Ordered unmet- Roses ? See out olfet. Send fo>day for our Magazine. Only 25 Cents for one year 138 The New Yors M agazine of M ysteries Mysterious Warning NO MONEY DOWN-NO0EP0SIT-N0 OBLIGATIONS!A By Francis S. Lillie tiLT in the year of 1875 1 received Imitation from an old friend of mine. Bel Waldron, to run down to Melrose, YOURS ON APPROVAL country residence in Accomack ity. Ya.. for some hunting. As those days 1 was—well, some 3 0 D A Y S FREE TRIAL nger than I am now, and having Physician Banishes ca a n d y returned from a three years* Fi ' ~ better a Mexico, I was naturally very Marvelous. Simple y / MtkiM three II sorts of American amusements, Drnes* Medicine,, aZ*' ^ W expense whatever. it any hesitancy I wrote off a jf acceptance, and speedily Remedies and Diet, Had An . Waldron slightly, but was ;d with the colonel, besides had met, not long before, an pretty sister of his. whom] "REDUCED m T'** t would be by no means un-1 P O U N D S ." 1 meet again; so I started off >f spirits to catch the Cumber­ land Valley train. On November 1st, Dr. P t.-_ Philadelphia physician, ”■ » I calculated a run of three hours would men in that great city. "rA ^ give me ample time for the two-mile I I Qii waist measured 4S inches ujl. ^ drive from the station and to dress fori collar. Hit health was oUe^h- dinner at eight. However, vain were my and tired all the time; dnll Sr, _ >, hopes; there was a slight wreck on the in mind; wasn’t able to work. teZL**1 line ahead of us, which kept me kicking to digest his food. He had * life insurance because of this my heels at a wretched little junction He was told that his very Ij, 20-YUR GUARANTEE!,! r over half an hour, and we only reached danger, and that unless he cosld *** I !■ A lbctift »a flU vR the station at seven o’clock. I dashed into fat, he might drop at any bom"(T JZ R ¥88f8 of Bfvl68 1 the carriage sent to meet me, and arrived He had previously tried all the mil_ nth iooClMr aachino or ref i at Melrose in as short a time as Waldron’s redaction known to medical ic«» *'.| f O u r ' FACTORY steady old coachman would allow, but diets, purging, violent non,# „. done more harm than good. ' 851 V | found my host alone, awaiting me in the With practically a death Mateaei ~ TO hall, with outstretched hand and genial in the face and a wife and liar-i , :-[ h « g raining and sews a perfect lock- welcome. Dr. Turner thought bard. He voifced. I'jlv OltBclL A S w l f •pnafiom it performs are Ajjmohln FAMILY I knew he was a regular martinet for ed, studied on a plan entirely origasl f?1- Hemming Rij ‘ * | on Lace, the French I punctuality," so was not surprised when ent from any he bad used, sad ■ fra■ m W g iN dutf. Binding tha French Fold. Braiding, Darning. most wonderful scientific diituray u , *- Outiring. K alh g F litif. Ruffling he hurried me up directly to my room, w fleliaf and Piping and Shirring. W ol which he has actually reduced bit . UW than morrelona variety and perfection with orders to dress sharp. It was a gaining in strength and general hnht w, * I bn in pti rated by the ilfirn n aiio of any < large, and well-appointed room, with a pound he lost. lo w in g machine in the world. The machine I piece and in clu d e* all the attachment*. AIao bright fire and candles, which looked very On January 1st of this year, h , cheery after my cold drive. weighed 150 lbs.; his waist Beamnd 8v ■ “ All right, old chap. I’ll send Frank and he wore a 15% collar. His hsaifiij,.*'- he is as capable of hard noth as at S i ” up to show you the way down in a age, and his mind is dear and bsayix*1 Please rend me yonr M-psge handsomely quarter of an hour,” were the colonel’s Dr. Turner’s wonderful mcceai fey . W uluatrated catalog, also fall particulars about last words as he left me to my toilet. his friends and fellow physician. Ha J*1 yonr SM aj free M u offer. I dressed rapidly, but wisely remember­ is simple, yet thoroughly scientific. ing the long passages, unexpected steps, no medicines, or drugs to be taka,«-,* intricate turnings and numerous stair­ wear, no physical culture or ritual ( W rite p o o r n a m e p la in ly ) no Turkish Baths, Sweating, PngjagT* cases I had traversed on my way up, tion Diets, or weakening method] d t- waited for my promised conductor. On the contrary, the system, units sev Suddenly the gong thundered through the can readily practice in their on l a £ medical assistance of any kind, it daga house, and I, thinking I was forgotten, only to remove superfluous flak at flt ^ The only factory selling high-grade sewing put out my candles and turned to the rate of about 1 lb. a day, but to icagfe? ■Bj i direct to the ueer. door—when it was softly opened, and a| entire body, and benefit the general Wg.) young man appeared who beckoned to from the start. Dr. Turner’s remarkable disarray at ' me. ence created widespread attentim fra , I followed him into the passage, which physicians and the general pabiic, ad fc > IGSPECIAL SHOE CATALOG FREE was rather dark, and began to say some­ been fairly deluged with request hr treatments. Close friends hare trpi a ] thing expressive of my obligation to him, specialize in this particular bnaddic CATALOGUE but he silenced me with a wave of the where he could command large fas, |g £! , a mammoth. hand, and preceded me, with noiseless business interests which occupy nan g, I time have decided him against it y w om en a n d ilillo fi— . f l w l l steps and averted face, along the passage. poses, foraiJcJi mates. Onrshoes In answer, however, to the Bikzai) d, P th e b e s t, fin e s t a n d m o st dnrabtoi I thought this was odd, but my surprise quests for information and in ordsflufla in the world. They comprise the increased when he took an abrupt turn have the benefits of the system it vusn m rreun of the shoe market B fortune to discover, he has prcpsnd i a possess fault less styje^D to the left, which I did not remember, booklet treating on his method sail dgF> feet finish, fit as i n and we found ourselves in a long, low, aea#m s and are an era fleshy man and woman how they nr g, ______■ to wear as a niipperJ oak-paneled corridor, dimly lighted by a plish the same happy rear!', wiihutha Ifw ry pafr made from choicest | hanging lamp. danger or inconvenience. He ha taiaa leather by —swt dom rim hooka without charge to those who hro c I began to feel a curious sensation him and has a few hundred copies K. c I WE UNDERSELL stealing over me, and endeavored to I he has agreed to distribute so leag n r ; “ ■ 5* odi^TI EVERYBODY.! speak, but was withheld by an undefined! among fleshy people sufficiently intomedubi |N o a m . r a m e e t o w r two-cent stamp for postage. The Dtowipn SHOES SSarail Women’s low feeling, so followed my guide in perfect address in Dr. F. Turner, CUrt flat It re patent Irathsrr silence to the end of the corridor. He •hnee. JL19; men’s shoes. $1-25; Suite 126 A, Syracuse, N. T., sad ay ss '■gO; misses’ and children’) then passed through a green baize door, for the booklet sent there wffl be gnu pa R R t h a l f y o n r s h o e d e a le r 's up a flight of corkscrew stairs, and attention. ____THAT FOR OH Bit. FEE SHOE CATALOGUE, m o o t through another passage, I still feeling imlMrttwiiRjRMkiweim! JOHN M. SMYTH GO. ia « tf CHICAGO myself impelled to follow, till he stopped, This Beautiful I We will ship yon • opened a door, and stood back for me to Wi llow Plume j "RANGER” BICYCLE I pass before him. 0 DAYS FR EE TRIALHon approval, freight I had not seen his face before, b u t had 0 N im i9 / ■repaid to any place in thee United States wwithout ith o u t a cent deposit tn advance, and observed he was above the middle height,] Tbs willow plume rallow Gen days free trial fromFrom the day yonyou receive it. If it does not suit you in th at to boI affected every way sad is not all or moreme than we claim for iit t aand n d a bbetter e tte r bbicycle ic y c le than th a n you yo u can get] with a good figure and rather military __/ weather conditions, ear where else regardless of price,ic e , or if for aany n y reason whatever youyon do not wish to keep1 it, | gait; his hair was fair and cut very short. I to aheolately rainproof. 1 Map it back to ns at onr expense for height and yoe will not be out one cent. I fo il 15-in. in length.kac I n v F IR T A 0 Y DDIPEC We sell die highest grade bicycles direct from factory Now, however, 1 saw his face; it was ashy long, graceful 8-in. fiber* P r i c e s and large, beautiful bead LVW r iw iu m rniw ca tnriAarat lower than any other hnu«e. We white, with such an expression of horror —made of beet Quality satin saveyoapiotofcs middlemen's p ro fit on every b ic y cle. Highest grade models with] and fear in his widely opened eyes as straw, has rich permanent 1 Puncture-Proof tires, Imported Roller chains, pedals, etc., at prices no h ig h e r th a n c h e a p | I ter that make* ft ideal for —- mail order bicycles;| — also jm reliablen og— medium gradegr models at nrm eard o f low prices ■ froze my blood; I again made an ineffec­ mor trimming, lent maml •-» h h tjif i | each town and district to ride and exhibit a sample | oetrich p la n e In the world loebi sortft to ” BIDEB AGENTS WAITED sm«?r g n ••B anger’* Bicycle famished by ns. Y ou w ill r>e tual attempt to speak to him, but he i wear? muchirh better. fiettolarttonbetMtartssa pantonilenmi l------n t | aotoninbed tfAenm fa/W jF lowpricctsnd the liberal propositions and special offer ve v illi motioned me imperiously to enter, and | Fstional BljBlue, red. yellow. fTSSia ftoh to ^ M gi we on the first >91 x sample going toy onr town. W rite a t once for our s fe a a i offer. chain rare*ne. light bloc, block* wmj DO MOT HUT a bicycle or a pair of tires from a ny&ne at any price until you receive onr catalogue I felt constrained to obey. bine and white. When ordering , stole ooha a n d leans a m low prices and liberal terms. BICY CLcD fA LERS, you can sell our bicycles under | I found myself in an oddly shaped Pnerien Sot took, l i Frm. Bo-tfc. • ____^ yonr own name plate at doOUe onr prices. Orders^riHdHndmirceiVcd. filled the day i fl.95. $2.95. fX?5, ft. 95. No K ite, rwte SECOND MAJID BICYCLES—a Hmfted Dmnbef taken ia bade by o ar Chicago setaQ stores w ill I room, only lighted by the pale rat's of he closed o at a t once; at S 3 t o S 8 e a c h * DeNcriprire bargain list mailed free. ______■ m p u s u s x w u n o s , a t um w k. | ID C f f A A f tC T C B D B A If C Ka* vbeels» Inner tubes* lamps, cyclometers, parts, repaln the winter moon, which shone in coldlyl l l l b v y VUN v II bII P H fflD C andererything In the bicycle line at futlf mmul through curtainless windows. It was MOT W AIT bat■ M write '*| todar for onr Lmrgt Catalogue beautifully illustrated and containing a great fund of otser aad usehilB l hfnraoflca. It oflty costs a postal to gflt crcrything. W rite It now. i evidently an unused apartment, for there MEAD CYCLE CO. Dept. N 10, CHICAGO, ILL. was no carpet, and my footsteps sounded hollow on the boards. Between the ELLA m u li W e W ant to Send You P u r l windows, half in shadow, half in moon­ light, stood a large bed. As 1 gazed upon it. my eyes became gradually accustomed >J\lew C a ta lo g to the dim light, and I observed with al amd Style Book Will shudder that it was draped with black, and decorated with tall black plumes Save You Nearly % like those on a hearse, and that there was on Oraeorlos, C lo th in g , a motionless form extended upon it. Furniture, M o m a n d OUiei Household Supplies I glanced around for my guide—he 1 I na MB pages of money saving Items. Write s J was gone, and the door was shut, though pMtal for it today and aee how you caa set our f i n s I had heard no sound. A thrill of horror f isteed Oroeerleo at aaavlngof one half, Farinstonee: I Dmtiy gasp at U tn a bar; Bathig Powder. 1234e a caa; Toilet I ran through my veins. I felt an almost I rUkutw. Ujc/Otairli. Seahnu aaajthlagatlfa^mMd irresistible desire for flight, but again the I 1500 Premiums Given same inexplicable force urged me on. and v f f l OOUn Cor Shaee OoaranSeed Frodurto. T biity ir^ D day* trial—no I approached the bed with slow and aumofim odrmnee—moaej bach if mo€ mOfmoA._ W rite t e C ohlor without a cent of extra trembling steps. There lay a young, and as far as I CROFTS A REED CO., D ept. B 3 5 6 » Chicago' ~ worth m fndaett. {Continued on pate 140) 50 Cents MAGAZINE OF MYSTERIES Published Monthly by the MAGAZINE OP NTSTEUES ASSOCIATION, U 649 W. 43d St., New YortL City W il l ia m T T h o m p s o n . President _ .. __ ___ W il l ia m G r e e n , Treasurer ooopei® tv Ut'luvi G e o r g e A . S yk.e s . Secretary 64® West 434 Strut, Her* SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 25 CTS. A TEAR ft* United Stale*. Mask* and Cad* , 12 cent! extra; other foreign subscriptions 21 cents extra. Single copies f cento; ash pone

When your subscription expires.—The month in which poor subscript km expires th a t «g| ^ stamped on the outside wrapper which contains your magaiinti this ootico—"YOUR SUBSCRIP­ TION EXPIRES WITH THIS ISSUE/* Renew your subscription promptly, and also sign your name exactly an It appears an th wrapper. If you change your address at any time during the subscription period, he ease end u l « your old address as well as the new. when asking the change. How to Remit.—Send money by Postal Money Order. Express Money Order. DvsJi You Get the Job' or Registered letter. Postage stamps in good condition accepted for small amounts Qiculatia 300.000. Advertising rates, $1.20 per agate line. HA. 1 is treat tne live wire, a t Entered as Second-class Matter at the New Yost-Office man who has trauumg who is sa EXPERT in hit hns— heart to-day cents a m o n th Tfrom the man wh» hares. R™ niy | sample of tho astonishing Meanwhile untrained men —not par­ isdiM*1.* able t o offer on everythin* for *C«luea m»de possible only by our ticularly efficient in any kind of wotk - ^MB»®"!Sitry-wlde business, with 22great Two tall white lilies on an altar fair, are turned away. (k*££s*®SfSd 800.000 customers. All the A breath of balmy freshness in the air. “n0a 0f the best olty homes are Glad peals of Easter anthems ringing loud. 1 So you see you M U ST HAVE train* & ••{Action of what they would cost A dawn of golden glory without cloud; All emblems of a resurrection morn. I ing. Don't think you can't get it—that ^ S iT c re d i. Terms A hope of future sides, undimmed by storm. I you haven't time or money ■ that dehr- your Convenience And longings for a life all free from sin.. 1 non will keep you in the tanks of the True life, above this earthly care and din. I® , " » w b a t you want from our Great 1 poorly paid, the inefficient. SMU^Vnerood* Will *0 out to you at onoe Not in some future land, beyond the sides. JLor. KifttlaJ. If you find them better But here, and now, let’s see the Christ arise. 1 You eon get training—you can wdn ml—get s Thdif® "Jn can set anywhere else, pay the From out the rock-bound tomb of human hearts 1 better position—BIGGER PAY. Tbat'mhai f i l i a l 0 low fiotory-to-home price In He may arise, live, move and have a part. I the I. C. S. are for—to help yon. If you' feeble Sooderfaw.^ thot you won’t miss. Through you and me, and all souls, great and small; S g g S S your copy of our In blessing, healing, teaching, one and all. I to read and write and have the gumption to The path to heaven (harmony within). 1 want to netted—the l. C. S. will come to yos Catalog FREE I in your own home, in yom spare tims abeo “Everything for the Home," a And earth an Eden bloom; without it sin. biff 900-d a -e bk Illustrating the H a r r i e t S . B o g a r d v s I lately without interfering with your regular, latest styles In home furnishings, | everyday work, and help you to become framed eent Absolutely tree. Shows how tou can furnish a home In a way I —efficient in the line of work, you like best. that will be your pride and the admiration ofyour friends—shows ® I Bat you've got to have the desire to make you what wonderful values we give and why we can give them. ie | something of yourself. If yon have—mark Write today for your free copy— no home-iover can afford to be HARTMANwithout It. MTOUUTKMUI. CMKSrHKKC to U .x ruRE & C arpet Co. Plena explain, without father oblli my pert, how 1 can qualify for the pew abash Ave., Chicago, III. or profession before which I hero mate oldest and best known home-far- Antomoblle R u alag jjjng concern in the world. Rina Bap ir i i l n i ta t ■la* Foreman ied 1855 — 56 years of success. Plumbing, Btaam ffthttag Stores — 800,000 Customers Concrete Construction Banking Italian Civil Engineer Boildiag Contractor Textile Manniaetnring Arekltastaral Draftsman Stationary Engineer Industrial M pftif Telephone Expert Commercial IDastratieg Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Meehan* 1 Draftsman Shew Card Writing Electrical Engineer Advertising Ran Electric Lighting Snpt. Stenographer Can Have a Superb Figure Without Electric W Iranian Bookkeeper Paying a Penny APRIL MEANS SPRING AND SPRING MEANS THE BEAUTIFUL Present Occupation. EASTER TIME. SEND NOW FOR EASTER CARDS. W H E N DOES YOUR SU BSCRIPTIO N E X P IR E f All subscriptions are stopped at expiration of time paid for—if yours expires with this issue, on the outside wrapper will be printed: “ YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES WITH THIS ISSUE ” F A D Send125 cents for another year’s subscription and 5 cents for packing and we will mail you as an extra present a packet containing 25 EASTER POST CARDS free. For only 30 cents then you will have our MAGA­ ZINE OF M YSTERIES for one year and these BEAUTIFUL SOUL­ Too wOl be surprised and delighted FUL POST CARDS to send to your friends. You will find them the when you receive your copy of the lat­ est edition of Woolf's Encyclopaedia of Bargains—now fresh from the presses. * This book will prove to you that you may be a style leader among your frie n d s —wear clothes of absolutely proper perfection—and pay for them ^ in little sums—just as a v -. gm is most convenient to 9g you. W e allow you six full months, ///JA W/»B*SAV: in which to pay for anything J you bur of jS S F izi m u s, a n a p K S f l K S as we ^^SfS^9HK8n4tHHH are one


