,~n':~, ,=T~,m LIbrArY,' COMP. 77/78

~,...... ~.~. ~.ORL~, [i. C., 36L V~V-).X4 Committee ' shuffle leaves Pease chairless ByED YUDIN ' / committee. Alderman AI approval. In addition to Herald Staff Writer Purschke, the former committee chair- Terrace Mayor Dave chairman, was moved manships, each alder- Maroney moved three into recreation, parks PEASE man was given mem- aldermen into new and library, replacing bership on a couple of committee chair- former Alderman Alan other committees. manships and demoted ' Sautar. REACTS Other significant ap- one other in a major Helmut Giesbreeht, one pointments included reshuffling of the com- of two. aldermen with Molly Nattress to the mittee structure for 1980. seniority, was given PAGE 3 Terrace and District Maroney's ap- responsibility for finance, Library Association as pointments announced at general government and Bob Cooper (public not given a post. well as the Skeena Union the regular council protective services, works) and Jack Talstra In making, his selec- Board of Health. meeting Monday night Giesbrech~ had been the (planning and tran- tions, Maroney noted it MOLLY NATTRESS,.. AI Pursehke was ap- was good news for Molly • only alderman last year sportation). Alderman was "not an easy task HELMUT GIESBRECHT... vointed as the service DAVID PEASE...... she gets one ...recognized Nattress and Helmut without a committee David Pease, the past and it's getting tougher club liaison, and David ...was left out Giesbrech- Nattress, given the chairmanship chairmauship, chairman of the finance, every year" in reference available. Maroney's Pease will remain as the Hospital Board. These who is servhlg her first of the tourism and in- Retained in their general government, and to the diverse per- appointments are final council representative on appointments were ap- term on council, was dustrialI developmentil lie current portfolios were protective services was sonalities and talent and not subject to council the Mills Memorial proved by council. TERRA(:E- RUPERTSTEEL & I A/ Westend Westend SALVAGELTD. Food Mart ChevronSer Open Chevron Seal Cove Rd.. Pr. Rupert / 6:30 am - 11 pm b.~ ~.d Open 624-5639 h 7 days a week V 24 Hours 635-5274 635-7228 WE BUY coppor, brass, all metals, L . "We Satisfy Tummy & Tank batteries, etc. Call us- We are 20c opon Mort. throup Sat., 8 a.m.-5p.m. Tuesday, December I1, 1979 Volume73 No.237 I 365 DAYS A YEAR" J Hostages to NO DATE go on show Alcan to TEHRAN (AP)-- Iranian Among the international Foreign Minister Sadegh intermediaries in Tehran Is Ghotbzadeh said today inter- Harold Sehmldt Degruneck go ahead national observers will see of the International Red the American hostages in the Creas, who saw 15 of the occupied U.S, Embassy "in hostages earlier ilr tie five, the very near future." week-old siege... "We are going to have • UN emlssary Zuhah' on independent international Yamin arrived in Tehran observers to go and visit the Monday and Sri l.,ankan By ANN DUNSMUIR Because of opposition Brian Hemingway said prisoners in, I hope, a very Foreign Minister Shahul Herald Staff Writer to the project, the Monday that the short time and afterwards 1 Hameed, who already has Alcan Smelter and company will hold a gatherings will "provide hope that visits will be acted as an intermediary, is Chemicals Ltd. intends to series of "gatherings" in information and give (made) regularly," Ghetb- reported back in Tehran. complete the Kemano communities that may be people an opportunity to zadeh told a news confer. hy :iro-electric project/ affected, make recom- although no date has been mendations." set for the start of con- Area residents will he The meetings will he struction. asked to express their held in Kitimat and the A press release issued concerns about the areas involved early in Monday states that "as project and the company the new year so that the market conditions per- will present the facts company and its con- " ~ a " mR, the c~mp ny intends available so far on en- sultants will have time to to complete, the Kemano vironmental.imp~ct, consider the input Of area : Power,./aeiIR~es, and ~use Alc~,n .-"j-]~pokesman residbnts. the power generated for the. production of aluminum in the province of B.C." Some against, The power will supply japan KHOMEINI.., three new smelters, each • ./.defiant one capable of producing most cautious Ghetbza~leh said ~ttempta 171,000 "metric tons of hedges were being made by Iranian aluminum annually. The By ED YUDIN officials td~ assemble an location of the new Herald Staff Writer interoatinual grand jury as smelters-has not been on help sOon..as possible to in- Most observers have taken a cautious wait and see vestigate Iran'S grievances, decided, although one attitude towards Alcan's decision to proceed with the TOKYO (AP) -- Premier will probably be built in Masayoshi Ohira said today including .crimes charged Kemano power project. that Japan might consider against the deposed shah, the Kitimat area. restricting oil imports from MeahwKfle7 the official Works Manager Bill Wiho Papenbrock, the business agent for Local one Iran if the U.S,-Iranian crisis Pars news agency reported Rich said Monday the of the Canadian Association of Allied and Smelter worsens, "but at the present today that a revolutionary company intends to use Workers, said Monday it would be "premature" to time we are not considering guard was shot dead behind the water licence granted make a definitive union statement. this possibility." the embassy Sunday mor- to Alcan in 1950 by the He said the union would likely request as much "For the present time, sing and said the "mar- B.C. government before information as possible be made public concerning the Japan must make every tyred" guard was buried in the 1999 expiry date. development and its possible environmental impact. effort to secure the oil Im- his home town in the Sennan "We will go ahead "It's a significant announcement in the sense of ports that it needs," the central province. Pars said when we identify Alcan making a significant committment to the premier told reporters, only that the man was killed "The United States has by "an unknown person" aluminum markets and Northwest," he said. obtain financing," Rich taken a severe stance toward during a change of guard. George Thom, the mayor of Kitimat, said Monday Iran because of the hostage ABC News reported the said. issue, But the crisis between Carter administration had Rich estimated the cost the project would promote industrial growth in the Iran and the United,States is "signalled" that if the of the entire project in- Northwest. He added the creation of a renewable in a proper sense not an oil resource such as hydro power saves thousands of hostages were not released Terry Annis of the Kitimat Chieftains goes up for a Shot in Monday night's cluding smelters as "in problem." within seven to 10 days, the excess of $2 billion." barrels of off that would otherwise be used to fuel such Ohira was res~0nding to United States would launch 53-50 victory over the Caledonia Kermedes, as Caledonia's Doug Anderson massive industrial projects. cheeks him. See story page 12. The project will create eriticism from a spokesman an economic campaign to jobs for 600 people during Thorn says the "resources in the North should be for U,S. State Secretary bring down Iranian the construction period. used for the people of the North." He adds the federal Cyrus Vance who said strongman Ayatollah and provincial government should take note of that. Monday that Japanese oil Rahollah Khomeini. But n By the time the project is completed 2,000 per- He was not overly concerned at this point with the companies and banks are spokesman for the state Jobless numbers up environmental hazards as expressed by certain undercutting the economic department's task force on manent jobs will have pressure the U.S. govern- Iran denied the report. By ALISON HARE The unemployment rate Rae said he is concerned been created plus a groups. mentis putting on lran to try On Monday, Khomeini OTTAWA (CP) " The was up from 743,000 in Oc- about the increase in probable 3,000 more in "I don't think any of the arguements are strong to .force Ayatollah Ruhellah defied the United States to number of persons unable to toher but the seasonally. unemployment in th~ service industries near Khomeini to free the 50 U.S. blockade lran and made a find work rose for the second adjusted rate dropped to 7.3 enough to stop the project," he said. manufacturing sector and smelter sites. That was not the position taken by a spokesman for citizens held hostage in the personal attack on President consecutive month to 771,000 par cent from 7.4 per cent a among men over the age of The project, in- U.S. Embassy in Tehran Carter as the outcome of the in November, Statistics month earlier. 25 who make up a major part the B.C. Steelhead Society. Jim Culp, a past chairman since Oct. 4. rebellion in northwest lran reported today. NDP finance critic Bob of its work force. correctly labelled of the group reasserted Monday his group "was not against his authority The 15,000 manufacturing Kemano Two by the prepared to go along with it at all." remained uncertain. jobslost in November left 4.5 media, involves a dam on He said the recreation, commercial and native food Hostages He said he was kept in a per cent of all men over 25 the Nanika River, a fisheries in the Northwest could be severely damaged room with about 30 other RAIL IVA Y out of work. The Octohei tunnel between Kidprice by the hydro development. getting hostages, He reported each, rate was 4.3 per cent. Lake and the Nochako "We think it is a sell-out of these values," he stated. o~e of them had a mattress, He said the problem is Reservoir and a second Culp, a resident of Terrace, said the Skeena clean linen, a chair and a impatient LINE CUT probably tied to a slowdown tunnel from the reservoir Protection Coalition would be meeting in Terrace on desk. He said talking was PRINCE RUPERT, adding that rerouting of in the United States' to a power house at DENVER, Colo. (AP) -- A forbidden, but he could see B.C, (CP) -- A landslide freight is not anticipated. economy and points to Thursday and likely issue a statement. The coalition is 21-year-old marine, one of 50 the others. Kemano. the umbrella group for organizations in the immediate five kllometrns south of serious unemployment The flow in Nanika U.S. citizens being held Gallegos said their hands this north coast B.C. city If the tracks are problems over the winter. area protesting Kemano Two. hostage in Dan at the em- were loosely fled and some of Monday night derailed reopened quickly, it is "When the guts of the Lake and Kidprice Lake bassy he once guarded, says them Were sometimes taken eight Canadian National likely the port's grain manufacturing industry will be reversed, Mike Bell, the secretary of the Houston based he has "no idea" where 25 of somewhere and later Railway freight cars and elevator will not be af- have been attacked as in the resulting in a reduced Father Morice Outdoor Protection Society said his the hostages are being held brought.back, He also said wiped out rail trsn- fected. last month it shows the need flow in the Morice River group would watch the situation closely for future or how they are faring. he had no idea where the spertaUon to the city. for a budget that stimulates system. developments. His own treatment has other 20 hostages were kept. Charlie Paul, manager Railway officials said it of the federally-owned the economy," Rae said, Fear of damage to the ~e expressed concern that Alcan had decided to go been good, said CpL Billy In.addition to the embassy will take up to four days adding that a competitive ahead before the promised public hearings took place Gallegos in' an NBC-TV in- elevator, said today that, environment, especially hostages, the Iranians are to repair the track. There while the 89 carloards of dollar is also needed to salmon stocks, has sometime in mid-1980. torview Monday, but he said holding Bruce Lalngen, the were no injuries. improve export sales. he does not believe the wheat already in the port resulted in opposition to Bell said he is receiving four to five letters a day U.S~ charge d'affalre% and The derailed cars were will only take a day to un. Liberal finance critic Herb from sports fishermen and hunters concerned about deposed Shah Mobammad two other embamy officials the project from Bulkley part of a train load of load, crews could be kept Gray said the unemployment the potential damage to fishing resources that could Reza Pahlavi is worth dying at the foreign ministry. All woodchips bound for the situation has worsened and Valley residents and for. busy for up to a week on environmental groups. come about with the construction of the power dam. are being threatened with Canadian Cellulose pulp necessary maintenance. is beginning to show the "We're not ready to hold spy trials and possible death mill at Watson Island east effect Of misguided Con- Alcan has com- Bell also questioned the project's viability. out here forever," he said. sentences unless Carter o~ the city, It was not im- • Jack Kreut, manager servative economic policies missioned environmental "I'm deeply concerned about the number of jobs," Gailegos, of Pueblo, Colo., hands over deposed Shah mediately know what for CanCel's northern such as high interest rates. and social impact studies he said, pointing out his group favours the creation of and the otherjhostages have Mobai.mad Rein PaMavl caused the slide. pulp operation, said that, Gray also expressed from Envirocon of jobs in the Northwest. "We stand to lose as many jobs been held since Nov. 4, when for trial in Iran. Railway spokesman at although the company is concern about the increase Vancouver. However, no in tourism and fisheries as we will probably gain in students stormed the U.S. the regional office in concerned about the loss in unemployment among Embassy in Tehrsn. The The shah underwent report will be available building the smelters," Edmonton said further of tlm chip cars, the slide men over 25 and the Bell also thinks there will not be enough water on the students say that all the cancer and gallbladder assessment of the dam- k expected to have little until the summer of 1980 hostages will be tried as treatment In New York hint age is needed before Impact on the mill's because studies must be Bulkley River torun the generator if a commitment to spies unless the shah is month and is convalmelng at estimates can be made, overation. See page 2 made during all four save the fishing stocks by keeping the water level high relurned for trial in Iran. an air force base in Texas• seasons. enough is made. I

