Vol. 33, No. 12 March 19-25, 1990

Hong Kong—The Basic Law and Democracy Farmers in Fujian Province opened a bamboo-raft service company in the scenic area of Jiuquxi in the Wuyi iVIountains, and each year host more than 200,000 domestic and foreign visitors. Photo by Gu Xinsheng BeijingR«>ir VOL. 33, NO. 12 MAH. 19-25, 1990

Basic Law Drafting a Democratic Process

D The Basic Law (Draft) for the future Hong Kong Speical CONTENTS Administrative Region is a product of more than four years of painstaking efforts through democratic procedures. It aims to EVENTS/TRENDS 4-8 ensure the implementation of the policy of "one country, two Party Calls for Closer Ties With systems" and the continued prosperity of Hong Kong after the People 1997 (p. 9). Lei Feng Back in Limelight Situation Concerns Mainland Mayors Meet the Press 's Anti-Pornographiy Campaign Successfui 100 Rural Women Honoured for Merits • The nation's drive against pornography has been a big Confidence Builds for 11th Asiad success. There was once a" deluge of obscene publications and Resolution on China Vetoed at UN audio and video products, a key contributing factor to criminal Session acts. Now, however, they are hard to find in bookstores and news-stands. In order to build on this achievement, the central China Welcomes More Sino-Soviet and local governments are improving the management of the Exchanges publication and cultural market (p. 22). INTERNATIONAL Basic Law and Democracy Japanese-US Relations in a Taiwan Political Situation: a Cause for Concern Changed World 10 New Wave of Jewish Immigration • An authoritative source has expressed "deep concern" over Arouses Concern 12 the intensive struggle within the Kuomintang in Taiwan, which is causing instability on the island (p. 5). CHINA Socialist Democracy—A Process of Development 14 Multi-Party Co-operation in Ciiina—Past and Present Formation and Development of System of Multi-Party • The system of multi-party co-operation led by the Chinese Co-operation 16 Communist Party is a system of socialist political parties that China's Democratic Parties 18 is in accord with China's reality. It emerged and developed China Declares War on under the special historical conditions of China and reflects Pornography 22 the characteristics of the historical development of Chinese Shanghai: Culture Still society (p. 16). Flourishing 26


Learning from Lei Feng Back on Agenda BUSINESS/TRADE 30-31

Q Activities to learn from Lei Feng, whose name is synony• CULTURE/SCIENCE 32-34 mous to selflessness and utter devotion to socialism, reached a new upsurge in China. Recently senior Chinese Party and COVER: Beijing bookbuyers browse government leaders wrote messages urging all the Chinese through new publications a; the Xinhua people to emulate the young hero and translate his spirit into Bookstore in Wangfujing. a high standard of socialist culture and ethics in China (p. 5). Photo by Chen Zonglie

Unless written by Beijing Review correspondents, the opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily reflect the view of the Beijing Review editorial board.

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Party Calls for Closer Ties With tlie People

nphe Sixth Plenary Ses- political restructuring, and the Party and the people and I sion of the 13th Central make vigorous efforts to keep making a relevant decision is Committee of the Com• open and broaden channels of immediate significance to munist Party of China by which the Party maintains achieving further political, (CPC), held in Beijing from its ties with the people. economic and social stabili• March 9 to 12, adopted a de• 4. Continue with unswerv• ty and developement in the cision on strengthening the ing efforts to strengthen the country. ties between the Party and building of an honest and Such closer ties would also the people. clean government and im• exert a far-reaching influence In a communique released prove the Party's style of on achieving the Party's ge• at the end of the session, the work, and energetically carry neral goals in the new period Central Committee urged on the spirit of hard work, so of historical development and Party organizations at all lev• as to overcome the negative pushing forward the great els to pay special attention to and corruptive practices ex• cause of building socialism the solution of problems of isting within the Party. with Chinese characteristics. most concern to the masses as 5. Establish and perfect the On the whole, the session a practical move to close the system of supervision within said, the relations between ties between the Party and and without the Party, and the Party and the masses and the masses. strengthen supervision over between the cadres and the leading organizations and masses have been good. But The communique listed the leading officials at various bureaucratism, subjectivism, following seven aspects in levels. formalism, passivism, corrup• which the ties between the 6. Bring into full play the tion and other serious pheno• Party and the people are to be role of grassroots Party or- | mena that tend to drive the strengthened: ganizations as fighting Party and the masses apart 1. Adhere to the practice of strongholds and the exempla• have grown among some Par• "coming from the masses and ry role of Party members in ty organizations and Party going to the masses," and es• mobilizing the masses and or• functionaries in recent years. tablish and perfect a demo• ganizing and leading them The session urged all Party cratic and scientific process forward. members to keep high vi• of policy making and imple• 7. Conduct within the Par• gilance against these phen• mentation, so as to ensure ty extensive and deep-going omena, fight unremittingly that such policy making and education on the Marxist against them and make every implementation are in line point of view concerning the effort to restore and develop with the interests of the peo• masses so that members can the Party's fine tradition and ple. follow the Party's mass line working style of maintaining 2. Leading cadres at all lev• more consciously. close ties with the masses. els must persist in the system The communique pointed The 1990s will be a de• of frequently going down to out that at a time when the cade crucial to China's de• the grassroots units and going work defined by the fourth velopment. Despite a change• among the masses, and work and fifth plenums (held last able world situation and the in a down-to-earth manner so June and November respec• temporary domestic difficul• that the Party's line, princi• tively) of the 13th CPC Cen• ties, China will surely esta• ples and policies are imple• tral Committee is being done blish itself in an unassailable mented with tangible results. in all fields and various un• position provided no time is 3. Persistently strengthen dertakings are developing in lost in attending to domestic the building of socialist de• a sound way, issuing an ear• affairs, most notably the na• mocracy and legal system in nest call to the whole Party tional economy, said the com• the course of deepening the for closing the links between munique. •


also help the people resist the ef• Lei Feng Back fects of bourgeois liberalization, Taiwan Situation In Limelight eliminate negative factors that Concerns Mainland have emerged in the process of illions of Chinese from economic development and prom• 'olent rifts in the bogus all walks of life devoted ote economic readjustment and "National Assembly" and M their Sunday holiday on deepening reform. V"Legislative Yuan" and pol• March 4 to serve others in various Just before the 27th anniver• itical infighting that has con• ways in a new nationwide upsurge sary of Mao's call to learn from vulsed among the Kuomintang to resurrect the spirit of Lei Feng, Lei Feng, Jiang Zemin, Yang are causing political and social a 22-year-old People's Liberation Shangkun, Li Peng and other Par• instability in Taiwan, according Army (PLA) soldier who died at ty and government leaders wrote to an authoritative source from his post in early 1962 and whose inscriptions calling on all Chinese the Chinese mainland. name has since become synony• people to learn from Lei Feng, to "We are deeply concerned over mous with such socialist ethics as develop his spirit and to contri• the situation there," the source utter devotion to the revolution bute to the building of socialism told the news agency Xinhua in and wholeheartedness in serving with Chinese characteristics. an interview. the people. Now, to learn from Lei Feng The Kuomintang authorities A well-known line of Lei Feng has become a hot topic again have gone against the wishes and was: "A man has limited years among university students in Chi• interests of the majority of the but to serve the people is an infin• na's capital. people, he said, and have violated ite cause. I am resolved to plunge the democratic process in their "Lei Feng's spirit demonstrates my limited years into the infinite nomination of candidates for the the national spirit," said Li Hong, cause of serving the people." Taiwan leadership — the "presi• a law major at Beijing University, On March 5, 1963, Mao Ze• dent" and "vice-president." This, "and the campaign to learn from dong wrote an inscription, "Learn he added, has aroused strong op• him accords with the people's de• from Comrade Lei Feng." Other position among many people in sire to cultivate a better inter• Chinese leaders also wrote in• the party's central committee and personal relationship character• scriptions, calling on the people has developed into an internal ized by comradeship, fraternity of China to learn from Lei Feng. rift. and mutual help." Since then. Lei Feng has be• The crisis is the result of inter• come an example to the Chinese Lu Yong, a leader of the Bei• nal contradictions and quarrels people, especially the young. jing Students' Federation, said that have accumulated over many With the development of the cam• that over the past few months, years, the source said. The peo• paign to learn from Lei Feng, many university students had ple's discontent has grown in the people's mental attitudes and formed learn-from-Lei-Feng past two years because of the moral character have improved in groups. They have volunteered to Kuomintang leadership's policy China. help police direct traffic, help errors, political irresolution and However, during the 1966-76 lonely, childless, sick and elderly the island's economic disorder "," such activ• people and clean public squares. and a deteriorating social order, ities were in fact suspended and That's a great change, Lu said, he added. people were apt to say that "Lei several years ago, some young The leaders of the Kuomintang Feng has disappeared." Some people thought Lei Feng "a fool" have been strongly criticized by even believed that to spread the and what he had done was "stu• people with political insight in• communist ideals of Lei Feng in pid." side and outside the party for the primary stage of socialism At a national forum on learn• their shielding of and indulgence was no longer necessary. ing from Lei Feng held in Beijing to the internal forces of "Taiwan To coincide with the policy of from March 3 to 5, Li Ruihuan, independence," the source said. reform and opening to the outside member of the Party's Politi• At the same time, he added, the world, Chinese leaders are once cal Bureau Standing Commit• leaders are advancing the con• again advocating that the spirit tee, said, "In learning from Lei cept of "one country, two govern• of Lei Feng be carried forward. Feng, we should do as he did — ments" and "dual recognition" They believe that the campaign love the Comminist Party and so• and other wrong ideas in violat• to learn from Lei Feng will help cialism, put our limited lives into ing the principle of "one China" promote the advanced culture the boundless cause of serving the internationally. and ideology of socialism and fos• people, work hard and practise He also said that the fierce ter a style of hard work and plain thrift, and love and be devoted to struggle during the election cam• living among the people. It may our jobs." • paign reflects the disputes and

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 5 EVENTS / TRENDS struggles inside the Kuomintang on its current policies and the fu• ture of Taiwan. 100 Rural Women Honoured for Merits The source urged the Kuom• intang authorities to respect the ne hundred women an of the All-China Women's wishes of the people and fully from the Chinese coun• Federation, said in her speech consult parties, organizations and O tryside were honoured to the 3,000 who attended the representatives of all circles and March 7 as "capable women" ceremony. recommend people who truly ad• in the Great Hall of the Peo• Chen also said the employ• here to the "one China" principle ple in Beijing at a celebration ment rate of Chinese women and devote themselves to reunifi• marking the 80th anniversary is the highest in the world cation of the motherland and so• of the March 8 International with women accounting for 37 cial progress. Working Women's Day. percent of the working popu• It is unwise for certain officials lation. One-third of China's of foreign governments to public• They were cited for their talents and "outstanding ef• scientists and teachers in ele• ly express their attitudes to some mentary and middle schools candidates in an attempt to influ• forts" in a nationwide compe• tition of eliminating illitera• are women. Equality with ence the natural progress of the men is common in marriage election, the source added. cy and employing scientific farming skills. and family life. "It is known to all that Taiwan "Chinese women's family The competition began a is an inalienable part of China," and social status has been year ago under the aegis of he said. "We firmly oppose the raised a great extent since the All-China Women's Fed• interference of any foreign gov• 1949," she said. eration and the ministries of ernment in China's internal af• Party and state leaders, in• agriculture and forestry. It fairs and firmly oppose the inter• cluding Jiang Zemin, Yang was an attempt to encourage ference of any foreign forces in Shangkun, Li Peng, Wan Li rural women to acquire an ed• Taiwan affairs." and Song Ping, attended the The future of Taiwan depends ucation and improve methods ceremony. of farming with the help of on the mainland, and only by reu• Jiang, Communist Party ge• agricultural science in order nification with the mainland will neral secretary, told the au• Taiwan enjoy harmony, stability, to better China's agriculture. dience that Chinese women progress and development, he ad• The March 8th Red-Flag have become an indispensable ded. Holder, a title for women who force in the country's develop• "We hope all the parties, organ• have given meritorious service ment and reform. izations and persons who are con• to society, was granted to 85 He encouraged women to cerned with the future of Taiwan of the 100 women. The other keep up with social develop• and the reunification of the moth• 15 had won the title in earlier ment and heighten their sense erland become united and push years. of social responsibility. forward the process of peaceful "We're celebrating Chinese Women on the mainland unification of the motherland." • women's great achievements and in Taiwan, Hong Kong and contributions to our coun• and Macao should stand to• Beijing Mayors try to mark the women's festi• gether to promote the reunifi• Meet tiie Press val," , chairwom- cation of China, Jiang said. • rwihe economic sanctions and I boycott inflicted upon capital city and 80 Chinese and mated US$30 million in export •M. China by some Western foreign journalists on March 7. and US$2.5 million in foreign ex• countries after the counter• The news conference was called change revenue last year. Wu is in revolutionary rebellion was put during the Third Session of the charge of Beijing's foreign econo• down in Beijing last June have Ninth Beijing Municipal People's mic relations and trade. had some impact on the city's for• Congress held between March 3 About 50 projects that were un• eign trade, but can by no means and 9. der negotiations last June were impede China's development. When asked how to cope with cancelled or delayed, she said, These remarks were made by the economic sanctions and what and the tourist business, includ• Beijing Vice-Mayor Wu Yi at a measures will be taken in the fu• ing joint-venture hotels, suffered news conference attended by the ture, Wu said that as a result of most. mayor and vice-mayors of the the sanctions, Beijing lost an esti- However, many farsighted pol-

