>LE *r , NEW TOIIK HERALD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 187G.-TR1I SHEET. , AMvninm. AjfraBnrsim. I KUKOPRAM STRAMSHIPB. COASTWINR NTKAMSHIHS. SITUATIONS WANTKO.MAT.Kfc. AT rutiMAii. want immk> -the t. II KMlf*T fpHtfAfRll COMiyUK. 814 BKOADWAfT T3AKIiilAW~^AR!RTIK!», i EVERY Ev8>f»NO~XT H. UK WESTERN STEAMSHIP UNK. ITSTRklUA, *f. t»K iiCH»D KX I'KKI KMCK x"SOI»3 IhAKKIUAN A HAKT Proprietor* KELLY 1 LEON'S MINSTRELS,minhtrNls,\.? ± AKISIAN VARIETIES. MATINEE TUESDAY. VX To MKISTOL (RNUKANDi DIRECT, I)Ku>«1 Mail al.amvr CAM MA i* int.ml.d to »ail tiuiu Urire niHuiiim'tuiere want* a eltuaiioa. Aadreae Ik £ W. HAN LEV Manager K"'l£EfTfll6ri^ I61I1 at. and Broadway. Thursday and Malurday al 2. eailiur Irom pier IH Kuk Riveraa follow* >i« Wi> on September makitiK cloa. connection at ilrruld office CUJi*Isr, Svnmua . Oct. 4 Heriuild* wltb lb. Mall itcaiiiei fur St. Tliomni! and 7 THE PtNACLK OP POPULARITY. TRdwlu Kelly, W. McAodrew.,^ AKllAOON, VYeducaday. Uoyal * N AMKKH'AN H Continued auee-ni of Edward TJ 1U» KAKKST in CORNWALL, Saturday, Oct. 14 tin* Wni IiiIIm; t«r pa»a*ntj?ri and mail. Iki. U now lit. O Y ~NKAlil.V 10. ACCTSTOMRD Harritan'e T t ? t Cal>io Stauijier...... *' and rti.apeil ruiKa. Yto ferni work, violi »ilu*tion *h«ri he c*n work lor OK. THE OALLANT 08TH. ' > ' ' STAR FUNNIEST. I XKff ~^ paaaaco, ».<); intermediate, fV>; atecraire, #- quick.«l DOWN BKOADWAY; ^ <5* I I hie boitril »uJ "ilS la which HARKIUAN A HAKT. Hilly Barry. Billy Gray, "The Glory of the Minstrel ARTISTS. I LIVELIEST. I ACTS. cnrrencv; eacuraiou livkrta, fl JO; prepaid tier race cert ill etteud tehool xood reterencei Addrei* Staye." chii«. (BE tu w. U. WlNlfiM OUI.F POUTS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Deirrew it.. llrooKlrn. ,v V. Billy C'artrr, Larry Toolcy, and all the coinpauy appear. Great lucoee* of Great euceeaa < 1 V V- ^ ^ ^ Apply MOiUiAK, Aini, QtEbicc°ANl> Jt> Uroadway, New York. Firat appearance of America a greale.t Mollo Singer, Mr. SIR DAN O'PALLAS. FOUNTAIN OF ORIGINAL SENSATIONS. LlNB.-li. ASH X. A. R. V & A CO. Voi .su I KISil M \S w I lilies A MITL'ATION" AS PKAN'K LEWIS. Italian Ballet Mailer. Keappearauce of The Snow Slutrelkri' linllrt. the Slack Amitona. A ^ <*> A CTUNAIIU ) NOTICE L^OU HEW ORf.E \ N 3 Ml,: A~ bartender: ben cilv reference iroeB. Aildre»» JAMBS the popular favoritea. DESTRUCTION OS NINEVEH AND SIXTH AVANI B. Startling, GENTLEMEN'S | Fr.nclij, With a view In the chancer of ilia rTill-. CUOMVM.I.I. (.INK. llh.VLY, - Harrow it, and GOLDRICIT. HON TON iliniinieliinK eollialon, yUILTER * BxlillarnlluI hpicv, eteautura of thie hue lake a apecilic enurae lor all uunue of Tit. »ti'ain>liip A » OLollhl) JOHNSON and ItKC'NO in new original epeclaltlea. Morton, H. Hnertdjre,' Csptivsttut;. RESORT. I Flquimt. the i oar. Hi Captain t«a.er. will anil MAN. HkVt oLaSH COOK, MBAf . "f.lohnuy f ^".uYami."" nSON, I Vcir ; belt relorengo. Addroii box l'J4 Billy Barry INTKHNATION tL KIPLK MaTOIL Tommy, 0pl? Lt'" < > <8" 4> On the outward paaaacc from to New Yark of on SaTUKOAV. September Sti «i :t o'clock P. M. pantry J., Herald Wednesday AND SATURDAY MATINEE. Made Happy- Qucenatown u flier. |jap»ucic |,JTh* (( MUODKMUS NORMS. Rofttoii, cruaainu tliu meridian ol VJ at 43 latitude, or Iroiu pier No. o NortU liiv.r. OOD'SMUsEUM. WOOD'S. JACK BKASLKY. A LA BURNT CORK. to llie north of 43. notlaiutr Through bill* of ladln.