Ancient philosophy
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- Augustine and the Philosophers
- Pre-Socratic Thought in Sophoclean Tragedy
- Ancient Philosophy of the Self the New Synthese Historical Library Texts and Studies in the History of Philosophy
- Stoic Definitions Without Essences
- Philosophy Before Socrates
- The Greek Sophists : Teachers of Virtue David Dwyer Corey Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
- Copyrighted Material
- Perspectives on Gender, Race, and Marginality in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Science, and Medicine Fall 2020, Tu 3:00-5:30Pm [Remote Instruction Via Zoom: ##]
- History of Ancient Philosophy
- History of Ancient Philosophy
- Being and Structure in Plato's Sophist
- Oxforq Studies in Ancient Philosophy
- Being and Evil: Philosophy in the Shadow of Augustine
- I Spit Upon the Noble: the Epicurean Critique of Love of Honor and the Origins of Modernity
- The Sophists: Antiphon and Protagoras
- 24.200: Ancient Philosophy Prof. Sally Haslanger November 29, 2004 Ancient and Hellenistic Philosophers Epicureanism Is One Exam
- Epicurean Theories of Knowledge from Hermarchus to Lucretius and Philodemus
- 1 Epicuri De Grege Porcum ("A Pig from the Sty of Epicurus") -- Horace