6 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 This is the first time in the history of the Asian Games that so many countries plan to parti• cipate. A total of 33 OCA mem• bers, the largest number ever, at• tended the Asian Games held in New Delhi in 1982. Last September, China extend• ed invitations to special envoys or diplomats representing all 39 OCA members at an official cer• emony in the Great Hall of the People. On Match 3, more than lOO jonrnallsts from 17 Asian coontries and regions come Zhang Baifa, vice-chaiman of to Beijing at the invitation of the Beijing Asian Games Organizing Committee to BAGOC, told reporters that pre• see all the preparations £or the Games, set to begin September 22. WANG UNGYING parations have reached a crucial stage. He pledged that all facili• ties for competition and accom• modation would be completed by Confidence Builds for 11th Asiad May. wenty-eight of the 39 mem• (BAGOC) that China will take Chen Xitong, mayor of Beijing bers of the Olympic Coun• part in all 27 medal events and and BAGOC chairman, told re• T cil of Asia (OCA) had con• two demonstration events. porters that a campaign had al• firmed by March 5 that they ready started in Beijing to "im• This was disclosed by He press all Asian and world ath• would participate in the 11th Zhenliang, vice-minister in Asian Games this fall in Beijing. letes and friends with beauty, charge of China's State Physical politeness, cleanhness, elegance Besides China, countries and Culture and Sports Commission and hospitality." regions that will be taking part and vice-president of BAGOC, at He also said that fund-raising include Indonesia, Japan, Sin-, a news conference on March 5 wouldn't be much of a problem gapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Af• in Beijing. The news conference because "an unexpected large ghanistan, Bangladesh, the Unit• was held to mark the fact that number of remittances have ed Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, there were only 200 days left be• come pouring over the last few Bhutan, Iran, the Philippines, fore the Asiad begins on Septem• days." Iraq, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Nepal, ber 22. Chen expressed his thanks to Oman, Pakistan, Kuwait, Pales• According to He, the other 11 both domestic and world sup• tine, Qatar, Democratic Yemen, members of the OCA have ex• port. Holding the Asian Games Macao, Brunei, South Korea, the pressed their willingness to join in Beijing, he said, shows the Yemen Arab Republic and Syria.^ in the Games. trust of the Asian people. All The China Olympic Commit• Many members have, in their of the Chinese people, especial• tee, the host of the Games, formal writings, expressed good• ly Beijing residents, should live has also told the Beijing Asian will for the Games as well as the up to the high expectation and be Games Organizing Committee Chinese people. good hosts, he added. , •

iticians and personages around set by the state two months ahead foreign capital totalling US$2 bil• the world have never suspended of schedule, earning US$1.16 bil• lion, she said. their good relations with China lion, an increase of 13.6 percent Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong, and Beijing, she said. After the over the previous year. when asked to elaborate on the rebellion was put down on June 4, In 1989, Beijing approved 185 point in his work report to the Wu said she herself received two foreign-funded enterprises — municipal congress that reaction• groups of friends from the United joint ventures, co-operative pro• ary forces were still carrying out States on June 14. jects and wholly-owned business• sabotage in Beijing, replied that Last year, Beijing made record es, a 25 percent increase over the reactionaries have so far done achievements in foreign economic 1988. Now, in the capitaL there nothing more- serious than post relations and trade, Wu added. are altogether 618 foreign-funded anti-government slogans or per• The city's export fulfilled quotas enterprises that have attracted form minor hostile activities.


Given its immense size and its ingements" and attempted to in• met with opposition as soon as it population of more than 10 mil• clude China in the list of coun• came out into the open. A Pak• lion, Beijing witnesses only a few tries with human rights problems istani representative to the UN criminal acts each day. "I take the that will receive deliberations by pointed out that no country can liberty to say that Beijing's social the UN body. avoid upheavals such as hap• security and order is, if not the This move was designed no pened in Beijing last June. Na• best, among the best of all biggest more than to provide a forum tional security, social stability cities around the world," the may• for those given to mud-slinging and people's lives would all be or said. against China in order to inter• severely affected if no action was taken to stop them, he added. Malpractice and corruption fere in China's internal affairs. still prevail in some service The principle of non• It is the rule of the UN body to trades, particularly in utilities interference in others' internal af• have representatives of a country and the installation of telephones, fairs is fully applicable to the behind a draft resolution explain it to delegates. This time, howev• one journalist said, which have field of human rights. Fan Guox- er, when the draft "Situation in caused strong resentment among iang, head of the Chinese delega• China" was dished out, none of the residents but they choose to tion, said on March 5. the proposers stepped out and keep silent about their complaints Fan said that the UN Charter made any explanation. for fear of retaliation. "What is and its declaration on domestic "This shows once again that the- city authorities' attitude to• affairs of states and the protec• member states upholding the UN ward this matter and how will tion of their independence and Charter and justice constitute the they deal with it?" he asked. sovereignty and the declaration mainstream in the United Na• Vice-mayor Zhang Jianmin re• on principles of international law tions after all and that any plot plied that the government is to concerning friendly relations and designed to muddle in China's in• introduce a supervisory system to co-operation among states point ternal affairs is most unpopu• overcome malpractice in various out that no state has the right in lar," a Chinese Foreign Ministry trades. That is to say, to streng• any form to deprive other states spokesman said on March 8, as he then the democratic supervision of their right to choose and prac• commented on the vetoed draft and the mass supervision, in addi• tise their political, economical, resolution. tion to improving our legal sys• social and cultural systems or in• "We wish to express our appre• tem, said Zhang. tervene directly or indirectly in ciation and thanks to all the coun• "Offices to handle reports on other countries' internal and ex• tries that uphold justice and have offences and mass-report tele• ternal affairs. supported the said motion," he phones are set up in the city, dis• The draft resolution, however, added. • trict and county governments," he added. "My government will take a firm stand against the cor• ruption problems." • China Welcomes More Sino-Soviet Exchanges hina sees the official vis• The development of good Resolution on China it last May by Soviet neighbourly relations between C leader Mikhail Gor• China and the Soviet Union, Vetoed at UN Session bachev as a significant event Li added, is not only in the signaling the normalization of rw^he 46th session of the UN interests of the two peoples, Sino-Soviet relations by fin• but also conducive to peace in I Commission on Human ishing the past and opening up JL Rights adopted in Geneva the Far East and the world at the future. on March 6 a motion to veto a large. draft resolution on the "Situation While meeting with visiting Talking about Sino-Soviet Soviet Minister of Foreign in China." economic and trade relations, The motion, raised by Pakistan, Economic Liaison K.F. Ka- tushev on March 6, Chinese Li said the Chinese govern• was passed by a vote of 17-15 with ment takes a positive attitude 11 abstentions. Premier Li Peng said the Chinese Communist Party towards furthering these rela• The draft resolution on the "Si• tions. There are broad econo• tuation in China," proposed by and government are willing to the United States and some other maintain and develop friend• mic fields in which China and Western countries, linked China's ly Sino-Soviet relations on the the Soviet Union can help and legitimate suppression of the June basis of the Five Principles of supplement each other, the anti-government riots in Beijing Peaceful Coexistence. premier said. • last year to "human rights infr•

8 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 INTERNATIONAL Basic Law and Democracy by Fang Da n February 16, the Draft• ing Committee held its fifth tory that a country spent so ing Committee of the Bas• plenary session in 1987 and much human effort, material re• O ic Law of the Hong Kong formed a work team to co• sources, time and energy to for• Special Administrative Region ordinate the drafting work of the mulate a constitution for one of passed the final 24 amendments various sub-committees. In De• its regions through so many pro• at a plenum, marking an end cember of that year, the Drafting cedures. This, however, is pre• to the four-and-a-half years of Committee met again to prepare cisely what democracy requires drafting work. the Basic Law (Draft) to solicit and embodies the democratic The completion of this consti• opinions, which was ratified in spirit. tutional document, which con• April 1988 at the committee's cerns the future and destiny of seventh plenum. The draft law Sincere Consultation Hong Kong after 1997, when was subsequently published to China resumes the exercise of solicit opinions, starting the first During the first round of sovereignty over the territory, round of consultative work, consultation (April-September deserves high praise. Some peo• which lasted for five months. 1988), more than 70,000 opi• ple may still harbour complaints After reviewing the solicited nions or proposals were received, of one sort or another towards opinions and proposals, the spe• which were compiled into five the Basic Law, and others may cial sub-committees made a ser• volumes of reports and submit• even slander it for not being "de• ies of major revisions to the law. ted to the Drafting Committee. mocratic." However, a review of In January 1989, at its eighth The second round of consulta• the painstaking drafting process plenum, the Drafting Committee tion, which lasted nine months will reveal whether the birth of discussed and passed the Basic from February to October 1989, the Basic Law is democratic. Law (Draft), which was then was aimed at seeking views on submitted to the NPC Standing long-standing controversial dis• Arduous Drafting Committee. A month later, the putes. Sixth Plenary Session of the Sev• In viewing the role of the two In April 1985, the National enth NPC Standing Committee consultations in the drafting of People's Congress (NPC) decid• examined and promulgated the the Basic Law, the best way is to ed to set up the Drafting Com• Basic Law (Draft), announcing compare the changes and revi• mittee. Two months later the at the same time that a second sions made to the Basic Law Standing Committee of the NPC round of opinion-seeking consul• (Draft) for soliciting opinions approved the 59-member com• tation would be conducted in and the Basic Law (Draft) with mittee, which included 23 mem• Hong Kong and on the main• the final version. After the first bers representing all walks of life land. version of Basic Law (Draft) was in Hong Kong. The results prompted the var• published, the first consultation In July, the committee held its ious special sub-committees to was carried out. As a result, 110 first plenary session and formu• meet again mainly to discuss the changes were made. Eighty of lated the drafting outlines of the most controversial issues. In Fe• these changes were substantive Basic Law. At the meeting, it bruary 1990, the Drafting Com• and 30 were wording. Of the sub• was also decided that a consult• mittee held its ninth and last ses• stantive changes, 50 were made ing committee, composed of re• sion to finalize and vote for the with direct references to the opi• presentatives from all strata in amendments submitted by the nions of Hong Kong members Hong Kong, would be esta• various special sub-committees. within the Consulting Commit• blished. In December 1985, the It can be seen that, in terms of tee. It was on this basis that the committee, comprised of 180 legal procedures and strictness, Basic Law (Draft) was produced. Hong Kong residents, came into the drafting process of the Bas• After its publication, the second being. ic Law, compared with that of consultation was launched. After two years of prepar• many domestic laws, required Based on the results of that con• ations made by various spe• much more work. It was also un• sultation, 24 revisions were pro• cial sub-committees, the Draft• usual in world constitutional his- posed and later accepted, and the


Basic Law (Draft) was finalized. implementation of the policy of might be unavoidable loopholes. Evidence shows that in the "one country, two systems" and Some even expressed the opinion course of consultations on the the maintenance of prosperity that to list Hong Kong's adminis• Basic Law, sincere efforts were and stability in Hong Kong after trative powers separately was res• made to heed the opinions of the its return to China. Therefore, in trictive and ran counter to what Hong Kong people. Otherwise it the course of drafting the Basic was stipulated in the Joint De• would be difficult to explain Law, all opinions had been ad• claration—that there would be why there had been so many re• mitted as long as they did not no restraints to the Hong Kong visions. run counter to the basic princi- Special Administrative Region's I pies of the Sino-British Declara- power except in defence and di• Repeated Revisions I tion. plomacy. Although these opi• j For example, after the Hong nions were somewhat fault• There were numerous discus• Kong people said they feared it finding and represented misun• sions and revisions in the course would be difficult to stop main- derstandings, the Basic Law of drafting the Basic Law. The I land people from entering Hong Drafting Committee admitted Drafting Committee not only lis• I Kong in huge numbers, articles them anyway, and changed the tened to the opinions of the peo• I on entry management were ad• wording accordingly. ple in Hong Kong, but also took ded to the Basic Law. And be• Moreover, significant and sub• the initiative to study and revise cause the Hong Kong people stantive revisions were also made the Basic Law. In the past four ' worried that departments of the in the Basic Law (Draft) in such years, the committee held ncarl\ Central Government and prov• problem areas as the enforce• 100 meetings lasting for a total inces would take advantage of ment of national laws in Hong of more than 400 days. Mainland 1 their seniority to bully Hong Kong, the special administrative members of the committee's five I Kong, the Basic Law made defin• region's judicial powers, the right special sub-committees c. ae to ite stipulations about their rela• to interpret and revise the Basic Hong Kong more than 10 times tions. Law, balance of payments and to hear opinions. The Consulting i Article 16 of the Basic Law tax collection. Committee also sent more than I (Draft) dwells on the special ad- Of course, it is impossible for 20 delegations to the mainland 1 ministrative region's administra- the Basic Law to meet all the for exchanges of opinions. Before I tive powers, a problem that has demands of all the people. Such the Basic Law (Draft) for solici• much to do with Hong Kong's hopes would be impractical and tation of opinions was issued, the I high degree of autonomy after do not accord with the spirit of working team had revised 12 ar• 1997. In the beginning, the democracy. Evidence has shown ticles in it. draft basic Law for opinion- that the drafting of the Basic The Basic Law was formulated solicitation listed 29 aspects of Law was a process of practising not to restrain the future special the special region's administra• democracy. administrative region nor to tive powers. However, after the (Originally published in Hong transform Hong Kong into a so• I consultations, the Hong Kong Kong's Wen Wei Po and minor cialist society, but to ensure the people maintained that there still changes are made here.) • Japanese-US Relations in a Changed World by Yang Bojiang TS President George Bush to bridge the gap in their trade fundamental changes in the near I and Japanese Prime Min- disputes. The international com• future. ister Toshiki Kaifu met munity is following with interest Current Japanese-US relations in Palm Springs, California on the development of Japanese-US are a mixture of competition and March 2 and 3 to discuss the pol• relations. interdependence, disagreements itical and economic relations of In the 1990s, disagreements be• and co-operation. their two countries. Their talks tween Japan and the United The heavy imbalance of bila• focused on bilateral trade fric• States will become more acute un• teral trade is an old sore point tions, global partnership and se- Ide r the new international envi• between Japan and the United curity problems. The two lead• ronment. But on the whole, States. In 1986, Japan's favour• ers, however, found it difficult Japanese-US relations will see no able balance of trade set a record