- ciren lo Mobile and urluclp.l lOl.uithU MAN A WIT* .OLYMPIC liOVELTY TllKATtUa. LIVING PIOTUUKR. on Uivor. OKsiuKH THIS DAY. , On tli« homeward paaiascr. cruieing the meridian of 3D at polnia the MliaUalppi AUK>l*m,r,\Hl,Kuetioii in u prlvatu luiuil, noo.t releruuce. Addreei A W" .> £ Street followed br J*ek Beetle a.'e. II II i. ..Hi.... EVENING AT 8. I MATINEE AT i OOO L Y Y MM MM II CCC Thompion I'nlili, jr. 43 latitude, or nothiug to the north ol 4J. C.tiiu paaaat;., # *'. Steel fcj.'i i:>c PPP,, THE ENCHANTING PARISIAN FOLLY, KKOM NKW YORK KCK I.I YKlll'OOL AND Apply to CLAKK a SK.AMAN.8e Wrat it. iAdmUilon. »lc. I Admission. O OL YY MMMMPLilC O . .. a E. T. STETSON Mix SOPHIE MILES Y M 0 QUEENSTOWN. YOlJNi} OUl.ORKU MAN W'ANTrl A PEACH AS O O L M MM PPPr II CRINOLINE VERSUS HCYTUIA Wed.. u7 Uot. tl liuuua.i » ncn ,ir.aau |i 11 11' coaclnueii. ( all ,.r oddreM W. M. 455 71 b mt. 1b the utw I In MABEL UKAKK; nit, O OL Y MM MP II CC UKEECHES, SepC BOTHNIA....Wad.. LoN K ST All will sail from A" C., Sensation, WIFE. OR AMihlilA... .Wed.. Oct. 4) AB YSatNlA.. Wed.. Oct. IB Steamship*.. ir..vjimplar THE FATALIST. I THE CONVICT'S OOO LLLL Y M M M P II CCC WHO SHALL IIAVg Tl. ItKKT 7 Steamers m«rk«J hum ) do not North Kiver. ou WvJurwl*). September 'J7. and I»Y A FIRST I'l.A-, li VuKH.PKK, ill 1.1.1 AK1J carry steerage passengers Sei tamper at 3 I*. for 1J room or botel nlwlit AVENUE THBATRK..MPBCIAL. I abln passage, r-v', #1'.' ami # ti», guui. accoruing ta ALGIERS. Saturday, M), M keeper clerk; will drtre watioa* It t\TU NOVELTY THEATRE. A^ boat of ricU An of artlata. ^ accommodation. New Orleans direct, transferrin: Tex.is freight there to Aiidri-ai robert, Herald I'ptowa office. U NO PERFORMANCE TO-NIOIIT, 22 AND «24 H ROADWAY. apeclaltiea army Kolurn tlckuta on favorable terras. Louidati.a and Jexss Railroad lor la eansaqusnee of llu lUboralt preparation lor the Pleasure aookera' bora*, j Envy of weak iinn atom, Sirerega tickets to and from all parts of Europe at sery Morgan's Morgan City, TJAKlTKKPKIt.HITUATIilN WANTED AYAYOUVJ of "LIKE." will bo low rales. thence per Morgan steawors to Texas port". Through ieme All ticfcats for tbil evening productionCOLONEL WM. K. SINN.... ..MANAGER bills of ladiujf Mifiied to all on the Kiver, |)iii tii, 12 yeirV ex|»«*i first cIabn city botel rffur* for to-morrow or axchangad at tbo box i tiie evening" bill AT the j Freight and passage oOlce No. 4 Howling green. poiuts Mi*<«i*»ippi vuce. AilUresN It AlCK KKt'Ett. lirr*<t office. good (Wednesday), ADMISSION 15c., 35c.. SOc., 75c and $1 M ati n ee this uay at a i CIIAULKh (i. FKANCkLYN. Mobile, Galveston. Indianola, Corpus