Cphi & P-MEC China Exhibition List展商名单version版本20180116

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Cphi & P-MEC China Exhibition List展商名单version版本20180116 CPhI & P-MEC China Exhibition List展商名单 Version版本 20180116 Booth/ Company Name/公司中英文名 Product/产品 展位号 Carbosynth Ltd E1A01 Toronto Research Chemicals Inc E1A08 SiliCycle Inc. E1A10 SA TOURNAIRE E1A11 Indena SpA E1A17 Trifarma E1A21 LLC Velpharma E1A25 Anuh Pharma E1A31 Chemclone Industries E1A51 Hetero Labs Limited E1B09 Concord Biotech Limited E1B10 ScinoPharm Taiwan Ltd E1B11 Dongkook Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. E1B19 Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd E1B22 GfM mbH E1B25 Leawell International Ltd E1B28 DCS Pharma AG E1B31 Agno Pharma E1B32 Newchem Spa E1B35 APEX HEALTHCARE LIMITED E1B51 AMRI E1C21 Aarti Drugs Limited E1C25 Espee Group Innovators E1C31 Ruland Chemical Co., Ltd. E1C32 Merck Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. E1C51 Mediking Pharmaceutical Group Ltd E1C57 珠海联邦制药股份有限公司/The United E1D01 Laboratories International Holdings Ltd. FMC Corporation E1D02 Kingchem (Liaoning) Chemical Co., Ltd E1D10 Doosan Corporation E1D22 Sunasia Co., Ltd. E1D25 Bolon Pharmachem Co., Ltd. E1D26 Savior Lifetec Corporation E1D27 Alchem International Pvt Ltd E1D31 Polish Investment and Trade Agency E1D57 Fischer Chemicals AG E1E01 NGL Fine Chem Limited E1E24 常州艾柯轧辊有限公司/ECCO Roller E1E25 Linnea SA E1E26 Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation E1E27 HARMAN FINOCHEM E1E28 Zhechem Co Ltd E1F01 Midas Pharma GmbH Shanghai Representativ E1F03 Supriya Lifescience Ltd E1F10 KOA Shoji Co Ltd E1F22 NOF Corporation E1F24 上海贺利氏工业技术材料有限公司/Heraeus E1F26 Materials Technology Shanghai Ltd. Novacyl Asia Pacific Ltd E1F28 PharmSol Europe Limited E1F32 Bachem AG E1F35 Louston International Inc. E1F51 High Science Co Ltd E1F55 Chemsphere Technology Inc. E1F57a PharmaCore Biotech Co., Ltd. E1F57b Rockwood Lithium GmbH E1G51 Sarv Bio Labs Pvt Ltd E1G57 抗病毒类、抗肿瘤类、抗感染类和甾体类中间体、原料药和药物制剂及医药合约研发和加工服务 上海创诺医药集团有限公司/Shanghai Desano APIs and Finished products of ARV, Oncology, Anti-infection and Hormone drugs and E1H01 Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. pharmaceutical CRO & CDMO service APIs and Finished products of ARV, Oncology, Anti-infection and Hormone drugs and pharmaceutical CRO & CDMO service 培他米松、地塞米松、泼尼松、泼尼松龙、甲泼尼龙、醋酸氢化可的松、螺内酯、氨基酸、GCLE 、7AVCA、头孢地尼、核黄素磷酸钠、甲睾酮、阿替洛尔、尼莫地平、阿加曲班、尼美舒利、阿 德福韦酯、注射用氢化可的松、注射用马来酸阿奇霉素、肝素钠注射液、注射用尿激酶、黄芪皂苷 天津市医药集团有限公司/Tianjin Tianfa I、II、III、番泻叶提取物、甜菊糖苷、萝卜硫素。