Sustainability Report 2019
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Sustainability Report 2019 Report and reporting process About Nobel Oil Group Corporate Introduction governance from our CEO Welcome to the “Nobel Oil – Sustainability Report, absolutely necessary for business success. To that end, Ethics and 2019”. This release coincides with the global pandemic ever since our inception, we have complied with labor compliance that has had a profound impact on everyone on the and human rights laws and worked to improve our planet, including business. The oil and gas industry has corporate governance system. We strive to increase EHHQRQHRIWKHZRUVWDɤHFWHGDUHDVEXWDWWKHVH employee awareness of this area by providing and extremely challenging times, Nobel Oil has made every continuously developing comprehensive trainings. Approach HɤRUWWRGHOLYHURQLWVFRPPLWPHQWV to sustainable To earn the trust of our stakeholders and be able to development We realize that long-term stability, competition and OLYHXSWRLWZHKDYHHVWDEOLVKHGDQHɤHFWLYHFRUSR- the capacity to create value for all stakeholders de- rate governance system and believe that this system pend on sustainable development. As was the case in helps us to enhance the company’s investment attrac- previous years, in 2019 we focused on socioeconomic tiveness and, therefore, increase its shareholder value. Interaction with stakeholders progress, industrial and environmental safety, and (ɤHFWLYHSHUIRUPDQFHDQGLQYHVWPHQWDWWUDFWLYHQHVV corporate social responsibility – the primary directions of the company are underpinned by trust among all of sustainable development. participants of corporate interaction. Nobel Oil contin- uously improves its corporate governance system in Our goal is to become an international engineering and the interest of sustainable development and operates Labor construction company capable of meeting all of its in line with the requirements of local laws, internal relations REOLJDWLRQVLQWKHVHɢHOGVLQWKHVDIHVWPRVWHɥFLHQW documents, various industry standards, as well as the and dependable manner. To achieve this goal, Nobel best local and international practices. Oil draws on the world’s best practices in sustainable development. As a safe, reliable and responsible company in Azer- Health, baijan and all the regions we operate in, we do tangible Safety and Environment Nobel Oil believes that the human factor is critical work to develop these regions, improve people’s living to achieving all of its objectives and always provides standards, create and develop economic value. In addi- safe working conditions and occupational safety for tion to creating jobs in the countries of our operation, the company and everyone working for it. We place a we can have a positive economic and social impact on Quality high priority on the development of an occupational society by purchasing a large amount of equipment management safety culture in order to improve working conditions and materials locally. and occupational safety and reduce the number of occupational injuries. We believe that this is critical to In addition to the above, the 2019 report examines providing industrial and environmental safety, which is our operations and projects in Azerbaijan and other another primary goal of the company. regions, occupational safety and environmental Procurement SHUIRUPDQFHDVZHOODVRXUFRQWULEXWLRQVWRGLɤHU- experience Over the last 15 years, we have worked hard to es- ent segments of society. I do hope that you enjoy WDEOLVKDQHɤHFWLYHDQGWUDQVSDUHQWLQWHUDFWLRQZLWK reading this report, because it has been prepared in stakeholders. To accomplish this, we have always a transparent and objective manner. We would love accommodated the opinions and requests of our to hear your feedback on how we can improve and Social stakeholders and shown respect for their rights and do a better job. support interests. Nobel Oil believes that adherence to local and interna- Vugar Samadli tional ethical principles and guidelines is CEO GRI Standards compliance table Nobel Oil / Sustainability Report 2019 3 Nobel Oil / Sustainability Report 2019 Report and reporting process 2 GRI 15 Number DƧĹčĔŐĹśĔƓͩťĬͩƟĴĔͩDŐťąêŐͩ Number of published ¡ĔƈťƋƟĹśĭͩPśĹƟĹêƟĹƾĔͩ͌D¡P͍ͩ ťĬͩĹřƈťƋƟêśƟͩ śťś͒ǛśêśĆĹêŐͩ ©ƟêśčêƋčƓͩƿĔƋĔͩƧƓĔčͩêƓͩƟĴĔͩ ƟťƈĹĆƓ reports řêĹśͩƋĔĬĔƋĔśĆĔͩčťĆƧřĔśƟͩĹśͩƟĴĔͩ ƈƋĔƈêƋêƟĹťśͩťĬͩƟĴĔͩ˖˔˕˝ͩƋĔƈťƋƟ 5 Report Quality assurance principles and reporting process About Nobel Oil Group BALANCE COMPARABILITY ACCURACY The company discloses both posi- The data contained in the report The company provides accurate tive and negative results of its op- UHɣHFWVERWKWKHFRPSDQ\ V and detailed information on all ma- Corporate erations, demonstrating openness approaches to managing various jor topics discussed in the report, governance and transparency in its interaction aspects of its operations and