Christ!, llockport. office. ADMISSION 25c. end 50e. Agent. llrowiisvtiie and to on Gal . all the MATINEE I5c.. «» y Ilrsios Santiago. points EVMPI.iiYMKNT IV IM'I.II as PORTER, WATCHMAj AVENUE PUB STEAMSHIP SCYTUIA kmuA~KK vestou, llarrUhiiri: *nd San Antonio. Houston and Texas clerk able THEATRE. TUE FAMILY st. and cth av. Irom tlie foot and Pacific Xjor ihippiii.: experienced, .leadc, bodied mtnj JfUFTH TUKATKB OF THE CITY theater. Uth PAMSJMSK*0t|||4 wlisrl, of tintad st., Jersey City, Central, International Great Northern Texas n il afraid of work ; be»l reference*. Addreta UAKDINKR, Broadway and L'Sth ak und Lyceumaimer's return to new your tonight, at noou, oa Wednesday, September 'J7, 1S7G. and Transcontinental railroads. Freights for St. Mary's UOUI anil M. FAVORITE RESORT OF STRANGBR8. lor Ove ulghta more only and one matinee. I'llAKI.KS tJ. FKANCKLYN. and Fuiton landed at lWknort. aad Mr. AUGUSTIN DALT NOVELTY COMPANY. NO. 4. To-night laat time of Lecocn'a crowning triumph No. 4 Howling (Ireen. New York. Lifillerage and channel dues at Corpus Christ! and ylTl ATHlN \\ AN I ID-IN Till-. CH I nil I ill NTItv] Proprietor Manager of UIROFLK-olKOFLA. at and risk of k o to care The crest Arrav NITKJi STAIhs"MAlL LINE.-STEAM TO Santiago the expeiis* consignee. Urates Jby iuldillc<ai;etl ulutfle, eober man, take of hnreee TO-MOBROW SEPTEMBER 27. 1876 krtlstsSOVNLONAND C RON IN. AIMP.K (laat time in New York) aa Olrolle-Ulrolle QUEENiL Jusuranco can he effected undo*open policy ol C. A. a n.i naclul ^'euerally. Aditrei* K. K., bux IV7 Herald (WEDNESDAY), TO-MOltKOW LA GRANDE IUCUESSE TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. A to New to Texas a HIE PIIOITBS. NIGHT, on Co.; Orleans, per cent; uorti,Whitney7. dice. four THE PHOITKS. AIMEE tlmel aa....La Grande Ducheaae. Sailing TUESDAY, cent. For (rwi^lit or further intormatiou to PIR8T PRODUCTION on auy stage of a Novell* in (only from pier 40 North Itlver. per apply Clll M || IN W \ M'l-.II M IN AMI MIKE, AS FIRST LULU DELMAY. LULU DBLMAY Iboraiiay. LA I'KRICIIOLE. Oil A4tl.ES A. WHITNEY A CM . Aponis; ottics. pier :ui WISCONSIN. Sept. L'tlNoon DAKOTA. Oct. 10...11 A. M. I ' »« « ailor In a boarding home. or a* porter; Phaut and a Transformation, bv Mr. AUGUSTIN DALY, THE SNOW HROTHKKS Friday, LA KILLK UK MME. ANGOT. North Kiver. prlv»ln and their wonderful Performing Dogs. Saturday afteruoou only Almeo Matlnee. WYOMINO. Oct 3 .3 P.M. IDAHO. Oct. 17 3 P.M. wile Hi plain cook, cliiimberinaid and laundreae. Apply to The latent In and La TIMRALK D'AKOBNT. t'abiu. # -i, f>7n and fso, currency; mms usb eor gu7test( x r.>iviiim; w key K. 1,, No. tf j Tomm Ht.. rear. adaptedf rom aevaral Partsiau aonrcea, and entitled novelty Soiik Ounce. Saturday evening. Intei mediate, StM; f3d. J. West, the United Stales mail. The Hteatuer OUIKF1.N AMI RICE. Monday evening October If, Atuieo in Phlludoipbia. steerage. carrying omart ami years wishes The talented Character nketcli Artists.
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