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An Indian Journal


BTAIJ, 10(17), 2014 [9487-9494] Application of ancient Chinese thought of to computer education

Jiang Fangchun*, Lu Yunfan Zhen Institute of Information Technology, No.2188 Longxiang Blvd, Shenzhen, ()


The yin and yang theory is a simple dialectical materialist Yin test; originated in ancient China. This study applied the ancient Chinese thinking Yang test; of yin and yang to computer education, and performed applied research Yin and yang theory; in software testing. The concepts of yin and yang tests, and three basic Software testing; principles, inherence, mutual inclusion, and transformation of yin and Computer education. yang tests, were proposed. Finally, a comparative experiment was conducted and favorable results obtained.  2014 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA

INTRODUCTION uted by Chinese scholars Lao-Tse, Tsou Yen, Shen Kuo, and Chu His. The understanding of the world ’ In modern times, philosophy has undergone tre- as a unified whole in today s scientific development mendous changes. Scientific revolution has led to is not unrelated to Chinese traditional science. The separation of natural science from philosophy. Other goal of Chinese natural philosophy and science has disciplines, such as sociology, logic, , and psy- been to understand the unified, natural, orderly, in- chology, also separated from philosophy and became terrelated, coordinated, and interconnected structure ” independent. Finally, philosophy has become a spe- of the universe . cific discipline for people to explore the most fun- This study applied the ancient Chinese traditional damental and universal law of the world [1]. thought of yin and yang to computer education, - refers to the traditional Chinese cul- scribed software testing, and performed applied re- ture and academic study based on . The search in software testing. philosophy of Sinology includes a theory called the yin and yang theory, which is the simple ancient Chi- BASIC CONTENT OF YIN AND YANG nese philosophy of dialectical materialism. THEORY The American scholar engaged in the research of Chinese history of science, R.A. Yurrit[2], said: The generation and content of the yin and yang “ Modern ideology is not the private product or theory and the relationship between yin and yang are wealth of the west. It not only belongs to Aristotle, discussed below. Euclid, Copernicus, or Newton, but also is contrib- Generation of yin and yang theory 9488 Application of ancient Chinese thought of yin and yang to computer education BTAIJ, 10(17) 2014 FULL PAPER “ ” The ancient meaning of yin YIN and yang other pair of yin and yang respectively. “ ” YANG is shady side and sunny side, respectively, Whether one thing is yin or yang is determined and has no philosophical connotation. The concept by its , trends, location, and other attributes. of yin and yang originated from ancient observation Generally speaking, anything active, overt, progres- of natural phenomena, and was produced around the sive, ascending, hyperactive, or functional is con- late primitive society. People began to develop the sidered yang; and the opposite side, i.e., anything concept of yin and yang based on the presence and inactive, covert, retrogressive, descending, absence of sufficient sunlight when they stood on hypoactive, or organic belongs to yin. In terms of the hill and saw the obvious difference between the movement and changes of things, the static is yin sunny south side of the hill with lush plant growth, and the dynamic is yang, and the dark is yin and the and the cold dark north side with depressed plant bright is yang. Things are yin when in a quiet state growth. The concept of yin and yang was specific and yang when in an active state. and physical at that time. Over time, people found The basic content of the yin and yang theory is more and more opposite or contrary forces are actu- the opposition and restriction, mutual rooting, wax- ally complementary, interconnected and interdepen- ing and waning, and transformation between yin and dent in the natural world, and thereby developed the yang[4]. bipolar thinking and binary classification system, According to the basic theory of yin and yang, in which is the yin and yang theory. The concept of yin terms of software testing theory and techniques, static and yang thus turned from a concrete description to testing is yin, and dynamic testing is yang; black- an abstract concept for explaining the development box testing is yin, and white-box testing is yang; per- and changes of everything in the world[3]. formance testing is yin, and functional test is yang. This abstract concept of yin and yang has be- Relationship between yin and yang come the ideological backbone of Chinese traditional culture, and determines the thought pattern of Chi- The yin and yang theory, like the law of the unity nese people. This worldview affects all aspects of of opposites, recognizes that things have two aspects the Chinese nation. In natural sciences, the yin and that are interdependent and can be mutually trans- formed. In the yin-yang symbol of the yin and yang yang theory has been applied to astronomy and ge- “ theory, a blank sheet is called Chi (literally no ography to explain how the seasons change and how ” extremity ), drawing a circle on the blank sheet is everything rises and falls. Similarly, in software test- “ “ called Wu Chi generates (literally great ing, the yin and yang theory can be applied to re- ” ” or