Speaker of the North West Provincial Legislature, Honourable Sussana Dantje

Deputy Speaker of the North West Provincial Legislature, Honourable Viola Motsumi

Members of the Executive Council

Members of the North West Provincial Legislature

The Chief Whip of the Majority Party, Honourable Paul Sebegoe

Leaders of Opposition parties

Distinguished guests

Members of the media

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning.

Honourable Speaker, the legislative sector occupies a very important position in our democracy as an institution through which our people actively participate and enforce their rights enshrined in our Constitution. We are the bearers of the litmus test to assess the full effectiveness and extend our constitutional democracy.

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It is regrettable that in the recent past, we have not covered ourselves in glory. Just as the Nation was recovering from the events of the 13th February 2020 during the state of the nation address, we in the North West, and unfortunately in the house conducted ourselves in a manner that could only have disgraced the decorum of this esteemed house.

Hon Members, I wish to take this opportunity on behalf of the people of the North West, and on all of our behalf, to apologize to the people of the North West and country for our conduct and behavior last Friday.

This is not who we, nor what our legislature is, and most importantly this is not what our hard won democracy is about.

South Africa is waiting to see how we redeem ourselves through decisive actions to restore the image of this house.

Honourable Speaker, we are a Provincial Government at work; our commitment towards building a Province that works for ALL its people.

We are serious when we say that we are changing the lives of our people for the better

As President Ramaphosa said during his response to the SONA debate, whatever our differenes, we all share a common commitment to better the lives of our people.

We should therefore carry a joint obligation to defeat negative doubts about each other’s resolve to improve the lot of the poor of our province

Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday morning, students of the North West University Mahikeng campus and a number of residents of Mahikeng, witnessed two buffaloes in the NWU chapel yard and, after a swift response by government’s wildlife officials, they were quickly put down before they could endanger any human beings.

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I am mentioning this incident because of the fact that Honourable Winston Rabotapi of the DA might think that those were some of the 600 head of wild animals we intend to donate.

Rest assured, Honourable Rabotapi, they were not.

Instead, Honourable Speaker, the approved process for the distribution of wildlife to beneficiaries will unfold as follows:

An advert will be run on both print and electronic media for a period not less than 30 days for aspiring wildlife farmers to apply and go through transparent selection criteria before they can be approved as beneficiaries.

Only those who qualify will be approved as beneficiaries of such donation. The process of capture and delivery of the animals will be preceded by a formal inspection of the beneficiaries’ farms to confirm compliance as at the time.

The beneficiaries will then receive continued technical support from the Department and the North West Parks Board as the Provincial Conservation Entity.

The total number of animals to be donated annually is informed by the excess animals that require to be removed to prevent over stocking of the Game Reserves. Management of the numbers in the Game Reserves is a critical component of Game Management to ensure that the carrying capacities are not exceeded.

Honourable Lenkopane, the animals that are kept in quarantine at Madikwe Game Reserve are currently 63 including the progeny’s.

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The animals are part of TB Treatment as it is public knowledge that Madikwe Game Reserve Buffaloes are infected with Tuberculosis. The animals that have been kept in the Boma are ready to be moved out pending the final paperwork - which refers to the removal permit and transportation - that has to be in place to ensure compliance with Legislation.

Honourable Speaker , the receiving farm has already been inspected for compliance and they have been approved, and the last TB test was conducted and all animals have once more tested negative, hence they are ready to be moved out of the Boma as soon as permits are issued.

The total number of Buffaloes in the Boma is 62. Out of the 62 only 44 tested negative for TB and they are ready to be released.

The remaining 18 Buffaloes still require another round of TB tests before they can be confirmed to be TB negative. The application for the regulatory permits received is for 44 Buffaloes to be removed from the Boma in Madikwe Game Reserve.

Honourable Speaker, I wish to advise the House that the matter relating to the Unit 3 Residential Units in Mahikeng is currently part of an on-going investigation by the Asset Forfeiture Unit, the National Treasury and the Hawks.

In addition to those investigations, there is an application for a Preservation Order that is before the North West High Court; which when granted, will ultimately lead to a Forfeiture Order.

I wish to appeal that we allow that legal process to continue to its finality.

