§S i I -; — : .-f I ■ ■ ■■■■ a. IS ueview. Augustus n»jva.j ———— aid of a thousand armed men. If these men [international MISCELLANEOUS. of the Late THE PEES8. were not armed and drilled in the circles of An Unwritten Chapter THE PORTLAM) DAILY PRESS, B USINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. the 15. P. were in other seditious War. every excepted) by the L., they Published dcy (Sundays I’RIDLV MORNING. JANUARY 30. Swallowing gatherings. But the fact that the leaders Tho year 1SG1 closed gloomily for tho cause POBTI..AIVB PtKHSIfSKG CO., J. A, STROUT, in the League have been most violent in of the Union. Tho army of the Potomaa un- Exchange Portland. Every' attache of the Press is furnished at 109 St., regular of revolution and most der McClellan had not made tho expected, Minins Stock Broker. Sale T. Pullen. their threats profuse Grand with a Card certificate l P illars a Year. To mail subscrib- signed by Stanley Terms: ight Closing : in their offers of aid to the usurpation is of move; Mason and Slidell had been surrendered; Dollars a if in advance. 'w ?N. Editor. All steamboat and hole managers ,;rs Seven Year, paid in PORTLAND railway, Dealer ACTON, There is Congress was surrounded with tho gravest will confer a favor upon us by demanding credentials tlie highest significance. every THE PRESS ATLANTIC, MINERAL CATARRH IS THE MOST PREVALENT difficulties. Early in 18(12 Bu.-nsile’s fleet was MAOE~STATE ACTON, of every person claiming to represent our journal. to believe that the circles have been HF” disease. It is insidious and reason Morning at 82.60 a HILL and other MINING STOCKS. O of any known gen- and Cameron's made s published every Thursday of revolt. Some of their fra- wrecked; resignation at a to bo SWAL- the nurseries year, if paid in advance $2.00 year. 93 St., Centennial Jtlock. erally incurable. letters and communi- room for a new of War, of whose Exchange dtf pronounced We do not read anonymous in- Secretary decs viscid se- have been its avowed of the LOWING, WHILE ASLEEP, the T he name anil address of tlio writer are in ternity certainly the had no accu- of Advertising: Onoiuch space, cations. capacity and energy people Rates THE length of column, constitutes a “square.” cretions of catarrhal colds, POISONS all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- stigators. rate knowledge. Great expectations wore en- ?] .50 per Bouare, daily first week ; cen..s_:>er continu- LUNGS and from thence undermines every tion but as a guaranty of good faith. tertained of movements and suc- * cck after; three insertions or lees, $1.00; The Press is of the belief important after first week, 60 cents. of the The sense of taste, We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- Philadelphia ed every other day function system. cesses in what was popularly called the West, three insertions or less, 7o cents; PELHAMS. are that Mr. Blaine is the man. Speak- OVERCOATS AND tnat not used. iiaif square, smell and are the BREATH munications coming 60 cents week after. hearing impaired, but of what might be planning and happening one week, $1.00: per of the choice of delegates to the Penn- Si’Ecial Notices, one-third additional. BECOMES DISGUSTING, and breathing ing in the far in those remote territories and “Auction West, Under head of “Amusements" nostrils is rendered CON- State Convention it three inser- Overcoats through tho impossible. MAINE STATE TEMPERANCE sylvania Republican which were not evon laid down on Sales,” $2.00 per square per w'eek; Meat’s Striped Elysian iStiS correctly STEPHEN BERRY, for Bronchitis, Pol- tions or less, $1.60. Sold at W holesalc heretofore $0.50 w SCROFULA, DEAFNESS, VENTION. says: the maps, not one person in one haudrod Advertisements inserted in the Maine: state should and are the natural legal- If tlio Blaine “boom” in Pennsylvania a a circulation in part ypuses Consumption meet in from the President down, had Press” (which has large every Job The Maine State Temperance Society will it will disturb the of the ad- thousand, for first insertion, Card and Printer, cies. OF PUTRID MUCOUS up- continue serenity of the State), for $1.00 per square Book, SPURTS Mass Convention in Ohio. or a care; a most anxious sol- for each inser- joining States. It has already stirred up thought though aud 60 cents per square subsequent NO. 37 PLUM STREET. or in on the tonsils from the nostrils, crackling mEONVAN HALL, AUGUSTA, move the foundation of New York. have been as tion. It will icitude would not misplaced, at the of nose or over — ON — State are Address all communications to Overcoats the head, pains side, the The Republicans of the Empire forthwith REJIOYAL. Oft Men’s Brown Elysian at shall appear PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. within tho are ex- Wednesday, February 11th, IS^O, 11 watching it with intense interest. To most of Sr Former and $10,00. the eyes and pressure chest, further the situation in the far price $9.00 o’clock A. them it has all the of a revelation. Surveying when neither THE CAUSE NOR M., novelty perienced as a should South and •/> we find in the first that JAMES ©’©OffNELL, and continue Wednesday and Thursday. That such a tiling popular uprising ost, place are through within ~ENTERTA1NMENTO. THE FEARFUL CONSEQUENCES The Maine State Temperance Society is composed have occurred in Pennsylvania was not the Rebels had complete possession of the in the But this was because dreamed of. Tho discovery of A REAL of members of all temperance organizations their expectations. they had traitorous Counsellor-a t-Law, be the medium great State of Texas. Twiggs Dr. Wei State, am. is designed to through have underrated the intelligence CURE for Catarrh and Hay Fever by in the use of all honor- persistently under his com- Has rcmoyed to Clapp's Block, cor. .Exchange and Men’s title Diagonal Striped Overcoats, which they caii unitedly act and