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Newsletter AAVSO The American Association of Variable Star Observers Number 33 / September 2006 AAVSONewsletter 25 Birch Street • Cambridge, MA 02138 USA • 617-354-0484 • [email protected] • From the Director 2006 by the Variable Star Section of the British Astronomical As- Arne A. Henden sociation, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the observation of variable stars.” It is a very nice, unique award Summer (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) has come to (mine is a square of slate with a painted representation of V838 a close again, and it is time for an update. In the last issue, I Mon on its front), and I hope they continue to give it out in the commented on the beauty of freshly falling snow; this time I get future. The BAA and the AAVSO are planning on holding a joint to complain about this summer’s heat and humidity! Boston can meeting in England during the summer of 2008, and we will an- have both, but thankfully, it usually only lasts for a couple of days nounce preliminary plans as soon as we know the details. before cooler weather cycles through. As an observational as- (continued on next page...) tronomer, I’m always thinking about weather, and always looking at the sky when I leave my office (even though I no longer have a local telescope with which to observe). In fact, it is fun to go to an AAS meeting and watch astronomers as they leave the confer- ence building – half will look up (the observers) and half will be reading material in their hands (the theoreticians). I recently returned from New Zealand, where I was the guest of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand (RASNZ), its variable-star section, and many local astronomical societies. My travel down was largely paid out of the RASNZ travel fund, and travel around New Zealand to speak to many societies was paid from the Gifford-Eiby Memorial Lectureship Fund and by Can- terbury University. I gratefully appreciate these travel grants, and also the enormous time and effort that Pauline and Brian Loader (the treasurer and then-President of the RASNZ) put in organiz- ing the various society talks and finding a plane schedule between the many cities involved. The local organizers (Grant Christie, Gary Sparks, Marilyn Head, Steve Butler, Ian Crumpton, John Hearnshaw, Alan Gilmore, and the Loaders) went out of their way to make our stays enjoyable. The RASNZ variable-star section is undergoing reorganiza- AAVSO Director Arne Henden (L) accepts the first Charles tion, as its past Director (Frank Bateson) has retired. The AAVSO Butterworth Award from BAA President Richard Miles. is giving the Australasia area as much help as possible, from of- fering to host their observation database and providing observing manuals and campaign targets to participating in any international In this issue... variable-star meetings that they might organize. We had a small grant to bring two CCD systems to the RASNZ meeting, and the From the Director RASNZ is selecting observers to give these cameras to on long- Message from the President 2 term loan. I gave a CCD workshop, and Tom Richards has given News and Announcements 3 another, very different, CCD workshop at the recent Australian AAVSO Observer Awards 4 NACAA conference. Together, I think the two presentations will In Memoriam 4 encourage more CCD observers among their very active commu- Dorrit Hoffleit’s 100th Year 5 nity. AAVSO Across the Country 5 I also met in May with the British Astronomical Associa- AAVSO 95th Spring Meeting 6 tion, giving an invited talk on pro-am collaboration, and with their Variable Star Section meeting a few days later, talking about AAVSO Technology News 8 my favorite star (V838 Mon). I was grateful to the BAAVSS for funding the majority of my travel costs. I was also honored at the VSS meeting to be given the first Charles Butterworth Award. The AAVSO Newsletter - Production Editor: Travis Searle. Additional editing and The citation reads: “This, the first Charles Butterworth Award, proofing by Elizabeth O. Waagen. Other photo and written contributions in this was presented to Dr. Arne Henden, Director AAVSO, on 3rd June issue by Kate Davis, Haldun Menali, and Roger Kolman. I was in Belgium for a science meeting in May, and met with tor. Having checked various predictions and ephemerides, I knew the Belgian/Dutch variable star societies. I gave a paper at their there would be plenty to do with this minimal equipment. Lesson joint meeting, and then talked in more detail with the officers of 1: plan your observing so that you get the most return for your their societies. I think we will have closer