

VOLUME SIXTY OCTOBER 19, 1984 NUMBER FIVE 1 Financial support increase is result of outstanding research A week

h) Christopher Kus/a acknowleged as direct participants in •Stewart Collins, the university began industries have folded, the Universi­ Irianiih’ Staff for the Greeks the research proposals. a search to find a replacemenl. A stu­ ty along with the Co-op department Dr. Sagik also gave praise to the dent and administrative search com­ must come to grips w ith this chang- ■ Over the puM year the university has faculty for various works that have mittee was fortiied and interviews have ing environment.' He sees new ways been the recipient of many major been published. ‘‘I'm amazed at how taken place over the last several of approaching these pertinent pro­ grants and funds offered by various in­ much recognition the faculty has ob­ months. Among the concerns of the blems along with improved relations dustries and foundations. “ In fact," tained for things they have had committee was finding a director w iih between student and co-ordinalor. stated Dr. Sagik. Vice-prcsident of published." experience in both the academic and Academic affairs, "support for Various books written by members industrial worlds. Dr. Sagik said that "A greater Ukus must be placed on research funded by these endorsements of the faculty can be seen in display the interview ing process is sitll taking student developmeni." stressed Dr. is up 50% over last year. cases located in teh hallway connec­ place and he expects a final choice to Sagik. "as coordinators will em- "Enormous equipment grants have ting Disque and Stratton Halls. be announced the end of Fall term. phasi/.e to the students ways to write Dr. Sagik expects the increase in Dr. Sagik added that such a change been awarded to the Nesbitt College and preseni Iheniselves better, proper and to the departments of Materials student and faculty recognition to con­ should stimulate new interest in the verbal and written procudures are Engineering and Biomedicine." Sagik tinue well into the future. He sees the Co-op department. When asked why prominent " added. The Biomedicine funds include availability of computers as a great this change in attitude has taken so all(K'ations for the creation of a com­ enhancement to achievement and long to be recognized. Dr. Sagik ern- puter graphics network now being development. "The impact of such ad­ phasi/ed the transition Drexel and its “ All these factors are playing an im­ researched. vancements in the 198()'s will most community have undergone in recent portant role in the selection of a new Dr Sagik attributed these large deflnitly be visible in the I'JyO's." years. director. There is also the added gains in financial support to the Sagik said “ Now we have students from all responsibility of the director to outstanding work being done by over the world.“ said Sagik. "And develop corporate relations with new university faculty and students. He Changes in Co-Op w ith the deterioration of the once big and potential imlustries." He added commented on the significant number industrial complex of Philadelphia, a that such alliance will expand future of graduate and undergraduate much different picture now confronts job prospects and openings., thereby students involved in the specific pro­ Upon the September retirement of us." helping the student-coordinator rela jects. Many of these students were Director of Cooperative Education He continues "Since surrounding tionship and interaction.

Marketing students to travel to Far East

Special To Vw Triangle business of "merchanidising" honed to its finest edge in the essence of a Drexel students will travel to Hong capitalist economy. Thailand offers a Kong. Thailand and People's Republic complete contrast in a Shangra-La at­ of China on a two-week, three-credit mosphere where ancient temples, "International Marketing Seminar.” waterfalls, rivers and rural hill tribes June 7-21. 198.5. specialize in acient crafts such as: silk The seminar is aimed at examining and cotton weaving, teak forests work­ the marketing techniques and distribu­ ed by elephants, lacquerware, silver tion channels of foreign business and pottery. operating in a developing economy. This will be the 17th annual inter­ Students will meet with owners and national program organized and coor­ top management in the ready-to-wear, dinated by Mercia M. T. Grassi, knitwear, fur, jewelry and furniture in­ marketing professor, who w ill accom­ dustries. In addition, they will be the pany the group. More than .MX) guests of Associated Merchanidsing students have participated in these Corporation, fhe buying office which seminars which have touched all con­ represents major U.S. retailers such tinents: Kenya, Israel. A-gentina, as Bloomingdale's and Strawbridge & Brazil, Peru and all member countries Blothier. To understand the .success of of the European Common Market. A selection o f andeni crafts in lacifuer. hanimereJ siivvr, silk, cotton, bronze and celadon pottery the "made in Hong Kong” label, they The group is limited to just 1.5 per­ produced by the artisans o f Chiana Mai in nonheni Ihailand. near the Burma border. Considered will meet with the Hong Kong Trade sons, on a first-come, first-served the "Florence o f the Far East. ” this will he one o f the stops on the marketan* de/Hirtment 's 17th An­ nual International Marketin^i Seminar next June and Development Office. basis. Contact Prof. Grassi for futher In Hong Kong, students will see the details.

WKDU -Task Force schedules public forum Photo)>niphs h> Paul KUhard K omuI

iheek w eek festivities captured most of the campus last week. At top, brothers oj Siiima I by Tracy L. Cassada Interviews with other former WKDU members have agreed to 25. 1984. The meeting will be held in the festivities. The tricycle race, an annual favorite, was wlynesian Part held last Saturdas cancelled due to their refusal to Student Commission policy. After 8:.M) PM. The Task Force will be The WKDU Task Force met Tues­ cooperate with the Task Force. Alan Task Force members receive and available to answer any questions day night to interview two former sta­ V. Wunsch, chairman of the WKDU review' the revised consititution, they regarding the station and any student tion members. The two failed to ap­ Task Force, is puzzled over the situa­ will submit a report to the Dean of wishing to comment on the station, pro pear, however, and have since inform­ tion. "If I were in their position,” Students. “ After our report is issued,” or con, will be given time to do so, ed the Task Force that they have no Wunsch said, "and all of my facts Wunsch said, "I'm hoping the station Questions concerning the forum intention of ever talking with the were correct, I would meet with the can open fairly swin.” should be forwarded to the Student committee. committee. If you don't, you leave The Task Force has scheduled a Congress office, 895-2577. ACCU-DON'S yourself open.” Public Hearing for I'hursday, October KLIP-U-WEATHER Marvin appointed to Weekend weather looks gray

cold front slows down. Lows will be hy Donald L. klipstein in the low 5()’s. general librarian post Tniiiiule Stuff Writer Three awarded scholarships Sunday will be cooler and breezy with some partial clearing. Highs are library consultant in Puerto Rico for Today will be partly to mostly Triimt;le News SlaJ} ADAPSO member companies who Spei iiil lo Vie Trumftle projected to be near 60“. Skies will two years. cloudy, mild, and breezy. High have contributed to (he program and clear more completely Sunday night. Marvin is a native of Warners, NY, temjieralure readings w ill be near 7()“. University students David Johnson, were chosen based on an examination Stephen G. Marvin has been ap­ Temperatures are expected to drop to and is a graduate of the State Univer­ Tonight will be mostly cloudy with I'eri Mowbray and Todd Rimmer of their academic and extracurricular pointed general reference librarian by the chilly low 40's by Monday morn­ sity of New York at Albany. He also lows in the upper 5()'s. were each awarded $1 ,(KX) fellowships records. Richard L. Snyder, director of the ing as skies clear and cold air moves earned two masters’ degrees - in Saturday will be mostly cloudy and last week by the Association of Data ADAPSO is tfie trade as.siK'iation for university’s Hagerty Library. in from the west. Processing Service Organizations Marvin was the government and Spanish language and literature from a cold front will apprt>ach from the the U.S. based data processing ser­ Monday is expected to be sunny in New York University, and in library west. A few showers and one or two (ADAPSO) for excellence in the field vices, professional services, software business librarian at the Chester Coun­ the morning and partly cloudy in tne ty Library in Exton, and previously science from Syracuse University. In thunderstorms are expected, most like­ of Computer Science. products, and integrated computer afternoon and evening. Temperatures conjunction with his undergraduate ly in the afteriuxin and evening. Highs Fhe three, all majoring in computer hardware/software systems com­ served as the business .services should reach the low to mid 60's. librarian for the Ridley Township and graduate studies, he spent two will be in the upper 60's. Saturday science, were selected by a coinmmit- panies. Monday night should not be quite as tee made up of representatives of Library in Folsom. He was also a years in Spain. night will be mostly cloudy and cix)ler, possibly with some more rain if the chilly, with lows in the mid 40's. campus happenings PAGE TW O THE TRIANGLE ^ RFRIDAY, I D A Y . OCTOIOCTOBER 19,1984

