
Skyway Elementary School ​ ​

Parent Handbook 2019-2020

School Hours Monday through Friday th Kindergarten through 6 ​ Grade: 8:00 – 3:00 PM ​

Office Hours: 7:40 – 3:30 PM Office Phone: 475-6150 Address: 1100 Mercury Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80905 School Web Site: www..cmsd12.org ​

A “Tradition of Excellence” Community


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Skyway Elementary School, of the Comets! We are looking forward to starting the 2019-2020 school year. The Skyway staff is truly a Tradition of Excellence Community and you will hear that message often ​ throughout the school year. We are pleased to offer your child the best education possible as we prepare them to be college and career ready.

This Parent Handbook is an important resource not only for you, but for students as well. It contains valuable information about our school procedures and Cheyenne Mountain School District policies that coincide with the Board Policies posted on our district website. If you have questions regarding information contained in this handbook, call any staff member for assistance.

Our commitment to your child’s academic success goes beyond the classroom . We depend on a positive partnership between parents, students, staff, and our community. Throughout the year we will participate in multiple opportunities to honor the traditions of our community and ensure the success of our students. We look forward to a positive relationship with you.

We anticipate a school year full of excitement, adventure, team building, and an immeasurable amount of learning for students and staff members alike. We are thrilled to have you as a member of our team, committed to Skyway like we are.

Welcome aboard!

Stacy Aldridge Principal


Address, Phone, & Other Emergency Information It is vital that every child have on file current emergency phone numbers where parents can be ​ reached. Designate an individual for the school to call in the event of an emergency if a parent ​ cannot be reached. Contact the school office if your phone or the name and phone of the person you want contacted in an emergency changes during the school year.

After School Activities Multi-week sessions of classes and activities may be offered to students at a minimal fee each year. Information will be sent home with your child in the school newsletter. Programs may be run by a sub-committee of the PTO, parent volunteers or staff members. A variety of intramural sports are offered to GR5 and GR6 boys and girls.

Attendance Student Attendance/Tardy Regulations One criterion of a student’s success in school is regular and punctual attendance. According to state law, it is the obligation of every parent/guardian to ensure that every child under his/her care and supervision receives adequate education and training and, if of compulsory attendance age, attends school. If your child has been (or will be) absent or tardy, call the ​ office to excuse them at 475-6150. Parents may access this number before, during, and/or ​ ​ ​ after school hours.

Each year the Board establishes the school attendance period by adopting a school calendar. Elementary students are required to have actual teacher-pupil instruction and contact time of 968 hours during each school year. Continuity in the learning process and social adaptation is seriously disrupted by excessive absences, tardies and early pick-ups. In most situations, the work missed cannot be made up adequately. Students who have good attendance generally ​ achieve higher grades and enjoy school more. When a teacher has a concern about ​ excessive absences, he or she will refer the concern to the principal or school counselor for follow-up with the student and parent.

The following reasons for being gone from school are considered excused absences by state law: * Temporary personal illness, injury, appointment with a medical doctor * Death in the immediate family * Required court appearance * An absence approved by the principal

Unexcused absences are any absences not listed. The maximum number of unexcused ​ ​ absences a student may incur before judicial proceedings may be initiated to enforce compulsory attendance is 10 days during any school calendar year.


Steps to follow when your child is absent: ● Call 475-6150 by 8:15 AM each day your child is going to be absent. We need to know ​ ​ the child’s name, the teacher’s name, and the reason for the absence. If you do not have a phone, come by the school or send a note with a sibling. ● A doctor’s statement may be required for an extended illness. ● We encourage you to make appointments on teacher workdays, or school breaks, as these absences do count against your child’s attendance. ● We make every attempt to contact the parents of children who are absent and have not called in by 8:15 AM. ● Teachers will need 24 hours notice to prepare take-home work for absent students. ​ ​

Makeup Work Makeup work shall be provided for any class in which a student has an EXCUSED absence. It is the responsibility of the student to pick up makeup work on the day he/she returns to class. Per Board policy, students will be allowed two days for every day missed to complete missed assignments. UNEXCUSED absences will not extend deadlines for work completion.

Tardiness Upon late arrival, your child will need to be escorted into the office by an adult and signed in.

