I at this moment declare this report based on my original work except for quotations and citations, which have duly acknowledged. I also state that it has not previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree student at University Sultan

Zainal Abidin or other institutions.

Signature: ______



Date : ______


This project Augmented Reality Traditional Food (AR) application was prepared and submitted by Ahmad Zulkhairi Faiz Bin Razak (BTDL 17047800) and has been found satisfactory in terms of scope, quality, and presentation as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Information Technology

(Informatics Media) with honors in University Sultan Zainal Abidin.

Signature : ______

Supervisor : EN. MOHD SUFIAN BIN


Date : ______


Firstly and foremost praised to Allah for giving me the opportunity to complete my final year project. Malaysia Traditional Food in AR application using android smartphone forgive me the strength and ability to finish this report. I also would like to express my gratitude to mu supervisor, En Mohd Sufian bin Mat Deris for valuable advice, guidance, and ideas given through the development of research until the end of my final year project. In addition, thanks to my family and my friend that give courage and motivation during my research.


Awareness of our society on the value of history traditional food today being at an alarming rate. The rapidity technology trends main reasons traditional to be away from them because of their bigotry to technology. Hence, the proposal application for the Augmented Reality of Malaysia Traditional Foods proposed. The main objective of the study is to develop an application, test the usability of this application. This application is a platform for students to know traditional food by using technology.

The involves to use application development software Unity to produce this AR program. Result of application is expected to attract users, especially student to appreciate the history of application.



1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Objective 3

1.4 Scope 4

1.5 Limitation of work 5

1.6 Expected Result 5

1.7 Activities 6

1.8 Project Schedule 7


2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Augmented Reality Pipeline 9

2.3 Related Products 10 - 12

2.4 Comparison Table 13

2.5 Summary 14



3.1 Introduction 15

3.2 Addie Model 15 - 16

3.3 Methodology Phase 17 - 34

3.4 Framework 35

3.5 Solution Complexity 36

3.6 Hardware and Software Requirement 37 - 40

3.7 Design and Modelling 41 - 45

3.8 Summary 46


4.1 Introduction 47

4.2 Implementation 48

4.2.1 Home page 49

4.2.2 Main Menu 50

4.2.3 Menu Button 51

4.2.4 Info Button 52

4.3 Script Process 53

4.3.1 Part of script 54-55

4.4 Application Testing 56

4.5 Testing and Result 56

4.5.1 Time Table of Result 57

5.6 Summary 58


5.1 Introduction 59

5.2 Project Achievement 59

5.3 Problem Limitation 60

5.4 Future work 61

5.5 Conclusion 62

5.6 References 63


The introduction typically describes the scope of the document and gives the brief explanation or summary of the document. It may also explain certain elements that are important to the essay if explanations are not part of the main text.

Back in the days before the internet and gadgets exist, many people and tourist looking for information on a magazine or newspaper. If your are wondering what

Malaysians did to keep themselves entertained in those days, one of them is to make traditional food for sale or to eat. There are many traditional food that can be found in

Malaysia. But today with new menu of food that we can found on internet and at a western food store, traditional food somehow lose their colour. Most people nowadays doesn’t know how the traditional food look likes today. As we develop this traditional food industry, we can diversify our existing food industry products. This is because the diversity of a product attracts its customers.

In the this AR Mobile Apps, the traditional food that will be include in this app development is , Sate, , , , kuih Seri Muka,

Denderam, Tepung Pelita, Kuih Akok and . Also people will learning how to make it and ingredients used to make the traditional food. Additionally, people using this AR can view information about the food as well as ingredients and nutrition information. The app will consist on the model of the traditional food and some information where is the most famous place for any of these traditional foods.

1 This AR application will be used on to know and learning the Malaysians traditional foods, knowing the model of foods and can learn history of it. Also can preserve Malaysians traditional food from extinct for the next generation.


A problem statement is the description of an issue currently existing which needs to be addressed. It provides the context for the research study and generates the questions which the research aims to answer. The statement of the problem is the focal point of any research.