COMMKKCK & KN(;iNKKRIN(; WX'IETY All C&E s arc wclcomc to at­ SINGERS! SINGERS! SINCJERS! - Are you interested in singing? If so, Drexel MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - Get involved in your society, join the ASME. tend a general meeting on Tuesday, (X'tobcr 23 at I (X) PM in Mathcson 11-308. Asbury wants you to be part of our choir. The choir rehearses at IO:(K) AM on Weekly meetings are on Wednesday’s at 1:00 PM in Room 2-238A. Non-members Come Dui and meet your fellow C&E's! Sunday mornings at Asbury Church, 33rd & Chestnut (next to Newman Center). welcome. Applications available at meetings. Come on out and enjoy the fellowship of Asbury and be part of our choir. The SI KKKT lUK KKY IM.AYKRS NEKDKI) Drescl team forming for Phila Rally Prc Recruiting Accounting Speaker Scrvice Party Admission 50C, Meeting Reception Meeting Drexel Marketing Assoc. Meeting PODIUM Meeting DANCE TILL DAWN ■ at Delta Sigma Phi this Saturday at 10 PM. We ll be C&E Society Meeting lockiii ur the green & while house across from Kelly Hall. If you want to know more, call us at 222-8481. SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRl SAT MAC PASCAL - The Micro Users Support Group is having a demonstration & a question and answer sessoin on Mac Pascal. You don’t have to know Pa.scal to attend. If you have Pascal or wunt to know how it works, come take a kx)k. SAM - All majors are welcome to our 1st General Membership Meeting. Come DREXEL ASBURY MINISTRY - The Student Christian Movement in Penn­ It will be on Tuesday, October 23rd at 5 PM in Patten Auditorium (Matheson 109). here what SAM's all about and all the exciting things we have planned for this sylvania announces; Regional Retreats “ Tent Making and other Christian Voca­ term. Like every meeting we have, it’s in room 208 Matheson on Monday, Oct. tions — Moral and Ethical Career Choices." Join us Friday, October 26, 7:00 WOMEN ENtJlNEERS - Scientists, computer scientists, and mathematicians: 22, between I and 1:30. By the way, we’re serving coffee & donuts. PM through Saturday, October 27, 4:00 PM. The retreat will begin in Asbury The Society of Women Engineers will meet on Tuesday, October 23, at 3:30 in United Methodist Church, 3311 Chestnut Street. The cost is only S5.()0. For more ihe SWE I,ounge (4th Fl(X>r, Buildi^ I). Come and make some new friends. Plans ORGAN RECITAL - The Department of Performing Arts will present Dr. Clyde information, or to register, contact Drexel Asbury Ministry, 231 Creese Student include discu.ssion of Engineering Tea, Engineering Day, speakers for October, Shive in an organ recital on Wednesday, October 24th, at I PM in the Main Center, x-2522. Registration deadline is October 12. and November; and course reuuirements for freshmen engineers. The meeting will Auditorium, 32nd and Che.stnut Streets. The program will include works by Len­ lie both informative and fun! If you cannot attend, please check the SWE bulletin nox Berkeley, Dietrich Buxtehude. Jan Sweelink and Louis Vierne. Dr. Snive is ETA KAPPA NU - Organization meets every Wednesday from 1:(X) to 1:30 in board in the Dean of Engineers office for minutes! See you there! a member of the Drexel Faculty and organist for the Media Presbyterian Church, Room 7-405. All members are urged to attend. Media, PA. Admi.ssion is free. For more information call 895-ARTS. FRESHMEN - Interested in making Drexel work for you? Interested in being DREXEL BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY - For anyone interested in Biology or in a leader? Run for Freshmen Class President or Vice President. Applications and just having fun, the Drexel Bio. S(x;iety is having a meeting on Wed., Oct. 24 rules will be .awarded in the Dean of Students Office, room 215 Creese Student at 1 PM in Stratton 304. We will be planning this years event as well as getting Center beginning October 18, 1984. More details to follow! psyched for the College of Sci. Party on Oct. 25. All majors welcome! The'Biangle SCHEDULE CONFIRMATION - All Undergraduate Day students in college GRUMMAN TOUR - AIAA organized tour of Grumman Aircraft, Calverton, Fall Term 1984-85 should report to the appropriate location listed below between NY on Friday, Nov. 2. Tour includes briefing, free lunch, view of the plant October 15 to October 26, 1984 for confirmation of their Fall Term 1984-85 assembly building, anechoic chamber and flight facility plant. Cost is $4. More schedules. All Freshmen — To Dean of Freshmen’s Office; Engineering and information and sign-up available at the Pro-Center, rm 2-236, or call Margaret Science Students — To Major Department; Humanities and Social Science Students Established In 1926 at 387-5181. Deadline fiir sign-up is Monday, Oct. 22. — To MacAlister Hall, Room 5016; Nesbitt College Students — To Chapman Court, Nesbitt Hall; Business and Administration — To Matheson Hall, Room MEMBER FRIDAY NIGHT FLICK - This week S.P.A. proudly presents Clint Eastwood 107. The student schedules presently on file in the Office of the Registrar will Columbia Scholastic Press Association as Dirty Harry in Sudden Impact at 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 and Magnum Force at 12:(X). be used to develop grade cards except where completed adjustments have been Ameilcon Scholastic Press Association All shows are in Stein Auditorium, Nesbitt Hall. Next week’s shows will be a received. Associated Collegiate Press Association pre-Halloween special featuring The Keep at 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 and Dr. Jekylland Mr. Hyde at 12:(K). Admission $1.50. FENCING FENCING FENCING - Wanted; Students interested in forming a Drexel University Fencing club. Some knowledge of fencing would be helpful Drexel University SUPER DUPER - The Ice Hockey team opens up the season against Delaware but not required. Equipment will not be much problem if there are enough people Philadelphia, PA Saturday, October 20th at 12 noon at the Skatium in Haverford. interested. If you are interested please contact Marc at 387-0223 between 6-10 PM Tuesday to Friday. P.O.D.I.U.M. - Resume Writing Workshop for Freshmen Only. (It's manditory EDITORIAL BOARD for partipation in the mentor program). Where: Main Building (1-138); When: WEEKEND BLOWOUT AT PI LAMBDA PHI - Friday night - 4th Annual Tuesday, Nov. 13th; Time; 3:.l0-^00 PM. For any upperclass who are interested, Room Service 9-? Saturday night - Motown Dance Party 9-?. Freshmen welcome! please come. For info call; 222-9241. 35th & Race is the Place!

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Robert J. Jacobs P.O.D.I.U.M. - Who are we? What do we do? How can I get involved? For the A PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA - Join in celebration in the Creese Volleyball Court MANAOINO EDITOR Paul Richard Kowal answeres to these questions please contact Ms. Denise Epps, Bldg. 29, Room 100, at 1 PM on Thurs., Oct. 25th. Experience an action packed afternoon as the Col­ 31st & Chestnut Sts., Phila., Pa. I9I04 (215) 895-2508. lege of Science brings live music and various beverages and snacks for all to en­ PRODUCTION MANAGER Vernon Muhlbaler joy. This event is being sponsored by Student Congress and SPA. Rain date is NEWS EDITOR Tracy L. Cassoda P.O.D.I.U.M. - Are you a winner or a loser here at D.U.? If you are considering scheduled for Friday, Oct. 26th, same time, same place. ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Andrew B«p«low yourself a winner, come to the “ For Mens Only” workshop. A challenging and SPORTS EDITOR James White thought-provoking discussion awaits. Where - Matheson Hall (Building H\\, room KEY & TRIANGLE - There will be a meeting for all current members on Thurs­ COPY EDITOR Greg Walker 210); Wnen - Thursday, Oct. 25; Time - 6;00-8;00 PM. Be there! DARKROOM MANAGER Steven Shellkott day. Oct. 25th at 6:00 PM. At this time we will pick new members and plan up­ BUSINESS MANAGER Gregory Hauser coming events. Meeting will be held in room 3010 (adjacent to the Lexerd Office) ADVERTISING MANAGER More 0. Miller ALL FRESHMEN AND 1984-85 TRANSFER STUDENTS - in the Colleges in MacAlister Hall. If you cannot attend, call 895-2028. of Engineering and Science. An Orientation Meeting to acquaint you with the opera­ STAFF tion of our Cooperative Program will be held between the hours of 8:00 AM and DELI LUNCH - Having a mid-afternoon craving for turkey, bolgna, or salami? 9:00 AM on the Date and locations listed below: Thursday, November I, 1984 Need a glass of ice-cold soad? Want to munch on some chips or pretzels? Need Dave Baird. Joe Benedetto. Bradley Bernosky. Christopher A Bus20. Ed Cometz, Marla — Stratton Hall, Campbell Auditorium (5-113) - Materials Engineering, Mechanical time to talk with your friends - catch up on the latest gossip? Then the Hillel Lounge, D Antonio, Joe Del Rossi, Doniel Devine, Janet DiFabio, Gerry Duftey, Christopher Ferry, Engineering; Disque Hall, Lecture Hall HI (12-103) - Mathematics, Computer (4th floor, Main Bldg; next to the Architectural Lounge) is the place to be, Amy Filsinger, Gino Fortunato, Joy Friel. Roul Michoel Garcia, Jennifer Koskey Scott Kender. Science; Matheson Hall, Patton Auilitorium (11-109) - Chemical Engineering; Dis- Wednesdays, 12-1:30 PM for our Deli Lunches. $2 members, $2.75 non-members. Bob Kline, Donald Klipslein, Tom Kreitzberg (Los Angeles Bureou ChieO. Teer Lee, Lisa uue Hall, Lecture Hall K2 (12-IOS) - Civil Engineering; Mathe.son Hall, Room Ludlow, Francis Moo. Tyrone Abdul Mosbaum, Chris Miller, .lanet Nslen, Patrick Powliczek. i0 8 - Biological Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Unified Science, PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE ’84 - Drexel students and faculty are invited to view Cheryl Polocki, Patrick Purtell, Jeanette Reuter, Cheryl Robbins, Tonya Robinson, J Sounders, Physics and Atmospheric Science; Main Building, Blgd. Hi-Main Auditorium - the Sund^ evening candidate's debate on foreign policy together in the T.V. Kurt Sinclair, Bill Steiner. Juli Witherspoon, Michele Zompetti Electrical and Computer Engineering. Your coordinator will cover the Cooperative Lounge of^Calhoun Hall (on Arch St. between 33rd and 34th). Dr. Roy Kim, Pro- Education Program in detail and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. fe;>sor of Political Science, will be present to answer questions and lead discus­ Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those ol Drexel University Certain materials will be distributed which are imjM>rtant to the operation of the sion following the debate. The Reagan/Mondale debate begins at 9:(X) PM with or of THE TRIANGLE program. Attendance is, therefore, required. IMTORTANT. If any freshmen discussion to immediately follow, this Sunday, October 21. engineering or science student is undeMgnated as to major he/she should attend Advertising rates furnished upon request. one of these groups, preferably the one which is most likely to be his/her choice WKDU - is looking for Drexel students interested in music, sports, and current Represented for national advertising by: of major. ‘ events to become radio disc jockeys. Start your training before our doors open CASS Student Advertising inc. and you’ll be one step ahead of the game. WKDU DJ Training Meeting, Thurs­ 6330 N. Puloski Road ALPHA PHI OMEGA - is sponsoring it’s annual “ Ugly Man on Campus" to day, October 25 at 6 PM, in Room 3021, MacAlister Hall. Chicago. III., 60646 benefit Muscular Dystrophy. Interested organizations can respond by calling APO at 895-2570. Contest will run from 10/22 to 10/31. FRESHMEN SEMINAR - Why not get involved? Come join us at our Freshmen Seminar entitled "Student Organizations" on Wednesday, October 24 from 1-1:30 1984. THE TRMNOLE LEXERD - There will be a meeting for all present and new members of the Senior PM in the Living Arts Lounge. Representatives from various student organiza­ All Rights Reserved. Section on Thursday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 PM in MacAlister Riwm 3012. We will tions will be present to talk to you. be doing layouts so please bring a ruler, regular and red pencils. ASSERTIVENESS SKILLS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS - Key principles will CLARIDGE HOTEL & CASINO - marketing representative will speak at the be presented that highlight the way an individual can experss himself or herself Drexel Marketing Association's meeting on Wednesday, October 24, at 1 ;00-l ;30 in a relationship without being harmful to the other person. This workshop will PM, in Room 2()8, Matheson Hall. All students are invited to hear about casino be led by Dean Stellwagen on Thursday, November 8, 1984 in the Creese Student marketing! So come to our meeting - it will really pay off! Center, room 232. The workshop is scheduled to begin at 3:30 PM. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19,1984 THE TRIANGLE PAGE THREE ‘The Trucks’