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Honourable Members, it is true that we have deployed the required number of social workers and I would like to assure Honourable Matshidiso Botswe of the EFF that the Mahikeng sub-district, which has a population of 314 394 people and a total of 35 wards, has been allocated 45 social workers and an additional 11 social work supervisors; the same approach has been applied in all the four districts.

In March 2016, the Office of the Premier appointed NEPO Data Dynamics (Pty) Ltd as Consultant to provide programme management services and project execution on behalf of the Office of the Premier.

The Master Service Level Agreement entered into was then followed by three addendums in May 2016, June 2016 and April 2017, respectively.

Honourable Speaker, the June 2016 addendum provided that the Supply Chain Management Policies and Process are those of Nepo Data Dynamics (Pty) Ltd, instead of Government SCM Procurement Policies and processes; in contravention and complete disregard of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 related Government SCM Procurement Policies and processes.

Consequently, the Master Service Level Agreement was later cancelled by the Administrator and this cancellation was followed by an Arbitration process; which the Office of the Premier is of the view that there was gross irregularity of process of such arbitration, the arbitrator acting ultra vires his powers, and an improper award was made, based on the following:

• By ignoring the content of the June 2016 addendum which provided that the Supply Chain Management Policies and Process

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of Nepo Data Dynamics (Pty) shall prevail over the Government SCM Procurement Policies and processes, the arbitrator failed to have regard to the Constitution and the Public Finance Management Act, 1999

• Failure by the arbitrator to have due regard of the evidence in that the arbitrator failed to satisfy his concern that the June 2016 addendum completely disregarded the Government SCM Procurement Policies and processes, in favour of the Supply Chain Management Policies and Process of Nepo Data Dynamics (Pty)Ltd

• The arbitrator’s failure to have due regard of the General Principles of the Law of Contract in failing to consider that the Master Service Level Agreement, had no escalation clause and thus it is inconceivable that he could make an award in excess of R116 million plus R13,48 million in a dispute relating to a contract worth R12,83 million.

Honourable Speaker, it is our firm belief, on the basis of law, that this arbitration award was made contrary to Section 23 of the Arbitration Act and that the award is untenable regard being had to the information that was before the arbitrator and the fact that the arbitrator misdirected himself.

The Office of the Premier is taking the process on review and setting aside the agreements on which the award is based on the grounds that they were unlawfully concluded.

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Honourable Members, it is our view that, based on those grounds, there are reasonable prospects of success in opposing this application.

We have deposed two affidavits – an answering affidavit and an affidavit in support of a counter application – in response to the founding affidavit by NEPO Data Dynamics, in respect of our High Court application to have the arbitration award, made in favour of NEPO Data Dynamics, declared an order of court, for filing with the Registrar of the High Court.

Honourable Speaker, schooling disruptions in Kagisano Molopo, Tlaakgameng in particular, began on 13 January 2020 and full blown disruptions were witnessed two days later when learners reported for the new academic year; with community members demanding the construction of a tarred surface road and in the process, leading to a loss of over 30days of teaching and learning.

Ten primary and five secondary schools were affected while another five schools are continuing to run smoothly.

We have therefore put up school intervention camps for learners and educators from Tlaakgameng and Phaposane villages while we find a lasting solution to the community protests.

Honourable Speaker, 104 learners and 14 educators are currently in camp at the PH Agricultural High School in Taung while a further 217 learners as well as 23 educators are at the Louwna Primary School; there are catch up programmes in place to make up for those schooling days lost.

Honourable Members, it is not true that we have neglected the road infrastructure needs of the people of Kagisano Molopo; we are hard at

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work to improve and upscale our rural road infrastructure and Kagisano Molopo is an integral part of this programme.

The completion of the outstanding 2, 5 km portion left when the road between Ganyesa and Vragas was constructed will commence soon.

The Contractor has been appointed and is establishing on site. The value of the contract is over R16,68 million.

The Upgrading of the unfinished section of 19km of the Vragas to Madinonyane road was part of the construction of the road from Ganyesa to Vragas to Madinonyane tender.

Due to financial constrains this section was not constructed, with a lot of money going on claim on standing time as a results of stoppages caused by communities demanding employment on the project.

The tender will be advertised in the next financial year and the estimated cost is R148 million.