the independence of our people, who have ly surrendered all the troops Portland. De New is second in able im-a ures for the final overthrow of the drink- Federal Sts., (over Boring’s Drug Store), Woolen Satin Sleeve lin- Meyer rrf York, import- views of their own, and on occasion have a with forts, arms, ammunition and sup- Gilbert’s Dancing Academy. Fancy lined, and th« liquor traffic. mand, be- ance the of a of ing system habit of them. In this case it is not Coinsuie.iouer of llrrd, for other Hlnte,. ing, and formerly sold at $25.00, only to discovery preventative We cordially invite all friends of the temperance presenting plies of all kinds, and many of tho men had ures to Biaiiie more. Tho Blaine move- paroled. rogion MEYER'S CA- secure a more perlect union; they Jove being done by WEI DE the to Dr. 0,3". Ol^ESIKriES'Sr. educate the masses upon drinking system; ment owes its force to the admiration felt by admirable base for extended military opera- Evening. TARRH CURE are set forth in a the moral sentiment of the people upon his Every Thursday pamphlet, strengthen Republicans for his fearlessness, ability, and it was not before to advise the of tions, long advantage and the GERMAN meets to address. The the drink traffic; upon question his and bis as a leader. Class in WALTZING which is forwarded gratis any for the of courage great qualities n more stringent enactments suppression was to be taken of it, in evening. jal DENTIST, foctimAiriola fliovain pmitaillPfl 91’A He is the broadest and largest man in public sought every Tuesday 4 to drinking and intoxicating liquors; to take **&*>» Children’s misters I age SO) selling refusal of all His knowledge of the autumn of 18(51. It was somewhat ,‘d.IS 9IIDIILE STREET, ^*3 OJsk medi- into consideration the willful neglect and life—including parties. H. H. be the hundred less than 4.2» ably the MOST REMARKABLE upon and counties to American is more exteusive than that PORTLAND THEATRE. Over Can’t bought by executive officers of towns, cities politics as follows that the Confederate leaders Artificial teeth inserted, from one tooth JQ cal record. Cases of five, ten and twenty enforce the laws upon the statutes of the Siate. possessed by any other man. His study of and Manager. the matter. FRANK CURTIS.Lessee to a full set. the traffic in liquors: and wants of whole and of argued as well as new cases, to prohibiti g intoxicating the tho people, every ana exuauwu m mo year’s standing, yield that could hold tiieir own Teeth lined, cieanseo to consider any and all questions bearing upon portiou of it, has been more thorough than Assuming they and Jan. 29 and 80, manner and at low prices. • the ti ONE PACKAGE will euro these Thursday Friday, I possible 4-J-ont. subjects. other of our statesmen. He is, there- east of the a move could bo made Bciiideitce, S4 Higis, corner Pleattaiil &t. the of the times demand that we by any Mississippi, The World Famed ordinary case of Catarrh or Hay Fever exigencies tho most westward of that river having every Men’s Pclbams (« different patterns) marked any should vote for none but honest men and honest fore, thoroughly equipped public promise CURE THE oldest and that obedi- man of his time, and combines with large of success, and which if successful would give down front $3.00 to $5.00 each. and two packages officials to enforce the laws; and OATES the of all a cool and a coura- immense material and moral to tho ALICE WORST CASES we have ever seen. ence to all law.- being paramount duty intelligence, judgment advantage people, they should demand a thorough, impartial geous spirit. He is, every inch, a Republican, South. The plan was nothing less extensive DEUIMONl) & DRM3I0SD, 30 West the a Emma C. Howes, Washington and enforcement ol law against and has done more to of California and the than the OPERA COMPANY, JiO was cure non-pariisan by vigorous campaigning capture subjec- COMIC Square, N. Y., had Catarrh yearn; as all other laws for the dram shop, wella3 protec- endear himself personally to the rauk and file of tion of five other States and Territories. :*5__ABTI8TS-35 by two packages. tion ol he as the safeguard of our CosmseBIors-af-lLaw, peop: only the than has other of our leaders. For the execution of this brilliant Jim. gl>th. the Successful Mil- Benedict institutions and homes. party any" enterprise THUBSOAY, Sam'l Benedict dr, Bros., jewellers, a a on He >s thus everywhere by them as the was simple. A powerful col- iu 3 acts, by Charles Lecocq, 760 Broadway N. Y. says: “One package cured I he usual reduction of fare may be expected regarded programme itary CENTENNIAL BLOCK, as such umn march El Paso into New Mexi- entitled member of my family or Catarrh and one package the railroa is. typical Republican, and challenges should by love. Tlia' or tlank at Fort and cured a lady friend of May Fever.. Augusta, January 22, 1880. their admiration and wins their co, defeat Canby Craig, 2L.3S: PETIT DUC. 2»t. dosnCA Nye, President. lie should be wherever he and Santa Fe. Next would come Fort 03 ZElSe.Ojh.iXOtXS,-© E. II. Brown, 339 Canal St., N. Y.—Catarrh, 11 greeted goes, occupy Ian. 30th, the Opera, I.. \V. Starbird. Secretary, an arsenal and FRIDAY, Popular U. DRUMMOND. J0SIA1I II. DRUMMOND, JR. lost sense of cured one package. that thousands should crowd to his standard Union, containing admirable JOSLAH years; smell; by 1>. W. Treasurer. LeLaciieur, whenever follows from these conditions fitted in season GJ5 .i'LE GIROILA. UO 25 Goold L, Brush, with Tefft, Griswold & Kellogg, raised, supply depot good by Floyd _dtf Executive Committee—A. J. Chase, 1st District; ammu- Sale of seats UNDER PREBLE HOUSE, 443 N. Y., Could neither Nuieii uor which attach to the man and which mark him with a most convenient stock of arms, Admission 35c, t»0c, 75c and $1.00. Broadway, Frank L. 2d District: R. W. Dunn, 3d 10 terrible Catarrh; one package dngley, as the uio6t brilliant and yet the most nition and stores. Thenee the march north- Monday, Jau. 20. ja23dtd Taste; years’ M VV. Hall, 4th District; Geo. E. Brack- BUSINESS Pi RECTORY. cured. District; statesman of his Such a ward would be easy, and the prizes would f II ett, 5th dstrict. steady generation. 