BEIJING REVIEW, MAUCH 19-25, 1990 INTERNATIONAL of US$52 billion. In 1988, its fa• pan's ruling Liberal Democratic ed States and the Soviet Union vourable balance accounted for Party, wrote in their book called to influence international affairs 44 percent of the US trade deficit. The Japan That Can Say No that and control their allies. The ov• The figure topped 50 percent by Japan should consider selling its erbearing economic prosperity of the first quarter of 1989. Last chip technology to the Soviet Japan and Western Europe, and September, the two countries be• Union to show the United States radical changes in Eastern Eu• gan bilateral trade talks known as who truly needs whom. A policy rope have had a major impact the "structural impediments ini• of this sort, the two writers said, on the US-Soviet bipolar system. tiative," which are to last a year would alter the balance of inter• Further detente in the interna• and are an attempt to remove national military strength imme• tional situation has also increas• sources of frictions through diately because the key to support ingly strengthened East-West co• changing their economic struc• US military strength is Japan's operation and exchange, and has ture. high technology. They also criti• turned the focus of international Another area of tension is high cized the United States for always competition from the military to technology. A recent dispute on blaming Japan for the trade im• balance and said that Japan the economic and technological the joint development of a new should not yield to US intimida• fields. On the other hand, howev• generation of support fighter tion and outside pressure in its er, unrest still remains in some planes (FSX) showed their sharp diplomacy. The book touched off regions. differences in the field. In a mod• a great upset in the United States The Western economy has seen ern economy closely related to and was harshly criticized by the a relatively steady growth for the technological development and US media. past seven years. The US position commercialization, high technol• as an economic power has dec• ogy means the establishment of lined somewhat while Japan's new industry, an increase in eco• New Situation: Its Impact role has sharply increased. In the nomic vitality and new markets. third world, the Asian-Pacific re• Therefore, competition between As the world entered the 199Gs, gion has kept a higher growth Japan and the United States will many changes took place which rate. Globally, however, the in• be more intense in this field. had an impact on Japanese-US ternational economic system in Japan's investment in the Unit• relations. which the United States played a ed States has also increased rapid• The trend towards multipolar leading role has gradually been ly—by 13 times in the past 10 international politics has become replaced by one under a tripolar years, topping US$60 billion at even more obvious as tensions be• leadership of the United States, present. Japanese capital has been tween the Soviet Union and the Japan and Europe. Meanwhile, everywhere from Wall Street to United States ease. the trend towards forming region• Hollywood. By October 1989, Ja• An unbalanced development of al groups has become more prev• pan had become the second larg• world economic forces has clearly alent in the world econcmn. est investing country in the Unit• weakened the ability of the Unit• ed States after Britain. Japanese capital purchases in the LFnited States climaxed in 1989: Colum• bia Pictures and the Rockefeller Centre were both bought by the Japanese. This greatly shocked many Americans, who com• plained that Japan was taking over the United States. But more seriously, the in• creased bickering between the two countries has led to media clashes and heightened national emotions. This has resulted in political sparring matches in their congresses over Japanese-US rela• tions. Akio Morita, chairman of Sony, which bought Columbia Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu shakes hands with US President George Pictures, and Shintaro Ishihara, Bush during a visit to the United States on March 2 to discuss their economic a nationalist politician from Ja• differences.

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 11 INTERNATIONAL Countries in the European Com• tion in the American global stra• come more strict. munity are speeding up their ef• tegy, and enabled the US gov• In addition, a struggle for lead• forts to establish a unified mar• ernment to focus its attention ership in the Asia-Pacific area ket. The free trade agreement be• on tackling the economic threat will take place between the Unit• tween Canada and the United from Japan. World competition is ed States and Japan. The plan of States has been in force for a year. now focused on two fields—eco• the European Community to esta• The two countries also plan to nomics and technology—Japan's blish an integrated market and eliminate tariffs within 10 years strong points. But the United the US-Canada free trade agree• and expand the agreement to in• States, because its focus has been ment have given Japan feelings of clude Mexico. As for the Asian- on military strength, will be un• isolation. Japan is worried that Pacific region, 12 countries in• der pressure to improve in eco• it will be excluded from regional cluding Japan, the United States nomics and technology. Further• economic co-operation. So while and Australia met in Canberra in more, Japan will take advantage increasing its investment in Eu• November 1989 to discuss a mul• of both the general easing in the rope and the United States, Japan tilateral economic co-operative world situation and the regional is taking the initiative to establish circle. unrest to promote its internation• an Asian economic rim centred Under such new conditions, the al role. Under such conditions, around itself. Faced with increas• dispute between Japan and the the US government's worries and ing Japanese influence, a relaxed United States has intensified. The doubts about Japan will increase Soviet policy towards the Asia- easing of tensions between the and its policy towards Japan re• Pacific area and uncertam condi• United States and the Soviet garding co-operation in new tech• tions for American military bas• Union has lowered Japan's posi- nology, trade and defence will be- es abroad, the United States has

and the fourth Geneva Conven• tion. At the same time they com• plained that the Soviet Union New Wave of Jewish has placed its own interests above the interests of the Arab Immigration Arouses Concern and Palestinian people. The Arab nations also condemned by Wu Wenbin the United States for plotting massive Jewish immigration into n increase in the number of process has reached a stalemate Israel under the pretext of safe• Jewish emigrants from the and the situation in Israel's occu• guarding the "human rights" of A Soviet Union and Eastern pied territories continues to be the Jewish people. Actually, they Europe will make disputes be• turbulent, the sudden massive pointed out, the United States tween Arab countries and Israel Jewish immigration has pro• supports Tel Aviv's plan of esta• more intense and resolution of voked a strong reaction from the blishing a greater Israel. the Palestinian question and Arab world and commanded the The Arab nations demand that realization of peace in the Mid• attention of the international the Soviet Union reconsider its dle East more difficult. community. immigration plan and exert pres• During the first few months of Leaders of Arab countries sure on Israel to force Israeli au• this year there has been a mas• have recently made speeches or thorities to stop permitting the sive Jewish emigration from the issued statements about Jewish new immigrants to settle in the Soviet Union and Eastern Eu• immigration, and consulted each occupied territories. This should rope. Israel Radio said that in other on the matter. be a precondition in order for the first two months of this year They said Soviet Jewish im• Soviet Jews to leave the Soviet more than 9,600 Soviet Jews im• migration constitutes a serious Union. Arab nations also oppose migrated to Israel. This year Is• threat to Arab nations and is a direct air service between the So• rael will receive about 230,000 new factor affecting peace and viet Union and Israel. And they Soviet Jews. In the next five to stability in the Middle East. demand that the US administra• 10 years 750,000 to 1 million They condemned the fact that tion cancel its limitation on the Jewish people from the Soviet the new immigrants were being number of Soviet Jews allowed Union and Eastern Europe will allowed to settle in the occupied into the United States. They immigrate to Israel. territories, saying it has violated want free settlement of Soviet Because the Middle East peace the norms of international law Jews in the United States and


been forced to adjust its strategy have not brought any economic dy its financial deficit every year towards the area. As a result, the benefits to the Soviet people, are is from Japan. Although Japan is contradictions between Washing• facing strong opposition from trying to divert part of its exports ton and Tokyo will be more shar• domestic conservative forces and to other markets under pressure ply defined as they fight for pol• the military, and there have also from the US government, its in• itical and economic leadership in been many ethnic disturbances vestments in the United States the Asia-Pacific region. recently. They fear that if Gor• will continue to increase in the bachev's reforms fail, a totalitar• coming years. Prospects for the Future ian and militaristic power will In view of the two countries' emerge in the Soviet Union, just relations in defence, the US- Although there are many fac• as French President Francois Japan Security Treaty has been tors hindering the development of Mitterrand has predicted. Being the pillar of American strategy US-Japanese relations, the basis uncertain of the Soviet future, of their relationship will not be neither the United States nor Ja• towards the Asia-Pacific area. It shaken in the foreseeable future. pan will easily give up their alli• is also the basis of Japan's defence Both countries share the same ance. policy. The Japanese government view regarding the Soviet Union. Japan and the United States considers that although its def• They are uncertain whether So• also help each other out econom• ence expenditure has increased viet President Mikhail Gorbach• ically. One-third of Japan's ex• rapidly in recent years, it has no ev's position is stable and how far ports are to the United States and capability to establish an indepen• his reforms will go. They believe one-third of the foreign capital dent defence system of its own that Gorbachev's reforms, which the US government uses to reme• before the mid-1990s. •

Western Europe. The United Arab countries. Moscow also lestinians' land. They have also States, therefore, should adopt condemned the United States for confiscated one-third of the land practical measures to prevent Is• providing a large amount of aid in the Gaza Strip. They have es• rael from establishing settle• to the Jewish immigrants. There• tablished about 100 factories in ments on the West Bank and fore, it said, the United States the West Bank and Gaza Strip Gaza Strip, and settling new im• should take responsibility for the and settled 170,000 immigrants migrants there. immigration issue. The United there. To meet the settlement Under strong pressure from States also issued a statement, needs of the Soviet Jews, the Is• the Arab side, the Soviet Union opposing Israel's expansion of raeli government especially ap• proposed to hold a special meet• settlements in the occupied terri• propriated US$900 million out ing of the UN Security Council tories and settlement of new im• of US$32 billion of the 1990 fin• to decide the immigration issue. migrants there. ancial budget. They plan to use Regarding current Soviet immi• Observers in the Middle East the money to build 17,000 new gration policy, Soviet first Depu• pointed out that because of re• houses. Israeli Prime Minister ty Foreign Minister Yuli Voront- cent ethnic unrest in the Soviet Yitzhak Shamir said that Israel sov argued that it was impossible Union, Soviet Jews were afraid would not abandon the West for his country "to take resolute they might get caught in the mid• Bank and Gaza Strip and would measures to prevent Soviet Jews dle and applied for exit visas. build settlements in Jerusalem to from settling in Israel." The So• Seeing this, the United States accommodate 150,000 to 170,000 viet Union, he explained, was in took the opportunity to privately new immigrants. This fully the process of making legislation make a deal with Israel. When shows that Israel plans to occcu- py the Arab land forever. on free exit and entry of citizens Moscow opened the door for So• A Chinese foreign ministry more democratic. The Soviet for• viet Jews, the US government spokesman said on February 3 eign ministry also issued a state• threw roadblocks in front of Jew• that the Chinese government is ment strongly opposing Israel's ish immigration to the United opposed to any attempt by Israeli settlement of new immigrants in States. Thus the Soviet Jews were authorities to change the status the occupied territories. It ap• forced to immigrate to Israel. of the occupied territories by es• pealed to Israeli authorities not Since 1967, Israeli authorities tablishing settlements. Such a to change the status of the occu• have set up 178 settlements in move is not only against relevant pied territories and condemned the occupied territories, con• norms of international law, but Israel for using the immigration trolled 90 percent of the water is harmful to the Middle East issue to sow the seeds of discord resources in the West Bank and peace process, the spokesman between the Soviet Union and confiscated 50 percent of the Pa• said. •