Page 2, The Herald, Tuesday, December 11, 1979 Budget . may cost : Tories points I NEWS BRIEFS I O~r~WA (CP) The gov dec oervlngtive' p g~ularity ~ll~ ~oithp~t~bmUen~tanh(~ MaMmY~r C~:~lkondUca~gPalgh~n ~r(~°~e~v~t~caen~i(~g:~en°~- ~)s°~flin~o~ n ga:rIul~ sty ernment's anticipated com- with the electorate. " to a live talevblon audience because Crosble says the courage conservation, the steady rise in interest mitment to reduce federal Finance Minister John at 8 p.m, EST, government cannot afford it. Home owneraare expected rates will wipe out much of TORONTO(CP) -- Leslie later said no eL,idence was James Bennett wanted found to support these sue. spending and increase Crosbie has already The budget is not expected Instead, motorists likely to be allowed to deduct part the benefit. picions. energy costs in today's predicted many Canadians tocontaina~-blllioninccme will be faced with an in- of their mortgage interest nothing to do with the world Altboogh Clark premised Of espionage when he en- budget could further erode will be unhappy, at least tax cut promised by Prime crease in the gasoline ex.cise payments and property tax during the election cam- Bennett's career alta spy tered it, and when he left it 22 and the reason for his paign his government's first years later, he felt the same" budget would be stimulative leavingare ouUined in a pre- way. trial testimony report, part -- creating a picture of more But the years between saw Gov't gets action on tax debate cash and jobs for taxpayers of a civil action in the On- Bennett develop into one of tarin Supreme Court. -- Crosbie says federal the BCMP's top espionage OTTAWA (CP) -- The The bill provides for home- would unfair to keep home- proposed an amendment the government to be ;575 spending must be reduced Progressive Conservative owners to receive up to ;575 owners in the dark that long. that would give Parliament men, or epics as they are Bennett's testimony million in lest revenue next instead, describes bow he felt obliged government had no trouble as a deduction from federal NDP finance critic Bob the right to decide each year year and ;2.67 billion in 1982 Crosbie inherited a more commonly known. winning approval in the income taxes payable for Rae accused Conservatives whether the tax credit His depature from the field to seek a medical discharge and subsequent years. spendingdeficit estimated at and leave his' sensitive job Commons Monday night for 1979. The maximum tax of lying by saying the • program" should continue, Eymard Corbin (L -- $12 billion this year .and a in 1972 was a bitter one. His a motion to limit committee credits would increase each logislatlea must be passed if reason for quitting was an with the RCMP's security Axworthy's motion would Madawanka.Victorla) asked national debt of $52 billion. service after he was debate on its mortgage in- year until 1982, when the home-owners are to claim not require any changes in " Creable if the government is Interest payments account. intensive interrogation by terest and property tax plan would be in full force heneflte when they file their 1979 tax forms, which have the RCMP because of its questioned about eight considering making family for about 16 cents of every counterespionage credit plan. and give home.owners 1979 income tax forms. ulready been printed. homes subject, to capital government dollar spent. suspicion Bennett might The motion carried by a benefits of up to $1,500. Rae wan forced to with- have been a security risk. that occurred during his 18 The opposition parties gains tax or whether Ca. He says stimulative years with the force. margin of 120 to 85, with four Meanwhile, Privy Council draw the word lying after have complained that the tax nadiana would l~e the tax deficits cause inflation. However, RCMP officials Social Creditors voting with President Walter Baker told Speaker James Jerome credit plan is of little or no exemptieas they now enjoy . Inflation is running at an the minority government a reporter he is intent on ruled it was un- help to renters, home-owners by contributing to registered annual rate of 9.3 per cent against Liberals and New having the bill become law parliamentary. who pay no income tax and home ownership savings and is expected to go higher Tax man wants share Democrats. A total c~ 76 before the end of the year. Following Monday night's those who have no mor. plans. hefora it goes down. 15 full.scale tax in- government and opposition Baker acknowledged that vote, the Commons resumed igagea on their hemea. The finance minister did EDMONTON (CP) -- Both file Liberals and NDP Revenue Canada officials, vestigations in the year members did not vote. benefits for 1979 could detailed study of the bill. The two partle~ are also not answer the questions, but say federal expenditures ended March 31 and s~- The vote cleared the way legally he paid even if the Liberal housing critic concerned about the cost of urged the opposition to halt anticipating the compliance should he increased to put problems they say come with cessfully prosecuted L$ix for MPs to spend one more legislation is delayed beyond Lloyd Axworthy of Winnipeg the program, estimated by its delaying tactics. the faltering economy back Cases. There now are 30 full. day to get the tax credit bill Dec. 31. Be made the economic growth, are on the rails and ease the stepping up their income-tax scale investigations in through detailed clause-by- statement in an interview country's 7.4-per-cent progeas and Mitchell expec~ clause study and on to third after being accused in the investigative activities in ~rom oils unemployment rate. Alberta. as many as 25 will lead to and final reading. Commons of lying. Clark has promised to convictions. The legislation was given "I suppose we could wait JOBS implement programs to help approval in principle by a George Mitchell, chief of The tougher stance is more until Easter, legally," Baker discouring effect of the dol- seontive mouths since last portent in. determining those hit hardest by a product of the province's vote of 138 to 114 last week. . said, but quickly added it audit operations at the lar on expert sales. winter. future employment levels, unemployment -- w.omen, Edmonton district office, changing economic climate •:5:: 55:;:": ;: ;:.: ;: ..'.:.:. :.:,:. :::~: ":,:::. :~:::.:. :::::.-:.:.:: :::.:. :.:. :. :.:.:. :.:.:.:. :.:.:.:. :.:.:" :,: ~ :':" :': Statistlm Canada reported The (iecressc was slightly Both government and youths and natives. expects the number of tax than a personnel switch. that the labor force-- which smaller in private economists are He also premised to in. investigations to triple this "In the past there does not includes those working aa where it.went from 7.1 per predicting, to varying traduce in his first budget year compared with the last appear to have been that well as those seeking Jobs -- cent to 6.8 per cent. degrees, slow economic various corporate tax breaks two years. much tax evasion in fell to 11,-287,000 from In ~ other provinces the growth inthe coming year. A such as: The office carried out 12 to Alberta," Mitchell said. NOTICE 11,334,00 in October. seasonally-adjusted rate sluggish economy would ---Changes in capital gains In November, 1~8i it said .droppedby 0.1 per cent or re- affect the Job creation rate tax on small businesses to The LAZELLE MEDICAL CLINIC 839,000 people were out of 'malned the same. and the opposition Liberal allow transfers within a Gold goes up again family unit. work and the seasonally. In Nova Scotia the rate and New DemOcratic parties LONDON (AP) -- Grid trading today, then rose to announces new hours. adjusted unemploymentrate i wea eonslstent at 10.9. per are urging the government --Tax credits ~ permit in- flation accounting in com- soared $15 to hit a record clese at 235.85. On Monday it was 8.2 per cenL There were cent, in Quebec it remained to stimulate the economy ~A46 U.S. an ounce in Zurich closed at 231,25. ' 10,910,000 people in the labor at 9.5 per cent and in and ease the jobless situation e"--"~ax incentives to en- today. The U.S. dollar rose In Europe the dollar Monday, Tuesday & Thursday force, Saskatchewan the rate by spending more money, agaimtthe Japanese yen but dropped a~ainst foreign The. aeasanaily.adjasted stayed at 4.1 per cent. But there are signs that the courage research and rate, which takes into an. development. fell in Europe. " ' currencies in;ganernily thin 9:00 am - 8:00 pm In New Brunswick it governnient hasn't been able In London,~the metal .was trading. ; count employment trends dropped from 10.7 per cent to to arrange much room to --Elimination of taxes for such as seasonal hiring a limited time for companies quoted at ~13.75.: '..~ ,Y: r~'~, Mo/~. ~U/.:.~! doll~ rates 10.6 per cent and in Ontario it manoeuvre in and" might Gold closed Monday' hi in ~Ol~. j compare(] with petterm .of particular in. fell from 6.7 per cent to 6.6 forsake some of its election investing in poor regions. dustirea, bad been edging "Elimination of capital Zurich at $43fand'jn L~'clon "Monda'~: J~/~rates: The new address is: eer cent. pledges to deliver a tight. at ~3! 75 ...... ~t~itlff~t~ -- 1 7456 Went downsrd since then until gains tax'i' on shares of • " . . • .." . T . , • , , , .,, ,, The Progressive Con- fasted, ~ inflationfighting The prewous high for gbld, Germafl matr~s, down from October. ~, servative government is to budget. Canadian-controlled com- 4612 GREIG AVE. The official ~jobless .rate present its first budget today panies. an investor's traditional 1.7514. ~.~.~.:.~.~:~:~.~:~:.~.~...~.~:~.~.~.~.~.~..::::;..::~: hasn't increased in icon- The government, however, --Increased tax incentives haven in times of monetary Zurich--l.6075Swiu francs, _ and its thrust will be im- uncertainty, was ~44, hit in down from 1,613. i i • has said it will include in the to mining companies. budget Job creation --Freight rate subsidies of Zurich Oct. 2 amid a crisis of Paris -- 4.1067 French programs for young people ab.out $30 million to key in- confidence in the U,S. francs, down from 4.112, and women, the hardest hit dustriea, currency. Milan -- 816.25 Italian llre, TIJESDAY, 5 p.m. to midnilht by unemployment. --A $15-mllll.onshot in the Dealers said the gold price down from 817.95. Other measures in the arm for the fishing industry, was boosted by Iranian plans Amsterdam -- 1.9345 Dutch to cut oil production next guilders, down from 1.936. budget, especially some , year, the expectation oil in London it cost ~,1845 to |CTV ~" KCTS 1 I.,CB,FT ,: expected to tackle the DEW HELPS DESERTS producers;will incre~e the .buy a British pound com- fi~.... III (NBC} J 2 (CBOCFTK (CTV) 1F (PBS) ~Q~em~l~timulating small The dew occurring in some price late~'th]s m~nth~ and a par~! ~i~ $2'.1~' ', ~ ~]~,P1~0 have ~ deserts provide nourishment weaker d0Jiar.-' ...... i; ~' h~"Mmtr~'M~y,' ~e i i oa~h~ant'i~,tor proms mat grew czose to In Tokyo, the d~i~ie~o U,S,dollar closed'~I/;ll~[5, Federal ' levels. ' the ground. • a low of 229 yen during up 1-20. • Budget ;- Roosts " FIIles et Cont'd Electric rues Garcons Cont'd Comp,any Cont'd Economy confuses seers • MONTREAL (CP)- The on a computer model of :00 News Z~om Ce Soir . P~rtl Quebecois has not Quebec's economy, basing :15 and Shirley Hour ,cont'd Edition called for tariff barriers the size of the province's Skeena Cont'd Over ,,. Paclflque between an independent economy in 1978 on Cm- Journal Cont'd Easy Actuslltes Quebec and the rest of ference Board in Canada I tickets good for I Canada,but ii they were set figures. . . Rockford Night MacNell Monde de up, they could cost the pmv- The Quebec goverpment's Files Before Lehrer Dlsney ince up to 209,000joba,m2d i:white paper:on no~lt'eigulT- Cont'd Xmas " World of Cont'd cut its annual economic association, released last -- Dough Cent'd Stars The Sea Cont'd output by up to ~.2 billion, a month, celled for free trade i Concordia University study between a sovereign Quebec Happy Alice Nova Race de forecasts..- and the rest of Canada, and Days Hawaii" Cont'd Monde the study did not compare its :30 ~t'd Ths FIve-O Cont'd Jamals The findings of the study, findings with a scenario in 8 :45 ~t'd Rnes Cont'd Cont'd Cont'd to be released later today, which Quebec and Canada were published in The shared acommon currency, Marie Thran's Cont'd Upstairs Telemag Gazette. free trade and eommon ~ggarman f~npany Cont'd Downstairs Cont'd Its conclusions were based external tariffs, ! ~t'd Fifth Taxi Cont'd Cont'd ~t'd Estate Cont'd Cont'd, Cont'd Harder for the hoggers OTTAWA(CP) -- Beef and Cont'd Cont'd Hart Enfanco rebuild cow herds and try to t'Two bog farmers face an un- :15 Cont'd C~t'd to s vlvre cope with overexpamion in Ronnles ' certain year as producers the hog business, an Cont'd Man Hart Newmakers. Journal 10 Cont'd Nlve Cont'd et Meteo agriculture department sur- Cont'd 'S vey indicates. News Released Monday during The CTV Nowsmebers Sport the first day of the annual Cont'd i National News Polderk II Rencontres :30 Tonight agriculture outlook con- Night Hour Cont'd ,. ', .:- Cinema ference, the survey says 11 '45 Show Final Final Cont'd Cont'd cattle prices could rise in the second half of. 1980 and that Cont'd Kolsk Show Barnaby Suers means more expensive beef Cont'd Cont'd Rally Jones froldes in the grocery stores. Round Movie Cont'd Cont'd dens drHog prices are expected to 12i! Cont'd Conffd Boys Alexon~t la nult llli op at least for the first half F of the year as producers try That's the sound most often heard at Slumber Lodge to reduce herds in tight of Motels. Because at Slumber Lodge we're not in the Cabaret failing prices WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. to 5 p,m. business. We offer clean, comfortable, and quiet surroun- dings in fifteen locations throughout British Columbia. And i NEED New High Canadian Webster Electric Passe at budget rates. Before your next trip out of town, call ahead Rollers Schools Cont'd Company Partout to Slumber Lodge. We'll even tell you where to find a ADVICE Mr. Magazine Wheel of G.entlve AMklng Music. cabaret. ON YOUR 10::i Fortune Dressup Cooking Word Shop. :. Express • I :00 ~lnd Sesame Mad l"hi~a~ut ' Au fil de le Readers Street Dash. "' Art Starts ~malne Password Cont'd Definition Vegetable Soup Madame WHAT, 11> Plus Cont'd Cont'd Self Inc. .& Fantoine i I News Noon Nova FIIles 1, S Cont'd News Cortt'd '. ~ sClel Our Country Alan Cont'd T s 12ii Lives Joy Hemal Cont'd Coqueluches The Today Cont'd All Sing '. Cont'd Doctors From Cont'd Thlnkabout Cont'd A~other Ontario Another Discovering Le NAM E World Cout'd World About You Telelournal | :00 Cont'd The Edge Cont'd Jube Femme :15 Cont'd Of Night Cont'd Cover d'Aulourd :30 Cont'd Take COnVd Freestyle HuI Smithers, Terrace, Kamloops, Cache Creek, Prince George, See Our Cont'd Thirty Coflt'd Cont'd Le Temps Hope, Williams Lake, Victoria, Vernon, Prince Rupert, Coqultlam, Pentlcton, Revelstoke, Kelowna, Courtenay. Movie Bob Matinee Newsmakers Cont'd BUSINESS :1S B.A. Spy with McLean Cont'd Cont'd t a Cold Show Murder Education- Cont'd DIRECTORY I s; Nose Cont°d One Bohavlour Cont'd i i Cont'd The Cont'd Sesame Boblno on Cont'd FIIntstones Cont'd Street Cont'd' LODGE Cont'd All In Cont'd Cont'd NI¢ For reservations call any Slumber Lodge or (112) 682-6171 Cont'd Ths Family Cont'd Cont'd Et PIc And have a g_ood night's sleep. PAGE 11 • *. , ,

The Herald, Tuesday, December 11, 1971) Page 3 :Hazeltons are hung up on, the., amalgamation f ByEDYUDIN Hazelton last week rejected incorporation by a 28 to 12 amalgamation. Now with only New Hazelton in- ministrator. "We consider it representative." i Herald Staff Writer • margin. terested, the funds may be reduced or not for- Watmough said if the two communities mcl not m- i ' "While South Hazelton has opted out, New Hazelton thcoming. , . " corporate together, "they will eventually have the i Plans to ammalgamate New and South Hazelton wants new information so as to proceed," he said. same problems we (Terrace and Thornhill) have." ,have hit a snag, with indications of strong South _ New Hazelton residents voted hy an overwhelming Les Watmough,"the:regional district director for llazelton opposition. margin of 41-3 in favour of the plan. Incorporation Thornhill, wonde.redif:a vote at a public meeting was The ministry of municipal affairs still has the final may be more difficult to achieve now that South the most democratic way to decide the issue. say in the matter and could bring the issue to a • Bob Marcellin, a regional district planner, told the Hazelton has apparently rejected the idea. Funds referendum. The voters of New Hazelton will have , regional district board on Saturday the people at- from the province were to be made available had the "The meeting was weil advertised and attended," another public meeting within three months to decide tending a public meeting on the issde in South two communities opted for joint incorporation and remarked John Pousette, the regional district ad- on their future course. . '.' , • , . :DAVIDPEASEv. • IWEATHERIPlanners h e a r concerns McNairnay was ~ r e's not happy Herald Staff Wdter ~ 'the possible 'healthnotedo.t..ezooed ,,ton year period to protectfor pleased with the amount B.C. issued by Environment Residents attending problems that could the interests of the ofinputreceivedfrom the By ED YUDIN aldermen and not to ticular group as well. Canada at 5:30 am PST for , today and Wednesday. Monday evening'sspecial develop if septic tanks property owners. Mc- residents. He explained Herald Staff Writer respond to pressure from "They were both Northern Yukon: Clear hearing on revisions to Terrace Alderman individual aldermen," he committed to no increase become epidemic. Nairnay noted that ff there would be at least David Pease has been and very cold today and the Terrace Community anything, the 10-year one more public hearing said in noting, other in taxes," he explained. Wednesday. Temperatures Plan made their personal . One resident, Lily period would hardly be '; stripped of a commRtee aldermen had called "Council is considering a sear35 today dropping to45 chairmanship and he's concerns of the project Nialsen~ requested any long enough to protect the on the final draft of the Maroney in advance to public transit system but tonight and Wednesday. known to John Me- property rezoned during interests of property plan, to be held sometime not too happy about express their I can't see how it will be Klondike, Stewart River: Mayor Maroney's Nairnay, the planning the 10-yenr period of the owners, in early February. preferences. paid for without in- Mainly clear today. Tem- director for the district. decision. Pease also questioned creased taxes." • peratures30 to35. Clear With only five positions tonight and Wednesday with ' why Maroney appointed a "It (the appointment of tending the meeting held available for six alder- ice fog near setUemenis. • he 35 o,,,zeo, Skiing clinic announced new, inexperienced Taistra and Giesbrecht) in council chambers men, Maroney had to alderwoman Molly Lows tonight near 45 and may have the effect of steady near 45 Wednesday. before the regular council The Terrace recreation tered, ballet, moguls or at the Terrace arena office make a decision, and as a Nattress, to a post while slowing the development result Pease,has been left Pelly: Clearing this meeting, discussed such department, in co-oparation aerials, the fee will be an Mondayto Friday from 8:30 he was left Out. of the municipality," he morning. Brisk northwest issues as the sewer with the Kitsumkalum additional $5. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. i as the odd man out. "It has been the added. winds with high windchills system, the pr'oposed Mountainski hill, is holding An officials clinic Will also Meet entries will be ac- I'm both surprised and practice in past years not However, Talstra decreasing this afternoon. standardization of lot afrec-styleskilngdinicDee, begin on Friday evening, eeptod the day of the tom- disappointed at the to give chairmanships to pointed out that due to the Temperatures near2S today. sizes, and the '29' 29, and 30 at the Kit- with a film, lecture and petition at the ski hill. • mayor's decision," Pease new aldermen," he said. widening of the tax base Clear tonight and Wednes. revitalization of the east sumkalum Mountain Ski hill. practice judging on the hill For further information said. "I was not told "I don't see any reason that total revenue would day. Low tonight near40 and end of town. . Classes for ballet, moguls on Saturday. callBitiPritchardate38-1254 anything until tonight." why an incumbent be increased in 1980 steady near40 Wednesday. Some residents on the and aerials will run on the ActualjUdging will be done or Mary-Margaret Smith- Pease. is upset other member of council is without a tax increase. Liard: The traveeller bench wondered if a. Friday and Saturday'with a at the Sunday competition •need at 638-1174. aldermen were consulted being removed for a new Pease said he realized .dvisory is continued. Snow .competition an Sunday, The with D level officials cer- LASTSILENT • 'in advance by Maroney, member," he added. the appointments, while and occasional blowing snow septic tank system could fee for one class will he $10 ilficatinn being given for The last major silent while his requests to with poor visibilities today. be substituted for the per person, which will in- judging to successful picture before Mel Brooks' Pease also criticized personally disappointing, Winds northwest 40 to 65 kmh learn who was being the re-appointment of were the sole decision of proposed more corn- dude entry into one meet at students. Registration for recent Silent Movie was considered to serve on the resulting in occasional very prehensive sewage the Sunday competition. For either the free-style classes Charile Chaplin's Modem Jack Talstra to head the the mayor. high wiadehills system. McN.airnay said each additional meet en- or the officials clinic is open - Times (1936). committees we~ refused • planning and tran- by Maroney.. sportation committee, "It is the job of the and of Helmut Giesbrecht | mayor to come to the to•serve on that par- " Loc ,hotei" owner P. • association head Rod Vers~te#~;:~leetod 'They "a~:~ preparing for the cHRISTMAS i President of th~ 4~0~r "iremendous influx of.tourists British Columbna~""/~H~t~e|s' in 1980. They also'i'ecognize Association at the annual that tourism will soon be I meeting recently. B.C.'s second largest in- Verstrate, 47, has been dustry and they are corn- ,, ..,GI:,FT IDEAS active in the hotel industry mired to see that happen." Hfor nine years. He first Verstrato noted that 40 owned and operated The Kos new hotels are planned, and Sam Steele Hotels in under construction or have ' from Cranbrook. His current recently opened in the in- P, property is the Lakelse Hotel terior areas of the province. in Terrace. Many hoteliers are In 1978-79 he served as a renovating, redecorating TERRACETOTEM FORD :viee-preaidant of..theBCHA and adding services to meet "7.'~ " .. '~" ~i t/T~ ';~..... L ~,~ ::: ~..,.: m; :~:' ,"' ,~d.~,t~e~ Z~d~.(~, .t~: for "the'changing guss~ n~s~ ~m.i~ ~;,~,., ~;i;,;~;,, .,t~olo~'~ .., ..... ,,,,~- ,,, 'IU L ' m a recent interview, Verstrato said, "Hoteliers "Hotels are a tremendous are aware of their important assot to every community," role in the tourist indusiry. Verstrate said, "They ..o oo. provide a focal meeting RECEN''L~#' RE NOVATED PARTS place for business con- .~* .~ .... ferences, service organizations as well as a place to socialize. The hotel also attracts much needed tourist dollars and is often the largest employer in a WINTERPRODUCTS community." . ~'~ ~, ' Recirculatlng Windshield Washer Block Heifers 2311 Pre Mix Verstrato also said he was • Reg. 29.95 SALE Reg. 3.75 SALE 2II looking forward to the ad- ditional challenge of serving Lock Deicer 100 Starting Fluid 2" as President of the BCHA. "I Reg. 1.59 SALE . Reg. 2.70 SALE I will strive to do my utmost to serve the objectives of the RS RAT Associationand it's mere- ROD VE T E bets." ".... Motomroft[4m Parts for all Makes " ~t~O] •r[[ Suggested i Brass ensemble here / BAH[HIES @1//O Ui. Retail j , The Washington Brass The program replaces the Ensemble will perform a scheduled appearance Featuring In.dash Radio. • SPARK•PLUGS 20% OFFsug,,tedRetail J program of brass quintet Wednesday evening of the Cassette Stereo or Radio. music at the R.E.M. Lee American Brass. That show • , Suggested 8 Track Stereo Combinations 20% OFFRetail Theatre in Terrace on has been cancelled. Tickets Combination Units with Digital Saturday, Jan. 19, at 8:15 for the Washington Brass Suggested p.m. Ensemble concert' can be Display 30% OFF Retail Digital Clocks CB Units /ur".s Theprogram will feature a obtained at the door or by varlety of classical music season subscription. Power Boosters. ..,.,=s 20% OFF Su.estedRetalli ranging from Bach to Gersh. DEPUTY APPOINTED High Perfocmance Camp. win. The Wasblngten Brass VICTORIA. (CP) -- Speakur system.~% n/csugg Ensemble founded in 1975 Finance Minister Hugh gel Retie has emerged as one of the Curtis announced Monday FORD Northwest's foremost that Lawrence Bell, 42, chamber music groups. The deputy lands minister, will group is based in Seattle, become deputy finance Washinaton. minister next month. LINE'A-BED

