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1972 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

9-15-1972 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 15, 9/ 15/1972 University of New Mexico

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Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 15, 9/15/1972." 76, 15 (1972).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1972 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Students for McGovern Duplicating i Stuu('nLs for McGovPrn will bE' The ASUNM Duplicating CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING doing an important canvas this Center will be open fwm 9:30 -; Photos hy Nick Flanders, Sat mday beginning at 9 a.m. a.m. until 4:30p.m. Mondays and "' Rn.tC"~: tor Jl(>r word. $1.00 minimum. or l11J mail '1'-r.rm~: P.nynumt muRt b~ madf:' in ruJJ Clns9ifi<'d Adv<.'rtfFJing Anyone interested should go to WPdnesdays, 12:30 until 3:<30 : cornt>r The Center is in room 25 of lhP ;;· or Richmond. Union, 0 l'EHSONALS FOH SALE 51 FOR SALE ~ .1 rJI~N l)(ll'I•; ~ (~;~;t;;;;-HU;i;,;;t A~~nri~ llAt'l\l'M'J{J-:H~. ('1,JMilF.RH, JlllU:H~. niHm Vk« .... l'r'"'i,h•nt, f(:bairJH'ft>on r1f UIKE- --10- ... pt•(•d. :!fi-~nc>h, nlmo..,t TIPW. Si:U 2.!'i' ~ tli·wnuut nn l'n.mpimo; cquiptnf'rll ~·n,.h. 2·1'i'-:3r,r,!", EY.CLUc;tvE SHOWINC... H I I.-. I l ~ -~~~Ut~i)), !J/211 atf!JJt nwmlwrshiJl'~ ft)f Cn-np lluylnv. P}uh. l'nll aflt•r ).1 :on p.m. 277-;',j).I!'J. ~~ -·2u l'NJqt'J•: WJ-:Jll>ING BANil~. En~a~o­ \LE ; ¥ New \VOMEN: Tlw V-lom1·n·:~ <'<•ntt•r ha11 -mw;~·d ~ E/~.STD. lnl'1lt riug·;, nnn~wr•rltlim>:" hantls, d(':->if.m!'d tn lt-124 La.~ Lrm1a•• Nl•! ( nf'ru-;-; fr«Jm MOVING HAl.l•;, old furniturP, Rnt., Bc•pt. <'hnrlutLt• Ht•tlll)o''c; huuq•J. 'f)w rNlt<•r of­ fnr ~·nu nt 'flw ~audio Gnl!t•ry, 411ll Snn l1m1tt:a £r\qaq€ment f1C:mddarin 'riv••: rnn.lw nfft'r. 2fl5 1123:L !1/l'l Gut1cl olt ~u• ... •ral». SI.HU tWr nunC'e whil£1 it a rrl'(' 'itllrt'! frt>t• f'Otf('l', l~nd IWCld C'OnVI•r4 Jn.--;t!;, c>:tll X 12w~tli'4~. :;atum. !1/1!1 MAHTIN GlllTAitR, larp;f'.:.~t ~coh•r'tion in • 0 f:... .•. Mexico N1•W Mt•Xir'n. Al-n Oih;;cm, Ynmnha, LyJf', 20 Portnhlt> TV'11, S30-$fi0. 441 Wyoming ,.~, t.~~ ~ \~~~~~IRD t r:J·:J\Ii::N' wJ·:A viNa. NA.v AJris1'¥r~·:~ Pim('ont:d. nnd many mort• rww lL'-'f'fl. Nl':. 2:il') .. G~I~7. 10/~ I·.. !~~;... ~i:n•;un~, $2G, Tu('!-1, and ~rhur•;. C(\il, KinJ.-~ Mt~~iP C'1•nh•r, 71117 Ml'nnul Nl·~. Xh, • .,,.l2. ~/HI H:'22 IJI E\ll'LOnfENT ~ "(~~ ~(J.IA••LTS ~1.00 ~ Jlo:W!HH f\TTJ!li.;NTf;! Jr YOI; -h;;~~,, ~0 -- - . Jr]n('t• to r.-o h nh~a·rYt• lhl' hrt•nldm~ of tbP PAHT-Tll"on; mnlt• h£'111<'tl. Apply in Yom KiJ'l•'."' fst.'-lt, t>Ome hrc>ak thf' !n•. "lt )Jt•r·;on at Dt'r Wil'IH•r;;;e:hnitl.Ell, 4.201 Crn with 1m, Ttwr(• ,.,..ill llC' nu rharr:e fnr dln­ trnl NE. !1/15 m·r. Foorl tmlimilf•d, but Hmit(l(j flfJtl<'<' MCJ liifis SAXrf:2--;:y~l;,- ~lir~;"v.~~i-,- $110o Or l1C'st ~u._-a:h c.,·' _-,o l'LBASE CALl.: l.C'ah I,<'Vht, 277~42K~· ~ff,•r•_:!44-tHiiifi.______H!tri 71 \!N:ELI.ANE011S nO~ ~~~ ~ nr. ltnthMtlwm, 2Gfi-~J:!H:I: .Sonny Altsto~k· " -~ ~~ r.~ ""' 2!Hi-4U:l:~: Ann \Vt'st, 26/i-Oln!'i· Jc>who~h H•r.o STlT!mllAIOm Lark ronv~rtihlo, DAILY HEADS. BEAll~ and Indian JewelrY nt The Htu!ll•nl-Hill('l, ' \1/)5 n<>t:'d~ tmttC'rf, clutch, s:;u. 247·<1<114, ('\'(' .. \"'o ~·· ~ :..._ ~ \ ,, ~"" .c-Q~ '' _..;4 njnv,s, !1/lft U('ad Hhamtm. 41ll Hun Ft>liiH", Old Town, J--:lKI·~---N-r·~·w -Ii~niln·-sr~ -ar,O~- ~- ~n~l-in~;; ('~1!.~~~~~-·- . ~~-- ---~---· -~ ---9 ~~--­ ~t~ ~ ~ ~ <( 0.'"' 0'\1. 1\. S545. Call o.ftrr o3 :Oa n.m. 344.. !1!124. ~1/lG !mAD SHAMAN. lio~nt lJ( tbfl'ir Rl'tivjtif':j- nrf' udvined to ~ ,.. ~ ~... . ,c.,~ rx.··"'' s!Nia;u s:Bwi:Ni:. 1,1.\(<'IiiNi~- :::.=-l-1'~,;;. ~t•ntl Hw information to tht' Lob() Trips hH•n u! whj)l' it lw-~t la:·ts, f'UJI M~-'.lfj)ot.l', !J :22 Adv(t~ t I:'50 "'4!!·~·110 t•Hnim~. !UlG ~TJo:REOg!! AM .·fo'M multilllf'X \v 'rlf' ami IC'athf'r R.fqular Atlm•s.;con AH«" b':tlo PM c.htU:lt'en .b'i rh•luxt.' 4·•-;llf'!'!lt•htmv,l'r with •am•im~ 1l•'Vi1~<' ''t1:1t~~ an•! j:wlwt-1. $1.1Jil to 3l!'i.IIH. 1Hg nnd ,Jiamnnri ~.tyhv l!I"(IJiJ(1 tltld ~•rJ-•fiHi· ·llliJ'ln-t.·nt ,..u -t urrht••L 9 ~22 •-inn rrH7::ovn• •;p('.nhE'r c;.y:otpm, Only ::'\ll!Uf:; Lnmtt d '>l.I)IJ!h-·. <"a,,h ur tt'rm·; o.t rsrn:n Fnr:muT ~Ar.Jt..::, :~~~:!11 ~3n Matro • NE. ~~ 14 musac. / IJ£'\\' & llt-Hl'EI•:IJ ~t'UWINN ("nntinPntaJ, 1 A beautiful meeting of people nature ~-dlc,\•.- 1 hh~ fr:mw, S'Jit. ~1\1~ .. 4::il~. lli>i.r·:x ~ :ri -it~~~;=;:;)~;;;,:~;;-.;nr~-~. ·sr,-i,, aft<'r -; J•.m. nnr,ltm ~r...... ~i-,}:{~. !t 1~ Starts Tomorrow Through Sunday Rl;onT~·An: l~i;;- n-~l.--un .. zurm, Jl£'rfc; / ~·w•,liti,m . .Mu·•f ··dJ, mnhf' -~rrl'l'. \Ynn1L. ~- '\, ~-----· .' ~·17-~411·i. ~~ 1~ ... .._ : -·

l~H;:• THt";HBIUD, .i\lr~t·nnditi~;~inr~. AM FM •.in-t·u. IHJ'.'-'f'r 1·rut.n nr:rlr-tn--=r­ i1ll-~· ;.!fJ .... ) ,..;jiJ, :i l.q lll-l-\P~:En IH(;YC'!,ES-·low.-t prkM o~ hran,l-nunw lir-:hh\·~·h:~·htr~. F-nl('i<'k llnll~tt n-ft('r 1 p.m .. 277-2~46, hom<> 2ri6-27H4. !Jill-( Celebrate with: lUM IlOllGt<-;, '!~·ton n\~kUI>o St\Z(;. or \:stont. vff(•r, t•.ttlJ ~::'i.';-1!526. r- :us JOANBAEZ , i ~·i:i- ...,.,.;;--]Joll c;-; ;('}~;liit~ ~~t;;;-;;~~fi ;;~-;~tel: ,:Jition, S~:iiJ, :.!i7·!.!~7.i. !J 1H Special Activities Issue u:A'rin;n lioou;;~JAr'K~;n~: PANT8, CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG BA!ll', JIEJ,T8, BELT J•OtT!U:l> HA'l'S, CAP~. St'NVI~OU~. \Vhol yo~ t:l·t (lUt to lmy >·our:~c-U ~;om<- lcatht>r dottw• ~'fHI t. ~•f'l(•ruon than you ·wou111 fur a. faLrir itrm. Att('r all, il1. a rhoi,~f' ,_-nu mh~ht liH.' \,.·ith th(• r('·.t of your lit{' !t1nlu.. thl' rh-rht r-hiJir•f' ut thP J.t-:.\TliF.n: Al'ld ntr<:-d•J(;or,o CJA.qc Tt'f!l'U:, ll:~l HornHo !'•r\\•, OLD T~t\\S, >'42-~4 1,1t:~ ~.-31 DOROTHY MORRISON Swordplay P .4 Everyone did it ... for the sheer love of it. r'!,liT~; y;~;~~ON~ hy AI'I'lio.t I'lut~ grn•l- Tues.~Thurs. uat(•, S:).UI) J.l!'l' lcnm, 24~·~'143. H 21 Next 0 Tii~N:K- ~~-~~ fr}t' (•hri1tmo.-·.u All tH'f';_ Cruising At .'u'm~ J,~·a!.Jhful J-~ift_., !.ur :h1• t·ntirf' f.1miJy an•l frlt'l'!lb. Call :H4•11:ir,A tt•<'tlit:ro:~ for al!t'f,lntmf'nt. 1>,\~ii'nitT .' i~i~niniATioN-:- uiimT!Fi. The Best of (•AT!ON, _ 1-hoto. l''n..