47 Nassau St. N. Yr.— man be down. From defeat he ha'ds of the Indians THEATRE. W. A. Phelan, merchant, Vice Presidents—Jordan Rand, Androscoggin; cannot put rapidly into the troops. PORTLAND Cured ofluihicuza in the head.. J. ti. A. Shorey. Cumberland; rises with renewed strength. Conspiracies and Mormons were probable and valuable al- Accountant anil Public. B, Smith, Aroostook; Notary Rev. Wm. Anderson. Fordham N. Y.—-Very bad Josiah Binary, Franklin; Reuben Rand; Hancock; and cabals may postpone liis success; but with lies. The sure result could hardly fail to be pin. 184 Dlidilt W. W. Knox; UBO. C. I'linii.l.V, Office Catarrh ZQ years; cured by one package. J. K. Osgood, Kennebec; Berry, his unquestioned merits the day of triumph is the complete and speedy control of a rich Street. Por(iauii> W. T. Eustis Oxford; Rev. Chas. J. Jones. New S. I.—Ca- James A? Hall, Lincoln; inevitable. The Republican people have de- State, a sea coast and forts from Brighton. Oenobseot; K. L. Merrill, 1 is- splendid 3 at times impossible to preach. “One J S. Wheelwright, creed it, and their will must be obeyed. which men-of-war and privateers could issue tarrh, years, eataquis; B. F. Talliuan, Sagadahoc; Frank Ken- Horse Shoeing worth ten times the cost.” to the Pacific. This would hasten package Somerset; \V. M. Wood, Waldo; Is. B. Nutt, sweep recog- JPraclical Horse 167 Mott rick, 11 y 8. YOUNU & CO.. D. G. McKelvey, Goverment inspector, Washington; B. Randall, York. Tiie Howard University of Washington, nition by European nations, would lead to the Sbncri. «l> Pearl Street. St. N. Y. says: i could uot breathe through breaking of the Atlantic blockade by England ■S?2£2;J53 G-B.EAT breath was 1>. C., has laid claim to a rather shadowy uiy nostrils; taste and smell gone; my and France, and then the end would soon come. so offensive as to render me au object of loathing be Real Estate Agents. MAINE WOMAN’S CHRISTIAN TEM- estate in Texas, but it may turn out to What then, were the weak points in the plan? and disgust. After 4 years indescribable suffering, C. No. !»:J Bichaiise It is to the endow- They were three. First, the Rebels made tho JOHN PROPTER, 1 was cured by Dr. Wei De Myer’s remedy. PERANCE UNION. a very valuable acquisition 8treet. had no return of a mistake, which repeated over and over over a year since, and 1 have ment fund of that institution. John Wood- they catarrhal symptom.” again, of attaching importance to the support W. C. T. U., will hold a Mass Conven- Book Binders. with Lord & The State an eccentric bachelor, died in New to come from disaffected and districts R. G. Blackburn, salesman Taylor, Foss Street, BnlJe- ward, people tion in the Methodist Church, where the sentiment was Sec- ffa, A. QUINCY', Room 11, Primers’ N. Y.—Cured of catarrh by one package. York in 1848. before he ac- general loyal. forU, Many yeare were misled about tho Exchaugc No. Ill Exchange Street. L. A. New man, the largest dry goods merchant in 4th ond, they hopelessly 3 Wednesday and Thursday, February, title to some five million acres of sentiments of the Mexican of New »:VIA1,B, A NHACKFOBD, No. *5 Plan, The ever made on the common Porous Plaster. Brooklyn (305 Fulton St.). Chronic Catarrh, years, quired population only improvement the various and 5th. or the Atreel. says: “Physicians gafe me little hope and land in Texas. He wa3 a confirmed aboli- Mexico, and forgot ignored animosity have a that avail. After two weeks’ to SEW YOKE Over 2000 Druggists signed paper stating remedies tried were without All Auxiliary Unions are earnestly reaucsted born years before of the Texan Santa Fe expe- v use of I was wonderfully relieved, and Aid in our State is and in 1834 ho made a in which W. 22. OXILEB, Mewing Machine RcpaS:- CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS your remedy send delegates, livery Society tionist, will, dition, and still deeply rankling. Third, they of BENSON'S siuce then entirely cured. L. A. Newman. I invited to send delegates. Half-fare tick- HARRY Manager. er, 4 Marie*** Terrace, ia the Rear 2D2 cordially lie devised all his to the of made a fatal miscalculation in underrating MINER, &c. on M. G. R. from 3d property Mayor C oal Street. my24dly aP other &c., &c., &c., &c., ets will be granted R-, good grew* are superior to plasters. be to the stern the unflinching courage, now kind of nasal diseases are to 7th inclusive. Homes will assigned New York as the same to be patriotism, Positively the Larger! OrgnBiEatioB Those afflicted with any city, trustee, and the fierce of tho men who were PRICE 25 CENTS. SEABURY & «; OHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists. delegates and visitors, sending name and address to energy Traveliu invited to send for Dr. Wei I)e Myer’s pamphlet to the education of free colored per- the foundation of our “Centennial ianl2 eod&wlmb Mrs. G. Nr. Weymouth, Biddei'ord. applied laying WANTS. and to inform us of the result of using MRS. L. M. N\ STEVENS, Pres., at State” of Colorado while USUAL.. particularly sons. The Mexican War was in progress braving hardship gy PRICES AS Catarrh is MRS. C. C. HUNT, Cor. See and in the search for the cure. Wei E>e Meyer's Cure, and his privation gold. the time of Mr. Woodward's death, That these events were not known and bare Secured Seats for sale at Box Office. BOARDERS WANTED. Worwegiram delivered at $1.50 single package, or 6 packages for made no to ascertain not since been known in the East is Liberal terms to the trade. executors attempt any- hardly M. L. TOWNSEND, Agent. $7.50. THE BLACK LIST. in view of the fact that