Checkout procedures If a student must leave school during school hours, a parent or guardian must check the child out through the office. Students returning to school during the day must also check in with the office. The person signing a child out must be a parent/guardian or listed as an emergency ​ contact in Infinite Campus. Taking a child out of school prior to the scheduled dismissal time, ​ before weekends and holidays is highly discouraged. At Skyway, teachers are teaching until the last possible minute; there is so much to get accomplished in the short amount of time we have with your child. Do not request that your child be dismissed before 3:00, unless it is ​ an emergency.

Breakfast & Lunch Program Breakfast (beginning at 7:40 AM) and lunch are served to all students, regardless of free/reduced eligibility status. Parents are welcome to join their child for meals after checking in with the office. Adult prices are: $3.80 for breakfast, $3.80 for lunch; student prices are $1.60 and $2.85 respectively. Drinks may be purchased for $.75 for students that bring their own lunch. Meal money is collected in the classroom and rules/procedures are taught and posted. If you have any questions, contact the manager at 475-6150, ext. 26. *Students that qualify for reduced lunch in GR K-6 get lunch at no charge.


Bully Prevention Skyway aligns their bullying definition, prevention and interventions with Board of Education ​ ​ policy JICDE. Should you have questions or concerns regarding a potential bullying issue, call your child(ren)’s teacher or building administration.

Cell Phones Students may bring cell phones to school, but they must be turned off during the school day and kept in the student’s backpack. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings; nor will time be given to the investigation of lost or stolen items.

Child Custody In most cases, when families are divorced, both parents continue to have equal rights where their children are concerned. If you have a court order that limits the rights of one parent in matters such as custody or visitation, bring a copy to the office. Unless your court order is on ​ file with us, we must provide equal rights to both parents.

Communication Communication between home and school means a better education for your child. Some guidelines for successful communication are: ● If you have a concern about your child and/or school, let us know. If we are unaware of a problem, we will not be able to help remedy it. Often miscommunication is clarified through the teacher and parent talking first. ● Deal with the person most directly involved first. If your child is having a learning ​ problem, talk to his/her teacher first. This is the person most familiar with your child. ● Make an appointment to see the person involved whenever possible. When making the appointment, state the nature of your concerns. This will allow the person to have any necessary materials on hand and save you unnecessary delays. ● See the principal when you have a general school concern.

School information is updated regularly. Our web address: www.skyway.cmsd12.org ​

Newsletters are published monthly. We hope it will keep you informed about events at Skyway Elementary as well as students’ successes and opportunities for you to become involved in our school. Parents can choose how they would like to receive the newsletter (email or printed copies) – just let the office know.

Classroom Communication ● Folders or planners are used to transport grade-level newsletters, business communications, fundraisers and graded work from school to home. ● Homework folders are used to send homework to be completed and return finished 5

work. ● Teachers may use the school website to post upcoming events, special announcements or links to support topics studied in the classroom. A direct link to teacher email is also available.

Curriculum Skyway Elementary implements resources approved by the Board of Education of Cheyenne Mountain D12 and the Colorado Department of Education. Kindergarten through sixth grade enrollment is approximately 325 students. Teachers work together in Professional Learning Community teams to support student learning. Flexible groupings may be used during the day to provide instruction that closely matches the needs of all students.

The elementary school curriculum promotes skill development in core academic areas, including Social Studies and Science. The development of language-related skills is emphasized. Students are provided many opportunities to apply learned skills through activities that require higher-level thinking such as creating projects, writing reports, and preparing presentations.

Skyway staff uses a variety of instructional strategies to meet the needs of our students. This includes, but is not limited to, whole group instruction, small groups, one-on-one instruction, and flexible grouping. We use guided reading, shared reading, and Reading Streets for our reading block. We will be using Every Child A Writer to help guide our writing instruction. Our math program is My Math. Supplementary resources may also be used to meet the needs of students.

Music, Physical Education, Art, Counseling, Band (GR4-6) and Library programs supplement the academic curriculum. Special education classes, English Language Development and additional counseling services add to the educational programs and are available for eligible students.

Dress Code (Board Policy JICA) ​ ​ ​ A safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality educational program. District-wide standards on student attire are intended to support individual expression rights, help students concentrate on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety. Refer to the district Board of Education “Laws and Policies” or Skyway’s “Parent Handbook” webpage for the complete policy.

