketing

The marketing is an inevitable aspect of tourism management. It can be done effectively and well, with sophistication, or it can be done poorly in a loud, crass, intrusive manner. Tourism is considered today as one of the fast growing industries in the world. The tourism marketing is a necessary for the further satisfaction of tourist needs or people’s wants. The tourism marketing is the tool with which tour operators have the opportunity to highlight in a timely manner the type, the quantity, the quality of the tourist products to be produced and profitably available at some place and time in order to satisfy the needs or desires of potential buyers. (Igoumenakis & Igoumenakis, 2004)

The tourism marketing is indicated as the planned actions of tourism enterprises which are aimed at meeting the tourist needs for the desired profit. The tourist’s desires are ascertained with the research of tourism market. The next step is the choice of the target market. The way in which a tourist business achieves the availability of its products in one or more of the target markets is made by the marketing mix. (Igoumenakis & Igoumenakis, 2004)

The marketing combines a number of elements into a viable strategic plan. The tourism marketing manager searches for a marketing mix, the combination of elements which help to produce a profit. The marketing mix is composed of every factor that influences the marketing effort. These factors are the timing, the brands, the packaging, the pricing, the

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channels of distribution, the product, the image, the advertising, the selling, the public relations, the service quality, and the research. (Goeldner C.R. & Ritchie J.R., 2009)

The tourism companies use their marketing products on the tourist market. The main stages which are followed by the tourist businesses are :  The marketing research and analysis. This stage includes an detailed estimation of the tendencies in the tourism market and the marketing research with an analysis.  The business strategy and marketing planning. This stage include the development of the research and the analysis throughout of the operational programs.  The campaign planning and budgeting. This stage attempts to prepare a costly program of the operational programs combining with the elements of the marketing mix.  The training programs. This stage refers to the training of monthly and weekly activities for all the forms of promotion and allocation.  The evaluation of results and research at the purchaser level. This stage checks and evaluate the results of the activities in the marketing which have completed for note whether the purchaser's needs and desires from the markets were satisfied in the market.

The basic meanings of tourism marketing are the tourists, the tourist needs, the tourist consumption, the cost of tourism production, the tourist package, the tourist businesses, the tourim indystry, the marketing mix of one tourim business. The tourist package includes the tourist destination, the means of transport, the accommodation, the breakfast and the transfer. (Igoumenakis N, 1999)

According to Middleton et al (2009), the goods are produced and the services are performed. Tourist products are one of kind of services. Services are products that are bought with an exchange transaction, it does not bring ownership and permit access to and use of a service. The main characteristics of tourist services are:  Inseparability  Perishability  Intangibility  Heterogeneity  Seasonality  High Fixed Costs  Interdependence

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3.3 The marketing research.

3.3.1 The concept of marketing research.

According to Protopapadakis (2003), marketing research is the systematic design, the collection, the analysis and presentation of data and information on a particular situation in which an enterprise is located.

The marketing research method consists of five stages. The first stage is the determination of the problem and the objectives of the marketing research. The business searches about the information are needed to solve the problem.

The second stage is the design and the development of the marketing research plan. The marketers must obtain that the information of the research are valid and reliable. The third stage is the collection of data. The fourth stage is the analysis of data and the interpretation. In addition, the final stage is the presentation of data. The marketer should look at the findings to see how well they answer the research questions and support or decline the hypotheses that posed in the beginning of the research. (Tsiames I., 2005)

The marketing research is distinguished in analysis of quantitative research and in analysis of qualitative research. The qualitative research gathers information based on the social sciences and the empirical facts for analyzing a situation or a behavior which cannot be immediately observed and measured. The quantitative research gathers elements and with the mathematics and statistics.

Also the research is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data are data which collected directly from respondents for the specific purpose and scope of the research. There are necessary to make good decisions. The secondary data are the data that were edited and gathered and already exist inside or outside of the organization. (Tsiames I., 2005) There are five ways to gather the primary data. These are:  Survey methods, which are methods that include interviews by email or telephone and personal interviews.  Observation methods are research methods in which researchers take notes about the respondent’s overt behavior and the physical conditions.  Behavioral data are data that customers leave in stores as scanning data or customer databases and these data show the product preferences.

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 Focus groups are groups of six to ten individuals who discuss a marketing issue from a skill moderator to gain information about consumer’s attitudes and behaviors.  Experiments are researches which marketers study a hypothesis in order to make results. (Tsiames I., 2005)

In the marketing research process the tools are used are questionnaires, psychological tools, mechanical devices and qualitative measures.

3.4 Segmentation of the tourist market.

The term market with the original meaning is a physical place where buyers and producers exchange goods and services (Kotler, Bowen, & Makens, 2003). According to McDonald (1999), the market segmentation is the way in which each company seeks to gain a comparative advantage over its competitors. The markets are usually divided into segments where they are made up of customers with the same preferences in order to design a marketing mix that best adapts those needs. Every consumer is a separate segment of the market since all people have different requirements.

The main objective of market segmentation as part of the planning process is to help a company concentrate its efforts on the opportunities. Another definition is according to Middleton et al (2009), the segmentation is the process of dividing a total market into segments of marketing management purposes. Its purpose is to facilitate more cost-effective marketing through the formulation, the promotion, and the delivery of products that satisfy the identified needs of target groups.

A market segment in order to be useful and profitable should have the following conditions. It should be measurable in size and potential in the market. It should be accessible to the company. It should be substantial and profitable in order to serve. It should be differentiable from other market segments. And also, it should design marketing programs targeting it. (Tsiames I., 2005)

In addition, in the consumer market the major segmentation variables are distinguished from the marketer is according the demographic variables, the geographic variables, the psychographic variables and the behavioral variables.

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However, in the business markets the main segments are based on demographic, operating, purchasing, situational and personal variables. (Tsiames I., 2005)

The steps of segmentation are three: the segmentation, the targeting and the positioning, the knowing STP method. The segmentation divides the market into distinct groups of buyers who might want separate products. The targeting is evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one of more. And finally the positioning which develops a competitive position for the product and the marketing mix (Kotler, Bowen, & Makens, 2003).

3.5 Marketing mix in Tourism.

The marketing includes a number of activities which are necessary to be done to make the exchange and achieve its marketing goals. This combination is called a marketing mix. The exploration of marketing mix involves the use of information from marketing research as well as information from the current status of the data of the area. The role of the marketer is to choose and combine the ingredients in order to create a marketing mix that is aimed at the objectives of the tourist product. The ingredients of the marketing mix are known as four P’s. These are the Product, the Place, the Price and the Promotion. In case of services, there are three more the Processes, the People, and the Physical evidence (Protopapadakis, 2003).

Analyzing the product is a material or intangible or an idea, the price is every product has a price and a cost; the place is how the product will arrive to the consumer. It can be used directly from the producer to consumer or through a representative for example a tour operator. Promotion: a product needs a good promotion to become recognizable to the consumer. This can be done with advertisement, public relations, sales promotion. (Tsiames I., 2005) The Processes are the ways in which different business resources are combined, transformed or shaped to create useful products and offer to customers. The People include the business staff and their customers and the local population in the tourist areas. The Physical Evidence is the characteristics of the physical environment, where the sales take place or the product is consumed. (Benetatos, Papageorgiou, & Stergiou, 2004)

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3.6 Strategic Marketing Planning in Tourism.

The marketing planning determines the objectives and the timing schedule that needed to achieve them with the appropriate measures. These measures are consisted of the strategies that the business will follow to achieve profits and long-standing position on the tourism market.

