1 Ph.D. Thesis COST EFFECTIVE LOW COST CARRIER (LCC) PAKISTAN AVIATION MANAGEMENT BY UNIFIED AIRCRAFT POLICY Dewan Abdullah Farooqui Department of Business Administration, Research Scholar, Greenwich University Karachi Contact:
[email protected] Mobile: +92300-8225651 Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hiro Takahashi at Greenwich University 2 Abstract The study conducted for this thesis analyzes the aviation industry from the global perspective in general and from the Pakistan perspective in particular. The initial part of the research comprises of the in-depth study and the historical analysis of the global aviation scenario i.e. how the aviation industry has become a major and fastest source of transportation globally since the inception of regular air services in the earlier 20th century till to-date. Later part of this research focuses on the cost effective Low Cost Carrier (LCC) aviation model in Pakistan. To achieve the cost saving management, unified aircraft operation policy was proposed. To select right aircraft for Pakistan’s domestic and regional markets, multiple evaluation factors were considered for better matching of physical requirements. The unified aircraft fleet is a biggest factor to reduce the total operating cost. Moreover, the research on cost effective management by employing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) LCC based aviation business in Pakistan was also undertaken. An elaborated analysis of the operations and functioning of ERP in LCCs’ different business divisions with real-life analysis was conducted. It was concluded that ERP modified for unified aircraft policy will give the significant improvements of the value of operation compared to the Traditional Management, General ERP, and combination of both of them.