SHAm: I.AR!H~ C'Ol'NTI!Y ItOC~E. Hn'o Annual :!t;d !~twr ~u ~<.~r t-lf. 2 .. ::!-:i~~M~ fl ,zo Scaling the \n; \v!\NT Til I:J.:i- nt ltrd Hot Pant~ ' lfHH'-.fntral ~K tl '14 •• :~; !-'Oiii'·jir: -~-~--~~-~~- No Hands 1~•7t __ .ii(,Nn~\, c·n4~0-; ~1.:{'f1U;~t--t>~J;;)iti~~~ .'!.Hill I ,..mill~:. S>t:;.!.';-,HH. 11fil.:: ('aJuMbia sz.; aftr·r d p.m. ~irwr,;;IIAI!U:Y•DAVIDSON Spott. :-t••r xv·n, S!,~IIQ •a.h--Dan 344-'J~Il. Football P. 7 !J/10 ~·m•;woon AND SOCOR!tO ALI-'AI.Ji'A rur ·-.u.l<·, '.tudNit-o\l'n('d hu::in,;~.;s, 247 .. ~111V. ~~ 26 l!h'i~f ~P?.trKI.-52~~. ~t;t~»C;!;-trrt·t m~~hi~C.. t·nll ~r.;. .. ~~ia lmtrah.· 9 •'1~ Toes In Your tt~n:'i- :Hitt('(' JAV.tA moto~~~('l~.- rno~-r-"'sU,.t fJH•thnuletl, tunnl. N1.•w •:••at. battery· vrrY ~OfJ1I Nsm1ition. $275. ,1o.'42 .. fi9.ffi. '0/lh Ten Cents i4' _nona;- <\AT-'with trnil~r, iood eondi .. hon. s~u11l flrm~ 21i~M~3lff n{t('t 4.. Teeth P.9 Bicycles! Bicycles! Over 250 European 10-Speeds Friendly Service • Expert Repairs The Big The Bike Shop ASUNM F'ILM. COMMITTEE $!.•SUS THEAT~E·6, a, 10 P,M~. 823 Yale SE 842·91 00 Leap P.lO Friday, September 15, 1972 :J' ~ c-1 .t-:> ,_ Ne\N Mexico 2: i a>..... ~ :;: tO ..... \.>' .... LOBO ~ I Activities Night DAILY ..,~. '8"' Conserve paper--give this IJaiJer to a friend 0 r Cli t:l 0. Ill :::l J1 Slated for Friday OOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau '< ,c6 ~ The S tudenl Activities "Celebration" will also be T CAN'T ACCEPT .s Center of UNM will hold its shown on Saturday and Tf/11T ~ :>. The twentieth Olympiads ended Monday evening in shame :-=: annual "Student Activities Sunday nights at the same ~ times at the cost of $1. and disgrace for both the International Olympic Committee ';a A" Night" this Friday in the ('> Union. Music for the evening will and the German government. a Admission to the Union be provided by Magic Sam r:J' ':;:!"' with a light show by Mike Jim McKay, of ABC sports, spent a great deal of time Pl Cli will be 25 cents and events praising the Bavarian spirit, the Bavarian women, and the ...... ;;;: run from 6 p.m. to Guinn in the ballroom and t;;: midnight. Once inside the by the Wood Rose Band in Bavarian beer. McKay seems to have forgotten some of the ·"'..... Q) the Casa Del Sol on the IC z Union everything, with the other well known Bavarian qualities. --1 second floor, The Big River M exception of food, drink Let us remember the Bavarian beerballs, like the t-:> and the movie "Celebration Blue Grass will play in the .. (. ~ ,• 'v' ;,.L~-. cr, ~ t-.. f'\..... ~/L_- ___ J' Hofbrauhaus, where Adolph Hitler was able to manage his Coffee House. ~J..r r:-·_ '-"~- · -- - -- at ," will be free. o n rise to power in 1923. Let us remember Dahau, one of the ~ "Celebratiolt at Big Sur" Other events include most infamous death camps, located just a few miles from with , Joni casino in the Casa and Mitchell, Dorothy Morrison display booths by soveral Munich. Let us not forget the continuing attacks and threats and Crosby, Stills, Nash and university groups. The perpetrated against the small Jewish community of West Young, will be shown at 6, games area, with free Germany. In short, the Bavarian spirit. Hand 10 p.m. in the Union bowling, ping pong and pool theater at a cost of 50 cents. games will also be open. * * * The handling of the Arab terrorists by the German authorities was, at best, clumsy. Over $7 00 million was spent by the Germans to build and promote the Olympic games. U Housing Committee This was their chance to present the "New Germany" to the rest of the world. Police were ordered to wear the uniforms of the athletes so that the world wouldn't accuse them of Wants Students Involved since 1962, but had been being too "militant." At the first mPeting of llw year last Thursday, the University relaliwly inactive until about two Many questions still remain unanswered concerning the Housing CommittN• appointed a years ago, wh('n student tragic day. sub-committee to study the goHrnment participation in editorial Security guards claimed to have seen five men climbing feasibility of more stucilmt housing began to decline. over the fence entering the Olympic compound. Why where participation in hou~ing affairs. these men not questioned at the time'? At present only thre~• ~tud<•nts Ul'l' included :L~ voting ml'mbers. New Mexico Reports in both Time and Newsweeh say that the German Kathy Young and Sli'VI' Kil•inrock Something More DAILY LOBO police were reluctant to act in any way that might endanger reprl•sent the rrsident•e halls, and themselws. When faced with the prospect of storming the the Graduatl' Students are learning by doing something they've Vol. 76 No. 15 University life is something more than l"OOm where the athletes were held hostage, the police balked. Association sends a dt>l<>gat(•. Box 20, University P.O., UNM, teaming from a hook and attending dasses never done bc>fore and because of the The day of the incident, the Egyptian team pulled out of Cheryl Woolsey acts as non-voting Albuquerqu!', N.M 87106 eomrad<.•ship, but mo>tly for the sheer fun of liaison for ASUNM. five days a week. tlw ganws, leaving no explanation. Other eountries from the Editorial Phone (505) 277· Tlw committee, which was set 4102, 277-4202; The process of learning about oneself it. Arab world rl•mtlitwd to partkipatl•. Perhaps tlw Egyptian up to determine major housing I At Activities Night, tonight at the Union, Advt'rtising 277·1002 tmmus being involved with othPr people. pull-out wa~ just fpar or Jll'rhap:-; mon• wu:-: involvPd. policy matters, is a cooperative tlw v,.-,uturr ()f th«• DC"un nts can diseovPr somP of otlwr 4 office, tlw hoUsing administrators, puhlish••d MondaY through J< riday tht> more than two hundrl'd stud!.'nt ways to gc._!t an education. Without this «"H'l\" rl:"r.ular wr<>lt. of th<' lfnivt~r­ and the Comptroller's offke. It is sitv vt•ar by th<' Board ot Stud~nt f at•tivities 011 this campus. rnvolvement, uniwrsity life is no better than r The International Olympk Committee al'ted in a totally lll'aded bv Dean of Students Public•atinns nf thf? Un•v<•rsitv uf r Tlw studt•nts who parth•ipatP in tht•se going to the offkP fiw days a wel'l<. Karen Glas;r, and includes, as well !':t•t\o' !\.1t.'xi<'O, ancl is nut finanriallv , umea;;onable and vkious mamwr throughout the gamrs. as tiH' studl'nt m1•mb1•rs, one a•;sudated with t!Nl\1. St•cund rl.tss at'tivitie;; ar1• not newsmakers nor do they do pusta~•· paid at Albuq~rllUI', Nt•w r Bob Huether Comm1.mhit judging was prejudil'ial and unfair. The Associatl' and tlm•p As.~istanl Mt•xi<'U 8710G. Subscrit>tiUn rat!• 1s I it for acadPlllll' eredit or personal gain. They suspension of two American sprintl'rs for not standing with Dt•ans, Compl roll1•r Carroll Ll'e, $7 fnr tht.• J.('Ud<•nll<' Vt'.lr. r ThP opin1nns (•xpn~ssl•d on thl' , "propPr l'I'SIH'l'l" during tlw playing of tht• national anthPm, and Shirley l\.lin~-:1', LN•'s assistant for hs(•nt!, th(• vh•ws nf \ -, tlw IOC's clt•l'i-;ion to l'Psunw tlw Olympit• ganws aftpr tht• D ~·wish at hiPll's. CompPtition er bmall grstm·l' to malw to sust>end tlw tPst r J of tlw Olymph-s. Tlw ganws arP supposl'tlly lwld to further tlw spirit of intPrnational <:ooppration. This spirit was rupl'd hy tlw adions of the tprrorists, hut asid(• from a brit•f nwmorial st•rvke, tlw boxing and running WPnt on. Do tlw dPaths of tlwsP young athlPtt>s nwan so vel'Y littlP to tlw world'! Would it not haw been mon• appropriatP to eall off tlw n•maindl'r of the ganws in tht.> nwmory of the 11 Get Close to the Great Outdoors nwn'! Free .tPEEIJ !lEADING Lessons! .\pparPntly not. The Olympi<'S wPnt on and a few more Jt•ws Wl•n• laid in tlw gtounu. THIS SUNDAY Sunday night Kol Xidre servi<·ps will ht> held in tlH! two .Jewhh -;ynagol-lUPS in ,\lhuqm•;·quP. Yom Kippur, th<> Day of .\to1wnwnt, will ~tart with Kol Xiur(• at (): 15 p.m. and will 4 PM or 8 Pl\11 'THOSE TREACHEROUS, MURDERING, INFIDEL BARBARIANS ARE SHOOYING BACIwish holiday At either of tlw ypar. It giws us a day to mPdilatP, pray, and generally This special issue was fiml a little peat'<' with om•spl\•ps. Xo Jewish ,;tudl•nt or '"\ Room 231-E or \Vhite \Vinrock letters. edited by Bob Huether iusti'U('tor should hi' in cla:-~s on :\londay. It's a small gp;;tm·p Student Union Bldg. Motor Hotel • • to malw for f>OOO yPai'H of k<•(•pmg it togPtlwr. Aaron, today't. (!