The marketing planning is vital for the tourism businesses and is fully associated with their long-term survival. The setting of objectives has the effect of researching and analyzing the tourist market while the measures that used to achieve the objectives should first be costly and checked for their effectiveness. (Igoumenakis & Igoumenakis, 2004)

The marketing plan is divided into two levels, the strategic and the tactical. The strategic market planning is a process that gives a marketing strategy and provides the framework for the marketing plan while the tactical marketing plan implements the market strategy as it relates to target markets and the various components of the marketing mix. (Tsiames I., 2005)

The process of tourism marketing planning combines the strategic marketing of an organization with the analysis of his environment and the competitive strategies and the segmentation of the market. In other words, the process leads to create marketing programs or marketing mix of a market that facilitate the achievement of the marketing objectives. (Benetatos, Papageorgiou, & Stergiou, 2004)

According to Benetatos et al (2004), the development of a tourism marketing plan is characterized by some questions which should be answered in order to achieve the objectives. The questions are: -What we want to achieve? -Where we are now? -Where we want to reach, or what are the objectives based on the available resources and conditions and how will we achieve them? -What strategies are appropriate? -What are the specific projects that are being drawn up for the implementation of strategic planning? The stages in the marketing plan process of tourism destination according to Tsiames (2005) are:

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 Mission Statement,  Current situation analysis  Internal and External environment analysis as known SWOT Analysis,  Marketing Objectives  Marketing Strategy  Marketing Budget  Evaluation and Control.

The mission statement describes the conditions in which it operates and sets all the goals it wants to achieve with the marketing plan in the future. The current situation analysis includes a detailed inventory of data and information from both the internal and external environment of the destination we are dealing with. These elements become evaluating of the current situation in order to formulate the objectives and to make the choice of the most appropriate strategy. It includes the competitive analysis The internal and the external environment analysis are included in the analysis of SWOT. The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool, which examines and analyzes the internal and external environment of a tourist destination with an effective way to make the assessment more objective and make decisions in order to achieve the goals. The SWOT analysis studies the strengths and the weaknesses as the opportunities and the threats.

The strengths and the weaknesses consist of the internal environment of a tourist destination as they comes from the internal resources it owns (qualities and characteristics of tourism destination, staff skills, know-how, financial health and ability to respond to new investments) while the opportunities and the threats are the variables of the external environment of a tourism destination such as the new entry of competitors, the creation new markets, regulations in the legal environment etc.

In particular, the SWOT analysis includes four stages:  the strengths, are the advantages of a tourism market in relation to competitors,  the weaknesses, are the disadvantages of a tourism market,  the opportunities,  the threats (Igoumenakis & Igoumenakis, 2004)

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The Marketing Objectives refer to determine the marketing and financial goals for the implementation of the marketing plan. The Marketing Programs contain all the marketing activities and processes that are needed as well as the implementation. The Marketing Budget depicts the budget, the forecast sales and the profits. The Evaluation and Control include all the financial controls and monitoring procedures.

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Chapter 4 The Prefecture of Achaia

4.1 Geographical and morphological features.

The Prefecture of Achaia is one of the 51 prefectures of Greece. It extends to the northern part of the geographical area and administratively belongs to the Region of . The capital of prefecture is Patras, the third largest city of Greece that is characterized as the coastal gate of the country to Italy and by expansion across Western Europe. The prefecture of Achaia reaches 3.272 sq km and its population is about 309.694 inhabitants, according to the 2011 census. The borders of Achaia start to the east by the prefecture of Corinthian, to the south by the prefecture of and to the southwest by the prefecture of Ileia while the sea is located to the north by Patraikos bay and Corinthian bay and to the west by the Ionian Sea. Figure 1: Map of Prefecture of Achaia.

Source: Hotelsline: The climate of Achaia is characterized mainly by temperate mediterranean but it varies and depends on to altitude, distance from the sea and various local characteristics of each region. The territory of the county is 60% mountainous, 24% flat and 16% semi-mountainous. The most important mountainous volumes are Helmos (2,355 m), (2,224 m) and the Panachaiko Mountain (1,928 m). The main rivers of the prefecture are Selinountas,

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Peiros, , Glafkos and Krathis, while in Achaia the rivers Erymanthos and Ladonas are flowing in and flowing out to , the largest river in Peloponnese.

Also in the northwest part of Achaia, there is a complex of lakes with Pope Lagoon, also known as Lagoon, the lagoon of Prokopos, known as Kalogria lagoon and Kotychi lagoon and Lake Lamia. In the mountainous eastern part of the prefecture, namely the Municipality of Aigialeia, there is Lake Tsivlou, which is at an altitude of about 710 meters and was created on March 24, 1913 after a large landslide that blocked the river Krathi.

4.2 Demographic features and educational level.

The population of prefecture of Achaia is 309.694 inhabitants according to Census in 2011. According to Law 3852/2010 “New Architecture of Local Government and Decentralized Administration - Kallikratis Program” (Government Gazette, 2010) the prefecture of Achaia includes five Municipalities. The Municipality of Patras which is the capital of prefecture of Achaia, the Municipality of Aigialeia, the Municipality of West Achaia, the Municipality of Erymanthos and the Municipality of . Below in the table 2, are described the population figures of the corresponding municipalities.

It is presented the evolution of the population of Achaia per each municipality. We observe that the most of population is inhabited in capital of the prefecture, Patras. The second municipality is Aigialeia and the third is West Achaia. Also, there are some interesting demographic characteristics of the inhabitants of the prefecture of Achaia. Specifically in the table 2, are presented the gender distribution of the population. Table 2: The population and the gender distribution of Achaia per each municipality Municipality Capital Population Males Females (2011) Aigialeias Aigio 49.872 24.532 25.340 Erymanthos 8.877 4.667 4.210 Kalavryton Kalavryta 11.045 5.712 5.333 Patras Patra 213.984 104.307 109.677 West Achaia Kato Achaia 25.916 13.653 12.263 Total 309.694 152.871(49.36%) 156.823(50.6%) Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority

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Figure 2: Gender distribution of Achaia (2011).

Gender distribution of Achaia (2011)

Females Males 50,64% 49,36%

Looking, the figure 2, we observe that the males account for 49.36 % of the population while the females account for 50.64 % of the total of population of the prefecture.

It is also presented, in the table 3 the marital status of the population of Achaia in corresponding municipality. A percentage of 47.30% of total population is married, while 43.28 % of population is unmarried. A small percentage of population is divorced, 2.62% and a number of 6.80% are widowers.

Table 3: The marital status of the population of Achaia Municipality Unmarried Married, with Widowers and Divorced and cohabitation widows of a divorced from and dimension cohabitation a cohabitation agreement agreement Aigialeias 18.526 25.833 4.185 1.328 Erymanthos 3.584 4.400 760 133 Kalavryton 4.005 5.643 1.204 193 Patras 96.703 98.211 13.022 6.048 West Achaia 11.210 12.394 1.878 434 Total 134.028 146.481 (43.28%) (47.30%) 21.049 (6.80%) 8.136 (2.62%) Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority

The marital status of population of Achaia is depicted in the figure 3.

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Figure 3: The marital status of population of Achaia.

The marital status of population of Achaia

Unmarried Married, with cohabitation and dimension Widowers and widows of a cohabitation agreement Divorced and divorced from a cohabitation agreement 6,8% 2,62% 43,28% 47,30%

Furthermore, in the table 4, it is presented that the evolution of the age distribution of the population from the birth until the old age. A great amount of population is between 20 and 50 years old.

Table 4: The age distribution of the population of Achaia Prefecture of Achaia Ages Population 0-9 years 30.590 10-19 years 34.545 20-29 years 46.651 30-39 years 45.409 40-49 years 43.277 50-59 years 38.065 60-69 years 29.486 70+ 41.671 Total 309.694 Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority

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Figure 4: The population of Achaia per Age.

