Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism
VOTE 06 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT, CONSERVATION AND TOURISM 223 2013/14 Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure . Department: Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism Vote 6 To be appropriated in Vote in 2013/14 R 486 062 000 Responsible MEC MEC for Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism Administrating Department Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism Accounting Officer Deputy Director General of the Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism 1. Overview Vision The Department envisions “a prosperous society, a growing economy and a healthy natural resource base”. Mission The mission of the Department is “to drive and facilitate a sustainable economic development and environmental services in the North West Province through: • Coordinated economic planning, • Integrated economic development services, • Trade and investment promotion, • Tourism, • The development of other sectors, • Environmental management and • Effective business regulations. Values The following values, derived from the Constitution, underpin the activities of the Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism. • Fairness, in that the Department will at all times act in a fair manner towards executing its responsibilities. • Equity, as the Department is committed to treating all clients and employees equitably in all respects. • Accessibility, in that the Department will remain accessible to its stakeholders and role players in the course of executing its responsibilities. • Transparency, in that the Department undertakes to be transparent in the conduct of its core business. • Accountability, in that the Department will at all times take full accountability for its business actions and decisions. • Participation in that the Department will continue to participate fully in all areas of its responsibility to satisfy the needs of our clients and stakeholders, • Good governance, to which the Department will always strive to adhere to at all times.
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