>LE *r , NEW TOIIK HERALD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 187G.-TR1I SHEET. , AMvninm. AjfraBnrsim. I KUKOPRAM STRAMSHIPB. COASTWINR NTKAMSHIHS. SITUATIONS WANTKO.MAT.Kfc. AT rutiMAii. want immk> -the t. II KMlf*T fpHtfAfRll COMiyUK. 814 BKOADWAfT T3AKIiilAW~^AR!RTIK!», i EVERY Ev8>f»NO~XT H. UK WESTERN STEAMSHIP UNK. ITSTRklUA, *f. t»K iiCH»D KX I'KKI KMCK x"SOI»3 IhAKKIUAN A HAKT Proprietor* KELLY 1 LEON'S MINSTRELS,minhtrNls,\.? ± AKISIAN VARIETIES. MATINEE TUESDAY. VX To MKISTOL (RNUKANDi DIRECT, I)Ku>«1 Mail al.amvr CAM MA i* int.ml.d to »ail tiuiu Urire niHuiiim'tuiere want* a eltuaiioa. Aadreae Ik £ W. HAN LEV Manager K"'l£EfTfll6ri^ I61I1 at. and Broadway. Thursday and Malurday al 2. eailiur Irom pier IH Kuk Riveraa follow* >i« Wi> on September makitiK cloa. connection at ilrruld office CUJi*Isr, Svnmua . Oct. 4 Heriuild* wltb lb. Mall itcaiiiei fur St. Tliomni! and 7 THE PtNACLK OP POPULARITY. TRdwlu Kelly, W. McAodrew.,^ AKllAOON, VYeducaday. Uoyal * N AMKKH'AN H Continued auee-ni of Edward TJ 1U» KAKKST in CORNWALL, Saturday, Oct. 14 tin* Wni IiiIIm; t«r pa»a*ntj?ri and mail. Iki. U now lit. O Y ~NKAlil.V 10. ACCTSTOMRD Harritan'e T t ? t Cal>io Stauijier...... *' and rti.apeil ruiKa. Yto ferni work, violi »ilu*tion *h«ri he c*n work lor OK. THE OALLANT 08TH. ' > ' ' STAR FUNNIEST. I XKff ~^ paaaaco, ».<); intermediate, fV>; atecraire, #- quick.«l DOWN BKOADWAY; ^ <5* I I hie boitril »uJ "ilS la which HARKIUAN A HAKT. Hilly Barry. Billy Gray, "The Glory of the Minstrel ARTISTS. I LIVELIEST. I ACTS. cnrrencv; eacuraiou livkrta, fl JO; prepaid tier race cert ill etteud tehool xood reterencei Addrei* Staye." chii«. (BE tu w. U. WlNlfiM OUI.F POUTS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Deirrew it.. llrooKlrn. ,v V. Billy C'artrr, Larry Toolcy, and all the coinpauy appear. Great lucoee* of Great euceeaa < 1 V V- ^ ^ ^ Apply MOiUiAK, Aini, QtEbicc°ANl> Jt> Uroadway, New York. Firat appearance of America a greale.t Mollo Singer, Mr. SIR DAN O'PALLAS. FOUNTAIN OF ORIGINAL SENSATIONS. LlNB.-li. ASH X. A. R. V & A CO. Voi .su I KISil M \S w I lilies A MITL'ATION" AS PKAN'K LEWIS. Italian Ballet Mailer. Keappearauce of The Snow Slutrelkri' linllrt. the Slack Amitona. A ^ <*> A CTUNAIIU ) NOTICE L^OU HEW ORf.E \ N 3 Ml,: A~ bartender: ben cilv reference iroeB. Aildre»» JAMBS the popular favoritea. DESTRUCTION OS NINEVEH AND SIXTH AVANI B. Startling, GENTLEMEN'S | Fr.nclij, With a view In the chancer of ilia rTill-. CUOMVM.I.I. (.INK. llh.VLY, - Harrow it, and GOLDRICIT. HON TON iliniinieliinK eollialon, yUILTER * BxlillarnlluI hpicv, eteautura of thie hue lake a apecilic enurae lor all uunue of Tit. »ti'ain>liip A » OLollhl) JOHNSON and ItKC'NO in new original epeclaltlea. Morton, H. Hnertdjre,' Csptivsttut;. RESORT. I Flquimt. the i oar. Hi Captain t«a.er. will anil MAN. HkVt oLaSH COOK, MBAf . "f.lohnuy f ^".uYami."" nSON, I Vcir ; belt relorengo. Addroii box l'J4 Billy Barry INTKHNATION tL KIPLK MaTOIL Tommy, 0pl? Lt'" < > <8" 4> On the outward paaaacc from to New Yark of on SaTUKOAV. September Sti «i :t o'clock P. M. pantry J., Herald Wednesday AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Made Happy- Qucenatown u flier. |jap»ucic |,JTh* (( MUODKMUS NORMS. Rofttoii, cruaainu tliu meridian ol VJ at 43 latitude, or Iroiu pier No. o NortU liiv.r. OOD'SMUsEUM. WOOD'S. JACK BKASLKY. A LA BURNT CORK. to llie north of 43. notlaiutr Through bill* of ladln.- ciren lo Mobile and urluclp.l lOl.uithU MAN A WIT* .OLYMPIC liOVELTY TllKATtUa. LIVING PIOTUUKR. on Uivor. OKsiuKH THIS DAY. , On tli« homeward paaiascr. cruieing the meridian of 3D at polnia the MliaUalppi AUK>l*m,r,\Hl,Kuetioii in u prlvatu luiuil, noo.t releruuce. Addreei A W" .> £ Street followed br J*ek Beetle a.'e. II II i. ..Hi.... EVENING AT 8. I MATINEE AT i OOO L Y Y MM MM II CCC Thompion I'nlili, jr. 43 latitude, or nothiug to the north ol 4J. C.tiiu paaaat;., # *'. Steel fcj.'i i:>c PPP,, THE ENCHANTING PARISIAN FOLLY, KKOM NKW YORK KCK I.I YKlll'OOL AND Apply to CLAKK a SK.AMAN.8e Wrat it. iAdmUilon. »lc. I Admission. O OL YY MMMMPLilC O . .. a E. T. STETSON Mix SOPHIE MILES Y M 0 QUEENSTOWN. YOlJNi} OUl.ORKU MAN W'ANTrl A PEACH AS O O L M MM PPPr II CRINOLINE VERSUS HCYTUIA Wed.. u7 Uot. tl liuuua.i » ncn ,ir.aau |i 11 11' coaclnueii. ( all ,.r oddreM W. M. 455 71 b mt. 1b the utw I In MABEL UKAKK; nit, O OL Y MM MP II CC UKEECHES, SepC BOTHNIA....Wad.. LoN K ST All will sail from A" C., Sensation, WIFE. OR AMihlilA... .Wed.. Oct. 4) AB YSatNlA.. Wed.. Oct. IB Steamship*.. ir..vjimplar THE FATALIST. I THE CONVICT'S OOO LLLL Y M M M P II CCC WHO SHALL IIAVg Tl. ItKKT 7 Steamers m«rk«J hum ) do not North Kiver. ou WvJurwl*). September 'J7. and I»Y A FIRST I'l.A-, li VuKH.PKK, ill 1.1.1 AK1J carry steerage passengers Sei tamper at 3 I*. for 1J room or botel nlwlit AVENUE THBATRK..MPBCIAL. I abln passage, r-v', #1'.' ami # ti», guui. accoruing ta ALGIERS. Saturday, M), M keeper clerk; will drtre watioa* It t\TU NOVELTY THEATRE. A^ boat of ricU An of artlata. ^ accommodation. direct, transferrin: Tex.is freight there to Aiidri-ai robert, Herald I'ptowa office. U NO PERFORMANCE TO-NIOIIT, 22 AND «24 H ROADWAY. apeclaltiea army Kolurn tlckuta on favorable terras. Louidati.a and Jexss Railroad lor la eansaqusnee of llu lUboralt preparation lor the Pleasure aookera' bora*, j Envy of weak iinn atom, Sirerega tickets to and from all parts of Europe at sery Morgan's Morgan City, TJAKlTKKPKIt.HITUATIilN WANTED AYAYOUVJ of "LIKE." will bo low rales. thence per Morgan steawors to Texas port". Through ieme All ticfcats for tbil evening productionCOLONEL WM. K. SINN...... MANAGER bills of ladiujf Mifiied to all on the Kiver, |)iii tii, 12 yeirV ex|»«*i first cIabn city botel rffur* for to-morrow or axchangad at tbo box i tiie evening" bill AT the j Freight and passage oOlce No. 4 Howling green. poiuts Mi*<«i*»ippi vuce. AilUresN It AlCK KKt'Ett. lirr*7n and fso, currency; mms usb eor gu7test( x r.>iviiim; w key K. 1,, No. tf j Tomm Ht.. rear. adaptedf rom aevaral Partsiau aonrcea, and entitled novelty Soiik Ounce. Saturday evening. Intei mediate, StM; f3d. J. West, the United Stales mail. The Hteatuer OUIKF1.N AMI RICE. Monday evening October If, Atuieo in Phlludoipbia. steerage. carrying omart ami years wishes The talented Character nketcli Artists. Passengers booked to and front I'arls. Hamburg. Norway, CITfc OF AUSTIN, Captain Stereos, will sail on Sutur ho'nest uoy.w oi.d. OARDBN. Sweden. Ac. Drafts on Ireland. England, France and da>, September 3«», at 3 IM., Iroiu pier lit) East Kiver. l la kitiiiitinii hi u ati.ro or utticc. Addreaa DAUNKil, 4!W KKKBB THE PARKER SISTERS. IBLO'l :i7Ui hi. LI II KKKKP or J CIlAKLKs H ARNOLD Leaaoa and Manager at lowest inter. tiermanyThrough bills of lading given To all on the llotutoti West L II V E The Paat and Present Style Ik Danciug, WILLIAM* *. and Central International and p.jiulsGroat EES MR. J H. CLIFKORO. MENSEN SHERWOOD Director OUION. *9 Broadway. Texas, Northern, viri:n In a private kamilv..by a youno L II EPF IIA HA, vl, Houston and Henderson, au I the Galveston, Galveston,\yTT L II P E TIIB MODERN WILLIAM TELL, 