t 'v &iavhn.r ta& i .juV-- i ... h:-:- Xk v. HB Ijr;" 1 v i i .i-- ,j." Af,i, ? t syiHft ? f Big Spring Datlg Herald

'.pS-N- O. 308 EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY BIG SPRING, TEXAg, SUNDAy MORNING, MAY 24, 1031. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED j It. rForty Second Legislat Is Adourned lire 4 i u. Chicago Hostess GrandsorfOf Girl'sMother Ruth Nichohj Society Sportswoman of the Air, " Special Tax I yrW&Sr"' ifiM5g HOME 4 Holder of Many Records, To Try for Ocean Hop Garfield Is . Leads Mob To Bills Among "...TOWN Shc Has Flown FaBlcr, il-- A LK Fatally'Sliot Missouri Jail . Higher Than Any Passed Other Woman Those k ByBgDDY Was Identified Auti- - Offers To Hang Negro Wi (Editor's Notet This Is the first iInny Measures KUI$lt Prohibition Organi-- ' With Own Hands; Man ot a series of five articles tracing wmmm w Dollworm Measure Is "Well. well. We have a nice,, To-- - zntion Attempted Attack daring Ruth Nichols' career from j ' s im y Illcommunlcatlon t hand. xou debutante to premier blrdwoman) Unsigned ,v Itpow, we never could understand i CLEVELAND, May 23 W RICHMOND, Mlnsnurl, May 23 why a person writing something to BliiiHaV I AUSTIN. May 23 UP) The forty-seco- nd " John N aarfleld, 29, grandson of (T1 A mob of 100 men waa dis- IhVpaor would not sign his or her Ily RICHARD MASSOCK -- legislature adjourned A. Garfield, died persed early tdday without vio at hamp to the article Tills one U President James NEW YORK, May 23. CP-It- ulh p. m. today. The session open May . old-tim- at his home In Mentor, near Cleve- lence, although urged by Mrs, sinned "A subscriber and e Rowland Nichols, society sports- MB 'MF tgmm ed January 13 and was the lonirest being In Wrlslngcr Id etorm the Ray county citizen." land, after hot the head. woman of the air, hopes to fly the continuous session In tha by wlflow, Jail and lynch Haman, 24, . " stat'a He Is survived his four Paul cloud route to Europe the lonely M history. sons hnd daughter. negro, accused of trying to attack mmtm far hsttt: m JJsually we do not pay much at- a Lindbergh trail. hw. t Though hundreds of bills were l had been associated with a her thirteen-year-ol- d dauchter. killed tention to unsigned She, , flown and or died on the caleiwsar steamship operating company, and Witnesses said she offered to who has faster many Important tlofls, This one. however, gives us Crusaders, hang negro with own higher than any other blrdwoman. f measures and pro was commander of the the her - any something posed constitutional amendments ,n",' opportunity- to Natlona organiza- hands. Is polied for tho graft a'dverilure of t we 'have been figuring" on saying aviation. were passed. tion. 8herlff It. C Wlllard said the Included cigarette, anyway. artillery cap- mob to leadership. The Alone and unafraid, aha Intends These natural Jle also wan a field seemed lack gas, sulphur And cement taxes negro la to be confined here until to drive her pet monoplane over ami 0 aiotl,ilrd I'holo tain during the World War proposed amendment to exempt Our correspondent; nlthough sub-- ' I'rtit his trial, he said. 2,000 menacing miles of green - . homesteads valued at $3,000 mlttim? something publication Vivian Graham, 1, ersnddabnhter greedy ocean, with a confidence w. . W. . " or 1M for property - uses tact, as he, or she, at- If Chicago's new mayor, Anton J. born of skill, training and. keen air. II 'K from state taxes. little cm tempts back-hande- Cermak, has been designated by Man Is Slain gaso- Bills general appropriations, a sort of dig or -- mtndednes. If weather and slip or something at the paper Urn as ths city's first lady." Ths Corn Liouor line permit, she wilt continue to truck regulation, the sulphur aa 'iyor (s a wldovsr. V- jement tax and a million-dolla- r from which he asks a favor. London or, possibly, Paris. friary - V IB By ' No amateur thrill-seek- Is this moimert to rrpav rarmers ibt Detective competent daughter of society ".-- sHHHHB as. pink bollworm and tick quarantlWa To answer one statement In It we Into Gutter ... m losses were still unsigned by - While other debutantes, prepared the have this to say the Herald doei oveipor not have to and never does ,'Jcet Lomax Hkh" themselves for the pampered life of Caught With Wheel From dancing and frilly cTothes, Ruth uovernor sterling said na jrugni permission" from any organization District Judge Watches 53 V. all a special session with In a few W official to print news. Car Brothers Arc Nichols let her thoughts soar to a XV naif Gallons Flow new sphere for wOmen. SA weeks , If It appeared necessary. To Graduate Arrested sHHHIIIm. ''H"'L Many thought the governor could Aii-n- w' It would perhaps startle the o Careerist not cut ovt enough Hems & J Out of her social background she from tke writer of this piece If he heard nf AUSTIN, May 23 (iTl-C- arl ippropriationa bills to keep tha to-- became a record-winne- r and ftcl.als of such9)rganUatIons as the Campbell, 26, was shot dead early With Judge Fritz R. Smith and aloft 1 r; ?my 'al within the state's revenues ana a .. cTVy First careerist. It - ri. Bmvmr' -- i tflBi - Chamber of Commerce and Class today by Detective Joe Llghtsey, a newspaper, man as onlookers. . rwmr that he might have to call legtata- Now, with four records In her v - i government ask whv we didn't or who raid he and another officer Sheriff Jess Slaughter as master JX m&rtzmz "iAkTJ tori ori that account book, ehe Is going after another. y . i couldn't print something. None lUrprlsed Campbell and his two ot' ceremonies, and County Com- kf mr.Ttiar-m-'.jLjBx"tmM The session might also be called When Ruth Nichols was born in - Nobody picks the contents ot thl 5lroit!i Rural School of brother, yirgle and Cornell, re missioner Georgo White as helper, wmm mseoncresslonal redlstrlcUng or New York. Feb. 23, 1901, there was S1Z -- IBSj1JH Tm&VSSST' JT paper except members of Its staff fifty-on- e half gallons fruit Jara of ' ji otlllegl14tlon. It was thought. County Announces turning to their aluomobire with no thought In the minds of her t rJfc t. . ( CSjljlH irom ma- corn whlskep were poured out uheei iKen anoiner " parents some day she would . Support of the Chnmber of Com- i Saturday morning. that rr.TT' --- jr AUSTIN, May 23 Week's Programs chine, fly over the family housetop. --Aviation !jnt .,An-- " up...r'Tiujuurt MThe merce always Is forthcoming from Campbell was shot a he ran lie Thrs whiskey, taken In a raid AiGBAct: - house today adopted a free con newspaper because the Cham- ago. destroyed then was still the dream of jZ Zrri appro- this The final week of the Lomix died In a. "hospital. The brothers months woa ordered visionaries, and few Indeed were .iiSa-V- . ference eleemosynary mil ber of Commerce Is one of tio echool session will open Mondny were Jailed following th shooting by Judge Smith after r man, who priating $10,149,000, for the support , even the boys who thought of a 1931-3- most useful nrganltntlons we have evening a program by pri- Ughtsey tnailt" 2,000 bond was alleged to have been the own-r- of state Institutions during 2 trt sHh career Its Usefulness would be greatly mary pupils. was acquitted. u&u Ynowr ? blcnnlum. Hcr family was prosperous. Her , r'irH;. ;ij rr. creased, Joo. If some of our people Tuesday rVcnlng. Intermediate . r The bill was $14,213 less than the who were born 'In the objective Court father, Erlckson Norman Nichols, e ir present blennlum, and $1,3M,00 less; pupils will present a three-ac- t Distrir Is a retired broker, who had a menv rase and klckatlve mood would Wutsnlim Falls n, bill th? senate posseu. comedy, "Mrs. Tubhs of Shanty bershlp In the New York stock ex- Ruth Nichols, who preferocean hopUo the Imtlrmhi variety, nndlthan take. v gcod purgative and jump Closed The senate ft few minutes later town" Term change Is former tho Mane In which she will attempt her solo flight of the. Atlantic The money P- -r Her mother the conferencO In and with their and The high, school students will From His Horse Miss map below shons the counw thn ntlatrlx will, follow, from New Yorkjvoted adoption of the or- Edith Corllts Haines, The thence) to sonal 'import strengthen the present a three-a- ct comedy "Pro- 'The May term of district court in Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Kuric (report. ganization. family home Is In Rye, fashionable - fessor Pepp" Wednesday evenlnK was clored Saturday by Judge Fritz ROME. May 23 UP) Mussolini suburb. beginning at S o'clock- - There will R. Smith wsa thrown from his horse as he Kurly Thirst for Thrills ififrs. Eberly Home Wo do not apply this term to th tie no'chargv for admission to (he was taking his usual morning City Ourmg. the .three weeks the court . Ruth early evinced that active In Reasons for Support of Hall . communication, un-- - wrlrofi.tWt programs; wn- In session. 'appreiclmalMy iuu scra,thed, but In ue?"6T-Sto- HdmfC'i)wt terest outdoor pursuits which .has Convention h.' The first graduates nf Lomax were diS' .he was went From - civil and criminal cases. otherwise. unhurtne made her famous. ' high school will be awarded dlpto-- j posed of. The docket now Include 'o his office afterwards btu can--elle- d was sept to Masters, Bondissue GivenFy R. L Coofcand wThe Is believe the She Tho a Eberly. Eberly fact w ngH mas Thursday evening. Ruth Lynn eighty-on- e undisposed of suys. nn Interview with several private) school at Dobbs Ferry. N. Mrs. Charles of Hon by our friend, whoever - Saturday nvde and Mlntn Riddle are the seniors The majority of the civil cases hundred Rulgarlan gymnasts vlslt- Y, Slio Joined the Junior League. 'Funeral Home, returned he I, should be given attention Rapid strengthening. of the were tried before Judge fmlth with- - 'ng Rome. She went to Wellesley, and there Dr?E. 0. Ellington In Statements morning from San Antonio where school's .rfitlng Vilth the state de- n .. in n nnmhec of instances she attended tho annual convention hn- - nt she pulled an oar on the crew, was Hero It Is: "Since the oily paitment of education has I of t,he Texas Furicral Directors' and tadrjtho,,e charged vrl felonies chose ,Prcs id ill Elder To tho champion equestrienne, played ' we peed funds enough to ImMd a city h?U v.n.-u(i- The Herald Saturday received this news for I realized iuimiu loouiuitu ui nan ,j advantage or me new law HWKr), Embalmers Association. re IJmiu, ll'llius, KVfcl uukuuii Rtatementaj rom 'citizens these conveniences. and auditorium "that It seeing to program graduation 'nilowlng trial-befo- Preach Here Jloday tUo f locat was held May 18 Tho for th ie K Judge and basketball, . The convention u thi"v rould spend a few dim'"' wjll be featured by anlotlt In which they gave the.lr reasons I believe In. going forward, not , , indugiye. During tha past tear n jurJ. Ono holiday In 1919, when still a $200.-00- I presiding elder fSr supporting to proposed backward. To as a city Is vice- - to eouln the law forces with horn nddrcaa from Rev. R L. Owen, paa When couft opened there were 133 Dr 0 P. Clark, schoolgirl, sit still Mrs EberIy Mrved ns third the Sweetwater district, she went to Atlantic City bon l IsaUe to be voted upon luu uaukciuua, csuci:iaiiy n wc organization. or sirens to protect th lives of tor of tho First Presbyterian Um cages and thirty-on- e criminal of the North A young flier Eddlo Stlhson, president ot the streets, - conference, named hero June 16. The bonds would expect to make Dig Spring the con- cltrens crowln" the ise- churqh. leases nendlnif disposition. Seventeen west Texas Methodist now known as a pioneer of aviation, Willie m auenaance ni ino they are will pulpit today at morning be sold to finance construction of trade center of all towns on the Eberly re-- i clallv while rUnnln Tlu processional "Atclody of Primnni cases were added durine fill the was taking passengers up In n plane vention. Mrs. took the through red lights After car thlefr Love". tKnnlemann) will be play and evening services of the FIrs, a citV hall, auditorium, .flro sta Texas A Pacific railroad between quired examination before the Tea-a-s the term. for a short "Joy hop" at $10 a head.j tion building. Fdrt Worth and El Paso. op bfto'lcireri eTilanerlne th d by Mliw Ada McGlnnis. The grand Jury returned 21 In Methodm church. Rev. w. a. up and Jail State Board of Erjibalralng. wquM - Ruth paid her $10 and went The follow; tVlth nroper fire equipment our lives 'of th public Whit Rev D. It. Undlej- of the, dictments during tho term. Ualley, pastor, announced yesterday. flight. statements b- - for her first The crowning COMING fire hazards aro leas, our key th live of our good citizens Christian church, will offer the In Saturday ma Dr. Clark Is serving his first WHY I AM FOR THE fire JUdce Smith left lor thrill of the. flvo minutes was a ItONI) ISSUE rate Is lower and we save money Second Trial Of rompareit to a car thief or boot vocation. Miss Faye Shelton will home In Snyder. year In this district, having been Vernon dis- loop, Ruth wascaptivated by the While In Texas learned In the long run. To have our city ervlnj cue or jenr lDlln solo Ro- transferred from the de-sl- East I lejer tvs play u with Miss i experience. Then was born hVr ro rt'ence. WimiM to heat Gay playing the nccompanl trict. that we were to soon vote on a offices and officials housed as Kirkland Reaches llkf berta to fly plane herself , t i a bond Jusue that would give us a they now are Is beifeath the digni from vou en 'his This wtl'ter ment, B'Mildinn 1923 Permits Learned to Fly In fire station, a city hall and an au ty of a city of, the population of on account of th af'nlr whlrh Mlnta Riddle will be heard In the Two MVn lit Hospital Rut It was not until years Final Arguments o -- four ditorium. I was .pleased to get " trok pIsco lisl Stturdny, flight. Salutatory adtlress. Ruth Lynn Mill For Week Here After Accylcntj later that sho learned how. She (IXI.VrVtUKD O.N I'AUN I) pieseni me vaicuiciory auaress, ?7M was In "Florida on a visit. There VALPARAISO. Ind May 2a Wl Yps Tollce cars should have will by sir. DlpUmns be presented pnst N. she saw flocks of hydroplanes zoom The s'econd 'trial of Virgil KIrJt! However, In passing, principal Of With building permits the T W Eaglcston. HobbJ. M. Negro Women Use Skyscrapers alrens. w Miss Aran Phillip, the J2.C15, ing over the water. They fascl Are land on charges of murdering Ar friend that, as for school. Honors to wltl bo week amounting to the total ami Sum Spacie, Kllgore, are re polnj.out to.rur students $7.-38- ftne Dravea was completed today to Rig hospital nated her, and she stayed cut ot w ns we know, the city not the dfcllvered by Miss Lorna of for the month was boosted covering at the Spring Club "And For-Ne- argu- has Twlla year. $31,010. Wellesley a year to learn to 'fly Pistol Grandstands with exception of Uie closing funds with which to build a cltv the- - facultv. and for the from Injuries received Thursday Th - U'firA the sea birds. ments to the jury. , 111 fTliule- nrm!t 1. nlglit when the car In which they c hall and. the'tfore the people nrc Rev. W. H. Lvnn w offer the ' Capt. In Scrap Both sides today were presenting " sued at the office ot the city sec were riding overturned. Her Instructor at Miami was 'hove York Crowds V going to vote JunelO to .decide benediction. Harry Rogers, with whom she later final rebuttal witnesses. Arguments the that purpo Ileethoven'a Jktinuct In O will be retary; Eagleaton received a broken col wh'fff fundi for 11. adding sleeping porch was to make her first sensational triangle two Women are set for Monday. y bo provided. plaved as lece&ilonal by Miss J. Ross, larbone and body bruises', Spade The eternal NEW YORK. May 3 CD Sky the to house, 7, block 15, Cedar over thp body. exploit ihe first nonstop flight and a man brought Sadie Robin Klrkland'a first trial resulted ta McGlnnis. lot was badly bruised scrapers, Including the Empire Imprisonment verdict, Crest, cost, $73, to from New York to Miami. Her first son and Fannie Washington, no- - a llfo 'but w rViHnvlte this writer to let ur They were en route liotibs. whjeh sen- Whltmlre, 34x6J frame and solo flight was In 1923. Returning wo.men, county court sai,- - State building, the highest In th; the charge upon the hear from him agalr. Bat Acate Johtf ?ro into tence was was dis- FunVra Today stucco building 1010 Johnson mki.i.o.v in 6rnr.ru to college, she was graduated, from urday3 morning. . world, were crowded with specta obtained later sign your name next t'mrf. 23 (.P- A tors today army missed. (i . street, cost SlfiOO, WASHINGTON. May I- Wellesley In T02I. Additions to the triangle includ- as air forces Mrs. C. C. Harvey, erect 16x26 Secretary Mellon, in a ?adlo ad- Her future had become a certain iwept down, the Hudson for Oh. yes. Wt note in the article For F. Allen ed a club and a cheap pistol, both TO RIO ORANDE VALUE 0. Lgarage anartmfnt, lot 6, blocjc- - 4, dress today, suggested revision of ty. She was bound, to fly. battle In perfect foramtlon from J "thn city" i referred to as 71 f which were used handllyr Miss Portia, Davis and mother, that Funeral rites for F O. Allen. Karle addition, cost l.OOO. h ta system for steadier flow the north tin, of Manhattan Island "they." city, we take It ' county court morn-n- g Mrs. Ovorge W. Da$U, wllfleaVe The Howard county pioneer who died V. Y. Latsbn, fence710 W. Park f revenue and ld Income tax (Tomorrow; Her first record flight) In Saturday to the lower harbor. A smoke means every ncmnn In Thr (he Eberly pleaded guilty to today for a week's motor trip it Friday, will be held at 8 "!(, COst $40. receipts fluriuate ipo wmeiy . ihe negrejues screeh was used but the wind thin In Qiir 3-- o $3 through the Rio Grande Valley. quicker we all find It Jicart Funeral Home chapel at clock ilmple assault, and wcro fined. ned 1L to study, lty prpblfms caoly ard this afternoon The-- service wl be; DIES . rid costs each, First Lieutenant Alfred Mewstt considerately and construc- Pone Givesfleiva E. W. Lomax Home offer conducted by the Rev. W. G. Daflcy, CORSICANA, May 23 t.T James Its was alleged that the two anl a newspaper photographer, Ed- - tive' rrltclsm toward their solution pastor of the First Methodist church Oa Modern Business Hoiyns Woodi, 73, former state women had i mutual feeling for word Dowllhg, fell Into the bay the better we'll all get along. Set- with Ihe musical service- - in charge VATICAN CITY. Mav 23 CP) lenator, died at his residence, here Is Razed By Fire Ono club endea looking he man. with near Fort Hamilton during th The Weather ting ones,' Gelf apart and of W. It. Purser, IPopa Plus, In the eleventh cncycll-- l 'oday a long Illness. vored to reduce, to certain ex- was - ...... h , . . . i . "...... after a maneuvers Jewett unhurt upon city officials, elected by the Mr, Alien is survived oy nis. wi - cai on iaror, maue pumio louay, Funeral arrangements were ln tent, the feeling nf me other. The Dowllng had a lejf ' elect-- - cut Sl- - people or appolnte'd by tboie dow, Mrs. Ladusky Allen, one son characterizes tho md.oern 'economic complete. The farm home of Mr. and Mra other produced the pistol and fired West Texas Partly cloudy ed.' V Inherent enemls of the nco- - rWalter Glenn Allen. O'Donncll, and, world aa dictatorship, and descrlb- - E. W, Lomax was completely des three time. .Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ward, 904, day. M position troyed by 6 o'clock Saturday Sunday patetf plo out of Joint with the one daughter. Mr. Ora Miles. led modern business life as "hard Wan en and Sarah Woodward fire at county morn- - East Third street announce the East Texas or counuy morning. and per- In court. Saturday In a citizen n free snouiu O'Donnell. Six grand children also and crU'l In ghastly measures." children of Mr. itnuVMr. Garland All. furniture Inr. the necrcsses told Judge blrth of a daughter. Saturday. cloudy; warmer northeast. God good-- A. Woodward, underwent ton sonal belongings ot the family was take. survive. The popor said and Ills ' foeben&rt thev weren't "mad al 'Big Spring Hos- - burned. The loss was partially Mr, AJlen had been a Vcsldent of ness Is too often lost sight of In Jillectomles at the aeh other." and "don't earn nny 43 I e pt'al Saturday. by Insurance. nig Spring for years. the struggli for wealth. coere4 thing man anyway." I ' T about the Mrs. Beradorf, - 1 "1 86' t ; 44, Dies Here Doir Nomenclature Makes City Register Iiiterestiiiff Negro Sentenced New Subscribers Added To Mra. Pearl Dcrgdorf, 41, dlei at To Die For Attack, Herald Routes In a local hospital at 2 20 o'clock FrI ! day afternoon. Ruptured appendix 0 ' Only 23 Days! 11 Information re about Yet, In the blank Cap, Eggshell, Sloppy (ltvwould bo aa cause or aeaw V UOimV CAMl'llKLL of the dog Is the that title. osh-i was given ine Midnight, Jelly GALVESTON. Stay 23 We proud tgday of number of new, REGU- " rites wereOield at the As--t "And In Mint town a dot; was quired by the city officials. place on the license sheet where a houcd) Doctor, are to tt the Funeral Ucan, Speedy. Tho answer is.j ua Riles, negro, today was convicts LAR readers of the Herald since the first day of May. sembty of God Church, at S o'clock was found. story breed U In !&the word d criminally attacking now securing the Herald lie, And those names! This the written theydldn't. ot These Big Spring1 citizens are 8aturday afternoon, the Rev. W. D. As many dogs there . "you are not regu- Can start here as'well as not. "dog." Often the names are rather mis white woman. c DAILY from their route carrier. If a Hall, pastor, conducting. Ikith mongrel, puppy, whelp, and C. Judge, sen- subscriber now, call 723 or 729 early Monday and Fe- Is Chango, lx- - leading. one of the J. Cant district lar wcro R". T. Smith, hound,' For Instonca take the do? of There a German For Instance 'place subscription. . . n Pallbearers Oret- - Is go through tenced Riles to death July 21. your r Weelev Hull, a' M Massey, How- And ours of.Jow degree,' lipe Flerro. Felipe was rather un- lice, and Tlpp O'Shan, ntvl dos doomed to lite certain as to tho exact classifica- chen, a daschund, Lady Davis, a as Dynamltn'Elklna. Immediately . I'aul Smith Hotel Flew'' Seolee ard, Cecil Kolleyj. Cecil Prlckett. if , (SO Slatlua fr. So wrote In his Elegy tion of the dog, but bis now wis Boston terrier, McAdpo, an Eng- visions of Qreat Danes and mush- - A, V, 'IVniBle lM Honorary .pallbearers were Les- dotdsmlth Mexico Invited To in A. lor EUU) M. Ik Kellr tC. M Phillips. N. A. on the Death of a Mad Dog. a settled fact. lish butt terrier) Rltz, and Rltza, les come to view. Dynamite El Jack Tlr' Jn.u it. Vthltaker II. II. Iirlar ter Ratllff. Trier . Ill-h- So say thoso tho ctty hat! In 0 SaU Yln German police, and Lady, a bird kins Is a fox terrier. Join Conference A. VM . k,.e lloaiiltal I), i:. .. Marshall, O. H. Hultt. S, P. Hultt. at I. I MexU conilo come In tor Joe I). W00J lluke llr Mr. IMdliiiia M Shepard chargcLot Issuing licenses to own- "Sola Vino," returned the dog. The strips '. II, llarrtauu W. A. Kclley dog registered Is Bimbo, J. It. Whlltrnhlics; t lemur" Is by ers of dogs. can. E. has a their share. There a 111k Mprlac Clint llarrUon. Mra. Renrilorf survived her MEXICO CITY. May 23 LTi-- The Jlmmlr Wki.oo Tho cog lovers come, wlollar In It means, according to the under the name of Dallas, becauso scores ot Mutts, enough JiggJ II. V. NlniDion .Machine Shop ell lluatfr-J- husband, A. A. Rergdorf, threo sons government was advised here ton. 4""'e C. Mur-phe- hand, dogs the 4n some Mexican, and you can talte. his that was the nrfme ot the street and Maggies, and one Skeeilx. Frank ichull J'" Hlna by former marrlago, Virgil at heels A l (iuller a word It, "come yourself." where the animal was found. Few names with an old tosh usy mar. me icague ot rtauons r, O. lirtytm i Jl. nta l4 yernon Murphey and Oliver Instances, fiedlgtco Of any) on the for Th N. II. W..O. ttarton 11. b. Udlaoa tip of tongue, costs ono dog, ltaecms, had wandered do Fe- Conventional toned tint aro found Thero Is Just council tied Invited Mexico to par I'arva l.ula Ur. illrkeraon Murphcy.