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Previous Puzzle Solutions Crossword B.C. ACROSS 43 Goat- 1 Survey legged map deity 5 Iraqi port 44 It’s across 10 Counter- the Hud- part of son from riches New York 14 Like 46 Old Ranger Testament John Reid spy 15 Go in 49 Act the 16 Tutor of drama Siamese queen royalty 51 Conclud- 17 Bone ing Rex Morgan, M.D. below the 57 Nerve elbow network 18 “Beauty is 58 Entomb only skin- 59 Wading deep,” e.g. bird 19 To-go venerated order by ancient 20 Decreasing Egyptians in speed 60 Keys with 23 Spaniard’s exclama- sign-off tion points 24 Palomino 61 Carrying or cargo Clydesdale 62 Christmas 25 Tropical quaffs FINISHING TOUCHES By Gary Cooper 1 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 0 flea 63 Gas 7 Box score occasion 34 Away 48 Procras- Doonesbury 28 In the station numbers dishes from the tinator’s course of adjunct, 8 ___ Park, 25 Tweety’s bluster promise 30 Prefix with often Queens home 35 Obedience 49 Piano “space” or 64 Burial 9 Apart- 26 Towel em- class word lesson “plane” stone ment broidery 37 Abu ___ piece 31 Brother of 65 Simmons buyer’s word 38 Debt 50 Edible Moses of Kiss concern 27 Pupil acknowl- mushroom 33 Systems 10 Muzzle- locale edgment 52 Lofgren of for DOWN loading 28 Straining 39 Menial Spring- speakers 1 “Besides aid to be worker steen’s (Abbr.) that ...” 11 Bend ___ highbrow only in E Street 36 Shutting 2 Act (listen at- 29 Barn it for the Band down indolent tentively) bellow money 53 Fly or unceremo- 3 A.D. word 12 Chews 31 Abbreviat- 43 Least midge niously 4 Dish-laden like a rat ed mystery possible 54 Certain 40 Alpine cart 13 French writer? 44 Actress woodwind road shape 5 Cap with a explorer 32 ___ of Kerns 55 Zodiac Candorville 41 Poppycock propeller La ___ Aquarius 45 List abbr. unit 42 Prelude 6 Words af- 21 “If ___ say 33 Goalie’s 46 DVD’s kin 56 De bene to an ter “touch” so myself” knee 47 Basketball ___ (legal invention or “stop” 22 Special guards game site phrase) Jumble Word Sleuth EXPLORED FOR SPAIN Mallard Fillmore Astrology EUGENIA LAST Ask Amy AMY DICKINSON Whatzit Find the phrase, saying or name in HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Keep your inten- ear Amy: I have a wonderful, this arrangement of letters. tions and your actions a secret for now. loving husband who can be a Interference is the enemy and an added bur- Dtad controlling when it comes to den will come from an unexpected source. doing things his way. Honestly, he would You will be in a much better position as time probably say the same about me. passes if you are willing to let go of what My husband wanted me to have some isn’t working for you anymore. new jeans for Christmas, which was a ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t set nice thought because I am still wearing Today’s Whatzit Solution yourself up for a fall by pushing for the my maternity jeans. I had my third impossible. You are better off maintaining child a year ago so, unfortunately, I am Scotch on the rocks the on Scotch for now, while observing what everyone else no longer the size 8 that I was when we is doing. Don’t limit what you can and can- married. not do because someone is burdening you. We went shopping, and he kept picking TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Shoot for the out jeans I hated. We had a big fight. He Word Game AMBITION Sudoku stars. You can accomplish anything you put says I’m ungrateful and unappreciative, Average mark 13 words your mind to. There is plenty to learn and to and I say he’s controlling. experiment with. Schedule wisely so you are I’ve tried to tell him how I feel, but he Time limit 40 minutes sure to have time for the people and projects won’t listen and thinks I’m just being most important to you. argumentative. Can you find 22 or more words in GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Turn your I know that when you are given a gift, it AMBITION? interests into a solution or remedy for finan- is the thought that counts, but is it wrong cial loss. Put what you know and do best for me to want to pick out my own clothes The list will be published tomorrow. to work for you. Work with what you have that make me feel comfortable and look instead of trying to invent something new good on me? Saturday’s word SKELETAL that may or may not be cost-efficient. Should I just wear what he picks out CANCER (June 21-July 22): A partnership and be thankful? sake skat