enabling stakeholders to evaluate with stakeholders. outcomes in each activity direction. WKHHɤHFWLYHQHVVRIWKHFRPSDQ\ V All results are shown in a two- to performance. The main emphasis in three-year context, so that stake- describing approaches to various Ethics and holders can analyze important DVSHFWVRIWKHFRPSDQ\ VDFWLYLWLHV compliance indicators in retrospect. is placed on the explanation of internal documents (Policy, Regula- tions, Code, etc.) Approach to sustainable development Interaction with TIMELINESS CLARITY RELIABILITY stakeholders The company publishes its reports The company prepares the report All information published in the in a scheduled manner in the third for stakeholder use as clearly report was provided by various quarter of each year enabling and transparently as possible. teams within the company. The stakeholders to make informed All concepts, abbreviations and report is based on the principles of Organization of reporting process decisions. metric units used in the report are accuracy, reliability and complete- Labor explained. ness of information and approved relations This Sustainability Report (hereinafter referred (SASB), the Climate Disclosure Standards Board E\WKHFRPSDQ\ VH[SHUWVKHDGVRI to as the report) covers the period from January (CDSB) and the London Stock Exchange’s environ- subsidiaries and the CEO. 1 to December 31, 2019. The primary goal of this mental, social and corporate governance guide- Health, report is to provide all stakeholders with compre- lines were also taken into account in discussing Safety and Environment hensive and transparent information about Nobel FHUWDLQWRSLFV7KHɢQDQFLDODQGHFRQRPLFLQGL- Oil’s activities in the areas of sustainable devel- cators presented in the report are based on the opment and corporate social responsibility. Our International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Sustainability Reports are the primary source of Content defining Quality information on the company’s economic, environ- The company’s Sustainability report is prepared management mental and social performance, as well as ethical E\GLɤHUHQWWHDPVDQGDSSURYHGE\WKH&(27KH principles approaches to corporate governance and business report is based on principles such as materiality, operation. The report also provides information stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainable devel- ,QSUHSDULQJWKHUHSRUWZHLGHQWLɢHGLPSRUWDQW The company uses various mechanisms to meet Procurement on the company’s strategy, policies, management, opment and integrity, as well as such notions topics using two criteria: the degree of relevance and exchange information with stakeholders on a experience activity areas, interaction with stakeholders, and as balance, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, to stakeholders and to business activities. By regular basis (for more information, see Table ---). the work we do. transparency, and reliability, mentioned in the GRI important topics for the company, we mean areas guidelines. associated with Nobel Oil’s impact on the economy, In addition, in the interests of internal and external The guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative environment, society and employees, as well as stakeholders, we have analyzed global trends and Social (GRI) Standards on the preparation of sustainabil- Comments and requests related to sustainabil- WKRVHWKDWFDQVLJQLɢFDQWO\LQɣXHQFHVWDNHKROGHU sustainability reports of leading companies, engaged support ity reports were used as a methodological basis LW\UHSRUWVDUHVHQWWRWKH(PDLOSURYLGHGbLQWKH assessments and decisions. To identify the most ZLWKWKRVHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUGLɤHUHQWDUHDVRIVXVWDLQ- in writing the 2019 report. In addition, the recom- “Contact Information” section. All suggestions and important topics to be disclosed in the report, we able development, reviewed media information about mendations of other industry standards such as comments received will be taken into consider- carefully analyzed the data obtained with the par- the company’s activities, the Global Reporting Initiative GRI Standards the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board ation in the preparation of the next Report. ticipation of stakeholders. (GRI) standards and other recommendations. compliance table 6 Nobel Oil / Sustainability Report 2019 Nobel Oil / Sustainability Report 2019 7 As a result, in contrast to last year, we have expand- training, creation of decent working conditions and LIST OF IDENTIFIED IMPORTANT TOPICS ed the list of important topics. We hope that these provision of quality services. Report ʘ CONTENT COVERAGE SECTION and reporting procedures will help us meet stakeholder expecta- process tions in relation to information disclosure. To enable comparability and collation of data, most Company of the main indicators are