OFF so0Ret , ..,0,,. While stock 4.r~ ! THE FISH VAN L OSCH BOSCHLAHPS - ""*SPECIAL 35! ~% OFF ~ will be at Suggested ! Retail Nm 0. ms 3P e Smithers -- JET TOOLS Fri. Dec. 14 from 1 pm - 6 pm ~1~ FeaturingLifetime Warranty SWG 20 21 pc. square drive combination tr.M STOCKING Halibut steaks, sole filets, cod filets, crab, "e i fresh shrimp, abalone, ocean perch, red socket set. Sugg. Retail 22.80 SALE M-- snapper, true cod. Combination wrench sets STUFFERS (while quantifies last) 40 pc. metric & SAE ~:rew drivers, filter wrenches Auto Ashtrays, combination socket set and many other miscellaneous tools • o o. .Sugg. retail 32.90 SALE ~" Key Fobs, Air Fresheners, ~ Terrace Weigh Scales 211% nrr Soggested Spare Key Holders, . ' van Retail Steering Wheel Covers, i Ice Scrapers, 9tick on Mirrors, L First AId Kits, Misc. Gauges !: Sat. Dec. 15 from noon - 6 pm : I TERRACE TOTEM FORD AlSo I| Stock , . 10c off par pound with this ed. i Limit one coupon per person SALES LTD Misc. R.V. & Accessories • ~, MIsc. Off Road & Accessories Wheels and Equipment 635.~:4904 Terrace, D,C.%q ~ Performance Products i. FAIR PRICES! ,U~3?~t,~ And many other Misc. Accessories ,t e IOltllIO@lI@~OJl~l@~llel loll IIIOlOli@lllli ell te@~ i~1@ iI@ L • !~I. • • '~litl~.~i~'JeR1UllL~Kl~m~ B~lm~lillnllmanllMnilliMIlllilli~lMlglMiKl~lllm~lll~ Page 4, The Herald, Tuesday, December 11, 1979 CYRIL SHELFORD The game is vanishing Hun. Rare Mair how the balance of nature works, the pressure groups General Office. &154~1 Published by Minister of Environment have made it impossible for Wildlife Managers to take Circulation- ~1~.4k151 Starling Publishers Dear Rare: action to save what little is left of our game• I hope I make myself clear, I don't blame those GEN. MANAGER • Knox Coupland I've just returned E OITOR • r, reg Mlddleton from a day inspection working in the Fish and Wildlife Branch as I've seen tour of the Nechako fwst hand the abuse they get if they even try to carry Brian and Barb can't read so good. They can't write CIRCULATION • TERRACE- a35.&157 Reservoir which was out control methods in cattle areas, and it would be ten so good neither. And they ain't never heard of the KITIMATOFFICE • 632.274? times worse if they were to practice control in our P~bllshed every weekday at 3212 Kalum Street, one of the best hunting Ayatollah Khomeini, SALT II, or the Clark.Lougheed i Terrace, B.C. A member of Varified Circulation. areas of the province. game areas where nothing has been done for over 10 plan to make us pay $2-a-gallnn for gas. Authorized as second class mall. Registration number Five of us went and years. Jack Radford, Sam Bawlf and yourself have 1201. Postage paid In cash, return postage guaranteed. spent about six hours a had the dubious honor to preside over.the destruction I know a li this is true • They come into the first-year:?' ad : day walking in good of our game. I've always asked for more money for the .college classes I teach and tell me they haven tre . NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT game areas (8 days in Fish and Wildlife Branch, however. They are so any books, haven't written any essays, ana wnen x all). in all this time we limited in their actions on management and predator mention Zimbabwe, Petrocan, or farmland in i! The Herald retains full, complete and sole copyright In never saw or heard control, due to the uninformed actions of the pressure Langley, they look up with the innocence of an an" any advertisement produced and.or any editorial or groups and news media, that I've come to the con- telope gazing into the crosshairs of a telescopic rifle :i photographic content published .In the Herald. another hunter, and I would say that hunting clusion we will lose nearly all our game animals left sight..~ Reproduction Is not permitted without the written and heavy expenditures would not be justified. i~rmlsslon of the Publisher. pressure is not a factor CYRIL in this area. Even in the In many areas the wolves have destroyed so much of I also know most of thls ]s true because Frank ; Conservancy Area in SHELFORD the game there is little left to eat so hopefully, they too Mankiswicz and Joel Swerdlow in Remote Control -- '-/ Tweedsmuir Park where there is no hunting, the game will die out. When the game starts to come back in 15 their 1979 indictment of the effects of television on the population has nearly disappeared. to 20 years, and if attitudes and education change, • human mind -- point out that Standard Achievement We spent the same number of days seven years ago then will be the time to enlarge the Wildlife Branch. Test scores (and the tallies of every other measure of ' and we saw a great deal of game at that time (deer, It's like trying to build a cattle ranch while at the same academic accomplishment known to pedagogues)~! caribou and moose). There was never a day when we time rustlers are being encouraged by the have steadily declined since 1963. i! didn't see deer and moose, some days as many as 30 management and the masses of consumers. The authors of Remote Control, by the way, firmly :I deer. Now there is no deer and we saw no caribou, not I have talked to dozens of hunters and nearly all believe that television (they're really referring to our even any tracks, and we saw only 10 moose in 8 days. I have the same report of little game aernss the whole entire culture) has negative effects on the develop- found five wolf kills; two calves, a two-year-old cow, a central plain, I've had very few reports of any calves. ment of a literate, thinking citizenry. They're big dry cow, only just killed, and a big bull killed less The five of us saw 10 moose in 8 days, as I mentioned probably right. But as these critics note, "The than a week ago. We heard wolves every day and before; nine cows, one bull and no calves. You should television-induced reading crisis will not he so easily covered an area of over 100 miles. send out a questionaire to all hunters to try and get a solved. Its cause lies not in classroom teaching...It lies I think it is a great shame that due to false education dear, more accurate picture of what is going on. in almost every North American living room." Of and misleading information on radio and TV we have There are still moose around and some hunters are Terrace's Chamber of Commerce is in deep trouble. course, "most people connected with education, par- educated a generation that knows little about game getting moose around here, mainly from the new ticularly the office-seekers, find it easier to promise The total lack of interest demonstrated in the management, and the realities of wild life in general, access roads. The late cow season can not be justified organization's recent election of officers is ample property tax reductions than to challenge parents to i which in the end stops our managers from managing. except to try and convince people that management pull the plug. But if the pa,'ents don't read and discuss,, proof of that. Many a nook and cranny was searched isn't all that bad if you can take cows after the season. With reasonable predator control programs (without why should the kids? ~ for a suitable candidate for the chamber's presidency. eliminating the wolf) we could stillhave just as much It's a disastrous picture in game management and I There were no takers. Finally Juanita Hatten, an game as during the 1950's and 1960's when we had think we should admit our mistakes, take our lumps Since there's something obviously and dreadfully i! active chamber member, put her name forward and game management ~ind control programs. Your staff and start back on the road of game management wrong, it's only natural to look forward to the annual , was elected by acclamation. in Fish and Wildlife gained a lot of respect and ex- rather than leaving everything to chance. provincial school board elections with anticipation. A number of chamber members are known to be perience on how best to carry it out. Now, with the Yours very truly The most promising of last month's contests for the upset with the choice. A member of the executive has false education system on Wildlife Management, and Cyril M. Sheiford hearts and minds of our kids occurred in fabulous already resigned because of it. Shangri-Langley. There, the Back-to-Basics Bunch of Hatten, who runs an employment agency called the school hoard trustees, who had successfully stormed ~, Golden Rule, is far from the ideal choice. The fact she thelittle red schoolhouse four years ago, were pitted is not a popular choice, and that she is not a business Commentary on columns against the'self.proclaimed moderates, Citizens for.~ representative in the true sense of the word, will make Better Government. ~ her job more difficult. ' By NADINE ASANTE TO•pp•a reciate this• debate• between,humanmts~. . . an.d';!' ' The real problem lies, however, not with the choice Special to The Herald of Hatten, but rather with the lack of interest shown by I read with interest the editorial page of the Daily traditionalists, both sldes must be divested of thews. the community. The organization was formed to Herald of Dec. 4, containing columns by Cyril Shelford misappropriations of the English language. The~ promote community commercial and industrial ac- and regular contributors Stan Persky and Tom Atrill. traditionalists (who are often Tories and Socreds) like.-. tivity and tourism. Business people though, seem not Their diverse viewpoints are the very meat upon to hiss that their opponents are guilty of "per-'~ to care about supporting an organization which is which an editorial page should thrive. The only massiveness" (which, when properly pronounced, is~ promoting their welfare. missing ingredient was the letter to the editor from meant to insinuate that the humanists want to turn the ;, George Clark, a chamber vice-president, says Bill Homburg. schools into brothels). They're also prone to hint that i people are simply not interested in getting involved, The writers represented the extreme right and the they possess an exclusive patent on a commitment to especially if things are running relatively smoothly. extreme left with a "?" in between. the fundamentals of reading and writing. While there are 70 chamber of commerce members, I disagree with all of them and would like to com- The humanists reply that their foes are out-and.ont there are barely seven or eight active ones. Clark ment on the, columns. thinks the chamber is in real danger of folding reactionaries, or, as in the case of Langley this because of apathy. First, Mr. Persky's column. autumn (where the Liberals and NDPers ~,ap,_ On a similarnote,r.Clark also wonders if theapathy •The emotion his colufd/ietbF.~tlin tn~;fg/d fear.Hike' propriated the label of '°moderates:" Win~clii~'~/b'5"dt'as'~ is spreading. He says there is a real problem these words are bright and breezy and full of smile' informative as flying the Liberian flag on the high'I days in getting people interested in the activities of provoking innuendos. He is readable. But in his seas), that the traditionalists are "radicals"• t column he succeeds in questioning the integrity, in- such service organizations as the Jaycees, the Lions, False advertising aside, both sides have their~ and the Kinsmen. telligence and motives of Dennis McDermott, the Director of Canada's largest Trade Union strengths. The Basics Bunch, for instance, isn't en-', It would seem logical the existence of an active tirely crazy. Many of those at the opposite end of the ;! ehamher of commerce is the sign of a vital and Organization, The Canadian Labour Congress. Why? Because Dennis McDermott stated publicly he thinks political spectrum have come around to the view that growing community. But as in the case of Kitimat a reading and writing are a prerequisite even for those few years back, the chamber may die off leaving labour unions have too large a Communist element within their ranks. He is quoted as saying that he intent on overthrowing rather than preserving the people to wonder why. system Where one parts' company with the~ urged the individual union leaders to fight back • ' . • . . . . • ! It's an unfortunate fact of life that absence makes traditionalists ~s thew mmstence on throwing m God, ~ the heart grow fender. against such infiltration because otherwise they (Communis~) will destroy'the lab~ movement and free enterprise and a dose of Camp Concentration-'! the country if they have their way. style discipline amongst the fundamentals, ii Hurray for Mr. McDermott. A large segment of the If the traditionalists aren't Neanderthals, neither population, including many union members to whom I ere the permissive humanists as mushy.minded as have spoken, agree with Mr. McDermott but haven't they're made out to be. While they sometimes act as though any test to see if the system is working con- the guts to say so publicly. , been strained b I think the credibility of unions has " .y stitutesa violation of human rights, their advocacy of the • methods employed by their leaders. developing complete persons is a decided advantage "... The cause of death was a horse wandering on the People remember the need for labour unions but over 9reducing blindly obedient automatons. highway." The news report told about a single car accident in many believe that unions have lost sight of their Wlfile other locales argued lesser matters (among which one man was killed. He had been driving on a original goals. them: teachers' salaries, cost.cutting, and there was d,~rk, rainy night and did not see the horse until it was When I am convinced that union members aren't" even one crotchety columulst who devoted a diatribe too late. No one was blam~l for the accident. seeking, by devious means, ~he overthrow of my NADINE ASANTE to complaining about relatives of teachers serving on I did not quite agree that the man had died as a government, I will whclcheertedly support them. school boards), in Langley at least, the battle would be result of his own carelessness, or that it was simply an I wonder why Mr. Persky - a teacher who shapes another female author "The Silent Spring" by about the 3 Rs. act :,of God, assuming that God would do a thing such the minds of the young .-- finds Mr. McDermott's Rachael Carson. as that. words worrisome enough to denngrad e them in 35 Atrill quotes Ms. Rand as saying "Protesters and Alas, real life intervened. The Basics Bunch, it:il I thought back to the many neur-misaes that I had column inches. socialists are 'birds of a feather' born of the same turned out, in implementing their scorched-textbook ~. experienced over the years. Cattle, horses, dogs, bankrupt philosophy". policies, had managed to alienate almost every / moose and various other types of wildlife have often Column 2. " If I have but one life to live Mr. Atrill I choose to teacher in the district and the ruckus resulting from crossed my path, sometimes uncomfortably close. I am afraid I must question the validity of the share my time with those who want a better wend in their four-year running hattie with the Langley And I also thought about a practice that is all to heading of Mr. Atrili's column ATRILL THINKS. But which to live and laugh and not with people like you Teachers Association was louder than an unruly prevalent in my area, that of allowing domestic now on to Terrace's answer to William F. Buckley Jr. who reap the benefits of our fights, our discomfort, classroom. Though the government gave them animals to roam at large, unfenced and uncared for. It In his column of Dec. 4, his tirade is against and our faith. We protesters are in good company Mr. bonuses for balancing the books, they had also protestors. Atrill. Many people think Christ was the world's best produced one of the highest staff turnover rates in the is not difficult to imagine the damage and annoyance province, that these beats can cause. I have often asked the I am a part-time protestor and I take umbrage at known socialist and protester and his "bankrupt" philosophy of love has lasted a long time. owners if they would at least keep their animals off the Mr. Atrill's viewpoint. The promise of peace and quiet from the Citizens for highway. 1 have talked to law officers and warned Atriil has searched and found the true motivation of Onward and upward to Column 3. The "?" Cyril Better Gevem.ment sounded pretty good to some other motorists of the danger. I concluded that most "those who are forever protesting what would voters. When me ground fog lifted from the verdant owners of livestock in this area are indifferent to the otherwise be known as progress" to use his own Shelford and his colunm's proposal for Forest Management. vistas of Langley (soon to be an industrial jangle), the fate of their animals. words. Basics Bunch was out and Better Government was in. Good for him. There is an amusing quick to this indifference. Let I know very little about the forest except in my Unfortunately, it wasn't entirely clear if the citizens of me illustrate: I often question the subconscious reasons for my womanhood I feel at one with the regenerative powers Langley had voted in favour of education or simply Al Forbush owned several horses. None of them own motives without presuming to question the of each evergreen cone that falls in the forest floor to against noise pollution, believed in fences and M didn't provide many for motives of others. But since Atrill KNOWS he is right, rise again as new life. In that way, I enjoy a personal them to contemplate, in any case. One day I asked him we must agree with him. He has found TRUTH bless communion with the forest and an interest in its to come over and remove them from my fields, lie him. refused, saying that he did not own any horses; they welfare. "The policies promoted and advocated by protestors must belong to someone else. Some weeks later one of I have written often in protest against the patch- them was run over by a skidder and killed. A1 was would, |f implemented, a,lmnst certainly bring our LETTERS TO civilization to a standstill, says Atrill. I wonder if balding of the forests I see from the highways around there within minutes, to try to collect for one dead Terrace, the wholesale massacre of everything that horse ! ! Atrill has heard Of the protestor called Galileo? Mr. Atrill says we protesters would abolish con- stands in the way of heavy equipment. The obvious I wonder if we will see the time when all people will policy is to hell with the future." THE EDITOR be held responsible for their livestock; fencing and ventional forms of power. I am glad I don't think feeding and caring for them and paying for any nuclear energy is conventional, with its attendant Dear Editor, include wage increases or~ damage they cause to others. Owners would be fined hazards of waste disposal and its threat to human and I know it takes two hundred years to grow a cedar forest and fifty years to grow a spruce for profit, I am writing this letter in allow for the cost of living for allowing their animals to roam on any public high- animal well-being. But the Mr. Atrills of our world response to your article increases, but rather discard such problems as minimal. whereas it takes only a thoughtless, uncartng minute way. to knock down a cedar or spruce. Maybe it doesn't published in The Herald because the college board AI Forbush and his like would disagree, of course. We would phase out the family and substitute Day ~titled"Faculty look for an makes such decisions as' Care and state indoctrination instead. "The state matter what happens to the forest as long as labour 11 per cent pay raise." huylng an $80,000 photo copy would be the new God," avows Atrill. and management make money? As a student of Northwest machinefor the college. '~ That is presumpuous lunacy Mr. Atrill. What puzzles me is why, when Mr. Shelford was Community College, I feel it • Perhaps it is the proposed, Letters welcome is Justified in allowing for an longterm plan of the college Everyone I admire in the protest movements to head of the Truck Loggers Association, he didn't II per cent wage increase for boardto have a photo copy i, The Herald welcomes its readers comments. which I belong spends time, energy, and often money, utilize the same amount of newspaper space to the faculty of the college. machine teach us unstead of Mi letters to the editor of general public interest not for themselves, not for gain, but because of their publicize his views, If the college has to cut qualified instructors. Is that ;~ will be printed. We do, however, retain the right children and future generations. I would like to reiterate that an editorial page should back on programs justified at $80,000? to refuse to print letters on grounds c/possible somewhere along the line in Yours sincerely, libel or bad taste. We may also edit letters for Mr. At~ill commends for reading "The New Left: present as many points of view as possible because order to meet the college's only then can readers form any kind of enlightened Viola Thomas style end length. All letters to be considered for The Anti-industrialist Revolution" by Ayn Rand. Since staff demands it won't just (student), publication must b? signed. he takes such stock in the words of a female writer, opinion on the subject matter. be because of the provincial Northwest Community may I suggest an alternate source for quotes by Thank you for adding my opinions also. governments decision not to College t I ", !

