CEU eTD Collection Reader:Second Supervisor: Russian The

Inpartialrequirementsofthe fulfillment for ofdegreeMastersthe of

CarstenWilke Image of America on the Pages of the

MichaelMiller - Jewish Journal

CentralUniversity European By Department ofHistory Budapest, Hungary Budapest, AnastasiiaStrakhova Submitted Submitted to 2013


(1881 - Arts 1906)

CEU eTD Collection Author. wr the without made be not may instructions such with accordance librarian. in lodged and Author the by given instructions the with accordance in only made be may part, or full in either oyih i te et f this of text the in Copyright

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h Cnrl uoen Library. European Central the rm pr o ay uh ois made. copies such any of part a

Statement ofCopyright Statement thesis rests with the Author. Author. the with rests thesis i

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Further copies made in in made copies Further Copies by any process, process, any by Copies itten permission of the the of permission itten e obtained from the the from obtained e CEU eTD Collection authors where works, associatedassimilationist theoriesofLandau wi previous challenges view This resettlement. encouraging nor it opposing explicitly neither emigration, on view opportunistic and practical rather presented I articles relevant Studying there. presented America monthly the of pages intelligentsiaviews. (1885 years fifteen for Russian in paper Jewish only the Being down. shut were Russian in periodicals (1899 of of languagestatus elitist the determined The subscription the for price . high comparatively and publications in publishing Jewish the studying in example paradigmatic (1881 monthly the of agenda the in also was which people, Russian the Voskhod - - 96, aae t fgt as cnosi ad “save” and censorship harsh fight to managed 1906), published. be to started it when 1906) The aim of the present thesis is to study the image of America portrayed on the the on portrayed America of image the study to is thesis present the of aim The Russian The ‟s readership. Its editors,first Adolf readership. ‟s Its (1881 Landau - 1899) 1899) Voskhod -

Jewish press signalized attempts of the Jewish elites to come closer to closer come to elites Jewish the of attempts signalized press Jewish Voskhod

a t acmoae h mjrt o eitn a existing of majority the accommodate to had

(1881 - 1906) and to examine attitudes towards emigration to to emigration towards attitudes examine to and 1906) ii Abstract

th the paper itself.paper the th Voskhod

was destined to become a sort of of sort a become to destined was ece te ocuin ht it that conclusion the reached - 1899) and 1899) then Max Voskhod

Voskhod we ohr Jewish other when ,

[The Sunrise] Sunrise] [The mong Jewish Jewish mong im Syrkin

CEU eTD Collection personmemadepersonality another. and better or waya one my shaped You years. two these during me with were who people all to gratitude express real program became and the what matter to no cheerful be thanks to manyhow me taught say You Molnar. Aniko to coordinator want I it. with love in fell really I end the by that pr Master‟s an CEU unforgettable year at experience. my you, thank mig I that thought I time everyyou to complain to able be not would I if crazy go would I Petrova. Olga and Hartmann Daniel Pus, Daria friends dear my to grateful am I Also classes. for late be to afraid was I time every up me waking myWithout tripthis beshorter.would thesisthirty pages materials. archival the with work and Petersburg Saint to go to me enabling grant travel shapeismy helpedit now. to as topic which suggestions, his for Rieber Alfred to grateful very also am I research. multilayered accomplish such be to able not would I help theirWithout guidance. of their product the but ac and Miller become ablewouldstudy. not to to here

mother to allmother to us. of One page is not enough to name all people whom I want to thank. So, I would likeI to thank. So, to want name enoughallI not iswhomto people One page the of years two for me accepting for Department History the to grateful am I neighbor wonderful my to you thank say to like would I Jewish the thank to want also I L. Michael reader second Wilke, Carsten supervisor my thank to like really would I I support their Without grandfather. and mother my to thesis this devoting am I ogram and not just one. This time allowed me to develop my topic my develop to me allowed time This one. just not and ogram ademic writing instructor Robin Bellers. This thesis is not only my only not is thesis This Bellers. Robin instructor writing ademic exceptional

friends - historians, who graduated last year. You made my first first my made You year. last graduated who historians,


Studies project for providing me with the research research the with me providing for project Studies iii

ht not finish my thesis on time. And And time. on thesis myfinish not ht

uia lsaoa for Pleshakova Yuliya sufficient brainchild ly,

CEU eTD Collection ofImage AmericaII:Syrkin Chapterand Praise Maxim 4: the 1899 Emigration, of 1899 Chap AmericanCorrespondents Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Introduction Tab Self3.2. 1891 AAmerica3.1. JewsDouble Russia,asDisillusion:Equals,Neither Nor 1881 Treats ThePersonalities2.3. AmericaWritingAuthorsof the about History2.2. of Jewish2.1. Community inCapitalCitythe of Pressas1.2.an Archive DiasporaStudies,1.1. Transnationalism America„Thirdspace‟ asa and 4.8. There Are No Real ThereAre4.8. Wide Emigration:No for Door America Obstacles Opens Its Nostalgic4.7.Russia for Feelings Heterogeneity4.6. Jewishinthe America Populationof TheRole4.5. Jewishofthe Intelligentsia ThePotential4.4.Become AgriculturalJews of to Workers Overcrowdingas4.3. inNecessary York New Evils City The York New4.2. ReasonsEmigration:for4.1. Conclusions Drawing ...... 3.2.1. On way the 3.2.1. America to AttemptsDraw to 3.1.4. the Organizations Adj 3.1.3. Newthe Country Thethe Disappointment:Secondwith 3.1.2. AmericaWay First to the andEncounter America False the Hopes3.1.1. DriveEmancipation for in EmpireRussian Poor to 3.2.7. Polemics about the QuestionPolemicsifthe 3.2.7. about Should ContinueEmigration Emigrant Culture3.2.6. TheWork SucceedAbilityto 3.2.5. and Declinein the Observance3.2.4. Religious Streetsthe and of 3.2.3. GhettoDwellers its The NewJewish3.2.2. in Ghetto York le of Contents of le ter 3: Image ofAdolfLandauImage AmericaI:Presents ter3: Opinions,1881 of Wide Range a ...... - Voskhod TheoreticalFramework Censorship and the Attempts to DrawRealistic a and Censorship Attemptsto theAmerica, Image1891 of


...... ustment to theustmentto NewLife and PolemicsCharitableConditions of the against Voskhod

...... ,the Lone




scape and Its EconomyIts and scape and Its Readership Its and ...... ly Herald of theHerald of ly Russian Conclusions from the ExperienceConclusions Emigration from ......






...... iv



...... Saint PetersburgSaint



- ...... and Jewish Its Intelligentsia, ......






...... -

1906 ...... - ...... 189 .... - - .. ..

. .

87 85 81 79 78 76 72 71 70 65 63 60 58 57 54 53 52 51 47 45 42 42 40 35 26 24 24 19 11 11 9 1

CEU eTD Collection Bibliography Conclusions toTopics Write Safest about Chapter5: 5.3. New People,New 5.3. Old Problems: AttacksCensorship ThePeriod5.2. ofRelatively a LandauPeacefulAvoid to Existence: how Learns the Censorship Theperiod5.1. of Tri as The CandidatesBetterPoor 4.9. the Emigrationfor thanRich the




...... ‟s Complicatedwith‟s theCensorship: „Romance‟of asone Emigration

...... als and Errors: Adolf GroundTests the Landau Errors: als and Relationsof the with

...... Voskhod ......

and CensorshipLandau‟sand after Resignation v





133 128 115 107

97 94 90

CEU eTD Collection three the with started which Empire, Russian the with encounter own their understandinglargerdiscourse byofa strand.hitherto overlookeda unveiling better a yield will which of study the mediation, cultural and linguistic of case compelling Russian journ the Jewish of pages the on presented as America of image the analyze to is work my shaped intellectualsJewish was bysuggested in who authors Russian “R define to helped or mythologized cultures, of crossroad a on systems present the in contrasts sharp created political of change the Particularly, terms. economic and ideological political, cultural, in “other” ultimate an as seen were States United the when War), Cold the during the Russia in Imperial in America of image participated an of elaboration thus networks migrants‟ Jewish the inside information of flow The expression. its of forms important most the of one were conditions living and environment pres the in debates and countries; home their in stayed who those among reaction a caused inevitably America in populations these of resettlement The communities. immigrant other many and German Polish, Italian, Irish, did as map, mental continents two linked Jews century, nineteenth the in World cultural transcended who theirSince space. transnational openedaboundariesand migrants, move, the on people were Jews history, long their Introduction The encou The Since al the

Voskhod B nter of the Russian Jews with America followed at a century‟s distance century‟s a at followed America with Jews Russian the of nter abylonian exile abylonian ussianness most cases traveled to traveled cases most

(1881 ” as well. However, unlike the image drawn by non by drawn image the unlike However, well. as ” - 96. eih eidcl i Rsin ide, ersn a represent indeed, Russian, in periodicals Jewish 1906).

and until the creation of the State of I of State the of creation the until and ations of the country. The “otherness” of America, put America, of “otherness” The country. the of ations prejudiced 1 particularly

America only temporarily, the interpretation the temporarily, only America , praised or, more often, condemned, condemned, often, more or, praised , and, later, Soviet Russia (especially (especially Russia Soviet later, and, largescale by the mass migration.massby the aot h mgat‟ new migrants‟ the about s n the in immigration to the New New the immigrationto ir demographic and and demographic ir srael partitions of the the of partitions

, throughout throughout ,

The aim of of Theaim - Jewish Jewish - CEU eTD Collection 3 Russia 2 ( 1 emergen Their 1860s. inthe Russia in visible became schools, Uvarov‟s from graduated whom of many Enlightenment, Russian new a tuition Uvarov,of Sergey Count of support the under opening, the was side Empire‟s the from Jews‟ „towards steps the of One society. of rest the from different too be to considered were Jews those Jews of number the also but legislation, proper a developing in slower was Russia only not that mind in bear should one countries, typ ( European Western the of Jews acculturated not interiors, were especiallythey the since into influxpeopleallowJewish just of an not such could and unprepared was Empire the mildly, it put To Pale. the in overpopulation the to incisivemost inandleavethe banwas, the particular, restriction to Pale. the population, Jewish I deal to had government the problem a implyingRussianof existence the in Empire, the „Jewish thebeginning question‟the date of scholar many which from moment the was This live. to allowed were Jews where areas the limiting Settlement Jewish Permanent of Pale the introduced Great the Catherine 1791, centu Polish NewYork: Central EuropeanUniversity 2008),Press, 94 O Ibid. D.John Klier, “The Conceptof “” AlexeiMiller, n 1835. in stjuden , 99,105 , ry Russia acquired about one million Jews, more than half of all Jews in Europe. In Europe. in Jews all of half than more Jews, million one about acquired Russia ry ,ed. Olga Crisp andLinda Edmondson - Lithuanian Commonwealth, as a result of which by the beginning of the nineteenth nineteenth the of beginning the by which of result a as Commonwealth, Lithuanian Emigration to America and integration into Russia were the Russiawere into integrationAmerica and Emigrationto ). While comparing the legal situation of Jews in the and Western and Empire Russian inthe Jews of legalsituation the While comparing ). 1

- 106, 117. eih mniain i.e. emancipation, Jewish The Romanov Empire andNationalism: - - eih intelligentsia. Jewish free state free 2

in the Western sense of the term, did not occur in the Russian Empire, Empire, Russian the in occur not did term, the of sense Western the in

ce was facilitated by the government itself. They became one of of one became itself.They government byfacilitated the was ce Jewish public schools in1840s the Jewishschools public

( with. with. Oxford:Oxford University 1989 Press, h rcgiin f ii and civil of recognition the 3 she acquired was much higher than elsewhere and and elsewhere than higher much was acquired she

hs h Msii, upres f Jewish of supporters Maskilim, the Thus Officially 2

Essaysinthe Methodology ofHistorical Research

ina RussianContext, - 97, 100,105. the Pale the ( e

Westjuden - was proclaimed by Nicholas Nicholas by proclaimed was 1850s, which in fact created created fact in which 1850s, ” i n two competing reactions two Civil Rights in Imperial oiia rgt o the of rights political ), but but ), ),121




CEU eTD Collection 7 6 5 ofCalifornia Press, 2002), 24. 4 to ability their and city capital the in living Jews the at looked government the that believes people). 27,000 namely higher, much was number actual the that indicate reports sam the to (according Petersburg legally. percentJews7 Jewishpopulation.or 314,765 Paleresided totaloutsideof thepopulationthe 1897 of ImperialCensus further transformationofJe promised and opened partially were doors Pale‟s the Thus, here. role important an played Maskilim the and Jewry, Russian of diversification further facilitated themselves educatio higher of institutions Russian of graduates guilds, second and first the of merchants for Pale the beyond reside to right the advocating By side. Russian the from effort similar any without rapprochement socialestates”. integration “a in resulted divisions sectarian and social distinct and backwardness Russia‟s soc the of estates higher the to belonged who those to only T emancipation. individual of precondition a as seen was Pale Abandoning the leaveit. to was them number of significant a aimof Pale, the exceptionalforcandidates treatment. and government the by „useful‟ considered were which groups Jewish privileged few very

Ibid.,91 Ibid.,83. Ibid.,50 Benjamin To make the picture clearer some statistical data is needed. According to Accordingto needed.is data statisticalclearer some make picture To the enga to expected were Jews retaine have may legislation repressive the just than more Although 6 - -

93. 64. „useful‟ in Saint settledof belongingManycapitalcityJews categories the to of the


designed to disperse certain „useful‟ groups of Jews into Russia‟s hierarchy of of hierarchy Russia‟s into Jews of groups „useful‟ certain disperse to designed 4

, BeyondPale:the The Jewish Encounter withImperial Late Russia wishsociety.

5,189,400 Jews 5,189,400

, h ms silu atsn ad eie soldiers retired and artisans skillful most the n,

census e

ge this process of integration, merging and and merging integration, of process this ge lived in the Empire, the inlived 700 epe ie tee eal, u police but legally, there lived people 17,000 3

his resettlement was a gradual process open open process gradual a was resettlement his

constituting 4.2 percent of the of percent 4.2 constituting iety. For Benjamin Nathans, Nathans, Benjamin For iety.

(Berkeley:University d Jews in the the in Jews d the Russianthe 7

selective selective Nathans 5

Jews CEU eTD Collection The JewsNorth of America 10 9 8 part Slavictheof the majority and poverty inequality, civiloppression, co more were reasons the Russia, from people Jewish of exodus huge the Empirestarted. Russian thefrom Jews migrationof mass year sameThe Settlement. of Pale the in pogroms anti of wave a by followed was 1881 in II Alexander Tsar of Assassination The Russian monthlypresentstudy, the the of subject the which specific trend a discussing considerationwhile into take haveto we society. integration advocated but movement, national a develop not did minority this Jewish local the of nature aspect more one in empires other in minorities elitist stateless fromdifferent was It community. the determined integration selective well, as Jews ordinary for but elites, Jewish the for only not magnet a became capitals European other many If Jews. Russian for life intellectual and commercial of centre major a Petersburg manythere.arrivingJews started Russia „real‟ with acquaintance The life. intellectual and urban vibrant the and general, In scale. larger R into integrate

Ibid.,166 Ibid.,87

LloydGartner, P. “Jewish Migrants en Route fromEurope to AmNorth The focus of the present thesis on the image of America requires an explanation how explanationan Americarequiresimage of thesisthe on present focusthe Theof Saint made city, capital the of status the with together integration, Selective 9 - -

Jewish publicists built transnational networks with their brethren across the ocean. the across brethren their with networks transnational built publicists Jewish 91. These specific characteristics shaped the agenda of local Jewish periodicals, which periodicals, Jewishlocal of agenda the shaped characteristicsspecific These - 167.

rapid population growth population rapid

ussian society as a test of how the „Jewish question‟ could be managed on a a on managed be could question‟ „Jewish the how of test a as society ussian Althoughsome , ed. , Jews were attracted to by the commercial markets markets commercial the by Petersburg Saint to attracted were Jews 8

Moses Voskhod


also shouldbe named. also

scholars argue that the pogroms were the mainscholarsthat pogromsargue to thethe were effect push Rischin ctions imposed on communal life,communal imposedon ctions , pursued. ,

in the Pale of Settlement), and the and Settlement), of Pale the in

( Detroit:


WayneUniversityState 1987 Press, 10

erica.Traditions andRealities, economic problems economic hostile attitude on attitude hostile mplex. Political Political mplex. ),26 - o Russian to 27 .

- J ewish ewish ”

(i.e. (i.e.

i n for –

CEU eTD Collection 16 (Baltimore:JohnThe Hopkins University 1992),Press, 70 15 Migration,1881 14 ColumbiaUniversity 2008Press, 1924 13 12 11 the 1907 example, in (for movement Galveston States United the of parts inner to York New from people Jewish of 1,400,000. already 18 in the York New If in resided who America. Jews of innumber city cosmopolitan and populated densely most the biggest, the was all.forand America in Jews (Russian Diaspora „double‟ the of camp the joining either between choice the as viewed was Palestineversus America of alternative the case this Inmotives. ideological and economic of oppositionthe as depicted usuallyis well, t at popularity gaining was which homeland, historical a as Palestine to return today. be Jewry to known American is it on what to it impact changing dramatic a have to destined were Pale the of towns small development. cultural independent and prosperity promised which adaptation, successful and quick the silentre „the migration calls even Kobrin Rebecca shift. population enormous an signified which between

For oneFor of comparisonssuch see EricL. Goldstein, “The Great Wave: Eastern European Jewish Immigration tothe United States, 1880 RebeccaKobrin, Ibid. Gartner, Gartner, , ” , 26. , i n Entering the country through New York, the majority of immigrants stayed there. It It there. stayed immigrants of majority the York, New through country the Entering emigrated Jews of number overwhelming An volution.‟

TheColumbia History ofJews Judaismand in America 81 n 1914 and 1881 JewishMigrants JewishMigrants


– M 1914, oving JewishBialystok 12 15 ”


Modern Judaism Even attempts of Jewish charitable foundations to sponsor resettlementsponsor to foundations charitable Jewish of attempts Even migrants called America migrants called there , 31. , ,

25 h ttl ubr f mgat rahd bu 2 ilo people, million 2 about reached emigrants of number total the


27 ),71

he , Gur Alroey,Gur “ toAmerica? ComparativeA Look J at


- ld andDiaspora its 94 o est or 1914) .

GeraldSorin, a

large significance large 28(2008) :

bih giutrl oois failed. colonies agricultural ablish 109

ATime for 13 ( 5 Bloomington:

„t - Emigration to America versus the appeal to appeal the versus America to Emigration 1 he Golden LandGoldenhe - 71. 33. 80 equaled 80,000 people, in 1914 it was was it 1914 in people, 80,000 equaled 80

, since insince , Build ,ed. Marc Lee Raphael o h Uie Sae o America; of States United the to

IndianaUniversity 2010),Press, 3 ing:The Third Migration, 1880

) or ending the Diaspora once Diaspora the ending or ) the new place poor poor place new the ‟ because of the myth about mythabout the of because ( NewYork: ewishMass 16

his time as as time his es from Jews Jews - 1920 . - from

11 ,

CEU eTD Collection 19 18 1962),76 17 with fromtransnationallargernetworks theOne became.RussianEmpirebrethren the of the inEurope. Eastern townsback nati their from people the with touch in kept also members Their context. transnational and towns abandoned once registered officially of of one was aid number the 1910 By country. landsmanshaftn new a in attitudes hostile landsmanshaftn keep intention to the demonstrated Jews before. decades severalimmigrated who those of number the times several Europeanwas Jews East arriving constantly numbertheof that fact bycompounded the also estab of anti of outbursts Americanized quite Unite the to immigrated Jews American of attitudes ambivalent the Pale.the conditi living their America in Duringfew years first thatextremely fact they poor. the by were newcomersunitedthe were sub own their had provinces different

Ibid., Sorin, Rischin, 97 ruig f mgat cmn fo te ae atr Erpa tws into towns European Eastern same the from coming emigrants of Grouping absorption of process the In ATime for lished local Jewish communities were not were communities Jewish local lished - 80. -


ThePromised City: New York‟sJews 1870 the first priorities. These organizations helped to save the memory about the the about memory savethe to helped organizations These priorities. first the

- reached two thousand. They functioned asfunctioned Theythousand. reachedtwo r eih mirn hmtw ascain ws nte rato t the to reaction another was associations hometown immigrant Jewish or Build Semitism at the influx of Russian Jews, the prevailing neglectful attitudes attitudes neglectful prevailing the Jews, Russian of influx the at Semitism a which ), ir ing disinclination to abandon their traditional ways of life of ways traditional their abandon to disinclination

group identity frombeginning.group very the ,86 d States in the middle of the nineteenth century and were already already were and century nineteenth the of middle the in States d

- 88. retain turned from being supportive to resentful. On a par with the the with par a On resentful. to supportive being from turned

19 ons were much worse than those they were used to back in back to used were they those than worse much were ons

The more detached from the host society emigrants felt,societythe emigrants host frommore detachedtheThe ed ,

new Jewish immigrants faced problems caused problems faced immigrants Jewish new „ shtetli - egbrod i te oe Es Side, East Lower the in neighborhoods k

6 oad them towards h


conducive to their integration, which was was which integration, their to conducive - 1914

, remapping regional identities in a a in identities regional remapping , (Cambridge:Harvard University Pres benefic piaiy rm Germany from (primarily 18


societ In turn In

ies, and

and mutual and had 17 ,

R also also

u all but a ussian

s, s, who who firm by ve

CEU eTD Collection E 23 of Greatthe Reforms,1860 22 CapitalinOld Picture Postcards York: JewishThe Publication Society, 1989) or 21 University1995):Press, of Emancipation: Michael ( Emancipation 1862 20 directly, subject approachesuseful.someof aretheir and Modern Jews Making is mention to want I which book Another 1860s. the in Maskilim Russian of generation Orbach import very also the of scarce.One is subject this on literature the enormous, was Empire Russian the in communities analytical exaggerated. the robust, in population Jewish the of culture and history the on literature Russianexperience per to the about writing was connections tight these of elements important Oxford:Oxford University 1989Press, mpires

AsinMikhail Beizer, See,for example, SarahAbrevaya Stein, Alexander significance of of significance - the 1917 20

, Stanislavski Jewish the in opinion public the shaping in press Jewish the of role the Although the if that mentioned me should it problem, the of historiography the about Talking ( 22 Bloomington:Indiana University 2004 Press, Ladino

very few works haveveryabout fewJewish inbeenwritten theworks community Petersburg, Saint ( .

Cambridge 21

is devoted to to devoted is Orbach ‟

inaRussian Context Available studies, except studies, Available

Jews,States andCitizenship press in press JonathanFra , ,“Russian Jewry, Russian the State, and Dynamicsthe of Jewish Emancipation NewofVoices Russian Jewry : which

Th CambridgeUniversity Press 262 MakingJews TheModern: and Ladino Press inthe Russianand Ottoman

- by e e JewsSt. of Petersburg: Excursionsthrough a Noble Past Jewish periodicals, on which I will concentrate inJewishwhichwill on periodicals,I presentstudy. the concentrate - 1871 -

283. the Sarah

h Jws Press Jewish the in the intellectual development of Russian Jewry can be hardly hardly be can Jewry Russian of development intellectual the in

nkel (SaintPetersburg: Satis, 2003). (Leiden: E.J.


,” i ,” ant contributions,ant , Stein Prophecyand Politics n ):121 CivilRights inImperial Russia , 23 Empire - , ed. Pierre, Birnbaum andIraKatznelson (Princeton: Princeton

144; Nathans‟ Brill,1980

NataliaYukhnyova, devoted to devoted : Miller,

AStudy ofthe Russian 1981); , Klier,John in . 7 )


Although these works do not touch upon my upon touch not do works these Although

Russian ). New Voices of Russian JewryRussian of Voices New Beyond the Pale the Beyond The RomanovEmpire


t ,Nationalism, and the Russian Jews, he Yiddish he


JewsPetersburg: in The Northern ulse in published , ed. Olga, Crisp andLinda Edmondso “TheConcept of - JewishPressOdessa of in the Era p ress in the Russian the in ress ,

are more descriptive than than descriptive more are h aeo eteet is Settlement of Pale the ;


Odessa (Philadelphia „ , Jewish Beyond Palethe sonal emigrant emigrant sonal

by Alexanderby y h first the by - ,” i New Empire n Paths ;


CEU eTD Collection AmericanJewish History 27 26 Petersburg:Hersch, [“Sunrise” publisher 25 Petersburg:Mosty Kultury; Jerusalem: Gesharim, 1999). tsenzury 24 manyfor reasonstayin to Jews Russia. of image negative the on only concentrating by picture full frameof1881 time the announces articles her of name the although years, selected several only discusses Dubnow. Simon historian Jewish great the by Jewrystud European East of existed opinion This thesis. present the in challenged be to going is which view Voskhod fragmen quite are studies their and problem with dealt who scholars researchers gives journal.verycontent minorthe details ofthe about Pechenin N Benjamin of focus the not is itself by press The government. the with editors Jewish the of contacts El‟yashevich Dmitriy books. important several of

ViktorKelner, “Zhurnal “Voskhod” iego izdatel DmitriyEl‟yashevich, JudithZabarenko, “The Negative ofImage America inRussianthe SimonDubnow,

h iae f mrc dpce in depicted America of image The period Jewish the around politics and historyThe [StatePolitics andJewish Publishing inRussia, 1797 - editorA.E. Landau”], in

and its successor successor its and – concentrate primarily on the personality of personality the on primarily concentrate

“Books ofSunrise”:the Description ofthe Content 1881 of athans

- Jewish history Jewish 1910. My research brought me to the conclusion that she does not present the not she conclusion methedoes that to brought Myresearch 1910. Historyofthe Jews Russia andin Poland 2001 s ok tu, i acut s ey sketchy. very is account his thus, work, ‟s Pravitel‟stvennayapolitika i evreyskayapechat vRossii, 1797

) 75,No.3 (March 1986): 267 .

h qeto o eirto in emigration of question the

Knizhki Voskhoda Knizhki ies, presumably, under the influence of a statement pronounced statement a influence of the under presumably,ies, , but it has never been studied in a comprehensive manner. The The manner. comprehensive a inbeenstudied never ithas but , “Voskhod”

“KnizhkiVoskhoda”: rospis‟sod - redaktorA.E. Landau” [“TheJournal “Voskhod” and his - 8

e. e u sat ih hs atos h call who authors those with start us Let ted. 279. a journal with an anti an with journal a Voskho


uih aaek‟ study, Zabarenko‟s Judith

(Bergenfield:Avotaynu, 2000), - 24 1917: EssaysHistoryon of d Voskhod el mr wt cnosi ad the and censorship with more deals

a rpael be addressed been repeatedly has icals in Russian became the subject subject becamethe in Russianicals

Voskhod - LanguageJewish Press(1881 - 1906]

America arguing that it was the the was it that arguing America ‟s editor, Adolf Landau, and and Landau, Adolf editor, ‟s , ed. A.R,ed. Rumyantsev (Sankt

itr Kelner Viktor have polar views on the the on views polar have - erzhaniya1881 emigration agenda, the the agenda, emigration - 1917:Ocherki istorii Censorship](Sankt 27 352.

o example, for


- in the field field the in 1906

- 1910),” and

Ilya - by - CEU eTD Collection Petersburg: 32 31 30 29 298. 28 pushed that and started pogroms the after Petersburg St. of Jews The America. to emigration advocated but Palestine, in project colonization by printed the in stated is it Thus, specifically. journal the on research peoples. mergingoftwo the facilitate would doubtfully which government, its and Russia of criticism expressing people, Jewish the and Russian the together‟ Kelner, to According issue. Russia. in rights inan moreonethan tendencies,sometimes both advocating hearticlesNevertheless, printed civil equal for fighting from Jews distract would they that thinking em Jewish about opinions positive voiced have would that literature Yiddish from allarticles emigrationofthemovement, about aspects publish to was policy editorial“Landau‟s that out points himself Klier study, emigrationviewson pages theof on ide and views different accommodate to had latter the Landau, editor, its of ideology the been have

Ibid.,307. John Evreyskaya entsyklopediya Ibid.,11 Kelner,

Klier St Victor positive quite often very find thus can We later. argue will I as paper his in ologies JohnKlier Zhurnal“Voskhod” - ill, a couple of studies agree that that agree studies of couple ill,a 12. Brockhaus andEfronPublishing House

, Brockhaus and Efron Publishing House Publishing Efron and Brockhaus Russians, Jews,and Pogroms the of 1881


also claims that claimsthat also

also notes that that notes also

[TheJewish Encyclopedia],ed. LevKatsenel‟son andDavid Ginsburg (Saint ,


also points to the disappointment which Maskilim encountered encountered Maskilim which disappointment the to points also

Landau never forgot about his initial intention to „draw „draw to intention initial his about forgot never Landau Voskhod Voskhod Landau tried to avoid articles, especially translations translations especially articles, avoid to tried Landau Voskhod , 1912) , Voskhod

opposed emigration inemigration general. opposed , not to mention not to , 9 -

1882 , vol. , 5,c. 31

in 1912 that that in1912 ( u w se ay rils in articles many see we but to discusswhether to supported emigration, but they are not a not are they but emigration, supported Cambridge pro et contraproet

813 .

: Knizhki Voskhoda Knizhki

CambridgeUniversity Press Voskhod vesaa entsyklopediya Evreyskaya .” 29

America or Palestine or America


did not supp not did

Mikhail 28

While this mayWhilethis

a full range of of range full a . Later in hisLater . Beizer in in Beizer Voskhod igration, igration, ort the ort , 2011 30 ) ,

CEU eTD Collection 33 influenceimageitscensorshipandof the determine on at look will I chapter last and fifth the in Finally, published. was paper the when span time in analyzeimageAmericapresented ofas going the to for and third the In America. about writing monthly the to contributing of history the of overview short a give will I chapter studies of theories the on relying research my of course the in use to going am I tools the describe will I chapter, theoretical first, the In stages. several in argument my develop journal the i evil treated who censors of efforts lesser a necessityand a like more America the to emigration depicting critically), exceptionally of spite (in given was observation someimportantchaptersknowledge to of Russian problem proposed the study to attempt first isthesis the Thestillispresent underexplored. level emigration the on press influencethe of and compelling quite is subject the Nevertheless, wholly. topic the explored authors mentioned of none because probably most formed was which view, opposite the challenge differ solutionforemigration. ifnotJewish ofthe question placecould what option beemigrationfornobodyother andwasbetter thesuggest the could

Beizer, n comparison to the option of staying in Russia. To support my hypothesis I will will I hypothesis my support To Russia. in staying of option the to comparison n radically. I will argue here that that here argue will I radically.

y yohss s ht uig ot of most during that is hypothesis My America to emigration Jewish of topic the touched who scholars of opinions Thus, n transnationalism and The JewsSt. of Petersburg

and the approach to the press as an archive. In the second second the In archive. an as press the to approach the and ,11 - 12.

Voskhod 10

has a clear pro clear a has consistently - Jewish history.Jewish Voskhod 33

Voskhod America. Voskhod s ciiy rte balanced rather a activity ‟s

n wl, hp, d new add hope, I will, and

- and how it changed the how and over

emigration agenda and will will and agenda emigration

n itouete authors the introduce and h hpes am I chapters th D iaspora iaspora

the the CEU eTD Collection 34 which Greek, ancient in„diaspora‟ word the of usage positive originally the stresses Cohen group diaspora a by often defined effects.” disturbing theirand nature mass emphasizedcharacterizationmost origins, their their catastrophic of yearsdiasporas few ago work his in example, sociologist, A connotations. positive more with definition the at look of experience negative a implies usually as far Diaspora 1.1. Studies, Transnati archive. general in that and „thirdspace‟ a as America to monthly the transformed representations that argue also will I functioned. exchang transnational the how of exemplifiers Jewish t Approaching motherland. a to emigrants opened of populations will the of to Shifts due World. space transnational New the to Jews Russian of migration mass 1: Chapter

Robin Cohen,

the problem of of problem the Jewish d Jewish the by provoked was press the in America about discourse the of emergence The monthly j monthly

Theoretical Framework Theoretical GlobalDiasporas: AnIntroduction ia ournal ournal spora

Global Diasporas: An Introduction An Diasporas: Global migration is concerned. In spite of the fact that the term „diaspora‟ „diaspora‟ term the that fact the of spite In concerned. is migration

groups with their long history of exile became a sort of paradigmof sort a became exile ofhistory long with their groups Voskhod


i aeo America of mage

onalism andonalismAmerica‘Thirdspace’ asa (1881 Voskhod itself or by others, others, by or itself - 1906) 34

as , people scattered around the world, my aim is to to is aim my world, the around scattered people

But we can look beyond the victimization motif,victimization thebeyond look canwe But ( Seattle: Universityof Washington Press, 1997 11

I will look at the Russian press as one of the the of one as press Russian the at look will I a press organ, falls under the notion of an an of notion the under falls organ, press a

constructed on the p the on constructed e between the Old and New Worlds Worlds New and Old the between e preserve connections with their old old their with connections preserve and look at the power of diaspora. diaspora. of power the at look and

revisits the terminology: “until a a “until terminology: the revisits ages of the Russian the of ages

oi Chn for Cohen, Robin ),1 .

as as - CEU eTD Collection 40 39 38 37 36 non 35 their to closer them brought which countries, host their towards loyalty of sense strong a developed Europe Western of Jews emancipated the when times, modern countries). Muslim the in tolerant more was attitude (the deicide religion universal new a of adherents among lived also them of most world, the around scattered we Jews work. present the of consideration under period the at end an to come not had still and years thousand two almost for lasted Exile This consequences. dreadful AD. 70 in Romans the by Temple distinct identity.Jewish a shape to helped Roman, and Greek then Babylonian, first cultures, alien with redempt the with along Torah, the in canonized tradition Jewish of creation the facilitated Exile Babylonian the „half a as seen was Jew a oppr andinsecurity with inassociation displacement.” and negative,traditionvictim diaspora ofthe “ BCE 586 in Temple First the of destruction Thecaptivity. migrantpower dispersal.”demonstrate the of Diasp its and Bialystok colonization. and expansion to referred

Kobrin, Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Cohen, , 10 , , 6 , 2 , 1 For Cohen „the catastrophic tradition‟ was affirmed by the destruction of the Secon the of destruction the by affirmed was tradition‟ catastrophic„the Cohen For Babylonian the since ExileJewish the ofhistory the Cohentraces point hisprove To - - - GlobalDiasporas 7. 5. 2,28. – JewishBialystok - 11.




Thus, the theme of theme the Thus, ,2 , , 3 – ora ion motif so essential to diasporic imagination. Thus, encounters encounters Thus, imagination. diasporic to essential so motif ion .


- whose followers, unlike Babylonians, tended to accuse Jews of of Jews accuse to tended Babylonians, unlike followers, whose person‟ never to achieve ultimate happiness. On the other hand, other the On happiness. ultimate achieve to never person‟

shows that “Jewish Bialystok‟s „expansive array of colonies‟ colonies‟ of array „expansive Bialystok‟s “Jewish that shows


The story repeated itself, but this time with much more much with time this but itself, repeated story The ession in a foreign land. As Cohen mentions, in Exile inmentions,Exile AsCohen land. foreign a inession 35 – uprootedness

in particular the experience of enslavement, exile inenslavement, particular experienceof the n h sm mne Rbca orn in Kobrin Rebecca manner same the In 36 12

as a punishment for sins was created created was sins for punishment a as created the central folk memory memory folk central the created 40

Th ings changed in in changed ings re not only not re - Jewish Jewish Jewish Jewish d CEU eTD Collection Transnational Studies 44 43 42 a 41 distinguishes this ago: time considerable some lands foreign several to homeland the fromvoluntarily, forcedly or dispersed, was is whichone group diaspora a suggeststhat and fearful.” enervati as well as creative and enriching been has areas all in experience diasporic “the that concludes Cohen end the At ideology. Zionist by confirmed wasline victimization have were not experiences “those could simply because which achievements spiritual countries), and intellectual considerable Muslim by distinguished in Jews the to mainly refers beneficia was sides. both bybuilt wallswere ghetto why yearsand thousandtwo almost for groups religiousand Jews how some extent explainsto result. a as appeared state Jewish protecting a create to need urgent an of understandingAn countrieswere. host the tolerant how matter no communities genera reactionchainAs conspiracy.a past, traditions common the of sense a on based cooperation, transnational Such world. the other financial and political to directed transnational networks and creating organizations through borders state the of regardless solidarity Jewish revived affairs) Beilis and Dreyfus Damascus, the in things other among (expressed antisemitism Never countries. other from brethren Jewish to than rather compatriots

Ibid. WilliamSafran, “ Ibid. Ibid. , 21. , 21. , 15 ,

hoiig isoa Chn lbrts hrceitc ofrd y ila Safran William by offered characteristics elaborates Cohen diaspora, Theorizing (or Exile the that suggests Cohen hindsight, of advantage the With 43


20. apnd n nro tia scey ie ht f nin Judaea.” ancient of that like society tribal narrow a in happened

and language, became an incentive for antisemitic theories of a Jewish world world Jewish a of theories antisemitic for incentive an became language, and

l for Jewish tradition, at least in the Babylonian and Sephardi cases (here he (here cases Sephardi and Babylonian the in least at tradition, Jewish for l DiasporasinModern Societies: Myths of Homeland Return,” and

1,No.1 (Spring 1991): 83

preserved their distinct identity living among other ethnic ethnic livingother amongidentity distinct preservedtheir - 99.


ted a feeling of insecurity among Jewish insecurityfeelinga among of ted 41

support of coreligionists all coreligionists of support

This kind of vicious circle vicious of kind This Diaspora: A Journalof galut theless, ongoing ongoing theless, 42

For him the the him For

in Hebrew) in ng and and ng 44

CEU eTD Collection 47 46 45 tradition Jewish for beneficial more determiningan Jewishevenclearer self even something as presented be may America, Rus as diaspora, double a then , for push a with experience positive a called be can diaspora a if that suggest and research diaspora of implications affirmative Je as self Jewish crystallize to helped and cultures Jewish enriched lands foreign with encounters the butpresent, somethingthe inbefuture. which appreciated can the long a in him nationaltra aand a ethnic, an between tension “the when experience, diaspora a of „usefulness‟ the origin. stresses ethnic other of compatriots with not and countries other from total to of tendency a impossibilityand integration the in belief a is societies, homeland host the historical of hostility a the to by accompanied devotion instances many In generations. next the during fa under return a for hopes and homeland a of imagining or creation restoration, maintenance, the to itself devotes group The share. together” group the of memory folk the “provides which history, group‟s inthe episode traumatic a followsusually Dispersion time. of amount considerable a during implies stablewhereas assimilationistverydiaspora athe soon, a pressure mightlose emigrants, who theirfrom origina recent diaspora of community a

Ibid. Ibid. Cohen, - identification, all this was seen in a bad light in Jewish national historiography as long as historiography national Jewish in light bad a in seen was this all identification, ws lived in diaspora and not in the . Nevertheless, I would support the support would I Nevertheless, Land. Promised the in not and diaspora in lived ws , 24 , , 23 No matter how wellhow matter No Global . -

24 .

