TORftANCE HERALD I Marcella McGill Becomes Noted Artist Shows Work O Problems Of Walteria PTA Bride Of Donald Carter To Group At Tea One of the lovely weddlnga of the summer was * Among lovely affairs of-Moo, she exhibited continuously Are Discussed At Meeting the week as a beautifully ap- with the California Art Club eiiinlzed last Saturday evening .In' Normandy Chfl): and had her work accepted by * pointed tea Friday A din party held Fr daytlhe child ' 1 have time before Long Beach, when Miss Marcella Dlan McGill, daughter of the home of Mrs. Marie B. Ken- the National Association In New cvenlu's, nt the homo of Mrs. school for recuperation. and Mrs. Howard E. Stroud, 25823 Walnut, Lomita, became (he all, 279 Vlj Linda Vista, Molly- York City. Pan) .IJoettger, new president of o"Vsls i"c;l,lK"'cl) Mls,' uDyl'°" bride of Donald Richard Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Holla F. Paintings from her collection ... ' _., , Q. Johnson, Mrs. Kay Johnaton, farter, of El Monte. The candle-* ------wood Riviera, who has reopened Waltoria PTA, was a gracious | who ll8Hlsted the hostess.; Mrs. her home after several years' are being cnjoyod by guests of was read by Rev. I « ,, , ..„„, :,H,.,,4<.A_.tmmac'ulalc start- -tor TOo" woTR'~Burore-TTnr-DaT5 vVa n dsr""Mr. ahdT "Mrs. h, hi -eiviee Hollywood Klylera Beach Clubil. I College in ]Iollywo:vd. Shi Assisting Mrs. Kendall was tm- Samuel O. Dale, Mcsdamcs Carl nington. An- Edward W. Jeffrey, gra.ln in Queen MI-K. Itolierl K. Hums and Ciamer, Uaskets of white ^ladlolu gels College of Nursing, LOH d.i M... li I IT Mmbara of t'alos Alice N. Farner mlel J. Bessmor, Kvar J. Jans- ated tho chapel, Arthur S. Hackney, Angeles In June 1947 and has Verdes lOiilales and formerly of Tells Vows Willi _ . ent;-; -of. cluldn.n mic-inig Jchool At thp double-ring ceremony since been employed.then- and this city. Pouring were Mrs. Wilcox, Geo. E. Oldlng and Gen- the dark-haired bride was given for tho first time, whelher in cvlevo Sinipson. at Harbor General Hospital, Tor W. I. Langhon and Mrs. K. J. Larry Simpson marriage by her step-father ranee. kinoTCTgarten or higher. grades, Mi's. Roettger was a charming Ucininger. Ivory slipper satin was used to The bridegroom was giailu The KiiP'ilH were delighted Home from their honeymoon' --the- notice that all children hostess as well as an enthusi-i the wedding gown which was ated from El Monte Union IIU are Larry Simpson, son of Mrs. should he examined for health ustlc President. All are looking with fitted bodice, with a showing of landscapes PARTY 15 AT - Tin i made Sdiool and served two and nl New England states, Canada L. Simpson, nl Kcdondn' Beach 10,Insure good at- forward to a full year of work Altman, attractive me; qnisette inset yok.e outlined in half years in the Armv A I and his bride, formerly Miss rcqSCanicnts and accomplishment for the good p e a r I s and long-pointed and California, painted by their soprano of the Metropolis i si ed .Forces during World War II, hostess, a noted arlisl. listed In Alice N. Farner, daughter, of. of the children of Walteria. a preview ol :i sleeves with covered buttons at one year of which was s|.