“The Church at the heart of the Community”

Arkley “village” as it is affectionately known by the eclectic group of people who live within its boundaries is an area of predominately large suburban housing surrounded by fields and leafy lanes together with views of the skyline. It forms part of the sitting on the borders of and and is an area that is much sought after.

Being within easy distance of the Hertfordshire countryside there are also two park home communities in the consisting of mostly retired residents many of whom have downsized to the area. There is a golf club, a tennis club, a social club, a village hall with daily children’s nursery, a residents association and two very popular serving excellent food.

Right at crossroads at the centre of the community is St Peter’s Church, a small Victorian building with gothic revival additions decorated with the style, sense and smell associated with the ‘Betjeman’ romanticism of the “village church.” Baptisms are significant events drawing enquiries from both the village and those whose families remain in the area.

The old school (closed in the 1940’s) to the rear of the Church now serves as the church hall and has been refurbished to serve both the Church and those who wish to hire it. Part of our vision and the vision of the parish is currently the exploration of possibility of opening a Church of Free school on this site, addressing a local need for school places and further the ministry of the team.

Worship at St. Peter’s reflects the wider community with a family service at the beginning of the month providing the opportunity for parents and children to come. This has proved very successful and current congregations stand at about 65 people. Harvest Thanksgiving and Mothering Sunday are particularly popular when the children take an active part and they often read the lessons at services. The other Sunday services reflect a traditional format in language and dignity, reflecting again the “village Church” feel. Prayer Book Mattins is used once a month and the Eucharist is in traditional language. Holy Communion is celebrated at 8am on Sundays also from BCP. The Church style of the congregation is broadly reflected by the term “central Anglican”. The average weekly Eucharist attendance figures are around 20 in total with occasional visitors. We have also recently launched a Sunday school.

There is a large nursing home almost opposite to the Church and residents welcome the monthly communion which is celebrated there as part of our regular pattern of weekday services.

St. Peterstide is always celebrated with special events such as a Flower Festival or concerts which draw resources not only from within the Church family but from many of the contacts made throughout the village and beyond. Contact is maintained to 700 homes in the village by delivery of the free parish and community magazine having on its committee Church members and representatives of the Arkley Residents Association. This is as well as the Parish Magazine.

As the village changes its identity and becomes much more “multi cultural” the vision for the Church must reflect this. Although maybe from the outside looking inwards the worshipping community is not large, it is welcoming and friendly extending the face of the Church to all who cross its threshold.

St Peter’s has several social events each year, as well as an increasing number of fundraising activities. We have a monthly fellowship group that meets for conversation and study. The church has taken a lead in reviving local community events, such as the hugely successful 2013 Arkley Scarecrow Trail.

Our vision is to be true to the heritage we have been given for over 170 years and offer the Church to all who seek us whether it be for regular worship or significant occasions in life. We present the gospel of Christ in a changing world surrounding ourselves with tradition and reason to be the Church in this place, for ourselves, the village and the generations that are to follow.