other mat- Pleaiaus Rooms mid Good Sonrd. $3.50 thing about his Texas estate. They died surprising, ja20 d3t of men ters of transcendent importance, far nearer Week. Here is tlie list in black letters the per but the trust is supposed still to were with them. Fort No. 63 Spring Street. long ago, home, contemporaneous vocal and instrumental accident in was taken on (i, Roanoke grand ja29dlw* who, by an unhappy being survive, and if |the estate can be found, and ilenry February CONCERT Island on February 8, and Fort Donelson on important official positions, deliberately Mr. Woodward’s title thereto established, l(i. The battle of Pea ended EX NT. J A TIES’ BAS'D, February Ridge laws which the of New York will have authority on March 8. and the Monitor fought the Mer- AlKaranahHall, .Tlomlity Erg., Feb. abused their trust, perverted the Mayor Liniment* are the rimac on March 9. and the great engagement 25 cents. Tickets for sale by Centaur great pain-extract- to of the property. The president Gonpral admission sworn to execute and dispose at Shiloh occurred on (5 and 7. Probably J..J. Meleh, remedies of the world. The sale of them is some- it was their duty justly April T. P. McGowan, i22 Congress Street; ing of Howard has a me- that such a Cor. Centre of the houses in lirst- University presented not one in ten thousand suspected 418 St.; Donahue & Parker, Y one largest Maine, immense. There no nor sore- and in- Congress trade in the thing pain, swelling, according to their spirit was in the Brion & McDonald, Congress St.; Frank i>^ class Salesman with an established impartially morial to that the threatening movement making and Fore; winch will not anti mix ic\\ \. men Mayor Cooper, praying 272 Middle St. Ja2 .dlw Grocery and Flour business, to whom a permanent ness they alleviate, rear of our armies; and it would have been L. Collins, Music, tent, who sought by wicked trickery to wlu'ph Tip vpnrpsp.nts mn.v situation will be given, witli a good salary. Address, they will not cure. The White is for Family Use, equally surprising and terrible to have heard is located, stating where trade and the Yellow for Animals. For rheumatic thwart the will of the people as expressed at named as beneficiary under the provisions suddenly that a junction had been affected by > BOX Marne. de dtf 935, Portland, the Rebels with tho Mormons, and that mis- affections, strains, stiff joints, wounds, galls dis- of the will. the and who not only brought had been done which could be skin eruptions, itch, scratches, burns, &c.f they are polls chief already if at all, only at the cost of hundreds and soothing, healing and themselves but smirched the Johx Dyer of de- repaired, WANTED." quick, thorough certain; grace upon Kendalville, Indiana, of lives and millions of money. Instead of emollient. fair fame of the State whose officials they sired to marry two women—the widow My- this, the bright days of Slay saw Sibley, dis- aanaHBSE3B2SS5G&AvV:*T at that Seventh Anniversary of ers for the sake of the she heartened and demoralized, resting Two first-class SALESMEN who can were. Their names and $3,000 possessed, unfortunately places same Fort Bliss from which ho had marched trade to sell Groceries and Belle Bly because he loved her. He with fell four mouths before. The command good be known of all men that they purpose should know him no Mon Lodge No. 6 and Flour in Maine. determined to get over the difficulty by valley of the Rio Grande would joy the of bfeiug more, and he doubtless his accustomed Me. may receive just punishment marrying Mrs. Myers, killing her and then sought ItNIGIIT* OF t'VTliHAS. Address Box 1014, Portland, Pitcher’* Castoria is especially adapted to consolation in the flowing bowl. deld This is the best known as infamous all citizens Miss The was _■__dtf Cough Remedy children. When the child has health the mother regarded by good marrying Bly. plan partially cure for loss of Voice, Conglis, Colds, for for he married Mrs. and He Bought up Plxo Church. Fair ■■ At Wanted. can rest. Castoria is a vegetable substitute and that the rising generation may learn by successful, Myers City Hall, and all troubles affecting the ftSMSStT* books offered Bronchitis TMnwvrna Pnstnr Of!, rind tbo dMBHRMotiS1 then her but he had [San Francisco Post.] for the easiest selling T1, rrtn’f nn(i r-nmrs. the of wicked. destroyed by poison; W»*** min- their foliy being to Also a few maa *a fcruio *»d Syrups sometimes used. Containing neither example TIiott lm/1 o /lVinroll foil* (inn’n of SnAnich. CANVASSERSagents. It instantly allays irritation and re- talked to Miss Bly in a way that aroused her ■onetLtx. CONSTANTLY ©N IIANIL or it has received the endors this list is the names of such moves ail Huskiness and of the eral, morphine alcohol, To appended town last week, which was held in a large Dryness and suspicion, and she started an investigation tween 10 and 12 a. m and 2 and 5 p. m.‘ dcOtf and flex- ment of physicians, and its sale is constantly throat and increases the power other men as have taken offices to which grain warehouse just opposite the residence of It seems to be Mature’* rem- that has resulted in his condemnation to the of the Voice. rapidly increasing. man ■ FUNERAL DESIGNS ibility and who a cross old bachelor, the richest in the FLOO II TICKETS, *1.00 edy for uss>£aMi!aiiiii£ the food in the stomach, they knew they were not elected, gallows. "TO LET. As the receipts were rather thin, on Gent Ladles. A SPECIALTY. causing proper digestion and preventing sour place. AdmilWng .and & CO. otscome equally guilty by taking advantage Will L. a St. Louis has F. T. MEAHER wind-colic and dlarrhcea. This Marple, artist, the second night the management secured the Special attention given to out of town by mail or curd, vomiting, of the vile conduct of the original malefac- for a divorce from his wife. One of of the local amateur baud to liven