Students MUST wear appropriate shoes for P.E. (i.e., tennis shoes). Examples of ​ inappropriate shoes would be: flip-flops, cowboy boots, heels, etc.


Emergency Contact Information Please keep emergency information current. In the event your child becomes ill, or is injured at school, and requires your presence, we must have the information necessary to contact you. All students must have at least two emergency contact numbers on file at all times. Keep all information updated in the school’s office.

Emergency Drills (Fire/Tornado/Lock Down) Fire drills, tornado drills, and lock out/down drills will be conducted throughout the school year. Remind your student that the purpose of these drills is to ensure the safety of all students, staff, and visitors, and appropriate behavior is expected at all times.

Field Trips We make the most out of community and regional resources in an effort to enhance the curriculum. Field trips are carefully planned and supervised by teachers and parent volunteers. A district activity bus will be used to transport students. Dates, times and purpose of the trip will be announced through school communication.

Conduct on extra-curricular trips

● Rules and regulations stated above will apply to any trip under school sponsorship. ● Students will follow the directions of the driver, adult supervisor or chaperone at all times. ● If the supervisor/chaperone does not maintain control of the students, the driver is to stop the bus, go outside with the supervisor/chaperone, and tell him/her that the driver will not continue the trip until the students are behaving properly.

Gum: No Chewing Gum at School! ​

Health Health Aide Skyway Elementary School has a health aide in the office five days a week. She has received training in basic first aide, CPR, and medication administration. Registered Nurses RNs will only be in the to provide health services mandated by the State of Colorado such as immunizations, special education assessments, and IEP meetings. They will help coordinate the vision and hearing screenings and be available to teachers, parents, and students when there are specific health concerns that require assistance.

If a child comes to the office sick, he/she may stay in the for 10-15 minutes while a decision is made as to whether the student should be sent home. In case of serious injury or

7 illness of a student at school, the home or work numbers are called first. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the person listed on the emergency contact list will be contacted. If an extreme emergency, 911 will be called. It is extremely important that emergency ​ information be kept updated, as current information is vital when a child needs parental attention.

Here are a few guidelines to help you determine whether or not to send your child to school: ✹ Do not send your child to school if his/her temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above, or if they have experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the previous 12 hours. ✹ Do not send your child to school with cold symptoms, such as constant runny nose, congestion, coughing, or sneezing (other than allergy-related). ✹ Do not send your child to school who has a suspected or confirmed communicable disease, such as: o a sore throat lasting longer than 3 days (a child diagnosed with strep throat must stay home for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has been started). o red, inflamed, swollen, or discharging eyes (not related to allergies). o weeping cold sores or other lesions (such as impetigo) until under treatment. o rashes that are not yet diagnosed.

Be aware that Colorado state law mandates our medication policy. If your child must take medication during school hours, you must provide the following before we can administer it: 1. A written doctor’s order (including drug name, dose, time, duration of treatment, and doctor’s signature). The order may be faxed to the school by the physician (fax # 630-4114). NOTE: The pharmacy label applied to the medication bottle will NOT suffice for a doctor’s order. 2. Written permission from a parent or legal guardian. A form that may be completed by both physician and parent is available from the health room. 3. Medication must be in the original pharmacy bottle, complete with a label. Medication cannot be given if it comes in a baggie, envelope, plain bottle, etc.

All medications must be kept in a locked in the health room. Our medication policy ​ applies to ALL medications, including over-the-counter medicines (Tylenol, cough syrups/drops, decongestants, etc.) and inhalers. Students are not allowed to carry any type ​ of medication on their person or in their backpack at any time.

If you have any questions regarding these policies or immunization requirements for Colorado Students, phone us at 475-6150 between 7:40 AM and 3:30 PM. Immunizations ● The Colorado School Immunization Law requires all students to be immunized before ​ attending school. If the student does not have a certificate of immunization, contact the school health aide (475-6150) for more information. 8

Homework Homework is studying or the practice of learned skills at home. The purpose of homework is the improvement of the learning process by reinforcing skills previously taught, and by extending and applying classroom learning to projects completed at home. Practicing skills at home helps develop students’ responsibility and participation for their learning. When parents ​ ​ choose to support practice at home, students achieve consistent academic success. Students in GR1-6 will be asked to purchase a planner to help them with their organizational skills, noting homework deadlines. To support the success of your child, discuss homework everyday, provide a quiet, consistent place to complete tasks, and read with them for 20 minutes.