\1onday, 11th) and focus, Universitv of T\ew ~fcxico In \'\:inrock Center Frankly, it's good to ~N· IU(Hf' -t------+­ Lobu is exceptiunally good: lots r!'porting and less opinion Campus of good-solid r1•porting, coVI!ting (columns). Th1! front-paw• rmmal Letters to the Editor , .. ~nuutuiu Qtqultt the SI'V(!l'al events of lhl! wePkend ransom pw;; is excellent. f.pfl••rs lo till' Nlitor ;..hould tll' RP('ent mow:-~ hy tlw !ioviPl l Tnion to J that with frPsh detail and intelligent Pass on this unqualified, want to makP aliya, arE• criminal. 'X o vrotPst bas lwt•n filpd hy perspective. As a partisan, I, of no lnnl(l'l' than :!:,o wnrds, unsolicited endorsem1mt -for tlw goin~ $2D,OOO. course especially like the pictures lypPwrilt!•n and doubll' ! Jew is !wing sold. It's niee to know that our 1406 Eubank NE 298-4296 on the McGovern visit. But DEI<', concerned, the Domenici rally and tel!'photH' numbl'r must be brothers in the Kremlin think so highly of Jewish brahi 301 San Pedro NE Student Tuition Plan 265-67fil included with the letter or it will Gallegos-all well done, a power. combination with both balance Byron Lindsey not be considerl'd for publication. ., ·. Getting 'Stuck' 'il 'S01 'A Feeling of Accomplishment' IS: .... Pomtions of the hn~d i.n Fwdng. II> c.. By BOB HUETHER I I'ronauon; Z ~upmat1un. solo cross-country flight. Below Fencing: 1:::. Jj others use private aircraft for (") The aircraft seems to have a him is a peaceful panorama of compete in epee or saber fencing 0 business und pieasure." By JOAN PEARL opponent with the sword tip exposed to the opponent. ':£'he weighing 28 ounces. The bell is mind of its own when the novice brown mesas and plains, deep, A private pilot's rating requires larger than those of the other because they are too rough and t:::l i first takes the controls. The Fencing, in the form of dueling, within the legal area, he scores the jacket protects the wearer agamst Ill multi-colored canyons and 40 hours of flight time, 20 hours swords because it is designed to jackets do not provide quire a mask America. The club's three officers ... is three-two the judges raise the clearly. II> :8 gently to avoid "over-correcting." to become a pilot beat the high pt>riod of instruction. fm1cing originuted primarily in with a bib extending to the collar are: John Stark, Director; Charles il: Spain France a11d Germany. In score to four-three making the Deck or tennis shoes provide g. The instructor smiles again--the cost of private flying schools. "The student doesn't have to to protect the throat which is a Thigpen assistant director; Bob .. student has taken his first step Fren<:'h and German schools it is next point scored the end at the traction and a glove protects the Smith,' token officer. 'l'he ....II> z "We can help the student save lay out all the monpy at oncl'," vital target area, ,r) towards becoming a pilot. still a required course. "ll was match. "Like sudden death, knuckles of the hand holding the membership is approximately ~ about $240 in aircraft rentals and Joseph said. "The student pays by sword. Foil is the most demanding c.n After plenty of lessons and an instruction fees while getting his the lesson, which are usually an considered quite a social mark in although we don't like to use that category in fencing. It is the most thirty. The only requirement is ~ Swords vary according to the ~ ••qual amount of frustration, the private pilot ralim;," Paul Joseph, days gone by to have a fencing term," he added. that a mask be worn and an injury <0 ~ hour long. We also can schedule re3trictive. The torso is the target. novice is alone in the airplane on a president of the organization and scar from Uw Heidleberg school," The match is played on a mat category of fencing. The ends are rt•l~ase form be signed. lessons between dasses and on blunted and covered with a rubber Scoring is made with the tip of ""'~ instructor, said. weekends to make learning more said Stark. "!t'(•ncing hus ntwcr six feet wide and 50 to 60 feet the sword and by a thrusting No initial investment is d !- 7 bee!l popular in America. An long. Four judges, one on each tip. required. The first few meetings r liiJ& Joseph, a UNM Senior, own-; a ronv<•nient for the student." Knickers art' made of cotton movPment. Cessna 170 which he offers to American has ntwer won a medal corner of the mat, judge the The sword weighs 17 ounces are used to instruct the beginner To prevent !lccidents and in the Olympics. Most of the scoring. The fifth man, the and the leg exposed to the in form and to help him flight students and other qualified establish standard procedures for opponent is covered with a double and has a smaller bell. Foil is used pilots. Joseph charges S.t pPr hour air traffic, the Fed<'ral Aviation competent instructors teach in director, controls the time as a training weapon. It teache:> all determine his interest. Later an Europe. It's difficult to find allotment for the duration of the thickness. Some fencers prefer investment in a foil und mask solo (without instructm•) and $20 ad ministration has regulations knickers even when not required elements of form. per houl' dual (with instructor). concerning mt•dical requirPml•nts someb<>dy with advanced skills game. On guard is th!' basic A costs approximately $16. even to practice with within a Standard equipment in fencing because they allow more freedom Competition and the spectrum Although the rates are high by and rules pilots musl follow. of movl'ment. right·hand~d fl•ncer turns ~ts r~ght most student's budgets, Joseph four hundred mile radius in matches is a mask, a jacket, white side io h1s opponent. Hts r1ght of fencing could be enlarged by PPrsons having a normal h1•alth America," Stark said. pants, deck or tennis shoes, a Saber, epee and foil are the purchasing electri c:aJ scoring justifies the expense, sayinq, "A histmy should be ablP to obtain a three categories in fencing. foot is ex tended and points pilot's license is an The object of the game is to glove and a sword. Padded toward the opponent with the equipment. The game ts played at m<•dical C!•rtificalt'. Thos1• in "kill the man," technically called knickers, special gloves, masks and Saber fencing demands the such a speed that the judges can investm<>nt·-you haw it for lift>. doubt should chPck with a FAA most jumping, slashing and right leg slightly bent. The left leg People in all sorts of fiPids can overriding your opponent on the shoPs are used 011ly in major and foot are perpendicular to the no longer depend on the naked certifit•d flight surgPon bPfore basis of five points per bout. "In competition depending on the thrusting moveml'nts of the three eve when judging regulation make good use of it and hav<.> l The sword is pointed toward the clavery sword saber with a thinner head of the opponent. '!'he California. St. John's in Santa Fe cotton or nylon. A double has a fencing team and also the thickness of material covers the blade. It weighs approximately 17 shouldt>rs are parallel to the floor and the spine is perpendicular to Air For<>e Academy," said Stark. arm and same side extending to t ounces. The bc>ll of the sword, a cup-shaped pil'ce of metal tlw floor. Until the intramurals board the waist of the side of the body s a f(•w elt•m<•nts of Duplicating protects the hand. Extending ballet. It allows maximum will bo no ml'<'tings. "They won't 2212 Cenorol S.E. mobility to the fencer with the <'Ven tell us where our form is. Tht> ASUN:Vl Duplicating from the bell back to the handle, G••ntPr will hP opPn from !l:::o :166-2338 a piece of metal forms a minimum warning to the We'v<' petition<'d for a room and Car Wash a.m. until .J: ::o p.m. !