Gallery 25c each. To JLet. telegraph. gives natural sleep. Castoria is not narcotic. applied services up .Tickets, the It is as to take as honey. It relieves his is that she sent a broken fry- tlie matter. This band consisted of two flutes, Maucii at 8 o'clock, sharp. Small furnished or unfurnished. pleasant tors: grievances Guam) Rooms, THE FLQEAL MONTHLY 3cs2*013X».iO'«-OX»SS, and is TWOGas and Sebago. Apply at stomach and destroys worms. It allays fever UU VJSUMA, ing pan to an art show, where some of his a fidd^s, a cornet, an accordeon, and a bass to Flowers and the Gar- for mother should ItftJSIC BY 301 Oxford Street. devoted exclusively Plants, very efficacious Croup. Every ALONXO GABiELON.Lewiston were on with a the latter instrument hammered freo. Cornci' & i*re&!e Streets. pictures exhibition, request drum, being dtf den only 50 CENTS per year. Specimens Congress Babies and fat Castoria. ja29 have it. cry grow upon COUNCILLORS, one of the other dlawF&weowl- that the committee would give it a with extra vigor whenever mhl2 iH. FDG*».Auburn hanging Let. Bit!. FRANK out beer. had suc- To POKTI.ASB. as an of the in which performers went for They W. E. MORTOS &€©., SBMO.N 0. BiiOWN .Fairfield position “example way A TXo. 99 High Street, corner of Spring, a suit in about half the hideous For Sal© all oc4dtf the talented Mr. for ceeded making night of two desirable sunnf rooms, unfurnished; by Druggists. JO UN IS. FOSTER.Bangor Marple provided his was heard across the also one attic room, furnished. Meals may be ob- SIS U. CHASE.Portland when a fearful outcry in uniform. Gongress Street, Elf ABEE* family’s necessities.” All are requested to appear next Knights tained door. janl3dtf ... and on the the PORTLAND, 3SABNE. WHY INVEST iFJ HALVES' H. .tIONKOE Thonmsten way, pa.ficipants throwing up be obtained at the stores of George Tickets can dlwtMW&Ftf EDWIN E. MOUDV.Aork windows, beheld the capitalist afo- F. L. and Hill & ja27 Philadelphia Press: If Horatio Sey- they C Frye F. T. Mealier. Bartlett, JLet. Nevada and New Mexico isle *n of the of To California, F. Cl. PARKER.Presque mentioned in his nightgown, and swea,,w! Co. Also Committee Arrangements: mour and James G. Blaine become the can- ,ers Wood- manner that made the so1,00'lPac Chas. F. Swett, and Stable situated on Ocean St., didates of the two the law- Sunday of J. II. Ocean St. great parties, A. M Sawyer, Wyicr Green, HOUSElord’s. Inquire READ, STOCKS APPENDIX. shudder to hear. Wm. K. Bucknam. MINING COMMISSIONER. abiding and peace-loving community will be Kr tuts infern Chas. A. Robinson, oc21_tf CUMBERLAND COUNTY “What do mean dtd you peon'* PRINTERS! can B. SH8EEIN .No. Tnmiouth an to reflect how the for rat® MAINE MINING opportunity ja29 'S'o l*e JL«*i. When you buy WAEE8A.IA given racket?” roared e“=Pf man, STOCKS as to dividends as of our *';e the , likely pay any SENAXC-.j. mer dealt with a Democratic mob in 1S63, this—this is a fair, said lady Offices n Merchants’ Bank Building s-acated Western mines. Buy on the low markets and get “Whr .— i.. Bank. Eire latte*- ton THEby National Traders’ proof vault, Vour Attention is €al!ed to the rise. I have for sale the following DANIEE W. TWEE,.Portland and bow different the manage** miu the grab-bag. steam. seSdtf and heated by R. FUSED, ... Brunswick sneered the disturbed Dances! MAINS MINING STOCKS: WILLIAM Maine in 1880. “Oh! it is, is it?” Fraternity EDWARD A. GIBBS,. Ri-Uglou it fair to rob oi their House to JLet at Woodford’s. party, “You call people T. a more intimate FOCBTH AYSl Al COJJiSSE. ISAAE HOBSON,.Wiscusset The Argus displays natural rest this sort of second-hand pande- located and desirable rent on Douglass Copper, The Pronioscr and Perfector ot Afidsui Limerick by pleasantly ISA S. ESBBir,. of the of the L. I. L. monium do Well, wi,at’s the f-a-r-e, Clifton st. containing 7 rooms, French Roof knowledge objects you? AVERY Atlantic lalion. JOHN DENNETT, .Biddeiord “HALL, with tower, thorough drainage, a good garden, 100 Fisher’s Copper, «j. than we it possessed, and that eh?” CITY supposed of horse cars. of Improved and Vilalizer of she DOE PH US P. THOMPSON,.Jny “What’s the what?” asked the manager vards from the Inquire The Reformer RO Blue Hill is The Argus is Nov. 28, Wednesday Eve- WARREN SPARROW, 191 Middle St., Copper Blood. JAMES It. TAGBOT,.East Mac kins knowledge sympathetic. Rebecca’s well. Friday Evening:, in fee. How l eb. jelltf or at his residence Deering, rif-vvi 1 ri aVl'-iT'/V 1T70C to as of the Order. the fare—the admission 21 iui?-3^ Die* 10, 31, Jim* 14, 28, 11, Producer and of Nerve anxious pose champion “Why, The ffurigorator REPRESENTATIVES. much to come in and see the swindle?” — — a and IX AID OF TIIE having been and Ufnacle. So weak a cause deserves stronger the Pi VT T1 Cherryfield Silver, LEONARD H. BEAE,.Durham “The tickets are two bits,” replied lady, Bruin more adroit advocate. The Builder and Supporter of JORN SI. BROWN.lEiyuesrille shortly...... •• this is busi- Portland Fraternity. Grant Silver. CUSHMAN, Verv well; now talk quick, for Power. AE FRED alias AEFOBD far?” Congress Halid'Sto E. A. Slierman of ness. How much have you taken in so Lectures. of Texas is another Dances, Parties, &e., by applying Acton Silver. Sexator Coke, treas- General Committee. 101 Commercial or JAS. A. WHIl- “Nine dollars and six bits,” said the SAWYER, St., JAMES O. WHITE.Wilton whose mind is T. C. Hersey, sq.. President Fraternity. NEY, 178 Middle «a7dtf of the American patriots urer. Vice President. St._ Fellows’ Compound Syrup is composed W. JOHNSON, industry Samuel J. Anderson, Esq., GEORGE haunted the fear that the republic is “And how much longer does your fraud on Treasurer. JOHN sTmORRIS, who con- by E. A. Noyes, identical with those JAMES ELVE,.Sullivau the public run?” Guo. Mr. s. E. Spring, Ingredients to bo au empire. Ho*. Walker, ESTATE. 