Betamethasone Base, Dexamethasone Base, E1H16 Pharmaceuticals Imp. & Exp. Corp. Prednisone, Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, Hydrocortisone Acetate, Spironolactone, Amino Acid, Budesonide, Fluocinolone Acetonide, Fluocinonide, Triamcinolone Base, Triamcinolone Acetonide, Halcinonide, Hydrocortisone Butyrate, GCLE, Cefidinir, 头孢克肟,头孢地尼,氧氟沙星,左氧氟沙星,盐酸环丙沙星,盐酸克林霉素,拉索拉唑,奥美沙坦,替米沙Biboflavin-5-Phosphate Sodium, Methyltestosterone, Atenolol, Nimodipine, Argatroban, 坦,UDCA,尼扎替丁,伊贝沙坦, 氟比洛芬, 洛索洛芬钠, 美索巴莫, 瑞巴派特, 盐酸金刚烷胺, 盐酸安非 他酮, 盐酸多奈哌齐, 加巴贲丁, 氟苯尼考, 碘海醇, 氯霉素, 中间体, 化工品Cefixime, Cefdinir, 浙江横店普洛进出口有限公司/Zhejiang Hengdian Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin HCl, Clindamycin Hydrochloride, Lansoprazole, E1H20 Apeloa Imp. &Exp. Co., Ltd. Olmesartan, Telmisartan, UDCA, Nizatidine, Irbesartan, Flurbiprofen, Loxoprofen sodium, Methocarbamol, Rebamipide, Amantadine Hydrochloride, Bupropion Hydrochloride, Donepezil Hydrochloride, Gabapentin, Florfenicol, Iohexol, Chloramphenicol, Intermediates, Chemicals.Cefixime, Cefdinir, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin HCl, 赛诺菲(中国)投资有限公司上海分公司 E1H22 /Sanofi(China)Investment Co., Ltd. Shanghai 安徽贝克联合制药有限公司/Anhui Biochem United E1H28 拉米夫定0 Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. Medieye Holding Co., Limited E1H29 Chiral Quest (Suzhou) Co., Ltd E1H32 Chunghwa Chemical Synthesis & Biotech Co., E1H37a Ltd. Chirogate International Inc. E1H37b Amano Enzyme China Ltd E1H38 Granules India Ltd E1H57 APC Pharmaceutical & Chemical Ltd E1J37 SCI Pharmtech, Inc E1J38 Morepen Laboratories Ltd E1J55 盐酸克林霉素,盐酸克林霉素棕榈酸酯,克林霉素磷酸酯Clindamycin HCl,Clindamycin Palmitate 浙江海翔药业销售有限公司/Zhejiang Hisoar E1K01 HCl,Clindamycin PhosphateClindamycin HCl,Clindamycin Palmitate HCl,Clindamycin Pharmaceutical sales Co.,Ltd. Phosphate 苯磺阿曲库铵,酒石酸布托啡诺,卡培他滨,醋酸卡泊芬净,塞来昔布,苯磺顺阿曲库铵,硫酸氢氯吡格雷, 达托霉素,地氟烷,盐酸右美托咪定,三水多西他赛,碘化油,依托泊苷,钆特酸葡胺,异环磷酰胺,碘克沙 醇,碘佛醇,盐酸伊立替康,盐酸氯胺酮,来曲唑,美司钠,奥美沙坦,奥沙利铂,七氟烷,替加氟,替莫唑胺,托 江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司/Jiangsu Hengrui 伐普坦,卡莫司汀,度他雄胺,钆布醇,碘海醇,注射用醋酸卡泊芬净,注射用苯磺顺阿曲库铵,吸入用地氟 E1K08 Medicine Co., Ltd. 烷,多西他赛注射液,方达帕鲁注射液,加巴喷丁胶囊,盐酸伊立替康注射液,来曲唑片,奥沙利铂注射液, 注射用奥沙利铂,吸入用七氟烷,盐酸右美托咪定注射液,盐酸托伐普坦片,注射用塞替派,甲磺酸阿帕 替尼片,碘化油注射液,培门冬酶注射液,替吉奥胶囊,注射用替莫唑胺,注射用唑来膦酸,卡培他滨片,注 射用达托霉素,碘克沙醇注射液,碘海醇注射液,碘佛醇注射液Atracurium Besylate,Butorphanol 维生素E,生物素,辅酶Q10, 盐酸万古霉素,替考拉宁,米格列醇, 达托霉素, 替加环素Vitamin E,D- 浙江医药股份有限公司/Zhejiang Medicine Co., Ltd. E1K12 Biotin, CoQ10, Vancomycin HCl, Teicoplanin, Miglitol, Daptomycin, TigecyclineVitamin E,D- Biotin, CoQ10, Vancomycin HCl, Teicoplanin, Miglitol, Daptomycin, Tigecycline 