\londay~o and semi-enclosed handle. This opponent presenting the Wl''re still waiting. Hopefully we'll Martm Guild minimum amount of target area. know by this Friday," said Stark. W••drw.,d:~ys, l~::JO until :~:::0 by pwtects the knuckles. p.m. Ttu•,da:.,·s and Thumdays and Moving with the knees bent keeps Int<'rested students or faculty ', Yam11lla Epee fencing is derived from 1rKA Pledge Class the hl'ad from bobbing up and should contact Jon Stark. !1: ::o a.m. until :: p.m. Friday~. ASUNM dueling. In the early history of 1 Madr frll Ana T£•1ephone 265·4038. II 'rh( <'PrttPr b in rnum 2~ of th<• fencing when dueling was used to down. If the opponent sa":' _:,rour head go down he would anticipate l'mon. Strinp lc 1\(.tt:UOrits 9 am-3 pm Sat., April16 settle disputes it was considered bad form to Jdll your opponent. u Junge and wuuld be able to Get in on Ferrel \ i f~ ... Poorcn In predict your attack. President Feuel Heady will Popular $1.00at The object was to draw blood j( When a fencer signals the right hold his first rap ses.sion of the I -,.. ·~:> ... which ended the match. The '• ' entire body is the target area of attack by straightening his arm year on Monday, S!'ptember lH, Triangle Chevron Station his opponent has to allow him to including the tips of' the fingers at 1:30 p.m. in the Lounge of the Entertainment Central & Monte Vista proceed with the attack. After SUB. and the soles of the feet. '- -~~\\ An epee sword is the heaviest making thl' proper d<•fense the ·,.. . opponl'nt has the right of attack. Audubon He has to act within seconds or he Committee loses his privilege. Theoretically if The Central New Mexico all defenses are performed Audubon Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. St>pt. 16 in the physics correctly with speed and strategy "Till' { ':'>i:\1 l"! ud1•1H \'P! l'l'allS presents TRINIDAD'S the opponent should not be able and astronomy building. Ralph A. Fisher, Jr., a noted photographer A~-.ol'ialiml will lw lwlthlll! P to break through the def!'nse. h••••r and mu,,je party fur all l'NM Women are not allowl'd to and birder, will speak and show slidE's. V ,. t., ran~ and lhl'ir n·~pP<'tivt• datt•, or wi\'<''•• ~ p.m., SP!JL 1 ii, Keith Green ' Fdday, .1t L••Hion H.tll 'lUll, l:H I 'andl'laria HIJ ;\;\\. Enli\lllt'l' by ~>h,wint: T·:-.;:\1 I J) p!tb VET In Concert Admm. "C'' ur t•.u•d or disdJdl'!;l' p;I!W~'" I<'l't•<• hi'H' .md ~un drlnl:~-> BOOTS Jll'O\ id••d.'' at Slllttfll!f Speda!s Popejoy Hall "I 1.\1: ( ,t l:lll DOWN SLEEPING BAGS lhhll> I I.\ \I Wednesday ( .u .. h .. I \ .l!ll~ "' 111'11• h In!'. Pu~~·~tpph '.nh c~. Yt':~t-~~·jhlt·-., now ':mp •\1· '-~~t!.Hl September 20 (·!~II I Ill I L\1 ll:t' 1 30% OFF 'i!L\h. '-.1.!111 \-__, "''1\t 1' l "'"''l ALSO 30% OFF ON: (,1! 111 ..,,,J,ul. "hrimp ..,,urn·. ) I l'llt h I I II '• JtoJh '' STOVES .. ,..,. I •·mnn \\' ul~t> '~· ,_ DOWN JACKETS IJ.\\11!1 Rhl It ..,11.\K ,'-.1.!15 Vr \r Ct nr 1 :...U<:I 'IJI!&~L TRAIL FOOD "''I\!'< I with Srrup ••r Tn;~ed (oH't'n .,,tl.t•l. \1;1,hnl nr WAFFLE STOMPERS I l£'111 h hi!'til'nta!Ol'5, Y<·r:< t.thk,_ Rolh. llutH•r RUCKSACKS DANEX CLOGS by IMPO , 1 ~ F1m11 CIII Soccer: l"i Mountaineering: ""rt> _a. ui l"i z 1il rt> 'Look, Ma, No Hands' ~ ~ By NICHOLAS FLANDERS appl'arNl decked out in the blue ~ .., misconception of neophytes: the rt> c."' Outside the United States it of his high school to relive his past id!!a that thr:> object is to bash the ItT Nerve ts. stirs passions to such a deg-ree that glory. I have no idea whetlwr the JJ ball around. This is where thP By PAUL SCHERR slowly, and gradually build up his the rope when you fall ..• " "'0 l'iots break out, players fear for people were members of thli' quick wit comes into soccer. In At tw1mty thousand fNlt every confidence, The Mountaineering This remark prompted some t:l i their lives and referees must he Univet·sity's Soecer Club. It didn't soccer the object is to work one's step is a tortuous strain on muscle uneasy laughter. The neophytes 0 given police escorts. At the same matter, they wert> glad to hnvli' Club prefers the lattet· method ~"' ,...l way down the field by passing to and willpowPr to gain one mort! because it's the safest way, not to just then realized how important :>. time it is a game of infinite another player. other members of the team, and the belayer is; you have to trust t" :-:::: finl!sse, and a gamtl that can take foot on a mountain insensitive to mention the easiest. 0 ~ After a warm-up of everybody thereby working one's way the efforts of man. Some have The students responding to the your life to him. And Cl on the quality of a perfect ballet. trying to pound the ball past a m·ound the other tedm. To just consequently, you should never 9' 0 di<'d trying, others have made it, advert-isement posted in the Union u It's called football, or soccer in bel!!agu<>red goalie, the game bash the ball is to offer equal but no matter---the mountain has assembled in front of the Lobo climb with someone you don't w ':::1 the U.S. began when another group opportunity to the other team to withstood the batt£>rings of the trust. Although rock climbing is a 'a Besides speed and endurance, it appeared and aslwd for it. I found statue at !l: 00 a.m. rt> ;E"' recover it. Plemt>nts for centuries. One wrong From there, they drove to an risky hobby, Schum believes the s ;: calls for skill, psycholot,')' and a myself playing halfback, a One must be constanlly aware 1:1' llO movt•, otw misplaced foot, one area off Tramway Rd. and hiked a club at UNM is one of the safest rt> ., quick wit. Brute force plays position that is played like it as to the whereabouts of mw's error of judgmtmt, and death lies mile down the canyon to a point in the countt·y. Safety is ... z role. sounds: you play halfway teamnwtes, and bP abl!' lo pass repeatedly st1·essed from the .... waiting miles below. where LhP rocks were suitable for .?' ~ For those who know it, il is betwNm thP forwardH and the TO thPm wh£'11 one is in danger. Bu~ in a canyon in the foothills tlw purpose. Some came becausl' onset. .... ~ The Game. fullbacks, or defensive men. Wh!•n one has out·foolPd Schum first demonstrated how cc It is thriving here at the The traditional apportionment of Lht> Sandius, the chances of they had climbed before but -4 .e ev1•rybody on the othPr team, dying arl' slim. The worst that can wanted to learn the right way to to tie the proper knot on the rope ., University of New Mt•xico, stuffed of men, is five forwards ( i wo including ilw goalie, THEN one ha ppt•n is a skinned knee or do it, some because they were just around a climber's waist. "The bt>Lween the noisy touch football wings, two insides, and a centel'), can bash the ball into the goal for 1•lbow, unless a falling rock lands in t crested, and others because rabbit gver, it is not that ),·~' I a clear and bright Sunday friends. way of remembering it. If the l'Venin!,'S the players appear next nowadays to four forwards, two simple and th<, extra quality of morning, the UNM B<>fore the class started, Steve rope isn't wrapped around the to Johnson Gym to practice for halfhacks (on~.> playing offensively waist at least twice, a long fall being able to place a hard shot .J Mountainl'<•ring Club h!!ld its first Schum, the club's chairman, gave Sunday's gamP, and lhe other defensively) and where the goalie isn't is required class on technical climbing of the a few introductory remarks about could cause serious injury. On one such day, this tt>porter four fullbacks. With this st•t·up, After everyone had perfected for su('cess. semester. the sport (an obsession ~th has come a fastl'r gam<' with As the game has it, it usually the technique, they split up into Choo>e from a selcctio11 An introduction to mountain some). Schum is about 59", longer pa,~ses and more doPsn't quite worl{ out. Tl11' climbing is accomplished in one of sturdily built, and referred to in groups with one experienced of over 200 European brt>ak-aways. climber in each for actual goali<'s bring the only peopl(' on two way.s. You can send an the group as the human fly. In the IOSPEEDS Only U)e Enfllish with tht:ir till' field able to touch the ball ilwxperienced person up a 150 ft. climbing practice. The club continuance of the practice of a jargon of climbing, he is a leader, member look an easy route up a with their hands, they grab it vNtical face and scare the fear out Astras Olmos Crescents man dribbling his way throuJ~h, ...... the one who is first to make the rock no higher than thirty feet fwm tht> brink of disastei', _ of him, or you can teach him ascent. To protPct himself from l'caturing tlw Wor!ll's maintain the old sl't-up. This, I am Most of the game is not taken and set up the belay. An told by English friends, is falling the entire length of the established set of signals are used Champion Frcndl Bicycle up by such romantic action. 