22 Exchange Street, Portland. Tied Nerve JAMES W. EEARHE alias J. speedily replaced by “Three A. E. Stevens, Mu. 1. P. Farrington, ~REAL stitute Healthy Blood, Muscle HE nights.” Hon. noli dtf E'EABKE alias JAMES CEAA that makes about S40—call it $50 Hon. Geo. P. Wescott, Mr. Geo. S. Hunt, life itself is Nohleboro “Very well, and Brain Substance, whilst alias JAMES W. CLABH,.. Mrs. Emma who delivered some round to-morrow Hon. .Jacob McLellax, Mu. II. N. Jose, Sill, in round numbers. Send Norway amount. Hon. Wm. L. Putnam, Mr, Geo. W. Woodman, ASK directly dependent upon some of them. OSGOOD BBAD8EP.V,. Greenback speeches in this State last sum- and I’ll give you a check for that Mr. Chas. McLaughlin, ”Hf01ESALE7 ALWAYS FOR alias 1'BANK W. HILL, shut in ten Hon. i. Washburn, Jil, F. W. HILL Will make it $75 if you up shop John N. fgxr.Urr is the New York Greenback com- Mr. Wm. 1. Thom. Mu. Lord, its union with the blood and its effect mer, suing and the old objector to innocent S. W with a By minutes,” Mr. Nathan Webb, Mr. J. inslow, 4 Desirable Sea Side Residence, superb down the window and J. situated in tte one HA3FEB ALLEN,.Smithtield mittee for wages. amusements slammed Mr. Ciias. E. Jose, -Mil P. Baxter, J\. view of the ocean, Cape Elizabeth, upon the muscles, reestablishing __ W. I> rule from the E. Stockton returned to bed. Mb. s. t. Pullen, Mr. I). essenden, on the shore road, thirty minutes city of effect- JOSHU A JORDAN, .. twelve finished and the other, it is capable the corked up the Mr M. P. Emery, Mil Lewis Piebce, of Portland. The house is large, has toning IS. WOOD! OCK,.Princeton Alter wbicn congregation AABON “Ouida,” the Novelist. are Mil VV. F. Milliken. rooms not including bath, wash and store room. the results : field orchestra and dispersed. But they going and hen- ing following LINCOLN II. LEIOHTON,.. Cherry next There are also wood and ice house, grapery [From a Paris Letter.] to a musicale in the same building Committee an EatcrlaimacaW. d cis- Perry give ery attached, and in the cellar, a large cement out tuberculous JAMES Ot. LEIGHTON,. struck a bonanza in J. II. Drummond, Jil, the It will or wash 1 had a conversation with an Amer- week. They say they’ve Fred R. Farrington, tern 4s many acres of land will be sold with displace ». recently work it to the bed- E. D. STEPHEN LOUD,.Eebanon that old party and mean to Wm. Senter, Jil, Noyes, house as desired—from three to 150, all surroundings and thu3 cure Consumption. ican who has lately visited Florence, H. matter, gontlemaii E C. Jordan, Wm. SCHUMACHER, lo a barn. This farm rock. the house—and including large facts rela- __ p. T. house. and who related to mo the following Guieitn, can be purchased with, or without the above Nervou3 and Muscular Avoidance and Confession. By increasing saw that Taken In. Some fifty acres f the estate lie on the rock-bound tive to the novelist, “Ouida”: “I Famously the course of six evenings, admitting of the two cure feeble or in- Portland a vote passed Tickets for coast and embrace two coves, the larger Vigor, it will Dyspepsia, The Era, made, by Life of So.00: to be obtained of the celebrated personage several times during my [From Walle’s Wellington.] Gentleman and Ladles, r reducing about 300 cords of rock-weed every year and of the official organ action of the Heart Palpita- on the 8th October last, on that Committee on Entertainments. Evening tickets, anil of muck. the estate would make a su- terrupted and cannot say that I found her realize in “I got famously taken in occasion,” plenty lias this to stay, Band. perior milk farm as there is plenty of water, both Weakness of Intellect caused by grief, of tlie B. P. L. in Maine, say: she drew of her- Duke. “The had taken to VtJti-ic by Clin mi lefts Fall tjismirille at tion, any respect the portrait that said the troops eodtt brook and boiling spring, and good pasturage, Press the no21 overtax or habits, Bron- The Portland having given pledge remember, a de3l. It was necessary to least 40 or more tons of hay, an abundance ol the weary, irregular self in ‘Friendship.’ As you may plundering good Tile of the members of an alleged secret organiza- finest are grown on the place. prop- or of the and herself as the and I issued an order announcing that vegetables chitis, Acute Chronic, Congestion to and out the declaration she depicts Adelina Patti stop it, erty will be sold for about half what it has cost, Reliable and Cheap, tion support carry time. ovcu in the most alarming stages. of the will the decent women in Florentine she calls the first man taken in the act should be hanged EDUCATIONAL._ an t possession given any Lungs, of principles organization, only (as d&wlm now be so kind as to tho declar- we sit- ja29 Press publish it, Roman) society. The recent revelations about upon the spot. One day, just as were AMS WEB A. S., Testimonials will It cures Loss of Voice, Neural- ation of so that the public may As the following: provi Asthma, principles rather awk- down to three men were brought Instruction in English and Class- it is to Mme. Patti make the juxtaposition ting dinner, Office. St. Vitus Fits, Whoop- know just what prepared accomplish by ja27d'2m gia, Dance, Epileptic she cares to the door of the tent the Provost. The _This March 29.1879. the working of the organization? ward, but for that of course nothing. by ical Studies. Poktlaxd, and is a most won- by ing Cough, Nervousness, I should them was clear, and I had uoth- House Lots for Sale Mr. T.M. FISHER: STOCK This is at once confession and avoidance. ‘Ouida’ is very, very plain, and is, case against the subscriber, Houses and Given to private pupils by We have used vour Roller Composition oi $6,000 derful to other remedies in sustain- ino. for it but. to desire that they should be Dirigo adjunct existence of the somewhere on the shady side cf 40. She for all kinds of work, and can recom The Era cannot deny the say, our