If THE NEW YOJ&L Ordered unmet- Roses ? See out olfet. Send fo>day for our Magazine. Only 25 Cents for one year 138 The New Yors M agazine of M ysteries Mysterious Warning NO MONEY 0DOWN-NOEP0SIT-N0 OBLIGATIONS!A By Francis S. Lillie tiLT in the year of 1875 1 received Imitation from an old friend of mine. Bel Waldron, to run down to Melrose, YOURS ON APPROVAL country residence in Accomack ity. Ya.. for some hunting. As those days 1 was—well, some 3 0 D A Y S FREE TRIAL nger than I am now, and having Physician Banishes ca a n d y returned from a three years* Fi ' ~ better a Mexico, I was naturally very Marvelous. Simple y / MtkiM three II sorts of American amusements, Drnes* Medicine,, aZ*' ^ W expense whatever. it any hesitancy I wrote off a jf acceptance, and speedily Remedies and Diet, Had An . Waldron slightly, but was ;d with the colonel, besides had met, not long before, an pretty sister of his. whom] "REDUCED m T'** t would be by no means un-1 P O U N D S ." 1 meet again; so I started off >f spirits to catch the Cumber­ land Valley train. On November 1st, Dr. P t.-_ Philadelphia physician, ”■ » I calculated a run of three hours would men in that great city. "rA ^ give me ample time for the two-mile I I Qii waist measured 4S inches ujl. ^ drive from the station and to dress fori collar. Hit health was oUe^h- dinner at eight. However, vain were my and tired all the time; dnll Sr, _ >, hopes; there was a slight wreck on the in mind; wasn’t able to work. teZL**1 line ahead of us, which kept me kicking to digest his food. He had * life insurance because of this my heels at a wretched little junction He was told that his very Ij, 20-YUR GUARANTEE!,! r over half an hour, and we only reached danger, and that unless he cosld *** I !■ A lbctift »a flU vR the station at seven o’clock. I dashed into fat, he might drop at any bom"(T JZ R ¥88f8 of Bfvl68 1 the carriage sent to meet me, and arrived He had previously tried all the mil_ nth iooClMr aachino or ref i at Melrose in as short a time as Waldron’s redaction known to medical ic«» *'.| f O u r ' FACTORY steady old coachman would allow, but diets, purging, violent non,# „. done more harm than good. ' 851 V | found my host alone, awaiting me in the With practically a death Mateaei ~ TO hall, with outstretched hand and genial in the face and a wife and liar-i , :-[ h « g raining and sews a perfect lock- welcome. Dr. Turner thought bard. He voifced. I'jlv OltBclL A S w l f •pnafiom it performs are Ajjmohln FAMILY I knew he was a regular martinet for ed, studied on a plan entirely origasl f?1- Hemming Rij ‘ * | on Lace, the French I punctuality," so was not surprised when ent from any he bad used, sad ■ fra■ m W g iN dutf. Binding tha French Fold. Braiding, Darning. most wonderful scientific diituray u , *- Outiring. K alh g F litif. Ruffling he hurried me up directly to my room, w fleliaf and Piping and Shirring. W ol which he has actually reduced bit . UW than morrelona variety and perfection with orders to dress sharp. It was a gaining in strength and general hnht w, * I bn in pti rated by the ilfirn n aiio of any < large, and well-appointed room, with a pound he lost. lo w in g machine in the world. The machine I piece and in clu d e* all the attachment*. AIao bright fire and candles, which looked very On January 1st of this year, h , cheery after my cold drive. weighed 150 lbs.; his waist Beamnd 8v ■ “ All right, old chap. I’ll send Frank and he wore a 15% collar. His hsaifiij,.*'- he is as capable of hard noth as at S i ” up to show you the way down in a age, and his mind is dear and bsayix*1 Please rend me yonr M-psge handsomely quarter of an hour,” were the colonel’s Dr. Turner’s wonderful mcceai fey . W uluatrated catalog, also fall particulars about last words as he left me to my toilet. his friends and fellow physician. Ha J*1 yonr SM aj free M u offer. I dressed rapidly, but wisely remember­ is simple, yet thoroughly scientific. ing the long passages, unexpected steps, no medicines, or drugs to be taka,«-,* intricate turnings and numerous stair­ wear, no physical culture or ritual ( W rite p o o r