1l is rock, the leadr.r must hammer in disappearing too. whirli•d away in poor passes and in climbing. If you are about to Gitane The ball is moved with Brothers Music pitons or Wl'dge a nut into the throw a rope over the rock, you broken plays, and an occasional! 1831 Central NW 242-3745 rock and tie his rope to it. Then if everything but the arms and display of fancy foot work as brought back into play by a kick beautifully set-up by modt•sl plays yell "rope." If you dislodge a rock l'rnfP,,ional Bikes Expert hand~. The bnalty has bl'en called. My team won the gaml' :~-1, rl'ally out of shape. A fri.-nd does not respond, the climber The commcm conception is that finds a good spot-hopefully waits until he hears the signal. The Pl'llalliPs consist of such things th,,ugh the goal the other tt•am lisletwd to my complaints and comfortable-he sets up the belay. Patti Scherr: Belt of Bourbon, I'll Be As Good As New one plays with the toes, this is, llS touching !h(' ball with thl' scored came aft<•r a play had bPen smiled, "Two wt•t>ks of this will 2 Locations eli mber then yells, "ready to however, an inaccurate way of He's called the belayer. He holds climb," the belayer replies, hands, playing the man and not cruled and the person who scored put a little muscll' on you." onto the rope at all times and your arms should be used only for suffered from rop<> burns 011 the ldcking. One mostly kicks with the ball, and a variety of other it was off·side, i.e. when the ball Smnl'how thl• idea of draml'ing I Brothers Music East "climb," and the climber yells balance. neck, two girls dPclined to try the instep of the foot, which takes up the slack when you're 11 climbing," and starts up. It lesser onl's lo keep people from came to him lw didn't have two of my lin•d bont•s around for that t2000 Central SE 242-0194 climbing, so if you fall it will only Halfway up Lhe climb, each that method. provides n•markable accuracy, hut hurth111 each other. Even when a of our men, or the ball, between tim!' was off·set only by tlw seems silly to go through with pupil took a practice fall to learn The other, and more commonly not as much power. be a few feet. If he's not holding these signals when tht• climber and p<•nalty is call('d thE' ball is himand the goal. glorified imagt• of anotlwr thP rope could be trusted as well usl'd method, is morr• fun. A This brings Ul> i Two of the fantustic pass ending in th1• g-oal. be layer are only fift(>en fe(>t apart, as thl' belayer. But diapl'r sling of nylon wr•bbing is l J Vegelarign salads - th<•y but often cannot se<' (•arh psyebologically, on a long, sl<'<'P hr-ld tow•th••r h~1 a <·antbint,r I ullnoturalf<>ods other. <'limb, tlw rope> doP~n't I'Xist, und through which th1• ropr• i:> placl'{l, 1 Nader s sh -~~ kabob & 'h ;;h kofta l When climbing, your budy durin I\" "' 1<1b~tie fl'ah MP ran•ly :-litwt> th,•i'!' b no conta<'l with tiH• , 'I' Tues-Fri 11:30-2 pm, S·lO pm should bl• as parallel to the rock as att t•mpl!'d excPpt by a foolhardy I daily luncheon 1pcciol Sal & Sun S.lO pm, cf<>y don't last Jon~ 1 lr•;~n aW.l\' from tlw ro<•l;, IPanling how to b<•lay, tlw most bPt'ausl' it is llll'. f it. That hand Jwwr lPav1•s lhP A s!wlt•nt who h;m !'llmpll'lt•d rop1•, wlul1• tlw otlwr take~ up tlw tlw s1•t of thn••• t'las.'<'" h now '~ 6:00PM rop1•, m· fPPds it back to tlw THIS NOTE WILL GAIN Y()U' A TEN P£RCENi~ TOTAL UNIVERSITY OF I n·ad}' to tal'!;lr• a difficult I for PURCHAS£,DISCOUNT ON REGULARLY :PRICED ITEMS climlwr if it is Jli'!'Pl>.'iary. If th1• tlwm, at h•a>i!) dimh with a NEW MEXICO rhml)('r falls and takPs tlw lwhtyf'r frir>tHl, or join tlw dub in tlwir iN ANY PIER 1 STORE:. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER with him, both art• saf1• as lung as dimhs. Tlw :\1ount.tin••"rinj:( ( 'luh PURCHASE. GOQO NOW_ THROUGH SEPT. M, 1972. till' bt>lay1•r holds the ropr•. If tlw providl's all th1• l'qU!pmt•nl 11PI'dl'd KUNM 90.1 FM dimuer falls and th<' hr•laypr dm•s for tlw ('lass••s and group elimbs. not have his hand on till' ropr•, thr• Cnmp.m•d to otlwr I'S<>II'l'ic c!imbr•r is lr•ft to his fah•. spol'ts, rot'lr l'limbing is not TlH• nr>xt lP&~on was utull'rving I'XpPnsivt•, Th<• ropr• i;. tlw mn;.t for 1wrnr•, J:o:veryonP has sr1•n I'XPI'IlSiV!' item, ('OS( ing about pictures of t•limbr>rs bounding s:,o, and a 1-!0od helnwt is about backward down a cliff, using a $20. Of cour;,<', wlwn your lif•• THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO ropr•. l-'or many, rapPiing is lhP d1•pt>nds on it, you don't bu.y RIP OFF iHIS high·po int of a climb. !.t•t•ond·ratP <•quipnwnt. COUPON AND The novices lt!ariwd the two :\1ountain dimbinl! b not a b:t;,ic rap!!ls. On a body rapp], thP sport r•ugag~>d iu primarily by BRINGITTO POPEJOY HALL ropP is tiN! to a rock, placPd propll' with a d1•ath wish. Th<> YOUR N'EAR­ lwt W<'l'n t h(> ll'gs, brought ov••r t•lc•m1•nt of dan;!t•r is llasi!'ally as EST PIER 1 orw hip and ()VI'r the oppo~ih• l(rPat as tlw rlimhN;; want it, but ~houldPr and brought around thl' it dnf'"' I alcfl nttrVP. STORE FOa-.A CLASSICS THEATER bach. Tlw fri!'tirm of thP rop•• acls It's also lwalthi••r for body and MONEY SAV~ a~ a brakt>, but it also can hurt for soul than th!' tramway. lNG TRIP~ Presents the samr• n•ason. Afl••r two peopl!• ~rHE TEMPEST !3- (!'t-'l I 5 HAIR DESIGNS by William Sha1wsj;em·e FOR MEN Spccialh:ing in the SEPTEMBER 14, 15, 16, 22, 23-8:15 p.m. Full Natural Look Rl'f'•lll '- \fiilllll'lloliH(' em all fnr!'I~O rats Special Matinee Sunday, September 17-2:15 p.m. For appointments call 255-4371 'Joreign Car Specialisis UNM Students, Faculty & Staff $1.50, $1.25, & $1.00 2914 CENTRAL AVE. S.E. 33$ Wvomin~r Blvd. :s~: 1 Telephone 277-3121 ocroh fr<>m the Tri.,ngle 26!1·5001 Free Estimates ~~~~~~~~~~~U::=:;::::::::::~6~0~0~1~L~o~m~a~s~~N~.~E~.;(~f=~a~ir~P~I~a~z:a~S:ho~p~p~in~g~C~en~t~e~r)~P~h~a~n~e~2~6~5-~5~4~2~1=::::;=:::;JJ~~~~~~~~~~.. ;_,.,/fi'l:·. -·. · ...... ,• . •' •'· .· - .. .. ·•., C\o::··· .. .· " - ~ 0 • ·~!.i. A/ f._'"(... ~ .. . ·... · ,•· .. I. :.~~·=· :/, ~ I Cl> t-o Karate: 171 ~ .-l .Q zCl> New Mexico Rivalry ::;: t-i <11. :s: ,0"'' I Cl> e· tj, 2) <> ~) 0 <11' By PAT BARKIN t:j (/ll.,, At about 5:30 on Monday In 64th Squareoff f»:::: o• night people start drifting in room «: coming into this ,season, including throw to headed by Hank Cook ''8! 184 in Johnson Gym to warm up ... J; at a 48·14 drubbing from Utah State (six catches for 94 yards against fvr th-: k~1·ate lesson ahead. A last weekend. It is doubtful that Utah State) and Scooter Warren ~ /:~! pretty girl bows ceremoniously at .o I "QI the fact NMS has already played a (five catches for 52 yards). the door and enters smiling. She In contrast, the Lobo wishbone A' 1::- ~s game gives either team an w 0 has a black eye and a brown belt, offense relies mainly on the 'a the second highest rank in karate. OKIES advantage. ., ·~:"'' rJifflll~ful1iri-'Y State now has had a test in running game. They finished g. ' ., At 6 o'clock, Gary Purdue, one actual game competition and second in NCAA team rushing last ., . ~· 0 f the two instructors shouts ... : some idea of what their problems season and have two starters ! .,!l=• "Minasan!" which means . ....,."" ~... are and how to correct them. returning. Fred Henry ran up 99 ""'01 z "everybody" in Japanese, and 35 '!! yards against the Aggies last year people kneel in formation • The Utah Stute-New Mexico 171• tD State game would have bt~en which put him Wl'll on his way to ""' <11• ThL~ isn't because they're -1 l>D closer had not highly publicized a 1000 yard-plus season. Henry !