Owners claim price hike inevitable

by Cheryl Robbins cheesesteak, pretzel and soda. rai.se our prices, too,” said one truck Writer “ It really ^th ered me when they merchant. All the truck owners raised their prices. Now, I’m paying basically the sante about the increase. No matter if you’re a freshman, up- at lea.st $3.25 for the same things I was Another merchant claimed, “ In order pcrclassman. commuter, or residential getting for under $3.00. Even though for us to make ends meet, we had to student, you've more than likely ap­ it wasn’t a drastic increase, I now have raise our prices, we had no choice.” proached the 32nd Street trucks. For to break an extra dollar. The price,” At “ Nick’s Pizza Truck,” the many years Drexel students have been he added, "caused me to switch owners feel that 10% across-the-board purchasing famous Philadelphia trucks. Originally, I thought only increase will not affect business in the delacasies for a fairly reasonable price “ The Love Truck” has raised its slightest. Said one owner, "W e work from these trucks. prices, so, I started buying my food between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. serving For the first time in two years, the at “ George’s.” I since found out that hundreds of students each day. This trucks decided to raise their prices. all the trucks were affected by the in­ is the first time in two years that we’ve Why the sudden increase, though? crease, however, I never switched raised our prices. We hope that Will this mean more hikes for the back to my original truck because I everyone will understand the reason future? Will Drexel students reftise to decided that I liked the food better at we had to do it. ” Adding to that sen­ timent, one student remarked, “ I don’t pay these inflamed prices and resort “George’s.” Cosmetic surgery on the menu tells the story as the food trucks on 32nd St. have all hiked their prices 10%. to eating back in the cafeteria? The reason for the price hike is quite care how high they raise their prices, Jack Kidd, a junior, can remember simple. “ The price on supplies and as long as I don’t have to eat in the when he paid under $3.00 for a paper goods went up causing us to cafeteria.” Drexel Universlfif Store.. Mondale seeking student vote with more vigor P A Y $ C A $H QtlleKe Press Service ting to focus on the campus vote and really helped pick up” Mondale’s in­ at a number of schools, Brickman for your used textbooks. get-out-the-vote programs. ’ ’ terest in the student vote. says, although he couldn't list any Heartened by what supptirters term The strategy change, Brickman As a result of the USC and George specific campuses. “ exceptional" and “ very receptive” .says, came after Mondale’s September Washington .speeches, "M ondale’s Jackson and Hart already have been student audiences at .several recent speech at the University of Southern campus campaign is a little more visi­ courting the student vote for Mondale Receive up to 50% campus appearances, the Mondale California, which was punctuated by ble now, and we’re picking up (the at a number of recent campus visits, campaign is trying to woo the elusive repeated heckles and jeers from campus campaign) as we get closer to however. in Cash of the retail ..student vote with a renewed vigor, Reagan supporters. the election. "Young people are really beginning campaign organizers report. But the heckJers only provoked Among other things, Mondale will to look at the issues," says Bill Mor­ price you paid on The new strategy, however, aims at Mondale into making one of his best squeeze more campus appearances into ton, president of the College •a sector of the population that rarely speeches, Brickman says, injecting his schedule in the weeks before the Democrats in Washington D.C. selected titles. votes, and that seems to be swinging some excitement and controversy in­ election, and send other Democratic “ And Mondale’s speech at George tow ard President Ronald Reagan, to the appearance. leaders to campaign for him. Washington was a turning point got his (Drexel I.D. Re­ ;ob.servers point out. National press coverage of the event Mondale headquarters recently campus campaign,” he adds. ' Moreover, the head of the nation- also helped boost Mondale’s campus released press releases for National But Morton says the talk of a great quired) .wide College Democrats group thinks image, particularly after several of the Student Voter Registration Day, asser­ new drive to get the college vote is ;much of the campaign’s new student hecklers admitted they were part of an ting “ students will vote in significant “ absolute hogwash,” a ploy to get ;f()cus is “ hogwa.sh,” adding the Mon- organized effort to interrupt the numbers to put an end to Reagan’s more media attention. Idale troops in reality are not doing speech, Brickman adds. underestimate of your generation.” Mondale’s campus vote movement We are available to anything different from what they’ve Although an October 5th New York “ Your generation will decide this has been in full swing for months, ‘l>een doing for months. Times Poll shows President Reagan race,” one of Mondale's prepared Morton says, relying on voter registra­ purchase your used -I Nevertheless, “ Mondale is definite- heavily favored among college-aged statements said. "For Ronald Reagan tion efforts, speeches by Hart and ;-ly interested in getting our message to voters, Mondale supporters say the to think that you don’t care about your Jackson, and campus appearances by textbooks Monday /'^college students).” says Gary u s e speech gave new life to his own ftitures — care about cuts in loans Mondale’s son and daughter at such thru Friday 8:45 Brickman, national youth coordinator campaign. for education and most of all about schools as the State University of New for the Mondale/Ferraro campaign. The following week Mondale got nuclear war — is sheer arrogance. York at Albany, Cal-Santa Barbara A.M. till 6:45 P.M., “ Mondale has been speaking on another unexpected lift during a well- Former presidential candidates Gaiy and Texas. . quite a few college campuses, and he's received speech at George Washington Hart, George McGovern, Jesse Vice Presidential candidate Saturday 10:00 A.M. really been getting a lot better response University in Washington D.C. Jackson, and Alan Cranstan — who Geraldine Ferraro, too, has campaign­ than earlier on in the campaign.” “ When he went to George themselves garnered sizable campus ed at Memphis State. Vanderbilt and till 1:45 P.M. Brickman claims. Washington and got such an outstan­ followings during their campaigns — Akron, among others. As a result, he says, “ we're star­ ding reception.” Brickman says,“ it will be speaking on Mondale’s behalf PUBLIC FORUM ON ...we do more than just sell books. Drexel Ski Club^s Inter-Collegiate Ski and Party Week WKDU |]]^ilimgt(»n A s PART OF THE STUDENT TASK FORCE PROGRAM INCLUDES: * 5 nights Luxury slopeside condos INVESTIGATION, ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITED 5 Day Lift Tickets (6 mountains) ^ Round Trip transportation * special Miller Lite College Parties TO COME TO THIS OPEN MEETING TO VOICE Valuable Miller Lite Coupon Book $25 refundable security required thier concerns. Pro or Con WKDU Only $269 Tax Included $75 Non-refundable deposit required

Make checks payable to ^ Thursday, October 25 DREXEL SKI CLUB

8^0 P.M, l or More Information contad; Greg Garnick or Myers Hall Tutor Lounge Barry Ldelstein 312 N. 33rd St. Apt 3


C a l l 8 9 5 - 2 2 7 7 for m ore inform ation D c cem b cr 16-21 PAOE FOUR THE TRIANGLE FRlDSTTcrOBEnSTwI CDinPlJTEHS DUsers announce