I .if,., ouiis, su n , nunB. rw — tam es ticoats, Hair Good*, Coats, flfl Dresses, Corsets, Underwear, Mill!- W n e ry , e tc ., etc. M .n’e Suits, Raincoats, Over cost* .Top® m en S Coats, Hats, Trousers, Vests, Coats, etc., etc. We Ship on Approval Thin elegant com-1 We were the first concern to off­ plete outfit, con-1 er wearing apparel on credit by tilting of Silk Pet­ mall. We nave thousands of satis­ ticoat. White Em­ fied customers all over the country. broidered Lawn Our transactions aro absolutely Waist and B 1 ac k j confidential. Pleated Panama S a r . f l 2.12 Send Yonr Name at Once Cash with order for this beautiful Encyclopaedia of $3.2B> monthly bargains. Ask for your free copy payments $ 1 .6 5 . of Book No 34 Acaresa WOOLFS INCORPORATED a* ------Dept 94*9 Douglas Park Station, Chicago

Send for onr WONDROUS, OD­ SIGNET BRACELET E D P F OROUS TREE FERN, A packet of and Set Rind. r n£<£' § 3 ! I e.??--composers or other premiums for telling seeds for one new subscription, 25 20 pieces Jewelry at 10c each. cents and 5 cents for packing. Ad­ Write today. WE TRUST YOU. Crown Jewelry Co., dress Magazine of Mysteries. $ ta . 4 2 , Rattle Creek, M ich. 140 T h e n«w York M agazine of M ysteries The Call of Easter Day B> O wen R. Washburn M rlttre tifrT liih fa# TM New York Magazine of Mysteries

In the season when Moses hid the dead Egyptian in the sand and fled from the fear of his own heart, when he stood before E Pharaoh, an awakened prophet, crying, i P l i “ Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: Let My people go," he dominated an empire and defied the wrath of the world. I Paul saw the Easter sunshine in a vision —wo winyou S3* WJHc* | and went blind till he was ready to begin his work. After that he went in bonds from trousers at Judea to Rome and feared no harm. “ In the power of the Spirit" men have taster u the transformation of the m*- gone not forty days only, but forty years in terlal into the spiritual. Growling and with the wilderness of this life. Having received aplendldw^^aNjS worked eyes the beasts come from their perfect ww Jiw Cftfr the Holy Spirit they were given the signs d ’uicelen tinUt, “»4 K S which follow those who believe. They cast Spring touches them and they forget their out the devils of ignorance and fear, they fit p«rt,ct, i» .nT1* savagery a n d b e g in to woo one another and healed the sick, they killed the serpents of p r e p a r e for t h e coming of the downy cubs priestcraft in dark ages and cleansed the a n d t h e joys of parenthood. The birds come church again and again. They raised the back on steady wings, covering hundreds spiritually dead and in all things were more iTHEFBEt' & S of miles in a night that they may see again than conquerors. “ The wilderness and the the places where they were born. The tropic fancy etrlped wot.ffl'SS solitary place were glad for them," and the ----- Uinely tttUorea^S^&KSl S o u t h lured them from before the breath of deserts blossomed like the rose! From their Thle in the most astonishing and w i n t e r , but now they are conscious of new work rose France made free and offer ever medeJVe openly ohallenm U s l o n g in g s . Nest building, song making, the without slaves. They founded a home for SEND $1.00 dm“ b u s y sweetness of home life appeal to them. Liberty in the Western World and broke ‘^■J^°«IPW..»andhel8htaad ^ ^ T h e y must fulfil the will of the Spirit of Life the chains from the servant race. They navyiu n blue wool PUB! P R E B 0 i n d t h e y are overwhelmed with joy. sought for Truth and loosed the bands of sorgo suit and Before the frost has left the sod the crocus error. They sought* for Light and all the extra pair of sgua to bloom. The arbutus is pink elegant fancy world was aflame with learning. They pro­ striped worsted foil She, “&}» lt> Kite and fragrant upon a thousand trousers and before the last breastworks of the claimed the power of Love and social lies fine safety began to fade. Poems, foundry and fertile razor by ex­ are destroyed by the conquering farms are the results of the work of God- press subject j g S S winds from the summer seas. The maples to examination inspired men, angels of deliverance giving at the express are sweet with fresh blood that courses to Easter messages, ambassadors of peace, toil­ offieoa you to the waiting buds. The sassafras has put pay the bal­ forth its delicate tints of green, and shad- ing in garrets and entering into the Kingdom ance, $3.95 of Christ where on unseen thrones they and express bush and spice-bush are bearing fresh blos­ charges, after soms, the white of the shad and the delicate judge the tribes of the earth. yon examine Now, as never before, the age of Light theelothee and yellow of the spice making the woodland find___ them * g a g robes of nature beautiful as the lace of a begins to dawn. Where are the people who perfectly eattefactory, a perfect Bt,tha ml,T^«2!?. queen’s garments. sat in darkness beside the Chinese Wall? bargain you ever saw, and equal to Where, then, does man express the will of They are learning to telegraph and print trousers you ever saw at glO.OOto 112.00 Be Tear OWN BOSS God? daily papers and know the glory of a higher outfit as there Is la your neighborhood ffJ f civilization. Where are the peoples of the otherwise we will promptly refund joutli tli** otifi Make Money The rocks are warm with the milder season outfit today or send for oar big cloth u»!S On)JSu'% Easy. and the very briars are putting forth leaves islands of every sea ? They have become the as they face the coming days. What shall white man’s burden, but they are advancing m w and rising to a higher life. Where is the o f h o t w e a th e r clothing, auto coats fei awry county t» Mil the popular Rule Knives wttM man change? of m en s and youths clothing. Order tbeonifiti^bu ■mh Iiliti—M photo, lodff* i l»l—1«. Mto., on handle Agents We may awaken to physical life and despised African who was enslaved in the the sample book No. 27today. Do it now MM |7B Id 0900 > month Belling our cheers, transparent handled not have Easter. We may arouse ourselves Egypt of our greed ? He is in school, learning noahet kalw and rnaon. Big profits, qaick sales. Kxelusivw the arts of manhood, one of the coming races MEN’S FURNISHING GOODsS&i fciiterf liiMlaee aanso—try. Wl TKACH YOU HOW# anew to mental tasks and yet miss the FURNISHINGrilDMKUlUft GOODS,CAAMOS. Stiff k.t.h«U OR.95c, »ft lhiu.,. .r'lU IShS Write ha-dag "spirit of youth,” which, Shakespeare says, of God’s world. Where are the Slavs, who dress shirts 47e»47s, silksill 4-in-hands 19c, and irtrv kiJ terms and I ■ is put into everything at this season. Only for centuries made their Czar a god? Asking men and boys at corresieorraspondingtyadrajhfjo. lot pricu. Send SkS enasdoarsa him for popular rights, threatening revolu­ M ahnns __ | by the resurrection of the consciousness of JOHN M. SMYTH CO.’2’1S‘£Madison 1 « | C.tiary Co.. JWVMffsUSL, Bipl.lt2CaiM0». God can we make ourselves a part of the tion-in their desire for justice. Where is the mystic life impulse which throbs throughout kingdom that till half a century ago dreamed S J Comic Nat Cerda. New D an d les. 10c. A. the world we know. “ That light which and slept and dreamed again, knowing no ■* K rau s. 42 5 C h x st n u t o r. , Milwaukee, Wa. lighteth every man which cometh into the other nation? The troops of the Mikado are world” must be kindled to a greater flame id the fields of Asia, holding back the white if we would enter into the joy of living. peril from their yellow brothers, establishing " Not in utter nakedness a civilization in a day. In such a year let You Can Double But trailing clouds of glory do we come Easter be hailed with joy. God has come up t From God, who is our home,” to the help of the people against the mighty and unless we reassert that eternal possession and the sword of the oppressors is breaking B Your Income _ we shall not enter into eternal life here and and the old kings are passing like the ghosts now. of another planet. Let every man and every If You Hares little R e d Blood, B ack- 1 Look across the ages and see where the woman at this season then be glad and sing! bonm and A Desire to Make Good, We We are co-workers with Infinite Life. Above mighty men of the days have taken their the wrecks of battleships He establishes Will Train Yon to Be s Scientific inheritance and led the slowly moving mil­ dominions upon the floods. Over the broken Salesm an and Then Give You a lions in their march along the seas of time. Did Cadmus learn letters from the ground? cannon of the battle-places wave the unseen Position On Our Own S alesforce, Was the fire worship a material fear alone? banners of conquering hosts whose kingdom When the ancient Greeks climbed their hills is not of this world. Direct from the Manufacturer to sacrifice to far-darting Apollo and the Abroad in every storm of human conflict, swift-footed Mercury, felt they naught that in every trial of strength between the seen A Wonderful Paint Ofa was divine? Who wreathed the crowns for and unseen, is that call of Truth: “ Who is warriors in times when men fought with on the Lord’s side let him come unto Me.’’ These clubs save those who saw the glory of the Not as of old are we to gird on a material If any of yonr buildings need painthg, sword and go through the camp to slay, but w r i t e a t o n c e f o r o u r free paint sampled*. 20 Books spiritual as it bore men to face death for W e sell the beat ready mixed paint in the fitted from comer to Love? Where has any man been prophet or we are to go unto the little companies of w orld a t low est prices ever heard of-ffie i carer with m an-m aking God-lovers we find and join ourselves to gallon fo r th e best Barn Paint, $1.16agalloa seer save as he felt within himself the sacred knowledge—teach you the passion of the Easter life? “ I will lift up righteousness and peace. f o r t h e fin e s t H o u se P a in t in quantities. Wt lawe end tecreb o f salesmanship. mine eyes unto the hills,” sang the herdsmen, There is to-day the Christ, standing at pay the freight charge*. and from their midst walked David sure of every door. He has stood for ages at the Guaranteed (or Ten Yean We Want to Start 100 More Men mind and sufficient unto his savage day. entrance of all dwellings and He is with us We furnish foil directions how to do any job ud within the next thirty days. These 100 men will Who shall number the hosts that have felt unto the end, but we have all been given just now we are making a surprisingly liberal offer. receive oar Course in Practical Salesmanship—this Write at once and get this great paint offer, fit* is a twenty book course—full and complete We want the touch of the Infinite and have arisen and clearer visions and brighter eyes and now is shads aamplaSf strong testimonials sod vslutwe theae men for our own salesforce and most therefore followed him ? “ Where is thy brother Abel?” the Easter day in which we must enter in and paint information Just say "Send me yonr latest make them winners. We have a plan whereby you was the hoarse cry of Cain’s awakened soul. be blest. Do you not already hear the voice paint offer.M Address canget this, the greatest—the best the most of helping in the whisperings of the spring? CROBBY, FRANK A CO. thorough and practical coarse in Salesmanship ever "Come unto Me, and I will give you rest,” B O B Rmortm B trD P t Chicago, HUM ■Mftan.4«Mi5v n * — *— * ------* * - - was the strong declaration of a man who had In flower and breeze and nver and running already arisen from the dead, though his brook, in voices unheard by the material II snide to aocraaa. Yau m uat auccaad I ply body was not yet delivered unto the Prince ear, there is again that call to you, “ Behold, h i s s i n m i m * tfcalr taacM nf*. of'tnis World. I make all things new.” D O E S THINGS! S h e h a s bought this spit* Our Tr;aining Means talk to YOU. „ Ssosts of Snccaaafiucceaafal Selling; the in c re a se o f y o n r See our Rose LOYE DIVINE S h e is determ ined to knot r» •anting power. It pota t o o fit Una for wealth, poai- a n d e v ery reader of u o a and sterling character. It makea you a ' w in ­ ner. * one in a hundred"—the man who can * 'deli ver o f f e r in th is Love till thy leaping pulses faint and fail, alne of Mysteries,to to,;,TBl thanoodh." Wa make you this offer because wa Till whirling worlds and all the woes the BEST THING ® want yoo aa e a r own Smimmmaa w h e re you c an e a rn issue. Now is W O R L D to offer yon. • t least three times the salary of the untrained man. thereof __|Sendusyourni5e and the time to order. Fade into nothingness; till sun turns pale, r i n d 2 c e n t stamp. *®rnTcyiJ Be One of the Hundred Love. send rou a beautiful L E T T E R O F INTR0DCCT|u- T h re e C o c h e t to h e r. Love to the full height, depth and breadth W h enn.you get this there ins far you. Wa win fit yen ta fill It. rosebushes free. whereof to be 1'something_ I f you want to become one of the 100, write ns d o n ’t ymum o u forget ef ifit! 1 Jli* J****' v fidpO today. Sign and send the attached coupon and wa ------i . » . n -m u.. bert pro,— uj— - Hurry your or­ Thy soul is master. Let cheap cynics a chance. Write « » is e n aiy a ti rail; IT NOW! Won’t. ______t you a two cent stamp f ______ders in. Get But hold thou still thy rose-red light i “ M IS S INCOGNITA”’ * it t o succeed. You cannot afford to remain ignorant of this great opportunity. The ability to deU de a n d above PSYCHIC PUBlISHIIi* then to act a t once mark the winners. Act now— all your friends send the coupon. Desk M. M., R to d o to , too! Their envious heads, who have not STACE. BURROUGHS A C O . strength to scale 1 2 5 Egg Incubator | (M anufacturer! ’ Represents tires) S en d n o w . The sheer, steep heights whereon Love's 309-311 Michigan Are., Office* 537, Chicago, III. lovers move and Brooder * rw ^ i Pasdotsd hwMbifM w» W ithout obligation on my part, tell me how In calm content, for that their hearts in­ bet* for I lk rm tM M F F I may become one of your aucceisful, practical Only those who love Qod can forgive and sale sm e n . hale forget. Love. N o m e . — M aud Diver, in Light of Reason. ■ ■ ■ ipi religion—only against the sham of religion. Street and No., Whatsoever is real la lasting-eternal. “ I need not good fortune,” said Walt City...... B ta to .. The Universe belongs to the Universal Whitman; ‘ I myself am good fortune.” > Lover. I Wi'H THE NEW YORK o f

.•A CHEER-UP MAGAZINE” OF HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY C spyrlabt. 1910, by Th« N• w Y a r l M »l«»U» t( UyaM riM

Such the eager question, asked My soul of Infinite Intelligence, And lo! my life was bared to view— Its failures, false desires and struggles for a Dreamed-of power, its pride and self-exaltings. Its petty purposes and deluded aims— All these I saw made up the self That needs m ust die, that it might live. As in a flash of light 1 saw The meaning of the Master’s life and death, And life again—the type, 0 Mystery Supreme, of what transpired within M y so u l.