Hours Playground supervision begins at 7:50 AM and ends at 3:10 PM. Do not allow your child to ​ ​ come to school before then, unless he/she is having school breakfast. First Bell: 8:00 AM Tardy Bell: 8:05 AM Dismissal: 3:00 PM ​ ​ ​ ​ During inclement weather, students will be allowed in the building at 7:45 AM to report to the gym.

Insurance Optional accident insurance is available to all students at a minimal cost to parents. Charges and benefits of school-time or of a 24-hour coverage plan are listed in the packet that will be sent home with your child when school starts.

Lost and Found A lost and found box is maintained in the school. We encourage children and parents to reclaim the items. Valuable and small items are kept in the office. Check in with the office for items not found in the lost and found box. Items not claimed will be given to a charitable organization at the end of October, December, March, and May. In an effort to cut down on the number of items not claimed, label personal belongings, including coats and jackets, with your child’s name.

Recess If you request to have your child stay inside at recess, send a note to the teacher. We have students outside almost every day; assist students in making appropriate clothing choices for school.

Reporting Student Progress Mid-quarter progress reports are sent home during the fourth week of each quarter and report cards are issued at the end of each quarter. Parent-teacher conferences are held in October and February. Parents are encouraged to schedule additional conferences whenever necessary.


Assigning “grades” to student work is one form of communication to parents, and the student, about how the child is performing in school. Grades do not reflect a child’s I.Q. or ability to ​ ​ learn. Grades are assigned as follows:

th th th 4 ,​ 5 ​ & 6 ​ grade students all receive the traditional A, B, C, D, or F grades. The percentage ​ ​ ​ ​ equivalents of these grades are: A - 90-100% Exceeding the benchmarks/expectations B - 80-89% Meeting the benchmarks/expectations C - 70-79% Making progress toward the benchmarks/expectations D - 60-69% Getting started toward the benchmarks/expectations F - < 60% Failed to meet requirements, No attempt / (slash) Not introduced/evaluated

st nd rd Kinder, 1 ,​ 2 ​ & 3 ​ grade students all receive numbers for grades, “4” being the highest, on ​ ​ ​ ​ down to “0”, as the lowest. 4 - Advanced – Exceeding the benchmarks/expectations 3 - Proficient – Meeting the benchmarks/expectations 2 - Basic – Making progress toward the benchmarks/expectations 1 - In Progress – Getting started toward the benchmarks/expectations 0 No attempt, insufficient or no data / (slash) Not introduced/evaluated

Scooters, Bicycles and Skateboards Students may ride scooters/skateboards to school but must walk them on school grounds. ​ Practice common safety rules: ● Always wear a helmet. ● Observe and obey all traffic signs and signals. ● Lock your bike in the school bike rack. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items nor will time be given to the investigation of lost or stolen items.

Sexual Harassment (See Board Policy ACAA)

Student Conduct (Board Policy JIC) It is the intention of the Board of Education that the district’s schools help students achieve maximum development of individual knowledge, skills, and competence and that they learn behavior patterns which will enable them to be responsible, contributing members of society.

The Board in accordance with state law has adopted a student conduct and discipline code

10 based upon the principle that every student is expected to follow accepted rules of conduct and to show respect for and to obey persons in authority. The code emphasizes that certain behavior, especially behavior that disrupts the classroom, is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action. The code shall be enforced uniformly, fairly, and consistently for all students. For complete information, refer to the Code of Conduct (Board Policy JICDA) ​

Skyway’s Guiding Principles of the Student Code of Conduct Skyway’s students contribute to personal success and the success of the school when they: ● Accept responsibility for their education, decisions, and actions ● Act in a way that best represents the school, parents, community, and self to promote a safe, healthy environment ● Are active in the school and community ● Support fellow students and their activities ● Respect cultural diversity, individuality, and the choices and rights of others The emphasis of Skyway’s philosophy is to assist students in becoming responsible for their own actions. It is an opportunity for teaching and learning. While the teaching of this self-discipline is primarily the responsibility of the teacher, there may be some cases of misbehavior that require students being referred to the principal for discipline. We will foster an atmosphere of mutual respect, support and care for others. Parents will be involved in knowing about their child’s behavior at school so that we can strengthen our relationship.