- nl Mr. and Mrs. William C..Farner Tjrenc eheck-up examinations Chairmen named by Mrs. Opera, gives the wrist The skirt was styled Who's Who in Washington. She ciiivijiu made .without expense summer party . It is overseas. He is now em. loved has held memberships for years of 1323 Amapola avenue, Roettger to assist, her during with fullness which fell into a in Los Angeles. They left for Big Bear, Lake to "the parents by taking them tilt! ensuing year Include: i made of pale blue silk long train. Her fingertip-length California Art Club and branch :The newly weds arc honey th National Association of j 1° " °. w ' »* lhei '; v,'i;a/llnH in ti> Jie clinic, the Toriancc Program, Mrs. Hyron Johnson; 1 strands, wired around the net was held In place by First'' Congregational church, of-if he Los Angeles County brim. Tho halo Is of flowers a pearl-embroidered lace 1 1 mooning at Yoscmlte National Women Painters and Sculptors HcBth Association, 2300 W. Car- 'magazines and emblems, Mrs. I Park and upon their return will Women Manhattan Beach. Rev. James 'Ailhiir Hackney; membership, j cut out from the print of and she carried a satin prayer of New York, and In Pelerson, friend of the bride­ SO* street. Every parent is her ballerina . book on which rested a lai t;e live in El Monte. For their i;n- HOUND AND ABOUT — Painters of the West. For years, Urlid to take advantag' 1 ot this Airs. Dale Wands; room repre­ 'lug-away costume Mrs. Gaiter 'Round and 'round goes this groom's family, officiated in SClSlce early In the sum:in r. so sentative, Mrs. Kay J-jhnslon; purple orchid with bouvaidia chose a mist blue doveskm the presence of the inimcdial'.' legislation, Sam Dale; music, streamers tied with satin bows. full-cut quilted skirt. The families of the principals. thi« if (here is need f,,r Mnsil with accessories In white, and circular skirt Mrs. Whitacre Mrs. Eva Kelly; alt, Mrs. Dan | BROWNIES, MOTHERS Mrs. James Roberts (tldarjorlc brldnl fabric of the Given In marriage by her fa- ol In of San P'edjo, as ma wore the orchid I'ron'i her Is making news this year, Entertains ulnkh Bessmor; ways and means, Mrs. ENJOY LUNCHEON AT Swansonl bouquet. Prior to her wedding Iher, the bride was beautifully Paul Earth; finance and budget, Iron of honor, wore a gnwn of she was feted at several show­ for It combines crlspncss Sewing Club attired In a pastel rose dress­ Mrs. Carl Cramer; parent edii KNOTT'S BERRY FARM turquoise, taffeta and carried a ers, first of which was given and durability and resists maker suit with navy accesso- cation and study group, Mrs Among recent activities of muff of orchid sweet by Mrs. Gregg McBride and Mrs. wrinkling. It is made, of Mrs. Pearl Whitacre w. s host-1 rles. A bridal corsage of white Ed Jeffrey; publicity and pros C h r i s 11 a n Hridesmald was 'Miss Baibara W. E. Dana at the McBride acetate rayon yarns. ess to the m e in b e rs of the I carnations and baby breath book, Mrs. Genevleve Simpson Brownie Troop Carter of El Monte,, slater of home, 2R819 Walnut street. Stitch and Chatter Club itecl her costume. Miss and hospitality Mrs. George Old- enjoyable luncheon at Knoll's the bridegroom, in peach tfjf- met at her home Thursday eve- Pair her sister's Ing. Berry Farm, Ilue feta with a muff of matching i ning. attendant, wearing a suit of pas­ D. B. Kirks, school principal, Brownies and their mothers sweet peas. The attendants' FRIDAY MORNING CLUB IN MEMBERSHIP I Following a short business tel pink with white accessories recent meeting dis ssed enjoying the indoor party and gowns fashioned DRIVE; FALL PROGRAMS BEING PLANNED meeting the ladles were s"alei.l and a gardenia corsage. Wayne work and invited par- a tour of "Ghost Town" and with long torso skirts and c.ip In the dining room for a three- Olafson, of Kedondo Beach, at­ vho find difficulty with the other features of the sleeves, and -they ..wore f tower Bord inmbers of he I>'rlday*U M. Peterman, chairman course fried chicken dinner. Al­ tended the bridegioom as best split sessions, which arc neces­ _wcre Judy Cook, Rosemary