n a m e p la in ly ) no Turkish Baths, Sweating, PngjagT* cases I had traversed on my way up, tion Diets, or weakening method] d t- waited for my promised conductor. On the contrary, the system, units sev Suddenly the gong thundered through the can readily practice in their on l a £ medical assistance of any kind, it daga house, and I, thinking I was forgotten, only to remove superfluous flak at flt ^ The only factory selling high-grade sewing put out my candles and turned to the rate of about 1 lb. a day, but to icagfe? ■Bj i direct to the ueer. door—when it was softly opened, and a| entire body, and benefit the general Wg.) young man appeared who beckoned to from the start. Dr. Turner’s remarkable disarray at ' me. ence created widespread attentim fra , I followed him into the passage, which physicians and the general pabiic, ad fc > IGSPECIAL SHOE CATALOG FREE was rather dark, and began to say some­ been fairly deluged with request hr treatments. Close friends hare trpi a ] thing expressive of my obligation to him, specialize in this particular bnaddic CATALOGUE but he silenced me with a wave of the where he could command large fas, |g £! , a mammoth. hand, and preceded me, with noiseless business interests which occupy nan g, I time have decided him against it y w om en a n d ilillo fi— . f l w l l steps and averted face, along the passage. poses, foraiJcJi mates. Onrshoes In answer, however, to the Bikzai) d, P th e b e s t, fin e s t a n d m o st dnrabtoi I thought this was odd, but my surprise quests for information and in ordsflufla in the world. They comprise the increased when he took an abrupt turn have the benefits of the system it vusn m rreun of the shoe market B fortune to discover, he has prcpsnd i a possess fault less styje^D to the left, which I did not remember, booklet treating on his method sail dgF> feet finish, fit as i n and we found ourselves in a long, low, aea#m s and are an era fleshy man and woman how they nr g, __ ____■ to wear as a niipperJ oak-paneled corridor, dimly lighted by a plish the same happy rear!', wiihutha Ifw ry pafr made from choicest | hanging lamp. danger or inconvenience. He ha taiaa leather by —swt dom rim hooka without charge to those who hro c I began to feel a curious sensation him and has a few hundred copies K. c I WE UNDERSELL stealing over me, and endeavored to I he has agreed to distribute so leag n r ; “ ■ 5* odi^TI EVERYBODY.! speak, but was withheld by an undefined! among fleshy people sufficiently intomedubi |N o a m . r a m e e t o w r two-cent stamp for postage. The Dtowipn SHOES SSarail Women’s low feeling, so followed my guide in perfect address in Dr. F. Turner, CUrt flat It re patent Irathsrr silence to the end of the corridor. He •hnee. JL19; men’s shoes. $1-25; Suite 126 A, Syracuse, N. T., sad ay ss '■gO; misses’ and children’) then passed through a green baize door, for the booklet sent there wffl be gnu pa R R t h a l f y o n r s h o e d e a le r 's up a flight of corkscrew stairs, and attention. ____THAT FOR OH Bit. FEE SHOE CATALOGUE, m o o t through another passage, I still feeling imlMrttwiiRjRMkiweim! JOHN M. SMYTH GO. ia « tf CHICAGO myself impelled to follow, till he stopped, This Beautiful I We will ship yon • opened a door, and stood back for me to Wi llow Plume j "RANGER” BICYCLE I pass before him. 0 DAYS FR EE TRIALHon approval, freight I had not seen his face before, b u t had 0 N im i9 / ■repaid to any place in thee United States wwithout ith o u t a cent deposit tn advance, and observed he was above the middle height,] Tbs willow plume rallow Gen days free trial fromFrom the day yonyou receive it. If it does not suit you in th at to boI affected every way sad is not all or moreme than we claim for iit t aand n d a bbetter e tte r bbicycle ic y c le thanth a n youyo u can get] with a good figure and rather military __/ weather conditions, ear where else regardless of price,ic e , or if for anya n y reason whatever youyon do not wish to keep1 it, | gait; his hair was fair and cut very short. I to aheolately rainproof.
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