-an- her parents, Mr. and the It J. (t. .tunnallr Slr. Sal. , dollar to fnako the canlno a legal lipe's home and remained there. , The conventional dog names are one dog In tho Iqt named Katy, ticipate in the Internationa Iluuirr Marram (rrnhlte M. Coram Mrs. R. Winn, all of Rig Spring VV. Hnillord II. K. Hurka 4. J. eighty- - Indefinitely, listed and Fldo, Chum and There Is a Sonny Boy, a Hlog conference at Geneva Jrne Mou J. animal. One hundred and forever. lloans Ir. ll H I II an'MtflMsssaVP i Five sinters and three brothers. I ,V.',Mc(.ltk K. I'letMS Is Pal, Scraps, Toots, Terry, Pat, namtd Blnnctt, and ono unusual next year. IU 4t Hoot Including; R. M Fred find iflnls eight licenses have been Issued Thero aristocracy In tha titles. II. II. Mlllrr , W. V. I'rearolt A. slnco tha city passed an ordinance That I the beauty of being a dog. Tflxle name thai children give one. The dog's name Js B. Qt Authoritative circles here ex J. , Marehbanka crl Cotfre Bhoi Jack'HIaafceaaHa Winn, of big Spring, also surylve. one expect not- opinion would . Herbert Johnnon John HiNwIHa requiring that all dogs In the city Ono can have a nme (hat rings docs. Naturally would pressed the Mexico Hrll. Jollr snap J, P. personages statement C.rm. it. llanTtll gia MeOatr.- Turpln 201 East 17th limits obtain, a numeral. ot royalty, and atlll hav") flea. For Rut did children have anything ed to come In for their accept, but an otftctal Hill Hanilell. J, H.'Mo.ckj- ., Mrs. Jim receipt V. U, Halm Street, is 'a patient at the Wig The name ot the owner, 'and the Instance then la a 'Till." There to do with naming these dogsT publicity. .Enough dogs are, named was lacking pending of for hovering Fllrt-r-tmsgt- Blnco, Bozo! Llndy to hold a do show. note, Spring Hospital --. address; the breed, color and name Is a Parisian, atmosnujra it mal e t o FAUBTWO THE BIO SPRING. TEXAS. DAILY HK1ULD jHryXr 1M. il i l tr-j- S AnnndTMmusmmt tfBiz Spring MewelstmAnd Dixie weave suits are cod and porom, Tennis Club To Be Held tme7-- 9 Mfgt ideal for Texas weather ligers . expected to vie for the various opening The dates for the an championships. Bishop finalist 5j aual Big Spring Tennis club tour II Uttf last year, la the logical favorite, Toda.'. failed to attend th gU a new orbit or an old pellet out nament, restricted to local players Those that but by no means considered as the baseball game Friday afternoon from behind a cactus; and few Invited JkuP a racketeers, winner. Seeded players (and thre were plenty who did Gentlemen: have been set as June 7, 8, and 9 probabli The afternoon's prsfjma ai tsn i fall) seeing one game In We address this letter to with Will probably be drawn from missed lou by II. B. Dunnagan president. As city baseball park M eeetsM which there was no adverse barking every reasonable assurance that it In the past award will be given Wayne Matthews, Walter Beali, r umpire. Xvle Harris, represents the opinions and wishes battl between the Miism, Tt-- at the It. the In both senior and junior divisions. and B. Dunnagan. Tommy Hut-to- . manager and generalissimo of the of a great majority Of golfer In Matties can be played to suit, the It year, gers andthe BaMwea, .pmm city, was this country. high echool captain last C. F. Wacker store of this convenience of the players, the expected to make a great bid leading candidates 'tor CHy'i.isjnf for the day, and, the Being very much Interested In It HartScfauTner the arbiter it only requirement being that the for bofi the, senior and Junior laurels. ' - - opinion of this department is Worth anything affecting the enjoyment finals be reached by Sunday, June tvMarx chamDlonshlrs as Is Joe Davjs, an The Bankers, erlppfcd fcy Vi an Iota or an atom, he was the of several million earnest and de Bin. high school product. a. Clothes port- sportsmen, other sence of several players, wjkre ptwt-ge- d best ever o walk through the voted we believe our Eligibility rules are simple. are ex- he representation on behalf Other loc l players who als of Old Dusty. Harris, before their Anyone living In Bit Bprlng or pected to enter are Berry Duff, Friday afternoon by ,FH'yeI'' migrated to West Teas In general should claim your serious attention that receives an Invitation la ellgl Ben Anthony. Ben West, Harold ten's baseball club. The Timers are i and Big Spring In particular, used For a month or, two how the toil, ble, There la no limit to swamp Senior Harvey,. Harry Jordan, Mllburn easily recognized as.wrt'ot tKe to be atatloned down.ln the era of the fairway have been knock competition in Color or" sex, WEAVE was ing your either Barnett, Joe Allan uavioson. hardest clubs in DIXIE lands. Whilst' there he umpire new ball around. The but only players under 19 years of Dwlcht Heblson. Pat Beali and theMeirt de. In Texas-Louisian- a League, and greatest body rule-obeye-rs In' our the of age, the national eligibility stand Manuel. " iuer, ' . In Cotton accepted Winstcs served for a time the land have humbly this ard,' can enter Junior competition, An entrance fee of 1 will cover The game' wyi start ,v.aeoctt. States loop. lie called a perfect newest noble experiment and they It Is not tbable that the tour-- nlav In both singles and doublet The schedule foe tHe, wtee4t.eH came9 no saw it. are loyally It. They ' SUITS. Friday, and fans working at are nament will be graced by a single In either division. Players are ask- for Flewellen and Goahow .t tay $25 That is none but Robert 1 Uaber, thwacking It mightily Into the .i.f.mllni? Tuesday, Flewellen and' lagers, champion. uayborn ed to register earl ythrough either ttco trousers the left hander, who kept trying toughest gale, watching it nuvrr Drown, senior singes tltllst. Is H, B. Dunnagan or the sports de Wednesday, and Bankers aM Co to kid himself Into believing that and dip and rise again. often to now living In Gladewater, and partment of the Herald. ahoma, lday it really wnsnl rime him 'to go soar away like a homing bird Into fa- for Bishop, junior champion, A Value Achievement that put the freez-'eVf- jhoftao and turn the tee cream ihe trees to tome unplayable nest. has announced he Will not mous Dixit Weave Suits within the They are putting It diligently that reach of every purse. --. his household. at enter the younger division though the cup, diligently boldly boy ' Dixie Waves are tool, styllstr and and he Is eligible for fourth title. In! oop a curl and ft flip and Whltehurst, economical. A Combination that's hard ' might be said that Friday's sh' Brown's partner In to beat. It out pops Big Boy for another try the doubles winning combination, igsme was rather an Interesting af yes, gentlemen, your new ball Is is also living Every one of these suits with two fair, in spite of uie top heavy tally out of the city. Car trousers, assuring you long" wear lh use. Or shall we say It has so rol Harnett, city champion In 1929 The Hankers, it is true, were crlp-- 1 far been successfully enforced! It and 192S, will also be missing from pled In that several of the regulars has been tried In the sporting and were A.W.O.L. Williamson tm rosier. 1IM Neither opcu-mlnde- d spirit that you might KVEBY GALLON ltd appeared plot Some twenty odd racqueteera are OA8JJF nor Iaynt at the and well expect from that splendid gentl- COSDKN LIQUID iKelty had to catch. He did his best, eman-liar, THAT NATURAL AN-- J.&W. Fisher The American Golf make. -. i but he got upon Crouch's nerves. PUBB. PEP- Hie Store That Quality Batlt Player. But It Is a failure. It was Sincerely yours. P,Y ANtb POWEKFUIj. ;Yes, W. Lawrence Crouch has a disappointment In May; ltwill be 37 MAIN CQUldnt LIFE. GASOLINE THAT YOU nerves. He catch the boy hated In June; and by July It wilt PUTS OLD BIG like Williamson or Payne esH. Nes-- USE be a tyranny. Ton have literally L How's that space filling SPRING JUST A LIT- bltt was out of the Uneup, as WasVnmmnnde.1 wnrV for a lh nliwr who gram 0 TLE NEAHER THE and Samuel Sain. But de-'e- d slaved years to 80," PROSPERpUS CONDI- Into the leadership In Hri and for break boosted him spite these matters the game was to and i)ave qulte a btt j. TION WE ALL "WISH total bases, of which he had SI, vu. .. . FOR AND SOME OF US It Was Shutout Time At Dusty one "or more "' ,r l0 oreftK jug, iie watcnes mat DR. C. D.pAXLEY and he was tied with one never knowing what...!.,was goinu ball leave the tee more anxiously WORK FOR. rivals for four other leaderships to Happen next. Flewtllen'a regutar than a father ever watched his Dentist Service He had batted In 32 runs, as had second baseman. P.iull. also was go nlgl't. .Diamond AsFlewelkn daughter out at His Very Trim Earl Avert!! of Clevland, and Lou absent, and. Lefty Robbie IMtter had back-etro- rtwr nimT nv Is ordered by an Imag- Offices TRADING, AT FOURil ' Gehrig of the Yankees. Simmons' to fill the bill. He ftld It rather ad ination seething with alibis, He sees zU-f- o STATIONS THAT SELI Team Beat Treasury alsowas tied with Gehrlc for home mtrably. bis caddy tor his putter with Lester Fisher Bldg. trMsWswWtlw!9!InEKs Stations seven, wnwe read 'JCOSDEN LIQUID GA9 run honors, nt eacn' the tortured mind of a patient AND APPRECIATE had,cored:6 iun He shared tfifl .in.,,,, .nesting nf th City watching his dentist reach for a YOlBl BUSINESS. FW-ollpn'- s team moved out of leadership in triples With Joe- it mli-h-l nl,l It l nAln.lnrtoFi Imnln. Servir Station baseball h !),( nw ami rira Mpn's 4l. UMl-i- . rn;li(0oftnrrrtntl In n1nctT- - n.. R in. ft H. .Cronln Of Washington, at five 'tot.et!nir!. Broun,t en its final limbs, merit. Half Soles stahtIng ease UIC IUBVI UlrtllVk 1 "UiiJ (IIH.IUUVI. r.uw. v Ch. !. pace Thlncs take It from thfi denart-- ' The new bail Is unlust and unfair. $lup if llomnns, 103 E. Third feat xin the setune Bankers. Cronln topped the field wtth 49 ment are In a bad way. A baseball because it the gap between wJpEP&POWEH Flew's 2nd A ScUrry C. Ernest toteed the shutout wldns Joe "" prc-ha- & hits, while Esrl Webb of Boston jteague df any Is a business, j the" may d UNITED Homan 3rd Scurr tcelvlng ex-- kind ekpcrt and the dub. It SHOP. of the league itaaers. n r I 14 doubles, to lead In thai de a pleasure When vent great player turning Flow's 4th & Johnson .first; after that a from 809 E. Sr4 St M fXTXA MUEA6E cellrnt support from the Base-steali- Magnolia A d partment honors' more goes out than confts In. then 'your toughest course in a casual 66, I Crouch, although n were dlxlded among Ben Chapman prevent many HL ly poor support, was slashed:Khard hy the Voluntary bankrupt exit is the; but It wilt thousands of the Yankee, Boy John iron of safest, Is case who game. PURITY , crew. He gave up ten and best Such the jof others make the XATUf ACTION CUARANTttO H w the Flewellen Detroit, and. BUI CIssfl! of Chi Things got so bad n make the galleries, and love the during contest, geven er- that brilliant' bits the Moodv TiM cago; each of whom had seven Ho figured out fun In Joyous mind that the reason, turning i rors were made behind him. The that esttWgitmgAaiigLJjl111 er hfc to means so simp-gam- were responsible from the credit the fans wouldhjt turn out the'w that much. You blunders I was the ty cannot enlarged tally. On the other hand, Cleveland remained in the team because grandstand educate these playcrsjto IfStflln men oaiung ifaiersmp, gaining one was dirty. So a hurried call ias 'accept bad shots they don't deserve, z&?' vvy W. Lawrepce whiffed nine For Lead Mint for an average of .308. Wash sent out for a professional grand-lOU- r own government has found that FLEWELLEN'S SERVICE compared with Ernest's two stand sweeper. Ernest gave up only four tilts dur- ington was second at .233. although He swept same and! out. '. dropped points a sandstorm came up and blew It We have asked-ro- to accept what GLASSES Distributors for ing seven Innings. Hicks. Felty In a rather listless and drab af the Senators four Ttat Suit Year Eyes Are alt back, with ft bit more added. f may unproved of a Pleasure Billy Bass and Carl .Madison reach-jfal- r iUgnoHa defeated at seem an assertion Cosdcn Liquid Gas, Valvolino Oils, Delco Batteries,.. 1 Some wanted to loWcTThTpTtce. j golfing opinion as ej mm tne plows. , ThurtMav aftetnoon to go M held the top po?l but It how stands UK. U1US K. iVUOD Hood White Arrow Tires J . lor Ina'i clt n't" nt present one male can bring regarding new deadlock for leadership In the Oilllion. Kh New York second .975 .the. the ball. Actually. It 117 East Third " Start Matting wife, his mother-ln-ta- his sls-.- ls re- - I Street. PHONE 61 8--5 I Detroit clicked six double plays based on carefully gathered Mili,II.kJ a Vttkallha Belt Leaetie The core was off T t711 ter and her children, and someone'porta all parts country, In- - WeM was rapped nR the period and led by i from of the and growing lead the second for three hlyi e in -- eise a twenty-liv- cents, only wmen, er-- ... wire lor and we omit these because - nmg when Crouch, was nicked for.w tne niw. coupiea wim a bargain! and look rdr made by his teammates, netted 5am Jones. Washington ace. was hat at the you gentlemen surely mutt be aware three singles by Terraias, MatUn r "":"':?,:,""... 'fun vmi have of situation the Increasing - Magnolia three Mines renev-"i'- v iij. u "".mm. the and and Hennlnger. Martin ind Terras- wines. " ', discontent , f Mexican Tl-- What will be done about UT Are COME IN AND SEE rbh?igendafrhA will meet andffennhigeryxsi'SM . at we going to have an Eighteenth tallied possible for one amendment In golf, stubbornly ad-- llmi,l h j.W'hIl in eet ba doews. .romtDacK ?& chalked; obtain a seat at 3 30 o'clock, and hered to? Bootleggers of the e (mn him T,i- -. ,ni t.i.t Cramer, twlrlinc for Mafnollo.'uP voir of victories to give him tto former en mswSs -' -- Jee the atactic encounter The ball?. International squab- tit., .k...... u hA a fair ennuph nmrrln in ltukf ix agftuist one defeat Rov .. . . . lettttandard...... lence wiu...... oe mrown open o ties about the world's most widely third Crouch again was - his ay through the majority of bf the Tankees, and BobJ'ieia In the any piayea gamer great Doay gis- - nicked for three blows Iflikrr Mr- - ltov of the Athletics, each won,n5 ratn ai irac irom a oi and had records of five',9 OCWcK m the morning until Tues- - appointed players regulated and tin and Hennlnger dealt the ml-- . wi.Sre by lantngt johr '" HOW THEY WORK men erv. Hennlnrer't alncle drove aeiWMagnoila Bll 013 0--8 9 3 victories and one detest. Drove fa isnoreur , """ I remaps us. w M(My . . .001 S02 6 resumed the slrikront. jcader-- jiu disagree, wiin Baker and Martinfor the two ru 03 i 'Mag&lneJ - thin. yVU 43 In 0fr-- Life has launched a about the status of golfing opin- Cf the inning Terraxej. Gould a lC oe: against golf ball. lion. IagHssa-i- ge A B R H P0 A E campaign the atyr In that case we beg leave to Cranflll struck out after the da FOft VAGRANCY The campaign will be Intense. The 'ask one question- - It can bo proV, ' Pleher. If ..',. 4 1 1 .1 0 FINED ' If had been done dol-- . ptay-jtla-rs t . B Ramirez was fined five following 'letter, addressed to the 'ed to you that the majority of Another Wxt added in the i Choatt. Jb . .0 3 0 evh and cost on a charge of vac-- 1 United States Golf Asroclatlon, and'ers in this country want the old when West placed oh Hicks' error, ' 2 1 I PerR".' giranev In county court by Judge H.' mailed to newspapers over the coun-lba- ll hack, will you restore that ball at ffrst. stole seeond nd advanced C(inr. p 1 1 1 Drbenp&rt Saturday Ramirez, try, appeared in the tnagoxine official standing? when Crouch, heaving to ecnd,"'Hutehsn, lb 1 12 n'H as'to UOLL Li L jpwtth other Mexicans were ar-- an open affair It Is self explanatory We are certain golfers earn wtw cujmajltnjks 'heaved at nothjig In the way f PakcT, ef 1... 1 0 three thst the aik ' tested in a house by the to and duffers alike ho know'of America will be very much baseball player Oault, ; '. ... 1 3 n. ft sheriff prs Inter department Liuerrnce oeiwecn to any you 111 o On and On J4eiihenv h . .... 10 2 irying csieu in reply inurx A double bv Martin as Ihe flfth.lviau. U ...- - '1 140 opened, opened the aiV.ue to the ToMli .. J8 $ 9!l 9 . troubles seventh. Ull- - TarroMs flew out to Moody AB R. HPOA .end tire Bass Third, and Hennlnger MrHIno, p X 9 1 at it t v by the wayside, Felty to Hicks. Mar--, Tat 5b . . 4 0 1 3 2 tin went jailing home when Hicks J'aktn. p ,. VI 0 1 0 4 --1 pverthrew third. The finale came In Cowley, as , 3 0 0 2 2 the sixth when Potter tripled- - and Davis, c 3 1 1 4 0 TInsley dropped Baker ny In riKbt PaTi, If .. 41 1 0 Smith, ....,. 3 0 1 0 field, tallying Potter. In the last lb A new Iilea..,a-ie- pro- They pay for themselves Cwfway, cf-- p ,..,,. 3 0 .two innings Crouch struck but four 1.0 duct It sweeping the over and over! 'Brodham, ff 1 1 0 ... men. ....,3 Coulsinrrsl-Tbe- 3b-c- 0-- 0 1 country. Air The Bankers threatened In 'the' Ward. f .... 1 tak'e 0 0 We special in sea punctures on Air Containers the sixth had wallctd'x) Barton. exercise care old-trp- aftcf Ernest 10 o ' x place Inner Crodch and Gould had droboed Totals 31 5 6 21 11 J running wheeft ... no of fitting the feet of the children tubes. Come In and , Tlnsrfy" Ay In center, Felty weotX) Batted for Cowley In l(h. more "flats" on tbe road. W. Tney im- Jiuw they work! , . . Don't Mad-- Threo,base make blowouts out at first, unassisted and C. Summary hits. Tate. with the and with HisssssssssssssssssaW proper size 1 V Tktk to ,ktMfMkt possible. confuta them with Ison struck out. Tlnsley was re-i- base hits. Bradham. Walden, WHssssssssssM They edJ 30 jlPXW nKSHH "puocture-proo- r' tKe bases, Hincs J, Uaris. A thcright kind of shpes. to mileage. Tbey sponsible for third when he)toen tire tubes. The patented fea- in h u-s- hull way. Chester. Hutchlns 2. Parser: tt nf hit make unDccessarT to ture of Air Container by '"truck out by Conway 1. by Walden check air Newton between second end This is of the utmost importance presturajuore make them seal punc- third. ... oy vramer j; Date on nans, on than few times a year. tures permanent. Score by Innlogs j Cramer 3, o'f Walden 2, off Con- - 'siratO and the proper development - tSBBBBBBBBBSlBBBsVsBBBBBBHRBBBBBliBBBBl Flewellen; .. ...032 111 0--6 0 3, h'VS of Walden. m five lo- SimplttUy ike leywolt jy.' it rf ' VI J IBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBiiBBBBHSSBBBBBBBBBBte SBBBBBBf" Bankets ...... WQ 000 0--d nings 4. on nines In one: inning1 1 (kit dainty poind of your children's feet Learn the facts i,l halktr - BOx toff Conw-a- in onennlmr 0; loslnsr fowptunf, .'JS&JV2S1.' C ' ssssssaTTssBrsFJsMsr sSPHI ' and you'll join tne . sured when you us with frttty patnl tin 0 Flewellen AB SK lltoA E'p'fehl'. Walden. Umpires, Jeeke. frust hundreds of thou- 1 0 2 Bishop sands who are say Wet,c ....4 0, $1.95 this problem. , . Potter, 2b t)it) ing goodbye to tire .sV trouble! Baker. Zb 4411241,1 1 0 0 0 --v . r. W Martin ss .. . 4 SB We'll take your Terraxas, lb i 4 loimmons old tires in trade. Hennlnger. rf 4 , nas Gould, ef , ... ' 4 Crahfl if ...,,., PtM MO..IJU ml, Ernest, p 4 American Ml li iUyt Ut AU ..... ml totals SS 8 10 2), 11 Culm fmmtitn nmuUf issbbbbbbbbbHbsbbbbbssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbsbbI rafM (m rrj IHHrf, Bankers AB R HPOA 4w .,inM.lit, im C Madison, 2b . O 1 1 2 Lead Imnlh M. pmvttmrM. , CiiUrtn like the tnappy Air ('klaln.r. Newton, si 2 0 '0 0 IA .U, Mr . a1. M Mt.r' L. Madison, cf-s- s 0 0 A tmart cenUr Ui(kU itraO dttipt ol Hit mart oxfon IrUiyJUUt pctUrn.com. IPHHar Htm. ' , ." h3 fatteni! Hlclts, lb 3 1 10 CHICAGO, May . 23 ,'P) The 'malt in patent, biualum tlrap and tontut Bass, 3b . . , .3 1 1 a 0 brand of pitching served up In the ' "' Collum. If 2 0 0 LeSgne $1.75 51.45 $1.85 -- 0' ArjJJrtdait, the paV W:1 I tr I I 1 . drouch, p 2 0 0 0.2 lowered most of tlje leaders' aver- ftpIs 3 0 0 0 1 Tlnsley, rf ...... 0 ages, but Al Simmons, ,the Ath-- . 2 0 Felty,' 10 letlcs' batting star, found It entire-- 1 19 - (x) Shaw 0 0 0 0 :- - 10 V to his liking and had a mark of j . 4 21 sfVl A 111 Totals ...'.25 438, twenty-seve- n points better Iflen.rl XI Batted for Felty In 7th. than a ego, unofficial fig- - r Containers Summary: Three base hits. Pot- urea,. which Include Wednesday's! ter, two base hits, Martin, Gould, game,s. revealed today, Cfnellur jj, F, Qoedrtch product Madison; stolen bases, West, "The 1930 sawn batting champion of the Jt Anils'. A ttrap mad i . - Er- ptai,jaUnt Bass, Tlnsley; double plays, lunior circuit Went to bat 32 times ' nest to Terrazas, to tsvr o m3 rssy toC A naUid4 . Martin to West in seven games, and hit safely 1C Ferrazas; out, by CroMch 9, - ftimttttttd alMst. struck times a clip, Included i . - for J00 and jy Ernest 2; base on balls, by Er- ,four doubles, a triple arid a. home v'"- $2.25 $1.65 1.65 si ; mi oy pucnea oaii, vy . . ,,--, hl. along with 1. I Ml-- ' O I H Crouch passed Felty ,, n N tCranfUU: ball, i,., .n ,. MA 'h a ' Vmplr. lUrrls. j BImmons' nearest rival was Bob Ik t. , tFotherfllll Chicago i of the White PH POLUPARROT SHQtSBEST TO GRQVnJN'f ' 'l Service Stations SUFFEllS FROM GAS Sox, who had a mark of .403 Otm & .1 L. Leonard, leading regulars were fW" a m .1- Mi f H. employe of the r nuth. l iir i Sirby Petroleum Company, Is In Vew York, 3S8'; Fonteco1? Cleveland-Chicag- is jWusning Greasing Tire RepaiM he Big Spring Hospital suffering J70: West, Washington. i I l tro-a- a n E. B. 'accidental Inhalation of 3t5; Averill, Cleveland, .463; Cron- Kimberlin L QUAKER STATE OILS C0SDEN GASOLINE sulphide gas. He Is not ln, Washington, M0; Sloneu De- SHOE STORE erioutly hurt, It Is believed. troit, M8t Cochrane, Philadelphia, "Star Brawl Bkoea Are Better" 8rd:Js , - PHONE- - 07 103 256; FerreU, St. Louis; J?3. tiuanefe Sts. E. 3rd Flew's) on page'i 2 Adv. 3rd ft mi MlllimilMMI -luitiiiuitoi'ii Bead ad Simmons' efforts for the period. T . r-

