Multilingual Information Retrieval

Doug Oard College of Information Studies and UMIACS University of Maryland, College Park USA

January 14, 2019 AFIRM Global Trade

2.5 USA

2.0 EU 1.5

1.0 Exports (Trillions of USD) Exports (Trillions Japan 0.5 South Korea

0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Imports (Trillions of USD)

Source: Wikipedia (mostly 2017 estimates) Most Widely-Spoken

English Hindi Spanish French Modern Std Arabic Russian Bengali Portuguese Indonesian Urdu German Japanese Swahili Western Punjabi Javanese L1 speakers Telugu Turkish Korean L2 speakers Marathi Tamil Yue Chinese Vietnamese Italian Hausa Thai Persian 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Billions of Speakers

Source: (SIL), 2018 Global Internet Users

2% 4% 4%

4% 5% 0% 4% 2% 5% 33% English 8% Chinese Spanish 5% 2% Japanese 6% Portuguese German 6% 4% Arabic French 64% 5% Russian Korean


28% What Does “Multilingual” Mean? • Mixed- document – Document containing more than one language • Mixed-language collection – Collection of documents in different languages • Multi-monolingual systems – Can retrieve from a mixed-language collection • Cross-language system – Query in one language finds document in another • (Truly) multingual system – Queries can find documents in any language A Story in Two Parts

• IR from the ground up in any language – Focusing on document representation

• Cross-Language IR – To the extent time allows Query Documents

Representation Representation Function Function

Query Representation Document Representation

Comparison Function Index

Hits | 0 NUL | 32 SPACE | 64 @ | 96 ` | | 1 SOH | 33 ! | 65 A | 97 a | | 2 STX | 34 " | 66 B | 98 b | | 3 ETX | 35 # | 67 C | 99 c | ASCII | 4 EOT | 36 $ | 68 D | 100 d | | 5 ENQ | 37 % | 69 E | 101 e | | 6 ACK | 38 & | 70 F | 102 f | • American Standard | 7 BEL | 39 ' | 71 G | 103 g | | 8 BS | 40 ( | 72 H | 104 h | | 9 HT | 41 ) | 73 I | 105 i | Code for Information | 10 LF | 42 * | 74 J | 106 j | | 11 VT | 43 + | 75 K | 107 k | Interchange | 12 FF | 44 , | 76 L | 108 l | | 13 CR | 45 - | 77 M | 109 m | | 14 SO | 46 . | 78 N | 110 n | | 15 SI | 47 / | 79 O | 111 o | | 16 DLE | 48 0 | 80 P | 112 p | • ANSI X3.4-1968 | 17 DC1 | 49 1 | 81 Q | 113 q | | 18 DC2 | 50 2 | 82 R | 114 r | | 19 DC3 | 51 3 | 83 S | 115 s | | 20 DC4 | 52 4 | 84 T | 116 t | | 21 NAK | 53 5 | 85 U | 117 u | | 22 SYN | 54 6 | 86 V | 118 v | | 23 ETB | 55 7 | 87 W | 119 w | | 24 CAN | 56 8 | 88 X | 120 x | | 25 EM | 57 9 | 89 Y | 121 y | | 26 SUB | 58 : | 90 Z | 122 z | | 27 ESC | 59 ; | 91 [ | 123 { | | 28 FS | 60 < | 92 \ | 124 | | | 29 GS | 61 = | 93 ] | 125 } | | 30 RS | 62 > | 94 ^ | 126 ~ | | 31 US | 64 ? | 95 _ | 127 DEL | The Latin-1 Character Set

• ISO 8859-1 8-bit characters for Western Europe – French, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, Portuguese, Italian, Albanian, Afrikaans, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Faroese, Icelandic, Irish, Scottish, and English

Printable Characters, 7-bit ASCII Additional Defined Characters, ISO 8859-1 Other ISO-8859 Character Sets

-2 -6

-3 -7

-4 -8

-5 -9 East Asian Character Sets

• More than 256 characters are needed – Two-byte encoding schemes (e.g., EUC) are used • Several countries have unique character sets – GB in Peoples Republic of China, BIG5 in , JIS in Japan, KS in Korea, TCVN in Vietnam • Many characters appear in several languages – Research Libraries Group developed EACC • Unified “CJK” character set for USMARC records Unicode

• Single code for all the world’s characters – ISO Standard 10646 • Separates “code space” from “encoding” – Code space extends Latin-1 • The first 256 positions are identical – UTF-7 encoding will pass through email • Uses only the 64 printable ASCII characters – UTF-8 encoding is designed for disk file systems Limitations of Unicode

• Produces larger files than Latin-1 • Fonts may be hard to obtain for some characters • Some characters have multiple representations – e.g., accents can be part of a character or separate • Some characters look identical when printed – But they come from unrelated languages • Encoding does not define the “sort order” Strings and Segments • Retrieval is (often) a search for concepts – But what we actually search are character strings