supreme ultimate ) , and the circle being divided search on the selection of software testing methods into a black and a white segment by an S-shaped and models and the balancing of testing workload, “ line is called Tai Chi generates two complemen- thus enriching and developing the software testing ” tary forces. The line in the middle of the yin-yang theory. symbol represents the mutual movement and trans- Content of yin and yang theory formation between yin and yang. The inclusion of a The so-called yin and yang are the comprehen- small circle in the opposite color in the black and sion of two opposite forces that are actually inter- white hemispheres, respectively, indicates that there connected in the natural world. It is an abstract con- is always yin in yang and yang in yin Figure 1. This cept rather than specific things. Because yin and yang are the comprehension of two opposite forces, it can represent not only the unity of two inherent opposite attributes, but also the two opposite sides within the same component. Therefore, everything contains both the yin and yang oBppioiosiTtees,c ahnnd oellaocgh yof the opposites includes an- Figure 1 : Tai chi diagram An Indian Journal BTAIJ, 10(17) 2014 O.P.Abioye and U.J.J.Ijah 9489 FULL PAPER symbol is a simple and complete presentation of the nents are not isolated, but are interrelated, influence basic idea of yin and yang theory, and has played a each other, and interact as both cause and effect. The very important role in popularizing the yin and yang waxing and waning of yin and yang theory is a pre- theory. requisite for transformation between yin and yang The opposition and restriction between yin and theory, and transformation is the result of waxing yang means all things or phenomena in the world and waning[5]. have the yin and yang opposites, such as top and bottom, heaven and , dynamic and static, and YIN AND YANG THEORY IN SOFTWARE up and down; the top is yang and the bottom is yin, TESTING THEORY the heaven is yang and the earth is yin, the dynamic is yang and the static is yin, and the up is yang and In terms of computer software testing, yin and the down is yin. Yin and yang exist in relation to yang tests are defined according to the yin and yang each other in a single unity, mutually restricting and theory, and three principles, inherence, mutual in- conflicting. clusion, and transformation of yin and yang tests, The mutual rooting of yin and yang means yin will be explained. and yang are two opposing aspects that are actually Yin and yang tests and rooted in and interdependent on each other. None of them can exist without the other. The top is yang, Software testing falls into different testing meth- the bottom is yin, and there is no bottom without a ods from different perspectives. The classification methods that are most likely to be accepted and the top; hot is yang, cold is yin, and there is no hot with- most commonly used are black-box and white-box out cold. Yin depends on yang and yang depends on testing, static and dynamic testing, and performance yin. Each is the existence condition of the other. This “ ” and functional testing[6,7]. interdependence is also known as mutual rooting. According to the definition of yin and yang, in- The opposition and interdependence between yin active, covert or organic tests are called yin tests, and yang is not changeless or static, but always in a such as static, black-box, and performance testing; process of waxing and waning. Yin and yang achieve and active, overt or functional tests are called yang a dynamic balance in waxing and waning. The wax- tests, such as dynamic, white-box, and functional test- ing and waning is absolute, and dynamic balance is ing. The classification of software testing methods relative. This is the balance in waxing and waning by the theory of yin and yang is shown in TABLE of yin and yang. 1[8]. The waxing and waning and transformation be- tween yin and yang are often in a relatively balanced Inherence of yin and yang tests state. If the waxing and waning goes beyond a cer- Both yin and yang tests exist in the testing of any tain limit, and can not maintain a relative balance, software product, which is called the inherence of the excessiveness or deficiency of yin or yang, i.e., yin and yang tests. a substantial change, will occur. The yin and yang In the development phase, a code review is usu- aspects of things, when get to a certain level, can be ally carried out by program developers, which is transformed into the opposite, that is, yang can be both static testing (yin test) and white-box testing transformed into yin, and yin can be converted to (yang test). In the unit and integration testing phase, yang. If the waxing and waning of yin and yang is a white-box testing (yang test)is often required to quantitative change, then the transformation between check whether reading parameters, structure and yin and yang is a qualitative change. other aspects are correct, and black-box testing (yin The opposition and confliction, interdependency test) to check whether modules are run correctly are and mutual rooting, waxing and waning, and trans- also required. In the system and acceptance testing formation between yin and yang are the basic com- phase, both functional (yang test) and performance ponents of the yin and yang theory. These compo- testing (yin test) are performeBd. iioTechnollogy An Indian Journal 9490 Application of ancient Chinese thought of yin and yang to computer education BTAIJ, 10(17) 2014 FULL PAPER

