Confusion Over Safer Junction
January 23-28, 2015 Your Neighborhood — Your News® 75 cents SERVING THROGGS NECK, PELHAM BAY, COUNTRY CLUB, CITY ISLAND, WESTCHESTER SQUARE, MORRIS PARK, PELHAM PARKWAY, CASTLE HILL CONFUSION OVER SAFER JUNCTION BY JAIME WILLIAMS to see four or fi ve accidents in the Westchester Square Busi- The intersection of East front of his shop annually, and ness Improvement District. Tremont Avenue at Silver and he also felt unsafe crossing the “It’s a matter of who you Overing streets recently re- street. speak to,” she said. ceived a makeover, but the im- “I’d been trying to get this The concern has been provements have caused some intersection fi xed for a long raised that the changes make confusion for drivers. time,” said Clarke. “It was businesses on the two blocks Where there was previ- treacherous.” east of the intersection, before ously a wide-open intersec- Those accidents took a par- Williamsbridge Road, less ac- tion that was hazardous to ticularly scary turn when in cessible. drivers and pedestrians, there July 2012, a car drove through There is currently a sign at are now numerous dividers the front of his shop during Williamsbridge Road and Sil- breaking up the intersection the night. ver Street instructing drivers and directing traffi c fl ow. Since the barriers went that there is no left turn from Vehicles travelling south up and the traffi c calming Silver, but Sorin said there on Silver Street, can no longer measures were implemented, needs to be more signage until make a left turn on to Tremont Clarke said he no longer hears people adjust to the new traffi c Avenue.
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