>.:> Cl servile. It's because karate, in AggiE' quarterback Joe Pisarcik v.ill need 113 yards Saturday to ~; addition to being an excellent suffered from "interceptionitis." tie the UNM career rushing record form of self defe11se, is also an Four of his err;mt throws were held by Boone's predecessOl' exercise in physical and mental picked off (two for touchdowns) Rocky Long. discipline. People in karate have b;r Utah State defenders. Still, the The other returning back is rl'spect for the sport and respect 6 4", 225 pound junior sparkled fullback Rich Diller who rushed for the ones who teach it to them. for 123 yards in last year's New Karate is different from judo in / Mexico State game. Joining Hemy that it stresses kicking, blocking, and Diller in Lhe backfield is and strikit1g the opponent while in transfer Bob Baker, who is judo the opponent is pinned down rl'placing Nate McCall. by I eve rage. "Judo is almost The Lobo passing game and the useless as far as self defense goes Aggie running gam(' can't be until you get into the higher totally discounted. Probable belts,'' Purdue said. Tu~. I Oc BEER 5~6 PM starters behind Pisarcik are He added that in the face of an speedsters Otis (Cash) R('gister experienced mugger, even he with \ Lunches Daily I 1-2 and Reggie Gray. Targets for his black belt, would hesitatf.! to --,,~ kar Hmp_ ·Jttr' Bruce Boone, if the Lobos decide employ a formal karate attack. •':. -~:::::::.. to go to the air, are returnt•es Ken "I'd get my wallet out, drop it, Smith at right end and split end and when the mugger reached Paul Labarrere. down to get it, I'd kick him in the Boon!' rated his passing ability face and run." last week: "C minus. I'ts bad to The hands of a karate expert Man That's a bunch J_ worse to shaky. Seriou.~ly, I'm not are considered lethal weapons il1 at Limt•s and showed tlw six UNM that bad. I can get it ( thl' ball) New York and must be registered for a quarter scouts watchin!( tlw gam£' why he tht>rt>." as if they were pistols. is consid(•l'l'd one of tht! bt•st As far as expt>rietH~P is Purdue explained that karate con~erned, tlw Aggil' offr•ns•• has competition is highly subjective. TONIGHT quarterbacks in tl11• an•a. Ht> comph•t<•d 18 of :l8 puss(•s fur Ht:l tht• PdgP'~-nine of hts! Yt'~tr's "Sometimes you find that you're yards in hi!i '72 d(•but. starting offpnsiv<• playt·r~ art• competing not only against your His countPrpart for tJN!.\1 is retuming t•omparNl to fivr• for t!w opponent but the referee as well," Bruce B<>one, also a junior. While Lohos. he said. Pisarcik has two )"Pars of varsity The Lobo d!'fl'llM' wll hav.• " There are splits among karate playing time b<•hincl him at !WW look thi~; y<'ar, In~!Pad of fans regarding which kind of quarterback, Boone has only goinf.{ with th~ pro s~t •t-:; d•Jft•tlS(•, karate is best and personal Coach F1•ldman will t•mploy a fl·2 about lH minull•s. preferences come into play. "In 25¢ Pisarcik will most lila•ly bE' ( fiw lilwmt•n, two linebad:!'r:•l judo, one person is knock('d down ~~COLORFUL, WITTY ~N) noticed this tinw as tlw Ai:!!{it•s defenst•, Till' probablt• (l!•f(•n~iv<• so it's fairly obvious who got the will bs: Sll·rt• Bradshaw, The karate club m<>ets on AWARD Larry Dibbl!•},··t•nds; <:rt•g WINNER through tht• air while piclling up Monday nights in Johnson Gym IN SAN FRANCISCO" lMIHROlN o tH•s-middlP f.lUurd; ~ ~'';>r, Students for McGovern will be 15, 1972-6:00 'till WHAT 1-'APPEt Anyone interested should go to UNM Student Union Building r)A~ .. PlA"Jf:ISCO Kubowicz and P(•t!' Bush. l'lmHh the Citizens for McGovern-Shriver TODM• and Labarrl'rt' at t)H' l'lHis University Headquarters located t•omph•IP tlw (lrobabiP starting at 3102 Central SE at th<' corner squad for Saturday's garru•. of Richmond. & Women's Volleyball Rock Band Light Show-Free The UNM women's Magic Sam Student intercollegiate volleyball team will hoI d its first meeting on Organization September 18 at 4:00 in Carlisle Gymnasium. The team is opl'n to Games Area-Open & Free Rechartering all full tim<' UNM undergraduate women who are interested in Pooi~Bowling-Table Tennis playing intercollegiate volleyball. forms are Practice tim('s will be decidl'd at due by this mt'eting so all thosl' interested in playing on the team are urged Coffee House-Open & Free to attend. fine blue grass music Elgin, 2 diamonds, 17 jewels YOUR CHOICE I Elgin, automatic, 17 jewels $2 9 88 Sept. Student Loans Applications for studt'nt loans 15 ar!' now being ;~ccep!t•d for the Acoustical Band Spring Seml'stt•r. 'l'lw dl'adline for filing your applications is Oct. 1 fi, Wood Rose ZA.LES§ Any Questions /£WUIIU 1972. To avoid hl'in!l 277-4706 disappointed plt'ase havl' your We've go_t the whole world applications m l'arly sine£' il is · working for you. somE•timPs Jll'C(•ssary to contact Organization & Club Displays STUDEMT you whl'n l'rrors ar<.• madl'. Inquir!' Five convenient ways lo buy: in room 119, Student Aids for The quick way to learn who does what on campus lain, ffC\'IIh:lfi•~l hJr~r·•/ot!h ~ u~!11n. ( h;n.-:r •1f;Hikl\mrr • t ,.,.,wav ACT I V l 'T I E S ~- Downtown 318 Central SW mor(' information. 25 participating groups N1€H-T Five Points Shopping Center Voter Registration ~ ' Winrock S~PT. 15 V oler l'l'~islration will he held Movie-Celebration at Big Sur-~ V2 price DON PANCHO'S .._iiiiiiiiiiill lj fwm 9 a.m. u11lil .1 p.m. in the 'li;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;~ 2108 CENTRAL S.E./247-4414 .,. student accounts invited Union lobby and Uw North Mall. • 1 • C'1,... Ol "1:1 ..... Paul Scherr ]t ., Parachuting: ~ .6 "'...... 0 "' . santh,- 'Like Nothing Else You've Ever Done' z ~ 0 "'::1 ...."' you through their binoculars. You for about three minutes, it only 0. ~\ j().v By RANDY SITTON ~ rn Ever wonder what it would be wave-they wave back. seemed like 30 seconds. You can't "' wait to make your second jump, if '"~ 0 Jilw to strap on u parachute and You chuckle to yoursalf, and r;· ,.0 Harry Harbin used to drift the club he was a failure with lllUp out of a plane at :3000 fel't'? a\'l' startled by the sound. For the for no other reason than to see if 0 0 through each endless day in an girls; a real bozo, He used to think 1::1 ...:1 It's like nothing else you've ('Ver first LimP you realizP how quiet it the first one was really as total an ., ;:.., impersonal fog. He was lonely and like Wally Cleaver; be nice to girl is, because up there, there just experience as you remember. ::::: :::1 bored in the midst of 16,000 done. '< o:l and she'll respond in the same You hang there, suspended in isn't any sound. The truck is there to take you t" I=< happy hipsters, and desperately way, Well, times change, and now !.imP and space, There's no breeze, Then you have to laugh at the back to the parachute re-packing 0 0 longed for companionship and 0' <.) that he's learned better he's a new because you're gliding with it, and strangeness of it all. Your senses area. Everybody is grinning at you fun. !? ·~ man, Instead of trying to act like absolutely no sense of falling, are being assaulted by a totally when you get there, because Lhl'y rn ;;s Harry used to be lonely, but an i!ltelligent human being, and lx>cause your rate of descent is so new environment, and you're all know pretty much how you '0"' now he's a happy-go-lucky man get tmg bored looks from the ..... ~ slow. digging it. feel. about town. You see, Harry other person, he comes on strong. You look down and see a few Now you start preparing But the one with the biggest s z"' joined the Student Union Chick He grew his hair long, listened to tJ\ COFFEE 0' Hou crows graC'Pfully gliding around yourself for the landing. It's grin is you. ~ the advice of the experts, and ...,"' ..... Cruising Club. with LhP air eurwnts a thousand nothing really. Just about like Everyone comes up to you to .... turned hip. Not a care in the shake your hand, offer their Every night Harry strolls \.