1IA11 OPKCI NOTICE..THE HPLKNDID MAIL STEAM* and San Antonio railroads. Freight and insurance iiimi; licit city rwleroiice. Addrcu W. M.. box 1UU II P EBBEB :: MONS. O'O.M EH, A, O.hlu WI.M'O.N.HIN sails troiu pier 4*1 North Hirer, foot of liarrtshurgllcr.iiil Uptown liriincli office. LLLLL teats UNDENIABLY THE II1T OF THE SEASON. lor at lowest rates. For freight or passage, having superior in hie wonderful of .kill, aiuonK otheri himr st.. (doeetistowii and Liverpool Tuesday, to C. II. A SHOOTING AN APPLE FROM THE HEAD OF Sberwihid'a Trauaforiuatioiia. Dererua'a Properties. at noon. Interinuuiaio and accommodations, apply MALLOKY CO., 133 UTANTICD-A SIT I) ATI ON An (HHJKOR WAITER THE AMAZON MARCH. THE GREAT MIN/.ELLIS 30, Cabin, steerage Septemberpassage Maiden lane. M mini, 'JM A COMEDY OP CITY TYPES I I MM P.. D'OMKR at lowest rates. Apply to WILLI AMS A OUION, Jit by aObiuuiuan; tpoako SpanUh and Eugllab. a arrow thrown front a woraan'e cross-bow. The Rerela of the Roaea Lea Amount dea Dialilea West ITtl. it with ateel MAGNIFICENT SChNKRY, Sl'l'EKlt COSIUMES. Broadway. TOOK UAdLIPAX. V s.. AND ST. -foil.vs. N. V. Produced after careful and elaborate preparation, with The larorite Negro Comedian. e PERFECT COMEDY COMPANY. LINE. r CKOMWKLL STEAMSllII* LINK. wantkii-iiy a yi11 si. MAI:RIKIVMAN7 every scene uew by Mr. JAMES ROBERTS. Mr. C. W. ClIARLKY BENEDICT, General roaervud from Steamers lease pier 10 North Kiver following days, at 3 Wiiukcall couiu recommended. Addreal T., box ISO Herald Willi Mr. MATT MORGAN and Mr. FAW81TT; and the beautiful bailed!*!, adutiaalon, $1; aeata, 91 OO; Family 1NMAN Sailings AM. MISS AHA LYNWOOD. Circle. SUc. 1I0KDBAUX li NEW YOHK. CIJOM WI'LL October 3 office, novel mechanism by THOMAS KELLY; elegant accessories Box oilico from S A. to 10 M. The attention of of troiu the South, GEOlioE Tuesday, a THE POWERFUL DRAMATIC open M. P. Importers merchandise UEOKOE WASHING KIN October 13 situation ~(s iikad waitkr or and properties by ROBERT CUTLER; toilettes la tuude COMPANY, 2D HAHA MATINKK SATURDAY. AT 1JKX era purl of France is invited to the Intended Friday. Miss JOSEPHINE KUAN; magnificent coslumee by in an lntenkelv Interesting Drama, named respi-ctlull)of .\lu«»t direct.cheapest and quickest route to Nova Scotia, UtantkiPaIii n IIrat clina club bonne ; bent reference; no objection by THE sailings, below, stearathlps of this line, trow Newfoundland and the Lower St. Excellent In leiiuiic tlic oil or Mate. PINCHETTE, VAGABOND; TUEATUKT to Now York, direct. Bordeaux Lawrence. city. Coll inldrcoe HEAD WAITER, and OR. I'jIAQLE !i Broadway and '13d at. (Hit OF LI Ml-. ItiCtv JHth accommodations, f or Height or passage applyuasseiiKorto No. J.'P IUiIi av. or THE LaST September CLARK A HEAM 80 Want -t glimpse of Fairyland. including a reproduction the CRIME, Mr. JOSH HART Proprietor und Manager CITY OP KKISTOI 30tb Oeluber. AN, A V anted- \ SITUATION BY A tiOOD fatuous SNOW BALLET, arranged by Mile. bOilLKE, In WITH APPROPRIATE SCENERY. AC. Kirat appearance of tile Great Comedian CITY OP LIMKKit K 3l>tb I HAjtKEEPERi MATINEE TOMORROW, MR. DK.N November. DIRECT LINK KOK >LORIOA7 WI:KK Y reference If required. AtldremiJ. C., box 1M Herald which the distinguished premieres, MATINEE WEDNESDAY. THOMPSON, JolIN O. dale, Aguut, iftBroadway* ONLYhue for Port lloyttl S. O.; Fcruundioa. Fla.; Hruuxwick. office. Mile. MAK1K BONFANTI in bia original cbaractor. Joali Whilcoiub. Ga. Sailing everv from -'J Kaa| Kiver. The MlsS . mb uito amekican packet company s Friday pier end ILMOKE'S"uarITen. fifty cents! JENNIE HUGHES. line steamer CAKMNHELEI". Captain Faircloth. will sail son kor IIKTI'tnit a hood situation; REP- Mile. AUGUSTA SOU LEE ill very taleuted Ifiali Sketeli Artiat. Hah.r PLYMOUTH. CIIEUBOl'ltii and lUMBl Htl. I'D, at 3 IV M. tickets Issued to ail V-*"i!ri'iuu una security. Address C., box lull Herald a SUEVIA 3HIWIKLAND Oct. 13 September Through Friday, will appear supported by competent corps of dancers. Madison and 4th ave. and 2ttth and 27tli ett. MESSRS. MURPHY AND MORTON. Sept. points. For or to C. li. MALLMUY A office, THE REMARKABLE CAST Richmond ! New and Sketch, entitled LEsSi.Mi Oct. 5 I PIllslA Oct. Ill freight pass igj apply THIS TUESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 26, l.aughatde CO IftS Maidau lane. 1 1 >r vn of the play will Includo Miss AMY KAWSITT. of the ALL THE DISTINGUISHED SOLOISTS KITTING BULL. Itati-s ol passage to Plymouth. don, Cherbourg, /; BLIIHlbTiB AMKKKUK LAD. WIU> theatre*, who make* her debut in America: Mr. THE RIFLE TEAM. and all points in England:~First Cabin. $KS>, Hamburggold; NASSAU', N. P-KI.GI LAK MAIL STEAMSHIP 1 wlih^to tin anything; been I:: h dry gooda atore over London AND OILMOltK'S MILITARY BAND. live fall or uddret* .lolIN LKVIt«N. JAMES LEWIS, who make* his flcst appearance this 1. Overture, "A Night In tirrnada" Kreutior The entire company appear in Mr. Deli Tbompaou'l Second O.iuiu. ifitU, gold; Steerage, $3'. currency. tj?0ELEO leaves Now York October -H. years, Mr. JOHN BKOUUilAM and BUKLKTTA OK FUN, KCNIlAUnr A CO.. C. U Klt'HAHD A BOAS. MURRAY, KKIIKIS k CO., 68 South at. IHOMI'MON Mr. COG ULAN. season,2. Tromhoue nolo, "L.vluthaii Polka" Levy JOSHUA WIIITCOMB. Ileueral Agents, tieuoral Passenger Agents, |/;(l 8T.-A CuLO KhL> MAN""73 Mr. J. MARSHALL U1 New York. 01 TllVYEhhLKs AU -/waiter; tren d relereiieo. CHARACTERS OK REALITY. 3. Concert Maiurka. "Mtuveiilr de RielT' Bchuloff The Boanclcrc Sialera, Kale Caatletoii, Marion FI«ko, llroad st., Broadway, New York. Gtllih. SCHUYLER SAMPLES, type of the unwise, 4. Cornet cavatina Irem "II Br.ivo" Mercadante Maud Bramacumbe, Maggie Wllaoit, Mlaa Johuaon Wild, direct ami economic route to LHANY-HUHSON ItlVEK ItY OA V W KST 35TII ST .HV7~A COLORED MAN, Jk but do not Soar Mr. »olo, and \ «j1917I tin YORK. who roam COG1ILAN Mr. M. ARBUCKLE. Richmond, Forteacne, Kooney. Reed. Sheldon. Bradley Most no. bklhium. the rhine. switzerland.holla visitors are Informed that the dayLIGHT.-GENJV.tenuialboats will run situation waiter; city relerouce. NV. PONY M UTU a prin t tinner. fifty olliera appear nightly and tlliriltir tint ! K It iliiti.m UI..I -iri.r.l ll... ..iilv i.l'i.lilot EL, lively 5. Webor't Grand I'lano 8<>lo Caprice...- Raff ac., ac.. via rotterdam. AM> whose tale may be told the Marines. .Mr. JAMES LEWIS Mr. FRANK GILDER, MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Steamer VIAAS September 14 ill* nil of thu unsurpassed scenery of the Hudson; the day COACIIMftN UAKDBNBRC Mr. LYNN LKSSL'KELY, whoso tl. Fifth Symphony, laitt moveiuont Beethoven THE" FLORENCES. Steamer KOI ThltDAM September 38 boat lauding adjoins that of the Pennsylvania Railroad In l I KM CLA%& COACHMAN, >lNOl.K. WANTS A life was "rounded br a sleep'' Mr. CHARLES FISHER Aria for Voice Kucken These beautiful the United States mat! New York; close connection made from the Wot the St. »liu .lion i bait new to 7. WALLACE'S.EIGHTEENTH AND LAST WEEK steamers, carrying by .V. undrratanda hid bualnraa linmunlnv; PRANK DODGE, with a way Mnte. EUGENIE PAPPKNURIM. of to the Netherlands, are great favorites with the Louis tram and to tbo Wmt by fast train at s 1'. M from rufcrunce. Addreai 145 it. a Mr. M. BARKYMORE the engagement of public. city (JUACI1MAN, Vtulilln win widow 8. March, "Salute to Sail Hruucisco" Steinhaaser MR. and MRS. W J. FLORENCE, Trips regular, rates luw, comlurt and living perfect. Albany with Wagner's sleeping cam attached, tickets good HARRY URESUAM, otherwise 9. Souk. "The Heart Bowed Down" Katie which ia For Height, For passage, on Hudson River Uailruad rcosived for passago. COACHMAN AND I'SEH'L MAN.TO ATTEND "OSPREY" Mr. GEORGE PARKES Mr. A. K. STODDARD. WITHOUT EDYE A CO. L. W. MOHKIs. ASturnnca, milk, Ac.; referuncea. Addrcaa W., bus 114 NOSEN POKISS. "Confidential" Mr. W. DAVIDUE PRECEDENT, FUNCll. .HidHLANDS OK TUB HUDSON HV DAYl' UHT\ ii. r.iui olBaa. 