
London Borough of Barnet, 2 Bristol Avenue, , NW9 4EW 23 October 2020 Our ref: 6626160

Thank you for your request received on 23 September 2020, for the following information:

In your application to TfL for Streetspace funding regarding Colindale, LTNs, you mention a "shovel-ready project for cycle provision connecting Colindale, East and Central. This has been submitted to the DfT for funding".

Could you please provide more detail on what this cycle provision entails, any plans/drawings of which roads it will affect, and any proposed impacts on traffic/buses you invisage?

Additionally, could you provide the same information for any other cycle provision or road network changes relating to Streetspace or LTN plans in the NW7 postcode district.

We have processed this request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


The council holds the information requested and it is attached/ the answers to your questions are below

In your application to TfL for Streetspace funding regarding Colindale, Cricklewood LTNs, you mention a "shovel-ready project for cycle provision connecting Colindale, Mill Hill East and Finchley Central. This has been submitted to the DfT for funding".

Could you please provide more detail on what this cycle provision entails, any plans/drawings of which roads it will affect, and any proposed impacts on traffic/buses you invisage?

Additionally, could you provide the same information for any other cycle provision or road network changes relating to Streetspace or LTN plans in the NW7 postcode district.

On 13 th July 2020 London’s Local Authorities were contacted by the Chief Executives of London Committee (CELC) and the London Environment Directors’ Network (LEDNet) to invite proposals for ‘shovel-ready’ projects that can help to kickstart London’s recovery through the ‘Green New Deal’ mission under the London Recovery Board. The purpose stated at the time was to illuminate a) the scale of what we can deliver together through coordinated action, b) opportunities for collaboration with businesses and community sector partners, and c) how we can refine lobbying efforts. The deadline for submission of proposals was 17 th July 2020. In time for the deadline Barnet Council was able to submit 28 project proposals, one of which was an ‘Active Travel Corridor’.

Prior to this request for ‘shovel ready’ schemes, the Council had developed, consulted upon, and/or adopted, various strategies and plans that support the introduction of active travel (walking and cycling) improvements within the borough; plans and drawings indicating potential routes and improvements are set out within those documents. In relation to Colindale, Mill Hill East, Finchley Central, and the areas in between, these include:

• Long Term Transport Strategy (2020)

• Growth Strategy (2020)

• Copthall and Mill Hill Open Spaces Masterplan (2018)

• Finchley Central Town Centre Strategy (2017)

• Colindale Area Action Plan (2010)

• Mill Hill East Area Action Plan (2009)

In addition, there have been projects and proposals put forward and publicly consulted upon in relation to various planning applications. Across the piece these have supported reviews of and improvements to cycling and walking routes, and on some occasions specifically recommending the upgrading of existing walking and cycling routes together with the introduction of new routes within the vicinity of such schemes. The proposal submitted here was therefore to link up all the recommendations for walking and cycling route improvements into a single programme. In this way a coordinated approach to route development and the delivery of improvements could be taken.

The submission criteria required “shovel ready projects that can be started immediately (this financial year 20/21) and that fit within the criteria, themes and project areas of the Green New Deal recovery mission.” Collectively the Council referenced the programme as ‘shovel ready’ in accordance with the requirements of the request for proposals, however it was recognised that in practice some elements of the potential programme were more ready than others for immediate delivery, and were subject to consultation. The critical requirement was that the programme could commence in 2020-21 financial year, and this was recognised to be an achievable outcome.

Further information

If you are interested in the data that the council holds you may wish to visit Open Barnet, the council’s data portal. This brings together all our published datasets and other information of interest on one searchable database for anyone, anywhere to access. http://open.barnet.gov.uk/

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Your rights

If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review within the next 40 working days by writing to the Information Management Team at: [email protected]. Or by post to Information Management Team (FOI) , 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, NW9 4EW

If, having exhausted our review procedure, you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you will have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF (telephone: 0303 123 1113; website www.ico.org.uk). There is no charge for making an appeal.