In me as Light the Master came. In me the Judas and the Peter Forces wrought the sad betrayal. In me the sepulchre was closed, the stone Was laid that barred my Christ within. Then, wondrous to relate, The Angels came, the stone was rolled Away, and Thou, 0 glorious Life, My soul’s W hite Light, Thou earnest forth The saved and saving Christ! 0 Light divine! Thy radiance o’er My heart doth shine to point the way O f L ife.

Now I know the truth that maketh Free, and thus I am transformed And for the first time live. To thee, O Christ, the power and The glory be forever. The victory is mine and mine is Thine. The mystery of the Resurrection hast Thou now Made plain. Jesus, my elder Brother, Through whom Christ, the deathless son, Lived and manifested life, W as the gracious human object God did choose for teaching souls The W ay, the Truth, the Life.

Helen Van-Anderson.

V 1 4 2 The New Y«rR M agazine of M ysteries


Thi »asw< coons respo dencc W 1 the ] river Brother Theodore could not spare iw lettei New Members Rejoicing (or as I know, all want to send th,i *w • very pleasant tor us to receive so Turn Over A New Leaf about the club. May our All-Father I hi! Mys1 j f t n nn new comirades. saying all is the prayer of your loving Bister .1* aider bow they arc no w free from nervousness rade. Iu time B id w orry i le tte r* are so grateful* T such deligltit till f!Muting and 1 only wish 1 Friends! Begin now! Calm and Peaceful L o i to p fin 8 more o f thi Become HAPPY, CONTENTED, SUCCESSFUL. My First Degree has been a great l next b a d space have more faith, and more courage, , What se(OUI feo surprise to many of our Body, mind and soul, all gain benefits through our Mystic Success rule have been kept wonderfully calm aad **! city o now memh»er* 1* the fact th:iit after they feelful, nvwiand na numbernumnoie nfof iimastimes have —Jifhu uft,. I a ret have reccivt d o u r Degrees ami followed the Club. Join us and PROVE. realized the presence of unseen fortes'?4^ I most Instruction* in them, they get sw eet. No club fees required, no dues asked—yet, PRICELESS BENEFITS me. The Magazine is a constant gJ1® I and i1 refreshing Bleep. 1 have cxpl;sined to you pleasure and helpfulness. I read it or ^ 1 1 de'rs be to re why this great blessing comes, so it is CONFERRED. over, always finding comfort. Ton m' I York not necessary to repeat it. But, you will all Thousands and thousands have been blessed and profited through think I am ready for the Second Degree| tine, hope you will, for I long to go on’ wu. 11 attrat agree, that when good sleep is obtained and membership. They have thanked the Mystic Success Club by letters and good work. So much has been done for \ I nervousness is overcome, that is a splendid thank God, and every member of our 5! 11 copy. grain. Nerve troubles have been afflicting personal visits. ' Success Club for the peace and conrerf^i I Editc the human race alarmingly. We want to They acknowledge PEACE, HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY has come to me. May God bless every I, 'kii I How •how all how to get rid of this trouble. of our Club, and help me to be more worn?^ I On through our dear Club. being | member. Anhii | you a lishin Thank You You who are in doubt! You whose faith is shaken! You who worry New and Different most Here are my thanks to the sisters and and feel heavy laden. There is comfort and comradeship for you in Our The Fourth Degree of the club has there brothers who have sent me their photo­ lots of good, more than the first three, j k hearc C lu b . start and go over the Degrees again, saj\*l ing t graphs for my greatly prized gallery of on going over them until I thoroughly i..?! members of this dear club of ours. The The world has gladness, joy, calm and plenty for all. Learn how to stand them. Am thankful to the All "en­ the c collection of pictures is growing nicely and OBTAIN the blessings. Share with us! Rejoice with us! joined this blessed club. I am a new tags, 1 hope such of you as have not added your­ ferent man from what I used to be. \ JJ- few selves to my photograph gallery as yet will Brothers and Sisters, you may come in at once. Scholars or un­ to swear at God and curse the day on nw good, soon oblige me with your pictures. I w as born, but now I enjoy life. I w 1?; the 1 learned, creed or no creed. that everything is for the good and hear After Your Degrees Our Four beautiful Degrees will comfort you, bless you, help you. thing is evolution and that we mast go tjJjl consi Our Adepts know just w hat is needed. You will find just w hat YOU one stage before we can reach the next “ H< Sisters and Brothers me g Get rour free copy of that beautiful, de­ require in the Degrees: A Great Blessing pheri lightful book. The Mystic Scroll. And get Principles tried and true; eternal truths that build and bless; mys­ T1 it quickly, for it is a completing course My Second Degree has been a great pW to be teries that become revealed. to me and I have received a great bieS of your club work, 'helpful and uplifting as from it. bill T1 were your degrees. It was written for Sorrow is turned to com fort; the m ental weeds become flowers, life panic just that purpose and only members of the ney. takes on a new aspect, a brighter, happier hue. Feels So Good club can have it. You will find special aid, I have now worked through the First J,, In comfort and inspiration in it. It is an op­ Y o u se e , y o u r e a liz e , y o u b e n e fit. Health is first improved, then gree the second time, and I feel so good. 1 1 usele portunity—a privilege for you. When you am not anything like I used to be. Ae mj dang get it you will say “I love this book” and m agnetism and attractiveness are given. Then comes blissful realization. reason why I joined the club, was to get at I T1 it will be a daily and lifelong friend. The Members write full of thankfulness. They say that if the world only a sickness that used to bother me m aid ness. at certain times. Though I was Bure it wn| ! Vi. publishers tell me that the supply is limited, knew w hat IS actually gained through the M ystic Success Club, then thou­ help me, I could not believe it would so un but they say I can give one to any member I am now able to do my work without hh praci of our club, who will send in a one-dollar sands more would join at once, would share the good times, would really The folks here asked me what kind of ntdius tacit subscription to the Magazine of Mys- LIVE life instead of merely existing. I have used. And I do not feel disconnpl C l tebies. For this one dollar the magazine and cranky either, like I used to. By theta and will be sent for five whole years—to you or Members learn to PASS ON of their abundance. They long to share I get the Second Degree, I’D be throogh di H< to your friend. You can give the magazine their happiness, their bliss, their NEW wonderful acquirem ents. F irst one once more. I am so delighted uj Here thankful for what the club has done for me it truth awav or get someone to subscribe for it— Start the season right, dear readers. YOU CAN and W ILL. Join ready, I can not express myself in wordi ! send in the dollar and the address to which Faithfully yoin, A the magazine is to be sent. And you will the blessed Club, Get the Four Degrees and work one each month. A.\’fsE a n d . for 1 get the hook. . Better address your letter Then you will be at the Beulah Land. to me and I will hand the subscription to Untold Blessings the subscription department and see also HEALTH, HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY abound. GET YOUR I have now finished my Third Degree ui that the book is sent to you. SHARE. LEARN the true way. The Club’s Confidential Degrees will thank the All-Father-Mother for the untold blessings I have received since I became i era 0 teach you and lead you to the success plane, the right vibrations. ber of the blessed Mystic Success Chh I now anxiously await my Fourth Degree. IB First Degree, H E A L T H . Second Degree, RECEPTIVITY. T h i r d T hird Degree has certainly taught me hoi b D e g re e , PERSONAL ATTRACTIVENESS. Fourth Degree, R E A L I Z A ­ love God and all mankind. With, best wiihs coffe for all members, I remain, Wonderfully Helped TION. Yours truly, K. E B. of ‘lin1 I wish to write my little bit of testimony of You cannot believe what these wonderful Degrees will do until you so di how the dear Club has helped me. I never Benefits Indeed of su was a robnst person, was always of a delicate have worked them. Yet, they only require a few minutes each day. I guess you think I have forgotten you. I bad. nature, bat the Degrees have helped me won­ Time that you can easily spare, and they help marvelously with your have been thinking of writing to you to 11 seve. derfully. They soothe and quiet one so, and long time, to let you know how I am gfM a we make one so happy. I love my blessed Degrees daily tasks and duties. along. I am more cheerful than I was bifort I coffe and review them so often. I wisb every delicate joined the Success Club. Have learned jj parson would join this club. They would feel They lighten drudgery, they comfort in trouble, they lead out of the look on the bright side of things insteid» and i such a refreshment of soul and body and would darkness into the golden light. the dark. It has cured my husband of drill I conti he so happy. I could write a lot more about ing. I praise the Lord and the dear JW r Food the help the club has rendered me, but I fear A Life M embership in the M ystic Success Club is given FR E E to any­ for I believe that you and the Lord WJ k that one who will send in four one-dollar subscriptions to the New York M aga­ and answered my prayers. Wishing 1 has 1 blessing to the dear Mystic Success Club, 1A “Y A FOOD STORY zine of Mysteries. We want thousands and thousands more to receive Yours sincerely, Mbs. Amu » j Makes a Woman of 70 “One in this good, wholesome “ Cheer-up ” Magazine. So we m ake this generous 1 0 , 0 0 0 . ” Grateful offer. Send a subscription to four friends as a present. They will think I will enclose a few lines to you aE b jj O f of you and bless you m onthly for it. Or get four friends or acquaintances you know how thankful and gratefulII■ j he ca The widow of one of Ohio’s most distin­ know that I joined your “grand clan drink guished newspaper editors and a famous to subscribe and send in the four dollars. Any way m ost convenient to think it is the most inspiring, strengtneaw worki organisation I ever knew. I feel sometimtt Thi leader in politics in his day, says she is you, and THEN comes your Membership to the M ystic Success Club. how glad I would be if I only know seventy years old and a “stronger woman And don’t forget, we are making a SPECIAL OFFER for a time. whole world belonged! Whit a hspff . the s than you will find in ten thousand, ” and she union it would be. I am only on my t°>n J to thi credits her fine physical condition to the use For each dollar received the Magazine will be sent for FIVE YEARS. gree, and I think it is the most out o of Grape-Nuts: So your four friends will each get the Magazine for five years. W onderful all. I have so enjoyed the work. *nd * jj varioi “Many years ago I had a terrible fall thankful to you and God for the ™ o daily which permanently injured my stomach. value, and you will be a Life Member of the Club, entitled to the Four have derived from them. Many times i super For years I lived on a preparation of corn filled with fear. I do not fear so now, ^ that | Degrees and other benefits. You will be as surprised and delighted as I have come to the understanding thatJ.4 j and 1 starch and milk, but it grew so repugnant heavenly Father is always near me. to me that I had to give it up. Then I tried, have thousands of dear Sisters and Brothers who have become happy, am in the hands of love. My health oft*^ but oi one after another, a dozen different kinds of joyous members from all parts of the earth. proved a hundredfold since I took W It i cereals, but the process of digestion gave me work. I weigh more than I have is of the great pain. Don’t put it off. Turn over your new leaf NOW. Join our Club Yours Tn love. Mas. Jsaxita Postu “It was not until I began to use Grape- and later, pass on of YOUR abundance. A S p e c i a l M e s s a g e t o Y o u . diseas t proof Nuts food three years ago that I found relief. Just try our Mystic Success Club. Great Benefits It has proved, with the dear Lord’s blessing, I sm writing to night in lovinr Pos a great boon to me. It brought me h e a lth It will change your life for the better. It will do this IMME­ the great benefits I have derived i* mg. and vigor such as I never expected to again DIATELY. one of you. I hare just coapMo ^ after enjoy, and in gratitude I never fail-to sound Degree and T have honrstlv and and tt Get the four subscriptions so as to help spread the good work of our to live op to all the rules in *1 grains its praises. ” Name given by Postum Co., times It has been Tory halm. { misrnao Battle Creek, Mich. M a g a z in e . Then you get a free Life Membership at once. You will always Wen able to try •• * 1i the cc “ There’s a Reason.” bless the Club as thousands of others do. hare had wonderful naaolta. I y , j id coffee. Look for it in the little book, " The Road though I ran safely 15 1 “TJ to Wellville, ” to be found in pkgs. lo t part with one of a# i THE MYSTIC SUCCESS CLUB. M l Map till I have ihaTQQQtr r i . . 4 * Get Ever read the above letter? A one again. X hate found •• viUe. new one appears from time to time. C a r e o f T h e N e w Y o r k M a g a z in e o p M y s t e r i e s , friend* believe aa I da. and * I E l They are genuine, true, and full of n eu v human Interest. 649 W est Forty-third Street, New York, N. Y. The] h am Tt\© New York M agazine of M ysteries 143