\~ IN THE SUB Sf feet below you. You do a couple jumping off a 10 foot wall. Keep P' ~"' nonchalantly into the Union and world. of slow 360 degree turns to get your feet together, knees slightly con~,tratulations, and ask you how ..... ~ James Taylor couldn't do any <.0 checks out the scene. Sometimes your bearings. And then, just for bent, and roll off to one side it was. But the experience you -1 better, although Harry knows that just went through doesn't leave 1'-' it takes an hour to find a the sheer joy of it, you do a few when you touch ground. promising subject, but with so any girl would ditch him in a fast ones, your legs swinging out The next tning you know, you with the appropriate hurry if they could find a hipper adjectives. You just walk around many to choose from, you can from under you. you're sprin~in~ to your feet and ufford io be picky. His favorites replacement. You can see the curs parked gathering in the 'chute. Then it glassy-eyed. But anyway, Harry could swing Parachuting, or skydiving, isn't are local high-school girls (San abuut a quarter mile away. If you hits you: your first parachute Quentin Quail) because he never any girl's heart in his direction had a pair of binoculars, you jump! an unattainable goal, as most simply by acting cool. That's the people think. In fact, there is a has to take the initiative in could sl.'e people looking back at Although you were 111 the air striking up a conversation. secret. Be mellow, suave, and sure parachute club on campus which of purpose and no girl can resist. competl.'s in intercollegiate events Usually, a girl will approach him and ask for reds, so all Harry has The Student Union Chick all over the countrv. Cruising Club works wonders. It Hal Weisberger, president of the to do is give her a few and let chemistry run its course. If the transforms menial mentalities into "' Wl:i~S·II' UNM ParachutP Team (UNMPT), pillars of strength. Take Bill, for Friday, Saturday & Sunday Night said "Last Thanksgiving, we girl is really unwilling, he makes a pitch directed to her desires. example. Bill used to dress with IS THE BEST traveled to Deland, Florida to the times, talk like the times, and compete in ou1· first National "Well I've got some tickets to 7:30 p.m. to Midnight Alice Cooper," he might say, and act like the times. It used to work Collegiate Competition." in the old days, but female .4MERIC4N W4R "Our of 70 schools represented, the girl squeuls with delight and beverages served eyes him in a different light. psychology has changed, Now he WI' placed 13th. We abo came ! I dresses as he pleases, drives a Students 50¢ All Others $1.00 COM ED\' HELD OVER away with thrne individual took fifth, and Milch Cotton look affiliatl'd with a local skydiving In the short time he has been in beat-up old car, and plays music. free honors. Ed Christy placed second sixth, all in Interml'diate club nunwd Icarus, which has the club, Harry has already Also, he enjoys the outdoors; a (admission Sept. 15, activity night only) SINCE in lntl•rmediate Accuracy, Jaclt Act·urucy. Out of 20 ~chools, about ao ml•mbers, but tlwy can't perfected the technique of playing truly independent thinker and Anderson pl.1ced sixth in Novice UN~1took fifth place overall. compete in c.'llllE•giate skydiving," it cool. For this, he heads down to free-willed individual, thanks to Accuracy, and I placed ninth in Askt•d about what exactly go<>s he said. the basement and shoots a game the Cruising Club. SOUND Novice Accuracy," he said. on at a parachute meet, "The first five jumps mad1• by a of pool. With any luck a girl will Of course, meeting girls is not Anotlwr ml•l•t attended by thn WPisbergl'r said that the student ar1•, by Federal regulation, be watching him, but he naver lets restricted to the Union. Once you Sponsored by CAME SHOW TIMES UNMPT was the BCliSP Collegiate parachutists frecfall, then open static liuc jumps," Anderson said. on. When the time is ripe, he'll learn the technique, you can score last Eastnr. In that meet, their parachutes and try to land us "This is wher1• thP ripcord is walk over to the juke-box and nod in any place you happen to bl!. ASU::'\M Popular Entertainment Committl'l' Mon-Fri 7:00 & 9:20 W1•isbPrger took fourth, Andl'rson attached to the aircraft so that the hello whilP hP selects a song. IN!" dose as possible to a targpt on the However, the prospects are and 1\' l'\\. Mexico Union -P~1ufrnc l00 "Aftl.'r that, if the instructor Jon~ and drawn·out. GAYS ' . fl'l't, pop our canopys, and st<•er fe,•ls that thP student is rpady, he His v:trious ronlacts through ' DONALD SUTHERLAND ELLIOTT uOULD TOM SKERR\TI Then• will bP a gay wom!'ns ., "''"'· ' ...... malws hin first fn•<'fall on his ,,ixth thHi tlrg-unization led him to fuJJ .- . t,,._\t~lll'lf 'llt~l l'.t\\(RI.U.It POOlA1 trnll.l KllftN Pfll(. PI fit A'..:ctR!1"J!'d:•:O toward Llw tart.wt," Jw <':d. me!'ting on SPpl. 20 at 7 p.m. In ' Students With I.D. $1.25 "'flw target itself is a thret•·inch jump. This is when th1• student and salisl'iNl li ft•. llefore joining the Womens Centar. -l•dlo• Jowohy disc. That may sound pretty pulls his rip<•ord hims1•lf, t•; "rn- :·~~ .-.-.. :'l .. ~ small, but on<' guy in tlw National immediat<•ly after leaving the 1 • OLDTOWN ~ \1t'tt~·J 1 .~! W:.· ·!n·u~ .~ llf n 1J.1 :...... "'' .r Collegial!' MePt hit it squarE• in tlw airplanE>." c!'ntPr four times :;traight, and the gvent ually, thl' st udPnt is abl<• fifth limP lw misst'd it bv onlv to fr1'1•fall SPVNal thousand fppf fivt• centimPtPrs," Wt•islJerg;•r said. b<~l'orP pulling tlw ripcord. "Thi~ PUZZLED ABOUT STEREO? Jack And!'rson, Vie<•·Prl•sident is actually the h1•st part of of UNMPT. explained tlw training ~kydivinu;· AndHson said. MAKE A SHARP CHOICE! proeedur<•s b1•fore tlw bludt•nt "Som<•thnt•s wt• are abiP to 1-(<'l parachutist tak<'!. his first jump. four or fivP people log<•thl'r in a "All it takPs for your first jump cird<•, all holdinu hands, and all FM/AM-Slereo with 4-speed record changer i~ a bask k nowledgt• of how a fr<•l'·falling at 120 mph, which is parachutt• works, airplan1• maximum V!'locity ," he statt•d. pro c !' d ures, and safety Skydiving isn't rpalJv :ts precautions. All in all, it takes six PXp<•nsivt• as on<• mi~-tht tbinic. On or eight hours to train a lwginner y11ur first jump, you pay a S·W for his fir1.t jump," AndPrson f<•e. S 1 iJ got•s to the U11itPd States ~tatt•d. Parchute Association, whi"h Hc• said that although tlwre ar!' includl's a year's subsrription to LEE a f1•w training scs.~ions scatlerPd "Parchutisls" magazinl!. Anotlwr bl'lw<'l'n your first few jumps, S 1;; g<.•<•s toward a Jift•titnl' Uwy ar1• quill' short, and don't memlwrship in th(• dub, and fr<'t' ev!'n com<• clo~<~ to totaling up to 1'1' n t a! of all club <'quipmcn t. a week. I•'inally, $1 0 l(oes toward your "If we could get across to fir~t jump, logbook, and 1.t udPnt peopll' that thP training program manual. Aft!'r that, tlwn•"s only a isn't lik1• boot camp, I feel that we S I fel' for Pach jump. could get quite a few new Thl' UN!\1PT is fu nd!'d bv the members. As of now, there are six Intramural and Ht•crpation Board. of us on the team. We are also The team uses the funds for food, Sc:1sC!!iorol round tram a truly wnsat:or.ol toss and t•eb!e cc:ntrols let you ta11or your aeq. $139.95 lodging, transportation, and the Put Your Can purchasing of new equipment. Sha·p s•e•e:J S;fS''J"'· Highest quality Sharp tor a oxac+!y to you~ taste. Other sharp fea- "We werPn't very happy with tures mcludo: ll!urrir!Ofed block screen pin- FM f..M Ffi:-S~emo lopped with its own 4· LATE ATHLETIC ID CARDS our allotted funds last yl'ar," speed cwtorrabc record changer. And ;:::o'nt tuning dial; easy pushbutton selection Weisberg1•r said. "We could PLACE:UNIVERSITY PHOTO In Our Pants what a performer this elegant walnut fo~ lope aux., phone, AM, FM, FM-Sterea, compete in only two m!'ets last SERVICE year, because we ran oui of grained systerP is. Provides powerful am­ etc.; iacks far all components; and many, 1820 LAS LOMAS RD. money." plifkation and high fidelity reception. Dual many more. AC, UL N.E. Anyone interested in learning SEPTEMBER 11-15, 1972 the art of skydiving should HOURS: MON·FRI contact either Hal Weisberg or *BEAU* FAIR PLAZA/LOMAS &SAN PEDRO, N.E. 9:00 a.m.