University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1972 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 9-15-1972 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 15, 9/ 15/1972 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1972 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 076, No 15, 9/15/1972." 76, 15 (1972). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1972/95 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1972 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Students for McGovern Duplicating i Stuu('nLs for McGovPrn will bE' The ASUNM Duplicating CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING doing an important canvas this Center will be open fwm 9:30 -; Photos hy Nick Flanders, Sat mday beginning at 9 a.m. a.m. until 4:30p.m. Mondays and "' Rn.tC"~: tor Jl(>r word. $1.00 minimum. or l11J mail '1'-r.rm~: P.nynumt muRt b~ madf:' in ruJJ Clns9ifi<'d Adv<.'rtfFJing Anyone interested should go to WPdnesdays, 12:30 until 3:<30 :<l llrHH' in in~-lt'l"lion of wlver-tiH~'ment, the Citizens for McGovern-Shriver p.m. Tuesdays and Thmsdays and ~ Randy Sitton and Rex Plunkett Wlwrl' ~ Journalh;m Buildinv., Hoom UNM I'.0. !lox 20 211!i AlbuquE"r(JU£", N.M. 1'".7106 University Headquarters located 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. Fridays. ;.: at a1 02 Central SE at tht> cornt>r The Center is in room 25 of lhP ;;· or Richmond. Union, 0 l'EHSONALS FOH SALE 51 FOR SALE ~ .1 rJI~N l)(ll'I•; ~ (~;~;t;;;;-HU;i;,;;t A~~nri~ llAt'l\l'M'J{J-:H~. ('1,JMilF.RH, JlllU:H~. niHm Vk« .... l'r'"'i,h•nt, f(:bairJH'ft>on r1f UIKE- --10- ... pt•(•d. :!fi-~nc>h, nlmo..,t TIPW. Si:U 2.!'i' ~ tli·wnuut nn l'n.mpimo; cquiptnf'rll ~·n,.h. 2·1'i'-:3r,r,!", EY.CLUc;tvE SHOWINC... H I I.-. I l ~ -~~~Ut~i)), !J/211 atf!JJt nwmlwrshiJl'~ ft)f Cn-np lluylnv. P}uh. l'nll aflt•r ).1 :on p.m. 277-;',j).I!'J. ~~ -·2u l'NJqt'J•: WJ-:Jll>ING BANil~. En~a~o­ \LE ; ¥ New \VOMEN: Tlw V-lom1·n·:~ <'<•ntt•r ha11 -mw;~·d ~ E/~.STD. lnl'1lt riug·;, nnn~wr•rltlim>:" hantls, d(':->if.m!'d tn lt-124 La.~ Lrm1a•• Nl•! ( nf'ru-;-; fr«Jm MOVING HAl.l•;, old furniturP, Rnt., Bc•pt. <'hnrlutLt• Ht•tlll)o''c; huuq•J. 'f)w rNlt<•r of­ fnr ~·nu nt 'flw ~audio Gnl!t•ry, 411ll Snn l1m1tt:a £r\qaq€ment f1C:mddarin '<Enhank :-;11. %l tr., u .. :; Jl,m. 2Ui <"olumhiil MK ~·dr; 1•\•liJn', Old Town. H/22 fl·r_. ,.,~tnpldt• ('Jiniral J,nw H<•rviN•"; inr - ------- :111 l~riH'I'r"lty womMt, nrul emm:-;P!inr:~ af l!IG<t PKUGJ<;OT: sun roqf, r('r.-liuim:' !'!'at:~. ~ ' ' 291-3100 tr. ~ all lunch;. 