Hill, headdresses .to imatqh ,theiv Morning Study Club who critic­ of the drive, at IMS Tenth si., ter an evening of sewing man. ' sary to take care of the In 'Rosemary Foils, Iris and Kalhy ally viewed auditions sponsored Mrs. Higgs; Mrs. William Mc- fancy work two lovely blrlhJay The bride was graduated from creased attendance, to come to Epperhclmer, Lela Wieman, Le- Best man was the bride by the artists' bureau In Wil- Whinnie Jr. or any of the other cakes jvere presented to Mrs. high school at Bay City, Midi. the school and take up the mat- nore Sexton, Linda Blown, Kay groom's uncle, Daniel Muccia oil shire Ebell Theatre and the Fri­ board members. Mildred Baker and Mrs. L. Ben- and from Hurley Hospital in it h him. He will arrange Frances Smith, Corinne M-'i Los Angeles and uslic'is were the bride's brother, Koith Me- day Morning clubhouse In Los Following the audition review and the birthU.iy Flint. For the past year she fllll of Lomita, Bean tiay and Angeles currently arc checking ill (he garden of the Myi rs has been a member of the nurs­ sessions, If Howard Day of El Monte. availability of the top musicians home, a des:.;ort was served. ing staff at Torrance Memorial Kollowing the ImprcuiiVii cere­ and lecturers they have selected Reports of chairman were Hospital. Her husband is a stu­ will t: for the local fall program. given and other plans for the dent at University of Southern the and Ethel Foils, Tid Eppt mony a reception wat> given Hi lake care the chapel parlors where the Mrs. Elmer L. Hlggs, presi­ lew year formulated. Attending California, where he is taking Il'tll Z).-«3aJ Ho, tail overflow, he er and Mavis Cook. dent, headed the hoard mem- were Mines. Higgs, L. F. St.ruth- a pie-legal course. + + * brlde."cut a lotiriiered cuke loncluslon he said which 'was served '-.vitlr fruit bers who attended auditions. All nrs of Wellington, Montell Ogg, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson will Diane Kunath punch to one liunc:ied guc-sls. 'iithusiastic when they re­ MoWhinnie, Myers. Pelerman, live In Kedondo Beach. -ill lu nly The wedding rake was topped ported on their choices at a Ben McConnell, William H. Among the prenuptlal courte­ I ALUMINUM Feted On 7th with a hand-made miniature nlcheon in the home of Mrs. and Miss Helen Cole. sies honoring the former Mis.s llbert B. Myei:-;, 1223 Averill. * * K " AND Birthday Tuesday bridal couple. Mrs. Krnesl Kac- Farner was a tea at Torrance The scyentrr birthday of Dlnnc ca of Anaheim alid 'Mrs. John i Memorial Hospital attended by THREE ARTS STUDIO the of lice and nursing slaffs i REDWOOD July Nuptials Kunath, daughter of Mr. and LOH Angeles' presided Mrs. Walter C. Kunath, 2203 W. ovor.the- punch ,'bdwls, wjth; MiBfe- hips DIRECTORS ATTEND The dining room was lovely Planned By MabeK Pjjstirx of Santa Ana lii v and renewal member: with all-white gladiolus and dai­ AWNINGS 255th street, was the incentive Bride-Elect or a biithday parly Tuesday charge of the. guest b being taken now by DANCE CONVENTION sies forming the centerpiece for Th* , fori)¥.-r, 'Ml*s/ :Iub. Persons interested in mem-1 * * -K tho lace covered table. F.H.A. Fln.inclnq Avill.ibla The wedding early this month fternoon. Martha Jane Cade Rickard and C.,l, For F,e. E.llm.1. of Miss Dolores Joanne Brock- The children were entertained sraduate of. Narbo High ucrshlp should contact Mis. j * * -d I lesby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ith game Edward Thomas Rlcliard, direc­ Richard Sinclair, :d green. A tors of the Three Arts, Studio Babv Whittier ^."1 TErminal 3-1307 C. W. Brocklesby, 1630 W. 200th tlons in