Talks with B rother Servator Peace be to this house j- pace contains special “Yes,” said the lady, “I will take them .” “The real friend is one who gives you pep So she took the basket and stepped into the per and not batter,” says Canon Hawley ^ 5 toletters requesting my house, the boy rem aining outside, w histling H earn Thought Control.—D. U. T iand advice. As my cor- to some canary birds hanging in their cages To carry care to bed is to sleep with on the porch. pack on your back. co^njents come to me in confi- “W hy don’t you come in and see that I Regarding W ords.—P. L. L. Ofte t* e no names are published. measure your berries right?” said the lady; a life is changed by thoughtless or hasty 1 jje all are welcome to read “how do you know but I may cheat you?” words. About 2 ,5 0 0 years ago the Chinese I “I am not afraid,” said the boy, “for you M a st e r K ’t u n g s a i d : ™ iostruction and information would get the worst of it.” On matters beyond bis ken a gentleman d>® {0 this department, only “Get the worst of it ?” said the lady, speaks with caution. If names are not right, “what do you mean by that ?” words are misused When words are mi id from members of The affairs go wrong. When affairs go wrong, “W hy, ma’am,” said the boy, “I should courtesy and music droop. When courtesy and & l1 tkla. rend on. We will site you a* capital necessary to e r e c t s u i t a b l e b u i l d - terfeit talk about menial positions. The tbiB position, tree. All we nek U honesty end trill. general resort to institutional treatm ent ac­ insn.es to work. Hen who here never sold snythlna ig«, Here’s a c h a n c e f o r s o m e o n e w i t h a M AN.accepts anything that oners in the count for a very considerable part of this -rn making bis money—sc ese you. NEW ISVKh thousands of dollars to establish a line of honest effort, so that he may pay rION—never d m been worked In your territory So i n c r e a s e . tooJ. high-grade business. I w ill donate his current obligations; may be indepen­ other Agents to bother you by cutting prices end The problem of preventing insanity is profit*. No charge tor territory. We will emist end land, and help in m a n y w a y s . L e t m e dent of charity. It’s the p a r a s ite that does quite different from that of the ordinary co-operate with you to make a big rnr r oiyni r kir from brothers or sisters who w ish to the other thing. success of this new business. Every- oftWiLt infectious disease-^—tuberculosis, for in­ ttosidtr this splendid opportunity. P ass It O n,-—M any of my readers write body wild with success. Theo. BchoitT 111 , stance. The causes of mental breakdown “ works fine.” Orders dozen Quick. O. w Bryant. Helpful Thoughts.— J u l i u s M. A. Let to me saying how much our Magazaine are so various, so tangled up with modes Gal., writes, ••most interesting demonstration 1 me give you a few sayings of the philoso­ helps and comforts them. Now, you can ever m ade, can I hare one more eountyT** Write of life, bad habits, heredity, etc., that the all do good by having this good influence letters like this yourself—you can. A Morris. Ohio. phers They will help y o u : mapping out of any definite plan of cam­ s a y , i s spread. Send me the names and addresses The greatest of faults, I should paign w ill be exceedingly difficult. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY of one or a few friends who would be la he conscious of none.— C arlyle. According to M. Allen Starr, the insan­ Kansas, says, “make me spot cash price on lOO They are. never alone that_ are | accom ­ interested and I will - see that a copy of] m a c h in e s Quick.” W. H. Barnthoose, Iowa, reports, ities of the city, som e .of them at least, can “machines unusually successful, will take this the M agazine is mailed to each person. panied with noble thoughts.— S ir P h ilip S id - be cured by going to the country, and vice county.” W. H. Nance, Mo., writes, “ will take this D on’t put this off, don’t leave it for others county while 1 have the chance.** INVESTIGATE— ny. versa. The man whose brain is fagged out Integrity w ith o u t k n o w le d g e i s w e a k a n d to do. Do your share. It will help do don't stop until you know all about this amazing w ith the rattlety-bang and hysterical hustle proposition* You can make this money, easily selling good, and we all w ant that, I know. More-1 useless, and knowledge w ithout in teg rity is of the m arket-place craves the placid mo­ over, as the M agazine only costs 2 5 c e n t s dangerous and dreadful.— Johnson.^ notony of life on a farm , and the latter, The soul is s tro n g t h a t t r u s t s i n g o o d ­ a year, or five whole years for a dollar, m ost Tie VACUUM CLOTHES M SHER which causes some country types of m ental people would be more than willing to get A new invention—nothing else like it. OPERATES ness.—Messenger. breakdown, is best counteracted by the re­ so much for so little. All they want is to OR NEW PRINCIPLE. Washes clothes automati- Virtue is not left to stand alone. H e w ho verse change. This is simply to say that cally, without work or power. Takes place of high know of the M agazine— to read a copy and priced washing machines. No rubbing—no chemi­ pnetices it will have neighbors.— Con­ the best antidote for m onotony of any type it now rests w ith you. cal*. Will not harm firms. is change. The city m an’s life is just as finest fabrics. You can — E . S . T h e Cheerfulness is a n o ffs h o o t o f g o o d n e s s monotonous in a way as that of the farm ­ Welfare of Children. J. be doing other work w o r l d i s growing better. The proofs of it are while clothes are wash­ and wisdom.— B ovee. er ; in one case it’s a monotony of fever­ m ultiplying. The recent “Child Welfare ing. Made of genuine Honor is Your O bligation.— B. B. V. ish action that w ears out the works, w here­ burnished copper, con­ Exhibit” in New York was gratifying t o a l l sequently cannot rust or Here is a little story that conveys a g reat as in the other they rust out or become ;. C i t y c h i spoil clothes—never wear troth: clogged from inaction. out. No wheels, knobs or A boy came to the door of a lady’s house are at a cruel disadvantage— esspecially the Goodness and M ercy.—M r s . A . J . handles—nothing to get and adeed if she did not w ish som e b erries, children of the tenem ents and slums.s l u m s . This out of order. Cleanest, The world has been made good for us if exhibition gave a vivid picture of the suf­ most sanitary way to fir he had been out gathering them . we will only see and learn. This poem wash clothes. Each ferings, danger and evil influences of the over­ machine guaranteed s h o w s :. crowded, unsanitary, city life. It showed r Every woman wants on.** Alone I walked the ocean strand, of these machines—esc EDITOR BROW NE the needless suffering and, I am glad to say, you Imagine n quicker way to A pearly shell was in my hand; t h e cu re for m any of the conditions w hich are Of The Rockford M orning Star. make money than to supply this I stooped and wrote upon the sand now robbing the little ones of happy, healthy enormous demand? We want a My name, the year, the day. thousand AGENTS. SALESMEN As onward from the Bpot I passed childhood and causing them to grow into and MANAGERS—hurry and you "About seven years ago I ceased drinking A lingering look behind I cast; w eak and decadent m en and women. can seen re one of these positions. coffee to give your Postum a trial. A wave came rolling high and fast The person who just has a superficial in SEND NO MONET "Ihad suffered acutely from various form s And washed my lines away. terest in children would not have cared for drywi and county on a postal card and mail at once* of indigestion a n d m y s t o m a c h h a d b e c o m e this exhibit. I refer to the type of person And so, methought ’twill shortly he who shudders and says “ H ow horrible 1” a n d Metallic Mfg. Co. 229 Hyatt Bldg., Toledo, 0. m disordered as to r e p e l a l m o s t e v e r y s o r t With every mark on earth from me; then deliberately forgets and fails to rec of substantial food. M y g e n e r a l h e a l t h w a s A wave of dark oblivion’s sea bad. At close intervals I would suffer Will sweep across the place ognize any responsibility. severe attacks which confined m e in b e d fo r Where I have trod the sandy shore In New Y ork City alone 8,000 babies die a week or more. Soon after changing from Of time, and been, to be no more, every year from preventable causes. Add to coffee to Postum the indigestion abated, Of me—my day—the name I bore, this the m yriads who are allowed to become mdiiu'short time ceased entirely.. I have To leave nor track nor trace. sickly or invalids for life. The exhibition t e a r n M u s ic B y M a i l continued the daily use of your excellent showed how this could be prevented. It And yet with Him who counts the sands Food Drink an d a ss u re y o u m o s t c o r d i a l l y And holds the water in His Hands, w as practical and, like all real religion, it w as . By the wonderful Simplex copy­ that I am indebted to you for th e relief it I know a lasting record stands W ORKS and not m ere words. righted system anyone of ordinary has brought me. Inscribed against my name. Too long have we perm itted the slaughter intelligence can quickly learn to "Wishing you a c o n tin u e d s u c c e s s , I a m Of all this mortal part has wrought, of the innocents. Those who love children, play piano or organ * Y ours v e r y t r u l y , Of all this thinking soul has thought, those who hold fond m em ories of little ones WITHOUT A TEACHER J. Stanley Browne, And from these fleeting moments caught passed on, will all be glad to know that such You need not know the first For glory or for shame. principles of music. By no other Managing E ditor.” practical plans, designs and methods are method can you learn music so Of course, w hen a m a n ’s h e a l t h s h o w s A Good Innovation.—J o h n T . H . I being developed. One of m y Clifford Park quickly and thoroughly as by the he can stand coffee w ithout trouble, le t h im do not believe in punishment as such. A plans is a little farm adjoining where city Simplex System. The study is jjfink it, but most highly organized brain children can come out and be quickly re­ easy and fascinating. By our W estern judge wisely changes the old system yon can study during *°rkers simply can n o t. o r d e r : stored and strengthened and sent back with spare time in your home ana The drugs n a tu ra l to t h e c o ffe e b e r r y a f f e c t “A man of twenty-one embezzled $ 5 ,0 0 0 health and ideas th at will benefit their future quickly become a capable the stomach a n d o th e r o r g a n s a n d t h e n c e from a theatre in Los Angeles and spent it lives and m ake them influences for good be­ musician, playing popular, sacred to the complex n e rv o u s s y s t e m , t h r o w i n g i t or classical selections. Delighted in ‘flying_ high.’ H e confessed in court. The s i d e s . students in every state and terri­ out of balance and producing disorders in judge might have put him in prison for The Child’s W elfare Exhibit was divided tory. Some of our students, after venous parts of the body. Keep up this the period covering the flower of his m an­ into sections; houses, food, clothing, educa­ six or eight lessons, begin playing ™F poisoning a n d s e rio u s d is e a s e g e n e r a l l y hood. Instead, the court pronounced this tion, am usem ents and so on. Furtherm ore, piano or organ in church or Sun­ supervenes. So when m an or w om an finds day school. Others write that af­ s e n t e n c e : I w as delighted to see a departm ent devoted •hat coffee is a smooth but deadly enem y to the abolition of child labor, wherein was ter one lesson they are able to “ ‘You shall stay at home nights. You play a waltz from memory. I f yon *jjd health is of any value a t all, there is graphically shown the awful price the work­ shall rem ain w ithin the lim its of this coun­ wish to become a skilled musician, “ tone road— emit. ing child has to pay in body, m ind and soul, write at once for our free book. ty. You shall not play billiards or pool, ft is easy to find out if coffee be th e cause in return for the insignificant trifle of m oney Addresa frequent cafes or drink intoxicating liquor, p “* troubles, for if left off ten days an d paid to the tots as wages. M odern scientific Simplex School of Music , and you shall go immediately to work and rostum be used in i t s p la c e a n d t h e s i c k a n d methods were also shown, in the case of Conservatory 685 Kansas Cty, Mo. keep at it until you have paid back every diseased conditions begin to disappear, th e defective children, especially the w ork am ong dollar you stole. Violate these term s, and of Piwf is unansw erable. feeble-minded, epileptic, deaf, dum b and you go to prison.’ Sent on Approval. Send No Money. $2 HAIR SWITCH. Jug ■ *>°*tum is not good if made by short boil- blind. And there was a model of an ideal WE WILL TRUST YOU TEN DAYS. “W as not that a sentence just, wise and irtk ®8- It must be boiled full fifteen m inutes orphan asylum, on the cottage system, C hoice o f Natural wavy or straight hair. •ied , Send a lock of your hair, and wo will mail a ■Jr boiling begins, w h e n t h e c r i s p f l a v o r humane ? W as it not equally so to those which being the nearest substitute for the mo­ 322 inch short stem fine human hair switch to r.. the food elements are brought o u t of th e who suffered by the crime, to society in home, I particularly recommend. The match. If you find It a big: bargain, remit I£.00 no) general, and to the young man him self? lin ten days, or sell 8 and GET YOUR.SWITCH I I p?ms and the beverage is ready to fulfill its model shows a charm ingly homelike settle­ or/ FREE. Extra shades a Uttle mow. Inclose 6c “Did not Judge McCormick, in dealing V postage. Free beauty book showing latest style or ; si J -S °f palatable comfort and renewing m ent of sm all brick cottages, w ith the desir­ / hairdressing - also hlyh srade ewjtebee. pomc«- with the case in this way, raise a big mid coffee » m nerve centres broken dow n by able accessories of children’s gardens, hom es dours, wigs, puffs, etc. ANNA AYERS, Ucpt* 889 bid question— the question as to whether, after for pets, etc. The Exhibition showed w hat Q u in c y S t teb There’s a R ea so n .’’ all, men cannot be REFORM ED OUT OF mf slum children’s homes and conditions are I S i kittle book, “The Road to *Well- PRISON better than in it? and w hat they CAN BE as soon as a little ran- ville,1 m pkgs. the “Is it not som etim es better to sentence a care, some intelligence and Love are devoted man to honesty and usefulness than to a Ever read the above letter? A t o t h e m . M A R V E L one appears from tim e to tim e. term behind the bars, and everlasting dis­ Departm ents.—Many letters are ad­ BA IT makes IF IS H B ITE g r a c e ? ” dressed to me which ought to be sent to Marvel Automatic Hooks land them every time. hum ..*1? gennlne> true, and f u l l o f A friend’s Privilege.—L. The per­ Beat everybody catching fish. AY e offer a FREE I ox gSSS interest. other departm ents of the Magazine. I am and SampleHooksfor helping tolntroducethem. Write son who flatters slyly is not a true friend. (Continued on page 158) JAPANESE NOVELTY CO.. Dept, 30, Clinton, tow*. ” k l t 144 "1 h« New York M agazine of Mysteries T m i m p A i i M r a ■M-'ITOMi “Only a c 4 l M g l The Real Easter H i ] We are told that TW_ Met ofOaftifct Of | again, is the real meaning of Easter, C t a v n approached a street c£S?*) your friends. Som etim es a word, a sentence, a little testim ony is printed that helps YOU. Let us iove and magnify and >men should have beautiful I Y ou show it to som eone else w ho needs just such a help, and he or she in turn is renewed, “ A ll wi acts that make for peace ha^T1 I s l r . w d nearly every woman could and joyfully passes the good along the tine melody here and now: let us ciiniito IF Here i s an e x a m p l e : A dear lady, who had been given a copy of OUR M AGAZINE, was M h a v e a n abundance of rich, glossy ally support any man or woman X ^ tresses If they would stop washing the soon after nearly killedlied by an accidentaccic with a gas stove This is w hat she says: “I w a s to bring love and sunshine into the, \ prompted t o look up the M agazine, and there, in ‘ Bible B read,’ I found a text which, according Ilfs out of It. A soft, pliant scalp to directions, I said over and over again. I said it, I sang it, I w ent to sleep w ith it, and the moans luxuriant hair, and to hare It For how shall we serve Him next m orning I got breakfast, the first tim e in ten days that I had more than W ALKED proceed health and sanity and low \ It Is nsrassary for the scalp to contain across th e floor.* being healthy, sane and loving? ’^H, ths right amount of oil to properly A nother read one of these testim onials in our M YSTIC SUCCESS CLUB and because of sing hymns to the Author of Haml^V nourish the hair follicles. it becam e A NEW CREA TU RE. “ So happy to belong to an organization that has for its object m aking people well and happy Christians. I KNOW I will be happy if I let LOVE have neither harmony nor mel up, hat has wide stitched bptu bashes all ready to such people go their wav. Of course, 5t+negr*pl')% leteM iM iM p * I — i______1------» We give Boys’ Scout Suit com­ plant. These roses you need not feel unkindly or speak ill plete for selling 24 pieces of of them, but do not allow them to injure H M U t U U M *** our goods at 10 cents each. bloom all summer. Send 25 cents for you or impose upon you further. More­ Ladles ft fiMfetffiwSTCm Write for goods. W e send over, expect no gratitude, for this type of them prepaid. W hen sold re­ one year’s subscrip­ person has it not—and don't waste much turn $2.40and we sand this full! tion and 5 cents tor expectation about getting your loans re­ Scout Suit. p a c k i n g . A d d r e s s paid by these people. They “gush" about FRIEND SOAP COMPANY MAGAZINE OF MYSTERIES, Dept 1486 ,1 their troubles and rights and are glib with 627 W. 43d Street, N e w Y o r k C it y D e p t 112, Boston, Mass. platitudes about appreciation and gratitude, B t u v o but that’s all. You have a duty to yourself. I f o looking so old! You are not called upon to indulge and Cards far IftsSSfed^ Ohengo your grey mustache BUCKINGHAM’S DTE foster parasites to your own detriment j ff yssr Sroggls* sssaoi ospply ysn, »*sd *0 oonlo •# R. P. H ill A CO., Raihos, H. n.| Let them learn their lessons. —Sravaros to a rioh brown or blaoIc.H U s e T h e New Yorfc M a g a z in e of Mysteries MS

is $25 siit W rinkles mw- _rt-oor <*t6» nnt yon at once The Value of Growth Y” MmAA. js^SrfS e- four best chance ia | Growth. We find people everywhere experienced yet. It is t h e law of Groi ?V^i|?ptal««ick. Or o feri^ impatient, reckless, always plunging and that is carrying us onward. Oar £^i Per day easy or, scrambling—wanting to do everything at creased growth means increased hay once. ness; and this recognition is sufficient flntFoulaire’s ’ M $30 to $50 a week, What a waste of energy—all this im­ ^ M n > tru s t too absolutely. 1 make us contented with our desti jootihov Our Bis Outfit o pulsiveness. This want of thought and We w h o h a v e suffered a n d felt in t h e p PARISIAN PASTE T T rirfS am p fa Suit foresight, want of recollection. How can easily let t h e nice distinctions ftS^^/Stentow U lgraS at this Jnetforyon. unnecessary all this universal hurry and '’absolute'* or “relative" take care K f**L our perfect hand tailored Everfching m impatience, when Time goes steadily on, themselves. We know, at any rate, t o^to-^hey'H «are S3 to ant d u ju | nkh YmiT o never stopping, maturing all things in their we are growing toward absolutely better *S£**tlLiC** profit and confidential A ||. —V S dfj&op.,^wholesale prioee to you. fl II T F I T due order, making things perfect by the conditions than the past—to a me that ffKP**mnhiP and material Guaran- vOUTI w ■ ■ ■ * Finest ln_ America for style^Jlook^andj1 wonderful principle of Growth. will, compared to the past, be relatively ■ ■ ■ lo r We cannot enjoy more than one or two perfect. EpBj SEND NO MONEY oapUal needs OfWSnre.Doa't miss it. We want you. W eback things at a time; an abnormal supply Where is this Growth going to end? f iv^VkiiirW *“______eachterritory. Get m quick. No will only prevent the enjoyment of any Who can answer a question like that? SfS?> Ia*n 45ptnjviloand show you.JC Chance of life to get beet. Y**S«0 most money.moae: Keep | i t to yourself. H u rry | thing. Gradual growth, with| urselves Realizing as we do so many undeveloped becoming by degrees used to greater" era and n d possibilities----- in us, seeing so much work jjgil Central Tailoring Co.