tiresses, job the of where IN DEERING. It has satisfaction i -OF— ing life during process Diptheria. wears her ambor hair’ (vide her own taken away and hanged in some place mend it highly. given perfect an; B. P. L., and does not undertake to dispute ‘rippled CS1ARI..ES R2CSS, .will 'Knar a eovoror tnct. than vftll claim it will stand whole column in its J. w. COLCORD, Apply to a down her back in a truly ju" they might be seen by the Yours, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FLOUR, t ri nnt lip itpppircd bv remedies heaving the documentary evidence suoiuitteu oy me novels) hanging ocl5tf 15 Exchange St., Portland, Me. JOHN M. S. HUNTER. venile fashion; for the rest, her dress is no march next (lay. I had a good many guests CORN, SHORTS, BOOTS & SHOES, similar name, no other is a sub- Pkess. But it does strive to turn attention 148 Pearl Street. Foreman Portland Press Job Office. preparation ..« ihnn ilvof TTn with me on that occasion, and among the rest, dtf RUBBERS, CROCKERY WARE jan24 stitute for this under any circumstances. from the real of the organization I think, Lord Nugent. They seemed dread- _ purposes and her Portland, March 29,1879. lish women in general. ‘Friendship,’ fully shocked, and could not eat their dinner. The Town oi FISHER: upon its declaration of princi- UEORGE A. JL3BBY, Growing Deering Mr.T.M. Look out for the name and address, J‘ I. by dwelling book, ‘In a Winter City,’ have ren- I didn't like it much inyself, but, as I told I have now used your Patent Composition fo as the preceding attractions as a plaoo of resi- FOR SALE. That declaration, the Era, I had no time to my feelings; I many on for the last three months, an< 1 St. FT. B„ on the ples. dered in Florence very shy of her, par- them, indulge and is of access steam and horse Rollers my presses .. FELLOWS, John, yellow society went off OFFERSdence, easy by it has better satislac- Located £52 a I?Iaiitifnetiiriux Vil- has in its mast do my duty. Well, the dinner Te?cher of the Organ, the churches are am pleased to say that given thriving official organ of the order, posses- was most severe those cars. The schools arc excellent, in watermark which is seen as she upon morn i sure tor tion in than any 1 have lieretofor lage of tn'twccH three and four thousand wrapper by ticularly rather gravely; and next ng, enough, 25S DSlDDbE STREET. well the streets are finely located every respect It is not worth our Tho situated, would not now exchange it lo inhabitants, and to any party desirous of sion, and can publish. who had been most to her. men in uniform were seen Irom dl>~ are built as used. My pressman the before the light. hospitable three hanging liol drainage, auu good sidewalks property MAKKs in trade 0 offer si rare holding paper last tew other. WM. M. eugaghig the retail to do so. The decument is simply a instance, who had shown her the branches of a tree close to the high road. is improved. ! is rapid growth during tho any while American sot, for is a first-class six for It was a terrible and the de- demonstrates that Deering 1 Price $7.50. are solicited one most oxample produced ^years free oh Order liir^c and well cstahIMici! it' ap- $1.50 per Bottle, card to be exhibited to men who the kindness, was the sho vi- suburban residence. 1 have for sale m Price application. business, greatest there was ho mote AlEETINGS. place for a tilled. i'oi* at once. sired effect; plundering; ANNUAi7 built the by Mail or Express promptly plied Sold by all Druggists. is a declaration attacked. The charming and that desirable locations several bouses, during Address: MERCHANT to enter the order, and general olently elegant, when, some mouths afterwaids, I learned all material was which jy25 Fir&W&wly3l laic dull times when cheap, Press Office. whom she tried to hold up one of staff took counsel with Dr. Humo, I also have for P. O. BOX 983. ja24d2\vlstp of to the present currency system. most blameless lady my COMPANY. will be sold correspondingly low. hostility died in the MAINE STEAMSHIP which will be under the of Mrs. a id as three men had just hospital sale lands in various parts of the town But it does not convey oven a hint of the to derision personality Henry and lum- them up and let the three culprits of tlic Maine Steamship sold in lots to suit, and will furnish land Me All Premiums at STATE FAIR,’ 1879. CHOICE MOLASSES. when is re- they hung mini Annual Meeting and will contract 109 Exchange* St., Portland, of the B. P. L. V. Clams, only laughs ‘Friendship’ return to their “Weren’t you the choice of officers, a d trans- ber on long time in easy payments, tfd ulterior objects regiments.” I Company, for apl 9 P. B. has never read the I was that come to build bouses ready for occupancy. CHOICE PONCE ferred to and declares she angry, Duke?’r “Well, I suppose action of any Oi her business may legally “ The Era will find it difficult to persuade very to let or hire any ST. .SOESNS. as had no wish to take the will lie holden at their office branklm Any party desiring buy, sell, book For of social ostracism at first, but I poor before them, me a call. HARHADOE8. to secuie the .1 of any species the 4tli of February, suburban property will do well to give that in order repe fellows’lives and wanted an example, Wharf, on Wednesday, day , “ people little. Sho haa no only LAMSON, CIENFCEGU*. ‘Ouida,’ however, cares but desired I860, at 10 o’clock A. M. the Natioual Bank Act it is necess ary to and as the example had the effect, my deloeodtf 15 Exchange Street. Stocks — ALSO — for and her time in that PER ORDER, Mining fondness society spends anger soon died out, and I confess to you BBL8. DIFFERENT EKLOES form secret societies, with drill-masters, were HEAK1 FOX, Clerk. too writing and in riding or driving. Perhaps it I am very glad uow that the three lives ja2Gdtd NEW CHOP N. 0. MOLASSES. oath and and with si usd Sold with impressive ritual, as