- Most of people nowadays didn’t not have any knowledge about our traditional food

especially students.

- Tourists are having trouble finding information about traditional Malaysian food and

the information on internet mostly not up to date.

- Our traditional foods slowly extinct from ou today culture and today generation.


It's important to differentiate objective writing from subjective writing, which is writing that you cannot evaluate, calculate, or verify. Subjective writing might express feelings, opinions, and judgments. This would come in handy for writing a personal essay or an opinion column for a paper, but should not be used when the goal is to simply inform the audience.

This type of writing is best used when you as a writer need to present unbiased information to an audience and then let them determine their own opinion.

News reports and school textbooks often use objective writing. There are the objectives in this project to be achieved to make this project successfully complete:

 This AR Mobile Apps will helps people and tourist to learn, know and gain about

Malaysians traditional foods.

 This AR Mobile Apps will preserve well our traditional foods from extinct from

our cultures and for the next generation.

 Tourist can use this AR Mobile Apps to help them find the information and see

the model of traditional foods through the augmented reality.

4 1.4 SCOPE

The scope of this application is divided into two (2) which are user and admin.

User Scope

(1) Able to explore this application.

(2) Able to play this application

Admin Scope

(1) Able to update this application.

(2) Able to manage application.

The scope for my Augmented Reality Apps is for tourist who want to find the information about traditional foods. This project aims to focus on knowing our traditional foods. This project will consist of all model of foods which is Roti Canai,

Sate, Lemang, Kuih Bahulu, Ketupat, kuih Seri Muka, Denderam, Tepung Pelita,

Kuih Akok and Nasi Lemak. Also can know and learning the Malaysians traditional foods, knowing the model of foods and can learn history of it. Also can preserve

Malaysians traditional food from extinct for the next generation.


A scope limitation is a restriction on the applicability of an auditor's report that may arise from the inability to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about a component in the financial statements. Some scope limitations arise for reasons that are beyond the control of the client, such as fire and flood. Alternative procedures can overcome the risk of the auditor's qualified or disclaimer opinion.

There are some limitation have in a program:

 Only android user can use this application.

 The users need a smart phone to start playing the augmented reality.

 This application needs special marker in order to make it work.


The expected results address the desired knowledge, skills, and behavior that learners should gain at the end of the project; in simple words they reflect the desired learning outcomes. Their achievement is measurable and thus, they help in the project's evaluation.

A) Through this application, my expectation is that users will be able to recognize

information about traditional Malaysia food.

B) Users can increase their understanding of augmented reality technology.

C) Traditional Malaysian food will be preserved as many people use this app.


AR apps contain models for every type of traditional Malaysian food. People will learning how to make it and ingredients used to make the traditional food.

Additionally, people using this AR can view information about the food as well as ingredients and nutrition information. At the same time, users can interact with the model more closely. Users also look at nutrition information, ways to create traditional foods and the history of those foods.


The project schedule covers the course of the whole FYP 1. The duration of this project is from September of 2019 to December of 2019. Chart that illustrate each month’s progression and task to be done is shown below.



In recent times, the influx of people especially young people are not familiar with traditional Malaysia food which is increasingly being forgotten by the local community. This is because the community prefers more modern western food. This is because the people do not know about the history and the richness of traditional

Malaysian food that is becoming obsolete.

Technology is even more advanced today than it was 10 years ago, where society is increasingly influenced by social media. Besides that, foreign tourists are also interested in learning and learning about traditional Malaysian food.

Therefore, these AR apps can help them both local and foreign tourists get a closer look at these traditional foods. The aim is to find a proper mixture of all the elements to produce augmented reality software that will be able to show to people traditional food on AR apps. It can be guideline to develop a new product so that the new product can provide a better functionality compared to the existing product.


Augmented reality (AR) has recently stepped beyond the usual scope of applications like machine maintenance, military training and production, and has been extended to the realm of entertainment including computer gaming. This paper discusses the potential AR environments offer for embodied animated agents, and demonstrates several advanced immersive content and scenario authoring techniques in AR through example applications.