10. Cornet solo, aria. "Robort le Diablo"... Meyerbeer and only terminated now in consenueiico of the ho Broadway. Tlio MARY MRS. MASHAM MAL1.0RY. with a Mr. J. LEVY. MR. POWELL, lor West Point, Nowburg, widow's Mlto of a Million and uue OPENING OF WALLACE'S REGULAR SEASON. VVfTLSON LINK FOR" SOUTHAMPTON AND I'oughkeepsfe, Hundout and Kingston. lauding at Coexeiis, COAOHMAN-hTasINol.K MAN\\ 110~iL'3L»! 1U 11. Prayer frcm "Moses" HULL tun,l» tin- buidnoaa Utile Dog-no more Miss AMY PAWS ITT YOUNG APOLLO CLUB. EVENING THIS WEEK TT sailing Irom pier f>3 North Xfver as follows:. Cornwall, Milton and Now Hamburg, and .Marlboro by forry AS thoroughly; good city reference. Mr*. BROWN BOSTON, with an Eye.Mr*. O. 11. GILBERT EVERY OTHELLO Sept. 30 N A V Altl.No Oct. 38 will Ittavo pier 30 North River (Vestry at.) daily, Sundays Call on ur addreaa COACHMAN, 135 Vt cut UHtli at. (private RIGL 12. Marehe Combiue, M. li N. F. Welman, Jr. ending Saturday. Scnteiubvr ikl; alao HINDOO Oct. It COLOMBO Nov. u at 3:30 M, at with naMa). of the Confiding Mis* EMILY . excepted, Connects l'ouglikecpsiu ETHEL. Type 50 cents Admission 50 cents SAIL RDAY MATINEE, | trains tor tho North. MRS. GRESHAM, the Injured.. Misa GEORGIAN A DREW First cabin. <-7o, currency: second cabin, $ 5, currency. eveiilkg W A I MARY WELLS will be given the Excursion tickets on favorable tergis. tickets MAN ITH SM AI.L, AM II,V WISHES A MARY ANN, Cook mid Conspirator... .Misa EVENING. very Through and troy by viubakd hh a CAPITOLA AURORA, the Do SATURDAY SEPT. 30. LAST SEVEN REPRESENTATIONS issued to Continental sud Baltic ports. Apply, lor full par- d*Yboats~~c. ..-nriloner; undemtiinda preenhouaea. SITUntloii .if Name Miss SYDNEY COWBLL ONB HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH PERFORMANCE o! Woolf'a aucceaaful Comedy of the Oculars. to CHARLES U WKliiUI' ft CO.. 50 Mouth it. Albanyand DANIKIs DREW.. Leave Vestry st. pier at rt-.IO gardena, tr.'ei. drape vtnea, Ac alio uniler»teiidavocal*tiefa. spoiled of the season and and ittli st. at H ;30 A. M., landing at Nvack and Tarrytowu and Vaklug earn of home*. Addruaa M. O,, lireenvlUe.inirtg IENNY, the Inventive Miss HELEN DINGKON BENEFIT OF MIGHTY DOLLAR, tltliitk siak l1nk. (by ferryboat), West Point, Nowburg, Poughkcepsie, N. J. CHARACTERS OP FAIRYLAND. Mr. P. S. GILMORE. VV FOR AND LIVERPOOL. Cutskill and Hudson. Close counectlon at Alnanv with MR. CHUMLEY CLEVEKT. the QL'EKNSTOWN Rhinobeck, S~COAO IIM out H M AN l> ISEEL'L MAN He BEETHOVEN'S GREAT BATTLE SYMPHONY, with CAKKYINO THE CXITKIl STATES MAIL new train at S 1'. M. for tlio West over New York Ccutral. AN~. Distinguished Shakespearian IRELAND'S GREETING TO AMERICA. MR. and MRS. FLORENCE The steamers of thin lino take tliu Lane Routes To West I'oint and Newburir and return saute day, $1; tiniler»tanda parcelling: good reforoneee. Addruaa(SINtile); or his kind Mr.ivallat.TypeJOHN BROUGHAM "WELCOME TO ALL NATIONS." in their wonderful creatlona of by Lieutenant Maury, u. S. N. going Southrecommendedof the Poughkecpslo, (1 50. | COACHMAN, bo* llltl Herald ultlce. filGNoK OLERI, Maitre de Ballet, expressly imported trrniNt* ct ovl' ,...s yi du /lwi'l'dtt nfr »T adv "OKEKTI.NO FROM BRAZIL." « OliUlii NUU »» u*ur UUUI, Banks on the patentee to Oueeuslowii all the year round. FTK.ST M AN ; BEST CITV for this occasion Mr. FRANK BENNETT "TEN DAUGHTERS AND NO HUSBAND." for tho II KITAN NIC October at 7 m A. M. A .TIC KKTS FOR PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON*, ciT-AsTcOACH RING ' 7, tilt West e. Addrcaa :i.'» Weat-Oth at. TRADITI, Interpreter Extraordinary Mr. J. H. OUR VICTORIOUS BANNER." 2igth to 222d itme in this citv. HKRMANIC October 21. at 7:30 A. M. Providence, Montreal. OVKRIVS Kxpress, AS COACHMAN, KEKorun, LORD LOOMAX Mr. J. DEVEaU "THE OKEAT CELTIC October at 1:3(1 P. M. 33d, comer Broadway, and 4 Knit Houston; baggage S si ll VTION WAXTKD-MV A AoUnJ DASH, Stage Manager of the irroat REPUBLIC," 2S, cheeked to Contennlnl drounds direct. .Mr. W. BEEKMAN THE NEW YORK ClIORAL UNION, FRIDAY EVENING, September 29. BRITANNIC November 11. at 1:30 1'. *1. AOIIOOMman; willing and obliging; thoroughly uuder.tanda hit SIUNORIN'AShakespearianOUISSIPINATemple SAMITI compoaed of 4O0 selected voice*. BENEFIT OK MR. W. J. FLORENCE. From White Star Docka, pier 52 North River. LBAN V-HUDnON RIVER BY MOON LIGHT..CRN hiiahicaa; good city rulureueo. Call uu or addrcaa J. K., 144 (otherwise Miss Josephine Smith). .Miss ELSIE MOORE MMK. EL'OKNIE PAPPENHKIM. The reuulur season will commeuee TUESDAY EVENING, Rutua.Saloon, $8t) and 9loo. In gold; return ticketa on tennlal visitors can enjoy a view of the best and most 3tb av. Mias VINTON Mr. j. LEVY. OCTOBER 9, with a now Comedy entitled reasonable terms. Steerage, $2S. tuagnittcunt seonery of the Hiuhlunds oo tIt» Hudson by Mlas BRIUHTSTARS THE CENTENNIAL FORBIDDEN FRUIT. Saloon staterooms. and hatUrooina aro on of and COACH MAN-HV A SINOI.K MAN; TIlOHOl'U PROGRAMME, smoking tplhced travelling the People's Lino elegant commodious understands hia lived with aorue of tins played In Philadelphia in pretence of HJU.UUU people. aminshlps, where the uolae and motion are loam, alfordlng boats, passing West Point and all other places of interest AS business; baa Ily Characters In the Snow Ballet. Mr. M. ARBUCKLK. ROOKLYNTTHEATRK. a of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. best families, v wiiom he can bo highly recommended. SPIRIT OF THE SUN Mile. BONFANTI SHOOK A I'ALMKR Lessees end degree early in the evening, nud connecting at Albsnv with Address O. K., box lt<7 Herald Uptown Branch office SPIRIT OP THE SNOW Mile. SOHLKE Mir.e. JULIAN HE RYTIIER. B~ Managers For inspection ol plans and other Information apply at the trains lor and all points North and West. morningBoats THE YOUNO APOLLO CLUB. EVERY EVENING, at S. Company a ottiuo, 37 Broadway, New Vork. leave daily, at (i P. M. front pier No. 41. Noith itlver, near YO UNG I*KOTK.NT A NT MTN~WISHKS A ACT I..THE ROMANCE OF HOME. gilmorb's famous military wand. and It. J. Railroad In Nnw BiTUA." ACT II..THE ROMANCE OF ADVENTURE. SATURDAY at 2. CORT1S, Agent. Pennsylvania pier York. First class Ation as coachman, una is willing to make himself Kan# ONE HUNDRED PERK0BMEB8 MATINEE, tickets, good on Hudson River Railroad, will secure passage ui*v:ni; lour roiuruuce iroiu ia«i at:t iii tiir KOHiNPR Of SAIItV i.and. noveral