As a service l<» students, The Triangle, in conjunction with the Computer Center sinci the DUsers, will regularly feature a sec­ Macintosh fair MacPaint Winner tion devoted to computer-related news and inrormation at the University. Secticm compiled hy Arthur L. Cohen. by Arthur L. Cohen According to a member of the Irutnglr Staff Writer organization, “ Macintosh experts will be present to share their knowlege and The DUsers, the University’s stu­ experience. ‘Macfair’ will be open all dent organization involved with the Drexel students, staff, and faculty, as irnplementation of the Macintosh, has well as the general public. announced plans for a computer fair “ Macfair is fully sponsored by the this spring. DUsers as a fundraiser and service to ^1/ANAUGH'S To be called “ Macfair,” the exhibi­ Drexel. One spin-off of this is a fully 3132 Market Street 386-4889 tion is intended to include special guest automated data-base system which will speakers and demonstrations of the allow Mac users all over the country latest software developed for the to call in to a DUser Mac and get the Friday Smorgasbord Macintosh. Tentative date for the fair latest public domain software and is Saturday, April 13. news regarding Mac." Macintosh news notes w ith student l.D. Correction Multiplan upgrade available In the article about advanced Primos techniques in the Com puter section last Friday (10/12), the greater than symbol in the commands was replaced Sunday Student with a " )’’ symbol. Thus, in the following commands, the “ )” should be replac­ ed with the greater than symbol. by A rthur L. Cohen have their MacPaint printed in The COPY DOCUMENT *)DOC.I)IR)DOCUMENT Triangle Stuff tVrilrr Triangle. Please submit documents to a n d Study Supper Special the DUser office, attention; Arthur COPY DOCUMENT *)DOC.DIR) = if you are interested in being part Cohen. Also in that article, the explanation of name generation should have read, of this spring’s ’Macfair’, stop by, or At Macfair, the DUsers will pick the “ Name generation is a feature that allows the Prime to supply the name of drop a note, at the DUser office (3018 three best documents from those that a file based on other information on the command line." Macalister Hall). All students are were printed in The Triangle. You welcome. don’t have to be a member to enter the • contest, but it costs nothing to join in addition to the DUsers two week­ DUsers. Applications are available at ly meetings (Saturdays at 11 :(X) a.m. the main desk in the Creese Student and Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. in Room Center. 3018 MacAlister) there will be a • general meeting on November 13 To all purchasers of the Macintosh (time to be announced) where prior to May 1984: Today is the last Includes: New York Strip Steak, French demonstrations of .software packages day that you may pick up your will be pre.sented. Included will be up­ Multiplan upgrade at Building 53! You dates regarding Macfair and accep­ must have your warranty card with Fries, Salad Bar, Soup & Beverage tance of MacPaint documents for the you when you pick up up. I fyou do contest. not have your warranty card or if you • already sent the card to Microsoft, you The MacPaint contest is pre.sently must deal directly with Microsoft to w ith S tudent l.D. active. The DUsers, in conjunction obtain the upgrade, f^icrosoft has an with MUSG, are spon.soring a Mac­ 800 telephone number: 1-800-426- Paint Contest each week. Winners will 9400.

t m m m The M o g k o f M exico.

When the (ighi lalenis and (he iighi resomces come logethet the lesiill can be a legend in the making Now two landniaik companies. Clievion and Gull, aie loining loices to become one ol Ihe woilds THE IDEAL stroiigesi and mosi ellicieni eneigy pioducers

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the subjects as their ability and makes it a lot different from learning understanding increases. other college subjects.” Moi^t freshmen confused in But the “ hands-on” experience in To case students' entry into the cam­ Saturday Night computer classes catapaulls students pus computer culture, rea.searchcr directly into the real-life world of com­ Sproull suggests colleges offer com­ DJ. Party puting, frequently without any prior puter orientation courses so students exposure to the subject or the will learn the basic rules and lingo fir^t year computer courses machines. before taking a computer course. I Thus, “ students who are new to In addition, colleges need to "make computing end up using the campus their terminal rw m s less aversive,” TE^ 1,'ollriir P rtss Service “ frustrated” and “angry." technical students," she adds. mainframe right beside advance users, she says. “ When freshmen go away to college One of the reasons for the so-called which of\en makes the newcomers feel “ Many of the students we surveyed Most .VJllege freshmen are surpris­ they have a lot of new experiences. But computer anxiety, Sproull says, is that intimidated and even more contiised,” said the computer nxims reminded Music, Food ed, confused and frustrated during the computer science courses turn out students are of^en “ thrust into the she says. them of a scene out of N H 4 because their firjl year of coputer courses, ac­ to be much different than any of the computer culture" before they learn “ That’s a natural reaction for jsut they were so cold and sterile. Com­ cording 10 a newly-released study. new students expected," says Lee how computers work and understand atwut anyone who has to use com­ puter rtxinvs should be more wami and and Drink The computer anxiety afflicts in­ Sproull, a researcher at Carnegie the special language used in computer puters in the presence of experienced inviting." Sproull adds. coming students in ail majors, but may Mellon University who has surveyed courses. users," agrees Mark Tucker, director Fortunately, the computer anxiety Come Dance be particularly severe among liberal CMU freshmen over the last three Like many schtxils, “ computing at of the Project on Information many freshmen experience decreases arts majors, observers add. years to assess their attitudes toward CMU is not simply a question of lear­ Technology and Education in as they become more familiar with the the Night Over 80 percent of all incoming computer courses there. ning about computers in a classroom Washington, D.C. subject, Sproull notes. freshmen are “ surprised” by the sub­ Among other things, Sproull says setting. Computing is a part of the “ And the confusion and intimida­ “ Some students become very ex­ Away! ject matter covered in computer entering students fmd computer whole work life at a campus,” Sproull tion cycle repeats itself each time you hilarated by their new-found courses, the survey reveals. courses “ more surprising, more con­ notes. use a different computer or a new knowledge and .say 'Wow, 1 never 208 N .35th 9:00 - ? Moreover, one of every two fusing and harder to get a handle on" With more traditional subjects like piece of software," he adds, “ which knew this could be so fun.’ " freshmen are " confused" by computer than their other courses. history, math, or physics, she says, coursework, while nearly 70 percent And such confusion over computers students learn in a sheltered, academic say the courses actually make them “ is true of liberal arts as well as environment, and ease their way into Drexel University Store... How to civilize 7a.m. TRADEBOOK SALE! Until further notice. 20% OFF ALL Hardcover and Paperback Bestsellers

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TlieViaftgle 2; The fight for a co-op j^b THE OFFICIAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER W I # \ Of Drexel University by Tom KreitzberK understand. The first option shows that have ever used, seen advertisements Finally, at the bottom bf your Published Fridays during the academic year; you didn’t learn anything on that job; for, and heard of. Do not worry about resume, write the mandatory sentence, by and for the students of Drexel University Your resume is the most important the second tells your prospective whether you actually know enough “ References: Will be fumishW upon weapon you have in your fight for a employer that you’re a presumptuous about any particular system to use it request.” Do not worry if yoL were co-op job. It is therefore essential that little gimp; and the la.st one strikes the if you are called upon to do so. Simp­ dismissed from your only other job Editor-in-Chlef it be well constructed and designed to fear of God into the reader, sending ly be prepared to say, "W ell, it will because of arson, or if the teachers at ROBERT J. JACOBS your high school threw a party when Managing Editor do the best possible job of marketing him runnin'g to those old technical take me a little while to brush up on PAUL KOWAL you. The following guidelines are books on his shelf to refresh his the O .S.,” and to spend the first two you graduated. No one takes this state­ suggested. memory about things which he never months of your co-op tour reading ment seriously, and to actually request The biggest question many people really understood. Use this last option. pooriy written manuals. a reference of a co-op applicant would OCTOBER 19, 1984 have about resumes involves the GPA. The “ Background” section of your The same rule used with computer be an inexcusable breach of etiquette. Standard advice i.s to include it if it is resume is usually the most fun to systems should be used for foreign After you have finished writing your greater than 3.0, and to omit it other­ write. Be creative. Do not, however, languages. You will not be required resume, go back and make sure that wise. There is another school of include where you grew up, unless it to speak any language fluently on the you make only one spelling error. thought on this issue however, which is sufficiently unusual to attract atten­ job, with the possible exception of Then show the resume to someone p h i l f r a n k I KANKl Y SPl AKIN(. argues that no one ever checks them, tion. The chances that the person English. Always iiKlude Latin on your whose opinion you value. He will read so a 3.5 GPA should always be used reading your resume was also bom in list, since so many English words have through it, point out the one error, and ir 4 Mice PATg- in place of lower GPA’s. While this Pillbug, New Jersey are slight enough Latin roots anyway. say, “ But other than that, it looks pret­ second rule has a certain undeniable to justify omission of this detail. Your hobbies should include reading ty good. ’ ’ That will give you the con­ dMT FECAc/f appeal, there are also very deHnite As for what should be included in and bicycling, in addition to whatever fidence you will need to get through I 5(pfl'r AtiV (5F risks to using it. But the choice be­ the “ Background” part, it is wise pastimes you enjoy. Do not, in a fit whatever interviews are generated by tween telling the truth, tactful omis­ these days to stress all your experience of frivolity, put down “ drinking to your resume. AMVVAV P W v W sion, or bald-faced deceit is a purely with computers. Coming from Drex­ unincontinence” or “driving fast;” personal one. (This writer favors a el, of course, you have a great advan­ people who read resumes tend to be Tom Kreitzberg is co-oping in southern A»W 1 DiOfJT HAi/e transformation function which works tage. Include a li.st of every system you relatively humorless. California at the present time. well on all GPA’s, but especially those FUM.. between 1.5 and 2.5. Any interested reader may inquire at The Triangle'^ BUZZWORDS office for the exact function.) r When listing your education, in­ clude Drexel as a university. You have learned things here. Do not include your junior high school's name, and Borrowing from the Bard above all, do not include your SAT scores, even if you can remember them. No one cares. by Buzz Baird in ’92 what do you think?” years. To transfer: to leave; Honors and awards are always nice Due tc previous engagements. No more; and by leaving avoid to mention. If you have never won Bozo for President: Update Bozo’s running mate and financial sup­ The pressure and the somber social life anything, do not be discouraged. Put porter, Ronald McDonald was unable That orange brick retains, ’tis a down that you won an oratorical con­ Bozo’s cross-country campaigning for to attend his debate between Geraldine consumation test, without specifying the year. If the presidency is going better than he Ferraro and George Bush. “ I’m sorry Always in the back of the mind. To pressed, confess that it happen^ in the expected. In Florida Bozo managed to for not making the Mcbate but I had transfer, to leave; eighth grade, but your mother insisted get not only Mickey Mouse's backing, previous arrangements to make per­ To leave; perchance to vagabond; aye, that you put it in your resume. Another but Mighty Mouse’s and Jerry’s, from sonal appearences at several of my there’s the rub; choice is to list the grants and loans the famous Tom and Jerry Show, too. Ronald McDonald Houses. Work For in that change of schools, what in your financial aid package. Do not During a recent press conference before play they always say. I'm so new policies may come. feel obligated to go into details of the before announcing his up and coming poetic. Well, anyway, tell the witch When we have shuffled off this city loans; just point out that you have been debate with Mondale and Bozo, and ferrot face I wish them both the campus. given money by financial institutions Community of fear? Ronald Reagan said jokingly and best of luck.” Must give us pause: there’s the to complete your undergraduate unaware that the microphone was reputation degree. working, “ I hereby announce that Shakespeare That makes it easier to gain Your resume is strongest if your from this day on I outlaw all mice. All employment; should be proud of, backing a desolute employment experience reflects the Kdilur mice will be captured and fed to cats. ” This might be hard to believe, but For who could bear the competition slum area as opposed to their own type of job you are searching for. Needless to say Heathcliff, Morris, would you believe Shakespeare also in the job market. liisl Suniiay. as 1 was returning back students? While it is nothing to be ashamed of, Garfield and Tom, from the famous captures the true spirit of the Drexel The employer’s biases, the graduate’s Kj, PxpxcJ from Supor Sunday, I was Based on past precedent the being a short order cook at Farrell’s Tom and Jerry Show are staunch student. Hard to believe I know but predicament. mugjieil by several youths on Spring residents of PoweltdW Village know should not be given prominence when Reagan supporters. true. Over the weekend I happened to That patient merit another school Garden St. I was slugged in the jaw where they stand with Drexel on these applying for a job with an electrical pick up the 1984 revised addition of breaks. by one. while another ripped niy matters. It is about time that Drexel contracting corporation. If, however, Mondale added that Bozo’s backers “ Hamlet.” The book is called “ Drex- When he himself might His wises up, takes charge of this problem, wallet out of my pants. The thieves ran this is the only job you’ve held, make were nothing but Three Blind Mice elet” and contains the trials and transference make off with niy wallet up 31st Street, and supports their students. Many a the best of it and take a moment or two and posed him no threat in the tribulations of Drexelet, a struggling With a bare transcipt? prospective student has rejected Drex­ unscathed through the crowd. to describe just how mouth-watering November election. young student on a city campus. The bronze Anthony J.! Founder, on I'he crowd of about forty to fifty el due to the surrounding environment those Swissburgers that you made Latest reports indicate that Bozo was Anyway here is a small piece of one thy podium outside of campus. This number could people just watched and laughed at the were. recently seen clowning to a group of of Drexelet’s famous speeches. Be all my achievements worthwhile. proceedings. It appeared obvious that very well increase in the future if more If you have held some sort of a excited and enthusiastic young all ot these people lived in the nearby incidents like the one that happened to technical position, do not be afraid to children in Iowa before heading to To transfer, or not to transfer: that is Act III scene i Powclton Village Community. This is me last Sunday, continue to occur. highlight it. There are three options for Kansas City for his debate between the question: the same f’owelton Village Communi­ So, get with it Drexel before more the job description: using words which Reagan and Mondale. After reporters Whether ’twill benefit the future to ty that Drexel sided with in their students get attacked by the residents anyone can understand after reading on the scene told Bozo that everybody endure Quatable Quotes allegations against Lambda Chi Alpha of Powelton Village. it once or twice; using words that on­ was under the legal voting age Bozo The slings and arrows of Drexel Yogi Berra after hearing of the last spring. Is this something Drexel ly someone in the field could unders­ was quoted as saying “ but they are University, graduation requirements of Drexel NAME WITHHELD tand; and using words that no one can future prospects, and besides they love or to take against the , University. — “ It’s not over until it’s me. You must look to the future. Bozo and by opposing graduate within five over.” The 'Drexei Syndrome'