The Herald, Tuesday, December, 11, 1979 Page $

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"Santa greets his happy admirers at the Skeena Mall in Terrace Saturday. Santa's engagement runs through • P6.49 cassettean, 6.99 -.o, ;" Dee. 24 at the maD. I :.,~.i~+.,,!.,,..~~'-~ ...... r ...... ~ ,.+ 'i...... ~,..r .... Little River Band - First Under The Wire ...... + +°++'+- !o 8 track e.a j • ,6.49 and o ~" cassette 6.99 !~ ) Anne Murray ., -I'll Always Love You 8 track ...... = fF LP and ...... 6,49 cassette 6.99 Dr, Hook- Sometimes You Win. SHIPLEY , Barry Manilew-0ne Voice ,track • ,,~.°, +6.49 cassette'°°6.99 '• u, 6.49 cass*tteand 6.99 p. 'e Allan Parsons Project - Eve Blondie - Eat to the Beat 8 track 8 track The selection of a SHIPLEY suit, u, 6.49 cassetteand 6.99 ,-P 6.49 ca,~.eand6.99 impeccably tailored in ,..° .. fine imp0rl fabrics is tile ~ (W~A~). " ilii! o,, smartest choice you can make fur ~ ...... "~ +"+~<+:;++I Rod Stewart Greatest Hits 'round-the-clock wear. 8 track and 7 Alrt LP 6.99 cassetteI."~';~ Niconette Larson In the Nick of Time Our new collection is 9 track tastefully flattering • P6.99 ca.e.eand 7'.49 • - L" Foreigner - Head Games and decidedly improssive 9 track ~P6.99 c.,se.eand 7.49 - truly the epitme of good taste Steve Martin - Comedy is Not Pretty amongst today's fine suit fashions. 6 track Boney L ~P 6.99 ca.~.ean, 7.49 ~,- LedZeppelin LPU.~ c,',,,,.,.e ..-T. ~j~ SIZES 38 to 48 LP"Inu=oThrough the Out Door FleetwoodMac-Tusk -~,~ , 8 track 9 track =.lnll~l ..e.eand 7.49 LP 12.99 ca.e..and 13.99 =250 go ,~k avagable at o,' SIGHT SOUND o T,=aa,,,.c,=,+a~,,,..9,,.a mr, rv;,+,r,+a~,-~ooo ~ • SKEENA MALL NECHAKO CENTRE + • NA MALL


i i ¸¸¸ i r I iii ii • ...... + . _ L" " • i t t The Herald, Tuesday, December ~1, 197') Page 7 Page 6, The Herald, Tuesday, December 11, 1979 Reporters refuse secrets Turner not in race VICTORIA (CP) -- About to the eastern press., appreciate background two caucus researchers counselled persons attending TORONTO (CP) -- John leadership he lest to Trudeau movement by delegates at: publicly criticized Trudeau, a dozen reporters walked out The agitated premier said briefings. Turner, regarded as federal at a 1968 convention in Ot- the March ]eadershlp con- party insiders have said on Premier Blll Bennett eastern reporters are much The so.called political an election seminar to sena Liberal leader-in-waiting tawa. ventloe in Winnipeg, but Turner believed Trudeau Monday when he told them more sophisticated than dirty tricks affair surfaced letters in support of Social since his resignation as Exuding the glamorous such a move has no tradition was destroying the Liberal he wanted to diseuss the their B.C. counterparts and when it became known that Credit and signed with finance minister in 1975, appeal of a Kennedy, Tur- in Canadian politics. party. dirty tricks scandal on an phoney names to newspaper shocked many political ner, 50, was often described The statement, giving few Turner was justice off.the-record basis. editors. observers Monday by an- as prime ministerial timber. reasons for his d~tslon, also minister and later held the When reporters arrived at A tape of the seminar, in nouncing he will not he And when Lester Pearson did not explain Turner's finance portfolio under the meeting, they asked Memo story in error which one researcher said among the candidates to stepped down as party recent appearances at party Trudeau. He was also Bennett if the discussion VANCOUVER (CP) -- The the party's campaign newspaper editors can easily succeed Pierre Trudonu. leader in t968, Turner functions. minister of consumer and could be "reported. The Canadian Press distributed committee in the May tO be fooled by the phoney Citing what he dose,,bed seemed a likely heir -- until , "Four years ago when I corporate affairs and premier said it would be off an erroneous report Thur- provincial election. letters, was sent to all as highly-complicated Trudeau appeared and rode resigned from the govern- registrargeneral in the the record, so all reporters sday saying that a Social In fact, Ms. Mackay did constituencies as part of the personal reasons, Turner to victory on an un- ment and later from my seat Liberal government. left. Credit party official sent a net say the memo made any campaign material for the Other members of the memorandum to ministerial reference to the dirty mexs May 10 provincial election in told a news conference: "I precedented wave of in the House of Commons. of Of his role in the leader- do not intend to seek the popularity. which I was a member for legislature's .press gallery executive assistants which tape which counselled party which Social Credit was re- Isaderehip of the Liberal over 13 years, I decided that ship campaign, Turner said: did not attend the news advocated the use of some workers to use ficitious elected with a reduced ma- party .... When Trudcau announced I was leaving public life for 'I will probably be more conference because they had tactics outlined in the con- names on letters of support jority. "This is a definitive state- his resignation .Nov. 21, good. passive than active." determined previously that troversial dirty tricks tape to newspaper editors. Since the scandal became ment and the decision I am many eyes turned to Turner, Turner did not endorse it was off the record and the recording. Rather, the memo was con- public, one caucus resear- announcing is final." now a senior partner in a "In the intervening years anyone for the party premler's remarks could not. The story, attributed to cerned with generating cher reslgaed while another Turner-- finance minister Toronto law firm. nothing has happened to leadership and when asked he reported. Ellen Mackay, a former support through legitimate refused to resignand then in Trudeau's cabinet for 3~h But Tumor's statement change my mind, despite shout Donald Macdonald, Hall Lleren, Bennett's Socred caucus researcher, letters to newspapers and was fired along with the years, Rhodes Scholar, Monday, read in English and speculation by the media considered a lending can- press secretary, said earlier said the memo was issued by telephone calls to radio bet- three other members of the bilingual, handsome, ar- French, put an end to that I was one day con- didate, replied that Macdo- that the Premier doesn't Dan Campbell, chairman of line ahowJ. ~ .caucus research alaff. ticulate and wealthy -- had speculation. templating a return to said would make an ex- want to discuss the matter on been repeatedly asked since His decision not to run did politics. cellent choice. the record until the a police he left politics four years ago not, however, rule out the "During the past three Macdonald, wbo suc- investigation into the affair if he would one day seek the possibility of a draft-Turner weeks, I have heard from ceeded Turner as finance has concluded. many friends, both inside minister in 1975, said he was Reporters said that while and outside the Liberal disappointed Turner decided Bennett has not called a party, urging me to seek the not to run but said it would news conference since mid- Freight rates leadership. I felt that I was have no impact on his own October to discuss the bound to listen to what they decision and dismissed matter, be has made several had to say. suggestions that the Now you're statements while the in- left on burner "After the deepest leadership was now his for vestigation was in progress. reflection, I have not the asking. After the journalists By ROD EDWARDS statutory freight rates Is. changed my mind." Turner's decision has walked out on him, Bennett WINNIPEG (CP) -- The focused in his province. Turner said he made the forced other poesible can- "was approached by a hot issue of the Crswenest Economic Development decision during the weekend, didatss to reevaluate their reporter who didn't attend Pass freight rates was left to Minister Hugh Planche of but there was never any real positions. the off-the-record meeting simmer Monday by Western Alberta agreed, although. likelihood of his running, Former cabinet minister and was asked about British t in' t 'te. politicians who turned to much of th6 agitation for despite being told his Robert Andras said Tumer's Columbia's position at the more immediate problems in change has come from that chances of winning were absence has "changed the the grain marketing system. province. ball game" and will be a forthcoming first minister's excellent. meeting on energy. A willingness to soft.pedal James Downey, 'I don't think I ever got to factor in whether he decides differences about the rates Manitoba's agriculture Bennett replied there the starting line on this one." to run. would be a news conference was apparent after one day minister, said the subject Turner said his wife, Lloyd Axworthy of Wlh- of talks between the Western will remain on the agenda of nlpeg and former finance before he left but B.C. Geills, whom he married a reporters wouldn't get provinces and federal future meetings among the year after he was first minister Jean Chretien, Transport Minister Don Western ministers. other possible candidates, background papers on the elected to Parliament in Students from Thornhill Junior Secondary and ping service outside of K Mart in the Skeena Mall. province's position. These Mazankowski on grain But Downey said the 1962, would have supporled a rejected the suggestion that transportation problems. public now is "openly Turoor's absence creates a Caledonia Senior Secondary Schools are all wrapped From left to right are Robert Holland, a teacher, papers would he given only decision to run. Jennifer Hoyle, Nell Thomsen with Bernice Seholfleld Saskatehewan's debating the whole issue" "But I do have a young dear victory for Macdonald. up these days raising money for an excursion to Agriculture Minister Gordon and the ministers can tackle family and that certainly "I've never believed in Vancouver. The students are operating a gift wrap- In front. Photo by Or.q.M.!dOl|mn Captive seal MaeMurchy said after the more immediate problems, was one of the factors," said coronations," said Ax- closed session he believes Mazankowski said bis Turner, who has a daughter Worthy. now set free deferment of the con- government may still set up and three sons. Chretien said simply trovereial matter is proper. a committee to study the He said he left the govern- "There will be more than one ROCKPORT, Me. iAP) -- Opposition m changes in the rates, candidate in this election." Union asks safe dump Andre the seal will swim free ment four years ago because this winter instead 'of o of "legitimate differences at Former supply and ser- OTTAWA (CP) --'The taminantsA~t. Theactcame pe~a~i~n!:~peses...." contaminated with PCBs, vices minister Pierre De spending the cold months in the Ume" and acknowledged Canadian Paperworkers into effect in April, 1976. In prong the government the border is expected to he k~ he still has enemies within Bane is the only MP to have the New England Aquarium Union called on the govern- The u~,,, representing ~to,detll~ith41te disp~bl of, elssed.to such waste mate- ::./lt!isn 'tyet time for hibernating;i ~ you can believe this in Boston, says trainer the party. declared himself a can- ment Monday to give urgent 60,000 pulp, paper and forest PCBs, theunion touched on a rial exports from Canada as 'I felt I eould no longer didate. Harry Goodridge. FINALLY priority to securing a waste products workers, said problem with which federal early as May, 1980. Kermode bear seen at the Skeena,MMl. ~o,o by Or~ Mlddleton Andre, who has been make a contribution to the Two other candidates -- disposal site for the. toxic employees who have had and provincial environment Ressarchheginulngin1974 government." London, Ont., housewife ' II l , ...... swimming in the waters of IF YOU CAN'T COME TO US pollutant polychlorinated industrial exposure to PCBs officials have been wrestling has shown liquid PCBa can Penobscot Bay for the last LINDAL WILL COME TO YOU Turner said he did not Denise Seguin and Madeline biphenyL should be given thorough for several years -- how to be destroyed in certain types know whether Trudeau Hombert, a High River, month, has not caused any Union president .L.H. medical examinations get rid of an estimatod 20,000 of high.temperature in- problems for fishermen or would have opposed him if he Alta., fashion store owner -- Lorrain also wants better A LINDAL DESIGN CONSULTANTwill be touring B.C. have announced they will because of the potential . teases of PCBs used in cineratore. Chimney ch ges confusing small boats, and occa- sought the leadership. protection for workers who health hazard. Canada. The previous Liberal sionally appears in Rockp~t early In the new year to help you plan your Llndalcedar Although Turner never seek the leadership. have had contact with tl~ PCBa are considered a Federal officials say re. administration proposed last VANCOUVER (CP) -- A staff member at Con- ,up of ereCaote in the chim- damage, and the stove is not used continuously. Harbor, Goodrldge said. dream home, or that quiet vacationretreat, all in time for ehemlcal, commonly known serious environmental searchers are working with year that g~ernments and Insurance companies and tines,el Insurance Company ney,"said Anderson. The IS.year-old harbor as PCBs. health problem because of industry to identify the induatrywork clusely to seek homeowners were confused in Vancouver said the an- He said the chimneys, He said concern has an early spring construction. The service Is FREE and cropped up only in the past 18 seal has spent the last six Lorrain made the appeals their wi.despread magnitude of the problem, out and modify selected Monday, following recom- nouncement was a sueprias. which are approved by the winters at the aquarium. carries no obligations.To arrange on appointmentwith in a written submission to a distrlbuti0~n~lrP~#~?kq¢e t-.~,~lthough.:the U.S. has cement kilns across the mendations by the British "We've been inundated National Building Cede and months, I, :Li"o~r cohsb'~iantwhile he is in your area simply fill in and ~e- TERMINAL federally-cummtsaloned ..t~,dec~sit~q~ti.~i~;~h.,-. ~.~ t~edestrey liquid ~.countryforthedestruclien.of ~,,Columbla.,Ffirt~ "Oommiesion ~'~4th ~lik'°front cue,gin,re Undarwrlters Laboratories ;;:;:turn tile attachedcoupon. But DO IT NOWI anda~old~ls-" board of review, set up In May, 197&,f0~p~e, .PCBs-,~nd some.: solids .PCBa. ' .... Office that metal chlhilfey ~"wbrried'" about" their in- of Canada, are designed for a originally to hear two o~- the health department conversions not be used with stallation," said Gunner maximum beat of about 1000 appointment.For a heeds,arton your planningsend $3 for EXPRESS jeclions to proposed envi- warned all nursing mothers free-standing wood stoves. Fores,ram in Kelowna, degrees Fahrenheit, but Dec. 5 and Dec. 12 our Illustrated Planbook and Design Guide, featuring a ronmental regulations living in the Great Lakes Fire Commissioner . spekesmanforFlsherstoves combusU~ of ereasete de- catalogueof 60 LINDALheat.saving homes. restricting the use of the areas and those who have Missing documents Gordon Anderson said manufactured in Kelowna, posits in a flash fire in a chi- (635-3680) potential cancer-causing had industrial exposure to Friday the Class A double- Vancouver and on Van- mey boosts temperature to WIMSIMY Did you know that we can ship to your out of country agent linked with liver PCBs not to breastfeed lined metal chimneys, which couver Island. g,100 to, 2,400 degrees pmlmrty and save on the exchange? damage and birth defects. without consulting a physi- won't affect suits are inserted through a wall '*We are supportll~ any Fahronkelt~ tickets good for Parcel Pickup & Delivery The government amend- cian. or roof, are designed for nil action by the ,government !' ~ In addl~, the outside meats' proposed last year "It Is our view that any in- VANCOUVER (CP) -- A settlements through lawsuits or gas fuels, and cannot that supports the Mfety of liners ha~ been known to were designed to prohibit the quiry should be undertaken lawyer for Pacific Western filed in California and the stand up to the intense heat wondburning heaters ... but coi'rede for unknown hlMIIh ROilll HOMES---, import, manufacture, to aseertain those workers 'Airlines says the reported other claims could he settled and corrosion of bumlng we don't want a province- reasons, gald Anderson. Light Packages & Parcel~ prec~sslng or sale of PCBs in ,.whose ;ions hays, b~tught lussofdcoumentsconnected wlthinafewmmths, hesaid. MARWEST CEDAR HOMES, 3440 NO. 4 RD.. creosote,, a residue ef solid wide panic ...' ...... HIs Office recommends Chairs -- Recliners -- EndTables -- new products. ' them in contact With PCB," with the February, 1978, Lane would not discus= the 1 P.O. BOX 94381, RICHMOND.B.C.. V6Y 2A8 I[ fuels sunl~ as wood. Gordon Anderson, B.C. owners check that the Portable T.V. The objections, flied by the union brief said. crash of a PWA jeLl,her at size of settlements already A spokesman for the In- fire commissioner said he chimneyd have the right I TEL. 273-8474 i Suites (Kitchen & Living Room) two firms -- one a pulp and "At no cost to themselves, Cranbrook will not have any reached. 1 ~ I w°uld Ilk' in 'ppL wlth ' pllnnln' con'ulmnt { surance Corp. of B.C. said has a long list of fires calmed clearance for burning wood ' Beds & Box Springs paper company -- were they should be given effect on the settlement of existing policies will be by various makes of metal or coal {different from uF.UR DE MA, ~Enclouci hi 13 fOr Plsnl0cx)kend Design Guide withdrawn last month, but r i g o r o u s m e d i c a I damage claims. He said an RCMP in- I Name ...... honored but the corporation chimneys, burning ell or gas); the in- the board met as planned to examinations to ascertain __Toranto_law_yerE,dc~ vesti.gall~ ~to t~..d~..p: is reassessing the risks for He also said that contrary sides are lsapected regularly UNION MADE MASTER BEDROOM DRESSERSOR CHESTS said Monday PWA has pearanee of documents I Street ...... |t FRIG'S, STOVES, WASHER OR ORYERS hear from other parties whether they have suffered new homeowner contracts, to earlier news report=, he for ereo~e; inside liners interested in the govern- any injurious effects as a settled more than heft the related to the crash won't i City ...... Prey...... I damage claims filed by hinder setllerpents becaase "We talked to the fire mar- hasn't banned the chimneyn are cldaned weekly if CARLING 0.~.~ 0~' meat's proposed regulations. result of that exposure and shall briefly this morning -- but has issued n warning, necessary'; the outside is _ ~EEFE BRi l Phone ...... Coda ...... l It was the first time such a that the respective relatives of the 43 people who the documents deal only wlth attachment of blame for the and are now trying to assess "Modern society doesn't checked for diseolorallon or I Locationot buildinglot ...... | District of Terrace Only beard was formed to hear a provincial workers' com- died in the crash. what it means .... " the understand wood burnina c0rrasl0d; the firebox is challenge to amendments of posset,on beards should be Of the remainder, perhaps erssh and don't affect Indi- vidual claimants. spokesman said. and problems like the build- Inspected for cracks or the Environmental Con. informed for potential com- 10 are trying to obtain higher 1980 BEST VAIZIE: i:)LYI OUTH VOLARE to Na. ! in gas economy

