Rforty Second Legislatlire Is Adourned
t 'v &iavhn.r ta& i .juV-- i ... h:-:- Xk v. HB Ijr;" 1 v i i .i-- ,j." Af,i, ? t syiHft ? f Big Spring Datlg Herald '.pS-N- O. 308 EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY BIG SPRING, TEXAg, SUNDAy MORNING, MAY 24, 1031. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED j It. rForty Second Legislat Is Adourned lire 4 i u. Chicago Hostess GrandsorfOf Girl'sMother Ruth Nichohj Society Sportswoman of the Air, " Special Tax I yrW&Sr"' ifiM5g HOME 4 Holder of Many Records, To Try for Ocean Hop Garfield Is . Leads Mob To Bills Among "...TOWN Shc Has Flown FaBlcr, il-- A LK Fatally'Sliot Missouri Jail . Higher Than Any Passed Other Woman Those k ByBgDDY Was Identified Auti- - Offers To Hang Negro Wi (Editor's Notet This Is the first iInny Measures KUI$lt Prohibition Organi-- ' With Own Hands; Man ot a series of five articles tracing wmmm w Dollworm Measure Is "Well. well. We have a nice,, To-- - zntion Attempted Attack daring Ruth Nichols' career from j ' s im y Illcommunlcatlon t hand. xou debutante to premier blrdwoman) Unsigned ,v Itpow, we never could understand i CLEVELAND, May 23 W RICHMOND, Mlnsnurl, May 23 why a person writing something to BliiiHaV I AUSTIN. May 23 UP) The forty-seco- nd " John N aarfleld, 29, grandson of (T1 A mob of 100 men waa dis- IhVpaor would not sign his or her Ily RICHARD MASSOCK -- legislature adjourned A. Garfield, died persed early tdday without vio at hamp to the article Tills one U President James NEW YORK, May 23. CP-It- ulh p.
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