i rt r SUNDAY, MAY 24.1WL THE BIG SPIUNC, tlUtAS,fHIL HERALD , FAll THltKJ' - r H, Mttv fTlUrefi, Mtdtafcd, TO LEXfOTOX, MO. Rosalind MK . left Saturday at Wmlwacth JallHary eaaVwyikka l'atittifewt snU wHl' visit r Ok ft tar at-t- .. , ... Mj Will ftogeri Indulges Ih I mi asAjar oewMttftri he lirtAiln T..I..h where Mrs. Lftetly's sen,Grrah!, I Tulsa rctrntslg Ihicm m Outburst' Ml yM'hr iftr wtwt ty Mk. I UX Mrs. K. aefre ttprh HoearhU Frktayi; P. Uhcrty and. Hies .foey will' attend closln exeteiscsl 'a stildent. They are maklnc the about two week. , iff. fr mm - -- ., ,.., it H..f, wcjm nave to m wmnr.a poen I,.. !.. ,i sin J., .. Of, Adjectives to Relate Wonders to to It, properly xoe gemrmnent B- has taken It over, and formed It uy and Save, Monday!! like our other National Parks' Its 1 lie Discovered In Carlsbad Cavern mighty well handled, and you are splendidly conducted through It by DOWNl'AVMENW a line nuncn ot trained I'mk nan . , y XIVL ROGERS (ot of minor ailments. Course you gers. Tom Boles Is tiro General I ' sssssl Superintendent, ssssssssT W H know la what I got to go to Clarcmore, Oklahoma cbmes from Ar I Just kansaw and knew my Wife years i-- a M mm! place you sW CUT Say, hs,ve teen t',at will keep ITirh Brother, I That's the ago, She see of Jt (or' a osyafrhlim-rlffc- here lately. Couple right Obituary dldent hair out of the column gossiping some "Nestprs Just In tlmp for the rt weiks ago I u prowling But this old time Eddy will help about old back home. You walk down now, l'rlors are lowest Ww, My Wife and I, trying to you' a lot, Welt' It dMl' look like they a!! u emelhlng new to see. We but are putting in Elevators. aer a place that It a felldwUwas search And made the first trip down In years and you r,V ONrJT ImV' hummed around over quite a Ing for another wonder to add to I ( a Bucket (as they got the hole cut HAJJ" THK FOKMKR M4 tht United States and the World, he would head for, through the. day was there). They I XtOWS mrr-chand- framts of Europe, so Just "any There Is not much to give you any top, I'ATMENT M MtMs ' bored from the and also from' tWnf woftldent make much Indication that you are prowling the bottom. Its aeven hundred feet Iraught on our Hfd-g- et erf 4 dent on u. Bui we stirs did around, oyer some of the most down, and they met In the middle, Inner-Sprin- g I'tan. run Into aomethlng that knocked fantastic formations that were ever and the Engineers calculation was Automatic Coil Sturdy Glider! Restful Men's Shirts Ma Wk en our reserve aupply ot opened up to the ease of man. Its off a quarter of an Inch. A Mr, ' On Orders of s(l to Z3 astonishment. lust a rocky old hillside, not even Atwell, he was practically broken Metal Day Bed Upholstered Mattress of Broadcloth Formerly I00 Down , It ye-- was looking for unuiual too much grass. But Its In a Cow to he failed, so w thing you ago hearted think had : tad to see would Country, and many years the dismally, ft EnfAtucer 19U Price Wap' S99JW Our Price, $29.75 New Modern Comfort! 19U Were $323 Mtutafly up, He is fine Ml In HUH look or ahead would old Timers used to know It was and If this quarter of an inch yeuT You wouldent be "walking there as the Bats would fly out of dont ruin, him some day might be ONLY alMg with your head down expect-Ka- c there by the thousands, well any- President, rnnwN ta see anything astonishing where a Bat comes fogging out of $18,95 $7.95 $14.95 $1.39 town'' your person A Banger named Carrot Miller around hoofa would v particular fair minded enamel wHh droorat-e- d Back upholstered In On Orders ot S2.101 to 1M - does a lot the exploring, he Brawn heavy ya-uT- Ke you would b looking for go prowling In the bole of and Formerly &.M Is going to was Itching to Keslllent springs In layers ot Double shrunk! white, solid Down Al MmttiM Skyscraper, the tallest to see what made the Bat come break away from us panel. Standard striped drlH. Printed arm and go see If he couldent find a i-l- all cotton. Roll colors, fancies. "Stay-rtto- " MlMtey k ihs World, the one he out But finally so many come out sprinr, t. H colUfA, ooiers and flounce, cotton feted silfe. and NOW y part of the cave that would be fcBt so ha could look down on the they knew there mua" oe a prei Hfiy This not even IU Ward's . flounced Pad. now and eat. A food buy at the st)le made attached collars. RetuM-leans- It bin enough to big hole In order to bold all of em worthwhile. You have lunch down ONLY ante-roo- m hold al the Democrat! Rive em pretty big entrance there In a little flvt 4sTel ' right price 1 1011 1 always sells for less! $25OQWN and Its rot a slied each' a' different rcom to they can and always did have they say, so hours Just leisurely time to see It Meet and dlsagre". ind really discovering It waeeni Every move of a few feet Is an en Couraa If you had never been ny great effort on anyone part tirely different picture. So dent around America much and started that happened to be riding jn mat you miss this. Ycu will all be com- - out to tee the sights of It, due to nd of the Slate. lns to California to get In the Movies, so rome by Oood past advertising ydu would perhaps It wasenl the finding of the hole there. head for Nhtwa Falls If you could going Inside and seeing roads, and If It dont drag some It'was the adjectives out of you, why me dig up a new wife to taka along, why It was there, waa the main send or the Grand Canyon, or the Yel- thing, A Cowpuneher named the Bill lowstone rark. or the great Vir White with more curiosity than (Copyright 1931, by the McNaught ginia Natural Bridge Now all of any one I ever come In contafct Syndicate, Inc ) theso are everything thy are with, (for thev are cenerally mlgh cracked up to be. and no onrj ty leary of any Jiolo"1 In the ahourd mlM em But we got a ground) la supposed to really have Rattier' Bite Is new wonder In our Country Its been the one to go in there ami setting up In the lait few yeara discover that while there was Fatal To Ctyld Willow Hampero Men's Shorts Girls' Undies Tlcn's TJes Croquet Set -- and the most astonishing thing Bats off In one end. In other 1021 'I'rlco Similar Qual-ItyW- about It Its not a thing Cut a hoh narts therA was the most unbe COLOBADO, May 23. Elgla for Itrgular 80e Values. Now In 1031, rimllar Slips and 1021 Vrlce for Such Tl?s J'ow . In, Summer CoinMi-Mlon- i In the ground. Now off hand that lievable formations of water Brookshlre, two year old daughter $3Jj Sale. Thej're Cost $1,19 Was $3.50 In Summer Kale dont teem much to .get excited turned to stone You really prowl of Mr. and Mrs. II. T.. Brookshlre 3 for Each about does It? Well I dWent know around In there by well formed eight $1.48 Well$i who live miles southeast f con there was so much underground tr.lU for nv,r five miles. There utrtjcted from Colorado, died today from the cf 98 o ground la prac- celling of VVde w.e a Hand Ullored ' We think the Just lis rooms In. there wlh a fects ot a rattlesnake bite, received Jleoqn a 79 hard wood. 2 tically tilled with dirt But here U 400 feet. One tremendous room is irith ltroadcloth$"In It.ijon ' Ties, pUln A ,rent rec- when sjie attempted to place an egg and In the colored ancy reation a place where there Is a hole $e almost a mile 'onR With all these in a nen nesr. Hing- ial cotton Crepe rotors, fancy gani. Staeac-tltet- , bands. cms. Full BmWVk dirt, the dlr; is pushed nacK and marvelous formations of The child accompanied her moth' ed enter. ut, elastic at In white or patterns. there Is the most wonderful sights and Stalagmites, Them big er to the place where the nests fifth. Wear with they mean Idea. Sires In this vacuum vou ever saw words, but Lknow what were being prepared. The snake 30 to 40, new suits! Wash Suits Its down In the South eastern now. One hrllke an Icicle formed Inflicted two wounds In the child's i Electric part of New, Mexico, at Carlsbad from the top by the water drip ankle. Toaster iSjTTaaa For Tots from 3 to 8 Years mighty pretty llttlj town, a reg- one) Our Regular Price Is S1.M a ping, (thats the Tlte and the In lOli, Similar Toaster Was ular Oasis on what Is sometimes Mite one Is formed by the water C--C DIRECTORS TO MEET ft.93! Buy This One at almost a Desert. Its on th Pecos falling on It and building It from Members of the board of direc River. I was through the place the ground up. They hang like tors ot the Chamber of Commerce 491 years ago when they used to call Church steeples upside down. They wll hold an important meeting Wash, Sun It Eddy( and It was a good Town form Totem poles and Ecphant Monday evening at 8 o'clock $1 and Bench Pres Tonit " slices Broad-clot- even named Eddy, but Its got some ears, (exactly the shape and thin ident Joseph Edwards announced Suits of h at sanio time. or linen. m water there that will cure you of n ncss of an actual Elephant ear). last night, X 1 e h rome, wire heatlnc styles.Assorted element,