- term run, but I do not believe that this is something which bonds a group in group a bonds which something is this that believe not do I but run, term Diasporas nsnational identity is often a creative, enrichingis creative, one.” nsnationalaidentity often 45

n gvs gon fr h cletv mmr wih t members its which memory collective the for ground a gives and , , 23


Jews were treated in some host countries, no matter how deeplyhow matter no countries, host somein treated were Jews

associate themselves more with people of the same ethnicity ethnicity same the of people with more themselves associate - identification. vorable conditions, if not during the current, then current, the during not if conditions, vorable 14

the great historic injustice that binds binds that injustice historic great the


I cannot argue witharguecannot I

46 identity preserved

Finally, Cohen Cohen Finally, l identity l under sian Jews in in Jews sian CEU eTD Collection JewsPhiladelphia,” in 52 AmsterdamUniversity 2010),Press, 9 Transnationalism:Concepts, Theories and Methods 51 50 49 Diaspora: A Reader 48 th ties the and networks, transnational country. discourse. political in as formatio wellTransnational as academia, in place significant a occupied then since but 1990s, the of beginning the at only occurred turn” “transnational The etc. networks, i activity political in engagement practices, cultural including borders, the across group dispersed a of members between kept relations social andbonds to reference in used and abstract more is “transnationalism” inbody the “s Judaism to contributor valuable most the identification. The for criterion a as seen not is land the since warfare, prevents but identity, cultural a preserves a in domination political the from group ethnic an of detachment self national replace to model historical and theoretical a as The Exile. „beneficial‟ the in encountered Jews which Chri to opposition its without Jewishness distinct a be not would there masters, slavesno without are Asthere Christianuniversalism. by response crystallizedasa diaspora

ThomasFaist, “Diaspora and Transnationalism:What Kind ofPartners?”Dance In HarryBerger,“The Lie of Land:the The BeyondText Canaan Ibid.,110 DanielBoyarin, Jonathan Boyarin, “Diaspora: Generation andthe Ground of JewishIdentity,” in EwaMorawska, tatus that depends on land is generally more pre more generallyis land depends on that tatus If the diaspora signifies a disjunction of a ce a of disjunction a signifies diaspora the If the in particularism Jewish that idea the stress also Boyarin Jonathan and Daniel 51


It can be vice versa as well: slow integration facilitates strengthening of the the of strengthening facilitates integration slow well: as versa vice be can It ” 50

ey keep with the country of origin. of country the with keep ey (or in(or andinculture religion Jews).asof thecase the “ExploringDiversity Immigrant in A , ed. Jana, EvansBraziel andAnita Mannur (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2003),100.

InternationalMigration Review Boyarin brothers Boyarin 52 host a in integration their retard may and migrants empower ns

which is very important in the case of Russian Jews in America in Jews Russian of case the in important very is which

- 13. n both countries of emigration and immigration, economic economic immigration, and emigration of countries both n

claim that the diaspora and not monotheism became monotheismbecame not and diaspora the claimthat 49

, ed. Rainer, and r and 15

38, ssim

efer to to efer Issue carious and alienable than sta than alienableand carious

ilation andTransnationalism: Defined by a sociologist, sociologist, a by Defined rtain ethnic or religious group, the term term the group, religious or ethnic rtain

Baubock and Thomas Faist(Amsterdam: 4 (2004)4 , ” Representations Boyarin brothers Boyarin Harry : - 1373

determination.” Berger - 1376

25 (Winter,1989): ‟s observation that the that observation ‟s certain land not only only not land certain . Diasporaand

“propose diaspora diaspora “propose Polesan Thomas Faist, Faist, Thomas 48 tus inscribed tus

In fact, the fact, In d Russiand Theorizing stianity, stianity,

121 .

CEU eTD Collection 57 56 55 54 53 concerns local very by animated simultaneously philanthropies forge they a As result, group. ethnic European East other any by unparalleled rate a at emigrated by having themselves distinguished “who Jews, European Eastern of case the in new” nothing [whi “transnationalism but realities, new of immigrant circumstances the in preserved just not were which identities, regional stresses existin connections Kobrin Rebecca countries. host and is latter the politica economic, social, with relationships, concerned personal implies former the If transnationalism. public and goods. and ideasinterchangeability bondof with the and immigration.”countries of emigration of country the to ties of intensities varying with identity, collective of sort some of reproduction and emergence resulting the and not, or traumatic whether countries. „host‟ and „home‟ both in people between relationships the on concentrate studies of transnationalism and origin, country the to orientation group‟s dispersed a implies diaspora the Oversimplifying, and dense the fromcontinuous distinct something of being activities as grassroots borders the across on migrants focusinternational to coined was transnationalism of concept “the

Ibid.,13 Kobrin, Ibid.,22. Ibid.,21. Ibid.,20. Transnationalism, thus, helps to preserve the distinctiveness of an emigrant group. emigrant an of distinctiveness the preserve to helps thus, Transnationalism, JewishBialystok -


eain f macro of relations

fr xml, p example, for , d new types of solidarities through print culture, organizations, and and organizations, culture, print through solidarities of types new d g between Jewish emigrants from Russia and those who stayed behind, behind, stayed who those and Russia from emigrants Jewish between g

,5 h perd s n ra f tde i te ae wnit cnuy is century] twentieth late the in studies of area an as appeared ch - 6

55 .

Practicalti ofthose performance 54 eevd frhr reinforcement further a received


agents such as multinational or transnational companies.” transnational or multinational as such agents As Faist puts it, “concepts of diaspora deal diaspora of “concepts it, puts Faist As ointing to to ointing l, etc. connections between communities in home home in communities between connections etc. l, 16

economic, literary, political and cultural cultural and political literary, economic, 56

There is a differentiation betweenp differentiationThereais es istransnationalesexperiencea – .

57 aey hi members‟ their namely

s orn states, Kobrin As

with dispersal, dispersal, with rivate rivate 53

CEU eTD Collection 62 61 60 2010),Press, 35. Concepts,Theories and Methods 59 58 memberscommunities ofdiaspora establish, acquir racial/cultural category. second or the under fall political Jews that religious, supposing character, entrepreneurial, salient more their to according migration. and origin of countries both for groups Diaspora practices. certain through reproduced are which memory, collective and family as terms, economic political, social, communal, religious, in formulated settled identity.” although common a which, invoke groups elsewhere, other with relations afar, from maintain, and together who those between bond a forges place given a in whatsoever to owing distinction: clear a making ne the in reinforcement received which “Russianness” their only was it whether or America, to contributors whether network town or city European East specific a to loyalty undying

MichelBruneau, “Diasporas, transnationalspaces andcommunities,” Ibid. Ibid.,48. Ibid.,39 Ibid.,35 w conditions. w , 6. , spiritualrelationship memory.through of territory the to relationship a material by territory a in integrated networks nation religious and communities families, country, of home patchwork or host the of privilegi scale whilst scales the three the and combining thereby community the of scale local the scale, world without closer „transnationalism‟ and „diaspora‟ terms the brings Bruneau Michel

- - n hc te nw on themselves.” found now they which in

40. 37. Bruneau -

tt, ihn t bres Truh irto, isoa ebr hv ls their lost have members diaspora migration, Through borders… its within state, Belonging to a diaspora implies being able to live simultaneously on the transnational transnational theonsimultaneously live implies to ablebeing diaspora a Belongingto

aspire to construct separate social formations, different from societies in fromsocieties socialdifferent formations, construct separate aspireto Voskhod

,ed. Rainer “a community diaspora first comes into being and then lives on on lives then and being into comes first diaspora community “a

developed any kind of regional identity after arriving in in arriving after identity regional of kind any developed

Baubock and Thomas Faist (Amsterdam:Amsterdam University 62 59


origin, but they can still preserve their cultural or or cultural their preserve still can they but origin, h bn is bond The

17 h scholar The

58 e a e three

n o te usin o ti suy is study this of questions the of One ng one or two of these… A diaspora is a a is diaspora A these… of two or one ng – o sbetd o time to subjected not

eie fu tps f diaspora of types four defines - in in but also cognizant of the global the of cognizant also but dimensionallevel: Diasporaand Transnationalism: 61

h cnetos which connections, The

well on a level of of level a on well at o group to want

i cn be can it ; CEU eTD Collection 67 66 Nordicom,2006), 261. Communication:The Spatial Turn inMedia Studies 65 64 MinnesotaPress, 1996), 48 63 is thirdspace a as America clash. geography imaginary and physical where „thirdspace,‟ a Soja Edward callsAmericaLagerkvist „real a memoryscape,” and mediascapes through journeys were America. to traveling before mind the in constructed he/she object the of lens the through it sees traveler the object, real a encountering even because imaginary and real be may objects fact, In space‟. of „representational spatialisation of theory Lefebvre‟s follows thus Lagerkvist real factual. with and clashed true objects, fictitious, and imagined experienced sights, mediated travelers most the that of representation reactions on concentrates She travelogues. Post in America about fantasies even or images the investigates researcher geo a become mediation, of means by “has, inexistenceAmericaofRussianJewsas such“ethnoscape”. an peculiar the define to intend I press, the in discourse the Studying representations. cultural with connected closely are b boundaries, physicalfrom any disconnected identity age modern our at representations. lives people‟s that argues and social A life. anthropologist, social in role crucial a plays etc., myths, literature, in expressed map. world the on exist still may it although imaginary, ways some of conception the changes Deterritorialization patterns. cultural changes environment social the territorynew identity.a In group alters inevitablyMigration

AmandaLagerkvist, “Terra (In)cognita: Mediated America Thirdplaceas Experience,” in Ibid.,52 ArjunAppadurai, Ibid.,265. Ibid., 261 Amanda Lagerkvist calls America “the most mediated nation in nation mediated most “the America calls Lagerkvist Amanda - 55,64. -


64 Arjun Appadurai, for example, asserts example, for Appadurai, Arjun Modernity atLarge: Cultural Dimensions ofGlobalization

Appadurai uses the term “ethnoscape” to define the “territory” of group group of “territory” the define to “ethnoscape” term the uses Appadurai

- 49.

,ed. Jesper Falkheimer andAndre Jansson (Goteborg: 18 - and

- sci sae cos h globe.” the across space psychic - imagedplace,‟something„in ut socially constructed and marked by markedand sociallyconstructed ut

media as a main actor in this drama this in actor main a as media 67

as L as 66

agerkvist puts it. Thus, after Thus, it. puts agerkvist “Journeys through America through “Journeys

hmln mkn i in it making homeland a (Minneapolis:University of 63

at the same time, time, same the at the world,” which which world,” the hs imagination, This Geographiesof - a Swedish war - when their their when between‟ or - cultural cultural 65

This CEU eTD Collection 69 68 twentiethcentury. the of turn the at Empire Russian the in elites Jewish the among existing ideas of archive journa monthly the case this in press, the even that argue to and archive an of notion the problematize to is aim My not? should what and archived be should what decides who archivization, of process the In artifacts? different preserve we do Why repeatedly. academia into brought are interpretations its multiple archive,questionofaccessibilityofauthority,Thethenature transitional and Impression PressArchive1.2. asan idealookThis at bringsthe usto purposes. certain with materials sorting of care took censors and Editors press. language “ all not But work. her in brought and which circle, vicious of sort a producing Empire Russian the realityto back the with clashed image d this Then opportunities. many with luring Land‟„Golden a was it First thirdspace. a asperceiveAmerica to tended also century imagination.” was America materiality, its all In suspense. Thirdspace in medialeftmeditation,consumers/travelers by are superimposedis world “Asphysical the but Americas, imagined and real from different isappointment. These juxtaposed views were afterwards represented in articles and sent sent and articles in represented afterwards were views juxtaposed These isappointment.

Ibid.,274. Ibid.,270 h dsore following discourse The Russian -


has called scholars inrevisehas notionthe calledscholars Humanitiesofto archive again. andagain 69


Jewish intellectuals who immigrated to America at the turn of the twentieth the of turn the at America to immigrated who intellectuals Jewish

mrcs s Tidpc” on ter a t te Russ the to way their found Thirdspace” a as Americas

aqe Derrida Jacques t hepressas an archiv 19

also embraces and juxtaposes them both. them juxtaposes and embraces also s work ‟s e. l

– Voskhod

potentially rhv Fvr A Freudian A Fever: Archive , can be regarded as an an as regarded be can , Lagerkvist mentioned Lagerkvist at o olc and collect to want –

a figment of the the of figment a ian 68 -

CEU eTD Collection 76 53. 75 74 73 72 1998),90. 71 No. 4, (January1 2004): 70 formercan the that view the accepting of condition the on archive, an as press the of notion audience. and aim certain a with distributed s production. knowledge in documents material at look to and concepts) certain oftransformation and existence abstraction(virtual Osborne processes. historical construct/reconstruct/deconstruct to helps which of content of kind any of notion a as institution, an as archive the but documents, with innocent.neutral nor neither are archives and well as construction a are materials archival the construction, a is writing history Significantly,only not speakout”. “to medium have a hasto it also But past. future” the to present the of promise the embodies to relation In conception „archive.‟” word the than today clear less is nothing such. as defined be can artifacts of collection librarian, een as an archive (city, library,eenasarchivean (city, etc.).

Ibid. Manoff, JacquesDerrida, MarleneManoff, “ PatrickJoyce, “ ThomasOsborne Ibid.

, 14. , 11. , eadn te eiiin f h pes i cn e ipy determined simply be can it press, the of definition the Regarding mean I „archive‟ term the Using essential. is terminology of question The

Theoriesofthe Archive proposes t proposes

Marlene The important question whether if we can integrate the history of of history the integrate can we if whether question important The o ne may conclude that it is easier to say isarchivethe is it easierwhat to concludethat mayne

The the archive‟s main features, it “preserves the records of the past and it it and past the of records the “preserves it features, main archive‟s the , ArchiveFever: Freudian A Impression

“ Theoriesof Archivethe fromAcross the Disciplines The OrdinarinessThe of A the PoliticsofLiberal Archivethe Manoff, o situate the archive between literalism (the actual building) and total total and building) actual (the literalism between archive the situate o 74 10


refers , 18. ,

to “the inflation of the term” when every repository and and repository every when term” the of inflation “the to with a certain attitude certain a with 76 75

rchive not the brick building with four walls, full of stacks stacks of full walls,four buildingwith brick the not o h historian the For , ” 20 ,” HistoryofHumanthe Sciences 70 Historyof Humanthe Sciences

(Chicago,London: University of Chicago Press, To echo To Concerning the definition of an archive, a a archive, an of definition the Concerning 73

and is a substitute of the real the of substitute a is and 71

n rgrig ihl Foucault‟s Michel regarding And Derrida

Patrick Patrick by , ” a P ortal:Libraries and the Academy certain ,

oc,eeyhn a be can everything Joyce, “nothing is less reliable, reliable, less is “nothing

not, than what itis. than what not, 12,No.2 (1999): agency 12 ,No.2 ( Voskhod a repository information s

to to 1999 ity of the of ity a certain a T homas )

in the the in : 47. , the the , 51

- 72

CEU eTD Collection 79 (2008) 78 2002Press, Margins 77 into andeditor authors its of messages individual the transform to enough strong is paper the of authority ifthe “authentic”andmemory is thisextent what to is memory.questionin The leavetraces generations next the to “memory” publica create discourse. isto memory. and history of draft first the journalism calls and editors writers, the censors. of intentions the reflected It emigration. about opinion public In journ inthe see representationsinfluencedwe which collected thecensors, through dealing who, authorities the of intervention the finally, and censorship of afraid cr inherentcase featurepress isthe asof well.This Into the a other. the on archive the to way their on lost were which evidence of masses the and hand, byworldviews determinedis past the of reconstruction the of subjectivity ultimate The judgments. their in limited are and events particular of imagefull the draw cannot are, professionaltheyhow matter no thei findeventually etc.) newspapers,diaries, letters, private documents, (official evidences few only created: is circle vicious of sort a case this maker. history a as and history of product a as both archive the at look scholars many above. stated definition Manoff‟s to referring all at latter the as regarded be

NicholasB.Dirks, “Annals of the „self the by eated Ibid. CarolynKitch, “ Voskhod :312 , 314. , : In line with the transitional definition of the arch the of definition transitional the with line In

Historical Anthropologyand Its Futures

),48; .

a certain image of of image certain a Joyce,

a seriousa public discourse. PlacingJournalism insideMemory - The PoliticsThe censorship‟ of the authors, the selection operated by the editor being editor the by operated selection the authors, the of censorship‟

, biases and prejudices of the „construction workers‟ on the one one the „constructionon workers‟ the of prejudices andbiases ,

79 , Archive:Ethnographic


mrc a coe ob rsne i re o influence to order in presented be to chosen was America The press can be also regarded as a memory place: it passes memory asaplace: regarded bealso can The press .

through its pages and provokes public discussions which which discussions public provokes and pages its through , ed. Brian,ed. Keith

21 -

andMemory Studies

NotesSourcesthe on of History, r way into the archive, and researchers, researchers, and archive, the into way r 78 Axel(Durham, London

She states that t that states She ive, the journalist Carolyn journalist the ive, Voskhod , ” MemoryStudies , its archive of texts wasits archivetexts of , he aim of the press press the of aim he al volumes today. volumestoday. al :Duke University ” T i o begin with, with, begin o n 1,No.3 Fromthe

per se per Kitch 77

In ,

CEU eTD Collection 12,No.2 (1999): 82 81 80 bringsnotionsthe and archiveof pressthe theevencloser. serio a is and opinion public influence press the and archive the both from extracted Knowledge events. of picture biased, often certain, a drawing in engaged also is press The generations. future a through transmit to wanted past the of individualsand states the since implications, political bear press the and archive Moreover,by materials the or byboth fromeditor censors. published,an rejected somewere articles all not manner same the In unnecessary. as pre was it as archive, the to way their found past the of evidence all Not similarities. of lot a have concepts both and term pressfitsthecontent notion the wellmemories.repositoryof theto of subversive.” and legitimating illicit, and licit unofficial, and official indiv memories: of repository “the to archive the relates Shenarrative”. archive of sequence “connective steady a with but versions” and forms “multiple in presented concept slippery a as archive the to refers and interpretations emigrants. recent of memoirs and diaries from Nevertheless,mundanehighboth the andpolitics ar extracts the in exactly presented to and general ev on Reflections archive. the in kept diaries and ofarchivality.” itselfeffect an is “the […] everyday andthat

HarrietBradley, “ Ibid. Ibid. , 60 , 60. , Summing up, the press can be treated as treated be can press the up, Summing sociologist, A mundane” the and everyday the to access “give archives the that stresses Osborne -


us tool in the hands of authorities. The inevitability of various interpretations various of inevitability The authorities. of hands the in tool us 108 Voskhod The SeductionsThe of the .

are Bradley Harriet

n atclr sne h ms ipesv iae f mrc is America of image impressive most the since particular, in

cia dcmns cran smtms asfe, mg for image falsified, sometimes certain, a documents rchival - selected by certain authorities or just lost, being regarded regarded being lost, just or authorities certain by selected

Archive:Voices LostandFound, ge frhr rbeaiig the problematizing further goes , 22

an archive in the broad broad the in archive an e reflected inreflectede archive. the rdy ie r ihrn t te rs in press the to inherent are life eryday

written for a specific periodical were were periodical specific a for written


He meant first of all memoirs allfirstmeantof He ” Historyof Humanthe Sciences – 82


Thus, the concept of concept the Thus, idual and collective, and idual definition of the the of definition 81 complexity

the past past the

of of –

CEU eTD Collection inpopulationAmerica. emigrati reconstruct to us helping documents are they Now be published. Americaofto imagesselecting andarchivist collecting true asa the in representations journal the transforming space transnational this of elements the of one to countrynew the Writingabout Worlds. Oldand New betweenthe networks integrate to failure whichpositiveasidentity.a culturally Jews enriched theirexperience, Their crystallized and seen be migrationcan that conclude can we introduction, the in presented century twentieth to Empire Russian the from emigration Regarding Jewish about information background the to here provided theory Applying into America into „thirdspace‟.a as Voskhod

to American society quickly resulted in creation in resulted quickly society American to

as an archive we can say that its firstAdolfitseditor, cansaythat archive an we as

the United States of America at the turn of the the of turn the at America of States United the 23 nl xeine f eih Russian Jewish of experience onal

of strong transnational strong of Landau, acted Landau, Voskhod - speaking speaking

was was CEU eTD Collection 83 acculturation community, Jewish the of diversification the enhanced Haskalah time, same the At . and socialism of spreading the later and past historical national t In etc. culture, Russian of flourishing the II, Alexander of reforms the above, mentioned schools Judaism, traditional in crisis the of circumstances under the significantlytowards inJewishtheofCity Community Saint2.1.Petersburg Capital country.that the introduce where wasnecessa it Hebrew, and Yiddish only read Empire the of Jews most since and Russia; Imperial in Eventually, emerged. periodical histo the in period intelligentsia Jewish when and continued be would II Alexander of reforms the that believed still Russia in Jews when Correspondents American Its and 2: Chapter

Yukhnyova, Voskhod h nmrc motne f eih nelgnsa n an Ptrbr grew Petersburg Saint in intelligentsia Jewish of importance numeric The Petersburg, Saint of community Jewish the characterizewill I chapter present the In monthly The urn it facilitated the development of Hebrew and Yiddish literature, the study of the the of study the literature, Yiddishand Hebrew of development the facilitated it urn rily an elitist journal, elitistrilyRussianan the destinedto JewsPetersburg in

Voskhod authors who contributed the articles about America and Jewish emigration to to emigration Jewish and America about articles the contributed who authors

was published, give a short overview of the history of the journal and and journal the of history the of overview short a give published, was ry of Jews in the Russian Empire started almost immediately after the the after immediately almost started Empire Russian the in Jews of ry Voskhod , the Lonely Herald of the Russian the of Herald Lonely the , end of the nineteenthcentury. endthe of

, 14. , nurture

[The Sunrise] received permission to be published at a time a at published be to permission received Sunrise] [The

Voskhod d



24 o eacpto. u te ot troublesome most the But emancipation. for

the most famous and professional journal journal professional and famous most the 83 -

Their Maskilic ideologyTheirMaskilic developed Jewish intelligentsia.Jewish tuition

- - Jewish Intelligentsia, Intelligentsia, Jewish free state Jewish public public free

and even even and CEU eTD Collection 1986),Press, 77 88 87 86 85 84 non presumably a had also it because Russian The community. Jewish Petersburg Saint of character the by course, of determined, was language of choice the and Russian in Jew the of part that to applied latter the whereas circles, religious toward mostly oriented was Maskilic Russian and Hebrew between difference The Pale. the address press Yiddish E more were Russian and Hebrew in periodicals Thus, ideology. its reflected paper certain Ru and Yiddish (Hebrew, Jews role. this Thepress.capitalthe becamecentre the Petersburg: Saint th among language Russian the of adoption of level significant the shows below Pale. the in brethren their from Jewry Petersburg distinguishing acculturation assimilation.

nlightenment Yukhnyova, Beizer, StevenJ.Zipperstein Ibid.,98. Nathans ish intelligentsia who stood forintelligentsiaish rapprochementthestood Jewishofwho the Russianpeoples.and The large majority of the Saint Petersburg papers in the given period were published were period given inthe papers Petersburg Saint the majority of large The the of aspects important most the of One Russian Yiddish Language TableMother 1. Tongue Reported theby Jewish Populationof SaintPetersburg,1869 The JewsSt. of Petersburg , 87

Beyondthe Pale

The largest number of the titles of the periodicals in all three languages used by used languages three all in periodicals the of titles the of number largest The 84 JewsPetersburg in .


oriented The

, The JewsOdessa of sg of usage ed primarily representatives of the traditional Jewish society living in in living society Jewish traditional the of representatives primarily ed 2% 97% 1869 ,

111. and circulated more among the intellectual circles, whereas the the whereas circles, intellectual the among more circulated and

, 21. , 12% 84% 1881 ,9 ssian) appeared there. T there. appeared ssian)

- Russian language bears evidence of a high level of of level high a of evidence bears language Russian 10.

: 29% 67% 1890

A Cultural A History, 1794

of the Jewishofthe press - Jewish audience and writing about inner Jewish Jewish inner about writing and audience Jewish

37% 61% 1900 25

Petersburg Jewish community‟s life was was life community‟s Jewish Petersburg 42% 54% 1910 - eih rs i o priua interest particular of is press Jewish he language chosen for publishing a a publishing for chosen language he 86


1881 i n1870s the

( Stanford press was that the former the that was press


replacing in replacingOdessa StanfordUniversity 85

e Jews of of Jews e The table The - 1910

the the 88

CEU eTD Collection 92 91 90 the 89 but language, useful a just not was Russian them For traditions. and religion Jewish int quite were and universities Russian from graduated had who people young were These emerged. intellectuals Jewish own (1851 Sytin Ivan to referring Sytin,‟ „Jewish of nickname emancipation. Jewish of supporter great a was and 1842 History 2.2.of initsexpression The Settlement. of Pale the brethr of fromtheirunfortunate Maskilim‟s support Jews poor the of masses the Jewish towards the of intelligentsia attitudes the in change crucial the involved and ideas integrationist their assassinationAlexanderthe ofII during place in also was support well. as press the for true was This borderlands. Russian Western the in remained asinspokesmen Jewry Petersburgacted but often in Pale, brethren the censorship. non potential the of Awareness people. issues Russian certain expose and minority Jewish the position to way a also was affairs

Beizer, Kelner, Ibid.,193 Nathans er of the biggest publishingin er housebiggest ofPetersburg.the Saint - 1902), was 1902), Landau had bought his printing his bought had Landau Voskhod their from detached extremely was community Petersburg the that say might Some The Jews of “Zhurnal“Voskhod” , Beyondthe Pale - 194.

Voskhod ‟s first editor, Adolf Efimovich Landau (Jewish name Aaron Khaimovich; Aaron name (Jewish Landau Efimovich Adolf editor, first ‟s Voskhod brought up in the best traditions of Haskalah, the Jewish Enlightenment, Jewish the Haskalah, of traditions best the in up brought St.Petersburg , , 167

and ItsReadership and

as will be demonstrated inas will demonstrated be present thesis. the ,7 - 169. - 8.


egrated into Russian society, while still staying attached to attached staying still while society, Russian into egrated

. TheseP themade . events

the big wave of pogroms starting in 1881 in starting pogroms of wave big the - office


en became verypronounced, became en in 1873 at a period when a new generation of of generation new a when period a at 1873 in

- 91 Jewish reader was intensified by harsh harsh by intensified was reader Jewish

For his publishing activities he got the got he activities publishing his For 92 etersburg intelligentsiaetersburg reconsider

- 1934), a famous publisher and and publisher famous a 1934),

defense of those who who those defense of 90 -

1882 following 1882 which receivedwhich 89 to the the to

Such CEU eTD Collection 94 93 faithon theof Jews. belletristic Jewishwritingsthe inabout life,everyday originaltranslations.thelanguageand inJewsabroad. Russiaand licenseandissued1880 the was January1881. on 8, publishing for permission gave Abaza, Nikolay Senator Affairs, get to chord right the but wrote, he what in believed really Landau that unlikelyis It culture. Jewish to public Russian the introduce could journal new the that and Jewry about nothing almost knew society Russian because place took confrontations oflot a that argued Landau knowledg mutual of advancement the by pursued be only could this but interest, common Russian the and government Russian the that there stressed Voskhod previously his transform to request published a with Affairs Press of Administration Chief the establishme Russian newa belongingto their signifier of

Ibid.,10 Kelner, 6. Commentaries less6. more eventsonor from lifesignificant ofthe RussianJews. Jewish the of people famous of Biographies 5. other and poems novels, tales, Jews, of life everyday from essays Ethnographic 4. Essays 3. historythe ofon ancient Articles 2. inhistorythecountries. ofon Jews Russiaand other of conditions economic and judicial civil, concerning questions the on Articles “1. Theappr Landau government. the in liberalization of period the at came request the Luckily,

“Zhurnal“Voskhod” - without preliminary without censorship. 11. itrcl n literary and historical nt ofRussiana nt

oved programmonthlyoved follows:ofthewas as


, -

Jewish press, and Laudau used it. In September 1880 he wrote to Init.wrote Septemberhe 1880 used Laudau andJewish press, 9.

published. The Head of the Chief Administration of Press Press of Administration Chief the of Head The published. collection, 93

and modernandliterature. Jewish

- 27 eih Library Jewish Jewish culture. It was the right moment for the moment wasright the It culture. Jewish


origin and those who have influence have who those and origin it a otl junl called journal monthly a into ,

- Jewish intelligentsia had a a had intelligentsia Jewish Voskhod

he obviously struck struck obviously he

n coe 3, October on

e. e.

CEU eTD Collection 97 RussianJewry] 96 translationsfrom Russianthe are mine,unless otherwise indicated 95 subsequent the and II Alexander Antisemitism liberalization. Tsar of assassination the of because Sunrise the of Chronicle Weekly weekl a publish to asking zealots andlast ofequalprogress built had rights stronghold.” their cita a as time longItservedafor latter… the inclining assimilationtowards nationalismand gradually and between standing intelligentsia, progressive the of opinion of expression only the was [it] non and nationalistic discussingdecisions.” without but court ancient the journalismJewishliterature. and on commentaries c) and Jews concerning literature and journalism foreign in events significant the on commentaries b) Jews; concerning literature and journalism

The RussianThe State Historical Archive (henceforth RSHA), 776,Fund Register 6,Folder 501,fols. 6 SitedinBeizer, Simon In June, 1881 Landau applied to the Chief Administration of Press Affairs again again Affairs Press of Administration Chief the to applied Landau 1881 June, In gener In significance, their explanations with of accused, are Jewswhere trials Reports on 12. F 11. Correspondence fromconcerning10. andplaces in abroad Russia different Jews. Critical 9. biband the on commentaries a) chronicle: Literary 8. Commentaries 7. eventssignificantinon life of theforeign Jews. Markish,“ euilleton , ” del where, after the former fighters for emancipation had suffered defeat, the defeat, suffered had emancipation for fighters former the after where, del Cahiersdu monde russe soviétiqueet The JewsSt. of Petersburg Voskhod al, Voskhod s. - Zionist.

– liographicalarticles.

glavniyzhurnal russkogoevreystva [ y supplement with the title the with supplement y became an official ideology. Nevertheless, the permission was was permission the Nevertheless, ideology. official an became s gna a b ietfe a porsie moderately progressive, as identified be can agenda ‟s 96

This is how described it: “for many years many “for it: described Dubnow Simon how is This

]. At this time the situation had changed completely completely changed had situation the time this At ]. ,12. 95


28,No. (Avril2

Nedel‟naya khronika Voskhoda khronika Nedel‟naya .

Voskhod - Juin1987): significant events in Russian Russian in events significant

asMostthe Important Journalof 97



decrease - 6v.

[The [The


in CEU eTD Collection 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 to readers so oftensubscription.shareda Settlement, of Pale the daily Yiddish popular gubernias. Kiev and Kherson and Petersburg Saint in lived who those for predominantly Maskilim, of ideology the to close was agenda journal‟s s any opposed ofto emigration.sort journal, his of pages the on viewsopinionsaccommodate all ideologies,and to had thus, civilLandau, emancipation. and political Jewish for fighting organ press only the thus and Russian in paper Jewish only inImperialdiscourse Russianperiodicals. followanti to Jews itenablewould hiddenthreat: a however, had, public Jewish amongthe t follow to government the allow would and culture and language Russian the to closer Jews bring to supposed was It „useful‟.very being as Russian in pressJewish the considered they by day publish necessityto the fromfreed edition, monthly the and 1881 15, August on given he development of Jewish political and religious thought. Promoting Russian proficiency proficiency Russian Promoting thought. religious and political Jewish of development he bcito: e rbe pr er n sx uls e sx months six per rubles six and year per rubles ten ubscription:

El‟yashevich, Kelner,

- RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 501, fol. 34. Stein, El‟yashevich, Ibid.,9. Kelner, ,9 cpe i 18, o 3,9 to 1883, in copies 2,692 day news, becameplacenews,fordaya Regarding subscription of subscription Regarding determined was periodical new the of status elitist The supporti The Making JewsModern “Zhurnal“

Zhurnal“Voskhod” Pravitel‟stvennayapolitika Pravitel‟stvennayapolitika Voskhod” ve attitude of the Russian authorities can be explained by the fact that fact the by explained be can authorities Russian the of attitude ve

Der F Der was seven rubles per year, which was still a lot for ordinary people, people, ordinary for lot a still was which year, per rubles sevenwas , , ,

32 13 11 lhuh e a proal a pa a personally was he although - - raynd - 34. 14.

12;RSHA, 776,FundRegister 6,Folder 501, fols. 14

09 copies in 1893, then to a maximum number of 4,397 4,397 of number maximum a to then 1893, in copies 09 belles 100 Voskhod , which addressed primarily the Jewish popula Jewish the primarily addressed which , , 396 ,

, 400. ,

103 - lettres -

398. 99

, its numbers grew from 2,300 copies in 1882 in copies 2,300 from grew numbers its ,

For a longa For oftime, period

29 , research literature, reviews, etc. papers,


n oprsn te ot f the of cost the comparison, In rtisan of civil emancipation emancipation civil of rtisan

o te monthly. the for

already by the costly costly the by already Voskho - 14v. d

remained the remained tion from tion 101 98

The 104 - -

CEU eTD Collection 109 108 107 106 105 those of periodicalsfinancialconsequentlyand cause problems. subscribers of number the diminish could interest public of loss a that assume evrey disappearance Russianthefor other oftwo century that conclude can we people, Voskhod several by read was journal one that consideration into madeleastsmallata by assume werenon subscriptionsof thethat part Yiddish the Russian the of words, Inother small. rather number was tongue. opinion, this supports 1897 of census the from data The beginning. the from circles elitist towards oriented was and read, not could Jews of majority the language a Russian, in published was considerable. Viktor with agree would I Still, countries. other and Palestine, Argentina, America, to departed already had example, For of time.subscribers that at Empire Russian the in lived Jews million 5 incopies 1895.