• What strings best represent concepts? – In English, words are often a good choice • Well-chosen phrases might also be helpful – In German, compounds may need to be split • Otherwise queries using constituent words would fail – In Chinese, word boundaries are not marked • Thissegmentationproblemissimilartothatofspeech Tokenization

• Words (from linguistics): – Morphemes are the units of meaning – Combined to make words • Anti (disestablishmentarian) ism

• Tokens (from computer science) – Doug ’s running late ! Morphological Segmentation

Swahili Example a + li + ni + andik + ish + a he + past-tense + me + write + causer-effect + Declarative-mode

Credit: Ramy Eskander Morphological Segmentation

Somali Example cun + t + aa eat + sh + present- e tense

Credit: Ramy Eskander Stemming • Conflates words, usually preserving meaning – Rule-based suffix-stripping helps for English • {destroy, destroyed, destruction}: destr – Prefix-stripping is needed in some languages • Arabic: {alselam}: selam [Root: SLM (peace)] • Imperfect: goal is to usually be helpful – Overstemming • {centennial,century,center}: cent – Understamming: • {acquire,acquiring,acquired}: acquir • {acquisition}: acquis • Snowball: rule-based system for making stemmers Longest Substring Segmentation

• Greedy algorithm based on a lexicon

• Start with a list of every possible term

• For each unsegmented string – Remove the longest single substring in the list – Repeat until no substrings are found in the list Longest Substring Example

• Possible German compound term (!): – washington

• List of German words: – ach, hin, hing, sei, ton, was, wasch

• Longest substring segmentation – was-hing-ton – Roughly translates as “What is attached?” oil probe petroleum survey take samples

cymbidium probe survey goeringii oil take samples restrain petroleum Probabilistic Segmentation

• For an input string c1 c2 c3 … cn

• Try all possible partitions into w1 w2 w3 …

– c1 c2 c3 … cn

– c1 c2 c3 c3 … cn

– c1 c2 c3 … cn – etc. • Choose the highest probability partition

– Compute Pr(w1 w2 w3 ) using a language model • Challenges: search, probability estimation Non-Segmentation: N-gram Indexing

• Consider a Chinese document c1 c2 c3 … cn

• Don’t segment (you could be wrong!)

• Instead, treat every character bigram as a term

c1 c2 , c2 c3 , c3 c4 , … , cn-1 cn

• Break up queries the same way A “Term” is Whatever You Index

• Word sense • Token • Word • Stem • Character n-gram • Phrase Summary • A term is whatever you index – So the key is to index the right kind of terms!

• Start by finding fundamental features – We have focused on character coded text – Same ideas apply to handwriting, OCR, and speech

• Combine characters into easily recognized units – Words where possible, character n-grams otherwise

• Apply further processing to optimize results – Stemming, phrases, … A Story in Two Parts

• IR from the ground up in any language – Focusing on document representation

Cross-Language IR – To the extent time allows Query-Language CLIR

Somali Document Collection

Translation Results System

select examine

Retrieval Engine English queries English Document Collection Document-Language CLIR

Somali Document Collection

Somali documents Retrieval Translation Results Engine System Somali queries select examine

English queries Query vs. Document Translation

• Query translation – Efficient for short queries (not relevance feedback) – Limited context for ambiguous query terms

• Document translation – Rapid support for interactive selection – Need only be done once (if query language is same) Indexing Time: Statistical Document Translation

500 monolingual cross-language 400



100 Indexing time (sec)


0 10 15 20 25 35 40 45 Thousands of documents Language-Neutral Retrieval

Somali Query Terms

Query “Translation”

English 1: 0.91 Document “Interlingual” Document 2: 0.57 “Translation” Retrieval Terms 3: 0.36 Translation Evidence • Lexical Resources – Phrase books, bilingual dictionaries, … • Large text collections – Translations (“parallel”) – Similar topics (“comparable”) • Similarity – Similar writing (if the character set is the same) – Similar pronunciation • People – May be able to guess topic from lousy translations Types of Lexical Resources • Ontology – Organization of knowledge • Thesaurus – Ontology specialized to support search • Dictionary – Rich word list, designed for use by people • Lexicon – Rich word list, designed for use by a machine • Bilingual term list – Pairs of translation-equivalent terms Full Query

Named entities added

Named entities from term list

Named entities removed Backoff Translation • Lexicon might contain stems, surface forms, or some combination of the two.