has well exhausted the spared.” she __ — is as well, pretty Hoaig'i&t Artist —FOR SALE BY of the and all the mummeries Vehmgericht series of in Florentine society. It is as- at Alma. — — Photographer, types Bayonets PY been a SAFE. GAGE & GO. the Rosicrucians. There has never how often one comes across ‘Ouida’s FOR Falmouth SSVI5TH, tonishing One of the characteristics alluded to was the Choicest House Lots Opposite Hotel, 93 COMMERCIAL, STREET, de- secret society whose open as the of her merciless carica- ft good & CO. dangerous people’ originals manner in which the Russians used the bayo- store, doing — H. MANSFIELD ’ ME. A cash (grocery — IN T. PORTLAND, low. fOliTLAND, ME ja27d3w of was not innocent in are called. In one she has location good, and rent claration puposes tures point perfect- net. stood firm shoulder to shoulder, business, one uo4dt They if at mice. Up flight The B. P. like all other succeeded. She has written ‘Lady Joan Rare opportunity applied at 67 Street, appearance. L., ly and held their weapon tight, at the “charge” selling. 11. BARTON, Exchange HEALTH LIFT ROOMS, the clear out of and that lady Reason for N._ CENTER societies of the kind, must be judged by Challoner’ society, with the raised toward the faces of their C. L. 4t> Lowell Street, DEERING, point Manager for It., FOBTLAND, MAINE, When now lives secluded at ‘Flordelisa.’ The real FRESH PURE COD LIVER OIL 237 Middle Street, acts and declarations of its members. opponents, never moving the while, unless Manchester N. II. fact of tho matter appears to bo as follows: lWW Situated on Clinton Avenue, also Auction Sales of the same a member of the declares would rouse and Frank Fogg, Order, of ‘Prince Ioris,’ a very accom- thrust at, when they up Jal3 Can be had in any quantity at * PORTLAND, MAINE. The original taken if it means Italian arid Parallel to Pleasant Wired, that the State House must be plished, though by no handsome, thrust back in return—slowly strongly. EVERY nobleman, the style and splendor where- them im- SATURDAY, J. H. 04UBKBT, Proprietor, costs a thousand lives and recruits seeing Our fellows, upon closing, finding notice. are now offered for sale ! JOHNSON’S LOBSTER HOUSE, dtf promises in‘Ouida’ lived, offered her his band; or, at A. I?S. an. movable and commenced fiercely at 10 o'clocli i for the forlorn hope, when Col. Blood, all commenced to that end. unflinching, tbe services of a first-class ®tr events, negotiations of engaged jalO Wo, 6 Custom Mouse Wharf. the wealth was all de- at them, and owing to the lack also Mr. Carter, our well-known EASY TERRAS. ! other member, undertakes to bring two But finding hat lady’s thrustiug HAVINGCaterer, ON TO 1LOAN ou the of the Russians, the we are fmulsh dlw* $20,000 rived from her writings, and that she spent “guarding” part and effi lent Waiter, prepared to_ left on which will ja27 >o aid Also Wedding Fine trees have been the lots, On First C2ax« or Wood Note*. thousand comrades from New York made he broke oif thrust would often tell—but still not to at halls or private houses. to Mortgages her as fast as sho it, enough suppois our to their attraction. It is intended TRY ALLEN^OOW’S money in a manner, and wariant ad greatly when Smith and retired Hence break their ranks. Then commenced our Breakfasts superior this avenue with double rows of shade Let. to the Fusionist cause, Joseph the negotiations gracefully beautify Houses anfl Stores For Sale and To Apply we not break to be of the very best for su- C. G. Hence And hence, where could goods ^ a. d to make it the in at beautitul site SAUNDERS, W If. state 180 Middle resisted the de- this wrath. 'Friendship.' characteristics; quality.^ tree WAU IRON, Real Broker, he has with we one side and in the of Portland. mover and packer of says difficulty another severe and volume in front, would try 002 Congress St. burban residences neighborhood Street Up stairs. sep24-eodtf too, probably spicy through jalDdlm* N. 8. mands of some of his that revo- work which is to then the other; now shifting, now turning; ever Applv to (1ABDMBB, 1 supporters in ihe now shortly appear. I'entemual Klock. GAUDIES, ou back for concentration, PURE on to see the the move; drawing oelleodtf PIANOS AND FURNITURE lution should be attempted, people ask Florentine society is tiptoe it, , ,1K profits on 30 Investment of Of Ah Vaults Cleaned and Ashes Removed then officers their days’ Freah Eyeiy Oar nnd Siriclly Fine. universal query being, ‘Whose turn next?’ I and rushing forward, using 14:*'} -iu Erie ft. R.,— of all where these men were to revolvers meanwhile. 3$ on And Jobbing Kinds. g T from to cord or §3 per load. Ail fighting am told that 120 of ‘Friendship’ were swords aud Colt’s 18. ual returns every week V AllETS CLEANED $4 $0 per topies October Prop.irti. to on or for was in one ef these concentrated rushes that — 8500. • Orders attended by calling come from. The Fusion candidate in Florence within 24 hours of it* fir*t ap- It Stork of 82<>. 850. —8100, at abort notice, trom $4 to ?6 pe NO. 566 CONGRESS STREET Order* left on flat, at Wilson & Co.’* Tea Store promptly Sold Options taken out R. GIBSON, we succeeded in this and Circulars free. Address oad. addressing or Samuel Thnrston’s, 3 t ree St. Block. wlU k addressing the pearing in the Tauchuitz odition.” penetrating "phalanx;’ Uicial Reports Wall St AKDcord or *3 per by c2dtf 588 Congress St. Governor says he was promised WIGHT tt CO.. Baukers, 3u tt CO., Pcrtand P. 0. POHTLANB, ME. 25 $ Y. j 5300 head; 3400 head; SMITH VILLE, NO— In port 26th, schs Ralph j from one ward (o another and af- EUROPE. Cattle-Recoipts shipments ANCIAL. it i3 for the to immediately market at 3 75(a5 and Howes, Getcbell, for Boston; Anna S Murcb,'J re- JANUARY SO. years competent Legislature is return to the steady; shipping 75;common _FIN FRIDAY MORNING, ter their vote deposited may thin dull and shade lower 2 00y