ties with our Euro- time and effort. pean neighbors based on such productive meetings. It was great I intended to catch up on many regular AAVSO stars and time to spend some time with Patrick Wils, Tonny Vanmunster, Erwin the minima of three eclipsing binaries: Z Her, UX Her, and W van Ballegoij, and others whom I’ve conversed with by email but UMi. Z Her has an inconvenient period (3.99 days) and I don’t never seen in person. It never ceases to amaze me how capable think I have caught a minimum since the 1960s, so I didn’t want and enthusiastic our observers are, and how gracious they are to miss this one. when hosting visitors. As usual in Indiana in July, it was a very dewy night. A couple I was very pleased this past month to see 25,000 PEP observa- of other club members set up at sunset, looked at Jupiter and the tions added to our International Database. Sara Beck worked long Ring and M13, then gave up and departed before midnight. They and hard to clear up the many discrepancies in the dataset, and the couldn’t fend off the dew. But I had the 5-inch and the 20x60s results show both her effort and the excellent photometry com- wrapped with plumber’s heat tape, providing lots of warmth to ing from our PEP observers. We expect to get the remainder of keep the optics above the dew point. Lesson 2: come equipped the observations checked and loaded into the database when Sara and prepared for the prevailing conditions. returns from her summer sailing (she owns a Friendship Sloop, The first couple of hours were busy. I had to find each EB the Flying Jib; a really fun older wooden sailboat, and takes it field, check the comparison sequence, and begin making estimates along the New England coast every year). We also want to create at 15-20 minute intervals. In between, I caught up on many vari- a better method of entering PEP data online, and performing the ables I hadn’t been able to observe for several weeks. Good old W photometric pipeline here at HQ. Once we get organized, then Cyg was about as faint as I have every seen it. R Sct was down in we will be working with PEP members to select a Chair for that a primary minimum. R CrB and RY Sgr were both at maximum, committee, and providing some new targets for the observers. no excitement there. But the two symbiotic variables AG Dra and Six months between newsletters is really too long. So much Z And were brighter than I had ever seen them. Lesson 3: expect takes place at Headquarters that it would take pages to cover ev- the unexpected (then look twice to make sure). erything. I think there will be some discussion elsewhere in this I was momentarily confused when I looked for R Cas, which newsletter of several events, but the highlights would include: the was invisible in binoculars the last time I looked. Now it had new automated chart plotter; the Variable Star Index (VSX); the popped up to sixth magnitude. And I had estimated chi Cyg at 6.1 Blue and Gold observer’s section of the website; the new MySQL just ten days ago, and now it was 4.4. I lowered the binoculars database and its new tools; and a couple of new Java programs and looked up at Cygnus – yes, chi was a naked-eye star, plain to written by Kate Davis and Sara Beck that promise to make Head- see. quarters even more efficient in processing observations. Things Several times per hour, I was estimating UX Her with the aren’t slowing down much, and I often feel like I’m skiing down 5-inch and Z Her and W UMi with the 20x60s. UX Her reached a Black Diamond course – somewhat under control, but having minimum first, and as it began to rise, it seemed that it was bright- an exhilarating ride. I hope you feel the same way – variable star ening faster than it had dimmed. I thought my observations were observing is fun! going to produce a useless, asymmetrical light curve, but I dog- gedly kept going, making the best estimates I could. When I plot- rrr ted the data the next day, the minimum turned out to look pretty good after all! Lesson 4: estimate what you see, not what you think you should be seeing. Message from the President Around 3 a.m. even my industrial strength dew-zapping tech- David B. Williams nology began to huff and wheeze. Ground mist rose from the sur- rounding fields of prairie grass, and I had to give the eyepieces We enjoyed an excellent spring meeting in Rockford. I’ll an occasional blast from a hair dryer to keep them from fogging admit that I wasn’t a strong supporter of this invitation in past up, but the toasty-warm objectives on the 5-inch and the 20x60s years – it’s always best when meeting sites have some “sizzle” to stayed dry all night.
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