t '"Kiddie" Suits Table.Sto"b In 1021, Simitar Suits) Cost Buy Them Now Imagine! In 1921, Similar 0! Th e Icctrlc Plato Was jitco! 2 FOR NEW OLDSMOBILE IS $1 $1 Single burner, short andlrep I licut. Knam-- el Suit H or - flnl-- nick- Denim, Cov- FASTER-- SMOOTHER el trlmr-In- g, ert and Hick- no snitch. ory stripe. MORE BEAUTIFUL 7 1 New End Table Baseballs IN-P-RIC- E tVt SlJU Ten Years Ago I XNJ LOWER 10 Vrnrs Ago, Similar Table Our, Summer Sale I'rlcc Was SJ.08. Kow It's 4 $1 $1 Official Ia, Sm.trt table In -- gue toft vralnut Kubbcrballs.cen- flnbth. Turned ters. Fine-stitch- ed f legs. sturdy Piece horse-Md- This 3 Suite e sttcher. covers.

s. New Curtains Was 15995 in Handy Chair ' 1021, Quality 91 t(? In Similar Cost You Belter 'Quality Suite in our Summvi bale at Readr ta 1221 Our JL50! Now, natter Sets eia l'rlce Was t2 .Vow $1 CrU69.crtwi Cathedral typr and rrlscllU of curtains charsmoothly san Fringed pan $495 ded h a d. r rls ot mar-iulrrtt- wood. t

. "B"- - Batteries . 'Onl $2.50 Down, S7.50 Monthlj Siflall Carrying Chnrpc There arc several good Step Ladders feature heretofore found only in Handsome all-ov- Jacquard clour guile at just about half the .1921 .price! reasons why the new higher priced cars eliminates The 1921 Price Was In 1021 Frlce Was Our Cummor SjiIp Trice And NOWJ you R(t smarter style, liner v'orkmuliship, and equality I Oldsmobile will appeal to gear clashing. And a new.Quiet better Our Summer Sale Fricer club-cha- ir d, and choice of button back or with occasional chair to youasasoundly-desi'gne- Second Gear, added to Oldsmo-bile- 's Daeniort -- spring-fille- d nuiUi-colore- d. jturdily-buil-t, and Syncro-Klcs- match. Kcwrslble, cushions Buy your suite thoroughly h transmission, $1 " I . capable lt Ward-- during Summer Sale $1 car. i assures smooth, swift accelera- fflT a iiuiit or -t First, it it unusually fast fn tion which rivals h(gh gear per- tar llatter' seamned lum- Holds a chargo ber. Fully both getaway and top speed. It formance in quietness.. , xoptCmnlly goes rodded swiftly out front in traffic , You will find as you drive the long. braced. andWide . . - holds a lead on the road . . , new Oldsmobile, that its finer steps. and is always smooth arid quiet. andeasc of control Credit for this Dairy 1 finer perform- Pails Bedroom Suites ring new pleasured motoring. ance goes directly us Goifil as This Sauce to several 'But ypu will find pleasure1, too, In 'Ifltl, Just One J'all of Pan Set new Oldsmobile features." Chief ih the Quality C'o't WV! U'vro 'Lotc Prtciul rlew grace and beauty Slmllir In 1021, 3 Such among down-draf- l'an. Cost these is new t' which have been added to its dis- Set ot 3 al $159.50 in 1921 51.83! In 1031, I'rlcc Is carburetion . , . the source tinctive appearance. Refine- of greater power, increased ments in design give special 1'KS3C53, r smoothness, and higher effi- emphasis to Oldsmobilc's long, $1' '49 l SUiriHI) Good quality ciency. Important, is fleet-looki- ng too, a new low, lines. And rut-rcdstln- g, I mm il m carburetor-silence- r, A) niim which con- smart new tailoring and appoint- good Tans 1. 1 tributes to quieter operation add grip luvildlcH. 95 N Con at ments to the attractiveness 2t. all driving speeds. of its 13'(lt. enpnett) rnient han-- new Fisher body interiors. 64 dlcm This finer performance is the Such, in brief, is jhe new Olds- more pleasing because of the mobile for 1931 ... a fine 'car Work Shirts $2.50 tioicn, case of control that made still finer . . . faster, New Purses goes withat. Oldsmobile' new smoother, more. beautiful . .p. In 1021. Were Considered $6.50 Monthly o- Syncro-Mcs- h I ltarrpilnn nt SI l'J! -v Our Price In 1021 Wai 81J13! transmission a and lower in price bmall Carrying . . '5 iov.-jv- Iflnv. Belter Quality Charge- uwHHB o-i- WB WIU, BB GLAD TO DE- 1.39 DirrBRBNCB DBTWEEN LIST 690 TAIL TUB HBASONADLB jVdlum AND DCLIVURBD PRICES heat) Aiiinu ot It! a Ii .... ,i)mc mute it :k m t t ,ii'-iau- ti )ii, price, a Moire, t - C- Ii ' acre's iiio lor a mbra) MiHe of similar ! VEN-- . try, fabrlcold -- qualitj Wiis GENUINE COMIHXATIOK WALNUT Shirts r- rc Iratheri! In- m IntOreed liark EKIi suite sells for LESS TlLlN the price of a walnut finish suite, 10 years serted frame cm nud Uiouldrrs. , bro! Generously sized suite consisting of a full size Bed, Chest, and yanity smart a tiles. ' King Bros. with decorative wood canings. r 3 3rdNoIan - Phone 657c .-- - ' im- m- --wm m m a k n k n a i r.noDUCT or Q -l . motors' " 3rd & Gregg , BIG ir 280 SPRING Phone

33 Barjain Opporhiriitics. Eyery . .H"1 Ha T k Department!; ft BUWOAytMdtflitl31. PACT FOUR not big tftima. texas, daily herald t & U aWUead .P gj tM l.Mt h,te he, MiSmi DAILY .CROSSWORD PUZZLE aWnjpsMaWV m,SaM twV JawWt'laM tft awfc awJtssaaassawt tsawi r A ttaWawa ltBwaaMaW ti.J,.ii vtn smMOWSyaui sttssatawaTassB tW aatsaVaatssssawtJtW aVafssssaft artmiatttttrsoa Hunfla trwwr t i rsW WIVi MPNIV aV M t teM eye. twfokMir. FMpW "J Mfs wfciNO HERALD. aawai Ja- - -- ax M her. Ma JrMWtM trflt H. Bwtlea tt ahitr. 0wWt-ful- fotiAd to U far la m.'fr DaoA. ly herself eltstalsr kit. Uustntt Manater ft And Iter - ut she .wondered aTHtle was going (Oofkjrtliii-t- ill tste- - Doul 4. oat flhr."- K were Julian who - TmMNHHit.JinbiBedlchak, Managing Editor HEALTH M A VIE fXMV C R A oly FBti)- a. Kntlra nn-- Ik 6 tM lL rermHl "What It th"t like?" It the old blue suit and scar- home With her! For now Nicholas HJOTICR TO SUBSCUMllillS tlty IARA. CMF iIaim 2ME R N It. Bead aarais were thing brooding KMieW desiring address IV Rxltt I -- ar any1 us KkeT Do let blouse Just the tor was sunk In a silence. biJrd"lwM win OueKrlber thtlr IS R I VlE A VIA R I C El tnia "What of ttxmM Mm efum( will plea-i- stats In their l. Jury Hit f Rll Is. rrtua you mean the color of Her hair?" a bride. She pushed, on her beret Nicholas tried td hurry her at the ieffevie teHs eommunlcatlon both lb old and It. rtS saw ITm flw more Jaunty angle, Nora aside Nora tomerruw. Ated Is. aallopa easily tJIm OaflM H. tXrlda Isn't there anything else you at a while her dock, but Julian drew morning tw addresses Buivi HCS TIE RMlfCJEMt. E E at. Oryof father remarked that things had pulled' out of hie pocket some prove hi prenWeelf. 1. at. It. fV a jfeaaa veant to tell Kief ah pertltted. and Mflni lit W. rirai L Is. Acrklaa W 0 010 gTIrl tie" n ytm turned out splendidly tot them. TW r mean my Tefesaaaeai Tl anf M. Ooas rartlTtrs eas ML do about wicked QMttm ajy ttaaaP a I sWrhta She wondered It they had. Tot akrrlpllB nalea r0at tia 11. City tn Italy IJaial ER EtB(BR X M. Lett daacera paatT" h abkeel Ironically, 1'NKllMUAHUKAX a. Cloaad ear K C 9whtf - now she waa In a kind of panic - ElplgME E He said no mora about hit mo- Mall Carrier Ti. Noubla- per- f M6AH est Nor did aha relax she In certain conditions of tubercu iod ' JttRR6lClBSt EaBAlHlEtAlRl until sank Ona ...... bWalaJUwM second-clas- s fear J? fi lungs, Injection fit tltM1al-- rl mM Into the seat of the tflli Monthlyv.. ii i losis of the tha. of Jswt thai bIM aha tried to pin 4 gas of filtered air Into tha spats K. Tys eqsar ft. Waaeallaa father1 down to carriage, . Tbr afantht .....p,tl l, iin C a, Mr facta., On Month 0 t 10 between the. Trail Iha H. T.Iot ak ArTEfMAgHE OraameoeeJ She was going to be married ICARNIVA1L ...... I diest and H. AUvd a" "JttHan, you don't think" I aaean AL I asck et Natloaat Itrprmatattr fane, tor the purpose of causing H. flrailllaa ffSTATHBtAL you do think that, I ahouJd marry She supposed the should be happy; Dally Prats a macaw 5 n 5 K I A mis- .Tasaa the lunjr, to collapse and hence ,to 1 1 IMl I nHJI H. Ona mora, Nicholas T and the had never been more 'tUnk nidp. Dallas,.lu,Ttxaa. rest, U mode fLTartM OilElRtlilElAlRlBsojy0 tU Realda erable In her lite,. T. TIDWELL SHOWS Intarrtaia llldt.. .Kiriv tty Un . rctnaln at a valued ll.'Bweatbeart M. Beers "Think of torn .ona bealda vnuis i. N Michigan At., Chlesaro.eliO of treatment u. tnoiao punt it. Huuma self, my child. The poor feltos? At last they all leaned out to tee litLenttngton fATtq New Tork cttyw areAmany It, Uprlcht part 41, Unity fc Oanlah Done. the. Plume of smoke ONE WEEKS Then conditions? how ti. Musical aouads of aecoont would loser his mind li you didn't' tbt hutw dOty l of a atslr H. Kntiiab Tbla paper's first to prist ever, which make the use of pneu- M. Dnaoeoro WT t. Army le el he said airily. above Vesuvius In the brilliant I print AT. 1 oBcar Coriunencing Monday, May 25th tha mwi that'a fit. to hoa. mothorax aa thla treatment ,li anla' Nn.l t, ma- -. IT, air; and Nora knew they were near aatly and fairly ;to alVuhblaeed.br rirst i. Omit In pro Dramatla 0aaiplrat4 An unmarried daughter.' tagging calted-dlffl- cult Iftposstble. aunber alcal work M In bad Naples. bags went pitching any consideration, teen Including or rtt) two ,. nouoclns; , a. j you over Europe especially on your Their oyn adltprlal opinion rtanet 40. Cackoo through the windows to plat- 6-- Big 6 lit In tuberculoali, because of the similar, digits ic or ciotn a. Offletboldert 41. Old ratulea honeymoon, he reflected, would be the Nights Any erroneous reflection tipon tb Inflammation of the pleura, adhe- It, Inatlrate DOWN I. French pro note a little tiresome. form.. Nor was between laughter reputation ti. 1. Incradlent at iwua 41. Durroir (joined cbarartar standing or et sions frequently form, between the Pbaroedtma Julian waa sitting at the of and tears when Nicholas any person, firm or corporation l varnltb (. Thin 4a. Oil: autna foot them. which may arpear n an tso of roverlnjr of the lunx arid the Inner her bed. smoking. -- And now she tbl paper will t ckrf.nlly cor. Unfile of the cheat wall. euVed him about their TtlUveaM Nicholas was strangely excited. "SHOWS reeled upon belrg brought to the When uch adhesions form. It It,, z TM4 JO II home. Hla hand would, be all right, he attention of tha manajrement...... - . . '; not posaiDia to secure a complete BE Dreadful! he ahuddejeafTJut assured "them. Her father asked The publishers ara not responsible collapse of thtaffected lunjr. 12 Nicholas It he had the ring, and for copy ommleelons, typographical my sister isn't so bad. Anyone Is and arrera that may occur further than Hence, the pretence of adhesion HP dreadful who doesn't admire me. the ticket for the boat Nora mov- to corrtct In tba ntxt Issue after II may make It Impossible to admin- Emily told me ones I was wasting ed In .a ilream. The only reat per- - la breath!to their attention and In ister pneumothorax, or may allow IS my time. might no eata da tha publishers hold '7 I give fame a rest of only a partial collapse of the And earn my bread. la (6 thtmselvei llabl for damages That the free (that la, RIDES furtbar than tha amount receletd portjon 20 way the bourgeoisie talk." he Kl Years by .tnem tor tha arrual snse coy of the lunt; warned her. This Business erlng tba error. The riant li re- la g The collapse of one lunjr neces He always away served to reject or edit all adver-tlstn- i slid from under 230 People 250 copy All adrertlel(tt sarily the burden of respira fingers LET US DO VOUR order thros 23 her tike this. MOVTNO-STOnA- are accepted n thla basle only tion on the other lunjr, Before. Nicholas It was OE 3 But with differ mkxiikh riiR,inriATi:ii ritRts JKerefore. pneumothorax Is at- 2?T ent. She could say anything that TACKING Bigger Better Than Ever The Aaaoclattd, rreai I excluflvely tempted, a careful y study le 25 2b came Into htr head to him and he entitled to the)e for publication made of to Sli V or f all newa dispatches credited to the chest determine would answer her honestly. She Location: It or nijt. otherwise credited In thlt nether the disease It one-aide- d 28 asked him a Utile timidly If he CRATING and alio the local new nd whether ,lt It safe' to burden 2f 3o Were happy. riaper repub-lleatlo- W - herein AJ right for n pther lunjr. HILLCREST SWIMMING POOL tt special dispatches art the "Happy who It?" he asked her J0EB.NEEL alto reeejTed Tnere are other factors which 3f 32 33 Remember, Nora, take all you can PoHcrYi Protection For Parked. Cars the physician must consider before get out ot lite. But don't pay too State Bonded Plenty. FrccJ Space T3 srtmlnls'erln? the pneumothorax Warehouse Parkins. 34 3S much for money." 100 ftolan Phone 70 a Swimming Pool Opens Sunday treatment Certain forms of lunj; 'JFi She sit thinking. If the.hsd had Federal Paternalism luberculotls and the pretence of money, would she have married 1 tuberculosis tn other parts of the 36 him?- -, 0 as 37 3? A TEXpBNCY'in Bovefnjnent re- - body.jsuch for example In the Herfather said that romance Vldneys and Intpitlnes. may fa jrded by mahy a rlSnjrepous.' . , - was the dream of fools. And she a now elalmin atfentlon Aiuaanv; wo AUlIlalllSt.ini.iuia...... Ul 3f 4o- 41 had plenty of romance to last her: t the Inadvisable, F"" W those Interested public affairs. stothorax If romance mennt rushing from onew Kiddies' in however, the 1 the cradual derelopmcnt of In echcase, ulti 43 place to another In pursuit of It mate decision as not 44 AS ftfi .conte-- la whether or somethlh; you never found. federal paternalpm with a : ,, r - b'Tflt by pneu- Thei days went "pell-me- ll past. quent lessenlnr of power Of the i .J "L states. It is a medVj Idea. W'v,m" mutt be, de 47 48 Af. The last one was on them. Nicho- SCANDAL iffYf W f mental to both national and state termined by lhe phjtlclan who has las waa going ahead to Naples. He government. first-han- d unowledce of the case told1 her their1 plant rxrefully. as fi Already It has been proposed that ind wtio has made a carefjil study though she 'Were a child; and the Togs 01 It- - looking hawk-lik- e the federal rovemnieot collect most A-- sat at hla thin ot the taxes and return part of When 'pneumothorax cannot be J , . nose tod cold eyes. No one to see SIZES 7 to 14 riven, and the patient require -. sq ever, them to the several states. Only re 1 S-- i SM M- J f him would know, as she treatment his tubercu I Broadcloth and Prints cently the federal authorities have turrlcal for dAMsL did. how infinitely kind he was. stepped Into the Chlcajro picture, to losis of the lunirs. there are other CUft Rut at the end she said In a Materials of Excellent Quality ' pulsh jrmncstera who have laughed forms of surjrtry available. BY J Ej$SI DOUGLAS FOX. panic "Nicholas, you dont have to at dt yand state officials. There are STNOPSISi Julian Lake, a pncie tnat waa patneuc that ire marry me, you. know!" NICELY TAILORED pleadings for federal aid In this and Monday Baldneaa lreventloa failure as a painter, hopes to deeded her. "But I atn-gou- to," he said. 'Nil Vt that t marry hla motherless daughter. Ilrr feelings did not need ar Julian burst In to say. "The The Idea of a stronf central pov- - Nora, to tha artist, Nicholas rangement; for they were aim ply fiacre's at the door. You'd better Thayer, guest Sensing this, you. my ermnent,T3ut If tt 'becomes to ttronjr thtlr gratitude and pity and pride. It hurry. We'll wire dear- that it destroys the Initiative and her dislike for Thayer rises, tem- was, after all, rather a splendid fellow, the hour of our arrlval.- $i of the s'tates, there Is pered by ah Interest du to hb thing as Julian and Helen Nevers And two days later Nora and her danger 'ahesd. Calvin Coolidg being the brother of Jonathon told her, that a man who would father left. She waa selrig the Isst warned of the tendency seven years Thayer, a cherished acquaint- one of their borrowed Villa Rosa. day be a famous painted had - agp. Ha who doeia't clean up his ance of former years. An Injury chosen her from all the world. Nora turned .to her father anx- own backyard Isn't likely to care to Nicholas'hand almost causes w But when she was alone it was tss4ajt(SB .much about how the public' street By ROBbHV COONS Its loss. Nora, nursing him, Is of the old Dutch house on the river looks. So is It with the states. HOLLTWOOD It has become conscious of a new regard for tha bank near Albany, where Nicholas For AWNINGS it practically Impossible td "crash" painter,, thoush puzzled by his waa taking her. of which she some of the movie Studios now cynicism. Julian's announcement dreamed as any other girl might Se: D. C Willis .Hollywood Shoppe not that It ever of his Intended marriage to Mrs have dreamed or love. No one 0PLNI0NS was- too easy be- - Never, owner of the Villa they Would ever pull her up by the roots A. B. Gardner hurry- Co. ' are occupying, sends her again. she p?ed n0,t worry Barrow Furniture 1-- OF OTHERS. fore. .And A 209 2 . Now acme of ing to Nicholas, who has Just about money now. Main St X learned that hla painting hand M ft the producers Mcholaa would give her Infinite The Federal Reserve iApM have organized Is pViralyxed as the result of the freedom, and she would grow very rigid injury. Impulsively she asks that fond In passed to install a -- of him time. She - sway, you mean thls-ver- y San Anjtelo Standard: checking- system nr w"e nr uo Ovef quickly. nrHEHE, IS a Rrowuijr fee"ltaf In on those whot wv"'" " But she was hungry to know all '"" " people: Vjthls part of th country at least, ejiter and. leave about Nicholas' about lj th the Federal Reterve System the precincts, Chapter 10 home. She urged him to tell her Is not fulfilling the purpose for and many who ESCAru Fan. xbitA home. which ft was created. formerly breezed THE Color was driven from Nothing to tell. That was mv L you In fact many bankers are consid- by the front Nore' cheeks by Nicholas' brother Jon met In England. I ering withdrawing from the Federal desk now are brutal re ly. Her breath was com fancy" b Check these advantages "Is all vour family?" Reserve System On the (rounds that halted sternly,. In ing so unsteadily that shf could that U re-- 1 He up. wis stacking! it oners no service wmen cannot be vtter their tracks, net 'speak rd ftcr htert reemeo looked He to state their business and to shake body tn pieces. tssssasaasi atMasHtJsssjsjejsj,,,. obtained from uv Ur. citv Kr.v .red her issjissssifs otten than not w turned There are two theoriea as to the P10" "I don't know what' I meant," Rodgera, Smith & Co. the operation of the Federal Re-'M- the stammered. becaus? say the studios serve System. Onet.U that the Fed-- 1 And yet when the had Alced Certified Publla Accountants Bad. ral Tift.T-- c. Hih it. M- - which have suddenly become so Nicholas to take her awav wllh r,r..' - and enormous prof Us. vihlch ltl,Ulct- unwantl tmesU have been him had she not meant that he Audits,' Systems. Income Tax DENTS . makesJupon the money hlch lu'trrunnlng the 1oUT including her? All these days that 901 Western Reserve Life Bldg. against nce so-b- e member banka provide for It. should ?"? '"(tan. dvertislng she had thought otjhlm ws It not Ironed Out! Iree-Uhc- e San.Angeld, Texas. a liberal cxedftor-a- rul tometlmes,lllcltor, rt0 """. lust this that she hoped for? Was 'ntS like-- con-ov- er es- step In and help a member banklpref -all his not hr single chsnee of San Antonio Fort Worth Work You'll like low-pric- ed difficulties which might force. time of studio- workers. cape? He looked so unrcmantlc all It to close Ita doors. Even the press, which used to when she glanced at him. Yet he San Angelo Get Our Estimate The jrther theory ts.that the Fed.liunSm nd)ou,t l " ade to alone could take her home, save Authorized Duco Faint eral Reserve Danks are just banks i00.1 "heels In anterooms while her from Helen Nevers, from thls r admission tickets, Dealer like any other-a- nd thould be , w""ir tutiie nie inai sne must icao nenco cars! money making Institution-maki- ng! forth besldt a Jeff'ous woman. DR. W. B. HARDY as much as they can and accumu--l - 1AI Could you give me the money? DENTIST ' latlng as large a surplus as they unce 'ou "' P nt.;r you f would py It hack!" Webb 404 can. thort-th- j K om" t0 tn of the 111 marry j In at is under nalma'r ""M "No, but you" lltdg. MOTOR COMPANY oth-!r56- t ". ' Tetro learn obligation Jo lU member banks n 'ou are nl " " ."You're torry for me'" she cried - PHONE SG6 . 210 E. 3rd er than the obltmtton of cood'otherclon of the ttudfo Is visit- "Does It look thfi't way? Why Extra WfdeTrcad-SS- Yi Inches sound banking. , i another pass must be secured did X come to this have Those who oppose this theory are!'or that- - Studio police patrol the f stayed? Whv did I teH ycfu last widest of all low priced cars. not advocates of, pan-rnaJii- or.lol. checking the passes p( those nlitht- -' Roomy, comfortable interiors; un- that the Federal Reserve Banks B'tr waiting, have been Suddenly she was In a panic BSBSJ tSSBST ,a sort of guarantee, system mated. There are guards at the Eaclv way be turned the seemed usually wide seats, But-the- do feel that as'the mem-tu'l- restaurant doors, turning to-b- e trapped. She, whlspetcd; J J- -- 58'A inches ' bep bankT supply all the capital up-'b- those wbe come without wrlt-o- n But I don't love ycul" ; 4 c ' which' the Fderal Reserve jteif permission to eat there. AH she wanted was security. She 65 Horsepower The Willys Banks operate that they are limit-- ! The gateman at one atudlo called was standing now .as though sne ed by law to. itfeite uniy 6 perl'-h- central .office. In advance, to wcaild run dr.wn that hill If he Six is the most powerful car in its cent on thlt capital that as the announce that Lupe Velez shortly touched her. He drew ijer toward ' Wiliys Six Federal Reterve System's rules would arrive to vtsit Cary Cooper, him. but all fh said when the Sedan price class. Also the fastest and Down make it possible for It to make Apparently, If our eaves-man-y back from his kiss was: pinaent la casual leaned - " liveliest times this percentage of pro-- : dropping Informed us correctly, he "Take me home." e Blc Sprint; m Tires! tlr-Ti- Radiator! fitthat there are times when the Sas told that the fiery Lupe would Sh left him with the excuse SS bank should be as liberal, as hIp-thav- e to wait outside, that she must go down to look $265 ful as mining to kjck in and help! "Keep that girl walling out after Magdalenna. but half way Double-Dro- p Frame Lqyftu . keep banks alive as bfg protested gateman. city banks. ihere?" the who down the hiU she decided ahe must btmit mttlktj priced They aay that If you can borrowleyMently knows hit, I.upe. "Not go back to tell him not to tell her tty car with this Important I fjmnU . , FtlUwiit fHcM at any city bank on any paper V--fll you. send her up to Tou tell father yet She stole around the . t. . Th4, Okkf ' feature. Guts down sideswsy whea which the Federal rfestrve Bankiber to wait:" winding path and stood still. Then . wm accept discount grass, on taking corners at speed. lor then what she saw him lying In tha , It the purpose of the Federal He HOT Ain FLANS his face, his hinds clenched. In the . Wlllri8Iz ima SM4 serve Bank? t.Harpo Marx haa hla own Idea of grass and he waa sobbing. Wlllrs Bitfht 1995 lo 11091 - money a step step Finger-Ti- p ay radio contract for She moved back by WIlr.Xat4bl109So 1 1195 Control-- On 'he four brothers. With such a His bitterness was only the shield . . lUlt-r- -- TJafi the HolJ sen Ices . . .Air . - . Water Bluebonnet Has ontract Harpo,v of course, would ot an Intolerable aantltlveneas. He WlUft Ckat'tlt , UH button, ia center of steeriiij wheel, sw At v ' ' Iraw pay without going a . Crankcase Dralalflg . . , .Greasing IH-To-a near hsd seemed callous when he was inuni.t? Willyt Cfcattlt 9J ' starts rpotor, operates 'JiArS'-aB- d RivalAsOfficial broadcasting station. He's the nt suffering horribly. Washing . You'll like the way our employee wait oa fourlh. She was not afraid of .him now sounds honivi '.'. flower Of Statd Olc Oleson and Chic Johnson, that she bad stumbled on his se- jbu. "Promptly Courteously , . Thoroughly, stage comics who are makingtwo cret. Some'one needed her, aa her 'y- - AUSTIN. May 23 - 0 Pictures a yearrar bulWJnc luxu- father no longer needed her; 'and Safety GaJJ-Availa- ble at slight bonnet, Texas' official flower, has -- lotts Hollywood homes althoush in that moment she knew she had a rival, v 'hey are on the road. In vaudeville found her excuse . for marrying extra cost in all windows a$d wind Is . WILLYS Not only the Phlox more widely nearly eight months a year., him. t. SIXES EIGHTS KNIGHTS a TRUCKS distributed In Texas than the blue-bonn- Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., has the shields of all Wjllys models: ' -- but It is more famous. Dr. wanklest dressing, room in town She liked places better than peo- U. C Tharp of the university, of -- xcept his wife's, which h. bought ple, Nora decided. Wetmornlngf Texas maintains. 'or her. uiofh have all the com- - when the. brown leaves glistened; BATTERY Dr. Tharp charged Texans utterr 'orts of home, with thick hldtni cloud-fille- d afternoons; deep ..eve- ' ly disregarded the little, wild plarll -- lsce Ice boxes, steam rooms and nings with their start. and OUR SERVICE which, grows in abundance through- he like. Yet'NIcholas had.not disappoint- out "southern Texas, and thought ed her. He was kind; he was even A Unbeatable Combination' lessly treat it as a weed. er was named. "Phlox Drummondll." houghtful. And she who never More than a century ago. Dr. Sir Thomas Hooker, in describing had anyone In all of 30 yearscx McNew Overland Company iurp explained, urummond, a the Texas Phlo- - explained they ?ept her g'randmbther who Scotch' botanist, was sent to Texas were of two types, one being a nought of her first was constant- HALL TIRE CO. o Sales and Service to collect phlox: seeds for the Royal bright red and the other "a paler ly touched' and pleased. Phone. Botanical Gardens of England. shade. At time Hooker She was by Nicholas; 400 THird VyhUe that riot excited East. In Florida Drummond con- prophesied the Phlox would even but the no longer felt strange with Vkhnt 197 667 E. 3rd f tracted yellow fever, and died. Aa a tually become one of the world's Him. waa moody .She used to his vr ' tribute to hm the Texas wild flow- - most valued flowers. . silence now. And she believed with l