Honourable Members, it is important to note that there are varying success that can be reported on, in the implementation of Section 139 (1)(b).

One such example is the intervention at the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality; where the Administrator had to be relocated as he was no longer needed in that municipality, after turning around the issues that were identified as initial reasons to put the municipality under administration, such as the high vacancy rate of senior management and the non-compliance with rules, regulations and legislation there.

Honourable Speaker, if municipal councils can accept the provincial interventiosn as mechanisms to improve their capacity, then section 139

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(1) (b) interventions assist the municipality to consolidate itself and be refocused on service delivery.

We are continuing to provide hands-on support to municipalities, starting from providing inputs to the adverts for appointments of senior managers in municipalities as well as to the MEC for Cooperative Goverance, providing concurrence on the appointment of senior managers in municipalities.

Honourable Speaker, we are doing all in our power to resolve the ongoing strike at the Tswaing Local Municipality, which is continuing to harm service delivery.

We found that there is tension between the Adminstrator, management, unions and the civic movement; as a result, we have resolved to replace the Administrator with immediate effect.

In addition, we will be instituting a Section 106 investigation and applying consequence management steps in relation to the Municipal Manager and the Chief Financial Officer for financial mismanagement and failure to pay third parties, among other things.

Ladies and gentlemen, the 14 municipalities in the Province, which did not adopt funded budgets, resulted in their equitable share for December 2019 being withheld.

Provincial Treasury worked with all municipalities and ensured that they pass the adjustment budget between the end of November and December 2019.

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Having worked with all municipalities in November and December 2019, all the affected municipalities’ equitable share were released post the tabling of the adjustment budget and submission of all compliance reports to National Treasury. We are currently working will all 22 municipalities in order to ensure that the municipalities are not subjected to the withholding of the equitable share in 2020; by ensuring that the February 2020 adjustment budget and 2020/21 budget early in 2019 are funded.

The Provincial Treasury has met with all municipalities in February 2020 through the mid-year assessment and the objective of ensuring that municipalities adopt the funded budget is ongoing and will be monitored on a regular basis in line with the MFMA provisions.

Honourable Speaker, through the adjustment budgets, all Departments that had projected under expenditure without concrete remedial action, infrastructure budgets were revised downwards.

Departments have been directed to monitor expenditure and implement remedial actions with the view of eliminating under-expenditure on infrastructure.

Honourable Members, EXCO has taken a decision to monitor expenditure on a monthly basis including implementation of remedial action and, on the basis of the 2020 budget outcome on infrastructure; MECs will be expected to implement consequence management as result of under-expenditure and such measures will be shared with the Legislature post the end of the 2019/20 financial year.

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Honourable Speaker, the Bojanala District is our premium tourist destination and its proximity to Gauteng and other regional domestic markets as well as being a gateway into the North West Province; gives the area a competitive advantage in the development of Eco-Tourism.

The region is endowed with world class tourism infrastructure and attractions such as the Hartebeespoort Dam, Magaliesberg bio-sphere, Sun City and the Pilanesberg National Park.

The Smart City development will also bring with it world class infrastructure development and trending tourist experiences where tourist consumers are spoilt for choice and experience. The linkages between the Smart City development and Eco-Tourism development for the Bojanala will certainly reposition and change the socio-economic landscape of the Bojanala region.

This will be contributed by green buildings and better planning of growth notes, and cheaper and speedy delivery of e-government services due to the availability of high speed broadband infrastructure.

Honourable Speaker, the Ventersdorp area which has a comparative advantage in agriculture, water resources permitting, is suitable for high value horticultural crops production in greenhouses; to supply growing markets in Tlokwe, Matlosana, Lichtenburg and Mafikeng and to supply neighbouring Gauteng Province and the SADC region.

This will be part of effecting the Africa Free Trade Area signed by 54 African nations; as part of our Dr Kenneth Kaunda economic corridor.

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Honourable Members, the Transnet diesel pipeline in Tarlton has led to mushrooming of Truck stops and diesel retail outlets along the N14 on the Southern and Northern parts of Ventersdorp; and this is also a contributing factor to economic stimulation in the area.