member* of the Mrs. howard... a TOPSY MAN~LTNE7- MAIL STKAMK its oriwy year* ewpio/vr. ACT IV..TUE ROMANCE OK LAW. augmented by lor and ami stateroom berths in exchange ; staterooms warmed by Can be houii at 'iKi Euat '-! "»ill *1. NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY, in UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. (jueenatown Liverpool. toani; meals un tile European plan. THE FIRST MATINEE ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR. Private Box... admitting For One Week only. vITVIN OF RICHMOND....Saturday, Sept.30. at 2 P. M. (TOA( l"IMANrS SIfl7ATI()S WANfKD-HY A of DOLLARS. Next Week CITY OF BERLIN Saturday, Oct 14. at j P. M. man tirnt elans referenca. Ad* four peraona.FIVK OF CHESTER at LINK.KLKUANT STEAMBOATS FOR ; oinht yearn' city COMpotent LIKE. Sal* of boxea and reserved tablea thia GATES' TKOCPE. CITY Saturday, Oct. 2H, 1 P. M. and all taunts north droitf J. VV'., box 15.» Herald office. SATURDAY, hi 1:30 o'clook. morning. CITY OF RICH MONO... Saturday, Nov. 4,at7 A.M. CTITIZENS'^Troy, Saratoga and West leave dally, Uptown V Due notice will lie given of the flrat appearance tbil OOI) REGIMENT..MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OK OWKRY illKATRK". INSTANTANEOUS HIT OK CITY OF BERLIN Saturday, Nov. 18, at 7 A. M. (except Saturday >at ti P. M. from pier 4!) Ninth River. YOUNO CoL. gold. Return ticketa on favorable Fallvia Newpurt and Kali River.Tho world renowned in all iti branches; uood rolerenco from bta latebullnn» CO.'S, Filth Avunuu Hotel or at the Armory. FLYING SCUD, terms. Steerage, 928, currency. Oralis at lowest rates. steamboats BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE leave pier 'id Address W., boa ISti Herald oftloe. OOTH-S THEATRE. OVER BEFORE 11 O'CLOCK. preceded by the luvorlto Farce of irish lion. Saloona, staterooms, smoking and bathrooms North foot of employer. t palmer Lesaeea and " amidships. River, Murray it., dally (SundaysIncluded), at jarrett Managera /"t RAND OPERA HOUSE. JOHN <; DALE. Agent, 15 and 31 Broauwar. & P. M. Through tickets sold at all the prlneipat hotels In itesY'ISOTAbLK young mVn7 SINGLE, wants a »*No free Hat at Dooth'i Theatre. VX 8th av., corner 23d at. ermanl a t11K at RK. the situation ax coachman; thoroughly understands cara SEVENTH JVEKK OF THE TRIUMPHANT POOLE A DONNELLY l^aaeea and Manarera. AD. N K U EN DOR FF Director xtational link-from Tiers 44 aji|rutneut of Horses. harness and carriages; ia production of THE MOST MAGNIFICENT THEATRE IN AMERICA. tuesday. september 26. luftschLOESSBR, IN FOR LONDON. NORWALK "DIRECT, strictly sober .ml obliging; Arit class city reference. Call LORD BYRON'S EXQUISrTK. ROMANTIC PLAY. THIS EVENING Leconi'a t'h*f Duuvre (Kngllah libretto comedy in flvo acts, by Mannstaedt. Denmark Sept. .'to, *2 P. .M. Erin Oct. 14, 2 P. M. JjAOU on or address, or two dayI, 1*. M'K., 14ti Watt 33d at. SA K DAN APALUS, by J, Cheever Goodwin), the Opera HunfT* Box oBiee open daily from S till 4 o'clock. Holland Oct. 7, 7 A. M. France. ..Oct. 21, 7 :30 A. M. connecting with Danbttry, Norwalk and New Haven THE OLORT OF THE 8TAOB !" GIROFLE GIROKLA. FOR yUKKNHTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Railroads,~A YOl'Ntl COLORED MAN WANTS A SITUATION by which haa already been wituoaaed by over ONE HUNDRED ALICE GATES, ALICE OATE8, PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, At, England Sept. 30. J P. M Helvetia... .Oct. 14.2 P. M. by steamer AMKRICUH, dully (Sundays excepted), ivbl of I letobcr aa irruom and driver (private! ; good refer, THOUSAND DELIGHTED PEOPLE, and la given with ALICE ALICE AND GRAND Oct. 7. 7:30 A. M Oct. 7 JO A. M. from Jewell's dock, at 3:30 P. M pier 37 East eiiuo Irum prcs-nt employers. Addroaa e. e.. Ilsrald Up* GATES, OATES, "T~^FOK RENT, UPRIGHT. SQUARE Egypt Italy... 21, Brooklyn, town Braiivti office. marvallona featuraa, uuparalloled aplendor and iutroducoa , The peerleaa and benntirul American Prima Donna, .As Pianos of our own make; also for sale and rent, a Cabin passage, 955, 900 or 970, curreucy. Kiver, ati :45 P. M.,*aud foot 33d St., K«st River, at 3 P. M. the and her artistic and unrivalled number of fine second band Pianos, In perfect order. Return tickets, 9100. 911 or 9120, curroncv. Fare 35 cents: excursion tickets 50 cauls. situation wanted.by a youno MAN, a8 FINEST BALLET EVER SEEN IN AMERICA. COMIC OPERA COMPANY. W'M. KNABE A CO. No. 112 5th nr. above 16th sL Steerage passage, 92H, currency. Dralts Issued from £t mauliioau reference to A including Coatuiuea and at current at the 09 KILL ORKRK LINK..STKAMKR NEW good city froin|laat place. Apply powerful caat, New Scenery, Appointment*. upward prices. Apply company's ofllce, or WALTER BRETT troin KOltXE X CL'ltltlE, 614 OlU av. B. H. Mr. F. C. BANGS aa SARDAN A PALI'S GIROFLE-OIROKLA ALICE .FOR SALE, A "MAGNIFICENT FOUR ROUND Steerage tickets can also be obtained at the CATS daily, Canal St.,CHAMPIONpier OATES, an Broadway. 4i North River. 6 P. M. Faro. 50c. Berths Ireo. AGNES BOOTH aa MYRRUA and a xploudid diatribntiou of characters. Steinway Pianoforte for #'-111; elegant rosewood company's piers, 44 and 47 North River. MA7T(UKKM AN PROTESTANT) AS auqmknten chorus and orchestra case, improved scale, 7t, octave Windsor Plane, cost if 1 .'-ISI, P. W. J. HURST. Manager. ntOtt THE CKNTKNNIA ilrat claaa tiorlat and gnrdener; wife aa cook, lor &>* has guarantee and bill ot sale Music AMARKIKO" vegetable SUPERB STAGE EFFECTS. POPULAR PRICES *1 JSt 91. SO cent* and 25 cent*. ; ; Stool, Cover, r . waalier and ironer; lirtt ela.a reference. Addreaa MATINEE ON SATURDAY, at 2 o'clock. Cabinet, on»t $!'* ; box for shipping.' Call this dny at qekman lloyd box ISO llcrald Uptown Hrr.adi office. ACT 1. ACT II. FRIDAY EVENING....BENEFIT OF ALICE OATES. residence 120 West 23d at., near Uth nr. Call private NorthSTEAMSHIP LINE BEi > KX NEW YORK, UAUDhXEK. ~j NEXT WEEK UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. immediately. SOUTHAMPTON AND RBMKN. VISITORS TO TUK UKBAT EXPOSITION M AN AX0 77ltOMM~ BY SINGLE YOUNO * THE ROYAL PALACE Introduction ofthe GRAND C'lOACHJ man understands horses thoroughly: aceuatomed cliy ol THEATRE LLPKRSONS DESIROUS OF PURCHASING A ltllKIN.. .Saturday, .-opt. HI MAIN Saturday, Oct. 14 will make himself five rat SQUARE second hand or who intend remaining Total daye. will find th« route via country; generally uauful; yeara' Worn the banka of the TigrL. ITALIAN BaLLKT and ITNION) Proprietor SHERIDAN 8HOOK Steinway grand square uprightURNulueODER Saturday. Oct. 7 SECKAR..Saturday, Oct. 21 eruiice. Address B., box iilio Heritln office. Manager Mr. A M. PALMER Piano will Hud a flue assortment at our wareroouis; every Hates ul passage from New York to Southampton, llavre | wonfplendld instrument iu perfect condition and some of them or LONQ BRANCH AND TUB N. J. SOUTHERN R. R. SITUATION WANTtD-BY HINOLB realiatic acene. darful atago grouping in the nearly Bremen flOACHMAN'B FIFTH FIFTH AND new; also second band Piauos of otbar makers; beware of First Cabin, fit*), Seoood Cabin, \yinan : no objertlon to city or country] good reference. our name or one it. gojd: $60, cold; mora attractive than any other. Woat 3-ith at. THE TIGRIS BY MOON- SUMMER PALACE AND LABT WEEK OF THE PRELIMINARY SEASON bogus planus bearing closely resembling $3l>. currency. taamera Addroaa P. M.. ICS STEINWAY A SONS. 107, 111 East 14tli St., Now York. tickets at reduced Steerage, The Bne JESSE MOYT ar.d CRYSTAL WAVE, end DEPARTURE ofsarLIGHTLAST and Kvturu rates. laara tiler 8. North Kiver. fool ol Rector at. at AOHMAN.BY A THOROUGHLY COM PKTSNT OK SARDANAPALUS' DANAPALUS. WEEK. Lait Week or BRET HARTE'S Play, PRIVATE FAMILY, Oil EAST 0IT1 ST. (NEAR Prepaid Sleeratre certificates. f.T2, currency. 