yello' Kippen Family ' South Bay Garden Mabel A. McCann street and $eaman First Class birthday cake in Torrance, will attend the 20th Vow, Is Welcomed James H. Mycrs, U. S. Navy punch were si Home,,'Agaip From/ . •,' lub Plans Annual annual normal school and con­ To Exchange Mdhvaine Canvas of Canton, .bhlo, has been an­ had opened hi July Flower Show vention 'of tin- ..'ssociat'-d Danc­ In a four o'clock ceremony At San Pedro nounced by the parents of the gift's. Desert -Vacation '- Saturday afternoon. July 10, bride-el ere Alice Ann j'. Members of South Bay brunch ing Teachers of Southern Cali­ son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Whittier. : Company Chief Carpenter A. S. Kippen, fornia and the Dancing Masters R ic ha i-d Sinclair, U. S. Navy, and family spent of National Fuchsia Society are and Mrs. W. H. Sinclair of 2320 of 2.W, W. 235th street, are be booth of Ameiica 'Inc., which will be ing congratulated upon the ar­ I wo weeks at CabaHQii and DCS- completing plans for their held al Hollywood-Roosevelt Ho­ Sonoma avenue, will take as his |47 W. Sixth St., San Pedrc . rt Hot Springs. in .the July 21-25 South Hay Cur- bride Miss Mabel A. McCann, rival of a daughter born at Sail and the brid Show tel Marling July It. Al CabaKon they were guests den Club annual Garden Tin. faculty will include 21 of Van Nuys. Pedro Hospital Friday, July 2. atod from N a r b o n n High :>f Mrs. Klppen's parents, Mr. and extend Immediately following the Named Linda Louise, tho little School last. June, md Mrs. James McGraw. Upon csted persoi inclnd- ceremony the couple will leave girl tipped the scales at. fi Ib. ._ __-..- j Food Sale To Kill's to an their return, to Lomita they tries. Kle Mil < Pow- for a honeymoon trip Ill a o?.., according to Hie proud ol Acacia ave or Pi Benefit St. I' pleasantly surprise:! by W. W.illnn si rat ion of undisclosed destination. They grandparents of the baby, Mr. of the Fui-h ,ews from the Bureau of Navy t president . I.rl,in,,tie will make their home in Van and Mrs. Richard Darst of Lo­ Jude's Guild sla Society, i.s a member of tin Nuys. St. Jude's Guild of St. Mar- Personnel, which stated that steps usi il li mita and Mr. and Mrs. Alden Chief Kippen would not be sta­ Garden Show committee. | featured. Also .111 UK- The hndegrnoni-elect was-gradu- Whittier of Harbor City. garet-Maiy's parish will hold a At the regular club meet benefit" food sale at Hugo led at Guam for two year.--, '* I in o v I r dan,v niMr aled I rum Torra-ice High as had been planned previously. suggestion was made tbalj ttacher to Ami Will, .School and attended U.C.L.A. baby arrived home Sunday, and Schmidt's Market Saturday. July mombers try their hand at 10, beginning at II a.m. Instead, he will report for duty Coy, tlie Cioklwyn the past nine years he has for the present are staying at aboard the U.S.8. Keudov i shadow boxes. Mrs. Delia Mol- many other oiitstandii employed In the open the home of the paternal grand­ Mrs. Harry Klynn, prelect, will linkopf and Mrs. Florence Ver- An Ice Milk Dessert That's Rich and Tasty be in charge of arrangements. Accompanying the K i n p e n In solos and vast prod at. Columbia St-vl family on the two weck.i' trip nand have the boxes in many Active in Cub Scout * * * Sizes. Mrs. M. M. Cornblcth ha: numbers. CONES SUNDAES Quarts 55c OKLAHOMA VISITOR were Captai.i G. C. Gr ;nway Mr. and Mrs. has served as Cub the Merchant Mam and the vegetable table for the show HOME AGAIN 5c & l,0c 15c & 25c Pints 30c Leba Milliard, of McAlester, and requests quantities of them. members of ti Okla., is a guest of his brother Frankie Griff