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 13 CHINA Socialist Democracy—Process of Development by Wen Di This is the concluding part of a four-instalment article entitled "Socialism Will Save China." The first, second and third part appeared in issues Nos. 9,10 and 11.—Ed. ur worthy predecessors tem is not in the exclusive posses• noted that the theory of the fully understood the im• sion of capitalism. Its emergence Communists may be summed up O portance of democracy dates back to the time of ancient in the single sentence: abolition and science during the "May Greece and its growth was tied to of private ownership. The differ• 4th" Movement (1919). But, either the slave-owners or free• ence between socialism and capi• building up democratic politics men. Therefore, when we talk talism lies in sociaHsm's advance and the scientific spirit, like about democracy we should see towards the abolition of private erecting a magnificent palace more than the form; we should ownership of the means of prod• and a towering mountain, takes not neglect the nature of a State uction. time; it is a long and arduous represented by a given democrat• If, instead of taking the exist• process. This is not unlike the ic system. The duty of various ing Western democratic system, road to the capitalist democrat• representative systems of govern• including the multi-party sys• ic politics, which was not esta• ment in the West today, whether tem, the sharing of power by the blished overnight. During the it is the system of constitutional executive, judiciary and the leg• political disturbance led by those monarchy, the system of presi• islature and the parliamentary political "elites," however, they dential government or the cabi• system, as the only gauge to took democracy as their own pa• net system, is to uphold the judge the existence of democra• tent design and any person who constitution. The core of these cy, we take into account such disagreed with their political constitutions is, above all, to pro• factors as the existence of an ex• propositions was branded "anti• tect the private ownership of cap• ploiting class or of a handful of democratic" and "autocratic." If italism and, secondly, the var• people who take advantage of the there was only one version of ious promised freedoms. China's prerogatives of wealth to control democracy, they might have recent political unrest has been the political power, then we have been correct. Such an outlook, termed a "pro-democracy" move• good reason to say that social• however, is an oversimplifica• ment by the West, a designation ist democracy has progressed in tion. Our differences of opinion which can also be interpreted China. The Chinese people have with the "elites" do not lie in as a movement towards a pro- in place the institutional means whether one favours democracy capitalist free economy. China's to practise democratic politics or autocracy but in what kind of current political system and its —the National People's Congress democracy one demands and in Constitution protect the public (NPC) and the Chinese Peo• the best methods to build demo• ownership economy with the ple's Political Consultative Con• cracy. ownership of the whole people as ference (CPPCC). There is no• What is democracy? Democra• the core. Although some parts of thing strange in the fact that cy is not generally believed to be this economy (including the sys• people may criticize these organ• a governing right dispensed from tem of leasing and shareholding) izations for their actual role be• a divine, imperial or other su• are still on trial, there is a cause there are often limited de• preme power. Democracy is not common understanding that the bate and one-sided viewpoints. It only a form of government man• means of production will not be should not be forgotten, howev• agement but also reflects the na• allowed to fall into the hands of er, that during the unrest, some ture of a State. Democratic sys• a small number of people. Marx people attempted to use the

14 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 CHINA Standing Committee of the NPC nation, they clearly forget that and erected a statue of Marx to reject marshal law which had the development of democracy is there, one can easily imagine the been in force. It is thus evident limited by a country's economic troubles they would get into. Nor that the NPC, as the organ of and cultural conditions, that is, should people forget that only a supreme power, cannot be easily that democracy follows a course few decades ago it was a danger• ignored. of development. The sense of de• ous thing for American workers It took capitalist democratic mocracy stimulated by critical• to join a trade union or to talk politics a long time, a tortuous ly comparing China's develop• about socialism or communism. and prolonged course to attain ing democratic system with the The Taiwan authorities are also its present development. Two de• American democratic system of unable to do so. They still do not cades ago, the black people in the the 1980s absolutely is not in allow Communist Party mem• United States had to fight for keeping with China's reality. bers to visit Taiwan, to say no• their civil rights. As recently as People easily understand that thing of permitting lawful activ• in the years before World War the economic development must ities of the Communist Party II, the United States still al• proceed steadily, step by step, there. Therefore, the demand for lowed illegal private punishment but they tend to forget that the China's complete abolition of for black people and it was only edifice of democracy can only be "political offence" is nothing but after World War I that Ameri• built block by block. Some of the deception. can women won their right to demands by the political "elites" What China can do today is to vote. In many Western countries, to promote democracy, such as guarantee its citizens' safety so workers got their right to vote the complete abolition of the long as they confine their actions only a century ago. During the practice of arresting people as to those permitted by the Consti• British civil war, some 300 years "political offenders," permitting tution and do not violate the law. ago, Oliver Cromwell cruelly the establishment of opposition With regard to ideological differ• suppressed the Levellers because parties and the abolition of the ences, so long as they do not act the latter demanded the aboli• Communist Party's leadership against the Constitution and the tion of the stipulation that only over media, represent an attempt four cardinal principles stipulat• people with a property worth two to impose the current forms of ed by the Constitution, Chinese pounds sterling had the right to Western democracy on China's citizens can freely air and debate vote. Such facts indicate that the political reality. about viewpoints of every des• early capitalist democracy was Why is that present China can• cription. It is extremely neces• actually a democracy of property not completely abolish the prac• sary to develop a spirit of to• owners and that in the contem• tice of arresting people as "polit• lerance in the academic and porary age the true nature of ical offenders" as demanded by ideological sphere and promote capitalist democracy has been the West? In raising the demand the thinking of Voltaire of the concealed, making it more decep• some Westerners want the Peo• Age of the Enlightenment: "Al• tive and hypocritical. ple's Republic to give full free• though I detest your views, I am There are many reasons for the dom of activity to its political willing to defend the right you prolonged development of capi• enemy. If the international and have to express them with my talist democracy. As Marx said, domestic climate permitted, it own life." Special attention rights can never go beyond the might not be a bad idea. The should be paid to protecting the economic structure of society real international and domestic legitimate right of the minority. and the cultural development atmosphere, however, falls far That is to say, we should adhere conditioned by the economic short of it. Not only is this im• to and implement the policy of structure. Many countries which possible for China to do, but it is "letting a hundred flowers bloom developed late and were unable impossible for the United States. and a hundred schools of to make up for their lost time For instance, even though the thought contend" put forward will, therefore, be unavoidably conditions of democratic politics by Chairman Mao Zedong. With buffeted by all sorts of ideas in the United States have im• this policy and spirit, there can ahead of their time. Today, a proved a lot, a youngster who be both freedom and discipline number of learned people return• burned a national flag of the Un• along with unified thinking and ing from study abroad are anx• ited States was still convicted, personal ease of mind. ious to transplant the democratic let alone real acts of subversion China's biggest political prob• system of the United States of against the US government. If lem is to maintain a stable polit• the 1980s to China. Despite their the Marxists in the United States ical environment. Not carrying respectable desire to dedicate occupied the lawn in front of the out political structural reform themselves to the service of the White House for a couple of days or moving too quickly with the


Formation and Development of System of Multi-Party Co-operation

by Lu Yun

The system of multi-party co-operation led by the Chinese Communist Party is a system of socialist political parties that is in accord with China's reality. It emerged and developed under the special historical conditions of China and reflects the characteristics of the historical development of Chinese society. r • ihe multi-party co- tandem to fight imperialism and tang betrayed the revolution I operation led by the feudal warlords. In that period, and massacred a great number Chinese Communist Party the Kuomintang led by Sun Yat- of Communists to introduce its has existed for about half a cen• sen (1866-1925), pioneer of the own one-party dictatorship. Left tury. Almost all the democratic democratic revolution, pursued with no alternative, the Com• parties in China were founded the three major policies of "al• munist Party turned to build its during or after the War of liance with Soviet Russia, co• own forces by creating the peo• Resistance Against Japan operation with the Communist ple's revolutionary army and re• (1937-45); they established rela• Party and support for the work• volutionary bases in the coun• tions of co-operation with the ers' and peasants' movements," tryside, and struck out on the Chinese Communist Party in while the Chinese Communist road of encircling cities from the struggle against the reaction• Party, as the political party of the countryside and seizing pol• ary rule of the Kuomintang. the Chinese working class, set itical power through armed Earlier, in 1924, the Kuomin• the realization of communism struggle. tang and the Communist Par• as its maximum programme and In the 1930s, the aggression ty, the only two political par• Marxism-Leninism as its guide by the Japanese militarists ar• ties then in China, worked in to action. In 1927, the Kuomin• oused the Chinese people in a reform will constitute the factors effectively. Only in this way will stamp" so detested by the people. for the turmoil. China is now the political reform bring real carrying out profound economic benefits to the Chinese people Concluding Remarks reforms, and the difficulties in• and not.be manipulated by some volved in the economic reform schemers. What is possible to be It is a basic fact that the require the leadership of a pow• achieved at present is to expand Chinese people have embarked erful government. Thus, China's the power of the people's con• on the socialist road. Despite political structural form should gresses at all levels, reinforce this, the political "elites" have be conducted in a more steady its representation and gradually indulged in the vain hope of and reliable way. Otherwise, it perfect the people's congress sys• changing this historical trend will be a catastrophe for the tem. The people's congresses and tried to lead China into Chinese people. The reform of should establish a regular work capitalism. Their political pro• the political structure should be procedure so as to enable them gramme will push China into based as far as possible on full to actively exercise supervision chaos. The turmoil, which is discussions and a common un• over the activities of the govern• aimed overthrowing the socialist derstanding, and should be car• ments at all levels, instead of state apparatus, will bring great ried out, preferably, slowly but being turned into a "rubber suffering to the Chinese people.


united struggle against the in• parties in China, influenced by members mainly from such so• vaders, and the Kuomintang the Communist Party's united cial strata as the national bour• and the Communist Party en• front policy, established, to var• geoisie, urban petty bourgeoisie tered a second round of co• ying degrees, relations of co• and their intellectuals as well as operation to fight the Japanese operation with the Chinese other patriotic democrats. They in unity. After the Japanese Communist Party. Such rela• were all political parties in the surrender, however, the ruling tions were further strengthened nature of an alliance of differ• Kuomintang, supported by the in later revolutionary struggles. ent social strata. Among their US government, launched a membership and leadership, large-scale civil war in an at• Initial Stage there were a certain number of tempt to wipe out the Commun• revolutionary intellectuals and a ist Party. It was against such a When they were founded, the few Communists. backdrop that all the democratic democratic parties drew their At that time the political pro• Member of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee and daughter of Zhao grammes of the democratic par• Dengyu, a well-known anti-Japanese general, Zhao Xuefen (middle), a senior ties included the fight against teacher of the Mikn Primary School, Beijing, has been cited a model teacher for imperialism and for national many years. ZHENG SHUW salvation and a demand for de• mocracy—political programmes which were basically in accord with that of the Chinese Com• munist Party for the period of the new democratic revolution. This explains why these de• mocratic parties took up co• operation with the Commun• ist Party soon after they were founded. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, they worked together to fight the Kuomintang diehards who were attempting to surrender to the Japanese imperialists, break up the Kuomintang-Communist co• operation and pull the wheels of history back. After the Japanese surrender, when a political con-

Such a possibility should arouse ality, democracy and legality itical structural reform in an ac• the attention of the people. and oppose political adventurism tive and cautious way, promote It goes without saying that so• characterized by extremism, fan• socialist democracy and place the cialism will save China and that aticism and eagerness for quick Party and the government under it has already brought independ• success and instant benefits. the supervision of the people. In ence, unity, stability and initial The Communist Party of so doing, the creative power of prosperity to China. It is highly China has the ability to lead the the people will be brought into likely that it can make China one Chinese people to realize the play, national cohesion streng• of the most powerful countries in grand goal of the modernization thened and a stable political si• the world within the next 30 to drive. It will adhere to the policy tuation created. 40 years. It only needs the time of reform and opening up to the If the Chinese people, includ• to make it a reality; it cannot be ontside world, ensure the sus• ing all patriotic intellectuals, stopped. tained, steady and proportion• concentrate their wisdom on im• At this important historical ate development of the nation• proving, not overthrowing, Chi• turn, then, it is absolutely neces• al economy, improve the living na's socialist system, there is no sary to stress political gradualism standards of the people and, at doubt that China has a bright characterized by reform, ration- the same time, will carry out pol- future. •

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 17 CHINA sultative conference attended by Kuomintang reactionaries. In• Chinese People's Political Con• representatives of the Kuomin- stead, they threw themselves sultative Conference, at which tang, the Communist Party, the into the democratic movements they passed a common pro• democratic parties and other in the Kuomintang-ruled areas. gramme which was invested public figures was convened and In early 1948, when the people's with the nature and functions of a truce agreement was signed by war of liberation led by the an interim constitution, set up the Kuomintang and the Com• Communist Party switched to the Central People's Govern• munist Party in January 1946 strategic offensive and gained ment through elections and the democratic parties, as the one victory after another, the founded the People's Republic "third party" and intermediate democratic parties declared of China. It was at this time forces, worked together with the openly that they stood by the that the system of multi-party Communist Party in their strug• people's revolution and fought co-operation under the leader• gle against the policy of civil together with the Communist ship of the Communist Party war and dictatorship of the Party to overthrow the Kuomin• took shape. Kuomintang reactionaries and tang reactionary rule and esta• During the period of new de• for peace and democracy. When blish a New China. In response mocratic revolution, the demo• the Kuomintang reactionaries to the Communist Party's call cratic parties co-operated and tore up the truce agreement, and issued on May 1, 1948, the de• fought together with the Com• the resolutions passed by the mocratic parties sent their lead• munist Party and made impor• political consultative conference ers to the Communist Party-led tant contributions to the victory in flagrant defiance of the op• liberated areas, declared their of the revolution and the found• position of the entire Chinese acceptance of Communist Party ing of the People's Republic of people and launched civil war leadership and joined the pre• China. on a national scale in June 1946, paration for the convocation of all the democratic parties, stand• a new political consultative con• ing by the Communist Party, so• ference. Improved Co-operation lemnly declared they did not In September 1949, all the de• After the founding of the Peo• recognize the bogus national as• mocratic parties and the Com• ple's Republic in 1949, China sembly and constitution of the munist Party attended the began to shift, in a planned way.