o a (S fji '- - -- apkiNU. tuxajh. ranuLua. ttaAuLr.MATiwi. .V" 1 ten -- JM-- - - J r T .. . t j a, not - ? oail.i BJ ' .... - P mi ruanv ..J,JJSEETr7 "! ' '" 1 ""J"""""""""" J, ii. w r T fliii ' i - - sssr2stfcJC aW .bTW V , J C- --'

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BykotaQlass History of'First Year'srActivities iEachers Scatter All Over . Child Study Club Holds Elect Juanita Of HJ.&.E. Club and Its Membership mie State the How&ett, Head. t Annual at Closof SociatReception - 'The Bykota 8unday school class iaiaiaiaiaiaKtiaBBtiaiaiaHB'IplsK' ;chool to Rest and to Study Of the FrUt BapUst church waa en- At P tertained at dinner At the homo 'of iaslllHmtHslilllllYjssllHfBtilllH stBssHVitasllllllHsilllllllllllllllH the ari s h House g. k Mrs. B. I dominion Friday even-lo- ssPJBr'' sasasaB MyjTH to Go Out of Texas; Most Big Spring Mrs. Dominion Is head of the FvHeiism' sa;sas.sl Program Presented oa 'Music and Books' fey CJtafe Kewuents Will Spend in adult department of the Sunday i tlicir bummer the school, sHHHHHHm w"; JsIIHL JHsaslllltiBsiillllllllHHsliillllllllllHrsllllHI yf3sislllllllH Members Dcforo Number of Friends; "; - X ,. Cool and Breezy Vest Texas After dinner the members devoted sHHHHHIBkr ',bsBsVsIIIIIIiVsIIIIIIIIIYbIIIIIIIIIH'?.IsIHbsY' ssHHHHIIH Benefit Plans Announccd 4 .?" . the Ume to a business meeUng and slllllllllsVal.'..sllllHr;isasV4sllllllV'rslllllllw'5sllllllllllH 4sHHHIIIIIIH , :. vlHk the close of tho school year, which ended officially the election of officers. jslllllmV-'jB The Child Study club observed guest dayFrl. Friday, annual Miss Jianlta Dowsett was elect- jjKIsjL 'sUBBH the exodna of the teachers has commenced. ed president; Ethel Vandagrlff. first sHHHHHHHHIIIIIIsIIIBb: v f sHHHIm'.slllllllm v .asHHHIH day with a party at the Parish House of tho '"M- X$tepd C sUBslslllllllllllllllllllllKv iU:'dssHIIIIIB Many them aro planning to attend Bummer school sea- - Mrs. Delia Acnell, 'aF'siiiiiiiAA' ysaBVBl Church. The placo was beautifully decorated wjth bououet stow kirvarioua parts of Texas. A few aro planning to go second; Mlu Corlnne Day, third; of roses. Miss secretary- - ''BBBBBBBBBBBBBBhImSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI ettt of the state, cool Colorado claiming the most of those, Edith Hatchett. BIIIIIIiSbW' VBllllllllllllllllllllllllllBBflBlllllllllllllllV Mrs. If. E. was in treasurer,-- ana MUs Clara Pool, re SllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBsf BlllllllllllllV Qlascr charge olStha program. TJtt , the teachers whose home are in Big Spring find porter, v subject was "Music and Books." Mrs. E. D. Nprraaa con--. Metf to itiMtfU enough corwsHer remaining here all siimtacr. In addition to those above the fol ' 'AfasWflsVir ducted a discussion tl "Cul- IectkWard has the largest percentage of teachers going lowing were also present Misses Lil iasiiiiiKsr 'P'(W siH'' siiiiiiiftH tivating a Love " Hhw-lA-j jHslsiiiiiiiBsar for Good off 'to studymore than 50 per cent ian iuiotan, Arthur Hawk, Cather- Books." Mrs. Henri- - ine Sangster .Maudh. Prather, Lola Social Calendar Robert ri 3 Of the high school faculty, commencing with super-hitWHiw- it the Cheek. Jessie Morgan, LwPw''1sbsiiiiiiiiBsiKssBsCsisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB" talked on "My; Daughter lasllllllllllllllllllllllllHsT MtsllllllBr ' -- ttssllllllllllH asiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB Of schools, W. C. Blankcnship, it was learned l And Chooses to Read Trash.1" thit htQiopes to put in the last six weeks of the summer in sHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIHBi J9BssHHIRt ivasllllllllllBsslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH Club Notes Mrs. W. D Cornellson sang, Gypsy Lovo Sdng." H- S.p ( S. M. U. in Dallas, if ho can make It The principal, George Mr. - Gentry, ana Mrs. uentry Tuesday Faw talked in "PopularUIng tha. LllllllllllllllllllllBlllllllBV BlBHBlllHBllllllllBfeSBllllBllllllllllVBBlBlllBllllllVSHsBBllBBlllllllllllllll Mrs. W E. Yarbfo.will ntertaln Practice Hour" Mr. W. H. Mar have already left for Austin; the Cactus Club with a" bridge tin spoke on "Tho Importance of they Intend to study at the Future Citizens luncheon nt her home, Teaching Rythm and Muala to University of Texas. Ralph Chlldrin" BBBBSWVit-lH- ' H 71 HLv M. Showaltcr, miMln Iloiwten and Miss Kitty Win-g- o The 1922 Bridge. Club will meet Mr. R. with Mr. Fred .Keating at the health nurse, made a talk em- will also study the re. phasizing 'importance By On Beagan Parsons; home of her mother, .Mr. Frank the of the plans 1 Hits Verda RUJh GraKm " Pool. t August health clinic for pro-scho- togo to BoUIder 16 the summer "Success" J chUdrcn, By Lion by Bradshaw. O esgn of tho University of Celo' Feuchtwnger Phcto Mra. Cornellson (The Vlklntf TressJ TUB OBiqiN'AL ME.MBEBSIHP OF IIJ.K CLUB The '31 Bridge Club will meet and Mrs. R. E. rado3.So will MUs Mary McElfo'y l Blount rang as a duet, "A Lovely BavoVla la the scen&of "Success" with Mrs, C. A. Eason for a one Hi following will rrfnalu In Big By PAt'UNE MonniBo.v hikes many aoclallon the work next year The grad o'clock Night." Mrs Closer waa the piano ' but i merely a and attended luncheon. Spring: "Mr. .H. AyrjStegnor, Frnhk Bavaria term for Cluti Jtcportcr events. been to hike uates arc Elizabeth Edwards, accompanist frvli musical num modern Germany; the Germany af- Their aim has EtfefiiMlssEUiel Vandagrlff. Miss This week has) been anniversary 100 miles, after which, each mem- Carmen Compton, Paulln" Melton, Mr. and Mrs. Moitj Howard Will ber. Clarke Mrs. W. O ter the war. Pool. Low and week for the HIJCE. Club. One ber was to boj given a school let- Pauline Morrison, Dorothy Driver, entertain the 1030 Club Jthls eve A delicious refreshment plate wif Bill Stevens, who will divide Herr Fcuchlwanger looks the hi on. year ago a grpup of glfls met, at ter: one hike had to bo 20 miles. Dorothy Vandagriffn Gene Dub-- ning, m wrved to tho following members Ume iIsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHbL. jesPsssssssssssssss! German between baseball In this :ily scene with as much de the high school to go orv a hike. OuP of 18 girls twelve won beriy, Gene Hundley, Bosemary and their frlenrfss Mmes. L. I. 8w-r- t. and In Lubbock. as possible their & tachment for any hu Tltere were 12 of them. During the letters. Duff, Elsie Duff, Eula Moore, Pol Wednesday W.p Cornellson, W. II, Mar-M- n, Those will upend sum-- . man ' who ie being, writing of people and day It wan decided that the club Continuing Club ly Webb, Ocnnle Dorine Bogers. All Miss Jerfa Jontnn will entertain Geo, L. Wright, M. R. Show-njte- r, mer In their home town Will be scenes In which he part has taken be organized and that it be called The club Is to be a continuing of these' clrls were- - nonular cms the Triangle Bridge Club with a C A. Rrower. D. R. Llndley. Mr. and Mrs, J.A. Coffey who will all hU life? When thu book Is com' the 1U.K.E. Club, One of the Iub, new Who patt In party at home. . S. Faw, W Dunn. A. M. Un go tt girls being added to It took.active school work: her It G Sulphur Sprlngi; MUs Pearl pleted one has the same feeling as girls graduated at the end of each. year. AIt the members but many were members of the Honor derwood. Robert W. , A. nut)er, Abilene j Mrs. Mary Bum-paa-a, though one 'had been looking a on school and that left only 11 mem-b- e one will be seniors; there will be Society and played a prominent Mrs. J. D. Bile wilt be hostess Knickerbocker. Robert E. Lee, Mis Ag-ne- canvas, Ft Worth; Eloite huge a crowded canvas In m. two'sponsors. That leaves one old part in athletics. In the May Fete 'o the Pioneer Bridge Club, Dallas F Whaley, E. J. Heywoe4. San Marcoa; Wayne Ma- which each figure has been made At this beginning of this past members to carry on the club work and In all the school activities. Emory Duff. W. B. Bos. IL Earl tthew, Alva; Mlta Helen Fay Bon- dUUnet. school year, the club continued IU at the beginning of Nino New Members Mr. J. B. Young will entertain Glaser. ner, Coralcann: George the school Brown. vm The story. In brief, Is that of a work and took In B new members year. This week-- 9 new members were the Work Bridge Club. The Child Study Que baa Tac Lubbock: Frank? Boyle, Village Hi ' man named Kruger, of In the fall. During the year the This year 13 of the girls cradu- - taken Into the club. They were tically completed It plana far Hm Creek. Arlington! MUs Farm., the National Gallery, who had be- girls have gone on numerous ated. leaving Eilythe Ford lo carry (CONTINUED ON PAOH TKN The Kilkara Bridge Club will evening benefit farid whlth wiH Georgia Kirk Davis, Midland: come poUtlcally unpopular with his meet with Mrs. W. A. Gilmer. be held tn the ballroom of tha MIm Helen Beavers, Denton; MUs superior because he had allowed Crawford Hotel Thursday evening. - Elbow Demonstration Clara- Cox, Cellna; Mlis .ssKaH Department Three-Fo-ur Kaey tome very modern pictures to be B. J. Campbell . Junior The Club will meet May 28. Both men and women are 'Hart. Cisco. exhibited. Club Meets In Invited to Home . Honors Head Who Is with Mr. Wallace Ford. attend. It has been ar Junior Hlfh He was tried for perjury. In a Of Mrs. Lcathcrtcaad Celebrates ranged for table of contract and Principal D. H. Beed, of the long sordid trial relating his affair His Moving From Toten The Rebekaha will meet tonight auction to be played With, prtaea Junior Hljh faculty, moat woman In for has the with artist of Bohemian The Elbow Home the I.O.O.F. Halt each and separate prise for attractive- summer all tastes who been In love Demonstration 79th Birthday The Junior, Department the rnen and women. outlined of had with met Wednesday with Mrs. Dave of for the sssssssssssssssssssssssssssBissHI waa BarjtUt church Sun W.B-- purpose teachers. He and Mrs. Beed him. He convicted and Im ten East Fourth The will meet today. The of tha benefit, a will to Corpus prisoned. Lealherwood with members Mrs. A. J. Campbell gates a birth day school gave slirpriie shower everyone I to snore Christ! for a visit It then became the am and visitors present. a know. raise and, from to the University LOItENA HIIOOKS bition of his friends to free him, four Mrs. day supper Thursday evening at her and party Friday afternoon The Rainbow GlrU will meet to money to pay removal there Leatherwood told story of , honor for the of of Colorado. Miss This smiling young lady has especially the ambition a girl the her home honoring her fathervm-law- B.I ing Hill who Is moving Masonic Ha!l. diseased tonsils- needy chil- Iona Drake will of living room work and Mrs. Allgood Mr. J. n. night ln,the from also go to Colorado. good running start to become who had been one his most in- J. Campbell on his 79th birthday,. to Portales, New Mexlcd The party The club hope of gave a demonstration on dren. to do a Miss Mattla Bamtey nlll spend Worthy Grand Matron of the Order timate friends and. who married selection Fifteen friends and relatives were waa held In the parlor' of,the church. Thursday much as possible of thla before fall phonograph records, en- - her time at borne In Brownwood, of Eastern Star of the atate of him while he was In prison. if asked to celebrate with Mm. At the Virginia irry gae a reading. The Proorresslve Club will be oihat the children may get a good Mrs. C. A. Cowan, in San Marcos, Texas, or whatever atate she may a Farra Of Juauoe At the close of the program the,! close of the supper a large white Elizabeth Terry toasted the hon- - tertalned,by Mrs. T. J. HIggin. itAtt In their school work. mm- -I.C.I 1... n V kJ v Miss Grace Mann In Colorado. choose. She la the great, great, Around this farce of Justice is !..(.i.wa.vm. niwi.iui Mjf ll.Ml n, j. .. Jiil- - birthday; cake containing his name oree. Mrs .V, Phillips had prepared There will be six prize In alL " grand-daughte- nersort Dunogan ana age In The Ace High Club will meet V TaaarTMIUTjafle Johnaon Jn gan great great r of Bob- woven the whole story of "Suc- and Hiss Callle hu iced pink was pre a lovely booklet containing pictures The first prize for women contract larcos. Miss Ethet Evaiuwill re ert GUI, organizer of Maaonary In cess." Although Bavaria Is its lo served refreshments to the followi- sented lo him, This waa cut and of the children of the department with Mr. Larson 'Lloyd. ivera will be a ten dollar turn and spend six weeks or more Alabama. The Tucumbla chapter cale and the whole German coun ng- Mmes. Will Gregory, Jamea served with Ice eream lo the guests. which was presented to Mr. Hill permanent given by the In Big Spring With her art c)asa. gave him this medal in 1837 for try, with German leaders lightly Cnuble, Jack McKinnon, W. D He received many good wishes with many other glfU by an Orient- The Thursday Cuncheon Club Mnzelle Beauty shop. The first as she did last summer Mlta Clara taking the highest degree In Ma- veiled and German movements Lipscomb, I. S, Dolan, Spencer for another'blrthday party. al flower girl. Ip the booklet the will meet with Mr. J. L. Webb, If r!re for women auction player Secrest wlllgo to Bvlor Univer- aonary in the slate. olalnly described. Its Inspiration, Leatherwood. Loucille Allgood, guest wrote good wishes. the return In. time. will be lingerie from Davenport' Boss Hill , A. K, Merrick, Carl 'i sity to work on her A.B. degree. Lorena is the daughter1 of Mr the scene Is really that of the After many Interesting games, re- Exclusive shop. Mrs. IT'otcolt meet to- - Mrs. Frances Glenn wjll go to the and Mr. Jamea T. Brooks. The World. This little section of Europe Merrick. Bud Leatherwood, Miss John freshments were served to the fol The W.O.W. Circle will The first prize for men contract University of Texas. Mrs. W U medal Is an Jieirloom on the might be transplanted Into Amer- Mabel Dunsgan and Mrs. McCoy. lowing: Cleo Lane, Angel night In the Woodman Hall. nlayern will be sn electric, toaster Allgood give Entertains 'For Loreta Paulsen experts to travel. Miss maternal side. ica and It would fit In with the Mrs. will a cheese Hul1' Livingston, 'rom the Texas Electric Service ipaklng $Visitine DauahterCuU? 'r. pui O. Lttha Amerson will teach 'In the American Ideals and the American demonstration at Mrs Bav McCulIouch. Law-- Mr, C Murphy will entertain 'Vimpany.. The first for men auc- ' eumrfier school. Mlu Lorena Hug- - way of doing things without a con Dave Leatherwood's home May 28 rence Presslcy, Harold Alexander, the O.U.R. Club. tion player will be a magazine 9 -- Kins 'will go to home In Honey J flict. at o'clock. Mr, John F. Wolcott entertain Johnson, . At- from Co, her Dalton Norma Lee a tnd Rlx Furniture urova ana from there to me Norm Church Activities The story Is so crowded with i ed at bridge fv.her daughter, Mrs. kins,, Orlene Jenkins, Christine The Child Study Club will gv The cut prize for women will be ...Texas'Teachers' College In Denton characters tint It Is hard to select Paul Bartram, of Graham, with two Boblnson, Lee Ada Plnkston, benefit bridge party for men and ?M pair of hose from Austin ami Dorcas Sunday Schobl eventng In of MIm, Nell Hunton will go to the lny oner of them for analysis. tables of players Friday afternoon. Frances Satterwhlte, Eleanor Ryd- women thla ballroom Tones, The cut prize fpr men will University tTODjuuy me or me The house was bcauUfutly' decorat SetUe Hotel. . hn prise, of Texas. FofComwW.eek plainest an is Class Has May Social er, Ethel and Eldred Ely, Delphla 9 . a combination a pair of The following wilt remain In Big drl, Johanna Kraln who dominate At Mrs. Home ed with flowers. Clark, Amanda Clark, Era and Or- tocks from A. V. McDonald Mm'a Mrs. C L. Wl the story and who Is dominated by Stamper's Mr. Whitney made high wore Stewart, Dorothy Nel Friday Store and a tie from Elmo Was-son-'s 8jrig:' 'son. MONDAY lene Lee and with-Mr- . lot-da- n, Km-ger-- ls The Thimble Club will meet AgneaCurrle,vMIs Dorothy The Christian Council will have the spur whlclr the suffering and received a bottle of perfume. son, Mrs. W. M. Peterson. Buth Men's Store. J Ual-- o The Dorcas Sunday School CUss Mlsa J. Pickle". .Miss Jeanette Pickle, MUs a buslners meeting at' the home of to her IdealUm. There Hair made second high. Varafonetls, Mr. W. W. Hill, Mrs, a A generous Ice course will be - Gev-e- r, of Baptist Church met course In -- Frances Melton. Mrs, D. C. Hamilton. the old JfwUh lawyer, Dr- the First An ice the color scheme J. U Moreland. Madenna Hill. Mr- - erved.for refreshment. at Mrs. J. D. Stamper of green rose was I. Hsmlelt I tntertaln-In- g . West Ward who wants to recapture his the home of and served to garet Thompson, Pierce Humble, Mr. It OUn Cox, principal the West youth fend, since, Is Impossible, Friday afternoon for IU May so the following: Miss Mamie Hair, In honor of Mr. V. V. Mc-- Katharine Barber, of Jacksonville, of The Baptist church that Bruce Philips. Elizabeth and Vir- Ward School, and Mrs. Cox will go East Fourth to be an good terms with his cial meeting. Mis. J. J.. Hair; Mrs. H .D. Cowden, Grtw. it Mrs. Reagan' hqme. W.MJ3. will meet at the church for ginia Terry, Earnest and Melvln and illegitimate son, which !s equally Mrs. B. C Hatch was the after Mr. Gene Kennedy, John A. to their homea In Ctllna later by Mrs. S. H. Mr. TtnhHnn fra J. Trrv, Mirv tn Denton, Mrs. Bible atudy conducted Impossible. noon leader. Mrs. W. B, Buchan- Clarke, Mrs. H. O, Whitney and Mrs? B. Reagan and Mr. Tracy The 8ettlea Luncheon Club will to N.T.T.C J Morrison. Hughes, Maybelle Bly, H. Lloyd will also go to NTTC He. the lawyer. Is working with an gave the tdevotionaU and Mr. J. Staha. t " Smith are giving a tea honoring meet with Mr. Homer McNew as the taught the lesson from the four Mr. Horace Reagan and Miss hostess. Mrs Leo Smith will return to her Presbyterian Johanna, between tlmea, for Georgia The Auxiliary will of Kruger; so are other gospels. METHODIST JUNIOBS MEET home in Brownwood, Miss business meeting at the freedom RETURN TOOM SONORA Fowler to home In Huntsvllle, have a people. the Interference fcf After several enjoyable social her church at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Barnett But to Air. arm jars, iiowaru reiers will The junior uoys ana uiri ciud or. to things, desires, th features , Ice cream and wafers mntni-IH- n and Miss Eleanor Antley her urges all members to attend. little thelr.own return Afdndsv frnm Jt tn tfc TTfrat vrthutut rhtlrh will' home In Forest, MUs. Mrs. J. A state of thetr health, sudden wer served fo the following mem- flan ..t.1 H-- . I. .. I .. I I X. . t. a Al..Bk. .. 4 - l.lnnln Ona...... I... McDonald Is undecided where she whims, a political advance, block bers and- visitors: Mmes. E. E - There is no Health There will be all-da- y business Sonora they attended the gradua- o'clock. The meeting will be In the; re- an reaay Andrews, Dee Price. A, P? Clayton. Will go to school but she will meeting the every advance they are to ton exercises pf the Sonora high basement. An invitation Is extended' Troup. at First Baptist church S, C. Bennett, D C. Maupln, W. J turn to her home In commencing at 10 o'clock. , make. school, Mrs. Peters' sister, wo a 'to all boys and girls not affiliated The following will rnmaln here: American Financier Crawford, C W. Willis, A T. Lloyd. member graduating class. ' only strange Mildred M. Jones, Joe Copeland. ofthe elsewhere. Like That Following Mrs. Delia Agnell. Ml Zelma The Epjscopal Auxiliary will meet The Item about the Xhadd, Mrs. Bobert Parks, Mrs. It. stgr) Is tho entrance of the Ameri- W P. Bolt. J L. Wilson and D at the Parish House with Mrs, John of Dallas. L. Baber, Miss Jane Harvey. Clarke as hostess. can financial tycoon. He doesn't Phfllr. ' North Ward ring true, although his money ac 'A Long Illness of political string-pullin- g '' Mlu, Lois Carden, principal The First Methodist W.M.S. will complished All that Billy nin.ck Gives the North Wan school, expects to meeting nt church and friendly indentions havo a social the to managed, An EnJQyrtble Parly, ttiotor through lre cduntry to home with the following hostesses: Mnjes, failed, do. He to free She will. apcnd the Kruger but not before Kruger dlel o W. A. Bicker. Arthur Woodall. M. Billy Black had a party and en- -' Baylor Col--J a summer at ichool In U MUsgrove. Mrs. W, A. Miller will of heart attack friends The greatest .nation the world Creath American sounds, tn the tertalned several Friday, hu lege. Bellon. MIa Mildred have charge of the program. This v,aa to J ever seen has, past .expects to go to West Texas State story, like a being from another evening. The time devoted "taVsLHssssflsa? for the few Qollege. Canybn. Mrs Is he games. years, been undergoing an tconbea-I- c Teacher's The Blfdle Baileys will meet 'for world. He .not human; li were Betty go to Sul Boss CoP merely powerful. We ore given Tlfow attending adjustment. It has at time, Ed Low wilt a social, with Mrs. M, Went' group the Moss, Hooey, Bill sWSK' lege a,t Lynn Hatch- Impression the Pauline Burnett. seemed rather discouraging... tt Alpine. Mrs. as hostesses. that Bavarians Payne, Gene Lamar, Tiny Bar-- .will, remain In Big Suring. Mrs liked him for hi simplicity and his Dot i worked hardship on many... er bee. Miller, Todd, Jack J has V. LT;Patrick will visit her son. In human traits, hut we know that Claude Eva THURSDAY waiKina, neo uarneu,,jim uiier, but now the tide la turning.. ,the El'Paao. The enrollment for theJDally Va the power of money behind the Simmons, way may be hard, but It I ever the simplicity waa He was Billy Klnard, tJranvllle John JL ITutto, principal of cation Bible School commences this the motive. Bailey. Bill Murry upwryd. spend sum- country, as Hugh Frank Mexican school will the afternoon at the First BapUst their last resort The McCreary, Bill . Gray, BUI mer In will Miss Eupha well as the Imprisoned man, was Bill BIG SPOTS t Abilene: so church at 4 o'clock. Campbell. Clifford Boblnsorr; Bog-e-r Barton, who will go to Sltnmons suffering from post-wa- r difficul We have attempted, In our aHaN v Franklin. Paul Warren. ' Unlversltv. Mlis Myrtle Jones and F1UDAV ties, from which It seemed unable way, to help this part of that N- - t prteeis Mrs.W. E. Msrtln. ft The West Side Baptist WJU.S, to extricate Itself .alone. Some Sunday School CWr Little Spots tlon.,.we have lowered our . Ent Ward will meet at tl)e church. I rod had to come along and ...'. on quality merchandise... we have J. Throop, principal of made America' the Kn. J. Feuchtwancer Goes on Snnripe Picnic , given the same service... and we , EasUWard School, expects to Congenial Club MccIr god ... In spite of the rea)Urrf of are continuing to do so, speniTthe In Bhj Spring In When ,they befall your fine summer frocks "' ' summer the novel, IdealUm triumphs the Mrs. Gee's Sunday School Class '.'"--- Miss Audrey Phllilps plana to at- With. Mrs. Johnson end. tire Baptist Church went they seem calaniitlcs until you entrust their of First , Let us all work harmoniously t- - tend summer rchool at West Texas for a sunrise breakfast at the city removal to us. We desip4tch spots and grime Technological College, Lubbock. The Congenial Club waa enter ward that same goal of ge4 fnorrofll Club Is park Saturday morning. 'with thoroughness and with no Impairment . - . MU Bertie Bow BrUtow will go to tained by Mrs. T. E. Johnson health, and our road to erHY Fri By Those In the party were Irene,1 . . Entertainrd V to the appearance of tho frock , tfhc cost' her home In Stanton. The follow- day wUh Bivery pretty party. The muss. 44lllntill... Tliniiry,..... trillF..m- - 1,'ln.nlM..w ,, for all will be considerably sfcert-- - ing will remain, here MUses refreshment plate carried out the Mr: V. Van Gicsort Dorothy Burnett, Pauline Hooey. U a trifling matter. , encd. . Mrg and thur'JIawk, arady Acuff colors or yellow ana blue attract- oaKUfllllB m.,.1-V.V. vt...! vr..Hn. ,.,, ..nil.ll lira, James Wilcox. , ively. Mrs. V. Van Gleson- - entertained lie Frances Qrant Qulxea Bee' South Ward Mrs. high Mason made score. the members of the Informal Club King. Modetta Good. Marguerite --- Send us yo(h winter Miss Bogers, principal of South Mrs. Hayes Stripling will be the Friday afternoon In pUce of Mrs Tucker. Dorothy Dublin and MUs wl Ward School, has not yet made up next hostess. Inkman, who U having her house Catherine Sangattr. clothing .lo be clean- "her mind In regard U her plans The following members attend palntedr nBsasftsBT ) Mra. 8. M. Smith Is going to Sul ed: Mmes. C. C. Carter. M. A. Mrs. Young made high score. DOBOTIIY KMJNGTOI ed, we return them in Rose Cpllege.Mrs. L. C Dahme and Cook. W. H. Bemele, Hugh Dun Mrs. Albert Fisher was the only LEAVES a Moth - proof . bag Mr: plnn to spend the sum- can, Mason, Hayes ... Dorothy Ellington Is leaving for Dahme Jlmmie Strip rea(.y to More. mer In Sart Antonio. Mrs. Hubert ling and Baymonii Winn. Those members present were,! Abilene, where she will Join Mis No Rutherford will go to West Texas Mmes. J". B. Young, J. D. Biles, E. E Hall and daughter, Vera, for ti Teeinologlcal College. MUs Lur VISITS IN WACO Homer McNew. Geo. Wllke, Steve a month's, motor tour that will 'sj' lent Pwton plan to go to the Mrs. Shine Philips and two Word, C. W. Cunningham and W. carry them to Virginia, Florida, poaaQsgy of Mulo In Cincinnati daughters, Nancy Belle and Champ W. Inkman. Mississippi and New Orleans. They MUe Ola aMe Keller will spend the and Mrs, Wllbum Bareiu ruolored Mrs. Inkman hopes to entertain will attend final functlojSs 6f the summer In Denton to Waco yesterday. Mrs. Philips school year Washington and Lees MACE TO SHOP AFTHB MJU at her home 'he rlub next time. 'at Harry TIIE BESS expects to visit Waco, Worth ' " "' Halt Is the Phone 120 HSMalH' Fort i Lee University. Mr,; W Fay MeClene, of Lamesa, Is visit-his- ;. and Dallas and to be goe 'for Mrs, T. I Williamson has spent mother of Mr. Harry Hurt of Big C tf" Mrs. W. X. McDonakt about Jhree week's". '; the weak In Sterllar'CUy. Spring, rmc wti awuNq, rtami, daily hbjiald SUNDAY, HA 34, 1M1. PAUE-flf- Tjf - km mm xWtft sV BrenyisMU kitm ttapmraWAti MUST HfWItTIHHAW . im jyasy.iT 1TM tl t uA (hu. . f iliMtf as aafsXttl4h t4t the f oaf im mmn. raw ito Ba-at- : a. Mt la, at. Chwrch Calendar newl aMiel fe iaaaBB44tM aiaaataal W fulplii lraflUsMV tTrark . auaaar Mchaad IB a. aa. Aim tsrrRM Chl fcr tMt Jaar l Sunday School !l a. cnrisi m ?, Morning worship 11 a. m. Harmon hoavr-rtoi- M a. m. tr . SetFtoiJww: jatvmoDWTS UrH ffORfO & 'l'raarhlnr-arrrlcaa- . I m? k "' otherwise Benlar Christian Endeavor - 1 k aya. J eounty hi im. rwltnnD, t, ysMia; in charge, a The MethotUsA feaater akssMi ' (All .services not dt p. . rraytr hittllnjf, Wtdnttda occur Sundaye.) m. CMTV CCMTKR Aceordfng to A, C, Coojtor, nt perrpancnt ajranttfUnfJ being went for a plenlo - senate l:rnlnf worthlp I p m. Rmbi 314. Crvtard Haiti ninir, STAMFOIiD, T6ta, May 23 tin it star- W Worn a Auxiliary, Mono " I Prosperity praytr. dallr, Younr Dtooltt nraytr mastlnt. Invitations to the aecond annual pt the reunion associa- created at the rodeo arena; pa City Park Friday aftrnMja at a SHtXf Ml.TIKIIIIST tmlca Friday tvrnlnpr. program W 11. Halley. P m. Texaa Cowboy Reunion here June tion, tho entertainment to vllllon for the dances ) to be built, o'clock, . . k Wadnrtday, p. rrtacnniK ttryicta, Saturday, i fc'oarlk Scurry'tor tti'vlcta. ntsdat P. m. Sunday tarries I 25, 20 27, be staged for particular bene- -' aad p m tn. only. p. tn. and are belnc broadcait tit Kunflay School I 4k a tn. i on or the pioneers of tho range serVlcea . m. 0 all who tnw service the fit 1'rtachlna It will be of lntrest-an- d pleasure to p ;venint service a p CHURCH Af Tills riAZAHKMS 13ft-OR- HKKF. range of Weet Texair iptlor tft 1893. . n.irTiST ' expect-I- n Prayer meetlnt; Wednesday t cnrntn stukkt tiakt aad , Alt In Uiat wjll be everyone. He said he was AVaV-Jka- T S. II, lluakea. loaar Mni Hatllt Key nnd ton. Homer clatslfltatloh S 5 mm.fifaTMarmAVSJaaVarc. n tn I'llt Thaaaaa Akrra. I'aalar guests. Beveral thosand people 7 p. m. Sun- - Kauri and Jtelaa' R. fc. y. honor Jierc ljeagUa aerMct. ttcoooj ' a. m. Sunder, School tili a. ra. anJ and cplvccor Mri. Key, j Sunday I'rtaclHng 11 a, m. . In addition to the ror the affair In addition to thojo oya. II t, 1'. U. Ualnlng eerVlcer, ,9 IU niuaclU from Ada Okla- - are may tenlfht. For only a w m lilt ach Buijdar tVenlnr. . meettpga for floneert, who will lo the honbrees. ifimt notnral'st p. m, rrtschtne vlaltlnc Mra. lity'a mother, Mrs. the there . T N. Y. 1. 8. J p Sundaya. hmp poHey on itio oetitcHts your ., . ,-- rinnTwii-m- nimcit p. rtif will be entertainment features. In Only cowboys,! who are actually a bf home IM worship I m. ! , U F. McKay at 303 Gregg ttrcot, II. K I'aatnr livening al- la. Marnier: V M U. meeting, al eluding ccwN.y contests,, af- engaged In ranch work w.Ul be us exftait Its rroteilf)nl , ' for two weeks. eah Kalkrrlnr 9aaster CducatUnal p. m.; Mondays, feualnaat Tf.MIM.l: I1RAKI, . t to In ItltUltM. tlrat Services Friday: I p. m. In Clti ternoon and evening: unuarc lowed compete the rodeo con. School : ri W. C tnaetlnct; aetnd antr tnird Mo- liuskolrre. Ohln- dances, old fiddlers contest; summer were 98 Sunder ndays I" elrefee. ' fourth Sundaye, Ftdcratlon Club ilautk. Max Ja. - In the Western a test. lAst there Illankrnahlp. aupenlntendent. g made frvti roup of wagons entrants! ami Bwenson, presl-- . noratilp 11 a" tn. monthly uilaslonary wettlnga. :is, airtctor. association homer In a ranch chunk and W.G. iNomlne - TuMiHyat I p. xh, following Innlnir thl aprlnr. tylns numerous other attractions. dent of tha organisation, said he Settles Insurance Agency Slra ltri.- Frailer, mlcln. a, tn. ilnxle si T, 9 I m Mornlnk woranip II METHODIST Wco'j lcajtue mark. On the evening" of June 20, all expected more than that this year. H l third Hundaya. U, T. I, U eiacu-llv- a UvESt.nf MKMORIU Txaa John Binart director 0 O I. aad Itwtaa 'Sla, t who qualify for membership In The rodeo will Te directed by "AIT Kind of Inaurance' worship s p. m. m411nr Kaati:ik the livenlnfc Wednesday, I p nv Mld.wetk IJ a.w. Sunday shooi, "Tho Weal Texas Oolf aasocla- - organisation will be "Scandalous John" Helmon, fore- W. T. SETTLES, Owner a.m. Mornlna; tarries, llA-- A It Flat-To- p Phone X Mat tervlcet 7 p.m. tlon'a 1931 tournament draw entries cuett at a chuck wagon supper. man of the 3.M.S, ranch. St I'HUItt'll Of l'IIHIT Thursday, I p. m, cholc. prac-- tl Kpworlh LaaRut. Taatatna Mlalatet " I, p.m. Kvanjnr aar.vlca. ilrom 19 Panhsriillecluba.' where early day dlahe't will "be nea? Stamford. i faartrealklrH.eea Mala Krtday, I p. tn, Boy Scout meet" nilila Study I 41 a ra m4 REG'LAR FELLERS Mister Jupiter Pluvius by Gene Byrniw Sarnion ana worship II m. S Kftmnti and worship I p, ra. phut cnitisnA.i .SK. . . . Junior Tralnlna Cla T.tf p. mi, II. It. I.ladlry. Taatar jtenior Trainmr inaat i p. m. I'irik aad Scarry Indira Claaa Wednesday I 30 Church school 9:41 a. tn. m. Murnln wnrshln IVia a. m. Praer mealing. tVedneeday Junior Chnsilsn Undtavor Jiltt x m. jntrrmaaiaia unriatian r.naaaror. 1 n. m. UT ainu naiTiDr iSrnlor Christian Kndrator, 7 1. Wkltakrr, I'salop si Pin. 5 Isut) I'ntit p m. Sunday sSfchont lo a. m IlTfnlnr wnrh(n. t n. m 'reaching ectvlcet II a. m. Woman a Council. Monday 1 p. tn-- , II T I' U- - l p m inures, mint, ntunrsua). a tlospel eervleee pi m. o m. 'racr meeting weonesasy i Choir practice. Thursday I p. IIOTVTM Ull'IIMI'AI. lit. lira K. llUkaa II. Martin.0llMlnUirr'na.la Ckar.tr St llary'a leasing k'lllk ad llaaarlalll. ., Sunday rrv(-r- a H a m. . Chjrch Kundy School I. a p; coplo Hnly pommutl"i Siihdar (J In aacil month "ft AuillUry Rvntlncj nith artryThmuiialnnday afiarnifop. PRINTING CtTIHII.IC fill III lit'. rtrr Tkra Kraarlo, II I. .' St. rfctfiaa. li:aIUk arraklaal JORDAN'S Holy niaaa (Ap'll to vctooar m dunlral 10 a tn . Printers . Stationers Holy nui (lot tjundiy In thr Vh. 48G 13 V. st month I a n IfAly maaa iSonmrir to II i is a, m. PA'S SON-IN-LA- W & Here's The How Of It by Wellington Holy niaa's ilatt SSndiy of tht monthi it a. m. Chnnlan doctrtha, Saturday I 10 CL K A N I N G .HO ARfiUHMEVTCS. CEpWC EUH. TI3U3 MA THfTT "TH REASOH HA IT TH' to to p m I SEE VA5HT STUPID POOH RErtVuPPM --TM'TVfcj'OF Cl.rlitlan Bo;r1.ia. Sunday 1: and TOO PRE fcrCWS TO YVOKK: TH' RXCH PJphfT UKE 5TUPI0,VA5 J1CKT WKP, IT Was TH" PERfUME HE hour hafor mats n g1 r- pi TWAT Friday 1 p twm pbG PESpisesou HE HFV FOUND U5. VE rW HAKE Chotr oractlcr ra. messi31 1 , -- 0ECAU5E aaWAJERi,PISJ U&EOJ OUTTH' PUP HATED , I'hone n- i , I i. ic- a SriEU-O'PEpFUM- J,3IEScA7A3IPBEUi fOBOURUAXIrJp5,"i FKC7VET7 IT "TO HfcK "WHfcN TH' PUP TH' E! SOyfl-e- M 1(.IIKI IIK.lni ISraalakl CAM BE THINKING I 50MEWIH' YA3RTIH VW)W , Holy Maaa Mpril to CWlrbrf In 11' S K. 2nd (Basement) PPOPtE GPX- FR'EWDW AS ZOQH ft5 HE MAPE TH" 3fiP tPiUB P &ttTH AfV puT Cluaival m 5flTrM Trl" 5rlP IM OVPRflU-5- ; OM O" tCfT very Holy MaaaIII l(last th ft PflJR Mi CrVERftU5,HE Sunday ot h WW mhnini l,a..m - 4V 3 FtooCH'S.OrVfJ ' Holy llasa iNotrmtxr to March1 V V Inclualtal I 41 a ir.. Holy Msaa (last Sunday ot thr monthi loVa, m Daily, I . U ' L- -i w 1 -- iPa1 ".; o yx - csiw, Thot. J. Coffee HERALD ATTORNEY

Want Ads "" Thone 5M m V

West Texas NatT Bldg. , , Get RESULTS Phone Your Ail to n B. A. REAGAN 728 or 729 r General Contractor 'SJ M V" atawat.iwc aiaa--3 Cabinet Work Repair Work of All Kinds BUSINESS Trademark Itee. Applied For-U- . niQN'E 7 DIANA DANE ' DIRECTORY 8. i'atrnt Oftlct Mother Weakens by Don Flowers 'fMT EfJUV rMXfLP.V'r Per TMCCK'ST ho tFeC fOIZ WfC, 7?VJ, y cuvfa aietr. Dr. E, O. Ellington 7v s Call For lopjecj to Piaka aooP eA?o v uwy A'AtW, iWQ wf VteCf j jr.v' vtr .Arr fetMv 6rrt-- to prr vuAfJitva 70 no cor sVsld 6o a KftW RACAtS OVAA0 rx PACCDCVILS BtFOCC OPOYAFA 7"a?. CORRECT Dentist wf . EVC, OViAJYD MAY zMTctwvrcy SAYS', Tir. p (RXAtt Otit 4YA flANC BIdg. ifj rMzfv. tvrwF sV&wP JTii.. xMC&G Petroleum olp Pastes', look, at rue amis SUVPAY AfWAUAV - - TIME! Phone 2S1 eao. azAvrtrp. wesr rtYfiStf WJCM.-vF- . . who ave- 8ttarc plygk.? WSrlTAp OF A CAR. p?opl sieep etlHOS. SbftW. AMELIA PCAYA'LL AYCA OOOP cetxAvr , Ott nT"-- Ci, W nAk LUTL THEY X GAQHAIl-r- yCvrJ AfCMCCr- -' a,. y fcv.vp I -- T ta. r:"x,. vrv " i, " ,T.V" ALL s fS rt BROOKS iaA- AtaUTir w . laaCaKmM - ?y itDnlBAV 987 (.rt.t " ySPi Sponsors N6l and ( Cilsal-P- rr.Tsi ffiaaaV ass- s- IV I Handy Andy Orocery WOODWARD j l ll'llaiHiAf 'MrUlngrr'a ( tvy w salslslslslslslslslsHalslslsIA Crawford Beauty Shop 1 VC5-itr- T JJOaaaVis. Dime Taxi Co. Attorneys-At-La- w aL4 'I General Practice In All ,Mr. Opal Greene has pur-- , chased the Correct Tltm Courts Station from Bugg I!ro and will - itlnue to oper- Fisher 'BIdg. ate t at 'phone 9S7 ) I'hone Ml

r Wi PtaWA RYilWP tMBj Tflc ffcgrrornEmnoM? i n" vcri tea Trademark Ittcltltrta SCORCHYSMITH U. 3. t'atant Offlca Little To Fear by John C. Terry c ' WHEREON EARTH HAVE VWE STRUCK SOME STRONG 5 rW HAT MAKES YOU rWETJlBNT HANG WEtL.X OUESS WE faK., JOHNSON .THE COAST IS GUA- R- ACCE VOUFEUOWS BEEN AU.TUIS HEAD VINTiS BETWEEN HERE THINK THAT.SNELSON? AROUND IjONG BUT NEEDN'T BORROW J WE'LL USETHE RADIO - CALL LETTER VWlLtS . PT TIME GOING ANT) CANYON CArAP. BESIDES WHAT HAS GOT , - ? WE'RE TO BOSS. HE ALLTHERaiS.lS TROUBLE THtN 8ErKNK- FOKTONIGHT AND WE WILL., PULL A JOB TONIGHT1. 7 GETTING OPF OUR. COURSe. -- BUT OVEK THERE 9 A FAIR PLYING FJELD IWWTUU BUTOUbl 1 UftKrtlU Wft I'iUU - . ' . . THERE ISN'T AHYTHING.TO WORRY. BUT UTTIE TO ABnETOEAT - f sP "Wul PC rrt. 3.wrcvMV- s rj SUGGEST NIGHT WE RE GOING TO llrV YE.S.SIR H VvT3aaaatt' JimrJ AV4D JttfP1 jjkfjM SAAITH IS CONCERNETJj "j FLYING POSStBlUTlES TAKE-OF- F AT 8-3- 0 ?nvs. START NO TONIGHT. aHlaaTlTM ClWRSENDING LESS l.pA ssaH flLHsai sW vNVT BUY aBa-BT- H ' IN THE CAR YOU W V W Moary oaonot pay three fiorr taftry factors thaa Doda Mooo-Ficc-o Steel Bodies, oit Center of Gravity and Hydrfulla Brakes, Low neater of gravity is achieved by aaioubta-dro- p frama with a new-typ- e box center whicb asakes lie chassis extremely itroof aod.rlfld. TiJ Tbeaqaeaklats.iointlessMooo-PieecSleclDody- 'MONO-PIEC- E mounted directly to the chassis without body tills. STEEL DodO Hydraolio Brakes art always la adjust 9 lODY ment, completely weatherproof, easy to operate, r of, w avoyi . , . the most poiitirrjy eqo al lied brakes known. HYDRAULIC See and drive the beautiful new Dodf cart with Tradtrotrk lleglttertd HOMER HOOPEE U a Ptltol Ollka A'Good'Start by Fred L - r , 1 RAKES tbest treat titty factors. Learn tbeir perform-aao- e, comfort, economy and dependability, Than SAY.l W0ULDNT JNE.TW0 VUHOOPS "nrw! TtlATK A RELIEF 1 SHE HAP 11 ask yourself) "ftiy accept lets?'" TO 5Q TO A 5HIMDIG LIKE 70INT ANO IAE WORRIED THERE FOR A NMHUTE STJRE YOUDOMTAWTTO J . 'ifA C - Nbw DoufcB Six W15 M4S J J PlfWvUKM USTCN TO A GfNNG OF NINNIES t..,.- rMn eiie uiitrr....m..v chanob.- .... to I 4. iwA Airn.nv vut. --ir.,1 LFTb LOW CENTER New doSgb Eight , , . J11J5 ?M I ARbUNoJ THE JIWSto f - U 1 HI.H LIKE HOOVEE VAPPlNfi UEU AlrJt: THW.fAWES EVtpi'no I NWITH US TOfJlGHT? X H IJ IfJ j H C5 GRAVITY Standard Six $715 to J8JS f"ft a)0VJr vuorry about tau - iui- - qVCU HWRV.TJEAR,-- TO GO eVtoUEWB - -- p Standard bight $995 to $U)9S I HATE U L TAKE CARU OF- TAXI EwiTVllHfr 4 .... V WOU HERE S-- I 1 1NIX fh4 Win WU.U .1 .Y ltn C. Suuitrtr CUu a; SlliiJ ,tIlfcJ ST ' B Vs NW5ELF J WW nacA'HD AUMh'C'U. Att nW .. I. Dtrtil. Cmtl Ttrmi. L,MQKTER AS, THEY ARWVE " HO HINT OF TRoueiE- -