With regards to the N12 Development Corridor, the construction of the Matlosana Mall has been completed and there are a number of new planned residential developments along the N12 by Isango.

Isango is sourcing funding from the PIC to invest in this new proposed developments.

The R1,2 billion Matlosana Meat Processing Plant is a private sector initiative to ensure that a world class feedlot, linked to an abattoir, butchery and meat processing plant is established in the N12 corridor to supply markets in the Northwest and Free State.

This project was packaged in our North West investor booklet and is currently promoted to prospective investors.

Honourable Speaker, the Ngaka Modiri Molema District, and Mahikeng in particular, has a comparative advantage with regard to agriculture, agro-processing and mining, including cement, diamonds and gold mining.

The upgrading of roads, broadband and water reticulation infrastructure may make it easier for the private sector to invest in our services sector including retail to service ever increasing village communities around the city due to Mahikeng being a university and border town.

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The upgrading and redevelopment of existing retail spaces within the city is possible when old buildings give way for new buildings.

Proper accommodation needs to be planned and developed. Land parcels need to be sold or released to the private sector to develop rented accommodation for both workers and students. This may require the province to negotiate with the Barolong Borra Tshidi to release land for development.

In relation to the envisaged development of an aerotropolis, we should recognise that the Mahikeng has the second longest on the African continent and the sixth longest in the world and we are planning to use this to our advantage in this regard.

Our airpace and navigation infrastructure position Mahikeng as an Aviation Training Hub on the continent and we will exploit that to the fullest; because the clear skies in Mahikeng present a perfect opportunity to upgrade and covert the Mahikeng Airport into Africa’s Pilot Aviation Training Centre.

Honourable Speaker, the expansion of the beef value chain in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati will ensure that world class, natural grass fed beef is produced and exported to other provinces and other countries and, the related industries on leather value chain could also be packaged.

As far as the Fourth Industrial Revolution is concerned, and the advances brought upon by these technologies, we will increasingly face

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pressure to change our current approach to public engagement and service being offered – increasingly we will have to deliver digitally enabled services to our citizens.

What has become imperative is understanding the context of the 4IR – especially for government.

In relation to the North West Provincial Government, 4IR has become such a buzzword without a proper understanding of the context and the implication of what it means.

Many businesses today use the IT jargon to sell goods and service under the banner of 4IR – pointing to the fact that drastic action must be undertaken to not be left behind as this revolution is happening.

It is therefore imperative for us to engage with the experts in this area of 4IR to clarify our understanding and as such, formulate plans in the different sectors to respond to the usage of technologies in the 4IR space.

To this end, my Office is arranging a 4IR round table discussion inviting the business unit leaders in the provincial government departments as well as those in the Municipalities.

The Presidential 4IR Commissioners have been requested to make key inputs in this round table discussions.

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Honourable Speaker, we allocated R10 million at the beginning of the financial year to undertake repairs at Mmabana and as we speak, the contractor is on site implementing refurbishments relating to repairs and maintenance as well as electrical work and plumbing.

Progress is at 60% and work should be completed in the next financial year.

Programmes are implemented at a small scale at the Mmabana Mafikeng Centre due to the on-going infrastructure refurbishments.

Honourable Speaker, contrary to what was said two days ago in this House, we have done a lot of work with regards to the construction, upgrading and refurbishment of our bulk water systems in the Province.

A new plant has been constructed, practical completion undertaken and awaiting construction of the Wetland prior to commissioning at the Rooigrond Waste Water Treatment Works.

The Mahikeng and Waste Water Treatment Works plants have been refurbished as well as the Schweizer Reneke Waste Water Treatment Works plant.

The refurbishment of the Agisanang Pump Station was also undertaken and satisfactorily completed while the refurbishment of the Christiana Waste Water Treatment Works plant is at the planning stage

On the 17th December 2019, a judgement reviewing and setting aside the contract was passed, in respect of scholar transport

This brought some relief and gave the Department a practical solution, wherein the court ruled that all successful bidders in contract NTI

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16/2017 be offered month on month contracts pending the finalisation of a new tender process by 30th November 2020.

Currently the department is servicing 65 000 learners in 380 schools with 123 operators on a month on month contract operating across all four districts of the Province with 702 busses.