M T S $30 A WEEK P _mttlng our guaranteed hosiery fo r m en, Yestorea original color SSaS and children. A fast seller and ]& mild, healthful man* “ Mpeater. Four pair guaran teed to m x In from 1 to 14 data. — aV* without holes in heels Entirely different from “J toes. Worn goods replaced free.I V anytlunc else. Its effect flamer sold » bares in two d a re -p ro fit Trad* Mark Registered la permanent, poet not m«L Biggest m ap e v e ro ffe re d to off nor look nnnat> ijants. Son can't help but make big nroL Has no sediment, so it's neither nor SKF------imi mill We greasy—it*8 as pore and clear as water. Don't experiment—nee what thousands of others hare• round safe and satisfactory. Sample and comb absolutely free. Be rare to mention orieinal 'vlor THE THOMAS MFQ. CO. of your hair. MABY T. GOLDMAN. Goldman ItOSTWara* SL, Daytan, Ohio ldlng, Bt, Paul, Minn. ______fir

THE'WLSYIIGHT ARITHMETIC SELF-TAUGHT , 0trM 60S candle power. C asts no shadow , A plain, easily understood volume for l Costs i cents per week. H a les and b u rn s all who have not had the opportunity of Hits own gas. Over 200 styles. E very lam p le a rn in g this subject thoroughly, or who Iwamnted. Ko d ir t Ko odor. No grease. h av e i or gotten what they once learned. I Agents wanted. W rite (o r catalog, now. 257 Pages. Requires no leather. This great little book sent postpaid lor 60 CENTS. Stam ps accepted, leather THE BEST LIGHT CO. binding $1. 104 E. 5th St, Canton, O. GEO. A. ZELLER BOOK CO. rBe A Manicurist— Eli 1870, 44X7IV. Sell Plan, ST. LOUIS, M4 Earn $20 to $40 Per Week Lam it bone In a lew evenings during your spare [MEM0RT doe RARE OPPORTUNITY. Take advantage of Ik* BASIS ■rmedil 30-day advertising offer to 1,000 women. WiftTtoTbook: "LESSONS BY MAIL— B EA U TY of AB COLTORE." It will be sent FREE 11 von write at ______KnowWff no. Address: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF —-— J are no greater Intellectual]/ BEAUTY CULTURE, Suita 18-D No. 2236 Eighth ------1 th a n your memory. Send today for Atom, New York City. . . - rny n e e book How to Remember”—Faces, Names, Studies—Develops Will. Concentration. Self- Confidence, Conversation, Public Speaking. Address [ftYOUR IDEAS IDICESON MEMORY SCHOOL. 7MAad't‘m Bldg., Chicago, ..8(400 for one Invention. Book. .WATCH,RING CDCC w. “How to Obtain a Patent" and AND m a n y r I t C C “ Whit to Invent” sent free. Send rough Onr American made, stem m od watchbeaun. ■ jnllT case .factory-tested, guaran­ sketch for free report as to patentability. Patents teed for 5 years, and this latest style double advertised for sale at our expense in fourteen J heaitncnetrm rm is given to boys and giria Manufacturers* Journals. 1 for selling: 20 packets o f high grade art port cards a t 10c a packet. Order Patent Obtained or Pee Petnrned 120 packets to-day. When Bold p CHANDLEE CHANDLEE. P a te n t Att’ys id us $2.00 and we will no- ^ s e « k r — .rely send you a t once th* E(tiMA*ill Tcaif ■ w atch, ring and chain. 067 p. Street. W ashington, D. C. Palace LKg.Co., Dept. 87 C b lu fT STEM UfATPIIRINC*CBirC W1N0& vwABuilcHAiNrnCC The Path to Prosperity Christ Blessing Uttle Children F ORR . SELLING POST CARDS We posit-positively . riToPRbE _ a 8TAM WIND. etIM bET, °i Uadeslrable Conditions— The Secret BEAUTIFULLY ENGRAVED. Plated WATCH,eqi ■ Health, Success and Power—The Secret of Abounding In appearance to Solid Gold Waaeh, American cadi, ®PP«Bs--The Silent Power of Thought— Controlling knowledge is being. To Know is To something bom, something new created— guana teed 5 p i n , and a beautiful ■Sii * ° Be'* Forces—The Lesson of Evil—T he lUse, for Mllin< only 20 packapee of “ 2 * °* Prosperity—all masterfully explained in Become. and creation is life and growth. beautiful high grade art post cards . at 10c • package. Order 20 paok- ■ S m J W 8 hook sent to any new address for AH our little material pastimes and It is a great privilege to work—to . ages, and when told, tend at 12, and M prtV oiCOIN 0R STAMPS. Write today—NOWl pleasures, our petty schemes and activ­ create. And with the wondrous mental I we will positively tend you the Watch, ities, our tastes ana breaths and glimpses and physical capabilities enshrined in JWcg and Chain* WILLS MF8. C0.9 DIPT, 420 CBUAOOb M o t o r s , librtriin 109, W ashington. D. C. of life, lead up to this celestial Wisdom. one’s being, how beautiful and how great .These CDCC This includes everything. It is far may our creations be. The man who 4RINGs L 1 “ more than the fallible intellectual survey works—who does his best, which will thus i a m o n d S. M yew b i b * end uAdtoto of outward appearances; the celestial be better and better as the days go on— at 1/40 the COSt-IN SOLID GOLD RINGS laAvaFillund yon 11 Beaad* Stand acid test and expert examination W§ H Mount Blnga to StU ok Wisdom is a living thing—it touches the is making Character—the mam purpose guarantee them. See them lira*—than pay. t10iniiMb. All the refe In Special Otter — 14k Tiffany nm 1 rt M Mow Ywk. When wld return inner and the outer, it reaches from the of existence. He is growing in a special Gents ring 1 ct 8« U Ilk Stod 1 ct |4 M Sent nalLSOealeettbeoelm Solid COD for inspection Catalog FREE, showa Sold ldd Blnp three, slao onr| infinite centre to endless circumferences, sense. He is traveling by rapid strides to BJjifi pwtnium eetakf lifting _| full line. Patent rial enure included. 10 centa1 [lDOponlmai asd hew to fet cycle after cycle, growth after growth, heights of genius—and not missing any Tbs Bareda Co..Dept.8 3.LtlapdlDfvtrSt.,Ckic»fS them. SCHNEEDEB GO., encompassing All. When we are really valuable steps of experience on the way IH Orient Bt., Falmyra,Pa. Wise we live in the realm of Harmony. either. MUSIC LESSONS FREE 30 Days Fr w Trial Could any word be more inclusive than The law of Growth, with its steadiness A t Y our Honie* Write today for our booklet. It tells pd if we haven't an agent this word Harmony? It means perfect —no rush or strain or hurry—is carrying how to learn to ploy Piano* Organ, Violin* Mandolin* in yl Some will say that absolute Perfection plished by invisible, silent laws—the pan­ SALESMEN WANTED T rain ed Salesm en e a rn from $1,200.00 to is impossible; that Growth will always be orama of existence and activity and life $10,000,00 a y ear, a n d expenses. H undreds of 8dlS e a t s w a n t e d unceasing; that harmony must ever be emerging from the mystic Repose. good positions now open. No experience needed Bottle Sarsaparilla for 88> cants.cents. J | to get one of them. We will assist you to secure btaiui E0O Par Cant Proflt^M associated with discord in the eternal The universe is an infinite System; a position where you can get Practical Experi­ dr®! Plnort Medicine. Compile*....with pure I vibrations of existence. These are points Nature presents itself to us as a mighty ence as a Salesman and earn $1C0 a month or JS p J011* to*** TTrltt now torilor terms. I D*o«. 4 . 1 8 L ak e S t., OnC h ic a g o M which we will not stop to answer here. scheme of Concentration. more while you are learning. Write to-dur for There are many views for problems like It it generally admitted that in order our free book 44A Knight o f the Grip, list M^T«WY ssd uptDirtlo^m^^Smen an< of good openings, and testimonials from hun­ il®*ttloiravel soil distribute tn n p le iib lilRmanu IP these. Whether we call our Happiness to be healthful, or even successful, one dreds of men recently placed In good positions. S ^ h tor.Stetdy work. I. feM ler.lriat. M0 U8,Chieago relative or absolute matters not. But must obey natural laws, and follow Address nearest office, Dept. 159 FdB TA laB , Secret Cards, Lovers' Tlpal one thing is certain—that our endeavors natural principles. Then how much ill- National Salesmen's Training Association ^McagoijeujrorJHKaBJiAS^j^ to-day are leading to far greater heights (Concluded' on page ijj7) 146 T he New Yor& M agazine of M ysteries room, the candles were lit, and it tented the same appearance of luxuri- A Y E A R T O ease I had before observed. Frank irded me with round eyes of awe, GETTM nobby siiiy Lently restrained only by his father's ! evtc c*a money for t i l ? * 5 V 4 0 0 0 . inoomn. fi - prohibition from deluging me with s n order for] d b a re tf 6 * I 1«» I B m m I * * > -» questions; I detained him as long as I ~ ~ ~ *------'-- w ill bo surprised could with trivial excuses, for a nervous taka orders whis horror of solitude began to possess me, your friends thatPr- - 8w S ir but 1 saw he was anxious to be off again ^ th o m with l^WQIIDCJl/uLfUUE'EITINGUISH ER to his dinner, so I let him go. F***a 8 m e e t RBoMHm ®Mei m ***® I went to the glass—and then recoiled. l»oy mart w “J? to ert oa“ L N jS f iMb MM' | I hardly knew myself. My hair lay w m t m and toh c* 2 5 l> 0 J taf V M S VMA damply on my forehead, my face was finest salts over m sj. V «*5v M m m mM w s T V M -K «® ordars and yoar i S S h r m ^ U m h iH very pale, and there was the haunted for yoarown DmiU to llr* arso with oar inrtrnrtiL. '•h !\ I m agfeM SRapM' I look in my eyes I had seen in his. Very n lsh a portfolio conbiJ!*- 1 soon the door opened— I started nervous- *>ms samples and t ^ifKb %6f 1141 Ml mi ■ stylos ot costs, sed inT * tK I ly; but it was only the colonel with a V Uonsry sad Intorm./^sJN. , Sto*. yoa st ones™,0 V V steaming tumbler. pleasant business. ttt * btah "Look here,’* he said, "just drink give you a perfect fit. w ' V S A Mysterious Warning W. ship on e p ^ Y^ > J CHIFFON PANAMA this off and get into bed; you’ll be all boon* examination. A Write (Cdaba udd f r o n t p o g t 138) right in the morning.*’ today— M B S .SKIRT $ 0 9 5 I did so, and the punch, which was, I a postal ^PaythVE*MndeS S PHIS Pim CO A T FREE i could see, beautiful girl, dressed as a suppose, a pretty stiff mixture, did send card me off into a heavy dreamless sleep, will do. » ■■■■_—1 I bride, m white satin aud lace, a w reatb «9> rmO mL0UO3 I of orange blossoms on her head and the which lasted till my blinds were drawn MMOOW ItHOMIC COMpISW » £ r ? * « S itfoa k f l t t A i lastly up by the servant in the morning, letting 1 0 .6 6 S i Hfl R> I long white veil covering, though not ■klrl • 01 I obscuring her features, but oh. norror! in fresh sunshine, which speedily dis­ • mvtRIt fiaacdtirai lyl B E T M •*«julRyie | trmmmf th* front of her dress and veil was all pelled the illusions of the previous night |i rl It n*«le of tfliH<4«UI H ahit- I dabbled and soaked in blood which I —for illusions I was fain to believe them I!i!£ book on Ann fiM M f la oopola ploifeod styloa h U>o1> bIrrr I ill could see flowed from a deep open gash —in the face of the bright wintry land­ iimintt boor Mocfeofli scape before me, and the cheery sounds Osleopati} IvUio. HMM O00R flo hi I satin uia in her white throat. nkiRA iiufM iai MilofeHi d o w n M r My head swam, and then I remembered of life in a country house which stole up if Mila to lim oaiM . PHHM mommT MSOlUTElT^ flare aassstty MlltiMR to hip length, no more. Suddenly 1 felt a cold shock in to my ears through the echoing corridors. I IEm i GvI os ponds yehiilf IR swowp ! my face, and opened my eyes to find A whole day in the saddle, and a| . just 10OMJ > I el u 5 In. Final y laiInml. Ite per- fuselyilltistn^jiW ■ F l y and rmAMH, msormr either Mr! myself on the floor with my head sup­ splendid run, followed by a cozy game of tainlnj cemegW I rr ilseiAfT Ignrti 0ls«m 22 to SOm.srssad billiards with Miss "Helen Waldron before formation coo«m7 i ipsioR7 i t to 40 inches down front. OdI* ported by my host, who was looking down the theory aod*2?« o «rs■auaek. block, nqwyBevy bineUneor or nedlan mod I i m brow^i • u. on me with anxiety. As my bewildered sen- dinner, decided me, ghosts or no ghosts, tlceol Osteon M m w gelher wiih rjg -jt THE THEE PETTICOAT■ T T sire | ses reasserted themselves, I remembered not to show myself ungrateful to my pluution ol tk/J? I with sank shirt st 03.06 is One light what 1 had seen, and with an exclamation kind host by cutting short my visit, as and honor that weight, fast biaeh ■ —rrIIho, made to Practitioners 5 di with sstsa rMr 6brrrr atsgoatfy embroid- sprang to ray feet. There was the same I had thought of doing when my first rufle^eurt raLe end drew string, ■ to 43 inches. bed, but in the bright light I saw that impressions were strong upon me. And HraHng) • a Sc£? it was without the ghastly appendages I found no reason to regret this decision far simpler and S ' ■ .00 DEPOSITS ------comprehensive n? «M u a u d waist. ■«■—rs down skirt 1 had seen before, and was totally un­ when a most enjoyable ball was followed O steo p a th y — s e n t absolutely Free to readers oi ^ front from skirt band to bottom and tenanted. Colonel Waldron began asking by another night or portion of a night of T h e Magazine of Mysteries sinsof petticoat, state choice of black. Thousands of successful Practitioners all over the d u « i blue or brown eolor end we will me some questions, but seeing that I was unbroken slumber. ized w orld attest to the ability of the American Colie? I ■ana yon the elegant Chiffon Panama much too dazed to answer, he took me The next day we spent in the covers, M echano-Therapy, to educate men and women in Shirt and the dainty free petticoat (X b y c o rre sp o n d en ce in this highly profitable and honS? O. D. by aayrsas. subject to eaamlna. by the arm and half led me, half supported the ladies came out to give us our lunch­ p ro fessio n . E lg h te e n millions of people in the United&T tlon. the balance, 92.95 and esprsss to d a y call in a D rugless H ealer when they are sick *** eharese yon pay the anent after yon me, for I was still faint and giddy, back eon, and I came home to dress for dinner find the skirt and petticoat perfectly to my own room. When there he put in a most jubilant frame of mind, much MANY o r OUR GRADUATES EARN satisfactory; as swell end stylish par- FROM $10 TO $30 PER DAY man toss yon star saw and the equal of me into an armchair, gave me a glass inclined to put my fate to the touch with T h e object of the College* In presenting yon with th I any skirt and petti* s > n » Miss Helen, hoping that, be my deserts free text book on Osteopathy, is to enable us to seat sold by year rtltC of water, and exclaimed: hoosdsaierat R |fU _ clearly define— to give you a more thorough understand?* "My dear fellow! What on earth is as small as they might, I should win, not — o f th e S cience of Mechano-Therapy (Drugless HeaW —-OOethaswlaa It eiO WI m w T fl ha sstnmsd stssr sapsosa and we * » the matter with you? We sent Frank "lose it all.” Some country neighbors W e gladly take the loss entailed by this presentation. V' will promptly refund your 91.00. up to you, but he came down saying you were expected to dinner, and I was S en d u s tw o 2-cent stam ps to cover postage, andwevoi Order today or write for our bis YOU s e n d y o u th is b o o k immediately, with our compliment? HR m att mmoii boor which had gone. We waited ten minutes, then, standing in a deep window-seat with! A d d re ss shows sssr 1 ,0 0 0 elegant plo American College of Mechano-Therapy .of fere and boautlfnl thinking you had ‘lost your way in this Helen and listening to her merry descripl sntaat woods old, roomy colonial mansion, instituted tions of them as they were ushered into] Dept. 462. 120-122 Randolph Street. Chlcaco, IQ. L Wash dresses 01.11 Ilk end fabric a regular search, and I found you in the the room by the stately butler, when “ Mr. I In I lor mede suits H old east chamber, in a dead faint on the Edward Morris and Miss Morris ” were p K n 7Bo. pttilcmt>| waists 46o. and every* floor! ” announced, and there entered—dressed B rat to clothe ladles, misses, ohthlren anil Infants, inclndlns immense assortments of I pulled myself together, and, as col­ in white—the girl I had seen in my| Palsty gssWa Baders mr st sin Uisslae prleaa Writs for catalog today. lectedly as 1 could, told him what had dream!* JOHN 0. SMYTH M .E lL58£. CHICAGO happened. He listened with incredulity I stood transfixed, and Helen exH and then said: "My dear Walter, you claimed: "Oh, Captain Walter, what is have been dreaming!” the matter?” But I could not answer. ISo u t h A f r i c a n P l u m e s ! "Why?” I said, rather nettled, "how Before my eyes rose again that darkened do you suppose I could have dreamed room, that funeral bed, and the lifeless myself into that room? I tell you, Wal­ form of her who now advanced toward^ dron, that I was as wide awake as you me, led by Mrs. Waldron. are, and am perfectly certain that what "Miss Morris, Captain Walter.” Il I saw was no dream. ’ bowed as in a dream, but saw a look of “ Well, then, the only other explanation surprise cross her face, and she glanced is that you must have been screwed! ” inquiringly at Helen, who replied by CROOKED SPINES "Really,” I said, attempting to force reassuring nod. a laugh. “ I only left town at 3.35, and As soon as I could get an opportunity^ S traightened at Home there’s not much to be got out of a rail­ I took Colonel Waldron aside, and whis­ In th e privacy of your own home, you cm way flask.” Then as he uttered a dis­ pered to him: "For heaven’s sake, correct any spinal defect hunchback, oi believing “ H’m,” I added despondently, Waldron, am I mad? That is the girl." curvature by the wonderful Sheldon Method. D o n o t g o to g reat expense, pain and torture SAVE “ I wish to goodness I could think I was.” He shook me impatiently by the shoulder b y b e i n g t r e a t e d a w a y f r o m h o m e and friends ONE-HALF "Look here,” said Waldron quite and said, " ’Pon my word, Walter, I R em arkable cures have been effected by seriously, "don’t you go talking about begin to think you are. That is one of thd Stay -Tyde Willow Plume^l this to anybody but me; of course there nicest girls I know. She’s engaged to Dun T he Sheldon Method . by oar new patent process which prevent! are stories about this house, as of every ning, of the Seventh Cavalry, and they R ecom m ended highly by eminent pbya* IfAs dtlunit flues from breaking, controlled exclus-l old house of the Revolutionary period, but cians all over the country. Corrects spbul M t r the Sooth African Importing?Co. Soldi are to be married soon after Easter. For] defects by eliminating pressure, tudU 1 st less than yoo pay elsewhere for ordinary Willows. | nobody has ever seen or imagined any­ goodness* sake don’t go and frighten her w eight off the spine and allowing the carti­ | Willow Flume, i s In. tone. 15 In. wide. 05.5ol thing uncanny before, and it will frighten by staring like a death’s head." lage to resum e its normal condition. Gives “ § SO - " 18 •• e.5o| i n s t a n t r e l i e f ; c a u s e s n o p a in o r inconven­ ~ *3 ** ~ 20 “ 12.501 Mrs. Waldron to death if you tell her; “ I can’t take her down to dinner," 1^ g 85 “ •• 2* •• •• 15.001 ience. It involves the wearing of no leajheri " *8 “ “ 24 “ •* 19.501 she is very delicate, and I don’t want to said. "I should be sure to make a fool plaster, steel o r other torturous jackets This I Maanifloent 1 9-In. French Carl Flame, madel alarm her.” . of myself, somehow.” M ethod is prepared to meet the requirements |of rich, sloaoy. tost male ostrich stock. Has wide. I of each individual case, and is sent to yon on fbroafl fibres and heavy French head. The # C n o "All right,” I said, “but I wish it “Very well,” he rejoined, "you can th irty d a y , free trial. If you are not then sur­ 1 grandest plume value ever offered. Only yO oUU| hadn’t happened to me; I feel frightfully take in Helen and I will arrange it.”B prised at the improvement we make no charge w hatever. Send for Free O ur C elebrated Specials shaky still/’ So it was, but though I was some way Illustrated B ook and record of remarkable cures. I French Carl Flame. 17 Inches tong. S1 . 0 5 “Oh, nonsense, come down to dinner; from Miss Morris I couldn’t help watching ■ •• •• R18 ® •• •• &‘£ s28| | I a good glass of champagne will set you her and picturing how differently I had PHILO BURT MFC. CO. Sent on approval Send 25 cents to cover express! 206 4th St., J«mMto«r», * ■ ” m charges and we will send tol to rights,” said he. first seen her face. I longed to confide I jour express office C. O. u . with privilege of free! |*«NB 0. |g HARDER 0176 M arden Building upstairs, for the present perturbation of assurance from Helen that I might come P r s e l d e e t W sthlngton, P* ©• my spirits was such that, though I felt and see her in Baltimore—nnd returned C i a m n E n ff ART t ETIQUETTEof COURTSHIP orlovers Guide awfully ashamed of myself, I literally to my duties. iMBiWs k'-aserfts-rr.Jfr'.naa'L: dared not attempt to nnd my way up One day, soon after my return. I had alone for fear of meeting my mysterious occasion to visit Philadelphia, and was ■ guide again. The fire burnt brightly in (Continued on pagr 147) The N«w York Magazine of Mysteries 147 is om of the best papers r* r *«*■? alt my life. / am saving warn that l get* as 1 may need A Mysterious Warning tern again. Jm sorry that / did << titled from fogs 4t Iper magaeine some time agp; I driving down ucnnamownGermantown avenue better off. / shall recommend cab with my young brother, when I •*•*1 - hinds and skill try and get them la tiimdiscerned a figure in the distance walking WANTED iq .If far it. Trusting my inspired meet with your approval, I am, PeIore us which seemed familiar- The Respectfully. 1 back only was visible, but somehow I Hh u u k L. Curtiss, knew that tall figure, those broad AGENTS uj< St. Bridgeport, Corns. shoulders, that alert, regular stride. As we passed he turned his face toward , l gnrroRy—/ lake pleasure n reading us and—good heavens! it was he, my SALESMEN Jumper. I *•"* ** “ aery nice. M y kus- guide that terrible night at Melrose. I “ j . e subscriber. / am sending you a few could not be mistaken in those features, an* Sincrrely^youri those eyes, though they had lost the wild, MANAGERS arms, S. Dak. haunted look 1 remembered so well. Was I awake or dreaming? I n s t j p t l jhb ts vmsy Nirtuo Thought Editor:—/ love to read I stopped the cab, to my brother's territory «l Uac Lm*ic4 State* hf in sp ir e d Thought contest and have been intense surprise, jumped out, with what I —•* toCsAMaral A®ont tarapU OSS SBU^i NT « sery_much. intention I hardly know, and rapidly iturato* g c m m m G s . TKl* li ” jgxiu Putt, Fairmount, Minn. s *rw* fw o p o tiu o n . a M a N w followed him. He turned up Juniata f e e t o M 14SJSS to 9*0 .0* • w aoi > jgif year paper and like to read it very street and went into a house, opening a w s o u p o l M s l o r the door with a latch-key, and shutting S > cor. vie experience I mb. .9 me M ttoaty, but I weel mca-[ j f m L o t t i b E l l i o t t , Norwich, K a n s , it behind him. I remained hesitating— n e n | or old. who «M d _ tlicir vary bast, wto %i0_| what should I do next ? I decided on Ivwel me aptaf* mad otao ’ g m Editor:—/ have now been a reader ringing the bell; it was soon answered T O $ 9 0 A WEEK follow leatrecHses. I ess p a nit in & m> kelling fores ■ ^ Kaiuiim* or M y s t e r i e s for three This is the opportunity I offer to a good maq iB every tei by a decorous-looking manservant. tory in the United States. No experience is necessary 1 m w . end I went y ou to b a p a ... J am so pleased with it, I wish that “ What is the name of that gentleman Never Fad Strop per sells on sight. 1 want agents gent st ones. Write for complete H E sseeyaeek. I CAN NEVER FOR- agents and managers. Anyone can do the work No cha i tformaiion today. Jh THB OCTOBER ISSUE, It helped\ who has just gone in here ? ” “Lieutenant Dunning, sir, of the *■ •* icjuvoiy. uiuuu, tree auverustng special spe introductory mm mm-k. It seemed_____ to_____ have lifted___l mome f.rom plan for agents on the most successful scaling! articlei of the day. Evi * buyer —quick, urhests 'ntJ hjrtf. This Magaeine I k\now_ Seventh Cavalry," was the reply. I felt Every call- .. a~. sale. — v~— Success • — is— yours. hwum Send forfoi reports of our men v are o lit in the field, ! laenwa and fill a servant’s place. had I, what right, a perfect stranger, to mat!colly Just a few seconds with the Never F'M a ll Stropper H H |p nupon p i B the B razor M 9 lwill i 9 |Pput I It H In 9 perfect ||, >vv> __andt BBBIbettc interfere with the private concerns of shape to give a cooling, soothing, satisfying shave than can an expert hand operator,'no matier how carefuUy he WOrkS. New Idea. Men Msn are nn» excitedPVfltr^l ftvprover thl«thla llttlellttlp wnnHarwonder in buy. Women buy for presents to men Agents and Salesmen coining money. The offspring of a deathless soul. leld untouched. Get territory at once.BI want a thousand men—young or old—who are anxious and even heard the names of before ? willing to work, to start In the business at once. Act to-day. Exclusive territory Cm hew the way to any goal. Besides, after all, what had I to tell? One of our men started selling In Louisiana; became general agent, controlled exclusive territory. At a Though walls of granite intervene. single time he ordered 50 agents’ outfits. This man started without experience as a salesman, but the Never The dream of a disordered imagination! Fad Stropper caught on so tremendously that he made more money than be ever dreamed of making In his I should only be laughed at for my pains life. No talking is needed. Just show a man the stropper and he wants It Immediately. No modern Inven­ IV river, seeking for the sea, tion has received such open-armed welcome. Please remember the machine la absolutely guaranteed Confronts the dam and precipice. and treated with incredulity. But, again, It Is positively successful under every test and trial. It answers the razor stropping problem of ages. It Is a modem Invention lor modem times, modem perfection and modem men. A hall-minute demonstration Yet knows it cannot fail or miss; ought 1 to keep such an extraordinary Is all that Is necessary. You will be what you will to be. occurrence from the knowledge of the p r u n y f t l i n u r y lust your name and address upon a postal card and I will mall you complete yLTIU n i l l y i u n t l Information, details, description of the business,-| Bwwtiisworn toaw proof|Huwt fromuuui hicumen vu«out Inail two principal actors? I thought over this I want you to know what this advertisement means to you. want you to take the territory Mr God doesn't needs Bible. He can tell question till my brain reeled, and finding and make 1911 the biggest year you have ever lived. lAU___ I______require is that you stay on the Job. keep things as what to do without a book of any kind. I moving,------and that . you . — keep . your _ _— promise ------to------me and- to— your----- customers.