·12'00 Jack Anderson at 266·0·190. 1 :00 p.m.-3: 00 p.m. Next door to Pier 1 Imports SPECIAL OPENING ONLY BIOFEEDBACK BRITt:HES SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER OPEN 'TIL 9WEEKDAYS/SATURDAY 'TIL 6 16,1972 INSTRUMENT HOURS: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 Galvanic Skin Response :\rnr at ~ locations to sern· vou p.m. ,. Palm Size $39.95 LATE FEE of $1.50wlll be LAFAYETTE® charged. FOR INFORMATION 21101 F.nbank :\'E 2!1H-1'!2~0 ELECTRONICS Student ID card mtJst have R AD I 0 CALL .. I ()O(Hl :-..1ontgomerv :'\E 2!H-52~2 correct validation 345·1157 between 3:00-6:00 JNST ANT FINANCING AVAILABLE ...... _. 7) MISCELLANEOUS 7) MISCELLANEOUS CLUBS OR GROUPS that want announce­ BEAD SHAMAN, used suede and leather ~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ment of their activities are advised to coats and jackets, $1.00 to $15.00, Dill' ~ send the information to the Lobo Tripe shipment just arrived. 9/22 Ra.tea: lOc per word, $1.00 minimum. 01' bll maa column. Jour. Dldll:'. Rm. 158. Terms: Payment must be made in fnD Classlfted Advertlain~r Tax Strike prior to insertion of advertisement. CASTING SCRAP STERLING SILVER, Where: Journalism Buildlnll', Ro9m UNM P.O. Box 20 Good clean scrap, $1.90 per ounce while It A tax strike seminar will be 205 Albuquerque, N.M. 87106 lasts, caD 842-9688, 9/22 held at Highlands High School at 7 p.m. Sept, 16. 1) PERSONALS 5) FOR SALE 5) FOR SALE STUDENT MOTHER seeking people inter­ 14.' HOBIE CAT with trailer, good condi­ UNIQUE WEDDING BANDS, Engage­ ested/involved in cooperative child care. tion. $900 firm. 268·8318 after 4, ment rings, non-wedding bands, designed Also shared housing beginning January, lor you at The Studio Gallery, 400 San ~••••*•·············· KELLY'S ~ C. Hulsinll:', Rt. 1, Ellettsville, Indiana, MOVING SALE, old furniture, Sst., SeJ!t. Felipe, Old Town. 9/22 ~ & 47429, 9/28 16, 11-5 p.m. 215 Columbia SE. 9{16 1964 PEUGEOT: stm roo!, reclining seats. CASTING SCRAP STERLING SILVER, JOHN POPE !or Graduate Student Associ. Good clean scrap. $1.90 per ounce while It ation Vice-President, (Chairperson or Drive; make otrer. 266 6233, 9/15 lasts, call 842-9688. : OTHER SIDE INN : Council). 9/20 MARTIN GUITARS, largeat selection in WOMEN: The Women's Center has moved New Mexico. Also Gibson, Ysmnha, Lyle, 20 Portable TV's, $30-$60, 441 Wyornlnll:' ~ to 1824 LM I.omas NE (across from Pimental, and ronny more new and used, NE. 255-5987. 10/9 & Charlotte :Heady'>! house), The center o!­ King Music Center, 7017 Menaul NE. fi'rn complete Clinical Law Servlrcs for 9/22 6> E~1PLOYMENT ~~ y.f\ne Coolers You C ~ all University women, and counsi'ling or ___ ,_._..._ ----~____..._ nil kinds. There Is also a lending library, 1970 VW CAMPER BUS, excellent condl· J>ART~TIMJ<: ;;~- heiP"~;;nied. Apply in a free store, free coffee, and good conver­ tion, AM/FM, Radial Tires, 266-7793 after person at Der Wlenerschnitzel, 4201 Cen ~ \~e o-~ a ~~ sation. 9/19 6:00. 9/16 trnl NE. 9/15 Ll':ARN WEAVING, NAVAJO STYLE. 1968 SAAB, 2 cycle, runs good, $600 or best REPS WANTED - Represent nationally I•:lght ll'!lsona, $26, Tues. nnd Thurs. Ceil, otrer, 344-9055. 9/16 known brandn ot stereo equipment for es­ tablished distributor. gxcellcnt opportun­ 867-2762. 9/18 1960 STUDEBAKER Lark convertible, needs battery, clutch, $50, 247-4414, eve­ ity, Apply: lmpcx Electronics, 34 Park ~ $2.00 ~~ JEWISH STUDENTS I It you have no Row, N.Y.C, 1003A, !l/21 i i piece to go to observe the breaking of the nings, 9/15 ~~ PER PERSON ~~ HIKERs. Yom Kippur !RBt, come brenk the fMt LIKE NEW Honda SL 350, o. sacrifice, BACKPACKERS,~ cr~il'iiiins, with Ull, There will be no chnrgc !or din­ 2u'·~ Dis~ount on and ~limblng ner. l''ood unllmited, but limited space, so $545. Call after 6:00 p.m. 344-!l{)24. 9/15 equiJiment through selling membl'rshivs PLEASE CALL: I.eah Levin, 277·4283: SONIC Deluxe Stereo Headphone, $4,96 !or Co-op buying club, Call after 8:00 Dr. Hothcnuerg, 265-9283: Sonny Altstock. p.m. 277-67/iu. !l/21 ~~~ EVERY *~o each. UNITED l''IIEIOHT SALES, 3920 San 296·4032: Ann Wrot, 266-0165; Jewi•h Mntro NE. 9/14 Student>-Hlllel. 9/15 'iN'1-ImNATION"ALioi1s-n1n:EcTonY- SINGER SEWING MACHINES- Never l':urone, South Amerirn, Allin, Au9tralin, ¢~ EVENING FR0:\1 11 :00 till 2:00 ~~ ROOMMATE WANTED. Grad or Senior heen usro. Equipped to zig-zag, bllna hem, U.!'.A. Openingn in nil flelds~Socinl pri'fi'rred, I,nrge hoUSl', OWn room n<'nr Pte, Only $49.9G, C113h or terms at UNITED Sclt'n~£'3. lJu.qfne~s. Sciences, l':ngineering, ~ ~~ campus, $68.75/month, 2654!468. 9/15 FllEIOIIT SALES, 3920 Snn Mateo lfE •. 9/14 J<;duention, ete. Pnid expensrs, bonuses, ~ Clo~cd Sundays ~ travel. PI,US Student Summer .Joh Guide 0 RIDE on RIDERS, Santa -Fe to UNM: w1o suiuK:ITc-12o, $aoo-~;b~t-o!T;r~ to oversros, AJaqku, U.S. Govc>rnment, Monday, Wednesday, !nte afternoons. 982- ~42-6410 evening, 9/15 rC!lort nnd conr.tructlon work. ldl:'!lll 2468. 9/1Ci ¢~ ~~ sTER~:os!TAliii"?.i~~~~~~i;;J~ w ;Ga~nr.i f9r ioln during ncl1ool. Finan. 1 • All new ¢~ 2621 TENN. N.E. 296-9600 ~ ASTROLOGIC HOROSCOPES cast & read d(')uxe 4-~Jleed changer with qucing device m:.2 pluq future> Y<'llr. 266-6177. 9'22 nnd diamonoi Atylus neC and air nuspcn­ ba~k g~~rant('(', Money ---~ ~--~~-~--~~--~- sion l'ro~,~ovc>r speaker syntcm. Only I.EGAL SERVICES tor UNM atudentg' Sll!J.9u I,Jmited sUPilly. Cash or tenns at portunitir~~write ntnff. Nominal fl'CS. :Furnished by QUilllfled UNITED Fm:IGI!T SALES, San Mateo l':mplo;vmt>nt, llox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* law ntudentn oC the Clinical Law l'rogrnm ano Mnsea~hU~Pttq OWGO. under supervision oC staff nttornl'Y o! N& 9n4 lTNM Lnw &hool. Call 277-2!!13 or 277- 1f!.~pf:Y.Io soc~I,vi:Ni.{~~~ti;~~~c M~, • ~604 for appointment. Spon~orro by the> yellow, big !rnml', S~O. 266·43G8. AMocinted Studcntn of the Unl\'ernlty o! New Mexico. tfn lJOU:X f:n~J~~~~~~~~P~~-$60, ~ n!tcr A beautiful meeting of people nature & mUSIC. • 7 p.m. Gordon 26~-:ma8. 9.118 HERE IS AGORA AGAIN. Not exnctly n dear friend, but a group oC people who Sl'OHTSL'AH. 196LI Datllun-2000, pcr!~ct nrc ready to talk nnd listen to your prob­ condition. Must sell, make offer. Woorl3t Priccg o~ l>rand-nnme lightweightn. Falcons, $12u; ·~: r nil, itl a choice JONI MITCHELL 5230 !or appointment. 9.119 you mi~~ht live with the l<''·t of Your life. Mnkl' !h(• right choir<' nt tlw J,EATIIETI· CoME- woRsliii'~ JEsus. s~~ay, ·to:iii DArK Tl~nn.r., 103 Romero NW, OLD JOHN SEBASTIAN , n,~1701 Gold SE. t(n. _Tensive, plcnsing, Nenr UNM. Call 265·244-4, or The Best of to 1717 Girard Dlvd. NE. tfn 4l FOR RE!."iT the First TWO BLOCKS UNM, new two bedroom Kaehinn nvnrtmrnw, open Sept. 30. Un­ tumhhed, S16u. J:'umhhro, S18u. Inquire Annual manns:er, 3ill Harvard SE. {) 121 SIIARELARGE CotJNTRYllOt:'SE-;-H~ve N:Y. Erotic 2nd floor to yoursel!. 2•2-08~4. 9!20 WE WANT TO RENT OR LEASE n houg; tor the UNM Child Care C-enter. Proper Film Festival Zoning for child care facility. Call 243- 406\l or 277-232u. {)/20 GOL!'. CJ,UBS, $GO. Complete net, cnll 344- 0624 afU!r 6 p.m. !l/15 1960 FALCON, 6 cy)., auto, trans., $300.00 Call before noon, 266·3220. 9/21 1970 HONDA CL 460, must neD. 242-7898, try early mornings, 9/21 SIDEWALK SALE, Greet bu:vc~rnostly Jra. 7 and 9, few men's nnd misc. Satur• day 10-5, 41Ci Buena Vista SE. 9/15 SMART STUDENTS visit Hudson's Audio Center before they buy stereo equipment­ Used Advent Cnssette deck with Dolby. New $2Ci9.9G, now $14!}.!15, Hudson's Audio Center. 7611 Menaul and Pcnnayl­ vanin NE. 9/18 '71 TOYOTA Corolla, 256·3782_·~--- 1971 HONDA, CB450, excellent condition, G,OOO miles, $825.00, 116 t;l! Columbia SE after G p.m. 1972 lOOOcc HARLEY-DAVIDSON Sport­ ater XLCH, $1,800 cash-Dan 344-!!911. 9/19 FffiEWOOD AND SOCORRO ALFALFA for sale, student-owned business, 247·9170. 9/26 1969 SUZUKI, $285, deluxe street machine, call 265-8273 hurrah. 9/19 1965 350ce JAWA rnotocycle, motor just ASUNM F'ILM.CDMMIITEE overhauled, tuned. New seat, battery; very $1.•SU8 THEATRt::•6, 8, 10 P.M •• good condition. $276. 842·6946. 9/19