Abbate, Carolyn 122–3 Adams, John 233 Adorno, T. W. 68, 69, 172–3
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83981-5 - Messiaen Studies Edited by Robert Sholl Index More information Index A Bosch, Hieronymus 211 Abbate, Carolyn 122–3 Boulanger, Nadia 34, 50 Adams, John 233 Boulez, Pierre 2, 9, 37, 46–7, 49, 65, 66, Adorno, T. W. 68, 69, 172–3, 174, 176 67, 71, 77, 143, 190, 232, 232, agape 40 245, 247, 251 Alquie,´ Ferdinand 43 Piano Sonata No. 2 53 Antoine, Pere` Louis 217–18, 229 Structures 1a 64 Apollinaire, Guillaume 221 Sur incises 247 Aquinas, St Thomas 49, 91, 213, 217, Braque, Georges 44 224–5, 228–9 Breton, Andre´ 34, 35, 50–1, 55, 61 Aragon, Louis 42 Arcane 4, 55 Arletty 18 First Surrealist Manifesto 38–9 Arrieu, Claude 3 Mad Love (L’Amour fou) 41, 55, 60 Aubin, Tony 5 Nadja 55 Augustine, St 90, 92 le point sublime 41, 55, 61–2 Aulnoy, Madame d’ 211 Second Surrealist Manifesto 40–1 Auric, Georges 4, 5 use of Tristan ideal 60–1 Britten, Benjamin 173 B Bunlet, Marcelle 4, 5, 20, 23, 24, 25, Balthasar, Hans Urs Von 79, 94–8, 99, 26, 27, 30 208–9, 229 Barraine, Elsa 18 C Barto´k, Bela 232 Calvino, Italo 143, 253 Baudrier, Yves 6, 7, 11 The Castle 123–5, 132, 141–2 Les Musiciens dans la cite´ 7, 11, 12 Capdevielle, Pierre 5, 11–12 Beaumont, Etienne de 22 Caplet, Andre´ 4 Benjamin, George 246 Carne,´ Marcel Benjamin, Walter 40, 172 Les Enfants du paradis 17 Berg, Alban 66, 232 Carter, Elliott 233, 242–3, 245–6, Lyrische Suite 34 252, 253 Wozzeck 105 Catholic Action (l’Action Catholique) Berio, Luciano 212, 214, 230 Rendering 253 Chagall, Marc Berlioz, Hector 4, 234 Bouquet with Flying Lovers 37 Les Nuits
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