Figure 2.0 AR pipeline


2.3.1 Kabaq AR apps.

Kabaq augmented reality food has developed a revolutionary tool which allows you to radically change the way you present your menu and engage with your consumers. The technology used by KabaQ allows you to visualize your menu in 3D through a process of digital rendering and photography. Using smart device technology, you can present your menu to your consumers in 3D, enabling them to make informed food choices and ensuring their expectations are met or even exceeded.

Figure 2.1: Figure show Kabaq App

Table 2.1: Show advantages and disadvantages Platform Advantages Disadvantages

-Android OS -Offline -Model cannot move -Kabaq Apps on Snapchat, -Have element multimedia -No interaction food an Instagram and Facebook show on apps user

12 2.3.2 ARkit Apps

ARkitt is an application under Apple company developed the technology of augmented reality. The app also provides a dining room where users can use this app to order food online through this app and then be responsible by the selected eateries.

But this app can only be used by Apple device users. This app will show the food model that the user can order.

Figure 2.2: ARkit App

Table2.2: Advantages and disadvantages Platform Advantages Disadvantages

-User can make interaction -Online app -Apple (ios) with model -Only Apple user can use -consumers can know the this app food information

13 2.3.3 Quytech AR App

The food industry is very much dependent on the customer experiences hence to connect the customer AR food menu is a unique way to grab their attention. AR food menu displays virtual food consisting of multiple 3D digital rendering photographs of food on the plate. Through AR food menu app businesses in the food industry can engage their customers in restaurants with new way. AR food app’s storytelling feature is a way of advertising for based on AR technologies.

Figure 2.3: Quytech app interface

Table 2.3: Advantages and Disadvantages Platform Advantages Disadvantages

-Android Os -Customers may see a live -Online app -Printed demo -No audio visual -The user can also find the -Model cannot move famous restaurants



Table 2.4 Comparison table of the existing products with 5 element of multimedia

Product Text Image Video Audio Animation      Kabaq App

     ARkit App

     Quytech App

15 2.5 SUMMARY

In this whole chapter, this chapter discusses a products augmented reality of food.

This chapter also discussed the technique used in the new system and the technique used in the previous research articles and journal. The comparison with the previous research is done so that the right choice will be selected. This chapter also highlights some of the differences between existing applications and can be improved upon from a few things. traditional foods need to be maintained to have a place among locals and foreigners.




This chapter will explain the details of the methodology being used in this project.

The project methodology should systematically solve all the problems arise in the system analysis to make sure this project complete and working well. It is an important step of development since it will guide the researcher through software development. After the app has been completely developed, it should be tested to make sure all the objective of the project achieved. Then, the Addie method has been used for Malaysia Traditional Foods app based on phase for each development process.


In order to achieve the objective of the project, good planning and methodology must be done before the later stage of the process begin. So, Addie has been choosing as a methodology to develop this project. Addie is an acronym for the five stages of a development process: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and

Evaluation. The ADDIE model relies on each stage being done in the given order but with a focus on reflection and iteration. The model gives you a streamlined, focused approach that provides feedback for continuous improvement.

17 Figure 3.1: ADDIE Model





Five phases in ADDIE model are described as below:

3.3.1 Analysis

This is where the process of analysis begins. In this phase the developer have

to identify the problems encountered as a whole. To identify the problem, the

developer can do with some methods such as observation. The problem statement,

objective and existing applications on any of the standards platforms are

searched to compare several current applications about traditional games to get

information that will help the project working well.




Figure 3.2 Content of VR Apps

19 3.3.2 Design

In this phase, the idea for the Malaysia Traditional Foods project is

developed into an initial design of the application. The feasibility of

developing the application on all mobile platforms is determined. After that,

information gathered during the analysis phase is reviewed and compiled.

Create design the project interface by designing a storyboard. The storyboard

will help to see more clearly the flow of the project.