Document Translation Lexicon mangez mangez - eat surface form surface form mangez mange mange - eats eat stem surface form mange mangez mange - eat surface form stem mangez mange mangent mange - eat stem stem Hieroglyphic

Egyptian Demotic

Greek Types of Bilingual Corpora

• Parallel corpora: translation-equivalent pairs – Document pairs – Sentence pairs – Term pairs

• Comparable corpora: topically related – Collection pairs – Document pairs Some Modern Rosetta Stones • News: – DE-News (German-English) – Hong-Kong News, Xinhua News (Chinese-English) • Government: – Canadian Hansards (French-English) – Europarl (Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portugese, Spanish, Swedish) – UN Treaties (Russian, English, Arabic, …) • Religion – Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon Word-Level Alignment

English Diverging opinions about planned tax reform

Unterschiedliche Meinungen zur geplanten Steuerreform German

English Madam President , I had asked the administration …

Señora Presidenta, había pedido a la administración del Parlamento … Spanish A Translation Model

• From word-aligned bilingual text, we induce a translation model = p( fi | e) where, ∑ p( fi | e) 1 f • Example: i

p(探测|survey) = 0.4 p(试探|survey) = 0.3 p(测量|survey) = 0.25 p(样品|survey) = 0.05 Using Multiple Translations • Weighted Structured Query Translation – Takes advantage of multiple translations and translation probabilities • TF and DF of query term e are computed using TF and DF of its translations:

TF(e, Dk ) = ∑ p( fi | e)×TF( fi , Dk ) fi

DF(e) = ∑ p( fi | e)× DF( fi ) fi BM-25

term frequency

(N − df (e) + 0.5) (2.2*tf (e,d )) 8*qtf (e) [log ][ k ] ∑ + dl(d ) + e∈Q (df (e) 0.5) (0.3+ 0.9* k + tf (e,d )) 7 qtf (e) avdl k document frequency document length Retrieval Effectiveness 110% DAMM IMM PSQ 100%




60% MAP: CLIR/Monolingual MAP: 50%

40% 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Cumulative Probability Threshold

CLEF French Bilingual Query Expansion

source language query

Source Target Query Language Language results Translation IR IR

expanded expanded source language target language query terms

source language target language collection collection

Pre-translation expansion Post-translation expansion Query Expansion Effect



0.25 Both 0.20 Post 0.15 Pre None 0.10

Mean Average MeanPrecision Average 0.05

0.00 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 Unique Dutch Terms

Paul McNamee and James Mayfield, SIGIR-2002 Cognate Matching

• Dictionary coverage is inherently limited – Translation of proper names – Translation of newly coined terms – Translation of unfamiliar technical terms

• Strategy: model derivational translation – Orthography-based – Pronunciation-based Matching Orthographic Cognates

• Retain untranslatable words unchanged – Often works well between European languages

• Rule-based systems – Even off-the-shelf spelling correction can help!

• Subword (e.g., character-level) MT – Trained using a set of representative cognates Matching Phonetic Cognates

• Forward transliteration – Generate all potential transliterations

• Reverse transliteration – Guess source string(s) that produced a transliteration

• Match in phonetic space Cross-Language “Retrieval”


Query Translation Translated Query

Search Ranked List Uses of “MT” in CLIR

Term Translation

Query Query Term Matching Formulation Translated Snippet Translation Query Query Translation Indicative Translation Search Ranked List Informative

Selection Document Translation

Examination Document Query Reformulation

Use Interactive Cross-Language Question Answering








1 Users Users with Answers Correct

0 8 11 13 4 16 6 14 7 2 10 15 12 1 3 9 5 Question Number iCLEF 2004 Questions, Grouped by Difficulty 8 Who is the managing director of the International Monetary Fund? 11 Who is the president of Burundi? 13 Of what team is Bobby Robson coach? 4 Who committed the terrorist attack in the Tokyo underground? 16 Who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1994? 6 When did Latvia gain independence?

14 When did the attack at the Saint-Michel underground station in Paris occur? 7 How many people were declared missing in the Philippines after the typhoon “Angela”? 2 How many human genes are there? 10 How many people died of asphyxia in the Baku underground? 15 How many people live in Bombay? 12 What is Charles Millon's political party?

1 What year was Thomas Mann awarded the Nobel Prize? 3 Who is the German Minister for Economic Affairs? 9 When did Lenin die? 5 How much did the Channel Tunnel cost? For Further Reading • Multilingual IR – Paul McNamee et al, Addressing Morphological Variation in Alphabetic Languages, SIGIR, 2009 • African-Language IR – Open CLIR Challenge (Swahili), IARPA, 2018 – Nkosana Malumba et al, AfriWeb: A Search Engine for a Marginalized Language, ICADL, 2015 • Cross-Language IR – Jian-Yun Nie, Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Synthesis Lectures in HLT, Morgan&Claypool, 2010 – Jianqiang Wang and Douglas W. Oard, Matching Meaning for Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Information Processing and Management, 2012