I[ll~~~~"" 5e8~ per100 km ' (78.4 km per gaD'

J VOIAR£ I"AIRM( )N'I' EI'I~I'I()N : f - ,i BASIC PRICE' • $5872l)n $5(;34.011 $5961,(10 list prices= . DEPENDABLE 3.7( SLANT SIX ENGINE STI). 260.20 2fifi.5i) 1= Economtcal Dodge & Plymouth TORQUEFLITE AUTOMATIC TRANSMIt%I( )N S'I'D. 38&40 3!1&65 o== POWER STEERING S'I'D. 188.50 193.40 • - *per GLASS.BELTED WHITEWALL RADIAl, '1'1RE.'~ s'rl). 54.30 53.75 dealers are dealing DELUXE WHEEL COVERS s'r(). 50.20 5l).SCl BODY SIDE TAPE STRIPE'; S'I'I). 36.8{} 37.60 WHEEL.UP MOULDINGS FRONT ANt) REAR STD. - STi). on these great BUMPER GUARDS FRONT AND REAR sTI). 26.111 ,53.75 TOTAL $5872,(H1 $fili3tL5(} $7()15.15 gas savers Based on manul~ lu,er • '~Ut{g~'~,h',| ,*'IdOl II,,t *' ,dd,U.,thk' ir.m Ittlbh'dtPd ~.¢.lit* P'~ L~Kal I~u~e$ and I,=Uisp¢ ffhllllfll n* II dH hl/~'(J i )Pd]t.r Ill,P. '.i'll i"' h".~. _, Feature packed ~tme items illustrated may Ix • r *pll* i,l ~i~/tl ,*~(ll.~ ¢ r,'d 1" per el 100 km (51.8 km per gad TERRACE CHRYSLER TERRACE CHRYSLER ITM ms,,m I )DGE DSO LTD. 4916 Hwy. 16 W. ! cry Pickup 4916 Hwy. 16 W. . Dealer Number ~0 ~'~ q(~OO~ Dealer 63S 7187 uomoA I..~ ,w ~m (52.9 km per gal) 635-7187 NumberDooa30A I" I I i I I I I I llll I I I [ I I Ill [ i ii ...... il • . . . . ., "T~'~'T"- ~T - " . - ' .... ' "

Page 8, The Herald,Tuesday, Decemb-.r 11, 1979

YourIndividual Horoscope CROSSWORD ~ 13 14 ACROSS 37 Ascended 53 City of 11 Office item 1 Refuse of 38 A halt . seven hills 16 Some • grapes note . DOWN 20 Carriage i • 5 River in (music) 1 Chart and horse NNN, N :: I "i ...... ,i,-, ...... Asia 40 Jog 2 Turkish Zl Variegated FI i'' .: FrancesDrake 9 Hippie haven 42 Macaw officer Large lake 25 27 29 29.. ARIES t~Z~ .,~ Water, in t~ ILmited in 3 Robot drama ~ Manse (Mar. 21 to Apr. 19) Madrid range 4 Party goody. ~1 Dolt ,o = Follow through on that 13 Farm 40 Russian 5 South Chewy fruit She's Staying work-related idea. Music or structure plane African fox 27 Before attendance at a cultural event 14 A beverage 49 Ancient 6 Haze 28 French brings relaxation. Avoid 15 Mountain Greek ? Eskimo resort NN =° I Home for Xmas clashes over trifles. sacred to country knife ~9 Secluded TAURUS 20) ~ Apollo 50 Comedienne 8 Speaker's valley (Apr. 20 to May Make decisions re children's 17 Thing, in Adams platform 31 Waved, as By Abigail Van Buren affairs. Singles in love may law 51 Enzyme 9 Certain hair ':97~ DI C'~,CSgO Tr,bune,N Y News Synd Inc, think of marriage proposals, 18 Dill plant 5Z Woman of Frenchmen ~I Slender finis Trust hunches re business 19 A ruse title 10 Fish sauce 35 One or the ventures. Zl Full of Avg. solution time: 24 rain. other DEAR ABBY: I've been reading your column for years, GEMINI I!,~" energy ISIT IEIP ISIPIAIIBIOIAI[: 37 Fabulous and around holiday time someone always asks, "Should we (May 21 to June 20)''7" CRYPIl~UIP lO-g go to ills mother's or to MY motber's for Christmas dinner? N Malay ' IPLOIL[_E.SISLTIAIRIA]/~IBI( bird Be straightforward in dagger 38 Child's first And your answer is always, "Why not alternate?" DEREAH AYDKWI EK PV- dealings with others. Make an ~5 Dies -- word RESI Abby, my husband and I struggled with that problem for effort to be understood. Don't years, and we resolved it according to your suggestion. Both Flood~g 39 Rainbow procrastinate, but implement BGPDWI PKHADYVWKA BGKWS sets of parents lived nearby, and it seemed the only fair 30 Goddess of Alcoa^t..rmm=,i= i, i, i= mmp.i ^~ . 40 Spruce thing to do. So for 22 )'ears, we spent Thanksgiving and domestic plans. CANCER @1~ he~g ~1 Tralea Yesterday's Cryptoquip -- TIRED WINDOW WA~IER Christmas in parents' homes instead of our own. 31 Strike and It never dawned on us until this year-as our ehildren are (June 21 to July 22) bloom? WANTS SHORTER WORK WEEK. ready to strike out on their own-that we never developed Watch out for vague health rebound 4,1 Wing Today's Cryptequip clue: Y equals U our nwn holiday traditions, We always went to Grandma's complaints that may be 3Z Trouble ~[~]~El~mOl~l~l~l~iT IE I~. Wedcting The Cryp .t~ulp is a simple substitution cipher in which eaeb for the holidays. She insisted on doing all the cooking .psychosomatic in origin. 33 Abandoned IGIAIOILIIPIO LIEIC A T .~ premise letter used stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it Noun suffix [EII~INIEIEIEILI/T[R[E[E herself-and then complained for months about how much Creative work is highly ~Goal will equal O throughout the puzzle. $ .~gle letters, short wotdl, work it was anti how tired she got. When we, her daughters favored. Share hobbies with ~mgU~h ]o.9 4~ Cebb or and words using an apostrophe can give you clues to loeati~ and daughters-in.law, asked if we could bring something for children. painter Answer to yesterday's Fe~Je. Marvin vowels. Solution is accomplished by trial and error. dinner, she wouldn't hear of it. When we brought food LEO without asking her, she refused to serve it, so we finally (July 23 to Aug, 22)01~ gave up. Romance seems glamorous, I realize now what a high price I've paid over the years for but take one day at a time. CATFISH By Roger Bollen and Gc:ry Peterman peace in the family. I wish I hadn't. Abby, please urge young Shrewdness aids you in marrieds to have their own holiday celebrations in their own bargain hunting. A family homes. Suggest that they invite their parents and grand- member could be tem- parents, who might even be relieved to be finally free of the peramental. burden of entertaining three generations. v.Go .p~ Sign me.,. "DOING MY OWN THING" (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) You're serious minded now, DEAR DOING: You make an excellent point. Your but try a lighter approach for answer was better than mine. success. Clearcut clutter at home, but don't go to ex- I)EAR Al}B'f: I,ast Christmas Eve, during my busy tremes. preparutions for 18 dinner guests (and also during our meal), LIBRA I was called to the phone three times and kept there from 20 (Sept, 23 to Oct. 22).1"1.~ to 30 minutes while the callers wished me a "Merry Bargains in out of the way Christmas." [~]ach said, "I decided to phone rather than send places. Creative inspiration is cards this year," then proceeded to bring me up to date on high. Put it to work for you. their health, families and activities! Trust hunches, but avoid 1 appreciate their thoughts, and realize that by placing rationuiizatinns. such calls tbey probably filled an otherwise lonely SCORPIO ~ Christmas Eve, but if they must save the expense of sending (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Christmas cards, why can't they wait until the holiday is ow:r, and then phone with their annual accounts of joys and Morning hours favor getting the WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart sorrows'? in touch with friends.Send out Am 1 the only one who feels such phone calls are invitations. An unusual art impositions? object may capture your UNAPPRECIATIVE IN OREGON fancy. Retire early. SAGITTARIUS ~¢~ ~ TAK~ A KIL~I~T~R.~ DEAR UNAPPItECIATIVE: Probably not. But i! it's in- (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) convenient for you to take the call, say so. And ask if you A behind-the.scenes role may return the call when you're able to visit longer. serves your career interests best, Heed note of idealism DEAl{ Alllh': Our eolph)yl,r used lu give Christmas that is coming to con- honusI!N Io all eml)h)y(,es, hasl,'d on their length of service. sciousness. Keep aims lofty. In the last couple of,years, he eliminated the holiday CAPRICORN .~ bonuses in favor ol' ;t Christmas party. Well, the only o=,es (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) who aLh,.ded IhP,se parties are'tbe young, or those who Get in touch with those at a want t. act young. Mosl people drink too much, the music is distance. Talks with advisers deafening, and there is moro fnod wasted than eaten. go well. The p.m. favors Many of us h~r,~ are not party minded because of finances creative work done in private. and inabiliLy t. get sitters, and we wouhl much ratber have Believe in intuition. the money insh:ad -- whatever the amount. So how abotlt running this letter to ask the boss AQUARIUS ~ people -- foremen, administrators, managers, etc.- to let the (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) employees have a choice. Business conferences B.C. By Johnny ~lart JOI'I,IN, Me. proceed smoothly. Present ideas to higher-ups. An I)EAR JOPLIN: It seems fair to me, Bosses? unusual invitation may come your way. Financial tip from a friend. Problems? You'll feel better if you get them off your PISCES ~ chest. For a personal reply write to Abby, Box 69700, Los (Feb. 19 to Mar. 20) Angeles, Cal. 90069. Please enclose stamped, self-addressed Talks with lawyers and envelope. advisers favored. Go ahead O with career projects. The attention is on you! Rise to the a occasion.

I /Z.# @ # ~ * ~ ~ I I¸ #¢-,

DOONESBURY By Garry Trudea~i

I. M/,~,. NOW,FAPDY? o'~ ~ l~. OF 7ROU~E,.l¢~ IT~ 7F4J~, ,W.NO-I.OFCoO~ ftt~Y ~ .~'~ STEFAF-~./N 7tCbT FI~I"£ I ' I ~ I \ .,~,,'qYSH~ LIVE~ /'/EJ~o ~ I NI1H #IM/o CL~e ,~. I iL¢,1~12-2 fOUR I: ,...... \ .~. .. / ~ . ~,, ~ ~ • ' "-r'~ .,

' . '.. ~"!"..{.:., ~ , ,

the AMAZING SPIDERMAN " By Ston Lee and John RomltOi

' /,, . " ii~ '~.~ "

"This ,s my first cruise What's the bell ringing for?" T , , )

The Herald, Tuesday December ii, 1979 Page 1t

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!RUL S • t ~~:~:~o gwi;!i~~y hch'l led;: nmi;yt h:sll~. j ., Limit: One letter per child ~ All letters will be published in our special Christmas Supplernent Dec. 21, 1979. Prizes awarded on a draw basis. I a Sl00 gift certificate ,Contest closes Dec. 14 at 5 p.m. (Late leffers will not qualify) at Al!,Seas0ns Letters must contain Name, Address, Age and Phone Number. Sporting Goods .Only children 12 years and under qualify. .... "'orth Pole after n.Prize a s75 gift certificate I t at All Seasons all to Sporting Goods anta ) Terrace-Kitlmat rd Dally Herald Prize 3212 Kalum St. a s50 gift certificate T errace, S.C. V8G 2M9 at All Seasons Sporting Goods "For Safer Living. Fuel Economy . --__ __ . • • & Cleanir Air" " • ':: CHIMNEYS ' .BOILERS; AiR DUCTS FIREPLACES FURNACES. PRO-VACINDUSTRIEs CA#ADA LTD. Services Division. Spaclallstsln Power-vac cleaning 96 Sterling Street " 635.5292 Kitimat, B.C. vaC 11(5 632-246(*