Population of Achaia per Age






0 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ years years years years years years years Population 30.590 34.545 46.651 45.409 43.277 38.065 29.486 41.671

The elements are depicted with the figure 4. We observe that the ages 20-40 have an upward trend compared to ages 60+ that have a downward trend.

Also, from the data in the table 5 below we find that 94.37% are Greek national citizens while 5.63% are foreigner’s citizens. The data are presented in the figure 5.

Table 5: The citizenship of the Prefecture of Achaia Citizenship Prefecture Of Greece Countries Other Total of of Achaia EU countries Foreign Countries Aigialeias 46.208 362 3.302 3.664 Erymanthos 8.713 46 118 164 Kalavryton 10.527 82 436 518 Patras 202.870 2.173 8.941 11.114 West Achaia 23.937 467 1.512 1.979 Total 292.255 3.130 14.309 17.439 (94.37%) (1.01%) (4.62%) (5.63%) Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority

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Figure 5: Citizenship of Achaia. Citizenship of Achaia

Of Greece Countries EU Other countries Total of Foreign Countries

4,62% 5,63% 1,01%


In the table 6 below it is presented the data on the educational level of local residents of Achaia. We observe that 27.5% of the residents have secondary education, 15.5% of the population have a postgraduate degree while a small rate of 6.3 % do not know to read or write.

Table 6: The educational level of the population of Achaia Education Municipali Postgradua Higher Secondary Compulsory Elementary No No read/ ties te Degree Educatio Education Education Education Education write or PhD n Aigialeias 5.913 1.760 11.931 7.234 14.316 5.968 2.750 Erymanth os 397 107 1.567 1.244 3.332 1.741 489 Kalavryto n 668 173 2.128 1.515 3.878 2.193 490 Patras 39.685 7.024 64.355 25.368 41.714 21.739 14.099 West Achaia 1.396 355 4.430 3.357 8.857 5.579 1.942 Total 48.059(15. 9.419(3 84.411(27. 38.718(12.5 72.097(23.2 37.220(12 19.770(6. 5%) %) 2%) %) %) %) 3%) Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority

The percentages of the population depending on educational level are depicted in the figure 6.

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Figure 6: Educational level. Educational level

Postgraduate Degree or PhD Higher Education Secondary Education Compulsory Education Elementary Education No Education No read/ write

12% 7% 16% 0%

24% 28% 13%

Finally, in the table 7, it is depicted the population of Achaia in relation to the employment by each productive sector and the unemployed in the region. The total of the employed people is 97.034 while the unemployed are 25.896. There are a percentage of 21 % people who do not have a job in the prefecture of Achaia.

Table 7: Employment by productive sector Employment by productive sector Municipalities Economical Non Primary Secondary Tertiary Total employed Unemployed active economical Sector Sector Sector population active population Aigialeias 19.398 30.474 3.107 2.941 9.467 15.515 3.883 Erymanthos 3.194 5.683 1.130 438 1.057 2.625 569 Kalavryton 3.619 7.426 999 502 1.540 3.041 578 Patras 87.763 126.221 1.477 11.899 55.444 68.820 18.943 West Achaia 8.956 16.960 2.340 1.145 3.548 7.033 1.923 Total 122.930 186.764 9.053 16.925 71.056 97.034 25.896 Source: Hellenic Statistic Authority

Also, all the data are depicted in the figure 7 below.

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Figure 7: Employment by productive sector.

Employment by productive sector 200.000 180.000 160.000 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000

Population 40.000 20.000 0

4.3 Economic features

In the following table 8, it is depicted the evaluation of gross domestic product in the prefecture of Achaia during the last twenty years. Due to economic crisis in 2010 and after, it was obvious that from the period 2000-2010 there was a continuous increase. After the economic crisis, there was a reduction for the region reaching the economics levels of the year 2000.

Table 8: Gross Domestic Product in Achaia. Gross Domestic Product in Achaia Years In million euro 2000 3.534 2005 4.939 2010 5.500 2016 3.956 Source: Hellenic Statistic Authority

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Therefore, there was the reference in individual sectors of the economy in the prefecture of Achaia during the last twenty years in the following figure. It is presented the gross value added by industry. Due to economic crisis in 2010 and after, it was obvious that from the period 2000-2010 there was an upward trend in all areas of the economy. After the economic crisis, there was a reduction in all the sectors of economy for the region. We observe that the primary sector of the economy decreased significantly. However the all the sectors of economy are presented in the table 9.

Table 9: Gross value added by industry in Prefecture of Achaia Gross value added by industry in Prefecture of Achaia Years In millions euro Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 2000 212 2005 231 2010 237 2016 187 Mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning and water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 2000 358 2005 555 2010 435 2016 404 Construction 2000 351 2005 343 2010 305 2016 98 Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transportation and storage, accommodation and food service activities 2000 843 2005 1.117 2010 1.076 2016 652 Information and communication 2000 100 2005 143 2010 209 2016 122 Financial and insurance activities 2000 98 2005 147 2010 166 2016 116

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Real estate activities 2000 331 2005 492 2010 781 2016 631 Professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities 2000 105 2005 147 2010 163 2016 145 Public administration and defense, compulsory social security, education, human health and social work activities 2000 617 2005 1.044 2010 1.288 2016 951 Arts, entertainment, recreation, other service activities, activities of households as employers, undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use, activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 2000 143 2005 215 2010 200 2016 146 Total gross value added 2000 3.157 2005 4.433 2010 4.858 2016 3.453 Source: Hellenic Statistic Authority

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4.4 The infrastructures in the prefecture of Achaia

4.4.1 Transport Network, Health Units, Educational and Sports Infrastructures.

 Transport Network

Τhe road network has improved in recent years. Achaia is accessible by road through Olympia Odos, Athens – Korinthos – Patras motorway, a total of 211 km and Ionia Odos, a motorway of an approximate length of 196 km from Antirrio to Ioannina and Egnatia Odos via the bridge Harilaos Trikoupis that connects the western Greece and northern Greece. Also in the prefecture of Achaia there is the national road Patras-Pyrgos Ileias where connects Achaia with Ancient Olympia, the port of Kyllini and Kalamata, and there is the national road 111 where connects Patras with Tripoli. The road 111 crosses the prefecture of Achaia, Ileia and Arcadia. In the interior of Achaia there is a dense road network with narrows roads that is not permitted the safe, comfortable and fast transportation, particularly to the mountainous province of Kalavryta.

The prefecture of Achaia is accessible by air through Araxos International Airport. The airport is 45 km south-west of the city of Patras and it has been operating since 1984. Araxos airport covers passenger and charter flights. It is located next to the military base of the air force.

Concerning to the port infrastructures, in the prefecture of Achaia it is operating the largest harbor of Peloponnese in Patras which is linked to cities of Italy (Ancona, Venice, Bari, Brindisi) and the islands of the Ionian (Corfu, Kefalonia, Ithaki). According to the Port of Patras for 2018, 643.000 passengers approximately move through the port for internal and external routes. In addition, another harbor exists in the area of Rio, is located 12 km north of the city of Patras and facilitates the transition to Antirrio to those who want to avoid tolls on the bridge Harilaos Trikoupis.

In the area of Aigio has constructed a new harbor. The harbor can serve either RO-RO ships or cruise ships capable of serving at the same time two RO-RO vessels (e.g. Greece- Italy) and a cargo ship. In the past years, a ferry service linking the prefecture of Achaia with the prefecture of Fokida but now the operation has interrupted.

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Apart from the harbors, Patras has a marina in the northern Port of Patras and can host sailing boats or other boats that desire to overnight in the area. The marina can serve up to 450 boats. The marina is protected by breakwaters 620 meters long (towards west) and 52 meters long (towards north).