Hditor: change things. If you want DU to maintain or im­ If we the students would stand up prove its reputation you have to con­ How many times have you been for what we think needs improvement front issues that can stifle the progress "shafted"? How many times have you we could dispell any future “ shafts." of the university and the student at­ gone ti) your assist;int department head The total lack of communication be­ titude towards the university. Other­ and department head and gotten no tween students and administration wise, what good is your degree if it results? stifles any progress. is from a “ lousy” school. After four years at DU, I have lo.st It is not DU alone that causes the If you are a freshman, don’t fall in­ count of the times I have been shaft. It is the combination of many to the Drexel Syndrome of sub­ legitimately ‘‘shafted’’ and the times factors. The most common factors are missiveness. D on’t let the up­ 1 have gotten nowhere within my the students’ misconceptions about perclassmen and administration make department. how they can change problems and the you believe that “ That’s the way it A lot of you have heard “ That’s the general lack of student initiative and is,” and that there is no hope. You are way it is," "N o one cares, anyway,” detemiination to see problems through going to spend 4-6 years here. It’s and ‘‘What’s the difference? W e’ll be to their logical conclusion. your education, your future. Don’t C U « W c s • init of here soon." I do not personally know of anyone waste it. Speak up and don’t be afraid. For those of you who agree with who has been chastised for express­ Don’t back down until you get results these comments let me ask you a few ing his thought in a diplomatic way. or a logical explanation to the pro- more que.stions. After getting no However, I still fear for repercussions. blemed situation. Join the professional results, how many of you spoke with This is why I have asked to have my societies and use them as a diplomatic the dean of your college? And if you name withheld from this article. 1 do channel to confront important issues. still got no respon.se, how many of you know that if you approach your col­ We start this year with a new DU kept on going to the next level until lege dean he will keep your name president who is interested in student you got something accomplished? anonymous if you so desire. So just issues. We should and can show him 1 low many of you were afraid to ap­ don’t complain to other students! that we care about our academic and proach faculty for fear of repercus­ For those of you who are up­ social life at Drexel. Let both faculty sions? How many of you truly know perclassmen you know the student pro­ and students cooperate with each other of a student getting chastised for ex­ blems. You know how frustrating DU so that we can build a communication pressing concern? How many of you can seem. You also realize that if you channel between administration and ly did anything but complain to another express concern you may not see im­ the student body. If we don’t speak up, ■D02I I student? Who really creates the shaft? mediate results or even results by the the shaft may be of our own making. If you had gone above your depart­ time you graduate, if you are a senior. ment after getting no results you pro­ But this shouldn’t stop you. NAME WITHHELD bably wouldn’t have had to go much higher. After getting nowhere with my department 1 went to my college dean THE TRIANGLE welcomes letters reflecting thoughts on the and got results I found that, despite content of this publication. Please address ail letters; Editor, popular belief, he was very intere.sted The Triangle, 32nd & Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA in what students have to say. His pro­ 19104. Names moy be withheld upon request, but the name blem was that very rarely do students of the correspondent must be Included In order to be publish­ come to him to voice problems about ed. The Triangle reserves the right to edit correspondence CV

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T he TH angle s p o n s o R





IB M IS an equal opportunity em ployer CALL 222-9211 FOR IRORE DETAILS <^‘jU4 01% (K) ' ^ertainment PAGE EIGHT THE TRIANGLE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1984

by Andy Borislow are you going out with?" Typically the filled calendar of interesting events to go and things to do. Movies, bars, O f The Thanfite response to these questions is that (Don’t miss Apple Pi’s Halloween concerts, and America's favorite past­ assertive response that show.s about as Party!), these meat markets of time bowling (that's what the commer­ Another weekend is upon us. Each much thought as jumping off the sixth mayhem do tend to bore the adven­ cial says) are all available within the For the weekend warrior: week many of us anticipate the even­ floor of Van R., “ I dunno," follow­ turesome party goer. radius of a nuclear attack. tual end to classes on Friday so that ed by an almost thoughtless display of You say you want an alternative to Smokes, Doc's, O'Hara's, Smart wc can, in one way or another, reward inquisitiveness. "Well mmm... what all this (you did say that didn't you?). Alex. Friday’s, Bennigan's, Flan- ourselves for our llvc-day stretch of are you doin'?" Well it's about time you open your nigan's. Houlihan's, Carney's, Black delinquent studying or work. In.stinctual for most is that seemingly eyes to what's around. Instead of wak­ Banana, PT's, Dicken's Inn, A1 E. At Drexel the end of the week is felt defensive comeback “ Going to TKE," ing up with a stamp on your wrist and Gators, Grendel's Lair, Montana, and at about one o’clcKk on Thursday. (or any other weekend fraternity par­ an unknown under your arm, why not Copabanana are just a sampling of area Hither by attending a party on Thurs­ ty that immediately comes to mind). look for action elsewhere. offerings. There are plenty day night or gathering with some Instead of dwelling on what happens Suggestion, you ask? (Tough, I'll You're probably saying to yourself friends, Thursday nights are tradi­ within the Drexel-I.D.-only walls of tell you anyway!) Howabout checking "Hey Andy, where do 1 get all this tionally a time to make yourself the the fraternity party, I guess I'm safe out a Friday Night Rick; one of SPA's money?" Well as soon as you change epitamy of a useless human being. in .saying that they're a place where admirable efforts to entertain. out of your faded Levis and shower- of things to he Often marred by a dizzying headache you could rub elbows (and every other Tonight’s showing of Eastwocxl’s Siul- steamed oxford shirt into some real and continual dashes to the bathriK)m, part of your anatomy) with just about den Impact and Magnum Force is sure clothes and present yourself to your Thursday nights cause many to display anyone who’s anyone and some peo­ to make your day. parents with an outstretched hand, a glassy-eyed zombie like appearance ple who are no one. A variety of in­ Maybe you should consider mosey­ maybe, just maybe — nah, it'll never done off campus on Friday. teresting events can be had at the dif­ ing on down to the Jailhouse and take work. As a kid on my floor last year Scurrying about from dorm to apart­ ferent frats (my apologies, you don't a few beers prisoner. (How queer.) used to say with the frequency of rab­ ment and via that ever resourceful call your...) Be it Pi Kappa Phi's Ring The atmosphere, like it or not, is bit sex — "Get a job!" piece of magical equipment — the Toss, Sigma Pi’s Whale's Tails or Drexel. Always a good time, unless There is plenty to do outside the telephone — everyone seems to be TKE's happening dance floor, enter­ of course you have a bad time. semingly dismal confines of D.U., so worrying about “ What arc you doing tainment is often plentiful. Stepping off Drexel's asphalt cam­ ■stop MAC’ ing off and have some tonight," "Where you going,” “ Who Though the fraternities offer a fun- pus one is overwhelmed with places fun.