Honourable De Wet Nel of the FF Plus, following the National Launch of the Revised Rural Safety Strategy by the Minister of Police and the National Commissioner, General K.J. Sitole in Limpopo in 2019, all Police Stations in the North West have been classified and categorized as either Wholly Rural or an Urban/ Rural mix, which imply that the safety and security of rural communities including safety of Farming Community is dealt with as a daily crime prevention initiative.

Monthly Rural Safety Priority Committee meetings chaired by the Deputy Provincial Commissioner are held to discuss crimes on farms/ smallholdings, stock theft, wildlife crimes focussing on conservation of the endangered species - fauna and flora - as well as poaching and cross border crimes.

Honourable Botswe, there is no wasteful expenditure of R 20 Million that has been reported for Mahikeng Airport.

However, upon following up on what exactly was raised, it came out that the issue relates to the amount spent by the old Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport, in which there were renovations at Mahikeng Airport.

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As a result, you might view it as wasteful expenditure because the community is not benefitting from such renovations due to underutilisation of the airport in question.

We have applied for the transfer of international license from Pilanesberg Airport to Mafikeng Airport in 2006. Subsequently, in 2008 the Cabinet resolved to transfer the international license from Pilanesberg Airport to Mahikeng Airport.

However this came with the following suspense conditions:

Airport facilities to comply fully with Border Control Operational Co-ordinating Committee (BCOCC) requirements:

• The runway to be upgraded and Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) installed. • Terminal building expanded to accommodate Home Affairs, SAPS, SARS and other Border Control Agencies. • Appointment of personnel in key positions such as Airport Manager, Security Manager, Safety Manager and Quality Control Manager and Chief Fire Officer. • Airport fire personnel and other personnel were trained and re- skilled in area of competence. • Mahikeng Airport’s License to be updated as may be required to meet the requirements of an as soon as such pronouncement is made in this regard.

In order to meet the above requirements, the Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport, at that time, had to spend on the airport’s

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upgrades costing over R 45 million as well as recruitment and training of key personnel. Therefore the money was spent for a good course.

This was achieved and the airport is currently operating and licensed as domestic airport by the South African Civil Aviation Authority.

Honourable Speaker, Section 125 of the Constitution states that -

(1) The executive authority of a province is vested in the Premier.

(2) The Premier exercises the executive authority, together with the other members of the Executive Council.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the National Government , represented by Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and the North West Provincial Government, represented by the Premier of the North West Province, in pursuance of the decision to place the Province under Section 100 intervention.

The purpose of the Principal MOU as contained in paragraph 3 is, inter alia as follows-

3.1 to outline the roles and responsibilities of the Parties to the MOU in relation to implementation of section 100(1)(a) and (b) intervention process in the Province;

3.2 to provide a framework for communication of the ongoing expectations of the national Executive during the implementation of the intervention;

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3.3 to create a conducive environment for, and coordinate, the implementation of section 100(1)(a) and (b) intervention…”


Furthermore, legal opinion recived examined paragraph 3.2 of the Implementation Protocol signed between the National Government , represented by the MPSA, and the North West Provincial Government, represented by the Premier of the North West Province, in pursuance of the decision to place the Province under section 100 intervention, which provides that the Premier shall-

(a) ensure that the Minister is appraised of all the major Executive decisions taken by the Provincial EXCO and legislature pertaining to the North West Office of the Premier or transversal public administration matters;

(b) support the MPSA in the fulfillment of Executive and Administrative functions in relation to the North West Office of the Premier.

Honourable Members, save for the conclusion that “The National Executive may assume powers of the EXCO as set out in section125 or 132 of the Constitution, but only in so far as the exercise of such powers is related to the purpose of the Intervention” we are in agreement with the above opinion, which concluded that-

(a) The MPSA has, in terms of the Implementation Protocol, assumed executive and administrative functions in so far as it relates to the Office of the Premier, which is a power distinct from that of Premier as contemplated in

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section 125 of the Constitution;

(b) The Premier and the MECs remain members of the EXCO and continue to

exercise powers in terms of section 125 of the Constitution;

(c) Neither the Principal MOU nor the Implementation Protocol suggest that the National Executive has assumed powers of the Premier to present the SOPA; and

(d) Regardless of whether the powers of EXCO are assumed or not, the Premier remains obligated to-

(i) ensure that all decisions taken by the Provincial EXCO are shared with the Convenor of the IMTT (being the MPSA) before implementation; and

(ii) ensure that the Minister is appraised of all the major executive decisions taken by the Provincial EXCO and legislature pertaining to North West Office of the Premier or transversal public administration matters.