Ibid.,409 El‟yashevich, Kelner, Stein, Kelner,

[ h usa Jew Russian The Voskhod 108 Making JewsModern

from 1884 till 1899. 1899. till 1884 from ‟s coveragesufficient. wasquite since only one percent of the Jewish population indicated Russian as their mother mother their as Russian indicated population Jewish the of percent one only since Zhurnal“Voskhod” Zhurnal“Voskhod”

- f ore uh oe es ol udrtn ad ed usa, u sil their still but Russian, read and understand could Jews more much course Of 410. 107 press - Pravitel‟stvennayapolitika Der Der

105 speaking Jewish elite. Moreover, while only the Jewish public had access had public Jewish the only while Moreover, elite. Jewish speaking

Der Fra Der was the only Jewish periodical in Russian that existed for the for existed that Russian in periodical Jewish only the was

At first sight, this is not afirstsight, At is large not this , Fraynd Voskhod Kelner who argues that the impact of readership growth was was growth readership of impact the that argues who Kelner ], which were shut down in 1883 and 1884 respectively. 1884 and 1883 in down shut were which ], ynd , , ,

31 14. 14. reached 90 reached

addressed vast circles of Jewish folk masses, whereas whereas masses, folk Jewish of circles vast addressed -


Dmitriy El‟yashevich stresses bankruptcy as the main reason reason main the as bankruptcy stresses El‟yashevich Dmitriy may we so Russian, literate every by understood be could

, 403. , - 100 thousand in 1905, in thousand 100

Voskhod - Jewish journalsJewish 30

readership ‟s circulation was sufficient to cover m cover to sufficient ‟s was circulation

Rassvet , considering that approximatelyconsidering , that 106

when over a million Jews million a over when

[ The - Jews. Dawn] andDawn]

the number of of number the And if Andtake we quarter of a of quarter 109 Voskhod Russkiy Russkiy

But I But ost ost to to

CEU eTD Collection 114 113 112 111 48,No.3 110 for asked and program the of extending the for again petitioned he 1896 11, November editing process. the in hand right his became fairly Gruzenberg and issues health the of because explain I Samuel Dr. activist, social a and writer a to editing the entrusted temporarily He 1889. in abroad leaving his about Affairs Press of Administration Chief the informed Landau time first the For often. more and more less interesting.argue, censorship. worked. April actually (for he whom once forat printed were volumes missing six himself the resumed, was publishing after asked Nevertheless, Landau friends, Christian his from Saint in Jews the by event this towards the by disappointed was Landau thesis. my of chapter last the in journal‟spublica Voskhod movement. liberal Russian the join to intellectuals Jewish among tendency threatening a annot f wereeasy time

Ibid.,fols. 201, 203,207, 209, 221;RSHA, 776,Fund Register 6,Folder 502,fol. 12. RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 501, fol. 143. El‟yashevich, Kelner, John Klier Nevertheless, Landau‟s 1890s the In Russian for tribune the as existence lonely the of years fifteen But - Voskhod 114 4(1986): 264

Zhurnal“Voskhod” as the only Jewish periodical in Russian could not avoid suspicion and the the and suspicion avoid not could Russian in periodical Jewish only the as -

etme) ne te ae odtos s eoe ta i wtot preliminary without is that before, as conditions same the under September) 111 , “ 1855

After the break in publishing, publishing, in break the After Pravitel‟stvennayapolitika ‟s politics to the censors. the to politics ‟s tion was stopped for six months inmonths1891, sixfor stopped was tion - 1894 - 265.

adu a sil n cie ulse wie iig n usa On Russia. in living while publisher active an still was Landau

CensorshipofPress the in or or



28 - 33.


osifovich Gruzenberg (1854 Gruzenberg osifovich

either.At sawbeginning governmentthe 1890stheof the , 414. , grew - Petersburg. As at the same time receiving suppo receiving time same the at As Petersburg. 113

worse 31 summer every abroad went Landau 1893 Since RussiaandJewishthe Question, Voskhod

, and he had to leave his place of work work of place his leave to had he and ,

became less critical less became 110

about which I will talk indetail talk whichwill I about - 1909), as well as the duty to to duty the as well as 1909), overly ”

JewishSocial Studies indifferent attitude attitude indifferent


- and, one might one and, speaking Jews Jews speaking rt rt

CEU eTD Collection 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 Petersburg Saint the from graduated 1879 in and Judaism professed Petersburg, Saint the for responsibility full paper. took Syrkin Grigorievich) (or Geshelev Maksimilian 1899 he the to due that Administration Chief the informed Syrkin 17, June on afterwards, months office. editorial the of charge in be to Syrkin Maxim authorized he circumstances r Landau day away. be to had Landau when time the at duties his performing from resigned period. summer K Voskhoda khronika Nedel‟naya publishing and market stock the of overview the program the to adding allowed Affairs P of Administration Chief the result, a As specifically. problems Jewish the address besides orientation such with wouldc additions projected such that stressed was it response the In market. stock the of overview policies,government commentariesin eventssignificant onlife overseas Russianand an and got finally he 1898 publish to permission hronikaVoskhoda

alth issues Landau passed to him the publishing of the periodical. the of publishing the him to passed Landau issues alth Ibid.,fol. 22. Ibid., Ibid.,fol. 15. Ibid.,fol. 16. Ibid.,fol. 12. RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 502, fol. 2. RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 501, fols. 211 121

We know very few things about Syrkin. He was born in October 15, 1858, lived i lived 1858, 15, October in born was He Syrkin. about things few very know We the At fol.19. hange the character of the periodical to a general one when there are so manygeneral a papers so are therewhen oneperiodical of thehange to character the

eported to the Chief Administration of Press Affairs that in the light of such of light the in that Affairs Press of Administration Chief the to eported beginning of 1899 Landau had to go abroad for recreation even before the before even recreation for abroad go to had Landau 1899 of beginning 117

u ti tm te iuto cagd aial. n pi 8 Gruzenberg 8 April On radically. changed situation the time this But , 116 a response to his petition to add to the program sections on the the on sections program the to add to petition his to response a Nedel‟naya K Nedel‟naya

the word „ word the


nedel‟naya‟ it renaming necessary became it that so week a twice hronika , but no other periodicals in Russian which would would which Russian in periodicals other no but ,

Voskhoda 32 -

212. [„weekly‟] being[„weekly‟]elided.

twice a week. a twice 115 120

At the beginning of of beginning the At

Thus, on July 17, 17, July on Thus, 118

The next The 119

Two ress ress n CEU eTD Collection Tirosh 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 in editor an of position the losing after activity publishing his continued he However, resign. to had he health and weakened Landau‟s that is opinion accepted most The investigation. further a requires and any attentively so it longer. control not could censors the century, twentieth the of beginning the at proliferated press Jewish the finally When opinion. public forming in „domination‟ and views ideological their to closer was which journal the choose could Russian Henceforth example). for publishing, its of year first the during weekly the being, into Budushchnost came Russian in periodical Jewish second a Thus, paper. own se already irrelevant. beginning, the at followed Landau which assimilation, gradual why reason only the not was health weak Landau‟s that movement. national Jewish the within trends all to voice a give to became supplement weekly its 11 the (from paper. the of expensiveness about censorship preliminary without Law. in degree a with University

IlyaPechenin Ibid.,403 El‟yashevich, Kelner, Ibid.,fol. 35. Ibid.,fol. 41v. Ibid.,fol. 28. Ibid.,fols. 20 -

128 StudiesinJudaica The history of of history The left Gruzenberg Zhurnal“Voskhod”

127 - 405. th


,“A.E. Landau i russko 21.

Pravitel‟stvennayapolitika issue) the journal was renamed was journal the issue) [The Future] with a Zionist agenda (there was not a single article on America on singlearticle a not was (there agenda Zionist witha Future] [The

, Voskhod Vol.10, Voskhod




ed. ‟s sale and the foundation of foundation the and sale ‟s 123 Voskhod

a couple of months before Landau resigned to establish hisestablish to resignedLandau before months of couple a

- M evreyskayapechat[A.E. Landau

124 n lwrd t pie eas o te eea complai several the of because price its lowered and 122 atvey , 415 ,


129 h nm ws lo hne. n coe 2, 1899 29, October On changed. also was name The e eand h piiee o uls te periodical the publish to privilege the retained He

. Chlenov

125 - 416. ab h ral cud n could really he Maybe

Nevertheless, the journal still preserved still journal the Nevertheless, 33

Knizhki Voskhoda Knizhki

( Moscow :

Judaica RossicaJudaica Voskhod Budushchnost andthe Russian

[Books of the Sunrise] and and Sunrise] the of [Books

was sold: the ideology of of ideology the sold: was t oe ih censorship with cope ot 126 , 20 ,

El‟yashevich claims claims El‟yashevich 10),138 -

Jewish - Voskhod is speaking Jewry Jewry speaking

quite peculiar peculiar quite md o be to emed - 139

Press],”i .

its aim its lost it lost n ns s CEU eTD Collection 133 132 131 130 monthly. p the in period new every of beginning the with together occurred attitudes the in shifts that twenty during radically changed politicalparties. emerging numerous of organs pressnew to givingway exist ceasedto latter the Revolution, abroad. time of lot a quite spent he wen practically Syrkin existence paper‟s the of analytical the than important more much became weekly the situation, political changing the of Kishinevthe of Moreover, atmosphere shared after the pogrom sometimes All and and though) assimilation many (not in Zionist in membership hope lost had they background; ideological Russian of generation new The editor. suspicious. quite is betrayal, like lot a looks which Gruzenberg, of behavior the addition, In anymore. aper‟sIndefinetotal publishing. I such periods: three

Kelner, RSHA,Fund Ibid. Kelner, ,

the in appeared they when time the to according representations group will I Thus, - - - the In of agenda The 37

Zhurnal“Voskhod” Zhurnal“Voskhod” - 38.

1899 1891 1881

776,Register 6,Folder 502, fols. 315,317, 340. olwn catr I il ru ta te oe f h atce aot America about articles the of tone the that argue will I chapters following 133 - - - 1906 1899 1891

– – – oko/nzk Voskhoda Voskhod/Knizhki

fromfinalsaletheto the closing. frominbreakthe till publishing new thesale theto editor; fromfirstissuedthe volume six tillthe

, ,

37 35 - - 38. 37.

- six years of of years six 132

- In the middle of 1906, right after the First Russian First the after right 1906, of middle the In Jewish intell Jewish 34 t on the similar path as Landau did did Landau as path similar the on t

Voskhod Knizhki Voskhoda Knizhki

Voskhod changed under the guidance of the new the of guidance the under changed ectuals were of a completely different different completely a of were ectuals -

usa dmcai organizations. democratic Russian

/ 1903 became very tense. In the face veryInthebecame tense. 1903 nzk Voskhoda Knizhki

ecig o day to reacting - monthinbreak publishing; . 131

During the last year last the During s xsec and existence ‟s - by - day events events day


in 1905 1905 in 130

CEU eTD Collection 137 JewishExperience 136 (Brooklyn,N 135 America in 1825], SevernoyvAmerike 1825 134 press. Jewish Russian and American the 18 in Russia well Industry. Skirt and Suit, Cloak, the in Control Sanitary of Board Joint the of (1864 Price George isfrom emigrant Poltava them of representative most the of One America. to their writings of or articles theirof content thefrom (sometimes America characterabout the bear ofhistorical a overview. pseudon only his not was which “S.”, (1860 Dubnow Simon Autonomism, Jewish of ideologist and activist social publicist, historian, Jewish great the is recognized easily be can penname pseudonym haveissues.opinions same polar the about might they why define to help also authors of Personalities citizens. Russian or emigrants that loyalty of degree the for ask to important is It biographies. their of aware be to has one America theThe Personalities Authors2.3. of Writing about America

IrvingHowe, DeborahDwork, “ TheConcise Dictionary of AmericanJewish Biography See,for example, S.[Simon Dubnow] - known due to his diary where he described his emigrational experience after he left left he after experience emigrational his described he where diary his to due known The majority of authors who can be identified from the list of the contributors contributors the of list the from identified be can who authors of majority The works their published contributors many that is difficulty first The about wrote contributors the of each which with agenda the understand to order In ew r initials or s 82 and publications about conditions of living of Russian Jews in New York in York New in Jews Russian of living of conditions about publications and 82 Voskhod Y WorldofOurFathers ork: Carlson ork: ,ed. Jonathan D.Sarna (New York: Holmes &Meier, 1986), 114. Voskhod ImmigrantJews theon Lower SideEast of New 1880York: godu”[Historical Inquiry: Planof the EstablishmentofJewish the State inNorthern 135

6 (1886):6 27 orsodns et oad Aeia wehr hy were they whether America, towards felt correspondents (for example S., S.S., M S.S., S., example (for

who ininvestigativebecamewho Americaofcommitteechairmanthe a

Publishing,1994, V

( NewYork: H - , 34. “Istoricheskayaplanspravka: osnovaniya evreyskogo vshtata

ym. He had never been to America and his articles articles his and America to been never had He ym. 137

.II, 497

Isaac Max Rubinov Max arcourt Bracearcourt Jovanovich, 1976 35

, ed. , . .L., .L.,

JacobR.Mar N.P and N.P 134 - 1941), who signed one article as as article one signed who 1941),

A. cusandJudith M.Daniels

colleagues) were e were colleagues) (1875 ) . The only person whose whose person only The . - 1914,” in

- ),27 1936) .

The American , 136 an

He became He - economist 92, an 1942), migrants

recent recent under under CEU eTD Collection 143 142 Voskhod 141 Voskhod 140 May2013). 30, 139 OxfordYork: University 1995),Press, 484. 138 1901 in accomplished 1906. successfully was which Encyclopedia, Jewish a of project his YorkNew infinding financial f immigrated with to aim1895 the support of important Forverts as periodicals Yiddish American the of development the in figure leading a become to manage only not did he where 1882, in America to immigrated he Vilna, in born Being example, descriptionsuchthe pseudonym to devoted Jewish was ofagricultural colonies. with author the by written article the since „S.S.,‟ initials with signed who correspondent col the of representative a was Kremenchug from Sokolovskiy S. Finally, year. same the America to immigrated d Jewish a organized he 1882 March, in Balta in pogrom community Balta the of decad a and fae b te oie n soldiers. and police the by efeated

Ibid., Evreyskaya entsyklopediya S.S. GeorgePrice ArkadiZ TheJew the in Modern World: ADocumentary History onist, a founder a colony “Beth colony a founder a onist, social 143 , “PismaAmeriki:iz New York, avgust 1884”

Em e later. later. e V.7, c. 790. 10 4


9 Frad) u oifunetegnrl ao mvmn i America. in movement labor general the influence to but [Forward]), activist public and novelist editor, newspaper the a eltser (

gat rtr ad orait as woe bu Aeia in America about wrote also journalists and writers igrant 1893, in Grodno from emigrated who worker 1884): ( s cnrbtr a a oain e, Isidore Jew, Moravian a was contributor a as 1891):

, “Evreyskiezemledelcheskie kolonii v Amerike” , Another contributor, Eliesercontributor, Another Pogrom v Balte



- 10 .


“Am Olam” society Olam” “Am retr Zeitung Arbeiter , Odessa gubernia, and a teacher in a local college. During the the During college. local a in teacher a and gubernia, Odessa , ,V.9, c. 561.



Lehem” in South Dakota South in Lehem” 139

, who became in America in became who ,

Wres News] [Workers‟ en dspone b te usa pol, he people, Russian the by disappointed Being

Maschbir was Maschbir

[ 36 http://gatesofzion.od.ua/news_49.html LettersfromAmerica: New York,August 1884

,ed. PaulMendes

[ JewishAgricultural Colonies inAmerica 138

one of the famous representatives the of one

wrote about the same issues, but issues, same the about wrote , self

i tsukunft Di . Abraham Cahan Abraham 140 -

FlohrJehuda and Reinharz (New - - eih rs (editing press Jewish igr (1859 Singer

defense defense He was probably also the also probably was He a prominent agricultural prominent a

troop, but it was was it but troop, [The Future] Future] [The Voskhod or implementing or

(last accessed:

- (1860 141 99, who 1939), 142


No ], - s for as, 1951). such less and ], - CEU eTD Collection 146 145 144 different many in produced was general in America and particular in emigration of image the all, In publications. ten than more in opinion their voice to managed others fifteen of group the except them, M.L., initials with signed Petrikovskiy, England. Simon Ethnographicsociety first known is He city. capital the inwasinalso born 1919) Pale the oftheSettlement, then gubernia,andVolhynian college. Jewish the in taught he (1868 Rivesman Mark Mikhail and Rivesman, Mark Dubnow, Simon mentioned already in literature America. new his in situation political the of becauseAmerica to returned 1907 in already but Russian in 1906, so did Hethe Empire. to back came who contributor only the was He York. New to 1889 in only assassinationingubernia.AlexanderAfterthefirst fledhe of II 1881, to

Ibid., Ibid., Ibid.,

of whom could look backlook atwhom couldof Some of the contributors to to contributors the of Some America. and Russia betweenin say, to so stayed, author One Americanamelyin Russia,andwritingthe lived fewstillworked Veryauthors about (1858 Rombro Jacob journalist, and writer A V.13, c. 308. V.13, c. 96 V.13 aoot who Rapoport, 146

,c. 599;Markish, Unfortunately, Voskhod

Ettinger F. L F. - 97 -

n .

, G. Ieshurun, G. , .

‟ - and s writers s l country. old -

1924) was born in Vilna, but Vilna, in born was 1924) n 81 mgae fo Rsi, oee nt o mrc, u to but America, to not however Russia, from emigrated 1891 in

A. and N.P Voskhod cud o ietf a al ut a ubr f te atos I. authors: other of number a quite all at identify not could I , were emigrants (Tiraspolskiy at first came as a tourist). tourist). a as came first at (Tiraspolskiy emigrants were ,

who wrote about wrote who 145

– The 144 A. a trans Wig

glavniyzhurnal Voskhod

a as all of From the context of their articles it seems that a that seems it articles their of context the From To To publicist - us, A. Tiraspolskiy, A. us, - Atlantic migratoryAtlantic experi Voskhod 37

ulse js oe ril aot emigration, about article one just published

America amounts to about to amounts America and ethnographer Mikhail ethnographer and ,

vice 178

then settled in Saint Petersburg, where Petersburg, Saint in settled then e eotd prim reported he .

- chairman - 92 ws on n h Podolian the in born was 1922) Max Ettinger, and those who who those and Ettinger, Max f the of ence. Kulisher That was a journalist, a was That rl aot Yiddish about arily Paris movedon and

eih Historical Jewish Kulisher (1847 Kulisher twenty The . moved to movedto persons, persons,

genres, writer, Thus ll of of ll - - ,

CEU eTD Collection fifteenyears For Empire. inTsarist the Russian Landau, Adolf for tools periodicalwas the as Empire, Russian the in people Jewish the of history the in event major a become to meanswasintheirwith of motherlakeeping old touch the and context, Russian the to belonged still they America in was residing But possible. people Russian the with merging that disbelief and disappointment the of because America nor Russian, neither were contributors Those people. serves thus, mediator ofculturalas knowledge.a emi potential a departure the through authors the from passed expressionsEnglish made and mistakessome Hence,editor publicationtypesetters duringthe the or that process. with written usually are autho emigrant the that mean theymay This mistakes. English, in given are words some wherever Moreover, non m which Hebrew, understood readership whole the wasthat assumedthus It not. wereHebrew from Russian, into those translated Englishwere from occasionally and by surveys. recent and reviews, poems, letters, diaries, memoirs, as such

their - es r es ihu a rdtoa euain s oeta raes f i journal. his of readers potential as education traditional a without Jews or Jews Summing up, the establishment of the Russian the of establishment the up, Summing of members of number the all, In

vocabulary, which includes a includes which vocabulary,

a transnational not only a majornot onlyaopinion Voskhod

German. German.

communication uvvd o twenty for survived The trans The grant would be familiar with relevant English terms. terms. English relevant with familiar be would grant Quite a remarkable fact is that whereas all quotations from from quotations all whereas that is fact remarkable a Quite

considerable number ofnumber considerable - cultural character of character cultural - shapingplayer . Voskhod

Due to the strong personality of its first editor, editor, first its of personality strong the to Due belles 38 -

i yas s o te Jws proia in periodical Jewish other no as years six Voskhod

rs were not yet familiar with this language language this familiarwith yet not were rs ‟s transnational network was about fifteen about was network transnational ‟s - lettres eans that the editor did not reckon with with reckon not did editor the that eans Voskhod - Jewish journal Jewish , but alsoasan but wh organ ,

was the o the was , nd. itrcl note historical many

terms borrowed terms to the reader and even before before even and reader the to of these texts is texts these of n alone. They emigrated emigrated They alone. n nly Russian nly Voskhod , bibliographical s,


from English English from Jewish paper paper Jewish was destined destined was ich provided expressed Voskhod Voskhod ,

CEU eTD Collection inplayed attacks of influence period the the in appeared it as determine America of willimage the on censorship I chapter last the In chapter. present the in suggested in presented America to emigration save ablenot to Syrkinwas one. of instead severaltribunes got contributors as well as shared, they ideology per a read to choose to possibility the received intelligentsia Jewish speaking Russian the Thus, Empire. the in environment political the in changes favorable general Syrk amongRussiantherepresentatives of converting archivist real a became he sense integrate him made readership Landau‟s i and not, or emigrate to whether about debate the including problem, same the on opinions contradicting sometimes had and worldviews its share not did who intelligentsia Jewish of representatives for tribune a as served thus, and, in. That coincided with the time when the Jewish press started to proliferate due to the the to due proliferate to started press Jewish the when time the with coincided That in. In the next two research chapters I will discuss the wide variety o variety wide the discuss will I chapters research two next the In Maxim andhebecame healthperiodical WhenLandau‟sthesoldresigned to weaker, trans - A Voskhod Voskhod tlantic correspondence networks and networks correspondence tlantic

under such circumstances and the journalsuchand down.under thecircumstances shut was ‟s closure. ‟s

nomto o cnieal different considerably of information

- Voskhod Jewish intelligentsia.Jewish 39

Voskhod dividing them according to the periodization the to according them dividing

f yes, then where. T where. then yes, f the heterogeneous composition of his of composition heterogeneous the

n rpstr o ies circulating ideas, of repository a in

ical and ask which role its its role which ask and ical h

us, th us, tendencies. In this this In tendencies. f opinions about about opinions f e extension of of extension e iodical whose whose iodical


CEU eTD Collection 2004 148 (NewHav Libraryof Congress,1988); 147 place,crusheswhich down.people 1906 in America visiting after Gorky Maxim by presented description The inequality. social and racial and immigrants The readers. their for Korolenko (as, writers Russian 1860s the from travelers, occasional as America di significantly of result the was authors non and Jewish Russian by channeled life American of perception The Russia. from non by portrayed image American the from likewise and Yiddish, in and o in expressed those from differs attitude an Such resettlement. the of outcomes negative and positive both presenting balanced, rather was (1881 publishi of charge in was Landau Adolf when time the during appeared which America representations of the explore to am going I chapter present the InAmerica. whojournal‟sandand itscontributed personalitiesauthors to the ofeditors the writingabout 1881 Opinions, of Range Wide a LandauAdolf Presents I: America of Image 3: Chapter

SergiyA. For a more detailed accountsee

(PhDUniversity of Michigan,2009), - 1899). In general, as I will show, the view on emigration to America as pictured in America aspictured to emigration on view the show, will I as In general, Russian the of history the traced I chapter previous the In en: en:

) Sychov YaleUniversity Press, ett mrc i erh in search in America to went

, - The EssayisticThe Vision: Representationsof America in RussianLiterary Essays, 1991 1899 image they construed was rather critical, underscoring the poverty of of poverty the underscoring critical, rather was construed they image OlgaPeters Hasty


1988 was definitely negative, portraying New York as a terrible terrible a as York New portraying negative, definitely was 147 148 ) .

whereas Jews entered the country as emigrants. Thus, emigrants. as country the entered Jews whereas

, Susanne Fuss,, stinctive experiences: as a rule, non rule, a as experiences: stinctive spiration and later share later and spiration RussiaLooks at America:The View to 1917 40 example,

ther Jewish periodicals, both in Russian Russian in both periodicals, Jewish ther Americathrough RussianEyes, 1874 rgry ahe and Machtet Grigoriy - Jewish monthly Jewish d

their g h periodical the ng impressions with with impressions - Jewish writers writers Jewish - Jews came to to came Jews


- Vladimir Vladimir 1926 Voskhod Voskhod - Jewish


CEU eTD Collection ( judischePresse im europaischen 150 149 jsessionid=98E5537587884132D489F4 http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/64613/ssychov_1.pdf; inmonthly.appeared the all will when year the 1891, after and periods chronological two into editor an was Landau Adolf when period the from versa. vice and than often more praise see we periods some in although America, of pictures Americawas veryem positiveabout promoted and Russian majorityconstitutedamongthe who Settlement, of Pale thefrom Palestine. r of hope the nurtured they because Zionists for and show) will I as time, of course the in changed that attitude (an Russia in Jews for future bright both undesirable highly ofwas America to emigration supporters for and Zionists; or Maskilim either of views the Shethat out pointsRussianchapter. questioninpresent the into call to going am I which interpretation an venture, failed emigratio as portrayed general was America in that claims and sides negative its on concentrates Zabarenko Bremen: EditionLumiere, 2006

PaoloSannino, “„Di goldene medine‟ Spiegelim derjiddischen Presse Russlands (1881 Zabarenko, ow me to see if the fear of another censorship attack influenced the opinions which which opinions the influenced attack censorship another of fear the if see to me ow earlier, stated was it As Russian the in America of image the Discussing 149

TheNegative Image ofAmerica Finally, the Yiddish press, the most accessible source of information for Jews for information of source accessible most the press, Yiddish the Finally,

To track how and why these images changed, I divided the representations representations the divided I changed, images these why and how track To

):121 Kontext,1686 Voskhod - 130 B84C58B20E?sequence=1 Voskhod .

, - 267

1990 was suspended for six months by censorship. This censorship. by months six for suspended was

ee pitd n ecuiey loy r bright or gloomy exclusively any painted never - 268. ,ed. 41

– SusanneMarten

for Maskilim because they believed in the the in believed they because Maskilim for igration.

,(Last accessed:January 31,2013), 6 - Jewish press in 1881 in press Jewish - 150 language Jewish press expressed languageexpressed press Jewish

- FinnisandMarkus Winkler vvn Jws saeod in statehood Jewish eviving - Jewish emigrants, emigrants, Jewish of these groups, groups, these of - 1914

condemnation - 1910, Judith 1910, ), ” i n –

Die before before - 8. n to to n

CEU eTD Collection ( 151 welcomepopulationbecomenot wouldJews part Russianofto the people. this in faith lose not did fr cry far a author was Russiacontemporary that understood but model, the cosmopolitan pogroms the After followed. be to model a was which elites, European modern of that with intellectuals Jewish by identified was culture cosmopolitism”. and Europeanismof outlooks modern more and wider for culturallypopulation:Gentilethe with Jewish S. As liberalization. to way its on was that empire an of image positive the spread and Jews Russian of emancipation future a in FalseEmancipation HopesRussianfor in3.1.1. Empire the DriveJewsAmerica Poor to emigrationbrought. struck reality immigrant analyzethe to attempts the of description a withfinish will I Finally,resettlers. when immediately almost followed disappointment second A RussianforJews. safeplacebecomea beLandGoldenwould which the seen as to started and disappointment huge a in ended population Russian the with equality gaining wi I America. to emigration to devoted articles the in journal discussed the to contributors the topicswhich important quitemost the cover I subchapter is suspended was journal the till establishment its from 1891 3.1. 1885):

S.Sokolovskiy, “Itogi emigratsionnogo dvizheniya” A Double Disillusion:Double NeitherARussia,Nor America TreatsJews 1881 asEquals,


Until the pogroms of 1881, Adolf Landau and a number of his journalists set hopes set journalists his of number a and Landau Adolf 1881, of pogroms the Until on presented was which America to emigration of image The literary .

ice wse t ecuae the encourage to wished circles

“Theystrove ooosi nts ms o te ebr i the in members the of most notes, Sokolovskiy 42

[ ResultsofEmigration the Movement

[ Jewish … ll start by discussing how the hope of of hope the how discussing by start ll ]

to changeto mindsets Jewishpeculiar people to merge socially and and socially merge to people peculiar the pages of of pages the 151

. In the current current the In .

], Thus, Ru Thus, om it and its its and it om Voskhod result which which result Voskhod America -

ssian 6

CEU eTD Collection 155 154 153 (ToMy Sister) (Posvyashchaetsyamoey sestre)” 152 Jews.” got they country: our in on going between conversation following to run Jews the all do “Why overheard peasants: Ukrainian he Galicia, in town border a Brody, advice and side Russian thefrom Russian of receptivity the in society. confidence their shattered had that pogroms infamous the whereas reasons, economic and overpopulation the of because emigrated emigration, on studies latest the to according latter, The past. the in themselves distance to tried had they which from Pale, trad and poor the to closer felt and Russians to similar you feel.” that thing the not memorize, to need you what only forget to possible is “it saying: Jewish is he that forget to not asks mother his When country. another in citizen useful a becoming by revenge „saintly‟ a revenge, wants He them. of one become to effort vain with youth he regrets that Theauthor befriended before. and respected he Russians,whom the angrywith so becamehe suddenlywhy wonders and abroad, son her happenwith might what uncertain crying, starts She redemption. the symbolizing image religious a Egypt, f Exodus the about passage Biblical the reading her finds and departure before goodbye

Ibid.,82. Maschbir, Sokolovskiy, ElieserMaschbir, 152 155

After the pogroms, the authors became ashamed of their previous desire to become to desire previous their of ashamed became authors the pogroms, the After Elieser contributor, Another 153 huh e ol mv t aohr onr f h wrd the world, the of corner another to move would he though

George George

Maschbir argues that t that argues Maschbir

Moyperviy vyezd ], Itogi Voskhod

“Moyperviy vyez Price in turn points to the r the to points turn in Price


Voskhod 9

( 1883):

, 79 ,

[ MyFirst fromTrip Russia: from Diarythe Russianof a -


68 contributor -

70 d iz Rossii:iz d dnevnikaiz russko

he t o save themselves from the Jewish side. Jewish thefrom savethemselves o . bitten!

Maschbir, describes how he how describes Maschbir, immediate motivationsimmediate ,18. s –

named as the primary reason for emigration for reason primary the as named […] Why so? Why […] 43 estrictions of three basic human rights rights human basic three of estrictions

Amiriga ? itionalist Jewish population of the the of population Jewish itionalist - – evreyskogoemigranta –

were two were

… Dd o yu er ht is what hear you not Did […] […] Because they behave like behave they Because […] comes to his mother to say to mother his to comes - fo

uhr ofrs her comforts author ld: threatening hints ld:threatening - 154 Jewish Emigrant

On his way to wayhis On has spent his spent has -

choice rom rom

the the CEU eTD Collection 161 160 159 Voskhod russko tosmoke, and not totravel Saturdayon America in mis 158 157 Results ofEmigration the Movement 156 sleepingAmerica:hepeople hissawon to way pull a as seen g Theynurtured emigrants. momentwhenof leftthe heEurope: intellectu Moshke‟s arose aim new a and martyr a became Moshke Now shameful. be to considered Moshk being period. this in society Jewish traditional the of transformation the describes push a of role the played conditions oppressive the and abandoning born, were theycountry,where leave the wantedto emigrat to but option, education and profession living, of place the of

Maschbir, Ibid.,19 Sokolovskiy, ElieserMaschbir, for example, describeshow Maschbir, GeorgePrice,“Russkie evrei v Amerike: itogi emigratsionnogo dvizheniya” sionof JewsRussian America in andinBerlin Mr. H - left, but reachedleft, onlybut the likeabovewhitewebs. spider‟s stretched gallows poison; deadly by permeated was air the heights; celestial EuropeofEast Far theOn awfulpicture. an saw I thoughts. painthe for brethrenleft cle evreyskogoemigranta”

Voskhod account poetic very a gives Price and Russia leave to wait not could Jews poor The negative, new, a Thus, 6

( alsbecame plightsensitive the to . 1882):


Moyperviy vyezd Ot Brod traditional Jewish way of lifeinAmericastoptraditionalJewish could them. of way not h ls pth f uoen ad a sol fdn aa. loe bc i my in back looked I away. fading slowly was land European of pitch last The Itogi , h seetp o te rdtoa, Yiddish traditional, the of stereotype the e, -

atr n h eirto poes Tu, for Thus, process. emigration the in factor 3 presents an idealistic understanding of the life in America in the minds of of minds the in America in life the of understanding idealistic an presents - 5

emigratsionnogodvizheniya ) doNew Yorka .

by emigration and agricultural labor. agricultural and emigration by e. 156


[ , 89 ,

FromBrody toNew fromYork: Diarythe Russianof a reat hopes for the future, and a peculiar dream of America can be be America future,ofcan foranddream peculiar hopes thea reat Poor - Thes weakand 90;Sokolovsk

, image of Russia ofimage ],

nched mynchedTearschest. appe 9 Voskhod . Russian Jews Russian

trongwasswingingRussianin fist to the the and air right tothe

the defenseless. Andefenseless.i the

10 in Wroclaw in iy, ,22.

( offromJews Pale the ofSettlement. ( 1890): Elieser Maschbir, Itogi 44

did not did ildesheimer

was created for the hitherto Russophile elite, hitherto the for created was


– 68

157 Mr. Iolis Mr. which made so many Jews see no other other no see Jews many so made which .

and even the warning of the danger in danger ofthe warning eventhe and even - aredi factor for emigration. Sokolovskiy Sokolovskiy emigration. for factor caution nvoluntaryand fear 159

“OtBrod do New Yorka: dnevnikaiz gavetravelers


In the current situation Jewish situation current the In the n myeyes.n example, Maschbir describes describes Maschbir example, ed nottoeat nonkosherfood, not - paig inn speaking flaming pillars camefrom pillars flaming where they went; they just they went; they where

[ RussianJews America: in alecture aboutthe 161 , 21. , - Jewish Emigrant



feeling ofawful - 160 keeper, was was keeper, Previously,


to revive to ],

land the the CEU eTD Collection 165 164 163 162 for food no having crying is everybody and child sixth her to birth give to about is woman One ladies. old dying and children dirty rags, in women hundred several see they where Karl writer, a meets very looks town the why America. to way their on Brody in months nine to six from spent them of Some he there comes Maschbir When emigrants. of thousands inalreadyborder becometown ofBrody,hugewaswhichafor thedestinedcamp to refugee NewCountry TheSecond Way Firsttoand3.1.2. Disappointment: the America the Encounter they whichfor years.two sought thousand river, Mississippi the of banks the on peace achieve would of people unlimit granted be would element Jewish this constitution, American the to According dominant. be would population Jewish thirty the of one in that possible be would It citizens. American immigrants Jewish soon very that envisaged

Maschbir, Maschbir, Dubnow Ibid.,11 strength and energy, seeking for honest labor. They take an axe and spade, plough and and plough spade, and neighborhood axe an of take full They and labor. healthy, wooden honest cheerful, for are seeking They energy, dreams. love… and charming motherly strength saw and care they fatherly that with faces brethren smiling their from th concludeApparently, could I floor. bare This idealized image would begin to crumble in the mindsof crumble inthe begin to wouldimage idealized This EvenSimon - , 12 Istoricheskayaspravka

Moyperviy vyezd Ot Brod .

eea eirns tece o te deck the on stretched emigrants Several

plow, they toil, sow… Their last wish is to see Russian Jews in the close close the in Jews Russian see to is wish last Their sow… toil, they plow,

, doNew Yorka

ey dreamt about America, this happy country, where they will be accepted as as accepted be will they where country, happy this America, about dreamt ey howpossible,many as theyhappy as are. Dubnow Franzos

, 90. , cramped

foresees a bright future for JewsforHe foreseesinbrightAmericanfuture continent. a the

ad hy o ote oe‟ sectio women‟s the to go they and ,

, 28 , ,1. 163 .

- ed autonomy in addition to political rights. Thus, the the Thus, rights. political to addition in autonomy ed

some people just sleep on the ground. Later ground. the on sleep just people some 45

ol cnttt a infcn pr o the of part significant a constitute would o a steamship] a [of 162

estimates - eight American states the states American eight n of the big synagogue, synagogue, big the of n and serenely slept on the the on slept serenely and Voskhod

200 emigrants. 12,000 ‟s contributors contributors ‟s 165 Maschbir with thewith

This is This 164

CEU eTD Collection 171 170 Brodythe in 169 168 167 166 windowswithout and sleep Huddersfield former The sea. at experiences similar describe treatment. followeAtlanticthe wasand better even get would they America on occurred mood changeTheof rapid soon. awayquite faded Unfortunately,euphoria such in that think to started reason a emi to dinners nobleslocalserved warmly; greeted were emigrants cities European all in Almost doubled. altogether, 1880 in Brody in living people 20,071 were there that account into Taking 1882. June, of middle the in Brodyin registered overestimated. be to come morewould people times fifty that forgetting train, last the with emigrants hundred several of rid got they because Russia. in rich the than them for more much did but Jews, Russian Committee the from people since fault, their not is it that concludes fromcomparedwith Exodus the Egypt) days. two

Ibid., Maschbir, BorriesKuzmany, “Center andPeriphery Maschbir, Ibid.,89 Maschbir, whichfiregavebefore up stench. America cursing mothers of swears babies, of adu of moaning where cabin, a in sit to impossible was It dizziness. and vomit had

Nevertheless, the trip from Brody to one of the big port cities was quite pleasant. pleasant. quite was cities port big the of one to Brody from trip the Nevertheless, helpless Committee Immigration Brody the finds Maschbir Thus, 6 .

- 92.

Franzos LongNineteenth Century

Moy Ot Brod Ot Brod

, which was in fact a fact in was which , There was no wind, but everyone got nausea; because of our full stomachs everyone stomachs full our of because nausea; got everyone but wind, no was There perviy vyezd

doNew Yorka doNew Yorka concludes that even that concludes Borries

, 87 , on bareon wood d by an unwelcome reception in New York. Maschbir inreceptionYork. NewPrice by and unwelcome d an - 88.

,2 ,1. Kuzmany gives statistical data that 14,534 refugees were were refugees 14,534 that data statistical gives Kuzmany

instead of them. insteadof ,” ,”


5. grants AustrianHistory Yearbook freight

171 at Austriantheat

people did not sufferpeople not much.did that expuls the after

in Lvov, Breslau and Berlin. Emigrants not without not Berlin.Emigrants Breslauand in Lvov, :

boat and people had to travel in four in travel to had peopleand boat 169 46


168 some point the population of Brody almost Brody of population the point some departed from Hamburg on the steamship steamship the on Hamburg from departed - – Russian

Theevi everything merged in common Gehenna, in in Gehenna, common in merged everything ion from Spain from ion

42 (2011): 79 Border:GalicianThe Border Town of dence of Maschbir does not seem not does Maschbir denceof Maschbir - 167 80. knew very little about about little very knew

They were so happy so were They 166 (which is also often often also is (which

remembers that that remembers sometimes, but but sometimes, - place cabins cabins place lts, crying crying lts, 170

CEU eTD Collection 175 174 173 172 freedom which life, political and social of conditions healthy the of because exist cannot it all; thousands of tens many for motherland self succeed. and life new the of circumstances the to adapt quickly Jews stressesthat “A.”, simplysign as articlehis to preferredinstance, who someone, For Russia. to belong presumably, and, idealistic very sound however, which, Organizations toAdjustmentthe 3.1.3. NewofandConditionsLifeagainst CharitablePolemics the go fruitful; andvast island “our go: let just were someand inapartments, accommodated were iron cast of p call preliminary this bad to Yankees the used as freedom,‟ of gates „the were at yard dirty Europeans a by satisfied be belief,“can and conditions, Americans‟ the to according that assures Price sleep to had emigrants Garden yardofCastel believe the In to nobody them. but wanted Committees,the complained about already, weeks several spent had and earlier there arrived who emigrants, Some Garden. America in surprisedarrivingwere

Ibid.,16 A. Ibid. Maschbir, andbeg”. - confident, and do not have to give the haveup not to and do confident, , “Evreiv New Yorke”

Together with negative accounts of America we can see positive ones quite often, quite ones positive see can we America of accounts negative with Together a Expecting - loving and loving .

