Annotated Index of Names
ANNOTATED INDEX OF NAMES Page numbers in italic type refer to sender/addressee of dispatch. Abdul Hamid II (1842–1918), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1876–1909). 151, 163, 168, 175, 176 Abdulaziz¨ (1842–1918), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1861–1876). 112 Abeken, Christian von (1826–1890), Saxon jurist and statesman. Minister of justice (1871–1890). 318, 319–320, 322–323, 330, 338, 407 Abeken, Heinrich (1809–1872), Prussian theologian and diplomat. Vortragender Rat in the Prussian foreign ministry. 45 Abel, Carl (1837–1906), philologist, translator, and journalist. Berlin correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, Evening Standard,andThe Times (1865–1878). 56, 85, 130, 131n Abel, Charles (1824–1895), lawyer and politician from Alsace-Lorraine. Member of the Reichstag (1874–1878). 123 Abel, Karl August von (1788–1859), Bavarian statesman. Minister of the interior (1837– 1847); envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Turin (1847–1850). 489 Adam, Juliette (1836–1936), nee´ Lambert; French author and feminist. 190 Adams, Sir Francis Ottiwell (1825–1889), British diplomat. Secretary of legation at Tokyo (1868); secretary of embassy at Berlin (1872) and Paris (1874; with rank of minister from 1879); envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at Berne (1881–1888). 23, 69, 82, 83, 84–85, 172 Aguesseau, Henri Franc¸ois d’ (1668–1751), three times chancellor of France, from 1717. 319 Ahmed Muhtar Pasha (1839–1919), Ottoman general and statesman. Governor of Crete (1875–1876; 1878); grand vizier (1912). 128 Ahmed Urabi (1841–1911), Egyptian army officer and nationalist leader. Undersecretary of war and a leading cabinet member during the Egyptian revolt (1879–1882).
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