of Lomita. attended Lieutenant William 11. Alien, The vegetables must be grown lion: son of Mr. and Mrs. P. FOSTER'S OLD FASHIONED FREEZE and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. by the displayer. A.A.K., 1624 Cravens Torrance D. C. Milliard of 21022 S. Main i'. Milliard of aifllM S. Main j Mrs. George Key -K * * street, has returned from I wo ! Honored With years duty In Okinawa. Al the Frank Schmidls conclusion of a 60-day leave in 1 Stork Shower Are Honored On will be stationed at Sherman, ic home of Mrs. Joe Morris I Texas. j at 213-1 W. 245th street was 16th Anniversary (the scent' of a lovely stork and Mrs. link Schmidt, Spanish, modern, old time di howcr given for her daughter, 1018 Cahrillo avenue, were es, tap and ballet. Mrs. Gcorac Key if Placcntia guests of honor at a barbecue The Three Arts SuHin will be recently. party for 30 gathered July 4 closed July II until July al for the party won at the San Jose home of Mr, the convention. Mrs. Ma rule. McCoy and Mrs. and Mrs. Joe Genetti. The oc * * * Jculel Simnions of WJImington. caslon was the Schmldt's six 1'ink and hlne were the pre- nil) wedding [inniv." Tenth District PTA companying Ih, popiiln and Santa Cruz In New Headquarters to nearly In Downtown Building nty guests after had been pres Jinn i i A. urn Caliloima bU,'c I COLLKNN IS TWO NO' Hill streel. CALIFORNIAS NEW FINANCIAL A al II headquarters will li Ai living I.K.I weekend liom of her aunt ami uncle. running order al RESPONSIBILITY LAW IS IN FULL FORCf! i hnme in Fresno, Mrs. Vir- Mi's. John Dowlinn, ol .- ilKly after the move :iiu H Scott, formerly of hando Valley, marked tin It is easy for a moloiist to have his driver's license uus- .1 r ranee, will spend several birthday of Colleen O'll . "new" locution in actually .' ks al the home of he, par- Imlc'l in !!H. weekeni old" location to Te th »ls- pendecl under this new law. Is. Mr. and, Mrs. B, < i'u-- , were tun P.T.A. just other part li. of 1SOO El ' Pradn. Mi.,,'her p, ol i he district's 1 home" If you do not have automobile Bodily Injury and Prop­ oil's sons Jimmy, fSickic anil O'llor I he Los AriReli's larley accompanied lall of Commerce biuMm: erty Damage J-iability Insurance protection and o.e as tho "Occid. ui i involved in an accident, your driver's license may Lo lildlUK Tin suspended. NOW ON DISPLAY tree! floor--directly at I h Sfop in, phone in, 01 wri/e in /or a brief It ( ooh On With C-,r, Off Kill i digest o/ this new Jaw. Automatically Quality eyeglasses are not sold off r, counter Srr the nr.w Maytao ''" |ril INSURE WITH FARMERS-SAVE MONEY They must be accurately prescribed after most Oven CMS Ranrjc Our optometrists aro nl Mi ''- ham thorough eye-examination. Honestly, H'l Ihn Best Policy AUIHOHIZCO M/Y/TAI, M.I .1:. I III man of integrity, knowledge and skill. You can WA.,nhn AJ4D RANC.I; I Hue:ita liei lirotlier in-law and lately entrust your precious vision with them. ,M i , AN.O tiERVU'E slater, Mr. and Mrs William II. TWI:I:I» JOL Day anil MHI Hlanley, of Nan Arc Nc l»pmsivc We Kepair Any M4r VV , li. ,-, ,,,,,1 ',,,,,,111 A, ,- Lemiilro and fonnerly ol this IOHU \>ii: Motor Rewindim; K. in.,,, ,h. n ;<, |; , i,.. ., Mly. lietuiniiiH mil Hi willi the liayii wan another non, Howard, Dr. G. E. Cosgrove ERS IN$URAN<;E who had been the llinttham'h house ( for I he past week. OPTOMETRIST fe X C H A N,G E 5 POINT ELECTRIC SHOP A U.S.C'.ti. veteran, he is hlowly 135 S. Pacific Redondo Beach STANDARD. NON-ASSESSABLE POLICY ivciiVLi'liig Hum a leg injury mif 1639 Cabrillo Ave. Phono Torranco 430 luted year iluiiny a cruili Phone Fionricr 604S in Baja Culuoniiu.