
10:00 Jesse_Eisenberg: I am here in space.

10:00 [Comment From ilovejesse] i have stuff to do today! how long is the chat? :)

10:00 [Comment From anastasia_stels] Jesse, I very much like that you do. Thanks you!=*

10:00 [Comment From Simi] okay, 2 more minutes

10:00 [Comment From K August] Test 2

10:00 [Comment From owner-duck] so excited!

10:00 [Comment From Andrea] hey

10:00 andrew_garfield: hello

10:00 [Comment From steve] Who else is going to pick up the blu ray on tuesday??? I will , so excited, such a great movie

10:00 [Comment From hattie] ;D how much of this do you think is going to be OMGILOVEDYOUINSCHANDSUCHHERESMYNUMBERMARRYMEYOUHAVEGREATEYES

10:00 [Comment From Eliza] can this start now adasfasd

10:00 [Comment From Simi] why scared?

10:00 [Comment From Emmy] will they be chatting from the same place?

10:00 [Comment From M.] this is going to be legendary lol

10:00 andrew_garfield: so hows it going?

10:00 [Comment From Simi] yeah, im east coast too

10:00 [Comment From Crystal] Can we all be respectful and normal please. Nothing embarrassing and ridiculous.

10:01 [Comment From Andrea] hello

10:01 [Comment From Becky] Yees

10:01 [Comment From Robin] ^ im definitely scared for these boys

10:01 [Comment From Ritaaa] lol same

10:01 [Comment From Rocio] lo I don't even have a question

10:01 [Comment From Shirley] Hey Patrick, where are they chatting from and will they see everything that's been posted so far?

10:01 [Comment From Mel] lol well this will be interesting

10:01 [Comment From Kristie] Me too Berlynn

10:01 [Comment From Eliza] When will this start?

10:01 [Comment From Letícia] I have a few...

10:01 [Comment From aleah] oh man. i woke up just in time

10:01 [Comment From Robin] SHHHHHH

10:01 [Comment From Angie] Supporting Robin's Abraham moratorium

10:01 [Comment From Rocio] T U M B L R

10:01 [Comment From Joan] Steve, I had problems with the time too, I'm from Brazil haha

10:01 [Comment From Mirka] I'm from Slovakia, it's 7 pm here...

10:01 [Comment From Emily] Please don't break the fourth wall

10:01 [Comment From Abraham] Hey.

10:01 [Comment From Berlynn] hi

10:01 [Comment From Brandon] jesse

10:01 [Comment From Simi] i dont know what to ask though

10:02 [Comment From Jenny] Jesse!!

10:02 PatrickDay: Hey Jesse and Andrew! Thanks for joining us. One of the biggest questions everyone has is whether you two are in the same room right now...

10:02 [Comment From steve] i am i the only dude hear, i guess i have a man crush on jesse

10:02 [Comment From Eliza] OMG

10:02 [Comment From Kristie] HELLO!!!

10:02 [Comment From Maria] okay, so no video? I FEEL BETRAYED BY THE INTERNET

10:02 [Comment From Anisha] Hi everyone!

10:02 [Comment From Becky] Hello!

10:02 Jesse_Eisenberg: We are in different rooms, but they look the same

10:02 [Comment From Simi] i feel i know enough i guess

10:02 [Comment From Rocio] why is the chicken not nominated for a golden globe I am just wondering

10:02 [Comment From Dee] you guys can hear each other?

10:02 [Comment From ilovejesse] HELLO JESSE I LOVE YOU!!!

10:02 andrew_garfield: i designed my room to look like his kitchen

10:02 [Comment From Letícia] Stop playing u______u

10:02 [Comment From Brandon] they here

10:02 [Comment From Mallaurie] lol abraham

10:02 [Comment From Lo] lol abraham

10:02 [Comment From Alice] REAL JESSE??

10:02 [Comment From Andrea] dude

10:02 [Comment From Victoria] Having a tumblr should be a prerequisite for uh, not, being in this chat.

10:02 [Comment From Natalie] Ri, I think so. ?