The region of Achaia does not yet have a railway connection with Athens as well as with Pyrgos and Kalamata, because the line was under construction. The next period, the suburban is expected to be in Aigio, which has already reached Kiato, a town in the area of Korinthos, and will be extended to Patras, according to Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE) plans in 2022 In existing rail lines, operate the Suburban line Agios Vasileios – Patras that is served the residents in the center of Patras. Also, there is a railway line in the prefecture of Achaia “Odontotos rack railway” as it is called, where connects with Kalavryta, but it functions more as a tourist attraction.

 Health Units

Achaia has a complete health system. The last years have become important investments in health infrastructures from the Region of Western Greece. There are three hospitals in Patras, the University General Hospital of Patras “Panagia Voitheia”, the General Hospital “Saint Andreas” and Karamandaneio. There is one hospital in the region of Aigio and one in the region of Kalavryta. There are also many agricultural practices operating in the villages of the prefecture and providing health services to citizens. We should also mention the contribution of the presence in Patras of the Greek Red Cross, which is important because it is a group of volunteers dedicated to humanitarian authorities and difficult missions in order to help the fellow human being.

 Educational Infrastructures

In the prefecture of Achaia is operating significant educational and research institutions. Many of them are located in the capital of prefecture of Achaia, Patras. Some of them are:  The University of Patras is located in Rio of Patras and includes nine schools (Economics and Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Legal Sciences, Physical

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education and sports sciences, health rehabilitation sciences). It has a leading position in the scientific community and in European research.  TEI of Western Greece is located in Koukouli of Patras and includes five schools (Management and Economy, Health and Caring Professions, Agricultural technologies and food and nutrition Technologies, Technological Applications, Department allocation) while its facilities are located in six cities of Region of Western Greece, Patras, Aigio, Pyrgos, Amaliada, Mesologgi,and Nafpakto.  The Hellenic Open University is located in Perivola of Patras and is aimed to the studies through distance learning. It includes four schools (Social Sciences, Applied Arts, Science and Technology, Humanities.)  Patras Science Park is located in Rio and supports the growth of innovative, technology based companies across several sectors such as ICT, biotechnology, clean energy and other industrial technologies, contributing to the City Region’s knowledge economy. (PSP, 2019)  Industrial Systems Institute, (ISI) as is now known as “Athena - Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies”, is operated in Rio at 1998 and is under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research & Technology (GSRT) of the Greek Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs. It is a leading R&D institute of excellence conducting basic research and exploratory development on Information and communications technology (ICT) for the Greek and European industry (PSP, 2019)  The Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantos" (CTI) is a research and technology organization focusing on research and development in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It is emphasized on education, by developing and deploying conventional and digital media in education and lifelong learning; publishing printed and electronic educational materials; administrating and managing the Greek School Network; and supporting the organization and operation of the electronic infrastructure of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and all educational units. (CTI, 2019)  FORTH, as it is now called, is the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences and High Temperature Chemical Processes (ICE-HT) which is located in Rio and has been developed into a world-leading center for the advancement of high quality

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scientific knowledge in the fields of chemical engineering sciences. ICE-HT has participated in numerous RTD projects in cooperation with industrial enterprises, universities and research centers from Greece and Europe. (PSP, 2019)

Finally, in the area of Aigio there are two departments of TEI Western Greece, the Department of Physical Therapy and the Department of Optics and Optometry.

 Sports Infrastructures

There are sports facilities in all the municipalities of prefecture of Achaia. The most important sports facilities in Patras are: The closed gym “D. Tofalos”, The closed gym Koukouli, The closed gym Apollon Patron, The Panpeloponnisiako Stadium, The swimming pool “A. Pepanos”, The swimming pool of the Nautical Club of Patras, The stadium of Panachaikis “Kostas Davourlis”

In addition, the municipality of Patras has under the supervision of football and basketball courts in various areas of the city. Furthermore, there are several private sports clubs active in the area in various sports. In recent years, the prefecture of Achaia has hosted many sports organizations attracting sports visitors and operators of sports. The coming period will be hosted by the Second Mediterranean Beach Games.

4.5 Tourist resources in Prefecture of Achaia.

The prefecture of Achaia has rich tourist resources that until now are not adequately promoted. The tourist resources that add value to the tourist image of the region are the history, the monuments, the culture, the sea and the beaches in the area. There are plenty of natural resources such as rivers, canyons, caves, mountains, beaches, rich flora and fauna. The diversity of natural resources is a basic condition for the development of alternative forms of tourism. The contrast of mountain and sea, the tradition villages, the archaeological monuments are some that contribute to the image of a region.

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4.5.1 Natural and environmental resources.

The most important resources in the prefecture of Achaia are distinguished to the beaches, the mountains and the monuments of nature in Achaia. The prefecture of Achaia has 125 km of coastline with decades of beaches certified with blue flags. The beaches combine all the tastes with pebbles or sandy beaches with crystal and clear waters. The beaches are suitable for those who like the sea sports as sailing boats, diving, windsurfing or kite surfing in Achaia. The most significant monuments of nature in the prefecture of Achaia are  the cave of lakes Kastrion,  the canyon of Vouraikos,  the forest of Strofilia,  the Lake Tsivlou,  the lagoon of Kalogria,  the river of Ladona,  the lagoon of Papa,  the lagoon Prokopos,  the lagoon Aliki,  the forest Perithori – Zarouhla,  the global geopark Chelmou – Vouraikou (Unesco),  the sources of the river Aroanios in Planitero,  the canyon of Haradros,  the waters of Stygos.

4.5.2 Historical and cultural resources.

The prefecture of Achaia has many historical and archeological resources. The most significant historical resources that could attract many tourists are:  The Ancient theatre of Aigeira,  The Monastery of Agia Lavra  The Monastery of Megalo Spilaio,  The church of Agios Andreas,  The church of Panagia Faneromeni and the church Virgin Mary in Aigio, works of German architect Ernst Ziller,  The Roman Bridge of Patras,

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 The Roman Odeion of Patras,  The Roman aqueduct,  The castle of Patras,  The Myceanean Cemetary in Voudeni,  The walls of Dymaion,  The Venetian fortress of Rio.

The most famous cultural monuments are  The municipal Apollon Theatre, work of German architect Ernst Ziller,  “Achaia Clauss”, was founded in 1861 and is the oldest winery in Greece,  The Site of Execution in Kalavryta, is placed 500 m near the town on the hill Kapi and there on 13 December 1943 all men who were more than 14 years old, were killed by Nazi,  The Monument of Heroes Fighters of 1821 in Kalavryta,  The Odontotos railway, which start from the city Diakopto to Kalavryta  The old municipal hospital of Patras, work of German architect Ernst Ziller  The impressive building of trade association in Patras, work of German architect Ernst Ziller  The cultural center Kostis Palamas.

There are two archaeological museums in the prefecture Achaia. Τhe archaeological museum of Patras and the archaeological museum of Aigio. Therefore, there are:  a museum of Kalavryta Holocaust in Kalavryta,  a museum of type in Patras,  a museum of native and traditional art in Patras,  a museum of Science and Technology in University of Patras,  a museum of education of the University of Patras,  the zoology museum of the University of Patras,  the botanic museum of the University of Patras

In the Prefecture of Achaia, the most famous cultural events are:  the carnival of Patras, the most popular event in Greece that takes place every year between February and March and attract many visitors from many regions of the country and the abroad,

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 Protokliteia, celebrations from the Holy performing during the month of November in honor of the protector and patron saint of St. Apostolic Andreas of the Initiator,  Patras International Festival, which was founded 1986 and it is the pillar of cultural life of the city of Patras remaining one of the top summer cultural events with international reach,  Patras International Circuit for Kart, which was organized from 2009 and is international races of kart in the center of Patras every autumn of the year.  Patras International Street Art Festival – Artwalk was born from 2014 in order to promote the art and techniques of alternative forms of culture with particular emphasis on public intervention in the urban landscape of town.