TABLE 1 : Classification of yin and yang tests Software test Software testing Attribute category method Static testing Inactive: Does not need to run the program. Covert: Does not look at the logical structure and processing procedure Black-box testing Yin test within the program. Organic: Focuses on time performance, space performance, and stability Performance testing performance, etc. Dynamic testing Active: Needs to run the program. Overt: Investigates the logical structure and processing procedure within White-box testing Yang test the program. Functional: Checks whether the software can meet user requirements in Functional testing terms of function. The inherence of yin and yang tests indicates that testing (yang test), the factors of static testing (yin software testing must have both yin and yang at- test) should also be considered, but dynamic testing tributes, that is, it is the best to perform both yin and (yang test) is the main form, so it is a yang test. A yang tests in order to conform to the inherent attributes test that is almost half static (yin test) and half dy- and law of testing. namic (yang test) can be called a yin-yang test. Mutual inclusion of yin and yang tests Similarly, performance testing (yin test) must be considered in functional testing (yang test), and vice A yang test involves factors of a yin test, and a versa. yin test involves factors of a yang test. In other words, a test that is more yang and less Transformation of yin and yang tests yin is a yang test, and one that is more yin and less Changes of yin and yang tests, if any, are often yang is a yin test. This is the mutual inclusion of yin directed to the opposite test. Changes of a yang test and yang tests. are often directed to a yin test, and vice versa. A During actual software testing, the factors of yang test can be transformed into a yin test when white-box testing (yang test), such as structure, pa- changed to the extreme, and vice versa. This is the rameters, and interfaces of the program, are also transformation of yin and yang tests. considered in the black-box testing (yin test) and the According to the aforementioned principle of selection of test cases, but the test is more yin and mutual inclusion of yin and yang tests, if too many less yang and thus is a yin test. The factors of black- factors of white-box testing (yang test) are consid- box testing (yin test), such as the relation between ered in black-box testing (yin test), the black-box input and output when the program is run, are also testing (yin test) will ultimately be transformed into considered in the white-box testing (yang test), but white-box testing, and vice versa. If too many fac- the test is more yang and less yin and thus is a yang tors of static testing (yin test) are considered in dy- test. Another type of test, called grey-box testing, is namic testing (yang test), the dynamic testing (yang a combination of black-box testing (yin test) and test) will ultimately be transformed into static test- white-box testing (yang test), and is almost half ing (yin test), and vice versa. If too many factors of black-box and half white-box. performance testing (yin test) are considered in func- In static testing (yin test), the program is also tional testing (yang test), the functional testing (yang run in the minds of testers, which is dynamic testing test) will ultimately be transformed into performance (yang test), but static testing (yin test) is the main testing (yin test), and vice versa. fBormiio, Tsoe ict hisn ao ylliong tyest. Similarly, during dynamic The mutual inclusion and transformation of yin An Indian Journal BTAIJ, 10(17) 2014 O.P.Abioye and U.J.J.Ijah 9491 FULL PAPER

TABLE 2 : Involvement and proportions of yin or yang testing Test Involvement of yin Involvement of yin Test form Proportion Proportion Note category testing testing Subroutine testing Unit testing System testing of the Universal entire application test New function testing Regression testing Integration testing Virus protection testing Pressure or ability testing Performance testing Special test Safety testing Platform testing Supply chain testing Third-party testing Customer acceptance

testing Site (Beta) testing User testing Usability testing Laboratory testing Cleanroom statistical

testing and yang tests indicate that the attributes and require- the involvement and estimated proportions of ments of the software to be tested should be fully yin and yang testing in each testing form. • considered during selection of software testing mod- Assess the risk likelihood and severity of the els and methods, in order to develop a sound testing software product (or each functional module) plan design. according to the identified main factors influ- encing risk likelihood and severity, and repre- APPLICATION OF YIN AND YANG SOFT- sent them by weights. • WARE TESTING Determine the number of stages of testing to be carried out based on user requirements, time, Application of yin and yang software testing is and other factors. • discussed below. Determine the testing methods and workload via Method of test model selection and testing comprehensive calculation based on the above workload estimation information, to develop an appropriate testing strategy and determine the testing focus of each The core method of software testing model se- functional module. lection based on the theory of yin and yang testing is described as follows: Implementation of test model selection and test- • List the 18 common forms of software (or func- ing workload estimation tional module) testing reported by the Software According to the Software Productivity Research Productivity Research (SPR)[9], and determine (SPR), there are 18 common uBsedii ofoTrmesc ohfn sooflltowgayre An Indian Journal 9492 Application of ancient Chinese thought of yin and yang to computer education BTAIJ, 10(17) 2014 FULL PAPER

