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Sporuqht Chinese Scientists at Work X SPOrUQHT Chinese Scientists at Work X ProJ.Wu Jlkong (third from left), noted computer expert and member of the General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Song Hongzhao (right) of Itie Beijing Union developed a large-capacity computer. Hospital devised a new method for treating choriocarcinoma, raising tfie cure rate from 10.8 percent to 82.2 percent. Engineer Luo Lalkang of Shandong Province was awarded a gold medal at the 1985 world exhibition of young inventors' creation in Bulgaria for his invention of viscose paper for heat-treatment protection. China has more than 7 million people employed In science fields. Over the past six years, they have made considerable contributions to the nation's socialist construction. Sun Jiadong, chief engineer of ttw Chinese Ministry of Astronautics Industry, has successfully developed an experiment telecommunication satellite and microwave survey control system. VOL- 29, No.31 AUGUST 4, 1986 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK CONTENTS NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 PDHUcal RefDrm N«w EsMntlal Zhao's Six-Nation Visit Is a Success • StreamUning the administrative machine, raising work standards, changing the methods of appointing officials, EVENTS/TRENDS S^ improving the legal system, increasing socialist democracy and Political Reform Put on Agenda separating the powers of P&rty and government — these are the Drive Launched to Help Africa five elements of a proposed reform of the political system in Zhao Ends Balkan, NMUterranean China, (p. 5). Tour Infrastructure Built for Nfuclear Plant Key Projects Make Smooth Western Europe's Role in US-Soviet Rivalry Progress INTERNATIONAL 9*11 • While striving to promote dialogue between the United Israel-Morocco: Peres Visit States and the Soviet Union and detente between Eastern and Rocks Arab World Western Europe, West European governments are also trying Sri Lanka: Process in Defusing to moderate the superpowers' arms race and retain for themselves a positive and independent role in the Ethnic Conflict confrontation, (p. 12). Bonn-Moscow: No Breakthrou^ After Genschcr's Trip Iran-Iraq: A Quick End nremier JSmo Gompietos SIx-Natfen Visit To War in Doubt VVestem JEun^'s Ib^ in US- • Premier Zhao's trip to the Balkans and the Mediterranean Soviet Rivalry 12 area has" been a great success. It shows that by extending the hands of friendship to nations of all types, China hopes to The 'Double Hundred' Policy: From contribute to maintaining world peace (p. 4). A Rough Ride to a Smooth One 20 Jinggang IMountaIn: Home to Botti 'Oottbie Hundred' Policy's Tortuous Path Revolution and Tourism 24 • The policy of "letting a hundred fiowers blossom and a FROIM THE CHINESE PRESS 27 hundred schools of thought contend" has gone through many phases in the past 30 years. While left-deviationist line and the BUSINESS/TRADE 28-2» failure to understand the nations's political situation and the theories behind the policy eventually led to its temporary SPORTS 30^31 aboHtion, conditions are now ripe for its implementation (p. 20). BOOKS 32-33 CULTURE/SaENCE 34 SporU—A Fun in the Countryside COVER:Hyuangyangjie Pass at ling- gang Mountain. • Rural residents now have more time and money to spend on sports. An on-the-spot survey by our correspondent Zhao by Sun Shuming Zhonglu in the rural areas of the coastal Jiangsu Province (p 30). PublbhMi avtKy Monday by OtaribMMlby BBJMG REVIEW I tdUON SHUOMKL .ASUM US* 24 Baiwonzhuong Rood, Beii><8 •in* iiz.S3Ui UK- en* P.a Box 399, China •nm P«opl»'s Rapublc of CMno S2IJH Notes FROM THE EDITORS Zhao's Six-Nation Visit is a Success by Zheng Fangkun he four-week goodwill visit operation and dialogue there can The third result of the visit is T paid by Premier Zhao Ziyang be no open policy, China's wish to that China has co-ordinated its to Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece, develop trade and economic, efforts for peace with the six and Spain. Turkey and Tunisia, which scientific and technical exchanges expressed its support for their ended on July 27, was a great with various countries on the basis struggle for peace in the success. of equality and mutual benefit is Mediterreanean area and the The first result of the visit was sincere and earnest. It is not a Middle East. an enhancement of the friendly temporary measure, but reflects a The aim of China's independent relations between China and the long-term plan to modernise the foreign policy is to preserve peace. six, which all want to co-operate country. China wants a peaceful intern• with China, even though they are ational environment in which to very divergent in nature, some All six countries Zhao visited build up the country. The longer being socialist, some capitalist, are relatively small ones whose peace lasts, the better. One of the some being members of blocs, industries and technologies are tasks of the Chinese leaders' tours some