47% of Coronavirus Cases in Georgia Imported from Russia

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47% of Coronavirus Cases in Georgia Imported from Russia Issue no: 1257 • JULY 31 - AUGUST 6, 2020 • PUBLISHED WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50 In this week’s issue... FOCUS CENN to Support East ON YORK TOWERS Point’s Green Initiatives For the harmonious NEWS PAGE 3 development of your family PAGE 7 The News-Fakeism in Our Life POLITICS PAGE 4 The Balance of Strength in the Black Sea Region & Georgia’s Current Challenges. Part I POLITICS PAGE 6 Construction Company Dagi – A Story that Began 20 Years Ago BUSINESS PAGE 8 Carrefour: The Crisis Management Strategy Amid a Global Pandemic BUSINESS PAGE 8 Tbilisi Hills Golf & 47% of Coronavirus Cases in Residences Marketing Director On Bringing Golf Georgia Imported from Russia Culture to Georgia BUSINESS PAGE 9 BY NINI DAKHUNDARIDZE The Wilds of Tusheti – A he National Center for Disease Week with the Shepherds Control and Public Health published a report on Tuesday according to SOCIETY PAGE 11 which the largest number of COVID cases in Georgia had been imported Tfrom Russia as of July 11. Prepared for Georgia Today Business by The report gives specifi c numbers: out of 980 Markets Asof27ͲJulͲ2020 coronavirus cases, 272 were imported, which STOCKS Price w/w m/m BONDS Price w/w m/m BankofGeorgia(BGEOLN) GBP8.00 Ͳ7,0% Ͳ24,7% GEOROG04/21 101.37(YTM4.83%) +0,0% +1,6% makes up 27.7% of the total cases. 46.7% (127 GeorgiaCapital(CGEOLN) GBP3.70 Ͳ6,3% Ͳ19,6% GEORG04/21 102.51(YTM3.22%) +0,1% +0,2% cases) of these 272 cases came from Russia, 8.4% GHG(GHGLN) GBP0.69 Ͳ20,5% Ͳ23,3% GRAIL07/22 103.17(YTM6.00%) +0,7% +1,2% (23) came from Turkey, 8% (22) came from Azer- TBCBankGroup(TBCGLN) GBP7.50 Ͳ2,6% Ͳ16,0% GEBGG07/23 101.15(YTM5.58%) +0,5% +1,5% baijan and 7.7% (21) came from Armenia. COMMODITIES Price w/w m/m CURRENCIES Price w/w m/m CrudeOil,Brent(US$/bbl) 43,41 +0,3% +5,8% GEL/USD 3,0836 +0,3% +0,9% Six new cases of COVID-19 were registered in GoldSpot(US$/OZ) 1942,24 +6,8% +9,7% GEL/EUR 3,6239 +3,0% +5,7% Georgia Wednesday-Thursday this week, bring- GEL/GBP 3,9722 +2,1% +5,4% INDICES Price w/w m/m GEL/CHF 3,3520 +5,6% +3,9% ing the total number of cases to 1160, the gov- FTSE100 6104,88 Ͳ2,5% Ͳ0,9% GEL/RUB 0,0431 Ͳ Ͳ1,6% FTSE250 17157,94 Ͳ1,3% +0,3% GEL/TRY 0,4492 +0,2% +0,8% ernment-run website stopcov.ge reported. DAX 12838,66 Ͳ1,6% +6,2% GEL/AZN 1,8139 +0,3% +0,9% A total of 937 patients have recovered from DOWJONES 26584,77 Ͳ0,4% +6,3% GEL/AMD 0,0064 ͲͲ Elvis Barukcic/AFP via Getty Images NASDAQ 10536,27 Ͳ2,1% +8,0% GEL/UAH 0,1116 +0,1% Ͳ2,5% coronavirus; 17 have died. 6489 persons are under MSCIEMEE 150,53 +2,8% +2,1% EUR/USD 0,8509 Ͳ2,6% Ͳ4,5% a 14-day mandatory quarantine and 337 are under nected with the Gardabani municipality of east- ity remains under lockdown; the government is MSCIEM 1073,14 +0,8% +7,4% GBP/USD 0,7763 Ͳ1,7% Ͳ4,2% SP500 3239,41 Ͳ0,4% +7,7% CHF/USD 0,9199 Ͳ2,0% Ͳ2,9% observation in hospitals. ern Georgia and the Lilo open market in Tbilisi. carrying out monitoring of all open markets in MSCIFM 2120,06 Ͳ1,0% Ͳ0,6% RUB/USD 71,6083 +0,4% +2,6% Most of the newly registered cases are con- The Karajalari village of Gardabani municipal- Georgia to curb the spread of the virus. GTIndex(GEL) 1582,68 ͲͲTRY/USD 6,8700 +0,2% +0,1% GTIndex(USD) 1208,13 ͲͲAZN/USD 1,7000 ͲͲ GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS JULY 31 - AUGUST 6, 2020 Georgian PM Speaks with US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo BY BEKA ALEXISHVILI Ken Walker University Clinic eorgian Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia spoke with the US Secretary of State for Medical Rehabilitation Mike Pompeo over the phone about the strategic Gpartnership between the two countries. Opens in Tbilisi The discussion, which was held over omy that will contribute to the develop- the phone because of the COVID-19 BY ANA DUMBADZE ment of medical tourism in Georgia. pandemic, was still oriented towards a "The Medical Rehabilitation Center face-to-face meeting which is to be held most prolifi c problem for Georgia, which countries, such as by gathering American for 200 children and 250 adults in Geor- by the end of the year. is occupation and the situation in the investments in Georgia and broadening he Ken Walker University gia, together with the infrastructure of The two sides conferred on the global occupied territories. The PM gave detailed the free trade agreements. Clinic for Medical Reha- the University Clinic, is a joint achieve- pandemic and the steps that can be taken information to the Secretary regarding One of the most prominent topics which bilitation has been opened ment," said