Ot Brod and crying.” After spending a week under the open air open the under week a spending After crying.” and 173

doNew Yorka warm reception, as there was there as reception, warm original Yankee original rison… Castel Garden appeared to be Jericho resistingagainst to appeared Castelrison…Garden

[ JewsNew in York


13 without beds “with parasites from different steamboats.” different from parasites “with beds without - 14 - .



created by themselves and for themselves. for and themselves by created obody from the Committees met newcomers in Castel inCastel newcomers met Committeesthe from obody

], ], of Voskhod

Jews. The Jewish question here does not exist at exist not does here question Jewish The Jews. 47 ir

religiontraditions: and


in Europe, Europe, in ( 1883):17.

Maschbir and his and Maschbir those who still lived in lived still who those

there, some emigrants emigrants some there, 174 In America they feel feel they America In

“ America is a true true ais America co ” 175 - travelers

a throat throat a For A., For the the 172

CEU eTD Collection 181 180 5 179 178 177 176 May inalready But Russians. the towards sympathyfelt they encounter, first their At them. Russ about opinion an have not did Jews American poor. York New the of centre the become and themselves money earn to how know not do they bread, free to usedalready got emigrants oflot a that they whether charity, extreme to Jews York New by made ofJews”.nature secondconstituting the pleasure: hand,one the mentallyand mothem pervert and cigarette physically them kills which seven, in or six age from factories to parents go to have they helpingor tailoring, by “either work to have children and bad, is inspectionan„Sanitary10 ofofthe Commission Kharkov, in as same the Poltava,Odessa.Nikolaevand approximately York New in living of cost the makes which expensive, quite is rent But Russia. of cities big in than less cost York New in flats that humiliation Mos same America: of citizen emancipated the from transformation quick a underwent immigrants - 6

Ibid.,V.10 Price, I.Petrikovskiy, Ibid.,73. Price, Ibid

( 1888): . ,

On the whole, the view on charitable organizations is organizations charitable on view the whole, the On not does and practicalmore is Price 17 Russkie evrei Russkie evrei

. 1 Cnuis f esctos und eih hrt in charity Jewish turned persecutions of “Centuries

hka or Itsko, who Itsko, or hka . .

( 176 1890), I. Petrikovskiy stressesgenerosityof the I.

“Evreyskayablagotvoritelnost v New Yorke”

, V. , 3 V. , 3 76 .

( ( 1891), 1891),

brought with him from himwith brought

different 177 76 75 do do . .

“ At the same time the livingconditionsa At the samethe time rally.” it for good reasons or for or reasons good for it Look at him: it is absolutely unbelievable that that unbelievable absolutely is it him: at Look philanthropic organizations proves th proves organizations philanthropic 179 178

George Pricethe George agreesthat seem to share such positive feelings. positive such share seemto 48


Ward‟ revealed, peopleWard‟flies,revealed,food like die

home [Russia] home

a Jw, eas te dd o know not did they because Jews, ian [ JewishPhilanthropy New in York American Jews for whomforAmerican Jews oppressed Jew in the Pale to the to Pale the in Jew oppressed 181


even more controversial. On On controversial. more even Price notes that before 1881 before that notes Price to

180 a a religi

painful The sad side of this is this of side sad The

amount of donations ofdonations amount re much worse. As muchworse. re ous duty, duty, ous

feeling eir wealth and and wealth eir - making and and making

charity He accepts He this ], a Voskhod of

habit, habit, is the the is

self is a a is -

CEU eTD Collection 187 186 185 184 183 182 families. their support to order in it do to have profession, this despise who emigrants, from peddlers make to want Jews machines. American by them replace and factories off out people push Yankees the Thus, day. every improves which technology, by displaced is everything and anymore very a draws factory. quilted a for bakers shoemakers, to bakers hairdressers, to metalworkers i American of reputation Jewry. the spoil and streets around wandering from poor the prevent shoulder its on burden a emigrants calls organization the data: peculiar quite out found and reports their being after beaten. down calmed were and rebelled emigrants Finally, food. bad this fed with and(„theFather‟) bydirector badlythe treated island.were They of out get not could emigrants but Island, Ward‟s on built was shelters of complex the donated misuse and dishonest are they because Otherwise,intomassJewssuchhugeRussians.Americanawould turn Eur for better is it money, any have not newspaper the 1881 s responsible for finding jobs for emigrants, but he sends shoemakers to tailors, tailors, to shoemakers sends he but emigrants, for jobs finding for responsible s

Price, Ibid. Maschbir, Ibid.,78 Ibid.,73 Ibid.,


The at looked Price properly. emigrants treat not do also Charities Hebrew United The Russia, than place desirable less even anAmerica make bureaucratslocal Moreover, 77 Russkie evrei

- - .

81. 75. Ot Brod s, who only create competition; they should be checked before sending here to here sending before checked be should they competition; create only who s, division of labor did not occur occur not did labor of division

loy itr o te iuto. hr i n pae o cat i te St the in crafts for place no is There situation. the of picture gloomy

183 doNew Yorka , V. , 1 Jewish Messenger Jewish

( 1891),

, 116 16 . -


voiced an opinion that since masses of emigrants do emigrants of masses since that opinion an voiced opean Jewish organizations to prevent emigration. emigration. prevent to organizations Jewish opean

either by policemen. Some of them were barely alive alive barely were them of Some policemen. by 49

187 as emigrants would like to: to: like would emigrants as

But of course, immigrants expectations immigrants course, of But oe fr hrt. o eape a example, For charity. for money 182


“Mr. Deutsc “Mr. n particular, In ” 185


ates ates but but h

CEU eTD Collection 193 192 191 190 189 188 “ anymore.” year one for farm a on worked who “those life: of way religious traditional the abandoning and preparation physical good requires land the toiling hand, moredistributedmoneyif coloniesCommittee fromthethe beginning.to the of periods the to go they again. Committee finish, they when and bread”, “Committee eat and sit emigrants where Committee the by supported and initiated were colonies the of most because happened The failure. total a be to out turned which America, Three place. in always is hunger and poverty of perspective the and together” soul and body keep la hard to used not are they since condition bad a in are job permanent a with people Even here. money decent producing earn can for charlatans big or factory doctors good “a very only Thus, are doctors.” schools American whereas experience, much have and universities German and Russianfrom graduated They Americans. professionalsthan better much are they that fact the of spite in competition high the of because place work proper a influxpropergreat knowledgea of RussianJews English without of a a such ofbecause satisfiedbe not couldhigh and too were organizations charitable thefrom Ro bor, there are a lot of strikes, lockouts and stoppages, the salary is barely enough to “to to enough barely is salary the stoppages, and lockouts strikes, of lot a are there bor,

Price, Ibid.,V.1 Price, S.S. Ibid.,V.3 Ibid.,119 s enhayn - , fourthsnotofdo havehaveemigrantsjob jobtemporarya a or a at Pismaiz Ameriki Some Jewish intellectuals nurtured hopes for establishing Jewish colonies in in colonies Jewish establishing for hopes nurtured intellectuals Jewish Some White Evreyskie Russkie evrei 192 - Voskhod

120. ( ( ”) did succeed and Jews proved that they can work hard. succeed proved theydid Jewsand that ”) canwork 1891), 1891),

Nevertheless, three Jewish colonies in New Jersey (“Alliance”, “Carmel” and “Carmel” (“Alliance”, Jersey New in colonies Jewish three Nevertheless, collar

zemledelcheskie kolonii

190 120. 71

‟s publishing as well. Price believes that the situation could situation the that believes Price well. as publishing ‟s V.10

- jobs are not really accessible for emigrants. Russian doctors cannot find cannot Russian emigrants. forreally doctors not accessible arejobs

72 , The idea that charity is counterproductive will have place in the later the in place have will counterproductive is charity that idea The

2 . -


(1890),76. .

,13 - 14,18. 50


contributors suggest that it that suggest contributors

are not afraid of America of afraid not are 193 nd adequate skills.nd adequate

ll. 189 191

Onthe other be different different be

188 ,

CEU eTD Collection 196 195 194 ties, tribal by connected tightly stillis connection, religious also casesmany in and political world: the over pogroms Moreover, poo the of middle Jewish the made pogroms the Only worse. much were Jews the of conditions the but peasants, the about more cared they Russians, As Pale. an their traditions and history about much know not did intelligentsia Jewish acculturated the of curious. representatives more become and life communal of forms new discover them made to much had suffer. latter the which for and made emigrants of wave first the which mistakes Sokolovskiy judgment. general their and emigration the of outcomes in America Attemptsto Conclusionsthe Draw3.1.4. fromExperience the Emigration

Sokolovskiy, Ibid.,80. Price, beco will notworkofsufferingafraid andand andAmericanprideful gaveJew…Emigration to onthemselves. deep many from them freed

mgain was Emigration Af Russkie evrei

e te hr rve o te an ois f h pbiain aot mgain to emigration about publications the of topics main the of review short the ter establish himself in the New World New the in himself establish

me Jw ad t a raie ta rdcl esrs a t b undertaken. be to had measures radical that realized was it and Jews r

Voskhod Voskhod s [The c [The and Price) recommend to learn more about emigration in order to avoid the the avoid to order in emigration about more learn to recommend Price) and

Itogi repulsive. “

mgain rvd ht Jewry that proved Emigration emigratsionnogodvizheniya

alamities of emigration of alamities 3 The

and emigration united emigration and ( 1891), it seems appropriate to examine how the contributors analyzed the the analyzed contributors the how examine to appropriate seems it 194

Jews ineveryone,JewswerePalethe hereofafraid but d they did not care about the plight of their poor brethren from the the from brethren poor their of plight the about care not did they d eeiil vn o toe es h sae i Rsi, eas it because Russia, in stayed who Jews those for even beneficial

80 -

81 - . seated prejudices, developed self developed prejudices, seated

possesses ]

,19 strengthened them [ them strengthened the Jews the individually 51 - 20

energy he that andcertaincanhe besure skills, tog i has it though , a

not only in the Russian Empire, but all but Empire, Russian the in only not RussianJew

( in the original the in - class youth aware of the problems problems the of aware youth class

Some of the authors (such as as (such authors the of Some the the - respect, made them rely more rely them made respect,

emigrants] in economic in emigrants]

the ot ertra, economic, territorial, lost

u ) if ) nderstandingheif that is evreychik life in the Old World World Old the in life

became 195


a fight, free 196

CEU eTD Collection 197 rejectionleavenecessity ofthe Russia. to inor arguments the support presented to endwill theturn I leveland cultural at ofemigrants America, in job proper a finding succeed can emigrants theextent what to on estimations address religious will Then I shatter. emigrants of beliefs strong the when situation sad the mourn journalists the dwellers: emigrant its Self 3.2. colors bright and highlighted praisein the writings. their intellectu those However, emigrants. help to supposed were who those of indifference the seeing was painful especially well; as them disappointed nevertheless, beginning, the at which Freedom, ofLand the to headed integration selective w country in oflivea to want not do they that realized privileges the enjoying Settlement of Pale the beyond resided already who intellectuals Even peoples. two between rapprochement of impossibility the not was desire this that realized then but merge, to wanted had they whom with people, its and Russia with disappointment their expressed authors theirandorigin ancestor b one with border of in spite and

Price, t of description the follow will I subchapter this In in America about Writing Russkie evrei - CensorshiptheDraw Attemptsand a to of America,1891 Realistic Image


( s and oceans dividing Jews, there Jews, dividing oceans sand 1891),

82 .

elieve inelieveonlyand one God. Voskhod als who stayed in Russia still imagined America in in America imagined still Russia in stayed who als

52 uig h frt eae f t eitne the existence, its of decade first the during

the discussion of the development of the the of development the of discussion the hich treats their brethren so badly. They badly.They so brethrentheir treats hich

will be always one people, people, one always be will

he N he mutual. The pogroms revealed revealed pogroms The mutual. ” 197 ew York Jewish York ew

ghetto and ghetto united - 1899


CEU eTD Collection 200 199 Emigrant 198 steamship. the and Brody between newtheysawPromisedthis Land.” iffatherland,doubt new hisI and Columbusand sur was everyone eat to impossible was bread The world.” whole the and wome and psalms, shouted and tallits their on put “Men women: and men for division a without cabins uncomfortable and dirty with ship freight nineteen f taken was andphilanthropists.the buil the all up fill would they collected, were Committee the in dropped tears all “if them: to attention pay longer no philanthropists but crying, are people Other „aristocrats.‟ here called are and from were expelled who those only assists it later, revealed was it as but, emigrants, help to supposed instops Hamburg author ( Yurburg in illegally border the crosses Ettinger Max difficult. more resettlement and scarcer became border the crossing for support financial the Thus, pogroms. fled who those helping were they wayOnto the America3.2.1.

Price Ibid.,V. MaxEttinger , But then Price saw Castel saw Price then But He Exodus. Biblical the to again referring, colorful, more even is account Price‟s Ameri started emigration mass after years Ten ], Izvospominaniy

days days Voskhod


ding.” Thus, Jews wander along the streets crying and cursing the Committees Committees the cursing and crying streets the along wander Jews Thus, ding.” ( o Hmug t h ln o ml ad oe” by honey” and milk of land the “to Hamburg rom 1895), ,

on which on “Izognya dav polymya: zapiski emigranta” Moscow in 1891. T 1891. in Moscow

2 e that the steamship would sink, but finally but sink, would steamship the that e

22 ( 1895 - 23 Georgenburg

emigranta . 199


:59 made emigrants remember remember emigrants made , where the Emigration Committee (it is not specified which one) is is specified one) which not is (it Committee Emigration where the ,

- 60.



Garden and New York and they appeared as something in in something as appeared they and York New and Garden ) by ) hose p hose 200

n rd tosns ee yn, here lying, were thousands Brody In paying eople have happy faces happy have eople 53


fellowhappier weretravelers than when us,

[ forty O ut of ut the can Jews did not already believe that that believe already not did Jews can

years in the desert. the in years and n cursed America, their husbands their America, cursed n


198 meat was non was meat rying rying emigrants

On his way to America the America to way his On the -

they get better treatment better get they P an theinto

steamship „Australia,‟ „Australia,‟ steamship “saw shores of our our of shores “saw -

kosher. Almost Almost kosher. It was, again, a a again, was, It F ire –

:Notes of an dozens of of dozens CEU eTD Collection 204 203 202 201 ininfamouscitiesis the Pale;„Americanpractically thisBerdichev.‟ on when„individual‟starts,fightthefor living have period emigrants their to themselves. moment that from organizations, charitable the in disappointed so became resettlers Since Co the blame not do emigrants Nevertheless, labor. their of cost actual the than money less twice for and friends their or members Committee the by owned companies at emigrants for work some finds th ten of mass a than hole needle a emigrants through easier go can words, camel “a and charity on Price‟s dependent highly are Fromthere residing York. New of Side East Lower the in ghetto emigrant TheJewishNew Ghetto 3.2.2. in York on fromwaythe Russia. encountered adversities about details new add also but publication, journal‟s the of period to deserve fre breathe to considered becoming European before purified all be to which order in through go gehenna, to had building, newcomers big a is Garden Castel here. beaten if thousands;

Price, Ibid.,16 Ibid., Ibid., third hoped emigrants First somewhere… live to nothing acquaint by followed were they then country; new the in settle to able werethey that felt whothose ran then help; Committee‟s the about rumors by attractedwere who those followed then them; of

As describe authors Many

8 7 Russkie evrei . .

- 18. e air of the land of almighty dollar. almighty of land the of air e for the ghetto itself, Jews live on twenty on live Jews itself, ghetto the for –

for Atemigratedfirst whoawaythose ran from people were hungry there, here they were dying; they were squeezed there and and there squeezed were dying;they were theyhere hungrythere, were people

the second, th second, the , V. on mte, eas te udrtn ta i rle o dsoet people. dishonest on relies it that understand they because mmittee,


n h mteln ad et o mrc js bcue hy a t go to had they because just America to went and motherland the in ( 1891),

ousand people through the Committee‟s door”. Committee‟s the through people ousand e forth e

213 h cniin o lf i te nros so enormous the in life of conditions the .

ances, and then the mass of people flowed because they had they because flowed people of mass the then and ances, –


for for the chance or Jewish „bitohen Jewish or chance the for

h Cmite, h second the Committees, the 54 ”


These images remind those from the first the from those remind images These - five square streets similar to any of the the of any to similar streets square five the pogromswereandbecausethey afraid 204

Thisbecauseis – –

202 ‟


their relatives, then relatives, their [Yiddish for „self for [Yiddish

The Committee The

- themselves, the the themselves, ald Jewish called

203 -

CEU eTD Collection Voskhod 209 9 [ 208 207 206 205 still but ingredients, part a heap inordinate an in put are them of “all and heterogeneous, very are dwellers The Europe.” of centers in continuous a by reinforced sea human boiling a is It Earth. on places crowded among place overcrowded most “the as kingdoma youthat Je of andChristianinlike “Onlyremind here, lonelydesert, there. a oaks gorgeous standTemples inEnglish notice a Christianor a hardly see canone now, and away Christians driveswhich American the on evil soil?” European this of development further prevent and abnormality surroundings.” different a a had language, life, “different clothes, different special wore English, of knowledge no had They population. American from isolation poverty, awful salaries, of minimization essentials, i an had emigrants result, a As NewYork - 10.

Abraham F.L Ibid.,215 Ibid., Ibid.,

207 smelliestandanti 100 in crowds who these ten build tonationalities,helping assurance‟]. - n,

Abraham Cahan in his talehis in Cahan Abraham J the that mentions also D‟Orse G. 214 213 2

“NewYorkskoe geto: istoriya geto, neogranichennoeprostranstvo dlya emigratsii, Hester Street” (

1897):141 Ghetto:History ofGhetto, the Unlimited Space Emigration,for Hester Street

. - - Cahan

dwellers are poor, ignorant, intimidated ignorant, poor, are dwellers 215 214 . . 206

i oe omn o; l o them of all pot; common one in , ,

“Iekl:povest iz zhizniNew Yorkskogo geto”

Jewish neighborhood grows in breadth, up and down driving away other other away driving down and up breadth, in grows neighborhood Jewish Price asks “how one can help [emigrants] to do away with this this with away do to [emigrants] help can one “how asks Price - 142 - sanitarian part sanitarian .

- ws was not alwayshere,not kingdomofws waspoverty dirt.” and 0 fmle i oe os… h Jws qatr s one is quarter Jewish The house… one in families 200


press flux of emigrants who speak in jargon and come from all all from come and jargon in speak who emigrants of flux solated Jewish neighborhood, rising prices for flats and and flats for prices rising neighborhood, Jewish solated Yekl: A Tale of the New York Ghetto NewYork the of Tale A Yekl: s -

store barracks, filling out garrets, basements and streets. All All basementsandstreets. garrets, fillingout barracks, store ofthe city. –

everything is special and different from the the from different and special is everything 209

ewish emigrants primarily settle in this area, area, this in settle primarily emigrants ewish 55 205

people, who can hardly make both ends meet, ends both make hardly can who people, –

[ Yekl: one human pudding with changed changed with pudding human one ATale ofNew the GhettoYork

describes the ghetto ghetto the describes ], Voskhod of 208 h dirtiest, the


( 1893 ],

) :

CEU eTD Collection 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 anthill objects.” faces or distinguish impossibleisto it thick that so be seems to crowd kept. be cannot the of instructions the beds, of instead alone.” occupi is beds two between half lie others and dresses, own their from bed a make others head, worn Some rows. tight in ground the from dur tenants the ofremindshere “Nothing bed. to go to have they when only back come and tenements the outside day the all spend night. at asleep fall cannot children that tenements of rooms the in air the near Egypt ancient inmillstones.” slaves were as crowded as are Jews and Italians “Irishmen, anti by explained be can it often very houses.‟” „tenement here called are which bandboxesspecial to place their gave mansions aristocratic describes and angle another six by now changed are two the that emphasizes

Ibid. L G.D‟Orse, L L G.D‟Orse, “Evrei v New Yorke” L Price, - - - - n, n, n, n,

, which can grow endlessly. cangrow which ,

NewYorkskoe geto NewYorkskoe geto NewYorkskoe geto NewYorkskoe geto 214 living, of conditions awful the further Describing Americans, for be to out turned emigration Jewish useful how out pointing Price,

Russkie evrei 211

In conditions when a family of twenty sleeps in one flat on the piles of old clothespiles theold on of in flat one family sleeps twenty Inconditionsof awhen

212 EvreivNew Yorke There is a mysterious emergence of deadly epidemics eve epidemics deadly of emergence mysterious a is There


The overcrowding of the neighborhood is unbearable. On the streets streets the On unbearable. is neighborhood the of overcrowding The , V. 12 , , , , V. V. V. V. -



1891), or three or

9 9 9 9 eight

( ( ( ( , 1893), 17. 1893), 11. 1893), 13. 1893), 10. V. d y es eadn tnns h ae aife b te floor the by satisfied are who tenants demanding less by ed

o te egbrod rw uwrs n hw “luxurious how and upwards grows neighborhood the how


- 9 JewsNew in York 79 tr tnmn buildings. tenement store

( 1892), - . 217

store houses in the 4, 7, 10 and 11 and 10 7, 4, the in houses store

28. ing the day; only when the night comes, beds grow bedsgrow comes, night the when onlyday; ing the Schul

- yinc odtos f en of conditions hygienic - out workers lie having a thin pillow under their their under pillow thin a having lie workers out 56 ], ], a Aru han


k 9 h

L ( 210

1892 te eih iul compendium] ritual Jewish [the - n mentions that there is so little so is there that mentions n

L ) - :27 n looks at at looks n - 28. - th

naked. The space left left space The naked. -

ut hue, where houses, suite n in rich houses and houses rich in n York New of Wards 213

People prefer to prefer People from matter the 216

This is anis This “the CEU eTD Collection JargonLiterature inthe United States 222 221 220 219 218 hisunflatteringhistorytravelsand ofhis wondering.” in loyalbeloved Israel ajargon, of companion our digestive enormousabilities of theproves pra is languages of mixture The […] neighborhood. Jewish local the of jargon conversational living a is signs shop the oflanguage “The generation. their surprised which bui unsuccessful the writes, Ieshurun as and, peculiar also is signs shop the of language The American.” smart a of machine sophisticated a be to seems everything boiling; moving, comm here that equal, is everything America, in here, that fact the of conscious become you when tenderness, of tears evokes picture harmonious again green one example, For quality. nothingbecauseAmericaisadvertising.inwithout possible other behind lag to „business.‟ not start and decide Americans rabbi, a becoming of ago time some dreaming stock, ancient the of representatives these and equal is everybody America, in Here, Talmud.” the to are they devoted so kopecks, fifty and five between distinguish cannot they side with people Jewish old StreetsGhetto of and the 3.2.3. Dwellers its

G.Ieshurun L Ibid.,19 Ibid.,18. Ibid.,17 lder of the Tower of Babel would perhaps find them similar to the mixture of languages of mixture the to similar them find perhaps would Babel of Tower the of lder - n, etc.” taste, smell, other‟s each complementing union on NewYorkskoe geto The streets of the ghetto abound with food as on a market, but everything is of a bad a of iseverythingbut market, a ason food withabound ghetto the of streets The livingJewsinSideveryEastlook Lower fromL thedifferent eachother. - -

20. 18.


“Literaturnayaletopis:zhargonnaya literatura v Soedinennyh Shtatah” because of the mould. “The horseradish accomplishing the effect of this this of effect the accomplishing horseradish “The mould. the of because , V.

10 can see lemons that experience their second youth; now they are they now youth; second their experience that lemons see can

- ( locks, “whose wives and families are proud of them, because them, of proud are families and wives “whose locks, 1893),

], 218 Voskhod

2 . nta o paes te a mrus advertis murmurs man the prayers, of Instead


( 1896


) :24. alec

222 , and cheese, and cakes live in one one in live cakes and cheese, and ,



Eeyhn nw is now “Everything

[ LiteraryChronicle: - ndescribes cticed and and cticed

study of of study ements, 221

CEU eTD Collection 225 224 223 buttheir inancestors, for form mistake theyessence.casethe this the other and beard of form fa the clothes, with do he to now nothing but has religion religious, that very understands remains emigrant An wider. becomes outlook mental his sure, For hunger. of die to than rather Saturday on work to prefer They Shabbat. the observing inDeclinethe Religious3.2.4. Observance America,person a nothing about wh or saying her, change can coffin a even not and oldyears seventy is she either meansthat that wig, a in woman a meet you If beard. his cut himself, burning allow rather would Russia and strong very is opinion public the The of Jews.power Polish or Lithuanian like than Irishmen like more look they now but before, know to used he emigrants meets he often how describes example, for Price, lesser! a with acquai becomes beard a then but time, long a for mocking fight“fell countryof emigrantswigsColumbus.”Pioussecular of Moloch‟s the altar on also and beards Finally, spirit. new the of victims become unfortunately, wigs, and beards locks, inlike„green‟„griner‟look Y [a not a in to etc. hatbuy jacket, order People hurrya to clothes. is changed is that thing first The brethren. Russian their reform to Jews assu Price natic‟sthings. sacred

G.D‟Orse, Ibid., Price,

George Price does not want to say PricewantGeorgeevery becomesman, not to emigrant that does that but godless a

The worst thing, according to the contributors to to contributors the to according thing, worst The outside. insideand both changing are themselves emigrants language, their only Not

83 Russkie evrei .

res that the American air civilizes a person quicker than the efforts of American American of efforts the than quicker person a civilizes air American the that res EvreivNew Yorke , V .

12 224



Fanatics believe that iffaithFanaticsbetraybelieve they changetheof theyclothes that , V.

9 81

( 1892), - 83 .

ose own hairownwas eaten by ose mouse. a

34 - 35.


vn oen lk Rb akl, h in who Haykel‟, Reb like someone even Voskhod nted with scissors and finally and scissors with nted , is that emigrants stop stop emigrants that is , 225


iddish].Side – -

CEU eTD Collection 231 230 229 228 227 226 as thick theywallsghetto ofthe are. the secure they Thus, curse. a like sounds American an for which arrival, their of day the L inschools, Religious kosher. is butcheries certain in meat the that certifying month, one just for valid patents sell they that much so purity this about worry They people. Jewish the of purity the protect f build to ocean the across come to had and motherland their in texts Biblical the study to comfort enough have not did they if as behave they that says L exist. not did progress and development side long with beth example, for as, cities European big houses. prayer into salientin duringholidays.bars Torahs; Beerbottlesplaceto give buildings all and more even becomes which state, Jewish independent an of impression the gives language followers,whichbe fruitscanhardlycalledthe progress asbelie Reformers of rational say to have own. who their on reformers, something of number the as parts many as into society the separates Reform. and Conservative Orthodox, into orig

Ibid.,4 Ibid.,2 Ibid., L N.P. L - - no eti rus oevr ne eom i uas tre iiig synagogues dividing started Judaism in reforms inner Moreover, groups. certain of in n, n,

, NewYorkskoe geto NewYorkskoe geto

“Ravvinskiyinstitutv Tsintsinnati” and faces, inscriptions, Jewish with neighborhood Jewish dirty and smelly The of country the by divided are but Jews, all for established not are here Synagogues

1 doctrine and observing the Ten Commandments is the only obligatory thing for its for thing obligatory only the is Commandments Ten the observing and doctrine - - - 5 3 2 . . .

- ok ce ad hw h Tlu, s f h ls hundreds last the if as Talmud, the chew and chew locks 229

, , Moreover, in America one can find establishments well forgotten in forgotten well establishments find can one America in Moreover, - V. V. n‟s opinion, try to to try n‟s opinion, 227

12 12

L ( ( 1893),12 1893),9

- n dislikes t dislikes n 231 .

[ - The RabbinicalThe Institute in 15


- he Reform movement saying that it has a purely purely a has it that saying movement Reform he keep Jews in the same position of foreigners as at at foreigners as of position same inthe Jewskeep - midrashim and academies, where old Talmudists Talmudists old where academies, and midrashim 226 n has a negative attitude towards Talmudists: he Talmudists: towards attitude negative a has n 59

h Aeia si fcltts hs cim it schism; this facilitates soil American The

Cincinnati rom the volumes a wall to to wall a volumes the rom ] , Voskhod ve.


( of years of 228 1899): 1 transform transform



CEU eTD Collection 236 235 234 233 232 increaseJewishboomindustry,aemigration thisin and creates etc. trade, increas is population The country. their for beneficial was Jews Russian the of resettlement that recognize should important Americans Thus, very force. consumer and a productive are they and Americans become to opportunity first the use latter the Jews, appreciate Americans but control, their under industry tobacco and sewing the all almost took They there. life political and economic influence they thus, and, York Americanrepublic. hard a and honest, useful, as cities other and York New of population matter.” soul„competitiontrade is of the them for trade; stigmatize not do Americans Russians, to opposed As competition. fair allows America because succeed, to qualities the all have they but America, in beginners true. not clearlyis which skills, any possess not does one if even there money earn to easy is it that believe still T 3.2.5. issinceaboutabout religionfaith.look, but not the the clothes, their change to have emigrants least at and abandoned be should Pale, the in Jews of majority the to inherent fanaticism, religious that argue they time same the At America.

Ibid., Price, Price, L Price, - n,

NewYorkskoe geto

Price states that most of the 300,000 Jews who moved to the States stayed in New New in stayed States the to moved who Jews 300,000 the of most that states Price they but honey, and milk of country a asAmerica about thinking stopped Emigrants to contributors the Thus,

77 he AbilityWork he and to Succeed Russkie evrei Evreyskiezemledelcheskie kolonii Russkie evrei 234 - 79

n ee “h Aeia pes s nnmu i is eonto o te Jewish the of recognition its in unanimous is press American “the even And .

, , ” V. V. 235

12 11 ,


( ( is “In time America 1891), 1891),74


( 1893), 19.

84 ‟[originalnot nationalityand competitor‟s theEnglish] does . .

Voskhod ,5


60 odm „etra‟ iiin o Judaism of divisions „sectarian‟ condemn expensive”


and Jews learn it fast. fast. itlearn Jews and - working part of the the of part working 236 ing because of the the of because ing

“Jewsare because

232 in in –

CEU eTD Collection 240 239 238 237 to underdeveloped in too gather and workers American fight Meanwhile, a necessity. its withstand understand to poor too were they solidarity them; no between was there because conditions, working better for fight not could workers childrenwork, but haveotherwisefamiliesfromto theirwouldhunger. die its ma since America, in abilities their apply hardly can Russia in artisans were who those even but crafts, in skills possess emigrants few Very workers. L optimistic. so is author N of Edict the from France as severely as suffer will it aftermaths energyofhard this civil modern which conditions the to adjust can they else nobody like and entrepreneurial and intuitive prudent, are they but country.‟”the citizenship, of rights all having America, in Jews why clear American one in to professorletter his says country,‟ „Every […] motherland.‟ former their in lost chances the try were they if as professions and labor of sectors all into penetrated They Philadelphian the says people,‟ hard its for newspaper

Ibid.,V. L G.D‟Orse, Ibid., inchoate - n,

NewYorkskoe geto

h sgiiac o te ao uin i eomu. eoe th Before enormous. is unions labor the of significance The bread, daily their about only care Jews and low are salaries the that agrees D‟Orse press American the from citations some gives Price 79

- 9 80

Sun ( - EvreivNew Yorke 1893),15. . stage. wonderful are Jews Russian “‟These people. useful and energetic working, 237 , which expresses the opinion that America now should be in debt to Rus to debt in be should now America that opinion the expresses which ,

239 - working people, it would not pushit emigration,workingwouldpeople, not from them whose towards

Underage workers are one of the biggest problems among emigrants, emigrants, among problems biggest the of one are workers Underage , V. JewishMessenger


10 n writes that the majority of emigrants can become only factory factory only become can emigrants of majority the that writes n , - V. 11

9 ( 1893),11.

( Exponent 1892), ization


, „has those Jewsis Thisitas„hasshewhy deserves. those , . „They are energetic, clever, smart and active. active. and smart clever, energetic, are „They . creates. “If Eastern Europe was able to use the use to able was Europe Eastern “If creates. 61

nufacturing in Russia is only in in only is Russia in nufacturing

become a useful population of of population useful a become

and especially from the the from especially and antes eir emergence Jewish Jewish emergence eir labo .” union r 240 238 ing to make up up make to ing

But not every not But s, as in a a in as s, sia sia CEU eTD Collection 244 243 242 241 to World New the to went and had they comfort the abandoned colonists The astonishing. expressed colonization. towards Jews indifference American while skills, organizational lacked and poor extremely were Russian of majority the possible: really not was this that clear became that seemed It colony.” a agricultural Jewish of ideal high the “realized Jews pogroms the after and ideals; their remember peoples usually days gloomy their in that says he writing, his to inherent words, poetic In else. pr example, for Price, farmers. become to Jews for hopes insteadpeople ofstrike.those on hardbecame fight the But ones. new the organized and unions workers‟ Jewish old revived intelligentsia The Americans. other with merging their and workers Jewish of unity the on development, understoo and movement workers‟ Jewish the of core a became youngsters These fatherland. new a then find and L account.” into takehas to better; capital American the plight of mighty the even which their power, a became and roots make took movement can they only that realized Jews Then ghetto. g was what knowing from them prevented tongue mother innewspapers their Jews,ofisolationabsence thetheirthe with andunfamiliarity of English the time long a For party. political acknowledged an in class, working a in family, united -

n describes this new element as dreamers who wanted to resurrect the dying out people out dying the resurrect to wanted who dreamers as element new this describes n Price, L Price, Ibid.,V. - n,

NewYorkskoe geto Some authors express beliefs in the curing power of agricultural labor and nurture nurture and labor agricultural of power curing the in beliefs express authors Some 1880 the Sinceof end the

Evreyskiezemledelcheskie kolonii Russkie evrei

10 - er and harder, because with continuing emigration it became easier to hire other becameemigrationeasieritto becauseharder, andcontinuing with er 11

( 1893),14 , V. 10 , V. -

15. ( 242


d that the plight of a Jewish worker depends on his intellectual intellectual his on depends worker Jewish a of plight the that d 10



( 209 1893),17, 243 s, an intelligentsia appeared among Jewish workers as well. aswell. Jewishintelligentsia among workers appeared an s, 244 .


Thus, most of the colonies failed, but their history is history their but failed, colonies the of most Thus, - 3.


America had an obvious advantage, but soon it soon but advantage, obvious an had America 62

aises agricultural labor as nobody as labor agricultural aises oing on beyond the walls of the the of walls the beyond on oing - Jewish emigrants emigrants Jewish 241

te labor “the CEU eTD Collection 248 247 246 to 245 authors allow not does and poor is Yiddish because but writers, talented no are there because not but low, rather is press the of literaryquality the that istrue It thought. for food En good speak not do who those of life the for significant very is press emigrants. the of development intellectual the to little contribute they hand, other the On Russian. even and German English, Yiddish, in published are they Europe; all than York New in Jewishmorepapers are Therenewspaperpublishing. start to easyvery CultureEmigrant 3.2.6. colonizationaand of idea the in belief a life, new a start to wish a dignity, human of sense “a but America, to move people these made which needs economic not was It intelligentsia. their of efforts country the America, in solidarity and community the cherish saveand to managed emigrants that believesPrice insignificant. Russian among number its although themselves, emigrants aenoughsuggest intelligent solution.to not are latter the that believe former the since emigrants, the i.e. „sheep,‟ the with consult achievement hatred. national land useful became who Settlement, travele a now even hard: work can they that proved Jews And Americans. of respect the win to suffer and hard work

L Price, Price, Ibid.,13 - n,

NewYorkskoe geto The views on American Jewish cultural life are quite ambivalent.TheAmerican L viewson Jewish quite life are cultural intelligentsiainTheconsiderablehasa

Russkie evrei Russkie evrei - 14 . bt e ons o oe lw i is rcie since practice, its in flaws some to points he but ,


possibility of a better lotpossibilityforbetter peopletheof a of Israel.” , , rc pass the praises Price V. V.

12 11 , V.

( (

1891), 1891),90

12 r can meet a Jewish farmer, former salesmen in the Pale of of Pale the in salesmen former farmer, Jewish a meet can r

( 1893),5

85 - .

86 of individualism and materialism, only because of the the of because only materialism, and individualism of . .

- wes n cuty ht a frin bt re from free but foreign, was that country a in owners Baron 246

63 fluence on the American milieu and the life of lifemilieufluenceAmericantheon of the and Hirsch


o hlig o ban uh an such obtain to helping for - eih mgat ws still was emigrants Jewish te rfsos dd not did professors‟ „the 247

glish and need some some need and glish - nitclaimsis that 248

the Jewish the in CEU eTD Collection 253 252 251 250 249 lot a sells and people attracts still it but born? washe inwhich one the to similar very milieu a in remains he if change, Russia from Jew a can then, How, reality. Jewish someofreflected that satire ofform includinga Russia, in back it ofbit leasta at was there whilemorality, lack and sense littlevery make playsuntalented; intellectual development ofhum the on faith and religion of influence „harmful‟ the about argument cheap a to introduction peacock sci multistoried by stricken immediately pity to whom know not do you then “and physiology or anatomy about article an see can one Sometimes good. sometimes low, sometimes is colum science popular a also is There claims. Ieshurun painter,” afor materialinexhaustible the are ordeals his intragicomedy; a hero ais itself. Thus,readershipofthe the taste determines the text the than readers some for interest more of is which advertisements, by taken growing. is population the on press the of influence the andincreases Emigra potential. big a has 1880s the of emigration of product anddescendlevel,masses. but vulgarto bad humor the of the taste papers the of Most properly. themselves express

L Ibid.,19. Ibid.,15 Ieshurun, Price, - n,

NewYorkskoe geto The three Jewish theaters are not of a high quality, unfortunately. Actresses are are Actresses unfortunately. quality, high a of not are theaters Jewish three The newly “Every well. as poetry and fiction for place some is There the as literature jargon and read; to likes neighborhood Jewish the Nonetheless,

Russkie evrei ‟ feather s -

16. Literaturnaya letopis

s alien to it. Sometimes such scientific articles serve only as an an as only serve articles scientific such Sometimes it. to alien s , V.