0:45 A. M. AND 4 Am P. M.. CIO./German; sale driver; willing aud obliging; flrat claaa royal barge. i TWO MEN OF SANDY BAR. Bioadwav), must sacrifice their magnificent 7 1-3 octave For frai|(bt or passage apply to connecting at 8andy Hook with express tralni Tor rvfereucoa Addreaa cr call at 440 7th av., near 34lh at., carved solla rosewood Pianoforte, tone and OkLRICHS A CO., 2 Bowling 0 reen. richly superior ~~ direct. humor* atoro. ACT III. t ACT IV. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2, finish, cost #G*>. forgJOU; now la.t June. NI.Y DIKEC r I,INK TO FRANCE The sail across KewAork hay, in fall view of thePhiladelphiaocean, THE FEAST OF SAR- I THE WK.NKRAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S the ebippliiv and the extensive government fortifications, la room.-a gentleman dkhikkh to OKT A po. DANAPALUS IN THE IMMOLATION OF Tbe regular FALL AND WINTER SEASON "great-reduction for cash, on aaid to be the tiuest in the worlif Tuition lor a young man aa groom ; la liandv about (table | the of und fur to suit the new and second MAIL KTKaMKKS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND Ct OF NIMROD. In SARHALLwill 1m Inaugurated by revival the great tucceu of rent, times; instalmentsIIAVKK CALI.INU AT PLYMOUTH (O. B.) Prom Sandy Hook, the railroad skirts the ocean shore for and bouaewurk. Call at or addroaa No. 145 Waal ItSth at., tliia acene occur* the atartling DANAPALUS aud the this house in tlie aeaaon ol 1874, hand Pianos ana organs, uprigms, squnrus, graims. eleveu miles to the SUMMER where rear itable. 8. X. BALL A CO.. 1.% Knit 14th it. for tlio landing of passenger*. CAPITAL, passongur* VllCCt CI HID nieiHTUSIiee UK I Tlie vessels on this favorite mute for the can atop over on through tickets. a practi h TERRIFIC GREEK SLA THE TWO ORPHANS. splendid The In the foot of TVaudknkKrs~isitTJatTojTwantkd-bY orgies by the YE.Burning CLOSING OUT SALK-LAKOfc. KLKUAST STOCK icablns provided with electric bells) *111 sail fromContinentpier depot Philadelphia la at Market at., cnn married man; in the cultivation ol accutu bv crush- .. to most of the and cnientVjTcal tiiictily qualified storm, pauied half HAKMORK'S Wii No. 43 loot of Harrow St., North as .. lout city hotels boardiug houses. and 1 HUNDER ol the of the Thlt great drama will ho presented wltb a cait I'ianua, price. Warerooms, River, lullows Tickets for the round lor tltieon SiuTlie atovo and green home plauta, graperies. peach houae, fruits, Ing rambling Palace.Rising of Bleecker »t. #l<>0. #15 i. #_<*). ST. OKKMAIN (Kerutuux).Saturday, September 30, 3 I'. M. trip, irood days, (L lawua; niuo Addreaa K., box and siTi-l flashes of LIUilT- nearly all the principal member* the UnionembracingSquare LABRADOR 8 vegetables. years'references. Tbeatre and with WILL (Sanglier) Saturday, October 7, A M. connects also for I'll Herald office. NINO, the uiott wonderful Tableau Curtain upon Conipauy PRIVATK FAMILY 8KLL BLKUANT CANADA (Krangent). October 14. 3 P. M. 9:4u line Vlnoland and Tom's River, ______Impressive stage repre- bin's magnificent pointing,Telaud Magnificent Scenes and Costnmea. Pianoforte (at sacrifice) ; 7', octave, overstrung, PRICK OF I'aSHAOK OOI.DSaturday, and the 4 I*. M for Waretown, llarurgnt and Tnckerlou. /I AKUKNKIl AND FLORIST.SINGLE. FIRST CLASS lour STKINway IN (including wines) for 5 M. notations ever gieen. THE KUINh OK NINEVEIL lull agraffe. round rosewood Pianofurte, richly carved First Cahiu, VI10 to $120. according to accommodation; Accommodation Long Hrancli, 1*. tTinan, who ii po.aeaaed ol the highest abilities of garden. Rale of scats for drat TWO ORPHANS night commence! case and legs. all imp oveiuents, eost #075 lor $.50; Stool, \V. S SN EDEN. Ueuoral kanac. r. : ...... il,. 1.1 ,.i ...iin....i.l> at 8 o'clock. Second, $72; Third Cabin. $4(1. Of the GRAND ITALIAN BALLET, t'8 lu number, are Tuesday morning next, Cover; a haudsoiue Chieseriug upright Pianoforte, $d; Return tickets at reduced rates. tor years. Address ELOKlHT, box l'.'H Herald office. the renowned Mile. BARTOLETTI, premiere dauseuse also Satin Parlor Suits, cost $S5<>, lor #!*<<>. #1.V>; rep suit. KAlLIOAA Steerage, $36, with superior accommodation. including r> SITTATin.V-BY A I N Grand Oovra, Paris, and Big. MAbCAGNO.assolutaofthaof $85; rich walnut and Kastlake lloaroom Sets. Library and and without extra PENNSYLVANIA(JKBAT TRUNK LINE UCllKNhlt MlBKK. DC* San and HITCHCOCK'STHIRD AVENUE THEATRE, Furniture. Brontes. cost. N. H wine, bedding utenaila. charge. AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Xtrlous studio mini ot trood. In hoi the Carlo, Naples, Seals. .Milan. near 31st it.. Dining Paintings, Ac., l4 LOUIS DPI UKItlA >, Agent, AS Broadway. C1 practical experience matinee every Saturday, at i*. EVEN (NO THIS Must be sold. Call to-day, five storv brown stone prlvato Tralne leave Now York, via Deahroaaes and Cortlandt etreot Mini ir.'on house plants, vegetables iiud laying out grounds. KVERV WEEK residence open 0 A M. to 0 P. V.) So. 47 West Pith utatk ferries, as follows :. Address A. box 130 Herald office. A OADKMY OK MUSIC. ITALIAN OPERA. and at (house limiT I'., St., between ">th and Otli avs. O.VkW YORK TO OLASf.OVY, MVRRI'OOL, D BMS, Express lor llarrlthurg, Pittsburg. the West and South, MAS SITUA A Mine. PALMIKKI. Mile. BELOCCA, Slg. BUIGNULI. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BELFAST AND with Pullman palucu cars attached, U :30 A. M., tl and S :JO COLOKKD WIIHU A MAX STBAKOSCII to announce that he has ENTIRE CHANUK OK BILL. BKAI'TIFIJL HKVKM I.ONDoNDKRItY, tion «s coachiu>0; bring references. Address C. B., box begs PIANOFOKTH, OCTAVK! from 42 North R.vor (loot of Canal as follows . 1'. M. Sunday. U anil 8:30 P. M. R"KHPKOTAUH£ In arrangements with the abuse named dis Harry Montague, Orrin Brother*, rosewood, Instalments taken. J. BIODLK, Id plor at.), : for l-ock lad Harold oilaa. making succeededMaster Robert llutlcr. A~" STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Thursday, October ."> Wllllainspurt. Haven, Corry and Erie at 2:4(1 and tingulelted artists, supported by an efficient company, Martin, Waverley place, uear Broadway. STATE OF VI KOI NIA October 19 8:30 P. |M., connecting at Curry tor Tituaville, I ON AS CUACHMAN AN1) HAKDENKB. chorus aud orchestra tu give one week of Tierney and Crontn, Charles Kuollinan, Thursday. Centre and the Oil ITUAT GRAND ITALIAN Ml>a l.niiua lloifuian. Miss Belle La Verde, family "will skll UAPTirOb STATE OF NEVADA Thursday, Octooer 21 Regions. Petroleum Thoroughly understands bis businast; bust rulsrsuco. Ad* OPERA, seven octavo and every altcruato Thursday thereafter. First cabin. $6.7 Por . Waahimrtoii and the South, "Limited (truss box «U» Herald office. commencing evening, October 2. IHJO, at 8 o'clock, Mi-s Minnie La Verde, Miss Ullie La Verde, APIUVAIKcarved rosewood Pianoforte, $85. 