¢LASSlFIBD RATkS SUBSCRIPTION COMMUNITY 14, BUSINESS RATES LOCAL ONLY: ift*ctlvo • SERVICES PERSONAL October !, 19711 r.~l Ill 20 ~ros or less 12.00 per In. Needed Immodletoly ". WANTED TO BUY 114111o(I.~0vor 20 wOrda 5 cenhl SingleCopy 20¢ SEARS ARE YOUR CEILINGS .per wor~ By Carrier ruth 3.00 SICEENA HEALTH UNIT ST. MATHEW'S Anglican GETTING DINGY BATTERIES 3 or mort, consecutive Inserflenl By Carrier year 33•00 Church, Terrace, B.C. SALES AGENCY •Avon representatives to By Mall 3 mth. 15.00 2-3215 Eby St• LOOKING? If they are,. Old car, truck and cat bat. ~I.~0per l,sortlm. wishes to announce~ that Wholesale merchandise work In the following areas. terlos. Top price paid. Will By Mall 6 mth. 25.00 Terrace, B.C. Auction services have them profess!onally REFUNDS: By Mall 1yr. 45.00 635-6307 confirmation classes are 1) Copperslde Estates - • reeprayed. Call Earl at pickup. Phone 635. Flrat Insertion charged for Senior Citizen 1yr. 20.00 Ornamental Ironwork CHILD HEALTH CON- commencing In early 2) Muller, Velleyvlew area • 635-27/6. (c40 12D) 4735. (p14D) w~lether run or not. January 1980. For further 2972 Doble Street AbsOlutely no refunds after ad British Commonwealth end. FERENCES 3) Sparks, Munthe and has been set. United States of Amerlco one Information contact Lance Phone 635-7824 Westvlew. CASH year ~.00 Weekly at Eby St. every 1Oam-2pm Tues. 1:30 • 3:50 pm. Phone Stephens at 635.5855, or FULLY QUALIFIED Will pay Instant cash for CaR RBCTIONS: Dan Anonby at 635. Closed Mondays Please call Norma at 63S. Mu~t be made befOro second Box 3~, Terrace, B.C. for appointment. Held at BOOKKEEPER & lyplst ,BCRIC shares. Phone 6,15; Imartlon. VIG 2M9 3290. (nc-11 Dec) (am 12 10 79) 7496. (ctfn 5 12 79) wilting to work from my 4226. (c20 11N) Allowance can be made for only Thornhlll Elem., 4th Tues. of one incorrect ad. HOME DELIVERY every month from 1:30 - 3:30 home. For more In- BOX NUMBIR11: Terraco& District p.m. Phone for appointment. formation, please call 635; URGENTLY 75 cents pickup. Thornhlll & Dletrlct FREE CHRISTMAS PARTY INSISTON Phone435.635/ Bahysltters who bring 9750 after 5:00 p.m. (P5.17 NEEDED ~1.75 mallecl. on December 16, 1979 from THE BEST SALES CARRIER World's Dec) Female needs ride from.. children must have parents' 2-4 p.m. Arena Banquet Largest Suppl!er of In. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: Kltlmat & District written consent for im- downtown Into Thornhlll Rates available upon requelt. Phone632.2747 room. Santa will be there. Concrete septic tanks In dustrlal .and Auto Main. School area between 3 and 4 munization. Children under six must stock. Get ' relief with a tenance Repair supplies Is pm weekdays. Will pay gas. NATIONAL CLASSIFIED The Herald reserves the right ADULT IMMUNIZATION bring an older family RATE: 1oclaulfy idl under appropriate concrete Investment. seeking a full time agent In Please call the Dally Herald 22 cent~ per agate ling. headings end to aet rates CLINICS member. (nc 14 Dec) the Terrace.Prince Rupert Minimum charge ~.00 per In. ~lrefore and to determine page Every Man. and Wed. from 3 at 135.6357 and leave a location. Schmlffy'a Excavating area. The successful ap~ message. (sff fin) eartlon. to 4:10 pro. By appointment pllcant will have ex- 635.3939 BROWN PLA!D hide-a-bed. The Herald reserves the rlght~ only. perience In sales and an LEGAL • POLITICAL and to revise, edit, classify or relect THE REGULAR monthly (am 1 10 79) $200. Firm. Phono635. TRANliENT ADVJRTiSING: PRE.NATAL CLASSES ability to operate with a WANTED TO BUY: Used ~3.60 per column Inch. any advertisement gild to retain meeting of the C•W.L. will 3980. (p3 12D) furniture such as couch, any answers dlrected to the. Held throughout the year for be held Dec. 12at8 p.m. In limited amount of Herald Box Rq)ly Servlce, and to expectant parents. Phone chair, table & chairs. BUSINESS PERSONAL11| repoy the customer the sum paid the church meeting supei'vlslon, ' In an (~C0 per line per month. Health Unit for details and established territory. Phone 635. a 4 month balll only. for the advertisement Gad box room. (nc -12 Dec) FOR SALE: Clothes dryer. 5417. (ctfn 11 '10 79) rental. registration. Renumeratlon will be Inglls make, like new, call DEADLINE Box replies on "Hold" In; PRE.NATAL BREATHING determined by background 63t1.1401 after 5 pm week." and RELAXATION strucflonsnotplcked upwlthln 10 WOMEN'S NIGHT OUT at MECHANIC .and effort. The company days or weekends.(p3 I1D) DISPLAY: days ot expiry Of an'ad. EXERCISES 4:~) p.m. 2 days prlor to vert sement w I be destroyed the Women's Centre will The District of Kltlmat has offers outstanding publication day. unless mailing Instructions are' Held every Monday at. be cancelled until after an Immediate opening for a training, benefits and received. Those answering BOx ternoon 1 - 2 pm. Christmas. Happy mechanic at its Public incentives. All who reply CLASSIFIED: Numbers are requested not to HOME NURSING CARE il :00 o.m. on day prevlouI to dly mend originals of documents to Holldaysl (nc .28 Dec) Works Yard. by resume In confidence to Of publicatlen/~nday to Frldly.. avoid tou. Nursing care In the home for The Ideal candidate should Box 1229 C.O Terrace. FOR RENT: Bachelor ALL CLA$$1FilD'¢ASH" WITH All claims of eri'ore In ad. those who need it, on referral possess a Mechanic's T.Q. as Klflmat Dally Herald, 3212 rooms In mobile motel ORDER othlr thle vlrtllemantl must be received from their family doctor. SINGLE PARENTS NIGHT: well as several years ex- 1978 CHEV H.D. I/2 ton fully lUSiNi11515 WITH AN by ltla publl|her within 30 days Kalum St. Terrace, B.C. complex N. Kalum Trailer Mter the first publication. Terrace area only. Wednesday, Dec. 12 7:30 perience In the maintenance equipped -- $5900. 'ESTAeLIIHED ACCOUNT. will receive verification of Court. Frldge In each It Is oorsed by the advertleaF p.m. The women's Centre, of loaders, graders, Interview December 17, Vanguard slip in canopy, requesting space that the PRE.SCHOOL SCREENING snowblowers end small full door ~ $695. New room, community kitchen,• Service charge at LI.00 on at| liability of the Herald In the 4711 Lazelle Avenue. Men, 1979. (C4.14 December) CLINICS equipment. - fiberglass go-cert. New laundry facilities. $50 week N.S.F. cheques. event Of failure to publish an Women and Children .single, 137.50 week double. Idverflsement or In the event of 18 months: at Child Health Welcome. Phone 635.5145. C.U.P.E. local 707 wage value ~1250. Take best 635.9473. (c20 19D) f~NoEDDINO BEICRIPTIONIi. an orror appearing In the ad. Conferences. 6 yrs. once to (nc-12 Dec) rates & benefits are In ef- offer or trade. Pioneer ,-' , ., charge provided news lub-, vertlsement ae published she COUNTER PERSON twice monthly. 4:/2 • 5 years tocti Jan. i980 - $1i.59 Per power saw, older but mlfted within one month. 13.00 be limited ~'the amount paid by required for local car ROOM.FOR RENT. Phone production charge for wedding. the advertiser for only one in. (pre.klndergarten): Spring TERRACE LIT'TLE hour. •rental agency. Must 'hardly Used:-~ 190. '79 Ford and-or engagement plcturel. correct Insertion for the portion blitz. Developmental, vision, deluxe canopy,' fiherg|ass, ' 635:2817,...... (c2 11D) News of weddlng| (wrlto.upl) Of the advertlllno spaceOccupied THEATRE will present Please submit your ap. possess the ability to meet received one month or moro by the Incorrect or omlffed item hearing screening done. • "Goldllocks and The Three • pllcatlon In confidence, the public and have a valid wired and lighted -- ~95. ~t~ evenl .!L0.00cMrg.*, with or only, and that there shall be no Please phone for pp. 'Bears" as their Annual TO: Kip Geudry P. Eng. drivers license. Ac. Call 638-1744 (p3 11D) wltnou: picture. 5UOle¢t m liability to any event greater polntment. condensation. Payable In id. • en the amount paid for such Xmas Show for Children -- Municipal Engineer counting experience an vance. erlverllllng. VD CLINIC at the "Llflle Theatre" on District of Kltlmat asset. Must be willing to FOR SALE: One used oil Phone for apopolntment. Kalum Street. Dec. 15 and furnace. Phone 635-5891 CLASSIFIED Adveftleaments must comply • 270 City Centre work part.time and ANNOUN¢JMIINTS: with the British Columbia Treatment available. 16. (Saturday and Sunday) Kltlmat, B.C. weekends. Apply at: after 6. .(c3 12D) Human Rights Act which SANITATION Births 11.50 any advertising that at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. V8C 1"1"6 Budget Rent-A.Car Engagements S,S0 Iscrlmlnates against any Public health Inspectors can Tickets are I!mlted end For further Information Nbr. 10.4736 Lakelse Ave., FOR RENT :smaller two Marriages S.110 dprohlblts FOR SALE -Firewood by the Deaths S.S0 person because, of his race, assist with sanitation will be available from Dec. phone 604.632.2161.(a2 6,11D) Terrace, B;C. ; bedroom house. $195 pal" re Iglon, eax, color, nationality, nrnklnme eurk =c: f~nrl cord. Phone635-2670. (P2. Funerals s.so 7 at McColls Real Estate from 10 a.m; to $ p.m. month, warm, only Cards of Thanks S.50 ~cesvry hor place or gt , p,,,oon~- in g s and complaints,' " " 11,14 Dec) Msmorlal Notices 11.50 I:lecatJse II set Is between 44 ..... (opposite Library) (nc14D) SCHOOL DISTRICT 92 " (C3.13Dec) reliable people. No singles, end&~yeare,unletlthecondltlon sewage alsposel, private requires a secretary with no pets. For Interview PHONE 635-6157 Is Iustlfled by • bona tide water supplies and apply ot office 3319 Kosfod Claeslfled Advertlslng- D111~t,..... nKlulrlm~mt-for--the-'WOrk In. ~ nuisances -- typing, general secretarial ..... "~ volved; ...... ' skills and 0ral and written RECEPTIONIST.TYPIST O~'...... (m-12 I~:) II SPEECH and HEARING fluency In Nlsgha. All 'required Immediately.. CLINIC candidates are expected to Experience not essential. Held at 4612 Grelg Ave. WE WOULD LIKE TO take the compancy test. at Position calls tor Intolllgent HALL RENTALS 638-1155. The audiologist will THANK ALL THE STAFF NWCC or have objective person, able'to work under Oddfellows Hall 3222 do hearing tests on referral OF Mills Memorial evidence of recent skill own supervision. Good Munroe. For further In. by family doctor or com- evaluation. The work Is telephone manner, typing INCHES AWAY CLUB Hospital for all their help formation phone 635-2794 Qr munity health nurse. Speech and kindness that they full time (71/= hours dally) speed 40.$0 wpm and 635.5661 (am.7.8.79.Tu,Fr) meet every Tuesday night at I CLINTON MANOR | WANTED pathologist - therapist will gave to my husband and at the New Alyansh board dictaphone experience an 8 In the Skeeno Health Unit. carry out speech Furnished or unfurnlshedl More information phone 635. DONATIONS our father and to the office to commence as asset. The Three Rivers Workshop assessments and therapy. family during his recent • soon as passible after the Please phone for Interview studio or 1 bedroom| 3747 or 635.3023 LONG TERM CARE for the Handicapped are Illness and death. A special closing date of ap- to: Mrs. C. Benolt at 635- apartments. Security| looking for donations of any At 205.4621 Lazelle Ave. Tel. thanks to Dr. Koblerskl pllcetlons. The closing 4951, Federal Business enterphone• Phon~ BIRTHRIGHT old, broken or used pleces~0f 635-9196. ~'~ and Bob Sutherland. We. date Is. December 21st, Development Bank, 4548 410 JOHN DEERE Backhoe (c2.12 ~s.236e 1 Assessment and planning for Pregnant? in need of sup. furniture, also any dlsoarded thank you again. Charlotte 1979, starting salary $4.00. Lekelse Avenue, Terrace, for hire. Phono 635' Dec) 638.1032 I those eligible for Long Term port? Carl Birthright 635.3907 wood products we could use Boulardand Family. (P1- $5.00 per hour depending B.C. (1=5.17 Dec) 4081. (cm 5 10 79) • 3.4621 Lakelse. for recycling or renovating. Care. 11 Dec) upon experience and COMMUNITY Call us at 635.2235 between 8 qualifications. This will be QUALIFIED Carpenter, VOCATIONAL Office Hours: Tues. 11 am.8 am end 3 pm. We will try to reviewed after a three tradesman tully equipped REHABILITATION SER. pro. Wed. 9:30 am-5 pm, make arrangements for month probationary with air tools. Available VICES Thurs. 11 am.9 pm, Friday 1 pickup• period. Submit ' ap- for renovations, custom pm-10 pm or call 635.3164 or AID TO HANDICAPPED plications to Mr. N. Kles cabinets, arborlte, formica At 205.4621 Lazelle Ave. Tel. BEAUTIFUL NEW 3 638.1227 anytime. District Suparlntendant of Installations. Will consider bedroom house on qulef 635-9196. all other types of finishing WHOLESALE PRICES School Board office Province of paved street. Carport, OVEREATERS MILLS MEMORIAL Assessment and guidance General Delivery New British Columbia, work. Phone after 6 p.m. ANONYMOUS THRIFT SHOP for vocational and social covered walkway. Full On all remaining tools, Alyansh, B.C. vgJ lAG (A3 Ministry of Transportation Ask for Don. 635. basement, with wall to meets Wednesday at 8 pm at Mills Memorial Hospital rehabilitation done by 5708. (c20 21D) gifts and pendulum clocks. -13 Dec) and Highways wall carpet, cedar sldlng. St. Matthew's Anglican Auxiliary would appreciate consultant. Terrace Highways District Church basement. Phone any donations of good, clean Plus good selection of used Priced to sell. 635. 635-4427 after 6:50 pm. clothing, any household furniture. Open daily 1:30 SALES POSITION VACANT 4826. (c10 14D) Items, toys etc. for their to 5:30, Tues..Sit. Phone CONSULTANT DRAFTSPERSON Thrift Shop. For pickup Rape Relief 1635-7824, Old Totem REPRESENTATIVE The 'Ministry of Tran. SKEENA CE~iTRE service phone 63S.6320or 635. Abortion Counselling I Beverage Building, next to SACRIFICE & Crisis Line for |Northern Inn. Are you Intoreeted In Iolnlng sportatlon and Highways ONCE MORE WE OPEN 5233or leave donations at the SALE Women the fast growing company Terrace District has a TOGIVE Away to a Good OUR DOORS TO THE Thrltt Shop on Lazelle |Action every Sunday at 2 Assessed mtg. value U9,500: 638.8388 in the field of beauty, skin temporary position for a home: one six week old SENIORS OF THE Avenue on Saturdays bet. Market value .$52,500. ).m• 1a13.21D) care supplies and equip qualified draffsperson with half Shepard half Lab. Sacrifice price 143,000. A COMMU N ITY wean I1 am and 3 pm. Thank pup. Phone 635.9355 after 6 you. 'ment. Are you a dynamic experience In Highway S9,500 savlngll Five I and ambitious Individual surveying. Salary will p.m. (nc11D) bedroom home. One and We offer Women's A.A. Meetings - whlchhasafalrknoWledge depend on qualifications. one-half bath, huge kitchen COFFEE of the beauty Industry? Appllcotlon will beacceptod FOR SALE: Registered CONVERSATION Laselle I;raschool every Tuesday night at 7:30. and dining room with wood Compensation and span of at: English Springer Spaniel heater. Large living room & 4907 Lazelle Ave. 4711 Lazelle Ave. 635-5145. puppies. Price $150. Ready responsibility will be Suite 300 with flrep!ece, oarpaHed, ' CRAFTS Terrace, B.C. for Christmas. Phone There are a few spaces designed around the 4546 Park Avenue attached Insulated garage, In a friendly FRENCHY abilities and qualifications Terrace, B.C. Quesne1747.1169. (c15 17D) Drop.In Centre avalleable for children ages LADLES SLIM LINE Club 2 wells, out.buildings. 5.6 Hope you didn't fall off the of the successful can- atmosphere 3-5 In this progressive dally meets Monday evening -- km north on Kalum Lake nursery school. Special help 6:30 pm- United Church edge of the earth. Miss you. dldate; Highest com- S• Palapaskl Drive. Left hand side of mission. Three day work District Highways Manager available for children with basement, Kltlmet Call or write. Telephone, road. Net taxes t50. Phone We supply weeks (Tuesday, Wed- dated December 7th,1979 at mild developmental delays, street -- same. New number 635.5942to view. (p20 6J) MATERIALS 1843. Hope to hear soon. nasdey and Thursday). Terrace INSTRUCTION eg. poor co.ordlnatlon, WEIGHT WATCHERS & delayed speech develop. meeting held evPry Peace and Sunshine ; Complimentary (A4 -14 Dec) Polonaise. (c5 14D) professional training will I TRANSPORTATION meat, etc., not requiring Tuesday at 7 p.m. In the FOR SALE by builder. Only medlcel referral. For fur- Knox United Church Hall, be provided by the com- two left. Price11 reduced. as well as an area for pany. Reply by mall, with WANTED relaxotlon. For more In- ther Intormatlon, phone the 4907 Lazelle Avenue. TO ALL OLD and new For more Intormatlon Supervisor, Neffy glean, at fullree~eend background CARRIERS please call collect. Days formation about these and friends-warm wishes for Information to: NEEDEO 5pot cash paid for good other activities, please 635.7918. the holiday season and used furnltul;e, guns, 562-4114 or avenlngs 562. Personnel Dept. In the following areas 3697. (ctfn 4 12 79! phone 635-2265 and ask for happiness for 1980. Box 3603 Thernhlll jewellery, skates, BCRIC Skeana Centre. See you there Krlena King Vancouver, B.C Klrah, Maple, Kulspeh shares. anytime between 8 am and TERRACE (P3 .14,18,21 Dec) Main Post Office Kenworth, Skeena Valley Anything of value 3:30 pm Monday through WOMEN'S AT THE KITIMAT Museum V6B3Y6 (C3.12,19Dec, Jan. Trailer Crt, Sanda, We buy--sell--trade FOR SALE or rental pur. Friday. CENTRE on Friday, December 7, at 2) Toynbee, Old Lakelse Lk. Gunsmlthlng chase o. a house. Phone Skeena Centre will be closed • a support service 7:00.p.m. the Staff of the 14, BUSINESS Rd., Muller, Pine, Russ Roper collect. 562. from December 17th, 1979 to for women • Library will put on a PERSONAL .=RESCH(~OL Supervisor Paquetto, Empire, Clark, QUEENSWAY 4114 days or 562.3697 January 3rd, 1980. We wish 4711 Lixelle Ave. children's puppet show wanted for Terrace Day Newelh Kofoed, River. TRADING evenlngsorweekends. "Hansel and you and yours a Joyous behind TIIIIcum Theatre Care Centre. Call 638.1171 Dr., Seaton. 3215 Kelum St. (ctfn 4 12 79} Gretel." (nc7D) COLLIER EXCAVATING seasonl 635-5145 0r635.2243. (ctfo S 12 79) Terrace Terrace 638.1613 Drop In: 10 am. 6 pm Man. 4500 Grelg, 4500 Park, Kltlmet A.A'." C.~lh'gctlon thru Thurs. 10 am - 4 pm INTERNATIONAL Order of Backhoe Work 4500 Little, Birch, 4600 (affn Tu F 23 1i 79) Group in Kltlmet: telephone Friday. We offer a com- Jobs Daughters Number 53 OFFERS INVITED for clear Lekelse, 4600 Davis, 4600 632.3713 fortable relaxed atmosphere will be selling tlckete for a Phone 635.5340after 6 cuffing an elght (8) acre Loan, 5000 Mills, 4900 MEETINGS to meet and share Ideas. car raffle In the Skeena p.m. (am 1 10 79) stand of L. Pine and Birch. Walsh, 4900 Park, I Monday. Step Meatlngs 8:30 Children are welcome. Mall Friday evening Dec. To be followed by grubbing Tweedte. WANTED pm Lutheran Church. Evening Programs 14 and all day Saturday, and ciearlng for. WANTED TO RENT by wednesdays Closed 7:30 pm Tuesdays - Women's' Dec. 15. (nc12D) PDQ cultivation. Merchantable If you are Interested In Spot Cllb for your: BCRIC SHARES January 1, 1980. Tran. Meetings 8:30 pm United A.A. let Wednesday of month Carpet & Flooring trees to contractor, any of the following. starring working couple, Church. • Status of Women. 2nd SATURDAY, December 15, balance to be decked on routes please phone o~e chllcl, no pete. Redulra Fridays - Open Meetings 11'.30 Wednesday. single parents 1979 at the Skeena Mall Installation the property. 35 mites east 635.63S7 Quooueway Trading 3215 Kalum 2 or 3 bedroom house or pm Skeena Health Unit, (led by a single father). 3rd Christmas Tree Sale. of Terrace on Highway 16. between 9 am - 5 pm trailer. References If Kltlmat General Hospital. Wednesday Men and Sponsored by Terrace. You supply--we Install D. Harvard, P.O. Box 2458, (nc-tfn) 638-1613 (a6.21 D redulred. Phone 635.4533or AI.Anon Meetlnga. T.uQsday Women's Rap. Thursdays - Thornhlll Band Parent 638-1691 Smlthers, B.C. $47- Nelson, B.C. collect 352. • 8 pm United Church• Women's Night Out. Association. (nc14D) (eat 10 79) 2993. (pg0 110) I 919S. (c15 12D) / / t

• . The Herald, Tuesday, December 11, 1979Pigl 11.