4.6 Forms of alternative tourism in Achaia.

 Ski Tourism

One form of alternative tourism is the ski tourism that is the most popular for the prefecture of Achaia. The prefecture of Achaia has available the ski center where is located on the northern side of Helmos in the position Xerokambos just 15 km from Kalavryta in an altitude 2.340m. The operation has started in 1988 and helped the region to grow up. There are a total eight (8) lifts and fourteen (14) tracks including all levels of difficulty, 25 km total length of slope. It is the closest ski resort in Athens and welcomes skiers and snowboarders from all over Greece.

 Mountaineering Tourism

The area of Achaia due to its mountainous volumes is ideal for climbing and walking in canyons and mountaineering routes. The canyon Vouraikos is the most famous one, which, through a 40 km distance near the river and in combination with the mountains, can admire the natural beauties. Inside this canyon passes also the Odontotos railway that connects Kalavryta with Diakopto. Every spring it is organized a descent to the gorge where is made from the lines of Odontotos starting from Kalavryta and with the final destination Diakopto, a total distance of 22 km. It is a popular event that attracts many hikers.

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 Canoe - Kayak Tourism

In Achaia, the rivers Ladonas and Erymanthos are ideal for canoe, kayak and rafting. Beyond the sport, they have the opportunity to get to know this unique beauty area where combine natural exercise with the beauty of nature. It attracts many visitors in the region.

 Paragliding Tourism

Paragliding is a new sport and it is firstly appeared in the mid-80s and is quickly developed into a safe at the beginning of sports. In the prefecture of Achaia, there are many areas that are becoming the flights. Some of them are outside of Patras in area Omblos, in Panachaiko, in Santomeri, Kalavryta and many others. Paragliding has managed to spread the idea of aerospace to the general public and gather many athletes from other countries by organizing national and international competitions.

 Kite surfing Tourism

Cape Drepano is an area where kite surfing is taken place in. It is situated 17 km northwest from Patras. Surrounded by water from side to side and consistent and high capacity wind almost every day all year around combined with butter flat terrain and make this spot unique. Every year is organized festivals and races with the participation of many of sport lovers.

 Sailing tourism In the area of Achaia, there are sailing clubs that organize annual races open seas and operate in Patras with the field of action of the thanks to its northerly winds surrounded by natural beauty and coastline all over. In addition, in Aigio there are sailing clubs with the field of action of the Corinthian Gulf.

4.7 Forms of special interest of tourism in Achaia.

 Wine Tourism

Greece, as the home of Dionysus, the god of wine, has the longest history of wine production and consumption in the world and plays an important role in the international

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culture and wine industry. In the prefecture of Achaia, there are numerous visitor vineyards and wineries that give the visitor the opportunity to explore the world of wine, to experience traditional and modern winemaking methods and taste numerous fine Greek kind of wines combined with traditional flavors. In the region of Achaia, the most popular winery is Achaia Clauss in Patras but in the region of mountainous Aigialeia operate many wineries. Every year wine celebrations are held attracting visitors to test the new wine and the different types of wine as Roditis, Mosxato, Mavrodafni and tentoura.

 Religious Tourism

The prefecture Achaia is consisted of important monuments of Greek orthodox that depicts an integral part of the national heritage and a remarkable attraction for visitors. The most known is the church of Saint Apostolic Andrea. Apostle Andreas as disciples of Jesus is a trademark of the region of Achaia. In Patras, the idolaters crucified him for orthodoxy while at the crossing point was built two magnificent temples.

Apostle Andreas is the patron of the city of Patras and the temple is the largest and most artistic church in the Balkans and one of the largest in Europe, with a capacity of at least 5.500 people. Also in the temple is retained a piece of his skull and a pieces of wood crucified. From all over the world come visitors to admire the majesty of the temple.

In addition, the Monastery of and the monastery of Agia Lavra are located in Kalavryta with a great wealth of heirlooms and a long history. Also, equally important is the church of Panagia Trypiti is located in the beach of Aigio, built on a steep cliff 30m high from the surface of the sea, into a cave.

 Conference Tourism

In the region of Achaia, because of the university and the large number of research centers, the conference tourism has begun to find fertile ground. The needs for organizing a conference is covered primarily by the Congress and Cultural Center of University of Patras where may host up to 2000 participants. In addition, the TEI of Western Greece has available a Conference Center where may host up 500 participants.

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4.8 Tourist services in Prefecture of Achaia.

4.8.1 Tourist lodgings in Achaia.

According to Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, nowadays operate 108 tourist lodgings with 7.118 beds. There are not yet infrastructures of hotels with five stars. Below in the table 10 and 11 there are a detailed description of hotels per category and per beds for the prefecture of Achaia for 2018 and 2017.

Table 10: Hotels dynamic in Achaia for 2018 Stars 5* 4* 3* 2* 1* TOTAL PREFECTURE UNITS - 23 40 40 5 108 OF ACHAIA ROOMS - 1.392 1.248 1.014 59 3.713 BEDS - 2.691 2.385 1.936 106 7.118 Source: Hellenic Chamber of Hotels

Table 11: Hotels dynamic in Achaia for 2017 Stars 5* 4* 3* 2* 1* TOTAL PREFECTURE UNITS - 22 38 42 5 107 OF ACHAIA ROOMS - 1.253 1.320 1.064 59 3.696 BEDS - 2.424 2.517 2.028 106 7.075 Source: Institute of the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises

Also in the prefecture of Achaia, there are a number of rooms for rent. For 2018, there are 97 units where could accommodate visitors who want to visit the region. In table 12 and 13, there are the accurate data of the number of rooms for rent during the period 2017 and 2018.

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Table 12: Rooms for rent for 2018 Keys 4K 3K 2K 1K TOTAL

PREFECTURE UNITS 6 37 37 17 97

OF ACHAIA ROOMS 35 277 249 89 650

BEDS 103 641 602 210 1.556 Source: Tourism Enterprise Register - Processing INSETE Intelligence:

Table 13: Rooms for rent for 2017 Keys 4K 3K 2K 1K TOTAL

PREFECTURE UNITS 6 37 37 16 96

OF ACHAIA ROOMS 35 277 249 87 648

BEDS 103 641 602 205 1.551 Source: Tourism Enterprise Register - Processing INSETE Intelligence: 4.8.2 Tourist arrivals, overnights and hotel occupancy in Achaia

In the period of 2010 - 2017 during the economic crisis, it is observed that the number of arrivals and overnights of the tourists have decreased in 2012 and after that period, the tourists are chosen to visit the region of Achaia. In table 14 are depicted the accurate data of arrivals, overnights for foreign and domestic travelers for the period 2010-2017.

Table 14: Arrivals, overnights in hotel establishments the period 2010-2017 Years 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Foreign Arrivals 51.937 45.230 34.248 40.312 45.937 42.521 47.125 56.698

PREFECTURE Domestic Arrivals 218.431 200.270 171.511 177.092 179.744 182.785 199.057 210.834 OF ACHAIA Foreign Overnights 199.341 185.363 105.601 168.567 187.210 141.074 180.743 213.552 Domestic Overnights 483.236 442.971 389.306 377.573 401.572 427.432 462.203 472.774 Source: Hellenic Statistic Authority - Processing INSETE Intelligence:

Also, the occupancy in hotel establishments the period of 2010 -2017 is depicted in table 15 and it is observed that the percentage of occupancy the period 2010 and 2017 is stable.

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After the economic crisis there was a recovery with the comeback of the visits of travelers and it is noticed an increase again.