12 , V.




, (

1893),6 13,20

88 ankind.” .


- 7 .

of tickets. The good thing is that it brings some joy joy some brings it that is thing good The tickets. of 252 253 nii triooy o jro isl desd in dressed itself jargon or terminology, entific

The utility of the Jewish theatre is questionable,is theatre Jewish the of utility The 64 n, but the articles are not original. The quality quality The original. not are articles the but n,

character periodicals.ofcharacter the do not try to raise the masses up to their to up masses the raise to try not do –

po peea rae wo is who reader plebeian poor a the unattractive sides of the the of sides unattractive the in otne, demand a continues, tion 249


Half of the space is space the ofHalf - arrived immigrant arrived 251

CEU eTD Collection 257 256 255 254 shou who coming are thousands of hundreds and Thousands light dollars of land the to go they when job] a find to chances little their [about know emigrants all “Do America. that hardships the about warned be should emigrants potential and disappear.would soon c this question. immigration general the of part a is here question Jewish a is there If equality. political and economy free with country secular n are There Europe. Eastern so the because continue, should emigration that agree all they America, inlife emigrant of picture Polemicstheif EmigrationQuestion about 3.2.7. Continue Should from relaxtime.time to emigrants letting exists culture lowsuch least at that good is it that believe they hand, other dev intellectual the facilitate not does it that emphasizing supply thedemand. the corresponds to immi But crowd. masses the life. emigrant monotonous the to

Ibid., Price, Ieshurun, Price, en - called Jewish question does not exist on the American soil unlike some countries of of countries some unlike soil American the on exist not does question Jewish called

Nevertheless, the authors accede with the fact that emigration should be regulated regulated be should emigration that fact the with accede authors the Nevertheless, contrib some that fact the of spite In general,In

215 turies Russkie evrei Russkie evrei . Literaturnaya letopis


- rather the masses influence on the theatre. „Actors‟ are just people from the from people just are „Actors‟ theatre. the on influence masses the rather old religious and racial intolerance was imported to America from Europe and fromAmerica Europe imported to wasintolerance racial and oldreligious grants need to forget for some time about their shops and workshops; and and workshops; and shops their about time some for forget to need grants Voskhod , , V. V.

257 10 12

( (

1891), 1891),

- heartedly and with even lighter pockets? This is unlikely… unlikely… is This pockets? lighter even with and heartedly ‟s authors are of a very low opinion of American Jewish culture, culture, Jewish American of opinion lowvery a of are authors ‟s , 22 , o religious, economic or political restrictions for Jews in this this in Jews for restrictions political or economic religious, o

- 212 89 23. 254 .


213 It is difficult to talk about the influence of the theatre on theatre influencethe of the about talkis to difficult It 255 .

65 utors to to utors 256

If sometimes Jews encounter antisemitism, encounter Jews sometimes If Voskhod elopment of emigrants. On the the On emigrants. of elopment

d o cm hr, o whom for here, come not ld do not draw a very pleasant pleasant very a draw not do

they might encounter in encounter might they

CEU eTD Collection 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 ofcarethem burdenedwhilealreadyare enoughtheyhave who by already those arrived. take to responsibility the from Jews American free and Russia in stay should qualifications Yo New of basements damp the in than conditions better in live and there money less much spend would They towns. border the in wait to better is it others For America. to go should York New outside found be can accommodation whom money. of out run have they when cold and hunger from York this ofNew instreets preventthe from themin dying to theirforgood order own shouldbe Prussia;done and Austria of towns border the in examined strictly be to have emigrants legislation. restrictive some i.e. needed, is diet a why is This health. bad of is it if especially food, much too but America; for food like are Immigrants undesirable. became peoples some of migration that mentions he example, For emigrants. Jewish towards unsympathetic sound suggestions in Price‟s of already some general, are who those for dangerous is and suffer emigrants which makes migration, mass the end will This America. about information correct spreading andRussia only shouldemigrate due after living in bad feel really their who those only that concludes Price although better. be might Russia in well, conditions as America to coming are relatives and impression, wrong b may these small however achievements, their about were.” they staywhere to better be would it whomfor country, new the in them waiting is nothing

Ibid.,81 Ibid.,80 Price, Price, Ibid.,76 Ibid.,75 Price, 258 In brief, Price sees the first step towards the solution of the emigration question in question emigration the of solution the towards step first the sees Price brief, In

Russkie evrei Russkie evrei Russkie evrei

. . - - h polm s ht mgat d nt rt hm aotter alrs bt only but failures, their about home write not do emigrants that is problem The

77 76 . .

, , , V. V. V. 11 10 11

( ( ( 1891),78 1891), 1891),75

212 . .


consideration. 66

e. Thus, correspondence creates the the creates correspondence Thus, e. 259

rk. 263 262

Emigrants without special without Emigrants

Only those emigrants for emigrants those Only

quality, can be bad for for bad be can quality, 261

e ugss that suggests He

America. 260 264


CEU eTD Collection 269 268 267 266 265 Europe”:“rotten Price general. in Europe but backward, and history; Jewish in period new a mark World New the in settlement their and Jews Russian thousand momentsin important mostRussianJewry:history the of of the Hist World for nothing are years ten whereas that the from liberation of evidence bear unbearablenightmareofJudeophobia.” acts and talk look, gait, His before. than braver society.” American of member equal an is he that understand to starts emigrant an and disappears; gradually conditions, hopeless and development intellectual of lack a of result a as him in developed which and arrival: after emigrants with thousandsAmerica. ofcomeRussianJews to H Baronfrom support some receive who those constraints.” long of influence the under developed was that outlook strange a and language barbarian their with Russia from come

Price, Price, Ibid., Ibid.,23 G.D‟Orse, , at samethe at time,, is lo and civilization of level higher a on stay they people; mountains pathless forests, deep and by just another one was from itdivided and ago prairies vast years in hundredscattered A States. United the than progress

Russia only not present authors emigration, of necessity the for Arguing Nevertheless D‟Orse G.

24. Russkie evrei Izvospominaniy alwaysshivering becauseinnerof andouterenemies the - lis of plains

24. EvreivNew Yorke separation of one of separation

No other country on the globe, no other nation in the world can be can world the in nation other no globe, the on country other No

, huad ie. u nw hy eae hl hnrd tts ih ilos of millions with states hundred half a became they now But miles. thousand towa critical sounds also sometimes V. , neither of both authors can deny that a radical transformation happens happens transformationradical a that denycan authors both of neither ,

emigranta a bright gleam bright forhopea of 12

( 1891),

, V. “A

- , tenth


9 1 84 bjection

. (

1892), .

“[An emigrant] walks more walks emigrant] “[An

of Russian Jewry is a sad result of result sad a is Jewry Russian of

268 23. , which constitutes a distinct featu distinct a constitutes which , mentions that Americans will endeavor to surprise to endeavor will Americans that mentions 265

At some point Price even comes to Priceconclusionthesome At to evencomes point

And this undesirable emigration does not stop stop not does emigration undesirable this And 67 266 irsch tell it to their relatives and then tens of of tens then and relatives their to it tell irsch

a ory, this period of emigration became one one becameemigration of period this ory,

brighter future brighter . […] . d eirto. Mse o people of “Masses emigration. rds ok with pity on senile on pitywith ok

cheerfully, sees brighter, acts brighter, sees cheerfully,

“Thee . ” 269

thirteen migration300 of an re of a Slavic Jew Jew Slavic a of re more unenviable past past unenviable

aty colonies paltry Europe,

proud of its of proud as old and old as

which - 400 -

CEU eTD Collection of 270 fear the only not be might this for reason The ways. several in differs suspended evenmoreinthan sufferedthey old. the moreabolearn Jewry Russian revive majoritystillare poor. ofthe emigrants morally. culturallyBut and to want they because but conditions, economic bad or pogroms base is motivation themselvesfirsthearingwavethe that after of succeededinemigrants America. because not America to come to started people more and more that mentioned is it Nevertheless, superficially. very upon touched are emigration for reasons the and scarce very becomes discussi by hidden in presented explicitly was Russia of image negative theversion „milder‟ its in evenNevertheless, Russia. towards tha so 1891, after especially attitudes

Price, country‟sp limited not are artificiabilities innumerous natural individual where country, broader much a in place a for gold,markets,adventures…thethepower [emigrants]for for thoseEnergyoflooking are and bravepeopleOldofffromthe World took in Colossus this did how wizardquickly;withwhowhatisnamethistheof question: a ask you civilizati involuntarily its amazing; is success industrial its great; is mighty political In sum, the image of America presented before and after timeafter andthe when Americabefore presented image Inof sum, the Their intelligentsia. the namely scene, the to comes emigrants of sort new A anti strong the of expression the limited censorship harsha that see will We

to a greatest toa countryinworld? the

Russkie evrei hy ld adhp ad iiain o al id, u ot f dsr t enrich to desire a of out but kinds, all of limitations and hardships fled they The name of this this of name The f The ut America before departing, so that they would not suffer innew theyAmericacountry that not thewould before departing,so ut rogressishighlydependent onim ields of this country are immense; its natural resources are innumerable; its its innumerable; are resources natural its immense; are country this of ields ng „the Old World‟ or „Europe‟. In general, description of life in Russia Russia in life of description general, In „Europe‟. or World‟ Old „the ng , d on ideological reasoning; and they go to America not because of of because not America to go they and reasoning; ideological on d V.

10 Voskhod al political and social limitations, where is a place a is where limitations, social and political al

( 1891),

iad is wizard

. Sometimes, the arguments against the Tsarist Empire were were Empire Tsarist the against arguments the Sometimes, . 205 - 207 t after the suspension the journal became less critical critical less became journal the suspension the after t .

h im the

to 68 migrant… All desperate, strong, courageous and and courageous strong, desperate, All migrant…

migration. the New Worldforforthe for booty, success, New the

such such 270 miraculousspeeddesert transformed a

- people achieved this height so so height this achieved people Voskhod for on is grandiose. But But grandiose. is on

free power… The The power… free

advises them to advisesto them Voskhod - Russian Russian

was was by

CEU eTD Collection its and Russia, in staying beinexperiences to futurepreciselyemigrants.hadstudied help order to of option the to comparison in evil lesser a was emigration and Jews American of disunity to them attributing often America, in life of frustrations numerous light to brought they although and necessity; a like more America to emigration showed group latter the from authors The and negative all Elieser(as emigration of positivesides showing honestly view, of points rational more expressed who those (as America praise idealistically who those from extend authors po the of emigration suspend to suggestion Price‟s of exception ke and job America‟soptimisticallybright futurea to immigrants.Jewishpredict good a find to ability low example for as emigration about brought consequences unattractive the of spite in Nevertheless, York. inNew neighborhood Jewish the inparticular discussing ghetto, immigrant the inlife autho The negative. or positive are these whether America, of descriptions the in space less much occupies Russia with comparison the decade, second In well. as experience negative incorporate to started slowly which emigration, w life how envisaging and Russia of image bad a drawing is to articles devoted the in space Much culture. Russian of values share and society Russian with merge to attempt unsuccessful the about sorrows of expression the elicits America about pe first the During guidance. Landau‟s Adolf under published was periodical the when decades two the of course the in attitudes, of change general the but censorship, In general, explicit counter explicit general, In - emigration argument are absent from the journal with an an with journal thefrom absent are emigrationargument

Maschbir, S. So S. Maschbir, corrupt corrupt 69

bur ep religious observance, the authors authors the observance, religious ep kolovskiy, acas te hn t te at that fact the to hint they eaucrats, rs draw gloomy pictures of the the of pictures gloomy draw rs A. and I. Petrikovskiy), to to Petrikovskiy), I. and A.

F. L F. or Jews. Other views of of views Other Jews. or

- n and George Price). George and n

ould change after after change ould riod, writing riod, Voskhod „s „s

CEU eTD Collection w agricultural of position favorable implications political had means no by which to contributors the by Thisrecognized was question York. New Side of East inLower the populationconcentrated the up sum first will I chapter present f place ideal an is America that suggestion a with ending and r discussingthe by starting continuous emigration of decades largehavea number alsoshoul such of correspondents not did Syrkin that fact The hand. at were articles whatever with monthly the in space the filled and supplement weekly the on attention its of most concentrated office editorial new isexplain.fact Rubinov. ThisIca possible Theto difficultonlyanswer that one than more years, previous the all articles of number disc the although that fact the by part in explained be can This positive. very was America of image presented the Generally, opinions. of variety huge suchsee not Ru in situation current the acceptable finding still but lifestyle, its and America condemning sometimes praising, sometimes opinions of variety the by characterized was period This periodical. monthly the 1899 Emigration, Syrkin II:Maxim America of Image 4: Chapter ussing America published during this period roughly equaled the number printed during printed number the equaled roughly period this during publishedAmerica ussing This period can be also characterized by attempts to summarize more than two two than more summarize to attempts by characterized also be can period This in appeared whichAmerica of representations the at looked I chapter previousthe In Voskhod ssia. During the next six years when Maxim Syrkin became an editor we do we editor an became Syrkin Maxim when years six next the During ssia. - 1906

during the eighteen years when Adolf Landau was editor of the the of editor was Landau Adolf when years eighteen the during nzk Voskhoda Knizhki

orkers - third of them were written by the same author author same the by written were them of third arguments

and intellectuals among the emigrant mass. After mass. emigrant the among intellectuals and as 70 the

according to them. Then I will explore the explore will I Then them. to according c o

e f h Jewish the of re for and against dispersing the Jewish Jewish the dispersing against and for d be taken intoaccount. takenbe d

and the Praise of Praise the and easons or the Jewish revival. In the the In revival. Jewish the or which led to e to led which q eto i America in uestion n offer isn offer the that

migration –

Isaac Isaac ,

CEU eTD Collection 272 Voskhoda 271 to emigration Jewish of waves small previous the to points he factor, pull the than more push the Stressing offer. to had America that conditions favorable the disregarding gubernia, Moscow and Moscow from expulsion the and Laws the May with pogroms, numbers in growth such connects He 1900. in 1,058,135 to finally, and, 1897 9 to in 1888, 400,000 to in1880 from 230,257 grew whichAmerica,in population implicitcomparisonexodus fromthe with Russia. disc recently the in interested got Jews that fightingshouldbefaithone motivation no surprised andfor fact emphasizes wasthat the the and Marranos Spanish of history the with starts he continent American the on appeared intolerance religious to hints Kulisher example, For of period last Reasons4.1. for likelyimprovebecause more their to lowerstatus of expectations.their were poor the that however emphasized They years. of couple a in but though immediately the improve definitely emigration factsinpersuadeauthors theirthe to presenthowreadersthat twisted order could will I end the At others. from immigrants of separation a determined Russia abandoned Amer of diversity inner the describing

Ibid. Mikhail , 69 , uihr ees o ttsia dt epaiig h rpd nrae f h Jewish the of increase rapid the emphasizing data statistical to refers Kulisher the during published emigration to led which reasons the analyze to attempts The

12 - Kulisher 70.

( 1901

Voskhod ) : 47 : ,“Evrei v Amerike: istoricheskiy ocherk” Emigration: DrawingConclusionsEmigration: .

/Knizhki Voskhoda /Knizhki economic situation of a large part of Russian Jews for the better, not better, the for Jews Russian of part large a of situation economic

ican Jewry, I will ask to what extent nostalgia for for nostalgia extent what to ask will I Jewry, ican ‟s existence are really significant to my research. research. my to significant really are existence ‟s overed continent. overed 71

[ JewsAmerica: in Historical Essay]

Dsrbn te as o Jews how ways the Describing . 271

Here we can clearly see the see clearly can we Here

, 272 Knizhki 37,800 in37,800

almost factor factor CEU eTD Collection Knizhki turista” 275 ofStates NorthernAmerica] 274 273 they which bureaucrats of side the from attitude neglectful the and trip the during suffered Be to Citizen essay The America. the on New CityscapeThe ItsYork4.2. Economy and in1897. the after Russia in study cannot children their because Jewry. Russian over out broke 1881 catastrophes in noticed was peak The Russia. in conditions coul it but temporarily, drop rates emigration made have States the in depression of periods The pogroms. the by provoked one the that bigger much is assures, author the „Laws,‟ the by provoked Emigration Laws‟”. Temporary „The legislationan restrictive the to connected crisis economic deep a from suffers population Jewish the known: are conditions These ocean. the sideof other the to people pushes that way a such in created were conditions chronic the Settlement of Pale factor push the but him, for strong very is America, of prosperity economic the namely factor, pull The emigration. and endpartitionsthethe at eighteenthofof thePoland century. 1768, of uprising Haidamak the during massacre Uman the placeafter took which America

A.Tiraspolskiy, Wig Ibid.

- , 57 , [ us Voskhoda journey from Russia as authors concentrate more on what was happening already in in already happening was what on more concentrate authors as Russia from journey Russian experiences the on reflections fewer see can we editor new a leadershipof Underthe Wig 275 , “Immigratsiya , evreev v SoedinennieShtaty Severnoy Ameriki” - 58.

Thus,more correspondents thepolitical stressed factors thaneconomic. - s lo ons o h Rsin oiia opeso a te rmr rao for reason primary the as oppression political Russian the to points also us

- Jewish Emigrantsinthe United States of NorthernAmerica: Impressions of a Tourist] by



( 1904 S.I. S.I. n h Wy o mrc: n psd fo te ie f n American an of Life the from Episode an America: to Way the On ) : 68 : Rapoport is rather an exception. It shows the hardships emigrants emigrants hardships the shows It exception. an rather is Rapoport - , evreyskieemigran Knizhki – .

conditions in Russia inconditions

Voskhoda tyv Soedinennyh Shtatah Severnoy Ameriki:vpechatleniya


( 1903):102 72 274

utemr, ay es o o America to go Jews many Furthermore, is even stronger: “It is obvious that that obvious is “It stronger: even is - 103,106 d not stop it because of the unbearable unbearable the of because it stop not d

introduction of the of introduction - 82 n 1891 and 1882 .

[ 273 Jewish Immigrationtothe United d especially to harsh use of of use harsh to especially d

- numerus clausus numerus the when 1892,

, in the the in

CEU eTD Collection 279 278 277 135 WaytoAmerica: an Episodefromthe Life Americanof an CitizentoBe 276 a As Jews. other and Russian ofthousands ofhundreds for shelter a servesasit that stresses Americ Northern to gates the is it as country, fairy a space, mysterious a also is York „yellow‟. become and „green‟ being stop to years, several for loand parts its all experiencing before York New imagine hardly can one that out points He buildings. the of height daunting the and streets its on movement the to as city this with compared se which Hamburg, sea.” on when born, new a like felt He assoonunderstand you step “Intuitivelyasthat you new everythingto start strange:wasand World. Old the in than here different was everything pict hardly light]illuminated everythingbe [thesawwonderfulwhichpanorama aRussia.and It can we crew purple Columbus‟s huge the and what dawn a that feeling the understood and experienced. close was land the that concluded he him, around boats many saw suddenly he when ocean, the across trip the of Co bydiscovered cities. port big the in met

Ibid. Ibid. Tiraspolskiy, Simon . the soil of this gigantic global Babylon, you will get lost there as a grain of sand in the the in sand of grain a as there lost get will you Babylon, global gigantic this of soil the

278 , 73 ,

Tiraspolskiy is highly impressed by New York and says that Berlin, and and Vienna Berlin, that says and York New by impressed highly is Tiraspolskiy

V. Thisscaredidhim,not made prospect but him feel excited. Rapoport

- 3 74

rd y pitr. iaplky a ti „monster this saw Tiraspolskiy painter”. a by ured ( ng streets. To understand how this city lives, a reader has to come and live there livethere come and hasto reader lives,a city thisunderstandhow To streets. ng 1904 . 277


Th , “Na , puti v Ameriku: epizod iz zhizni ) , 132 , lumbus is still there. Thus, A. Tiraspolskiy describes how on the ninth day day ninth the on how describes TiraspolskiyA. Thus, there. stillis lumbus e author was impressed by the beauty of America. “You cannot see such see cannot “You America. of beauty the by impressed was author e - evreyskie emigranty md o infcn ad neetn bfr lo ams miserable almost look before interesting and significant so emed - 133 .

276 -

and But the comparison with the moment when America was was America when moment the with comparison the But - e sn n h ln wee e oe rm te ot of south the from, come we where land the in sun red , Knizhki 73 Voskhoda

budushchegoamerikanskogo grazhdanina”


( 1904 ) ] ,72 , Knizhki 279 .

- iy ad nesod that understood and city‟

For Isaac Rubinov, New New Rubinov, Isaac For



( 1905):


On the 114 a. He He a. - CEU eTD Collection 284 283 282 281 5 280 of Emigrants overcrowding. is problem major The nevertheless. them justify to trying well, others. in than worse not here live Jews but honey, and milk of land the not is America course, un and activities social local to attracted becomes he then but him, hit will somebody that expects Pale the from coming Jew old an first At interesting. is life social and intelligent is society h hecities other fromJews From voluntary. is it because segregation, their of ashamed not are they that saying by York with ambitionsabou live who republic free the of citizens equal are place this in people that reminding pictures some seeing only there not is he that realize hardly can one that Vilna or Warsaw „greens‟ are these probably, intelligent: very look who peddlers are There Yiddish. understand not do and fashionably dressed and shaved are sons whose Hassids traditionallydressed see canOne ghetto. Jewish mayseem one York inNew is Whenone image. T 600,000.namely from ledabout Egypt, Moses thanmorein areJews York Newthere that motherland.leave their to decided who those of majority the of conditions economic the betters emigration rule

he Jewish mass in America maintains its appearance and even changes the American American the changes even and appearance its maintains America in mass Jewish he (

1903):92. Ibid.,V. Rubinov Ibid.,V. Tiraspolskiy, IsaacMax 284 Of up. speak to disabilityformer the than better much is freedom their that derstands However, the contributors pay some attention to the disadvantages of em of disadvantages the to attention some pay contributors the However, New in live Jews which in conditions miserable the justify to tries even Rubinov can TheBiblicalExodus parallelthe with


5 4


( ( Rubinov 1903),99 1904),141

Russko t whicht evennot incouldmotherland. theydream the , “Evreyskiy , vopros v New Yorke” - - evreyskie emigranty 100 - 142 280 .

, .



who lost their fortune in shtetls. The view is so similar to to similar so is view The shtetls. in fortune their lost who ( 1903),103. eard that New York is the best place to live in, because the the because livein, placeto best theis York New that eard , V.


( 1904 74 )

, , 111


that he is in Warsaw or Nalevki. It is a real real is a Nalevki. It or Warsaw inis he that JewishQuestion inNew York be seen everywhere. indicates Tiraspolskiyseenbe .


] , Knizhki igration as as igration Voskhoda 283 281

CEU eTD Collection RussianJews New in York 286 285 law some and them against stood society American that reader the informs He articles. several in sweatshops America. entering after day the money earn to emigrant i known the deny cannot He Rubinov. for natural all seems this but down, salaries the bring they that and workers other of than lower is life of standard their that blamed are emigrants Jewish Sometimes social and poverty extreme Jew‟s] Russian “[A workers. Jewish of conditions the improve to hard tried unions labor Jewish moreover, one;new a created but niches, economic certainof out nations pushother s a not istailoring saythat mayOne earth”. Russian “The York: New of economicdevelopment inthe role enormous an playRussianJews Moreover, organizations. man saved availablethere places evil,working anis United EuropeanemigrationalEastStates of theabsorbing flux of Jews.” Ne in need the ease would resettlement organized “Rationally emigrants: new for space clear to order in places other to move to have ghetto emigration because the westwards, moved have Jews some Though English. speak hardly can emigrants and cities port the from further utility its loses it because role, some plays Yiddishalso movement. further block who children and women of presence the i York New in staying for reason The emigration.” Jewish of place ailing most “the Manhattan makes which Jews, as packed that not are nationalities other

IsaacMax Wig - us Rubinov states that although it is believed that the concentration of Jews in big cities cities big in Jews concentration of the believed isthat italthough that states Rubinov , Immigratsiyaevreev Rubinov , “Ekonomicheskoe , polozhenie russkihevreev v New Yorke”

s were issued, but sweatshops give the possibility to observe Shabbat; Shabbat; observe to possibility the give sweatshops but issued, were s s osaty otnig Fr Wig For continuing. constantly is ] , Knizhki

nconveniences of the sweatshop system, but it allows a Jewish Jewish a allows it but system, sweatshop the of nconveniences ,123


eih ede ae mrcn te best the Americans made needle Jewish odtos f xsec md hm ek n a coward.” a and weak him made existence of conditions - Voskhoda 124 .


( 1905 ophisticated occupation, but at least Jews did not least did Jewsat but occupation, ophisticated 75 ) :

136 - w York and increase the capacity of the the of capacity the increase and York w 140 y Jews from having to rely charitable on having fromto y Jews .


us Jews living in the New York York New the in living Jews us 286 problem of overcrowding remains remains overcrowding of problem

Interestingly, Rubinov defends defends Rubinov Interestingly, s probably poverty and and poverty probably s

[ E conomic - 285 dressed people on on people dressed

C onditions

of CEU eTD Collection 290 289 America] 288 287 m are there since especially question,‟ „Jewish the resolve to him asking by just westwards move first present not do they usually ev penetrated cities fromthat principals learnt theygreatAmericans the of unity and themselve emigrants by organized help mutual of societies And biased. became havepopulation, poor the with only dealing authors, their but image, another give may Charities Hebrew United f independent and dry, landischeapisThereareland noUnited remaining overpopulated. anymore,very theStates unconsciously.” made was mistake,an economic “not is York inNew stay to decision The ghettos. poorer even other and Irish Italian, about forget they but evil, are ghettos Jewish the that sure are people Some aspects. intellectual and moral economic, of appearance the provokes emigration Jewish that believed is it that mentions Rubinov opinion. this of reader the dissuade to try they and States the in Overcrowdingas4.3. NewYork in fromsecures backmotherland.emigrantsthe to returning factory. clean a to them prefer Jews many why is this

Rubinov Rubinov IsaacMax Ibid. any good reasonsclaimsuchexistinanyto not problemgood athat America. does , 141 , Rubinov is surprised that the news about the overcrowding of Jews in big American big in Jews of overcrowding the about news the that surprised is Rubinov exists allegedly question‟ „Jewish a that rumors by irritated are authors the of Some , Knizhki , , s work much more much work s - Evreyskiyvopros Ekonomicheskoepolozhenie 142 Rubinov .

Voskhoda , “Moim , korrespondentam: pismo Ameriki”iz n n h Russian the in en arming is almost impossible. almost is arming

10 ,


( In the 1860s the In 1904), 117


( efficiently. By establishing such societies Jews in fact show fact in Jews societies such establishing By efficiently. 1903),130 - hand experience. He believes that nobody can make a Jew Jew a make cannobody that believes He experience. hand ,145 NecessaryEvils .

- - 146; - - Jewish press, but he doubts their reliability since since reliability their doubts he but press, Jewish 1870s it was possible to go westwards, but now the now but westwards, go to possible was it 1870s 131

Rubinov but a result of result a but .


, Evreyskiy vopros

Rubinov assumes that the reports of the the of reports the that assumes Rubinov 287 288

economic [ In addition, the sweatshop system sweatshop the addition, In ToMy C

the Jewish question including question Jewish the

power. , orrespondent V. insightfulness


( 1903),130 289

s: As: 290 - Letterfrom



even if it it if even .

CEU eTD Collection ( 291 some earn to manage would he suffering and loss of time some after hard, works he if but honey, and milk of rivers expect not should Jew Russian a that and bright so is everything America, YorkNewemigration isto to still that see we but situation, sad hisend to medicine a Jew Russian the to offer can “We need: Jews European East what exactly is emigration sum, In illusory. is York New in question that theysatisfactory. are mean not does which neighborhoods, emigrant other in than the worse not in are living ghetto Jewish of conditions the that argues Rubinov Russia. in as implications juridical hasmeans no by and problems moral and economic of outcome theis misery their And inSidelimitedJewsbeEast neighborhood would the poor of Lower theto the of York. New industry,soand shouldtheycities. populatingkeep trade of people them made history but countryside, the to move should Jews that opinion an is There well. as grow cities the but grows, cities the of population Jewish the only Not n other of but emigration, Jewishonly not is there because percent, forty insult Jews. to afraid are country this w a contrary, the on antisemitism; cause not would this city, Jewish a became York New if even Furthermore, Jews. for problem a be should this whysee not does he but fallinwould non of right the recognizes He York. New in brethren 1905):139, 144 ould vanish with the bigger influx of the Jewish population to America, because people in in America,peoplebecause to population Jewish the influxof bigger the vanishwith ould

Ibid.,V. In a few months Rubinov already changed the tone the changed already Rubinov months few a In it argues, Rubinov America, in exists question Jewish a that assumes one if Even their congestionof the about much so worry Jews understandwhy not does Rubinov


( 1903),135 „Jewish hands‟ when Jews would constitute the majority the Jewspopulation, hands‟constitute cityof „Jewishthewould when .

- 137;


, “Pismo , Ameriki”iz The percentage of Jews would never go beyond thirty beyond go never would Jews of percentage The

a prevailing remedy.” The author agrees that notagrees prevailing a remedy.” The that author 77

291 [ A


- Jews to be afraid that New York York New that afraid be to Jews

of his claiming that the Jewish the that claiming his of , ationalities as well. well. as ationalities Knizhki Voskhoda ntisemitism ntisemitism

4 any any

- CEU eTD Collection 295 294 293 hired government Russian 292 the before time some like mistakes, such from Jews protect long. so for out hold to managed he that but Thus, city,Columbus. cursingthe to and nothing forreturn farm sellso, the they thenyears or two for try theythis; for prepared not it. are Jews work to how about knowledgespecial requires farmers becoming about dreams their make to enough powerful not are money with Those themselves. by farms organize to able not are emigrants „Green‟ lands. free of lots with states the to directed and dreamin ocean the across go Jews moneymovenohe when friends.has chances findto no and to does author The versa. vice not and city the human to village the from move of to is tendency the need and resources; the lowered has technology agricultural in progress The disappointed. on the be to considered t mentionsRubinov it. that to attributed is significance The 4.4. class. middle the of neighborhood the to transform will it gradually that foresees he but poor, the to belongs it now and neighborhood, rich a was Side East the says, Rubinov Before, bet even live to and money

Tiraspolskiy, Rubinov Rubinov Rubinov 293 no one should be surprised that a „green‟ abandons his farm after two or three years, three or two after farm his abandons „green‟ a that surprised be should one no Tiraspolskiy has a more positive view of the question. He sees that many Russian Russian many that sees He question. the of view positive more a has Tiraspolskiy less lessermuchaand extent to is but still labor discussed, of Theagricultural option

Potential ofPotentialJewsBecome Agriculturalto Workers , , , Evreyskiyvopros Ekonomicheskoe Evreyskiyvopros

not understand why anybody should try to move a Jew from the city to a village a cityfromto the move Jew a to understand shouldtry anybodywhy not

Russko - evreyskie emigranty ly solution for the Jewish question, but people who believed so were were believedso who people but question, Jewish the for solutionly

, ,


Knizhki Knizhki come true, because the land in the American East is bad and and bad is East American the in land the because true, come e hn h mjrt o Gra, tla ad rs workers. Irish and Italian German, of majority the than ter

Voskhoda Voskhoda ,125 g to become farmers and this desire has to be supported be to has desire this and farmers become to g , Knizhki .

7 8

( ( 1903),131 1903),113 78 Voskhoda 295

seil ueu a t b ognzd to organized be to has bureau special A - .

132 3 here was a time when agriculture was was agriculture when time herea was

( 1904 .


,138 294 -




CEU eTD Collection 300 299 298 297 296 that Role JewishThe of Intelligent 4.5.the dream. like itsweet believewas is ait true; not could Kolgramophoneauthor Nidreithe played and The beer. drank and songs English sang who people saw he evening the In Tiraspolskiy. afterwards. correct to difficult are which mistakesmake emigrants many„green‟ being but America,insucceed to difficult that not is it that believes He different. completely is Sabsovich but him, despised in colony Rothschild‟s Baron likcolonists Osovetskiybefore. treated fifteenyears met he Palestine,whom of administrator an Osovetskiy, infamous the recalled immediately author The Woodbine. mayorof a and administrator an also is who Sabsovich, pr prefect, its to talked and college agricultural local the to visit a paid Tiraspolskiy credit. on house dairy The immigrantseducation.canThese becomeagricultural pioneers. an children their give and peace in live to purpose only the with emigrate Jews rich even emigra poor the only because them pay to impossible was it Before, make. would they use the to compared little very cost would America in teachers such Hiring Russia. New in lands state the on colonists Jewish help to practitioners and teachers experienced

Rubinov Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. the mass of Russian mass of the , 135. , 136, , 139. V.4 , 144 , 299 What distinguishes this latest period of emigration from the previous years is the fact isyearsthe period from of previousemigration latest the distinguishes What this State. York New in Woodbine of colony agricultural perfect the visited Tiraspolskiy

, man whom he met there managed to save a couple of thousand dollars and buy a a buy and dollars thousand of couple savea to managed there met he whom man - Evreyskiyvopros

145 ( 1904),145 .


In sum, Tiraspolskiy concludes, everything is possible in America. Then Then America. in possible is everything concludes, Tiraspolskiy sum, In .

298 - , Jewish emigrants grew intellectually grew emigrants Jewish

V. n eea, h cln md a made colony the general, In


( 1903),111 sia .


300 ey oiie mrsin on impression positive very 296

and that the that and

e serfs and they they and serfse Jewish cultural cultural Jewish ted. Now ted. ofessor CEU eTD Collection 304 303 ( 302 301 because either influentialbe cannot It enough. interesting and useful it find not does public Jew the and informatively, and financially poor very is press the now But emigrants. all American not theyonlyevenstudyat but universities, become citizens. Russian often Very norm.” percent the with connected inseparably are school about thoughts whom t easy „practically Onlythe year. academic same the during even class next the to advance can he good, is student a If motherland. exce are teachers free. even and is Primary education men. for secondary as extent same the to almost women for accessible is education huge is fee the good, in study Russia.although AmericanalertsreadersthatRubinov conditionsat the cannot very universities are they because abroad go to want people young more and more that fact Western the in scholarship Jewish of Hemisphere.” revival the for ground the lay unconsciously Maskilim [the interests Jewish of defenders fervent “These doubts: no has destined really is epithet) an such acquired Russia not and America time first the (for America of country barbarian this whether themselves mightAmericabe isJews placeJewishforthe European ask that evensurerevival,although ghetto the of life 1902):61, 63

Tiraspolskiy, Rubinov Isidore Rubinov o imagine what an impression all these conditions have on emigrants from Russia, for Russia, from emigrants on have conditions these impressionall an imagine what o Singer argues that a good Jewish press is needed for raising the intellectual level of of level intellectual the raising for needed is press Jewish good a that argues Singer the of presence strong The -

Jewish emigrants appear among the most talented students, who are one big f bigone are who talentedstudents, most amongappear the emigrants Jewish Singer , , Moimkorrespondentam Ekonomicheskoepolozhenie - 64 302 Russko ,“Evreyskoe vozrozhdeniev Amerike” .

– llent, which is completely different from the experience in the former former the in experience the from different completely is which llent,

the press, literature, theater theater literature, press, the - evreyskie emigranty

and it is better to earn some money in a factory first. Significantly, first. factory a in money some earn to better is it and

, V.

,141 9 Jewish intelligentsia among emigrants is also due to the to due also is emigrants among intelligentsia Jewish

( - 303 1904),205, 208, minded Yankees‟ could come up with such rules: “it is “it rules: such with up come could Yankees‟minded , V. .

n rmr sho, eain bten uis and pupils between relations school, primary In


( 1904 80


– [ , , 115 JewishRevival inAmerica]

is organized by Ru by organizedis 210

to become such a place. Singer himself Singer place. a such become to - 119 .


ssians. 304 , Knizhki


– Isidore Singer Isidore

Voskhoda A.S. ] almost ] amily; amily;


ish CEU eTD Collection 308 307 306 305 byJews,treated were Portuguese isthisthe why they how and arrived they when were they who forgot before, decades several America hard be to appeared they because and sympathetic felt religious Americans the of because latter. Jews Russian towards the of side the on crime real a is incomprehension inthis andgeneral; understandJews Russian cannot JewsAmerican Americansand enough. Chari disgust. with mixed was pity their but brethren, m When Russian the and them between understanding and respect mutual no theHeterogeneityin Jewish4.6.America of Population universitiesacademies.and to accepted be to wait and nomads of life the live to have studies Jewish far, So Judaism. non studies among Jewish in interest develop to as well as emigrants, of level intellectual the raise newspapers.good to Localreaders periodicalsattractb onlycan American read rather would subscribers newspapers. their of children the Yi the that of know editors themselves the that weak so is press the Jewish Now of philanthropists. help the with ended be can situation sad this but subscribers, few very has it

Rubinov Singer Tiraspolskiy, Singer When Rubinov talks about those Jews who moved to to moved who Jews those about talks Rubinov When the publish to Singer Isidor of initiative The , , ass Evreyskoe vozrozhdenie Evreyskoe vozrozhdenie , Evreyskiyvopros - 305 es I hs ril Sne cls philanthropis calls Singer article his In Jews. emigration started, started, emigration Russko

This situation is quite sad, because in Russia Jewish intelligentsia were used used were intelligentsia Jewish Russia in because sad, quiteis situation This - evreyskie emigranty ,

V. 307

6 ,76 ,74


1903),110 - - American Jews felt that they had to do something for their their for something do to had they that felt Jews American 83. 76.