Hon Speaker, we are in discussion with the Office or the IMTT Chairperson to hold a joint session between the IMTT, EXCO and the Legislature during March. This meeting should also hopefully resolve the legal lacuna related to the constitutional and legal role of the Legislature when a province is placed under administration

We are breaking new constitutional grounds in the implementation of the North West intervention. Through our intervention, action has been taken to draft enabling legislation which I am reliably informed will be tabled during the sixth Parliament

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Ladies and gentlemen, the community of Mahikeng and nearby townships and villages have for some time complained about poor health services at the Provincial Hospital. It is for this reason that we took a decision to intervene so that we can restore trust of the community in the Provincial Hospital’s ability to deliver quality health services.

Some of the challenges that MPH has faced include human resources challenges, ineffective laundry services, equipment and Infrastructure challenges, availability of medicines and medical supplies, safety and security, cleanliness, poor patient records management, labour relations, nursing related weaknesses, low staff morale, patient waiting times, and governance challenges.

In the light of the challenges identified, I have decided to deploy an intervention team at Mahikeng Provincial Hospital. In this regards, some employees at MPH will be temporarily transferred to the Provincial Office to give way to the Intervention Team.

The intervention team that is proposed is made up of staff that are based both at the Provincial office and the outside the provincial office, including districts outside of Ngaka Modiri Molema.

This intervention team is made up of the team/stream leaders in the areas of clinical services, nursing services, infrastructure, communication, finances and corporate services.

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I am also aware of our communities’ complaints about the state of medicines availability in the Province.

We have interve to. Budget availability that impacts on ability to pay supplier has been a concern.

Vaccines, some of the chronic medications and contraceptives have been affected. The original requested vaccines budget for 2019/20 was R203m and only R76m was allocated.

So on face value, budget is the main contributor to shortage of medication. We have shifted budget from non-essential services to cover the shortfall experienced in availability of medication. I am happy to report that we have however been able to secure most of the vaccines and we have developed a vaccination catch-up plan.

I am therefore calling on parents to prepare for vaccination catch-up drive which we have started to implement. The catch-up will be arranged for specific days and per district plan.

The North West Province agrees with Government’s plan to do away with Asbestos buildings. There are currently 14 health facilities built with asbestos. It’s pleasing to learn that the Department of Health has already started with Potchefstroom Hospital Pharmacy and replacement of Rapulana Clinic which were built with asbestos.

We are working on a plan to phase out all the remaining asbestos facilities in the Province and the MEC for Health will elaborate further on the plan on his Department’s Budget Speech.

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While we maintain them to ensure they do not become health hazards, the Department of Public Works will do a conditional assessment and the results of the assessment will guide the replacement plan and which ones to prioritise.

Honourable Speaker, the Province is prepared for the Coronavirus. Our Highly Contagious Diseases Unit at Klerksdorp Hospital has been announced by the Health Minister as one the facilities in the country ready to handle any possible eventualities. We have deployed health professionals to both commercial and non- commercial ports of entry. Key to our readiness is social mobilization and communication with the public and the Department has started with awareness campaigns.

We are pleased that even suspected cases in our neighbours Botswana have all tested negative to the virus.

Honourable Speaker, we received numerous allegations regarding the functionality of the North West Gambling Board.

The allegations related to the Board’s regulatory responsibility, good governance and the involvement of the Board in administrative matters and I then issued an instruction for a forensic investigation to be undertaken.

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Gobodo Forensic and Investigative Accounting (Pty) Ltd were appointed to conduct a forensic investigation into the alleged irregularities at the NWGB.

The investigation was concluded and the final report received at the end of December 2019.

The relevant institutions affected have already consulted and implementation process of the findings is being undertaken and will be completed soon.

Honourable Speaker, in conclusion, this Government has done enough, with limited resources, to keep up with the commitment to ensure that services are delivered to the people.

I thank you


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