1218 ol Pullnisu cara K., .Monday J aeltson. ,E. Express" parlor daily, exceptWashington with Belllut's master work, in three acts, Misa Virgin Second cabin, $.Vi; return tickets. $'.s) Steerage at lowest 0:30 A. M.; arrive Washington 4 :I0 P. M. RegularSunday. C'ATI ON WA.NThU-HV A YOUNU MAM (HW EDM), NORMA. Concluding with tlio screaming Faroe of at M. euro to THE ORKAI OKFKK.-WK WILL DISPOSE OP IV) FIRST rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN k CO., Agents, No. H:40A. M.. 2:40 and UP. Sunday UP. M. SH'm coachman: uudoralands tha or bortos; willing Mine. MARIA PALMlERI. OliOsT. class new and second hand and Pianos 72 New York. Express lor Philadelphia. 7 JO, 0:3O A. M., 12:91, make liiiiisell generally uselul; good rcrsror.ee Call on or donna ol the Theatre Sun DUTCHMAN'S si|iisre upright Hroadaajf, 8 8:40, prima Carlo. Naples, and La FRANCISCO M INSTKKLST OPERA HOUSE, and Organs, previous to removal, at extraordinarily low IS It r. itAt I r, I ll KI-.llS AT 4-'i HliUAUWAt A .NO AT 2 :4P. 3, 4. 5, (I, 7, :3M, U P. B. and 12 ulirlit. udilrcss J. S.. southwest corner l-Dtli at. and 2d a*. cicala, Milan, will made tier debut In New York In her great AN FRANCISCO MI.NST ELS. and 1'Utb st. prices tor cash or instalments: to let. from #_' to #H per Til K COMPANY'S PI1CK. FOOT OF CANAL 7 A. M. and 4 :I0 P. M. Sunday, S A. M.,Accommodation,5, U, 7, role or NORMA. SAN Broadway 481 ST., S:.tO and U P. M. and second data. 7 l>. M. WANTED.BY A UESPECTAHLH SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. , The Minstrel Palace. month. HO RACK WATtKS A SUMS, Broadway. Noll 111 IUVKK. Emigrant at coachuinn nudurstandi how to take care ol Mile. PumUni (first appearance in New York) Adalgisa SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS. The Minstrel Palace. For Centennial Depot, at 5:30, tl:3'l. 7:30, 8, 8:40, 0 ;30 A. SITUATIONmini, MIXglu Mgnor Palmier! (flrst appearance in New York)... Poll lone t KAtmruL stock pianos and organs "to MKIMU AN LINK M.. 12 itO, S and 4 P. M. On Sunday, 8 A M. horses: Is a careful driver good references. Address J. B., HAN FHANCIHCO MINSTRELS. | The Minstrel Palace. and for sale ou Piano* Mwil Herald Brunch office. Mr. Conly (flrst appearance in Italian opera) tlmveso <«> 8IDE-SPL1TTI.NO JOKES. .A axrent iiistaliiieuts; I'pright Weekly Steamship Service between leave Centennial Depot at 7:15, 8:15. 10:5(>Returning,A. M., Uptown Musical Director and Conductor S. BE1I KEN'S specialty. oolimm1th, m Blaacker St.. near Bowery, Pll II.AUK I. PI I i A AM) I.IVKKPOOL, 1, 1:1ft, 3. 3:30. 4:43, 3: «J. (t, U:."iO and 7 Art P. M. Ou A MAHKIKD *0 TUESDAY I Birch. liLWKIOUS S1NOING. Tiiirty T at 7:20 A. M. and 7 P. M. cITuATiON~ WANThD-BY MAN, Evening, October 3.First appearance this s vt.'cv cti'iivii i: ivn tt'iukir i'tivni it vinv calling Queenitnwn. Sunday, as wife as cook or of Wain hold. COMIC DANCES. Brilliant Pur trains to Ochlldron. gardener; the rood dairy Mason Backus. RECEIVED WITH Artists. Railing overy Thursday Irotn Philadelphia, and Newark, Elisabeth, Rahway, Princeton, woman 4 reference. Call on or address Mile. Annade Relocca Kemlrsmlde .xxfrreat barjratne; eoine of tlism naed bnt a very abort (line Sailing every Irani Trenton. Perth Auibov, Plemlnglon. Ilelvidore and other yours' UAKDKNKB, (t, <«> SCREAMS NIOHTLY. our be«t muaictans, ami really aJrriu.t rte irood aa n w; Wednesday Liverpool. 24:t Degraw St., up stslrs. South Brooklyn. WENDNKSDAY Evening, Octorber <1.First appearance T1IK FUNNIEST IN THE .4 by The following steamers are appointed to eall from points seo local schedules at all tiekot offices. st ENTERTAINMENT CIT\. fully warranted in every reaped. K«a>t call at the WEBER :. Train* arrive :.Prom 8:2(»and 10:30 A.M. end A TIIOHOUUIII.Y COMPHTKNT MATINEES SATURDAY AT SEATS SECURED. 5th av. and I'ltli at. Philadelphia Pittsburg. ANTED-'-BY IIAtfi bit. Brignoli Ksvorita Warerooma, PENNSYLVANIA.. Sept. 2« I ILLINOIS Oct. Jft 10:20 p. M. daily ; IO:|l> A. M. and 0:50 P. M. daily, with best references, a situation as coachman; The sole of tests will commence nl the WEEK AND ORKAT SUCCESS OF STOCK U'KIOIIT CITY OF NEW YORK.Oct. M.OKD CLIVE. Oct. 2(1 Monday rrom Washington and Baltimore, il .30 A, the care of horses auil will make hliusolf I^ituir 6v Su~ SQUARE 5 M except thoroughly understiimls ACADEMY OK MUSIC HOX OFFICE. S~ECOND JOHN II. MURRAY'S Pianos and Ort;ana lor nub. luatalmaiila wr rent, very INDIANA Oct. 12 | OHIO ...Nov. 2 M . 4:1U. 10 and 10:2 P. Sunday, liiiU A._ M. generally useful. Address J. T., box HID Herald office. 14th st. and Irving place, on Thursday, Septuuibsr 28, at 0 OKAND CIRCUS, low at P. so li I 1.1-It, 90 Kaat Ifik at. PKIOE OF PASSAGE. IN OtIKKBNCT. from riiiiaueipiiin, o;0, arenrdinir to liK'atlou. A. M.. 8:10 8:50, 4:10, 5:10, «:!(), 0:30, 7:J.">, 7:81, W ANTHD-SITUATIOXHYMNUCK MAN LAII* WILL SELL LESS III a.N VlUn-RitSKWOOl) Steerage and inturiuediulo tickets to and froYu all point* 8:40 and 10:80 1'. M. Sunday, 3:0ft, 0:20, 0 :3U, 10.10, duller; has best of references; will be ruund willingOAltTT I'arfiirirtnnpn evptv lltiirnnon ami t>trn tiIrtir lit* ilia Ia*a>aat 7 oecare mid w ould take cure or horse If Address THEATRE; V' four round cornered I'lauol'urte; coat $OOI; at the Inwett ratet. 11 :.<0 A. M . 0 and 10:20 1'. M. obliging;. required. PARK GENUINE SUCCESS Mid beat circuit in the world. led order. JH Kaat 3d at., near 2d av. steamer* marked with a iter do not carry intermediate. Ticket ofticea, 328 and IM4 Broadway, No. 1 Actor Ilomo OAKDhNKK. box IH4 liersld offiou. ol company par| and foot of Du*brn»»oa mid Oorllaniit Not 4 Court H A.MISU BE KOsr.WOOD PIANO KOR HALB.Iff Passenger acc. Apply No. HO West 47th at. to PETER WRIGHT A SONS, General Agents. depot, .leraey Cltv. Emigrant ticket office. No. 8 Battery "ifiT>DLh-ao£i) uEvKLkMan«fl¥iP35JtiB N CLOUDS! ^ ^ .*<<17 Walnut p to set as for a < . .1' IW I mauntkick nt 7 l-j octave piano. viii at., I'mladelphla. Jxbusiusst references, agent largo pubUsb M.vitlLLE VAKIkTIU, little muat bo aold for leaa tban bail at 7>> GEORGE W. COI.TOV, 42 llroad at.. New York. KRANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYD, Jr., house. with lull S. U ISM H I av. at s. used; prleo. General lux Address, particulars. IlAJLL. ClHATSAtr./:14th at. and Kvcuiup Matlneea Tueaday, 7th itar., between I4tb and 15th ate., aecoud floor. JOHN McHONaLI). Passenger Agent, General Manager. Paa«enger Agent. of D Applotoii Jt Co., i\ < Broadway, New York. which will ba presented averjr ovenlnit ut 8 Saturday Tliuradity aud Saturday, at 2. No. s Battery place. at 2, with Ita splendid caat and bvautllul scenery. Mattnee NEW AND SPICY PROGRAMME. EIUUT NEW STARS. LIOK SAI.e -AM. rocno corker "pianoportb, LINK KOR BOSTON. ACTIVE BIWNBHS MAN ; ONK UAV1NO MMI A WOKLD'S CONOitRSS OK new o A llomleii'a luuat bo NCIIOii LINE N IT ED STATES M All, In serial hooks work out ol MOST WONDKKKUL MAX OK AKTISTIC NOVELTIES P nearly Lyi make; avid tbla STEAMERS? gTONINUTONSteamer* UHOOF. ISLAND and NAUR from ANexperience prolurred; rpiIE TUB DAY, AND BEAUTV IN SEDUCTIVE NOVELTIES. week, by CIIS. 1)11 I'/ 3*5'Jrl av. NEW york A no GLASGOW. A0AN8BTT, lie city. Apply to UK I. HOBSON. 