AT THE MOVIES: What has come and what has yet to be by ‘Floyd’ The credits said it was, the film, as he plays in Sudden Impact and Superf’irt based on the DC comic Special To The Triangle well... Maf>num Force. (This Friday's SPA b(K)k; Dune the clasic story by Frank A welcome surprise this summer nicks. Times can be found elsewhere Herben which is over 6 months in the Hey, Hi, Ho! Welcome back to the was Ghosthusters starring Dan in this paper). 1 was disappointed. He making and 2010: llie Odyssey Con­ fall term (Yo, Floyd, the term started Akaroyd, Bill Murry and Harold does play a rough cop, but he in- tinues. Ninteen years after the release 4 weeks ago. You're kidding. Nope. Ramis. This film “ busted” its way to ve.stigates .sexual homicides which of 2(X)1: A Space Odyssey comes the My, how titne flies when you're on the heart of movie goers everywhere. somehow lead back to him. Not the sequal. 1 will be doing a more in-depth no-op.) Well, a belated welcome back. It was an adequately silly film about type of film for Clint fans. article on Dune and 2010 at a later Those of you who were here over three parapsychologists who get The fall flicks are few and far bet­ date. the summer may remember me, the thrown out of their university and go ween. Released a month ago was a That about sums it up for this week. more fortunate may not. N-E-how into business for themselves. If you movie that was due August 10, I again apologize for the lateness and movies are my article. haven't caught the spirit yet (ouch), Buckaroo Banzai. The only problem brevity of my welcome back, but when The past summer was a gcxxl one for Ghosthusters should still be playing is, it isn't around here. Try NYC or the editor ,sez "w'rite!"... moviegoers. The Temple o f Doom was somewhere near you (it is playing on Boston. Coming soon is a film which I'll be back next week with more a disapointment though. Those of us Chestnut Street, check newspaper for is supposed to he the best parts of movies and a bit (or is that a byte) for who were expecting high adventure m times.) several horror films spliced together. the science fiction fans. the Raiders style found it lacking. Tlie Clint Eastwood also put in an ap­ It is due next Friday. ^ Until then. I’ll see you at the movies movie opened in a club in Shanghei. pearance this summer with Tightrope. Christmas will be bringing us (Yo, that's a copywritten line) I'll .see I wondered if this was the right flick. 1 went expecting the hard hitting cop several films, among them are; you at Stein Auditorium.

One movie to pay attention to is the soon to he released ‘steamer’ hy Brian DePalma, 'Body Double’ ^Teachers^ gets a failing grade NOWIWRTSAIiARE by ScHtt Kendcr Teachers, unfortunately puts the Jobeth Williams (an idealistic lawyer) FOR PEOPU WITH MORE Triunftle Staff H'riter technique of black comedy to poor only add to the tllm’s demise. use, and becomes a rather silly film. The soundtrack did not help the The setting: J.F.K. High School. There are saving graces, however: presentation of the film, and not worth BRAMS THAN MONEY Date: a Monday morning, some namely, Nick Nolte as Alex Jarrel (a rushing to Sound of Market for the month, .some year. The local bulletin teacher), Judd Hirsch as J.F.K. album. reports that the school is being sued, superintendent, and Robert Mulligan If you are still interested in seeing one-third of the faculty calls in sick, as the e.scaped "loonie." this movie, a respectable time to leave a mental patient is assigned as a history Teachers treats its subject first with the theater is when Mulligan is substitute teacher, and a student has off the cuff sarcasm, but bogs down escorted out of the school by the boys viciously bitten one of his professors. in sermonizing about the school’s in white. Enjoy! Sound crazy and stupid? Hey, it's faults and structural defects. Ralph Mt)nday morning! Macchio (as a troubled student) and

If you’ve majored In Computer Science You should know more about the career opportunities at National Starch and Chemical Corporation... a company comprised of people working to meet the needs of people.

We re National Starch and Chemical Corporation, International In scope and a leading manufacturer of over 2,000 technically advanced products. Paper, food, packaging, textiles, cosmetics, dispiosables. bookbinding, automotive and ap­ pliances, pharmaceuticals, water treatment and woodworking — are all impor­ tant industries that utilize out products, many of which probably touch your life in som e way every day. I^ost im pressive is our record of uninterrupted growth. . we've enpyed an Increase in sales for the 33rd consecutive year HEDMONT’S 50%OFFCOUiGE MRE. It has taken the combined efforts of a highly motivated, fonvard thinking, talented group of professionals that have brought us to the forefront of our industry. It Face it,your learning years are not your prime earning will take similar minded people to lead us into the future. If you set high goals and achieve them and have a solid academic background, you should know years. But don’t let that step you from mewing off campus. more about us and we about you. Through February 28,1985, you can fly anywhere Please contact your placement office byOctober 19, to arrange for an on campus interview. Piedmont flies for half fiire.Tc) L A and New York. And tc^ all Please visit our Representative on kinds o f hot spcus and hometowns in betw'een. November 16, 1984 What’s the catch.^Wellyc'ju must be under26 and have If unable to attend please send your resume to Carol Oedrick, College Relations Manager a valid student ID. Read the nne print below for restrictions. PiedmcMit’s 50% O ff College Fare. More proof that our N a t i o n a l Starch and Chem ical Corporation commitment to higher educatit)n is not just a lofty i(.leal, Finderne Avenue. Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807 Ati Atlifmal'v© Action Employer M/F N'(||| niiithliiNc. loiiiui iii/> must /v />ii)v/utv.'i/ ii( Icm m*!wi iLtys /v/(w initW ,Voi aniilaHc till day /■Vu//y CAill yoio initvl in its ai i Hoo-j

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Hours 7 a m till 2 a m 36lh & Ctieslnul - 386 5556 Bi^offe breoklQsls Wild lunches Outrageous dinners Decadeni drinks And small time entertainment We occept American Express Diners Club. MasterCard Visa, Carte Blanche ond occasionally cash IT S A WONDERFUL STATE OF MIND! free parking But no tree lunch Il's not as far UTOUtblnb.AcTOis from UMArdmoRlbcatCf. II Wfcal LaiiMftcf Avenue in Ardmoi*. (tlS) PARKING AVAILABLE IN THE REAR OF RESTAURANT sports


CROSS COUNTRY Special To Ihr Trianglr third man and top frosh has been Greg come at the hands of ECC foes Rider State and Rider at their home course, Behrmann with fellow rookies Brent (19-39), Delaware (17-45), and Belmont Plateau. The 5.1 mile course Coming off of a 4-12 season last Kyler, John Spadaro and Chris Towson State (18-42). is considered one of the most com­ year, the Dragon harriers of coaches Robitaille alternating with up­ In championship meet action, the petitive (read “ difficult” ) courses in Jack Mager and John Thompson have perclassmen Kevin Delaney, Rob Dragons turned in a ninth place finish the United States. shown great improvement in posting Ryan and Joe Carosi for the final four at the Lafayette College Invitational, The East Coa.st conference Cham­ ^84 cam paign a 3-3-1 record at the half way point spots in the varsity seven. Also den­ in the thirteen tham field. The com­ pionship will be held on November of the 1984 campaign. With a squad ting the top seven on occasion have petition at the Paul Short Memorial 3rd at Lehigh with the Engineers play­ dominated by freshemen and been freshmen Erwin Beckert, Paul Run at Lehigh was much more dif­ ing host the following weekend to the sophomores, the future looks bright Ripka and Pat Cooper. ficult as the harriers managed only IC4A/NCAA District 2 National for the thinciads. The Dragon dual meet wins have 20th out of 22 teams. Hopefully the Qualifying Meet. The Dragons are However, despite the influx of new come at the expense of Swarthmore younger harriers benefitted from this hoping to put together their best per­ blotxl, the number 1 and 2 runners (27-29), Delaware Valley (21-38) and exposure to some of the N C A .\’s formances to date in these champion­ an im provem ent have been senior co-captains Chuck American (22-39) with the harriers finest teams. ships to put the icing on the current Miller and Joe McGorrey. Miller has recording a 28-28 tie against Get­ The Dragons close out their dual season and to lay a solid foundation been the first Drexel finisher in four tysburg. The Dragons lost to all of meet season on Saturday, October 20th for the future. of five meets with McGorrey copping the.se foes except American during the with Philadelphia Textile, Lincoln, top honors in the other. Consistent 1983 season. This sea.son’s losses have Monmouth, Montclair State, Stockton

