ASCB JANUARY 2006 NEWSLETTER VOLUME 29, NUMBER 1 Beckerle ASCB Holds 45th Annual Meeting Becomes President in San Francisco Page 2 Council Approves 2007 Budget, Reviews Programs, Meets with CSR Director, Bad Budget Welcomes New Staff Amidst healthy reserves and strong financial performance, the for NIH ASCB Council met last month to review programs and publi- Page 31 cations, consider new initiatives, and continue to usher publi- cations and meetings into the 21st century. Zena Werb of the University of California, San Call for Francisco, who completed Science, Networking: and Sessions: New Nominations her term as President at year- science presented at end, presided over the two- poster sessions (above), Page 44 day Council meeting. Mary students socialize Beckerle, of the University at the Reception for Undergraduate Poster MBC InCytes of Utah Huntsman Cancer Presenters, and (below) Page 50 Institute, became President Bruce Alberts Award January 1st, and Bruce winner Samuel Silverstein Alberts became President- (left) and 2006 President-Elect elect. Larry Goldstein com- Bruce Alberts. Inside pleted his term as Secretary, and Jean Schwarzbauer assumed the role this month. In addi- tion, other Council members present included: Treasurer Gary President’s Column 2 Ward; Past-President Harvey Lodish; Councilors Kerry Bloom, ASCB Council Report 4 Tony Bretscher, Juan Bonifacino, David Burgess, Peter Devreotes, Linda Hicke, Kathryn Howell, Caroline Kane, Erin Keane ASCB Committee Reports 8 O’Shea, and Janet Shaw; and Councilor-elect Sandra Masur. Annual Meeting Highlights 18 See Council Report, page 4 Public Policy Briefing 31 Dear Labby 34 Join the Congressional ASCB Profile 35 WICB Column 40 Liaison Committee Concerned about government funding for cell biology research? Not sure how to participate in ASCB ad- Member Gifts 41 vocacy on research funding and science policy issues? The Congressional Liaison Committee (CLC) of the Members in the News 42 Joint Steering Committee provides you with the tools you need to influence decisionmakers.
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