------—iThe■* pdsrihdltlcs are uni (limited; at last that everyone to whom I dared millions will be sold this year. We teach you what to say and how, when unit where______to say It. i Investigate. W mitt for you if you need a book. May It costs you absolutely nothing to leam about this opportunity.' Don'ti delay. Territory Is going fast. confide either treated the facts as im­ nor God bless you with intelligence enough to aWrite ■ to-day, and t o give t othe ------name ofiaaiatoa— your county. i a d d r e ss s e c r e t a r y . a the right thing without a book; He will possible or laughed me to scorn at the 1 you will pve up the Book and let him talk notion of thinking seriously of believing THE NEVER FAIL CO., 989 COLTON BLDG.. TOLEDO, OHIO li you.—Listen. such a wildly imaginary case—as, of course, I could only put it hypothetically —I decided to let things take their course BUYS THIS YOU NEED ind be guided by circumstances. SEWING A week or two passed. I had been to .00 A M ONTH MACHINE. Baltimore several times and seen Helen We will sell yon a high-grade, drop-head, Be* Easy Sewing THIS BOOK and at last had ventured on asking her Machine lor |L00 a month. We guarantee each machine for Ten years. We ship direct from the factory. We do not that question on which all my happiness sell to stores and we have no agents. We can save you fully one-halt. ^HANDSOME cloth-bound copy of THE depended. I need not describe here my You get the machine at once and use It while you are paying for it joy at receiving the reply I longed for and it only costs yon about 8 MOSTUSEFULand MONEY SAVINGl cent* a day. We have many BOOK and a five-year paid up subscrip­ from the sweetest lips that ever breathed, FACTORY special features in our machine SAVE FULLY I implored for a short engagement, and PRICES such as short needles which ONE HALF ted to THE NEW YORK MAGAZINE OF don’t break easily- Our shuttles 1 her mother being a tender-hearted old hold halt again as much MYSTERIES for One Dollar. Here’s an lady promised I should not have to wait thread as the old spring tension shuttle. We can't tell all the good points •fit» liberal, and so timely, that you can- in this advertisement, and we couldn't afford to send you a machine on the long, and our marriage was settled tol small dollar a month plan unless we gave big value and low prices. Wo ** »fford to overlook it. The book is take place as soon after Easter as possible want you to write us today, saying: “Please send me circular* and lull particular* about your 'dollar a month* Sewing Machine offer* ■MEAT SUBSTITUTES,” by the gifted In the meanwhile I waited as patiently^ Write Today. Address S H E F F IE L D M FG-, CO., , cooking teacher, Isabel Goodhue. as might be, spending my time between Dept. 47, 1421 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. business in Harrisburg and flying visits lii« just what you want; just what you to friends for hunting, etc., until a week Ktd. It win save you many dollars each before the day that I felt sure would Your Bunion Can Be Cured MAKE $200.00 A MONTH Midi wd show you how to furnish deli- secure my lifelong happiness.l Instant RelieF One morning 1 received a note from] Be Your Own Boss dm, wholesome meals in endless variety If you are making lesa some friends in Washington asking me than fifty dollars a week, without using meat—meals that cost sur- to come down for a ball at their hotel! Prove It A t My Expense you should write us to> T&iagly little yet nourish and please and As I had nothing very particular to doJ Don't send me one cent—Just let me prove day. We can help you and Helen was away on a visit, I accepted I t to you as 1 have done for 57,632 others in tne last to wealth and indepen­ •rengthen children and adults. six months. I claim to have the only successful dence by our plan. You the invitation and went down the same cure for bunions ever made and I want you to let can work when you please me send you a treatment FREE, entirely at my where you please, always "so, you get The New Yobk Magazine on day. expense. I don't care how many so-called cures, isnias for five years. This splendidl I found my friends had taken rooms in or shields or pads you ever tried without success— have money and the I don't care how disgusted you feel with them all— means of making barrels 51 V hrigazine is crowded with interest- the hotel and were a large and lively party. you have not tried my cure and I have such abso­ more of it. In the evening the waiter came to me lute confidence in it that I am going* to send HOW WOULD YOU and stories by 'the best writers. you a treatment absolutely FREE* It is a LIKE to be able to start and asked apologetically if I would mind wonderful yet simple home treatment whioh re­ Mh 5 *or Health, Happiness and Pros- lieves you almost instantly of all pain; It removes out from home on a combined business and pleas­ changing my room, which was a large one, the cause of the bunion and thus the ugly deform­ ure trip, stay at the best hotels and live like a ikeb 1 *ou ^ave rea consult him are unanimous in their pcaise body of water it was I do not know, but M a y F . and muscles of the stomach, tnd soon tstbn ■ Ml personal delineations. For a limited I thought I saw large white birds swimming feel like a new man or woman. Suflemlo^a ■“Penn ted free readings are being sent to all appli- about my boy.” Consolation in a Dream b u t w rite today enclosing 10 cents for pesv. ■cants II you wish a true description of your etc., and get one of Dr.Young's Peptomdsda charai (eristics, talents and abilities, if yon The vision appeared again to Mrs. Gark- On January 6th I had a dream which will a re celebrated because tney hare cared ria aish ad vice on special matters, take advantage in on Tuesday night. She was so sure always be a reminder to me in the future that medicines alone failed Write Dr. 6. C Tom efthiv offer Simply send your full name and then that her boy had been drowned that God will answer our prayers when we pray in Go.. (91 National Bank Bldg., Jschsoo. lOct the day. month and year of your birth. Be she went to the police and told them of her earnest. sets to write your address plainly. Send your visions. At first they were inclined to dis­ I was worried over business matters and had Eger to Professor Clay Burton Vance, believe but when she related her previous been praying over it for some time. It seemed FREEDOM FROM I Bureau 510. No. 14, (Rue de Richelieu, Paris, that no relief was possible for me to obtain. 1 Franca. 10 cents in stamps of your own experiences they began a search in Central On that night I could not sleep. I had lain CONSTIPATION; AT LAST countnr should be enclosed with your request Park. awake from a little past one o’clock until I and freedom from all the troubles which coufea* far a free reading. Postage on your letter One of the first places in which they heard the clock strike four, when I fell asleep. brings. Prance is 5 cents. Do not enclose coins Drugs won't cure constipation! You hats fami&Sis to looked for the boy’s body was in the swan No sooner than I had gone to sleep than I Drugs are poisons, harmful and unit Tiff ettri -ilver in your letter. lake. The fact that the mother had seen was at my mail box taking out the mail. This Irritate and Inflame the system- several white birds in her dream inclined consisted of several letters (most of which BUT CONSTIPATION MUST BE COBB were in long envelopes), and a few packages. For you will not be well while yon suSer tea ta* them to the belief that the boy had fallen As I scanned the mail I saw on one of the patlon. 1 ELEGANT THIN MODELYEAR WATCH into the water there. This theory was You cannot be well while you are a TkttetttttBr i«U M a envelopes the letters, “TOUR PRAYERS ARE Ring, weakening, deadening ailment. ■e-t— marimmMH OMru—agOyn; given more weight in consideration of the ANSWERED BY THE LORD.” This was in And PILES. All other Mood disorders for that gts fpUpind MiftrQM. fact that James used to go down to feed heavy dark type and could be plainly seen Everyone who has piles has consUpeOoo ato. Sas * 3 . 9 5 “ 2 the swans whenever he had the chance. at a great distance. Another letter had the the chicken comes from the egg. Eurthenmie. word “LORD” on it, but I could not see what not cure piles unless you cure constipatloe it at to The little lake was dragged and the un­ time. You must cure the cause Seel I TOtt* derbrush searched, but the body of the boy else there was. DOUBLE CURE. The best pOe ointment h tbs w» I got up and throughout the day this incident and the true, lasting, natural cure for consHpnBii* was not found. When Mrs. Clarkin was was on my mind, but I did not tell anyone. You cannot be well while you stiller from eoMJ* I W InrkiM hil told of the fruitless search she would not On the 9th the business cleared up and just as Drugs, purgatives, cathartics do not too kf««G0.D czpnudurfeapUdbjit, foe you. My method WILL. Send lor my freebra-S •nmmtHm m yw mm n d lf jou tfcl&k lttten»iat& d believe her boy was alive. I had prayed for things to work out, they IIApUlkM nklM fkaNM mat came. A. L. ANDREA. Dept. 1483,643 West 43d Sire«S*W < U in / W i J. for disposing of only 24 « AWL MOUS NOVELTIES at | 10 cents cadi on oar x ® New Easy Plan. Scad . us your name and ad* I I dress. We trust yn __ Hsewoso, Sassy Tepm, rn»M , Grain _ | w ith the goods. Waea ^ teythtea. 8 . 11. at »Uht. AatoaiaUae 1ow Trice to receive the $2.40 wad j H M BgjSjSjS T « il* » # aam iik Wewustsfew (ood, Ine hnitlen u> racb cotuay. Splendid opportanitr to W atch and R laf seat J KS*\vS mske te mimtf. Mo experience needed. Writs quick— M. G. BETTS. 649 W. 43d St-Dept- !< *> **" ■ew—for term. Apoetel willdo. Send no money. A. MATHEWS, 6037 Wlyee Street. DAYTON, OHIO Reduce Your ) ALL THE NEW SONGS & MUSIC - I Q c .♦ PettswT—rOMBneBspa. F»w flst K sp eeij ,W W LET ME SEND YOU AUTO HASS®®*, FFisfiws.l 111, By Beksal tbo Legfctnfthn usya. BskySSnrj IMLEwg Ifefel Bg. Im Boaey M. Bwy/TatoMs W >fc Bet Ok tfe t,~ fleas f n-fafr 1 Bad sO k L Z b a l M a ^ ts a . M l 40 DAY FREETMIlS Um.%| DmBa ami• OtU PrisjJT»eia«.idl bronfy !•»Cg* So cuoMaot u a 1 than Mb seutoM tois? ,1 MfpPaiihy bs. p am E P l C o o p er CO.BX. g | H ortO D .N .Y e nancath* itoow i l i __ |spw\Mv m infe, I bw * *' 12 POST CARDS FREE Try It ml my expense, WrM»> I will send 12 of the prettiest souvenir post cards PROF. BURNS gn« ever raw for 4c to pay postage andjnaiUng If E^wSSjl show my cards to six of your friends. H. ALVIN. *83 South 5th St., Phlla., Pa. OLD COINS WANTES K f S u p aU n e w t dated M p f UMl shd HMI . W v filfi V*Yu* Hooka H IMI —li l l. l «w * A^v.Krfioa, atCiMlailK.,Mu****** The New York M agazine of M ysteries 149 The Bright Side of Things say it is fotty repining—■ T’v merry, don t grum ble a n f r e t; A s?,r*§L™ntBy The Editor I /This R ocker Sent fo r* ! •~jr though the sun is not shining, How to Get Ready for Summer Menus sadness an’ gloom b ring reg ret. for Hot Months Our Five Great BUT- April and May are the first months o f spring, when everybody is tired of winter 0M-CREDIT Catalogs V,brnisking care fly on swift wings; and longs for a complete change. The life |fe it-seertts sweeter, though faur, faur frae out of doors appeals to all now, and people have a renewed appreciation of the healing, •n e t t~i - rtni ■ ! «l C«i h >k L m a , O O h a sm6 L e w iVhenwc^00^ on the bright side of things. cleansing powers of sunshine. The thrifty ^s-wkees — ■! stfi, e - jfc M M i a S S a a e w housewife is replete with sudden energy; , w yuSSljZ she fairly turns her house inside out, as it nmientinent'sa precious blessing I i a r t O itfiM *1 L b m i B a la a That everyone now may possess; she couldn’t get enough sunshine and air ( Tata!ig L 4 » -Otavae MB* IM M -C tm , ,' mnild all learn the lesson, into every comer. She cleans and cleans, : SleamttaMfiltW V«tf| 'TVrould help ns in times of distress. and changes things all about. This love of [CaMag H4) Ittk pm Stia *»« In 4n change in the spring seem s universal. T suide; M O eM k describes axkd Irib has u> Caere I the M g m tmer- The spring housecleaning spirit is para­ ) Catalog P-43-Cftotfclog farM aa-Ag tilth Being down your wants to your means ever mount in nature, animals and in human Storm shield, elaborately pirVrf^t, I Style Bash -1 hUsallshag f t fesenl ' dflVt a , a • beings. The desire of change in environ­ collapsible Go cart, full size. I *rhs, the lowest prices, sec. Much happiness truly it brings, Chase leather, hoed aad body in ) C«Ulsc h4l CMbho ti------ment seems to come always in the spring. Maroon. Green or Tan. HaM-indh C hM rae-A complete boefc. I n . nrincean the peasant alike can be gay- If the need of change is felt in m aterial •ubbertf.es. Order No- lf 1B i_ i styles aad quoting lowest p h e l >v/look on the bright side of things. surroundings, how m uch more needful it is, C l . 5 0 cash, 76 cants , O— er s i e | “ these **• eiehsMoasiy•“ T*****-*-*— — ■»( ft « .OO cub, SO ca.*, ▼ monthly payments. •»™*» *»-»■ W W W ^ .0 Or tb. u tl* «M ) y b h A | v nu-DKM*. Bridgeton. D a n C a n n i n g . then, in the food for the body. Nature puts Total price...... $9.2S _-Mffc7— W .I.II-S W M l r u t ______S p rice * . (LU forth a cry for change of diet; an appetite Credit Given to Evomhodv 6a Ivavytyag by Bb psst adlsda tagMtaa' for fresh green things. New young vege­ Vi CUll U l wCD iw LTOryOUQ| fed customers and a successful record el ever tS years. Goods shlaoil eay ph*f to What shall we do to keep healthy, strong tables and salad greens appear just in tim e the United States. Yon use these while paying —write at once lor any or all ci our 5 great money-saving cOahfL Address . peaceful? Feed the soul I Feed the soull to suit the demands of nature. If human Straus & Schram, Inc., Dept. 49 — 35th St* Chicago, IIL pfrwiuently into the Silence and commune beings would pay heed to this demand for 'th the ever-present God within. Place all com plete change of diet in the spring and (mat and hope and faith in the g reat God the hot weather, there would be far less it always dwelleth within. Men starve the sickness in the summer. ON mul and wonder why they are miserable with A great m any housewives say, “ Yes, I jforue weakness and continual disturbance know m y fam ily is tired of the m onotony of ELGIN W ATCHES CREDIT aoddistraction of mind. Feed the soul! and winter food. They have sickened of m eats and a heavy diet, but I do not know how to become free. _____ prepare these much talked of vegetarian menus, so how can I do away with meat, It is not necessary for a man to be actively potatoes and the usual round?" Special This Month S bad in older to make a failure of life; simple Now we are going to help you. We have bsction will accomplish it. N ature has a beautiful little book that is so daintily IT-JEWEL GENOME ELGIN everywhere written her protest against idle­ bound that even to look at it makes one long In 20-V ear Gold Filled C ase only I s t everything which ceases to struggle, to own it, and to add it to one’s library. Sent Prepaid on FIEE TRIAL at oor Special Rack Bo Horn W holm l, frtca which remains inactive rapidly deteriorates, Our book is called “ Meat Substitutes." it I* tlm struggle toward an ideal, the constant Think with what interest a housewife will L e t m e send you iffort to gethigher and further, which de­ read page after page of recipes for dishes thle Beautiful Genuine f 7 - velops manhood and oharacter.—Success. far more nourishing and strengthening than J o w o / Elgin W atch Complota ' are meat dishes, absolutely without the ex­ In 2 0 -Year Gold rilled Came, pense of meat. t h o BIGGEST BARGAIN Ever O ffered I Nothing delights my soul more than The little book is very artistically gotten the great progress and prosperities of my up; it is written by Isabel Goodhue, one of NO MONEY DOWN the greatest authorities on cooking. |t,BO Attar examination. brottiers.—The Blissful Prophet. Some of the many topics are as follows: S 2 A M 0 N T N Food Values^ Tou Assume No Risk Whatever in Dealing With Ui— beeause before you buy or pay one cent, wo place the watch right In your own hands and let It do l On Meat Eating. Ite own talking. W o ask NO SECURITY ana NO INTEREST-^ust plain honesty among men. Our Guide me, 0 Lord, th y w ay, “Forty Chews to a Mouthful.” Elgin W atches are bo well known and oar CREDIT PLAN bo easy, that no matter where you live or how small your wages, W E WILL TRU8T YOU* so that y on and every honest man and woman can own • In faith and joy, I p ray ! Baked Dishes. DIAMOND or a High-Grade Elgin W atch In a beautiful Guaranteed tt-year Gold Thy word of saving pow er Sauces for Croquettes, Nutloaf, etc. Filled Case and wear it while paying for It In such small payments that you never Soups.' miss the money. W rite today ter our Big Free W atch and Jawatry WATCH AND Gives light and clearness e v e ry h o u r; Salads. C a t a l o g u e • It tells all about our easy credit plan and how we send Elgin 19- And as the shadows lift for me, Jew el B. W . Raymond and t i and 23 Jew el Elgin Veritas everywhere on lies DIAMOND Menus. Trial, without security or one cent deposit, positively Guaranteed to peas any Thy glorious way I p la in er see. Sandwiches, etc. Book FREE My heavy burdens, h a rd to b e a r, This is one of the most artistic of modern Inspection* HARRIS-GOAR CO., Dept, 81 Kansas City, Mo. W rit. For It. Are lifted by th y loving care; cook-books. The information within its I The House That Sells More Elgin Watches Than Any Other Firm In the World* And thus as I commune with thee, pages is invaluable. The pages are decorated Thv "word” alone hath set me free. by hand-illuminated designs in pen and ink. —Sarah Wilder Pratt. Each recipe is worth framing in itself. Here is one on page 33- Baked Beans as a substitute for a Meat Quick Growth ot Hair Dish. “ Baked Macaroni and cheese makes a TRANSFER EMBROIDERY PATTERNS good substitute for the meat dish, as also do will send you G 11 * 1 ■ * 12 Patterns for baked beans. In baking_ beans without pork, place a good sized onion in the bottom BROCHURE Cloth, Wood of the beanpot. The result is not a percep­ or Leather tible onion flavor, but a decided enriching of the beans. A goodly quantity of butter 12 Embroidery Patterns should be added to beans baked without which you can transfer meat. A little while before they are done, FREE over and over. Any child can do It. The or when the beans having the onion in the newest, most beanpot are about half done, stir through a ATTAINED AT LAST — THE TRUE METHOD! up-to-date nut cream, made by dissolving one heaping le t ns prove to yon th at the Eoikott Method of Hair Growing is the genuine and adentHe seh teaspoonful of peanut butter in a little water, We will send you our notable Brochure FREE. We guarantee to grow hair under cash forfeiture* patterns. Fif­ Our method is directed at removing the cause, the dtrm odtx follicutorum —(‘ 'germs") and opening the teen tra n s­ and add ordinary butter as well. Do not closed follicles so th at the hair roots which are not dead, bat dormant, (like a tulip bulb, or grass seed la S fers may be use enough nut butter to allow a peanut bottle) are given fertility and a chance to grow. Oars Is the treatment that MAKES GOOD, flavor to prevail, but enough to mellow and It is guaranteed, Koskott is for men's, women's A children's heads, to clear scalp of dandruff stop fall* made from lng hair and to promote growth of new hair, LADIES* by using Koskott yon can soon threw away one pattern, enrich the beans.” false hair. We especially want you to answer this adv. if you have wasted time and money in llqnlds, pew» . There is a recipe for Baked Mushrooms ders, washes, soaps, eto., which accomplish nothing. We want to snrprlae and delight yon* Write Including today (a post-card will do) and we will send the valuable BROCHURE absolutely free* pestpm* shirt • waists, and for Stuffed Apples you cannot afford to Address KOSKOTT LABORATORY, 1269 Broadw ay, 264 S Now York.H.Y. dress panels, miss. borders, etc. Also for Corn Chowder. Bent to r only one Tomato Barley Soup, e t c . TO BOYS new subscriber to The Now let me tell you how you may secure! FREE PLAY SUITS FREE AND GIRLS Magazine of Mysteries, this valuable book absolutely free of cost. The M a g a z i n e o f M y s t e r i e s is only 1 ALL I want every ever; boy and girl to have their choice of 20 cents, and 5 cents for any kind of play suit they may wish. 1 have made packing, 26 cents. Ad­ twenty-five cents for one whole year. Now I KINDS hundreds of Mboys .____ and__ girls__ happy . . . by _ _giving _ them In- dress renew your own subscription and get only] dlan Suits. Now I am going to do better than_that* three new subscribers; send $ 1.00 to us, and and furnish them w ithi their choice of any of the Tht Magizlni of Mysteriis we will mail our Magazine to your friends p l £ y following suits: 649 West 43d Street Dept. 1482 Raw York Cits and send the Book, ,fMeat Substitutes,” to | SUIT YOU CAN LOOK JUST LIKE AN INDIAN. you free of charge. INDIAN SQUAW, COW BOY OR COW GIRL, Or s e n d one dollar for a five-year s u b s c r i p ­ HI LEGS, SWOLLEN VARICOSE VEINS tion for yourself to our M a g a z i n e o f M y s - | SCOUT, BRONCO GIRL, SOLDIER, BUSTER hihs,Tired, Aching Feet, etc., are completely cured t e r i e s and w e shall send you the book free. BROWN, CLOWN. B® inexpensive home treatment. I t absolutely re- Remember, now that summer is approach­ wra the pain, tiredness, swelling and disease. Full These suit, can be slipped on over your regular clothes, and I have wtajan on receipt ot stamp. W. F. YOUNQ, P.D.F., ing, this book will prove worth ten times as them in all sizes, from 4 to 14 years. State your age, and I will HI TEMPLE ST., SPRINOFIELD, MASS. much to every one of you. It has recipes send you a suit that will fit. Remember I will give you your choice of any one of these suits FREE, for distributing only 24 to last you through all the hot months. | packages of my FAMOUS NOVELTIES at ten cents a package, $25 to $100 Besides, it is a dainty volume, a real work of on my Special Offer. Send your name and address for the nov­ f t W EARN A WEEK art for your library table that you will be elties. Send the $2.40 and I wilt send you your choice of any most proud of. one of the Play Suits which you may select. I trust you with cu positively show you by mall HOW TO INCREASE YOUR I my goods. Address SIP* Book mailed Iree. Pege-Davls, Dept. 64, Chicago, III* | S i n c e r i t y , a deep, great, genuin^ 6. M. BETTS, 64) W. 43d St, Depl 1166, New fork sincerity, is the first characteristic of all a g en t s h a k e b i g m o n e y men in any w ay heroic. — C a rly le . 9* Ezperli&M. No Capital required. 6000 New Art Specialties, SB Sggr Topi £So, Portrait! 80c, Bromide! 26c. New 1011 Catalogue and Writ* Daniel N. Utter Ca., Madison SI., Chicago, III. Communion By Ralph Waldo Emerson I WRITE TODAY F0R0UR BIG FREE MILLINERY song p o e m s a u s g g s b h teffjl ap successful—bring fame and cash to their “O , when I am safe in my sylvan home, CATALOG, the great delineator *of tho to e2*’ Send us your manuscript, or w rite for F R B E I tread on the pride of Greece and Rome. . ^world’s choicest millinery styles H V ., ''LARS. Publication guaranteed if accepted. I *or Spring and Summer. I t presents 1 gfggj Dogdale Co., D esk 155, W ash in gton , D . C. And when I am stretched beneath the in fin eat halftones, scores of rich, beautifully trimmed hats for women, pines, . misses and children, exact copies of ex- Where the evening star so holy shines, * quisite Paris styles, especially *IG SAMPLE WATCH F R E E signed for us by famous milliners will wear and sell our watches among that r friends. I laugh at the lore and the pride of man, k u. 918 to 980 a week lo agents who droto their entire time at a cost of $20.00 to $50.00 uHbJ!!* •l*** vMehes. warn now for ovb FEES saiou watch At the sophist schools and the learned clan, each. Our hats are bewltchingly chic .-^I*®00EN JEWELRY CO. DIK.10S CHICAGO For.what are they all, in their high conceit, r and pretty, have distinct city style and possess tho fetching dainty effect found only in When man in the bush with God may genuine Imported millinery. Our prices are less than i wanted to make up ahielda meet? ” haH milliner's prices. We are headquarters for OSTRICH FEATHERS, (tit SEWERS »t home: ,10 per 100: can E l A W ER^ an(l MILLINERY Trimmings at wholssalo prices, H I „ H, make 2 an bonri work sent rialf W tie w Amazon plumes 65c up, French curl $1.69 M W M fflM S women. Send reply envelope rm*Uon. umiiiiiL ei„ Dept T h e r e a l up: full line of imported flowers and foliage, and beau­ 34, Pblla., Fa. purpose of music and all art tiful ready-to-wear hats, children's hats, shaposand is to open our minds and hearts, and trim m ings Wrlte_for onrjnUlinery catalog to-day and see the new beautiful styles for Spring and Summer. Oo hnlp pMttf, lump,, 10,., too Jlb ra t, IO0.1 1,000 $25.00 and without experience earn from Slo.00 to $?i“•0Q_a.week. Wein- fig L nHsglwwSu ®M iiuop. v u tm Oitalof qootln, prim, paid, awaken our souls, to all that is noble, | START A MILLINERY STORE t e L n d advWyoufree. ’ W S H si., HU.HkM, Wta. 150*158 West beautiful and true. Write fen Special Millinery Catalog co ntaining fu ll particulars. JOHN M.SMYTU CO. Madison Slrstl CHICAGOVIIIIIHGW ISO T h e n . w Y#rR M agazine of M ysteries