Figure 3.3 AR App main page




Table 3.1 Button name and function


20 Figure 3.4 Start Menu






21 Figure 3.5 View of AR camera



Table 3.3 Button name and function


22 Figure 3.6 Info of AR model



Table 3.4 Button name and function


23 Figure 3.7 Info of AR model



Table 3.5 Button name and function


24 3.3.3 FLASHCARD

Figure 3.8 : Flash card

This flash card is intended to scan objects that have been specially designed for this application. When the user scans this card, the application will release the 3D object that it has created


Main Page

There has 3 button in home page which is:

 START button

 INFO button

 EXIT button

The picture shows the main screen of the screen for this application. there are three buttons namely the start button, the info button and the exit button. When the user presses the start button, the application will bring you to the menu view. The info button also contains information about the application and how to use it. For the exit button, it is to exit this application to the main screen of the user's phone.

26 Menu Page

In START button there has 6 menu button and 1 button back.








The picture shows the view in the start button. The display is called a menu page where there are 10 traditional food menus to scan using the flash card.

27 Camera view

There are three buttons on the camera display to scan for flashcards.




When a user clicks the info button on the screen, the app will pop-up information about the food. Examples of ingredients used and the right way to eat them.

28 3.3.3 Development

In this phase, all the modules that have designed will be develop and are used as a guide to the authoring process. Multimedia elements need to be applied in the design phase. The development of this design refers to the software development process using several applications ready for the image, animation, and authoring.

The process develops virtual reality is referring to a Virtual Reality production pipeline. There are a group of people, hardware, and software aligned to work in a specific sequential order to create a Virtual Reality product or asset. The three main stages of the production pipeline are preproduction, production, and postproduction.

- Idea - Design PREPRODUCTION - Story - Storyboard

PRODUCTION - Layout - Modelling - Lighting - Texture - Rendering


29 The first is preproduction. In this stage that includes the idea, script, storyboard, and design. The idea for a project can come from just about anywhere and from almost anything. Ideas should be something fun and simple. The idea can get from research about the environment, what people needed and from an existing product.

When getting an idea, have some questions to ask self-such as who the characters are?

What is this project for? Who the audience? and What is the final product? After getting the idea, go to script.

The script is the formal written form of the final story. It has written within it the basic character movement, environment and actions. The script must describe what will be seen and heard onscreen for different production teams to know what will be created. After the script is a storyboard. Storyboard is the visual story form of the script. Storyboard is the first visual representation of the entire story. Storyboards can be anything from quickly thumbnail sketches to a fully developed idea. Lastly in this stage is design. In the design component, the final look of the project is decided. This included the character design, prop design, and environment design. The most important aspects are that the mood and concept must be fully realized.

30 Secondly is production. In this stage that includes modeling, texturing, rigging, and lighting. Modeling is everything that needs to be seen screen has to be modeled shown Figure 2.2. The developer can now begin modeling them based on the designs.

After modeling is texturing. Texturing is to make model's surface look like it does in the concept art or to match its real-world counterpart that shown Figure 2.3. Based on the findings of the research on VR in the light of UI and UX, the developer must sketch a design interface to meet the needs of the findings.

Rigging is the component which a control rig is put into a geometric object so the animators can move that object that shown Figure 2.3. Once the modes have been completed and the armature is needed to be placed in the character's body and face.

This is so that during animating, the developer can move the character expressions freely and easily. Lastly is lighting. Lighting is the painting component of the production stage. In this stage, created the lighting and mood for a scene.

31 32 Lastly is post production. In this stage include programming and final output.

After finish production in the Autodesk Maya 3D, move to Unity. In unity to make virtual reality view. Programming is the implementation of logic to facilitate specified computing operations and functionality. In this development using C# language.

During this process, the developer must begin programming and coding the desired outcome of the project based on the findings during the research phase. After the finish is final output. Build this application on the android phone and test this application functional or not. The developer has to present their product. The product is ready to be presented and launched for a large audience to use this application in the play store.