T DDDQE68O I. R K T S T AMD AlRO -- I lt ...IVIIT Tfl Ol OUT-- MIAVY IH.IOM JTAM d to COULD. HftPPEN J Walsh-Wold- ON SUCH ert Company AnsTlVE OCCASION- - BHtee Hrothers Dealers tslnre ISM ""--rfli- ... 4tk ami BtutneU Phone .7 ID I SZpr-- ii Mil , . e ft l

4UNDAV L30AN CRAWFORD STARS IN PICTURE AT v i, ritz h '" Lady' On Ritz Bill Banhhead Smart-Worl- d "Going Wild" 'The Lddy Refuses Role In. PI 'Tarnished Tallulah 8 ay tK&B'!MRKEKURMMi:rn&r'T?-mMMMMMMM-i mas yueen, THE SCREEN .BBSssssssssssssssssssBsTay tor t$ WUEmWmmmm bv Manner? ersonified In Feature At .SSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSslBBSSSSk flLLSSLH , 'MSK!rMMM IHTZ Actual Life Story u. b to Order Tin-win- ' V Tmlayfi Monday, ' . d Dance," InK Ritz forWednesday and Thursday "Dance. Fools start Jbsssw - ,j Crawford. One ol the mo.it forceful Joan , Wednesday, Thursday . et- k' . 'dramas on the screen if"J tbtbtbtbtbl ' ' Jl btsbV' stb?bVb,s fll Tallulah Itankhead, herself. M tlic.lhc chief charactetlsllc of 1U - tads' Actress Hankhead nnd Cllve token from Hfi by Guy Bolton ri ri ibBUB Yallulah note Is luxury. deals wllh luxiif- - bbbV v Vl "khM jmont BtrlldnK in an uriusuallytlnfr It Bohert Milton The M K M bbb.$; Drook In "Tho Lady. characters ' j are said to be rent. Dnncc,' Also I'Vldnj-- Sttirday i The Bankliead manncrjs the smart-- and lavUh living, and Its leal action .Tmiiee Fln, K. During u visit to England 'Jmmw CJolnK Wlhl," with Joo world manner, n tnanner which ' taken place in tne naunw and liomert ' Ki Aon EreeHt- - LeHter mmm BQ9F Ed- : x&-'- ntrn tHv wvt hflllttfr In it YIU Ilidwp, Onn Muncon, Cliff Tamtuhed Lady." n atory of tho'of Anici lea's "400.-- Hut the llch- - womi iM , itheatcr wltli u party of ffle nda when Cliff Edwamls win upper-Crus- t, hss much use for. Thclne Is not nvrrilonr. "Tarniaheil '"H Wednpudaul Jthelr hpst called thel; htteiijon - ' i.l.fifi will Im almwn I.iilv" la. hi ronatant ffrln with the BB?SB?SB?SB?sTraTBBBPBaH'saar' - BBBBBBBBBBBH.' i . a beauyfytwu'nian occupyinr,i,i up-l;- ' iMOartc Fools; lon-- ' wh'ch will ,WliKN ' Thursday ut tho UIU. Ireailtlos. It Is alwoyn real, iind ion-- Fv '"! apd pmk, ,pei box twlth u tilled, gentltrmmi. ojenwtodsy'at tho Tfleatro lor "Taml-lte- d vrtltlen.vlnclnp.ys wfll as elm), 4 Jilts TJ1 VUl"ay,'"starrn8l Por Lady" was wutlng theehtlrbnvenlnif tltv kriM 'cfegaenicn.t, Is IWlT InK- - a .IhreMay Col'ma (by 0 mBrt playwright, Donald erred to the lady the hrtje. Fl- - with ! to ' tcf Jn latest talking irei rage-- U a real treat heal Tal ulah '' - YouLI , Sttwait, Just now the i ' lht shdw, he Invitcfl' tfM jbi,r LbbLbbbbbB Odo Bankhdad'tf nclslvo wit In cftHJunc- - nalljttr picture, starring Joan Ciawford. HBdfiLu wilier of atasa bUns and movlna ton and Milton to hUVxiijn'. a'J This Is llio mqst glarnortnis pf if,'"! lIGsll'! 'Th"7wt'&ayst.rr,ng Wffif m' llorew Ills fefory Xls Crawford's recent roles, nly fronf OTftf" "ImolWocritU and novelbt. Stewart"' V" Af ty passing u plcjisant jrolt (nup both the, Rlltter pr "Our their host turned to them and sHi) Wiwfclntr Brides" unJ the tragic ' 1 rhantoinr be Deaert," talk- - "Suiely you must think my aciiona ot "Paid, two -- Then htiyif Miss Dknltheud handle them, r drama her last ing 'wej'terniW IGir. In ncbound" fir Broadway. Ihls evening-fathe- tmusil-- lr '' - An added aaauranco of M;al screen offerings. a ho made a screen hit with his dla- unl Bolton fcnlorlied '.ha r entertainment In "Tftrnlsh-othe- r that hadt' yho story, with a Chicago locale, II I Ion for "Laughter." llo has donen'm noticed hiiytlitur particularly tttv .t HaitlilimU CIU Bitiok, In l'aranmunt! Lady- - we nam of - rskpaHy concerns tho under-worl- d I'nlliilah anfl thr things, but none o outstand-i- prsnt tha usual.- iilcturr. rBirillirl Ijidy." Iiy Donald Oxdm Stewart, arc lmwn In ing vehicle foi Tallulah d rector, George Cukor Cukor. and newspaper life of the Tlmn.-i- Air Comedy On as this film -- Their lioal Irislsted, however, that Kccnn tho idcturr, wnicii win ie. invn WnHicMlay and" w'11. nonl MBTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsssaw mrtroDolls. It Is an original bv imiii Uankhead nnd Cllve Urook. 'ou Tcmemher. directed he was not quite himself nnd Ult tat 9- day nt ihrftlla. i, , Family of Broadway." one of the Aurnnla Itouverol wllh screen rou- - 4 In that an explanation wna due. i!t I And Cllve Brook cant anjmost highly-spice- d of this raon, Unulty by BMiayer. ! 'KaTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBSSSSSBSBL Klchohl V iuic, ujc itmu in.-- wv. He a!) remarked that hetliought j Well...... "Tarn nheil Ijiv Harry brought ceK h iiib',1" LLlsssssssssssssssssssssssslBv i this a n excellent time to tell a story v Beauinotr"who hiin Crawford Returning This Week Oldie (and they are njany) liave been' hop haa It biatcn. You'll say so! (BBlBBSSSSSSSSSrBBSjlKvTK Miss Crawford to ktordom In many Hint he had with n h mself ing to see him In for moons. . t earned it "Oiir. DeheJue Daughters," and re English cicen actor lias for a number of years and since cently added to this ttlumph with Uliu MtlllMlU Mukrt "'lll!han,ncdlR releTi," NO FIHK S.LAIIMS Bolton nnd Milton wero Americans .core of.featuied ' sVsssssssm' LLiKM "Our Blushlnjr Brides ' again! 111 'Goitllf Willi': Hero rchamilng Sinners," "The nelurn SNYDER, May 22. .TI- - for the and wouldn't know any of the prin-,clpal- ll . l Snyder X-- directed.-- I Holmes, month this yer. h' fill Mite in telling IWjIn of Sherlock "Scandal . e .wwr an uppiMi nutr i Prlilny Sheet.' with great 'skill arid appeal-- i went through April without' n single 4bsssssssssE!Z .J'bbsssW ihi-m- " tceler Yall, a nowcomet to the jlng flnew He makes u great male fire alutin. Tlii6' wtru, no nlnims qmMrm They lltened attentlyelyfor near scfn who recently made his The i,ren,e.it of the star. In Krlruarytrtie seoontl time In five ly two hours to One of the moit The-cos- fmm In 'Tdqal," MUa years. debut "Beau Is year wna flssouibled for "Going t of Lady" alsssB Vf tinmzinfc tain they had ever heard, ."Tarnished MMMW A Crawford's loading; man nx.ner .Wild,'1 the Flra National and Vita Plmehc Fcmler. Alexander 'i IVrltm for Scrern new picture, supporting - - Bolton, rraliilng motion pie and the jflV ,pnono pioaucnon wniwi comes in fKitKiand, usgooo uroau- Ml,- w. p. McDonald. Mrs J H the vulup cast Includes such fllmrfavoiltea as w me on ninrwaj'-oeiovy- j who are tuie of, the story. asked v kiiz incnuc rriuay liiayera eertalntlfc)(,M Bml Josephine Buddcr Bakewcll, wv irt to t a n screen storyir aire Edward, WiNlam Satuidav to do Dig things In the films. Theljnt Sunday wirti Mia. J. I P m mission wilte ' " Uie- - . William Holden. Clark Gabe Earl One cornelian Is usually enough suppucung ' u Monahah-numbe- and nfter;,juomiKlnir not to il K""i' m r v v. ' U Ham- , 1 , - right names of Koxe. Purnell Pratt, Halo n a Picture. Kirat National haj of socially prominent socle--) . Ut the principals, Mt llton, KaUle Moorhead, i ML' , permission, , Joan been tfefl' ici .!nl provided half a ty women who know how to wearl ' .'W- Xlven I him br.-- .Marsh and Riflsell Hopton. uozen clothes and to 'keen, poised In the Mrs. P. Phlllft', who mm k . The story, tmc to life, and teall ' son, , . Perhapa outstanding In the scc Jo V Ilmwnwho. Jiaa become weulth-melle- u nf thaiilcture Their visiting her Shine, left yester IWMhZ-- 'W itranger than fiction, Is coming1 to tacular episode Is a nocturnal lln, tho comedian (n pictures names mikc Intctestlnir rcadlnir: day to visit het- - daughter. Mrs. he Queen thea'er Wednesday ami 'forenuM Above presented K y add- - Ben m El Paso. are Joe Thursday under the of "Tite-Ijid- fl since tho advent of the talkies. their presence Jn the picture Is Bowell lUHgh-imiki- -r tillo I llrltivn, the with tli.' fa Ing a gay yachting cruise In the a of eu ip see - - llcfUres aLBBBBBLi the its f the star tht incentive lor uie crojyia , ' , .... big- nioiitli, who will apiwar ut the opening scenes. ' In this, scores of I "'IBbVBI Is with It. mi we i wn o "(J.m ' Ora .uctlon. and credited ""' julu and Saturday In Ui ia, , - la daxzllng damsels atrip unmen having given ft Jynhlrr perform- wnne me moiy oi "larnnnco oi iouim n, mcuvi won ,(. yuj,- jns otar Ik Una Jnim Homer JdcNew im a buslnen t with, - Ht ! In Ho expects to return. , atlonablrs anil dive overborn d ance than ii ilia in the comedy Lady' runs the Intlre gamut from pointed a member of the LoulsM, lelow.who Is nuiklni: ''' Dallas their boy fi lends. Apother glitter nut, "Top Sp'-a.- wealth to direct poverty, .and back, avlutjon committee 'her screen debut lntlila picture). Sunday f Irtg scene is the night club dance Frank McHukh. who caused number lntrlgulngly executed bv Lraler Vail and Joan Crawford arn noert. lien-- In "Dunce, FmiU,. plenty of laugUi In "Bright Lights." S Mlsa' Crawford, costumed Dance," cimlng to, the' Itltx foday, Monday and TuekiUy. "The Toas- - of (he Legion," DttWh cllnRlnjr silver creation. - Patrol." "Thj Widow from cm- - .TheTalory, despite Uvlali touches, strikes so prtdoml'iant a note. The Perrin In "Beyond the Glo cago." on.1 -- Ttoi! Speed," plays a - . u imriini umuunii- uiit.-- '' cot'ttimea by Uib0it Adrian strmo jGrando and "Overland IJoMnd." highly entci tulnlng part 'as an . plot motivated by wurJer on n new heights in splendor, Miss Hen dollar word for a Ill clean-cu-t nnd winning per- Inebriate wholesale scale It Is a dailnc Crawford having fourteen diunk) In "Going Wild." angle J sonality is the chief nucleus theme from the society and ent changed in the picture". " Lee; who made her debut j arounil which his pictures move-t- hat Laura a still more daring one from the Speed;1- - also plays the of a young westerner who In "Top viewpoint ot exposing ciime and feminine comedy lead In "Golrttfi racketeering-- . loves the majestic mountains and Theie.ls n wealth of " Of The Wild."- - - Ilia west " newspaVer atmospheie, lealistitui- rugged existence of native New Yoikl than all the luxurtfH the fiom llie ly supplied. .Desert" Saturday more eiat comedy stiige. Is Ona Mub-- ; can offer. musical MIsa Crawford plays the. part of sou, I only beautiful Peri In Wins added laurels by his who lot' but' a society girl, teduced Queen has one of the best Hinging1 voices , MONDAY T0ESDAY Western At lie- - - rn poi travel t lole Saun- TODAY who turns to newspaper work for a of of Jack In picture. 3h6 1' well trained s "hunt . Plenly of flctiuu and niHrvelous ' - livelihood. In her for the "!!"...". "ti.. comedienne bedau-- e Eddie Bui- photography of the JJ1VUUUCU UUU .ri,7.a. gangster klhvra of another ier an fatules rr"UITiVT Vf sell Is net' husband! porter, she discovers her own new Syndicate Pictures' talking Wcbfi for Syndicate iclcase, and Pldgeon, whose perfor we ypu picture Walter brother to hava been Involved In .western. "Phantom of the Desert," think will like this l11 tinged wllh any manccs have been Pie brutal crime The climax (featuiuK Jack Perrin and hlajinore than previous. I'emn itio play tole of Blown'" More than "Paid" You will also marvU at the gaiety, the thrilling tonie's whtn the decides to grveihoref. Starlight." which will bc.turc rival Hvlator ,lr Ui U picture, while her tirotlier up, j'he feature altructloil Friday and Intelligence of his home, 'Slatllght,' Glojla Swanson'- - 'which mighty Lawrence Giy. m Th aetllntfi nr splendidly done Saturday Ht the Queen does some oleer In a of pliv more 'exotic than ilcadlng man dumber You doUbt In till and add vastly o tho realism thai nu lemember Jack ivork Mcturc tuies, I'laya opjioslte Miss MuilK" liTBTaTaBTBBsTsTsTsTaTaTaTsTsTsTaTaTaTBBaj Jolmnv Arthur U also in u, as nr' ' LrtStMii" 'Ibib1bbbKI., $ Fred Ketsey. Sam 'Cantor. Ma' Maidens" rlole and many oilier of wmwl" "Our Modern note William A. Scitci . whu wa Colleer-Moule'- s enpon-lbl- e for liia.iy of , you love! (freale-- t sUc'cMHt-s- dlrecte' the STAR 'he ptdmw -- MMm 'MmC ' t llfinnld Column' (Joen MONDAY AND -- TUESDAY

iiHPP-e.-iurk- ,. k.-- t Momtiiy He Laughed His Way In and ith.,t.t 1111- in i.u It Quoon IhN )iung challi-UB- v C - T U vlgap-tl- e ium- Tlie Queen vthMiler will pi e,enl UUt Ol rOUDle! nr, oil mild and a gold ' t. on Slonuay nnu i unmny ilonald (pawroRt) Column's lutiMt talking picture, sjild .'M?. ' l(.lTt COLMANl to be Ip a vein new to the star.' RONALD which beats the title "The Devil, To Pay." It t.s an original IX c sloiv ahd dlaioeuc by the famous lEngllsli tlinmatltt. Fedei)ck Ins--1 dale. wll known on this Slue oi ine Voti're KS",;. hKpuuierous stage sue-- : VtV U e A Atlantic for to rnjoy thls; pif-"ttir- ej t cesses., "AKn't C,e All?". 'Sping .Clranlng, file Isl of Mis. Chc cMVYsCE Vou'n' Roiilx nnd olliels- - liwugn seveiai flam-iii- neJV fOOfc to j;aMj at Hit j; of the Lonsdale pieces have been ddapted for the scicen, "The Devil yotitliN, the Riirj;t f X0wWmtL " ' FSmMMM I JTo Pa la his fiist attempt ot writ tins rostiinifs of Clilcago' ing uiiecwy 101 wn;i:ii juuuu.wm, DANCE In t The picture, descitbed as a sophi- rich, the thrills of u girl sticate comedy diamrt In the mod- lonilial with the timlerworltU ern manner, has to ilo wltlt the life love Willie Iceland, played 1hnI In until whirl . in and of Slto's at Iht Jlils .Joan.Crawford "I'M kt'jit ." i i:C by Hiald Colmau. waj"ard son' npw 1 1H iindi'rworltl.1 . , amlJeiK'es n thrills', but ,tiiS m' of a wealthy and unsympathetic from socirly v peer who, In nn effort to prVswits the great- - British ' xtitiisltein'tress ' t A - . make something Ot Iris adventuioui il-- The? only star whose cvtr.v r i' : of hl-- glorious M'j-tJ't- gives lilni a In South Af est effort' son. stait - ' Is bet- rtca' ThCston' opens with Wllllfl BT It picture always .. st'reen eareer. 'disgusted wllh hi exile, and long " Ung for .the lights of London, auc TsAyffl jJ-- tor Ni linn fl JrK) tioning hi belongings to ouiam inoney enough for ie passage home Willi a N'liiiileJ'ful Suppo'rdiiK Cast IiuIuiIIiik: Kcv'r having exjieilepced leal love, he decide that lie, will nufrry a down, Inde- wealthy gill and settle ,ioAr aiAiisnw pendent of his father. Al living !) Bl m Jm 9MWwjfMMMMM JwM vb'lh pound In hi London with twenty, r.AiiiiW'- - 01.1KF .KinVAHDS pocket, he spends it all in buying a Ck'akk clog, nml in taktng an acties. an V'li' acquaintance of former years to $MJiVff dinner, T TbTbTbTB' NVxt morning he meets his fate" -- ADDED. "' UNITE 0 -f- ullhiR deeply in love and with an licit pes. played by Loictta &, DlVII MCTUMAlTt Young. Maiiying for inoney, and mm lylnjr one he loveswho hai mo- -' 'ATfRACnONS TO PAY. wllh LOR,ETTAYOUhiq ney, ie vleweil lay Willie as irre .Y ponclUblc. The dialogue is bright ftp. sparkling In the etnnetly sutarnit the FroRV a Playboy of il .inuii et willy nnd tuie without a in the woini Lonsdale manner. pd the pait of jmtRe yon, wirti '. in a V caie Willie to fit roar hraiul Impressible, gay, charrnlnK wa especially written '.'. - engaging Column petsonallty i this nudafjons adventure the laughter t I eartooji wna a man amone men and u OK GOD lion with wonjen. Entlrel'' Clll.'ltCIl L 1A iliffcrent , entertainment' Sunday School a. m HI 'TUEUKVJU'S "TUB and lnvlorat Ir- Preaching servicosl a in MMarvwz: 'imttr MMMM jffMMMMniiL (aiQAWBjk. SMMMj " B" ll as ,1 day at the llivlei. Evangelistic scivlcea . m CAliStlfCT"' VSOli' SONG" HcieMulonVs matti i playe Prayr meeting Wednesday 8 p In the neation'N smam m pla . m: . .fttm aft JlvangclWUc sei vices Saturday 8 f 'i .i;"it? :i p. m. 3 - . I ItTsbbbv 4 sbWI mmmm- V'vLtt! '"OT: U mrn IN PA.i'A.MoUNTr Ui Sl'l'll , j .saiyNi) eVIVS i r , 11. was In Spur Satur J, Smith " - - m a'L'LVsfvUaMJB. MJml . day on business. b7b7btbT777i777b7b7b7b7bts. b7b7b7btbtb- -v JJZ ev V v 4i.v1 vii l BBraUWlUllLUBBBBV etLr V ll ADDED' ATTRACTION. NEW ,STATrt)N,JN CIllNA. WV HHBSil'a'B'B'B'B'B'Blr M.A XW-V.-AaV 3 NANKING, May 23. rt' The l -.- MMMmKinMMMK.W Ac A 1 ministry pf communications, of the MUMi$MEMMMML&x.iY SUNDAtl..rIATINJ3E Chinese government has ordered the Md 2l in i SJaAi oonstructlon of a ruio staiton ai J 3 Sliasl, Yangtse river ort between MMMMMMMMMMMWV IcK W STARTS I 1 ' At VITA t it JPIH0N& ftTS jltnkow ,nd Ichang-- MMWMMMMMMWMW.4m "Read Flew'a ad en page 2 Adv. mm

- , " y-x- - fr. iRPCi sV&k.- - r- ' cir- iW - 4sacAr5C ' ' r AC' V M atay j jKfcMti'K jbbbv.1B'bbbPB .BiL. faBy wafPBBM' btJbbbPB ifcKJLBbBBbBt BABY iBiBbrilVHrK.BHIiBLi?StBlEBab V7 I! ' iJk'BflHMMdiBxBjBBBB9abPJ' tBJJBJ' KBIrVM'ivVPWtHjp .BJiBJx ,BK BJ BBJrBPWi HjHf jhh jht bBbb4bbbbbB9F!BBB9bBB 1 aBBBBBBBBBW' .BbWJHnHPHViBkaH'bbbbbbbps, ..vlHff VVB 'IjB'iKiBi.JfctaaBaaPJ. BPW'' FnflVHppF jBHEIBHIbVHp VHmBWm "MHHpPPPPA 1