chairmen were (1872-1955), China's Democratic Parties (1875-1963), Yang Mingxuan (1891-1967), The China Revolutionary Com• mittee of the Kuomintang (1900-1985), mittee of Kuomintang. It was were (1885-1959), He (1896-1986) and Chu Tunan formally founded in January Xiangning (female, 1879-1972), (1899- ). 1948 by democratic figures of ( 1887-1981 ), The China Democratic National the Kuomintang who carried Wang Kunlun (1902-85) and Construction Association. It was on the patriotic and revolution• (1898- ). founded in December 1945 by ary spirit of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, The China Democratic League. patriotic national entrepreneurs forerunner of China's demo• It was formally founded in in industry and commerce and cratic revolution, and other pa• March 1941 by noted public fi• intellectuals having relations triotic democrats. Most of its gures composed mainly of intel• with them. Most of its members members are former middle- lectuals. Its original name was are people from the economic and high-ranking Kuomintang the China Democratic League circle and related experts. officials or personages of mid• of Political Organizations and The present Chairman is Sun dle and upper social strata who it adopted its present name in Qimeng. The previous chair• formerly had relations with the 1944. Most of its members are men were Kuomintang. At present, Zhu senior and middle-level intel• (1878-1965) and Xuefan holds the position of lectuals engaged in culture and (1895-1989). chairman. The previous chair• education. Its present chairman The China Association for men of the Revolutionary Com• is . The previous Promoting Democracy. Esta-


from new democratic revolution dling the relations between the the feudal system of exploita• to socialist revolution. All Communist Party and demo• tion and for the socialist trans• the democratic parties adapt• cratic parties, signahng further formation of the private owner• ed themselves to this new situa• enhancement of the system of ship of the means of produc• tion. At the plenary sessions of their respective central commit• multi-party co-operation. tion. Their political awareness tees, they revised their constitu• The democratic parties exper• was raised and, as a driving tions and decided to take the ienced three major tests after force rather than as a resisting Common Programme as their the founding of force, they made political programme. Later, the New China. The positive contribu• democratic parties, adopting the first was the land tions to the tho• Constitution of the People's Re• reform in the early rough completion of public of China and the pream• post-liberation per• The the new democratic ble of the Constitution of the iod and the ensu• multi-party revolution and the Chinese People's Political Con• ing socialist trans• co-operation led smooth accomplish• sultative Conference as their formation. The land ment of the tasks political programme, decided on reform was aimed by the Chinese set for the socialist the political line of serving so• at cutting off Communist transformation. cialism, thus turning off the new ties with feudalism, Party has existed Recalling the si• democratic road on to the road while the socialist for about half a tuation at that time. of serving socialism. In 1956 transformation was , chair• when the socialist transforma• aimed at breaking century. man of the Central tion of the private ownership off relations with • Committee of the of the means of production was capitalist owiier- China Democratic basically completed, Mao Ze• ship. Under the leadership and National Construction Associa• dong, chairman of the Com• with the help of the Commun• tion (CDNCA), said that during munist Party, put forward the ist Party, the democratic parties the period of transition from the policy of long-term coexistence were tempered and remoulded new democratic revolution to and mutual supervision for han• in the fight for the abolition of the socialist revolution, the

Wished in December 1945, it is nology, culture and education. gy, education and culture, it is composed mainly of intellec• The present chairman is Lu composed mainly of senior and tuals who work in the fields Jiaxi. The previous chairmen middle-level intellectuals en• of education, culture, publish• were Deng Yanda (1895-1931), gaged in science, technology, ing and science and patriotic Huang Qixiang (1898-1970), culture, education and medical personages of the industrial and (1895-1969), and health work. Its present business circles. Peng Zemin (1877-1956), Ji chairman is Peiyuan now holds the position of chair• Fang (1890-1987) and Zhou whose predecessor was Xu De- person. The previous chairmen Gucheng (1898- ). were (1885-1970), The China Zhi Gong Dang. heng (1890-1990). (1888-1984) and Founded in 1925 in San Fran• The Taiwan Democratic Self- (1894-1988). cisco, USA, it is composed Government League. Founded The Chinese Peasants' and mostly of returned overseas in November 1947, it is com• Workers' Democratic Party. It Chinese, their relatives and not• posed of Taiwan natives resid• was founded in 1930 under its ed figures and scholars with ing in the mainland. Its present original name, the Provision• overseas relations. The present chairman is Cai Zimin. The al Action Committee of the chairman is and previous chairmen were Xie Kuomintang, and adopted its the previous chairmen were Xuehong (female, 1901-70), present name in 1947. This par• Chen Qilong (1892-1971) and Cai Xiao (1919-90) and Su Zih- ty is composed mainly of sen• Huang Dingchen (1901- ). eng(1905- ). ior and middle-level intellec• The Jiu San Society. Founded The eight democratic parties tuals who work in the fields of in May 1946 by figures from now have a total membership of public health, science and tech• the fields of science, technolo• more than 400,000. •

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BEIJING REVIEW. MAKCH 19-25, 1990 19 CHINA Chinese Communist Party put der the correct leadership of their friendship and relations forward in 1952 the general line the Communist Party, without with the democratic parties all for the transitional period, to shedding blood or incurring eco• the more. This time the Com• the effect that the government nomic losses. Success was also munist Party put forward the should carry out the socialist policy of "long-term coexist• transformation of capitalist in• inseparable from the concurrent ence, mutual supervision, treat• dustry and commerce to replace efforts of the democratic parties, ing each other in all sincerity, capitalist ownership of the mass organizations and adv• and sharing weal and woe to• means of production through anced elements of industrial and gether" for dealing with its rela• the policy of peaceful redemp• business circles. The victorious tions with the democratic par• tion. CDNCA was transformation of capitalist in- ties. This policy has greatly ar• composed of pa• dustry and com- oused the democratic parties' triotic entre• ""^^^^ merce in China was sense of responsibility and en• preneurs and busi• a marked indication thusiasm for the country's polit• nessmen of the na• of the successful ical life and modernization. tional bourgeoisie Jt not only multi-party co• and intellectuals reflects the operation under the Persistence and who had connec• characteristics of leadership of the Improvement tions with them. Communist Party. CDNCA members the historical The second test After the founding of New from the industrial development of democratic parties China, all the democratic parties and business cir• Chinese society went through was participated in the construction cles who had gone but also the during the 1959-61 of political power in the coun• through the ideo• characteristics period of temporary try. Taking the Constitution as logical education of and advantage of difficulties for the their code of conduct and pro• their own party led national economy. tected by it and other laws, the the way for partici• China's political To tide over 'this democratic parties and the Com• pation in the joint system.^^^^ ^ period, the demo- munist Party swapped opinions ^^^^^ cratic parties did a with each other, criticized each state-private owner- "^"^^ great deal of ideo• other and supervised each other ship, using their own experi• logical work among their mem• in the light of the Constitution. ences to convince other industri• bers and the people under their They took part in the discussion alists and businessmen to accept influence, in a commendable ef• and decision-making process of socialist transformation through fort to help stabilize the nation• all important matters concern• peaceful redemption. The gov• al situation and overcome the ing the state's political life, eco• ernment made proper arrange• difficulties quickly. nomic construction and the un• ments for them in politics, work ited front, participated in run• and their daily life, and most The third test was in the ten ning state affairs, called on their held leading posts in the new chaotic years of the "cultural re• members and people under their joint state-private enterprises. volution" from 1966 to 1976. influence to take part in Quite a few participated in the Members of the democratic par• activities beneficial to social• work of people's congress, the ties and quite a large number of ism, spoke on behalf of the in• government and the political Communists were cruelly perse• terests of their members, ass• consultative conference. After cuted by the two counter• isted the Communist Party in much effort, the national capi• revolutionary cliques of Lin publicizing its policies and co• talists were, through their own Biao and Jiang Qing. However, ordinating relations among dif• efforts, transformed into labour• after the Communist Party ferent social groups, and helped ers. smashed these cliques, corrected their members to proceed with its own mistakes and set things their own ideological education. Sun added that the social• to rights, the democratic parties The democratic parties played ist transformation, which was continued to adhere to the so• an important role in fostering aimed at abolishing capitalist cialist road under the leadership the patriotic united front, main• ownership, was, of course, in of the Communist Party, and taining China's peace and uni• contradiction with the essence this is indeed highly commend• ty and promoting the socialist of the capitalist class. This acute able. Many Communists who cause. contradiction was, however, fin• had been persecuted during the ally solved without a hitch un- "cultural revolution" valued In the late 1970s, China en-


Lei Jieqiong (second right)/ chairwoman of the Central Committee of the China Association (or Promoting Democracy, with her party comrades. * XU ZHICHENG tered a new historical period in and co-operation between the provement of the system of which the central task is the con• Communist Party and the de• multi-party co-operation and struction of socialist moderniza• mocratic parties. All the demo• political consultation under the tion. The situation of the domes• cratic parties have thus entered leadership of the Communist tic classes has undergone a a new historical period of serv• Party and took it as an impor• fundamental change. On the ing the construction of socialist tant part of the reform of mainland, the exploiting class as modernization. China's political system. The a whole no longer exists. All the In the past 50 years of strug• "Guidelines Proposed by the democratic parties have also un• gle and practice, China's demo• Central Committee of the Com• dergone a historic change. They cratic parties have travelled on a munist Party of China for Up• have each become political alli• road from co-operating with the holding and Improving the Sys• ances of some of the socialist Communist Party to accepting tem of Multi-Party Co• labourers and patriots who sup• its leadership, and from stand• operation and Political port socialism and with whom ing for patriotism to serving so• Consultation Under the Leader• these parties maintain their res• cialism. The system of multi• ship of the Communist Party" pective ties, and a political party co-operation and political put forward at the end of 1989 forces that serve socialism under consultation emerged and devel• marks the beginning of a new the leadership of the Commun• oped under the specific histori• period in which the work in ist Party. The four cardinal cal conditions of China. It not connection with multi-party co• principles listed in the Constitu• only reflects the characteristics operation and pohtical consulta• tion of adherence to the socialist of the historical development of tion will be conducted regularly road, to the leadership of the Chinese society but also the as a hard and fast rule, and Communist Party, to the peo• characteristics and advantage of the role of democratic parties ple's democratic dictatorship China's political system. In as participants in state and gov• and to Marxism-Leninism and 1987, the 13th National Con• ernment affairs and democratic Mao Zedong Thought are the gress of the Chinese Communist supervision will be given further common political basis for unity Party called for the further im• play. •


China Declares War on Pornography by Our Staff Reporter Cheng Gang Anyone who has recently paid a visit to bookshops, magazine stands and public places of entertainment has discovered that the various kinds of obscene publications, audio and video cassettes pandering to sex, violence and feudal superstition, which used to be readily available, were hard to find. The disappearance of such material is proof that China's campaign against pornography is making progress.

ince the implementation 188 audio-video cassette publish• the Press and Publication Ad• of reform in 1979, Chi• ing organizations and around 50 ministration promulgated the S na's publishing trade has audio and video tape factories provisional regulations on lim• developed rapidly. In 1988, had been set up. Cassette and iting pornographic publications 502 publishing houses nation• video tape marketing networks and at least 254 pornographic wide printed 6.225 billion had expanded from their original books were immediately seized. Chinese and foreign-language base in urban areas to the rural In the video cassette market, books in 62,962" titles in addi• areas. In 1988, the sales volume some obscene audio and video tion to 5,865 magazines with a of video and audio cassettes na• tapes and productions smuggled press run of 2.55 billion copies tionwide amounted to 360,000 into the country were also sold or and 1,537 newspapers with a and 117 million respectively. In played back both privately and printing of 26.78 billion co• addition, about 30,000 video pro• publicly. Statistics from the pies. This was a far cry from jection centres were opened in Public Security Department of the situation between 1966 Fujian Province show that 411 of and 1978. You Yuzhen, a cities and small towns to liven up such video products were seized bank clerk more than 50 years the cultural and recreational life. in 1988 and 66 in the first half of old, said that at that time 1989. The material included por• she could read only few new Pornographic Pestilence nographic products which are books a year, but now there is At the same time as this boom, banned or limited in distribu• no way she can finish reading however, many publishers took tion in Western countries and, all the new titles which come advantage of loopholes in the in some cases, even depicted sex• on the market. publishing and cultural market. ual relations between humans Such rapid development, of A large number of publications, and animals. course, helped the publishing audio and video products, full of In July 1989, some banned market to flourish. Now, there violence and feudal superstition, books were still being sold at one are more than 20,000 state, flowed into the publication mar• bookstall in Beijing. The young collective and individual-run ket. For instance. The Ron Pu owner explained that it's impos• bookstores throughout the Tuan, a book full of promiscuous sible for the few available ad• country. Along with this pub• material banned in China for ministrative personnel to control lishing house boom has been some 300 years, and The Minds the many individual bookstalls the development of the audio- of Young Girls, a hand-written and, even when they discover video industry over the past pornographic book circulated se• banned publications, the fine ten years. Before 1979, no fac• cretly among young people dur• makes barely a dent in the book• tory in China was capable ing the 1970s, could both be sellers' profit. This particular of producing audio-tape cas• found on bookstands over the book vendor was typical. Over settes. But, by the end of 1989, past few years. In January 1989, the past few years, many people