Table 15: Occupancy in hotel establishments the period 2010-2017 Years 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Occupancy 36,8% 32,9% 25,8% 28,1% 30,5% 29,4% 33,0% 35,0% Source: Hellenic Statistic Authority - Processing INSETE Intelligence:

4.8.3 Tourist movement in Achaia.

The tourist movement of the prefecture of Achaia has changed after the period of economic crisis. Those are depicted to the following tables 16 and 17 are depicted the statistics elements of the airport of Araxos during the period 1994-2017. It is shown the arrivals and departures of the passengers moving broad and abroad.

Table 16: Passengers moving abroad during 1994-2017 PASSENGERS YEARS MOVING ABROAD Arrivals Departures 1994 33.577 33.453 1995 24.031 24.351 1996 25.874 25.369 1997 19.627 19.773 1998 23.902 23.726 1999 31.098 30.429 2000 41.635 41.647 2001 40.745 41.813 2002 37.317 35.961 2003 34.499 36.246 2004 40.108 40.140 2005 59.432 52.852 2006 56.256 55.579 2007 60.069 67.103 2008 51.417 51.427 2009 39.483 39.808 2010 39.627 39.523 2011 37.583 37.097 2012 66.144 66.353 2013 70.006 69.669 2014 73.786 72.457

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2015 73.140 72.270 2016 63.702 63.534 2017 75.401 75.206 Source: Airport of Araxos

In 2007, it is noticed that the number of passengers moving abroad was reduced and after the economic crisis in 2012 has started a recovery. The whole process from reduction to recovery is illustrated in the figure 8.

Figure 8: Passengers moving abroad during 1994-2017











ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Source: Airport of Araxos

The movement of the passengers to travel inside the country was more limited as well; there were not so many flights inside of Greece. The fluctuations of passengers are at the same period. In the table 17 and the figure 9, are depicted the elements of the passengers travelling inside the country by air.

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Table 17: Passengers moving inside the country during 1994-2017 PASSENGERS MOVING YEARS INSIDE THE COUNTRY Arrivals Departures 1994 0 0 1995 314 262 1996 1 0 1997 308 192 1998 1.165 1.023 1999 6 7 2000 82 86 2001 1 127 2002 78 79 2003 1.376 1.309 2004 749 573 2005 101 119 2006 27 2 2007 66 298 2008 1.458 1.863 2009 1.030 1.520 2010 9 21 2011 485 332 2012 28 6 2013 11 3 2014 150 15 2015 1.174 976 2016 244 170 2017 184 30 Source: Airport of Araxos

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Figure 9: Passengers moving inside during 1994-2017









ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Source: Airport of Araxos

We observe that during the economic crisis the arrivals from abroad are highly in relation to departures while the arrivals and departures in the internal of the country are less.

In the following tables 18 and 19, are shown the statistics information from the Port of Patras during the period 2014-2018. The depiction of the movements of the tourists from the Port of Patras has some changes. There is a reduction of passengers who travel by boat the period 2015 – 2018 in foreign and local destinations.

Table 18: Traffic data to/from foreign destinations of Port of Patras

Camper MOTOR YEAR PASSENGERS TRUCKS TRAILERS BUSES VEHICLES & Mini CYCLES Bus 2014 555.453 122.139 58.426 2.737 102.161 6.215 5.905 2015 481.462 119.744 62.128 2.072 92.026 6.093 5.306 2016 458.329 118.827 69.256 1.725 95.359 6.822 5.549 2017 500.099 117.038 70.780 2.051 104.725 7.963 6.611 2018 486.163 116.902 77.102 2.250 105.144 8.212 6.270 Source: Port of Patras

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Table 19: Traffic data to/from local destinations of Port of Patras

Camper & MOTOR YEAR PASSENGERS TRUCKS TRAILERS BUSES VEHICLES Mini Bus CYCLES 2015 70.739 1.197 - 4 14.021 517 1.694 2016 118.662 480 - - 21.336 840 2.366 2017 21.250 344 2 - 3.002 256 98 2018 156.868 2.615 34 2 25.273 1.561 2.254 Source: Port of Patras

Negative is the image in the map of the cruise movement in the prefecture of Achaia. Although the new harbor of Patras has the new European specifications to accommodate cruise missiles, we observe that the movement is minimum for the area of Achaia. From 2013 – 2018, every year, only two cruise ships approach the area of Achaia. In the table 20 are depicted the detailed information. Table 20: Cruise Ship Traffic on Patras Port Achaia 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Cruise Ships 2 2 3 2 2 2 % change 0.0% 50,00% -33.3% 0.0% 0.0% Passengers 1.278 745 1.090 743 952 1.647 % charge - 41.7% 46.3% - 31,8% 28,1% 73% Source: Port of Patras

Finally, in the table 21, we observe the elements from ELSTAT and with processing of INSETE the numbers of visits in archaeological sites the period of 2010-2018. The period of the crisis and especially in 2011 there is a great decrease in the number of visitors to the archaeological sites but also there was a continuing increase after 2012 in the visit of the archaeological sites and museums.

Table 21: Visitors to Museums / Archaeological Sites 2010-2018 Visitors to Museums / Archaeological Sites 2010-2018

Years 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Museums 14.152 3.054 11.379 19.524 17.141 19.569 21.461 26.478 27.280 Archaeolog

Achaia 0 0 1.220 2.177 4.907 5.320 4.322 6.218 7.425 ical Sites Source: Institute of the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises

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Part C. Methodology Chapter 5 Primary Tourism Marketing Research in Public Sectors and Local Authorities

5.1 The Methodology of tourism marketing research.

The research carried out in the present work is a qualitative research through the primary and secondary data we seek to achieve our research goals exploring the views and perceptions of the local authorities in the prefecture of Achaia on tourism.

The stages of the methodology are: 1) The determination of the main research question, “What are the views and perceptions of the local authorities in the Prefecture of Achaia”. This question will help us in combination of the theoretical approach to create the questionnaire in order to construct the Strategic Tourism Marketing Plan for Prefecture of Achaia. 2) The design of marketing research. The marketing research that is chosen is a qualitative research and is consisted of a case study of the region of Achaia. 3) The choice of method of data collection. The collection of data was held from primary and secondary data. The specific primary data are chosen from the interviews from the representatives of the local authorities and the secondary data are chosen from sources of published data in internet or Greek and foreign publications. Specifically, the questionnaire includes 17 open-ended questions for the region and the demand and supply for tourism in Achaia. 4) The analysis of data and presentation of results. The analysis of data and the presentation of results from the interviews of the local authorities are used in the development of the strategic marketing plan of tourism in the prefecture of Achaia in the following chapter 6.

5.2 Participation of the local authorities for primary research analysis In this section, the participants of the local authorities are presented in the prefecture of Achaia. The local authorities that accepted to complete the questionnaires are: two representatives from the Region of Western Greece, a representative from the Port of Patras, a representative from the Airport of Araxos, a representative from Touristic Police, a

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representative from the Municipality of Patras, a representative from Holy Metropolis of Patras, two travel agents. In addition, the Chamber of Achaia is denied to complete the questionnaire because they have not an official proposal for the tourist development. Finally, the representatives of the Hotels Association of Achaia and of Greek Tourism Organization in Patras do not respond to the questionnaire.

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Chapter 6 Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism in Prefecture of Achaia

In this chapter, it will be presented the strategic marketing plan for tourism for the prefecture of Achaia. The strategic marketing plan is based on the recording of the primary research and the secondary research that are referred on the previous chapter. The process of development of strategic marketing tourism plan includes seven stages. In particular, the first stage will be the mission statement, the second stage will present the current situation analysis, the third stage will be the internal and external environment analysis as is known SWOT Analysis, the fourth stage will be the marketing objectives. The next stage will present the marketing strategy. The sixth stage will be the marketing budget and the final stage will present the evaluation and control of the tourist marketing plan.