~" n" ' " n' I' d ~ ' ~ :: ~'' ''n' ~': *"'' ~ ~ : ~ ...... " r " 'N~:llktl~l:i&n ;-w,,,,,~aZ.l~,~. i,.n.,~ " ~ ' a velent r-at i ...... nnl-,,-.4 nr ur m • ' t ' '...... ~>~.S~:,~:~,I-~:.~...... N~ ~ QbAIoJL JL m- , -v vt en nes said an You dgnt need the ".. -'~.. '*. " ' '.. '.. wealth of ~an oriental mon- LONDON tCP) -- What enginearLug department of milling and water pumping, operatea locally in any with Britlsh engineering combustion, which promises firms and scientists from to revdutionlze coal-fired •"OR RENT: ~Approxl 9oo sq, arch" to'seem magnanimous with the rising cest'of high Reading University near, and as an electric power country. feet on second floor..AI F ,..Christmas morning if you're . technology ',and fuel, the. here'in a .14-1nonth ~rogram.' source for domestic users Steam engines have an ad- London Unlvendty's Queen power stations. condltloned. Located at Wi~e about stretching boll- steam engines of yesterday to design and develop a and small industrLes in rural vantage of being able to use Mary College, who are The form of pellution-free 4623 Lakelse.' Avenue:' day dollars with small yet area& agricultural waste or low- carrying out related re- combustion uses a variety of .may be in for a comeback, small-sfale steam-powered search into a steam engine different fuels on a bed of ash Phone 635.. , "practical touches. Britain's Overseas electricity generating This will be fallowed by a grade coal and can be bulR design study on a steam- by the sort of light industry powered by solar energy, or sand, The combustion 2552, (ctfn 512 79i Development Ad- station.. Interest already is being efficiency i~,,better than 98 ministration believes that a driven electricity plant that that exists in many new age of ~t~am may be one The system will have a can use local fuels, has low developing countries. shown in the possibility of in- per cent anti the bed can be s olutioi~ to developing : power range of five to 50 maintenance costs and Those involved in the new troduclngsteam trains using started up from cold in 30 project will be collaborating a new form of fluldized.bod minutes. countries' :current d epen- kilowatts. above all, can be built and I dance on ebstly imported Under the &~,000 project I I I fuels and technolegy, being funded by ODA, a • ,/~ . ;., ~, ...: . .: With this {~ mind, the U.K, market survey will be Intermediate Technology carroll out to evaluate the DUNEBU~;GY -- m~talflake Development Group has potential ,use of steam for green, magi, diamond tuff. joined forces with the agricultural duties such as ..uphol., .street./egtl, 5S ~. headers,.1500,motor, T top plus sldecurtalns. In. ,..terested parties only. Cheap greens S2,600. Phone 635-5414 Days or 635.9204 ~. Evenings. (plO 14D) , we,,o..od ..,.; inside • . nan hold gifts that grown 1979 CHRYSLER New go to your head. Yorker. Fully. equipped, PETERBOROUGH, Ont. Fur it you will need a wide- 20,000 km. Phone 632- For instance, everyone (CP) -- Sprouting seeds mouthed, glassjar and a 4055. , . .. (c8 14D) appreciates attractive hair- indoors is a trend that is' piece of cheesecloth or j- FREE care products, such as catching o, with consun~ers cloth. The cloth should be Goody's wide-tooth mock 'i970~ D'ugTER Chrysler. tired of p~ying exorbitant placed over the mouth of the TEI CEHORL GIFT CB.IFICAIES tortoise comb or a unique jar and secured with a • 7&000 miles. Standard. Hqt L'urling Brush that, prices for sa!ad greens in the For these Items .Asking S600, Leaving winter. rubber band. witl~".the'help of a blow dry, Day 1: Put about one , liar tilth , liar claws ;, country '-- must •sell. er,': AuLckly makes a hair The var|eiy of seeds and , Phooe63S-23~0or 636- : style 10ok festive. Romantic beans that e/m be sprouted Ls tablespoon of Alfalfa seeds in , well loath , beam loath endless but the meet popular the jar and cover with l~, (I)3 liD) aecents include fashion * mooseor lair airlift tsinCeor~,,r) "( combs or decorated bob are alfalfa seed and mung lukewarm water. Secure cheesecloth over the top of •.1970 FORD Galow 500. Good pins.. beans. Available st the front desk ol the I ' condition., p hone&l~. • Young girls love laminat- Alfalfa ' sprouts are the jar. Let stand overnight. 3980. (p3 12D) ed metal barrettes bearing delicately 'flavored, tender , Day 2: Drain off the water I hearts, lovebirds and ice and have a fresh spring- through the cheesecloth. HOTEL •1970 CHEV. 2,396 with I~wer cream cones or colorful green color. (Thewatermaythenhau~ed" steering and brakes. New plastic barrettes in animal Mung beans are the . in soups or to water Plants.). paint. Should be seen to be shapes. Twin bead ponytail sprouts cotnmonly used in Shake the seeds around NORTHWEST PiPE EASTSIDE GROCER Y ~,~.apprq~latdd.::-Ph~ 6~1. holders with clowns, ele-' Chinese cooking. They are inside the jar so that they plants, happy faces or hal- larger than alfalfa sprouts, cling to the sides. Place the AND EQUIPMENT LTD, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ~'U'~breakahle~~qqll~.,~'e:also.popular :Fiesta as are '. paler in color and have a jar on its side and leave in q' . :~,~, ..... ,- ~ ., I ...... I'.,U...,~.~ /. ~di~t,:!.CbiitSg ~,wirling with sturdier texture, warm, humid place. 'J~UST SELL: 1975" IHC ~:;f.~ ~,,~ ,~ . Seed " and beans for From this point on, pour PIPE. Pt UMBING SUPPLIES. PUMPS. Open 7 days a week ~tgr.:...~-: i; sprouting, which should not lukewarm water over the " HOSES. NUTS AND BOLT$ FENCING P~cku~ ~X4 ~, w..h "'~i 'd'on't forget' the with Jerry & Marg speed wlth d'ual exll,a~F~, me nqDyo~rlist:Goodyhas be chemi~lly treated with seeds and drain it off at least WATER$OFTtNERS ANDMORE to serve you and dual ta~,~iAS~Itl~g f,,gQ~ie.q for them, like un- pesticides or' fungicides, are twice a day. Some expert SlS00.00. Ph~'~;~51~. or ~'reak';~ble. combs and simu- avallable in most bealth food sprouters recommend 5239 Keith Avenue - Near S C Hydro WEEKDAYS S-IT WEEKENDS 9-11 view at 4726"~e(~ '..,.~... la~ wood hairbrushes, stores, rinsing.the seeds three or* 4431 LAKELSE AVE., 135.2104 Avenue. 'qI, ~! I~~,'!]; D,'.e¢.l ...... JohnRothwell, manugerof four times a day. 635-7158 YOUR FRIENDLY:CONVENIENCE STORE .,i. : .,' a Peterborough nutrition The alfalfa seeds will ~o~,'t;~ ,., r!~;~.- f~l~,l':" : I;~"~ 1 centre, says that sprouting is begin to sprout within a day I Ill I LEAVING TOWN •must se . 1:~ AL-ITIES' convenient, fresh and cheap, of their first soaking, Con- 1934 Ford 3~vl~l~Zlvr.~ offers?; 19~ G:~/~,~'~,~/,.ton greens -- there are no daily until tiny leaves ap NO W OPEN NORTH.ERN LIGHT Stake bed wlth 1951G,M.C. chemicals, fertilizers or pear, usually by the third or'~ inthe Stained Glass .Plckup; 1962 Cadlllsc sprays," he says. fourth day. A II West Centre . $500.00; 1969 4 door hard. I~=~-~~~v~:(, "'?/-'~o~------~ Rothwelisuggests starting Then the jar should be oClasses ' top Pontiac. Vlew at 3514 a new batch every two or placed in a sunny window to *Repairs ' "', :::i' Clore Aven,us '~ ThornhllL three daystohavethemat develop the chiorophyll in HIGH COUNTRY (C3.!4 D ~ ) L~L"~(~'~/~"JJ~.~, various stsges of growth and the loaves, The sprouts are to assure a constant supply, ready to eat when the ]eaves =Supplies ' I~~ Sprouts can be added to are green. Crafts&Gifts oCustom orders salads, 'sandwiches, as a Sprouts should be eaten OPEN-- Man. to Fri. 9 am- 9 Pm garnish for soups; egg dishes before the tiny rootlets Sat. g am- 9 pm and casseroles. . develop. If they are not eaten 4Sl !~.F Kelth Ave. e3S.I(H6 4820 Halliwell Ave. 638-1403 Sprouting ~seeds and beans immediately, they keep well ~w~, in glass jars is easy and in/~,co~f~d~,• , • .,~ t~n,~.~ ,~},c~.,I)~ cheap, re[p~i~,,~ f'o~uP,-A9 ~W.~... |'.~,%~it'::J~.... ~:~': "YOU ~ "" "~M~~? THRUWA~'Y ..... "...... • ~.¢.-'~.~L~,~ ' " ' ( ...... ~ ..... ,>3 , ,. , ,.. ~ . , ,. (Ill READY FOR MUFFLERS ~O~ condition. Lots of 5~a/'Idenburg, Get" extras. Low mllea0e. Must many, railroad station in Miniature marchers THE COLD WEATHER? selI. Phone(~la. ~ 1909. Why? Because visiting Winter Months "1605, ' (¢tfni2579) EnglishKing Edward VII collectors "WE CLEAN" d~ : L ~ :was inside the train prized by , Nov. - Feb.