Telephone Use The school’s telephones are intended for business calls and parent/teacher communications. Please make sure your students know their instructions for after school plans before they leave for school in the morning. If the request to use the telephone is one that can wait until after school when the child is home, permission will probably be denied. We will call the children to the telephone only in cases of emergencies or pressing needs. If you wish to speak to a staff member, leave your number either with the secretary or on the voice mail system. The staff member will return your call as soon as possible.

If you need to get a message to your student before the bell rings at 3:00 p.m., call the ​ school’s office (475-6150) no later than 2:45 p.m. and ask the receptionist to deliver the ​ ​ message personally to the child, if possible. If you call after 2:45 p.m., we will make every attempt to deliver the message but cannot guarantee that your child will receive the message due to the number of parents needing assistance at the end of the day. Also, the teacher does not have the opportunity to check the voicemail system until the students have left for the day.

Textbooks, Supplies and Technology Textbooks are supplied by the school district. No deposit is required for books, but students are responsible for maintaining the condition of the books. In the event the books are damaged

11 beyond reasonable use, or lost, parents or guardians will be charged full replacement price. Parents or guardians are asked to furnish the supplies listed on grade level supply lists.

Traffic/Crosswalks Do not drive against traffic in the parking lot to drop off students. Drive-thru student drop-off and pick-up is located on the west side of the building. DO NOT park here, as it ties up the flow of traffic. Handicapped parking is for those cars with a handicap plate/sign only. All Skyway ​ parents and students are expected to use crosswalks. For our students’ safety, use a slow ​ speed when driving through the parking lot. No Parking Zones are clearly marked around all ​ ​ crosswalks. Model safe behavior, and be considerate and respectful of others.

Drop-off & Pick-up Use either Mercury Drive or Milky Way as a drop-off or pick-up point. IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN ONLY IN GR3-6, USE MILKY WAY; CHILDREN ONLY IN GRK-2, USE MERCURY ​ ​ ​ DRIVE. ​

Toys and Personal Items Toys, trading cards, fidget spinners, or other personal items should not be brought to school by students – balls are the exception. Toys, trading cards, fidget spinners, etc. may be taken from students at school, as will other items causing a problem or distracting students from their educational program. These items will be held by the teacher or principal until picked up by a parent.

Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Skyway participates in a program through the Colorado Department of Education called PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports). The primary purpose of the Colorado School-wide PBIS initiative is to “establish and maintain a safe and effective school environments that maximize academic achievement and behavioral competency of all learners ​ ​ in Colorado.”

The behavior expectation rubric details the expected behavior for students. Expectations are taught and practiced for all settings, and students are rewarded for positive behavior. The rubrics will be posted throughout the school and published prior to the first day of school.

Parent/School Organizations An important part of the community aspect of Skyway is the active role parents have taken in school activities. There are several groups which function during the school year to add to the educational experiences of your child:

School Accountability Advisory Committee


The School Accountability Advisory Committee (SAAC) is comprised of parents, non-parent taxpayers, teachers and the principal. SAAC is required by the Colorado Department of Education to act in the accreditation process of public schools. Monthly meetings convene to: ● Represent the community point of view ● Present recommendations and/or advice to the school administration ● Serve to facilitate communication to the community and the District Accountability Committee, including the school’s Unified Improvement Plan and achievement of the school’s goals ● Make recommendations to the school principal regarding priorities for school budget Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) All parents of Skyway are automatically members of PTO. PTO is an excellent opportunity to get involved with your child’s academic experience while sustaining the success of the school within our neighborhood. Newsletters and calendars will communicate meeting dates/times and other ways parents can increase their involvement.

Parties Throughout the school year, Skyway may have classroom parties for holidays or special occasions, including birthdays. Classroom teachers are responsible for coordinating such occasions and will be limited to the last 20-30 minutes of the day. Invitations to personal ​ parties should be given out at home or off school grounds and will not be allowed to be handed out during school hours.

