FUENITURE, Will- Be Erected and Trains Landed in the out at Night Telling His Wife He Was Going to F(E$Lciei5e F(Eit
- .. , - k ''. 'Ww. ? r jrrs- - a i i i b . w bemi-- weeklv Hourbon Ygws: Independent and Democratic-Publis- hed from the Happy Side of Life-- for the Benefit of Those Now Having Breath in Their Bodies. Price, $2, 00 for One Year, or, $2,000 for 1,000 Years-CA- SH !: VOL. II. PARIS, BOURBON COUNTY, KENTUCKY: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1883. NO. 183. The new Christian. Church at Morgan, was Something About Free Turnpikes. dedicated Sunday. SCINTIIiL,ATIONS. W. H. H JOraN, Prop'r, W, B, CONWAY, Clerk, J, Prop'r, JUIJ, LflUe, CM A vey weeks ago, this paper, for want of SECOND EDITION! The sun doesn't regard the new change of something out of the old ruts in way of Whale's milk is said to bo good for rheu- time; does moon. news, and for the purpose getting peo- TIlK TE1IY LATEST LOCAL NEWS! neither the rf the matism and neuralgia. JOHHSOH HOUSE PURHELL HOUSE-- ; - ple to thinking and talking, advocated that 1 Holli-da- y Crimson stockings have succeeded black, Wash Sidener has purchased the a system of free be inaug- C'Aiiii nov2-S- ' turnpikes should as the fashionable shade, v on A Berry for your coal. t MILIJERSBUItG, KY. MILLERSBURG, KY. residence, from 'Squire Daniels. urated, and without giving the matter deep -- - consideration, about half way considered Mrs. McCann, widow" of James McCanu, ' J. F. Didlakk &. Co. ai'e headquarters for One square from the depot. Good wife-murde- r, & Jones, for was sent Ken-tucld- Sr., is very Holmes Coutt's Famous English Buscuits.
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