PJwWMPM lUMidtMrjr ffw iyouth returned FOR TRIAL suimm BwJBfM coluwt waE TONVMS Nt To FW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM'

vIbBsBBs " " - y I' t "' wTt BBBBMt Aw &?.. A ',jpjc a Ljtkts- SLw?i' bmbbbbjCSjJbbb'bL IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH BVaT JBBr SaVa'BBBBBBn BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV "abmbb snJ ' 'zIbbbII SalalBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBHBTBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBTal ' b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1bV ' tMtalBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBTi bbbbb'b aHtBHtBHtBHtBHtBHtBVBHtBHtBHtBHaHaHi VBr.wv'.aHKia"! MlaBHtBHtBHtBHaHM aBBHtBHtBHtBHtBHtBHtBHtBHtBHtBHaHtB LPLPLPLPLPLPLPJLPLBBBBmJ ' LLIV aay''alLBBBBBH' sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLH 'KKKjmWKttfhtnNPfl fBBBBBBrJaBt TBBBM 'bbS bbt 'tsLLLLr'M 'bibib1 KtT "VVmiLLLLV' BBBj --'iiBBa nH aLBi'LLLLLi1 BiB!nB4BB4MYaTtV' jftTaBBBBBBBBBfi BBBBbI JJEM BKv JkWBJ iBBBBBBBBBVTCBKSr LlF-- aawBWB IBBbB BBBVjBbI TBMlt BBBBBP BBm. - - 'HrVVlBpBB; ,y 'WPBVa w Sff'r"-- VppppppBpppHBk BfljBB ppplRpppppBjf BBHPXKBBiBa tBBBS ftT PU J' i VBBm BBB9 B BIbPJ: - &jj18bbbbJ VAmf' - inBl V' . r-- jRbbbbbbT' btbbB & - awaS bbKbL--'' "!? 4V '. HlBBBBBSBdBlBflPBBK i W lISlBaf - aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBi - ' bbbbbV w V aaHal fB P 0 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbpbbI JaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL f bbbbbbI . bbbbbbI BBBBKr' x "' "w Ari tafatfr 44 'f'm V - J, --fc'saaBJb 6' ' JJ v ' BBBBBljHT't'Bl ' iBBBBBBBBBBBBbBV tBBBBJ bftBBBBBBBBlLBlBBBBBBfi & Bm " JT BJB 'SoT4aBaT' ' vl " y'lBftka m SbbbbI bbbbbbbvbbIa iJbbbb t r3BBBx::v"'k.w!AB i Ibbk T 'V BBBBBBBBBBBBBBm P8sJ9HatT rLiH''l'-i-'!B1 nha'i1'T 'TV&bb? . MLbwR i tbVH ifnKv ''LLLHBhskaa. i ZMKHBxji3BBBB1BBBBJBJBBB1PXa jB5 B9 i aflB i HbhIVIBjGhHI FaaBBu nR LbbbbbbbbbbbbI BTbTbTbTbTbTH JT -' ff.MMi J- - iBTSTVf r- - fBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBV1 feTBTBTBTBTBB bbbbbW i 'V1 i I jLI PBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, r laaE ZbbbbV ) atS a1 1 1 ,S'BBHaHaHaV B,viHK BBBBBBbT T aBBBBBBBl !""""" ?i3K . 'TsBwBFTLrCfca """""Vs HHHBHf i ILBk-1r- Lv ' BkSBBxaBBBBBBBHBBBB9IIBBJl CKHc BBj Riadlng cf dtetlv nty nSBBL vavSLiH f axtaf VaKLvB 21 vawBM wBBB iltrit 'b y iMPJHRwppjPpJpHBBBHHHHMHiHHHHB PPH rawartl Jottph Huhcaktr, tbcv. flBBaVaTSa Jv avaVaVaiBa 4BbhL jB vV3WafavLf kflaWaaaV artn City, Mo., truck driver, who ' " t iaffaBli WLi-- . rtcognlztd Fn4 Burk' p)cur. bbbbbbbbbbbbI aBBBBBBBBBffaV CaiawJafaaBBBti-W-!-,T;- T JlJrJ'. 5B tfaafsyeV. S?S. . "rtrfTialitfai30B . li..- . JK t m H MaBBBBBBBBff 'i:""-'- .'BBBBBl - A?-"f""- and led captur. may. iBBBBBBBBBBb iTSfTW BBBBBB- 'V i thart a th4K.00 rtward. t ? Aaaorftt" rrtt tmt Mary eiltn Farlty, Ntw Yrk acUty girl, la Hufh ' aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT SBBhBBBBr jbbbbW "f bbbbbbbp enatd i& bbbbbl ibbbbhbbi iiMtyiftmiiiNu Htrndon, Jr., who plana I. Uavti Hartld Holt, 11 (Itft). ChMtiet Mrs. Vara PhllHaa. SLmimU wM toon on a roundtht-worl- d flMtt. w (riaht), kept all tht loot f a Volant, Faw bank rtbbory lutAHWt wt&Am?if mzXtW&Sms r nmm oting IPMiBBTtpwKt-ivTrjwiHiJgs.- tharobbry.inipir ii rrti in utiroit, HI aiso.aald aha DtafHMd To Organize. Plslic ' AaKitfirtmrilt JSBBBBBBBBtBBBBBBBT 2 BBBBBBBBk . A 4l4t!3Tj& IbbBBBBBBBBBBkBBV 5- - BBBBhBBbBBBBBbV ACTRESS YOUNG, Y WED TO BROKER Ralph H. thuraar, .admWted m IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT. y M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3. ?.SBpjBBEiVir 5 - ha waa an poilnf os- 'BjpWPl PBKS In a Cfavaland Ko. WBBBS m hotfHal m a JbPJLbbbbV: " raan rfOatttnary with a rart dlt 'iaafc bbbbbbbbbHLbbbbbbbbbVLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbFk -- irN fS- Bfafafafafafafafafafafafarr r..aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBWJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl as. .jSff5?5 n BJBJPJBJBlPJBBBJBJi "H'bI'- aBBBBBuBBBBaVaBBBaTii ViBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrftaTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ' - ,i " aarat - - ry .BWJ SMttaer to Die T ' jMtiti rkf ' Handcuf(,td to an offictr, William Cchtmnitzcr (right), (ormtr Virginia Van Wl ol Chicago wrfio PABB&r'';rBBB7JBBBl Penntylvama mintr, it ihovon upon Mi arrival In Albany, N. Y, tn hJi been otarrlng In outhem golf t"vaf.BBBl W iB.MaPBj routa U Troy to'aovr a charg that h tnurdrd a New York tUtt jnteU thlt winter-adde- new laiirel PJBBBBm 'lf.BBvWF JS-h- troopir. SUnlay Chora (Inttt below), ScHcmnitstr'a companion at tht by winning tho womin'i ' -- holpitat at MrAlet- - . ' tlmo of the killing. it In tho OkUkoma'penltintlary .medal .tournament at Southern ' pBBHs.lHLr ter aufferlng from a bulltt mound. Plnee, N, C. " ft pbYbbbmVv W 2St i TbII : 0 fcn VBVflHB-- For:Rde,, BBBBBB Held by Police "Takn Financier Quits VaVaVaVaVaVafl - mTnl-- WaB ''BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbB MP T . . . . BBBBBBW'BK" HBaBV?T4BjBJ ti PKl ?H?MBnM.'A ' .aaaaaaaaaaaw LaaaaBaaaaW - BBBBBBBl SaBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBK'' tBBBBfl ot BBbT.- rldLBSl Hp BBflBBBBBBBBBBW .. JiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.'- - bbbbbbh"BW "? 1 PBaBiBar ' (BBBBBBBBrBV 1 v "H't'BjW'rA'-- iy ssbbbbbfJHL ' ' ,. .O jf 'Jkx "B' T " 'ttl5:" JlMVTUlfMl BBlBBBBBBi-Ba- t Bj BMaBE!'PBBBBBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBl' lrM faiO CiJiw'-''3b SBBBBBHaflBBBBBBBBBBBVaW' 'BB'IbBBBBBBBBbV '.BB I'Pj a " V'Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraa BBi Ethel M. Dorranca of Philadelphia rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV':t1sl3f who aharea In tha $160oaoeo ea-U-ta Dr. John T. bbPPBvNBjV BBTaBS - of htr lata father. 4 W' r- . ranee, waa Pretldent of tha wrYBBM' Dor who ;v v '- B5 Carpbll Soup Company, la to wed BBBBBBBBBBBtil -" bPbBxk'' itPBA " aBBBBBBBBBWV-'i'TvaS- B9BV Colket of Havtrfortl, P (BBBBBBBBBBBJ it" aWisTastaM.piaaB a BMBafjafJHjPBBf"JMBB Triitram ?V -- BBfl m't'sTl t .. vmmmmmm m llBBBBBBBBBVlBBBBBBBBBBBK k U. i I After Record BBBBB dH TBBBBBBKai - ti--v ' .i BBnBI Atvxia td Prtii JAra K$r-"V BBBBBBBBBBbIBBB "W Gen. Bmidltr D. Biteler if IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB i 1 sbbbbbbbbbbbbI S Sbbb'- - ?l LBABaBPPBaaPPBaB'.aBr'' w ,ffalBBaBaBflBBlaBBf'i;i6aBlkinB'i tho marinas waa granted a laavata " form a atato police force In Oregon. BBBBX- - !afl (vYbBbbbbbbbbb? i i'bbB Jtaft Preta laota aBBBBBBaJpBBSTHJBBBBBBBr9rLK Major, allat 'Slick Johnson, waa Kansas Beauty AttorullCil ira J)ntA aentanced to death at Albany, Ca, Mary Nolan, who at varloua tlmta In hr miln niatM ...... after he waa convicted of tht muf has botn known it Imogens Wilton and Mary Robertson, la ahown with dtr of hit brothtrln'lavy. PLPBaW. k1BPPJ her husband, Wallace T. Maerary. Jr., 2J.yirld Ntw York broker, BBBBBBBBBBBFUSBl'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH after their wedding ceremony In Brooklyn. May Enter Olympics . BBBBaBT- - Sbfp'3bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 II k - Beats" Talkie. An Able Veteran aaBBtsaSBBBM1J-lt- Vrt A$itiatri Prjt P4I iUKKil ro( bed of Joieph W. Stlnton, " A. Crayton Tht BBIwBBBBBLbW Px A man arretted at C ol Louisiana 'BBBaBaBLBLBLBBV'-t- " vt'IPPBl" Birmingham, Ala, tutpected of record cleik truity, '' 'ur 3B9I at It Hate prison, was found battered jt being Pat McDonald wanted In kB) jaaBsflBaBBl and bullet picre'ed on the banks of yaBW0T' OBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLv BBBBj. .tt Muskogee, Ok la- In connection with AuKiitttPnufttf BrflBBBBBXBbbV SrfffKBBaBaBaBaBaBB - the Mistitaippi river, Of'icef Cyrus S Eaton, Cleveland finan. SjB bbt ijmJw aaam T TaaBaBaBaBaBl the slaying a year ago of David and BBaaav ' bbbbbV HaBaBaBH the trusty had been :ier who founded Contlntntal OBBLaBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Ce:rge Emlth, capital-liU- . "taken Connecticut for a Stiarei, hat respited chairman . ride," at aal 9f the board 'to Inspire confidence." PPX1 PLPLt' 'ir "obPLPLPI shou d it have Seen threatened by usTsVaaPJ JHp, PLPyaalB.' FOSSIL 100,000,000 YEARS OLD reec"t auck ciders' suits. - .boPBjBBB aaaaar , , iSBBaBaBaBaBaaffi BBBBBBm rJVjlima aaank." BBaBavJFw i7r BBaBaBaBaBaal BSV Ufa iV'srPu P"""""; "j Br nT. . Bm'jPPBbbbbI L, Crimson Coach Bm' kv V t- , 'T J BVB10lBBBBfl haHHKrtraJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaLBaBBBBBBBBB aBBBBBaaB "v BBwbbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbB'SBBBa vH Bm. BBi ' tyjBBBl BBaaarV "''I'sati BTaaBal PtBLa dsaBBBBaBBBBBBBBBafi. "'bbWEj? "UBBRajeSflGMBjBitBBBBBmSjBmSLaV i bbbS Jf "" WBNHEJ (VOSBBaaVPSIt. BlBBBRKEEaaBVanBSaf9BsBBBVBflT i bbbbbI " S" Jaf'ml Bjr "BBBd

IsBBBBV BBBBBBBaaBk;, AUoctoted Irest TAolo 2 . VvBBBbBI .ft s s 1 ; When the Ulklet took her lob aa artalri I'reu jUipctoltd frett i'ktto K - inylnfl IVa PAaa organist In a theater away from her, Old Tom Zaehary, Veteran of Lee entman of the University of , AtmiifdPfuPbMt still holder. In tha t Oeorge Dullwlnkle. star "o? CoL '" ''l f?'Biu"L ' !""' b' Illinois, world's record Edith McCaiftey ot Coldwter, 1 law. She now a practicing""! Hurdle events, hopea to rtpretent legs of City of New YoA track attor Ii a w'nnlng '"."EKlihurler. Kas Is one of eight campus beau. ney at Ashevllle, N C. pitching etatt of the Boston States In tha 1932 team, 11 but to set a new "mark In the the United plcktd'for tht yearbook of tha again this Wear. Oljrmplea Loa Angeleii.. tlt 880-yar- d Braves at ,t Kansas State Agricultural colleae.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI tha run and mile. "iyfc - ai ,'JJJ- X. . bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI li Ll aKBBiatBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI TO CARRY ON FOR KNUtE ROCKNE HOOSIERS CLAIM SARE, OF ESTATE ' Autcutti Putt Pled J; - o Mist Manota Marph n, University of Chieigo coed, viewing the tkel-- aaBaaBBBaBaV - It V a " by a ixpeaition to the raroo Aieitui Puis Pbt cton of Parwanur found university great detst of South Afr :a. Th s is the first of Its kind mounted A. J. ("Butch") Nowaek, In - I' " University of IIHnols tackle In 1928, rfe begun work as assistant grid coach at Indiana unlversftv CHICGOAN HELD IN WIFE'S DEATH

BBBrT ,laafataafiBaBBm !LBffiftiTV jBBBBaBaBBPJBBBBaBaBBBBBaBW4 Gets Rebel Offer .PAV-- sJBBBBHlfiLBBrcZey i al.....PaVAM.BBBBBBLBM' BBBBBBBBBk IrJf a4vaMMT'BlaalBBBa BBV BBHMhj' r' " fBBa Bl' BwSiIbCh ibbbbPPbh a '"bbPLPbbbV .aBBaBaPLPBm ALPBPBBB-BB- BBaMtBBP 4s; 3BaBaBBBa! tBBBBBBaBaBal aBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBBaBBam vnBrJaBaBBaBaflBBaBBTraBaBKaBBV .3 PnaaaaBBaBB BBaaaBBBaBBl BBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBam ' 'BBBBBaBBaBaBBrS'.BBBDHaBaBT BavJaffBBaaaH


-- PJvAiVB aiBaBBBPPBBfUiti&BBaVi&SjBlBKiBPPBm SaPPBBBraaBflHtBPBPfl BVBBBajMMjX'K!BBVr 'n?TA.BBBBBEBBvBBBDbBlHSBBBaBBaBBBBBKI jiBvaBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBl aV' JB laBBmiwriJUrBLaVMAaVaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaB "i'4 vP&IBIKStUfSmfFliKSfnffKBKv' aanfifeOrMKixK mbbbH ldaaSitfn!B2HipBBaBaLai8apiotviAaaBu9lBBu'r?'r'SaBaaxBBBBB4M4BBBBBBBjxraBBDBBaaaBn''.aBrSBBatBaWCBBBBBaBaBaaMSBBffiPBBTXVIi' iJBorBB r S3B7aavi6fBa Irttv rlwn"ioraTlBiii arxw iBBKSitTjkvUni) SBBx)BBBBBPv9jir!L'aE3BrBBafejAuaBiatBBBBaTaBBi iBawfiTirTWBBBaBaBaBnlrinilBBaaV u niJCrH-- m .BKaa BBBBailrQSyTJBKlaBBBKtanr )vX MiBrV VbaBa7rTWlaBEPB'BdBBBaBaBU bPbfI vt WtPBBBaBBBBBl JBaPBBrPfPJMllBvlBPJPf BBBBBaBBEavBBBaMr,?r1uBPSBBPBBPHK j Hbbbbbf BaaBaPPPJH

SlMBBBaBBRBBBVBBBWBBBaBaBaBaBBaBTaBV u EirLffaaBaEflHaBKBKaBBaBBBaMfaBBaS.OlBaBaBaBaBEBaB QbbbbbbbbSviaISBRVbbbbbV .bbbbV uaBlLBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBaBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBaBaBBB9aaBBBBBBBBaBBB LaBBaBBBBBBatBB.BBBBBBBBL3aBBBBl FfSl I'ACIO .....,. .i . l'l'l'IIfa Atioelattd Vitt I'ltoto AtteculrdfiMCbil Franknn C. Simmons. 32. employe, of Arpiaur and Company, Leaders of the revolt In Madeira The rouoh and ready Heartlev "Hunk" Anderson, former Netra Cella May Wendel. Kavanaugh, Wendel and Charlft Wehdel (left, to right) of Jetler. Chjeago, was held for further investigation Into the death of his wife, funcha! Islands, wirelessed Presl Mta. Aleander through-th- Dame gridiron star and coach Under the $150,000,000 estate left by.M EIU Wendel, New York eplnster. Haul, 32, who,.siot head, was found ding in thepirms dent Antonio Carmona of assistant late Knute Roekne, ,o.,vile. Ind., will tlalm a share of the si herj Portuotl whoJi to have actual direction ol the Dame team, la Mrs. Kavanatigh a d h.a arareffather waa a brother of MIm 5f husband. SImmens wlaordtrtd held when police and mrtleal ofteWng to surrender provided eer Notre football Alexander Wendel, father of and Ql', NvftnestwdeeUred his itatement that ?ls v.e cemnllted suicide was, tain reforms were sutTnia thawn with hr wife In their home In South Dend, Ind, alter Itarnlna Wendel'a father. John Wendel, partner of John Jaceb Astor in,the 'Mr l.aJe. m .JWiififaet- -, inossible. enecu of the aooolntment. '1 U 'aBBei- - " 0

mm'!Wfii'iattSBaBBft. f ..'

eKSae); "ri!trv:trT"' - MaamxAM BIQ MTMNG.fftXA. DAILY HBBIALD .uiv fa iom ' K IBB .lAOT NIN1 . n m t "TsaacaVti AtlSuBri i' iim.l Hmi 'nifci P. . t JHHBpMIMlBMMl ' r i ; ' mYour anf Ad May Be Placed Over the 'Phone!

