Local Development Ii Urban Project

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Local Development Ii Urban Project LOCAL DEVELOPMENT II URBAN PROJECT Submitted to USAID /CAIRO Submited by WILBUR SMITH ASSOCIATES inassociation with PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SERVICE DELOITTE AND TOUCHE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING OFFICE ENGINEERING AND GEOLOGICAL CONSULTING OFFICE Nercs Assc&, ncnt Rcpo)rt For Education, Health, and Youth Facilities El Gormrok District - Alexandria Governorale Table of tcent.s SubicPape No. Introduction I. Location 2. Area 3. Population 1 4. Report Components Educational Facilities: 1. Standards 2. Educational Facilities 2 3. Schoo! Shifts 4. Educational Facilities Status 2 5. Student Density and Needs for Classrooms 2 6. Expected Future increases 7 7. Dcfliciencit:s and Shortages in Educational Facilities 7 8. Development Potential in Educational Services 7 9. Needs Assessment and Estimated Cost 7 10 II. IIcalth Facilities: I. Policies and Staid :,rds of Public Iealth 13 2. Health Facilities 13 3. Deficiencies and Dcvcloppment Potcntial 13,15 in Hcalth Services 4. Needs Assessment and Estimated Cost 15 Itl. Youth Facilities I. Standards 2. Youth Facilities 7 3. Needs Assessment and Estimated Cost 17 17 17-4-3S.058 TABLES Table '2MNo 1. Education: Survey Summary of Basic Data and 3,4 Observations for Educational Facilities, E-2 School Physical Conditions Summary 5 Sheet, E-3 Classroom l'rojcctions: Additional 6 Classrooms to hc ConstructCl, E-4 Multi-Year Capital Improwements Program, 8,9 Educational Facilities, E-5 Multi-Year Main Devclolinient Program, 11, 12 for Education:! Facilities. II. Health: Summary of Basic Data and Observations 14 for Public Icalth Facilities, 11-2 Nlulti-Ycar Capital Iprovemcnits Program, 16 Health Facilities, 11-3 I. Youth: Survey Summary of Basic Data and 18 Observations for Public Ytoulh Ccniters, Y-2 MNulti-Year Capital Improvemcnts Program, 19 Youth Facilities, Y-3 Multi-Year Main Development Program, for Youth Facilities. 20 Note: Tables E-I, H-1, and Y-I are individual field survey forms and are c-ly in Arabic. -:i­ INTRODUCrION 1. Location El Gonirok District is one of the most ancient districts in Alexandria. It includes tie most popular, original and densely populated areas in Alexandria. El Gomrok District is situated in the West Section of Alcxandria Governorate, between the Central and West Districts. The District includes 3 kisms. They are as follows: El Gomnrok El Manshia El Labban 2. Area: The area of this district is approximately 358 leddans. 3. Population: The population is estimated as 353,820. Because of the decrease in the v.,:ant land in the District, the increasing population requires improvements in the infrastructure. 4. The Report Componcnts: This report include., three sections: Section I : Educational Facilities Soction II : Health Facilities Section III : Youth F:cilities SEUFION I EDUCATIONAL FACILITIIS The District offers educational services io its residents through its Primary, Preparatory and Secondary schools. There are shcools with classrooms accomodating students in the different educational stages. 1. Standards a. Classroom density: (40) Primary/Preparatory, (36) Secondary Igencral education], (32) Secondary Itechnical education]. b. Full day system (one shift). C. One urinal and one toilet per each 21 students o! the irsi hundred. One to three urinals and toilets for each additional hundred. d. One W.C. for each floor of the school e. One desk for each 2 sttdents f the Prima ry Sta-.ic. One desk for each stulent ol the Preparatory an'd Sccondary Stages. f. The minimurn number of classroonis for a Primary or Preparatory school is 18. The minimut ntmber of classrons number f r A Scctrind.iry school is IS to 24. 2. Educational Facilities: El Gomrok District providtcs its educatioral facilities through 41 schools as shown in: (Table E-2) 3. Sch(xl Shifts: a. (19) Schools (41 ';) have one shift only b. (27) Schools (59%) have two shifts c. There arc no three-shift schools 4. Educational Facilities Stans: (Table E-3) Currently there are 1,022 clAssrooms in use serving 37,407 sludcnts. The educational facilities were inspected by the educational directorate teams for evaluating the school conditions. The inspection of 46 schools led to the following conclusions: (25) Schoo , (54'; ) are in good condition (16) Schools (35%'.) are in flair condition (5) Schools '11 'I. are in pooir condition The schools in poor condition need urgent repair. 