33 3.3.4 Implementation

The implementation phase is also known as the testing phase. After all, is completed the applications will be tested by the supervisor. Testing performed by the supervisor is to detect errors or unknowing mistakes during the process. If there were any error happened during the testing, the error will be fixed. The testing will repeat until all the error of the application is fixed and the application is running correctly according to the requirement. Supervisor also free to comment or criticize for improvements.

The implementation phase represents the first test of making the entire course and is therefore recommended to divide this phase conditionally into two parts: a test implementation phase and final implementation phase . The implementation phase is a testing phase. Completed applications will be tested by the supervisor.

Testing is aimed at finding the weaknesses and detecting any unobserved errors during the authoring process.

During the test, the supervisor freely commented and criticized for improvements to be made and any errors can be corrected. In this phase, test run project and user test run. Test run project is when the developer test runs the project by herself. This is to ensure that the project can be used and is running accordingly. User test run is before presenting the final product a demo version is given to alpha and beta testers to ensure that the project is meeting their criteria.

Criticisms and constructive feedback are taken into account to be implemented later on.

34 1) Testing run project

I will test run the project. While testing this project i have to make sure that the project is successfully run correspondingly.

2) User testing run project

After testing the project, I have to test it to the user.User will give their feedback before the final product can be a launch to the bigger users.The criticisms and suggestion are taken and will be implemented later on

35 3.3.5 Evaluation

The final phase is the evaluation phase. It is the process of getting feedback from supervisor on content, interface, audio, graphics, videos, images, and animation. It because to ensure that the applications are in line with the needs of the users. After all process test, questionnaire, interviews and so on from supervisor the project will be released to end user.

This phase measures the effectiveness and efficiency of the instruction. This assessment involves the process of obtaining feedback from users on the content, graphics, audio, animation, interfaces and so forth contained in the application.

This process is carried out through the methods of purchase, testing, questionnaire, interviews and so on to ensure the application will be in harmony with the needs of consumers. In this stage has debug and final product. In debug, the first one is identify error.

After the test run had been done, errors that were found by the users must be identified. Glitches and mistakes must be brought to light for the developer to improve the project while also implementing the feedback given by the alpha and beta testers. Next is find solution. Once errors have been identified, solutions to solve them must be done. In final product, the developer has to present their product. Product is ready to be presented and launched for a large

audience to use this application in play store.

36 1) Identifying Error

When the project is done for the testing phase ,an error that appears should be identified, what a problem that occurs during the implementation . Example a bug and accuracy should be taken wisely for developer to ensure the project efficiency.

2) Find the Solution

-after done identifying the problem the developer has find the solution to improve the project.


The image above shows the frame work for this application to communicate with the user. Users will use the smartphone and scan the special flashcards provided through this application. Later in this application will be processed by Vuforia and unity to release the model that is created when the user scans the flashcard. the model will then be displayed in the smartphone used by the user.


39 3.4 Hardware and Software Requirement

This section will show the list of all software and hardware that involve in the development process. All of this element is important in the process of development of the application. List of hardware and software are shown as below:

3.4.1 Hardware

Laptop : Acer

Model : Aspire E5-476G

Processor : Intel® Core™ I5-8250U [email protected] 1.80ghz

Ram : 4GB

Hard Disk : SSD Patriot Burst 480GB

System Type : 64-bit

Operating System : Windows 10


Used for development and test run of the Headphone project as well used for finished project to amplify immersion.

Phone To run and test the application.

Mobile Phone

Mouse is used during a coding and 3D Mouse modelling process.

41 Use to store and back Hard Disk up all files.

Used to code render and create the overall interface a PC is needed as project is PC heavy and requires strong rendering35 power that could provide with laptop.

42 3.4.2 Software

Table 3.0 Software and function SOFTWARE USE FIGURE Unity Used to create Augmented Reality app and overall project and animated 3D models/characters.

Microsoft Word Used to type a report and proposal.

Maya 2018 Used to create 3D model

Adobe Photoshop Used to create sketches of background, poster and character.