'l'lwrt• i" all"o n l<•nlling lihrury, CASTING SI'RAP ~TI-:ti!.INC1 Slf.Vl-:H, l>riv••: rnn.lw nfft'r. 2fl5 1123:L !1/l'l Gut1cl olt ~u• ... •ral». SI.HU tWr nunC'e whil£1 it a rrl'(' 'itllrt'! frt>t• f'Otf('l', l~nd IWCld C'OnVI•r4 Jn.--;t!;, c>:tll X 12w~tli'4~. :;atum. !1/1!1 MAHTIN GlllTAitR, larp;f'.:.~t ~coh•r'tion in • 0 f:... .•. Mexico N1•W Mt•Xir'n. Al-n Oih;;cm, Ynmnha, LyJf', 20 Portnhlt> TV'11, S30-$fi0. 441 Wyoming ,.~, t.~~ ~ \~~~~~IRD t r:J·:J\Ii::N' wJ·:A viNa. NA.v AJris1'¥r~·:~ Pim('ont:d. nnd many mort• rww .a.ml lL'-'f'fl. Nl':. 2:il') .. G~I~7. 10/~ I·.. !~~;... ~i:n•;un~, $2G, Tu('!-1, and ~rhur•;. C(\il, KinJ.-~ Mt~~iP C'1•nh•r, 71117 Ml'nnul Nl·~. Xh, • .,,.l2. ~/HI H:'22 IJI E\ll'LOnfENT ~ "(~~ ~(J.IA••LTS ~1.00 ~ Jlo:W!HH f\TTJ!li.;NTf;! Jr YOI; -h;;~~,, ~0 -- - . Jr]n('t• to r.-o h nh~a·rYt• lhl' hrt•nldm~ of tbP PAHT-Tll"on; mnlt• h£'111 wn.nl<'tl. Apply in Yom KiJ'l•'."' fst.'-lt, t>Ome hrc>ak thf' !n•. "lt )Jt•r·;on at Dt'r Wil'IH•r;;;e:hnitl.Ell, 4.201 Crn with 1m, Ttwr(• ,.,..ill llC' nu rharr:e fnr dln­ trnl NE. !1/15 m·r. Foorl tmlimilf•d, but Hmit(l(j flfJtl<'<' MCJ liifis SAXrf:2--;:y~l;,- ~lir~;"v.~~i-,- $110o Or l1C'st ~u._-a:h c.,·' _-,o l'LBASE CALl.: l.C'ah I,<'Vht, 277~42K~· ~ff,•r•_:!44-tHiiifi._ _ ____ H!tri 71 \!N:ELI.ANE011S nO~ ~~~ ~ nr. ltnthMtlwm, 2Gfi-~J:!H:I: .Sonny Altsto~k· " -~ ~~ r.~ ""' 2!Hi-4U:l:~: Ann \Vt'st, 26/i-Oln!'i· Jc>who~h H•r.o STlT!mllAIOm Lark ronv~rtihlo, DAILY HEADS. BEAll~ and Indian JewelrY nt The Htu!ll•nl-Hill('l, ' \1/)5 n<>t:'d~ tmttC'rf, clutch, s:;u. 247·<1<114, ('\'(' .. \"'o ~·· ~ :..._ ~ \ ,, ~"" .c-Q~ '' _..;4 njnv,s, !1/lft U('ad Hhamtm. 41ll Hun Ft>liiH", Old Town, J--:lKI·~---N-r·~·w -Ii~niln·-sr~ -ar,O~- ~- ~n~l-in~;; ('~1!.~~~~~-·- . ~~-- ---~---· -~ ---9 ~~--­ ~t~ ~ ~ ~ <(<tJ .,.'!f> 0.'"' 0'\1. 1\. S545. Call o.ftrr o3 :Oa n.m. 344.. !1!124. ~1/lG !mAD SHAMAN. lio~<d ""'d< nne kath<r \oats nnd jarl\et.~. $1 to $1~, bt~: flhipm~nt soNi(~),~ux(• Ht<'r~ - H<'~dpi~~~~~-·--$4-:-!.!G JU~?-_r~i ..~<'rl. _~- __ .-9/14 ~ oR--s; \._ffl r~ ~~ 00 '\ .. \~ ('ach. UNtn:n FrtBIGII'r SALES, aH2(i Ran Mutl'O N.Jo;. !.1114 cr.nns OR GnonrH that want nnnounce­ mt>nt lJ( tbfl'ir Rl'tivjtif':j- nrf' udvined to ~ ,.. ~ ~... ,c.,~ rx.··"'' s!Nia;u s:Bwi:Ni:. 1,1.\(<'IiiNi~- :::.=-l-1'~,;;. ~t•ntl Hw information to tht' Lob() Trips hH•n u!<C'tl. E•-tuipJWtl to :zir: .. znr:. hlin•l h<"m, ('olumn .•lour. BidS:". Urn. lUH. rtl'. Only S4H.H5, C'<J.:•h or t.t:'rm"l at UNrTr.n ~ ov ~·" FhF.Tmi'l' ~AU::-;, 3~1'.!11 San Mntm NE. !l /14 C'A~T!Nt: !'