FIELD HOCKEY Trianule Sports Staff On Saturday, Drexel battled Rider to a 0-0 tie after double overtime ac­ The women’s field hockey team tion. Coach Pat Thompson said, “ The held Lehigh University (ranked 14th team played flawless defense against in the nation) to one goal in the game Rider, marking Kelly Hall, Rider’s Defense puts played last Wednesday at Lehigh. high scorer out of the game.” After only 2:30 minutes of play, Goalie Angie Hergenroeder. with 9 Lehigh scored their goal. Through the saves, had excellent concentration and combined efforts of defensive players good positioning. Drexel had 26 shots on good show Denise Venanzi. Molly Frey, Beth on goal but couldn’t for a Plasha, and Mary Ellen Kelly, the lady score. Dragons withstood the pressure of the The lady Dragons will play 40 shots on goal. Goalie Terry Valenti Lafayette on Wednesday at home. was strong in the cage with 18 saves.

by Amy Filsinger back full force to win the next two Special To The Triangle games: 15-10, 15-9. Lehigh’s record of 25-5 was nuxlified slightly as Drex­ On Thursday, Drexel battled it out el scratched its way to victory with with Lafayette, winning the first game scores: 11-15, 15-11, 15-7, 5-15, and Netters set the IS-S. Although it was close, they lost 15-8. ■ team heal Textile 2-1 in ii numr la\l Wednesiltiy the .second game 11-15. Don’t dismay “ With an overall record of 15-8 and sports fans, for ole D.U. most certain­ a 4-4 ECC rccord after three straight ly came through and were pronounce wins, Drexel’s in a gixxl position to record straight victorious in two consecutive games: soar to the top of the East Coast Con­ 15-9, 15-5. ference if they win Wednesday’s On Saturday, the Lady Dragons ma­ match against Towson, Columbia and jestically ruled the court as they Rider,” commented assistant coach defeated Buckneli in a four game Greg Bemlinger. The MSA Career match. Recent history repeated itself A final note to the .sports lover: fan as they won their first game 15-7, lost support is appreciated and welcomed The Software Company Development Program the second 13-15, and once again came by the team.

by Perry W. McFarland Grossman proved that DURT is Special To The Triangle capable of holding its own with the DURT: best. Coming off of an impressive victory DURT now has accesss to the Drex­ Computer Science/ over Johns Hopkins University, the el Rifle Range, located in Building 3, Drexel University Rifle Team kept up Room 358. In order to prepare for up­ Management Science/ its pace with two more victories on coming matches in November, prac­ September 27. In a three-way contest, tice sessions have been scheduled for shooting both Penn State Delco and the Monday and Thursday nights at 6:30 Business Undergraduates Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and p.m. Anybody who is interested in Science were defeated by DURT. The joining the team, or watching a prac­ contest with Pharmacy was won by a tice session is welcome to attend. A re you interested in a C areer O pportunity mere 5 points out of 1200. Such small In order to fiilly represent the Drexel margins of victory are common in student body in its ranks, DURT held in B usiness D ata Processing? competitive shooting, especially when a brief organizational meeting for new on sight competing against a championship members on October 10. Fifteen new team like Pharmacy. However, Drexel members were present at the meeting, and many of them had some previous Management Science America, Inc., of the training progratn, you will be as­ shooters Jim Mills, Perry McFarland, Rick Peraino, Rich Santo, and Mike competitive shooting experience. This heaclquanered in Atlanta, Georgia, is the signed as a Systems Engineer in Prtxluct insures a promising future for DURT. indu.stry leader in the develi)pment of Development, Customer Support, or Human Resource, Financial Reporting. Customer Education and Training. Cash Management, and Manufacturing At MSA, ‘‘Ptople are the Key to Suc­ Software Packages. We design, program, cess." We are interested in people-oriented, market, and support a complete line of highly motivated achievers who want an management information systems for cus­ t)pportunity to work, learn, and grow. tomers worldwide. We have sustained a Our starting salaries and company bene­ 40 percent annual growth rate for the past fits are competitive. If you meet the aca­ seven years in an industry' that is pro­ demic qualifications and have a desire to jected to reach $8 billion by 1985. succeed in a dynamic indu.stry, contact Wc arc .selecting graduates with your campus Placement Office and ask to Bachelor’s Degrees in Computer Science see the material on MSA’s Career Devel­ or degrees in Business Administration opment Program or write to: with at least three computer-related courses. Applicants should have a strong Management Science America, Inc. desire to pursue a career in busine.ss data 3445 Peachtree Road, N.E. processing. Our extensive training pro­ Atlanta, Georgia 30326 gram in Atlanui provides you the oppor­ Attn: Piit Blake tunity to develop strong technical data Director of Recruiting prcK’e.ssing skills combined with an in- depth underst;mding of general business applications. After succes.sful completion An Fx|ual Opportunity Employer

19 20 Vollc>bdll sk. Khlcr i («) (■KlJ Hixkc> «l Aiiwrkin On Campus: November 1, 1984 WiMitcn i. renin» Ml Salibt>ur> TtKirii TH•For murr infinnuuum S abtnii ihfte unJ WEEK: inhrr ifamet. «u// iht Sporty Injummum Ptrtctor ai SV5-25SI 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Vuilcybill Succer HtrlJ Hocki-> Interviewing: December 1984 undergraduates for positions in Atlanta VI lnuii«cuiil« ■tkJ Vulk>b«ll WiKttcn'i Tcnnii >1 Kentuylvtnii 3:0U l-wtd Hockey v» HuUird i IX) KiHemoni 6 OU »t USalk Toiirn vt. Kul/tuskn 4 UU hwlU Hukey v» Tvinpic 4 UU Sixcer Wonien'k Tennik C'uniinuck Tonuirfuw 41 U&alle «1 I'cinpic M St Juteph->


As sexual harassment continues new procedures are being developed

College Press Senice campus. F jw faculty members harass The University of California at chairs. Affirmative Action handles The low nunibors of complaints arc "Students are frightened,” Dzeich students, Dzeich stresses, but those Berkeley determined in 1979 that 30 formal complaints, or students may go deceiving, Dzeich claims, and can Nearly one-third of all female col­ explains. "They let harassment go on. who do are usually chronic repeaters. percent of its female students receiv­ through an outside channel such as the make colleges complaccnt. lege students are sexually harassed on They endure it, anything but confront "A million-plus women are harass­ ed unwanted sexual attention from Iowa Civil Rights Commission.” "A n institution can kid itself," she campus — mostly by male faculty it. i don’t want him to get in trouble, ed each year,” she adds. “ But it's a instructors. But few women ever file charges, says. "But it may not be an environ­ members — but few women complain 1 just want him to stop,’ is a common small number of faculty who do it.” In a 1982 University of Washington she adds. ment in which students are comfor­ because of embarrassing, drawn-out reaction." The authors found three common study, 41 percent of campus women "They come in and discuss options, table complaining." grievance procedures, a new book Students often feel intimidated or types of harassers. claimed they’d been sexually harass­ but never come back," Eidc says. "At Informal complaints are easier to claims. powerless to stop the harassment, The “counselor-helper” preys on ed. In 1983, nearly a fourth of Penn this time no cases are under make, Dzeich adds, but these aren't The harassment, moreover, can although institutions are required to troubled student’s needs for close rela­ State’s women students said they had investigation.” formally recorded or thoroughly cause emotional problems and make have grievance procedures and pro­ tionships. The “power broker” been harassed. The University of California at San­ investigated. victims hostile toward men. says Linda grams to support them, Dzeich points bargains grades and recommendations “ Our policy on sexual harassment ta Barbara handles ab

TOYOTA CELICA K )R SALE: 1978,5-speed, DEAR YUM -YUM : Having you in my life has INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS PA­ National On Camjms Report population. apartments brown, newly painted, runs well - low mileage. made all my dreams come tnie. The love and hap­ TIENTS: If you have had Mono, or have been Call Lisa 387-2548. Asking $3300.00. piness we .share will la.st a lifetime. Forever yours, diagnosed within th? last two weeks, you are The Rutgers study, conducted by Freddie. urgently needed for a research program. Earn up Aside from being generally in favor psychotherapist Pal Murphy and ON PENN CAMPUS: Efficiencies, one. two, FO R SALE C H EA P: 1974 Plymouth Scamp. to $50.00 per week. Please call Mr, Johnson at of it. what do college students think scK'iologist Ann Parelius, found that three or four bedroom apartments available. Call Bill at 895-2598 between 11:00 & 6:00 P M . 922-7810 for more information. Ljirge. bright and newly decorated. Convenient help wanted about sex? Two recent students at less than half the male population was public transportation near by. Parking spaces BABYSITTER/HOUSEKEEPER; Sat morn­ Rutgers U. and the U. of Maryland in­ sexually active, and only 70% reported ings thru Mon. evenings. Society Hill. Adorable available. Weisenthal Properties. 4029 Spruce. services provided dicate the dust has settled from the sex­ having had intercourse within the last 386-2380. M ALES: 21 years or older and in gtxxl health, infant and four year old. Some overnights. wanted to participate in clinical pharmacological References required. 625-9672. ual revolution. year. Fewer Rutgers women reptirted APARTMENT FOR RENT: (I female). PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING: studies. Please call 662-8766 for details. While student attitudes have become occasional intercourse (67%), but D ANCERS - If you like dancing - Why not get SlOO/month plus utilities. Powelton Village Apart­ Technical manuscripts are our specialty. A com ­ more liberal in many areas, such as ments. Call between 7 AM and 9 AM. 898-5131. plete service with: Greek and Math symbols, foot­ GOVERNM ENT JOBS: $16,559-$50,553/year paid for il?! No experience necessary! Earn big more (50%) de.scribed them.selves as Ask for Heidi. Located next to Village Pizza notes. table of contents, indexes; All handled Now hiring. Your area. For information call money! Call Erot-O Gram 922-4726. homosexuality and abortion, other at­ sexually active than did the males. automatically at affordable prices. Call: 757-6987. 805-687-6000 Ext. R-5708. titudes, like those toward monogamy A large percentage of both groups NEAR PENN CAMPU.S: 39th to 42nd - Five DISC JO CK EY WANTED: part-time for private Bedrixxns. $700.00 (includes heat). Also Efficien­ CAM PUS REP: to run spring break vacation trip parties. Musi have good knowledge of music, and contraception, remain mcxierate to said they were sexually nionogamous cies to Four Bedrooms. Moderate rents, heat in­ for sale to Daytona Beach. Earn free trip and money. Send outgoing personality and a car. Must have conservative. Sexual behavior among (83% males; 90% females). cluded. Parking. $20.00. Can Furnish. 222-6447. resume to College Travel Unlimited, P.O. Box knowledge for Bar Mitzvah's. Training program college students doesn't seem much Fear of herpes and AIDS (Acquired 6063 Station A, Daytona Beach, Florida 32022, for hard working willing to work weekends. Sept. WANTED TO RENT OR SUBLET: (Near MUST SELL: 3 yr. old Reg. App. Mare. include phone numbers please. thru June. 667-6263. different from that in the general continued on poge 12 Drexel) House or large apartment (2 or more English, western. Would make nice youth pro­ bdrms). Need for Winter & Spring Terms. Before spect. Has jumping potential. Terms available. 5:00 call 609-778-3127. After 6:00 call Call for details or pictures. 662-0773. 609-461-5091 ask for Mike McBrearty. Wknds any time. 4 Engineers. H P-4IC : Petroleum fluids applicaiion pac. Call 222-9676. Ask for John Rm 321. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED; Furnish­ ed apt. Large one bedroom, living room, kitchen FO R SALE: Pioneer CD-5 compneni car stereo & bathroom. IxKation: 3701 Powelton Ave. $130 graphic equalizer; 7 bands, with dual amp Phi Kappa Sigma a month plus utilities. Call evenings balancer and/or AM/FM radio from 1973 Dixigc 222-0705/744-2999. Charger. Best offer. Call 449-7641, ask for Jim.

