
Community Spirt Inventory List

Block Party Kit (x4) – Includes: • 1 Large Parachute • 1 Small Soccer Ball • 1 Small Parachute • 2 Soccer Nets • 1 Large Football • 1 Small Basketball • 1 Small Football • 1 Whistle • 6 Bean Bags • 3 Skipping Ropes • 4 Frisbees • Scoop Ball Pair • 3 Timers – 1 Min., 3 Min., & 10 • Wooden Egg & Spoon Set Min. • County Me in Activity Book • 4 Cones • 2 Potato Sacks


Spikeball. Commonly referred to as a combination of volleyball and four-square. It is played 2 v 2, with a Spikeball net placed between the teams. A player starts by serving the ball down on the net so it bounces up at the opponents. They have up to three hits between them (like volleyball) to control the ball and bounce it back off the net. When they miss, you score. Once a point starts, players can move or hit the ball anywhere.

Giant . Like the classic board , except your bodies are the tokens! Each player takes a turn rolling the . They then move forward the number of spaces shown on the dice. If you end up at the bottom of the ladder, you climb up and if you end up on a snake, you move down. The first player to the “HOME” space wins!

Dual Walkers. This is your opportunity to team up to win. Using the dual walkers, each team must walk from point A to point B by using hand ropes to lift boards and move forward. Similar to a three- legged race, the first team to make it to the finish line wins! To make the game more fun, have the teams navigate through obstacles. Six pairs available.

Cannonball Drop. A life-sized game of kerplunk! Set up the game by passing sticks though holes in the tube, creating a web of sticks. Place a group of cannonballs on top of the web. Players take turns removing a single stick from the web while trying to minimize the number of balls that fall through the tube. The player with the leas number of dropped balls wins.

Metal Ladderball. Space the ladders about fifteen feet apart and start tossing the bolas. Each player tosses all three bolas at a time. The first one to twenty-21 points without going over is the winner. The top rung is worth three points, middle worth two, and the bottom is worth 1. Four sets available.

Disc Flyerz. An outdoor game for everyone! Work with your partner to score points by throwing a disc through a slot or into the opening on the top of the hexagonal can.

Bean Bag Toss. Two teams take turns tossing bean bags at target boards to score points! Board Games

Twister. Challenges your to put your hands and feet at different places on the mat without falling over. If your knee or elbow touches the mat, or you fall over, you’re out! Be the last one standing t win.

Monopoly. Players play the part of real-estate moguls, attempting to buy and then develop their land. Income is gained by other players visiting their properties and money is spent when they visit properties belonging to other players. When times get tough, players may have to mortgage their properties to raise cash for fines, taxes and other misfortunes.

Life. In this game, players can make their own exciting choices as they move through the twists and turns of life. Move the car token around the gameboard from Start to Retirement, and experience unexpected surprises related to family, career, and other milestones of life. The player with the most money at the end, wins!

Apples to Apples. Consists of two decks of cards – Things and Descriptions. Each round, someone draws a Description card from the deck then the other players secretly choose a Thing card that best matches the description. The active player then reveals and chooses the Thing card that best matched the description!

Scattergories Junior. Players get a list of topics, and a D20 with letters on the sides is rolled to determine the letter for the round. Players have a limited amount of time to thing of words that start with the letter that match the topic card.

Scribblish. Grab your pencils and get ready to giggle! Everyone chooses a caption and draws a picture. You then all take turns adding drawing or cations. At the end can you guess which picture was your when your started? Which one was funniest? Vote on your favourite to win!

Canopies. We have three 10’x20’ and two 10’x10’ canopies available for you to rent. Booking form and deposit must be submitted.

Popcorn Cart. You can borrow our rolling popcorn cart. We’ll provide the oil and kernels! Must be cleaned prior to returning.