22 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 CHINA who thought only of profit have products. They earned 720,000 Beijing middle school is one ex• made large profits in the pornog• yuan. ample. After pornographic publi• raphy business. They organized cations were introduced into the illegal underground networks to Poison class, both male and female stu• compile, publish, print and dis• dents became vulgar in speech, tribute the material, particularly Before his arrest, Chen acted rudely, idled about and in the coastal areas where the Bingxun had raped four girls. were lax in their studies. The His parents never expected their class became worse by the day. bulk of the manufacturing and son to commit such crimes be• In one year, four students failed distributing has taken place. In cause they had been strict with to be promoted to the next Shishi City, Fujian Province, him and because he used to be a grade and one student commit• for instance, obscene video tapes promising student in a middle ted crimes. The class teacher at• were sold almost publicly. Per• school of Jinjiang County, Fuji• tributed the deteriorating situa• sons from around the country an Province. However, he secret• tion to pornography. "Teachers came first to view and then to ly got hold of the The Minds of and parents have the best of in• choose the videos which they Young Girls, reading it night and tentions and urge their children would peddle in other parts of day, when he was only 15 years time and again to behave moral• the country. In a short time, old. From then on, he read and ly, but all previous efforts can be some 1,000 households in the saw many obscene publications wasted due to one bad book. It is city were engaged in selling and and video cassettes; his studies certainly true that a person will reproducing at least 3,300 cas• suffered and he turned to crime emulate the good in three years settes each day. In Shanghai, at the age of 16. whereas he will do the same for three-fourths of the pornograph• In the Fujian No. 1 Juvenile the bad in three days." One par• ic videos seized over the past few Reformatory, all the juvenile of• fenders from both rural and ur• ent said that he was formerly years had originated in Shishi ban areas had been exposed like worried his child would not read. City. Chen Bingxun to pornographic Now, he said, he's worried about Wenzhou's Jinxiang Town is material. Eighty percent of them his child picking up the wrong another source of pornographic were direct victims of such expo• book. products. Between March and sure. In fact, the harm which por• July 1989 alone, 77 individual Although most students don't nography does is not limited to managers and private enterprises turn to crime, those who view the young. One 30-year-old mar• sent 1 million letters to 29 prov• pornographic material slacken ried man, for example, in Beijing inces, municipalities and auton• their academic efforts and have quickly degenerated into a life omous regions soliciting cus• less desire to be successful in of debauchery after viewing ob• tomers for subscription to their their work. A model class in a scene videos. He often gathered a group of men and women in his home to engage in sexually promiscuous activities. Another person, a 24-year-old married woman from an intellectual's family, became involved with a promiscuous group after viewing obscene videos for several years. Faced with the deluge of such material, the public appealed for a nationwide campaign against pornography. Guan Tao, a mem• ber of the Secretariat of the All- China Women's Federation, said that for some time mothers have been quite distraught and were quite relieved when the cam• paign began. Li Yuanchao, a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Com• munist Youth League, said that pornographic publications, audio

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 23 CHINA and video products must be tho• the power to define characters cial department. Thirteen land- roughly cleaned-up because they of publication; groups of invited and-water transport co• are the key factors contributing experts are the only ones, how• ordination stations in Shishi, on to crimes committed by young ever, with the power to decide their own initiative, turned over people.' As early as 1985, 67 whether certain materials are pornographic publications, au• members of the Chinese Peo• pornographic. Each province, dio and video products being ple's Political Consultative Con• municipality and autonomous shipped by passengers to the lo• ference (CPPCC) delivered sev• region, especially the coastal cal industrial and commercial en motions calling for a ban on areas, has its own target in the departments. In Wenzhou City, offensive newspapers, books and campaign. Public security or• Province, all 59 lawless magazines to the Third Session gans, procuratorial organs, peo• persons who surrendered to the of the Sixth National Committee ple's courts, civil administration judicial departments were dealt of CPPCC. The Chinese public organs, customs and the depart• with leniently. was quite pleased to see that the ments of publication, culture, in• Each area has undertaken vi• anti-pornography campaign had dustry and commerce, health, gorous measures to counter finally begun. post and telecommunications are smuggling activities and rectify all co-operating closely. printing, publication and dis• The traffic, post and telecom• tribution departments. Xiamen Cleaning-Up Pornography munications departments in Fu- Customs, for instance, punished Since the Emergency Circular jian Province, in particular, 40 smugglers of pornographic on Checking Up and Rectifying strictly inspect goods from Shishi materials from 1988 to 1989 and the Publications Market was is• City. Security at the Fuzhou Air• confiscated 69 obscene books and sued by the State Press and Pub• port seized some 10,000 obscene magazines and 32 video cassettes lication Administration on July video cassettes which a Shishi re• in the first half of 1989. In 11, 1989 and since a nation• sident had intended to transport co-operation with other depart• al tele-conference on cleaning- to 13 provinces and municipal• ments, Xiamen Customs discov• up and rectifying the publishing ities; a post office in Tongan ered a Singapore businessman and audio-video industry was County captured two other who transported obscene video held by the CPC Central Com• Shishi residents who had bribed cassettes secretly into China and mittee and the State Council on two workers for the purpose of organized others to reproduce August 24, 1989, there has been posting obscene video cassettes; them. In the rectification of a rush of activities to clean up and some 43 freight transport newspapers, publishing houses the cultural market in all parts of departments have been closed and printing houses, some units the country. Huang Xiaoxin, an down for shipping pornographic were ordered to close down dur• official of the State Press materials. Also, the Fujian prov• ing the second half of last year and Publication Administra• incial government sent a work for publishing, printing and tion, said, "The surge of anti- team to Shishi to'cooperate with producing pornographic materi• pornographic activity is designed the local public security organs als. to curb the flow of such material and work with the local re• Although much progress has into the cultural market; we in• sidents. So far, more than 50 been made in cleaning up and tend to concentrate our resources pornographic material producers rectifying the cultural market, and bring about a rapid change." and distributors have been ar• the battle against pornography is By the end of September 1989, rested. At an underground print• not finished. In order to conso• more than 50 million porno• ing house in Xiangzhi Township, lidate and further develop the graphic publications and 400,000 eight obscene pictures were still gains, the central and local gov• obscene video cassettes had been in the machines when police ar• ernments are now perfecting the confiscated. rived. More than 10,000 obscene management of the publication Nationwide, local govern• books, 20,000 calendars and and cultural market. ments have stressed the need to 15,000 colour covers for obscene Related laws and regulations deal with the problem strictly ac• video cassettes were confiscated have been formulated and a cording to policies. They first and 19 persons arrested. strict policy worked out. In De• list, based on investigations, the The campaign has frightened cember 1989, Shanghai pub• names of the material to be some persons engaged in illegal lished The Temporary Provi• banned. The state and provincial activities to give themselves up sions on the Ban of Harmful departments responsible for the to the police. One Shishi person, Publications, the first set of anti- administration of publications, for instance, surrendered 350 ob• pornographic regulations formu• audio and video products have scene video cassettes to the judi• lated by a local government in


China. The regula• tions clearly stipulate the standard for judg• ing harmful publica• tions, the limitations placed on publica• tions, audio and video products in regard to pornography, viol• ence and feudal su• perstition and the punishment awaiting those who engage in pornographic produc• tion, marketing, dis- Sfc tribution and tran• sportation. Later, sim- * ^ ilar regulations have been or are being drawn up by the Bei• jing, Tianjin, Shan- dong and Zhejiang nfegai audio and video pioducts seized in Xiamen. .• .-.'G governments. The na• tional Publication Law and the healthy and obscene materials policies for different publica• Provisions on Managing Cultur• should be accompanied by heal• tions in order to limit the publi• al Market are now being dis• thy works meeting the needs of cation of worthless books. Con• cussed by experts from various the masses. Li Ruihuan, mem• cerned departments in the cen• fields and will be published soon. ber of the Standing Committee tral government are now formu• In addition, some administrative of the Political Bureau of the lating similar measures. measures have been worked out CPC Central Committee, has On October 20, 1989, the and put into practice. said that the aim of the anti- Third International Audio and Administrative organs over pornography campaign is to en• Video Products Exhibition was the cultural market have been able art and literature to flour• held in Beijing. More than 28 established nationwide. For inst• ish. Soon after the beginning of companies from 13 countries ance, a cultural market manage• the campaign, activities high• and regions including the United ment office has been set up in lighting socially positive publica• States, Japan, the Soviet Union, each city, county and district of tions have been held in Shanghai Hong Kong and Taiwan attended Zhejiang Province. A daily and Hunan. Book fairs and exhi• the exhibition and offered more publication market management bitions have also been conducted than 15,000 varieties of cassettes, group has also been established in Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Shan• laser discs, video cassettes and on each Beijing street, and dong, Shanghai, Fujian, Jiangsu laser video discs. The exhibition forms a district-by-district man• and in order to pub• strongly appealed to Chinese mu• agement network. During a per• licize books to readers. In addi• sic lovers and showed that Chi• iod of one-half month, starting tion, many provinces and muni• na's cultural exchanges with for• August 23, 1989, the groups cipalities have adopted measures eign countries would not be seized 8,428 pornographic publi• to support the creations of social-. weakened due to the anti- cations, banned an underground ly positive works. Shaanxi Prov• pornography campaign but, on wholesale department and closed ince has decided that all funds the contrary, would be streng• down two obscene book rental confiscated from pornographic thened. Such events never are or• businesses. materials producers and sellers ganized by pornographic distri• would be re-directed towards butors; they use illegal means, publishing beneficial works and not cultural exchange. Neverthe• Flourishing Art and academic articles. Shanghai has less, as advanced world culture is Literature set aside 5 million yuan in pub• introduced to the Chinese public lishing funds to encourage the vigilance must be maintained to In addition to the campaign publication of such works. Hebei ensure that pornography is kept against pornography, people un• Province has tried different tax out. • derstand that cleaning up un-


Shanghai: Culture Still nourishing by Our Shanghai Correspondent Dai Gang r • ihe recent successful nation- entertainment business is impor• ers and large black-screen video I wide campaign against the tant, the cultural official noted, monitors, are sure to see a rapid "six evils" (mainly por• and in accordance with the poli• increase in customers. nography, prostitution and gam• cies against pornography publi• "It's important to train the bling) has not adversely affected cation and circulation, Shanghai people who will work in the en• Shanghai's cultural life. On the has instituted quite a number of tertainment field," the cultural contrary, an official from the ci• regulations and decrees. With official said. Managers, orches• ty's Cultural Bureau told Beijing these laws, the originally hap• tra members, singers, acoustic Review that the city's culture is hazard amusement business has engineers and fashion models booming. undergone readjustment and are generally required to be fam• As one of the nation's most been brought under control. iliar with relevant decrees and { important cultural centres, According to the official, since regulations and have a thorough Shanghai's unique charm never July 1989, they have reexamined knowledge of their business. For ends with nightfall. In addition the status of all ballrooms, music this purpose, various training to the famous old Great World teahouses, Karaoke bars, ama• courses have been offered to Amusement Centre, a number teur bands, fashion shows and 3,000 people. Some 1,800 mu• of ballrooms, music teahouses, folk art performing groups. sicians and singers have passed sing-song halls, Karaoke bars Of some 272 ballrooms, 60 their professional examinations and other entertainment centres percent sell admission tickets for and received officially recogni• have been set up to make big two yuan per person and 2 per• tion as qualified actors. money in their prime time even• cent charge more than 20 yuan. Cultural officials co-operate ing hours. Though still a novelty to the av• fully with the city's public secur• Though it is no secret that erage Shanghai person, the 33 ity and commercial administra• many residents in the city bury Karaoke bars, equipped with the tive authorities in regard to their noses in Mahjong games most up-to-date laser-disc play• management of the city's enter- either for money or for fun, the cinemas and video centres are still the best shelter for lovers out dating. New foreign films and video features are, as usual, the favourite choice of most au• diences. Walking along the neon- lighted thoroughfares stretching out from Wai Tan (the water• front Bund), or passing by those smartly-decorated private clubs in back alleys, one can easily feel the make-a-night-of-it mood which distinguishes Shanghai from most other Chinese cities, and fully enjoy idling away the hours in any of the many forms of entertainment the city prov• ides. Strong management over the