(JREY GABLES: 312 N. 33rd St. Happy where Calender you are living now? We still have one very sun­ lost and found ny apartment for two, and a huge one for four. Clean and recently remodeled. Call 222-1279 N u clear eves, for details or an appointment. FOUND: Crew/rowing pin in 2-232 on Mon. ONLY lO/l. Has Annual Regatta' written on it along APARTMENT FOR SUBLET: Winter/Spring with other initials. If yours leave message for productive ideas 1985. Grey Gables, 312 N. 33rd St. Need 2-3 Mary Jane with Gamma Sigma Sigma office $ 1 0 0 female roommates, for 4 bedroom apartment. Kit­ (MacAlister 3029) or call 895-1973. generating power... chen, dining area, and living room. $210 a month C u sm - plus utilities. Call 222-7746 after 11:00 PM. FOUND: Macintosh micn»-cassette Tuesday, Oc­ GPU Nuclear is applying advanced concepts in a variety tober 16, 1984 in Matheson Room 408. Owner of technologies and disciplines to generate sale and - call 387-8307 and identify it. economical power for present and future needs. computers Entry level career opporlunities are now available for personal candidates seeking technical growth and professional recognition. FO R .SALE: Victor 90(X) computer: 256K, 2 620K drives, ultra-high resolution graphics, 2 TRANSPORTATION NEEDED: to German­ parallel 2 serial orts, separate communications town area for evening student Wed. & Thurs. chip, fully programmable keyboard, lots of soft­ even. Call 641-3156 before 3:00 PM. Call ware. $1900 or best reasonable offer. Call Mike ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS 848-1453 after 5:00 PM. 387-8439. WILL BE HELD REWARD: Free trip to Daytona plus commis­ MACINTOSH^" OWNERS: MacART adds sion money. Wanted: Organized group or in­ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Power to MacPaint!^” Disk includes 700 + dividual to promote Ihe » Spring Break Trip to Contact the Placement Office custom palette patterns. Full-page border Daytona. If you are interested in our reward call templates with hudereds o f designs. Make (414) 781-0455 or 1-800-453-9074 immediately! for further details MacART y(xir graphics equalizer! Personal Plan­ Or write Designers of Travel, N.48 W. 13334 W. ner it timeless! Save money; Never but another Hampton Ave., Menomonee Falls, W! 53051 calendar! Disk includes full-page weekly and nwnthly calendar templates for all years, full-page ATTENTION M.E, SENIORS: in search of a things-to-do list, daily appointments page, and ad- Senior Design Project. An E.C.E. Senior Design dress/phone directory. The complete Personal Group is seeking one or two innovated! M.E. Planner! Order MacART - $29.95 and Personal seniors to join a student concieved project. The Nuclear Planner - $29,95 to use with MacPaint’” . group has been formed to develop an autonulice Orders must be prepaid with check or money scoring system for Duckpin Bowling. Duckpin order sent ot Pen and Palette, Box 1005, Cary, GENERAL PUBLIC UTILITIES CORPORATION Bowling is a game similar to the more common N.C. 27511. TM Macintosh and MacPaint are On Sale at: Tenpin Bowling, but uses smaller pins and balls. trademarks liscenced by Apple Computer, Inc, 100 Interpace Parkway, Parslppany, NJ 07054 The group desires one or two M . E. 's who would like to desing and build modifications for the •Main Building*Creese Student Centre Facing the future with confidence Duckpin Bowling pinsetter. In addition to the An Equal Oppoftunity Emptoyef pinsetter, ther will be a need for the design and autos construction o f enclosures to house several system or Ask Any Phi Kap Brother modules. Experience with electric motors and 1980 CITATION: 4 cl, air, PS, stereo, tape, mechanical control systems is desirable. For more hatch, hold a lot! $2200 or B.C. Call (609) information contact Bryan Bollinger at 222-6506 354-1861 aft 5:00. as soon as pi>ssible.

the new TL O 3608 Chestnut St. T H E JOURNEY HAS BEGUN

Unverslty City, 382-7400 An impressive technological journey began over Or contact Hughes Corporate College Relations three decades ago at Hughes Aircraft Company. Dept. NC. BIdg C2/B178 I’ O Box 1042 El Today, with more than 90 diverse technologies Segundo. CA 90245 Equal Opportunity ranging from sub micron electronics to large scale Employer Proof of U S Citiienship Required systems, you'll find Hughes people forging new "Good Food, Good Drinks, Good Times" discoveries, new futures Hughes represenlalives will be on campus Become part of the Hughes tradition of technological firsts Our more than 92 different November 1 • November 2 (See your placement office for an appointment I technologies involve expertise in All Drexel Students Receive a 15% discount on Electrical. Mechanical, M anufacturing or Induilrial Engineering. Computer all food purchased from 5pm to 12midnite Science, Physic*, Eleclronlcs Technology. Requirements may vary Checit with your HUGHES placement office about Hughes company-wide (offer valid with school I.D. only) opportunities at any one of 12 Southern California locations and Tucson Arizona October 1st to 31st Burgers«Cheesesteaks«Pizza*Soups*Salads»Deli Sandwiches O N CAMPUS PAGE TWELVE THE TRIANGLE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1984 Sexual attitudes studied

The Drexel Players continued from page 11 h(imosexuals need psychological treat­ are having a Pre-Halloween... Immune Deficicncy Syndrome) has ment. H()wever. more students in 1983 made 27% for the males and 299? ol said they would keep their homosex­ the females changc their sexual prac­ uality a secret than in 1973. tice. Still, medically diagnosed The study also turned up an increas­ venereal disease appeared in 139? of ingly conservative attitude toward ★★GARAGE SALE!^^ the female population and I49( of the what’s acceptable sexual behavior for males. The Maryland study, which women. The belief that women should Wonderful Costumes and props that we compared student attitudes in 1973 and have sex only with partners with 1983, found that awareness of where whom they're involved emotionally no longer have room to store, to go for information on campus about has increased from 42 % to 52 % in ten V.D., contraception and abi)rtion. has years. Also, significantly more males rin d your Halloween Costume! dropped from 91 ten years ago to than females felt that the availability 15% today. of contraceptives on campus increas­ Decorate your Apt. or Dorm room At Rutgers only 35% of the sexual­ ed promiscuity. ly active students said they had an ade­ A recent Johns Hopkins study of quate contraceptive method that they high sch(X)l students showed the incon­ Tuesday Oct. 23, 3 - 6pm always used. While most students said sistency of some of these attitudes isn't using contraception eased their minds. a product of college life; The high 35% of the males said they would he sch(x>l students also have contradictory Mandell Theater "disappointed” if their partner used feelings toward sex. For example. a diaphragm, and 25% said they would 6()% of the girls and 80% of the boys be “ turned off.’ Twenty-seven (xsrcent said they 'd already lost their virgini­ CHEAP!, CHEAP!, CHEAP!!!! of the women showed a similar at­ ty. But 83% said the 18 would be the titude, saying they would be turned off best age at which to begin having sex­ if their partner wore a condom. In­ ual relations. That, say the Hopkins EVERYTHING MUST 60!!!! terestingly. unwanted pregnancies researchers, means many of the young were reported on both sexes in roughly people who've started having sex wish the same percentages as venereal they hadn't. One-quarter of the high disease. sch(H)lers said premarital sex is. simp­ The major findings at Maryland ly. wrong. were that more students engage in Most high schoolers agreed that premarital sex now than in 1973. At­ having sex without contraceptives is titudes toward abortion have become foolish, but one-quarter admitted to more liberal, and fewer students feel doing so. in their most recent contact. You've spent over 800 days getting your degree. Now spend one day with us to find out how to best use it. Operation Native Talent

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