Adobe Illustrator To design an interface, posters and logo.

43 3.5 Design an Modeling

Design and modelling is a very important. It is as a sketch of ideas to developers as a reference during the development process.

3.5.1 Storyboard Homepage

Figure show the main display for this application. Hit the start button and the application will lead you to the menu display which is will show you the menu each model that contains in this application.

44 Start Menu.

When you press one of menu listed, AR app will lead you to AR camera view to scan and you will see the model. When you press BACK button, AR app turn to first page of app.

45 Camera Visual

This layout show you AR camera view. You will get the flashcard and can scan it. After than that, model will show. You also can take photo of model, you can press CAMERA button to take photo and the photo will save in your phone album.

For INFO button to show you all about model such as history, ingredients and how to make it.

46 Info of model layout

After you hit info button, this app will bring you to info page which is show you info of model. To back to camera view, just press BACK button.

47 Info Layout

From main page of app, there have INFO button. That button to teach and lead you how to use this app and some information of app. BACK button is to back in main page and just press EXIT button to quit from this app.

48 3.6 Summary

This chapter discussed the methodology used is to complete this project. The

ADDIE methodology is used because every phase during the application development follows the project methodology that is mentioned in this chapter. The hardware and software requirement also had been discussed.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter will describe the implementation of the methodology to discuss previous chapter and testing to obtain the result of each implementation.

Implementation is executed to ensure the application is developing according to themain objectives of the applications and meet the user requirement. Testing will be executed the developer will recognize the detects as soon as possible and repair it immediately. A successful test is one that can uncover errors.

50 4.2 Implementation

The implementation phase refers to the actual activity of the instruction. The purpose of this phase is the effective and effective delivery of instruction. This project is implemented as an Android application by using 2D Unity. This will help developer design, code, test, debug and execute the main process of the project. This project also used C# language for writing a script by using a Visual Studio Code.

So, the first page for Malaysia Traditional Foods is button start, info and exit. The main of interface an application have three parts of modules which is info and model of food consists of ten sub-modules which is Roti Canai, Sate, Lemang, Kuih Bahulu,

Ketupat, kuih Seri Muka, Denderam, Tepung Pelita, Kuih Akok and Nasi Lemak. .

Each module has some text and audio button which is explained or share information about the traditional food.

51 4.2.1 Home Page

For figure 4.1 shows the first interface of Malaysia Traditional Foods

application. The button start is going to the main menu and for the button info is

an explanation about this app.

Figure 4.1 Home page and info page

52 4.2.2 Main Menu

Figure 4.2 show there have 10 menu which are Roti Canai, Sate, Lemang,

Kuih Bahulu, Ketupat, kuih Seri Muka, Denderam, Tepung Pelita, Kuih Akok

and Nasi Lemak. Last for back button is for back to the home page.

Figure 4.2: The Main Menu page

53 4.2.3 Menu button

The picture below shows the real picture inside the food menu button like the

Nasi Lemak button. But the back button is to go back to the other menu options.

Button info is to provide users with information about fat rice such as ingredients

and how to make Nasi Lemak

Figure 4.3 ARCam of Nasi Lemak

54 4.2.4 Info button

In the info button there is also the ingredient needed to cook a menu. For

example, to cook a cookie. The back button is to return to the AR Cam to scan for

the provided flash card.

Figure 4.4 Info of Akok

55 4.3 Script Process

The next setting is some of the program that play a role in this application. A among them include Menu, GameManager, Question, GameUtility, AudioManager,

AnswerData, Uimanager, trackMove, TapController, Parallaxer, Highscore,

EnemyDestroyer, EnemyMove, CountdownText and WauSpawner which are all done in Visual Studio 2017 software. All the program have been developed to set up the

Memorable Traditional Game application process to make a decision in terms of menu switching that will display 2d objects. Because using the Unity app as a platform in this development process, the program must be done using Visual Studio

2017 software before it will be enclosed in the work file that has been created.