tainment market. Authorities industry in Shanxi, Inner Mon• Shanghai will take to develop its are expected to continue their golia, Hebei and Beijing. urban culture is the imitation of joint efforts emphasizing the From the New Year's Day a biennial comprehensive amusement parks and billiard, through Chinese traditional performance season—Shanghai Spring Festival which fell on Spring Art Festival in combina• the management of games facil• January 27, a total of 67 per• tion with the older ones such as ities because of the heavy de• formances were arranged in and Shanghai Drama Festival and mand on the services by young around Shanghai. Almost all Shanghai International Art Fes• customers. these performances were nation• tival. At the same time, unlike the al art pieces, 18 of which were During the new season, start• restructions placed on the num• staged for the first time. They ing in spring 1990, the city will ber of ballrooms, new Karaoke bars will be encouraged to open in order to balance an over-concentration in location. As for a serious art ! is concerned, the cul• tural authorities of Shanghai have been seeing for a long time the competitive chal• lenge of imported films and video tapes to homespun prod• ucts, of pop music to serious music, espe• cially national music, and of disco to na• tional theatre, nation• al dance and tradi• tional local opera. The cultural offi• cial said, "In the 1990s, we shall do our share to included a special presentation not only sponsor art perform• regenerate national art and liter• by established players of the ances and exhibitions of its own, ature in order to fully display Shanghai Traditional Chinese but also invite art troupes and and promote our cultural heri• Music Orchestra, a special per• artists from China and abroad tQ tage and express the spirit of our formance by star dancers from participate. times." the Shanghai Dance Drama In order to support the endea• Efforts towards this end have Troupe, a concert offered by the vour of serious artists, the city's already begun. At present, a Shanghai Orchestra and several cultural authorities will also large good-will troupe of cele• newly-rehearsed Shaoxing and sponsor a full range of artistic brated actors, singers and ballet Shanghai operas. activities after the spring per• dancers, led by Sun Bin, film At the same time, 11 perform• formances season, including a star and chief of the Municipal ing art groups from other parts symposium on strategic policies Bureau of Culture, have been of China also presented their for development of theatre in entrusted by Mayor Zhu Rongji greetings to the Shanghai audi• Shanghai. Another step worth to perform Peking opera, Shaox- ence and special groups of per• noting is that the Shanghai Art ing opera and Shanghai opera, forming artists went down to the Theatre has been officially con• comics, acrobatics and music country, factories, construction firmed as the special theatre in and dances to entertain the coal sites, PLA units and colleges to charge of staging outstanding miners and other workers in the entertain the people there. works of serious traditional communication and transport One of the major measures Chinese and foreign classics. •


daughter. "You have to stay at home alone." Children Become "Little Assists "Don't worry, papa," the girl WENHUIBAO tive assistants," and eight have assured him. "Do what you (Wenhoi Daily) been named the best supervi• must and take it easy. Our ost children in kinder• sors. The campaign has not school has launched a cam• gartens or secondary only improved the safe driv• paign for us to become 'lit• M and primary schools ing record of railway employ• tle assistants' to our parents. in urban China are their par• ees, but has also bettered the I must be a master of myself in ents' only child. They are the atmosphere at the school. life." apple of their parents' eye and The motto of kindergarten Looking at his daughter's are indulged in every way. children whose parents work trusting face, he nodded and They are known as "little em• for the Xiangtang railway has left the house. Lu Chen went to perors" or "little princesses." become: "Papa, come back bed alone after finishing the However, when the trade safely. I'll meet you when you household chores and doing union of the Shanghai railway return." The motto is a con• her homework. bureau meets to exchange ed• stant reminder to their parents Afterwards when the neigh• ucational experiences, stories to pay attention to safe driving. bours asked her whether she about "little emperors and Zhang Li's father is chief of had been afraid staying at princesses" becoming "little as• a transfer point for trains. Af• home alone, she replied: "I sistants" are related. ter his daughter sent him off to was afraid at first. But when I Trying to be a "little supervi• work with the motto ringing in thought that my parents would sor" to help parents work safe• his ears he drove carefully to be able to go to work without ly. At the No. 2 railway pri• his work station and boarded mary school in Pingxiang train No. 709. When the train worrying about me, I felt hap• County, children learn about entered Xiangtang Railway py-" being "little supervisor" to Station and hadn't come to a (January 19, 1990) their parents. So far, there are complete stop, a young man 308 "little spervisors" and each suddenly jumped on to the Farmers Cut one of them can recite the saf• train. His foot missed the step. ety rules distributed by the He grabbed the railing but Expenses Pingxiang railway sub-bureau. found himself dangling on the ZHONGGUO TONGJI XINXI BAO When the pupils go home, they outside of the train. Seeing (China's Statistical and Information cross-examine their fathers to the life-threatening situation Daily) see whether the grown-ups Zhang managed to open one of fTT^his year farmers in China have mastered the rules. the doors on the train and the I will continue to buy few- The father of Hong Wei is a young man was pulled to safety JL er consumer goods, espe• train driver. Hong wouldn't al• inside the train. Thus, a serious cially luxury items, a recent low his father to drink wine accident had been averted. survey by the State Statistical before driving and asked him "To be a master of life." Bureau shows. to recite the rules. After that Railway workers must work The survey covered 32,000 the child would say with deep three different shifts and find farmer households in 29 prov• feeling, "Papa, you must come it difficult to get a babysitter inces, autonomous regions, ex• back safely." for their children. But the pri• cept for Tibet, and municipali• His father would always re• mary school has taught child• ties directly under the central ply in a serious manner, "Sure, ren to be self-reliant. authorities. I'm sure." Because of the "We want to be masters in It found that the house• child's constant reminding, old life," said Lu Chen, a Young building craze has abated. Be• Hong would go to work in high Pioneer in the fifth grade. tween 1985 and 1988, the cost spirits and not resort to wine. One day, Lu's mother was for farmers to build a house Old Hong obeyed all work working the night shift and her increased at an annual rate of rules and drove safely for 1,468 father found himself in a diffi• 21.7 percent. In 1989, however, days. cult situation. the rush to build a house start• Since the "little supervisors" "I have something urgent I ed to cool off. From January campaign was launched, 38 have to do and must be away to September, the amount of pupils have been chosen as "ac• on business," he told his young money farmers put towards


new houses slumped to 8.2 per• cent over the previous year. Of Gao said that price reform cent from 23.1 percent in 1988. this amount, each family plans should be completed at the The figure is expected to con• to spend 9.3 clothing, an in• same time as reform in other tinue to drop this year. Farmer crease of 3.8 percent over the fields, especially in enterprises. households this year are also previous year, and 0.6 pair of This is because price reform is expected to spend an average of leather shoes, an increase of 3.4 closely associated with wages, 244.5 yuan to buy building ma• percent. bank interest, taxes and the terials, a drop of 17.9 percent (January 8,1990) foreign exchange rate. from last year. Every effort must be made The survey found that the Economic Reform to avoid inflation to create a demand for durable goods has favourable environment for dwindled. A few years ago, Via Price Reform I readjusting the pricing system, farmers bought what's des• Gao said. High inflation will cribed as the "four old goods" ZHONGGUOQIYE BAO (China's Enterprises Daily) make it difficult to straighten —bicycles, sewing machines, out the price system and mar• watches and radios. But in the r • ihere are several major ket mechanism. In 1988, prices past few years they started to I elements to price reform, in general went up 18.5 percent buy the "four new goods"—tel• which is the key to Chi• and banknotes worth 70 billion evision sets, washing machines, na's general economic reform. yuan were issued. As a result, tape recorders and electric According to Gao Tiesheng, no substantial progress was fans. head of the Policy and Law achieved in price reform. Calculated on the basis of Department under the State Price reform should be con• 100 families, the survey found Commodity Pricing Bureau, ducted by combining efforts to that they planned to buy 7.8 the planned economy must be readjust, decentralize and con• television sets this year, a drop combined with market regula• trol prices. Practice has prov• of 19.6 percent from the pre• tion. Price reform depends on en that it won't do to single- vious year. Of the television the introduction and the use of mindedly decentralize prices sets to be bought, 1.3 sets were the market mechanism, which and neglect price controls. In colour, a decrease of 38.1 per• in no way spells a weakening or the process of reform, econo• cent; and 6.5 sets were black negating of guidance by plan• mic and legal means will carry and white, a drop of 14.5 per• ning. China has not yet to more weight than administra• cent. Every 100 farmer house• work out effective and scientif• tive methods. holds planned to buy 3 washing ic measures in this respect. As Price reform, Gao said, re• machines, a decrease of 18.9 well, the conditions for read• quires patience to be success• percent; 4.2 tape recorders, a justing the market do not yet ful. drop of 6.7 percent; and 11.3 exist. (December 14, 1989) electric fans, a decrease of 11.7 percent. When buying the "four old goods" farmers prefer famous-brand goods, the surv• ey indicated. The survey also found that there was a marked rise in the quantity of clothes needed by farmer households but a slight decline in quality. With farm• ers solving the basic problems of clothing and food and be• coming a little better off, their demand for clothes increased. The survey found that farmers are making new requests in the amount and style of clothes. This year each household plans to spend an average of 190.8 yuan on clothes, up 10.7 per• ' ^ Co-<^rat ion." ZHAN FAWIJI

BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 29 BUSINESS/TRADE Hainan's Four yuan has been invested in the the company has enjoyed inter• HIIDZ. national prestige for its fair Development Zones JIDZ, an area of 16.5 square prices and willingness to stick to km, the largest of the four, has contracts. World sales are contin• he four development zones finished infrastructure construc• ually expanding with the volume set up after Hainan Prov• tion in its centre and drawn in• of orders increasing at an aver• T ince became China's big• vestment of 120 million yuan age annaul rate of 5.7 percent. gest special economic zone in from 17 Chinese and foreign en• Chinese tea is sold to more 1988, the Binhai Dadao Finan• terprises. Among them, five en• than 50 countries and regions. cial and Trading Zone (BDFTZ) terprises, such as the joint- Sales volume in the United in Haicou City, the Hong Kong- venture stainless steel tube plant, States, Morocco, the Soviet Macao International Industrial have gone into operation. JIDZ Union, Poland, Tunisia, Britain Development Zone (HIIDZ), is expected to net US$10 million and Hong Kong, for instance, I Jinpan Industrial Development on an output value of 100 mil• each accounts for more than Zone(JIDZ), and Haidian East• lion yuan this year. 10,000 tons. • ern Development Zone (HEDZ), HEDZ, 6.8 square km in size, have invested 752 million yuan has 100,000 square metres un• in infrastructure construction. der construction, including off• The four zones cover a total ice and apartment buildings. area of 27 square km. Some 130 Sixty percent of the workload [ hectares of infrastructure con• of the Heping Northern Bridge struction has been completed in linking Haicou City and Haidan BDFTZ, 1.5 square km in size, Island has been completed and Commerce-Run and attracted 212 million yuan in HEDZ has put 180 million yuan Industries Expands investment from more than ten in infrastructure construction. • \ Chinese and foreign enterprises. ast year saw a steady ex• The construction of eight high- pansion of export of goods rise buildings, including the I produced by manufactur• 28-storey Nanyang Commercial ers operated by China's commer• Mansion of the Hong Kong cial departments, Vice-Minister Nanyang Commercial Bank, the of Commerce Fu Limin told a Longzhu New Building of recent press conference. Zhujiang Co. and Second Largest Tea Exported commodities include the 25-storey Shanghai Shenya Exporter such Chinese traditional prod• Mansion, has begun. Some com• ucts as meat, rice, soybean, cot• mercial apartment buildings tatistics from the Chinese ton, wine, flavourings, veget• built by the Guangzhou Zhu• Customs indicate that ables, foodstuff and machinery jiang Co. have been finished and China exported 204,500 for foods processing. put into use. S tons of tea worth US$420 million The goods, Fu said, have en• HIIDZ, 3.2 square km in size, in 1989, a respective increase of joyed certain prestige on the in• specializes in the manufacture of 6,300 tons and US$18 million ternational market. More than shoes, clothes and foodstuffs and over 1988. This makes China the 50 kinds of these commodities is managed by the Hong Kong- second largest tea exporter in the won gold medals on internation• Macao International Investment world after India. al fairs and foods competition. Co. Basic construction has been China has long been a big tea For example, the Guihua wine completed, and foreign-owned exporter. At present, China ex• produced by Tianjin, won gold enterprises, such as the Nanyin ports both traditional and new medal in the 49th Internation• Footwear Factory and the Inter• varieties developed in recent al Class-A Light Wine Compe• national Footwear Factory, have years. Some special teas good for tition. The sweet vinegar brewed begun operation. They netted keeping fit and dieting, for ex• by Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province US$4.8 million on exporting 70 ample, have been sold on the in• won gold medal at the French percent of their annual output ternational market and won international fair, and the last year. In addition, eight joint some 28 international gold med• bamboo-leaf green tea won the ventures, such as the printing als. 24th world high-quality foods and dyeing mill and emulsion Chinese tea is exported by the gold medal. gloves factory, are under con• China National Tea Import and The commodities have been struction. About 240 million Export Corp. In the past decade. sold to a dozen or so countries