, V. .

5 -

working. But German Jews, who had come to to come had who Jews, German But working. ( 1904 81 )

, , 123

persecutions from which the latter suffered latter the which from persecutions they were ashamedbrethren.were theyof their - 124 eih Encyclopedia Jewish ty was offered, but it was not large not was it but offered, was ty .

s o upr toe h study who those support to ts America before 1881, he finds he 1881, before America yadvertisements. their - Jewish emigrants. emigrants. Jewish ddish periodicals periodicals ddish

lo ihd to wished also 308 306

CEU eTD Collection 313 312 311 310 309 was questionthe narrowed into ofJewishprostitution poor neighborhood. the York New in prostitution debate the Jews, German the of because Just nationality. po Irish or German Italian, at looked they If Uptown. from Jews the by invented was general t believedthat is It earlier.emigrated who those from themseparates continuously have not would we isincreasingfact argueimpossible emigration;against.”this to Otherwise motherland. away far the in stayed who brethren their than off better much are they doubts any i “without pessimists: it by described as bad as not however is condition his exploiter, an of hands the into falls usually who emigrant, green a take we if Even exploitation. of people the Americans calls c „green‟. the towards sympathetic feel always The workers „yellow‟ years. three to one from takes which „yellow,‟ become they until another to „boss‟ emig poorer Russian reallyrich no almost are there becausebefore, Russian are socially;R contrasted and quite is population Jewish the Thus, proportionally. count we if origin other any of than Jewish more times 2.5 are there Nonetheless, pauperism. and poverty of nest Uptown. the of „classes‟ Jewish the to an become an employer in one day. Because of a high number of hired workers, Rubinov workers, hired of number high a of Because day. one in employer an become an

or neighborhoods they would understand that the social problem has nothing to do with do to nothing has problem social the that understand would they neighborhoods or Rubinov Rubinov Tiraspolskiy, Ibid.,V. Rubinov u o co of But contrasted are Side East the of „masses‟ Jewish the Rubinov‟sarticles, inoftenQuite

, , , 1 Evreyskiyvopros Ekonomicheskoepolozhenie Ekonomicheskoepolozhenie

- ( rants are at first „green‟, mute, blind and exploited. Poor emigrants go from one go emigrants Poor exploited. and blind mute, „green‟,first at are rants 1905):123 Jewish employers Jewish

Russko re h sca gp iiig usa Jw i nt s ue s ht which that as huge as not is Jews Russian dividing gap social the urse - evreyskie emigranty - 124 , .

ussian Jews are also among themselves very heterogeneous. There There heterogeneous. veryamong themselvesalso are Jews ussian




1903),115 and employees; they all belonged to the same social class as as class social same the to belonged all they employees; and ,129 ,129 , V. . -

309 130,133 .


( It is true that the huge New York ghetto is a big a is ghetto York New huge the that true is It 1904 82 - 134 )

, , 134 .


- Jewish emigrants. Jewish 312 311

In America an employee employee an America In he „Jewish question‟ in question‟ „Jewishhe 313 310

Both richer andricher Both millionaire s usually usually s s

CEU eTD Collection 316 315 314 all,heterogeneous.Tiraspolskiy bad Jewish not lifefindsat so is naturalcommunity this and explain this and region, same the from coming people with group to want America Allseeto arrivingin peopleto Pale. the used one that view, kindnot the offerof they but do almost express they and indifferent declines religiosity their Americanized, become emigrants) thematheists. R house. opera the were ifit as synagogue the to go They doubtful. appearfeelings religious their of sinceritymakes what churches, Protestant in those to similar very are Jews American of synagogues the Russi Intelligent observance. religious Russian brethren his call to ready always is former the and red; and radical is Jew Russian a but should. he if question a is it but Jew, Russian the Americanize to wants he why is This Jewishness. his of him remind Jews Russian but Jew, a is he that forget to tries Jew rich a opinion, Rubinov‟s In of field the Americanization fast in with stranglethis to need no modelsis there and musicand theater literature, Russian the and traditions Jewish of examples some America unders not does Rubinov But civilizations. eastern and western between fight a is this that made even was suggestion A sting.” your from us relieve and honey your want not do “we said

Ibid.,122 Rubinov Ibid.,V. tand why one group should copy the other. Russian Jews, for instance, brought to brought instance, for Jews, Russian other. the copy should group one why tand However, when observant Jews from the Pale (and they represent the majority of of majority the represent they (and Pale the from Jews observant when However, to attitude polar their is groups two these between difference biggest the But an Such incorrigible

, 7

- Pismoiz Ameriki

attitudes towards rituals. There are almost a thousand synagogues in New York, York, New in synagogues thousand a almost are There rituals. towards attitudes 123 ( 1903):123, 126 316 .

attitude led Russian Jews to the decision to become independent and they and independent become to decision the to Jews Russian led attitude

anarchists. 314 ussian Jews therefore call American Jews goodies, who in turn call call turn in who goodies, Jews American call therefore Jews ussian

, - The opposition is really harsh: an American Jew is Jew American an harsh: really is opposition The

V. 128

4 .

( 1902),121 315

an Jews do not go to the synagogue, but sermons in sermons but synagogue, the to go not do Jews an - 122 .


conservative, s why why s . CEU eTD Collection 320 319 318 Unitedthe States: Decline of Religiousthe 317 ko about boards the all that cares nobody and pork sells He it. bought butcher German a and shop a left butcher kosher one year Last synagogues. outsideJews of exploitingpiety moretimes the expensive, three meat or sports some do playing,partying. go rather would they age, of years sixteen or fifteen reach I Whenthey home. at afterthem look synagogue. to one haveno parents that means onlythis synagogue, the respect not does and all in interested at not is religion youth the that wonder a not is this So, bazaar. a to similar is synagogue, which a in place a offering everywhere advertisements see can one Year New the q become and seats selling by sustained are they budget, stable ahave not do synagoguesSince interests. politicalhave Sometimesthey themselves. among pr long,yearto come all synagogue the to go not do who those Even others”. of holidays the respect to used is York “CosmopolitanNew inadvance. provisions their buy andJewish holidays about know Jews true as themselves consider congregations all Nonetheless, holidays. for synagogues as out rent even latter the but Orthodox, very still are fromEnglish distinguished be hardly can ofsynagoguesothers Jews the of Some similar. be would customs where two find hardly can one synagogues all Of Judaism. of forms many too to birth gave York synagogues own their have and neighborhoods different in live unfavorableit creates unity forbut Judaism.conditions of

Tiraspolskiy, Rubinov Tiraspolskiy, A.Tiraspolskiy, o ol sngge bcm commercia became synagogues only Not compete and other each respect not do rabbis congregations, of variety a such With 320 , Evreyskiyvopros

Evreyskie emigranty Russko

“Evreyskieemigranty v Soedinennyh Shtatah: upadok religioznosti” - evreyskie emigranty ayKippur.Yomon , 318


5 n al eih hp ae lsd n o Kpu. Americans Kippur. Yom on closed are shops Jewish all and

( 1903),96 , , 88 - sher meat are still there, which basically means that the that means basically which there, still are meat sher 91 Observance] . ,

V. .

319 5

( 1904

84 , )

Knizhki , , 111 lized. Butchers, for example, sell kosher kosher sell example, for Butchers, lized. - 112 Voskhoda .

317 f there are many children in a a in children many are there f

Jewsincountriesborn different

2 churches, andchurches, uite commercialized. Before commercialized. uite

( , because freedom in New New in freedom because , 1905): 86 - [ 87 JewishEmigrants in .

sometimes the the sometimes CEU eTD Collection 323 322 321 fromdistance inactiveparticipationlife country.”ofpoliticalthe the a at them keeps centuries for them in nurtured was which “passivity but affairs, state in ten for America inliving Jews Orthodox the of some reason same the for Maybe it. with solidarity of feeling a and country new inthe interest an by replaced was homesickness his time of amount significant more for York New in lived has instance for Rubinov, NostalgicFeelingsRussia4.7. for generalthe inplace. declinetakes religiosity in an as synagogue their a that fact the with hide dissatisfaction cannot contributors the presented, is America of image positive exaggerated for crucial be to appears religion of question The province. same the other with together synagogue aattend among to desire the in manifests things, which, identities, regional the of reinforcement the facilitates experience forgivethem their Russian a and pastor a between conversation a heard Tiraspolskiy Once expulsion. and Inquisition rituals abandon Jews country etc. pious, more are longer, live him by circumcised One pork. kosher sells German

Rubinov Ibid. Ibid. , 93, , 98 91 , Nostalgia for the previous motherland is brought up in the journal several times. times. several journal the in up brought is motherland previous the for Nostalgia immigration the that theory Kobrin‟s illustrates section this of content the sum, In - eih mgat ad h lte si ta Jw sfee s mc ta Gd would God that much so suffered Jews that said latter the and emigrant, Jewish - , 92 Evreyskiy . .

present sins. present

vopros - , twenty years h yearstwenty



( which formerly they did not even abandon in the fear of the the of fear the in abandon even not did they formerly which 1903),93 322

mohel .

ave not received citizenship yet. They are interested Theyare yet. received citizenship not ave

a icmie) vn u a a ta children that ad an put even circumciser) (a


stitution becomes commercialized and and commercializedbecomes stitution 321 than ten years; and only after this this after only and years; ten than

t s upiig ht n hs free this in that surprising is It

immigrants coming from coming immigrants 323 Voskhod

: whereas an an whereas : CEU eTD Collection 328 327 ( 326 325 324 immigrantsinAmerica,timefelt still „Russian.‟ brethren. fortunate less their of suffering the see su past their remember rich become to managed who those of some even and coin, the of side other the see Side East Lower the from Jews The it. in flaws any see himself can Russia of „barbariccountry‟ thefrom emigrants understandhow withcannot and motherland satisfied is Jew American average An stepmother. their towards RussianJews. suddenlyde so and away far so motherland, the about reminiscences revived arrival his that understood he that questions, many so him ask to started people Woodbine, visited Tiraspolskiy when longing his describes poem a published even America in Literature Russians. themselves call still and country them.for important so became now just which again, Europe in land never may they because crying started They left. they what for sadness expressing emigrants of faces saw he departure h of tears and blood by covered is it since tourists, and emigrants of millions for recognizable very is America of Northern States United the to way the that states Tiraspolskiy Thus, departure. of moment the 1900):

Rubinov Tiraspolskiy, Jacob Rubinov Tiraspolskiy,

31 The strong attachment to Russia creates one more difference between American and American betweendifference more one creates Russia to attachment strong The mentions Rubinov feel to started emigrants the ofSome Rombro, - 324 32 , , Pismoiz Ameriki Pismoiz Ameriki .

Russko Russko An American Jew is a patriot, but Russian Jews still bear sentimental feelings Russiansentimental bearbut still Jews patriot, ais JewAmericanAn ar.

“Zhargonnayaliteraturav Amerike” 327

- -

evreyskie emigranty evreyskie emigranty og akt usaadsv hs aihn youth. vanishing his save and Russia to back go to , ,

V. V. ht ay usa Jw lc ntoait elns o ter new their for feelings nationalist lack Jews Russian many that

4 4

( ( 1902),121 1902),123 undreds of poor Russian emigrants. At the moment of of moment the At emigrants. Russian poor of undreds , , V. V. . -

122 4 2

( ( 1904), 131 1904 .

325 86 some positive emotions towards Russia only at at only Russia emotionstowards positive some

[ Motherland JargonLiterature inAmerica


, , 63, 66 Jacob Rombro in his essay about about essay his in Rombro Jacob 328

It is quite peculiar how living for a long a for living how peculiar quiteis It .


by one Babad, where the author author the where Babad, one by ], Knizhki fferings and still still and fferings 326

Furthermore, Voskhoda n his and Yiddish


CEU eTD Collection 329 im as them against directed is it hostile, is attitude popular If religion. of because only others from different are here Jews America. to applied be hardly bestiality” from can nationalismgoes humanity modern through development to “the of way Jews.for politicalAmericainfluenceIn general, wouldRubinov they door achieve. to the sees opened State the to come Jews more The America. in already are who Jews those on depends immigration of fate the Still, well. as muchdiligence but mouths, hungryonly not themselves with bring to just come not do deathly and they limitations,since contagious those ofafraid be not shouldJews it. blame cannot Rubinov diseases, with people and idiots people, mad criminals, of immigration speci never was campaign anti The antisemitism. of footprints the bear not does opposition the addition, In development. industrial for needed is labor cheap because reasons, economic for blood‟ against opposition Moreover, Jews. encour of with coexists influx immigration the by caused start not not was did it and to yesterday opposition the but one, Jewish the with especially and immigration assureworry potential they that emigrants shouldnot because of this. and measures the justify to try they but immigrants, many so of influx an with America in AreThereRealObstaclesAmerica 4.8.No Emigration: OpensforIts Door Wide

Rubinov Kulisher also believes that immigration should continue. The scheme sho scheme The continue. should immigration that believes also Kulisher Am of Land Promised The authors Many s, the more support immigration will get. The more Jews live in America, the more the America, in live Jewsmore The get. immigrationwill support more the s, 329 , Evreyskiyvopros

enrich themselves and are open to embrace the American culture. Jews culture. American the embrace to open are and themselves enrich reflect on the opposition to immigration which started to be expressedbe to started immigrationwhich to opposition the on reflect ,


8 ial anti fically

( 1903),105 gmn. uio blee ta Aeia ed „new needs America that believes Rubinov agement. erica, as Rubinov calls it, started to be burdened with with burdened be to started it, calls Rubinov as erica, - - 112 Jewish; and if the country wants to limit the the limit to wants country the if and Jewish; .


migrants and not as adherents as not and migrants

- immigration

wing that wing CEU eTD Collection 333 332 331 330 adoption. the for country new their to are they grateful how show definitely will and republic” free great the future as“citizensof brightworthy haveaeducation andget emigrants Children of politthe in participate Jewsbecause especially Settlement, ostracism. social severe no is there and connotation bad a have not does it York of New in but imageridiculed, the Russia In Jew. a being regret not does Rubinov here as York, New to came he since changed has Everything full. its to values its appreciate to obstacle an was Jewishness his and culture; Russian in interested was He suffering. and troubles h caused Jewishness his Russia in lived and young was he When it. of example good Europe. are non the of most because relations, personal in always not but officially, only others with equal are America in Jews that complains Rubinov example, for Thus, from. came freelandamongpeople.” free the on stay to possibility the them give will and millions many for places creates […] an spirit American the against acting mean would banning its that conclusion the reached they and migration mass for reasons the investigate to assigned were Campster, and Weber commissioners, two 1891 in Moreover, Judaism. of

Tiraspolskiy, Ibid.,100 Rubinov Kulisher

mirns r hlrn f mirns n te bogt nieiim ih hm from them with antisemitism brought they and immigrants of children or immigrants Tiraspolskiy also assures that life in America is much better than in the Pale of of Pale the in than better much is America in life that assures also Tiraspolskiy they where countries the condemning to resort authors the America, praising While 331 333 , , 332

- Evreyskiyvopros EvreivAmerike But still there is no reason to be afraid of migrating to America and Rubinov is a is Rubinov Americaand migratingto ofafraid be to reason no is stillthere But 103.

However, they do not refer to Russia specifically, but to Europe in general. general. in Europe to but specifically, Russia to refer not do they However,


- evreyskie emigranty , 72 , , 330

V. -




1903),103 , V. -

104. 4

( 1904), 140.


d the principles of humanity: of principles the d

ical and social life of the country. country. the lifeof social andical - Jews in New York York New in Jews a Jew was was Jew a

“America “America im im CEU eTD Collection 340 339 338 337 336 335 334 his Referringto York. incongressNew Zionist sixth the organizeto Nordau Max and Herzl Jerusalem.” our is Washington Palestine, our peoples. two of merging the facilitate would turn in which community, Jewish the of wealth the see will organ charitable Jewish with happen should same The illnesses. Jewish specifically no are there because abandoned, be should hospitals Jewish specific losingviewedare ofresultasa the assomething asusuallythey positive, intermarriages presented hereare is atypicalthat quite marriagesexamplefriendly Mixedbest ofnon thebetween relationsandare Jews theaters, Jewish the to go and jargon from translations society.” surroundingthe by respected being to centuries,thanks for down bowed he which head his raise will he and engag be will He others. of opinion the on depending not life own his live will adversities, Jewish specifically any from free break will Jew] [a he level: civil and worker.” useful ver […] and patient, diligent, a became Jew Russian a America] [in possibility first the under still And century. last the during Russia in acute especially became this trade; to him centurieshistor of America. in changes Russia. in stays unproductive

Ibid. Singer Ibid.,V. Rubinov Ibid. Rubinov Wig - , 85. , 136 , us igr lo tns o rprceet ih mrcn epe H age ta the that argues He people. American with rapprochement for stands also Singer Wig , , Evreyskoe vozrozhdenie

, , Immigratsiyaevreev 6 . Evreyskiyvopros Ekonomicheskoepolozhenie

- ( 1903),105 s rul pit o points proudly us 339

336 On the one hand, Singer disapproves of American Jews saying “America is “America saying Jews American of disapproves Singer hand, one the On yhimconditions the honestJew]fromandand cut [a labor healthypushed

Rubinov also points out that “a big change will happen on the spiritual the on happen will change big “a that out points also Rubinov 335 - 108.

If Jews are weak and sallow, this is not of their fault: “During many “Duringfault: their of not is this sallow, and weak are Jews If , 337

V. ,114, 120

Moreover, Moreover, 8 ,73.

( 334 1903),113

t ht h poutv fre s on t Aeia n the and America to going is force productive the that ut

,127 this but labor, physical like not do Jews that true is It

. specific Jewish identity.specificJewish


Jews are respected in America; Americans even read inAmericanseven America; respected are Jews .

89 340

On the On

other hand, he suggests to Theodor to suggests he hand, other

hs hy er t rset Jews. respect to learn they thus

izations and then non then and izations ed in social life […] […] life social in ed - Jews. - Jews Jews 338

It y CEU eTD Collection 343 342 341 motherlandforeverdear Russia. comfor and success to way best the is tradition family keeping and relations family good that stresses He „yellow‟. becoming after family the of rest the invite then and go should sons adult and husband a first parts: motherl their in live cannot really they if emigrate them. preceded had who emigrants those than better it do to how on information useful with them provide and Jews poor the of only of aim the that seems it and journal; the astheThe Poor Better4.9. thanEmigrationtheCandidatesfor Rich becausebecausenot iscity, but the of but this inYork, Newliving whenchangingradically are JewsJew. Russianaforis atypical which Jewry, York New of vigor and vivacity the see we result a “As ended: is dispersion) fresh like smells it morninghere peopleair: synagogues local “In counterpart: Orthodox its than better to Singer seems also Judaism Reformed America.” in here, ready is revival Jewish for ground g Europe Jewry! of queen the as ocean the sideof from other sister the younger further yourhesitations without accept […] Jews, European “You, America. in supporters Christian find to try also can leaders enc his for „savior‟ finda to managed he language, the knowing not and ago years six here coming that says Singer experience, own

Tiraspolskiy, Rubinov Ibid. , 87 , The question whether it is worth emigrating from Russia or not also takes place in place takes also not or Russia from emigrating worth is it whether question The America in that opinion audacious more even the voices Rubinov - , 88. Evreyskiyvopros

Russko - evreyskie emigranty

, stopped looking stopped templessortasat a of communal apothecary.”

V. ot old and European Jewry bears traces of this old age… The The age… old this of traces bears Jewry European and old ot


( 1903),100 343

t themselves after all the troubles that happened in the the in happened that troubles the all after themselves t , galut V. -

101 5 yclopedia

( 1904 Knizhki Knizhki


and the Jewish andque the

90 Thus, Tiraspolskiy states that people should should people that states Tiraspolskiy Thus, )

, , 125

among Christian publishers. Christian among Voskhod and any more. He advised to do this in in this do to advised He more. any and - 126 .


a t ecuae emigration encourage to was stion are absent. arestion

342 galut

The Zionist Zionist The

(exile, (exile, 341

CEU eTD Collection 348 347 346 345 344 names, other take cursed finallythey and Theycarriage; leada or shoes sew then and rabbi, famous a conditions. of sometimes miserable their exaggerate Jews many But here. sew to how learning start should America inwriters or becometutors to able be would they believethat who people extent, same the To shame. a is it professional a for but luck, great is factory ne spiritualsatisfy their to order inendure readyhardshipsarewhat themselvesforthey to case first decide shouldlatter they the in even But financial. purely than more are emigration for reasons their unless America richincommoditiesthe later.all andor forgottensooner particular be would for than painful less and shorter be would them for suffering of period the but emigration, kno Rubinov world.” whole the is this hungry mouth a for and bread‟, of piece „a find will they but course, whole of the hyperbola win a is To „world‟ world.‟ whole the win can they and chains their but lose to nothing great one said “As emigrate: should definitely lot. a them helps this and faith and hope with randomat go but success, them guarantees someone until wait not do existence mere of question the to solution only the is it to attached sentimentally still are they although motherland, the to back go ever never would but hardships, some Theypassed ladder. social a ofbottom the at themselves find to afraid not were they because partly chances, better had ago years America. in relatives have not does which found

Ibid.,108 Ibid.,V. HereRubinov refersto Ibid., Rubinov

On the contrary, people who became successful a successful became who people contrary, the On be can familysingle a not that mentioningby starts He attitude. this shares Rubinov 197 , 10 - - Moimkorrespondentam 112 202

pants. ( 1904), 116 . .


All practical and commercial knowledge gained in Europe is of no use no ofis Europe in gained knowledge commercial and practical All The CommunistManifesto .

, V. , eds. For an ordinary emigrant, for example, being hired in a a inhired beingexample, for emigrant, ordinaryan For eds.


( 1904),196

byKarl Marx. 91 .

344 German ws that the poor may curse him after after him curse may poor the that ws

But those who emigrated ten or ten emigrated who those But

- lready in Russia should not go to go not should Russia in lready eih economist, Jewish . Those for whom emigration emigration whom for Those . 347 346


te have „they Thus, they Thus,

fifteen CEU eTD Collection 349 oppression. political the from suffer and Russia in stay to than overcome, are adjustment of hardships the until America in years several for suffer to better is it still motherland, abandoned their for nostalgic feel Jews Russian emigration, of wave last the with came who those and earlier arrived who Jews those between gap a is there Although studies. Jewish of development the for place a is there and lately there came intellectuals many so since revival, Jewish per a called is Palestine, not America,and better. the country, this to come Jews more the that stressing them, touch not would America in legislation emigrational sincetheymoney without fastearning possessingallow an quite side, positive the from presented are only sweatshops Even face. the can emigrants nearlywhich difficulty but problem, a be to immigr recognized is potential ghettos the Jewish the to of overcrowding attractive more America of image the make to inorder facts the twist to the tried journaleven the to contributors The emigrate. ofnecessityto favor in speak arguments presented the of majority The institutions. educational Russia in conditions unfavorable the on emphasis stronger that much reasons put the and summarize emigration provoked to try authors The fast. quite reached be could prosperity claimt a and offer America could which opportunitiesexaggerate the to attempts see can coachman. „Col

Tiraspolskiy, mu‟ n „mrc‟ o te esn ht rbi a t bcm a alr r a or tailor a become to has rabbi a that reason the for „America‟ and umbus‟ h atos r t cmot oeta eirns ht n hrhnn o the of harshening any that emigrants potential comfort to try authors The – we editor was Syrkin when period the in published articles many in up, Summing

pogroms, the expulsion from Moscow and the introduction of the percent no percent the of introduction the and Moscow from expulsion the pogroms, 349

Russko - evreyskie emigranty

, V.


( 1904 92 )

, , 135

Nonetheless, - 137 .


and although some of the the of some although and nzk Voskhoda Knizhki fect place for the the for placefect ants. Thus, the the Thus, ants.

argues argues rm at at rm hat CEU eTD Collection less be will and lose to if discouraged somethingwrong. goes nothing have literally who poor, the of emigration for rather


CEU eTD Collection 17,No 351 Universityof TorontoPress 350 on Commission Supreme the of Ignatiev, Nicholas Count of influence f the under His creation, press. the through ideas radical of spread the of afraid especially slowersadly,much inwastherefore than countriesofWesternandCentralEurope. the Rus the in it gaining in pace The press. the of freedom the for fight constant from prevented a with be connected tightly is censorship of to history the Consequently, press. had the in appearing movements radical different of institutio agitation educational and and Propaganda church the police, the censorship, on itself based state regime. Imperial autocratic press. the of proliferation the with difficult more much became control Such affairs. of system ideas revolutionary spreadingof prevent to attempt to and grip‟ „in neighbors,tende the European levelthe of the to state up‟the C Great, the Peter (like rulers Russian the of some Although a system. ruling developed the in democracy though, of principles success of level different with century, nineteenth bureaucratic Safest theof one as 5 Chapter

BenjaminRigberg CharlesA. . 1 350 After the assassination of Alexander II, the new Tsar Alexander III (1881 III Alexander Tsar new the II, Alexander ofassassination the After the of elements the of one as regarded was control censorship tight see, can we As highly a as pictured is Empire Russian the reason) a without not (and Usually

(March,1969): 59.

: Ruud

Voskhod and autocratic state compared to other European countries which in the the in which countries European other to compared state autocratic and ,

FightingWords ,

atherine “ TsaristCensorship Performance, 1894 ,

Topics to Write about Write to Topics 2009 ’s Complicated ‘Romance’ with Censorship: with ‘Romance’ Complicated ’s

the Great or Alexander II) Alexander or Great the ), Benjamin

201 :

ImperialCensorship and the RussianPress, - 202.

Rigberg 94 , for example, points out that the autocratic autocratic the that out points example, for ,

- 1905

looked at the West and tried to „pull to tried and West the at looked ,”

Jahrbücherfür Geschichte Osteuropas ncy was to hold the population holdpopulation the ncyto was

dangerous to the current the to dangerous 1804 - 1906 ears caused the the caused ears

Emigration Emigration ( t least some some least t Toronto sian Empire, Empire, sian - 1894) was1894) :

ns. 351

CEU eTD Collection Petersburg: Curtainthe of Ministry„The ofTruth‟: Secret the History SovietofCensorship, 1917 356 RussianReview 355 354 353 Europe 352 the after only abolished completely was censorship reality In committees. press called now ar court‟s inculpatory the after confiscated be could publications and suppressed remained publishing 1904 during discussions culminated model, a lawsas European on based laws‟ press „Temporary an put “unnecessaryendthe impo to restrictions” to Commission special a formed II Nicholas 1905 of beginning the At periodicals. radical of only scrutinizingharshcontinue to suggested itwas and papers moderate ofrequirements authorities the by realized was laws press the reform to need powerful. less became censorship and directions other in efforts its direct to had government the Revolution Russian First the during Nevertheless, itself. question Jewish the including 570, at peaked Interior of Ministry the by forbiddenmakenumberless in alreadyoftopics but attempts to the censorship 1904 critical, veryanditsophisticatedaswillwe in complex, see casethe of only. censorship preliminary under publishing three resume and after warnings suspended be to had periodicals which to according 1882 27, August on act publishers and editors materialsmenacingexistingregime.theaccusedpublishing of journalism from banish to authorized was which Affairs, Press rest. The word „censorship‟ in fact stopped being used and censorship committees were were committees censorship and used being stopped fact in „censorship‟ word The rest.

ArlenBlium, CharlesA.Ruud Ruud Ruud CharlesA. - 1905. , ed. Robert,ed. Justin Goldstein (London: Praeger, 2000), 246. , , New rules for the press (which worked not so well on practice though), so called so though), practice on well so not worked (which press the for rules New (1894 II Nicholas Tsar of reign the of decade first the During

Russia FightingWords

Gumanitarnoeagenstvo “Akademicheskiy proekt,”1994), 29.


Ruud decision, also exacerbated by the danger of a heavy fine or even the editors‟ editors‟ the even or fine heavy a of danger the by exacerbated also decision,

40, No. 40, 4 (Oct.,1981): ,246

Zakulisami „Ministerstva pravdy‟: taynaya istoriya Sovetskoy tsenzury, 1917 The final Statute of April 26, 1906 put an end to censorship. to end an put 1906 26, April of Statute final The , ,

“ “Russia,”in - The 247,257 , 197. , PrintingPress Agentas an of Political Change in Early -

259. TheWar thefor Public Mind:

385 - 391.


sed on press. the sed

PoliticalCensorship inNineteenth

352 Voskhod

TheC 355 aig no consideration into taking 354


353 t h sm tm t time same the At - ommission issued an issuedan ommission . 1929](

Censorship became Censorship - 1917), there were were there 1917),

- n censorship and CenturyRussia Sankt - Nevertheless, 1929 - - Century

[Behind he , ” CEU eTD Collection 2013),4 http://web.princeton.edu/sites/english/csbm/papers/censorship/censorship_russia.pdf 357 ignored.were page, same the evenon issues, same inthe publishedmessage and similar a sometimescontaining America), to innnecessarily (not emigration to devoted articles while harmful, concerning and undesirable tone moderate a with articles the of Some emigration. for explicitcall or implicit the accompaniedoften quite legislationthat discriminatory its and Russia of image bad the with concerned more much were censors twenty entire the during twicejust inAmerica paper the touched to of addressedemigration problem the The censors bewritesafelegislation.aabout.Jewishto quite Nevertheless, subject emigration seemed more and more became attitude biased Their harshly. Russian in journal Jewish only the treated censors ed The privilege. this retain to order in continuously fight to had he censorship, preliminary censors the andof„romance‟. sort evena of editor main the times At closure. paper‟s the with ended which hostility of point high the to supportive extent some to being through aggressive being from went Censorship periods. three the into existence towards attitudes censorship of development of example periodshortof time. unfortunately, but, Government, Provisional the by 1917 of Revolution February

itor had to present himself at himself present to had itor PaulFoot - without journal his publish to permission the received Landau though Even the by illustrated well very be can Empire Russian the in censorship of history The 5; Ruud e,

CensorshipPractice inRussia: Circularsof the Directorateof C Voskhod ,

Russia vigilant

357 , , 24 s eain wt censors. with relations ‟s


- - 248. ih h got o atsmts ad h reinforcemen the and antisemitism of growth the with

six years of of years six Voskhod

the Chief Administration of Press Affairs Press of Administration Chief the , Adol , Voskhod

f Landau, developed a peculiar symbiosis with with symbiosis peculiar a developed Landau, f 96

s existence ‟s In the present chapter, I will examine the the examine will I chapter, present the In Voskho r oiis ee rae a highly as treated were politics er d wih udvdd h journal‟s the subdivided which , A . nd even in those rare cases cases rare those in even nd ensorship1865

(accessed:January 12,

quite often, since since often, quite - 1904 for a very very a for o anti of t , - CEU eTD Collection 360 359 Andor 1882 358 iss the of version final the from cut was but issue, the of content of table the in stayed (which Vol‟ A.L. by theology” Christian for Talmud the of significance “The year: previous the of 12 issue in included items three in contained was which information harmful the about report a wrote Petrov, A. censor, a 1882, 22, January on later, week one inpublished had hearticles the visit to called was Landau 1882 16, January On earlier. bitlittle a started censorship with problems interests. Jewish defending when people Russian the offend to not journals Gotovtsev, Dmitry Interior, after antisemitism time. that devoted article no Interestingly, censorship. Jewsisthe to open followed if asthey acted Censors interes no of be to proved theme emigration the America, to devoted poem one of exception Withthe not. were topics whichand about write to safe were topics which Voskhoda monthly the after years first Censorshipwith periodof The 5.1.

RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 501, fol. 26. Kelner, John ,”

(Budapest: i n Klier n general, In practicallyLandauAdolf publicist experiencedThe the Chief A Chief the

JewishatStudies Centralthe EuropeanUniversity Zhurnal“Voskhod”

started to be published. These years were a testing period for his understanding of understandinghisof for testingperiod ayears be were published. These to started Kelner argues that censorship started to react to critical articles on Russian Russian on articles critical to react to started censorship that argues Kelner ,“ NewforPolitics Old: ReassessmentA of Traditionalthe Jewish Political Leadership in 1881 Central European

” Trials and Errors:Ground and TrialsTests Landauthe Relations of Adolf the dministration of Press Affairs for the first time to give an explanation on on explanationgive an to timefirst the for Affairs Press of dministration January 30, 1882, when one of the heads from the Ministry of the the of Ministry the from heads the of one when 1882, 30, January . Voskhod 358


23 ‟s - 28.

ulse a ere n hc h cuind Russian cautioned he which in decree a published University Voskhod Nedel‟naya khronika Voskhoda khronika Nedel‟naya passed 1881, year, first Count Nikolay Ignaty Count ,

2002 and its weekly supplement supplement weekly its and

), 134. to emigration to America was published during during published wasAmerica to emigration to 97


II,1999 ev ‟s remark‟sthat

walk ihu ay nevnin from intervention any without - 2001

one day before. day one ed ,ed. Andras

on a tightrope a Nedel‟naya khronika khronika Nedel‟naya

“ the western border western the ue), “The Literary Literary “The ue), t for censorship. for t Kovacs 359 360

u actual But

during the

and Lessthan - Jewish Jewish

E szter -

CEU eTD Collection 365 364 363 362 361 no leave poem the from parts other censor, the by picked lines the reading after remain may hesitations any If America. anychanges. freedom.” and love brotherhood, for unite Earth the on people all let “And 24 page on and lives” equality where castes, the between is Tsar the where country the to faster us “Carry A.M. l by the from lines four Ocean” reproved particularly censor The the Verbov. “To poem Jewish the finally, the and, Reform Lilienblum Leib to Moshe Necessity by Religion” the “About Ring, M. by Jerusalem” of Destruction Histor Hillel: of Family “The Steinberg, O.N. by Russia” of Shores the from Lantern: “The articles the were These censorship. of side the from wrath a such look to interesting is It Tolstoy. Dmitry Count by office the issue.weekssuspend4 beforejustofThispublishingIgnatyevin the happened was replaced to necessary it deemed Ignatyev, Nikolay Count Interior, the of Minister the and harmful 1 issues in published articles several recognized censor the of report the following Affairs Press the on Committee the 3 May On 1882. spring in time OnceChiefthe wasAdministrationAffaicalledto Landau again of Press March1882, Mevakker by Chronicle”

A.Verbov, Ocean,”“To the Ibid.,fols. 35 Ibid.,fols. 30, 31,33. RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 501, fols. 27 FromHebrew critic.‟ „a penname,A which Iehuda Leyb usedGordon writing in It is obvious that the country to which Mr. Verbov alluded is the United States of States United the is alluded Verbov Mr. which to country the that obvious is It first the for emigration for calling implicitly article an to attention paid censors The uens Pontos Euxeinos 365 Nedel‟naya khronika VoskhodaNedel‟nayakhronika - 37.



” by an anonymous author, “About the Jewish Question in in Question Jewish the “About author, anonymous an by ” n te om I te hnesom b Smn Frug. Simon by Thunderstorm” the “In poem the and

doubt: “In painful grief we are sailing westwards from our our from westwards sailing are we grief painful “In doubt:

1 - 2(1882): 20 364 - 27v.

98 was mentioned twice in the censorship reports. censorshipreports. in mentionedthe wastwice Neverthele - 24.

reo, hr n dfeec exists difference no where freedom, ss, the poem was published without published was poem the ss, ical Novel from the Times of the the of Times the from Novel ical

- ast named poem: on page 21 page on poem: named ast at the articles which evoked evoked which articles the at of 2 Voskhod Voskhod rs. 363 .

s extremely as 362

In CEU eTD Collection 371 370 369 368 367 366 to adding of permission the for of samethe inpolemicsunnoticedpoem ocean. the the about left was but issue, the from articles other in light bad ina depicted was herself Russia when ch any without was it as published was poem nation!” great one in “[unite] line: dangerous most the probably, was what report, the in include not did but brotherhood, th in danger a saw he why strange is it cosmopolitism, other. each against fight nations as long as impossible is return the but abundance,” sacred ‟s to return the promised it if as looks one. old the in those than better them treat will country new the in people becomeifsure formoment,know ready not onlyforcalm a stormyIndeedto do again. Jews laughs itsinsanecrowd blindindifferent hostility, with world isthe and si them slander and rob Beat, want! you as much as pro the of all” at sleep can ifwe sonssleep, conscienceyour let fatherland, violent “You, Jews: the humiliating of people Russian the accusing verses Ameri only not and humanitypraised that freedom,” andlove brotherhood, for unite Earth the on peopleall ocean.” stormy the through East darling

See,for example, RSHA, 776,FundRegister 6,Folder 501, fols.49,55, 56,58, 59,61, Ibid.,24. Ibid.,23. Ibid.,21. Ibid. Ibid.,20. Voskhod tection, they made their trembling feet run. It is easy to stigmatize Iteasyisrun.tection,made theyfeet theirthemthem! to tremblingStigmatize

In the next few months, censors found something undesirable something found censors months, few next the In is ocean The approach. Zionist rather a has it America, praises poem the Although

‟s weekly supplement. weekly‟s ca, caught the censor‟s attention, while he was insensitive to some other other some to insensitive was he while attention, censor‟s the caught ca,


However, no amendments were ordered, and at the end the the end the at and ordered, were amendments no However, Voskhod 371

Nevertheless, Landau was audacious enough to petition to Nevertheless,enough audaciousLandau was 366 ‟s program sections on inner and foreign general general foreign and inner on sections program ‟s 369

Interestingly, the rather innocent lines “And let “And lines innocent rather the Interestingly, 99

If the censor suspected the author of a call for call a of author the suspected censor the If anges. Surprisingly, censors had complained had censors Surprisingly, anges.

there is no punishment for that! The The that! for punishment no is there e lines about the need for human human for need the about lines e


or “Enable to find mercy and mercyfind “Enableto or in almost every issue every almost in lent…” 63.