6.1 The mission statement

This marketing plan is based on the elements we have collected from the research. The main objective of the strategic marketing plan of tourism in prefecture of Achaia is to achieve a sustainable tourism development for the region considering the appropriate circumstances and as a result to succeed a better living of standards in the region. This could be achieved with the increase of competitiveness, with the qualitative upgrading and diversification of the tourist product and consequently, the increase in tourist demand. In addition, the creation of a strong brand name for the region.

6.2 The current situation analysis.

The current situation analysis is resulting from the previous research. That is the arrivals of the tourists by air and by sea, the overnights of the passengers in hotels in the prefecture of Achaia etc. The tourism in the region is characterized from a low average overnight stay in the hotels in Achaia, intense seasonality and small visiting.

We summarize that the tourist development of the area due to the deficiencies needs to take more drastic measures in order to change the image of the area and to increase the tourist receipts and the competition with more incentives. The Region of Western Greece has endeavored to contribute to the creation of a project for promoting the tourism throughout the region during the period 2017-2018. He created a series of promoting

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actions as a contemporary website in five languages, a photo portfolio, a series of thematic videos, printed material, accounts in social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) In addition, it is operated two tourist Information Offices in the Port of Patras and in the Airport of Araxos which are informed the tourists.

6.3 Internal and External Environment (SWOT Analysis)

Based on the primary research that developed in the region, the following data as presented in the SWOT analysis are in the table 22.

Table 22: SWOT Analysis. Internal Analysis Strengths Weaknesses  Plenty of natural resources.  Lack of hotel complexes 5 *  Excellent climatic features.  The rebuilding of the new national road  High seashore – coastline. Patron - Pyrgou  Its geographical location (near major  Incomplete mountain road network archaeological sites, the Gate of  Lack of domestic air links in airport of Europe). Araxos.  Important archaeological sites, rural  Lack of an international airport tradition.  Lack of the railway connection with the  A variety of local products. capital city.  A large number of tourist  No exploitation of historic center of the accommodations. city of Patras.  Increased use of information over the  The absence of an organized marina in Internet. accordance with international standards  Increased demand for alternative forms  A short stay of visitors. of tourism.  Lack of training for staff working in  An important urban center with good tourism businesses. access infrastructure.  Low linking of the different regions  A variety of special forms of tourism with the result those visitors is not (sun and sea, cultural and religious aware of all the points of interest in the tourism, urban tourism, gastronomy and region. local products, congress tourism).  Inadequate visibility and advertising of  The new port of Patras. the potential points of the area.  Rich cultural and sporting traditions.  The church of St. Apostolic Andreas.  The carnival of Patras.  The bridge of Harilaos Trikoupis.  Historic monasteries and pilgrimages.

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External Analysis Opportunities Threats  Hub of tourist crossing to the main road  Economic crisis. between Olympia - Delphi and Ionian  International relations. Islands – Italy.  Macroeconomic environment and  Two hours away from Athens. political instability at national level.  Development of religious tourism.  Migration.  Increasing tourist traffic from new and  Competition. emerging markets.  Delay completion of public  Further enhancing demand from the infrastructures. Greek market.  Absence of a railway line connecting  Increase in the number of people in Athens - Patras – Port. tourism.  Lack of orientation to the tourism  Increasing demand from emerging industry from the entrepreneurs of the markets such as China, India, South region. Korea  The existence of important  Western Greece is evolving into a archaeological sites in neighboring vacation place. prefectures.  Economic incentives from the EU for  Βad aesthetic and functional image of the development and improvement of the city of Patras. tourist infrastructure.  Extreme weather conditions.

6.4 Marketing Objectives.

After the presentation of the internal and external environment of Achaia it is followed the objectives of the prefecture of Achaia which are consistent with the current situation in the area as it emerges from the research. The basic objective is to maximize the tourism sector in Achaia. This could be achieved with:  The increase of the region's competitiveness.  The growth of tourist demand.  The extension of the tourist season.  The creation of a brand name for the region.  Targeting in alternative forms of tourism.

In particular,  The creation of a single entity from all the municipalities of the prefecture in the co- ordination with the Region of Western Greece for the management of the tourist destination.  Incentives to increase the overnight stays in the following years.

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 The development of specific and alternative forms of tourism such as cultural tourism, agro tourism, air travel tourism, sport tourism.  Increasing the tourist receipts in order to maximize the profits.  The promotion of Achaia in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and the Greek Tourism Organization in foreign markets.  Quality improvement of tourist services in the tourist companies.  Training and tourist education of entrepreneurs and employees.

6.5 Marketing Strategy.

The main marketing strategy which must be followed in order to achieve the objectives is to diversify the tourist product. From the research, the most of the respondents are expressed that the region has available significant natural and manmade resources that could be diversified from other competitive areas. This strategy creates a strong image for the region and a relation with the competition. Except from the summer that tourists are chosen the region, it must be focused on the historical, cultural, athletic, and environmental resources of the region. This strategy will help the region to achieve the objectives and create a sustainable tourist development.

Another marketing strategy that must be followed is the marketing mix with its components for the tourist destination. In particular, it will submit proposals for the product, the price, the place, the promotion, the people, the physical evidence and the processes.

a) Proposals For the Product  Completion and upgrading of the rail network of suburban.  Upgrading the marina in the area of Patras and creating marina in other coastal areas in order to overnight the sailing boats.  Improving urban centers in the cities of the prefecture of Achaia.  The promotion and highlight the local products of region of Achaia.  Promoting the alternative forms of tourism with the creation of mountain centers, shelters, mountain paths etc.  Accessibility to all the archaeological sites and monuments.

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 Creation of tourist gourmet tourism infrastructures: shops with local products, women's cooperatives etc.  The best possible exploitation of sports facilities for the organization of major sporting events.

b) Proposals for the Price  The implementation of a single pricing policy by all tourist companies  Diversification prices during the low demand periods applying additional discounts to increase occupancy rates.  Continuous monitoring of the market and, in particular, of competitors.  Use of renewable energy sources for the operation of tourism businesses in order to reduce operating costs.  Increasing the cost and length of stay of visitors  Continuous audits by local government to tackle ambiguity.  The use of European funds and national resources for the improvement and maintenance of infrastructures.

c) Proposals for the Promotion  Creating a brand name that will highlight the region's diversity.  Creating promotional messages and videos pointing out the diversity of the area, according to the season ( e.g. skiing in the winter) , the events like carnival time , the particular natural environment and local traditions all over the year  Advertising through the internet e.g. on major tourist and travelling sites.  Advertising video and spots in the media of the region (radio and television).  Participation in domestic tourist exhibitions.  Participation in international tourist exhibitions.  Advertising by posters and printed material to be shared at specific point abroad like (for example posters showing a sunny beach of Achaia in the airport of Oslo or the church of Saint Andrea’s in the airport of Moscow) and also in the region e.g. ports, airports, train stations etc.

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 Creating an application for smart phones with tourist information about the area in cooperation with the Computer Technology Institute (CTI) and the University of Patras and the tourist companies.  Creating accounts in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)

d) Proposals for the People  Creating co-operation between local producers and tour operators to promote local products.  The selection of tour operator experts in selected geographical areas for the continuous promotion of tourist products.  The coordination of the tour operators who are located on the major urban cities of Greece in order to promote the region to the tourists.  Creating tempting packages for specific groups of people in periods of low tourist demand such as schools, clubs, retirees etc.  Well-trained tour operators in all areas of customer service.

e) Proposals for the Place  Improving and upgrading the websites of the municipalities of Achaia with detailed information on each area including attractions, events, hotel businesses, services, activities etc.  The allowance of incentives to locally tour operators in order to pursue and aim at increasing tourist demand for the region.  Targeting and further developing market share in existing markets and penetrating new attractive markets (Balkan countries, China, Russia) with the aim of attracting visitors with interests that match the tourist product and the region's expertise  Sufficiency and modernization of logistical infrastructure  Promotion of the agricultural tourism through the improvement and restoration of traditional settlements.