14 Murray St.. np st*lf» 1 LB COMMANDKUB CAZKNKl VE, UN APPRO AC IIAKI.K IN BRILLIANCY AND Victoria Sept. IM). 2 P. M. AUatia Oct. U. 2 P. M. pier si North Hirer, loot of Jay it., at 5 P. If. aurnamed by the European press III Molt. SPAKELINO >k SALE.A bkiLLIAnt fonrotlano~a~>ine Uollvia Oct. 7, 7 A. M. Anchiirla .Oct. 21. 7 A. M. Providence I.inc. BUY W AiMhl' AH A.>bl»IA.M »A J. Jv r.i'.r Atlt.. THE EMPEROR ok PBKSTIDIU1TATEURS, THE K1I DIVE'S WIVES. F~~iinatruinent; price, <175. Inquito at 137 Kaat fi.td at. To UJ.ASGOW, LIVERPOOL OR DRRKT. from plor 27 North River, foot of Park place. Staamtblpe A Apply I" I', a HAUVEY. :i* Choir, tt. and the Prestldiirltatrnr of Emperor-, I ROMBASTES FUIttOsO. to $H(i. to accommodation*. ELECTKA and GALATEA. at.4:.':o 1*. M. will make bis flrst In America rUUnFt octave CAHVKO-i.kti PIANO. Cabin*, according UKKMAN A IKK coTM PAH Y. I NTKM appearance CUPID'S FROLICS IN THE SULTANA'S PALACE. jniLL Intermediate, Steerage, $.'S. to Untied AT OlIlCKhKlNU HALL. ENTHANCINO FRENCH AND SPANISH DANCES. 1' fiao; Weber 7 octave carved les, #175; rente. <4 NEW YORK AND LONDON. EXCLUSION*. to cxiuiid lueir bnainea* the Stat**, ie prw»Dinn SATURDAY EVEN I NO. SEPT. 3U, at 8 o'clock. OORDON A SON'S, 13 Ka.t 14th at. Gordon Castlo M. I Oct. 1 route to parod to receive anulicittion*. witii reference*. lor (nulM FEMALE MODELS. Sept.'V1,11*. Utopia 14, P.M. A new Ad.trrM II. ixmii o»D ol M«nn MANUEL * FRANK. Popular prices. LA MINUET. "TREAT BXKOAINs~UFuiViIIT AND SQUARE Anglia Oct. 7, 7 A. M. Australia Oct, 28, noun A CONEY ISLAND, UU William New Fork. Admission, Including resetved seats, fl 7.1 and SO cents, new it ml aecoml At ware* Tallinn, to via Her fare lor round SOa 07 and at., ticket nIHee PARISIAN QUADRILLE. CII'U.ior, IiaihI. FlSrllERai fd #7.1. Steerage. S-'U. Uldge; trip now open at ACHL'BEBTH A UO.'S, 23 rooma ai><1 tu an n factory, 42i-4.w We»t JHth at. Cabin Excursion Tickets at reduced rat**. 8TKA.Mhlt D. K MARTIN USEFUL Union square. ALLACK'S. EtTKA CARD. Draltt Issued for amount at current rates. will leave lout »l Hector »U. N. It., at Bar WANTKU-A AKT1CLK; SELLS any pier M. connecting ti" rink. KItN KST HI 43 t Broom* M. Mr. WALLACE bet;* to announce that hit aeueon will iiuTruii day. at u>k o'clock. at panes pier Ne* JO and 21 North River, New Y'ork. witn traiiia for H ull. Locuil Grove and Ialaud. AGENTSrapidly ESToW. hikty pimf"x'otual ~ex iii bition of thb »i one octava Kldge. Couey county agricultural commence IwTllj7 ea*t HroAilway, aplamlid 7), roiavoud HENDERSON BROTHBRA, Agents. 7 Green. Leave Now York U JO, II :J0, 1 :45 T :45. 5:15. PIKHT CLASS I.UNCI! COUNInK MAN WANTED, queens sociKry, TUESDAY. October 3. riaiio and two eulta ot Furniture. WILLIAM AH1IOTT, Bowling Leave Conor Mnml *<:IO. 12 10. J in, 4 It), 5 :JO No. 3 at. Mum TO BE IIEI.I> AT TI!E SOOIKIY'H GROUNDS, when will be produced Auctioneer. COAMTVVISK^STKAMSIIIPS. I THOMAS' hii-limiKC, Barclay com* AT MINKOLA. I.O.VU ISLAND. new In three well reciMUiumitlaU. comedy. act*, A N U PACT I' REIt'll BARUAI N0. 7 Ot TAVE TRAN-IT AND II Kill HHI DOK.T A K K BOATS AT PULTON AND TUBS DAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, entitled -0175." S PACIFIC MAIL ' Grand ate. Kacnraion Jo cent*. SEPTEMBER 211, 27 AND 28 FORBIDDEN FRl'IT. M: Pianoa. alnioat new; all iinprovcinenta; Inataloienta PANAMA STEAMSHIP LINKS. 1.10It tlcketa, YOUNG MAN TO OPEN OYSTERS AND ATTEND HI" counter. II. corner 7th av. llOllATIO 8. PARKE, PRESIDENT. In which Mr. 11. J. MontitKuo. Mr. II. lirckett. Mr. Araott, takeu rent, #1'. CAItl.K'S, We.t -3d at. point, pouoiikkepsib and Alunch KNUBKL, andStMbet. Exhibition n.' HOUSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, SW1NR. Mr. Mr. MI«h Ada For CALIFORNIA. JAPAnTcTiINA, AUSTRALIA, new sewhciig, POULTRY. Ac.; KI.owkkh. Herbert, Shannon, Dyaa, Mme. Puniai (ROSEWOOD CASE), ONLY M (Tan FRANCISCO TO JAPAN and CHINA, Hcrnp lor eale. WILL LEAVE LONG INLAND CITY AT 10:30 A. M. j Til K< >!><> ICK THOMAS Steamship CITY OK PEKIN Saturday. Sept.*. 0 TEAlt..AGENTS W ANTE I)feVERY WIIEIIK TO ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. Retufnlm;. will give a series uf .powerful new l'pkiuiit A square From SAN FRANCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, Tendera are Invited for the following old material, which PL'UK*«lI to famine*. hotoU ami large conaumera; largest leave Miuoola at 5 P. M. A apaclal train will leave UK AND AND POPULAR CONCERTS, Slintj^dU. Piano*. factory, 103 Hieecker; wtroreuino. and NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIAwill be delivered to the pnrchaaer at any point on the Grand atock In the country; i|iiallty and term* tha be«t; country Mill II....lIMTKII srtTK.-l PIAMI CDUI'tCV Patcltogne at 9 A. M.. fur Mlneolu. 'topping at commencing on WEDNESDAY. October 4. Steamship ZKALANDIA Oet 11 Trunk Hallway whicli maybe agreed upon. If delivery la storekeeper* should call or writ* TI1E WELLS TEA and all war Gallons. Returning, leave KaliyIonMl l ull particulars in future advertisements. K«ir freight or passage apply to required In the United State* the pnrchaaer to pay duty. COMPANY, 'Jul Fultun at., between Church and Green* at A P. M. for Babvlun. Patehngne and all way station*.noola Programme* cau lie obtained at all Ilia p lucipal maalc ntVICAL. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., or 11. J. HIT,LAV. Superintendent. Tarmi eaeh on delivery, wlcli. Now York. Trains from East Newtork, over tlio Brooklyn Central stores. utal* and at the box ufli. e of Stsluway Hail. T d£niluiia.V at kxPKUTKnck uTVks No. 0 Howling Uruuu, picr 41 North River, loot Canal it. Eatimeted Ifiiai illy. road, hourly, connecting at Jamnion with tne regular main j xVinttriicilmi on organ, and at Tone ANTED.IN A MRRCUANDISR BKOKHB'E Ins a. TIVoLI piano, barp harmony YtiHK AND HAVANA DIKKCT MAIL LINK.. Rubber \\T a I trains for Mi naol Re'urning, leave Minaola at 4:35 theatre, realilence; $10 a quarter; reference. Address, with These flrit claas will aall at 3 P. Irom Old Scrap 2>i Tr iilTicr. amart, actlv* boy. Audres*. with rafaraaaaa, and II I*. M. at Jauiaioa for East hew York nth st between 3d and 3d an pupil's NEW steamships M. Yellow Uratk 0 11. Herald oltlee. 9130 annum. connecting and Ahkrlk'h residence. TEACHKH, bos l;t llarald Uptown It much pier Hi North Kiver, foot of Cedar at,, fur Havana direct aa Scrap. M., Salary par bushwlck. The beat and eheapoat ainuaeinont in the city. odea. follows:. White Metal Hcrap 1J TED-A ACTIVE YoUNO MANTHAf Tlii. week JULIA t Sip. NOV 1S>IMO. Old Hope scran ,,,I STKONO, INSTITUTE." ONKADl, COhSKKVATOKV CLYDE Tuesday, October 9 uiider»land* the Kiucaiy haalnea*. B43 3d a*. STKL'fll. LAND and MACK. VBNKLLI and COULBY. N KW VUKK OK MUSIC,7j COLL'M HI'S Thursday, October 13 Old Bagging Scrap WAN J^Mr.MOAN Ballet. Farce, Kong and Dance. Uynmastics and Pauiomiuie. A.East 14th at., second door east ot 5th a*. THIS KB-. For and Wrought Iron Scrap it.'