stalk easel least teal will depend on your courage and your adapt- I feel sick over this whole silly fight. sale skate stall east leek tease ability. Don’t limit what you can do because The problem is that we always fight over salt skeet steak elate lees teasel you fear change. Look past the existing prob- little things. What to do? — Ungrateful sate slake steal else lest tell lems and see the possibilities. Dear Ungrateful: You are correct seal slat steel lake take tesla LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take on a challeng- that when receiving a gift you should be seat slate stela lase tale alee ing project, hobby or activity. Interact with appreciative, but your husband needs seek sleek stele last talk someone you can learn from or who can help to realize that jeans fall into a special sell sleet kale late tall you with work, education or picking up addi- category for women because we have an tional skills. Who you know will be just as unusual reaction to how our behinds look seta stake keel leak task important as what you know. in denim. setal stale ease lease teak VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emotional I blame Heidi Klum for the fiction RULES OF THE GAME: 1. Words must be four or more issues may stand in the way of a good time. that a woman can have babies and be letters. 2. Words that acquire four letters by the addi- Don’t forgo something you’ve been look- a supermodel at the same time. Your tion of ‘s,’ such as ‘bats’ or ‘dies,’ are not used. 3. Only ing forward to because someone is being husband may be trying to tell you that he one form of a verb is used. For example, either ‘pose’ difficult or trying to make you feel guilty. wants the “old you” back, and you could or ‘posed,’ not both. 4. Proper nouns are not used. Express your feelings and get on with what’s use this episode as an incentive, but if 5. Slang words are not used. really important to you. you aren’t ready to graduate from your LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You may have to “mom jeans,” he should take a rain check Celebrity Cipher take the blame for something that is happen- on giving you this particular gift. Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, past and present. Each let- ing with a friend, relative or loved one. With Recognizing your control issues will ter in the cipher stands for another. an empathetic approach to what you see and help you both to tackle them more hear, you can keep the peace and help every- appropriately. Today’s Clue: F equals C one involved. Dear Amy: I’m getting married in SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Do not rely on September and have been planning my someone else to fix things for you. Keep your wedding for quite a while. My mom “UL UXD’L LZG CYJDLKUDX KZGKH LY feelings regarding someone from your past a and I have been paying for everything secret. You could end up in an awkward posi- related to the wedding, and my father and tion, being questioned by someone who is stepmother haven’t offered any money. feeling uncertain about your future together. They’ve been telling me about financial FEUCV LZKL OGKM IYJ YJL; UL’X LZG SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Showing hardships that they’ve been having, but I your emotions can work in your favor if notice they have been buying high-ticket you are honest about what you’ve done in items for their three girls. the past and what you plan for the future. How can I ask them to contribute when TGVVEG UD IYJM XZYG.” - CJZKCCKH KEU A change at home can bring about less per- they claim to have “no money?” sonal and financial stress. Sizing down may My fiance’s family also hasn’t offered to Previous Solution: “I don’t at all like knowing what people say of me behind my back. It makes me far too be your only answer. contribute. conceited.” - Oscar Wilde CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Helping How to I broach that subject with them others will be a reminder of how lucky you — I know his mom doesn’t like me, but I’d are. Do what you can to change someone appreciate the support. — Fed Up else’s life and it will undoubtedly change Dear Fed Up: You and your fiance (not your own. Love is in the stars. you and your mother) should be in charge AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You cannot of paying for and financing your wedding.
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