non-aligned, and developed still being developed. This shows abroad is to preserve peace. to greater or lesser degrees. that China will co-operate with Premier Zhao's Balkan- small nations as well as big, with Mediterranean tour was no China bases its relations with developing ones as well as exception. Peace can be main• other countries on the Five technologically-advanced nations, tained only be constantly working Principles of Peaceful Coex• with capitalist nations as well as for it. It will not fall from the skies istence. During his stay in socialist ones. China's open policy without struggle. We cannot stop Bucharest and Belgrade. Premier applies to all. Because each the arms race merely by wishing it Zhao and his Romanian and country has its own advantages, to stop. Yugoslav counterparts once more they can also make up for one emphasized that relations between another's shortcomings. On this fundamental problem their countries were characterized Co-operation among develop• facing mankind, China speaks a by complete equality, inde• ing countries in Tunisia has common language with many pendence, sovereignty, mutual already reaped results. In Tunis, countries. Premier Zhao shared benefit and respect, and non• Zhao and his Tunisian counter• many common or similar views interference in one another's part hailed a phosphate fertilizer with the leaders of his host internal affairs. These embody the plant, a joint venture involving countries. In spite of differences in^ Five Principles which apply China, Tunisia and Kuwait, which their social systems and in their* among all nations, socialist states is presently under construction, as economic conditions and position included. a useful attempt at south-south in the world political arena, all of Through cordial talks with the co-operation. In Ankara, the them strongly urged that intern• leaders of the countries visited and leaders of both China and Turkey ational tensions be reduced and by meeting people from various also resolved to set an example of world peace as well as regional circles, the Chinese Premier helped south-south co-operation by joint• stability established. Peace and to deepen mutual understanding., ly contracting projects in third develpment cannot be separated; thus laying the foundation for countries. each wishes to develop its cementing friendship. In Madrid. Zhao mentioned economy and unhesitatingly The second result of the visit setbacks sustained in the course of stands .for peace. Their consensus was the strengthening of confid• co-operation. Temporary difficul• on this issue is what enables them ence in co-operation and the ties are sometimes inevit• to overcome their differences and opening up of new fields for able. To ignore them was not to hold very similar views on many collaboration. Opening to the realistic. But the Chinese premier particular issues. outside world is China's firm and wished to remove any doubt there The situation in the Mediter• unshakable basic policy, which may be about future collabor• ranean area is very complicated involves developing co-operation ation. Failure is the mother of and the factors making for with other countries. Without co• success, he said. instability are many. Geographi- 4 BEIJING REVIEW NO. 31 EVENTS/TRENDS Political Reform Put on Agenda ome reform of the political concrete conditions in their S system is necessary to comple• regions and units. (2) They should ment the current economic intensify their Party spirit and be reforms, said Wang Zhaoguo, a prepared to work as unselfish member of the Secretariat of the servants of the people. (3) They Central Committee of the Chinese should carry forward the Party's Communist Party, at a meeting of fine tradition of hard work by graduates of the Central Party going to the grass-roots and to cally it occupies an important School on July 16. places with harsh working con• strategic position, as it connects Wang said that the reform of ditions in order to temper the three continents of Europe, the political system would repres• themselves and tried out their Asia and Africa. For a long time ent a self-improvement of China's talents. (4) They should give warships of United States and the socialist system and an important attention to working both effi• Soviet Union have plied its waters, part of the effort to build a ciently and democratically and converting it into a place of socialism with unique Chinese guard against becoming young contention for supremacy. Their characteristics. bureaucrats. open strife and veiled struggle is The purpose of the reform, intense, making the countries Wang added, should be to Multi-Party Co-operation Prais• bordering the sea unsafe and establish a better socialist political ed. Multi-party co-operation nervous. Since the beginning of system having a high degree of under the leadership of the this year the situation in the region democracy as well as of efficiency, Communist Party has been a very has worsened.
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