t 'v &iavhn.r ta& i .juV-- i ... h:-:- Xk v. HB Ijr;" 1 v i i .i-- ,j." Af,i, ? t syiHft ? f Big Spring Datlg Herald '.pS-N- O. 308 EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY BIG SPRING, TEXAg, SUNDAy MORNING, MAY 24, 1031. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED j It. rForty Second Legislat Is Adourned lire 4 i u. Chicago Hostess GrandsorfOf Girl'sMother Ruth Nichohj Society Sportswoman of the Air, " Special Tax I yrW&Sr"' ifiM5g HOME 4 Holder of Many Records, To Try for Ocean Hop Garfield Is . Leads Mob To Bills Among "...TOWN Shc Has Flown FaBlcr, il-- A LK Fatally'Sliot Missouri Jail . Higher Than Any Passed Other Woman Those k ByBgDDY Was Identified Auti- - Offers To Hang Negro Wi (Editor's Notet This Is the first iInny Measures KUI$lt Prohibition Organi-- ' With Own Hands; Man ot a series of five articles tracing wmmm w Dollworm Measure Is "Well. well. We have a nice,, To-- - zntion Attempted Attack daring Ruth Nichols' career from j ' s im y Illcommunlcatlon t hand. xou debutante to premier blrdwoman) Unsigned ,v Itpow, we never could understand i CLEVELAND, May 23 W RICHMOND, Mlnsnurl, May 23 why a person writing something to BliiiHaV I AUSTIN. May 23 UP) The forty-seco- nd " John N aarfleld, 29, grandson of (T1 A mob of 100 men waa dis- IhVpaor would not sign his or her Ily RICHARD MASSOCK -- legislature adjourned A. Garfield, died persed early tdday without vio at hamp to the article Tills one U President James NEW YORK, May 23. CP-It- ulh p. m. today. The session open May . old-tim- at his home In Mentor, near Cleve- lence, although urged by Mrs, sinned "A subscriber and e Rowland Nichols, society sports- MB 'MF tgmm ed January 13 and was the lonirest being In Wrlslngcr Id etorm the Ray county citizen." land, after hot the head. woman of the air, hopes to fly the continuous session In tha by wlflow, Jail and lynch Haman, 24, . " stat'a He Is survived his four Paul cloud route to Europe the lonely M history. sons hnd daughter. negro, accused of trying to attack mmtm far hsttt: m JJsually we do not pay much at- a Lindbergh trail. hw. t Though hundreds of bills were l had been associated with a her thirteen-year-ol- d dauchter. killed tention to unsigned She, , flown and or died on the caleiwsar steamship operating company, and Witnesses said she offered to who has faster many Important tlofls, This one. however, gives us Crusaders, hang negro with own higher than any other blrdwoman. f measures and pro was commander of the the her - any something posed constitutional amendments ,n",' opportunity- to Natlona organiza- hands. Is polied for tho graft a'dverilure of t we 'have been figuring" on saying aviation. were passed. tion. 8herlff It. C Wlllard said the Included cigarette, anyway. artillery cap- mob to leadership. The Alone and unafraid, aha Intends These natural Jle also wan a field seemed lack gas, sulphur And cement taxes negro la to be confined here until to drive her pet monoplane over ami 0 aiotl,ilrd I'holo tain during the World War proposed amendment to exempt Our correspondent; nlthough sub-- ' I'rtit his trial, he said. 2,000 menacing miles of green - . homesteads valued at $3,000 mlttim? something publication Vivian Graham, 1, ersnddabnhter greedy ocean, with a confidence w. W. " or 1M for property - uses tact, as he, or she, at- If Chicago's new mayor, Anton J. born of skill, training and. keen air. II 'K from state taxes. little cm tempts back-hande- Cermak, has been designated by Man Is Slain gaso- Bills general appropriations, a sort of dig or -- mtndednes. If weather and slip or something at the paper Urn as ths city's first lady." Ths Corn Liouor line permit, she wilt continue to truck regulation, the sulphur aa 'iyor (s a wldovsr. V- jement tax and a million-dolla- r from which he asks a favor. London or, possibly, Paris. friary - V IB By ' No amateur thrill-seek- Is this moimert to rrpav rarmers ibt Detective competent daughter of society ".