更昔洛韦钠针剂,阿奇霉素针剂,左乙拉西坦针剂,依替巴肽针剂,泮托拉唑钠针剂,万古霉素针剂,伏立 康唑针剂,特利加压素针剂,阿昔洛韦针剂,硝普钠针剂,比伐卢定针剂,达托霉素针剂,塞替派针剂,林可 霉素针剂,阿奇霉素干混,地氯雷他定片/干混,双膜嘧啶片Ganciclovir Sodium for Injection 海南普利制药股份有限公司/Hainan Poly Pharm ,Azithromycin for Injection ,Levetiracetam Injection ,Pantoprazole Sodium for Injection E1K16 Co., Ltd ,Eptifibatide Injection ,Vancomycin for Injection,Voriconazole for Injection,Terlipressin Injection,Acyclovir Injection,Sodium Nitroprusside for Injection,Bivalirudin for Injection,Daptomycin for Injection,Esomeprazole Sodium for Injection,Doxycycline for 克拉维酸钾二氧化硅Injection,Amiodarone 1:1 Hydrochloride克拉维酸钾微晶纤维素 Injection,Cyclophosphamide 1:1 阿莫西林克拉维酸钾 2:1for 阿莫西林克拉维酸钾Injection,Thiotepa 4:1 阿莫西林克拉维酸钾 7:1 阿莫西林钠克拉维酸钾 5:1 头孢氨苄 头孢羟氨苄 头孢噻肟钠 头孢唑林 钠 头孢替唑钠 头孢哌酮钠 头孢呋辛钠 头孢曲松钠 7-氨基头孢烷酸 去乙酰-7-ACA 头孢他啶二盐 国药集团威奇达药业有限公司/Sinopharm Weiqida 酸盐 7-APRA 头孢噻肟酸 Potassium Clavulanate with Syloid 1:1 Potassium Clavulanate with E1K18 Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. Avicel 1:1 Amoxicillin with Potassium Clavulanate 2:1 Amoxicillin with Potassium Clavulanate 4:1 Amoxicillin with Potassium Clavulanate 7:1 Amoxicillin Sodium with Potassium Clavulanate 5:1 Cefalexin Cefadroxil Cefotaxime Sodium Cefazolin Sodium Ceftezole Sodium Cefoperazone Sodium Cefuroxime Sodium Ceftriaxone sodium 7-ACA China Chinopharma Ltd. E1K20 --- 原料药:扑热息痛粉,扑热息痛颗粒,厄多司坦,高半胱氨酸硫内酯,橙皮甙,氨基葡萄糖硫酸 盐,葡萄糖酸盐,水飞蓟素等。制剂和片剂:聚明胶肽,法莫替丁,头孢泊肟酯,葡萄糖酸钙氯化 钠,葡萄糖氯化钠,苯磺酸氨氯地平片等。API: Paracetamol, Paracetamol DC, 浙江康乐药业股份有限公司/ZHEJIANG KANGLE Erdosteine,Homocysteine thiolactone, hesperidin,Glucosamine E1K26 PHARMACEUTICAL CO.,LTD. sulfate,gluconate,silymarin I etc..Preparation and tablets: Polygeline Injection, famotidine, Cefpodoxime Proxetil Tablets, Dextrose and Sodium Chloride Injection, Dextrose and Sodium Chloride Injection, Amlodipine besylate tablets, etc..API: Paracetamol, Paracetamol DC, Erdosteine,Homocysteine thiolactone, 东阳光/HEC E1K28 111 Lipoid AG E1K32 Alkaloids Corporation E1K35 江苏圣泰科合成化学有限公司/Synthetics China E1K51 CO.,LTD. VIRCHOW GROUP E1M32 F.I.S. Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici SpA E1M35 Angelini A.C.R.A.F SPA E1M36 Lusochimica S.P.A. E1M40 Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Private Limited E1M51 Dipharma Francis S.r.l E1M53 RCA KG E1M56 Indukern Hong Kong Limited E1M57 主营医药原料及其制剂,医药中间体及化学试剂、生化药品、中药材、中成药、生物制品、医药新 技术以及有关医药来料加工、补偿贸易、合作生产业务等。