and regions including Japan, the the services needed to keep up and animal-breeding group com• United States, Britain, France, Tianjin's foreign trade repu• panies in the world. The Dafa Federal Germany, the Soviet tation. The centre will prov• Co., is an integrated industrial Union, Eastern Europe and ide reward-punishment regula• and commercial enterprise spe• Hong Kong. tions concerning product quality cializing in meat chicken farm• Since 1979 Chinese commer• and contract performance in the ing in Beijing. With business cial industries have introduced light of pertinent laws to prom• booming, they have decided to US$920 million in foreign funds ote production export and timely further expand investment scope to further expand the inter- delivery. The centre will handle in order to improve their compe• natioal market. Of this sum, matters according to internation• titive ability. • US$250 million have been spent al practices. in importing advanced technolo• The centre will regularly con• gy and equipment for the esta• duct credit evaluations of Tian• blishment of 31 production lines jin's foreign trade enterprises; and technical transformation of solicit opinions of foreign custo• 419 projects. mers, foreign commercial organ• In addition to a dozen or so izations in Tianjin, and com• Beijing Develops A joint ventures set up throughout mercial divisions of China's em• New Medicine China, they have also established bassies, consulates and foreign Sino-foreign joint ventures in trade agencies resident in foreign ^-quintessence of Nature," a Thailand and the Philippines. countries; collect information on • • new medicine developed Chinese commercial industries quality of export products, con• by the Beijing Haimin | have nearly 60,000 enterprises. tract performance and services; Co^Tias entered the markets of | The output value in 1989 was and accept foreign customers' Japan, Taiwan and Southeast more than 75 billion yuan, the complaints. • Asia. fourth largest industrial sector in Quintessence of Nature is China. There is much potential produced by using unique tech• to he tapped in the future. niques and special medicinal ; Exports are expected to in• herbs of Northwest China; it is , crease in 1990, Fu said, adding comprised of plant polysacchar• that they are expected to streng• ide, 16 varieties of amino acids then their economic exchanges Tiiailand Invests and more than 20 trace elements. and co-operation with foreign In 300 clinical cases, the med• countries, and import new tech• More in Beijing icine has shown to be beneficial nology and facilities so as to re• in the treatment of weariness, in• novate the old equipment. nrihe prospects of a healthy somnia, poor appetite, dizziness, by Liu Jianjun market has encouraged the blurred vision and chill—symp• T Chia Tai Group of Thai• toms that appear at advanced land to expand their investment age. The medicine has no adverse scope in China. The group signed side effects. an agreement with the Beijing Pharmacological tests on ani• Dafa Animal By-products Co. in mals have shown that it is effec- ! Beijing on March 2 to increase tive in improving and regulating ; Export Credit their joint investment from or• cellular and immunity functions. I iginally planned 64.12 million According to Tian Jian, tech• Supervision Centre yuan to 170 million yuan. nology adviser to the company, The expanded Dafa-Chia Tai the medicine may also prevent hina's first organization for Co. Ltd. in Beijing, will have the spread of Aids. During re• the supervision of export 12 enterprises. It will be able to cent years, Tian has made suc• C credit, the Tianjin Export raise 300,000 parent chickens, 30 cessful advances in his research , Credit Supervision Centre began million young chickens and pro• on prevention and cure of Aids operation during the Tianjin Ex• cess 18 million meat chickens a by means of traditional Chinese port Products Fair held in early year, 30 percent of which will be medicines. Given the importance March. exported. of his research, he hopes to co• The centre will check the qual• Chia Tai Group is Thailand's- operate with foreign colleagues ity of export products, super• largest transnational corporation who specialize in the field. vise contract performance and and one of the largest farming by Han Baocheng


Engravings Display Vigorous Style

-rnlike the elegant fea- I tures of landscape paint- ing south of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, a set of engravings by Ying Tianqi titled Xidi Village displays a sim• pler, more vigorous style. These engravings, one of which won a bronze medal at a national exhibition last fall, are Ying's record of a village in An- hui Province that has retained its traditional architecture because of its remote location. When Ying, a native of Jiang- su Province, first saw Xidi, he was awed by its beauty and prim• itive simplicity and by the tran- quiUty of the surrounding coun• tryside. The low, tilting wooden hous• es with carvings on the wooden windowpanes and eaves bend• Wood block printings from series of Xidi Village. ing upward, and the brick walls

32 BEIJING REVIEW, MAJRCH 19-25, 1990 CULTURE / SCIENCE carved with horse heads that when he had looked out into the golia, some of which contain ar• have taken on a mottled hue, quiet night in his hometown and tifacts up to 50,000 years old. come alive in Ying's hands. been moved by the moonlight The discoveries, which include His designs are simple rather landscape. He found it curious 145 separate sites across Ulan than complicated, using brief, that the harmony between un• Qab, have yielded valuable new straight lines to capture basic de• dulating roofs and nature could information for the study of an• tails. In some of the engravings evoke such a tranquility and cient human culture. he has used the tops of arches from a disturbed mind and now, Among the ruins were five and gateways to replace the hor• as an artist he seeks to stimulate stone-implement processing sites izon, impressing viewers with a that same feeling of wonder in that contained scrapers and sense of order and strength. his viewers. chopping tools. It was these arti• Although his forte is wood Ying attended the class for facts that enabled experts to date block printing and black-and- advanced studies in the engrav• the ruins to the late Paleolithic white woodcuts, he also uses the ing department of the Central Age, 10,000-50,000 years ago. To• styles of lithography and etching Academy of Fine Arts. He now gether with stone implements in his work. In the words of Gu works in the Wuhu Federation of discovered 16 years ago at a large Yuan, a noted engraving expert, Literary and Art Circles in An- kiln in Hohhot, they shed new "Ying found a world of his own hui Province and is vice-director light on the culture of Daqing- and reflected it seriously, arous• of the Wuhu Artists Associa• shan archaeological area. ing my love and sympathy." tion. His work has been exhibit• About 100 Neolithic (begin• Ying's reaction to Xidi Village ed many times, both at home and ning from about 8,000 years ago) village ruins in the region were was similar to the feeling he had abroad. found to contain microliths experienced as a 16-year-old boy by Wei Liming —tiny stone blades—as well as painted pottery and polished Tujue Culture Discovered stone implements. Microliths are generally associated with the Me- elics of the nomadic Tujue features. solithic Age (beginning from people who lived in north Another Tujue art form was about 10,000 years ago) and were R China more thap 1,000 cliff engraving, of which exam• used in hunting and husbandry years ago have been discovered ples were recently discovered in economies. In one of the ruins in the Inner Mongolian Auton• the northern part of the Ulan in Qahar Youyi Rear Banner omous Region. Qab pastureland. The major im• (county), the microliths were The relics, including stone ages m these pictures are those of densely distributed in different tombs, stone figures and cliff en• the goat, a symbol of power for strata, a fact that aroused the gravings, were found scattered the Tujue Khan State (552-630 interest of archaeologists. across the Ulan Qab pastureland AD and 682-744 AD); the three- At Miaozigou in Qahar Youyi north of Hohhot, the Inner Mon• braid horse, so named because Front Banner, a rich collection golian capital. the mane on its neck is cut into of relics was found in half buried The excavation of Tujue three braids; the deer and the cave dwellings that date back to tombs revealed a peculiar burial horse and the rider. the late period of the Yangshao practice: after the dead were cre• According to specialists in this culture about 5,000 years ago. mated they were walled up in field, many symbols that resem• At Yuanzigou village in square stone tombs. Few burial ble parts of the Tujue alphabet, Liangcheng County, remains articles have been discovered ex• are of high academic value. The that were once thought to belong cept for some ox and horse skele• Tujue alphabet may have ev• to the Longshan culture (2500 tons. olved from these symbols, some BC) are now believed by Profes• specialists believe. • sor Yan Wenming, head of Bei• Stone figures standing about jing University's archaeology de• 1.4 metres in height on bases and partment, to be Neolithic cave with round, bearded faces were Ancient Ruins in dwellings. They contained many found in front of some of the relics and had a clear layout that tombs. They wear pointed hats Inner Mongolia is rarely seen in China. and long gowns with waistbands. Researchers studying the civil• Some are even dressed in ov• hinese archaeologists have ization of north China and the ercoats. Boldly and ruggedly discovered a cluster of an• origin of the state now have sig• shaped, these statues give some cient ruins throughout nificant new material with which indication of the Tujue people's C Ulan Qab League in Inner Mon• to work. •


Shanghai Boom in Cultural Studies

hanghai by the east coast is the "Shanghai boom" is already the population, exerting deep not only China's largest in• in full swing. and lasting influence over the S dustrial centre, but also a culture and customs of Shanghai. city famous for its political, cul• The TV serial dwells mainly tural and economic influence. Literary Works on the life of middle- and lower- With the reform and open pol• In fiction, Ke Ling, a famous class residents through the depic• icy of recent years, interest in Chinese writer and a 60-year re• tion of the experiences of a Shanghai has increased and a sident in Shanghai, is planning to woman managing a silk shop. kind of "Shanghai boom" has devote the rest of his life to Hardworking, diligent and tena• emerged in the city's cultural cir• the novel Shanghai in a Decade. cious, Huang said, these people cles. "Studying the past," the writer could adapt themselves easily to said, "improves our knowledge various environments to achieve Publication Series of the present, not to mention success. To some extent, they em• studies on such a metropolis like body the Shanghai personality. Browsers in book stores can Shanghai. However complicated now find several beautifully de• and painstaking it is, the project Ideas on the boom signed reference books, such as A demands time and energy from Shanghai Dictionary, A Shang• specialists in all fields." Shanghai social scientists have hai Lexicon and An Encyclopedia Cheng Naishan, a Shanghai paid considerable attention to of Shanghai. woman writer, is working on a the "Shanghai boom." Historian Also appearing in the past year trilogy titled Gazing Into the Far Tang Zhenchang, who edited the were volumes introducing the End of the World, which is about History of Shanghai, said that history and customs of Shang• three generations of a Shanghai the appearance of the boom is hai, for example Shanghai and family involved in industry and the outcome of the city's opening Its People (10-volume series). commerce. In her opinion, the to the outside world. Historically Studies in the Cultural History members of this class were real speaking, the development and of Shanghai (three of a projected Chinese entrepreneurs who, un• prestige of Shanghai has always 40-volume series), ^4 Chronicle of fortunately, were dismissed by been linked to such openness. Modern Shanghai, A History of authors in the past and whose Studying the city's past reveals Shanghai, A Modern History of historical function has never what motivated its development Shanghai, Modern Architecture been objectively appraised. In and how it qualified to face the in Shanghai and A Record of the reality, Cheng says, they played world, he said. Place Names in Shanghai. an important role in turning the According to Gu Xiaoming, a This marks the first'time in city into the commercial, fin• sociologist, studies about Shang• China that reference books fo• ancial and industrial centre of hai should grasp its essence. For cusing on a particular city have China. example, he said, the distinctive• been published. Furthermore, A ness of Shanghai people is based Dictionary of the Famous People, more on psychology than geogra• Events and Objects in Shanghai TV Drama phy. This has to be dealt with is now being compiled, short sto• In television, funds are being realistically, he said. ries reflecting life in Shanghai raised to dramatize a 50-episode Specialists and scholars on early in this century have been serial Shanghai People. Huang Shanghai studies agree that the chosen for the second series of Yun, the writer, said that she is "Shanghai boom" is no passing Shanghai and Its People and very interested in the everyday fad. It will touch on more prob• work is continuing on the succes• life of ordinary Shanghai resi• lems than people expect and will sive volumes of Studies in the dents. Most of them poured into exert far-reaching social influ• Cultural History of Shanghai. the metropolis from neighbour• ence in the city's modernization These works indicate that in ing provinces early in this centu• from now on. the non-fiction publishing field ry and became the major part of by Hong Lanxing

34 BEIJING REVIEW, MARCH 19-25, 1990 Chinese Paintings by Sun Chuanzhi and Sun Dewu

Sun Chuanzhi, born in Shandong Province in 1937, works at the Research Institute of Chinese Painting. His son. Sun Dewu, born in Beijing in 1964, is a professional artist. The two devote them• selves to improving their artistic talents. Chuanzhi's works exude solid traditional skills while Dewu's demonstrate a more modern style.

Mouseholds by the Shujiang River, (by Sun Chuanzhi)


Thawing Snow, (by Sun Dewu)

Cranes and a Pine, (by Sun Chuanzhi} ZHEJIANG SILK

China National Silk Import & Expert Corporation, Zhejiang Branch 55 Tiyuchang Road, Hangzhou, China Te!: 554249 Cable: "ZJSILK" HANGZHOU Telex: 35016 TZCSBCN Fax: 558411