" ' I to make tha following statement in Coahoma,...... il,7 .222 Shreveport at Wichita Falls. LIQUOR CHAHOK yfi.icn I RENTALS regard to th proposed cityi. hall, San Antonio at Galvestqn. .V Charges of mamtfaeturiat; lnlox-- 1 f " " tj' ' I ' which Oil Belt L i - auditorium and fire station Leruo Houston at Beaumont. lcatfng liquor were Ju&,l ' upon lftth day of Team W U tiled la , will be voted the ret tlco of the Peace Ocll C. Ceilings'! Amartmeiit' next month. I heartily endorto Moody 4 31,371 American League ' court, e . . Magnolia 3V.S71 today against John Strick ' ...... w. this building program for the fol Chicago at Cleveland. land, following I on Main; ,.a,....,.4 .375 a raid conducted mit.tfnvr nous - lowing reasons: Humble .,...... 3 5 Detroit at Louis, MIHer lYour or furnished apwj- St by Constable Nichols. Is we BoSton at Washington. '.menu, nn, narver rl, It quite evident that & Texaa it was alleged mat a rive gallon I ItlK. i'hone H or . need more suitable facilities for Innm Philadelphia at New York. capacity was I Team W Pet still, confiscated In -- roora housing of our city administra- the The sttH was found I ON TT"a. twoY ...... and apannimi or the National League. raid. in - til.(s. sill afMlal a v --- n Is Fort Worth ,.; ,.23 .735 SiT-.bY- rt v.i w tion. The fire station inade New Yor kat Boston. the oil fields, near Korean, Want Ad .v:- ?h. 4 Beaumont .,,.....,....21 .600 rsmp?""CoUroaB, new rnanacemsnt. quate and Is situated in the most St. Louis at Cincinnati, l j possible. We Houston , ...... 22 .595 i. fe bhone B r Howard. Mar undesirable location Pittsburgh at Chicago. KKTURNS HOME - also need a municipal auditorium Dallas ...... 18 .315 Philadelphia Brooklyn. UltliAKfAST neelc kltOBnetle. Wichita Falls 17 .472 at Rogers, bath and BreoW apartment: For The rfot only for attracting conven- - . C K. son of Mr. and! rv comfortably furalsheai II weekj San Antonio .....15 .417 Mrs. C. P. Rogers, returned to htal Please! garage Phone tions, educational and. recreational all tiltla paldj Q functions to our city but In order Galveston ...... 13 .361 June IZIneX daughter of Mr. and homo In El Paso Saturday after al 101! Of I0-- J .294 Mrs, our-loc- al Shreveport ...10 W, R. Hints, underwent a visit parents. apartment Summer? to accommodate citizen- with his NICKI.Y furnished . American Learun tonsillectomy Saturday at the BJg equipped with klectrlo rsmgsra-tlo- n ship In ti 'convenient place for the On Insertion: and Team W Pet oprniK nuspiuil. Read Flew'a ad on page 2. Adv. I So tine all utllltjt. paid. Ith discussion of matters pertaining (Mln 40c) rioian. to our local welfare. Philadelphia ...... 21 .750 LOVEIY apartment beautifully Place a Want Ad' to 2. I favor the undertaking of this New York .19 .653 - Iluceewlvt Insertions furnlihed: hot and eold water; subject now as a means of alle-- Washington ...... T10 59ld thereafter! carafe; cloie lp paved etjeet. help you rent your Detroit .....16 Mi S50 dare or nlghta. vlatlng to a large extent our un Wo have purchased the bakery at 121 4o Una lll employment situation. Cleveland ,,...13 .419 (Mln. 30c) VUHNIK1IKD -- room apt; jnodernj home for'the Chicago .400 East 3rd St., formerly operated by C. S. alt- - paid. 197 M, 'w. !.: 3. I believe that these facilities ,..,.,....12 tills .393 W. By Month: government summer period can be procured at this time at n St. Louis It DLTZ, from G. Elliott and will con- "'4.. the - .... Boston U .367 O.NB- - and furnlelied apert- reasonable cost. tinue the business under the name of x mentti eouth expoeure; located 4. I bellee that oUr present City Advertisements In 10-p- L convenient to ejroeery and drtiK National League) paid; couple only. Let Your Home administration Is handling the af- Hfht face typeitat double torn: bill government very Team W, Pet 1101 Kunnen Help. Pay Your fairs of our city TtV apartr t jor enicientiy ana upon examination St. Louis AT .708 FOUn-rOo- unfurnlthed A The Want Ad ment; pAvate luilh: niyiji Vacation! of the records I sincerely believe New York .692 , Closing Hour month: State BL ..Available that this bond Issue can be voted Boston 16 J593 belly ...... 12 Noon May JSth. I'hone til. John without Increasing the present ren Chicago 13 .500 . Saturday B:S0 P. M. Nutt. dltloni unless our city valuations Philadelphia 15 .469 t NICKLT furnished apartment, close Pittsburgh 14 .467 TEXAS BAKERY In. all .bills paid; real cheap. drop considerably. S. valua- Brooklyn .424 I'hone til . A comparison of our ,...,.,14 Use Your Timvfj.rnnm furnlahd apart tions and tax rate with neighbor Cincinnati .. 6 514 0 ment: Dum-i- n imur, v ing cities shows concluslvelynthat 121 E. 3rd St month: furnlihed apart' we are In a financial condition WIIEIIEJTHKY TLAY e. Telephone ment, $20 month. bUle paid. AP City' League ply HOI W. Ind. comparable to any of them. In conclusion. I feel Bankers Vs Tigers.. !,fnnm. anartment or- one feed' that . Just Cell ni'v... - .r.-.-r-- . ,., should enter lnto4pla construction room at 10 tasv Oliin. inunc THE STATES OP TEXAS, property In the sum of 126.50, and LragueQ jWq employ only the most efficient, ex- 1J80.W or 1010. la charges program sincerely and with a Texas County of Howard. Notlcer accruing from" this date. Dallas Worth. perienced White men and women in all 728 or 729' FIVB room modern furnished hereby on 2, 1931, This sale will place In B. to afford for our cltl at Fort apartment, paia. rnone clven that June take Joe - departments. Wo make the highest qual- all bins betwtei. the hours of 10 o'clock a. Neel Warehouse in Big Springy zenshlp a mun&lpal building of m. ttnd 4 o'clock p. m. I wilt ecll Howard County, Texas. which we will feel justly, proud ity Bread, Cakes, .Pies and Pastries. KUIlNiailKD apartment; when petty Jealousies aniT selfish lilco living room suite, nreaKiaet at public auction ono llvlne room WITNESS my hand at Big nook, kllchenettetand bedroom; suite1 and other furniture belonging Spring, Texas, thlsJthis4Sth day of motives have been forgotte. serMce porch: tit month. 1102 to J. M,Corcoran for warehouse May, A. D. 193 L . Sincerely, USED Nolan. Apply at 80S lancasler. charges on said property, in NEEL, DR., E. O ELLINGTON - due . JOHB s Ask Your Grocer XraXY furnished apartment. Tele- " charges ac-- t For pnone iirn uarry esir, in, the sum of $62 "rd Warehouseman. ANNOUNCEMENTS who will have charKo of Iley- - Icruing from tu nte. This sale t tioliln Apayment". will take place Joe H. Picei THE STATE! OP TEXAS J Warehouse in C Spring,. Howard County of 'Howard. Notlco Is WINNER BREAD ' Lost and rottnrf Bedrooms 28 County, Texas. hereby given that on June 2, 1931.J BASEBALL WITNESS' my hand at Big between the hours of 10 o'clock a., & two-ye- un Texas, dny or m. 4 p. m, STUAVKD one rnmlne UPSTAIIia. bedroom for rent: Spring, this the 18th and o'clock I will sell! WHERE THEY PLAY old blue horse mule from about Usually epoi, will serve nrraK. May, A. D. 1931. at public auction one box of goods, '29 CHEVROLET 3I..J. LII'SEY C. 91. ORRISON mlWe of Knott fast If desired. Ill East Tark B. NEEtX five nortlieaat , JOE and household goods belonging to WHERE THEY ARE "i? .'otlry Bt Udwards lleUlits. A sport roupo Unit runs nnd about two eek Aro C. Warehouseman. W. 3. Kclley for wnrchouse, O. Jone. AihciU. Hnutu one, or WHAT DID looks llko nntfv cur. At (his Herald offh lteward chat ges duo on said property in THEY loV price. Rooms & Board 29 THE STATE Or TEXAS the sum of $7 00, and charges ac- Public Notices County of Howard. Notlco Is cruing from this date. This sale RESULTS SATURDAY $275 ROOMS, beard and laundry U.W given on 2, 1931, 12.60 (00 Uell, hereby that June wlf) tako place at Joe B. Neel Texas Leugun TlfONB and let us do your week; or rooms a. lit phone 8SI between the hours of iu ociock Warehouse In Big Spring, Howard Wichita Falls 7, Shreveport 3 laundry. rtotiKh dry, with flat p, m. 1 will sell ilnlshtd te lb.; Quilts and m. and 4 o'clock County. Texas. Houston 5, Beaumont 0. OC work Airplane be-- WWTPPPT blankets, o inch; service at public auction one WITNESS my hand at Big pan Antonio 3, -, Houses 30 Galveston 1. ,- Msck Erley. tuu mate. lonlgng to Leo Hayner and lid FiOtir door setjan, good paint . pi V Spring, Texas, this the 18th day of UNFUUNI9HED house, close In; Stover for warehouse charges due May.'-A- . D. 1931. Job, tire nearly new, Cootl Business Services 6 alio furnished I on said property In the sum of American League motor. Cheap. half duple; - JOE B NEEL. room apartment.- I'hone 117 J1H0O and charges accruing from Warehouseman. Cle eland 10, Chlcagq 5. PAIR PRICES ALWAYS UNKUHNlsimn house this date. This sale will take place - New York 7, Washington 8. , (1 t,2S In Men'a Half Solts .. and bath breakfast nook; built Joe B. Neel Warehouse in Big 7, 1. fc"LJ ranee; cold at THE STATE OV TEXAS, Philadelphia Boston '30 CHEVROLET lBBBBBBBBr X JkSaBBBBBBBBBBBBsW'. Ladles' Half Solts ..II features, tlectrlo hot, - ...,..,...r &0c car-ac- e, Spring, Howard County, Texas. St. Louis- 7-- 2--5. Men's ttubbeb Heels ...... watsrj shades on windows; County of Howard. Notice Is Detroit A coupe) that Is practlrall1 Htibber Itrels 40c opposite Ulch School, I'hone WITNESS my hand at Big " ' l.i.ll.i' hereby given that on June 2, 1931, new. Rood rubber. Excel fcJV Top Lifts ..... 15c 104 or 144 s Spring, Texas, this the 18(h day of SHOE HOSPITAL 107 E. 2nd between the hours of 10 ociock League lent paint. O.NU nice unfurnished house; six May, A. D. 1031. m. and 4 o'clock p. m, I will sell National KOW la to have your fans rooms: 8-- the time hot and cold water: dou JOE B, NEEL, rat public auction one desk, belong Philadelphia Brooklyn 51. $325 'cleaned and oiled, we will can ble caraco; 11th and Johnson; S. tLouls 2, for th.m. ' also cenalr all el adjolnlnc high school, rent rea- Warehousemani ing to T S, Jenkins for warehouse Cincinnati I. ectric appliances, carry supplies sonable. Phone 2S0 days and No i charges due on said property In Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 3. wiring- Tele- York-Bosto- and do contract I nlshts. Karle A. Read. THE STATE. OF TEXAS ac- New rain. phone lip Day or NlKht. Tike's the sum of $19 00? and charges '29 FORD Electrla Bhop. Scurry Bt. SMALL house near West Ward Notice is hereby given that on cruing from this date. This "sale , "0 School; four rooms; all modern 5r June 2 1931, between the hours will take place at Joe B. Neel Four door Town sedan. Good conveniences; rent reasonable to -. STANDINGS 10 4 o'clock p- m rubber and paint. Like new Woman's Column , 7 those Who can pay In advance o'clock a. m. and Warehouse In Big Spring, Howard City League wv. or see Philips at will sell public Gift car. Phone Shine I at auction Count j, Texas. Team L Before Packing: away your ncuTirCHiNa Drue store Shon Fixtures belonging to w. w, my. Big Pet Mnselle WITNESS hand af ..... 7 3 .700 DressmaklnK. alttratlona T11HKC large rooms, modern, WUIlarm, for warchquse charges Spring, Texas, Desuty hoppe. Phone III, !' In porch: reasona- this the lSth day of: Tigers ...... ,...... , .6 3 .600 oreened back due on said property sum 1931, troleum flulldlng ble. Located 111) Owen. Apply Infthe May, A. D. & .444 '28 CHEVROLET ITS accruing IFIewellen ..,., ..4 & hohi: mi:ni)!NO leiu uwrn ?r phone ci trom of 90. and charges JOE B. NEEL. Remsfftfcrd Cnupn that will BLANKETS QUILTS DHESSMAKINU nl Al.TlUlATIONS to C, from this date. This sale will-tak- Warehouseman. makn an excellent "seoond' MH8. I.UVRItCTT ONB hOus one place at Joe B. Neel Ware family. UN'ITKD DKY OOOI8 STOItrJ ' car for the X apartment, furnished, hot nnd house In Big Spring, Howard Coun KKA&ONS v Send, them to us for a 'thorough washing aad coM water. Also modern furn ty, Texas. ' $90 cleaning. Our special price on this service la ished icarace- - apartment. I'hone or , WITNESS my hand at nig (CONTINUED FROM PAQC Ii .effective Monday, Scientiflq washing wlli rid is ess. flieni of all and germs and will have, them EMPIjOYMENT' Spring. Texas, this the 18th day of J nig Spring point vith (fLL dirt MOPKltN house located I can't clean and flesh for use next fall. - HO Jnhneon. Rent reasonable. Mny, A. D. 1931." much pride lo our present rfity '29 CHEVROLET. HIr Four Insurance AKtncy. JOE B NEEL. hall. I ani flot very anxious to PETFRS , I J'linn,' 440, Resilience Ul-- four door rd.iii that 4a a Wantcd-Ma- lo 9 Warehouseman. shoV to visitors or strangers our Help TWO unfurnished s real bargain. cW finish, " '.. j L. I., r ' .. . 'V stucco houses city "offices and our "public audi- 25c hot and cold water and cas, one STATE OF TEXAS , (ood fire. M.C'rnechttnlralb Inclined, to ISO! Scurry: ne THE torium." It is impossible to build work with matmrfr Must have 101 Temperance Yjar Informa- - County of Howard. Notlco Is, without spending morley. but why car and be satisfied to tarn 125 nop pnone hereby given on June 2, 1931. he don't know' much hut that If It weekly learning ApplS 211 that get senred yet. We are Jn good ft Each while of 10 o'clock a. had not been for Cosden's payroll IV, 4th Kt , aek Tor Murray , between the hours nnncial condition Our 'rate Of Nnl '29 OLDSIVJOBILE' m. 4 p. m. will sell and a few others the past months. and o'clock' I nations not out line with Ix-c-n UM-- only 11 W'td-rmaW- Duplexes 31 arc of Rig Spring would hae learned the Has Emply't U at public auction two trunks be- towns of tho size and (Jlnportancc meaning of times, The real bargain of Young ware- true hard month. STtT'CO dupl ex: close In: longing to T. J. for oi uig spring, the fit). Se It. GIRL want wofk In office or home ana Karaite:, charges due on said proper- waitress, references Write hardwood floors' house Txjny I talked with a man from or as private bath? shades and lino ty In $18.50 Charg- r $275 llox II'. Sterllnc City, Texas leum furnished. month to the sum of and Montana who Is looking for a place Big Spring Laundry Co. Ill o; es ace ulng from this date. This plpht fiermanent party, located (lo tn lncAt If,, has hrothers.. 601, Nolan. sale will tako place at Joe B.l.ii ui, Whi wunt m nur. Fancy Stationery ,. . FINANCIAL FritKlHIIKU duplex for rent! Neel Warehouse in Big Spring.chafee faTm and rBnch larid Ths Plain and Embossed Phone 17 rriciuaira equippea, ;u montn. Howard County, Texas. ,. y,ie was Stationery Apply 407 Nolan man toid Uiat SDrnir Commercial W0LC0TT WITNESS my., hand" at, Big the best looking town he had been Wedding Stationery . Moncv Loan 14 Spring, Texas, this the 18th day of In since he left Montana two Mourning Stationery to Farms & Ranches 32 May, A. P. 1931. months ago and that by observing Visiting Cards Motor Company,, JOE B NEEL. , Birth and Anniversary PROMPT AUTO LOANS i.nAsrj the business houses more business 'Announcement for rmm .Warehouseman was being any place Snles-FOKD-Se- nlco We pay .off Immediately Your Flva.Htlnnt ranrff ?A In done than in OIBSON 'Payments are made at this mini cultivation. hew sheep-proo- f OF ho had tyren. He further saidthat Printing A Office Supply Buy Your icnce, rcriaiuns surinc water 4 THE STATE TEXAS, slood around and Si COLLINS & GARRETT Kidd house, possession County bf, Howard. Notice is the fellow who Company Fourth Slain now was Ijlmself 313 E. EC -- LOANS AND INSURANCE price rlcht Mrs. W. M. Thomp- hereby given that on June 3,1,1931, complained hurting rhone IU third son, 1&2S So. Abilene, any one else. 111 RViitocond . Phone IIT ird 8t between the hours of 10 ociock njore thaff Texas. Phone till. ( I believe a building program QUICK AUTO LOANS m. and 4 o'clock p. m. I wilt sell. REFRIGERATORS ono like the one proposedby the city af public auction cedar chest, restor- - PAYMENTS REDUCED' Wanted to Rent 34 YlfMlcskVir1sl rrrknita anil A IVi aass Ka will do gleat deal toward at M. N. MIENER longing to H W. for warci1" confidence and wlll create WANT to rent S- - Or untur Wad. even more bulldlpg, The amount niONi: 21 111 A MAIN nlrhrd house; prefer brick en houso charges duo on said proper- op eer: garnc ty in .ho $13 00 money placed In circulation will doublo and south sum of and every In V part of town. Phone 1027 or 497. charge, accrulng'frost this date be beneficial to business BELOW COST Big Spring. I think U is better to SPECIALS FOR SALE This sale will tako place nt Jos B Neel, Warehouse Big Spring, create work tban It is to continue in pay oyt amounts as we arc SPECIAL NOW AUTOMOTIVE Howard county, Texas. to such This Week! .PRICES WITNESS my Big now spending for charity. " Household Goods 16 -- hand at . to vote tho bonds $2i).50 . Spring, Texas, 18lh day of I Intend far , ' this the tlley carry and the W 7( WE buy. or nuy cast- - , May,A. D. 1031. and when ' Refrigerator .,..,...., sell trade Used Cars 44; buildings arc I can car !! QII ClUlMlUKt mnvm anu ii,, v completed Iron Skillet Covered Iron riDHir luriiiiur. iinut i " i rsrM ss . ry Jiiy inciiun ojiu pt.uiibim u $15.00 r OC anytlilnc of value 1) T Fur-- St'UUlALi K1UKS I'AID Warehouseman. part helping eOJ V phone f w feet that I had a in , , nlture COytOi Ird. llll FOR AIA. l.ATn..MODKL CARS mod- Combination Refrigerator JCiUeOJ more IARV1N HULL THE STATE OF TEXAS to'bulld my town luto a Skillet Roaster ii'iiourrKitiNo ri:fini8h.ini ern and p,lii(& to live. ' ANU New Location 204 Runnels Coun v of Howard. Notice Is attractive $32.50' . Ktl'AlUinU hereby given 1931,'andcan point with pride, which I (3 sizes of . --., ' CC We take staves and furniture 90 WAJsTUDt-Mo'- lel T Ford In good that on June 2, Val. $1,75 .'; WfdM.VO all work. condition. Gee James Giles at between the hours of 10 ociock a cannot? do al present to our fire iron skillets) Jtcff. Refrigerator' "Texas Furniture Co rnonejosi Cosden Refinery nt. and i o'clock r. m. I will sell station, city hall and auditorium. Itcjx. Vnl 1.00 WVE' Maytac ashlno machine; 1IAVK a Ford troupe Sincere 1 SPECIAL $55,00 ' C or trade and radio will at publto aucUon one bath tub SPECIAL fM Fraoticauy new.tor sale trade for a Chevrolet or other box,belonging to W. H, L. COOK Refrigerator l, ui acurry small car. IXfty Lee. 409 Ows n. and sltam J pMtif Cli.bor, new; one bed and you Tyson and Dr, McKnlght for almost DO want a larger carT Will Board of City Development, Big $45.00 sprlncs one oil atoo, trade 1121 IMhtlao Sedan for late warehouse charges due on said ' tno AC 411 Bt wish real bargains. Johnson Model A Ford Coupe 8. Law- - property in the sum of $27.M, and Spring, Texas Gentlemen I $1 $1 Refrigerator ... ffaO.'faJ iciivo wmuinsoii, zys JJ jru. charges accruing from this date. ,0,., Office &StoroEqp't 19 - B-- ' This sale wilt take place at Joe- j $27.50 ' 'tlC 7C fLAT-to- p Neel' Warehouse In Big Spring, 1 oak desk and llurronnhs Classified Display You Can Glassware Cast Aluminum Ware Refrigerator , , . ,. t addlnc maihlne Alt In good con. Howard County, Texas, w9t-- V dltlon, I'hone 414 WITNESS my hand at Big SELL . ACA3UING EQUIPMENT Livestock Ajets' 20 Spring, Texas, tills the 18th day of AUTOMOTIVE May, A. D. itSl, with IcelSibs . IcePicks MULIJ9 FOR RAI.K (9 JOB B. NEEL, J One and two-ya- r old hleh trade Warehouseman. Herald RRX5W TeElslered ltsreford bulls for sale. Phone or 161. Wiy V THE STATE OF TEXAS Kdwards & Son. Will Pay Cash Want Ads. CRAGIN '& SON,, he. mm County of Howard. Notice Is comc for late model, light cars. Seo us hrreby given that on June 2, 1931, Miscellaneous 23 bargains in, tJUt Sells for Used Cars, Wo between the hours of 10 o'clock a, HARDWARE &K tir$3 UAWN- - mower: twenty window finance thet paper ourselves, m. Phono Your Ad to & 205 " nmm and 4 o'clock p. m. I will sell Phone 982 SOD Runnels Runnels t5 blinds and roll. top otflceO desk. WENTZ XIOTOR Sewlag Ma- It-Or- etSC Yo Also three canary singers. Tele, SALE3 at publo auction one ,728 729 ' Cart If Yh Have U Nm phone J105.W or apply 1202 Wood 409-41- 1 E. Third St. chine belonging to O. A. Ferry for o. warehouse charge due e said

- jf,. spiiinc, '- -" -- -- " TDtA.- dailt - -- - '- - . mt il Sti' m , - . AGFTW m - muu) y j MHasnMsasiasasassaasiSBaMaaaHiMMM ff I it in ' 1 . 1s t i 'fan.in i In ttsa 4nt"Mftje aa jfojmqHfIMmiiHt '',.mTittlfKgS!.. -- ,r- - 1 ton, " la wieyhHC away. The erf Uimm hM ! Cii. tar. kaMsW ikaar wf honoree wm slrew a: haMkerchW Om the sns taJ', . ed, thff aveoM Mw, I eTHsrtsiea atyte. "U"ifrmm r.r.n. t T2 shower. High rrcora went to Mis and MaWr Mme4. In Qwistil ba-In- e la In 4 toner & Wlnfo. Those present were Car- tha largest of the Taup w Tht TaMern cut Ja I S4-- M--0: Large. B men Complon, Paulina Melton, drained when recent ra na, be Small, Mefum, Shelby ot Kentucky. ' -- Large, t-- t8 ' I'AulInc Morrison, Dorlne gan filling the lake, faster than It M; Extra. laches It wtu fn and around ShelbyvlHc DRESS ' Jennie Blip Itocersf Eula Moore, Rosemary waa being; lowered. This lake cov- bust masure. To make liiu that the Moderators and Regula alxe Will require 2 1S1C Duff, Dorothy Driver. Gene Dub-berl- ers 37 acres and waa about TMeet for a Medium tors fought put their feuds, In Kdythe Ford and Miss deep when the pumping began. It J-- 8 yards of S9 Inch material. To ind previous to that (Im a certain lower; edge The Wlngo. Is a supply lake for the Banta Fe. trim and round neck lawless element caused a great des line, will require 3 3--t yards of trouble In county. T evening mem- officers art prepared to luemuy of Bbelbv ;:;. pn Friday thf club or edglngr made U bers went to Moss Springs and the body by dental work. lace It with Bo troublesome did this- element bacH 4 8 yards of trimming will S E . which consisted of thievery, arson ,Bai;est camped out IW 'the nlcm. eatlftft f J AL ' required, .1 ...I ....I ll.AA be The width of the slip ind murder necome that a band of ' anu l.k1.... wui ; wippr wramui ukitj at the lower edge with fulness well meanlrfir citizens organized Tnose wno weni were ohm mur Etrali Patterns extended Is about 2 $ Wlnr'o. Edvthe Ford, Pauline Mel yards. mil called themselves "Regulators. "PauHnr"' Pattern mailed to any . address their Intentions being to drive, out ton, Dorothy Vandarlff, 19o o.- - on receipt of In silver or of the country the The Morrison, itcnc uuuurtij, stamps by The Herald, evildoers. Groups Mary Duff. KT.lr Duff. Eula M'oore.inr work proceeded very well Tor - "but spite's For a Jennie- Dorlne JlORers. while, finally personal I.ait nlsht Jennie Dorlne nosers Shelby County . Mid Tevence' cot IrTko the orCarrtzs'- That Will Save intf Pauline 'Morrison feave a Tlon wirld manv trngedla we.re - " '" Comfortable treasure hunt f"r the members and Has. itiged. To curb this Jilnte- of vaf-flr- " Yqu heir boy frlendi. hotforlnic Carmen Ojl Tests another organization wn "ompton. 'ormed and called "The Modera' Summer CP-Ac- NACQODOCHE3, May 23 ross tors" whose duty was U rUrh th the Attoyac river In Shelby ipirtt.ot th "Regulators'" MONEY! Government lias county, man) tests nre In progress Theh civil war developed rapid ' (or oil. These estt are covering ly. Murder and rapln threw the Extensive Murder the coutiV In a verv iftnetal way. whole countrv Intn n state or jiw '..'., Probe On Its Hands' most of the wtk being developed cord. The "Free Btate of Tenaha" That's what every one Is from the Idea thft the big pool In waa organized and the Republic of $ Uusk county may extend and J CUVVTON, N M 23 - Into Texas defied. asking for. . .no need . to ifay &- across Efforts of federal authorities to Shelby county. President Bam Houston sent 10 swelter in tight stays and 'recover the body of Hay Sutton These oll.trsts, have a hWtqrle General Smith to the scene of the ln(n prohibition officer,- and to setting. All are on the famous trouble with severe! hundred sol linens. Today it ground by Reg- on himself. starched brin Eto justice slayers 0nce.mde red. the dlcre and followed 1 f ON) hi threat both far' of filmy taita to 'become one of the most ex, ulator and Moderator organization, He met the lerders of is the briefest I way back In 1M6, lions In Bhelbyvllle, am! Informed tensive murder Investigation ever 1 I to $795 undies, slim fitted slips conducted by the Government. 6776 The original county teat was them the trouble would hee original cense, oncerpencefully If poa- - The-ques- SliHbyvllle. and even the at garments t for Sutton'a slayerr im Shelhyvllle was Knnx. elhle. by force If necessary. The and foundation ind the search for hi body have, of of sheer soft fabrics.., all been pursued relentlessly since h disappeared from Raton, N. M to be found hero at der, Aumiit W. The only trace that -- Cool at the has been found since Sutton dls.it-peate- d It's lightfully low prices. blood-staine- was his d ear In !in arroyo last. October. ..GRA,WEOiiD A larire p&tt'of the mounUInou irea In, northern Jfw Mexico was ' Coffee Shop eearchfed by posses and offlcerr Formerly Sold nt pric- won' after the prohibition offleer every Albert M.Fisher Cp. was reported mlssmir. Then the Delightfully pleasing In way the es from $21.50 irarch widened. Arrests for the Crawford Coffee SJiop Js the mecca of $lto lavlnr wera made In Trinidad. ' Y) people who, demand a pleasant place tp . .Inviting. . . .Every- . groups present rilONE 400 WE DELIVER Colo. Oklahoma Clt' and other r2 V dine. Cool. .Clean. .These a- - thing a dining room should 'be.. We'll ex- b cities of the southwest, but no one A NEW AND DESIRABLE pect you today for Dinner various lots of all types now being held In connection UNDE"RGAKME.T .ith the death. dresses. Among them Duff. Pauline' Melton Pauline The covernment has now atart-- 6776. Crepe de chine In a pale oi Morstson , Gene Dwbberly, Gene ed a more detailed sarch, while flesh color waa chosen for this Today are: History Handley. Eula Moore. Pally Webb; the man hunt continues. Xumet pretty model, with trln'mlng 'of Jennie Dortive nankin. Beverly )U abandoned mine shafts, down ecru lace. "She garment comprises SPECIAL SUNDAY. DINNER RoclihoTd. Elmer Pardue HtU of which Officers believe, the a short fitted waist to which the Printed tCONTlMJED KIKVM PAGE' joined. ' Flowers, Bob Kid well. Ted Phillips Main mini bolv mieht have been flared skirt portions are That Witt Please You e Gertrude Martin. Jacqueline Itulf- - ,S04 j;e 'hfowp. wfil be searched, nnd lilte The waist may be. cut low in the ' Suits and Dresses aiatue sairerwnue, norenee cjj jer, Ranquet at &ct!lr . Completely . . ,,'v Rankin, Lillian Crawford, Louise On Wednesday night oW Mary the Flowers. Settlas. Laura Belleimen of the ohib eaUrtalnefti underwood and Kateryn Anthony Knitted Suits r , 'fine new members with a betvfltt Anew r.v Dinner They were initiated during the i k ciiw lr.t.i t7v, u JSf,J5Jhi'.r I"J?'.'!. '.I rnber had chon ;new enWr' PHANTOM. 11 to 2:30 5 to 8 Jtn lie a ltttl TH nrnrniBi 2-r- """"" e. Wool Suits', the SetUes Hotel Wednesday was llr ep--j I night eiTCtally planned for i '' ttftalmntnt of the littl staters. SANDAL: Mi The past week has been devoted Thos pteeent were Sdnb Fd. .to many social affairs. The ?rtrute. Martin Carmen Co .Tin all patent KM waa a theater party given ton. Lillian Crawford, tauline Mel-- ' Jkttlier with a smart Another Style fresco Sport and Dress "Monday night In honor of the on, Jacqueline Ruffner, Paallne (lilgh heel, CUt'- - ."Bits Style Types graduating member ills Gtor-- Louisa FlowerSk Jerlnte with Kttty Moxln. pla Kirk Davis and Ms ; rvrtne Rprer. Kathrvrt Anthony o Cuban Heel apocaors sio-o- DEALER'S OWN Wlngo the were 'he hoet'irioMmary Duff. Iuf Rette l'nr eases, Miss CUrra Cox and Edvthejwood. Doeothv Vandagrff. FTorl AH' Are Real Values Jord and the charter club member runHn, Gene Handle v. Mattle FU $4.95 were guest. After the show the rwhte. Domthv Driver, Man' The stylos in Footwear for Slimmer girls went to the home of DorothV'5ule. Polly Webh, Elaie. Duff latrst PRICE CUT ' Come Early Tomorrow Driver where thejr boy friends 1li Wtngd "l 1H Davla. ". met They played bridge them . Honor Carmen Cot'"tn REAR'S B00TERY and danced. On Irs J. t 0' AH.-nUon- on .s,!54in(l S10 Ciroitns Frldav afternoon e" Onlv Those present Carn-e- Duff, an "Kxrliiihe But ot flxprnh on twere T. formertv Miss Ftle '' Comer 2nd and Runnel Oomoton, Dorothy Trlver Di.T'uihv norrth-- - vndarljf . rntrtiirt VaniieTlff Duff r . - - Roeerrirv Ee wtih " ' C7-'I- the New No fn) U No Approvals H.ASHIO Exchanges yC0t( y

CHEVROLET-- - (equipped with Bumpers & Spafe Tire) v result Was tKe men of, both fac- - feud Just quit. It Isjn thU old Wit! Now tlons laid dbwn. their arma and "Regulator nnd Moderator country Went home and the matter drop th(vt,,ol exclterncnt Is now, at Its- . '; . pcd. Nobody w.s ever tried, Thefhelghtln Shelby county., . . Laiidau Phaeton ...... 4. $785.00 '' ' ,.$,.. ! ' ' v t ''' ' ... Standard Roadster ..,'...'. '.'. $610.00 j ' 'i Sport Roadster . ..'..,( ..,..,. $643.00 $630.00 ', i.. Standard Sedan ...... ,L. ..;.... .$783.00 $770.00 Special Sedan ?...... ;....;. .'.$833.00 $820.00 Coach , ...'.,. '. . . . .$093.00 $680.00 Standard Coupe ... ,.;.... .$083.00 $67(5.00 t rK ts WYm X 'AassVQcsM I SY. Coupe ,,,..;.". .$G93.00 $680.00 Siort Coupe ; , v . Z,',77j?7il : ..$723.00 $720.00 Cabriolet ,....'.,..'...'.; . ..,' $763.00 $750.00 - - Sedan Delivery .'.,..;-...,..- . $723.00 $710.00

Roadster Delivery with box '. .... $387.00 , $571.00 ;'-..- ' 'i S Roadstdr Delivery tfijhjplosed , r'. ' Cab and box , . . , .$637.00 $621.00 w ' w .. vW 1-- 2 Ton Chassis ,.;..;'-.'...;..- $503.00 $ioo:oo The ELizAtifi-ni.AitDE- method i 131 in. Truck Ohassis '. $615.00 $021.00 ' which Jcqps your skin healthy . ' 131 In. Truck Chassis and Cab . . .$750,00 $726.00 will keep it lovely too 157 in. TrUck Chassis .,.'... $715.00 $691.00 157 In. .Truck Chassis nnd Cab $796.00 ' ...$820.00 iVo CRrAit transforms the skin. But scientific carcv .Dual Wheels on 131 in. Triick $25, 00 Extra which encourages swift circulation through the tissues 96a WWwl and keeps the skjn cells vividly healthy, uill make , Wf ' your skin clear, soft and firm. This is the foundation c JSPT1" i ta V io" vjasy io .V " tcftheniuabcth Ardcn method. Cleansing the skin &' Deluxe Equipment on all Sport Jojbs Elizabeth Ardcn's Chanting ' with Vhtian Crowtrc' '- - '. - "moves impurities which" clog the pores and cause '.". $45 Extra...... blackheads. Drisk' patting with ArJtna Skin Ttfiie,. ii sfc wvw and Sptcial Attringtnt tones the skin and firms the MM Nourishing with Orangf.Skin Voo.l or the ttstr0. Job-- n contours. Deluxe Equipment on Standard ' i"eVbDv" Vk delicate Vtlta Gram fills out the skm cells and so correal lines and wrinkles. 'Follow this same method $50 Extra in the Care of your skin at home. .

Tltis Ihcludescrecn Grill, Cowcl Lamps, 2 Fender WtZilbttb Anltn'f Vtnttjatt Toikt Vrtpanftions Wells, and Trunk Rack. , . ' ' ' (in on sale at , .

. ',.

KING CHEVROLET ' A 1 111, East !rilMNIHCHrinC5 Douglass.' . CO. ' Second I MmifflllTfcW HotcBldg. 3rd at jQhnson v 217 Main St . Settlqs Hotel t31dg. vE sssK jK.ssHBsisssl WVsssssssskV " eJBl ' . r i 1; O ' ,c