FREE f it BASEBALL OUTFIT Want This ^ _ f j f t o u r e x a c t s iz e ( Inspired Thought Contest — " ' s z n le. simply show Se6-K?si5l ^ date samples* SSr Prised, price?- ^auutia W e ta k e h ? “ tee Perico^nAVhJ' #5 a Day " • svrellort clothe E S 'V d lX Bonner Mont. ■norohortUi c ... an d makoS5.00 a < oxporienca needed, your territory ■ complete outfit tampion, Uteri rijlU*1?.** V 5 H US jo n nood to Uko ord«L° * V S J | w o w ill moke sou Your life and my life banded together in the spirit of co-op­ apodal in,Ido eration means an uplift for the lives of all other men. SAf!.&ER T*,rS"d^cs Many a weary soul, faiut under the burden of life, has been inspired and filled ewe^ho ivith new zeal by the potent suggestion of an idea, simply but forcefully stated in GENUINE 21 JEWELED poken or printed words. “ 5 0 .0 0 GOLD WATCH, 86 buys an elegantly engraved Naw Taut Moon, These inspired thoughts may have been verses of Scripture, a stanza from some been rate Stem Wind k Rtem Set high grade Ruby well-known poet or the simple saying of a parent or teacher. The effect is all the Jeweled Ladlee* or Ocate’ watch which la h l h ’ same—inspiration is in the soul inspired, it matters not the source of the thought. o r Double Hunting Case watch and we we will I We want our readers to send us the ideas that have inspired them and that •end It tor FREE EXAMINATION and U after exam ining th e watoh a t your express office you they believe will inspire others. These may be original or quoted. If original, consider It equal to a I I Jeweled 160.00 Gold 3 sign your own name (and address) only; it quoted sign the name of the author watch pay S 3 .9 5 and express charges fay iNM ia SSFREEMBS a iM jM ui this handsome watoh and FREE pateh chain. on the right and your own name on the left. No thought will be considered _for BBLUBLB WATCH CO. Dopt. 1J6 CHICAQO publication that takes for its expression more than fifty words of prose or eight U -m fines of poetry. ALL THE NEW SONGS O f e i t r Send in the thoughts that have helped you. They will help others, too. P o t oo Your Old Gray Bonnet. !•«.« My Fingers. By the Li«ht of ito/* Sm m 'iM m iI M litito Crwt, ■*». Address: Inspired Thought Editor, Magazine of Mysteries, 649 W. 43d Street, New f / i * LoveLxrrw MMy r WWife ife BatB u t Oh TooY«« Kids u <> York City. g m DoU.Poay Boy .Honey Boy.ToU Game J WUh I Had eGlri,Wh*aI u . r M ™ W ing. Bl* Book of all the Let*! £*»***£! , VtiUR TORTuNE TOLD ______Cow .U ab.G okJeN .iew ^Bl^ IMa 1 1 olut she may to asmteaa m love, m p le c tio n o f 8 0 NG 8 AMU 8 IC Ever Of feredabo Bi* r j *'*•*(2' wy> g ■ M i If y v e r I m e l i ere teiee o r trw ^ There is a world above As each day succeeds to-day. D ue Bill and a Gold Prize T kket. ALLfor ONLYlfe.coJu!®4 Im S FREE!ow ye ------.> ■ once or be diva * Samael Cooper Co. Bw7m^jS iwveUite— lle l e s l —« pr+i.jm jruty a n d b eta y o u B y Ch a r l o t t e M u r r a y . IBaadbB wa sMI datei M« Prum Where parting is unknown. m m nm d ■ » > to la p p a — ■ ■ ■ M B W rite phurn. A long eternity of love From Miss L y d ia W il s o n , CARMEN BRACELET FAt' rnor.zzxOLA.cvqH. 107 A HAVANA. CUBA Formed for the good alone. Hebden Bridge. •R U T MONEY MAKER AGENTS H e r m a n J. Cu r t is . BHOH ■ I iSall ICigaeUe p ark o g a of 1Combs Bud |M L e a r n to F o r g e t /rich; agents wild wni, sim> L e a r n to forget the troubles of ____ TVi| ||» ~ - — w- a(opfalltocbslri RE- W orry each day, PUOFi LONd 923 Aj A S t, PEKIN. H u Do you think worry will help you Think only of life’s best; 8RACELET AND RING FRoe along? That happiness within your Live Agents Wanted Put wrong aside and sing a little dreams may dwell JS'VX* b u iitn io hnsdin oar lU nH iln combination pack- song. Each night of rest. a n a o f m u and tolls! articles with valuable prem­ Bracelet a u d w S T WELLS ium*. Onnwlcnlcn aasntm sdeW in47hra..another When you worry it only weakens Try to forget the clouds that dim ■B lntkrSu.saoSberm.M ln l*br«. W rits today. . m b j o . m u Ctsssu lit tBtxto you, the sky. Do You Know Your Fortune? FOR A And makes you unable your duty God sends the rain Send us your n a m e a n d b irth -d a te and enclose 2 cts. w " ' LOTS OP PUN ■f l i t roof of m g and postage and we will send astrological birth -VaMhpJsb Usable Threat IwSHC iin m a silitsfy ii I to do. To quench the thirst of sun-dried, your fortune for your m onth; and telling you •» , 1 1 RmMl — t s p BM f t Ii—______Maada VUke # a horso| able* like a Also will include FR EE 4 other handsome Post aepgyi S m 5 s a usury and ImllMe Mali and boaatfl ef field aad parched earth, o u r p la n w h ereb y y o u can get 25 Beautiful Gold - Cardf as a FREE Premium. I. L IU1PHT. IbL OOUBLC TMftOAT CO. D irt. Z FR15CHT0WH.H.X Even if things don’t go just right, Refresh its pain. 43d St., Dept. 904, New York* Worry never made anything seem Learn to forget the misery of sin, l a t t knowl- YOUR HOROSCOPE FREE! Fanners Sons WantedI c d g t o f B n bright; The anxious care; M jm \fcfc Modi sad fell education Is wadi In sa offices 8 8 0 • nootk «d«ti>_ b| wft* advancement, ttaady employment, mast be oouest End ss*| It only brings darkness and dis­ God sheds liis sunshine on all Nsbisn Bsaacfc rAcri a t P , association i n betas sstEbUshsd jour horoscope will be m t free. Ardd a S h L o Ja »w eedb i lls Apply at c^ce. giving full particular*. TIsV M trust to you, hearts alike, a RUOORMful future from eelentrfio kM *M ft Lit your rnlhf emitrih • Haary M r s m Bsssslailna, Dnpt. 11. UsfitSa Caaada.| you. Write to-day. Money back If yoo r i a r When you have something that Life-laden air. Arts & Crafts Shop, Dept. 68. M La Salle St, Chicago, H F is h B ite and (lll^oor basket If yoe an. H aalt-riab-L■_____ oit.Ben Best requires courage to do. Strive to forget the sorrow of this flak bait a rtr disco ren d . Keeps yon busy .MAGNETISM — - — ------WINSr Jivm ^ nu- polling them oat. W rite to-day"ay and and] get a life, Ko difference w hat you w ant, try It, Vonbrnomtowatbu box to help Introduce It. Agentsn ts wwai ant_____ all else be*idea 130 page book 25c. “ H«w u Wla ie ttm 9 i V T . O ratory. D tpiM Ht. jLonl«- M o Worry will not pay that debt you Crown joy with love; 862 pages (illustrated) $3. “ LO V ER ’S SECRETS* Bert owe, Contented seek the good, sent y e t . O v e r 8 0 0 la rg o p ag e s o f v ta a ta g advice Ml *Wal YOU! NAME HUNTED ON LEAD PENCILS Foraea’* a key to personal magnetism, 146 pam 30c ilfarft LATEST NEW YORK NOVELTY Instead of worry try to smile as night and day. - Catalog------free.Aa W. - ttARTKBSt&ARTKB6, Puht, Fab,,B.LB7b« “ BarihgltolHi We * fl send yna M ef the aery best Imported rubber-tipped lead psadh with poor asms printed oa each pencil for 50 cents— you go; From God above. —rules pries J for 25 emits. They ere all the rage. Send for yours VETERINARY COURSE AT ROME. today. BUB. P tsd l 5apply Co., 41 Fulton St., Nsw York City For trouble when met is not what (Original poem, written after • 4 9 (|(] wear and upward* can be made takingotrT&t* # I aU U in ary Course at home darinr spare tint; tu|M n u r n c r r o r r >>ach neighborhood. it seemed, reading “The Art of Forgetting, Sn sim p lest E n g lish ; Diploma granted, positioniobtiiMd UHL b flu C I VlLL an matter what or how fo r auccessful students i cost w&thln rsacb of all; aatisfac- serious the disease will be treated F R E E . A And never as dark as what you had on page 90, Magazine of Myster­ Von guaranteed; particular* frea. Ontario Yetfirin* haded case is my best advertisement. Inclose A ry C o r r e s p o n d e n c e 8 o n o o ls *Cani srlf addressed. stamped envelope. Edward E. dreamed. ies, October.) Gora (formerly Editor, "Occult Truth-seeker*') I r i r f . i m VoadeTflle StoriH, •Bon Jig Ruskln. Florida. Alts Watson, D ialogs, Monologs, Hand Ba.'U So forget worry; it is not for you. Hazemere, The Avenue, Star beck, D rills, O peretti, eta. Ca» BEAUTIFUL PICTURE FREE PLAYS logae freeTT.OKSIM Xt To advertise oar roods we will send yon one of the Look on the bright side; ’tis the Yorks, England. OA, DcpU*l, CU«1I M owing xtfetaree. axe 14 z 22:—Guardian Angel: Lord’s Prayer; Pharaoh ■ Horses: Landscape. Sena two 2e best of the two. •tamps end name aad address of live different families. Every Woman Glad Canto. Mfg. Co, Dept. IS, Haynarket Bldg, Chicago 111. Take God as your guide, tell him M M ArHoH,,Dmp.,«lc WKtSVKR BPECUIiY! have Make the whole your trouble and care, I only just one friend, D iw tstlt jM O H O O ! family and all O O NICE POST CARDS nm mi fonr friends “iast meets fhoir beads off* He is willing to help you and all That is the Lord. Bless the Lord I Mar**ln«for r m tear. A t R fobfrlie'*" withoot knowing why, with Coehoo^tha W M B ROBERTS A CD., N il 9. fist bow long distance harmless snuff. your trouble bear. I have tried some of the people, ■ I far fic. • Cat’s Included FREE. iiuf r.MltOOn Rspta 21 CUsap^IIL I da B. Meyer, Derry, Pa. But they all seem deceitful, How to Jolly Girts M Oh, the Lord I Bless the Lord! the best Ctrl jollier published. 10 m The New YorK M agazine of M ysteries 15!