Chinese Medical herbs,Chinese 上海市医药保健品进出口有限公司/Shanghai Palent drugs,Health products,Pharmaceuticals and their preparations, pharmaceutical Medicines & Health Products Import & Export E1N01 intermediates,Chemical reagents,Biopreparations, Biochemical pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. etc.Chinese Medical herbs,Chinese Palent drugs,Health products,Pharmaceuticals and their preparations, pharmaceutical intermediates,Chemical reagents,Biopreparations, Biochemical pharmaceuticals etc. 强力霉素,林可霉素,硫酸新霉素,维生素A,维生素B,维生素C,维生素D,三氯蔗糖,萘普生,克拉霉素,扑 热息痛,非那西汀Doxycycline Hcl,Lincomycin,Neomycin sulphate,Vitamin A,Vitamin 华中药业有限公司/Huazhong Pharmaceutical B,Vitamin C,Vitamin E1N10 Co., Ltd. D,Sucralose,Naproxen,Clarithromycin,Paracetamol,PhenacetinDoxycycline Hcl,Lincomycin,Neomycin sulphate,Vitamin A,Vitamin B,Vitamin C,Vitamin D,Sucralose,Naproxen,Clarithromycin,Paracetamol,Phenacetin 南方制药,多西他赛,10-DAB III,GMP证书,美国FDA认证.,紫杉醇,GMP药厂,盐酸苯达莫司汀,来曲唑, 伊马替尼south pharma,Docetaxel,10-DAB III,GMP certificate,USFDA 福建南方制药股份有限公司/Fujian South E1N12 inspection,Paclitaxel,GMP plant,Bendamustine HCl,Letrozole,IImatinib mesylatesouth Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. pharma,Docetaxel,10-DAB III,GMP certificate,USFDA inspection,Paclitaxel,GMP plant,Bendamustine HCl,Letrozole,IImatinib mesylate 数据完整性保障FDA/EMA/CFDA的合规咨询(预审评估,偏差管理,整改计划与实现)工艺设备和 公用设施的确认实验室合规服务工程设计和支持第三方审计产品法规注册Data Intergrity Assurance---Computerized System ValidationFDA/EMA/CFDA Compliance Service (Mock 上海彼科意企业管理咨询有限公司/PQE Consulting Audit, Inspection Preparation, Gap management, Remediation Planing and E1N18 (Shanghai) Excuting)Process Equipment & Utilities QualificationLaboratory Compliance ServiceEngineering Design & ComplianceThird Party AuditRegulatory AffairsData Intergrity Assurance---Computerized System ValidationFDA/EMA/CFDA Compliance Service (Mock Audit, Inspection Preparation, Gap management, Remediation Planing and Panexcell Clinical Lab Private Limited E1N22 SUANFARMA Group E1N24 United States Pharmacopeia Standard R&D and E1N26 Technical Polpharma E1N28 Council of Euope - EDQM E1N32 Amarantine Pharmaceutical LLC E1N38 RAFICHEM E1N53 Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. E1P01 丽珠医药集团股份有限公司/Livzon Pharmaceutical E1P01 Group Inc. Shin Nippon Yakugyo Co., Ltd E1P02 FMC Corporation E1P03 阿卡波糖、硫酸博莱霉素、环磷酰胺、阿糖胞苷、盐酸多柔比星、盐酸表柔比星、氟达拉滨磷酸酯 、盐酸吉西他滨、盐酸格拉司琼、伊维菌素、来曲唑、洛伐他汀、甲氨蝶呤、丝裂霉素、莫西克汀 、普伐他汀钠、吡喹酮、辛伐他汀、酒石酸长春瑞宾Acarbose、Bleomycin Sulfate、 浙江海正药业股份有限公司/Zhejiang Hisun Pharma. Cyclophosphamide、Cytarabine、Doxorubicin HCL、Epirubicin Hydrochloride、 E1P16 Co., Ltd. Fludarabine Phosphate、Gemcitabine Hydrochloride、Granisetron HCl、Ivermectin、 Letrozole、Lovastatin、Methotrexate、Mitomycin、Moxidectin、Pravastain
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