-- sHHHHB as. pink bollworm and tick quarantlWa To answer one statement In It we Into Gutter ... m losses were still unsigned by - While other debutantes, prepared the have this to say the Herald doei oveipor not have to and never does ,'Jcet Lomax Hkh" themselves for the pampered life of Caught With Wheel From dancing and frilly cTothes, Ruth uovernor sterling said na jrugni permission" from any organization District Judge Watches 53 V. all a special session with In a few W official to print news. Car Brothers Arc Nichols let her thoughts soar to a XV naif Gallons Flow new sphere for wOmen. SA weeks , If It appeared necessary. To Graduate Arrested sHHHIIIm. ''H"'L Many thought the governor could Aii-n- w' It would perhaps startle the o Careerist not cut ovt enough Hems & J Out of her social background she from tke writer of this piece If he heard nf AUSTIN, May 23 (iTl-C- arl ippropriationa bills to keep tha to-- became a record-winne- r and ftcl.als of such9)rganUatIons as the Campbell, 26, was shot dead early With Judge Fritz R. Smith and aloft 1 r; ?my 'al within the state's revenues ana a .. cTVy First careerist. It - ri. Bmvmr' -- i tflBi - Chamber of Commerce and Class today by Detective Joe Llghtsey, a newspaper, man as onlookers. rwmr that he might have to call legtata- Now, with four records In her v - i government ask whv we didn't or who raid he and another officer Sheriff Jess Slaughter as master JX m&rtzmz "iAkTJ tori ori that account book, ehe Is going after another. y . i couldn't print something. None lUrprlsed Campbell and his two ot' ceremonies, and County Com- kf mr.Ttiar-m-'.jLjBx"tmM The session might also be called When Ruth Nichols was born in - Nobody picks the contents ot thl 5lroit!i Rural School of brother, yirgle and Cornell, re missioner Georgo White as helper, wmm mseoncresslonal redlstrlcUng or New York. Feb. 23, 1901, there was S1Z -- IBSj1JH Tm&VSSST' JT paper except members of Its staff fifty-on- e half gallons fruit Jara of ' ji otlllegl14tlon. It was thought. County Announces turning to their aluomobire with no thought In the minds of her t rJfc t. ( CSjljlH irom ma- corn whlskep were poured out uheei iKen anoiner " parents some day she would . Support of the Chnmber of Com- i Saturday morning. that rr.TT' --- jr AUSTIN, May 23 Week's Programs chine, fly over the family housetop. --Aviation !jnt .,An-- " up...r'Tiujuurt MThe merce always Is forthcoming from Campbell was shot a he ran lie Thrs whiskey, taken In a raid AiGBAct: - house today adopted a free con newspaper because the Cham- ago. destroyed then was still the dream of jZ Zrri appro- this The final week of the Lomix died In a. "hospital. The brothers months woa ordered visionaries, and few Indeed were .iiSa-V- . ference eleemosynary mil ber of Commerce Is one of tio echool session will open Mondny were Jailed following th shooting by Judge Smith after r man, who priating $10,149,000, for the support , even the boys who thought of a 1931-3- most useful nrganltntlons we have evening a program by pri- Ughtsey tnailt" 2,000 bond was alleged to have been the own-r- of state Institutions during 2 trt sHh career Its Usefulness would be greatly mary pupils. was acquitted. u&u Ynowr ? blcnnlum. Hcr family was prosperous. Her , r'irH;. ;ij rr. creased, Joo. If some of our people Tuesday rVcnlng. Intermediate . r The bill was $14,213 less than the who were born 'In the objective Court father, Erlckson Norman Nichols, e ir present blennlum, and $1,3M,00 less; pupils will present a three-ac- t Distrir Is a retired broker, who had a menv rase and klckatlve mood would Wutsnlim Falls n, bill th? senate posseu. comedy, "Mrs. Tubhs of Shanty bershlp In the New York stock ex- Ruth Nichols, who preferocean hopUo the Imtlrmhi variety, nndlthan take. v gcod purgative and jump Closed The senate ft few minutes later town" Term change Is former tho Mane In which she will attempt her solo flight of the. Atlantic The money P- -r Her mother the conferencO In and with their and The high, school students will From His Horse Miss map below shons the counw thn ntlatrlx will, follow, from New Yorkjvoted adoption of the or- Edith Corllts Haines, The thence) to sonal 'import strengthen the present a three-a- ct comedy "Pro- 'The May term of district court in Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Kuric (report. ganization. family home Is In Rye, fashionable - fessor Pepp" Wednesday evenlnK was clored Saturday by Judge Fritz ROME. May 23 UP) Mussolini suburb. beginning at S o'clock- - There will R. Smith wsa thrown from his horse as he Kurly Thirst for Thrills ififrs. Eberly Home Wo do not apply this term to th tie no'chargv for admission to (he was taking his usual morning City Ourmg. the .three weeks the court . Ruth early evinced that active In Reasons for Support of Hall . communication, un-- - wrlrofi.tWt programs; wn- In session. 'appreiclmalMy iuu scra,thed, but In ue?"6T-Sto- HdmfC'i)wt terest outdoor pursuits which .has Convention h.' The first graduates nf Lomax were diS' .he was went From - civil and criminal cases. otherwise. unhurtne made her famous.
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