2 0' 44 *. .. .~ ... .. 4 4 t . 4 ... ... .. ... .. if-o ........ .4 . ....................... .. 4...... ......... 1 ~/ 4* 4 4 4 1 .4 4 4 .4-444 44 444 44 .4 44 . 4 4 44 i . i ....4 . , 4i , ... :............................... 4 '-. -4.'4L_ ;'; : ;. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44. .. .. .. .. .. - 4 444.447 4 ?4. *.:.. ................. ,4 • .4 .4 I ; :: .: . ,, , 44"4" 4 ;;:" ., . , , , " . ,., , , , , ,: 44444 ~~it 44.. iI " . .. .. .. I , CO um SIC w Z. 2m us C., M;* M- JLUO4CCE M4 13 -M t w m mL UOnLAmUCo LD 3 0. -! LU o m lm U a U CLmCO CL ED 03 c ZCO L ED LU A­ .04. _ .4_ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a a. C4 U. Li. C= S.- A E.C CA' 9= -e W- C O > .4 m- alEa.. .L &. L.W L. E 0 W. -1 n a Cal 0A 0 IJ L, L iv 4U u U)j to 0 LU .1 E C: E-3 Schoo;s, Physical Condition SLmary Sheet Governorate: Alexandria District : Gomrok ,_Date Prepared: 1989 SchooPhysical Condition Expansion Potential Schools Goverrnent Rented Moana Total Governorate A B C D A B C D A B C 0 A B C D V H Primakry 32 10 4. 2 2 6 1 4 2 13 14 5 3 Preparatory 9 3-6 6 3 1 Secrndary (General) 3 3--- -- -i. -- 2 Primrv/Prepa .tory/Secorida t Preparatory/Secondary Secondary (Technical) 2 2--- - TOTAL 40 21 7 2 2 6 1 1 2 - 24 75 ___________________________________________ Schools Expansion potentials are only for GoverrLirt-cvned Sc'o.;ls H is horizontal, v is vertical, provide No. of classrocNs wiich t ,ve potL-ntia[ tor e~pansion A = Good (needs only periodical maintenance, for exaople, pointing & nonor repairs) ,10% of facility need work B = Fair (needs sce renovations, for exarple, reptacing of sevw-rrisers, c or frti & es stair steps;; 10-25% of facility needs work C = Poor (needs mjor upgrading); > 50% of facility need s wirk D = Serious (including building subject to failure or not econcnicaL to repair) af/E-3 Grnrk _____________ 443k - 32 -'4- **- .4 * 5.' K K; ,. - II 4, 4- 44, 4~ 44 ______________ 14 .~ ~ .K 4 4 4 4 4 4; -~ t -~ - - IL 4 144 4 ~ - - El, -4 - - 4 '4.4 4, 14. 31. 38'-' 4 .14 -. 4 .414 a...- 4-~ j~ * ___________- - ~a . 44 a.:; ,,,.. 4 4 4n4~ ~IL ~i; -a * a - _________ - * 4 4 - I ~ ~.a a - ~;i 5.4, 4 ~ K 43 .414 a 4~4 ~i ~ .44 __ ________ - Ia ~ - It K 4 4 4 4 ~ A. A~ AK - - .. ~..iZ 4±1.4 __________ 44 4. IL 4 4 4 4*4. 4 4, Lb It It A -~ ~ 1. 444 I' - 144 N.. - ~ -___________ - 14.44 L.a *43 4-1333 4 4 4 4 4 4 UJ 1.4.44 UJ4* 1.41. 14 Ti -. ~ K . .. .0 144 - - a - 4.4 -­ IL 4 4 I 44*L - *4 4L - -. 04. .44.4 -. a a a. ~ - - 343, 133 ~ K433 ~33 * 444 114444 4.I~ 44 44 44 4 .4 4 444 133 4, 1.1* - 313 - IL .33 .~ 32 - I IL 4 I 4 - 4 - -~ ~ ' a - .4. a -44,1! 4-4N13? a .,144 *,, .4.4 4-44a4-4.-44 1. 44 ... .~ 44. IL -- -- 41. IL 13 14 . 4 144 ... TI .44 44 a. *44 LI a a - a a 4~4 4-4 4 44 ,.. E 1.4 LI - 4 4 4 -a - 44 44 a- - - - .44 4 4. .5. 0 .c 4 * a 4 4 4 4 4 4 - S -­ 5.1 T .*~3 . 333 L444 AS 4 4 ____-- 4, '4 .. ir T a a. .4 4 -44~4 4444-4 4'-. 44. a- .4 44 444 4 4'. -a. 4-- 1443.14 -4 -. 4-4 4.- - a. 4 44 44 4. - a .51~ A - a L 44 a a a .4 14 4 .4 a a K 4 4~ K a .44 a .4 .4 - 4. .. *.,.* *,, - 1444 444 4 . a. 4­ .4. 444 411 a. .4 .4 4444 .4 ~* .4 - .44 .4.4 4-. 4,~19 333 4 333 ~ja a.*! .44 A .4- -____ - ~'.1'2~-4 -~ n 141. -a ~.. ~.4.4 33 ,~ :aK~t2 ::±~3 *410 ~ 4 4 a... **~~ 4 14..-4-4-4~..~4 4a..44a.a.4 ~ - ' 4 144 444 44 4 4.. a .4 4144 4'. 444 444 4144 1.4'4 .4.41.1144.4444441.. 4.4 444..* - 44 5. Student Density and Needs for Classrooms; (Table E-4) a. The student density in the Primary stage is -4)per class. It corresponds to the accepted standard which is 401 students. b. The student density in the Prcparatory stage is 31 per class. It is lovwer than the accepted standard which is -4) students. c. The student dcnsit in the Secondary stage is 35 per ls, It is ako lowcr than the aLCepted standard which is 36 students. 6. .Epcted Future Increases: a. Expected increase in the Primary stage is 31.,annually. b. Expected increase in the Preparatory stage is 2.S"; annually c. Expected increase in the Secondary stage is "."" annually. 7. Deficiencies and Shoragcs in the ducalional Services: a. There is a large nunibcr of rented and moana ,chook which rcprescnts about 35'; of the total nunber of the District's schools. Tucrcforc, ir is dilicut to renos ate or expand the schools. b. There is no vacant land allocatCd for the educational scrvices.
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