10:02 [Comment From Mika] Abraham is not that man

10:02 andrew_garfield: the chicken got shorted

10:02 [Comment From hattie] I'm making a beard hat to pass the time

10:03 [Comment From Rachel] Jenna?

10:03 [Comment From Andrew W.] Mention Chickens or Abraham in one minute, and someone will hurt someone, probably.

10:03 PatrickDay: has been in the news quite a bit since the movie came out. Developments with the Winkelvoss twins, etc. Have you two followed the latest or have you been busy with your own careers?

10:03 [Comment From Kristie] JESSE IS HERE!

10:03 [Comment From Ali] BRB thinking of a proper question to ask

10:03 [Comment From Karen] Congrats to both Jesse & Andrew on their brilliant performances & success in "", Andrew, your performance in "" blew me away. As an acting coach you totally moved me. What type of preparation as an actor do you do to bring about such emotionally moving characters?

10:03 andrew_garfield: well karen thank you

10:04 [Comment From Becky] Oh!

10:04 [Comment From Emmy] omg

10:04 [Comment From april] omg

10:04 [Comment From Bailey] seen their movie four times so excited

10:04 [Comment From Ali] haha

10:04 Jesse_Eisenberg: I follow the facebook news as a layman. I'm interested like everyone else is, and I don't feel that I have any special insight into their business.

10:04 [Comment From Angie] hi jesse!

10:04 [Comment From charlotte] hi jesse!

10:04 andrew_garfield: i find it very difficult to be an actor to be honest. to access emotions on cue is an inhuman thing to achieve. so its never simple

10:04 [Comment From steve] hey dude

10:04 [Comment From Kim] What is the strangest thing a role required you to do?

10:04 [Comment From carolyn] are you i palm springs for the festival award

10:05 [Comment From Paula] OMG!! JESSE'S HERE!!

10:05 [Comment From C Muggz] oh my god

10:05 andrew_garfield: i trained at a great drama school and had great teachers and i am constantly inspired by other people s performances

10:05 [Comment From Charlie] Crazy stuff. Oh my god. Hyperventilation takes over.

10:05 [Comment From Curd] And it has begun!

10:05 [Comment From Rocio] wait what

10:05 [Comment From Mirka] oh gosh I'm smiling like an idiot

10:05 [Comment From Dee] they're here, guys

10:05 [Comment From freya] omg hiiiiiiiii

10:05 [Comment From Joan] Hi Jesse! How do you do?

10:05 [Comment From Claudia] Jesse! Andrew!

10:05 [Comment From steve] i loved the scene when you smashed the computer, how much did you enjoy that, spidey??

10:05 Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Joan, I am all right. how are you?

10:05 [Comment From Charlie] Would you ever do something particularly strange for a film or do you have a limit on what you would do in a film?

10:05 [Comment From ally] Andrew, you were brilliant in Never Let Me go.

10:06 andrew_garfield: and if you are in a scene with a great actor opposite you your job is easier. like jesse was incredibly useful

10:06 [Comment From Annie] So can we start with questions?

10:06 andrew_garfield: steve yes it was very fun.

10:06 [Comment From Brandon] hey hows spider man andrew

10:06 andrew_garfield: i have a lot of rage as a person which i didnt realize i had

10:07 [Comment From Vik] You guys are wonderful! what were your favourite movie of 2010?

10:07 andrew_garfield: brandon spiderman is great fun thanks. and really tiring, but mostly fun as hell

10:07 [Comment From ilovejesse] I have already ordered the Blu-ray to see Jesse!

10:07 [Comment From Lila] HELLO :)

10:07 [Comment From Letícia] Hi Andrew, Hi Jesse!

10:07 [Comment From Mallaurie] i'm extremely excited for the dvd

10:08 Jesse_Eisenberg: i agree with Andrew; it is easier to act opposite someone who is good and taking it seriously. Performing can be such a strange and silly thing, but if you're working with people who treat it seriously and are thoughtful it can become wonderful and a lot of fun

10:08 PatrickDay: Social Network seems to be a triumph for something people say was endangered in Hollywood -- the adult drama. Did you guys ever wonder while making it if there was an audience for this?