“[The ocean] ocean] “[The 368

CEU eTD Collection 376 375 374 373 372 mostly were against directed which interventions, the withstand to managed Landau success of degree certain a with moment this Until weekly. the over control the of reinforcement a for 1884 o supplement weekly its and 1884, andmockerygovernment evenhighlyimproper dogmasofthe ChristianofChurch.”the Voskhod accused He 5/6. issuein beenpublished all had which Gurvich, L. by London”from Letters Jews: English the among Reforms Religious towards Movement “The and Lyakhovetskiy N Travel Visit: keep if wanted to they wou This character. Jewish of exclusively not were that matters on comment to periodical Jewish a want not Press did of generally Administration Affairs Chief the that assume can we hand, other the On supplement. reports censors‟ of many the of consequences 1886. 8, November 1883. 17, December on rejection another got and later months whichfor department, censorship ofthe journal the of editor and publisher “the that explanation the withpetition therejected Feoktistov, Evgeniy Affairs, Press ofAdministration Chief the a and Jewish) exclusively (not events

Ibid.,fols. Ibid.,fol. 78. Ibid.,fol. 133. Ibid.,fol. 84. Ibid.,fol. 69. Although a “On articles the reproved censor, the report, another in 1883, 2, September On

f ttl disinclin “total of 77, 78,82, 88,92.

ee‟aa khr Nedel‟naya otes Voskhod 374 ” by P.Y. Levenson, “Trips to the Land of Pogroms” by L. L. by Pogroms” of Land the to “Trips Levenson, P.Y. by ” Voskhod

n h oe ad tee eetos em o e ut logical quite be to seem rejections these hand, one the On

was mentioned in the censorship reports three times three reports censorship inthe mentioned was

ation towards Russian society, malicious attacks on the the on attacks malicious society, Russian towards ation

„decent‟. nk Voskhoda onika l twice, nly market chronicle market he got reproofs.” hegot

ld probably have given censors much more work work more much censors given have probably ld 100

376 which had been received on received been had which

Te aet rtqe drse te weekly the addressed critique latest The .

censor O. Elenev petitioned on July 10, 10, July on petitioned Elenev O. censor . On . Voskhod 372

Landau petitioned again several several againpetitioned Landau January 28, 1883 the Head of of Head the 1883 28, January 373

repeatedly violated orders violated repeatedly

h sm hpee on happened same The Voskhod

during 1883 during

and its and 375

- CEU eTD Collection 379 378 377 is1884 June15, itandbe verydeserve of peculiar, some parts cited to textually: hired.becaneveryone andthat no is there the that concludes of author the success movement, emigration the of readers the assure To America. to Russia from emigrate also can friends and families their that so home, back money of lot a quite send colonists contrary, or charitable of support the need not do wrote, correspondent the there, People America. in colonies agricultural Jewish flourishing on news wondrous reported had Chronicle ForeignThe in 24, issue instance, For issues. muchcriticized these articlesof inSopotskinin“Byarticleandissue the way”28.” the from letter the in as well as 27, issue in Vitebsk from correspondence the and mutantur” front inthe unrestraint particular with lately appeared paper this of trend harmful The citizens. other towards feelings hostile f selecting bymeaning theirgoals; and interpret andgovernmentof thedeceitfully act andthe “ that said had attitude biased a which found 1884, 24, July on Interior of Ministry the from warning first the got weekly whole, inseparable an as treated being but well, as supplement ictitiousfacts itirksomeor twisted inwith qualities supports certainpopulationof athe part

Nedel‟naya khronikaVoskhoda RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 501, fols. 98 Kelner, meetonway theinbeginnings.our else freedom of acquired I years, life halfTheclose. isfuture bright Thea […]roundhouse. a in work and knowledgeand onetechnicalsome after now, and skills, any without pauper a as Russia left I withouthesitationAmerica come to to you advise would he/she experience, my through America at looked everyone If me. near countrymightyourwishaffectdecision,myof inhugedesire I you spite to beunbiased see to h cnos opeey goe te rie f mrc epesd n aiu oth various in expressed America of praise the ignored completely censors The Zhurnal“Voskhod” – Nedel‟naya khronika Voskhoda khronika Nedel‟naya

such life completely replaces from memory those bitter moments which we always always we which moments bitter those memory from replaces completely life such I have to talk with you about your trip to Americ to trip your youaboutwith talk have to I n lbri onr weehmnlbri ad uhbte hn everywhere than better much paid is labor human where country a in labor and

towards Christianity on the pages of the papers. Particularly, it was was it Particularly, papers. the of pages the on Christianity towards



- 24(1884), 680. 28.


- page articles of issues 24, 24, issues of articles page

The publication of a private letter sent from New York on sentfrom letter York New private a Theof publication

. As for me, I bless the time when I decided to come here. here. come decided to I when timethe bless me,I for As .

very often allows itself to bluntly reproach laws laws reproach bluntly to itself allows often very - 101 100v.


a; and because my opinion about this opinionmythis about andbecause a; 27, 28, in the articles “Tempora articles the in 28, 27,

lack of jobs in America at all all at America in jobs of lack 377

both the monthly and its and monthly the both ganizations; on the the on ganizations;

er er CEU eTD Collection 380 tre people Russian the of estates all and Government the that conviction the them among instilling order, existing the against latter the incite and Jews concerning government the of orders the and laws vigorously reproach warning, first the of spite “In Jews: towards accusing 1885, 3, July on of 2 issue in published all Yaroshevskiy, D of History “LiteraryChronicle. Leb, I. by Question” Jewish the of Theory “A Rombro, Jacob by Parallel” Historical A Jews: of Faith the in Bourgeoisie the of Role “The articles the in tones undesirable some discovered c the 1885, 8, February on later, months six Nevertheless, articles. revising and resettlement. hisallcorresp from letter this publish to chose Landau reason some for But trip. the make to them enable to order in emigrants potential to money offer not did he paragraph last the in if Russia, doubt any cast not would one And people. of lot a attract obviously would free for university a at study and money good get honestly, work skills, professional some quickly learn to possibility the success, to way

Ibid.28 (1884): 789 h ti ad „cifkre fo Hmug o mrc, n ltr e il qae accounts square will we later and somehow. America, to Hamburg from „Schiffskarte‟ a and trip the for money you send will I and possible as soon as mewrite redemption), happinessand great arrive everyo modestmeans willandhe beexempt tuitionfrom a paying fee.[…] (which person famous a by signed paper a show I that ammuchspending money,managed I quitetosignificantsave a amount. After he received the first warning, Landau became extremely careful in selecting selecting in careful extremely became Landau warning, first the received he After letter obviously Theo purpose hiddenhas a –

hs m da fin, o sol nt ea yu ti t Aeia Te onr you sooner The America. to trip your delay not should you friend, dear my Thus, to has student every poor all: at difficultnot is it localuniversities, toapplying for As lo initiallya sufferedI that hide togoing not amI […] the closer you will get to happiness. If you decided to come to decided you If happiness. to get will you closer the ondence; and for someforondence; reasonignored other and such the call censors urgent anfor 380

- 790.


n h ato‟ hns dsr t hl hs rtrn et in left brethren his help to desire honest author‟s the on

of blaming the Russian population for its resentment resentment its for population Russian the blaming of eprived at them with merciless and blind cruelty. This trend trend This cruelty. blind and merciless with them at Voskhod 102 Nedel‟na Shmul” by M.M., M.M., by Shmul”

. A second warning came very soon after, after, soon very came warning second A . ffromAnprofiting naive emigrants. easy akrnk Voskhoda khronika ya ne would gladly give) assuring his his assuring give) gladly would ne t. […] Now, in spite of the fact theof spite Now,in[…] t. and “On the Way” by S.O. S.O. byWay” the“On and

(which would be your be would (which

continues to to continues ensors still ensors CEU eTD Collection 385 384 383 382 381 confiscate likeVictorif not issueanythere. to somethingprinted did they month six for stopped 1 issues in non (a Mordovtsev Dmitry by Massacre‟” Uman „The of Times histor a tale, Abramovich‟s against actsprotest the Government.” ofthe of path chosen the follows bluntly and stubbornly office editorial the that prove eloquently paper Jewish the of trend the reprehensible about Affairs Press of Administration Chief the informed repeatedly Affairs] Press the [on Committee “the that report his in claimed Elagin everyone. by beaten horse old people Jewish the where Burstein, by Nag” a of Adventures “The tale the and Sforim) Mocher (Mendele Abramovich‟s by Animals” towards Sympathy Elagin, 1891, 20, February 1888. in published.publicationthe Nonetheless, journalhis inof wasagain onceandsuspended 1887 journalofthe issue2 in the Jewish Question” “Aof the Bourgeoisie” Theory and Roleof thearticles“The frontthe pr the of 48 issue of 29 issuein Way”JacobRombro “By[byin article the bias the expressedspecial a was also with

Ibid.,fol. 174. Ibid.,fols. 162 Ibid.,fols. 148, 149,153. Ibid.,fols. 138, 140. Ibid.,fols. 120 Soon after, on March 13, 1891, the third warning was received. Besides Besides received. was warning third the 1891, 13, March on after, Soon he materials the towards cautious very himself Landau made experiences These - 382 page article and in the Foreign Chronicle in issue 25 of the current year, and in the inthe and year, current the of 25 issuein Foreign Chronicle inthe article and page -

3 was mentioned as harmful. Publication of the journal and its supplement was was supplement its and journal the of Publication harmful. as mentioned was 3 he times Three Voskhod Nedel‟naya khronika Nedel‟naya

- - 171. 121. evious year [by Ben [by year evious


of the current year.” current ofthe



After the resumption of publishing censors would have the right the have would censors publishing of resumption the After ical novel “B novel ical Voskhod

of the previous year, in an article with the same name in name same the with inarticle anyear, previous the of a ciiie b te esr i 1 in censors the by criticized was ‟s main censor objected to the critical tale “A Nag or or Nag “A tale critical the to objected censor main ‟s - Ami etween etween 381 384 103 – Voskhod


a Rock and a Hard Place: A Tale from the the from Tale A Place: Hard a and Rock a ], in the front the in ], ad h ment the and ; - - Jew by the way) published published way) the by Jew page article in issue 24, in 24, issue in article page ioned examples […] […] examples ioned

was presented as an an as presented was 890. Kelnerclaims that 383

ial, on Finally, –

A.S. ]

CEU eTD Collection 389 388 387 386 fordown of rest thei the impoverished,robbed,broken were destitute, who victimsemigration, becameof Jews who Price. b can steamers cattle on travelling calledbe can ordinarysteamship an of class in third traveling If cattle. the of care take hadsteamerscattleto the sent and on have leftmoneywereanydid not remigrants who people were there that elsewhere writes he back, going about think would nobody Russia, stepmother abandoning after that mentions he Although experience. byemigrationthe disappointed Russiawill own their to of return whoemigrants Voskhod inbreak publication. of Price, Results George America: by in Movement” Jews Emigration “Russian article serial a find we 1891 year the for 1 in Nevertheless, printed. were articles such where volumes those ignored deliberately 1891 some blockedwere be or to changed. paragraphshad layout. draft the in censor the to shown be to had issues the worse: the for changed really not was plight his maybe materials the himself censor to had he as moment this from harder even became task Landau‟s

Price Price RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 502, fol. 48. Kelner,

389 contained any articles concerning emigration. We may even assume that the censors the that assume even may We emigration. concerning articles any contained , , Surprisingly or not, Price is the most critical author writing about America to to America about writing author critical most the is Price not, or Surprisingly of issues the none Interestingly, Russkie evrei Russkie in such a way that censors would not find any undesirable details. undesirable any find not would censors that way a such in

. He does not paint any bad image of Russia, and he is the on theis he and paintimageRussia, bad anyof not does He . He is sharply critical of emigration when he concludes that “the number of Russian number“the of that concludes he emigrationwhen critical of sharplyis He Zhurnal“Voskhod” evrei , V. , 1 V. , 1

r lives or evenmuch is livesnumberhigherthe fromvictimsthat or killed ofr ( ( 1891), 1891),

, 387


- Thus, at least Laudau could avoid financial losses if th if losses financial avoid could Laudau least at Thus, 33.

113 111

- - 115. 124; e compared with suffering in the hell, according to to according hell, the in suffering with compared e

Voskhod Voskhod 388


3 hs scn pr ws ulse atr the after published was part second whose



ht esr dsie bten 82 and 1882 between disliked censors that

71 - 82

. Those so. did nevertheless who

ly one who talks about talksabout lywho one 386

Nevertheless, drudgery e issues e issue the - , CEU eTD Collection 395 394 393 392 391 390 skillfulmostdescribethe cannot writer theirplight: workers. acc on fat getting are who parasites and blood their all suck who vampires is that “capitalists,” as employers their consider inversely “hands” Employees feelings. any without just workers consider employers tough: very was employers with relationship ver is labor Such machine. the to adjustment automatic living of sort a becomes worker “a mechanical: and monotonous but hard, usually not is factory a in work that out pointing development, those than qualified more theirprofessionsits chameleonasachanges color.” change and production capitalist of whims the to submissive continuously emigrants] [the etc. accountant, an sometime after farmer, a become to have will he tomorrow after day the tailor, a tomorrow shoemaker, a be can someone Today America. as profession and labor in instability such with place other no is “There emigrants: inclinationsof willand the accordingto not cases, few veryof exception an with pogroms.” first the

Price Ibid.,122. Ibid.,121. Ibid.,119 Ibid.,116 Ibid.,115. heart willheart not patients new of masses for place free to dying hundreds where hospitals 8 the of Committee him at look him let salary; and labor any for crowdingpeople stick at look , much are universities Russian from graduates that out points Price Furthermore, Russkie evrei 394 - - contemplate

120. 117. Price eloquently depicts the poverty in which emigrants live, assuring that even that assuring live, emigrants which in poverty the depicts eloquently Price trn, sal sml ubaal ad tohe ban activity.” brain atrophies and unbearable simply usually tiring, y If somebody is not convinced, let him walk him let convinced, not is somebody If

y and dirty hovels in which emigrants live their miserable life; let him look at at look him let life; miserable their live emigrants which in hovels dirty and y shiver 390 , V. , 3

the of front in Then he continues that the division of labor and professions occurred, professions and labor of divisionthe that continues he Then hundreds of skinny, hungry martyrs in rags who besiege the Jewish Jewish the besiege who rags in martyrs hungry skinny, of hundreds


th 1891), 72. mute ina horror

St. begging St. from American ones. American from


or emigrant poor

doors of factories and plants inplants and factoriesof doors for , he , heart.notdoes have a

food, shelter and help; let him visit Jewish clinics and and clinics Jewish visit him let help; and shelter food, the offices the 105 s


rkn y re and grief by broken

– He is critical of capitalism and industrial and capitalism of critical is He


e hmse nwadfe hs n f his if and this, feel and know see, him let

ad infinitum ad

of Jewish philanthropic or philanthropicJewish of


stinky street stinky 395 the

. […] Hunger make Hunger […] . mornings, begging in vain in beggingmornings, misery s

of New York; let him him let York; New of are ganizations; let ganizations; ount of their their of ount withering and and withering 393 s them them s

The CEU eTD Collection 396 Russian and language Russian in interest scant already The language. this in information it suppressed had (1885 years many so for Russian in periodical Jewish submissive. more it make to but it, close to order suggests El‟yashevich history. long its to due mostly was that but warnings, censorship of number highest the periodicals sure, be To authorities. the by dangerous as seen trac to difficult larger more and the public Jewish for accessible more been have would latter anti the Any in Yiddish. propaganda governmental or Hebrew in publications than censor to easier were also Russian radi more to resort not did they that so The side. of pages the on opinion its voiceintelligentsia Jewish governmentallet to preferred government the from coming warnings all notwithstanding organs censor motherland.newthe about positive nothing practically say volumes these in America to devoted articles the Thus, paragraphemigrationshort a that hashad he somebut positiveresults,then concludes: into murderoustotallythematerialism.” soaked American that prove charity to donate Jews American that amounts huge the Only

Ibid.,76. andwillcome Argentin or America Palestine, should activists plight their improve Rus in stay still for will Jews of percent impossible 95 […] motherland. is or thousands thousands, even and of hundreds dozens, dozens for convenient and possible is What unpractical. Dmitry El‟yashevich argues that that argues El‟yashevich Dmitry

[It] is[It] s rivals, but simply because no one else wanted to publish Jewish Jewish publish to wanted else one no because simply but rivals, s , prove

soonerlater.or not n t

here. Everyone has to think about about thinkto has Everyonehere. e ietd o spreading to directed be that mass resettlement of Russian Jews Russianresettlement massof that

that the authorities made their warnings to to warnings their made authorities the that

a , but but , to prepare people for future equality, which must come come must which equality, future for peopleprepare to k for the censors. Thus, suspending Thus, censors. the for k Voskhod cal means of expression. Articles published in in published Articles expression. of means cal 106 four

an in fact was supported to some extent by extent some to supported was fact in Voskhod million Jews tightly connected with their their with connected tightly Jews million Voskhod

unrealizable dream about emigration to to emigration about dream unrealizable - 1899) not because harsh censorship censorship harsh because not 1899) this 396 , he explains, remained the only only the remained explains, he , sia, and it is better to think how to to how think to better is it and sia,

. Incontinuation,Price in admits had among all Russian all among had

The e The is is impos nergy and power of Jewish of power and nergy sible, inconceivable and inconceivableand sible, Voskhod hy hv not “have they Voskhod Voskhod -

Jewish Jewish not in not

was was - , CEU eTD Collection 397 beofsomeparts which here:quoted deserve to report, interesting an Affairs Press the on Committee the to wrote Elagin 1892 of beginning suspicion El‟yashevich‟s of proof inprevious mentionedthe a as serve could incident following The it. against act to started enemies hidden journals‟ the Nevertheless, concerned. were censors the with CensorshipAttacks Relatively ofThe a Existence:PeriodLearns howLandau5.2. Avoidthe Peaceful to heavily were which issues the warnings criticizedforreaso got and other in appeared that and resettlement for called explicitly that articles such even ignored, carefully were America to emigration about articles Later, n Russian the on attack concomitant its while freedom,‟ the in America of land „the as America to presenting for criticized was 1882, in published devoted poem the monthly, publications fourteen of out one Only population. Jewish discrimin Government‟s the of critique and religion Christian the of dogmas determined: pogroms, were henceforth publish to dangerous topics the warnings, ten first the After tar fact subjects. in intervention censor‟s the that is suggest would I What century. Russian of number the nineteenth the of end the at rapidly dropped claims, El‟yashevich readers, Jewish among publications

El‟yashevich, The second period of of period second The of explanation This century. Pravitel‟stvennayapolitika 397

- eihproiassatdt rwfo h bgnigo h next the of beginning the from grow to started periodicals Jewish

section, that that section, Voskhod -

year period of of period year Voskhod ‟s singularity does not seem to be convincing, because convincing, be to seem not does singularity ‟s , 401 , ‟s existence went relatively well as far as relations relations as far as well relatively went existence ‟s Voskhod - 403, 409 ns. 107


was in fact supported by the censors. At the At by supported censors. thefact in was - 410,413. ‟s existence, at the price of three three of price the at existence, ‟s eighbors

ative policies towards the towards policies ative was surprisingly ignored. surprisingly was ee certain geted CEU eTD Collection 398

RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 501, fols. 188 always tried to keep Jews in Russia and not to encourage their emigration. When the famo the When emigration. their encourage to not and Russia in Jews keep to tried always Settlement,” of “Pale infamous the of destruction the and rights their extending for which Egyptiancaptivity.[…] reader Jewish the that so there, place taking atrocities wandersfog. ina […] the t concealing trampling earth on impudently paradise government, Russian addition, In Russia. towards thefeelings sacred and patriotism to subordination lawful and duties civil from Jews freed it though as emigration presenting [and question this to devoted fol Voskhod newspaper the of trends harmfulextremely of denunciation anonymous harmless, comparatively is would which became same, content the remained the tendency significantly, the although down tone the it put with periodical together months six for suspended was and warning third the got it 1891, March in finally, until, detained repeatedly Thus, repressions. of number a to led periodical disserve religion of side ceremonialexternal purely dark the the todevotion of fanatic the and stagnationthisstagnation that consideringrightly extreme Jewry, Russianof mass the opposing stop not does and not did existence its of time in picturing for opp extremefood the lavish colors gloomy it gave 1882, 3, May on issued Laws” “Temporary famous the and South the in pogromsJewish The paper. the of emergencethe with coincided and Russia lim the of because form biased and harsh censorshipyears.Since11 steps, thefor itsfirst opposed paper government ourofthe acts in a supplement accusationinoneparagraph false. as condiredthe I comfortably.there in settlepossible tois it that Argentina andthat in shines fact sunthe the about talks it there: laudatory nothing is there that say must I Excellence, Your Jewish 1001 columns in a lineshighlighted aboutthe reading After dreamsArgentina. in kingdom with lulled is fantasy the allegedly where 36, issue the in Chronicle d “ as Jews for emigration ofJewishdisastrousthe questio solution the towards lead can which remedy radical the as emigration consider we do means of 23 issue in article page not did and inciteful anything of publishsummary The either. concealanything not did it but emigration, of question the place, on articles took already which fact the with connection in th activitiesabout and Russia in activities their open to corporation the to permission articles of number appeared, Hirsch Baron of project colonization enunciation, while ignoring these articles, draws the reader‟s attention to the Foreign Foreign the to attention reader‟s the draws articles, these ignoring while enunciation,

lowing: lose Voskhod Voskhod Addressing these accusations I feel the necessity to say several words about the goals, words the aboutseveral necessity say to the feel AddressingIaccusations these Thetries author alltosupport these accusations withreferences tothe articles. makes newspaper the articles numerous In 6. articles inciting printing emigration awful to Jews encourages newspaper The 1. Head The Mr. Now a . A nameless author of Jewish origin (as he says himself) accuses himself) says he (as origin Jewish of author nameless A .

its (original italics).” And in the front the in And italics).” (original Nedel‟naya khronika Nedel‟naya the motherland in the full sense of this word this of sense full the in motherland the raison d‟etre raison

now pursues. Complaining continuously on the oppression of Jews, fighting fighting Jews, of oppression the on continuously Complaining pursues. now te only the ,

o t aayi. hs umr atr h polmto aot giving about proclamation the after summer, This analysis. its to

K .

hronika periodical of the Russian Jews Jews Russian the of periodical n…More that:than“ of ression of Russian Jewry. In addition, addition, In Jewry. Russian of ression

s newspaper. […] The consequences followed fast: the the fast: followed consequences The […] newspaper. s preliminary without Petersburg Saint in published been has h Cif diitain f rs Affairs Press of Administration Chief the 398 for the current year, where the following is said: “by no “by said: is following the where year, current the for

108 Voskhod - 189. itations concerning Jews that were introduced in in introduced were that Jews concerning itations


page article in issue 30, Russia is recognized is Russia 30, issue in article page Voskhod ‟s vi ‟s Voskhod s Jewry itself. The biased approach of the the of approach biased The itself. Jewry s weconsiderasour sacred dutyoppose to

ew on emigration is given in the front the in given is emigrationon ew nesadbe ohrie h journal the otherwise understandable, es ae usa rsnig t s the as it presenting Russia hate Jews

(original italics).” The author of the the of author The (originalitalics).” was fast to react to it, devoting a a devoting it, to react to fast was

received two warnings, and was was and warnings, two received Voskhod n Russian in Voskhod

presents Argentina as a as Argentina presents Voskhod Nedel‟naya khronika Nedel‟naya ,

- started to publish publish to started 10 ih t weekly its with e policies of its its of policies e Voskhod 02 of issue 36, 36, issue of 02

during all the the all during received an an received he Jews‟ Jews‟ he Voskhod

of the the of us us -

CEU eTD Collection 403 402 401 400 399 America. North organizeto emigration necessaryto is it whyis This emigrants of mass the all their colonies abso to able be not would combined countries the of both as Palestine, to emigration Jewry?” for home and hearth cozy a there establish not Why else. what knows who and autonomy, politica thought, Jewish flourishing independence, communal science, Jewish synagogues, decent schools, good life, comfortable and prosperous Argentina in find to possible is “It but Palestine, Argentina. opposed Russian Rülf Isaac Dr. rabbi Attempts”) Rescue our and Suffering of History their Jews, Russian (“The th The to. C Foreign the adducedinformer referred anonymous informer the and censor the which articles the examine us let attitude, e brochure e

Ibid. Ibid.,1002. Ibid.,1001. Ibid.,999 “T he he Argentinawell.as sun the that pro this From matters. lofty about him to talk can you time, spare the in then, and future the for food with provided and fed be to has man a all Argentini po lofty any connect to strange be would it that understand We course. becausehis doctrine according to

F The author further explains that the heart of the people of Israel will always stay in stay always will Israel of people the of heart the that explains further author The supportive strangely his prove To apologetic. extremely sounds tone Elagin‟s - 402 orei eih mgain ic te 80. u h ws is o al P a all of first was he But 1860s. the since emigration Jewish the establishment of agricultural colonies in the United States of America and and America of States United the in colonies agricultural of establishment the 400 -

1000. gnC hn h ato mnin ta eirto t Agnia s o a are for barrier a not is Argentina to emigration that mentions author the Then

the rabbi rabbi the “ Nedel‟nayakhronika Jews have to create a convenient place for living wherever they would settle. settle. would they wherever living for place convenient a create to have Jews an colonization. But we repeat over and over again our againover and over repeat we Butcolonization. an Die hronicle 403

shines russischen 399 ,” 401 furnishes

Nedel‟nayakhronika Voskhoda

s icse. t s ad ht h ato ws get supporter great a was author the that said is It discussed. is

ut wloig o Israel to welcoming quite


h ielgcl ai fr h clnzto t te oy Land, Holy the to colonization the for basis ideological the

Voskhoda , ,

the sun foronlyshines Israel there.Believers are ofblessed, ihre

Leidensgeschichte 109 hronicle from issue 36 for the year 1892, where 1892, year the for 36 issue fromhronicle


36(1892), 999 [ saic point of view it is necessary to admit admit to necessary is it view of point saic enn te epe f Israel of people the meaning

this view thissayingthat

und - 1002.

caeterum censeo caeterum unsere

etic f etic Rettungsversuche alestinophile

eelings with the the with eelings by the Memel Memel the by

that first of first that –

A.S. rb in rb

] and and

of in in ” l

CEU eTD Collection 405 404 Voskhoda khronika Nedel‟naya as present to wished aggravate provoking article every and his was accusation the because Mr. of guidance ago. years the three just emigrated under had who Sabsovich, there adjusted emigrants quickly how describing colors, its paints article The Fund. Hirsch Baron the of support with founded also America, Northern of States United the in Woodbine colony agricultural flourishing America. in settle successfully to months emigrant 140,000 helped it when Committee the of activities triumphant the of members the in passages other ignored censor the and informer placeresettlement.for determining metaphorically good a not conditionsabout and article the explicit this on censor defend surprisingly,to is, Thewhich goal, ownhis pursuing Russia. leave to aspiring everyone for place a provide to able be not would Americ to emigration to points author the Particularly, children. their to education give landand the on work community, a establish to ablebe would Jews where any place to Argentina, but exclusivelyto emigration Th hispoints. illustrate to articles selectingin careful

Ibid.,996 Ibid.

Let us now examine the articles to which Elagin referred in order to show what he what show to order in referred Elagin which to articles the examine now us Let accuse to wanted informer the Thus, Voskhod - to the phrase the to 997.

the Berlin Central Emigration Central Berlin the

call for finding a better place than Russia. Indeed, he reduced he Indeed, Russia. placethan better a finding for call ‟s case. Voskhod

the sun the

„ awful emigration awful

s tu‟ netos Te front The intentions. „true‟ ‟s first priority and he was not concer not was he and priority first

a a atraie lc i cs Plsie n Argentina and Palestine case in place alternative an as a appeared as a reaction to information published by the the by published information to reaction a as appeared shines

in Argentina in

110 Committee 404 Voskhod ‟. Elagin, obviously, preferred to do so not to not so do to preferred obviously, Elagin, ‟.

hy lo goe te eot bu the about report the ignored also They 405 e author of the article does not support not does article the of author e

,” as if it was literally about weather about literally was it if as ,” for some purpose, but was not really not was but purpose, some for


Voskhod The informer ignored these articles these ignored informer The ae su hr n fte main the of one where issue same Karl Emil Franzos Emil Karl - page article in issue 30 of of 30 issue in article page , preferred to close his eyes hiscloseeyes to preferred , ned with selecting each each selecting with ned

success in bright bright in success , reported about reported , s in the last 15 last the in s the content of of content the Both theBoth CEU eTD Collection 408 407 406 inworkingofHirsch‟s oneBaron G blesses emigrant an letters published the hated. allegedlysettlers whom ColonelGoldsmith, Argentina,in colonies One articleinfamous ofstrictnesshisdefendsforthe the administrator statement. ofown the wo heissue, thisat looked closelyhadinformer anonymous the If writings. Price‟s of reminiscent are used author the that wording the even and arguments Jewish improvingintelligentsiaMoreover, thefor Jewish ofthe thecolonization. support the monthly Russian influential of opinion the even not was it Moreover, context. page front the of text original the in accentuated was „motherland‟ word the because probably motherland As motherland. their mentioned in stay will millions and thousands of hundreds hundreds,thousands questioninOnly Russia. inseemood,doesitsnot solution judge Jewish the about o emigration ascanwe the intelligentsia Jewishagainst will. own their on Argentina in settle to decided who Jews needy help to aiming goals philanthropic exclusively itclaims,pursues author fact,the In Russia. from emigrationJewishsupport not ba Association Colonization daily Russian

Ibid., Ibid., Nedel‟naya khronikaVoskhoda article. In fact, the sentence which he picked has another meaning another has picked he which sentence the fact, In article.

t em ta Eai, rig o defend to trying Elagin, that seems It 831. 818 Vos -

819. in (original khod Vestnik Evropy Vestnik

usaa Zhizn Russkaya

is afraid that a mistaken opinion given in given opinion mistaken a that afraid is italics

) in ) sed in London and sponsored by Baron Maurice de Hirsch did did Hirsch de Maurice Baron by sponsored and London in sed Vestnik Evropy Vestnik

30(1892), 817


the fullsensethe The Messenger of Europe of Messenger The [ Association: h Rsin Life Russian The

colonies. - 818. 408 . 111

of this word. ofthis Voskhod od for being in Argentina and especially for for especially and Argentina in being for od “It is a factais “It


tens of thousands of Jews can emigrate, but canemigrate, Jews tensofthousands of Voskhod ]. ]. Voskhod Voskhod

quoted it with the hidden inten hidden the withit quoted

that the Jewish intelligentsia, as far intelligentsia, as Jewish the that ” ] js to te ut randomly, quote the took just , 406 usa s fo is Russia ,

, but a quote taken from the the from taken quote a but , Russkaya Zhizn Russkaya argued here that the Jewish Jewish the that here argued uld even have found support foundsupport have uldeven r Russian Jews Russian r

407 in its original the the original its in

Then, in one of inone Then, t a right was it

may turn the the turn may f Jewish the tion of of tion the the ly - CEU eTD Collection 410 409 w oppressions topic: authors‟ appreciated most the to “devoted were both that mentioned censor The well. as critique a got Frug Simon by Prayer” “The poem Another Tager. I. by creation literary a Song,” attracte poem a Again emigration. a to time last and second the for reacted censor the investigation.furthersupportiveneedsstill articles. subsequent in given was emigration of results the on feedback positive the issue, previous Hir Baron of praise with finishes and necessity counter of disguise the Under Russia. of gubernias inner the in reside to Jews of right the defend to purpose where sum, In cooperation. sympathyand it deserve activitieshis concludes that author The control. under take to decided who Hirsch Baron as man a such to grateful be thus should everyone in flight, disorderly a is Emigration Jews. the and country the both for beneficial be would Russia in colonization Jewish colonization. of sake the for but emigration, of sake the for not emigrate Jews Therefore colonization. of purpose the Se of Pale the outside move to Jews of right the defends and land the on work to want RussianJews newspaperthat saysThe population. Jewish the uneven of distribution the is problem the but overpopulated, means no by is which Russia, for disadvantageous front the of author The censor. the

Ibid., Nedel‟naya khronikaVoskhoda

The incident has an interesting aftermath. About a month later, on October 21, 1892, 21, October later,on amonth About aftermath.interesting an hasincident The by distorted also was used, Elagin which 23, issue from quote the of meaning The 643 410

- 644,648 The question why Elagin turned from being hostile towards towards hostile being from turned Elagin why question The Voskhod - 650. - emigration arguments the author tries to present emigration as a a as emigration present to tries author the arguments emigration

leel age aant emi against argued allegedly

23(1892), 633

hich Jews endure nowadays and which drive them from the the from them drive which and nowadays endure Jews hich d the censor‟s attention. This time it was “The Wind‟ Wind‟ “The was it time This attention. censor‟s the d - ae ril age ta te mgain f es is Jews of emigration the that argued article page - 635.

1 12

sch. Moreover, as was the case with the the with case the was as Moreover, sch. Voskhod gration, the journal only had the the had only journal the gration, hc pol ls a o, and lot, a lose people which ‟s publications concerning concerning publications ‟s ttlement Voskhod


409 to

CEU eTD Collection 413 412 411 “ article the of part second America about article more one contains issue mentioned the that consideration into t of speaks Americaauthor guessaboutthe followingofthat becauselines:the s the help to happy is wind The ocean. the across outcasts European of full ship a moving is he while speak wind the makes poem The disliked. censor the lines which see can we that so archive, the do subsequently was which writing, Frug‟s of ending changethe to and volume the from poem deleteTager‟s to censor emerge.” may freedom their where lands, other to motherland o the poem only because of the recent denunciation. It gets even more interesting if we take take ifweinteresting getsevenmore It denunciation. recent becausethe poemof the only o

Ibid.,fol. 194. Ibid. RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 501, fol. 191. Voskhod

Such an isolated intervention against the articles devoted to emigration on the pages pages the emigrationon to devoted articles the intervention against isolated an Such

must seem suspect to say the least. It seems that the censor directed his attention directed attention seemshiscensor the It that least. say the to seemmustsuspect

hip to reach its destination faster. The place is not named, but we can can we but named, not is place The faster. destination its reach to hip The night windThemarvelous night songabouta dreams.sang […] [It is spreadhis[It where place]the God generously, gifts

Together with people.”Together happinessthe ofour Whereofstillthe the waters ne. Where the sun does not hide not Whereits sundoes thegolden disk, Jews in New York” by G. D‟Orse, originally D‟Orse, G. by York” New in Jews “Where a savagefought“Whereawith lionIndian a This is not a ismysteriousThis not wind! sighof the

412 Among eternal trees covered with ivy.Amongwithcoveredeternal trees Where shady palms look at water,at Wherelook shadypalms Life

Nevertheless, a copy of “The Wind‟s Song” was saved in saved was Song” Wind‟s “The of copy a Nevertheless,

and freedombornandwerethere 113

Atlanticstream, 411

It was suggested by the the by suggested was It



blished in the the in blished

the the CEU eTD Collection 416 415 39. 414 careful and circumspection improved its avoidance ofdangerous topics. for journal the praised Elagin facts, distort again it defends and side pro and Voskhod deletingupon poemthe completely. insisted he that but Frug, by poem the with do to advised he as only, to lines some censor change the to sufficient seem not did it why wonder can one case, this In time. same m of and outcasts suffering of descriptions contain simply to Song” happened Wind‟s “The poem the that assume can One emigration. facilitate and could colors bright in America pictured that those with than light bad a in Russia present fromhow isfirstJewstheSpain: thisreachedAmerica. with terms to come can they that shows described, he which Jews, American of life the that conclusion the to comes D‟Orse good.‟” feel I whereis me for Jerusalemmotherland. myis States „TheUnited about thought a Jew, reformedattracti really not is motherland a a to returning “For Palestine: to prefer even them of some which country, their towards American Jews of love limitless the he describes context, same Inthe Jewishisunbiasedspecifically. emigrants rather Hisattitude Russian or Russia about talk not does and America to visit a after impressions personal Britannique Revue

Ibid.,86. Ibid.,85 D‟Orse, n l, oehn unp something all, In with concerned more was censor the conclude, To - ‟s existence. The journal is accused by an anonymous reader on several instances, instances, several on reader anonymous an by accused is journal The existence. ‟s emigration propaganda was one of them. Surprisingly, the censor takes takes censor the Surprisingly, them. of one was propaganda emigration

- EvreivNew Yorke


in February, 1892 and translated fromin French February,translated the and 1892 st all the evidence proved by the informer. After going so far as to to as far so going After informer. the by proved evidence the all st , V.10 ,

recedented must have happened in the second period of of period second the in happened have must recedented

( 1892):

the fact that the ungrateful King Philip II expelled them them expelled II Philip King ungrateful the that fact the

77 - 86 .

