Private Sector Investments and Biofuels Gel from Plant Waste

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Private Sector Investments and Biofuels Gel from Plant Waste RD 3INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT TAKING STOCK OF SIDE EVENTS AND VOLUNTARY COMMITMENTS AND INITIATIVES United Nations THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT TAKING STOCK OF SIDE EVENTS AND VOLUNTARY COMMITMENTS AND INITIATIVES asdf United Nations New York, 2016 Contents Preface . v Acknowledgements . vii Introduction . ix Side events: Monday, 13 July 2015 . 1 Side events: Tuesday, 14 July 2015 . 61 Side events: Wednesday, 15 July 2015 . 123 Side events: Thursday, 16 July 2015 . 177 Voluntary commitments and initiatives . 181 iii Preface The Third International Conference on Financing for The present publication provides a compre- Development (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-16 July 2015) hensive record of the stimulating discussions and marked a turning point for the future of development outcomes of the side events . In addition, it includes cooperation . The Addis Ababa Action Agenda pro- a compilation of the announcements and initiatives vides a new global framework for financing sustain- launched during the Conference . Taking stock and able development by aligning all financing flows and monitoring the implementation of these commit- policies with economic, social and environmental ments and initiatives seeks to enhance stakeholder priorities . It is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for accountability in the context of the financing for Sustainable Development, supports and complements development follow-up process, as well as the delivery the achievement of all 17 Sustainable Development of the means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda Goals (SDGs), and helps to contextualize its means for Sustainable Development, as mandated in the of implementation with concrete policies and actions . Addis Agenda . In parallel to its official programme, the Delivering on the historic agreements reached Conference also provided a platform for Member in 2015 relies on a revitalized global partnership States and other stakeholders to announce new policy for sustainable development . We have the collective and financial commitments and to launch new ini- responsibility to ensure that our global ambition tiatives on financing for development . These new for sustainable development becomes a reality for commitments and initiatives complement the actions all . The Addis Agenda will be a driving force for our contained in the Addis Agenda . Many of them were individual and collective actions to transform our announced and elaborated during the side events shared vision into progress on the ground . I invite all held on the margins of the Conference . stakeholders to stay actively engaged in the financing A record number of 182 side events took place for development process and mobilize support at all in Addis Ababa . This unprecedented programme levels to ensure that no one is left behind . of side events was coordinated by the Financing for Development Office, in cooperation with the Ethiopian Government and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa . Side events attracted high- level participation and featured in-depth discussions on a broad range of issues, such as domestic resource mobilization, private business and finance, support for women and children, international development Alexander Trepelkov cooperation, climate and environment finance, food Director, Financing for Development Office and water, infrastructure and health . Department of Economic and Social Affairs v Acknowledgements The Financing for Development Office at UN-DESA the overall process . Ms . Aida Opoku-Mensah, Special would like to express its sincere gratitude to the Advisor on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, ECA, Government of Ethiopia, especially the Ministry served as the critical focal point for flagship side of Finance and Economic Development, for its events at the Conference site . Mr . Ali Todaro, Chief, substantial support in the organization of the side Conference Management Section, ECA, provided events during the Third International Conference on indispensable support on all organizational matters Financing for Development . Thanks to the generous related to the Conference venue and his team’s tire- provision by the Ministry of numerous conference less effort was second to none . In addition, we would rooms, a record number of requests for side events was like to thank all volunteers who served as ushers duly accommodated . Mr . Admasu Nebebe, Director, for the side events in the ECA buildings . We also UN Agencies and Regional Economic Cooperation, want to thank the staff from all hotels that hosted Ministry of Finance and Economic Development of side events (Sheraton, Hilton, Elilly International, Ethiopia, guided the process and served as the critical Intercontinental, Radisson BLU and Jupiter) for their link between the Ministry in Addis Ababa and the logistical support . Financing for Development Office in New York . Mr . Finally, we would like to thank all governments, Fantahun Belew Asfaw and Mr . Admasu Feyisa of international and regional organizations, civil society the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and the business sector entities, as well as other stake- facilitated the communication between side event holders who launched new commitments and initia- organizers and hotel venues . tives in the context of the FfD-3 for taking action and We also want to thank the United Nations supporting the implementation of the Addis Ababa Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) for sup- Action Agenda . Likewise, we want to thank all side porting the organization of flagship side events at the event organizers and participants for their stimulat- Conference premises . Mr . Carlos Lopez, Executive ing contributions to the discussions at the Conference . Secretary of ECA, provided valuable leadership to vii Introduction The 182 side events, held during the Third International Side events covered a broad range of topics Conference on Financing for Development (Addis closely linked to the Financing for Development Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-16 July 2015), complemented the process and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda . Out of official programme of the Conference by providing the total of 182 events, 24 addressed issues related to additional space for all stakeholders and participants domestic resource mobilization, including taxation . 18 to elaborate on substantive matters in greater detail events focused on private business and finance, while and to announce new initiatives and commitments . another 16 events put women and children at the centre Discussions at the side events helped shaping the con- of the debate . More than 10 side events covered each of versation about the Addis Agenda and its implemen- the following areas: climate and environment finance, tation, thereby contributing to the overall success of food and water, infrastructure, health, and interna- the Conference . tional development cooperation . Multiple events also Side events were organized by Member States, discussed issues in the fields of agriculture, energy, sci- intergovernmental organizations, UN specialized ence and technology, and urbanization . agencies and regional commissions, civil society During the Conference and the side events, organizations, the business sector and philanthropic many voluntary commitments and new initiatives organisations . In many cases, events were organized were announced by all actors . These announcements jointly by multiple entities, allowing for a representa- are additional to those contained in the Addis Ababa tion of diverse perspectives and supporting the inclu- Action Agenda and will support its implementation in sive approach of the Conference . the upcoming years . The programme of side events was managed For example, three major initiatives, namely the by the Financing for Development Office (FfDO) of Addis Tax Initiative, Tax Inspectors Without Borders, UN-DESA in close cooperation with the Ethiopian and a joint International Monetary Fund/World Bank Ministry of Finance and Economic Development initiative on international tax issues, were launched and the United Nations Economic Commission for recognizing the crucial importance of capacity build- Africa (ECA) . Under the overall leadership of Mr . Wu ing for domestic resource mobilization . Also, national, Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and regional and multilateral development banks, as well Social Affairs and Secretary-General of the Conference, as the private sector, committed substantial amounts and executive direction by Mr . Alexander Trepelkov, for infrastructure and SME financing . Furthermore, a Director, Financing for Development Office, the number of countries reaffirmed or updated their ODA FfDO team for side event coordination comprised Ms . commitments . Other announcements were made in Dominika Halka, Chief of Branch, and Mr . Tim Hilger, areas such as reducing risks for private sector invest- Consultant . ment . In the area of social needs, new partnerships were The majority of side events were held in hotels formed to address health and nutrition financing issues . within walking distance of the Conference Centre, Environmental concerns were addressed through com- courtesy of the Government of Ethiopia . Shuttle ser- mitments to sustainable energy and environmental vices between the hotels and the Conference site, also funds . Attention was also given to tackling gaps in data provided by the Ethiopian Government in cooperation availability and usage . with the UN Transportation Unit, allowed for quick
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