Firstly for GameManager, Question, GameUtility, AudioManager, AnswerData and UiManager is to make a Multiple Choice and True-False quiz. All the scripts are to determine the correct answer, determine the time, score, function for the button, music background and to randomly a question. Next, for TapController,

TrackManager, UiManager, AudioMnager, Parallaxer, Highscore, EnemyDestroyer, and EnemyMove. All the scripts are to determine the object movement, music background, function for the button, score, object speed, and for android function.

Lastly for Menu is to connect scene to scene.

56 4.3.1 Parts of the script process of this project.

Figure 4.5 EnemyMove

Figure 4.6 TrackMove

57 Figure 4.7 TapController

Figure 4.8 AudioManager

58 4.4 Application Testing

In these parts is focused on testing the application as a whole. The process will be conducted on a complete, integrated application whether the application is fully or partially satisfied the requirement.

4.5 Testing and Result

Testing is a technique to evaluate the performance of this application whether it satisfies the requirement or not. The application testing is to investigate the testing phase where the test of the design and set requirement. Testing is needed to test application full function and free error

59 4.5.1 Application Functionality Test for User


1 Click button Start Display Main Menu Success

2 Click button Info Info Display Success

3 Click button Exit Exit to mobile phone Success

4 Click button food options Display AR Cam Success

5 Click button Back Back to Main Menu Success

Table 4.1 Functionality Test for User

60 4.6 Summary

In this chapter, it shows how this application process is done. For implementation in this chapter that has been described and shows all the set interface in the application. It can act as a guide for a new user to use this application. Testing also has been done to ensure that all the function run correctly. Furthermore, it also describes the test case that has been done during the development processes.



5.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the result of the project is discussed and concluded. The content of this chapter will summarize the overall contribution.

5.2 Project Achievement and Contribution

A Memorable Traditional Game is an application for learning and sharing information about the traditional game. By using this application, the user having fun and easy to learn and know about the traditional game, they also can share information with other people. This project has achieved the objectives and scope of this project.

62 5.3 Problem and Limitation

There are a few problems and limitations that occur throughout the development of this project. Firstly, for writing the C# scripts I have to use Visual Studio 2017.

What the problem has to sign up and also have to update and download many other functions before can use it. Next, many scenes I have to use to create this project so the problem and limitation are after the project is finished it there has a problem to connect scene to scene. Another problems and limitation during project development are Unity has a new version so I create my project with old version so after update to

Unity to new version and open the project at the new version the project will be errors and some scene can’t open. Furthermore, this application can only perform for the user that uses android only.

63 5.4 Future Work

A Traditional Game still has can be improved and upgrade. There is some suggestion that can be made in order to upgrade this application to be more efficient in the future. The suggestion is adding 3D video tutorial that shows us how to play the traditional game, show the equipment and how to make it. Next, is adding more animation and more interactive design. Another suggestion is this app is making an

Augmented Reality, for example, scan the image food menu and after that will come out 3D model. So if you touch that model it will come out all information about model. Besides, this application can add three languages such as Mandarin, Tamil, and English. Lastly, I hope this application will be the place that our people to recognize the traditional game and sharing information to others.

64 5.5 Conclusion

As a conclusion, Malaysian Traditional Foods is an application that focuses on sharing information and to recognize the traditional foods, especially for the younger generation. This app is also for our generation not to forget about the traditional foods.

Next, the ADDIE model has been used in this system to analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. A good methodology also can provide systematic steps in the development of the application. So that the application can be developed with minimum errors and problem. The storyboard that included in this report can also act as a guideline for the user to use this system.


 Haruminiro, A, Angelia, 2018 MAKANAN ETNIK MELAYU: Bahulu. Jurnal

antropologi: isu-isu budaya Malaysia.

 Sajian tradisi kian dilupakan-Aniza Zainudin - [email protected]

( Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Rabu, 5 Jun 2019 @ 5:00 AM)

 https://www.hmetro.com.my/nuansa/2019/06/462677/


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