The firstThepart was published in previousthe issue,pp. 17 114 ve. „New York is my Jerusalem,‟ my is York „New ve.


and he is not judgmental isnot he and either. Voskhod arvelous America at the the at America arvelous . 414

The author giveshisThe author rils ht might that articles 415 -

At the end the At Voskhod he says. he ‟s - – -

CEU eTD Collection 420 419 418 to started paper the 417 that report his in emphasized He scratch. from now built be to had confiscation. remain To editor. interesting, an somehow as Gruzenberg Samuel of experience better the to due prevailed Budushchnost of change the with simultaneously almost the existence peaceful less reader. a of dissatisfaction the whi attitude, unfair censor‟s the of complainingAffairs Press Voskhod of issue February the that fact the to reacting Thus, censors. oppose to enough audacious All the of part a as nationalism Jewish present to tried contributors its of some because harshly periodical the treated who the for burdensome too be to hadwho experiencedhis beenfightingfor editor f convictions out turned circumstances such that presuming in right be may El‟yashevich but censorship, with deal to how learned Landau that demonstrates imposedcircumstancestheharsh hison ofcensorship periodical. mo the with more any cope not could just publisher enthusiastic The sold. why reason only the not was health weak Landau‟s that claims El‟yashevich NewOld People,5.3. Problems:

Ibid.,fol. 48. RSHA,Fund 776, Kelner, El‟yashevich, h post The editor. the of change the with ended censors the with peace relative a of period The

Zhurnal“Voskhod” for the year 1900 was confiscated, Syrkin wrote to the Chief Administration of of Administration Chief the to wrote Syrkin confiscated, was 1900 year the for 420

Pravitel‟stvennayapolitika pursuing the same goals. The competition became harsh, but but harsh, became competition The goals. same the pursuing

Elagin disliked seeing that the relationship that he had built up with Landau with up built had he that relationshipthe that seeing disliked Elagin - 89 eid s h mmn o a upeeetd rtqe y h censors the by critique unprecedented an of moment the is period 1899 Register6,Folder 502, fols. 44 Voskhod


37 status quo status - 38.


added Voskhod It seemed that after almost 10 years of of years 10 almost after that seemed It - usa anti Russian , 415 ,

was violated. Elagin was furious. He pointed out that out pointed He furious. was Elagin violated. was poign - 416.

Voskhod and Censorship and Landau’s after - 115 46.


- movement. Imperial o t mtras n tu pooe the provoked thus and materials its to ‟s leadership appeared the weekly paper paper weekly the appeared leadership ‟s ch caused a loss of money and and money of loss a caused ch or such a longsuch a time. or 417

Thesubchapterprevious 418 Voskhod

But Syrkin was was Syrkin But Resignation derate tone that that tone derate Budushchnost Voskhod

‟s more or more ‟s

was was

CEU eTD Collection 428 427 426 425 424 423 422 421 weekly the only touched punishment the time this but months, 6 for mentioned. publishing was pogroms of problem the where 9, issue in “Beyond 11, and 5 issues in Kishinev and Odessa from letters the in 14, issue in Out” Way “No 9, issue in Rights” of Deprivation General the of Characteristics the “Towards publication the for warning publishe the in opinions certain explain to Affairs Press of Administration Chief the from calls and detention another After Odessa”. from Letter “The pogrom the about article another for 15, May on after, weeks warning‟. first „the it called and warning new the that forgot censors reason some for Surprisingly, week”. circulation from withdrawn 6 April on place took which pogrom, beconsideredto harmful was which movement, labor the towards sympathies for criticized was paper the later days “H 60, issue in Tolerance” “W articles weekly‟s the in harshness extreme with expressedharmfulmentioned trends censor Asalways,the warning. 1901, 10, November on week, one about harshl government the criticize

Ibid.,fol. 241. Ibid.,fols. 186, 193,194, 210, 213,219. Ibid.,fol. 180. Ibid.,fol. 159. Ibid.,fol. 145. Ibid.,fol. 99. Ibid.,fol. 93. Ibid.,fol. 83. But periodicaltheit But reacted Kishinevafter thetreatment harsh on receivedespecially

as well. as

the Pale” in issue 6 and 6 issue in Pale” the ounding 424 nes n Lsr” n sus 2 n 5, Aot Religious “About 55, and 52 issues in Losers” and inners

and four days later it got a warning for the arti the for warning a got it later days four and y and kept opposing its policy concerning Jews. concerning policy its opposing kept and y articles d 423 ” and “Thoughts and Impressions” in issue 61. issue in Impressions” and “Thoughts and ”

- 7, 1903. 1903. 7, 427 425 116 Voskhod

n pi 2, 94 te eky o te third the got weekly the 1904, 24, April on The next one was received just a couple of of couple a just received was one next The

feuilleton feuilleton Voskhod

n is e eio rcie te first the received editor new its and ‟s issue 17 of April 24 was was 24 April of 17 issue ‟s “From Memories” by N. Garin Garin N. by Memories”“From 428

t a dcd t cease to decide was It Voskhod

already had a a had already cle “During a “During cle 421 422

n in And

Three 426

CEU eTD Collection 434 433 432 431 430 429 officials but poor, 1881.” of year infamous the in even not nowadays, as emigration neverlife.an was better aforThere hope bythe as aswell settled alreadythere, friendswho l the to head and motherland their with connections all disrupt intuitively people condition, unbearable this from out way any remedied. be cannot which competition harsh a created Pale the leave to the lessonsand its needsnobody minds, but bright many with so shine could are intelligentsia young There The demand. shops. the exceeds Jewish supply the small that craftsmen the in goods buy to wants nobody now and se of majority the for income of sources only the are bygubernia Gurevichwritten on andsameS.M. the page. published anti an bear not does article intelligentsia. and students other all by condemned was it that and members few very had club the that remark the for not if Jews, towards attitudes biased of Russians) attempt another as perceived be could letter The Jews. and minorities against directed was club The university. local the at organized Strength” is “Unity club student nationalistic the about informed city the 5 issue in published Odessa from letter the In months. five for newspaper couldpaper onlyappear preliminary after censorship. supplement.

Ibid.,30. Ibid.,28 Voskhod Ibid.,fol. 254. Ibid.,fol. 253. Ibid.

This author describes the awful conditions in which his shtetl lives. Trade and crafts crafts and Trade lives. shtetl his which in conditions awful the describes author This the suspend to censorship provoked which articles the of some examine us Let -

30. 5 (1904),26 429

ulsig a resum was Publishing

still impose huge fines on them. This is why they are selling their their selling are they why is This them. on fines huge impose still - 27.

- Russian attitud Russian

and of freedom, where they are called by relatives and and relatives by called are they where freedom, of and d n mnh ale ta expected; than earlier month one ed 117 e at all, unlike another letter from the Mogilev Mogilev the from letter another unlike all, at e

intellectuals are extremely poor. The ban The poor. intellectualsextremely are 431 ttlers, but two big shops were opened opened were shops big two but ttlers,

Georgians, Armenians, Poles Poles Armenians, Georgians, o cue usas o Little (or Russians accuse to 434

People are extremely are People 433 430 an inhabitant of inhabitant an

“Not expecting “Not

432 u nw the now but

hs the Thus, CEU eTD Collection 437 436 435 who Jews American those “But Jews. Russian the of influx the oppose to trying are Jews issue, same the ifpatienceasyou,“Andwhen you feel experience?”asking: willunderstand,we what tranquili with him at stare eyes of thousands when scared is author The windows. court the entered somereason for l wetale the of end the At cemeteries. Christian the on loss the mourns and Russians killed towards sympathetic quite is author the But 1870s. the of beginning the in Odessa in committed the in iswhichRussian Jewsusuallyindifferent press, deprived towards ofrights. up stirred episode the which reaction immediate the by surprised positively was w hewhen not but death, hisafter are or husbandher with there stay can Pale who thebeyond reside to allowed those of category the under falling not wife a law, the to according Ironically, ordered was wife a which in incident recent a to refers author The title. the from seem may it as criticalas not is 9 issue ifknow “ call: desperate a with letter GurevichYork.New finisheshis fromrubles all25 Odessato forwayAmericacovering the a is there that V heard in Gurevich Committee all. at money have not do who those even emigration, about thinking is everyone because thing a buy to wants nobody but nothing, for property

Ibid.,40 Voskhod Ibid.

It is difficult to say what the censor found harmful or undesirable in these articles. In In articles. undesirablein these or harmful found censor saythe what is to difficult It feui The in Rights” of Deprivation General the of Characteristics the “Towards article The

help ishelpfromcoming answer!”andPlease, where. earn that the author is Russian and not Jewish. On the second day of the pogrom he pogrom the of daysecond the Jewish.On not andis Russian author the that earn -

44. 9 (1904),1 ent somewhere for a business trip. The rumor appeared to be false, but the author author the but false, be appearedto rumor The businesstrip. a for somewhere ent

lleton “From Memories” indeed contains the description of atrocities atrocities of description the contains indeed Memories” “From lleton Voskhod la hc hls o rsetv eirns ad t s osbe o reach to possible is it and emigrants; prospective to helps which ilna - 3.

eot aot mgain I i si hr ta „aie American „native‟ that here said is It emigration. about reports

to leave Kiev after her husband went to the front as a doctor. doctor. a as front the to went husband her after Kiev leave to

rwig a il clutch will man drowning A - yard of a house full of Jews, who look at him from all the the allfromhim at look who Jews, fullof house a yardof 118



straw . […] People want to want People […] . 436

ty and and ty 437

CEU eTD Collection 442 441 440 439 438 a not that fact its but emigration,regulation needed,already isbemust and instarted Russia. the to points again author The refugees.” the even E are there but miracles, no are there and Moses no is There flight. epidemic an of character the assume to starts Settlement of Pale the from „exodus‟ Jewish the and coming is “Spring lines: following the with started which Emigration,” of scaredandhim.got returned just Jews the that was Russians the of explanation the but found, was child The Jews. local two a once when that wonder No Jews. by stolen be possibly might children that rumor the spreading Children” your newspaper the in publication a to anti really not gets association, article The police. craftsmen the by punished local was finally who Stepanov, the Andrey Russian, obviously of head the of malfunctioning the about extensively but rights, more liveswisely.”tryarranging their there of deprivation and hunger from fleeing are who people those of America in resettlement bi the in population Jewish the of overcrowding the is problem real the that opinion the expresses periodical Yiddish the Quoting ve understand bread good eating fat become not have and Settlement of Pale the forgotten not have still

Ibid.,1 Voskhod Voskhod The nameis transcribed wasit as written in Ibid.,31. Aeia cte. hs h cnlds “e hud o mk efrs o prevent to efforts make not should “We concludes, he Thus, cities. American g The censor totally ignored the frontthe ignored totally censor The prin Kishinev from letter his In - 3.

11(1904), 26 9 (1904),31

ry well that for many thousands of Jews emigration is the only way out.” way only the is emigration Jews of thousands many for that well ry - Russian, but becom but Russian, - 32. - 28.



year uice Gazetten Judische Znamya

kid got lost, his mother started in a blood libel blood a in started mother his lost, got kid Voskhod es quite defensive towards its end. The author refers author The end. its towards defensive quite es e i ise 1 oe . rme woe quite wrote Krimmer D. one 11, issue in ted -

page article with the title “About the “About title the with articlepage 119 on Eye an “Keep name the with Banner) (The .

439 440

published in New York, the author author the York, New in published

gypt ian plagues, which strike strike which plagues, discouragement 442


against against

438 of of

CEU eTD Collection 445 444 443 bybemust eradicated flow regulationa emigrationof the these that argue theymigration, ofsides somenegative to point theyEven though character. emigration. regulate well the voices he end the At companies. mentioned boycottingthe encourages purgatoryand a Prussia calls„L.‟, someone author, The England. to intention any have not t though even Russia, to back sent being of threat the under „Schiffskarte‟ a buy to made and arrested are people Such Jew. Polish a like looking everyone is that emigrant, ev G Line America Hamburg AmericanaffluenceisofJewish organizationscharitable described. discriminations. such apply who Europe Eastern of countries people distinguish not does America that assuring cited is politicians American influential most the of one of letter a Moreover, countryside. the emigrationandto Europe Eastern fromJews the towards issue) whole the of quarter a (almost columns 10 devoted Syrkin 18) (number suspension the and warning third the following years.factpreviousAnother inwhichfirstissue is view20 thisprovesweekly of the that the eq almost 30) thanAmerica (more to articlesdevoted six the In America. of favorable all monthlyalmost articlesinthe thethat were bypublished fact supported bethe suspicion can erman

eryone who travels through Berlin or Hamburg and might be suspected to be a Russian Russian a be to suspected be might and Hamburg or Berlin through travels who eryone Ibid.,34 Ibid.,33. Voskhod Finally, the longest article deals with two private Prussian private two with deals article longest the Finally, emig about write could he that well understood Syrkin Probably, L -

40. 18(1904), 31 loyd


oh received Both

according to their race and country of origin, while condemning some some condemning while origin, of country and race their to according 445 - 33.

n u, a sum, In

(with (with

emigrate to America and simply wanted to visit their relatives in relatives their visit to wanted simply and America to emigrate

let Ball Albert pca priso fo te Prussian the from permission special l hs pbiain have publications those ll - year period when Syrkin was the editor the number of of number the editor the was Syrkin when period year

to the discussion of America, its protective attitude attitude protective its America, of discussion the to n s gnrl ietr a e) n the and Jew) a director, general a as in 120

ualed the number published during the the during published number theualed - nw opinio known .

an 443 biu pro obvious 444 shipping companies, companies, shipping

n nte rpr the report another In

n about the need to to need the about n oenet o stop to government ration safely. This This safely. ration - emig hey might might hey rational rational N orth orth the CEU eTD Collection 448 447 446 peculiar: that antisemitismin viewfromRussiaoriginatesbackwardness political the country. of the the expresses he Later visit. a for even back come to wish no express they so comfortable get and adjust Americaquickly to immigrantsJewish that (front article same the in that ignores completely censor the acute, more become might problem Jewish the that fear the by Overwhelmed in published Jews” Voskhod “Foreign article the to pointed he example, For critique. merciless at look could he paper, the with censorship of „romance‟ long the in share Kamorovskiy

ErnestVaughan (1841 Voskhod RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 502, fol. 256. ledby the aimaggravate theto questionJewish i negatively, population Jewish the affect neverthelesswill groundless, thoughwhich, Jews the among rumors spread to intendsobviously article themeasure a such realize to intention any become would Jewry Russian all of rights the limiting measure, this implementingwhile that assures th cancel [Jews fight for a change of the regime, but] they do not pursue the well the pursue not do they but] regime, the of change a for fight [Jews […] Russia. in Jews of dominance despotic the of cause the serves reality in newspaper this total fightin their is anditch Jewishthe serves the achieve press appropriate that to obvious newspaperthe question.Russia Jewish In a order quitecreatesuch into needed organs are want is It development. they civil and political bribing our of leadership even and the to intrigues according them, put thenand Russia in Jews of emancipation political By […] France). in dominance Jewishtheof strengtheningtheis, thinking(that of way a sympathizewithsuch its of achievement move theJewishgeneral the of leaders The and[…] countries. in both dominant position existence distinctive its of development the Russia, and France of guidance the under distinguisheditsextremeby attitude. published is It France. Aurore Another of Kamorovskiy‟s accusation, formulated on December on formulated accusation, Kamorovskiy‟s of Another w more even aggravated censorship with situation the respite, short this After ‟s issue 21 from October 28,1904issuefrom ‟swith21 following October words: the

21(1904), 2

(also translated as „sunrise‟) published in Paris and representing the same interests in in interests same the representing and Paris in published „sunrise‟) as translated (also The aim of both papers is the vivification and reinforcement of the Jewish element in in element Jewish the of reinforcementand vivification the is papers both of aim The The Consideringtherethat noonare existencereferences the of the Go B News the to according that said is It

nonsense succeeded to Elagin in the position of Elagininpositionthe succeededto bn o ne Rsi fr mrcn iies f h Jdi fih Te newspaper The faith. Judaic the of citizens American for Russia enter to ban e newspaper - 3. - . 1929),the founder ofdaily, the confusedis with here Georges Mandel (1885


is a political isa organ of toJewry the Russian similar newspaper

g order. Hiding under the disguise of a liberal organ, liberal a of disguise the under Hidingorder. g 121

- nRussia. page one!) the author voices the opinion opinion the voices author the one!) page ureau Voskhod Jw ae [E named Jew a

the Russian Government is ready to to ready is Government Russian the 446

‟s main censor. Not having any havingNot any main ‟scensor.

French example, into the the intoexample, French rnest

in their new country, country, new in their - being of the Russian Russian the of being vernmentalorderor 11, 1904, is quite is 1904, 11, V ] Voskhod aughan 447 ment abroad abroad ment

Voskhod 448 hen N. N. hen - 1944).

with and and

CEU eTD Collection 450 449 remember Jewry European West satiated and indolent the make can events dramatic big only that out points sadly author The Main”. am Frankfurt in Regulation Emigration is, There them. with affluent is issue the and Russia, outside events the upon touching articles the with concerned more was censor the Probably, domination. world the for striving one ideal.”human livinga to labor and giveenergy their to want live,they to want they awakening, arepeople The confronted. are we which with challenges spiritual the solve to have will ourselves we freed press, the freedomof speech, freedom of about told are we when “Now, people. Jewish the of revival the for calls article her of paragraph last The needs. their and people ordinary the from detached too is it because well, as guilty Jewish the that believes She only. not but country, the of population Jewish the upon imposed limitations its all with tyranny bureaucratic blames indeed Rabinovich front the In point. his illustrating one Jews. belongto defend Jewish the report. the to 26 issue involvement abo claimshis support To

Voskhod RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 502, fols. 257 for example, a big report “Theexample,forbig a report Jewish theQuestion Internationalabout the Conference on ,the weekly attentionYourofExcellence the to unrestrainedtendencies ofofficialtheorgans of Jewish the p the but land,

This article, dev article, This as 26 issue show to decided Kamorovskiy actually why ask to interesting is It lrd ryu. ehp ti mte md te esr hn ta te ae might paper the that think censor the made matter this Perhaps Dreyfus. Alfred

26(1904), 2 omnt a al Nevertheless, all. at community

and the struggle for dominance of the Russian the of dominance for struggle the and 450

rcil neet o Rsin er. … I ol lk epaial t draw to emphatically like would I […] Jewry. Russian of interests arochial - 6.

L‟Aurore oted to the inner politics of the country can hardly be referred to as to referred be hardly can country the of politics inner the to oted

ut a world Jewish conspiracy, worldJewish a ut Voskhod

in fact in

being at thebeing at leadership. - was page article “About New and Old Trends” Sarah Sarah Trends” Old and New “About article page 122

- an independent French independent an it 258.


om of conscience, freedom of worship, worship, freedomof conscience, of om pafr fr those for platform a Voskhod 449

Jewry, Kamorovskiy attached attached Kamorovskiy Jewry, ‟s threatening transnational transnational threatening

daily ,

not not intelligentsia is intelligentsia

who connected to connected spoke to spoke their their the the CEU eTD Collection 451 names real all changes author The involved. were Jews Parisian retells Jose nevertheless. flaws major some has it but interesting, quite is novel The Jose. Victor subtitle the and title same the of novel “Rosenfelds:PeriodHistoryThirdofthe the The Family of Jewish Oneduring a on review critical a writes author the fact, can onlyinthat bydo working a some secretaries or earn tutors as working by money to additional possibility no is there and cities, these in expensive is Life disappointed. stay hom Brusselsbetter should or Paris, Berlin,Geneva to move to hope who those that concludes he end the at Nevertheless, France. of capital the Russian the about is „Yours‟ signing someone by Paris” from itshimofproofexistence.possible a for been havemight leastthat at conspiracy; Jewish world a of idea Kamorovskiythe given emig for available countries new for look finally, and, emigrants ofnumber huge a such accept candestinations popular most the if out find transit, of places the in safe them keep information, relevant with emigrants force united by regulated be to has emigration that thefor prey easiest Theythe are going. are they exactly knowingwhere without leave belongingsand their allsell emigrants levelenormousthe Jewishfrom Galiciaof emigrationRussia, Romani and is question in case the Now Moscow. from Jews of expulsion the after 1892 in and Russia inThisinpogromsSouthern thebrethrencase fromthe after poor Europe. was 1882 Eastern

Ibid.,45 h hsoy of history the The f the In Paris. to surprisingly, devoted, were articles two last The - 49. feuilleton

“The Conquest of Paris” by Stellin sounds even more provocative. In In provocative. more even sounds Stellin by Paris” of Conquest “The h fnnil cna aon te P the around scandal financial the

swindler factory. ration.


s. This is why the delegates reached the conclusion conclusion reachedthe whydelegates the is Thiss.

hscl ouie o jitatvt my have may activity joint a for unite to call This 123

s of world Jewry, which should supply supply should which Jewry, world of s

as students do in Russia; in Paris they they Paris in Russia; in do students as e, because they are going to be very to because going are they e, anama - Jewish students studying in studying students Jewish C anal with fictional ones. ones. fictional with , in which wealthy wealthy which in , irst one, “A Letter Letter “A one, irst a. The majorityThe a. of

Republic” by Republic” CEU eTD Collection 453 452 is etc. schools), following:The content the the in subjects of range narrow the schools, private by limited now, receive can Jews t order in measures two suggests text this society: the of meeting urgent the during passed was whichresolution from the line this Kamorovskiytook delegate the in Jews of participation the of minutes “The the in of meeting 9 issue in Then, Empire. the of collapse the mean would which in Russia of transformation the recommends newspaper the 8 issue in that Affairs Press of Administration Chief the to reported he 1905 7, March on Thus, regime. Voskhod by created Christians. opposite the quite but domination, world the for desire in domination acquiring Jews the about statement antisemitic favorite the form belletristic a in developing A Panama the in engaged were Christians Moreover, journal politicspervert the and not did They sad. very was end their but success, ofperiod short a had Theyvictims.its but be the not to out Theturn Jews not. are they that reaches conclusion the be can Jose by suggested thesis this if asks Stellin but France ofheart the around weba spin who familyties by of connected closelypeople group a have “we Rothschilds: the represents obviously family Rosenfeld Ficticious

RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 502, fol. 286. Ibid.,54 eetees Kmrvky tbony otne gteig h algd p alleged the gathering continued stubbornly Kamorovskiy Nevertheless, cnrl vr h cutys governing country‟s the over control s ‟s intention to get political domination in Russia and to overturn the existing existing the overturn to and Russia in domination political get to intention ‟s - 58.

the country. […] It appears to be false.” be to appears It […] country. the oit fr h Spread the for Society

legislative department of department legislative

ism inismFrance, but they foundalready theseperverted. spheres numerus clausus numerus

of 124

dcto among Education

, the bureaucratic obstacles imposed on on imposed obstacles bureaucratic the , ntttos r sae a desirable. as stated are institutions the the ffair h 452 a proven by the historical facts. He He facts. historical the by proven o improve the poor education that that education poor the improve o – d


Thus, we do not read about any about read not do we Thus,

arim a debunking of this very myth myth very this of debunking a as well. “The author aimed at at aimed author “The well. as

(Jewish religious primary primary religious (Jewish the Jews , as well as people‟s people‟s as well as , conqueror state federal a to in Russia,” the the Russia,” in s of Paris, sofParis, – roofs of of roofs

Paris,” Paris,” 453

CEU eTD Collection 456 455 454 Kamor censor, a As Bialystok. and Kishinev by perpetrated violenceweeklybecauseharmfulitstheseen asofundesirablecondemnationwasof andthe mainly but before, done never they as paper the attacked censors The emigrants. poor help concerning issue. confiscatethe finally,to and, guilty be might who people initia to decided was It Club”. An by Bialystok” in “B fromJune10: 23 issue infollowingarticlespublished incriminatedthe 1 June of pogrom Bialystok the of coverage its year, a half almost for paper the of suspension the and warnings three the to correspond message that not does them in understood he What context. their of out randomly liberation. for Jewish powe the join to Jews Russian complete the for necessaryis it that and system the that declared also is it political inthe change radical a ofcondition the under possible be only emancipationwould sure be To governing. in nations the participa the to but Jews, by exercised control any to aspire not did assembly The

RSHA,Fund 776,Register 6,Folder 502, fol. 347. Ibid. Voskhod developmentandemancipation total of nationalitiesthe governing country‟s status, financial and votingimplemented bycitizensof all thewithoutdistinction country nationality,of confession emancipationequalityinwith otherthe population in complete a of condition the under only possible is people, Jewish the of specificities cultural

Thus, Syrkin‟ period is characterized by an urgent call to regulate to call urgent an by characterized is period Syrkin‟ Thus, as manner same the In

9 (1905),11 Voskhod 2. 2. 1. Voskhod 455

The r The T

heparticipation gi, o upr hs osiay hss te esr xrce te lines the extracted censor the thesis, conspiracy his support to Again,

- - ight infilestheAdministration Affairs.Chiefof theof Press 13. Socio the of Resolution “The and Atrocities” “Bialystok sky,

wanted to get acrossitsget wantedto readership. to

organization of the Jewish education, Jewish the oforganization in the legislative department of the government the of department legislative the in institutions is required as a solid guarantee for an independent cultural cultural independent an for guarantee solid a as required is institutions

Voskhod e rmnl proceedings criminal te - of 3, 1906 precipitated the paper‟s closure. The censor censor The closure. paper‟s the precipitated 1906 3, people‟s delegates people‟s ‟s reaction to the Kishinev pogrom was followed by followed was pogrom Kishinev the to reaction ‟s 125

, elected by general, direct and secret ballot ballot secret and direct general, by elected , Russia.

. against the editor editor the against 454

adapted ovskiy, did everything he could could he everything did ovskiy,


This is the last document last the is This to everyday life and to the the to and life everyday to rful general movement generalrful and the artholomean emigration and to and emigration as well as other other as well as

control over the the over control tion of all all of tion - Political Political

Days Days CEU eTD Collection attacked. were to poems the times both and twice objected only emigration of favor in pronouncements It particular. in America about and general in emigration about articles the negativ the of representation the ignored practically it Russia, asanworked editor of positi his voiced example, for Elagin, censor, A articles. selecting to approach another applied and ill was hewhen lot a maineditor replace the to used Gruzenberg Samuel this time at becausepartly part calm, exceptional rather a of is period second critically.The reacted weekly and monthly the both which to century, 1881 of pogroms Je of history the in turns sad and major might That periodical because coincidedthewithbeperiods of the these censorship that got. intact. almost of man in new country, ina ofemigrants adjustment quick emigrationthe and coverage the left censors Remarkably, minority. Jewish the towards people Russian the of attitudes hostile the and Church Christian the of dogmas policies, governmental on a the to primarily directed was repression Nevertheless, censorship. by aggressively emigrationitsignored.andagain, regulation were, polit to rising of intent the with organization of involvement transnational alleged some plotted and articles the of content the distorted He closure. paper‟s the about bring to Although censorship was highly concerned with articles expressing a bad image of of image bad a expressing articles with concerned highly was censorship Although captiousthetreatment to withsimilarrespect quite are periods third the and first The monthly the up, Summing

ve opinion about Gruzenberg in one of his reports when the latter already latter the when reports his of one in Gruzenberg about opinion ve - 1882, the May Laws and the pogroms of the beginning of the twentieth twentieth the of beginning the of pogroms the and Laws May the 1882, Budushchnost ly because Landau managed to catch the mood of censors, censors, of mood the catch to managed Landau because ly Voskhod .

ws in the Russian Empire, such as the anti the as such Empire, Russian the in ws Voskhod

126 n is eky upeet ee rae quite treated were supplement weekly its and

ical domination. The articles calling for for calling articles The domination. ical

in the activities of the world Jewish Jewish world the of activities the in e representation of Russia in Russia of representation e y cases America, y cases - Jewish rticles rticles CEU eTD Collection forbidden.becausepublicly was this emigrational Voskhod they because emigration, about favorably speaking saw, we as and, ignored implicitlysometimeseven encouraged. was issue the practice in emigration, of propaganda prevent pro a have not Administ Chief the persuade to tried even Elagin s a As publications on America could thus be seen by the government as a form of of form a as government the by seen be thus could America on publications conclusion, it might be suggested that the authorities approved publications publications approved authorities the that suggested be might it conclusion, propaganda, in which, it seems, it was quite interested in an unofficial way, way, unofficial an in interested quite was it seems, it which, in propaganda, - emigration agenda. Thus, although officially censors were supposed to to supposed were censors officially although Thus, agenda. emigration


ration of Press Affairs that that Affairs Press of ration

wanted Jews to leave the country. country. the leave to Jews wanted Voskhod

does does CEU eTD Collection the in view accepted traditionally the rejecting allows items these of examination Mycircles. Maskilicfrom were ofthem although most outlooks, Voskhod with contacts establishedRussiansociety, into integration for hopes nurtured and Russianculture identi pogroms the before who intelligentsia, the of stratum the from emigrants many 1899, till 1884 from Empire Russian the in language Russian in periodical journal the Since mistakes. similar repeating from them an country possiblenew the about information about relevant the them provide and complications warn to behind, stayed who those with experiences emigrational their share to desire a provoked It Jew. Russian a be to meant it what of understanding the dee emigrants, JewishRussianminds the of in theidentity „Russian‟ soonreinforceda intoofUnitedAmericaintegrate Russianfailure theStates Anewand the Empire. to society set America. also offto of side the on disillusion a Russianthemmanyand and of ofacculturation, Maskilim,Jewish supporters Enlightenment in resulted situation This subjects. Jewish its defending r state the manner, rough a such in America.When demonstrated their Russians hostileattitudestowards theirneighbors Jewish of land‟ golden „the to Ocean, Atlantic the across Settlement of Pale the from Jews poor economic and political with together pogroms, Conclusions Voskhod h articles The the between space transnational a opened population the of shift enormous An infamous The Jewry. Russian of history the in chapter new a opened 1881 year The , were written were , ‟s editor Adolf editor his‟s Landaubecameandtrans

eoe t Jws eirto t Aeia ht f that America to emigration Jewish to devoted

in various genres by authors with different political and ideological ideological and political different with authors by genres various in

evealed its inefficiency in stopping the pogroms and and pogroms the stopping in inefficiency its evealed 128

oppressions, provoked mass migration of of migration mass provoked oppressions,

- field of Eastern European Jewry Jewry European Eastern of field Atlanticcorrespondents. Voskhod

was the only Jewish Jewish only the was fied themselves with with themselves fied ound their way to to way their ound d, thus, save save thus, d,

pened pened CEU eTD Collection moremuchanLandau wasthanarchivist Syrkin. one rather was emigration be to last opinion period about editor‟s thethe incountry.During primarilythisconsistedpraising seem not article the and did ambiguous; less journal became America one of image The in more. any advantageous opinions all accommodating of policy the and ideology socialist or Zionist a had usually papers These editor. an was Syrkin Maxim when suspensionininsaleasturningthepaperof andthe 1891 points. 1899 in periods three determined fact in attacks censors‟ o representations the affected turn in which agenda, journal‟s the shaped exception that considering Even process. this in role important an played Censorship it. with accordance in changed also monthly the in communicated trends and contents the and coherenta ideology.them to vari presenting aside, stood archivist Russian the among existing America (1881 editor an on views all and reader, its in place findtheir received emigration and presented be to had standpoint every Russian, in periodical Jewish only the was monthly the when years long the during And journal. impos not did he society, Russian mergingwith advocated and Enlightenment Jewish of supporter strong a was Landau Adolf editor its that studies te Jws proias n usa satd o per uig h six the during appear to started Russian in periodicals Jewish Other p The s censors‟ attacks did not touch articles about emigration to America directly, they they America directly, emigration to about articles touch not did attacks scensors‟ Voskhod olitical situation olitical - 89, h mnhy rcial bcm a eoioy f l attds to attitudes all of repository a became practically monthly the 1899), was a journal with an anti an with journal a was -

ie, otaig mrc ol i te oiie light. positive the in only America portraying sided,

changed during the twenty the during changed Vosk ous, often contradictory, opinions, without submitting without opinions, contradictory, often ous, hod - speaking Jewish intelligentsia. Landau like an an like Landau intelligentsia. Jewish speaking . Thus, during eighteen years when Landau was was Landau when years eighteen during Thus, . 129 e his ideology when selecting articles for his for articles selecting ideology when his e


emigration agenda. In spite of the fact that fact the of spite In agenda. emigration Voskhod - six years of of years six ‟s existence with the first first the with existence ‟s

Voskhod f the country. The The country. the f - ‟s existence; ‟s er pe year with rare rare with

Thus, riod riod s CEU eTD Collection who Jews severalemigrated ear decades American bureaucrats, corrupt emigrants, of needs the to sensitive not were which organizations charitable the else: somebody on misery the for blame the put to tried publishing theatres, Jewish Yiddish, insigns board shtetlof asuchJewish as it into withpresence, dire signs poverty,penetrating in growing was America in ghetto Jewish biggest the where York, New transformed they their adapt and English proper speak not could they because smooth not was country new the in Jews Russian of Adaptation honey‟. and fromEgyp emigrationpublishedin about inarticles the feature distinctive a was Russia condemning general, inIn Russia. Jews ha was which occupationan workers, agricultural of camp the joining by elevated be andfree country this of becomecitizens equal States, United the moveto to had Jews Russia, in impossible as seen already was which emancipated, fully be happe To might America. process this it, saw correspondents As Pale. the from Jews oppressed poor the of grandeur the revive to time the is now that was opinion common The society. rel their forcriticize to used they whomPale, frombrethrenthe poor their towards sympathetic feel to started Maskilim cohesive; more Russia in society Jewish made also They before. mind the in Russia of image negative a created integration for America. hopes disillusioned and oppression for legal Pogroms, expectations high especially had emigrants started, just emigration when igious fanaticism and their disinclination to associate themselves with the surrounding surrounding the with themselves associate to disinclination their and fanaticism igious In this period, emigration to America was often compared with the Biblical Exodus Exodus Biblical the with compared often was America to emigration period, this In cl articles the Examining t. But soon after arrival emigrants realized that America was not „the milk land ofAmericanot arrivalthat realized was soonafter But emigrants t. s of Jewish intelligentsia, instead of the optimistic one which existed existed which one optimistic the of instead intelligentsia, Jewish of s Voskhod lier,evenhimself. Columbus

oser, we can reach certain conclusions. During the 1880s, 1880s, the During conclusions. certain reach can we oser, during the 1880s. duringthe agencies, etc. Very often often Very etc. agencies, 130 shtetlikh

mentality to the new milieu. Rather Rather milieu.new the mentalityto

Voskhod rdly accessible for for accessible rdly „s correspondents correspondents „s in n CEU eTD Collection emigration encouraging were authorities the because possibly tota was critique such Nevertheless, warning. a get to likely most were authorities Russian the criticizing articles general, In renewed. attacks censors‟ the andsignificantly declinedAmerica about writing contributors thi do to had latter the censors, and correspondents with connections established already had former the If Syrkin. Maxim to periodical the emigrationstillthat argued wasbe a they America, of disfavor in factors the all highlighting Even there. happening was what on account objective an giving by America of image realistic a draw to tried contributors in employed an being civic equal obtaining of and enterprises possibility industrial a Instead, experiences. negative the among named were Jews American of side the from encountered attitude neglectful the and observance Y New The in opportunities. neighborhood Jewish wonderful possible the of of about rangeovercrowding a emigrants with potential them tempting alert still but to complications, order in presented was disadvantages hidethey triedofto reference their„the subject Old blaming etc. World,‟ „Europe,‟ Russia, against somethingsay to wanted authors the if Evenitself. America ofimage the to emi discussing articles the in Russia of image negative the 1890s, the in Thus publishing. for materials of selection the in cautious more much became he and lot, a Landau influenced This politics. its and government present harmfu a bearing as seen were that articles certain to reaction in months six for publishing its suspended founded, was it when moment very the from Another important change in the history of history the inchange important Another specifically America about Talking treated which Censorship, 1891. in happened change important An tter optioninthantter staying Russia. l inrd n h atce dvtd o emigration, to devoted articles the in ignored lly 131 , a description of both its advantages and and advantages its both of description a , gration faded away, giving much more space space more much giving away, faded gration

Voskhod d political rights were promised. Thus, Thus, promised. were rights political d s from scratch. Thus, the number of of number the Thus, scratch. from s ork, the rapid decline in religious religious in decline rapid the ork,

happened in 1899: Landau sold sold Landau 1899: inhappened l trend towards criticizing the the criticizing towards trend l

implicitly. It seems that that seems It implicitly.


badly CEU eTD Collection intojournal‟sAmericaareporting thirdspace. on ideologicaltransformedthe standpoints continents different and two from ofencountertexts in appeared representations that scholars, many among shared Voskhod view, The emigration. of favor in out spoke often that concluded be can it thesis, present the in discussed materials,recruitmorefrom potential Fromthe I specific agendaemigrantssocial to classes. succeed. chancesto favorable more much sta the of introduction the after meaningless became Russia in life whom for intellectuals, attracting of aim the with emphasized was universities local poss the in believe America, to emigration the with that suggested even was It rumors. these disregard should emigrants potential that stated the entering c which for about news country, restrictions Legislative force. highly work was providing immigration America that for stated beneficial was It country. latter the of virtues exaggerating period last the in Thus, praised. was America as long as paper the in condemned be could Russia that understood Syrkin ting that the door to America was open, the correspondents argued that emigration was was emigration that argued correspondents the open, was America to door the that ting Situated in between imaginary and real Americas, the press image had a particular particular a had image press the Americas, real and imaginary between in Situated

was an anti an was ibility of the Jewish revival in America. Finally, the importance of the the of importance the Finally, America. in revival Jewish the of ibility

- emigrational journal must therefore be rejected. be therefore must journal emigrational

for the poor, since they had nothing to lose and, thus, had all good good all had thus, and, lose to nothing had they since poor, the for Voskhod irculated among Jews in Russia, were underrated and it was was it and underrated were Russia, in Jews among irculated galut


hogotte hl hsoy f it of history whole the throughout

Voskhod (Jewish exile) would be ended, so everyone should should everyone so ended, be would exile) (Jewish 132 ‟s existence we see articles unrealistically unrealistically articles see we existence ‟s

Voskhod ueu clausus numerus s corresponde ‟s

In all, a wide range of of range wide a all, In pbihn. This publishing. s Nevertheless, . t quite nts

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