Giorgi Gakharia, the Prime to prevent the further spread of the virus, the harsh and aggressive tactics used by was debated in the conversation was the in Tbilisi, at Gudamakari Minister of Georgia. as well as to strengthen and deepen the the Russians when capturing and impris- Constitutional Amendments ratifi ed by St., 4. "I want to thank our international part- dynamics of the strategic partnership oning ethnic Georgian citizens. The two the Georgian Parliament regarding the TThe clinic has another branch in Batumi, ners, the US government, for their sup- between the two countries. sides also discussed security in the region electoral process. The PM assured the capital of Georgia's Adjara region, port. Of course, this would not have been Pompeo complimented the Georgian and examined what could be done to Pompeo that these changes would at Baku St., 8. possible without systematic cooperation. authorities on the handling of the virus, improve the overall situation. The US enhance Georgia’s democratic develop- Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia, Chair- Competence from the US Emory Uni- and the effective steps taken to prevent Secretary of State once again reaffi rmed ment and that it would bring further man of Parliament Archil Talakvadze versity, support from the Georgian busi- further casualties and spread. The Geor- that Washington supports Georgia’s ter- pluralism in the Georgian Parliament. and US Ambassador to Georgia Kelly ness community, and support from the gian PM on his side thanked the United ritorial integrity and sovereignty. The Prime Minister also praised US Degnan attended the opening ceremony. Tbilisi Medical University played a big States for numerous initiatives over the The conversation also touched on Ambassador Kelly Degnan and her The Ken Volker University Clinic is role. All this has given us the result we years aimed at assisting Georgia, in par- Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations. One engagement in the internal processes of equipped with American and European have. This medical center will be fully ticular underlining and thanking Pompeo of the main topics here was Black Sea the country. high-technology medical facilities and focused on the functional independence for his personal support for Georgia and Security, which plays a monumental role The conversation between the two provides multi-discipline rehabilitation of people with disabilities, and there is its democratic development, as well as in the security of the Euro-Atlantic alli- was concluded with the agreement that services. no greater goal than this to make people for supporting its security and territorial ance. The PM affi rmed that Georgia the election process in Georgia will be The clinic will simultaneously serve with disabilities worthy partners in our integrity. The PM also invited the Sec- remains a trustworthy partner for NATO, held transparently, in a free and just up to 200 children and 250 adults. daily lives. This is the goal of both the retary of State for an offi cial visit to the US, and the EU in the Black Sea environment, these requirements and At the same time, due to the growing state and each of our citizens. We must Tbilisi. region. their fulfi llments being a guarantor for interest in the Ken Walker Clinic from do everything to make this medical- One of the main topics of discussion The dialogue between the two country the country’s approach to democratic the neighboring countries, additional rehabilitation center successful," the between the two sides was the matter representatives also comprised of deep- development and Euro-Atlantic integra- funds will fl ow into the Georgian econ- head of government said. of security. The talks also engaged the ening economic ties between the two tion. GEORGIA TODAY JULY 31 - AUGUST 6, 2020 NEWS 3 CENN to Support East Point’s Green Initiatives Important Memorandum Signed to Support Environmental Protection & Georgia’s Sustainable Development BY KATIE RUTH DAVIES nvironmental protection- the care and respect of the world and nature in which we live and on which we depend for survival; reduce, recycle, Ereuse- the modern buzzwords we all have in mind, many recognize the need for, but few know how to implement effectively. In Georgia, it is largely thanks to the initiatives of businesses and NGOs that we are being helped along the way, with awareness also growing higher up, in government and city halls, of the need to do more to look after our planet. One positive move in this direction was the signing, on July 13, of a four-party memorandum to assist in the environ- mental protection and sustainable devel- opment of the country.
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