('HAP ;;TJ-:RUNG :-;n,vi-;R, ')~ )!17d Rt?Z:tJKI TC-t:!n, $300 or niT<';. r;"o') l'lf•an ''l'r.:lP. S.l.:ll) p(•r nUJu•f> whj)l' it lw-~t la:·ts, f'UJI M~-'.lfj)ot.l', !J :22 Adv(t~ t I:'50 "'4!!·~·110 t•Hnim~. !UlG ~TJo:REOg!! AM .·fo'M multilllf'X \v '<Jnrrard BF:AD FHAMAN. u~t'd ''llc>rlf' ami IC'athf'r R.fqular Atlm•s.;con AH«" b':tlo PM c.htU:lt'en .b'i rh•luxt.' 4·•-;llf'!'!lt•htmv,l'r with •am•im~ 1l•'Vi1~<' ''t1:1t~~ an•! j:wlwt-1. $1.1Jil to 3l!'i.IIH. 1Hg nnd ,Jiamnnri ~.tyhv l!I"(IJiJ(1 tltld n.ir ~•rJ-•fiHi· ·llliJ'ln-t.·nt ,..u -t urrht••L 9 ~22 •-inn rrH7::ovn• •;p('.nhE'r c;.y:otpm, Only ::'\ll!Uf:; Lnmtt d '>l.I)IJ!h-·. <"a,,h ur tt'rm·; o.t rsrn:n Fnr:muT ~Ar.Jt..::, :~~~:!11 ~3n Matro • NE. ~~ 14 musac. / IJ£'\\' & llt-Hl'EI•:IJ ~t'UWINN ("nntinPntaJ, 1 A beautiful meeting of people nature ~-dlc,\•.- 1 hh~ fr:mw, S'Jit. ~1\1~ .. 4::il~. lli>i.r·:x ~ :ri -it~~~;=;:;)~;;;,:~;;-.;nr~-~. ·sr,-i,, aft<'r -; J•.m. nnr,ltm ~r. ..... ~i-,}:{~. !t 1~ Starts Tomorrow Through Sunday Rl;onT~·An: l~i;;- n-~l.--un .. zurm, Jl£'rfc; / ~·w•,liti,m . .Mu·•f ··dJ, mnhf' -~rrl'l'. \Ynn1L. ~- '\, ~-----· .' ~·17-~411·i. ~~ 1~ ... .._ : -· l~H;:• THt"NIJ.fo;HBIUD, .i\lr~t·nnditi~;~inr~. AM FM •.in-t·u. IHJ'.'-'f'r 1·rut.n nr:rlr-tn--=r­ i1ll-~· ;.!fJ .... ) ,..;jiJ, :i l.q lll-l-\P~:En IH(;YC'!,ES-·low.-t prkM o~ hran,l-nunw lir-:hh\·~·h:~·htr~. F-nl('<JnG", S12U; Ciitan<':l. Sll'i': lh1ir:ian HuJJt•rio.. 2~~ Un. n\•tual \\'t•i?.ht, ~implf'K Df'raillC"rf S~H), Co.U Wide World of Sports: l>i<'k llnll~tt n-ft('r 1 p.m .. 277-2~46, hom<> 2ri6-27H4. !Jill-( Celebrate with: lUM IlOllGt<-;, '!~·ton n\~kUI>o St\Z(;. or \:stont. vff(•r, t•.ttlJ ~::'i.';-1!526. r- :us JOANBAEZ , i ~·i:i- ...,.,.;;--]Joll c;-; ;('}~;liit~ ~~t;;;-;;~~fi ;;~-;~tel: ,:Jition, S~:iiJ, :.!i7·!.!~7.i. !J 1H Special Activities Issue u:A'rin;n lioou;;~JAr'K~;n~: PANT8, CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG BA!ll', JIEJ,T8, BELT J•OtT!U:l> HA'l'S, CAP~. St'NVI~OU~. \Vhol yo~ t:l·t (lUt to lmy >·our:~c-U ~;om<- lcatht>r JONI MITCHELL dottw• ~'fHI t.<hmdd lw Jlf<•par('d to t-<I'C'tHI n:.ur(• tirrw in the> ~•f'l(•ruon than you ·wou111 fur a. faLrir itrm. Att('r all, il1. a rhoi,~f' JOHN SEBASTIAN ,_-nu mh~ht liH.' \,.·ith th(• r('·.t of your lit{' !t1nlu.. thl' rh-rht r-hiJir•f' ut thP J.t-:.\TliF.n: Al'ld ntr<:-d•J(;or,o CJA.qc Tt'f!l'U:, ll:~l HornHo !'•r\\•, OLD T~t\\S, >'42-~4 1,1t:~ ~.-31 DOROTHY MORRISON Swordplay P .4 Everyone did it ..
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