*) 46TII ANNUAL EXHIBITION OP TIIR Opeuitii: of the f AIUV ORUTTO. Adinlaal.in, JSo. NuWNKD MUSICAL SCHOOL upon day and evening. fret|(bt passage, having unsurpassed Can Iron Scrap :a> IITANTBL IN A LAWYER'S OFFICE. A YOUNG MAM apply to aecommodatlone, Iron scrap I IT who will glee liia servio*:* fur hi* Inalruattou in tha GREAT INVENTIONS OP THE YEAR. OPERA / 1 A It 1>.~. I* It 1V A I"K LESSONS. I'lANO. VI( ILIN, OUL WM. P. CLYDE A CO., No. 6 Bowling green. lloop P. J. oMaa. HOUSE, McKELLAIt LUN1NO A CO. la Havana. tiprliig steel scrap an Addiwta W.. Herald praIbealow. An nr.umal display ot CVoUJjtHlAJ corner West 13th St. and Ureenwich a». \yttar, Singing. Clreutara mailed. J. JAY WATsON. Agenu Meet Tyret Scrap. 2U AMERICAN INVENTIONS AND AMEBIAN NICK, NKW. NAt'i'.llTY NOVELTIES. 3d bast 14th at. Open ever* evening. MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS TUB PRODUCTS, of the finest tormod in the Director. Havana and Mexican mail ss. link. Krai! Tubes Scrap 0 Fifty ladles world. Filly appear CONCERT OK Old Wbuli, wrought Iron Hpukui and Kiiu and catt WANTKD-YOUNOgrocery bnalncaa. Apply at 51b 14 ar. Now to be neon in the spiciest, wittiest and most sensational entertainment OPHKA, CHUHCIL'-LADIES Ny.,Htoamcra leave pier No. 3 North Kiter at 3 P. M. Iron llubbi 9 UPWARD OP «OU in America none. The of the without means instructed And rapidly aaalated to for Havana direct. VARIETIES OP PRUIT. ripialled by (Jueens Intrigue ; IpOK Address letter atalion 1). Humbera \U ANTED.AN INTELLIGENT AND RESPECTAHLB Oriasetee of Paris; the Turalsh Bathers, or the Sultan's Ol'LltA, employment. CL'HA Tuesday, Sept. 30 Vf colored About 17 of age, a« hall ; m««t the CITY OF VERA CRUZ / Wrought Irou Driving Wheel t. 75 lad. bof 2<1 Mid 3d avt., between B3d and 84th iti. Artist's Model; l'oses l'lastli|ues, and theFavorites; DUTOCQ. PROKK8SOB OK I'lANO. ADDRESS Thur.day, Sapt. 3S Tenders and Indorsed liavf boat re It renctt. Apply ot 434 &tb At.. b«UrA«ft toiftft * French .Minuet. at Matinses CITY OF NEW YORK Oct. 5 elating price per pound, gold, "i KUYLhl Evenings 8; Tuesdays, JO Weal 3!ld at. Thursday. lor Scrap," will b« roceived by the underii/ned"Tender!on or o( li Ami l. HOOXs, aKUVLK ROOMa and Saturdays at 3. ThursdaysMlt.i; FOR VERA CRL'Z AND nkw ORLEANS, ^. A 61II AY. AND 30TII ST. via Havana. I'rogreao, Campeachy, and Tampico. balbre Saturday dOth September. JOSEPH IliCASON. UUlLLIANT TKKPMiCllOREAN ENTERTAINMENT. POST OK KICK NOTICE.. Cl'BATuxpan Uouoral Manager. a florist, a you no man or U. "tiOCIKTY bOClAHLKS,"' SECOND "SEASON," Tuesday. Sept. 30 Montbrii., 20, 1876. Apply At 24 Kmt 4lHh at. ONLY l'LAOK OP AMl'SKMEXT ij every Wednesday and SaturtLy evenings. t>bst'okkicV'KOITOiK-"^'iTtfTrofiit'lti'jJ 'maTHs kok For irulght and passage apnlv to Hept. Wantkd-byperiod-#. O* TUB KIND IN THE CITY. Ferrero's Assembly Rooms, JT tha u eek ending Saturday, Septsinbar Sutli ls76, will F. ALEXANDRE A s'o.VM. 31 and 33 Broadway. WILL KK DP TO OPEN It VERY NIUMT. TuiMttiany Building, cluae at thla otllco on Tuesday at 0 A. M.. for Karons per Steamers will leave New Orleans October i and llKUKlVED 'WoKM*. I IT A XTKD.A BUY. A8 WAITER AND TO KAKI East Mlh it. CARTIER A co., Managers. October ?ROPU»AMer I, lM7ti, br the trustees of the Now York end ¥ Y liuusoir n»«rul. Call at 40 Kilt 361* COMMENCING AT V O'CLOCK. ataatnar Wiacnnaln via (Jueenstown: On Wadrtasday at 0 A. 23 for Vera Cms and all the above ports. at their 21 Water (jpnar.illy at., ENTRANCE ON OPERA.ALL lor ataamnr via mi Bridge, offlce. «t., Brooklyn,llrookIjrnN. Y.. 10 *111 U o'clock. HUTU «T. TUB LAD I Kb AND M Europe par Scythla (Juaanalown: for the manulacture and delivery of 3,d«if) Bel tone of No. H It*Iwcon of the i liorus engaged by Mr. Max StrskoscliURNtlcinenare Thursday at 11:3 olllco duly: inuat writ* a icuod hand; law IU1 K"k IK ALKY BROTHERS (Wednesday, 37lh,l 11 A. M. 11 M., Kurope pur City Richmond For Norfolk, City Point and Richmond, lueedays, Printed tpaciflcatiom containing full informatlon will be «a|H hole Proprietor! Uuaentown; correspondence for Scotland. Oermamy and and Saturdays at 3 P. M., connecting with the Virginia furnished January I; iua>t Hawaii racummaadad. Addraaa A., Had AROUND THE WORLD IN 60 DAYS. royal, btii av..«tkanukrs to lorwarded this steamer must Thursday* upon application to tlilt olhce. Irtl iltirald hIHm. two weekt rranee be by be specially -atid Air Line. Atlantic Coaet Line, Piedmont Air w. a. U;«town Secured eeau In advance. the city should not tail to visit this place; 40 '3i> lor IIOBHLINl», Chief Engineer. .. Palaisettendaute. Admission free. visitlugyoung addressed; and at II A. M.. (tsrntauy, Sweden. Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, aud with the THK TIUDKS. YOL NO LADIES TO TRAVEL WITH lady and Norway per steamer Ubeiu rla SuuihaniptonDvurnarkand steam lines to interior points In North Carolina company'sand K At'll A \ < K. :3U ' WANTED.TENa remale mlnttreta: thoee within* to learn the batlne»t opAKitlMi. PBMOIMQ AID MOOT1VO ACADEMY, lire men | and at II A. SI . lor Scotland direct per steamer Virginia, Nswhem and Washington, N. C. (via Norfolk), mo M k K.:71 a Ta ILI7K5:."a VO L rtTTOTSyiSflr > wardrobe lurultbed. Call on Victoria via Olaegow, and at I'd M. for Prance direct per and Hidi-ratiln exiiarionca and auttlnat viihaa AtiKK. -W4 Wett 'Jrtihit. MANJ Colonel MONSTKRY.Heinllorclrculars.teatner St. tiermaln via Havre; the steamers Wisconsin, l,ewes, Del., Monday and Thursday at 3 P. M., eon aocting WaSVkD--M1Sexchauge Mortgage! titanium In a nnt elntt rmabllnlunout eitlior M »lnmu M fkytbla and City of Richmond will not take mails lor with Maryland and Dolawara railroads CAMPS Jt CO.. 116 Mkbuu «it., room uodilaiit euiior; Uorman and English; bu boon to WISE LOUISA LKAHLIK, READIER, IH NOW YoiTlC cbntxnnial Sweden aud Norway. Tne mails for the West IndiesDenmark,via Passanger accommodations iliu butlnats lor llio Wtl ttvo )«wi. Aduroao 8. K. Uw to make arrangement! with lecture eommltteei,PREilluiired LOAN EXHIBITION, llcrtnuda ana St. Thomas wilt leave New York tickets undunsurpassed.bills of te all points ttVI« Affi lAfti; toaaon. Nkw September Through passage lading till uiMco. eburchee end otbere for title For Ac., national academy or dk.-ion and the JS. The malls for Ac , will leave San franctsco at lowsst Mitt teetlmouialt, China, rates. Insurance to Nortolk, Ac., per eent. Tfi^crarinrMAS ¥Fi& w*KKTok IO ASK addrett LKHsLIK, can W. U. BROWN, Mo. 1 Union museum or art. metropolitanOctober 1. The malls lor Australia, Ac... will leave San Freight received dally at pior 37 North River. Oeneral ^Vlmnorted onea, made to order and lueerted without pala. rN'ThD--A MAN WHO UNORRdTAXD* TU« equare, Maw York. VOW OPEN MOTH DAY AMD RVEN1MO. Prancleeu October IL T, L. J A MRS, Puetmaaler. offices. 187 Oreenwich st N. I, MfiCRKADY. President. llr P it* ITtlll and H ilftl'lil.KM INN Ho Biccc... tt. of cltrarottoi, Ap»lr r| I7H Water ft. Uj3ufiwturu