TABLE 3 : Testing methods and workload

Yin testing Yang testing Test form Test To be Testing To be Testing Subroutine Total Total category performed Proportion workload performed Proportion workload testing weight weight or not % or not % Unit testing System testing of the entire application New function

Universal testing test Regression

testing Integration

testing Virus protection

testing Pressure or

ability testing Performance

testing Safety testing

Platform testing Special Supply chain test testing Third-party

testing Customer acceptance testing Site (Beta)

testing Usability testing User Laboratory

testing testing Cleanroom

statistical testing Test form Total

testing, as shown in TABLE 2. This study was per- Whether yin or yang testing should be performed for fBormiioedT beacshedn oonll othgey 18 forms of software testing. each form of test was determined by the test team An Indian Journal BTAIJ, 10(17) 2014 O.P.Abioye and U.J.J.Ijah 9493 FULL PAPER after discussion[10]. In TABLE 3, a testing workload % of 0 indi- According to the above theory of yin and yang cates that the test stage is not performed, and other testing, each test contains both yin and yang test at- values indicate the proportion of the test. Actual test- tributes. Therefore, whether either, both or none of ing can be carried out in accordance with the testing yin and yang testing should be performed for each methods and workload listed in TABLE 3. form of test, which was represented by the propor- tions of yin and yang testing, was determined by the EXPERIMENT test team after discussion based on the specific cir- cumstances and requirements of the test project The yin-yang software testing method described TABLE 2. The proportion ranges from 0 to 100, above was applied to the testing of the Emergency where 0 represents not conducting the test, while Exercise software, and compared with the traditional 100 represents only conducting the test. Other val- testing method. ues between 0 and 100 represent the proportion of A total of 202 test cases were used with the yin- yin or yang testing in the test form. The sum of the yang software testing method, and 45 defects were proportions of yin and yang testing is 100. found; and a total of 330 test cases were used with Routine risk assessment was completed by cal- the traditional testing method, and 33 defects were culation of risk likelihood and severity, which is af- found. Testing result was improved by 4.44% and fected by various factors. For example, factors to workload decreased by 38.78% with the yin-yang be considered for risk likelihood include complex- software testing method. ity of test object, time pressure, geographical dis- According to the testing result and workload in persion (e.g., development and testing are not per- the experiment, the yin-yang software testing method formed in the same country), and resources; risk se- is reasonable and effective, especially in the testing verity can be assessed by frequency of use and vis- of medium to small-scale programs. ibility of failure of the test object. The next was to determine the weights of yin or CONCLUSION yang testing. Weights were determined by a combi- nation of factors, including frequency of use, vis- In this study, yin and yang tests were defined ibility of failure, complexity, time factor, and re- based on the philosophical and dialectical thinking source factor. The weight of each factor ranges from of the yin and yang theory in ancient Chinese cul- 1 to 10, and is determined by the test team after dis- ture, and applied to a specific software test. Favor- cussion based on the actual situation of the project. able experimental results were achieved in the com- The number of testing stages to be performed parative experiment. Further efforts will be made to was determined according to user requirements, time improve the yin-yang software testing method, in factor and other facts, as well as empirical data. A order to enhance the effectiveness and applicabil- value of 0 was assigned to a testing stage not to be ity. performed, and 1 to a testing stage to be performed, “ which was to be entered the column To be per- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ” formed or not in TABLE 3. The yin testing workload of each test method = This study was founded by the Research on Mod- “ ” “ ” “ To be performed or not * Proportion * Total ern Vocational Education System Construction Strat- ” weight. The yin testing workload of each test method egy and Talent Demand in Industrial Restructuring % = yin testing workload of each test method/yin and Upgrading (2012WYXM_0069), a General testing workload of all test methods. Similarly, the Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research yin testing workload % can be calculated. Test meth- of the 2012 Special Fund for Discipline Construc- ods and assignment of testing workload are shown tion of Guangdong Province; and the Project of Game in TABLE 3. Software Major of the secBoniido Tbaetchh noof ll2o0g1y4 An Indian Journal 9494 Application of ancient Chinese thought of yin and yang to computer education BTAIJ, 10(17) 2014 FULL PAPER

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BiioTechnollogy An Indian Journal