10:08 andrew_garfield: vik i really loved the fighter, toy story 3, carlos, a prophet, how to train your dragon, the karate kid...... many more

10:08 andrew_garfield: yes patrick constantly. we never thought anyone would watch it or see the point of it

10:09 [Comment From K] I wonder why the release date of DVD/Blu-ray is so late in UK! cant wait to buy one!

10:09 [Comment From Simi] Is there any special director you would like to work with that you haven't yet? Either of you?

10:09 andrew_garfield: maybe cos we were so close to it

10:09 Jesse_Eisenberg: To Patrick: While we were shooting the movie, I thought it was going well and would be good (the script was phenomenal) but I was actually a bit concerned that it might be too clever or too complicated/fast moving to be followed and enjoyed by many people

10:09 [Comment From Andrea] Jesse, you said you listened to a lot of musicals growing up. What's your favorite musical?

10:09 [Comment From Amy] For Andrew: I recently rewatched a lot of episodes, and noticed you were in Daleks in Manhattan - what was it like working on Doctor Who?

10:09 andrew_garfield: simi i love ken loach, paul thomas anderson, mike liegh

10:10 [Comment From Nora] How are your cats, Jesse?

10:10 Jesse_Eisenberg: To Andrea: I like Pacific Overtures, Floyd Collins. You?

10:10 andrew_garfield: amy, it was great fun, i love david tennant, hes so talented and i am a big fan of the show so it was just pure fun

10:10 andrew_garfield: how are your cats jesse?

10:10 [Comment From SteveC] Reznor and Ross created an incredible soundtrack as the score, how did you feel about it in regards to the tone of the movie?

10:10 Jesse_Eisenberg: Hi Nora, my cats are weird

10:11 [Comment From Mel] Hey Andrew, how has it been working with so far?

10:11 [Comment From Amy?!] greetings!


10:11 [Comment From carolyn] What films are you guys looking forward to seeing that you haven't seen yet?

10:11 [Comment From Sarah] How do you guys feel about interacting with fans of your movies, particularly this one?

10:11 andrew_garfield: mel she s very special. and hilarious and sweet. its been pretty great i really like her. you d get on i think

10:11 [Comment From Sheree_WL] Hi! What was your favourite scene in the movie?

10:11 [Comment From teapot] has there been any point where you've seriously reconsidered acting as your profession? i'm about to start uni this year, studying graphic design and have had a few doubts about starting a career in the creative world.

10:12 [Comment From Michelle] Hello, Andrew and Jesse! Would you ever consider co-starring in another film together?

10:12 [Comment From Erica] Jesse, what is you favorite Andrew Garfield film? and Andrew, what is your favorite film? (My favorite is and Adventureland!) =)

10:12 Jesse_Eisenberg: to Mel: the score perfectly suits the film and these characters. There is a strange and off putting musical buzz through a few of the tracks that coincides with mark's inner life -- never shutting down and a bit dark

10:13 andrew_garfield: teapot. yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesy all the time. i always have doubts about what to do everysecond of my life. read if you havent already, letters to a young poet by raine maria rilke

10:13 andrew_garfield: that helped me...... a bit

10:13 Jesse_Eisenberg: To Michelle and Erica: I would love to be in another movie with Andrew! It was a thrilling and challenging experience. I love andrew in everything I've seen him in.

10:13 PatrickDay: Fincher's talked about making actors shoot scenes until they flub up and create something spontaneous. Can you both give an example of a "flub" that made it into the movie?

10:13 [Comment From Ally] Were there any scenes you were scared to film or that were difficult for you guys?

10:13 andrew_garfield: erica i feel the same way

10:14 [Comment From Joan] I'm doing well, thank you!! Just wondering, what are you doing next on movies?

10:14 [Comment From Berlynn] OH MY GOD I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MEDICATION FOR THIS. Hyperventilation in 3...2...1

10:14 [Comment From gaby] how both of you feel with the possibility of being nominated for an oscar?

10:14 [Comment From owner-duck] hello Jesse and andrew . i'm thai fan ... I'm so glad to meet you in space ^ ^

10:15 [Comment From Amy] What's it like experiencing this sudden explosion of fame? Is it overwhelming, or fun (or both)?