flo More Fat Folks—Beauty Book Free— W onderful Beauty Secrets Revealed by Famous Beauty, W inner of $10,000 Beauty Prize— Superfluous Hair Vanishes Like Magic by New Treatment

^ Canon, Winner of the $10,000 Beauty after defeating thousands of women who competed for the prize. L e a r n attractive figures make them the envy of Coolest Talk Womankind How to Ob* how she did it so that you may improve your own face and figure exactly others and place them in a successful, con­ Symmetry and Groce. How to in the same manner she will show you in this splendid work. It is tented position. every woman’s duty to rise to her best and be a better wife, a sweeter With these marvelous secrets of beauty l e d the Cool of Feminine sweetheart or a more attractive woman. A good figure means as before you, any woman should make a won­ Pal action, and Beet of A ll much as a pretty face and it is every woman’s right. Be not content derful improvement in her appearance He« to Do Theee with yourself until you have unproved your face and figure and become quickly, and judging by what many others the equal of the successful, attractive women, whose good looks and say regarding the wonderful new method Thing* at Home you should quickly banish your wrinkes. Quickly. remove your fat, develop your bust, beau­ tify your complexion, build up sunken flesh, meats Now Made to Furnish All Our beautify your eyelashes, and obtain a lux­ uriant growth of hair and make yourself Absolutely Free, n Copy of look from fifteen to thirty years younger. Tbs Most Wonderful Beauty Book. This great beauty book treats on a won­ Cat Oat and Use Coupon derful new process that makes wrinkles Below To-Day. disappear in from one to two nights in many instances, that commences to grow new flesh and tissue in from 24 to 48 hours. jp q|« b $5,000 a Cash to Any One Who Can It contains startling pictures of living Produce Beauty Treatments women which show the marvelous trans­ Snparior to Hera. formations made in a woman's appearance DeJa Carson, Chicago’s beauty expert, by removing her wrinkles, enlarging her ad winner of the $10,000 Beauty Prize, is bust, rounding out a thin, scrawny neck recognized as the most expert beauty cut* and building up hollow cheeks. jurist the world has ever known, and she Every wife, mother, girl or sweetheart— actices only simple, natural methods of rich or poor, old or young—who values her c■stifymg the face and form. She made youth and beauty, should write at once herself the beautiful woman she is to-day for a copy of this great book. 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