:n t " " " ' "' ' L' ~ struggling to get into his WHITBY, Ont. (CP) -- registered Elvls fans," he 1976 CHEV VAN. Phone 6.15. German field-marshal unl- 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.rn ..' 2723. (p6 14D) form before he cuuld Even the toughest of drill notes. An advertisement for CHIMNEYS .-- FURNACES -- FIREPLACES emerge, sergeants couldn't get these the miniature was placed in BOILERS'RESIDENTIAL or COMMERCIAL $ *. $ lead-footed soldiers to lift the lZ/~-million circulation of COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEMS Closed Sunday & Monday their feet, but collectors the west coast U.S. edition of prize them anyway. Family Circle. Gauthier said 638-1991 3010K Kalum Street ~ade' :out of pe*~r, ti~e h~ couldn't afford an ad to We offer the most efficient way of cleaning your entire roach the magazine's total 9 heating system by using a PRO-VAC Residential- small-scale models of Commsr¢lll ~nd Industrial Mobile Power Vacuum military and historical million circulation. Lucrative though the Unit. Alko Introducing the new method of utilizing VAN'S OONTNAOTING figures are the work of oompreused air for positive ectlon. 1973 BENDIX 12x60 two ilIINH Coronet Miniatures. The Presley miniature might bedroom mobile home. All turn out to be, Gauthier is ~]~ Furniture Nopok company is believed to be "Our s~'vlco gives p~ltlve and efficient results" appliances plus dish- the only ooe in Canada that most proud of his Canadian washer. Partially fur- series. produces scale models and is Call the PRO.VAC people today and m for yowMIf. " ~.~.hstmtlans, Hop Chests nlshed. Phone- 635.3492 The Metropolitan Opera one of abou 100 producers "I am the only one who has after 6 p.m. , (p5 11D) House at Lincoln Center in worldwide, • ever done a series in Canada ~ Ouitom Nndo Furniluro, Iotinishinl, New York City is the The firm', run by John exclusively on Canadian 1972 NORWESTERN Mobile world's largest opera house. Gauthier, has 18 kits on the subjects," he says. "I have Phone: Pro.Vie Industries Home.' 12xS6, with 12x10 15 Canadian figures on my ~'] ionornl luildli! Coolrncliq' It has a 3,800-seat capacity market and Gauthier is T~r|ce 636"5292 Can. Ltd. finished addition. Un. and a stage 234 feet wide by looking toward expanding list and still expanding my Services Division furnished. In good con. 146 feet deep. operations. ideas." K,Imat 632"2466 Kltlmel.Terrece, B.C. 3510 S, Hilum 635-6606 Terrace dltlon. Reasonably priced. One area is into the history The cast of characters in Phone 635. of rock n roll. Gauthier has the series Ls as broad as the 5539.. (dfn 5 12 79)" prepared an eight- country: Black Watch of- I centimetre model of the late ficer, Calgary Stampede Elvts Presley. GauthLer, who bronc rider, mountie, gold painted the miniatures until miner, a goalie, Eskimo be bought out his partner, is hunter, voyageur ... new to the sculpting side and "I quite feasibly can see BILLIARDS & AMUSEMENTS FOR MEN ONLY says he had to be convinced 100 figures in all. My aim Ls ~:~....~:~:~:~:~.~.~...... ~...... ~:~:.~:.....:.:.:.~.~.:.:.~. Iv to put a figure in everybody's e by a friend to do Presley. WE ALSO SELL, SERVICE & REPAIR ALL YOUR home." n LTD, 1976 ODESSEY, many ex- "I had only been sculpting HOME BRUNSWICK PRODUCTS. tras, good condition, with for four months," he recalls. ,tow behind trailer on "I had to do the head eight SANTA'S VIEW HUMBURG floatatlon tires. Asking times to get it right-- I can't HOLLAND, Mich~ (AP) -- 3213 KALUM SIRELI j [3~SL D lax ,v--. S1,100. phone635.5131. (P1- even draw a straight line. I School administrators have TERRACE 6 C PHONE 635.2473 I1 Oec) work strictly from photes or banned a children's out of my head." Christmas book becau~ its But the effort was enough Santa Claus has a negative JOHNSON SNOWMOBILE. to attract the. attention of the attitude toward Christmas. Custom Upholstery - Fabrics & Vinyls '.21HP,, good beginner late rock star's business Superintendent Bradley Furniture Rel~lr end Refinishing . soowmoblle $]75.00.Phone D asseclates -- Boxcar Cor- Henson says the book, Custom Auto Interiors- Van Conversions • 635.5131. , (Pl-ll Dec) A gift Of scent can poration of Memphis, Tenn. Father Christmas, traces Custom GNIItlng of Fabrics q &qWqnterprises make a sensitive'lady "The people in Memphis Santa's routine and the prob- FOR SALE: 1972 Vanguard feel more •sensual. say It's the finest piece of lems he encounters, in- Pioneer Upholstery MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS foot trailer, 3 w~y sculpture they've seen of eluding bad weather and the system. To view at 4915 On Christmas Eve, the Elvis." difficulty of geKin8 into a 635-9434 most enchanted night of Streume or phone 635.4739. "There are 70 million mobile home. W~IkdRyB 9- $ alton to offers,. !c~ 12D) the year, tell the enchanting Wayne 6]S.SM4 lady in your life that she's ~.~..~.~.~..~.~.~:~.~.~:~:~.~:~:~:~.:~:~:~:.:.:.:.:::..::;:.:: Other hours by appointment Gays 631.6135 Ernle 41S.~S3 ~nique in all the world. Claudette Sandeckl 3901 Doble Rd. W77 ~RcTIc Cat Jag 3000. i How? Forget practical, Since 1973 Terrace, B.C. Excellent condition -- down-to-earth gifts. Instead $1,000. 19/9 Trail Cat by make her spirit soar with a Arctic Cat. Low hours -- present that appeals to her ' CERTIFIED $2,100. 1978' Klfly Cat for soul, her senses, her psyche: :" kids--$200. Phone 635.b114 sqmething frankly luxurious. GLACIER "Days, ~35.9204, Many men choose to MILLWRIGHT MR. BUSINESSMAN! Evenlngs~ ' (plO 14D) celebrate their woman with L _~ 4411[elba AVOHO a gift of fragrance because A.shlft Millwright waz;led for Sawmill In Prince it is elegant,' exquisitely per- George Area, Preference given.to experience In sonal and may also be dra- Sawmill Malntensnce. I,W.A. rates with full benefits, A (o~,~"~" Torrnco, B.C. matically complex. This Space Is Reserved Fragrances, like women, wry in Intensity, mood and APPLY TO: BU~ . OR SELL Marlelle' distinction. So select a scent THE PAS LUMBER COMPANY LTD. S A Complete Glass and Fashion. add Gold: that shows you have a real Box 879 For Your Ad, lewellery. ~ Managers ;and sense of the woman. Joyous,~ Prince George, B.C. S Aluminum Service salespersons needed In fhls 'romantic and suggestive of V2L' 4Te ares. For your full ~)leasure, for instance, would catalogue please phone ibe Houbigant's Chantilly, 'OR: 638.6392 Evenings or write and it's available in an • I PHONE COLLECT TO: Marlelle, No.; 49-4625 elegant gift set of dusting MR. KARL EBERLE, Graham Avenue, Terrace. powder and spray mist. 604-S43-3~$1 If Interested In learning Contribute to your love- how "td ': "~b~t.alr~ free ly lady's hollday happiness with a tribute to her (DI 1,i2,13) jewellery'or setHng please •.....~...... J...... `...... :..~:...:...;.;.;.....;..:~.`:...:...:.:.:.:...:~ advise: (~ 9J ) unNd~&~. ' .... ,%%,,.,,,,,,,, H.,,H..•,,.H ...... "" Page 12, The Herald, Tuesday, December 11. 1979 I1..1{1{ I..-I,,I I1 1 I Steelers fall to Oilers HOUSTON (AP) -- home to Buffalo Bills in first half came on the first Pittsburgh mistakes, quite Houston Oilers had just order for Houston to clinch play after finebacker Robert unlike the Steelers' first beaten Pittsburgh Steelers the crown. Brszlla'a interception of a meeting with Houston this 20-17 Monday night when Bradshaw pass. Fritsch year.' somebody mentioned to It is more likely that Pitts- added secoad.half field goals Not only did Bradshaw'a coach Bum Phillips. that his burgh will clinch its sixth of 24 and 34 yards, interception and Braztle's 26- daily herald team had knocked off the two successive divisional title. yard return give Houston a teams that wound up in last Both they and the Oilers Pittsburgh broke through touchdown, but a holding year's National Football already are assured of in the second half to score on penalty on offensive tackle SPORTS League championship. playoff berths this season -- Rahr's 37-yard field goal and Larry Brown wiped out a 26- "I haven't thought • but only one will wind up as a Lynn Swann's nine-yard run yard touchdown pass from anything about us beating wlld~ard entry. on an end-around to cut Bradshew' to Swarm that • the' two teams that were in Pastorinl's lightning strike Houston's lead to 13.10. would have'tied it at 10-10 last year's Super Bowl," he with 77 seconds to go In the It was a game renlete with late in the third period, Spartak kills New West. said, reflecting for a moment on the Oilers' 30-24 VANCOUVER (CP) -- beat him, mnstly from short flat-footed on numerous stlckhandler and playmaker, Thanksgiving Day victory Sabres shut out Wings They sent boys to do a man's range. occasions. played only the first two over Dallas as well as this job and Moscow Spartak Centres Aleksandr The crowd of 3,650 gave the periods and later sat m the triumph. "I'm only in- BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- Buffalo went ahead early a 35-foot drive. Jim responded by spanking New Barinev and Renat bench when it was evident terested in beating the team While declaring that he had in the first period on Mar- Sehoeufeld made it 3-0, tip visitors a warm hand at the ping the puck past Vachon Westminster Bruins 11-1 Baimukhameinv were the end of the game in ap- the Brnius were no match for that gets there this year," "very few tough saves" in tin's 16th goal of the mason. Monday night in an pick of the Soviets as they preciation of the lesson the the masterful Russians. If they play the way they Monday night's 4-0. Buffalo He apparently was passing while sliding along the ice exhibition hockey game. combined for five goals, with more experienced Spartak Victor Dorcachenko did against the Steelers, they victory over Detroit Red to Gii Perreault, skating after Vachon blocked a Spartak toyed with the in- Rarinr ;orang three times, team gave the teenagers played in the M.mcow net for just may do it. Wings, Sabres goalie Don down the middle, but the class-in shot by Craig experienced Bruins in the Alekaei ",{ostylev, Arkadij from New Westminster. the first two periods and The Oilers could have tried Edwards is still happy to puck hit a Detroit defen- Ramsay. last two periods as the Soviet Rudakov, Vladimir Zubkov, stopped 16 of 17 shots to tack on another touch- have recorded his first ceman and deflected lato the • Martlnscoredagain late in first division team won its ValerlJ Bragin, Sergei The loss broke a three- directed his way while re- down on the game's final National Hockey League net. the third period, skating in second straight game during Shepelev and Aleksandr game winning streak the serve Yurlj Novikov stopped play. But from the Pitt- shutout of the season, The Sabres added ' two on goal after a cross.rink an eightstop tour of major Kozhevnikof also scored for Brulns, under coach Ernie Just six shots in the final pc- sburgh one-yard line, they "It was a long time goals in the second period, pass from Perreault. junior teams in the Western Spartak, which had period Mclean, had against tout~ing Hod, most from long range. opted to run out the clock coming," he said, after the when they outshot the Red "Thin was the finest game Hockey League. leads of 2-I and 7-I. Soviet teams. New West- The Brulna added Girard instead. red-her Sabres grabbed their Wings 15-2. Perreault scored I've ever seen our team play minster's last three wins "I called for them to fall on eighth straight win -- their his 17th goal of the season on defensively," said Edwards. with a The Bruins' goal came and forward Lindsay Carson Moscow opened 14-3 from right winger Rick came against weaker Mos- from Billings, Dan Held the bell because you don't Uth in 12 games. "I had a shellacking of Victoria Amann during a power play cow Select sides. from Seattle Breakers and want to take a chance on couple of one-goal games. Cougars on Saturday night early in the game which tied The biggest name in the five Victoria players -- Tony somebody getting hurt on the But the truth is, I hardly did and the Soviet squad was the score. Amann worked his Spartak lineup is that of Feltrin, Mark .Robinson, last play," said Phillips, anything tonight." equally as brilliantagainst a way in close from the faceeff forward Aleksandr Barry Pederson, Brad Dan Pastorinl passed 25 It was the night's only New Westminster team circle and lifted a high shot Yakushev, who for many Palmer and Bob Jansch. The yards to Ken Burrough for a NHL game, and coach Scotty which added eight players into the net for New West- years as a member of the Bruinn have won just three TD just before halftlme and Bowman's 900th game as a from other WBL teams. miuster's brief-- and only -- Soviet national team which this Toni Fritsch hit two field National Hockey League WHL games season and coach as well. One of the additions, moment to remember. has won many world obviously could have used goals for Houston, but the goalkeeper Nell Girard of Girard played the entire championships and four more additions. winning margin came on Rick Martin scored twice Billings Bighorns, faced 40 game for the Bruins and had Olympic gold medals in the Moscow next plays Rob Carpenter's four-yard for the Sabres, who brought Spartak shots and hod little to he brilliant as Moscow last two decades. Wednesday in Seattle touchdown ran with 2:10 to a sixgame Detroit unbeaten chance on the ones which caught the Bruin defence Yakushev, still a graceful against the Breakers. play, streak to a halt. Carpenter's sweep into the "We didn't skate," said left corner of the end zone Red Wings coach Bobby• climaxed a 69-yurd, eight- Krnmm. "We didn't hit. We Chieftains edge Kermodes playdrive and turned out to didn't move the puck. But be the winning touchdown you have to give Buffalo Caledonia Sen~or Secon- score Kitimat tightened their minutes left in the final experience. When they did when the Steelers -- limited credit, They were on top of dary School's Kermodes and defense and CaPs shooting quarter, pressuring the play well, though, they to a Matt Bahr field goal in us all night." Mount Elizabeth Chieftains went cold, allowing the MESS defense but having looked good. the third quarter -- erupted Edwards was called on to played their first game of the Chieftains to take a 41-34 trouble scoring. The COl Kermode coach Bob for two touchdowns in the make only 14 saves, while season against each other pressure did cost the Kitimat Rafter was pleased after the closing minutes, the Sabres were firing 31 Monday night, with the squad, even though not many game, despite the loss. He And for a moment, with shots on Rogie Vaehon. It Chieftains squeezing out a points were scored, as the felt that his team had played the Oilers' three-point lead was Edwards' 10th NHL 53-50 win. Chieftains lost two of their well, and, commenting on suddenly very much in shutout. Early season woes plagued better players of the game, the Kermodes' provincial danger, it appeared Pitt- [XI beth teams in the contest, the Terry Annis and David ranking tenth, he said, "We sburgh might get a shot at I k first for each of the teams. Tomaz, with five fouls each. just aren't paying any at- another score. The Kermedes began their tention to it." TheSteelers pounced on an The Kermodes' Bob "We'.re got a really new season together in the game, Clarkson got two baskets onside kick with I:13 to go while the Chieftains had team, only three returnees following Terry llradshaw's late in the game to make the and several grade tens. Only YOUHAKE A TOP BOG grit,,. played before but without the 51-48, 34-yard touchdown pass .to members of the senior score and Cal closed to three of the players are in within one on freethrows, but John Stallworth. But Pitt- volleyball team, which just grade twelve, so we've got a sburgh was called for finished its season last Steve Wilson got two foul little work to do, but we'll be shots with less than a minute touching the ball before it weekend. there." had gone the required 10 The Chieftains spotted the left to put the game out of YOU COH[ reach and finish the scoring. The MESS side was in yards and on the next Kermodes an early 2-0 lead, Vanderhoof last weekend kickoff, the Oilers recovered but led the game from about Kitimat's offense was very playing in the Vanderhoof the short kickoff and ran out five minutes into the first balanced, with only guard BOB CLARKSON... Viking tournament, without all by the final seconds, ' quarter until the end. Harj Sohota scoring in The victory avenged Hous- ...17 points doublefigures with 11 points. their volleyball players. The first half was close, They won the tournament, ton's 38-7 mauling at Pitt- with MESS pulling away late KRimat started the fourth Tomaz had eight before he placing Steve Wilson and sburgh on the second Sunday O,UTgN in the second quarter. They quarter with six straight fouled out. High scorers for Roger Paeheco on the all- of the season. It also pulled led 15-11 at quarter-time, and points, their rebounding CalwereBob Ciarkson with star team and beating the Oilers into a first-placa 27-19 at the half. giving them four or five 17 and Jim Keilar with 13. Dawson Creek in the final tie with the Steelers in the Caledonia began the shots on a single trip down Both teams had trouble 1!0-48. American Conference's second half with a surge that the floor, passing and completing their Kltimat's coach, Tony Central Division. tied the game for them at 29- Caledonia began to come plays, due most likely to the McCrory, said that the Each team is 11-4 with one 29, but after they tied the back with about seven fact that they have so little Dawson team pressed the reguinr-soasnn game to go. TOP! whole game, allowing the But the Oilers' dreams of Chieftains to fast break all their first title since they Westend, Juveniles win game. Pacheco got 43 points won the Eastern Division in the final. crown in the 1967 American Westend Chevron and the Bob Bogart scored with 11 Wagner tied it again with The annual Kinsmen In- Football League season are Terrace Chrysler Juveniles seconds left in the second. four minutes to play. vitational Tournament slender at best. were winners in Terrace and Gerry Bentham finished happens at Caledonia this Not only must they beat 1974 VOLKSWAGENBEETLE Commercial Hockey League the scoring with less than a Middleton's second goal of weekend. The schedule and playnff-boand Philadelphia action Monday night. minute to play in the game. the period put Chrysler participating teams will be Eagles next weekend, but $3495 Westend got three goals in The late game saw Simon ahead to stay at 11:04. The announced later this week. the Steelers must lose at the second period to power Dedd get four goals as the first half of the second their way past Skeena Hotel Terrace Chrysler Juveniles period was scoreless until 5-2 in the early game. Steve whipped Terrace Hotel 11-3. Dedd scored twice in less 1979 ZEPHYR 4 DOORS.W, Diilabough got two goals for Chrysler started slowly, than a minute to get the V6 auto, PS, PB, 11,000 kilos. $6995 Westend, while Kevin leading 3-2 after the first Juveniles rolling. Bob Alexander scored twice in period, but Dodd got three of Dempster, Darcy Mallet and the second period for five Chrysler goals in the Dedd finished the second Sk .een_a's only goals. second period and led the period, and Chris Dillabough started the way to an 8-2 lead after the Reneerkins, Larry Nord- scoring on a power play goal 1977 FORDF350 CREWCAB second. strom and Dodd again V8 automatic, 8 ft. box. with 17 seconds left in the scored before Rae Rowe $8295 first period. Alexander's two Doug Middleton put finished the statistics with a goals came in the first five Chrysler up I-0 with seven late goal. The Military Career Counsellor with minutes of the second period minutes gone in the first. .the Canadian Forces Mobile Information Unit and gave Skeena the lead, Cary Humphrey tied the Next scheduled game in can help you to make important decisions but Bob Peacock tied the score a minute later, Dave the Commercial league is about your future. In the wide range of 1978 FORD BRONCO game and Dillabough scored Smyth scored to give Wednesday night, when opportunities offered by the Canadian Forces, V8 radio, 4 speed $9995 the eventual winner soon Chrysler a 2-I lead less than Terrace Hotel plays you may find just what you're looking for. And after. a minute later, and Mickey MeEwan. you'll be paid to learn a trade. Talk to No challenge Cup until 1983 Chief Petty Officer 1974 FORDBRONCO DENIS DeKERGOMMEAUX V8 automatic tran. TORONTO (CP) -- The rewritten resolution in front itself In the midst of a btd- $1905 second Challenge Cup of me," Zingier said. "Ex- dang war. Players not Military Career Counsellor competition between a tending the draft is only part drafted were being offered National Hockey League aU- of it. Several technicalities contracts because they were THE MOBILE INFORMATION UNIT star squad and the Soviet are involved here." declared free agents and will visit Union national team, By limiting the entry draft players selected in the late 1978 FORD F250 urlginally scheduled for to six rounds and 128 rounds of the draft were not TERRACE on Wednesday, 16 January 4x4, VS, 4 speed trans., radio, etc. $0995 February, 1981, will not take selections, the NHL found offered contracts. 1980 place until some time in 1982, CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE NHL president John Ziegler from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM said Monday. Hernandez, Baylor Ziegler said the shift was 1979 MERCURYMARQUIS necessary because the .~.~.~, There s no life like it. Brougham St. Wagon. Air, stereo, loaded. Challenge Cup would have players of the year The Canadian Armed Forces followed too closely on the ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Keith In the AL, Baylor was heels of the sixcountry Hernandez of St. Louis chosen over Baltimore right Canada Cup competition, Cardinals and Don Baylor of fielder Ken Singleton. scheduled for September, the California Angels on Flanagan beat out New York 1976 DATSUN4x4 PICKUP 1980. Monday were named major Yankees' Tommy John as 4 cyl., 4 speed, radio $4995 "Hockey Canada has re- league players of the year by top AL pitcher and Niekro quested that the Canada Cup Sporting News, a weekly ontpolled Cy Young Award Riverside Auto Wrecking end around the first of Oc- publication. winner Bruce SuRer of tober, which would push Chicago in the National. back the start of the regular The selections were by a poll of American League and Second baseman Bobby Used Cars & Trucks season and that would not Grlch of California Joined Ready for the road pt Reduced Prices give us the time to suspend National League players, Terrace Totem Ford who also voted on all.star Boylor, designated hitter, on 73 INTERNATIONAL PICK-UP the season for a week in theAL team. Others selected order to facilitate a teams. The players chose all-stars were Cecil Cooper, 75 VOLKSWAGEN Challenge Cup," Zlegler Mike Flanagan of Baltimore 72 CHEV PICK-UP Orioles and Joe Niekro of Milwaukee, first base; 72 FORD1 TON with STEEL FLATDECK said. George Brett, third base, The NHL president Houston Astros as top pit- 69 FORD F.250 Sales Ltd. chers. and Darrell Porter, catcher, 62 INTERNATIONAL 5 TON with FLATD,ECK declined to comment on a Kansas City; Roy Smalley, decision reached at a Hernandez, the Cardinals' Minnesota, shortstop; Jim meeting of NHL general first baseman, outpolled Rice, left field, and Fred managers last week in Dave Winfield of San Diego Lynn, centre field, Boston, 24 HOUR TOWING 4631 Keith 635-4984 Florida which would see the Padres and Dave Kingman and Jim Kern, Texas, right- amateur draft extended to 10 of Chicago Cubs for NL handed pitcher. 4129 Substation Road rounds from six. player honors, with Pitt. In the NL, shortstop Garry haler No. 5548A "I don't want to spea:t to sburgh Pirates' Willie Star. Templeton and catcher Ted the change until l see a fell fourth. Simmons Joined Hernandez