10:15 Jesse_Eisenberg: To Patrick: We would do many takes of each scene, but it was more about being able to try many different things, rather than trying to screw up in an interesting way. We said every line in the script word for word, so there are no improvised lines and very few improvised moments.

10:15 [Comment From lex] so excited that TSN got nominated for so much this awards season, i hope you guys win some, 'cause you really deserve it.

10:15 andrew_garfield: ally i was scared to film the scene where i smash the computer, and the scene where goes down on me.

10:15 [Comment From Jenina] how many takes did the laptop smash scene take?

10:15 [Comment From Allen] Hi guys, I was wondering if there were any paricular rituals you went through to get in the mindset of Mark or Eduardo while filming? What types of activities get you in the role or scene?

10:16 andrew_garfield: jenina, a bunch. all told in the 60 s probably???

10:16 [Comment From Victoria] How many computers were harmed in the making of this film and did you hear from any computer rights groups?

10:16 [Comment From Ali] do you ever suffer from character bleed when filming? like fi you're character is in a bad headspace, that follows you out of the studio? or are you quite good at shutting off from your character?

10:16 [Comment From alice] how your lives changed after the social network? I mean, you guys were famous already, but that was kinda huge.

10:16 Jesse_Eisenberg: to Allen: I liked to listen to mark's voice during the day on an ipod. He speaks with such assurance and conviction that it helped me get into that mindset

10:17 [Comment From Sapna] How did you both bond on set? Did you both hang out a lot?

10:17 andrew_garfield: allen, i danced alot. in my trailer before most scenes. and i listened to alot of samba music and the city of god soundtrack

10:17 PatrickDay: And playing off Alice's question: judging by the attendance in this chat, you guys have a lot of female fans. Have you noticed a lot more female attention in real life?

10:18 andrew_garfield: ali, i find it hard to drop the scenes from the day, especially if we hadnt completed a scene and were gonna shoot the next day. that was hard.

10:18 [Comment From Jenn] Did you guys ever met Trent Reznor, or you didn't have that chance?

10:18 Jesse_Eisenberg: to Ali, If you're spending so many hours a day trying to experience the character's life, it necessarily bleeds a bit into your life even though you know it's not real.

10:18 [Comment From Arline] Have either of you done any theater and if so how does a film's stop and start (non?) momentum differ from the constant concentration of theater acting?

10:18 andrew_garfield: jesse gets mobbed at whole foods now

10:18 Jesse_Eisenberg: by my mother

10:19 [Comment From Paula] Jesse you said in an interview that you skipped school. How do you manage to still appear so intelligent?

10:19 [Comment From Lauren] Andrew your American accent was brilliant! How much practicing did you have to do for it?

10:19 andrew_garfield: i prefer theatre acting, it is more of an extreme sport

10:19 [Comment From Mirka] Jesse, Andrew... I really can't think of any interesting question I just want to thank your parents for conceiving you. Greetings from Slovakia (tho I'm sure you don't even know where that is :D)

10:19 [Comment From Adriana] will you guys be at the palm springs festival today?

10:20 andrew_garfield: lauren thanks. my dads american so i cheated

10:20 [Comment From Paul] this is amazing, you guys. i believe The Social Network to be David's Fincher's best work, i've been studying the script today, it's amazing how you brought it all on screen. Jesse, Andrew, you are both brilliant!!

10:20 Jesse_Eisenberg: to Arline: Theater has it's own difficulties, but gives you more opportunities (and more time) to try things

10:20 [Comment From laura] what was the first and last scene you shot?!

10:20 andrew_garfield: adriana yes. will you?

10:20 [Comment From Michelle_E] Have either of you seen any of Sorkin's other works? Thoughts? I'm particularly fond of Studio 60 and I felt I saw a lot of the same struggles in both

10:20 [Comment From hattie] Something I've been wondering is how the progression from obscurity to the thinking person's sex symbol so quickly in your careers has affected you both.

10:21 [Comment From Adriana] Will you guys be at Palm Springs Festival tonight?