Playground Safety ● Students must use equipment as it was intended to be used ● Basic courtesy and friendly behavior are expected ● “Is it safe?” is the governing rule on the playground. ● Activities prohibited because of safety reasons are: ​ ​ o Fighting, either “play” or “real” o Tag o Throwing objects other than balls, including sand, rocks, ice, and snowballs o Leaving the designated playground area o Unsafe use of playground equipment, such as swinging side-to-side or on stomach, jumping off swings or spinning, sliding on stomach or sliding backwards o Rough play: such as pushing, shoving, tackling, pulling on clothing o Sliding on ice or snow o Letting go of bars to hang upside down (two hands on bars for safety) o Interfering with games of others o Not including others in games or activities


Corrective measures may include, but are not limited to, the following: ▪ Teacher-student conference ▪ Time-out in the classroom or office ▪ Communication with parent(s) via note, telephone, or conference ▪ Referral to the counselor ▪ Office referral to the principal ▪ Remedial Behavior Plan ▪ Suspension ▪ Expulsion

Serious Offenses (Students may be suspended or recommended for expulsion): Behaviors listed below require immediate action: ▪ Fighting or deliberately trying to harm others ▪ Throwing any object which may cause harm to others ▪ Persistent defiance of authority - not complying with reasonable requests after several attempts at redirection. ▪ Using disrespectful and/or abusive language and/or gestures ▪ Bullying behaviors ▪ Sexual, racial, and/or verbal harassment ▪ Cheating/stealing ▪ Possession of a weapon or an instrument used as a weapon ▪ Possession of a harmful substance (drugs, alcohol) ▪ Willful destruction or defacing of school property ▪ Smoking on school grounds

Valuable and Unsafe Items Electronic items such as portable music players, hand-held games, MP3 players, iPads/Phones/Pods and collectable trading cards of any kind need to be left at home. Cell phones are permitted but will be required to remain in a backpack. If an item of value is brought to school, the school will not be responsible if the item is lost, stolen, or damaged.

Roller skates and Heelys (roller shoes) are not permitted on school grounds. ​ ​ Visitors Parents/guardians are an important part of our school. We invite you to visit school at any time. If you would like to see a specific activity or discuss a specific aspect of the school program, the administration or other staff members will be happy to meet with you. However, classroom teachers are unable to discuss your child’s progress during instructional time. Make an appointment during non-instructional time should you want to confer with the teacher. For ​ the safety of all Skyway students, we ask that all visitors sign in at the office immediately upon entering the building and pick up a visitor’s badge, which must be worn in a spot 14 that is visible to others. You are also invited to bring friends or relatives to visit our school. ​ Children not enrolled at Skyway Elementary may not visit the school unless accompanied by an adult. Since small children, particularly infants, tend to distract students, we ask that parents/guardians not bring them while visiting classrooms. When you are in a classroom observing, do not try to hold a conference with the teacher about your child. Make an appointment to confer before or after school.

Volunteer Program We welcome and appreciate volunteers at Skyway. You can be a source of special skills, personal attention, or an extra pair of hands if you become a school volunteer. If you are interested, we have a spot for you. Contact your child’s teacher or school office if you can share some time with us. The job and the hours are up to you! We ask that all volunteers sign in at the office upon entering the building, wear a badge, and log in your time upon leaving. Background checks are required to join our volunteer team.

Weather Related School Closing and Cancellations Student safety is always the District's first priority in determining whether to close or delay schools. If a school closure or delayed start is called, announcements will be made on local radio and TV stations between 5:30 and 6:00 AM. If a delayed start is called classes would begin two hours later (10:00 AM) and end at the usual time at the end of the day.

We also respect the individual parent's right to keep their child at home. Principals and teachers are directed that there can be no negative consequence for the child that has parent permission to miss school due to inclement weather. If parents feel weather conditions are a threat to their child's well-being, they may notify the school and those absences or late arrivals will be fully excused. The students are our first priority, and we feel strongly that any change in procedure be fully communicated to avoid confusion and difficulty for our students, parents and staff.

Local radio and television stations will carry school closing and early dismissal information. Listen for an announcement about Cheyenne Mountain School District #12. Stay tuned to all local television stations and following radio stations: KVOR – AM 740 KILO – FM 94.3 KRDO - FM 105.5, AM 1240 KATC – FM 95.1

Withdrawals from School Children transferring or withdrawing from school must be cleared through the school. Parents must come to the school to inform us of the withdrawal. All texts and other materials belonging to the school district must be checked in and fees paid. All records will be sent to the new school upon request from that school.