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f) Proposals for the Processes  Co-ordination and co-operation of public and private bodies, regional chambers to create and promote a common image.  Accessibility friendly for the people with special needs.  Greater participation in tourism fairs to promote the region.  Greater participation of racing and touring sailing

g) Proposals for the Physical Evidence  Making an area interesting and showing the strong points (e.g. carnival, religion) of the region by using the rights images because the Image is everything.  Making an area attractive by showing unique interests – because our area combines a lot of different choices and experiences (mountain and beaches) and makes it unique.  Making known of rich local gastronomy.  Promotion and communication of the competitive advantages of the area.

6.6 Marketing Budget.

The cost of creation of strategic marketing plan as well as the cost of promotion of the region of Achaia will be calculated on the basis the activities will be followed. For the implementation of a marketing plan and with the aim of maximizing profits for the region, a budget will need to be calculated. This amount of money will come from grants of Municipalities among themselves, from the contribution of the Region of Western Greece and the Hellenic Tourism Organization of the area, and from the European Union's programs for tourism development.

The success of a marketing plan in the prefecture of Achaia will be hampered by the immediate creation of a tourism product management agency where will coordinate the authorities in order to improve the region.

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6.7 Control and evaluation.

The control and evaluation is the last stage of the development of the strategic marketing plan. It is an equally significant stage because with the evaluation and the control all the strategies are checked how they are implemented. It should be observed any deviations in order to be corrected if required, it is made changes to strategies and redefining new strategies in order to become a successful implementation of the project.

For a better monitoring of the evaluation is preferable to set up a monitoring committee who should be consisted by suitable and experienced executives from the department of Tourism of the Region of Western Greece, people from all the Municipalities of the prefecture of Achaia, the chambers and the tourism bodies in order to coordinate, manage and monitor the action and the activities of the program. The monitoring should be continuous throughout the implementation period of the project to succeed the objectives.

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Chapter 7 Conclusions

The tourism as is the heavy industry of our country with its potential is a great opportunity to be able to help in the development of a region. In Greece, the tourism is located in a good condition despite the economic crisis experienced by our country. It is the main tool for stimulating the national economy as it contributes significant revenue to the state.

The aim of this dissertation is the development of a strategic marketing plan for tourism in the prefecture of Achaia. Studying the case study of the prefecture of Achaia is ascertained that Achaia is a region with very low recognition and low growth rates. However, it has available a rich natural and cultural wealth and has the potential to develop alternative and special forms of tourism.

In the framework of the secondary research, it is searched the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats of the region. With the primary research through the interviews with the local authorities of the prefecture, it is considered the current situation in the region as well and the tourist movement of the tourists and are defined the perceptions of them.

The prospective development of the area is intense and will continue to grow afterwards the completion of large infrastructure on the road network Patras - Pyrgou, the immediate integration of infrastructure on the rail network in next time. To achieve any significant development is necessary the tourist education of all those involved in tourism. Furthermore, it is important to succeed the development of the area with the promotion and advertising.

All the above will be achieved through the proposals of marketing mix. The objectives for promoting a sustainable and quality tourism could be succeeded by:  targeting in alternative forms of tourism,  increasing the share of the tourist market,  the increase of the region's competitiveness,  the growth of tourist demand,  the extension of the tourist season,  the creation of a brand name for the region,  targeting in new foreign markets

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In this dissertation it is elaborated a strategic marketing plan and is proposed specific actions in order to succeed the objections. The most important action is the diversification of the tourist product by the development of alternative forms of tourism. In the region there is the possibility of developing other tourist products related on the resources as the region has available e.g. the religious tourism, the sport tourism, the gastronomy tourism, the agricultural tourism etc. It is required the upgrading of the tourist infrastructures of the region and the creation of new.

Furthermore, it is necessary the continuous training all the tour businesses and their staff with the seminars and workshops in order to make a specialized personnel and provide a high level of services to tourists.

Finally, it should be emphasized on the suitable promotion of Achaia with the adopting the right mix of promotion and advertising. The most important is the promotion through the internet and especially the usage of social media that are nowadays popular source of information.

In order to be achieved all above, it is essential to work together the productive, the social and the cultural entities of the local tourism economy and the cooperation of the tourism enterprises with the public authorities, the Region of Western Greece and all the Municipalities. With the aim of successful partnership all the local authorities it is proposed the establishment of a monitoring committee responsible for the coordination, the organization and the monitoring of the actions of the program in order to achieve a sustainable tourism development in Achaia.

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Appendix A: “Questionnaire”

School of Social Sciences

Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Postgraduate Dissertation

“Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

Ioanna Papanikolopoulou

Supervisor: Apostolos Giovanis

PATRA 2019

QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ASSOCIATIONS, HOUSES & PUBLIC BODIES. The following research is being conducted in the framework of my diploma thesis for the postgraduate degree in Business Administration (MBA) of the Hellenic Open University. The aim of this study is to draw conclusions regarding the tourism development of Achaia Regional Unity and the contribution of the Strategic Tourism Marketing Plan to it. We assure you that all the information we collect is confidential and that the results of the research will use only for the writing of this diplomatic work. In addition, your personal information will not be published. Your contribution to the successful conduct of this research is particularly important. Thank you in advance for your participation and for the valuable time you will have.

Name of Association / Agency:

Representative’s name and position:

1. What do you think are the "strong" points of the area that should be used to promote the tourist product of the Prefecture in the markets?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Postgraduate Dissertation 66 Ioanna Papanikolopoulou, “Strategic Marketing Plan of Tourism. The Case Study of Prefecture of Achaia”

2. What, in your opinion, is the "weakness" of tourism in the Prefecture of Achaia?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Which markets do you think the Prefecture of Achaia should be targeting?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Do you consider that the tourist promotion of the Prefecture of Achaia by the competent bodies (Ministry of Tourism, Greek National Tourism Organization, etc.) is sufficient?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Do you think that alternative forms of tourism in Achaia could boost tourism?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. What are the best seasons in your opinion to visit the surrounding region of Achaia?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

7. Do you think that the conduct of sports organizations contribute to the development of the tourist product of the region?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

8. What do you think should be done to improve the tourist image of the area?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

9. What factors do you consider to opportunities and threats in terms of tourism development in the region?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

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10. What should be the objectives of the region western Greece in relation to tourism and how the analysis SWOT should be used to identify them?

……………………………………………….……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

11. Who are the competitors and what is emerge from the competition analysis?

……………………………………………………………………….……………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

12. What are the sustainable competitive advantages of the Region?

…………………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

13. How are made the segmentation, the targeting and the placement in the tourism destination?

…………………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

14. Do you believe that the existence of an integrated tourism marketing plan by local authorities would help to strengthen and improve the brand name of the Prefecture?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

15. What resources do you think are untapped and could be developed for tourism?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

16. How do you judge the idea of an immediate implementation of an in-depth tourism promotion program?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

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17. What kind of strategies do you think should be followed for the sustainable development of the region and how they are implemented these based on 7p (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical evidence) of the marketing services?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Author’s Statement: I hereby expressly declare that, according to the article 8 of Law 1559/1986, this dissertation is solely the product of my personal work, does not infringe any intellectual property, personality and personal data rights of third parties, does not contain works/contributions from third parties for which the permission of the authors/beneficiaries is required, is not the product of partial or total plagiarism, and that the sources used are limited to the literature references alone and meet the rules of scientific citations.

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